The Huron Expositor, 1877-12-28, Page 7• MBER 28, 187.L ould respectfully call the attea- IAssorted. 7HMICALS, } F.Lk T* M ER' 'St -Class Drug Store. ck of Ladies' and Gents'Tofet Shaving -Banshee, Circular,, Back c-fnme and Preston Bottles, Puffs •Doth= Pastes- and Powders, Soso_ e Juice, and Glycerine, Subin's Operations of the day, such as � • :rern au Syrup, Quinine Wine, ler'e Elexir, Ayer's Preparations,: d from rte may depend on having the finest material. 1`iy Receipts: Carefully and. Accu- LSQN, Seaforth. WARERO V MS. LE CUTTER PLOW SEAFORTH, string Company. THE BEST 1, they are thdeker in the mould: arta and have. the best ear wheel,. hectare. This can be said by no FPOSE PLOWS, Port perry and Guelph J -S, SUCII AS .of all kinds, from two to le,s, Clothes Wringers, and person knows that the Florence is rieh as the -ND, AND SINGER. ,ye on hand_ Sewing Machines Re- 18 ( SEAFORTH. UNG 'stock of Crockery and &laseware ever )n. a STONE TEA SETS, FLET SETS. _amine oar stock before pnrchasing It -glass Lamps, and Lamp - 'oat Oil, etc.. ying Prices for Cash. n the beat hfarketf for.gasb, we are in Toronto er;,Hamiltdn. `ONVIN CED- !tLSON & YOUNG, NEW FRUIT. OF CHRISTMAS FRUIT: end Fresh. Very Cheap. at Brownell s, you can. attsfaetion. Made only rceian. and China. China, and wears longer.: for C.hriitlnas Presents. ENTLY SMALL PROFITS, €1 FREE. FOUNDRY- edrel... y: S. Complete Governors (=overnors $225 • 225 275 200 250 • tack, Fura:ace, Front, Grate Bars, 150 200 226 450 90 40- 50- 70' 0-50 70' 80 rder very cheap. Mill Machinery Purifiers of )improved Kinds. eltepairs on Boilers, Mills, &e., promptly ANUFACTURINC COMPANY. WALTON. I my numerous customers for their kind le sinews atnon st them, and kindly cast reecaved a Large and Well Selected kiways on hand a full assortment of • e and r,rice, are the best in the County. n`s make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps ieinee, Lacon and Mama,in fact every - eon dont see it. Cash or farm produce tiled to me for last and previous years,. • month, or the accounts will; he put into - MONEY TO LOA ON EASY TERMS. nt buCicty, one the LCet10 so cieita (trm security ter a tern of from three to ]ZAZNCI:.—If }•era want your life insured gone Company, one of the best Life In- moet cconsmis:al 1' inciples. Don't for- Post Office and Telegraph O11de in con..., ALTON. DECEMBER .28, 1871. Bolygaray in the Dominion. Mr. Trow, who visited theNorth-west last summer, is publishing some very interesting letters in the Stratford Bea- con, describing what he saw, the charac- ter of the soil, etc. Ir: one of these he says: t' On Monday morning I accompanied Capt. McDonald, paymaster to the .In- dian encampment. The natives gather- ed round his tent like bees round a hive, anious1y waiting for, tt.eir little pittance in money and provisions. The oontrac- Jor having killed. and distributed among them a dozen. oxen that morning, the paymaster opened the cash box. The natives presented their little brass tokens and I received their respective amounts. The greats �t harmony pre- vailed, although occasionally a little bickering would take place when claim- ing pay for so many wives and children. Polygamy seems to prevail to an alarm- ing extent. Many have two, three or more wives, and for .each they are en- titled to 5, The sum total paid foots up to precisely the same amount in the aggregate, whether the Indian has one Wife or ten, belt the moral effect is bad .and should be deprecated. We deplore the loose state of morals across the borders, particularly at Salt Lake, while at the same time it appears that a similar • system prevails in our own territories. In the evening numbers of the natives assembled in one of the chief's wigwams for the purpose of see- ing Captain McDonald presenting the chiefs and head men with new suits of clothing. One of :the chiefs, named White Bear, a very corpulent, elderly man, requested Captain McDonald to allow laim to present to his son,. young White Bear, the suit designed to him ; that he was getting feeble, and it was Ida desire and the wish of the whole tribe that his son should put on his mantle. Captain McDonald made an excellent and appropriate speech. The chiefs put off their robes, stood erect, and each =made a suitable reply. After this ceremony we all assisted in dressing the chiefs and head men in their gaudy new attire, but failed to convince them of the utility of a. pair of pants. The party afterwards escorted the captainin