The Huron Expositor, 1878-01-04, Page 3AIWARY 4,11 78. CLEARINC SALE coizzon VARNA. fitgud WOItitt :TO Mkt intlete peOple Stettleyifltt A he hea doeided to MU Oir hig UMW 00d4i COSt for :the nekt netititti, Dreg* Goods, tt 8ikwii,?Tin tg, Winave Flannels% Skirtings, Table Linen, lIat4sand Cape, ,Danime, gollamig, ROgiery, ADE :LCLOTHING ITS Asp SHOES,: &c. a would do well -to give me te call bes deg ejeewhere,sie the Stook must be the first dey-o.tjannary, 1878,4$ / lp busineee , bons, Ade sale and; no hambuese yg, ONE, COME, ALL, to ouseIes, end secure Bargatese 1 .1. B. 8-Etlefil,D, Varna. AU indebted by. either not or book illplease eettle at once, 521 EIiSTMAS I YEARS PRESENTS. ARMSTRONG ed Out at kis BooLgtorrec. rtJ rariety e the FollvaliAg ges : teem and Writirig. Deske, the Largest at in Town. t; of Alblues. aid Easel Albums of the quality wad styles. Fine Lo -of Whatnots, Brighton. Osek- ul.ee and Ladies' Compardons&a. Sr both, WaX and China, the i'inest As- . Blocke, Building Bieeke, and Toys in ray. Why, every, body goes to Arm- or TO;rif. ter Goods such as Blank Books, Note ialine,-Coacertinas,Miecellaneotur Books !Is, Bibles-, etttholie Prayer Books., tr Blinds and Wall Paper, a- very large rancy Goode, &e., in great variety, as Almanac for 1876 for riale-Priee, iptiousreceived for ell Iape re and sat ;TROPIC'S BpOKSTORE irs.Whitney'e Block, Main Street, Setdoirels. .3.3777 PRITITT ILSON & YOUNG Just Received the following New Fruit !gla direct for cash. ' Mer- Layer Raisins. ew Loudon 'Layer Raisins. 'emir Lone Muscatel Rale -Ina. !frir Seedless RaiSins. Sultana..Raisins. range Peet - emon Peel. itrou Peel: Iemi rigs, &a., &c. - we heve deterMined to sell a a very email advance on cost, FRES4T-r GROCERIES. ealitS, quantity -end price, oar Stock of tears, end General Grocerieek uadaubted- mtirt toms. Our Teas, for Strength and anizot, be equalled. T.:./1.11,ANTEE SATISFACTION, - take baa any Goods. said tint are not 4epresez1, them to be. Special Induce - 't Dealers or parties baying in qaantities. r;ar Load of Zakes Superior and 1turan, Fish, vd direct from the Fishermen and war. he best quality caught. Fish for sale Fall caught &eh are worth, feom, 50 cents r barrel more than 811111MeT caught. aLsox -&-; YOUNG, Seaforth, OD TIME. COMING."' • Whoa people.rettst have '1!"1*S. Akil. SHOES, isttion Isf which 1 am opening out a very ack a Goods, tmitable for Fail and, Wine and which. I fhink intendiag paellas - t to see before parchaeing elsewhere - and BOP...St KIP BOOTS, Stook, .6,01es-riveted on, and warranted The rhe of ray FACTORY MADE. Oriole will be feund to he very complete differeot lines, has been bought with t()f giving my cuatornere the best possi- Sor their money'. As I bay strictly for t e position to do so. C1:STOM.. DEPARTMENT, St give- better satisfaction than ever, as all t'ae Native Stock that I am using six naorithe ago se as to heve it well which.1 believe to be a very great ad -- 11 causing it to tam water. In Imported do and alwaya lia-ve used the very best ,the market. - 1 abottti all I have tasayat present, Only tlianke for past patronage, and to solicit taint of the same an long as yo And it iventsige to de $(4 - I Tif0MAS COVENTRY) • krG BOOT, Ewa side Main Street 1 610 0 ; ON ROOMS. pA UR. STARK 1:110Tett to his New Briek Block, where rtent!E4 for the future to keep hie Auction nd has precured hie license as Arm -tim- id purpose'. I CIBP SALES. WILL BE GIVEN Ti AUCTION ROOMS. - 1 :07e be paid, it requixed, on. Stock eta for Sale. ante dim for former business of Shoe -- est be paidat once. !acing, &e., will be attended to when SAMUEL STAISK Seater:the ANUARN 41 1878, . TOMISITS DIIII on 111114 01110011APTIY DAMON, halo Rooffraphy loam! Ws nothing. btit 110101011N Slid HMI Ire bothor itio tat, oyory. morning, It's:really the groat:opt of §hatiwg.. - Tho brookt4, Mil flow- Into, the 1N. • Aiid,thorivero flow tato dm- Boa I 1 I hero, for toy pad, thoy enjoy tL litit what &lee It matte r to mo - i )W10 Pt linWfi tla0i014 dsrliii our Itosio, Quit I. thought tho fOthor of his country hsd on of tit( nix HURON EX,POSIT011. woulisritios of Gtili ithornisn - t .1)otwoon 00 and 