HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-11, Page 8M Si Erma ort a. a, a )nd at 406 ' forth, bran Ott or is hand scam i 4€7 €sf the voting: th, oir et hist P444 Fs" 4�! D. S.,. nate Dental rtificial opera- ptituden loins iit< Street,. 'aTistern,. Ont;. :4. Cam- 506 am506 Commis - leer and )cted on 386. licitor an atIt. Of- -kb, f=-soh, and 354 rs, Attor , Clinton, ew Royal it on farnx sATaprt istera,At4 ncery an voyanee :'.geutsfolr t. ]<arme- 5s T, Barrie- ehaneery,. a of inter Offices-- Langdale's- . MEYER. 474 Ated Bank d Attorney Insolvency, )!floes --Sete. :e Funds to :est, payable 5a e. METXR. dissolved by the: firm to y all iislR SENSON. SYER. sols= Offtes- 550.4-52 pore advan f. d.J Mo * 504 50 :one fii thhe- red,at MISS_ s boot an& 5/6 sneer. Any Lotioneor will' ret, near Mr. - 54 teen for the`: ended_ all= ,ft at the Ex-; ended to.. d Land Sart • it will receive Linton. -T.& GRE. TORY. — N. ms„ manatee-; )rk warranted,} rth Main St., 500 -1 Real Estate Lruission Nor-. s in town or est. Charge* 'old. Matured lit: borrowers+ role. Oboe— Ont. 615 sand Surveyor r mail prompt. ad, Mitenell. the people say onees Remedy sap): "I had I was so bad, • I sought: for: Shoshonees I procured a 'by the time it have remained ,I through the Stratton, Dere. 6iintl your re - Liver complaint, ne, and would 'e thein a ✓ hen traveliih4 out, I could fee. It becau:;e I finally pu `- d a box of Ping,` commenced to [lashed my foot now 17 raonthe attack." Priers& . Pills, 23 cents 522. DY.—job s a.thle medicines is Lose pinfrkl and fezuale constitn- It excess and re- Hedy cnremay be peeuliaily suited.:- the monthly pe: la should not be •• Lst three months o bring an Mkt - hey are safe. In pinal Affections,: gigue on slight ea- t, hysterics, and ire when all other ongh a powerful oriel, antimony, nstitutian. Full id each package,; rved. Job Moss., 00 and 121 cent8 )p & Lyman, To - kr -the Domiinion4. g over 50 pills by fin Hick 107 & A t?. 4.RY 1.1, 1878. MiseeoUs News Items.. AT Se13oo14. ---Jeff Davis' daughters are said to be at school in Germany. MORE VBSS. —.A bout 800 more ves- sels arrived at Boston last year than in 1870. FAVORED BY FORTUNE.—A pauper in the Hudson county, N. J., almshouse, has fallen heir to a fortune of $50,000. BODIES RECOVERED. Three or four more bodies have been recovered from the ruins of the candy store fire in New York. ort from the BLOOM]) BY Snow. Rep 'western portion of Virginia tire to the effect that railways are blocked by snow. ENoAGRMRYT.--James Gordan Bennett is reported to be engaged to a handsome young French countess residing in Paris. - G 1A.—Bradford, formerly United States Consulatn Shantwenty-five ai, has been criminal felled g� y charges. ROBBERY OFDiAMONns.---Twothousand dollars' worth of diamonds were stolen on Monday from the residence of E. C. Burt, at. Orange, New Jersey. KILLED' wnree MAKING CALLS.—Chas. Boyer and. 0. Meizer, of Cieveland,while making New Year's calls were thrown from a carriage. Boyer was killed. SE.ITnNCED --Mrs. Hooper, the high- toned. Boston woman, who stole dia- monds from Mrs. Delaney, of Brooklyn, -whose guest she was, has been sent to the penitentiary for a year. DEATH OFA BANKER. --John Q. Johns, President of the Chemical. National Bank, Albany, N. Y., died of paralysis -on New Year's night. He was one of the oldest backers in the city. BEV! MR. SPURGEON's SON.—:- Mr. Thos. Spurgeon, son of Rev. C. 11. Spurgeon; of the Lo Idon Tabernacle is preaching very succr asfully in Australia, where he has gena t}t000 recruit his health. MMatz, A1uuAGE RECEPTION.—Phillip of Monroeville, Ind., got marriedrecent- ly, and his fellow citizens gave him a reception with cowbells and oyster cans. Martz failed to `appreciate the music, and fired: upon the crowd, wounding nine persons. TIM, CONFESSION OF FAITH.—Rev. Mr. McRae, Gourock, Scotland, says that acting on the Presbytery's admonition, Jae had compared the Confession of Faith with the Bible, and he was more than ever convinced that the Confession gave a wrong impression of Scriptural truth. months.. This should , prove a warning to parties addicted , to the dangerous practise. -Joseph F. Craig, a confectioner of Toronto, offers to compromise -with his creditors at ten centon the -dollar. He wasverydefianttowrdshis creditorsand declared to, the assi eel when asked for the cash in his pos ession, that . he did not believe in leaving himself bare, and that he would as soon go to -jail as give np more than $200 which he acknowl- edged to have in hiS possession. The usually q'et rural. village tof Ravenswood, Lam on county, present- ed quite an animat d. appearance on the 27th nit., consequent upon the marriage of Rev. H. Currie,of Widder, to Miss Eolith C. Jarvis, se and daughter of P. Jarvis, Esq., of Ra enswood. The cere- mony was - performed by Rev. A, Mc- Lean, of Blyth, uncle of the bridegroom assisted by Revds. Messrs. Hay, of For- rest and Sage, of Parkhill. The newly wedded couple left for Forest station, Gran,!d Trunk Railway, after dinner, amid the- hearty congratulations of the asseinbled company for a pleasant jour- ney and a sate return of the Rev. gen- tleman andhis amiable and accomplish- ders of both congre- it with their wives. - ng of the party after. ry pleasant and har- ,S'TAKLEY'S. AFRICAN EXPEDITION.