military style to his headquarters at the Fort!' • How to. Nurse a Cold. Of all diseases incident ab this season of the year, those to which the generic name of " colds " is given are the- most common. And yet, if taken_ in time, nothing is more easily got over. As soon as the chilliness, with the slight fever, the aching of the bones, and general feeling of illness, appear, no time should be lost in driving the enemy from his stronghold. A full dose of quinine can do naught but good, a mus- tare foot -bath, tten grains of Dover's powder, and' a nice warxn ginger drink, - with a glass of sherry or claret in it, will generally induce perspiration, and even sleep ; and the patient will awake in the morning a little weak but well. What an amount of good a large mus- tard poultice often does when applied to the chest, when it feels tight and dry, or simple friction with turpentine poured over a flannel wrung from hot water. Colds may usually be prevented by ordinary care ; those subject to thein should always have dry, warm feet, and protect the arms and chest by flannel. We believe that, persons who are in the habit of using the call bath every morning regularly, as soon as they j ump out of bed, seldom suffer r from: colds, or from cold itself—that is, they can bear the latter better than if they took no bath. The Sailor and. the Bear. The following anecdote is related of a tar who once had a narrow escape from. imminent peril. He was in a ship frozen in, in the Arctic regions, and, like young Nelson, ,had strayed on the' ice heedless of danger. Ile was far from the vessel when . he saw, coming round a block of ice, a huge Polar bear making directly towards him. Totally unprovided with any defensive weapon but his knife, he bethought himself of an old. world weapon for extreme cases —prayer. But how? And. what? There was no time to deliberate, the monster was near, and delay would be fatal to the poor fellow. ' So he opened his knife and grasped it fumy—hurriedly uttered a few words—how earnestly can scarcely be imagined, blit their rugged- ness speaks forcibly of amingled terror, desperate courage, and a dim -twinkling faith : „ 0 Lord, I dinna trojible ye often ; but ye see me an" ye see the hear. 0 Lord, an' ye winna help .me dinna help the bear. An' if ye'1l help neither the ane nor the ither, sta,n' by an' see fair play, for this'll bo a waist awfu' fecht. Amen." His prayer was an- swered, for he lived to tell it. The Tiltons. The facts about the Tiltons appear to be as follows : Mr. Tilton went abroad with his two daughters, and left them on the other side in school. On his re- turn he rented the house in Livingston street—" Elizabeth's home "—furnished, having first taken such things as he wished for a room he had hired in the city. He has been desirous of healing the breach between his wife and himself, and Overtures were made. Mrs- Tilton continues to live with her mother, hav- ing her two sons with her. They are unusually bright, clever lads, and their progress in school is very gratifying to her. She has been givingmusic lessons to s, few pupils, and a short time since hired a room in Henry streetos-= is or sclloel. Her health, never very „ s sobroke i that sheigave up her school. Although naturally cheerful and san- guine, her ill -health has depressed her very Much. Her friends are as friendly as ever, and she devotes much of hen.: - time to lien boy's studies.: She has not "resolved fo break her patient silence," nor will she make a full and authenti- cated story of her life," She lives in the greatest seclusion, and is desirous of avoiding all publicity-. • A: Household sing. What a blessing to ahousehold is a merry, cheerful woman—one whose spirits are not affected by wet days, or little disappointments, or whose milk of human kindness does not sour in the sunshine of prosperity.. Such a woman in the darkest hours brightens the house Eike a. little piece of. sunshiny weather. elec- trical e and O f her smi is The magnetism of brightness of her looks and move- ments o sen ments infect every one. The children go to school with a sense of something great to be achieved ; heehusband goes into the world in a conqueror's spirit. No matter how people annoy and worry him all day, far off her presence shines, and he whispers to himself, " At home I shall find rest." So day by day she literally renews his strength and en- ergy, andsif yep know a man with a beaming face, a kind heart, and a prosperous