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The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-04, Page 7
A_NUARY: 4, 1878. Dula Wera Assort r.. ttii ly call the a OHEW1OAL8, FUS IBR1, ST`` ,I first -Class Drurg Store. stock of Ladies' and t enis'Tollet 1 Shoving Brushes, Circulars BSA Valuate and Preston Bottles, Pu - Tooyk Pastes and Powders,. Soto. me Juice, and Glycerine, Lubin's ]'reparations Of the day, suck as e- German.. Syrup. Quinine Wine feeler`s Elixir. .dyer's Preparation$, F. g from us may depend on having he n est material: lit neceipte Carefully and J Accra- Seaforth. WAREROO-S E CUTTER PLOW SEAFORTE ung Company. THE BEST : hey are thicker in the mould 's, and have the best ear wheel, lure. This cann be said by no DSE PLOWS, rt Perry and Guelph. i, SUCH AS Il knds, -,from two to Clothes Wringers, and knows that the Florence is the AND SINGE&, band. Sewing Machines Re- NSEAFORTH. Crockery and Glassware ever DNE TEA SETS, i sETS.. au' stook before . purchasing - r Lamps, and Lamp . (1.6% ries for Cash. t Market for Cash, we and in. er Hamilton. `CED. & YOUNG. R1STMAS FRUIT h. CheEt.r. wall �, V U can tion. Made only and China. nd wears, longer. Istmas Presents. MALL PROFITS. DRY_. . . $225 225 ........... 275 150 200 225 .... Front, Grate Lars, . ..-. 450 96 40 ......•.... .... 70 .... - ........ ,... 80 kp. 1,1W Maul ? er 1proveel-T` "J. yrs, Mills, &e.,proreptly ,tC COMPANYI. O. tamers for their kind gst thein, and kindly ruga andaiaefl Selected' k fall assortment •of e best in the Cc%rvity. ry, Glassware, Lamps Hams, in fact every-, alash or farm produce k, previous years, rynnts will be put into a ON EASY 'ELMS. the best loan societies Germ of from; three to bent your life insured [•c'f the best Life In- nciples. Don't for- '!egraph Office:iu con- i - JANUARY 4, 1$ 8. THE HU1ON EXPOSITOR. Commander Jamie. There lived in a Scotch yillage a very little boy, Jamie by name, f who set his heart on being a sailor. : His mother loved him dearly, and the thought of giving him up vexed her,exceedingly; but he showed such an anxiety to go and see the distant countries which he had read about, that 'she family con.. seated, As the boy left home the good woman said to him, " Wherever you are Jamie, whether on sea or land, nev- er forget to acknowledge your God. Promise me that you will kneel down every night and morning, and say your prayers no matter whether the sailors laugh at you or not." "-Mother, I promise, you'I will," said .Jamie, and soon he Was on shipboard, bound for India. They had a good cap- tain, and as some of the sailors were re- ligious men, no one laughed atthe boy when he kneeled down topray. On the return voyage, things were not quite so pleasant. Some of the sailors having run away, their places were supplied by others, '.and one of these proved a very bad fellow. When he saw little Jamie kneeling down to say his prayers, this sailor went wicked up to him, and with a sound box on the ear, said in a very .decided tone, '• None of that here, sir," Another seaman who saw this, al- though he swore sometimes, was indig- nant that the child should be so cruelly treated, and told the bully ' to come up on deck, and he would give him . a thrashing. The challenge 'was accept- ed, and the well deserved beating was duly bestowed. Both then- returned to the cabin, and the swearing man said, " Now, 'Jamie, say your prayers, and if he dares to touch you, I will give him another dressing. The next night the devil tempted Jamie to do a foolish thing.' He does not like to have anyone say his prayers, or to do right in any way : so he put it into the little boy's mind. that it was quite unnecessary for him to be creat- ing such a disturbance in the ship when it could easily be avoided, if he would only say his prayers quietly in his ham- mock, so that nobody would observe it. Now, see how little he gained by this cLowardly proceeding. The moment that the friendly sailor saw Arnie get into his hammock without first kneel- ing, down to pray, he hurried to the ;spot, and dragging him out by the neck, he said: "Kneel down at once sir. Do you think I A,m going to fight for you, and you not say your prayers, you young rascal?" During the whole of the voyage back to London, this reckless, profane sailor, watched over the boy as if he had been his father, and every