HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1878-01-11, Page 311 , THE OUR.ON EXPOSITOR. POOR ZEP11.1 CHAPTER I—Continued. "Perhaps I do. Why don't you go to your party?' cried Zeph. "Your swell friends will be advertising for you presently.," "I am very comfortable , here, thank Yon don't look it." “I am wsiting to see you dance," said Dudley. "Don't know that I shall dance any more," was the answer. Can't sey. Perhapa because I can't find. any partners while you it here ittwing to- toe." This was vet y frank, amazingly frank, but, excessively inelegent. It jarred upon the susceptibilities of Dudley, and he shuddered until he caught sight of her face, fair, fresh, young, and full of the happiness of life'a begirming—a face looking innocently out at the world yet, and knowing nothing and guessiug but little of the world's temptations. Sure- ly not eighteen years of age, this bright girlt in whom his interest was not grow - Mg less, wile puzzled_ him and be- wildered him by her originality and piquaney. "How do you know I ani not going to ask yon to faqtror me with. your littid for this waltz?" asked Dudley, in reply to her. • "Oh, yes; you are sure to daace." What is to hiedee tee te "You are much too fine. YOU ret like to mix with all the people you see here." " You, are very ranch mistaken." "Oh ! I know," said Zeph, laughing again. “We heve heti one or two of you gents before, but they never dance," " But I will—if you will accept me for a. partner," said Dudley, positively. Out came her favorite word again in her surprise. " Rearly " Yes, really." But—". "Will you, have me or not?" he said, impatiently. "Yes, I clen't mind." " I should be sorry to. think ill of t Grandison ; but you conic alone." "Very often. I find plenty of frie when I get here." "And.plenty of friends to see tiou home?" he asked, meaningly. " Ben puts me in an omnibus goner 1y—that's all." -4 Lucky Ben ?" They wAt back into the refreshin this occasion, to take a glass of port He was at the comer of Frisk Street . ds 1 the world," he said to himsilf ; " but After wondering for five More min- utes over his coffee, he in.dulfed in an - "1 rnight do an unpressiona e gir al- like Zeph some good by advising her to give up that dancing den. To be sure I might ; " and.- full of this noble re- nt solve, Dudley Grey set fort]) in search . . wonder if she'll be there." other little sediloquye room, where Zeph condescended, on ep .1 wine (far ruddier than the cherry that logwood decoction was) at her partner's expense, and to sit with Iiiin. at the ta- ble again at which he had first made' her acquaintance. Here Frank came . up, looking almost' , angry et his friend's neeleot of him, and altogether advance of the appointment ()came puzzled byhisfriend's. new style of be terribly wearisome, and exhausted all havior. 1 i the distractions of the murky street " Is it not time we started?" he ask- wherein he lingered. It was a dread- ed, querulousy. ' 1 ful street. When it was striking eight, "I am ready, when axe you?" and there was no sign of the girl whom "Oh, I have been ready this hour and he had come to meet, he wished fer- e half," said Frank, strolling over to- vently he had named another and more ward, the door. , respectable thoroughfare: People stared " An,hour and. a half," said. Dudley, at him too much; the shops were com- looking at his watch ; ," So it is 1 How monplace, and. the contents of their time flies when ra fellow is happy- l" windows devoid. of interest, a woman He pat on his overcoat twain, stand- at the fried fish establishment opposite 0 . th door to inspect him ten minutes before the time, appom e , he was always a punctual Man, but he never remembered being so much be- fore his time as on this occasion. He must havewalked fast, or miscalculated his distance, and those ten ',minutes in hag and looking down at the bright , ca face of the girl with whom he had thorouglaly •, the green grocer's boy deuced. . Winked. at him, as though h,e guessed " Will you have this flower now," he the reason for his lingering on the ourb- . asked, " 4 in memory a etc.?" stones; women -with baskets of laundry- " Thank you," : work ran against him at odd corners; He took it from his button -hole the policeman' passed. him half a dozen and -placed it in her hand., she look- times, and took him in from top to toe ed up at him half archly, half thought- on each occasion.; he telt hot and un - fully. comfortable, and angry and out of place. "Good -night, little Zeph," he said. By a quarter past eight, he was miser- " Good -night, Sir." - able a,nd abject, at half -past eight, he It When I see you again I hall