—The expenses of Stanley's great African jour- neys, jiist concluded, have been about $115,000, borne equally by the New -York Herald and London Telegraph—more than any previous. African expedition, private or governmental, and. giving for that matter, more complete and im- portant results than any other. '.TESTIMONIAL TO Rev- DR. LEES.--Atestimonial, consisting of an escritoire -and a purse of 200 sovereigns has been presented by the members and friends of the Paisley Abbey congregation to Rev. Dr. Lees, on the occasion of his re- moval to Edinburgh. The presentation took place on the 12th ult., in the Lawns street Mission Hall, Paisley. NEw.WITNESS. A. new witness in the Tichborne case has appeared in the per - eon of George Simonds of Oakland, Cal., who has sent a long communication to England., saying that he had an inter- view at Sydney, Australia, with Sir Roger, who showed to him documents proving his identity, and who was at that time destitute. THEFT GE' SHEEP. F'Or several years past large numbers of sheep have dis- appeared in an unaccountable way from sheep farms in the Strathtay and Loch Tayside. districts, Perthshire, Scotland, one farmer alone having lost 200 head last year. An ingitiry instituted in con- nection with the disappearance of a flock of sheep from a Loeb Tayside farm has ledto the arrest of two- nen. ENFORCEMENT OF THE SUNDAY LAB.— Theenforcement of the Sunday law against liquor selling in New York was very rigid and successful on Sunday last. Every device for evading the law was de- tected, and with strict impartiality the police did their duty. ` Many of the hotels were not opened at all ; others quickly closed; and but comparatively few arrests were made. MASSACRE RY CANADIAN INDIANS.—The World's Fort Walsh special gives partic- ulars" of the treacherous butchering of fiveNez Perces by - Assiniboines, who weleomed thele after their escape, with two women and children from Chief ,Joseph's camp. One of the Chieftains. was also killed and the women subjected to fearful torture and outrage. One wo- man escaped, the other was protected by the Canadian Police. BROKEN FAITH.— A Lowell man of consistent business principles recently paid a man $150 to perform the delicate task of procuring a wife to lighten his desolate mansion. The broker brought him a smart New Hampshire lass, who suited at first sight, and speedy court- ship and marriage followed. But the bride ungratefully " went back " on his agent because the latter couldn't keep the queer business a secret, and refused the promisedremuneration. The other sued. for it and lost, and it is now before the superior court of appeal. ed consort. The e gations were prese On the re-assembl' the departure, a v monious evening was spent, song and sentiment prevailing till the "wee short 'oor ayont the twa4.' , SENSIBLE ADVICE. --You are asked. every day through the columns of news- papers and by our druggist to use something for yo dyspepsia and liver complaint that yon knownothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little spccess. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Green's',Au- gust Flower will cure you of dyspepsia and liver complaint with all its effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache, habitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart -burn, water -brash, fullness of the pit of the ':'stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue, indigestion, swimming of the head, low spits, &c., we ask you to go to your druggist and get a sample bot- tle. of Green's August Flower for 10 cents and try it, 4r a regular size for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. 1 EPPS's Cocci.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us maty heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle i maladies are floating around' us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft- by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly .nourishM frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led—" James Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneete Street, an:d 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 London, B uron and Bruce. '`IlE HURON ZXPOSITOR. EXTRAORDINARY VALUE ATTRACTIVE STYLES IN D7SS FABRICS A.rrOC-EE9'- CASHMERES, SERGES, EMPRESS CLOTHS RUSSELL CORDS, LUSTRES, VICTORIA TWILLS, &C. IN ALL THE .APPROVED SHADES AND COLORS. A BARGAIN IN SILK MANTLE VELVET. A FINE SHOW OF LINED KID CLOVES AND MITTS. SovTs— Mail. Mixed. GOING Expr ess. A. M. A. M. P. M. Bingham, depart... 