HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-11, Page 6now town amed along . by a metals at, or MR rveral Df 100 sort, He of 50 offera has Eart of lx• the erte, :aunt ratfor psalm - %salon. erit Ken- 4fremie FT•1 ; ;,•t *ya.. r- igh *ted, gentle- emark- h shoe - boards a- days, ;-,scarcer [ board o Nisi - .'t ough' elves te +llama , epees a thous - his at - are suf- aa lia,v- he bud - his in - 'by the -, eat for a clergy- ethodist, it from esistant, inniater, terenpon inqnired 'mac way ay -would .1-ly CO -in- tim was ,y r turn- s -a Next al arly, a c ergy- Elm uy in teen was , He ex - informed ially bor- the thing ee cents handed •graCious- ty cloupla ar13.1train, !delivered rch. ays that o is mak- arietori of .the Pres - Id in St. A1C.1.1(10,y, f James - a trade to Snell itat clock jail last- - Mmon, J. language. practis- ane time several 'en depar- the 21st of an, of the tiie Cred- of milk, Elwood licit stiUs a which the other to start. :last Dial - acres, 30 Pierce, r prtrpQrty-' nominaa ainitse'fl ti ehiui- 'rite ae- rpetrated be hoped, wile', it 1:itrglary iu lies Road, lea; beeit in. London nest chars oas.' : Illyth, haa namely, aif of Iret ta Mr. -f Hallett- ; -•t tight thiS .ntiall)er t. registered Ir the halt aber, 1877e • deatha,11. 0 ; mat- ' nerease, Methadiat ; e ;ening (if aa-Atl. I tev. A. Me- -,!s made by - Mr. Davey, Itev. Gee.. JANUARI 11, 1878— THE HURON EXPOSITOR., - CIark,1 the pastor, together with the ohairman's opening remarks; and his very pleasing manner in introducing the i speakers made the occasion, one of • speoial interest. About $30 was real- ized. • —The Clinton New Era says: "Sev- eral of our "solid. men" happening to meet in a, store in town the other day, got weighed, the fallowing being the figures : Mr. Gallenger, 247 pounds, N. Robson,, 240 ; C. Morrow. 235, and E. Corbett, 228. Total, 950 pounds, not bad for four." —Several farmers along th.e Huron Road, in the vicinity of Helmesville, haveisown considerable spring wheat dur- ing the recent Mild weather. Should it not sprout until the custornar? spring time it will be all right, but should it germinate at once it will be so much labor and see- Iost. —Jaa.Carter, of Sewforth, was brought 'to jail on Saturday, because he couldn't give security, to the amount of 04,000 (!)„ to keep- the peace, he having uttered =certain threats. (This paragraph, which has been going the rounds of the County ress, la incorrect. Tho name should - Charles Carter, of Molinlop, instead of &MM. Carter, of Seaforth. Jr, EXP.) —A young Mee nein:led Wright was killed hy the foaling of a treo on the leth concession of Asktield --on Satur- day, 31st nit, .It appears he had- chop. poa one tree, and in falling it had lodgod (14 anothart Ire 111f4114tgoa to diolocip It, hut hail not Milo to OtiOar,- till§ l'or tiva 1m1it,Li tiott the troo or Willa lint in UK hilt, itatc1 Ito expired almobt Immo. diatety, —...on Thursehty aftemou of hot vtosk a teatn bototiging W Ati',- D, Me= Ewan, a mum*, broke away from the vioittity of .one- a -Liao sturehottgeti, near the Grand Trunk dation. in Clinton, and started down the London road, tearing off portion' a of two fences, and badly wrecking the wagon before they came to a, stop. —The remains of Wm. B. Scott, late of the firm of Scott tt Vanstone, Goder- ich, Were buried in Kincardine on Thursday last week. A very large num- • ber of people follo-wed the body to the grave, among whom were many Free Masons, to Which order Mr. Scott' had belonged. Twelve delegates from the lodges in Goclerich were present, besides a considerable number of the deceased's friends in town. --Some evenings ago,Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Horton, of Goderich, an returning horae from a concert, were surprised to find a well filled basket placed in. the front porch, which on being examined proved to contain a newly -born male child, -wrapped in some old. clothes. Evident- ly the ellild was only a few hours old. Mr. Horto-n secured a nurse fo the 1131- • i fortunate babe on the followii g morn- ing, and arranged for its fatur welfare. 