was anxious; when it was a quarter to ask you to dance with nae," he said, -nine, he was savage: -, as it was striking lightly. '-L\TMNAT STOP/M. •NEW COOS. NEW PRICES. nine by a church dock in the dis- " Ali! when. you do," she answered. tance, he turned away with some very "Perhaps you don't wa,nt to see me bad words on the tip of his tongue, and again 9" marched off to his club in. an un iable Strange feeling ! but his heart 1WaB d. I beating more rapidly than its wont, as He was a fool. He shout have JAMES MITA') IY AKES Pleasure in announcing to his friends "I' and the public that he is now located in his blew Prerniees,erected on the site of his former Store, and haa just received his New Stock of TEAS. ,SUGARS, 'FRUIT, 'FISH, SYRUp, TOBACCOS, PAILS, TUBS, • B ROO MA, BRUSEIES, Shelf Goods and all Articles kept in a First -Class Grocety. JAMES MURPHY is Confident that, Quality and Price taken into clonsideration, his Teas are .1 THE BEST VALUE TO BE HAD fit any Retail House in the Doininion. !I - They Consist' of Yong Hysons, and Blacks and Japans, of, different - & t ' 11 A. M 0 7"." The Sabscribers, being now fairly Bottled in their New Premises, would respectfully call the atten- tion of the public to their Superior and Wall Assorted . I grades, all sweet, sou and of excellent flavor. Whe recent depression in the prices of 'Sugars and Tobacco ti has enabled the subscriber to place those articles at prices much below those Till- ing a few weeks ago, and of which he is deter- mined to give kis customers the benefit Any Goods purchased, and not proving satis- factory, will be taken back and the money 1 e - funded. if in doulit about her answer. '• known better than to tniust to t e word . JAMES MURPHY STOCK OFDRUGS AND CHEMICALS - " Oh, you haven't made yourself par- of a silly little milli er, an let her 'Hopes that none will delay! for Ceremony and ticularly disagreeable," she said, with have the laugh, of him—perhaps tell her initiating, but that all Will oonsider then: - her old sauciness appaxent. , ' friends and acquaintances how she had • selves cordially invited to co supply of the Cheap Goods, especially those me at onoe and get a "Not like Ben9" - " sold. " the "swell" who came to the Splendid. TOILS and Sugare, for the lIolidays. 14 No, not a bit like Ben," she repeat- Grandison last Tuesday, and tried to te,- ed, laughingly. • triolt her iato an appointment with him. Dudley had taken off his overcoat, ! " Come alona then." , " And you will not be very sorry to Yes, that was it: fa as he turiaed out pitched it into a caner, and was now A Large Stbck of Crockery me aainaperhs,ps ?" . see , of Frisk Street he ran against the tine - set, pasty -faced inclividual of the name of Ben, who smiled naoliciously, and looked sifter him until he was out of ra0Virig down the room with Zepla. «N°' with affected hesitation, on his arm. At the door his friend " not very, I think. But I can exist Franlk was standing, and he pushed him withcint you—by an effort." _ ligty aside. . is life, when a man goes out of his : his friend, and before Frank had re- She was very pretty, she attracted him, ment, or told() any body a good or bad I " By jove I--what—Dadley 1." cried this light litt e In. .1.1 . t P mise sphere in. search of- adventuie or excite - covered from his astouishnaent. Dudley and he was not his da stead.y, grave self turn. He had put himself out of his and. Zeph were whirling round. the ball- that night. sight. Tha,t was the oke, and he had IAN D FULL SUPPL'k OF - I We intend topay Speeial Attention to the keepiug up of our stock of Ladies' and Gents' oilot Inegni sites, such as Sponges, Hair, Cloth, Fleeb, Nail, Tooth, and Shaving Brushes, Circular Back and Dreseing Combs,'Englith, Freneh and American Perfumery, Pedant e and Preston Bottlee Miffs and Puff- Boxes, Fine Shaving and Toilet Soups, Toilet Powdets, Tooth Pastes and Powders, Setae - dont., Hair Preparations, 'paladin Savage's Ursine, Bearino, Lime Juice, auil Glycerine, L bin's , , Pomades, &e. Our Stook of Patent Medicines comprises all the Leading Preparatime , of the day, such ate Enos' Fruit Salt, Fellow's Syrup, Greeu'e Anguet Flower, Boohoo's German Syrup. QninineeitWine, Shoe honeen Bemedy, Eclectile Oil, Pain Killer, Ready Relief, Wheeler's Elixir, A.yer's Prepar ions, and Pills and Cough Medicines too Sittmerons to mention. We still make a. Specialty of D te Stuffesand parties purchasing from us may depend on having' Good Colore, as we give complete directions and sell nothing but l'Atie finest material. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and Family Receipts Carefully and Accu- rately Compounded, and at Bottom Priem . Don't pass the-Plape : Centre Store, Mrs. Whitney's Block. PATENT MEDI IN", DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, N ID 3DLT—T CI-TSTS' IEIE Including E'verythin usually Kept in a First -Class Drug Store. Zi "Gut of the way, you walthen the i l flower !" e been the victim of it. , TLY mpulSe came to hiin to tempt LAKE Fl6H TOr ARRIVE SHORTLY. He laumse ahed hilf' at her manner; jSobe it. Such , he exclaimed. way purely for the girl's sake—to be a room together at donble-quick speed. I fancy I can't exist well without d counsellor to her—and this It was a wild waltz while it lasted, but 3r°111," he said, in a low tone. "I Should friend an : - for his , before they were tired the music had like to see you again, just for half an was how he had beau rewardedYes, it was a good joke, but he ceased. hour's chat, when you come from busie Pains 1 affair to Frank Amoore. Fra,4 WouldAT ' next—whatever it is," SEtia Dudley, rash.- in her eyes, and a flickering- coler "13other," said Zeph, "how soon!" I ness one everdng. May I ?" . .EJAMES MURrHY,S. MAIN STREET) SEAFORTH. , would keep it to. himself. He was ,t,r1a,d. GRAND CLEARINq SALE "Never mind—we'll go in for the She looked, up at him with surprise that he had, not said anything of the on her cheeks. iv. " Is it a bargain ?" fulfilment of Zephs's promise perplexed She was in high spirits now, and. se- for half an hour ?—only a few minutes, - ! have peen. the joke tee! dearly, - and laughed unpleasantly over it. "I don't mind," aUSWered, Zeph, very " Will you meet me," he urged, 1" this For d.ays afterward, however, the non graciously. dey week, at the corner of the etreet, as well aS vexed the man. Why did. cretly proud of her partner; though he if you like, but please come." ! - she not come, after all t She surely was not -vain enough to guess that for he did not answer at once. Meant to come when he had asked her. - • I himself. Thewprornenadecl in the ball- "You are la,ughing at me," she said., Was she afraid of him ? Did she see room with the other couples, and Zeph looking down. , laarni. in him, or fear harm to. herself ? laughed ancl liodded to lier various ae.. ' " No, I am not." i quatatances, and exchanaed ‘` ReaRY ?" Did the think he ,would ,not be therp; t. eveninas anti. how '.4! '# °do's with " Really ; I am. in, ea,rnest. Wi you or had she utterly forgotten his exist - some of the naost extraordinary Specie c°raa?" B0001:?.,13'S VAR NA. THE undersigned would respectfully intimate " •-1- to the people of Stanley and Surrounding ;Country that he has decided to run off his large Stock of Goods at Cost for the next 'swath, comprising : " Shawls, ence, or was she going out with " pasty- Breakfast Shawls, d face," or was she ill, er had. she been oft lees -men in his quiet way'—not very vain, Mufflers/ mens of maukind whom Dudley thought " Yes, I thielt I well: ," she inurreure . 0 not even; known to be a, vainlitian by his Cottons, " Very well.' friends; but the idea °conned te him , „Meetings, . 'Twice a week sometimes—always "Thank you, :?-,eph. Good. -night" she eetpeeded; .ia, more than once that it was a remark.' Gloves _ • GU a Saturday," replied Zeph. "1 me "Good -night,' a,ble thing that Zeph had no kept her , get out best ou that iht.V, of course." ! long after he had lgone Betray, pr ud. of wor . cl He was -surely u,n imptovement _tweeds, , " Why of course ?" ' his small leenquest—stioh as it Was— he had ever seen " What time ?" unavoidably detained t Be was a vain - Do, you come here very often ?" - he "Eight." asked, suddenly and, almost sadly. , over this vain, pretty, poor little work- . On the Grandison cads, for what she ' Ducks, knew he might have fallen desperately Tewelliage, 44 Because busiuess closes earliea, to be sure." girl, Zeph sat there, thinking of all that in love with her at first sight; he was a " May I ask what your business is ?" he hail said, and. all that she had. pro - "I am just out of my apprentice- =be,. i1 re1Ufl' ship to the lliuery," Zepla answer - CHAPTER II. ed, frankly. t Are you very much GARD1EN PARTY. - shocked?" Dudley Grey add his friend. "Not at all. What would theworld Amoore went away laughing from the. —" quite a charaoter," and he was fond, Grandie6n Rooms. They left, as they of .studying character-aand then she, LUIV1SDEN & WILSON, Seaforth. JANUARY 1878. — , T1 '1E- A. 1101. DOMINIONSHI PC°M P A ihnr ..1.411GEria4linligt(it, en gtedCheese,fromScae .11, to °Lilinet se rplVe tett lir Through Bills of Lading hauled for the same, at my elute in Seafortn... First Cabin Passage to Lip' etivoaryom.P60:)jariro'eeniril°8. Tilli