business; in nine casesout of ten you will find he has a, wife of this kind. Varieties, ---A Western editor, speaking of a concert singer; says that hervoice is de- licious—pure as moonlight, and as ten- der as a three shilling shirt: —" What is love ?" . An American Johnson is ready with the definition : " A prodigal desire on thepart of a young man to pay some young woman's board." '• --Gov. Van Zandt, of Rhode Island, sent one of the famous Narragansett turkeys, weighing eighteen pounds, to President Hayes, for his Thanksgiving dinner. —Deacon Jones, just deceased, had a very red nose. .His widow thought it rather personal in the minister to Ibe- gin his funeral discourse Another shining light has been taken from our Congregation." —Ferryboat caught in a gale, --Sand (aside) : If the winds doesna fa' we'll never mak' the shore; I'm th.inkin'.I' Donald (promptly) : "Then leddies, in case anything happens, she'll just b tackin' the tippences the noo !" (Pro. ceeas to collect the fares. —There is a magnificent orange -tree in the -orangery of the palace of Ver1- sailles, which is now 450 years old. I is known by the name of the Grana Oannetable, or Grand Bourbon, and it grew from some pips of a bitter orange planted in a pot at the commencement of the fifteenth century by Eleanor o Castile, wife of Charles TIT.; King o Navarre. The young plants whir sprung from the seed were kept in the same tub at Painpeluna until 1499. Tri 1684 they were removed to Versailles. —A popular carriage in Japan, al, though it was invented by an American is the Jin-riki-sha. It is a sort of two wheeled chaise, of small size, adapted for one person only, and, as its nam implies, drawn by men. Ordinarily i is drawn by one man; but if the road is rough, or the journey long, two or three are employed. The coolies who under- take this work really seem to enjoy it They are strong and capable of grea speed. At Yokohama these carriages are very extensively used. They ar not expensive, and coolies may be hire for six dollars; a month to draw them!, the coolies boarding themselves, so that, i1 is not quite so expensive a luxury in Japan as in America to have one's own carriage. —The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ely, was appro- priately celebrated at their spacious farm house in Tatham, in West Spring- fgeld, last week. They have lived in t e same house for half a century, are natives of the town, and their ancestors on both sides are traceable in that vlicinity for more than 200 years. Four ladies were at this party that attended the original wedding, and one matron o 90 years was there. -Mr. and Mrs. ulnner Marsh, of Southbridge, have had a golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Rosea Aldrich, of Charlton, had twelve c'hildren with their husbands and Ives, 15 grand -children, and a great - and -child, at the Goth anniversary of t eir marriage. CUT TIIIS OUT.—It May Save Your Life.—There is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds, or Consump- tion,.yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents . for a bottle of medicine that would cure them. Dr. A. Boschee's m Geran syrup has, lately been intro- duced into this country from Germany, and its wondrous ,,cures astonish ev- ery one that tries it. If, you doubt what we say in print,: cut this out and take it to your druggist, and get a sample bot- tle for 10 cents and try it, or al regular pize for 75 cents. ErPS's COCOA.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera - t ons of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper - t es of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps li s. provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which n ay save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ua,lly built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to disease;. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating us ready to 6 attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape any a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves w ll fortified with pure blood, and a p operly nourished frame."