90 Boston mon .tti soon to visit Floyids, for tho purposo o solootingUi tit.tt) AA' it permanent (mi)lli of ,Nisseselitieetts people them_ and wii wakeIiidh,,i river their headquarter during their 'Atty. "'"' —lb • • After Mpre, Hoot, 01 late, ev-en more No dlolikoa it, It needs a bit of'imagination for the Ever since the sad evening last % ter, full enjoyment ofthis aneedote. Uncle horri his youthful days had.been. left far be - monster . And mere disagreeable it sem When I had that most frightful of dreams. Silas didn't like to be beaten. Thougli thotight that te great d Stood suddenly there in my room- hind him, and the frosts of more than frightful Geography Demon, Enveloped in darkness and gloom. His body and beadlike a mountain, a so solo- IUd WrIn it 1.101130 I on4X stew gorol 'forward, and knolt snd took hor to my bosom, find ohsfod hor °old hands, ,sud wrsppod 111)P111)Pshawl mound her, (ind thou—slid thon, 11 grow dark, , How long bhp lethargy brought on by extreme otil4 tnay have, in my ease, efi. timed,1 never knew, But 1 remember that I heard, a rough, kind voice oall out, Keep Carstone baek1 Don't let him look -they're both dead, Poor things I" And then the swoon came on again, and the blank, rack darkness swallow - three score -years had silvered his head, ed. uP all. yet he really fancied that he was physi- But when Ii came back to life it °ally' as young as ever. He was a short, Seemed a like foretaste of heaven, so A volcano on top for hat ;' . dura y, happy -hearted man, fond of gay and cheerftil ,was the look of the Hie arms and his lege were hke flyers, ' his j ke,-and particularly fond of the warm cosy homepIace, with its glowing -With a brook round his neck for cravat. i good things of this life.. One day, out fire of crimson peat and blax.ing wood, Se laid on my poor rembling-shoulder, in. the hayfield, whither the ox team and. wherever My wondering eyes turn - Bust fingers, cold, clammy nd long; had been driven for a load, the old man ed, was some kind neighborly face with a ,And, fixing his red eyes upon me, declared that he could load hay as well which I was well acquainted. I lay on a bed. that had been drawn close to the blaze, wrapped in cloaks and blankets, while near MN) knelt a strong man. Frank Carstane-dear good Frank -my own brave kind young husband, to wham I had been married but four short years, cmos first he brought me He roared fortlethis horrible song: " Come I come I rise and come, Away to the banks of the Muekingum1 It flows o'er the plains of Tunbnctoo, With the peak of Teneriffe just in view. • forte. His two _nephews au not flat, And the cataracts leap in the pale moonshine, ly dispute him but they clearly inti - As they dative o'er the cliffs of Brand e. inated that he had over estimated. his "Flee! flee rise pow rs. Whew! Uncle Silas' leaped ! and floe Away to the haulm of the Tcanbigbeet° We'll pass by Alaska's flowery strand, Where the emerald towers of Peldn staz We'll pass them by, seed will rest awhile On Idiehillimeekinac'S tropic isle ; While the apes of Barbeeyefriek around, And the parrots eow with a lovely sound. and as fast as ever he could; and it was • known that in his younger d.ays, placing -the hay 'upon the load had been his like to s playful dog. Ile would just like ow them, and he issued a chal- Mug . He said he could load the hay: as fast as a pair of them could pitch it on. The boys accepted the challenge, and.the Old Mall mounted the hay -rack, " Me I hie ! rise au, hie . fork in hand. And then the work cam- ' Away to the banks of the Yan&-taze-kil ; mewed. The boys lifted large forkfuls J must have fainted again, but it was e e oyo erac from Surprise not. paiu• and. soon I t There the giant mountains offOshkosh, stand, ranidlv Whil the b d . f th k was being filled all went well enough, could speak, and stir, an e as one of d'ii- And the icebergs . gleam through the falling J. e • sand ; While the elephant site on the palm tree high, And the cennibals feast on bad -boy pie. - . " Go ! go I rise and go to the moorlan Rosie darling, er, as when las dead white la drifted snow, farm. And. there was lue-eyed Rosie, no long - 1 saw her