'rhe inliuman mother is yet unknown. ' —A very successful Tea meeting was held in Fansville Canada Methodist ;church on the Zurich road in the town- ship of Hay on the 20th ult. in behalf of the sabbath school. Addresses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Hartley' and Rice, and reading by Mr. Benjamin Swenerton. • The rallsie was flarnished by a choir selected from the school, Miss Willson presiding at the organ. A well filled Christmas tree, provided. by the lathes of the congregation, furnished- • presents for the children of the school. The a:mount realized from • the tea amounted to $41.15. A very happy evening was spent and the greatest satisfaction was given to all present. —On the afternoon of the 21st alt., the wheat bin in the north-east corner of the third storey of the Wingham flouring mill gave way, the contents— about a thousand bushels—going crash- ing through a space of about fourteen feet square of the three floors, -until it reached the ground below. Some forty , • or fifty bushels of wheat were lost, some ' of the machinery damaged, and the cor- ner of the mill badly wrecked, entailing a, loss altogether of something under $500. Fortunately no one was hint. The cause of the accident is alleged to be owing to the wells 'spreading from not being tied. The mill was stopped only some ten or twelve hours, the • lessee, Mr. Hutton, having, with char- acteristic energy, set to work at once to repair the -damage. • —On Monday of last week a most un- fortunate accident befer Master Robert, son of Mr. J. P. McIntyre, of Exeter. He was riding on horseback a couple of • miles above Exeter ; his horse stumbled on the rough road and fell forward, throwing the boy off. The horses knee, it is supposed, came upon the poor lad's chest as he fell. His shoulder blade was broken, and'his left arm badly in- ured, and swollen to twice its natural size. Fears are also entertained that he has been injured. internally. The horse had a deep cut in his head, in vrhich some gravel is still imbedded, and one of his shaulders was badly hurt. A far- mer witnessed the accident, and when • he arrived on the spot, the boy was ly- ing insensible, with one of the horses feet resting on his .head. A -wagon Was obtained, and he was brought home, where he still suffers very severely from - his injuries. Auction on Sales. aturday, JanJ 12, on 10t 6, con. 14, Hullett, Farm S ock and Iraplements. Sohn Broadbent, proprietor; J. Bul- lard, auctioneer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Jan 10, 1878. Fall Wheat , 1 16 to 1 /8 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel.. • 1 00 to 1 02 Spring Wheat, Red Chaff,per bash0 95 to 1 00 Oateper bushel. .. . .. 0 28 to 0 32 Pena per bushel ..... 0 55 to 0 60 Barley per bushel... . . 0 95 to 0 52 Butter, No. 1, Loose, ir.e.*de . 0 10 to 0 16 Butter, No. , Loose, cash 0 10 to 0 16 Egg* 0 17 to 017 Flour, por barrel... ......... . . 6 00 tO 6 50 ... . . # . . ... .. . 10 oo to ao Hides, per lb. :.. • ... 0 06 to 0 06 Sheep skine . . I • .. 0 50 to 1 00 Salt (retail) per barrel • 0 75 Salt (wholesale)per berrol0 66 eotatoes, p,er bushel 0 85 to 0 85 Oatmeal lf* brl 1, ... . 5 00 to 5 50 Wool, per lb. 4 0 2$ to 0 28 Tallow, per lb .1 • 0 Oefto 0 064 D • d , • 10 lb 4 75 to 5 15 Beef, in quarters, Pet 100 lbe4 00 to 5 00 Pork ,........ 76 to 4 90 •• OL/STON, 10, 1878.` Veil Wheat, per 1 18 ecfi I 22 Spring Wheat, perbuehol.......,. 1 00 fete t 01 Oats, per brothel ... . . HO ire 0 al Barley, per bushel 0 60 terj 0 56 Pero, per bushel....... ... . , 0 GO Le.‘, 0 01 Batter,. ..... ,,, 11 0 17 Pork. „ : .. ..... I 4 50 se- 501) POtatOOStoote.op...itwolotyrwt.1 0 an 04)) Pelf .. . yttottiotioloeterttet 0 1.6 d 11 VIVO' 601h, 1*i ft if t., I RI .. 9 00 Cd, 11„ 00 ;fan; TO, 1H79, littifylwoll, bath,' 1-f P1 )1 111 tO $1 01 NM whoa ',per bush . . , 1 10 to 1 10 0 King Omit, 1104 0haffi, a LI I I / 0 to 08 Fife and lf/.111111$III(1111 MI 10 106 Ptir 0t114111 III ,,,,,,,,,,,, 614 00 df) to 64 0 00 to 0301 ..... 4 76 to 6 00 +.60 Ad tO 0 00 outer, toile, see lb,„„.,,,,,,,,, 0 14 to 0 17 Plotter, per lb, tub 61. 1 1 ‘• Sir& 14 to 1/ Egg, per doz.-- 10 to 11 Potatoes, per bosh..., , 0 80 to 0 85 ........ . a • • .0 4 ..... . 6 00 to CI 50 Sheep skim; 0 75 to 1 25 8 00 to 10 00 Barley, por hush,' , Oats, per Pork ser100 'be, Stook Markets. 13-earai,o, Jan 9, 1878.—Hogs—Mar- ket dragging -; abont 15 cars left over from yesterday sales of Yorkers at $4.20 to $4. 25,; 'fair to choice andheavy grades at $4.15 to 44.25; extra choice -at $4,30 to $137i; about 30 carloads un- sold. " Sheep—Market dull; Eastern reports unfavorable ; about ten loads unsold; but few sales made yet at a„ range for fair t� good Western sheep of $4.20 to $4.671-; common at $3.70. _ TonoNTO, Jan. 9, 1878.—Cattle— Butchers have not -yet disposed of their holiday supplies, and, censequently, have made so few purchases, that they report that no market is established. They e=xpeet to do a brisk trade next week, when they will have cleared out, •what stocks now remain ,of theiriChrist- mas display. A good. d.ema,nd prevails • for exportation, but we have heard of no sales of note. Prices are nominally 14 75 to- $5 for first-class, $4 to $5 25 for second, and $3 to $3 '25 for third. . Sheep—Are quiet of sale, at $6 to $7 for firsts, $4 to 5 fer seconds, ama$2 75 to $3 25, for thirds. Laraba Bring as follows, though , few have been moved: First-class, $3 75 to $4; second-clas, $3 to $3 25; thirdircla,ss, $.2 to $2 25:- 1878. WM SEAFORT H. 1878. HILL & CO. A HAPPY Ntw YEARi' WE recognize the fact that for our °mato mere TV to be happy they must be well pleased, and that the best way to please them ie to sell bp at .GOODS CHEAP. We -haye during the past year boon doing a Cash litimineem, andtake the opportunity of thanking our friends for the very • Marriages. $51.1TH-5ALSBI1IZY.