—Civil. Ser - s r vipe Gazette. Sold onl packets label- led--" James Epps & Cci , Homceopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 THE SEAFORTH BOILER WORKS. YOUNG & LAHEY A BE Prepared to take Orders for Boilers, -Lek •krnoke Stacks, Stifle, Tanks, and Sheet Iron Werk of all ;deseriptions. Repairs done on the Shortest Notice, and at the Lowest Possible Pii res, 523x13. YOUNG & LAHEY, Seafoi th, Ont. ZURICHAND EXETER FLOURING AND CRISTING MILLS THE undersigned has pleasure in announcing to the people of Zurich and Vieinity that his Flouring mall is in better running order than ever be.oi•e. Gristing promptly attended to. His new Flouring inill in Exeter north is now finished and working splendidly. At this mill, also, Cfristing and custom work will also r4cei1e the closest attention: He has also in his Lumber; Yard, at Zurich, about 500,000 feet, all sized, at from $3 to $6 per thousand. Dry Rock Elm Lumber from $10 to $12 per thousand. 518 WILLIAM FENWICK. LUMBER FOR SALE, pI IIILOCK, First Quality, $G per M. PINE from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP: The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. La. MI 11 0 0 0 0 0 2 'H111OIV3S 6133a1S NIVW 0 0 9 3 ei 2 a X ,Se 2 00 Z CO 0 c r- X. CA 0 0 1.7 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 OLD HICKORY " AXES, POWELL -SSOaO 'S3ZIS ONV 0 m 0 r - w. C` rn y V r - A 3 0 0 m 0 0z 0< 0 0 I 3 r - a 7 0 I v v 2 D 0 93-1A.LS 11W `031d -!d 1100101fd N30100 SEAFORT3 •, USICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. COTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. HE EMERSON PIANO I: still taking its place with the very best Instru- ants in the United States and Canada, and is s Id by ns at from 50 TO $I00 LESS PRICE. WARRANTED FOR 7 YEARS. e have .else Just Received a Fresh Lot of the Celebrated CLOUCU & WARREN ORGANS. As these Beautiful Instruments are so well k own, we ne3d say little about them, as every- o a knows what they are: ALSO ONE DOZEN O.i' THE OMINION ' ORCAN CO.'S ORGANS, Will b to hand in a day or two. romz the Western Advertiser and Weekly Liberal. ` GRAND RG&N.—We had the pleasure, in c mpany wit a very respectable number of citi- z ,ns, includin a couple of ministers, of listening t. an organ recital by Mr. E. Plummer, organist o Dundas street Centro Methodist Church. The i•strument used on the occasion was built by the D. minion Organ Company, of Bowmanville, and w: s one of the finest of the magnificent church organs turned out from that establishment. It w a a five octave instrument, with two banks of k:ye, 13 setsot reeds and 22 stops. No pains or e pense appears to have been spared in the con- st • etion of this organ to make it in the highest d=gree artistic and beautiful in appearance, and. ex nisitein its varied combinations of melody, fr m notes of Aeolian delicacy and sweetness to thimpetuous and profound tones of the water - ]a 1 or the rumbling of distant thunder. The se ections for ;ho occasion were classical pieces b the best au;hors, and showed the scope of the in.trament t excellent advantage. This par- tinlar organ as built to fill an order for Aus. tr lia, and will unquestionably be an acquisition to the church here it may be made to assist in th, service of ong, and will add in no small de - gr e to the a ready enviable reputation of the Drminion Org n Company."—Oct. 0,1877. Oti•er Pianos" and Organs supplied on Short Notice. HE TPADE SUPPLIED. SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH, ON T. SALE F TOWN LOTS NE SURVEY OF THE GOUINih.00K ESTATE. 17 BUILDING SITES FOR SALE, AND MILL EE SOLD VERY CHEAP. R NGI? G IN SIZE FROM ONE- FIFTH OF AN ACRE TO FOUR ACRES. Some of these lots are the most desirable for res deuces of any in Seeforth. SPECIAL- TERMS TO THOSE WAI'TING TO BUILD. pply at the fflces of T CO MAN & GOUL\ L OGK Or J. H. BENSON, Esq., • 5'6 Solicitor, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LI°O 1877-8. 1877-8. R_ JAMIE ON, SEAFOI ,TII_1 . Received this Week, Another Lot of our Famous 20 Cent' Dress .Goods. A VERY SUPERIOR LINE OF VELVETEENS IN BLACK, SEAL BROWN AND NAVY BLUE. CASHMERES IN SEAL BROWN, MYRTLE GREEN, NAVY BLUE, PRUNE, DRAB, AND BLACK. BLACK LUSTRES FROM 12& , TO 75, CENTS PER YARD. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO SAY ANYTHING IN FAVOR OF OUR BLACX LUSTRES, AS THEY ARE VERY WIDELY AND VERY FAVOR- ABLY KNOWN. HA WLS—OUR STOCK IS STILL VERY WELL ASSORTED, ALTHOUGH OUR SALES THIS SEASON HAVE BEEN LARGER THAN EVE.}i, BEFORE. TWEEDS AND COATINGS—VERY GOOD VALUE AND VERY GOOD FITS GUARANTEED TO ALL WHO MAY GIVE US AN ORDER IN THAT DEPARTMENT. UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS, COLLARS, TIES, BRACES, SOCKS, &c. A LARGE STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE GOLDEN LION. CHRISTMAS GROCEIRIES TO HAND THIS WEEK : CURRANTS, RAI INS, LEMON AND ORANGE PEELS. &c. ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT TRIED OUR 50 -CENT TEA. HAS MISSE IT SO FAR, BUT WE HAVE STILL SOME OF IT ON HAND. JUST CALL AT THE GOLDEN LION AND TRY NOT ONLY OUR TEA, BUT ANYTHING- ELSE YOU MAY WANT IN DRY GOODS, GR( CERIES, &o. a. SIGN OF TAE GOLDEN LION.1 R. JAMIESON, Seaforth. JUST RECEIVED AT THE 999. A FRESH STOCK OF GLASSWARE AND STONEWARE, CROCKERY AND LAMP GOODS, VERY CHOICE DESIGNS AND 'VERY CHEAP. The Best Value in Town in Teas, Sugars, Tobaccos, Coffees,' Spice Canned Fruits and Meats at the Three Nines. Layer Raisins, Valencia, .Muscabel, Sultanna., and Seedless Raisins, ver low at the Three Nines. Codfish, Bacon, Ilam,s, Lard, &c., always to be herd at the Three Grolier/rd Grass, for Fall Sowing, at the Three Nines. ;Flour and Feed of all kinds constantly on hand at the Three • Nines, op posite the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth,. FREE DELIVERY. A. W. SPARLING. lues. JUST OPENED. JAMES SPARLING & CO., SEAFORTH Have Just Opened in Ault's Old Stand, Goderich Street, with a NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GROCERIES, Which have been Bought Very Low for Cash. THEY ARE DETERMINED) TO SELL AT A SMALL PROFIT. Give les a Call Before P rchasing your Christmas Groceries. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, AND ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN TOWN FREE OF CHARGE. JAMES SPARLING & Co., Seaforth. THERE IS NOTHING : LIKE LEATHER \\THEN IT ;IS MADE UP INTO : -= AT SUCH AS YOU{ FIND GOOD HARNESS 1. J. WARD'S, ! t SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of .Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. JEMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Substantial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A Trial ie all that is wanted to secure regular custom. E f , J. TVARD, Seaforth. WILSON'S The Great Cure for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, .Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, &c., and all Diseases of the .P>roncltial Tubes or Lungs. WILD Gives Instant .Relief in the Most Severe Cases, and never fails. Those who try it once always recommend it to their friends, and in this way the sale has become immense. CHERRY. Sold byLUMSDEN;& WILSON, Seaforth, at 25e., 50e., and $1. ! 522 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, , SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegs lave to thank his numerous customers for the 1itberalpatronage extended to him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuant of the same. Parties intending to hnild would de well to give him a call, ask he will continue to keep on hand a argestock of all kinds of • DRY PINE LUMBER, SASin EP4, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES; LATH, ETC. Ho feels confide nt of giving satisfaction g g to those who may favour him with theirpatronage, as none but first-class workmen are employed. faa' Particnlaxattention paid toCnstom Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. CAUTION ;.EACH PLUG OF THE "1MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO,' IS STAMPED T B -- IN GILT LETTERS. r NONE OTHER IS GENUINE. Hamilton, Sept. 29, 1877. 514-18 EG(,I EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers(merchaiets and others) for their liberal patronage daring the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. , Laying greatly enlarged his premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the H CHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. Hotel, Sea- . or at the oM will be promptly attended �3 , L. WILSON. 1' NEW BERLIN WOOLS, NEW BERLIN WOOLS, NEW BERLIN WOOLS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S. A7'. MISS TVRIGIIT'S. AT -HISS WRIGHT'S. NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING- PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, . AT MISS WRIGHT'S, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. 0 en . 1- 0 7s) AHneSNno1 `J O cn m D -n 0 MVS av-mioa io ISM. ROBERTSON & CO., SEAFORTH, CAN SHOW Yc U A LA C E STOCK .OF • BEGS to acquaint his many friends and costo - mere tbathe has removed two doors north of his old stand, ? eIntyro's Block, where he hue a stock equal to any in the business, and;at the most favorable prices. All .kinds of Repairing done on tho shortest notice. A good . Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, 13rnshes, and all Acme, Barney & Berry 1 All other such articles required constantly on hand. Remomoer your old"Fiiend. Sign of the Scotch Clamp, Ice King and dlub, Collar. 481 W. 11. OLIVER, Seaforth. THE GREATEST WONDER OF M€3, • ERN TIMES, H 0LLO�:�. PILLS & OINTM The Pills Purify the131ood, correctall disorder* of the Liver , Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, snit are invalnablein all complaints incidental $O Females. The Ointment Is the only reliable remedy' for bad Legs, Old Wounds. Sores and 'Uleers of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, end all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUN- TERFEITS. Spnrious imitations of "Hollowas'e Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and sold under the name of "Hol- 1oway's & Co.'? by J. F. Henry, Curran, Druggists, a n d also by the ] e- tropolitan Medi- of edi r Y e Compal of New York,with n assumed trade mark, thus: . —Again o n o Joseph Haydock, of New York. likewise passeseff counterfeits of. his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., avi t r rade m h ng o a t ark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents far the same. These persons, the better to deceive you , un- blushingly caution the public in the small books of directions which accompany their mediciraea, re really the which are x 1 y spurious imitations, to Bea ware of Counterfeits, Unsc a nl us deals r •p o as obtain them at very low prices and sell them tor the public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respeetfally appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds, Pirrchaaer4 Sf aouId look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. 11'the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they aro Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the gennino Medicine bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, " HoLLowa is Prms exp OICNTMnNT, LoNnoN," engraved thereon. On the label's the address, 583, OXFORD STREET, LoNDON,where alone they bre manufaetnred: t Parties who maybe defrauded by Vendors -soiling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of my genuiue make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, out their nhmos never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan. 1,1877. . 477 KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DiRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &e• FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special Inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLIVER,, SEAFORTH, SKATES : &e., &c. SLEIGH BELLS : Neck, Back, Body, Open, &c. COW CHAINS : Open,.Close, Ring,.and Wal - 1 ton. AXES : Burrel's, Warnock's, and the WellaWelland Vale. j nd CROSSCUT. SAWS : The Lance Tooth, Impro-ect Champion, Tuttle Tooth and Lightning. All of which 1114 will +sell for fess money than ever leered ilz Seaforth before. REMEMBE-R That we have Moved to our PIIEWI' PREMISES East Side Main Street. DON'T FAIL TO CALL W.M.1 ROBERTSON & Co. ! .j� 1 1° -HE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. 1 CARNOCHAW & ABELL, PROPRIETORS. il QFFICE and Stables on Market Street, second door from Main. Neat, Stylish Carriages and Buggies , and Good Reliable Horses always on Orders left at the Commercial mmerci s1 DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that :follow as a so-. p� gaence of Self abase, vv Of0 f�as Lose of. Memory, er Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the remit of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will bo sent by mail on.receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY da CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - - $4.000oo0, CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1883; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, - Incorporated 18134. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK,MAIN-STI.„ SEAFORTH. Barretts on New Vork Payable at any Biwik in the United States, ;Bills of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Crites of the United Kingdom. INTEREST I'AID ON DEPOSITS. M. }TAYES, 411 MANAGER SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCS Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL -KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS snitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom Sawing attended to peemptly, and as cheap as at any other mill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very owest market prises. 5000 ;CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, 417 Seafortb