7 80 10 40 4 10 Belgrave. 7 50 11 13 i 4 32 8 05 11 374 53 8 14 11 50 15 04 8 31 12 40 5 25 P. M. 1 15 1 40 1 50 2 46 -4 45 Mixed. A. M. 7 80 10 50 11 15 11 80 11 45 • 12; 40 PI M. 1 10 1 80 1 55 2 00 Varieties. The cashdrawer in the store of Mr. McLean, Mildmay, was, the other day, during the absence of the clerk, l g hten- ed to the extent of $60. —Three men ran the Lachine rapids on New Year's Day, in a small boat, arriving opposite the Bonsecours Mar- ket, Montreal about noon. Several pleasure boats were out, there was also a regatta across the river. —Mr. Alexander Begg, of Sutherland- shire, Scotland, has taken over from Canada a number of fresh water bass fish and 8,000 fish eggs, half of which are the salmon Wilmoli, and thebalance salmon trout from lake Huron.. Some have been sent to the Duke! of Suther- land's fish ponds at Dnnrobin. —The stun of $400 has been voted by the Town Council of Walkerton towards defraying the expenses of a preliminary survey of the section of the county to be traversed by the proposed Saugeen Val - lay Railway, and $200 by the township of Normanby. The surveying of a route has been entrusted to Mr. Sproat, of To- ronto, who is already at work with a competent staff. e of tram Toronto —A couple s from Tnto p named Ed. McGrath and John Dono- hue were arrested on Tuesday near Lon- don, by Great Western Railway Con- stable Logan, charged with waiting on the track, and refusing to leave it when. ordered to do so. They were fined $10 and costs each, and as they 'had no money they were sent to jail for two Blyth Londesborough . . Clinton Brucefield Kippen. Hensel' Exeter .. 9 20 London, arrive.... 10 45 GOING NORTH— Mail. A. M. . London, depart.... 7 55 Exeter 9 20 Hensel'.........: 9 88 Kippen 9 46 Brucefieid ` 10 00 Clinton 10 20 Londesborough 10 42 Blyth 10 54 Belgrave . 11 33 Bingham, arrive... 11 80 8 50 5 48 9 CO 6 00 9 05 6 07 6 25 8 00 Express. P. M. 6 06 6 25 6 38 6 46 • 6 57 7-11 See our WHITE BLANKETS at $2.50 Per Pair. NOTED FOR .l " POPULAR PRICES." JOHN R09 -ERS, Seaforth. 7 80 7 40 7 66 8 07 , BUFFALO ROBES. E3UFFLO ROBES. WILSON'S LINED AND UNLINED. SIGN OF THE QOLDEN.L10N. EVERY ONE SHOULDD SEE THOSE BUFFALO ROBES BOUGHT BY OUR MR. McMULKIN AT THE LATE GREAT SALES IN TORONTO AND MONTREAL. The Great Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, (ix., and all Diseases of the Bronchial Tubes or Lungs. WILD Gives Instanit Relief in the Most Severe Cases, and never fails. Those who try it orrice always 'recommend it to their friends, and in this way the sale has become immense. CHERRY. THEY WILL BE SOLD 1877-8. 18T'I's� J'A: IESON, sE.A_FoR,Ti-i- Received this Week, Another Lot of our Famous 20 Cent Dress Goods. A VERY SUPERIOIR LINE OF VELVETEENS IN BLACK, SEAL BROWN AND NAVY BLUE. . i bASEIMERES IN SEAL BROWN, MYRTLE GREEN, NAVY BLUE, PRUNE, DRAB, AND BLACK. BLACK LUSTRES FROM 121 TO 75 CENTS PER YARD. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SAY ANYTHING IN FAVOR OF OUR BLACK LUSTRES, AS THEY ARE VERY WIDELY AND VERY FAVOR- ABLY KNOWN. AT LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL PRICES. Sold by LUMSI EN & WILSON, Seaforth, at 25c., 50c., and $1. 522 THE CONSOLIDATEb BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - —$4.00O.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Ineorporated 1838;, and ROY 3' CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1861. SEAFOTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. RTH. Drafts on Bank in the Unit few York Payable at any d States. TWELVE • BALES TO CHOOSE FROM. L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. Bilis of E change on London payable at all Chief Citie of the United Kingdom. • INTEREST ,PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, 411 MANAGER EGG EMPORIUM. i SHAWLS—OUR STOCK IS STILL VERY WELL ASSORTED, ALTHOUGH OUR SALES THIS SEASON HAVE BEEN LARGER THAN EVER, BEFORE. REMOVED. REMOVED. REMOVED, The subscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven fairs, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. W H Las TWEEDS I AND COATINGS—VERY GOOD VALUE AND VERY GOOD FITS GUARANTEED TO ALL WHO M AY GIVE US AN ORDER IN THAT DEPARTMENT. UNDER HIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS, COL ARS, TIES, BRACES, SOCKS, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF THE ASO E GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE GOLDEN LION. CHRIST4A S'GROCERIES TO HAND THIS WEEK CURRANTS, RAIS- 1NS, LEMON AND ORANGE FEELS. &c. jj ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT TRIED OUR 50 -CENT TEA MISSED IT SO FAR, BUT WE HAVE ;STILL SOME OF IT (IN HAND. JUST C LL AT HE GOLDEN LION AND TRY NOT ONLY OUR TEAS, EUT ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY WANT IN • DRY GOOD, GRO- TI3 O: L S I� R►Y`A�T I � HAS REMOVED HIS; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE TO THE FIRST': DOOR NORTH OF KILLORAN &. RYAN'S, Having greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he islnow prepared to pay the MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT. L WHERE HE WILL CONSTANTLY KEEP O1 HAND A CHOICE STOCK OF WINES AND LIQUOR ALE AND PORTER --BOTTLED AND IN WOOD. EEPERS AND OTHERS PRICE .HIGHEST CASH For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered' at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main i tree!t, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. HOTEL Are Requested to CER ES, &c. I SIGN OF 1THE i I GOLDEN .ION. R. JAMIES.ON, Seaforth. !Call and Examine his Stock and Prices Before Purchasing Elsewhere.. ALL ORDERS LEFT AN N THE SHORTESTRYAN'S WILL BE ATTENDED T Q ! All Goods Delivered. in- Toxon P'ree of Charge. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. J THOMAS D. RYAN. 1 POST€ OFFICE.,STORE,1 VI+�ALTON. T ONCE MORE respectfully beg leave to return thanks to' my numb ons Customers foil their kind ra- patronage during the last 12 years that 1 have been doing busine s amongst them, and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and; Well Selected Stet of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of GROCERIES—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price are the best .in the County. A Large Stook of BOOTS and SHOES—Maphertan's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Ba4on and Hams, in fact every- thing requi .ed in a general store. Ask for what you want if -you don't, see it. Cash or tarns produee taken in ex hange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to m¢ for last and pre ' ions years, to come a d settle by gash or note before the end of this month; or the acconnta will be put into other hand for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I'am ala valuator foil the Dominion Saving and Investment Societyl one of Ithe bestloansocieties in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on good farm abbe+ ty for a term of from three to twenty years, on the most favorable conditions. LIFE INSU1 ANCE.-I-If yon want ydnr life insured give me a dill, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Offiele and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and other seeds on hand. R. PATTISON, WALTON. JTTST OPENED. JAMES SPARLING & CO., SEAFORTH, Have Just Opened in Anit's Old Stand, GOderich Street, with a NEW -STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES, Which have been Bought Very LOw for Cash. THEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, AT A SMALL PROFIT. Give us a Call Before Purchasing your Christmas Groceries. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. JAMES SPARLING & Co.. Seaforth. i.. D. WILSON. i THE CREAT ANNUAL AUCTION SALE OF DRY COODS AND FURS WILL BEGIN AT DENT'S ON SATURDAY, JANUARY .12TH, 1878, THERE IS NOTHING LIKE ! LEATHER WHEN IT KIS MADE UP INTO1, CG- O O'IJ ;SUCH AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, HARNESS_'_' " SEAFO TH, where jou will find -all Kinds o f Harness Mae up in the Latest Styles. 'i j REMEMIER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harnese J. WARD can give you better satis- 1v faction: as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A. Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. Ji. WARD, Seaforth.1 1 I Whentherewill be sold by Auction a Splendid Lot of Ladies' Furs, consisting of Beal Mink, Seal, Alaska Mink, and a Large Stock of the commoner kinds. ' Also a fine lot of Blankets, , Shawls, Jackets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Ladies'Caps, Splendid Dress Goods, Table Cloths, Lace Cur- tains, Carpets, Gents' Hats and Caps, Boiled and Raw Shirts, • Tinder Clothing, and an endless Stook of other Goods, I All of which Must and will be Sold at Your Own Price, as DENT is Awful Bard ZTp. . SALE TO BEGIN AT 1 P. M., AND AT 7 IN THE EVENING. • S. LOUNSBURY & CO., SEAFORTH, PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO CUSTOM SAWING AND GIVE THE HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH FOR LOGS. SAW -LOGS.; THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLNIER, SEAFORTH, 1 The Pills Purify the Blood,,porrect all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and. Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to The°male Ointment is the only reliable iemedy or bad Legs, Old wounds, Sores and Ulcers of however long standing. For Broaohitie, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and ail Skin Diseases it has no equal, BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUN- TERFEITS. • Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and sol under the name of "Hol- loway's Co.," by 3. 1+. Henry, Curran, & Co., Druggists, a n d also by tie Me- ,ropolitan Medi-!. cine Company of New york,with r : '.'.. • fol._e m e d trade mark, thus: —Again o n e Joseph Haydock, of New York, likewise passesoff counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. ' I These persons, the better to deceive ybu, un- blushingly caution the public in the smabooks of directions which accompany their m cines, which are really the.spnrioas imitations, to Be. !ware of Counterfeits, . Unscrupulous dealers obtain them` at very low prices and Bell themto the public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. - ea� to the I most earnest! and respectfully app Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, generally of British North the public y and tot g p ae America, that they may bo pleased to d� n onn unsparingly these frauds. - I Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and -Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfelts. • Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, " HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, . Loi�tnoN, engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LoxnoN,where' alone they 9re manufactured: " Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment - as of my genuine make, 'hal ,n communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY: Lonaon, Jan. 1, 1877. 477 '3A0 90r Ol 710 11/00 NOSNHOI' '13381S NIVW `8831H.10119 'H18O 1V3S 1.4 60 o r ? n sa 3 O r H cn pi 0 azirri z O o z ° 0 a Z O m Z{p C v, X o r O a In 3 21 2 tn a - Y 2 En 'p r 0 0 a m Z r 0 a v Zco 0 c C N Q 73 r 3 m m a '° sn � c Proa a v. d 0 3 in C r; 0 auvaiauvii BEGS to acquaint his many friends and ctsto- mers thi:the hat removed! two doors nor h of his old stand, MbIntyre's Block, where he hiss a stock equal to any in the busipeset, and at the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repaying done on the shortest notice. A good Stock of whips, Combs, Brushes, and all required constantly on Sand. d Friend. Sign of the Scotch • W. H. OLIVER, Seafori.h Trunks, Valises, other such article Remember your Collar. 481 SIGN OF THE DR, WILLIAM GRA*'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great _ English Reanedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spgrmatorrhea, Itripe- tericy, and all diseases that follow as a se quence of Self aiiusej Ore, ligas `:. Lose of Memory, - et Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, 'Dimness of V'_sion, Premature Old Age, . and many other - diseases that 1es.ds to Insanity or Consnm tion and a Prematte Grave, all of which as a-.1-* are first caused by deviating from the Patk of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Medieine is the result of a ]life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases.'+1tam- .phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by 9.11 Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 paCkagee .for $5, or will a sent by 'mail on receipt of the money, by ad essin WILLIAM GRAY 4 CO., g eafo h b E. Hickson & Sold �{. ' door Ont. '$ of kt 9 Windsor, Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all diugg et merchants. NOTICE TO. DEBTORS. ,A11iparties ingebted to me, whose accounts ate not paid by the First of February, 1878, will be handed in for collection. JOHN WARD, Seaforth. 526-4 0 r WM. ROBERTSON otit SEAFORTH, CAN SHOW_ YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES Acme, Barney & Berry's Ali Clamp, Ice King and Club, &e., &c. SLEIGH BELLS Neck, Back, Body, Open, &o. COW CHAINS Open; Close, Ring, and Wa.I- ton. - AXES Burrers, Warnock's, arid the Welland Vale. CROSSCUT SAWS The Lance Tooth, Improved Champion, Tuttle Tooth and Lightning. All of which they will sell for loss coney than ever of erect in Seaforth before. REMEMBER That we have Moved to our NEW PREMISES East Side Main Street. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. W1t2. ROBERTSON aE Co. SALE. FORLUMBER HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $S. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY . MILL, I -N McKILLOP The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. '479 THOMAS DOWNY,