lying like a b among the sheep and t and strong, and. with her dear, lue eyes fixed. lovingly on "poor mamma s pale face. .Thou Away to the banks of tilie Hoang -ho I I There thsOhiokasawl sachem makes hia tea, Andthe kettle boils and Waits for 008.1 We'll smite thee, ho1 and we'll lay theelovt, On the beautiful banks of theHoang-h9 1" Theee teri-ible words were still sounding I Like trumpets and drums through. my head, When the monater clutched tighter my shoulder, And dragged me half out of the bed. ' In terror, I dungto the lied -post ; But the faithless bed -post, it broke, I screamed out aloud in my anguish, And, suddenly -well, I awoke. He was gone. Bra I oannot forget hini, The fearful Geography Sprite. , Pre has any first thought in the morning, ; Be has ray last shudder at night. - Do you blame me for hating my lesson 9. I Is it strange that it frightful should seem ? Or that I more and more should abhor it : Since I had that most horrible dream ? but when the load began to swell above and beyond the Points of . the staikes, And it became necessary to .place each forkful in its proper plaee for binding the mass next below'things became a little mixed up on the top of the cart. Still *Uncle Silas yelled out, at i the top of his voice-" More hay! More hay! Drat it, boys! You don't half keep•me busy!" - 1 The boys let in.! The hay went up one of those -very neighhors who had I -- • thick and fast, and the old man's pl.- joined with l Frank in seeking for the fing; as he strudglei. to keep his Ilea truant; brit had I not com.e up when I Gaieties. Ile raurnaured-"I an:1'a man of quiet tastes ;" then went behind the door took a flask from his pocket and tasted smne- thing. -A country paper speaks of a man who died " without the aid of a physi- cian." Such instancesof death are very rare. -A s-Nkvell who stuttered horriblypaid court to a very pretty ctress. "Ali, sir," she said, "life 4E4 too short. I haven't time to listen to you." -A bachelor t says that Adam's . wife was called Eve because, when she ap- peared, many days of happiness Were drawing to a ales°. —A woman was offered 41,000 if she would remain silent for two hours. At the end of 15 minutes she asked: "Isn't the time nearly Up?" -During an exaMination a. medical student being asked, "When does mor- tification ensue ?" lie replied, , " When you pop the question and are answered, No. ' -"Drun.k again, sure enough," said. Bummerso3a, fixing his eye on a light- ning bug that glinted fitfully athwart the horizon. " Just gee how that star wobbles, and I only had two glasses either." -Felix McCarty, of the Kerry militia, was generally late on parade. " Ah, Fpliz," said the sergeant, "yon are al- ways late." " Be aisy, Sergeant Sulli- van," was the reply, " sure Some One must be last." -"Five Or six years of married life," remarks a veteran officer will often -re- duce a naturally irascible Man to such a condition of andelic humanity that it wouldn't be sae to trust him with a pair of whias." the waking world again. , ? We had e. merry Christmas dinner next day, after all, the merriest I ever. knew, with Rosie's tiny chair drawn elose to mine -I could. not bear to be away from her -and Frank beside me, blithe and loving, and thankful, too, for the wife and child. -that hadbeen spared to him. ItoSie had wandered out, it seemed, following the strayed sheep of above the flood: enild be plainly heard. At length with his struggling, and. his chohing, and. his 1 being blinded under the thick coming -Mass, and the clumsy, ill -fashioned manner in which. the last can Ilthinl) without a shudder of that dozen'forkfuls had. been suffered to rest Christmas eve upon Dartmoor. -Cas - au, the c vived till r years ago. come and, d could hardly have sur - sone came. That happened Happy Christmases have gone since then, but neVer GREAT OLEARING SALE ?r•-•1! BOOTS AND SHOES, - MeINTYRE & WILLIS . "I say, Faddy, that is thewerst-looh- ing horse, you drive, I ever safw. Why don't you fatten him up ?" 