—At tho residence of the bridt's oncle, in Strathroy, on Christmas even- • ing,by gee. A. I' MeDiarmid, essisted by Rev. Tratt•r,. Mr. Oharlter Smith, of Sealerth, to Mies Alice E. Salsbury, of Strathroye AND ERSON-:-WYLLIE.--At the residence of the brideer brother, J. 'Wyllie, Esq., .Ayr, on Jan. 1, by Rev. J. Thompson, M. A., Pate: W. An- dersen, Esq,, merchant, of Pore Elgin, to Lizzie J., daughter of the late Robert Wyllie, Esq., of Ayr. - EN OX—TYRNBULL.—In Grey, on Jen. 2, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. Jones, Mr. Adam Knox, of Howiek, to Miss Agnes Turnbull, daughter of Mr. Thomas Trumbull. COLLINS—LOADMAN.—At the family residence of the bride, on Dee. 19, by Itev. 3. W. Buteher, Mr. Ilem•y Collins, to Miss Isabel, second deughter of Mr. Jas. Loadman, all of the town- ship of Hay. RUMOHR—PEXTON---At 'Exeter, on Dec. SI, by Rev. 3.W. Butane., Mr. Richard John Runiohr, Chathaui, to Miss Charlotte Pexton, of Mc- Gillivray. HYMEItee—MARIL—M London, on Dec. 28e by Rev. J. S. Ross, B. A., Mr. John Hymers, of Prospeet Hill, to Mies Henrietta Marr, of the • tewnehip of McGillivray. • YOUNG—HOPHNER.—At the • resieence ot the bride's lather, on Jan. 3, by Rev. Geo. Brown, Mr. Dupe., Young, of ifewick, to Miss Theresa Hoplater, ehl. se daughter of Sebastian Mph- ner. of Turuberry. GRASSICK—LOGAN.—At the residence • of the bride's -father, by Ree. J. G. Thompson, on Jan. McDouald Graseiek, t� EUza, oungest daughter of James Logan, Esq., itil of Stanley. RAE—BLACK.—At the residence of the bride's father, on Jan. 3, -by Rev. James Pritchard, Mr. Hugh Rae, of Wroxeter, to Miss E. Jane Black; of Turnherry. Deaths. Egmondville, on Jan. 4, joseph, son • of Mr. 5olin Grieve, aged 2 years, 2 months and 21 days. MehilLLAN.—In McKillop, on Dec. 28, Donald McMillan, aged 21 years. Forraerly of Lechler, Giengary County. ,• - But:, roux anas from headquarters. Wilson & Young have just received 2f tons of Pine New Seasons Young -Hyson Teas, • . first quality, . • bought direct -from thc. importer, thereby saving the wholesale profit, and as we have bought a -very large lot at the lowest cash price, and have no wholesale profits to pay, we are in a position to sell Merchants, Hotel keepers, farmers, Grangers,' or ethers buying in quantities, it Toronto wholesale prices, and we &redetermined to do it. Come along and give tis a trial. We have Plenty for .AIL No treed of sending youl money to Toronto to purehase .Groceries, when you can do better with , WILSON tt YOUNG, Seaforth. 55 New Prunes, Cheap at Allen's. Dried Poaches, Cheap at Allen's. • • Dried Apples, Cheap at Alien's. New Fruit,e Cheap at Allen's. Table Syrup, Cheap at Allen's. •. Prime Teas, -Cheap at Allen's: Fret& Ground Coffee, Cheap at Allen's. Bright Stew'Cheep at Allen',s. • Tea Sets, Cheep at Allen's. .Glassware; Chea.p it Allen's. • .CROCKERY.—Another large lot teceiv- ea ea -Wilson & Young's. Special lines of Fancy and Plain Toilet and Ten, Sets. Do not fall. to ex- amine oeir stook before purchasing elsewhere as you will surelyeregret it "f.you do. Wiesme & Youeee, Seaforth. 525 1 ARRIVED. -4. Brownell has just re- ceived his firet car of cern for this season CUR- topiers can depend -en getting Corn at Beownell's all the season l throu'gh as he intends keeping a Liege stook on hand, 3.BRownLL. 5237 IMPORTAXT" TO LAUNDBESSi8.—Fresh arrivals of Dobblii'S Celebrated Electric Soap at Thomas: Cell and get a bar, only.124 cents, worth three times the quantity of any other soap: yet imported. TIX041tAS KIDD. 522 - CIIIIISTMAS-0-00D8.—Sel1tallet lend. .S-iliti-- Imam-Resins, extra, Black Crown, London and Lor- ing Layers. Extra thee Currants. Candied Peels, , Extract; Spices, au1 Icing Sugar. • Wiemeet Tfera, & Co. 522 / LIBERAL SUPPORT Wo Imo r000irod in 1,1410 moth% 6114 Agoura Wont wo ellen eraleavor to vevy Jonah onlino oar trade dorioK the present yoart by toMos that advitotege of tho • RECEIVED TO -DAY, aal extra Fine New Season Japan Tea, 50e. per pound, worth75c. Hien & Co, 522 1 A 28-1b. Box of New Fruit Valencia Raisins for $1.90. W. Hum & Co. 524 MONEY! MONEY!! Sc ELLIN9: OFF CHEAP. NOW IS !PIE TIME TO GET 000 S CHEAP. • .A _ C4-- _ Ali IA• Is now Soiling Oat his Stock of Groceries and Provisions at Reduced Prices. HE WILL SELL CHEAPER Than any other Stare in Town. No Hambug. Come One,Come All, and CET SOME OF THE CHEAP COOBS. NO TROITBIE TO SHOW Goops. ,THE GOODS ARE ALL FRESH AND NEW. • You will find him in his New Brick Store, on Main Street, Seaforth • 627 A. G. AULT. • HAIR DRESSING. • MISS STARK 'WISH to inferna the Ladies of Seaforth and v Vicinity that she is Prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In the Latest Fashipn from Combings. , Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually at tended to. A call solicited. Residence—Main Street, Seaforth. 