night saw that he kneeled down and said his prayers. Jamie soon began to be industrious, and studied his books. He learned all about ropes and rigging, and when he became old enough, about taking lati- tude and longitude. Several years ago the largest steamer ever built called the " Great Eastern," was launched on the ocean, and carried the famous cable across the Atlantic. A very reliable ex- perienced captain was chosen for this important undertaking, and who should it be but little Jamie, of whom I have been telling `you. When the " Great Eastern " returned to England, after this successful voyage, Queen Victoria bestowed on him the honor of knight- hood, and the world now knows him as Sir James Anderson.—The King's Derry -boat. Tell -Tale Blotting Paper. Beware of white blotting -paper, you who are visiting in country houses, and remember the disagreeable incident which occurred last winter, when one of the visitors discovered in her blotting book the impression of a letter written by another of the guests to his fair in- amorata, in London. The letter was to explain that he was going to make an excuse to his -host for leaving the party, and that he would join his love in Lon- don. Instead of destroying this piece of evidence, the lady took it to the drawing -room, read: it aloud for - the benefit of the company, and submitted it to their eager and curious gaze. There was the writing, sure enough, as legible as though the blotting -paper had been used as copyist. This incident led to awkward consequences. Another and similar case occurred a week or two ago, in which secrets - were made public owing to the trace of 'them be- ing left on white blotting paper in a country house. A Little Mixed. " Man, Peter," said a Scotch quack doctor to his apprentice, " ye maun aye be awfu' cautious in pharmacy. Even I ante made air' terrible - mistake. I was attending Mrs. Kittlebody, wha was sair fashed wi' tickdolaroo, an' I was ca'd upon by John N:'Fikeit, wha's croon was sae thin o' hair as weal as sense that he was ashamed o't, especially as he was eoortin' a strappin' young widow that had a fine public -hoose ; an' I mixed up baith potions at the same time, an' losh sake man, I happened tae g e then; ilk ither's medicine ; so puir John, rubbing Mrs. Kittlebody's pre- paration for her tickdolaroo on the top o' his head, declares he's had a bee in his bonnet ever since ; an' Mrs. Kittle- bo1y, ;-dubbin her jaws wi' the ointment intended for John's bald pow, in legs than a fortnight had a pair o' whiskers the envy o' a' the young risen o' the vil- lage, • 1°. B. P. Shillaber alias Mrs. Partington. Precisely how "Mrs. Partington " (Mr. B. P. Shillaber) came to originate those quaint sayings in the Boston Post is thus told by the author : " Her first innocently wise saying was - inspired by a remark of one of the newspaper men, on a night when a steamer from Eng- land had brought news of an advance in breadstuffs, who said he did not care, as he bought his flour by the half -dollar's worth." Mrs. Par- tington was then made to say, in the little paragraph that 1-YIr. Shillaber wrote, that it .made "no difference to her whether flour was dear or cheap, as she always paid just so much for half a dollar's worth." This was copied the next day, and the inducement was thus offered to try again. This meeting with like success, they were kept on until Mrs. P., as she expressed it, had at: tamed a "momentum " she could not check. Mr. Shillaber adds :— " Mrs. Partington was . an entire- ly original ereation,for I had never seen The Rivals acted, nor read it, and though I knew, from extracts in comic compilations, of Mrs. Malaprop's exist- ence and character, it moved no pulse of my ambition • The real inspiration which prompted the effort to oOnti ue the Partington says ngs, when the idea took positive ;form, was the constant hearing of expressions , by very excel- lent people, that seemed t.00 funny to be allowed to pass into for;; etfu:ness— queer errors„ inadvertently anade and v otherwise." In Whom Sh e. Put Her Trust. Shortly since, in a fishing -village, the inhabitants of which are very ;poorly educated, a minister was visiting his flopk. One •family he visited consisted of two persona, mother and • daghter. The latter was engaged - to be harried to a John Perbladdy, a fisherman. Among other - questions, the minister asked the daughter in whom she put her trust. ' Toots, sir,' said. she, ' you needna be jokiri' wi' me that way, hough the neebours dae't.' The divine ooked astonished, but continued,' come, ;come, Effie, tell me. in "whom you put your trust.' ' Gae wa', sir, gas wa' ;• yer jist jokir}' wi me,' she repeated. The min- ister was at his wits' end. 