1 Fat him up, is it' Faix the poor baste. canhard- ly carry the mate that% on him now," replied Paddy. . -Wanted a thin man who has been used to the business of collecting to crawl through keyholes, and: find debt- ors who are "never at home." Salary, nothing the first year, to be doubled each year afterwards. -A Yankee editor ! down g,a,s' says that he hoped to -be_able to: present a inarriage and a deatlaps original mat- ter for his columns ; but a heavy thaw broke up the wedding, and the doctor got sick, so the patient ream- ^red. -We once knew& man aaid to his pastor, " I am goingto the =other church after this." "Ah, and why so?" asked the rainiater. " Well if you d_on't get your shoes made at ray shop, I won't get ray preaching done at yours." So he went off. 1 -There is said to be a benevolent gentleman in Boston who giVes 25 cents for religious .purposes every time he •swears. He has already sworn_ a new steeple on the old church, and is now engaged "cussing up" a giftto the Home Missionary Society. Jimmy," said a happy father, the other morning, "the doctor has just brought you a beautiful, new little sis- ter." No he didn't neither," said Timmy, "fur I seen him when hekkum iu, an' he had a cane in one hand' an' nothin' in the other." VYho was thefirst man?" asked the school teaeher of a little girl. _She an- swered that she au nOt know. The question was put to the next, an Irish child, who answered loudly, " Adam, sir," with apparent satisfaction. "Law," said the first scholar, contemptuously, You needn't feel so grand about it; he wasn't an Irishman! ' :-One of the School Board inspectors asked ,a small pupil of what the surface of the earth consists, and was promptly answered, “Landa and Water." He varied the question slightly that the fact might be impressed on the boy's Mina, and asked, 'What then do land. and water make •r -to which ca.,.ine the immediate response, Mud.' -las. Woodman, of Greenwich, Massachusetts, 94, years remem- bers haw she shook hands and con- versed with President Washington once When she was a school girl, ,The great man came into the school, talked with the pupils, and kissed the girl at the where they had. fallen, the top of the Se 8 aga load slid off upon the ground, and the old. inan with it. , Shoppin " Hallo ! Uncle Silas, what'r ye down I • here for ?" A Memp " Dawn here for ?" gasped. the old. mai, struggling up from the choki , blinding pile. " Why, concarn yer la good-for-nothing pictures,' I've collie long gone down, after more hay!" ing anew, . • where sue int , Lith the Silver 'Dol- lar. ills woman writes to the news - °Rowing story of her grand- iag'preserved in the family hat good lady, in a time y, iwas desirous of purchas- ilk gown. The nearest city a dress could be boughtwas te n miles from her home. The horse was accordingly saddled one fine morning and tying beneath -her dress a strong pocket in which was a capacious 6,n4 equally strong purse,con- tabling fifty good silver dollars (dollars of our "fathers" not 92 cents), she mounted., paid after adjusting, anl. re- adjnsting the 'heavy weights she must carry, bravely rode away.. But it was a weary journey, and many a time she stopped to change the heavy purse from side to sid.e, as the bruises it made be- came too kainful to be borne ; andmany a time in tliat long ride was she tempted to throw the valuable but tiresome honaewards. - 1 , 'weight in o the gutter ; but,she was a t I had lingered too lona in the villaae plucky wOman and, carried her enter - street, whither I had gone to make prise to successful termination, re- , 0 0 some few final purchases needed for our turning h me the same day with the merry ChristnaaS dinner, and now the lighter In dep. cif "plum -colored lute - moorland storm had set in with all its siring," nd gay,flowered chintz, a fury, tual the homeward walk to the weary, sa isfied woman, and the stor3 farm would be difficult, and might even always ended " She was so bruised. and be dangerous. 