527 VARIOUS MARKETS Which Cask Will alwaye give In enabling intto supply out friends with • GOOD GOODS CHEAP. We have secured this week a line of WHITE COTTONS to Whiell We call Special At- tention. , These Goods having been SLIGHTLY DAMAGED In the Loons, are offered Meek Below Their Value, and for the convenience of Family Trade are put up in Lengths of abont twenty yards. OUR CUSTOMERS Will have the opportunity of obtaining a OcItton worth 14 cents per yard for 10 cents. CALL- AND EXAMINE. WILLIAM, HILL. & CO., SEAFORTH. N...LAN MITCHELL ST-10T_TIAD AULD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORGOT. 1 .No! I say they ,Should Not. Here's d Hand My Trusty .Frien T DO NOT forget my old Friends and On tom- -a- ere, and nothing pleases me more than 0 Bee them calling on me, BUY OR NOT BU If they do buy I can sell them Goods as Cheap as any House in Huron. If they do not boy, all right, they are not the less welcome. MY STOpK Of Dress Goods, Winceys, Prints, Glovee, Hosi- ery, Laces; &c., are full in a./1 MY TOCK MY STOCK Of Millinery, comprising Trimmed and Unitrim- med Felt Hats,Flowers, Feathers, Ornaixtbnts. &c., are tomplete. MY STOCK Of Mantles cannot but ions. • satisf the most Pis tid- MY iTOCK MYSTOCK 1STRAY STOOK. "V STRAY HEIIPERS.—Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 14, Con. 7, Hullett, 8 yearling Heifers, on or about September 10. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take thorn away. THOS. E., WARD. 521 STRAY STIEEP.—Carne into the premises of -Red the undersigned, Lot 2, Con, 17. Grey, on or aocut the let of 'Itelvember, two Ewes. • The owner is requested tM•rove property, pay charges _ and take them away. JOHN llicl'ADZ RAN, Grey. 524x4 From Alpha to Omega is going to be sold as Cheap as is consistent with the ideas ',ef a mer- chant who intends paying his creditors in full. ALLAN MITCHELL, MAIN STREET, SEAFORT.EI. ESTRAY CATTLE.—Cane into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 18, Con, 8,j1lay, 1 red Steer and 1 Heifer, spotted, -2 years old. The Owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- pellees and take them away. MALCOLM Mc- GREGOR. • 524x4 STRAY.—Came into the prefnises dr the un- dersigned, Lot 15,Con. 14, Hibbert, about the beginning of December, it year.olcl steer, red and white color. The owner cam have him by prov• ing property and`pflying expenses. WM; TOW - RES, Farquhar P. 0. 625x4 VSTRAY.r—Oarae on the preiniees of the Bub - scriber, 1101 24, Con. 1, Usborne, 4 head of catt1e-1 two-year-old heifer, 2 yearling heifers, and 1 steer. The ownor will pitutoo proVe prop- erty, pay expenses and take them away. W. BAWDEN, Ifixotor II. O. 625x4 re STRAY HEIFER.—Came into the premixes of the endeesigned, Lot 80, Mill Road, Tuck- eneeith, abeee the first of July, it red and white Heifer, rising 2 'oar. The Owner he roseosted to prOve-propertyipey, (qualms and take 1-41.01PriAY 011411)11,--fitrityful front the iiii°:eats7II:e's mai Away, ALEX, itfoOARTNEY, 01 tibileribeie fiMPO time In Atsmot, a Root, opotte )114 and white, twining 31 yooro o Aoy 13014011 ji3Ning imoh information as will Wed to ihe rpoov iy of tho abovo animal will i)e oollo 311)3 Y IIIWI) 113011, 'Pli()MAN PiffitPligN1 th top P, 6116 ViffitAY (Aftlfill,----ganie lobo Vie premien Ja of the inatevelwied, bob No.1, Ooo, 191 Rai. tett, on or Mono the let of November, a entail red year oici Atter/ fled a red ad wbIl two.yeaug aid holier, The °ahoy 1 toquootod bo provo propetty say, ehargem Mid take than ItiVeyi. AllliX, 8111113I, 62614 VSTBAY 11tIFE11,—Oatue into the pruning of the nndersignod, east half lot 18, Con, 10, McKillop, about the ond of November„ a white Heifer with brown neck, coming 2 years olfl. The owner is requested to prove property, pay eipeusea and take her away. THOMAS 8IMP- SON, Winthrop P.O. 525 VSTRAY OATTLE.—Strayed from the premises of the undersigned„tot No. 18, Hayfield road, Stanley, on or about the lst of July, two red. heifers, 1 a yearling and the other two -years -old. Anyeinformation that will lead to the recovery of the above animals will bo suitably rewarded. ROBERT REID, Varna P. 0. • 525x4 ESTRAY STEERS.