'Effie,' he ,said, ' you must answer me seriously.. fIn 'whom do you put your trust ?' 'Wegl, ir,' said she ' .gin you wttl hae't ye shall ae't. 1 pit my trust in Johnny Pe laddy, an' I hope he'll ne'er deceive p.ie.' I Addressing Letters. It was a very pertinent remark made by an attendant who was conducting a party over the dead letter office, - He said it was a pity the school children of the land could not be permitted to lock into the dead letter office in a body, to impress upon them the necessity of all- wa s directing letters in full to the n ie of the person addressed, the town, con zty and State, and signing the writer's name,, with his address, in the inside, instead of " Your affectionate Thomas" or " Susan." If this very useful sug- gestion could be tacked to the Multi- plication table, and drilled into the chil- dren with as much vigor, it would save a vast deal of annoyance and trouble lin after life. • —The newest way to collect old debts was illustrated a short time "ago by a clergyman of the English r church. Hey --the vicar of Kirk-Oswald—kept la funeral procession standing in the, rain in the grave -yard until his claim was satisfied. The claimwas for 1 £I2 11s.; 10A. of,this was for burial fees for the faer .of the deceased person, and £i 10s; was for payment of an overcharge which he ;alleged the brother of the widpw of the deceased had made upon him in the purchase of some bitter. However, this time the parties pl4uckel up courage and sued the vicar fcr illegal exaction, and he was glad. to set- tle by repaying the £2, and £5 in:addi- tion, as damages. • CUT TIIIS OUT. It May Save )(our Life.—There is no person livings but what suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds, or Consimap tion, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. Boschee's German syrup has lately been intrd- duced into this country from Germany, and its wondrous cures astonish ev- ery .one that tries it. If you doubt what we say in _print, cut this out and take it to your druggist, and get a sample bot', tle for 10 cents and try it, or a regular size for. 75 cents. EPPs's C000A.—Grateful and comforti- ing.--" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera,- tions pera=tions of digestion and nntrition,.and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills; It is by the judicious use of such article4 of diet that a constitution may be grad; . ually built up until strong enough to re; silt every tendency to disease. dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there isb a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with. . pure blood, and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser vice Gcjzette. Sold only in packets label- led—" bel -led—" James Epps. & Co., Homceo0,th_ is Chemists,' 48, Threadneedle Street, and. 17p, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 BUFFALO ROBES. Arrived this' Week, Several Bales of tliiose Choice Bt ©a10 Robes from Fort 'Benton, spoken of last week, nue to hand,. and will be sold Cheap. The Best Value in Ilobes nt Duncan eV, Duncan's, and a La.rgc Stock to pick, from. D.UNCAN & DUNCAN. • - I MARRIAGE LICENCES 1011. CEILTIF1CAT1I , - E (Under the new Aet,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant-Govtr for On Elio. 1. THE SEAORTH BOILER WORKS. YOUNG & LAHEY ARE Prepared to take Orders for Boilers, Smoke Stacks, Stine, Tanks, and Sheet Iron Work of all descriptions. Repairs done on the Shortest Notice,, and% at the Lowest Possible Prices. YOUNG & LAHEY, 523x13. Seaforth, Ont. ZURICH AND EXETER FLOURING AND ORISTINC MILLS THE undersigned has pleasure in announcing to the people of Zurich and Vicinity that his Flouring mill is in better running order than ever before. Gristing prcmptly attended to. His new, Flouring mill in Exeter north is now finished and working splendidly. At this mill, also, Grit ting and custom work will also receive the closest attention. He has also in his Lumber Yard, at Zurich, abont_500,000 foot, all sized, at from $3 to $6 per thousand. Dry Rook Elm Lumber from $10 to $12 per thousand. 