The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-04, Page 47
4NUAny 4
ADVFRT1SFME distance' i
p; ollis, had. 9, narrew es�c
XTS. mists, and the lou� liecessairy -preparation
fro m the con., a iucessan�t squealing. The I d no," exclaimed the girl, I am afraid uiy. That she will not be allowed r e from do 11 all j the I
&I (in theit Cbriatmas--aloe
of civilized Butopeau lifee has gAV6 the n remov *in t4e you wi Butit is-notloaded, t( e terins of the TI of by a, horse runnin 1 di dr spend
ventences; Pao to
cheese land ii kill me violate h for e I
11rattime. he day was very ple&B,,,tl tOrY Mecting—A.. Hally. cloth baby boy wa discovered. On! fooli ill child; look- here," And -instantly, Faris�, Austria as plainly given her to bin). along the gra ind..
out 6H thany of the little AM
Servant anted, iorations Y,
icip �Xrs-W, F. Cai�pbell. the basket was'pin d a ticket,, a#- he p)iuted the rovolver at big head, and understand. —Mr. Will. BaUersh had in Strat- Spent.
of modern -campaig —Miss Alinie Smith
an., nniliai SO tk&t- Men noun e whercab tits of the fath ilitary 6perati may ford market the 4 ) carcase
1 0 cing th Ar, to assiiiiie the modol that he as only The actlial �n 0116 0 iller day th
who has beeri
iA10tic'n Sale of D G ods -L-4. Dent, and officers ha�e" suffer6d great, hard- who, it appear6dj at to siiy', ear ol an eaclier in a ool secti
go did indulging in a bit pf pleasantry, pulled be briefly summarized as follows': In of a fine pprker, oi y one t, )-- i -
R, all IY f on No. 6 or.ris
eRoval—ThOluas Caventry. not r4ie over a hill dred miles fro .1 the trigger, and at orloo fell dead up- 1�ulgfl�Etit the I�assiaus are . approaching weighin $15 poun Is. or
This lias beea particularly the Oeverali years, . has resigned b
nean & Duncan. the doorstep. The r, be wa4'takI' floor. SoBa, the -capI —Mr. David Mc -Axdle, formerly. charge of tb�e sch
'Happy New Year—Du I
C T e .�6t on'th.6 htitrvian a Lave prin 001. On tb� oc
Y Steer-Liames Stan ase with t hose �riay has dvy t i the 1�eeve. casioa,
store.& ema-il.- 0 N%lt NVIE11, S r ei tie d t o k im new journal in the Pirot and e pressed Nisch so har'd cipal of Afitcliell public scho6 asirel- 0 r c a ig her connoctio Witb -
I,P,. the,
foisaleL-W. -�-wooro. been poorly s
uppliad witli tlie 0 to be b �oigotiatio' a for its surrender have signed his situatioll ill Otj�
I S Soho her upils made her averyh
awl and ha
Notice to Debt 5e s of disestablisliment X1 0111111011- find a home for it. t t�& ors—Jolin Ward. Ien ope&d; in Asia Muithtar' Pasha gone to study law iii Toroilta
est nepessaribsIth-roug"11 all the Reason's started in London, England. The new, be solge Prose tation.
Ml PrO-paktY for S&Ie—G. Brewer.
-journal will be in shape and ize' has left Erz!orouni'4-butit is n6t known —The- Vitchollband, le� by Air. JOB. 'a da ' last� week, at Ransforasi
News of the Week similar to the Pall Mall Gazette, although whother he has been re alled or w'heth- Dick -0y, called on i lie leading sl�'o;, in Clint -on, Messrs.
I 1 0 izens,on coope . " 1 -1.
F8;M_iIy Groceries The essential y barbaric fv. id Ljudis- cory
SN -ow SToum.` Thow was a heavy only' half the� 1)rioe, will, make its I er he has takei,,,,l Comm id of -a; JIall ChristmaF eve and were well received, and Tiouse Ill-ndertook to, See how Inally;,
Stoora—Mrs. P. -j Keuv. ciplined- character of a o belstof May. The �fcrce in the oss its the doij atiobs o are barrels the '- could unitedly muke iIt
lf��±go ortio. of 0 t
snow torm at Cheyer ii a oil tIl paci] lei first appearancei n field. The last bridge acr 111
X 173 y Que
the Turkislil for es must be tha explai on the 27th q'f December. delayin the lailuebillii ofit is caused on the Danube in ithe- neigliborhooa o is- stil).9tantial. proof. hour. They succee e4
d 1 in making
Diaisu A-unAIRII .—Sir H. 1-1 -tlib pait 6f the propri3 'tova'has be
I I eo �wept AWAY. i 91 Whe
tion of the pec�liar results ol the War, The Banner ya Mr. Hay,of 1 we. state that four liott focentIV 11iiitis outlook for it veteran, versatile and vig- PRONT T111qSDAY'S DEPAT6RFS. 'I, has taO ithe lioner 'of the' -rally considered a good.
toi beingon the
Ambassador t Listow rels is ge x P 0 Tll()v were horacs of njen, lot, Couatl�iltillo
ba�, boon appointed Aiii., orous journalist, to whom he wilIT-Once 'A St. Petersburg despi atch po�ifively first importations on th� ne line of ho�r�:s woik itvill be Seen. that this is
My fr(�rn Stral ford by,bringing
battalions of solOders, ARIO-ulitittr's army bassadpr At Vienna. he fi ids his luan—ont1rust the absolute denies that RuWa has any iii, bea
a! lyiird to bea .
large consignment Th -, an�nu terition of rail'w
Bio,FmE.—Thc mamoth. tub. aq�d malioement oftbiventure. treating. With
m-elted awav like a inob after liq defeat, silent qontem of salt Sea- e Al tea meeting lie
pt Lord �x�ml the
'TITARY 41, -1 liver, Wi sconsith, IT ')'[As %ATITINI ACROSS TIIE Derby's note respecting terms of peace forth tilt works cation i�ith the Methodist Sabb
F or this sal4o.'reason,
at Aa pail f otory At Two
is burned. The value -of the buildil4g AT IA 1, TI --7The wcath'er in London, ild asserts that the anskver, -%Yhj — -he, Zll-Z urch. giib_ Chijitmag
after a victory, appar
ICI) wili (If Grace h, School, in Londesboro, on
tid, stock is `,,180,000� be in derae: liusical
lid Ilot ( . I i , n � ? bLuk. ave I
Fastexli C J&re to� the holidays was excep- couched in o nairrei will bath schoyl, --)fill daI as this year the most suce,38f.