—Came into the premises of tile undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 13, Hellen. about the 15th of October, two Steers—one red and the other grey—coming 2 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take them away. Mrs. R. KELLEY, Hullett. 626x4 • STRAY • CATTLE.—Came into the premises of -3-'the undersigned, Lot 1, Con. 2, Stanley, about the ,first of December, 6 Yeria•linge and 2 Steers— one' Steer greyish color, the other brown ; one of the heifers spotted, the others red. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. S. BLAIR, Kippen P. 0. 525x4 • "STRAY CATTLE.—Strayed froin the prem - A -4 lees of the undersigned, Lot 10, -Con. 10, Stanley, in Jane, Three Heifers—one:2 years old past, almost white, with red on each side of the neck, also two ydarling calves, one red and the other almost white. Any information as te where they may be found will be thankfully received. JOHN DA.W SON , Varna P. 0. 527x4 ,r( STRAY STEER.—Strayed from the premises -1-4 of the Undersigned, Lot 29, Con. 11, Hibbert, some time in October, a year old Steer, dark red color mixed -with grey. Mark—the tip of the y right ear cult off, and a slit cut in the ear on the top side. 4a person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the above animal will be suitably rewarded. JAP,IES STONE - MAN, Chiselleurst P. 0. 526x4 T., STRAY OATTLE.—Strayed or Stolen from -19 Lot 11, Con. 4, H. R. S. Tuckersmith, (the place rented' by Mr. James Chesney, but buildings occupied by Mr. Jonathan Carter) it light red Heifer, Jong featured, very sheet horns and point- ing towards each other, tail white about half way, some white on the belly, to narrow strip it little way,up the side, 3 years old past, having had a calf at 2 years o4, but now farrow. The animal was advertierd in the EXPOSITOR by Mr. Chesney on November 9th, and two following weeks, seen and owned by the subscriber, paid for keep and advertisement° a few days after: • On going_ to take tae animal may it was gone, as there is room to fear the animal was stoleu. , Also a dark red Heifer, one year old past, rather small' for age, and strayed from thepremises of the subscriber, Lot 23, Coo. 2, 4. R. S. Tuckersmith. Any per- son giving Buell information as will lead to the recovery of either of the abovelanimals will be Puitably rewarded. WILLIAM OOPP,Kippen. Can be seen it Cardno's block, Seaforth.' 522 .$2500 REWARD.—Strayed or Stolen, from • ,Lot 11, Con. 4, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, (the place rented by James Chesney, but buildings ocanpied by Mr. Jonathan Carter), it light, red Helfer, long featured, very short horns and pointing towards each other, tail white about half way, Genie white on the belly, it narrow strip it littleway up the side, 8 years old past, having had a calf at 2 years old,but now farrow. The animal Was advertised in the Eicrosnon by Mr. Chesney on Novetaber 9t,h, and two follow- ing weeks, seen and owned by the subscriber, paid. for keep and advertisement._ A few days after, on gong to take the animal away, it was gone, as there is room to fear the animal was stolen a reward of $25 will be given to any per- son that wi I give such information es will lead 1 to the conv ction of any person having stolen the animal. A so it dark rod heifer, one year old paet, rather small for age, and strayed from the Premises or the subscriber, Lob 23, Con. 2, L. R. S., Tuckersmith. Any person giving such infor- mation. as will lead to .the recovery of this animal will be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM COPP, Kip len.. ••527x4 ORTANT NOTICES. NOTICE. --The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will -meet in tho Court Room, frt the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, the 22nd instant. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk, Goderieb Ian. 7, 1878. 527-2 WEST END CHEESE FACTORY.--& Meet- ing of the Patrons of the West End Cheese Factory will be held at the Factory, on Wednes- day, the 161h of January, at 2 !o'clock P. M.. for tho purpose of winding up last season's business and making arrangements for next season. A.' HILLY, Socretary-Treasurer. 526-2 NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the llowick Farmere' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Mrs. Day's Hall, Gerrie, on Satur- day, the 12th day of January, 1878, at the hour of 12 o'c.00k noon, for the purpose of electing Di- rectors and other business. A large attendance of Members is desirable. WM. MeRERCHER, Secretary; JAMES EDGAR, President. 524 TIISS OLU TION OF PARTNER§HIP.—Notice -le' is her by given that the partnership hereto- fore existin between the undersigned under style and, firm of Heist & Reesor, of Zurich, is dissolv- ed by mutual consent. Daniel Heist collects all accounts and pays all debts due to said partners, and no others. "DANIEL HAIST, ABRAIA REESOR. ViritneSe,A.ELMES". Zurich, Decem- ber 31, 1877 526-4 NOTICE is hoeby given that application will •I -v • be made to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof, by JOHN MOONEY, of the Town of Cli ton, in the Connty of Huron, in the Province of ntario1drover, for a Bill of Divorce from LOIS ANN .-Se00NEY, his wife, late of the Town of Clinton aforesaid, on the ground of adultery. Dated at the Town of Clinton, the 8011 day of July, A. D. 1877. JOHN MOONEY. WALKEB, Mcl.NTYRE & FIERGIISON, Solid - tors for Applicant. . 507x26 MISCELLANEOUS. p ARE CHANCE.—For Sale, that large and 'kV commodious 'residence, containing 10 rooms, with good well and outbuildings, also 100 fcet frontage* lying on the Soutli side of the Huron Road, tiurddoor east of the Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. For further information apply to the Proprietor. A. G. AULT, Seafortlt. • 527 VERILY, the finest stock of Hair Brushes and Ladies' Imperial Dreseing combs ever exhibited in Seaforth is to be seen at "Tun PH.4.113LACV. 523 vsTAJDD 7_11.414 OUR co - WANTED. SM.A.PONVTI-3.. 77 to MRS. W. F. L at the Churehof 1 • WANTED.—A Good 6-eneral Servant. Apply England Parsonage, Seaforth. 526 t TENDERS FOR CHURCIL—Tenders will be 1 -I- received by the nudeesigned,addressed to Eg- inondville P. 0., until Tuesday, Janna.ry 22, at 2 o'clock P-M.,,for the erection of a brick chtach in the village of Egmondville. Tenders will be Sth1/11-ANNUAL CLEARING SA E tions can be seen and all neceseary information carpenter work separately. Plans and specific*, taken for the whole work or for the brick and gained at the residence of Mr. Wm, Payne, Mill Road, Tuckersmith, JOHN HANNAH, Socre- r tarv. 525.4 FORNSALE OR TO LET. . _ • • WEWILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, THE I2TH INSTANT, Aq\TD WILL CONTINUE FOR THIRTY DAYS. - , OUR STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED, AND CUSTOMERS WItiL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE Ti CALL AND EX- • AMINE OUR STOCK, A$ TO RENT.—A Wagon Shop open to Rent in it good stand, ou eaey terme, et Hills Green. Apply to JOSEPH ERWIN, Hills Green Post Office. 521 • i400118 TO LET.—Two or three teems to rent over Wilson & Young's Store. Possessien at N_ew Years.. Apply to Mr. F. 110 LMESTED, Seaforth.• 624 QTORE TO RENT.-eeTo Bent, the Store oil 1113111-10 at present oecupied by the undersign- ed, as he intends removing into Stark's new block. Apply to TII9MA8 COVENTRY. • 524 • WE ARE FFERING MANY SPECIAL LINES HOUSE TO LET.--eA comfortable frame lionse eituated in Berne, County of Huron. ,A. , splendid opening for a tailor as there is none in the village, and Berne is Situated 10 A splendid farming dietriet, For partitiniars apply to J01114 THAT CANNOT : BE BOUGHT WITHIN 'FIFTY PER, oENT,. OF THE LESLIE, Blake P, 0. 522 IsItICES WE ARE OFFERING T 10 M. AT, . • . STOCK FOR fi' ERVIMIL Quinn= PIG, --The lIefiareigned will keep h-7 during tho preterit fif3S41044 On Lot 00) °On)°, TMtetii iiiliri011111(01k1ee4Tpn1 rr /ttttisli:00001;100iwoo114 lele of WombaIf lifWftftlt , 11101411 p IIAV14144 , PPM! Pliiiii=illie itielersiseed will keep dips. A., Ititi the tomtit HU" 14 the improvement of Tho following aro a Pow of Om .41( ialo, aro Winling DRESS GOODS IN GI/EAT VARIETY•. PLOsi AND OHEOK5D WINCES. PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS'. PLAIN AND FANCY CLOUDS — WOOL SHAWLS GLOVES AND HOSIERY. - LADIES' AMY CHILDREN'S LINED KID MITTS. MEN'S UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. MEN'S GLOVES AND MITTS. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS. MEN'S AND BOYS' ULST5RS. /MEN'S AND—BOY'SL- FUR CAPS. A LOT OF REMNANTS VERY CHEAP. Oil MB iltirniStilUli Vat fiftieth 80,10t1§01011ef nitilteteitlitff OM MOO hod a (Jam ter ouath af ilmototolvillth a thortotaiibtod White iittifolk boat Thie le bee of tho iittost attitude sootioti of the sortotry, Terme, 81 for the sera eon, With the privilege of returning if imeeintarys IONATFIAN CARTER, • 10110A.RS FOR BERVIOE.—Farmete, bring your ▪ Sows to the Hatf-Way House, that is the place - for good Pigs. I have done more Mr the improve- ment of hogs, and taken more prizes than any man north of Seiiforth. This year I have ti Suf- folk Bcar, with ono- cross Yorkshire. As I find thoroughbred. Suffolks too small to -be profitable to Farmers. This hog is oply six months old, and weighs 250 pounds, and is a real p"riaketaker. I hem also kept the old celebrated Berkshire Boar for this season—his stock shows for them- selves and need no comment. Term s—Your choice for 81, payable 'when—whenever you like, money never comes amiss to me. C. DAVIS, Proprietor, Half -Way House, MeKillop. 524x4 Toe EDIGREE OP -BERKSHIRE BOA 'First Duke of Nitsouri " the property of John Staf- ford, Lot 21, Con. 14, MeKiiop. First Duke of Nissouri was farrowed 0,1. 15, 1875. Brod by John Snell, Edmonton Ont. Got by Imported Lord Liverpool, dam Inliported Sovereign by own brother to Saralee 2-nd ; grand dam No. 2, by St. Adair; great grand dam Lady St. Dennis'; great great grand dam by Gloster Premium. Loed LiverpooL the sire of the first Delo of Nissouri, has made a good record at leading shows. Be won the following prizes under a year old. a the following shows in England in 1674,•v1z.: lst at Bath and West of England; 2nd at the P.•oyal Counties and Gloucestershire, let at the Provin- cial Fair at Toronto in 1874, and triple flue as - the best iroported boar on the ground under a, year, also at the head of the prize herd, and the some record at the Western Fair. London, in1875. First Duke of Nissoari also received the 1st prize at Stratford in 1877; first at Seaforth in 1817; and first at Brussels in 1877. First Duke of Nis- sonri's dam, Imported Sovereign,is the bean -ideal of a perfect Berkshire, and the best sow we ever saw. Terms, $1.50 per sow, payable at the time of service with privilege of returning if neces- sary. JOHN STAFFORD, Proprietor. 522 We have a Few BUFFALO ROBES Left, and Will be Sold Regardless of Cost. WADDELL fac, CO., SEAFORTH. 878.i: 1878. THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON AND A BRIGHT PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY TO ALL MY CUSTOM NEW YEAR ERS. MAL ESTATE FOR SALE-. ATALUABLE MILL PROPERTY FOR &ATM— ✓ in the Village of Trowbridge, in the County of Perth, eomprising steam grist and saw mills. In operation and doing a large blisiness. Apply to GEORGE BREWER, Brussels, Out. 526-4 StroRN AND IMET.T,ING FOR SALE.—For Ie/ Sale or Lease, in the thriving village of Hen- n% a Large Store and Dwelling in connection. Immediate possession can be had. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. WILLIAM MOORE, Hensall P. 0. 526 'WARM FOR SAER.—Fifty acres of land for sale A: in MeKillop, being 'north half of Lot 21, Cn. o • 12'; log dwelling, frame barn 52x30, and frame stable 80x15, and other outbuildings of log; thtee- quarters of an acre of orchard. Apply to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 627 Al S THE long wished for Snow has at length arrived, and good sle'hing has evidently set in, it is well that the fanners and all others who come to town should kn ow, exactly where they can get everything they want in tb.e Line of DRY COODS,, GROCERIES, READYMADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND .SHOES, MILLINERY, &c., AT BOTTOM PRICES. • My Stock is admirabliassorted and will be found wall worthy dt inspection. All WOOL EN GOODS are being sold at a Tremendous Reduction, as I' intend mak pig further arrange • =outs in this department during the coming season, and I am determined to lettr out the greater part previous to stock -taking. ' IN BLANKETS I. AM OFFERING SOME SFkENDID BARGAINS. 172 JIM'S and Boys' Overcoats I can safely Defy Competition. 1 The Balance of Ladies' Winter Mantles on hand will be run off at Greatly Reduced Prices. A Select Stock of Furs on band, and every attention paid to the wants of our Customers. 3 I The Latest and Most Fashionable Millinery on Exhibition in our Show Room, ilia Hats and Bonnets Trimmed to auit the purchaser im the Shortest Possible Notice. ,• ; at Ornaments and all the other little Novelties always in Stock, together with a Beautiful Assortment of Ladies' Silk Ties, Scarfs, VTool Squares, &c. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. In the Line of 1 TEAS it is universally conceded by all the well-known Tea Drinkers of the Sur- rOunding Townships that Kidd's Teas are ahead of anything yet introduced into tthis part of the 0 ounty. .A.t a recent gathering of those experienced judges its merits were fully tested, and- the all niaanimo, sly declaredthat ITS EQUAL HAS NOT YET APPEARED IN THE MARKET. 1 All you who have not yet had the esteemed privilege of partaking oi a cup of this delicious Tea, come on at onee and add your voice in support of its alreaaly high rePutation. Sold in Boxes from pounds to 86 pounds, wholesale and retail at 60c. and 600. per pound. IN BOOTS AND SHOES The Assortment is complete, and parties visiting this department ea Goods arc all new, neatly finished, and at very reasonable prices. Notwithstanding the great depression in the dairy business, I am • for good Butter at the New Caeh Sore.• ; THE NEW CAtell STORE.' not fail to get suited, as the still paying the Highset Price THOMAS KIDD, SEAFORTH. VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, 50 acres of Land, -A: being west half of Lot 9, Con. 8, Tuckersmith, Huron Road Survey, with frame barn 36x57, stone basement; log dwelling; all well miderdrained; 40 sewer clear of stumps; orchard, yonng and. bearing; 80 rods from a geed school. Possession given at any time. Apply to A. STRONG, Land. Agent, .Seaforth. ••527 14 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—For Sale 2-1- that pleasantly situated and desirable' resi dence, theproperty of Me Wm. Robertson. The preperty is on Goclerich Street, in Adams' survey. The house contains sitting -room, dining -room, kitchen, and 5 bed -robins, with pantries, -closets, wood -shed, and all other eonveniences. Also hard_ and soft water under cover. The house is new and well finished. The lot containeone-fifth of an acre. Apply to- the proprietor on. the premises. WAI. R OliERT S ON. • 527 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE,—For Salo, Lot ✓ 16 entl-south,half Lot 17, 'Con. 1, Hey, contain -- Mg 150 acres, 120 of Whiell Are •cleared and in A good state of cultivation. There is a good Mick house and it frame - cottage, the barn, stable, caw stable and other outbuildings are all frame; there are about 10 acres of choice apple, pear and other fruit trees, :andabout 800 spruce trees planted 10 years,. There ie a never -failing stream running through the centre of the fa,nn„ on which is a good -mill site, a good gravel road .OR two -sides of the farm 11 10 situated one mile from lieneall sta- tion and fear miles from Exeter, on the London Road, and is just across the road from the Rodger- vill:e post -office and ,church. For f nether pe.rtieu- tars apply to JAMES W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon, Seaforth-P. 0. - - 481 VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot S, Con. 8, 'L--. L.R.S., Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, 80 of -which are deared and in a good state of cultiva- tion, the balance" is well timbered with the best of hardwood; there is a first-class brick house 38x28, kitchen 24x18, with stone cellar under both house and :kitchen; it good frame been 60x40,' driving house 45x30, with stone basement and cattle houses the whole length of both buildings ; leading from the _cattle heirse below is a large root house, 20x9, -dug out of the solid bank, built of solid stone .andlinte -awl arched over with brick, and is frost proof; , there are 8 wells, :each about 40 feet deep* built up with brick, and arenever-tailing springs ,of water; there is it good 'orchard of apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, and small fruits; ti.lso about 300 mods of -drains with. tiles carefuiy lei& down -; the -stables are all floored with stone* care - :toy, and evenly laid, -oleo log bent 48x28, and 2 stables. - Is :situatee 7 miles from Exeter, 10 from Sealorth„ and 2 from Hensel" statione Convenient to _schools and churches. Te —$2,.3)O0 to be paid down, the remainder to .suit purehasere. Ap- ply to the proprietor on the .premises.,.or to Hens.all IIx - . 0, WM. STONEMAN% 406-4 'Ng-AMIABLE F...,?10.4 AN'D SAW. muff, Pit0P-., v ERTY for Sale in the County -of Huron, being Lot 12, Cone. 8 and 9, in the Township of Hay. This property consists of :a. first-class Men, eon.- taining 100 acres, '75 -cleared, 25 good hardwood . bush; .16 acres in fall wheat ;large orehard, no better in the co -:laity ; buildings first -dims, large • and very commodious well watered and fenced. The mill property -consists :of :a herge steam sew mill, fittedwith large circelar, edger . tead batting saws, log cutter, -&e.., also a shingle and planing mill. Ten distinct roads run from the- saw mill. Is runwith a 15 -horse engine, fitted with a large plener, Moulding sticker, liau ,s-... La,th's pateat shingle machine, shingle -jointer, lath, rip and butting saws; e, run of French burr stones for chopping; 6 acres of land and two good. dwelling houses are in -eonnection with the mills, also 90 acres.of pine land, only 40 rods from the mills, so acres of will& has boon reserved, and is of good. value now. Theinilisare in full operation and as good _fts new. . A large stock of saw logs Ire now in the yard, and abundance of tiraber for years to comeincloeeproximity. This is one of the fineet properties in Ontario, and will be sold cheap on . easy terms. Price, for farm and mills, $1,000; I- -132,500 down; balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent. interest. The above property will be sold together 'or in parts. Apply to S. RENNIE51, on the premises, or to Hensall P. O.