618 - WILLIAM FENWICK. WMBER FOR R SALE HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, AU Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY DaILL, IN McRILf OP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where ell kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, 13010Yd 30100 HARDWARE HARDWAKL 0 r, 0 c 0 wri0 .rt `Sll3H.LO118 -NOSNHOP au O 0 O ; . t 1 fl r - 0 , .x Z m z O 2 2 0 0 ui 2 O c m Ir 9, • 0 0 0 P 2 - o O 3 fn 0 CD m. m e O � CO X a 0C m 0 a a < 3 0 z i ▪ m r r 0 a i 0 .3 m o r 11' 0z Q 00 m r _m o z •.� O 'v m X g ▪ v cn m r - 17 0 A -1 1 _.< ✓ 3 m ✓ . 0 kq • SEAFQRTH' MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ERI U M. SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. THE EMERSON PIANO Is still taking its place with the very best Instru- monts in the 'United States and Canada, and is sold by us at flour $50 T $100 LESS PRICE. WA1U ANTED FOR 7 YEARS. We have aLo Just Received a Fresh Lot of the ' j Celebrated ' CLOUdH & WARREN ORGANS. As these Beautiful Instruments are so well known, we need say little about them, as every- one knows What they are. ALSO ONE DOZEN OF THE OOMINIO ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS,' Will e, to hand in a day or two. From th Western Advertiser and Weekly Liberal. - " GRAND ORGAN.—We had the -pleasure, in company with a very respectable number of citi- zees, including a couple of ministers, of listening to an organ recital by Mr. E Plummer, organist of Dundas street Centre Methodist Church. The instrument used on the ocee;sion was bniltby the Dominion Organ Company, of Bowmanville, and was one of the finest of the magnificent church organs turned out from that establishment. It was a five octave instrument, with two banks of keys, 13 sets'ot reeds and 22 ctopa. No pains or expense appears to have been spared in the con- struction of this organ to snake it in the highest degree artistic and beautiful in appearance, and exgniaitein its ' varied combinations of melody, from notes of reolian delicacy and sweetness to the impetuous and profound tones of the water- fall or the rumbling of distant thunder. The selections for the occasion were classical pieces by the best authors, and sh'o wed the scope of the instrument to excellent advantage. This par- ticular organ was built to fill Ian order for Aus- tralia, and will unquestionably be an acquisition, to the church where it may be made to assist in the service of song, and will add in no small de- gree to the already enviable reputation of the Dominion Organ Company."—Oct. 5, 1877. Other 'Pianos, and Organs supplied on Short Notice. . THE TRADE SUPPLIED. SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. SALE OF TOWN LOTS NEW SURVEY OF THE GOUINLOCK ESTATE 175 BUILDING SITES FOR. SALE, AND WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP. RANGING IN SIZE FROM ONE- FIFT.H OF AN ACRE TO FOUR ACRES. - Some of these lots are the most desirable for residences of any in Seaforth. SPECIAL TERMS TO THOSE WANTING TO BUILD. Apply at the Offices of COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, Or J. H. BENSON, Esq., 516 Solicitor, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE. GOLDEN- LION. 1877-8. 1877-B. SAMZESON, SE-AFOR,T E1. Received this Week, Another Lot of our Famous O Cent Dress Goods. A VERY SUPERAR LINE OF VELVETEENS IN BLACK, SEAL BROWN AND NAVY BLUE. j CASHMERES IN ! SEAL BROWN, MYRTLE GREEN NAVY BLUE, PRUNE, DRAB, AND BLACK. BLACK LUSTRES FROM 121 TO 75 CENTS PER YARD. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SAY ANYTHING IN FAVOR , OF OUR BLACK LUSTRES, AS THEY ARE VERY WIDELY AND VERY FAVOR- ABLY KNOWN. - HA WLS—OUR STOCK IS STILL VERY WELL ASSORTED, ALTHOUGH OUR SALES THIS SEASON HAVE BEEN LARGER THAN EVEit BEFORE. TWEEDS AND COATINGS—VERY GOOD VALUE AND VERY GOOD FITS GUARANTEED TO ALL WHO MAY GIVE US AN ORDER IN THAT DEPARTMENT. UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, BRACES, SOCKS, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE GOLDEN LION. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES TO HAND THIS WEEK : CURRANTS, RAIS- INS, LEMON AND ORANGE PEELS. &c. ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT TRIED OUR 50 -CENT TEA HAS MISSED IT SO FAR, BUT WE HAVE STILL SOME OF IT ON HAND. JUST CALL AT THE GOLDEN LION AND TRY NOT ONLY OUR TEAS, BUT ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY WANT IN DRY GOODS, GRO- CERIES, &c. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. R. iJ.A.MIESON, Seaforth. JUST RECEIVED AT THE 999. A FRESH STOCK OF 0 GLASSWARE AND STONEWARE, CRIOKERY AND LAMP GOODS, VERY CHOICE -DESIGNS AND VERY CklEAP. The Best Value in Town in Teas, Sugars, Tobaccos, Cofees, Spices,' Canned Fruits and Meats at the Three Nines. Layer Raisins, Valencia, .11uscabel, Sultanna, and Seedless Raisins, very low at the Three Nines. Codlfish, Bacon, Hams, Lard, ckc., always to be had at the Three Nines. Orchard Grass, for Fall Sowing, at the Three Nines. Flour and Feed of all kinds constantly on hand at the Three Nines, op- posite the Commercial .Hotel, Seaforth. - FREE DELIVERY. A. W. SPARLING. BUST OP 3IT EJD. JAMES • SPARLI NG & CO., SEAFORTH, Have Just Opened in Ault's Old Stand, Goderich Street, with a NEW STOCK 'OF CHOICE GROCERIES, whish have been Bought Very Low for .Cash. THEY ARE DETERMINED TO SELL AT A SMALL PROFIT. Give us a Call Before Purchasing your Christmas Groceries. PRODUCE TAKEN . IN PXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. JAMES SPARLING & Co., Seaforth. THERE I§ N WHEN IT jIS MADE UP INFO G- O O I) HARNESS_ - - SEAFORTH. i , Where you will find alt Kinds of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. THING LIKE LEATHER SUCH AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth, WILSON'S The Great Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c., and all Diseases of the Bronchial Tubes or Lungs. WILD Gives Instant Relief in the Most Severe Cases, and never fails. Those who try it once always recommend it to their friends, and in ,this way the sale leas become immense. CHERRY. Sold by LUMSDEN & WILSON, Seaforth, at 25c., 50o., and $L 522 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his nmerone customers for the liberalpatronage ex ndedto him since commendin business in Seaf rth and d trusts that he maybe favored with a cor4tinnana of the same. - Parties intending to build wonld do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep oz hand a arge stock of allkinds of - DRY PINE ,LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, LAVH, ETC.. He feels confident of givingsatisfactioz to those who may favour him with theirpatronage; ae none butfirst-class workmen areemployed. 1 Particularattention paid toCustom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. cA-v-T=o iv _ EACH PLUG OF THE ▪ MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO," 1S STAMPED T cS 33 IN GILT LETTERS. ' NONE OTHER IS GENUINE. Hamilton, Sept. 23, 1877. 514-13 EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks hib Tumorous oustomers(merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in She future. Saving- greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, - Main Street, Seaforth. Vitapted by the snbscriber25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. D. D. WILSON.. NEW BERLIN WOOLS, NEW BERLIN WOOLS, NEW BERLIN WOOLS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S. A7' MISS WRIGHT'S. AT J2ISS WRJGHT'S. NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, MAIN STREET; SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. D 02 r 0 0 1- IL 0 0 WM. ROBERTSON & C SEAFORTH, r 0 0)) W c `J O C!) m 11 0 .Amis ad,noaio C N SOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF SKATES : Acme, Blarney & Berry's All C1amb, Ii5e ging and Club, &C. ► &c. ' SLEIGH' BELLS Neck, Back, Body, &c. Open, COW CHAINS Open, Close, Ring, and Wal- : ton. AXES • - Burrel's, Warnock's, and the Welland Vale. - CI?OSS-CUT SAWS All The Lance Tooth, Improved Champion, Tuttle Tooth and Lightning, of which' they .will sell for less ever o„ Bred Seaforth before. money than REMEMBER That we have Moved to our NEW PREMISES ast Side Main Street DON'T FAIL TO CALL. IVM. ROBERTSON & Co. THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & ABELL, PROBRIETORS. - OFFICE and Stables on Market Street, second ,door irom1M4in. Neat, Stylish Carriages and Buggies, and Good Reliable Horses always on hand, Orders left at the Commercial Hotel, S forth, sa- or at the •office will be promptly attended _ COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, tom. 50 i 417 