1 lame see our' hardly walk for a week paper the mother, 1 traditions Christmas Eve. "'You'll find it a wild walk, mistress, this bitter evening, 'cross moor "-such liad. been the greeting of the last way- farer whom I met upon the lonely path into which I had struck on quitting the hard firm road, The wind had risen as the sun went down behind the rocky Tors to the westward, and the piercing gale that now blew brought with it sueh snow as only I think does fall on Dar. t - moor in midwinter. Chilled-, in spite of the warm shawl I wore, by the biting blasts, and dazzled by the thick flakes that whirled and glittered as they swept by, I pressed on, quickening my pace ARE NOW OFFERING THEIR IMMENSE STOOK OF FALL BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST UNTIL JANU- ARY, 1878, Consisting of the Following Kinds and Quantities : 150 Pairs Men's Kip Boots. 50 Pairs Men's Cowhide Boots. 100 Pairs Boys' Kip and Cowhide Boots. 150 Pairs Youth's Boots. 500 Pairs Girls' and Children's Boots. 150 Pairs Women's Calf Pebble and Buff Boots. , One hesitating look I threw back at- afterward'." . Venter and the Weather. then remembering that I should.! be anxiously expected at home, pushed re- There iii a very general feeling that we had gqod weather enough before Mr. solur tely, on across the snowy moor, the Vennor bega,ji meddling with it, and that darkness appearing to thicken at every he has not improved- things. This is instant; Faster and faster fell the evidently the -opinion of two old lathes snow, clinging to my wet hair, (lamina before my bewildered eyes, and almosti whose conversation in a shop last Sat - morning is reported as follows: obliterating the cart -ruts which alone urdaY indicated the rough! road that I had to 1st Lady -4" What queer weather ! I , traverse. I , : , • think we're going to ha-ve more rain." . ften had I listened by the fireside 2nd Lady-" Yes, just what Vennor to says." , I - 1st -Lady---1Vennor 1 I wish he was dead. We have trouble enough without im sending us croup, sore quake and cholera! He's a. the lights of -the Village fair behind, and Also a Quantity of Cheap Shoepaclas:, These Goods are of the Very Best Makes, and are all Good, SoUnd Stock.. stories of belated travellers lost upon e moor. Should I once stray from e track, I might wander over the bcamdless wasteuntil my strength fail- ed me, as theirs had done, and as they had done, lie down exhausted to die. As it was, by the time I had walked two miles through _the sterns, I began to grow feeble, my steps were 810W, aq. the light basket I carried on I my arm seemed to have grown strangely h avy. Buffeted by the raging *id:, I trotted wearily on through the now h aps. ! The farm, to the best :of my belief, as but about h'alf a mile off ; but I be- n to doubt, b.enumbed as I waris by e intensity of th.e cold, and spent with esti felt and the toil of strugglmg with the tem Whiether I should ever reach it. I a heavy drowsiness oppress,, me, 1 lige& to lie down and rest for but few minutes, before resuniing the battle virith the wild weather.. But rest in snoh te case means sleep; and sleep, earth. Somethinglof the instinct which akes a hunted animal strain .very erve to die at home urged Me on and. I continued to press forward. As so, a cry reached ray cars --the cry child in distress ! it was repeated I turned towards the quarter from al/thence came the sound, and then hesi- tated. Well, I knaw that if Icxpencled flie last dregs Of my strength in plod - 'ng through the (.rifts, the chance of y reaching the farm was small indeed: . d then it might not be a !child hat had littered the ' ory, but Merely he bleating of a stray sheep. Pru - once warned nae to hurry on honae- was. I " N. no, no! I did of a and dare not hearken to the whispers Of selfishness, dared not salve my conscience with the plausible idea that the cry Which X heard was ncit human one. 1 could, not shut my ars to the plai1itive appeal that had eached me, and, praying t9 God that I ight find mercy fOr the sake of the dear ones at ,home, I turned id - wards the tina suppliant. Yes, sure enough, there were the printsi of little feet, already half blotted out in the snow ! and, following on the track, I ame at last toa high bank, and a deep eeey drift, where in the white hollow Med ently pale cona- Onions. And then I knew he -my own, my only one, my little thre -year- roitched some Seere of, sheep h together, and araOngst them app asleep or dead, a 'little child, he ace pillowed on One of her wooll a man lihe h throat, eart nuisance. 2nd Lady-" That's quite true; but he can't hel. it, poor man !" . I I • , Santa,: Claus's Nephew. Frank IBine was in. town on Thursday, when he was Very innocently accosted on tho street by a little child with the following inquiry : "Are you not Old Santa Claa.*? You look like the pic- ture in the book." Frank's head is very - snowy, and 4 was , co'v'ered by that tra- ditional Ca, ' wham cap.}, But Frank was I not disconc rted by the child's inquiry and replied. "No, my little child, I am not Santa Claus, but lie is my 'uncle, and instruc ed. me to give you ten cents to buy °and, ." Etanding the waif the coin, the ehild departed with the pleas- ant-beli4 that Old. Santa Claus's rela- tions are arbund and Christnias is near. --ittarys'9ille (Cal.) Appeal: ! . A little bloy, whose eprained wrist had been rel eyed. by ' bathing iii whiskey, surprised 14.s mother by asking 11 if papa had: a sprained throat. leaSeMINAIV IF YOU WANT GOOD BOOTS Now is the time to get the Best -ever offered in Seaforth for the Money.. TERMS, CASH. McINTYRE & WILLIS, MAIN STREET, ?EAFORTH. N. B.—All Accounts Must be Set- tled Immediately. WADDELL 4c CO„ • • ZAFORTH- • FRESH ARRIVALS 'ITHIS yitEE "WE HAVE TO HA'S 18 WEElt A14"OTHEll, 'LAMM LoT MEN'S AND YOUTHS' ULSTEFt..S. THESE ARE GOODS THAT. AR EVERY D! 1 PREPARED TO MEET 1THE DEMAND, ncomi G- IN GREATER DEMAND Y, AND WARE . WITH A GOOD ARTICLE AT IA LOW PRICE, CALL AND EXAMINE THOR NEW GO,OAS. ANOTHER L T OF BLANISEITS. , !THESE GOODS' HAVE BEEN BO GIT AT A VERY LARGE REDUCTION - FAOM TH REGULAR PRICE. ! - I Close Buyers Should Call and See our Blankets at $.3.50. HARRY mrroHELL's Book,IStationery and FANCY GOODS f &TORE, SEAFORTIA, Is now in running order, and Goods still arriving. Holiday Gifts in endless variety, Berlin Wools and lingering Rims, .Splints, Sheet Mu- sic, Violins, Concertinas, garmoni- cans, &c. Call and see him, or rather his stack. You will receive courteous treatment and (if you buy) rod value for your money. REMEMBER THE PLACE: No. 2, Campbell's Block, Seaforth. 1 525 HARRY MITCHELL. • - JUST ARRIVED, THE VyAY TO MAKE MONEY 1 1 Is to 0 to the great Sale of dry goods, i , . raillinei , mantles and fancy wares, at Hoffman brothers' cheap cash store,. Seaforth, which commences on Friday, December ba1st. As we wish to clear ; 1 I , out the avnele stock before entering our new prerni4es in Cardno's new block, we have delided. to offer every Ching at such figures'. that everybody must buy when l , they see :the goods "a.nd. prices. The , Stock isi vcry complete in everyline, and the gods • are all new. Come right alongaain be conyineed that we are do- ing all 1.) Ix% say, and more too, no matter if you u ' or not. We want, to show you tlh& g • odsaand we are satisfied as to "el r sult. Reinember a chance I never o e ed before. Hoffman Broth- ers' Cha Cash Store, four doors south of the o t Offide, Seaforth. ! 1 AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Opposite Cardno'e New Block :1 Phosphozone, Boschee's German Syrup, , Churchill's Syrup of Hypophos- phites, o August FloWers, British Oil, McKenziels Dead Shot Worm Candy, ' And any'husantity Handy Pack- , BUFFALO ROBES. BUFFALO ROBES. SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF RO ES AT AUCTION SALE PRICES. THESE ARE REMARKABLY FINE FURRED GOODS, AND CERTAINLY THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. Men's SHIRT'S and DRAWERS in *En less Variety. WADDELL & 00.1 SEAFORTH. • 1)014.1141QIN1 sTEArastitp COIVIPAINPi rgtincinT§ emetarl Irani all plain Wilt 10f AN tit iliviirpeoll *Id ThrOillili JUIN 01 fay tha Ofiitie in tosiorts, virst otbio roossmo to tiv@rposi,4% Plfd famaiite Otrifi paay. Itando avallAbla lath -tam Millie* 33allatia far ILAN itobiaad °film Metohaatol Martlaii /mature -6 tionibany, bility anatieationba. Marina tisk§ liteepted my office. Netherlandsetinerican Steam Coin -piny, Tiedt- eta issued It my office to Hollend; Belglams Abuse, The Rhine, South Germany, Switzerland and Italy. North-West Transportation COmpany Tickets. issued for Duluth, Fort Garry, and ell points West. A. ARMITAGE,- AbENT. 250,000 BUSHELS OF,WHITE WHEAT- -Wanted, in Shipping Lots not 'less than Five Car Loads. A. ARMITAGE. MRS. WHITNEY'S NEW BLOCK. MRS. WHITN'ell has pleasure in informing m her Onstoers and the Public that her Mit and enlarged premises are now completed, and having very much inereaeed facilities for carrying on her business, she is better able than ever Ira give her customers every satisfaction. Berabockof STOVES AND TINWARE Is not Surpassed for Excellence or Varibtyit Huron. inspection is Invited. COAL OIL of the Very Best Braids Abate's on Hand. The Trade Liberally Dealt With, EAVE TROUGHING and. every other deseriptioh of General Jobbing promptly attended to. • Partierewishing to purchase Stoves or Tinware of airy kind will find it to their advantage t -o give Mrs. Whitney a call. Remember the New Brick Block on the Corner et Main and John Streets. THAT HUSBAND OF MINE 9L Biqa all his Machinery from L. MURPHY, SEAFORTH, WHO has pleasure in spnouisaing to the V V farming community of Mixon that he is still selling the very best Bewing Machines, Agricultural Im- plements, and Musical Instru- ments. MT. Murphy's favorite meehirie is the Singer, which is the best in the market, having carried offfirsithnoo.noxti at the Centential and Sydney Bxhittio Farmers wishing to purchase any of the above would consult their own interests by applybag to Mr. Murphy first, as he can do better for them than any other in the trade. Sewing Machine and other repairs always an hand at his waretooms, Godeilch stieet. 518 L. MURPHY, Seaforth. -CARDNgS NEW BI!..0p<;‘ SEAFO.RTH. MR A. CARDNO, I IN RETURNING THANKS TO THE INHABITANTS OF SEAFORTH, AND SURROUNDING Y,ICINI Y, BEGS TO REMIND THEM THAT age yes, All of which are guaranteed to make and Fast Colors. antifal 516 THE HENSALL PORK FACTORY. 1 G. •41 J. 'PETTY h • - Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PR ICIE for any quantity of HOGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED •1 ALL KINDS OF CURED M - Constantly on Hand. I ' FINE LARD, SAUSAGES, PORK pUTTINGS, Zrc1 i ' G. & J. PETTY. TS 523 1 HE VAS MOVED- BACK AGA N INTO H S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST. N Lately occupied by him for so many will k Fresh Cann.ed Fr CHOICE PASTRY OF TH • FRES CAKES OF ALL DE OYSTERS ARRIV 1 GpTg 'HIM A CALL. oars past, now known as CardtiOe Block, where he ep constantly on hind: its of Every Description, I I I SEASON. ALSO A, -CHOICE LOT 0-F GROCERIES, 4c. ' CRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER, DAILY IN BULK AND CAN. I A. CARbN 0, Seaforth. TO ALL PRO WHO LAMATION. Ay CONCERN. R. I, SANTA. CLAUS, by virtue of an old established custom do hereby proclaim TUESDAY, the 25th Da of DECEMBERse.. D. 1877, A PUBLIC HO ID And in order that my Loyal Sebjects m bat also make glad the hearts 'of many te myt loyal subject, .t CAMPBELL'S •BLOCK, SEAFORTH. MIS LEECH r HLYING leaped the handsome and commteli- ous new dere in Campbell's Block, Main Street,begs to inform the public' that her New Stock of ' ' MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Is very comple e in every department, All the Latest Styles of Goods always on hand. Hair Dressing, Stamping, and Ostrich Feathers clean- , ed. A call is' respectfully solicited, and satisfac- tion in every article guaranteed. 1 -MISS LEECH. N. 3.-Appienticee Wanted. • — ee y TH OUGHOUT 'T1111..AND i - ! i 1 ! y not onlyi cele rate that day in proper manner themselves, af their fri nds. I hereby intimate that I hiave consigned I A Large and Magnificetat Ste k of Goods suitable for C ristmas Presents. Variety tO snit all tastes. Prices to suit all purses. IN, eh I am determined to so 1 SO CHEAP That all who enter the portas of my sanctum 1 rejoicing. ill not only purchase, but purelhase and leave SANTA CLAIJS I PROPRIETOR. 1 ALLAN MITCHELL, MAINAGEIt. THE SEAFORTIEI INSURANCE AND pliND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT lo Several First-Cless Stock, Fire -A- and 141e Insurance Companies, arid is prepae. ed to take risks on THE gogr FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- ties. 1 Also Agent for the sale end purchase of FiLTIll and Village Property. iiEMOVAL. REIVIQ 1 t Begs So intimate that: he has it emoted Wick Building on East Side of Main Mouth of William Campbell's Clothi hitherto, carry on the. General Insurance Money In thanking the -public for the confi has carried on these branches in Seat them the same satisfaction which the keeps on hand the best Sewing Machi Oil, and Machine Attachments. He s cagable of making any kind of work i threaded up machine of any machine Machine that bas never felled to sells the Wheeler & Wilson Machines Farmers' Wives, Mechanics' Wives, and try our Sewing Machines-Famil the celebrated Franz andPope Hnitti given to custoiaers gratis on any of t of Sewing liachineirepaired. TERI! v oan Aqenc enee they have rth, he eviehes t have in -7 'riabl •es that are manufactured en the world, as well as Iseedles, lis the Os orne,A Machine, which is the siroplest, the most the mo8t perfect t manner, and the east* and quickest ado in theDorninion. Heisells the Genuine now Machine ye satisfaction the most Tepid minuets(' Wiv and Man fact e above "icaP machines. Sewing Machines to Re LIBER L. M. N ATSON, General Agent; Scaforth. LALI RElyloVAL. .A.rrso is Office to D. ItIcGregor's New treet, Settiorth, and Tourth Door g Emporium, where he will, as and Sewing Afachina Business. eposed in him for the past 161 teen years he inform them he will still endeavor to give expressed with his transacsions. He still A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $301,000 to Loan at 8 Per Cent. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE -Over IC Morxisoks Store, Main -St Seaforthe 8, THE GOIVIIVIERCIAL LIVERY, 1 I SEAFORTH. to svery cnstomer for the laet ten years. He •nd least nelsy Machine in the world. and Mantelacturers, do -not fi1 to examine "ng-whera yon want one. 1 Also Agent for ble of doing all kinds of work. Instructions 'Also all khads _ ARTHUR FORBES3 T.TiVING purchased the Stock and Trade of the Commercial Livery, Seaforth, Irom lir. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand,andhas a-dded sevei al valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but - First -Class Comfartable Vehicles arta Good Reliable Horses, Will be Sept. Covered' and Open Buggies and Carriages, and Double and SingleWagons always ready foriese. Special Arrangements Made With, Com. mercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended: to. GLINTON-LOOK OUT FOR, THE NEW SIGN. CUNNINGHAM AIKENHEAD-,_ Grocers,: Clinton, T_TAvE just teceived a very fine Stock of New '1-i" and Fresh Groceries of every description, -which are -cheaper than the cheapest. A Fresh supply of Teas jest received from New York. The best value for the least money. A very nice stock of Crockery and Glassware, which is well detierving cif the attention of entre chasers. I All kinds of preduce Ultima in exchange as eash. 511 CUNNINGHAM & AIRENILEAD, 1\TOT'IOM - TO GB.ANOERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A8 THEY occapy the attention of all, these hard Mince, the subscriber is determined -to meet them -by offering good inch Hemlook, "not usually sold for inch," at the following rates.: 12 foot Hemlock. at $6 50 per thousand; 14 feet Fencing, at $7, for Cash. All orders over 47000 - 6 per cent. discount. Call and see if you don't get what is represented. Book Accounts over fi months will be charged 8 per cent. The subseriber thanks his numerous customers for their liberal support, and solicits a continu- ance of their fawn. JOHN THOMPSON. .68 Steam Saw Mille, MsKilioP• BUTTER TUB$. S. TROTT, SEAFORTIT, IS now prepared to supply all customers with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER TOBS, At $30 ier hundred, Cash, These Tubs are no well and favorably known to the trade that it is unneeessary to say anything in their recommen- dation.- MR. TROTT ale° manufactures a mall Hard- wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attends ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seslorth. R. 111. BRETT, avoitTR„ Wholesale and RetailDesier in LEATHER sad • SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stook kept. Terms moderate. A -Trial Solicited. All order a by inaii or otherwise promptly filled, 490 R. N. BRETT.