WbLr Pictures. chan( ,a his. posif-ion at Yn,,Y,T). 'rho 'P'eld Of PrL tlollillly #11e. Tiiesday and Wednesday iufiimate that if tho-Por�r desires peace, andliterary enterta innient, on Cliristina ever held.. The building literally
etals by the PdGific slope during vore olc�t, cold And bracing, with a itlillay 'obtain it by treating directl eve, the piqoceeds & which -were �16.30,
Turko-n 101 Wax has com He was in all opcif couhtry, C-10 Y ijam full, no ithstauding which eveq
bined na m e 0 f the paSt year was $7, )0,000 in e�, fal of snow on Tue'sday l3Jgbt the with Russia. A Paris ent to The dev+d to the use of the �Sabbath One seemed to, enjoy themselves 'we
eleatertts Of pie- -no defe nces to the rcktr, hi 0 1 . corresppild
I'thitt:of 1876, the greatIst previous yW.,I. T�uodaytbere�-as ates that a reply to his effect has school, Addresses i ere deli-yered by Revas,
- a baid frOst, with cleaIr We* act ually bee:u Sent,.
other, asuch as he.. might have had by IS*]) LLA 01-1 Paris corre3- ather and SO- an rumors' from —Mr. Jarnes Doclierty, of Mitchell,, 'Messrs. Clarl e, C
Philp ana-DI,_
the;, Crescent was driven froin backi the Balkt His , ondept says it is rumored that tfie, vere'I ioavy snow throughout OP all capite
r cold,' Ni,ith I the Bur e Js all agree at least' Who purchased the famous Elin bear, vey, And thelchildreneontribut f
ed th i
a'it bstanc of' made �i good thin ota, to the Itentertainment.
westerit E'll Ope hbetween troops wee gooyd at the derwsive r Go r at likelv to titilice it t e as to the tone and all a the g OUt Of it &ItILOngh lie qu
I Spa--nisb ve iim' lie no thot the Island, In Pa#s, th
i-sarion"', step to.1-na.rkits displaasuro.witb weLtiber has been, g1 Slee s. A secoil.
&no, in tile palmy -more thall thi4t h e dared ilot attempt, , I d St. Peters- paid a, fii�licy pri e for lit. He sold _111he Chilton A"em of last week
I rain fell the greater par of Christmas I!Iurg r1e,3patob intiniates that 11' in for R,, iO. 60. 0 pound 8 . oil for Says.: We are much pleased to be;
of the There has been just inuch'ap to Shift lli -1701111d., day. Nevertliele.", t ussia the sk
e streets were. will probaly consent to poor negrola an armistice $25, besides $8 woith of meat. able t announce that Mr. T. E. Joslin
that thronged,1"ilid the boupe
of the, seliii-lImb arie I of Augusta, Georgia, are; organizin varAs,piesented on the basis of the ratification of, tile
—A number of Q ie citizens of Kitchell a you'ng man Well known in this place'
au(l! civili zed WIliell is cAlaulated to appea e6t. a capit a brillian 0. of Serices 11
A Big,, 1 -taw SzLit i-.,-1,Pro,(1p with I Stock of 5 t IlppGaranc Armenian frontier, the firee -passage appreciatin�, Mr. Doer's a' (his father having kept flie Comm er
000 for the est:iblislinia it of a cotton fac.- Wlrl)I)lN�o._ Rai
Most A�notale the Dardanelles, a guailliantee of good agent of the Grand Trunk Iway in' Hotel for some years) has I turned over
ItAmericans withmore or less shadowy I tory at that place. I event,occured at Ryegate Vernioit on administration in u garla, 9,11( e eplace,pres6nted hi in so copletey Its cailil!j to vast '�ce of Roum ni . A Manches- some hunting' -case gold Wit ch, as a; life, and is now a staunh temp,
6 1 , i, i lfouday evebing in the shapeof a double dependei a AI
ii tire IN NEW110 *x.—Notwitli_ � 1 0 . I - erance
we ae, with our sp I I silver Wedding at Olt , 1'
ic-,,PaU 19th century plentiful eno t ofte,-I sta"Cling the naildlies of - the weathdr the house of James
ugh, but it is no' "in tan, correspondent further slight memento of their re.�pec d es-, I advocate,, and probationary member of
surrOtIndings. Tl e, regions travers' lig-lisillail and the show of itidutry.the reports of Nelso�i About 300 couples received in- hints that. in the event Of Russia re- teem. the M6thodiat.chreh. Forsome
ed find an E' Cr
-Mining hiniself 1,t11N, t fine
by the, riv% chi' *table societies indicae 20 to 25 vitati��a to attend the 25th anniversary jecting liaodiation, Earl. Beacons.hold. I —A fe,� days ago in �ilblib,, John past he has been Working in -a religious
armies� have been quite wt- the inheritor of an Xin 6*171=0i L estate. couutr. per cet- more cases of destitution than -,of t4 marriage of James Nelson and will Appeal to the oil. the ques- Reach, a �oung - lad, fell OIX L 'a log, temperance movement in New York
8'. JXrI
es Stuart the latter of Stuart, tioA' of declarin war! for the defence of str*i'ng -nee aj ainst the edge of an Stitte, in coil'ilecti
side of guide-bookliterauxe, and their There is, however, just now, it prospect in -December, 1876. on with Dr. Bacon
his k
peoples compaxatively� tinkno III. Th, e. of the blacrest suit to recover Me'rca, U., at the old homestead of the Xelsons, Br` ish int mus- whose unitell efforts have done much
ROUric Octoi)er 22n�, it erests. axe. The Wound, hiollis'outhe
mas were vag�,�ely represented as a pr )unt3, w ih -ki cle of the knee, is -Qli eclaim drinking men. A
Balk A at Di toll, Villa Clar., J,�jiicls cc lier� the -two married sisters a quarter A%atever the prob6b Ilium VL alf -.o r'
operty by Enoislt Tui all a bout and &�h a an evi-
frolaild, cow gave birth to twin calve3 of a century ag The i old minister rieifotiations, the Russian ar- inches Iong And I Lbout 11 If �an inch
moantr4il fortre no S h4lve app denc6 of the Success of -this movement
�c-%lilig heaven itself moved from the ancestra possessor
for the fourth tilne in succesion, being who officiated was on hand to again becom
e tf�ed- of f6rFthe deep. we may mention that'in Wayne County,
Unillipregaa-ble inotection of the evorknown inthe annals of. ommon taiglit calves within threeyears and nin' perfrov i th ceremoy. J.'he tsleft Votr'tye 8 &-at step, itud a sudden wal-T lice One Sabbath, ately,.,:11. alriber of N. "Y., a population of 52,0001
3 'Of 11 1
eir n I ade. which" us yo in I istowel, 42,000, have a
111C upon months, riety of Sol ilveres by hur�ri�sillg mischievo,
T arks against th orblient eneiliies;. law. A strip of lad. upon -ware, I ag been In
vt I idl s
till in All to bo 1 ed. the pledge, � and
uron ral an conv e: *6 Ou
e issi 81 os. wen o e r
-ad Mailte- ware river, oue mile :Xvide, ail tld_ S�jj, r it. alld a CATTLE S m.—This vear!3 arnot, $1000, worth. the, Tiai:ks. hai �ut th and
the Western 3alkan Be Tom is visitin s,
aliliC, oil, E1qgJJ ld, S Buiv2m) TO 'ATIL i � Way station, and, ai non othler n lean ac- their effort
0 �show a.tIs t1t 0 ]low Tj Bessioll of
11 Th rsda' inor Dec, 20, 1 garrison 0 e- as, succeeded in getting a � h nd o fri
ile&'Xins were- as little popularly ig a large portion L4 the best I marked -decline from those . of . forme. y tio., elii ds in Clii iton, and his associates, 5ar Of e last in co a ar
as tile Wild tribes of central the city of Philadelphia, is thellrich ,years. The Queau t6ol-, a prize in Here ail amily, resi fil Morgan evacuated, ai d, i is said rnt I off 'brohe' one- of the While Suipri d at his re::: ation, are
u e il e .1 b the - track nd
ror-nauce grew when fokols thoPriucc tovvullillip, I( s and wife, 0 All- heels
rAud the wil C, �l 1\1 _it and re6e�tod Not conteat with th4l, exploit given an evid nee of his siftcerity in
-e, his
prizerdstitli and the kin?jof O'lle AI�astt, re
ged re- --t proceede' to the 'wilt r tank, iie of them
and second in several classes. looko( lip assage Of even Sol
I their tiMe children, pmss'to intere the they nex
the scene shifted tot I cr P nii, axe ept. the.- L Rforts, tQ
Asia Minor -with Pawlett, a. settler antiolatil -to
y6ung la-dv 1 Speot4iIY one, two And bno4ialf, and emy. All the Ott6m trodp S ider ')le labor Jet o wa- form*. 'Whore the movement is in pro
its rubis of fai _,ed cities and and After coils
y w
wealth of the claim&ats. K. PentwiLter. I terout. Therailwivauph itie tend gross, the papers speak highly of its p
Pliebigan, ilanied i-Ja i four year§, while the ant int6 the have been �vith a ro-
antiquities. Ani-er i Fito3r WEMN4mVS DE 0 gi
w in the Mills, is missing, supposed to have 00,11; fi
Olitic and Ribi eld t� husk corn. 'It was a very foggy t ve the rascals their ert 3 when moter.4, aild6ing an old Ch
utoll boy
to report
Bu� ther most picturesque feature of the ancient recor diEcovered I suicide by junipin int' and the firA that was tliere is they catch them. too, feel �lased to have the oppor-
ct Lak& that lis 4, we,
ds of
Mlieii w&S It. lieiahbor discovered th ecting the iplo at'c- at —Christmas conies only 6 ce tunity.. of d,ongratulating Mr. 1081in Midhigalu oil Christmas eveing I e r i
war has been the combatants the Ititude in a. year,
l_ tis, brillio, t'o ortunity' 1, last seen she u,,ppearcd rai6nal._ 1 llouse on fire.,! Vhell th house was rope. The ace part at Cons an- and judging by the followin4 paragraph -on t4e 46p he has taken, being eo- selves. Such -a I- edley of nationa4ties ous legis ion, an lieflairti.; To Linma.A-,—The 1) 1 flain�s, and n 6ple appea -s Ito be g1iniu'g ' lud -ne he will never re-
trque it was wrapped i. fkom. Shakespeare it is well'for soi fidefit that it
g9r �is one.
—breeds and cross -breeds of the oriant :Liberia frorn. New York (jii lVed, he tI hildren were !burned to a liaoliCisasser d that the Porte hasi the holi' air c s so 3eldom. gret.?'
al &,.id Europ liesaiii, for Liberia, Atrica, with sixt) family lust �cvcrythiug_ cid6d to accept an. arin ice, ivildn', ac -
.1 lett title 'to be p feeb. d' places-tbat om�
Christmas has con1 11
eau—lias in the the chaxte;-uf L and gone, -and a
t near hil md fit b g bt�refootcd and th Itill dreary dtiv it It is been, wAh mud The Telephone for Tjil1Lryp11r_
n() ic lug to St. -c
been jostled together in i oes, incli: -9 Bove Ila e
World's history of Maryland. zna(le iii 1653 to roin
1111,11 i overalls.
ithe'SoubbernStMes. It -is stated that be found that' RUSE�a's demainds and slush anil rail, and not ienough mortal, caidliet.
The nantral n-lonotony Pawlatt; Peftn's (frantooll- A TAUINO TO DimbLIS ill
being iu�d' 'T'S.—The be more mo orat, -excitement tto get p a dog-fight.. In
quite taxtensive. efforts are 4 4 0 than is� gen461- xperimeniS are beilg carried on in
presente b3 the average E uropean firmino-- Pxlett 8 haixioulg the llegfrous in'tbo South to el)[11, Otaffll Of the VadiOttll, drAwB ly -'expected. ieaitime, ;the theafteriloolia crod. co A
�ix the. n Ilected i' the Pr ssia, by oi�der of the German mili-
rate to -Liberia. le eution of diiellists;'to the fact Russian commanders! ill -Bulgaria :av village to shoot for geese, turkeys, tkc.� ta
i hat h 'e
army has been departedfrain in a way, owlipatelit. !In P01111's 119 authorities to determine how far
by a bull of Pius. IX., whoever been ordered to recei in
llidi4 vo an il, Motley looking Squad crouching belo*
to deliglit the e it MAY be -pra let! abl to emplov
yolof painter. Bronzed, of th4 te�`ritofT on w4ich his ic e the tei-
)rovokbs fiffts, Or assi4s at It dual, in- favor of a truce. umbrellas and fence rails, c
all& is flood--ol.with counterfei silver' ' 0 611T doing Ophonefor military purposes. Ono�,of
ids , s e commu tionE
nted and ONVII city was laid ut. it i� mid pbat lie There -arc two organized bai rat -i ilication as if lie were it The warlike opera, in W Ht'(-,rll some -twetched sh('oting, so n
turbaned Turks, mcr I I , I instruments has been arranged
Inch so the new
ci,,�V. Jesse W
officers red:fezes and (lit] liea'r' 1 ieratic or kii- that one with his ri the- railway regiments on the exer-
lahuc, tiLs I th Richniond ig of Italy. But heit-ven Bulgaria, appear t young mar fle but- by
- signec e dootilliellt Without precisely ELY o be, coi teeiii!rat ii�i
so- counterfeiter, -%vho I as spent ucii as, i'tis Sal 0 1 it dry, cisi
a Cossacks with lit- knowing the bo"Ll s oria- t - 'ground near Berlin; but, as yet,, i
ael, tli-e d,its a6c(�Mmodations; in I the neighborhood of Sofia, which is tened inside his clothes t
uds of Ptiwlett ng
qup e Fr�llcll a my -if two -sololiers-strie
rter of a century in * tilie p6niten r ported as totally cut to b ad it accidentally a ischarge�,op
terilia lances an
I 1 0 P-1111 -Was lie c9lonel ff f ,om Xisph, oil t 2 bullet 'the results obtained have not been alto -
pendant plitnies, inal. charter. P Sick i bed in 1 tiary, w 's recently captured lie orders them to settle the the one. hand, and Adri&Aopld on he la ancl ha brim, eth-er satisfactory. With the �stationfj
ar Willi cuttin-his vest co,
-eet human his cabin, the ch ter was not rea4ily che;ter -,�i th. several accoiqplico8. with A duol, irrespective of the other. While thl, force th aptuied I And Qlasing his che', �k b an ace, whilst only a few
ShAgu head
at -6
thousand paces apaxt it is
types of the An i al that fig- accessible, and so t he confid ing old iri�tai, agressorlsiapolo"gizilig, cte-� A fencing- Pirot (32.miles X1u o i the flash scorched his Ill
east of' Niscli)i is That foulid-extreniely difficult, and at times
ures, on the Which. Nvill not be heedeA.—Heiii: At- Amster' presid6s—the wealpolis being marching south astwArdsl to the C�ar- shot came near tal in It oose. Al- when - the conditions : Are
national escutch- persuaded of -the fact of the P evious. Y . I i 1 9 , unfavorable
.1 - 1. i 16f after spendia four 11�wordsLto' 1pai�ry all fatal. thrusts. skybrod defile, a ecoold foice is t kincy other i n puttin a on I ds cap lot bi Lng in- 'altogether impossible to carry on a con-
eort, .,wax
thy Earptians from the grant, ai r
Molloy ill witshilla- of - Prikliti to the crowd, lur'ckib,
ld wishing to preso ve peace emd all Iliq, Occasi orital blow is given, the direction lia, 15 ��iles �ittiiig no c ne, but v6ation. His expected, however, that
quary a' in
Nile, bilonde Circassialis with sisters with all his neihbqrs, -,vaived hjJ S ,toll. looking for a Govern entclerksbip,j find the victim I's inte'rred
ivith all the South-West Of Niil;oh, probably with the I'showing that boys ! iould no� be �rusted ;whensome'suggested improvements 1.11
in the CGiastantio I set out oil fo6t for the home of his far -1 the ho Ors of mother, church. intention of matchi With otlier runs., I unt I- they theapparatu have been csrried out, the
p e seraglips, fierce conflicncr title i Ild sialled a -V Tay all lig through A then po?f
aX-ontenegrill mount mer $itthar.,and becomin disbeartened! A 1LUSSIAN HLno.—The liero, of the donia and o
ttineers, Arabs. from iilit, to- th' nd . the stroi 0 e telephone Will"wOrk in a much more sat -
r, a Iii IS ay i ag posi' know how to take I x of th�m.
overed by Pljl%'lett's ' hot rn�9 I
in West- c the Riissian Asi0ie itriny is.1 tion hold �Y Fuad'Pasha in the -Ikhii- isfactory become of
Aleppo And Gtfa, astoral Kurds patent.' Alidl' W1 f by. tble w, 1 11 d will
er, an
the orl, (mil. c h&I iietitia aut General Heyniann acavalry man defili 45 miles south east of 'Sofia 'great value foi many military purpose
l of boun Einn.—The now' fficer
I -uron Notes.! athe polley crew of Ba:shi-Bazouks,— with accurate deso tiot Is, all a TuL CANDY F `i=illl fficar f Jewish lineage, who has in- and 75 miles 4outh West of' tlie Sbipka H On� of � the ob atacles to the in
ore ex -
all more or less in characteris-tic native pellws deed, h a-ve G acaepted theor6le--MI'dingthe Now York prited the, valor of'the Maccabees. 1 Pass, as the crow- flie�, -51r. Hugh TM cQ of Bly led'employment of the fild tel -e
d up i a E 1 i rl Liald. u lie th, had ten,
solete: and a -is ft. i tlie'liolidays he was visited'in In Asia Minor 1� jullotio-E
earincr the o Flrcat c isateir is ti, Durina, % 1� Warbas always been the,
costume, aad many b lit, the walb, of the forces daisies rowin- in his garden dilrina graph i1 actua
good bas. le cy operaog is of the building wereforecloutby the jiti- callap b bis son, it law student in the
Wilder Melikoff and Terryuhassof,, in Christmas week. I difficulty (if tructing inen in ma;n-
weaOns Of a GentInly ago,-77have flitted thus obtai4d. menso- weio 'Ool in' Petprsburg A-cadeny. - The 'brave of Erzaroh dered Londesboro c' now boa; i t of , hav- ipulation of in instr lit of �w he' tipper 06 !plain M, is consi
an .1% 1.1ments and of
=ross the scene, lendina it a vanetv Of The story Pawletts life, tories. The flilties ar &ttrib made the summer C ahl - ILM ant. 91 -V-
in four -waa ing thq4n suffic
On SILOPS. IN!hal place ient practice -to r"
1 endr
-ed in -time ow -Pit k rosei' With his father, as- a Volqntoer FlIo TIIVItS1)A'y',s PESiA f usi7,b call. in, Lhe t
Color and Ouline seldG I p' brol e le la'ni 11ILT tIlh speed 1 PLUCIII I
-put p9" he same them es -.pert i
ara1161 the old lur f this dis ed torri-. boast.., L readina Or Sending MeS-
with whi all thev -spread 0) p6wdered a(Ijutan't, and biably disinuished him- ',The alarmist tendencies of the -re- —Mr. Welsh, of Bru el�, once
modern warfare, tory, which. app had, last I sages
e 9 in a. philac, elphia !The t I ephone, however,
wberry 1,1, -be insed by any one without
starch nd m6tt6 papers. n the 6th of No�-embe� the oits! which have ecently l. eircu- week, a stni; up" 130
A picture to, dwell e .,% 0 set
atio ipar, reads lik- " chapter, froiti _41wry- S611 P nt in is- .. arden , I , 6n
- I i1iLy of E'Ing- in,f till bloom. *. We fear th.6 bl;)?Ssolns )reliminai.,Ytra-ining; andtherefore
f6under ad protector of the Acadenly laed, respectilig, the probobb: :any I
h7ar -y 14
delight, has been tt. It seams that diso-whed Iv his —Two I -it Prince Peter of Oldenburg': appeaied in I land going to War ith Rus�iti, have have vaiiishea ere this. i
ofing were li,it a easy to conceive almost any num
held inIT gav Sojuilre - olidan, I Students tc tively pToven by 6 Statement 1,, —116. J Y, of Orri last 1 ber of cases in which it w
to-and-fro, of the Yoitilcs usieneral so6ol, eaused all the' o be6n�/Ffec
ames ]Fye
r uts because'of ll�
coll- ould be found
Satilrobbv.! One as pro-Ti�iur'�_ In r
eiinblle in- the udience ollaniber, ad ol,kvesterday b -Lord in week plowe(1;6i,-,ht 6 r6molY in the conduct of
-, - 1 3 -res and 46 pere es et
m-Ak-white, chai�ger, ver,,iou to Ro the
Soeleff upo mt-aji!sm while Rway isli andIthe �ii the presence of Ibis follow- rIqply to a deptitat
Sevqll ion of I ercliants in- of Around init' S is 1prtty 'operati'
0 hou s' hi 011sof'*ar.
siege'uf the the vourl-, tuall J,olli
'40wevei, it, Will still be desirablethat the
ad I coni- thousiild persons were piesout,,and the udelitS with his Own llan.45 fastoned terested in the So th Af"i n trade, N�ho good for Christmas Ilowita
t 14der and horse had a r d in fro � fiht,* tl e cross of St. George oil 'his breast. expressed a fear that in. I he .6veiit of —A little girl, about three rs of messages sentabould bewritell by t
for i.,ulted in fro 17 T
all 110 he
ur. The police inte cred And two his uAexpected and deserved bonor Eur6pean compheations t people of age, daughter of George Bailey. f Am- �instrumont eniployed; and, therefore,
become as§ooiated ili the maiads ofmen., the Sanish who,
hful. of boili g wa- ithe German military anthoities Are
I with lond cbeers! b tho'Cape Colony h -i lit -at of 0 as hai cc
when, arrests Nee made.- Nobody f import- ig be 4U to shift berley, drank a mou
and their approach has ever carried ai sors a for themselves 'in'. carryin .011 ihe war n
sight of ln. )e T a transforn�ed into ace was oresent. pupils. , 1 kettle on the t oW endeavorin,
ter from a te� o-, e, and a to arrallae an apparitt-
electric thrill of elithusiasm And confi- a arew of afrant -1 i� AwAicu, 'Pin-IiiA .—A CONII h
Ixciti-I'As-P oi., NoxioUs
I-nA s,.—Not against t P Caffres. T, he jn�"ste'r for died four hoTs after. us! which sha, be able to
pi aes. The be 'Used at
dece Only extorted �y the presence of th withata-iiding fainine and eards, no- Ir. gton, -Zy. correspondent tells this: the Colonihs point ]ell sure ei
.-vi It , ed out a r6aard to —The hea*iest ratepayer in Clinton, I pl*slre eithe Mi
rously, c4ptI111,119 I , as a telephone or as a
cl I
io-us a I ultiply fil om the 7 a your true o In it recent at- the olia fr ouAtry merchant visited the the uropean situatio
h, t tit the 1�atti_ this year,i isi Mr. James Fair, hvhose qrse s pril)" 9 instrum—ent, and whioli
I11:0 SUIF,, and soo nrf I -
kil in anything. . 0 0 con "derable ove
.ir trea.-.-,,' to few dayj�Bg ,
n ir t�kirtg dislLIlit).1 X0 Dina -Oi to Cinoini�ati, tude of Great Briiain not m es amount t i 300. t 'the same ti &1e shall becom pact, port-
tack- -upon a outwok the youll a general
themselves vek�- o'ch with: ill-gtt ky r tiles are hold by tb am P chased from V4 (LIlar 'Stcre, a table- ly changed since X.. i MaTa, Art & Co 1 and i6ble aud not asily
op - I I hor& Deiby'seassur- 'Messrs.
Jops across lalidsca;
-pt e followed g, of castor,
liable to derange
ersn V
was &kes, -tod Messrs. Glapgow, XacpherS CD., ment.
aills. It so I especially sacred, and with oth which he took home wi t Eugh
the fill a fate the th ing speech in November; th,
;by a motley retinue,—Circass
ians wi managed �n 1875 to kill And, afto'r putting ar tag on� it marked had not, as peopl� bave neduppli are the two next heaviest. wain
h o Nxv, a V
gelitlenlell 17,000 persons;
arers,".1 M - in the ent to 'a
lo- Su. and hr to but 27 The —Mr. D. 0. A pRae, son'of 70,�8�5 spakes ivere killed. milde it a pres Methodist supposing, offered�'to mde betwepn U,
into. the haiids of the los JOhil A nnried Town Bro-11
tur fail to
of C�tltic from t4a Sme. cap W41LS 01cachoi Whose chivell. his Ifamily at- the Porte anid. the': Czar, but had merely McRae, of Biussels, coupled the Pulpit T
ness,au Cussacks advelOP01 i tojid'ed The reverend g
iilid all jave very h �,ntloman took conveyed overture's of pea e frbul one of Melville �hurch, Brussels, o
4- A interesuniga- - archm- ololical dis-
t parc�l lipme'ad examin'ed the con- belligerent to the oth covery. has
In grey -coats and hoods, aud in 'the Pawlett seeldilv s-.%- Ina fr P. Sol a, bank- er; at Russ4's bath last. )1r. Xoltae is a youll
beenmade inItaly— or of Yevay, Indialla: was to AS.' irought �rAidst of the a Cir- -The' next day he the reply Was very far ifrow par aking of the 'Of great promise, and'ivill yet in e his 1 -that of '4uri4�
He -1 d by
vils slica, a good Cabholic the return of his prodigal son,'-wlio had- d,) back to nature of a d town, a, new -Pompeii,
Stor (w`ithilie tag Attach, mark among danadian divi
cassiain, mt white I-Orse be'arm aa and Such a haudox ae follow that tile pnexpectedly found near Manfred
been for may year the groceTyirian, and said to him, I am indeed, Briti had rtev6r- b 'on Wrq. Ha
T'lle father sh hoI e ient, w,%r-tattered banner, quite like
Spanish (soverlio!)r's Wife took pity i1pon e�pres'sd.d extraivaarit this world?s goo to Ord impeached throu C ie
io ad gave 11 top p'ooriin sh"W' of Blyth 4t the-fdOt of M ount Gargano. A teinopms
whole'd Ille has S to r. onaithan arter 1)
.1 feet was first brought to light
of Diane,
aa 61-ol crusader, with his Tl.aint itilils tilld L6 lioncr of the occ- to! display So valuable a ca tor on' my negotiations. Th� E arl ful: and
cured his releaso. Abherexpie�s of his lot, froilting oil -Queen stre'et in thein 0
a pgrtico out 2 met
tmd curious dress. hobeleff evidentIv Sion. Cill the following' lay an of-fico�r taple, and it you have no Jobjection I ed hope—not-ilripalledfo, at the pres- -that vMage, for the handsome sum of' ires in len
than the roan de thickens. Thepir ew� With column, witho-at cap
from 'N, Orleans came to -arrest the should like to. return it, u4 take 014 ent time—that hup, shmen. wo� itals, and,
lkno�ws by heart the arts of Popularity, n1i
Id not $630, being 6$0 per ot.. Property in fin
A-mam falls ill love with )l Guz- the son fo� murder. The sudden traus- worth of, roceries for ray fa�mily in its-' lash themselves into i necropolis covering 15,000
iervo� e Ii en - Blyth is rapi�lly Inc AS square metres, (about 3� acres.) A
in va 0.
;and as be hu des I Or -Ilec, is appr in"
f e.
OvG11:11 to 1 U"B e, tine 'Kiletchel, a
the ft itioll f roill, llappiiles� stead' The merchant could do'nothiifg sions concerninj
'The Ive is British h6or &ud'in, —Mr. Val6n.
Tanks of a, battalion', he throws out bu c ule.,ice, but fancy. his'feeli, 111,179P number hae been
't ' q nrfs. of inscriptions
Soliciik a luuai'c. torpsts, inasmuch %a the nt; man of 1�russ s. who is prosecuti ig Ill'.1
reGipr id air troth ph ted, 4
B1 xy� Cwoo.— 0 collected, and
I I , isome of them have been
I I Th I u ttl�e- f6tudies with a 'view to the. ministry
900 Sals aNi to Maryland to so- I sent to the nl:iia
chaff t tb,6� inen, remark- An C a mail in 'Sts iipon havillga voice in the So
stetCmer Sardinian, which rea em at Naples.
s, vviiah he com- ched the mentof the Eastern.'Question. Beyon-d: took a high s an din a At the - Chri tmas to
in on their new boot 0 The
cure a grraut of Ift T�e War N,6*81 N�n discovere is the ,ncient Sipon-
R upoli w-1d3h to Mesey oil- the 18th. Deceinber from this she so far ilisi5tp on nothing. exaillinations in the prieparato- -which Str
enc an -cir�yo- 5,7(9. F�OU NfONDYS DX-,RPATdHr9. a 0, ybells, and
'on, ndbuild himself 4LU Portlwid, had auongst her tm of which
pares to thase of a� Spanish ( 9 1 de -
t f �1ily partment of -;he Presbyterian.' C611e ol
ivy spea -
'Which -was buried by
telfiarr the Musicians t1lat they Shall quktcrs� of beef and U, sh 11mors of -Enalan'd's intended at- Montreal.
castle-'' Upol eep in 'the .11 k
I inning to clni -his an earthquake. The house.,, are 20 feet
redoubt t las -well as 8.. d 5 titude on,the Eaqern Question co —The dwol 'nabouse of
play a Nvaltz in the oi l mein 'Perth Items. below the - a ce of the soil.
0- the lar"o casocl.
containi out 1,06 e al boat rac�s wer� run oil the to-%,vnsliip of Colborne, near Carlo
:Morrow. 11g, U thick and fast, and axe all, to say the ver The
had lven lierse f She also had r w Post. Italian Governinuthas taken measures
tc Another clutiba his kcs,.geose and a icke s. least,', of a highly coloredtype. AcI r Avon at Stratford o Cl Office, was totally consumed by Are to 6ontill thie
r" 0
Xo"whare else has the coflict between. 4.1
Lro. - -glantitv of Canadiau" in., to the London correapondent of the ue excavation
Allias's grief oil bo. I it (I i - caught from i. stovepipe oil Saturday 0
veni. oil a lurge
scale. Every interestturns u The latestj� a monu-
R-u tberc�-.t; it SoI life and I'l, (To Of a nurnber of quail N�w York. Tunes, the whole programme c nnual Stri rit ball last. Nothing was saved but the ome fresh object of
ssiali and Turk in Word c1h It, and other attme. of'theMinistry is cut lield cu Frid C1, j, tnre on the Arst loor. Xrobable, loss
ea.! to the imarinatioll ill the 're- Mid d ied; to, 0 LIV ovellin anuary
P 1Ili8Z41ItI11Ope. Gloonii�y' ro- I)cal cril-ainai 136aconsfield will ask -the S'aliction of lRil 000 no nent qrected I ll�nor of Pompey fter
as the hirth-place of the
L 'sa
tracing llis'w' to the Delawar, York i,, the 'abscond' Piiharnalit to deal with the sub , his victory ove, the pirates, and a large
e, he j cat m ade ILI
aSome d go while the t�vo sons quantit gl d a
hu. quantity of mple Sligarilit"lle inolith f -were in the vii
1 .
vIlole territory- Is. hermit -like, semi- i Of Mr. J. Steep Pty
This, I Ing of. Commissio, r, , Oweii the Miniatry may think consistent
A with a 111tr(re aln uiit'of oxcis -with the safety and honor of, the c' Der, rnber
associated with (if the- rel"Otef Gibbing's pond, they were startled J)y
funds. He has certainly aken $30,000 tr EL11 ultimatum he e effori is being in ale to _T_J o Th
lea uf Eden may y
rast,i, -,The, Garo. the whiz of a bullot passing between Poor Pinter.
as lie would
With him, and his stealin S are estim"It- sued, Which will not be acc�ptea and mate the separat th em , An d 0, f ew In Ome The London l.Ac1ve2-ji8e?- has the% fol -
been trampled over by the warrin- e and p r
oil an �var will be- declared in the' spring in Str4tford.
There are bet�vex 1 * �qfijc So] 0018 pf - fits after anoth
d 8Q heirs of odbys as high asR,200: 000. Multph came unpleasantly close to the ]-lead
Y of lowin A fe�; days Ago there was
hosts; E Tigris and Araxes, is iiu Irish plumber, a jolly good fellow preparation for which 80,000 native'! The amount- paid to Grand Trunk ol!ie
this ailcient, w61na#-Il'Aill, hermit of The shots were evidently"fired 1)
and at Pronlising polit y 801ehinizd in the city of Hamilton the
those rivers of renown �wllich have flow- the D They -o of i&bil, bui why troops and 20,000 English regulars have employes at Stratf9rd for olith � f some careless �s pm:-tsman. a pilil-ter well kiow ela*ara now I
Q nuptials of
n this
ed through acient stOrY, since thAe be- he sho 41. �o filmle etoise ommissioner beei:i ordered from India to Egypt aidd, November was- 4,22,000 —A few d;s ago While Elijah; yaud"els
1 1 0 J ewlkere, lie
ood ycoman stock, Lang Giall: is not 6loat 6xcept in No i- I — having woked
ge, w Yo Turkey - Batoum. -will b
I . e occ 1'1�) i 0 d and The new Pre;bytori rch i" ris, of Fordw�* Was shinglin a lonse in variou pla s.
an have glistened in the Scene and E XA T- I . 11 Z:)
in Kent coulitv sirt i-xc,.—The fmai ars -past
9. h1 e ly (if one of'! the Russias -will be driven across the nd 13tb of' for Mr. Sothern, he -anfortuni y,. oil
he �Ms 661led. Uami_
I cOl ly seat f or nlau� th.6 -%I�iest d-ly gbod§ merchants in Caucasus., This is -the corre�pondont's A good time is eN�pect6d. big sh�gl seat, placed 't' oil there acquired I consider& e property.
NL e 1"
Arara,t has ani
dly down upon f Alui Now York �was convulsed story, but -that-is all, and it saio� I-novin- and
generations. TIA I lin
1-iordes. af AftIssulman, and Christian, jwo. morings lly needs Richard Dabb, of Mitchell, en- loose board, which slid down �Witlii He o met a �wido
prospect of this im ense Amarict no by the dreadful. tidi gs that the confirmation before 1)ein(; accepted %a tertained his emp W e presump-
loves, male'and female, him to the ground, a distance 6f 15. feet, tion is that he Met h
kbering, perImps, the feeble heritance seeins to tickle the y f daughter of th, er Ore than Qn-ce,
dimly renlef fauc 0 o house, A girl of 19, ha I dospel., There- have been rumoris in to oysters at Mo#att,s, on Christmas' breaking his arm'Ilear the writi put- for,they became eg
f rdown its sides th
company th�A straggle(
_0se staid Kentish' farmers, And they olopedwfiffi onto of the floor walkers, a the European press-. of England's inten- eve. ting thumbs of jobilit, an oth aged to be married.
ekwise How this result came about
as of year", "t.".0 and Vairracly insi of 50. What r6iide the Matter tions to occupy, Cfallipoh, Costantino- The -pupils att�i�ding sc&ol we do not
thaussn are sad. to be not ait� all aveise to naak- I n, in See- iiij-dring him.
kno aent I
Wondr�ring Ett the mighty increase Of old ithe rnore,e asp crating aternal eyes 'ple, and Batoum., but tKese are contra- I tion No. 1, Ellice, presented their. teach-! —In'the absence f sinill"i -once E3112an, named Dickens
ixng lad
ing an off ot f or its' �cquirament. is that th Stripped I er, M iss Flynn with a handgome'set of the regular astor, Mr. T. B166a_ I main
0 e eyo ye t be out, off dicted by the Aoeuce Russe. gavc a; vivil account of how -widows
XoalL's family. But this Array of ven-
ss of this interesting case M be -with a, dollar, inasmuch a she has a. Of sensation, the actual posit -ion se age these t ngs, in the veracious
pro-gre ems jewelry on her retiremeirt from. thau cuady, of the Brussfls Post,+pretiched c4roiiiclq,�vheri Sam Weller
-L assoc. Ittrge f ortulic throu cyh' her mother who. to e that, -unfortunately, there is little situation has Only
crable name closely watchad,I aIl: in the' iean time in the Canada Methodist chur. 3rus- f prominent place. Whether
n the sels, on last Sunday. It is noy o a i1ton: idow W4
Iloll'an c it is every way.probable that s being erected 6
aglamour ta the Arl is deceased. The l'over hastened t put ho )e Of Enaltind's good offices succeed- —A'toll-1�9r i this Hain -
a Mod the broadtlaDtic between thenil and in with.. Btu di of that cla% is not
-remo*ec1,'COrAf01tab1e neWS- SS1 bild that the rililitary road. short stance "West of St. Marys, newspaper man, can be found who a in I St ;'Probably she was. At �all
tiblis wh I
aigil, ta fax many Philadelphia pr operty ownerE .,III a an indiruant parent. ated.
readers -reality it has been a pro am ich have beb In going on and is, causing a good deal. of anxiety ari�l; the proper condition of mind to fit tbo evo�t, the malil wearied of the en be somewhat -Lineasy, 'until all doubt I A FATAT, MisTAim.—The funeral of, for some are being prosecut-
)f me Past) diggilst'among a 1: gage
A�ge portion of the� shoes of a miWster on, Siinday�- rhat meJat, and fled t1he city t
terrihly PrOSAIGI, couiltry their owaership is set at r the young j artist Henry �Lelaud took, ed with p'erhas unu - BlansLrd farmers. 0 avoid its ful-
est l sual vigor in readi our esteemed young 'riend can do o, -ii filtilen. He w4nt West, but the grass -
place. in Boston on Satiur4ay. The' �ners for !an pinergen a�rhioh to Xnarch., counter -march cy.. The Briti h Severalaccidents have occurred in not a little to his ore, [it.
0 way or the other. lippper" or Soething did -
h' n B 0
e committed not agree -with
report that suicide. in Gomrnm�nt to have undoubt- Wallace recently. JTVX. Solomon itler' —0 Chri tmas ay, the 001111; and him, and he ret�rned to London'. He
nd hiyouac, = anny. It is laxgely, a,
I "im that a Russian oc- was! dangerously injurecl by his horses daughters of 1mr. nley'
a Paris was incorrect. I He - edl � warlied Ru4s
aatora regio, of hi -land and —At a late hbur, one night recentl on a, picture, and, too giv the model cup of here d'uring, the Provincial Faii�
,h tale ation of Constantinople would yom- ru.4ing, away, throwing -him. out of his Goderich township, togther
Nyith their
ancl some of the se- the inmates Pf Michael Fox's housig, whom he'omployed. a� rest 'he �rbila- in t midst of an unicom-
lofty mountain f walked -Del her to', take precautionary measures. buggy,; inflicting a severb wouirld in 1 respective wites, husbands qnd chil- '1110111Y licsty ake 71 of prize Est, h
P1 rid
near'Lucan WeIr staTtled by the bark around his studio. up a ha - tn &e. mpantiiIie Englad has accepted head.—Mr. Win. Fergusbn had h a t dren, in all nAmbe g nea 40. per- W
fighting has been done At An I 1i as called to
verest ing of a dog,� and' -on pening the qoor' some revolver he pointed toward the -the thankless. the counting -room. There
task of sounding Russia crushed in- a, horse- and came sons, assemble . at 11 the old oute at he met the wido� -come to
of over 5,000 fQet. There have power, . She had
and de- see,4im. S
titude Master George Fox ;noticed a ba�ket- model and -jokingly' exclained, ."Look as I io"her terms of peace, andR'ussia has near losing it. He is able t go round home greatly to the Surprise
s and chilling moui neatly covered ..up, f ropi which oe & out, 1 A going to fire he asked him to step out -
been ould rain pr at declined Any interference by a third agaill.— little boy,; sop ol Mr. WmL light of the aged c6ul Ile., who T aaae side!
1 0
P el;
all Ith
t stepped. Then She aSked_
JANUARN 4, 187-8.
him if be intendea to keep Ill..
or was she to Wither and
flower, in. early Spring- H,.,.
xaost likely Bhe had better. . M
not -with him- This wid:ow ot ,
_�of -the -kind who let eonco
Avorm in the bud, feed on dan
,cheek. Not much. She
vo I iver, andsaid, if he ditl iaolilan-)
lie must give. up.. s1l. the mof pl;
-about him. and b* wateh. e dQ
1 10,
�eare to part With his 111P ge!
I as
bulh*oll� But the revolver `� P�i
_at Ilim, ana 'he Was open t COn:'VI0
The Irl'an welit to 11amillh 'lot;
m-ce, and thewitlow ren. I I
His brother got huM,of lbft� RIld
him promise n ot to Mari' the wi
But, alas! human natut'la 7-cak
they Were m I the o.�er 4-sy..
arguments the woman� V,�(I,
know. Probably tied #A frout'
gun till he yielf,
-&:Bad : Y;
A tramp cA-I elf Albert
at Mr. Ale�
lebu, ry last we6k 0 'algt Will .
Donald' -S, 1136 farmer. ' -l-
liviu e t 'df the
�g close to the t", *.,,ottin- bi
Trunk Rail -w . . . . . . in �
ner he proce,,;aed n his -way, I
ailge X eD.
with him aa Axe,
�Jle lad 4,.c
tied I used him of
p walkea wit
ar at , jo 3 atLi ad- 11h
to Aili�aCraia, where be, 11
J t:) - remarks h
rested. From 0I
(jurtug the- ex
soirisent for ra,
agent, -who telegr�-,
18st rd Detective Heenaa,,
pear, Johnson, a blacl=
jawA - I me a 16njj
rar youth P1
across the track of the Grana.'
-with the -view of 1%Vrecking a tra-il
mr.jobinsou being brought faze
-with. the prisoner he. at ouce id -4,
t e lad. He is now in Loia
h two
swil'iting his trial on.
a r taken by -him j
matter. Thepri-soneris about�
age aadhail
or -seventeen yeUra 0 8,
icago) Says Jae has beeawalkit'
Ch- ,
stealillg Yid( -S for the last two 1
that the- conauttOrs ancl bral
have -not treated him Well, thaj
Squirted on him. and: pollrea oil 0
He a4mitted the elhargecif pl*
jpli.,eseven feet long and four iniq�
a otter across the track� ali
shortly after pl-aoiug a cordwooa
across o3ie -of the rails. This- la -0
villainy was corrob-orateabyali-rei
freight train going -eASt, who
It happonea -very 1ticky the trai
go, 1 in, g- e A t up a heavy graole ;�,
as the bTaae. Had thc
been going in an op
posite --(h-
nothing could h-sVe averted Az,
tropho�, as all trains ruA At -rest
going West.
The Krupp CTuA to be S.
It.appears to be by -no means w1a,
that ille celebrated Krupp gun
which the -whole of the Germ"
lery is 9t present armed, will be;
soiled, if ilot immediately! at an
befoie very long; byanother W,
Experiments have, it is well
been lately -made in the founl
Spandan -with bronze steel,'prepal
the lJohatius method, and t1le-siI1.
boon so Successful that accordini.1,
Berlin A�
,;!.EZ�ry paper, the 1h.Spw.tor-:G
tht German Ai-tillorY has del
,decided to adopt it -&a a MAtel
the-. manufacture =of Ordnance, -A
the first instence, has ordered i
,ge guns to be made of thO nel
the secret of 'the pre��,;r,
V]Ych appears to be n -ow _i
known. Thegulls IvIl-Ich Are to
inanuf actured -are to have
12 contimetTies, but Will be -i supe
'the Austrian -pieces of the Sam *
AS Urrangemmtswift be III tak
a larger -charge, of powder to b(
in well- informed. circle-$, the wrl
dent adds, the 'constrilictioli of.
t he fw.
111113 IS i400kea upon a4.
10_,��,rd tbe complete substit-at
bronze stied for steel ordnance z,
'Mea -awhile exrae�
GermalliarIDY- N - I
aatisf actory wsp erhn-ents have i ee,
'On the range at -Steilifold, near
with two recelitly-coustlucted
-tinietre bronZe-ev�,ei guffs. -Th
trian. Minister of '"Tar, the Presii
the Techuioal- Committee) Gen-
,, a is-rga number of 'a
,officers were present oia the &
and excellent practice was 111.0,
the new w8al>Ons at the 9-�;II
Cheap Living- M
G,Usgow, has long been fanlout
penny d, M-ners for the poor, whi,
dvl�bt,. 1I o the
no 'a, -is esl bOOn It
zlass& and to other Persons"
nlea-as are limited. if, how
statemen. , naaae recently at the
Court of: that city is to be beli
dinner at some of the eating -ba
Glasgow is not over-elleap �evell
4-,h.arge of I penUY- A girl empli
an eating -house was oharg�a w
ati�ng .9, distmbanc6- at thO c"
� HOT explauation Of th4
was -that Bho JIM quarrelle(I wi
�e nplo yer because lie insisted ob
broth ill.T,7hich It at bad beenA
11 to the d
and which , ill Udditil)
bbage. "he;
of rotten ca
strated, 41011st the Sale of -this.�
� e replied the. it
�enough for aUstoink;rS Who Z"
affrord to spend a p_1111y or a hal
on W, This answer led to 2M
tion ,vhich ended in her &1=111
) e of her wages) He then
her over to -the poli -Ce, ullet"0119
haa created a disturbance.. Th
trate found, her 9". 0 , C-3
fined. pnso -
r e
The French butchor seP.P"T
bones fronl his steRL-S! I vm
the WO640i
-where, thaywm do t1h
Nnfe Drae-rs juBtonou-'4
house . D t
person analno More, even to. -
Tis" -tor &OPS 'Lu,.
ires ana.the extra
quietly yet, lothing extra, by
_iiaea but I
'If intention -%vhon the-
ness 0 ea 'and waits
is extinguish ,
TO roaring Cook stoI
oversall. (lay Iona for
hot c
-aste. 'The egg iaia to
butu ia
more than one iaia
little ste
ely estI
Values axe wo . ref amy-
s1n;1lest Surplus is Ca - ro
thou.Ana co
aua it- is respectable to Prac
, is economic