annitiobnie Fire r BInigehurtesenucematlioimen Dollars. Applie tions for risks received at tuy ainicee'rcittnts' Marina Insurance Company, sta. , . hints,' questigned. Maxine risks accepted ,111:28NduneirattalilYiotepatoTiliratan,spForotrattiGonerryCo7spoaanyallT-Its: MA:Nsiteellieh,co:rlhaeliiidshi4Anirao.:A.rlsicoRannmth.SitGT:ArmnicanEy: Company.sitzeTriaionsd• ets issued ' at -my officio to Holland, Belgiana, West. 1 ! SEAFORTH' AGRICULTURAL WAREROPIVI,S. IF YOU TO CET THEBESTTHISTLE CUTTER POW IN THE MARKET GO T C. WILLSON'S, SEAFORTH, And ibt one made by the Massey Manufacturing .,Company. REASON)! WHY THEY ARE THE BEST : • • They are higher in the beam, they aro higher in the mould board, they are thicker in the mould Dress Goode, Prints, Winceys, 'kennels, Shirtings, 2 able. linens, Hat S and Caps, Denims, Holiands, IlOsiery, gentlantneend she was- losing a chance READY-MADE CLOTHING by not comin.g to meet 1.6. BOOTS AND SHO S, All these thoughts for two or three days, crossed by the refleotion that Zeph Ffailk was very pretty and naive and oriainal be witheut milliners ?" " Ah ! what indeed?" , came, with a jest, and Frank Am,00re, melted B.,way from the foreground of hiS "Have -you a, father toad mother ?" a good. tempered fellow in his -way, far- meditations, and he drifted slowly into "Well, yell are a eure for questions ! got speedily how long he had ben kept his own world, where, Geraldine was, . I have a father. The mother„' she welting by his friendand where he was Considered a very dead." he said. " By Jove, I never saw you name for himself one, of these fine clever fellow, who would make a added, becoming suddenly grave, "is "Von have been going it, Dudley," enter into the spirit of a thing of this days. . kind before." , An advertisement in the newspapers "it was the champagne we had at took him hick to the old thought. This dinner, Frank." was in the beginuirg of Jnne, -when he it was the pretty little WOMBM had alinost forgotten Zeph and tho, with the big eyes, you litrpoorite," cried Grandison Rooms. He read it over at- • Frank. 1 " I am orry I asked," said Dudley, very earnestly. '4 You must not mind what I say." "1 don't inuch. Still mother has not been deadi so long, tliat--" Aud here she came to a, full stop, and dashed board, they aro thoroughly ground and polished in all working parts, and haye the best c wheel, iron points on them no common metal being used in their mauufacture. This can be sat by no other makers of P1 w' s. A Full Stock of ALL KINDS OF GENERAL PURPOSE PLOWS, Also Gang Plow.? of all 'kinds, including the Port Plrry and GueVa. . Customers would do *ell to give me a call be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as the Stock must be cleared out by the first day of January, 1878, as I am giving up business in Varna.: . This is a "bona fide " sale and no humbug. COME ONE, COME ALL, , And see for yourselves, and secure Bargains. J. B. SECORD, Varna. N. B.—All indebted by either note or bOok account will please settle at once. 621 something quickly from. her eyes, tentively, and laughed. heartily at a I" This is not a bad -sized. room," Dud- " Yes-- she is pretty," said Dudley. new project which its perusal suggest,- " I tva,s interested in a quarrel between ed. Frank Ainoore entering his chanar- leY hastened to say, after an awkward silence. "No—amici they axe taldrig their places for the next dance." I " What dance is it rt "The Lancers." "0 Lord !" muttered Dudley. Still the Lancers it was, and. he fought bravely:through it, and laughed: and talked and made himself agreeable to the members of his particular set of eight, an4 e as called " oaa chap " and "mate" by ono or two friendly souls of his own sex, and clasped vigorously at “ comers " by agile young beings of the opposite sexandenjoyeehis dance with Zeph as well ae, it was possible under the circumatences. He was more in- terested, than over in, this Halo girl ; she seemed above the rest of her olass here, toe good and pretty and pure to run the gauntlet of all these grimy young Hebrews and Christian cads without gloves, these leering, howling, queer -looking beasts who called ha Za,ph—he heard half a dozen of than address her by her Christian name. "You let your favorites call you Ze4ph I pee," " Yes—wheu they know me." "Perhaps I shall be a favorite some day," he said, lightly. - " I don't think that's veryllikely," she ansa-ered, lightly too. " Why nut ?" 1 "Well, the coolness of you," she said:: "That's a. good_ one. Yon won't come here again I knew that:" "4 There's no telling What MaN, hap- pea,- was. Dudley's reply. " Iiut 1 don't think I shall coma very often." t* No, I suppose no" "I wish von did not come," Why not ?" asked the girl, very much. surprised now. "Von might do better than come here," said Dudley. You will pardon . me for sayina'-'this on so early an ac- quainta,nee ;but these rooms axe hardly a fit place for a young girl." "it's respectable—you can't say ar word. against it !" she said, indig- nantly. "There's gents here at well as you.' her and her sweetheart, and see drifted bers at that . moment, found. him on the , into conversation afterward." broad grin. "And to two dances after that. 1 "-What the deuce are you laughing shall never forget those Lancers," said art ?" he asked, unceremeniontly. Fra,nk, with a roar that aroke the echoes "Do you remember the Grandiseu of the street, '4 a d you arm. in elan. with last .april, Frank ?" AND— i ' ' • IMPLEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCH AS • 1 250,000 BUSHELS OF WHITE WHEAT •Wanted, in Shipping Lots not leas than Five Car Leeds- ' A. ARMITAGE. Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Horse Powers of all kinds, from two to ten horse power, ChU912S, Washing .Machines, Clothes Wringers, and Every Machine belonging to the business. SEWING MACHINES. - It is needlees to say anything about them as long as evety perst;n knows that Oa 4renee is , the best. Also a full stock of!all the common machines neade, eneh as the WANZER, ROYAL, OSBORNE, RAYMOND, AND SINGER. All kinds Sewing Machine Repairs, Needles and Oils always on bend. Sewing Mac hies Re- paired on the shortest notice. . • NEW YEARS PRESENTS. C ARMS'IRONG Has Opened Out at his Bookstore a 0. C. WILLSON, SEAFOR H. M AS. WHITNEY'S NEWLOCK. MRS. WHITN'AY has pleasure in informing V-1- her Oastomers and the Pablic that her new and enlarged premises are now completed, and - having very much increased facilities for eanying on her business, she is better able than ever lo give her customers every satisfaction. Herstock at STOVES AND TINWARE Is not Surpassed for Excellence or Varietyin Huron. Inspection is invited. WHAT'S THE CAUSE OF THE GREAT EXCITEMENT AMONGST THE GROCERS? SIMPLY THIS, THAT three carpenters each griiming at his "To be snree' . , Great Variety of the Follow* vis-a-vis before toming to places. It was Look here, then. Here is the °en - _Articles : a scene out of a la,y." eluding chapter of that little Comedy." "It . was dro ," remarked Dudley, Frank took the paper, from his friend's Work Boxes and Writing Desks, the Largiest thoughtfully. hands, and read: 1 Assbrtment in Town. J, " T G D sOss CrA EDEN PanTY.-s- A Stock of Albums and Easel Albums- of- the LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY BELIEVING THAT UNION IS STRENGTH, r, Have Amalgamated their Business and are Selling the BEST GOODS at Bottom Prices. COAL OIL of the Very Best Brands Always on Hand. The Trade Liberally Dealt With. EAVE TROUGHING and every other deseription of General Jobbing promptly attended to. Parties wishing to purchase Stoves or Tinware of any kind erill iind It to their Advantage to give Mrs. Whitney a call. Remeniber the New Brick Block on the Corner of Main and John Streets. " What woul the Baxeblades say ? HE RAN I exclaimed, Fran "What would Ger- Mr: Smiles begs to inform his friends aldine think of ha cavalier behaving in and patrons, that the annual garden this extraordina,ry fashion at an eight- . party of the sitbscribers to the • G-randi- penny hop ?" son Rooms, Frisk Street, Soho, is fixed "Sime would laugh at all eccentrici- : for the lOth inst., at Keston Common, ties." " Then I may tell herpud ?" " Certainly you may." But Frauk Antoore did not , mention ing 'light of the season,. For tickets atul their adveuture , when the twoyoung full particulars apply to the principal, 1 men arrived at the residence of the . at the rooms; from 7 till 10 P. M." , Dowager - Countess Baxeblades, and ` 1" What a wind-up to the festivities of 1 Dudley seemed quickly to forget it in • Frisk Street, Dudley ?" said Frank., the fa,scieations of high -bred women "Fancy meeting all those people in the near Bromley. .A, ball. will take plaoe in the Graudison Boons on. the evening - of the saanetda,y, and form the conclud- • t and the excitereent of a, SOilve scinte, broad da,ylight I 11 very best quality and styles. A Very Fine Lot of Whatnots, Brighton Cask- ets, Reticules and Ladies' Companions, &c. In Dolls .both Wax and China, the Fineet As- k; B, 0 Blocks, Building Blielts, and • Toys in sortm eat. great variety. Why, every b dy goes to Arm- strong'S for To, s. In other Goods such as Blarik Books, Note Papers,Violins, Concertinas, Miscellnn.eoue Books ami Novels, Bibles, Catholic Prayer Books. Window Blinds and Wall Paper, a very beige Stock. Flom Goods, &e., in groat variety. Caetadien Almanac for 1878 for sale—Price, 16 centre Subscriptions received for all Papers and OUR STOCK OF TEAS IS ONE OF THE LARGEST IN THIS TOWN, And has been purchased in New York, Montreal, and Toronto Markets at Lowest Cash prices, and Customers buying Teas from ne can rely on getting value for their money. Prices range frora 30 cents to 75 cents per pound. '''SUGARS ALL GRADES. TkIAT HUSBAND OF ME" Buys all his Machinery from I MURPHY, SEAFORTH, AVHO has pleasure .in announcing to the " farming community of Huron that he iff. still stalling the very best . Sewing Machines, Agricultural Ri- plerrbents, and kasical Instru- m,enta, Mr. Murphy's favorite machine is the Singer, which is the best in the market, having carried off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions.' ' . Farmers wishing to purchase any of the above would consult their own interests by applying to Mr.,Murphy first, as he can do better for th.ene than any other in the trade. Sewing Machine and other repairs always en hand at his warerooms, Goderich street. L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 11 pounds Bright Sugar for $L Pure Demerit Sugar, Imported Direct from Liverpool. 1 , - Valencia Retsina, off stalk, the beet in the market— call and see them. Layer Retsina!, Sieleeted Loose.Museatel Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Blue Basket Raisins Bleck Basket Raisins, Twl Crown /Sleben Raisins, Sultana Rateins, Currants new and cleaned titifor nse. Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Extracts, Spices—Fresh and Pure, no Adniteration—br. Price's Celebrated Baking Powder. Sauces Jams and Jolliet'. I Our Stock of FAMILY GROCERIES we guarantee equal to any, and superior to the recast in the market. All we ask from intending purchasers is to call at d examine our Stock and convince them- selves that what we say is correct. , . FLOUR, FEED AND PROVISIONS, ALSO . MILL FEED, Of all kinds kept constantly in Stock. Orders left with us will receive our personal aaention, and be delivered 'promptly and free of charge. i t _ 1 LAIDLA.W *is/ yAIRLEY SEAFOOH. ' The Old Established Cash Grocery, next door South of the Post Office. Magazines at ARMSTRONG'S BOOKSTORE -with more champaane su per. He "1 could, not fancy -that tat all," re - forgot his promise ..tt'o meet thie Zeph, on- plied Dudley the following Tuesday—possibly foraot ' [To BE CONTINUED.] Zepla altogether. l'at all events, lie tdia not tell Frank how far his flirtation had - A Turk's Opinion. of Dioltene. extended, and Frisk Street to the The following critique, in handevrit- younger man lay a long way off next ing of a Mohammedan gentleman, the day, and wa,s as remote as the antipodes late owner of the voluble, was found on by that day week. ; the last page of a, copy of "David And Dudley Grey? WelleWhen Tues- Copperfield": "1 ani surprised. that t lhis day came, he remembered his appoint- books author, -being the cordposer of ment ; he thought &bout it ert the club, many oth.er novels, has got such style at his chambers in Clement's Inn, at without taste. Though its style is the hospital where Frank w surgeon, end- where he cal Frank that morning, as scarce with him, but wher mentioned the name of the upon his mind, despite the that he made to shake her his olub again after diner even more, and this time the situation, shrugging his the idea which troubled. • °I don't mean her any h kriows.—I wouldn't do her a s resident very regularly made, yet the mind of ed to .see the reader is never willing to see even a, riefs were - page thoroughly. It seems to me that he never! its anther wa,s not an intelligible. Those lthat was difficulties which I suffered during the ain't efforts course of the study of this idle book -elm it. At can't express them. 'Sometimes the e thought wretched autlak tries to -vvrite and de- eriottsly, of liver some orlition yet maidenly he houlders at falls in a pit of dull;aess, In shortethis book is quite unpleasing to the heart , Heaven of the glowing min d. Let the reader see y harm for and confess my observation. I 518 THE .SEA.FORTH • , INtURANCI :1:1!I :LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG JS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stook, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on - THE MOST , FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for Wesel of the best Loan Sects- - Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR, SALE. $50,000 to Loon at S Per Cent. nterent. Ageut for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. TIFI COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH. ARTHUR "'FORBES, H&SUNG purchased the Stock and Trade of the -tea- Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley) begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand, and has added: several valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large !dock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles awl, Good I Reliable Horses Will be Kept. covertui and Open Buggies and Otirriages, and Double and SingleWagons always ready foruse. Special Arrangements Made With Com. 7rtercia/ Men. ; Osders left at the stables or any of the hotels promitly atttended to. CLINTON—LOOK OUT FOR THE NEW SIGN. CUNNINGHAM & MKENHEAD-, 'CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Girra HAVING PLTRCEIASED A LARGE LOT OF I TOY'S ..A.1\TD. p&isrcrY ct-093is AT A RECENT TRADE AUCTION SALE IN T0R0N910, 1 We are now opening them out, and will be sold off at extraordinary low prices during the Holidays. Tin Toys, Whistles, Tops,Clarts, China Toys, Mugs, Vases, Children's Kuives and 'Perkin Dolls, and all such Goods, else Plated Spoons, Knives and Forks, Batter _Coolers, anuet Stands, Pickle Stands, Cake Baskets, Card IReceiver, Watchee, Clocks, and a GREA.T VARIE,TY OF NICE GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE COMING SEASON, AND ALL WILL BE RUN OFF CHEAP." 1 ALSO A GREAT CLEARING SALE OF JE14ELRY. In this department we have far too large a Stock for hard times, and prepose for the next two w eeks to give every one an opportunity of buying what they require either for their 'own use or for presentations, at the following reductions : 15 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON WATCHES. 1 I ' t 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH SALES. ' Of Gold, Plated, Black, or any other Kind Of Jewelry in all branches. Brooches, Ear Rings, Sets, Cuff Bntton Est Snide, Finger Rings, Watch Chains, Charms, Lockets, &c. An Early Inspection is Invited, so Call if only Five Cents .worth or One. Dollars' worth, is wanted, at - HICKSON & BLEASDELL'S DRUG STOREt SEAFORTH.I HAVE YOU' EEN THAT SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OFiMAS PRESEilTS Mrs. Whitney's Block, Main Street, 628.8 SeatOfth. ZURICH AND EXETER FLOURING AND CRITING MILLS - THE un idersigned has pleasure in announcing to the people of Zurich and "Vicinity that his Flouring mill is in better running order than ever belore. Gristing premptly attended to. His new, Flouring mill in Exeter north is now finished and; working splendidly. At this mill, also, Gristing1 and custom work will also receive the closest attention. He ha e also in his Lumber Yard, at Zurich, about 500,000 feet, all sized, at from $3 to $6 per thousand. Dry Rock Elm Lumber from $10 to $12 per lhousand. WILLIAM- FENWICK. - MARRIAGE LICENCES OK CEKTIFICA„TES, Under the new Act,) issued at the ' EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor Ou trio. Grocers, Clinton, HAvs jlast received a very fine Stook of New and Fresh Groceries of every trantriptior, which are cheaper than the cheapest. A Fresh supply of Teas twit received from New York. The best value for the least money. A -very nice stook of Crockery and Glassware, which is well deserving of the attention of pur- chasers. . 1 All kinds of produee taken in exchange as cash. 511 CUNNINGHAM & AIKENEEAD. AT PAPSTYS BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH', 1 1 . riONSISTING of Presentation Books, juvenile's Toy Books; Albums, (Easel, Ruetice and Autoz ‘-' graph,) Scrap Books, Biblea in Russia and Morocco bindings, Prayer Books, HYmn and Psalm Books, PursessWriting Desks, Fancy Ink Stands, Steroscopes and 'Views, Vases, Toilet Sets, Motto Cups and Fancy Chromos, Mottoes, Rustic and Velvet Frames, Gilt Figuxes, Portmoniae, Alice Bags, Card Oases, Silk Book Marks, 1 01wistmas, New Yews, and Birthday Cards—a Large Assottrnent. Alsol - a Large Variety of Childiren's Toys, ikc. - , , RENLEMBER THE PLACE, - C. W. PAPVT, SEAFORTH, TWO DOORS SOUTH OF THE BANK, \TOTIOM Tb GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A S T EY occupy the attention of all, these 1-3"' bind times, the subscriber is determined to meet them by offering good. burn Hemlock, "not, usually sold for inch," at the following rates 12 foot Hemlock. at $6 50 per thottsand ; 14foot Fencing, at 7, for Cash. AU orders over 4,000 5 per cent. discount. Call and see if you don't get what is represented. t Book Accotmts over 8 months will be charged $ per cent. 1The subsisriber thanks his numerous customers icir their liberal supportsand solicits a cantina - amen of their favors. JOHN TKO/JEPSON. 438 Steam Saw Mills, Maillop. BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS now prepared to supply all easterners with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Ce,sh. These Tubs are so well and favorably known to the trade that it is rtnnecesoary to say anything in their recommen- dation. 'MR. TROTT also manufactures a small Herds wood Tub, suitable for wafthing butter in. Orders by niail or otherwise promptly attend - ea to. 496 S. TROTT, Seafosth. R. N. BRETT, SEAPORTS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stook kept: Term/ moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly Alla. 490 B. N. BitETT t • A:tan bd.-acted. byallg. In 1854 a, young fellow of -Tuba Was missing fro Bornean villages. His p fear that some terrible ace fallen him, and -concluded the mystery. Having selves, they accordingly st down the river a short t lost. On_ the fifth day the., days without finding any •searwhiocbhe, donthr,exhimttlatieonj, Sakarang River, where e them went in bathing. one of the number fortuna e ed. some clothing on the ie pr that of their missing frien saindae tithelaysh- theortsswuTrpaitaa, h carried with him. A iatk party heard. a voice, and they:set out in search. a narrow ravine whieh iea the river, scanning every no searching under coverts o dead, fallen branches, 3mr1 They were on the point te their steps when tb.ey ag voice. It was the voice Atf strange salt may appear, 44 discovered high in a tree large ourang outangwas 'Is 4 rifle shot brought the groimd, where they finis knives. Then the youn down. and toia the story o adventure. He had been he said, and. bile in the gone into the water of th bathe. On returning' to ti dress, he was seized by t lel ourang outang, who rtia h.er into the ravine. Th thewo was foothefoar cotefha ae ttsoll That-rszaesee.sneva: found. himself a prisoner lodgings. Day after &a 1 tphiyhaereg, tIl3aien,ouwira,tiahg-ofruetaitiagh tables, and even bringing la a cocoa -nut. A Romaxic.eparoftnitheenTttil Posted conspicuouely :5110 riders of the Interior Depar .following notice: "There are no vacancies in 1 ti Applicants eannot be seen s Ap ing will be received and rdaoed it tird.2t' oallhe attention° derk, who was slowing giving me lessons in civil to thid notice, and remar ttl suppose this is saio h D.Vt,o deceive the people, ktt‘ Yes, -it serves tlae pmn ing epplieants.to 'balite was originally got up fox one person alone. - The lal notice is somewhat roma be a. good subject fora' urged. him to give which he aia in nearly langu" Some years ago ther ocifetrhkeobcueunpaiyinngg,. aHtleskewiia less in his character,fon he loved an adventure loved. -wine, whith is sa One day a young girl, w. aged. about 16, entered asked if he was the Sea terior. He ROM at a g a wasaswhatsheplertiinded Ge wondering o the Secretary, determi about it, and:promptly affirmative. She, ther that she hall receutly phial, and among stra, father's estate, which wa, before the war, had been and that she was Tenuile to support herself, ucation and wrote a fs, ing that situations in Were frequently filled b determinell to apply for o " The clerk ascertai no backing, but that in mind. had come here such thing was necess fore, decidell upoe a famous in design and sequences, Still earree he was Secretary, he stopping place, and.te her application, and et;.:1 inform her of the Testa tioned her on some against talking with ot ject of her business. thine appointed, and there were no vacaucie vised her to take lode and wait, prortheing he when a vacancy occurr advice and the result a agined. It was the ole, course, she nevergot th ised, but was :put off fr and month to montii o texts until finally bye, istration, he lost his o " Overwhehned by sition, and. the tonsci farny of his -conduct girl, heshrankfroin te and fearing the conseq should become know conceal hit- crime by tion„ To this end. he telling her that he celled. to Europe on connected. With 33.is tle he had left orders to h her as soon as a vacan in the meantime she whether a situatien w looking at the notice p in the department. - several topics of Triuted and surrepti up. "Pilled with grief parture, and filled. w impending evil, she w the departtn,ent on h. connoisanee. She s overcome -with despo first time, ventured structions she had re • the office where she eeiver, mouths before, the -Secretary of the shown to his room, e secret taine out. T office filen the kind- revealegthe truth can Suffice it to Bay that from that room tatterl sad health. The Se her immediate ne the attention of some to her ease. Fer we ing on the brink of brain fever, and wh mind was gone and h 4; I 4 414