Beatarth THE GREATEST WONDER Olt' MOD- ERN TIMES. . The Pills Purify the Blood, correct sal disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Lege, Old Wounds, Sores and 'Oleere of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK C0UN.. TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under thenameof "Hol- loway's & Co.," Curran, & Co,, also by the M. eine Company an assumed —Again o n e 01 New York; by J. F. Henry, Druggists, a n d tropolitan Medi of New York,with trade mark, thus: Joseph Haydock, likewise passesoff counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway d Co„ having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New ork, are agents for the same. These persons, the better o deceive you, nn - blushingly caution the public lin the small books of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious l imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits, Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very '.ox prices and sell them to the pt.blic in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointme t. I most earnestly sud respee felly appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally' of British North. America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on tlhestx P aad.Boxes<. Iftl,e address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loudon, they are Counterfeits, Each Pot and Box o1 the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "Honnowe''s PILL' AND OINTMENT Lennox," engraved; thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OxroRn STREET, Loxnore,where alone they ere manufactured. its Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of my genuine make, eha1 ? ,n communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their mimes never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan. 1, 1877. 477 KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUIiDING _ ARDWARE _ 3 Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special Inducements to Cash and .Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD` AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST .FRIEND, W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, - 10ZEGS to acquaint bis many friends and custo- mers thathe has removed two doors north of his oldMistand, intyi&s Block, where he has s stock equal to :any in tho business, and at the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing done on theshortest notice. A good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and all other such articles required 'cpnatantl on hand. ur Rememoer yoold Friend. Sign of he Scotch Collar. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended asi an unfailing cure for. Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as •A se- quence of ,Self abase, ore - , -- Vas Loss of Memory, or • '! I* Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Agea and many other diseases that leads to Insanity, or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of Which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Patk of nature and over indulgence. Tho Speei1% Medicine is theresult of a life study and Many years of ex- perience in treating these specijrl diseases. Pam- - phlet free by mail. Tho Speoifid Mledicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, orwill bo sent by maih on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLT.M GRAY & CO.,:` Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seafortli by E. Hickson & Co., d S. Roberts, R. Lumsdenfand all druggist merchants. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA'. CAPITA L - - 3 $ 4.0a0i.fl€>t0. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1883; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1814. SEA.FORTH BItA11 CHx DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTB , drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bulls of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Eingdom. INTEREST PAID ON ` DEPOSITS. 411 M. P. HAY ES, MANAGER SAW- LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Pricefor SAW LOGS OF ALL. KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom Sawing attended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other mill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, outlet the very owest market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE.