HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-12-14, Page 8THE H
urn txpooitov.
HAVE. YOH SEEN 'that Splendid As-
sortment of XMAS ilxvsvats at Papst's Book Store,
ereasisting of Presentation Books, Juvenile's Toy
Books,. Albums, teasel, retstic awl autograpb.,)- Scrap
-Books, BMW, ha Russia, arid Morocco bindings,
Prayer Books, Hpnn, and Psalm books, purses,
writing desks, fancy la -stands,. Steroacopes and
Vows, vases, toilet sets, motto cups and. fancy -
*Inmost mottoes, rustic anal velvet, frames, gilt
ligures,portmonies, aline bags, card eases, silk book,
starlun Cluistmas, New Years, and bittliday cards,
nib:sage assor tromp also a large variety of Chin,
area's Toys, &e. Beinember the• Place. C. W.
Pa's; two doors sonth of thd Bank, 623
atit_DNO'S NEW BLOCK.—Mr.A. Carona
in returning thanks ta the inhabitants of Seaforth
and surtounding vicinity! begs to remind them that
le has removed back agam into his old stand, Iate-
;Toon/pied by him foe so many years past, now
' /flown, as Cardro's inook, where he will keep con-
atantly on band fresh canned fruits of every de,
eatiption, Choice pastra- of the Season. Also, a
choice tot of Fresh Groceries, &c. Cakes of all
descriptions made to order. t)ysters arria-e daily. in
bulk and can. Give Him a Cali. A. CARD.No,
Seaforth, 523
NOTICE Csa' RstioveL.—Laidlas,v &
YairIey intend reanovion, into new an.d more com-
xaodious premises new being fitthd up for them in
Cardnon New BloCla when they intend going naore
extensively into the Gtocery, Flottr, Feed and Seed
business than ever. Also itill open out a largo
-' stock of the, best Crocl,ery and Glassware to be had
in Seaforth. LAIDLAW & FAMEY. 623
F.. G. Winnows, Ex -Franciscan Monk,
via again. Leeture in the Town Hall, Settforth, on
Tuesday, Dee._ 18. Subject.---" Haw I became a
Monk, and. the reason why 1 left them.'" Doors
open at 7 o'clock, E M. Lecture anti o'clock. Ad-
mission 25 cents. Voeal and Instrumental Music.
The Lecturer will appear in his nIonastie Robes.
God Save the Queen. ssa
COME AND sense -Now buy your Xmas
gifts. Selling our reniaining stack of Jewelry at
Cost. Pure gold finger rings, ear rings, brooches,
shirt studs, cuff buttons, lockets, &e., &e. No re -
:serve. Call awl examine them at LinISDEN
'4V:insoles. 523
- RECEP,e;D THIS WEEK at M. Morrison's
s quantity of Dried Fruita, consisting of black ber-
ries, cherries and raspberries. Also, will have in a
few days, a large lot oft. dried peaches which will be
gold cheap, at blemuSon's Cheap Grocery.. 523-2
CHRISTMAS FRUITS in abundance at
Laidlaw & Fairley's, Seaforth, consisting of &ti-
tans:Valencia, Layer and Dehesa Raisins, Pants
Currants, Candied Peels, and Extracts. Advertise-
ment crowded, Ont. LAIDLANT & PAISLEY. 523
has just re-
ceived his Bast car of corn for this season. Cus-
tomers can depend ott getting, Corn at Brownell's
all the season throrenh, as he intends keepiug a
large stock on hand. J. Brion-1,mm.. 523
jusr RECEITED at ROBERTS' drug store,
opposite Cardno's New Block, an Immense Assort-
ment of Toys, suitable for the holidays. See them
before buying your holiday presents. Prices are
yery low, 523
A Goon CITANCE.—The party who
ionnd a stone colored,kid glove in the Town Has,
on the night of the llith inst., can have the mate by
applying at the market. 523-1
VERILY, VERILY, the fmest stoek of
Nair Bruthea and, Ladies' Imperial Dressing combs-
eser exhibited_ Seaforth is to be seen at Tna
Pecannace 52
peachea, apricots, strawberries, green peas ana
sugar corn, just arrived at LA tot.A.w & FAtaLET'S,
Seaforth. 523
now movingioto his new store, which he
with new and Cheap Gooda. perticulars next
week. 523-1
rAtirtLEY'S over the arrival of large stocks of Christ-
maa fruit. Come and View the Lumense Dis-
Play- 523
tural passages. Mr. Ostrander is a pias'
but pleasant and earnest speaker, sees
his lectures cannot to have a; 'most
beneficial and inst..= ive eff`4ct upon
both old and -young.
dedicatory services in connection with
the new Methodist Church in this town
will take place on Cbxistmas dey, the
25th inst. A. sermon will be preached
at half -past ten by Bei,. Dr. Iits, of
Anbiums-N. Y. At the conclusion of the
services a collection will be taken and
lunch will be served. In the evenina
there will be a tea meeting at which ad°.
dresses will be delivered by Dr. Ives,
Rev. James Gray, President of the Lon. -
don Conference, and Rev. Chas. Lovell,
Chairman of this distaiet. We may also
'nation that on. that evening the Wes-
te train on the Grand Trunk will be
hel at this station until 10 o'clock to
accommodate those whore/fly COMO from
the west.
LA.IDLAW & F,i1BLEY. have received an-
other consignment of Cape Cod Cranberries, of ex-
cellent quality. Selling rapidly. 523
FISH OE ALL EINDS to be had at LAID-
X.Aw FAutLEy's, as cheap as any house in town.
Can't be Undersold.' 52:3
BUPKWEMer FLOCIt, corn meal, oa,t
meal, granulated wheat for sane at LAID1,AW & FATE-
Lav'S, Seaforth. 523
a •
" TAKE THE : TIME " to read " The
rharreeey " eeeertiseraeat la the third column and
loth Page. 523 ;
DErsanEns—Wehave cm hand. a cora-
menication anent the freezing up of the
fire engine, which was not reeeived in
time for insertion this week. It will
appear next week.
owners of property in the burned dis-
trict to hand. in their acd'ounts to the
cound - at once for the land given by
them or the widening of Main stseet,in
order hat their claims may be ad usted.
A nuniiber of petitions were read, and
among others a petition from the licensed
hotel keepers, a,Sking for a refired of a
portion of license m.oney in. accord.ance
-with a resolution; passed. by council at
a fol. er meetino. This petition with
the ot ers and a number of accounts
were eferred to the Finance Commit-
tee. he council meet again 0 1 Wed-
nescla evening, next. .
show for the exhibition and sale of fat
stock, under the auspices of the Tucker -
smith, Branch A.gricultiiral Society,
was hUd in this town on Tuesday . last.
Notwithstanding the lack of sleighing
and the consequent bad roads, there
was a large attendance of both specta-
tors and exhibitors. There was a large
intraber of very/ superior animald; the
best of which were, we believe, disposed
of_ There was also a good attendance
Of buyers. Besides the local dealers,
there were several from Toronto, erod-
erieh, Clinton, and other places; but
most of the stock sold was purchased
by local Men. Prices ranged froni four
to eight cents per. pound live tweight.
The followin,g is a list of the successful
competitors together with the mu:fiber
of entries : Best ox or steer, 5 entries
—1st Mrs. McLean, Tuckersmith ; 2d
Mrs. McLean, Tuckersrnith ;• 3d, Jas.
Dickson, Tuckersmith. .Best I fatted
cow or Weiler, 10 entries--lst Mrs: Mc-
Lean,2d. Duncan McLaren, Hibbert ; .3d
Mrs. McLean. Best beef animal, Mrs.
McLean. Best pair of sheep, 4 entries
—1st Jas. Dickson, 2d 'John Cowan,
McKillop ; 3d John. Cowan. Best hog,
2 entries—lst Alex. Yule, Tuckersmith;
2d John Dale, 'Hallett. Best pair tar --
keys, 2 entries --1st C. Dale, ullett;
2d Thos. Carter, Tuckersrait . Best
pair geese, 2 entries—lst A. Elcoat,
Tuckersmith ; 2d C. Dale.
THE DitaaXATan CLris—The Seaforth
Draraatic Club have now in odifirse of
preparation a pantomimic entertain-
mentewhith they will give in the new
hall during Christmas week.
THE Csx.enrests A LMANAe.—TheCanadi-
an almanac for 1878 has been received.
by Mr. C. Armstrong. Our thanks are
dae Mr. Axmstrong for a copy of this
excellent and useftd publication.
Comixe BAteis-j-We understand that
Ifr. F. G. Widdows will deliver another
address in the town hall on Tuesday
eveniag next. !At eaeli of his previons
lectures the hall was crowaed to excess.
PessotaL.-s-As will be seen y card.
published in another CO1U312.11, Mr. G. E.
Cresswell announces his deternaina,tion
. not to be a candidate for municipal
honors at the next eleetion. We are
sure that the entire body of ratepayers
of Tuckersnaith as well as Mr. Cress -
well's many friends ottside of the town:
ship NNlill regret that he has. determined
to take this step. He has tepresente
Tuckersmith as its Reeve for eight
years, and the fact that in that time he
has been elected six times by acclama-
tion is evidence stfficient that he has
discharged the _ onerous duties of his
position to the entire satisfaction of his -
constituents, and did he wish for re-
election next year there is no doubt but
he would have been again returned by.
the -unanimous voice of the people. In
the county- council Mr. Cresswell
be much raissed. He has for years
been one of the leading members of
that body, his genial disposition and
sound practical judgment Made him'
not only a general favorite among the
members but gave him an influence
whieh only a few can secure in a de-
liberative body. ,== During the past year
he has filled the Warden's cha,ir in a
manner eminently satisfactory to all;
and. would. no doubt again be chosen .for
that position if a member of the scoim-
oil. We understand Mr. Cresswell in-
tends taking a tip to Englan.d this
season, and will ;probably leave here
about the first of the New Year. ,
Walker of the Gipshen. line Sta
on Wednesday last on a trip to
country for the imrpose of viewi
more the seen s of his yout
er left the
emit ago,'
ather land over
ad on his re
ee many nd great chanc
ople • and things. He sa
. _John
ey, left
he old
g once
urn he
es both
p ls from
New York on SI;ittixday, and hi many
friens s will join with us in wisliffig him
a pleasant visit and &safe ret . He
expects to be go e about three maths.
So "SeL.—A social will be hel for the
bene 't of the Presbyterian abbath
School on the 1 th of January.
. B+D CIONCE T.—Another o those
celebrated band concerts will b held in
the town hall o i Christmas nig t, when
all the musical talent in the lace is
expeeted to c spire in =Au a this
entertainment 4uperier to any ,, et held
under its auspi4es.
Nnw SronE.J-The irrepressi .1.0 Mr.
John Inglis, from Teeswater, l•ng and
favorably Imown in this loc lity, is
starting a branch store in he 'new.
brick block, lately occupied by Messrs.
13ell & Shaver. Mr. Donald 01 adwiek,
also of Teeswater, is conte plating
open a groc in the seine lock.
ably t arthe
see h' leave
Judge Squier oc:
the fir t time onl
Esq., f Colbo
tion f retiringl
Mr. oung
long nd well, a,
lloss o his servi
Fisu.—On. Friday morning last, be-
tween three anclfour o'clock, a dwelling
house on Main street north was discov-
ered to be on fire. The fire was so far
advanced before it was noticed 0 that
nothing could be done to save the
building. The fire was, however, con-
fined to the building in which it orig,i -
ated. , The building was of frame. t
belonged to Mr. Samuel Stark and -s-se s
occupied by Mr. Brovin as a beardin
house. There was ao insurance on the
building, but Mr. Brown had an ins
ance of $4.00 on the contents -which will
fully cover his loss. It is thought the
fire was caused by a defective ohimney.
On account of some foolish stories hav-
ing been circulated as to the origin of
the fire, Coroner Vercoe was requested
to hold an inquest, and after a thorough
enquiry he decided as follows : " That
tho-cigh fro's, the evidence adduced, the
precise cause or origin of the fire is un-
known, vet there is no evidence -what-
ever to show that it was the result of
either wilful. negligence or . design on
the part of any person or persons what-
soever." When the engine was required
to be used. it was found. that the valves
were frozen, and before it could. be
worked they had to be thawed out With
hot water which caused. considerable
delay in getting the engine to work. It'
would be well for the council to trive
instructions to those in charge of the
Tan Coux-ry Corm— The Sessions
engine to employ a person 10 attend to
and County Court for Huron opeued
it and gee that it is kept in continual
Goderieb. on Tuesday last before His
Honor Judge Squier. This being His
Honor's first appearance on the.Beach,
M. C. Cameron. Q. C., on behalf of the
Counts- presentedhim with a con-
Tun LITMAN SOCIETY.—The regnlar
debate under the auspices of the Sea -
forth Literary Society, which should.
have taken place on Monday evening
last, was postponed until this evening
on account of Mr. Ostrander's lecture.
The debate will, therefore, take place in
the town hall this evening.
NEw- Mlearge Snop.—Messrs. Young
& Laney, formerly Of Dundas, have open-
ed a shop for the repairing of steam en-
, gines; boilers, smoke stacks, salt pans,
and other sods work. Both gentlemenf
are good praetieal mechanics, and. as' I
this is a, branch of industry much re-
quired here, it should be liberally pat-
D mos IN Couwens—A thel
ing 11,1f the Morris Council, afte
a milmber of accounts for road
ments, &c., it was moved by- I
law, and %seconded. by Mr. -V
that Simon Eakett receive an
the reasurer for 4915 50, be
me in full'for building Clark
It as also moved by F. Clegg
ond d by .T,,, Laidlo,w,that th
inst. ucted to notify the Blyth
tha they are requested • to
arti lea of agreement between
Hid alities_on or before the
eember next: ecording to s
'made in Apiil ast, otherwise t
eil will take- 1 gal proceeding
matter. Thes,COuncil adjo-urne
on he 28th December.
of t e Stephen Council, held
ins ., it was moved by Mr. Ye
sec nded by Mr. Baker, that
tio , requesting aid to constru
at rand Bend, be not ente
pre ent. The following Were
DePuty Returning Officers,
places for holding the elect
Division, No. 1, sehool house
Walker, retur-ning officer ; N
ship ha,ll, C. Prouty, returnin
No. 3, school house No. 6,
returning officer ; No. 4; plac
lected., A. McKenzie, returni
No 5, schoolhouse No. 8, G.
ret *ng officer. After pass
ber of accounts and -issuing
th same, the Council salon
,11.1e 5
is f
on t
st meet-
. Laid:
rder *�n
ng pay -
and sec -
clerk -be
forward .
the mu -
8th De-
's Coun-
in the
to ineet
n the 3rdi
rley, and'
the peti-1
t wharfl
aimed atI
.aliPsd: zhe
o. 1, W.1
• 2,.town-I
Officer ;1
J . Brown,;
not se -i
• e officer ;
a a num.!
rders for
. •
gratulatory address, to which the new
iudge fitting's rceTended. The proceed-
ings of the Ceurt will be published next
TUE OPEN IN or CAnnxo's IIA.ne.-----We
-would aeain remind our readers of the
entertainnients tube. given on Thursday
and Prides; evenings next on the occa-
sion Of the'iepening of Mr. Carano's new
hall. The preptratious now proefress
promise entertaminteits, the superior of
which have :never been given in this
town. and we are sure there will be
,crowded heuses. Parties desiring to at-
tend. his add 'seism. their tickets in
Mn. Os )N, e's LEA-rt`RE:4. ac-
cordance with previi *Us anttolnieeltlent.
Rev. Ostrandor, the celebrated
Oriental traveller deliVered a course of
three lectures -Cite Presl )yteri Dal Chureli
in this town during the present week.
The lectures -were not so largely attend-
ed as their Merits would. justify. The lec-
turer imparted an immense fund of
interegting and. iuseful iformation re-
specting Orientag habits and customs as
exemplified in Biblical teachings. He
also exhibited the costmnes worn
hy Orientals, and explained the bear -
_mg which these have to certain Scrip-
IVieKillop. •
The second 'anniversary soir e in con-
nection with Caven. Pr sbyteria
Church, W&throp, will be h ld th
chtch on Christmas night. Tea, -wil
be ervedsat 7 o'clock, and th spea,kin
will commence at 8: • Several ex ellen
speakers have promised te be in attend,.
once and a very- plea,sant 'and profitable
evening may be anticipated.
the positions obtainedby: th
Winthrop school, for perfect I
good conduct during the
November: Fifth Forrci-J-1.
Alexander, and. Maggie
Fourth Form—lst David F
Robert Scarlett, 3rd. John
4th Maggie Hannah. Thir
lst E. Goveialock, 2nd Lizzie
3rd Jessie Colder, 4th D.
'Second Form—lst Harriet F
Mary A. Hart, 3rd Daniel
4th Wm. Campbell.
Gra,cey, one of
ent M. D.'s, is reported sick
fever, caught while in discha,
pie do not desire to
for the Mayoralty.
pied his position for
uesday. Wm. Young,
, intimates his inten-
from the Roeveship.
served the tovvnship
d if he persists in his
any will regret the
s in the County Conn -
h concess
rm fox a
r Leaven
nce. Mr
er annum
e to ths],
he has .1
e 2nd
—Mr. John Lowe-, of
n of Grey, has rented
term of years to Mr.
There axe 58 acres of
Homerpaysa rental of
Mr. Lowe is going to
township- of Usborne,
ised his father's farm
licession of that town-
G OD THRESH Ne.—Messrs. Dalrymple
& B:11, of Tue rsmith, threshed on the
farm of Mr.. McLaren, Hibbert,
the 1st and 3r nst., 1,100 bushels of
grain in two d s. The machine work-
ed. at its usual ate of speed, as there
was • either sta e nor wager to induce
the hreshers t put forth an 'extra ef-
fort. The gr in, too, when it came
thro gh the ml chine waa nearly clean
encit, gh for the. arket.
so° be locat
sout of Mes
grocery. Mr.
S G.
sno have bee
of tl 's viciiait
gr , wood a,
live ed in the
the made, M
yster socie
14t inst. Af
biv Ives are prepared, also tea and cake
for those deSi -Mg it. This-, together
is e
to b
N N REA.D I s. --The monthly penny
gs Of t (1)" Sons of Temperance
e given o Monday evening next.
public are 'nvited.
The express offiee
in the new building
s. Home and Farmer's
illiam J. White is man-
wina are
purls of
ssoias and
ionth of
t Maggie
ench; 2n.
ench, 2nd
our resid-
d typhoid.
ge of pre-
fessional duty.
LOOKno.—A. lockup is needed in this
-place and no movement. seeins to hale
been made by the Council i the ma
ter. It is to be hopedthat it will sho
ly be attended to. ;
REEVESHIP.—A requisition is in pr
gress of signature to Mr. Cl ,-to
test the Reeveship with MI Kelly,' tl e
present occupant. It is tine rtain o
Mr. Clegg's acceptance.
• ".
pa,ny is established in this store. Mr.
Timmins has also a boot and. floe shop
in connectidn with the store ; next there
is a grocery and butcher shop, kept by
Mr. Chambers ; two shoe shops, attend-
ed by Mr. A. Bruce and. -Kr. R. F. Sib -
bald, respectively ; two tailors,, Mr. J.
Piper and- Mr. W. Gray ; three black-
smith. shops, attended to by E. !Tindall,
F. Br. Scott and George Duncan. The
former also carries on wagon making in
connection with the blacksmith shop.
Having given a sketch of the Stores and
the various trades, we -will proceed to
detail the various professions, mills,
manufactofies, &c. In the professional
way, Bluevale has never been troubled
with a lawyer. - It speaks mueh to the
credit of 'its cititens. It shows that
they are intelligent enough to conduct
their oWn business. matters, and that
they can enjoy life with one another
and. the world, without requiring the
needless and expensiveservices of "men
of the law," to settle little matters occa-
sionally. The physical aihnents-of the
people can be attended to by !Dr. Gor-
don, -Who has his office at Mr. George.
Aitohesen's residence. On Sabbath,
services are held _in three ehurches,
namdly, the Presbyterian, Methodist
and Primitive Methodist. Coming to
the mills, we find the Messrs.DW. H.
& Joseph Leech, whe have a saw mill,
shingle factery and .grist inill. The
grist raffi is run by water power, and
the saw mill and shingle factory by
steam. The Messrs. Bailey & Reading
have also aoaw mill and shingle fac-
tory at the railway station, -which is
run by stearre Messrs. Currie & Thynne
have a planing mill and butter factory,
and. Mr. -Wm. McIntosh carries on a
general carpentering business in con-
nection With it. Mr. D. Stewart, one
of Bluevale's landmarks, is now carry-
ing en quite a business in the furniture
way. We hear it whispered that he
supplied 'an order from Seaforth the
other dayl. There is also a first-class
f which Mr. Guest is posses -
come to the last, the most uns
fact to relate,. namely, that
three hotels in the village, one
he few light falls of
utilized by the people
and large quantities of
tanbark are being de-
L.—The young rn.en Of
thodist church will give
on Frida,y evening, die at the staticln and two in the main part
large quantitY of the 0,,f the ,town. So that, upon the whole,
sor. We
there are
he 'class
allies' I
stitute, have been Opened. by Mrs. DU
working order. If this be not done it
bar, with good prospectS. I he drawi
is in every way likely that the very class be organized by iss Ma
time when. it will be most required it 1
Cole, of Clinton, on Friday 1. ext. .
will not be in working order:
Mousis.—As usual, Morn • is to have
in. connection with the Mee
is b
the excel
pected to'
in keepin
ding a
ew bled
met lastl
nesssof in
°Lost: M
tion hel
'lig with I
blinds ditto.
lage councillo
beheld on M
hall at 12 o'c
nightly penn
pices of the.
place this (F
$1 20 ; sprin
30c ; barley,
56e hay, $
$5 Ob. .
mind our rea,
to be held
the prize li
which were
St. jOhn's.C1
have their
on Tuesday
Mason lectui
Canada Me
evening to
women and.
lectured on r-
'ist Episcopa
hall on F
subject " R
Education. is
by a fair au
ably handl
'sustainea b
T. McGillic
negative by
Soott and. j.
given in fav
Towx CeisseiLse-At the Meeting of a, sharp contest. Mr. ;C. Pi octor is to
the town council onWeduesd.ay evenina I contest the Reeyeship With the present
the by-laW appointing polling' places anti Reeve; Mr. Johnston, ,While Mr. Frank
ors for the
deputy returning officer§ was passed. Clegg and Mi. Miller are xpected to
The polling places are as follows : For solicit the Votes !of the elm
the East Ward, in, Stark's new buildine,
office Of Deputy.
S. Stark, deptitv returning officer ; South
Ward, at the, town .Win. Elliott,
returning officer 1\.Torth Ward, at Lums-
den's s,tore, R, Liansclen, returning offi-
cer. It was moved, seconded and car
lied. that the captain of the fire brigade
. in conjunction With the fire and. water
committee be authorized 'to employ a
suitable person to look after the lire en-
, gine, and to keep it in proper working
order, said person to be employed during'
. the pleasure of the Council. ;The award
ef the arbitrators on Silver Creek dxain
was read.' The award requires- the
council to pay the sum Of i5.2.;0 for the.
work' done. on Section NO. 1=this is
about 1150 more than the contract price.
; The expenses of the arbitration., $1ti, are
:•to bp paid by the town. A resolution
was'passed authorizing the mmittee
-1 on Silver Creek drain to islue &ben-
; tine in favor of Mr. Kyles, for the full
amount due on drain.coatr ct in accord:
! once with the award of th arbitrators.
The Clerk was instructed t request the
nt programme provided,
a,ke up a, geed enter -
e funds realized are
o Sabbath- SChool pur-
russels' I
of importance is just
with the times,—mighty
it wilt be,seen that the atfaire of Blue -
vale are in a prosperous condition, and,
although the- dreams 'of its early in-
habitants may never be realized, yet it
may be ftia. that it islairly holding its
own. -01
sympathize with the congregation of]
PEcninER 14, 1877.
--"--"--saulted -Willson, who, in turn
n information. of assault against
The charge, however, was not
igated, as the affair V78,8 settlea by
Hone back paying 48.25, including
cBC:11ttstemin.rti on'e,Ge'mo-apelloiyched, aht itch einMthaenhsaottt
—On Friday morning last James
bringing a boat across the river to the
break -water, in order to take the work-
men Lover to. the mine, accidently fell
overboard' and was -drowned before as-
sistance could. be rendered. - The body -
was recovered shortly afterwards: De-
aEwxeifteeranTdienefaras these-
° e _a s da vl es a ,tvhees
days of thievery many an honest person
is cast undeisuspiciong found innocent-
ly doind something out of the way ; but
the inhabitants of Elimville are under
the 'mpression that a couple of wheat
btThehse et
• evh
is p
does imp
Sea orth in the loss of a, pastor so able' laid.
and devoted, and who, Ander God, has him.
been so largely instrumentalin•building inves
up the congregation. from a comparative-
ly small beginning to its present state
of strength and prosperity. The Pres-
bytery will follow their brother to his
new sphere of effort with ea,rdest pray-
ers that his bow may long abide in.
strength, and. that a like naeasure of
blessing may attend his labors in. the
future as that which has crowned them
in th4 past."
ant Suor.—Dr. Graham
acksmith. shop in rear of
TING.—The colin-
onday evening but no
ortauce was transacted.
ETING.—The Reform As -
meeting on Wednesday
losed-doors and window
The nomination for Nil-
s for the coining year will
day, Dec.31, in the town
ck, noon.
neas.----The usual fort -
readings, under the allS-
echanics Institute, take
day) evening.
all wheat, $1 18 to
90c to $1 ; oats, 25c to
Oc to 55c ; peas, 50c to
to $10 ; pork,; $4 75 to
w.—We W011141 again re-
ers of the poultry show
russels on the 22nd inst.,
and full particulars of
iblished last week.
TBEE.—The Children of
irch Sunday School are to
iristmas tree *an.d. enter -
e basement of -the church
ening next, the 18th inst.,
s.--f-Mrs. Kent'
d on Temperance in the
dist church on Thesday
large audienee. At the
BE-OBGANIzED.—Flower-of the Forest
Lodge of Good Templars has aaain been
re -organized, and meets every °Tuesday
evening in their hall, on the boundary
of Grey and. Howick, three and. three-
quarter miles east of the gravel road.
Illturon Notes.
Mr. R. Morrison, of .Ueborne, grows
turnips which weigh 15 pounds.
Routcliffe of ;Usborne, a few
days ago, selA itwo year Oa colt to
Mr. Young of TuOkersmith for the sum
of $150. The colt was sired by import-
ed " Coachman," 'and is a very fine ani-
—While Robert Shaw, a boy about
fourteen years ofiaae, residing on the
3rd concession, of lorris was leading a
-colt to water, he had hi's arm broken
near the wrist •11)3/ a, kick from the
ani—inLaalSt Tuesday evening the members
of the County Bar and others entertain-
ed Judge Squier at a banquet in the
British Exchange, Goderich, as a com-
pliment to him on. his, accession to the
County Judgeship. It proved a success.
—Mr. F. Seegrailler, on behalf of the
estate, has sold- the British Exchange
Hotel to its present occupant, Capt.
Cox, for $7,500. -1He has also exchanged.
thek, stone stable; on south street with
Mr. Polley for his livery stable, reeeiv-
ing $1,500 to boot.
. —Mr. S. Essery, of Usborne township,
sold a handsorne team. of three year
old " Scotch Mir,able" colts to an Ana-
erican buyer in Seaforth-, one day last
week, for the suit of $300. This team
took the first prize at the Exeter fall
show for a heavy draft tfia,:am. 1
--jacel) A. Buckland,' of Brussels,
• was last week' committed for trial 'on
charges of stealing articles of clothing
from Maunel's and Martin's hotels in
that villaae. Oil Saturday he pleaded
[aDVEIITISE MENT.] teiiing the old. stOry of the effects
A Refutation. of whiskey, and was remanded until the
E rrou : ()n the 30th November,' 17th inst. for sentence.
o —In Exeter, last week, a young lad
twenty people, accused me of saying at nanaedArmstrong,in attempting to juinp
Dr. Cole an, in the presence of over
upon a wagon which was passing eking
a meetin / of the Council about a week . .
the street got his foot fast in the revolv-
previous), that Dr. Vercoe had obtained
a name tb a petition addressed to the
Council, by misrepresenting the -facts in
connectien therewith. .1_11enied the ac-
cusation i:m the spot,'when he repeated.
it with snch assurance as to lead Dr.
Vercoe and those present to_ believe that , first of December the Messrs. Coughlin,
I was in ' the. wrong. I, Consequently,
obtained ? the letter herewith, which stock dealers of the township of Stephen
shipped 7,000 sheep and 400 hogsedi-
speaks for itself, signed by every mem- rect for the old country, 5,000 sheep
ber of the Council who was present at
the meeting in question, mailed a copy
to Dr. Coleman, and asked -him to set
me right in the matter.. He responded
by writing me a letter, in the' fore part ship of Stephen. '
—Mi. R. Jones, Of Usborne, who was
of -which he repeated. his accusation, robbed. of $200 one night last week, 'got
and dosed by saying, " I frankly ac -
off pretty well, considering that on the
cept your denial, and say I was mis- next evening a certain person in the
taken in the reference." I then wrote township inteuded po:ying him 200.
and on Saturday eve.mna another an
ing wheel and but for the prompt action
of the driver in stopping the horses the
unfortunate lull would likely 'have got
his leg broken. As it was. he was ouly
slightly injuredi
—From the first of _September to the
es passed through that place about
'clock on Tuesday morning last.
had a large load. of grain of some
in a wagon and were making the
of their way toward St. Mary's.
agitated. appearance, strange ac -
and the unusual hour at which
-syere setting out on their journey,
her:with the facts that the man
was seen driving the horses does.
ow grain of- any kind, excited the
icion of those who saw them. It '
ssible the suspicitsns are ill -founds
ut when robbery is rampant, one
know on whom to cast a sus-
- picious eye."
777 SEAFORTH. 777
M 0 77- I LT GI -
going to Liverpool and 2,000 sheep and
the 400 hogs to the Glasgow market.
The hogs -were all bought in the tolvn-
him that hi.s letter was not what I
wanted, that I wished those, who heard
him male the accusation to icnow from
him that I had not said what he repro- glars hadwaited. two nights longer they
sented. As he has been allowed am -de ' would have ()rained $800 instead of
- $200.
had promised him If the bur-
_1 I
tIimmeig, hant dsah:atshnaottpsrig.nivfiereci li, is -willing-
ness to do this, and ap I feel] I have no
right to be put to thelrouble of cadging
the refutation around to every one who
was present at the tiine, and some of
them I don't know, I feel cOmpelled to,
and. justified in, adopting this mediu-m.
me honorably, township of Usborne, intends ' haying
this country in the spring for the far -
distant State of Kansas. On Saturday,
border, where he had been in search
of last week, he returned frota overithe
of land. While in Kansas he traded
—Mr. Alex. Smith, Treasurer of ,the
his farm at Winchelsea, containing 150
Jet once said, after reading the letter
acres, valued at $1.0,000 for 640 acres of
signed by the members of the Council, prairie land, and received boot to the
that I was exonerated io his entire satis-
Notion. Yours, &c., - - extent of 44,000. Mrs Smith, we are
informed, intends to leave about the
first of February for his new hom.e. •
—At the County Co`urt at presentin
session in Goderich, the following gent-
lemen compose the Grand Jury : Wm.
H. Moss, Brussels, fdrernan ; Richard
Brayley, Bayfield; John Butler, God-
erich ; Samuel Burgess, Grey ; David.
Cowan, Ashfield ; Ja,mesClark, Clinton ;
George Cardiff, Morris ; Samuel Essary,
Usborne ; Thomas Finla,y, Ashfield ;
George Gibson, Wroxeter ; Robt. Ham-
ilton, Ashfield; H. McCan, Bayfield.;
Peter McDonald., Grey ; Peter Porter-
field, E.1 Wawanosh ; Thomas Robert-
son, Colborne • James Sheppard, God-
erich ; JosephtWhitely, Goderich.
—A dead -beat in the guise of aiOn-
nocent farmer, professing to hail from
the vicinity of Blyth, and claiming to
belong to -the numerous and respectable
f mil f S ith id. vi it t Wi a
. large number of men,
sestrorren, Dec. 12, 1877. !
ildren received the 'blue
The following is the letter above re-
. -
Pierce, of Sea,forth, also
emperance in -the Method -
church on Menday even -
he debate in the town
/ day evening last on the
olved that Compulsory
eneficial," was listened to
ence, and the subject was
. • The. affirmative was
-Messrs. John Alexander,
ddy and J. Allen, and the
Messrs. A. Dulma,ge, F.
cRae. The' decision was
of the negative..
• .
s situated, on -the Sonthern
the Wellington, Grey and
ay, between Brussels and
a is one of the most pleas -
ages in the County of Hur-
Mess point Bluevale has,
not, wo are .orry to say, achieved. much
to bring its lf . into notoriety. In the
days of mu roads and. loneecrossways,
Bluevale sec ired. the lion's share of the
trade and. commerce of the backwoods,
and at that eime promised:to become a
flohrishing town. But the Fates were
against it. the course of events, two
gravel roads from the south -were es-
tablished., :etch tracing . its course 31
miles equi-distant east and west of
Bluevale. „ Villages more easily reached
and more. in the direct road. to the
" front " sprang up, and it soon became
evident that its bright future prospects
in such a situation 'were blasted. Still,
notwithstamaing the many difficulties
the village has had to contend.
with, its business men have always been
able to compete -with surrounding towns,
and not -any of its local trade has been
taken away. from it, consequently we
have the ancient little hamlet of Blue -
vele, still craving for -a, passing glance
end a tender remembrance, and
there is no doubt -it should not be for-
gOtten. We shall give a d.escription
the business capacities of the place :
There are two general stores, one the
old. eStablished post office store, of -svhich
MT. Wm. Messer is now owner. The
business of this store was established by
Mr. John Messer, the heart and. soul of
the whole -village. After attending to
the wants of his meny customers for a
long period of year.% the latter mention-
ed gentleman retired from the store
business, and engaged in the grain and
produce buying, which he is now carry-
ing - ou very successfully. The other
. store is ept by Mr:Timmins. An of-
fice of he Montreal' Telegraph Com -
. Goderith.
' Deirts.—Mr. J.. A: Nafte had a nar-
row escape from being 17 lied by hiS
team running away. - He w ag seriously
iniured..--The -• Sophie iNI lei; . troupe
drew good houses here, A the Cods ty
Colwell was in Sessioi i . th n, eneny i of
the: councillors, attended. On Friday
night the e bhoys "7 gr,eet (1, their 0--
[ pearance With flattering dei enstratiqns
Of ret4trd. The reception accorded -Ito
the Stanley repreSen ativ s Was pttr-
$icularly boisterous.—Owinio to ...the re-
moval Of Mayor I inlay to Guelph, to
take charge of . the Mo tread B nk
agency there, speculat on is rife conce n -
mg tsthe ;. coming m ..i." The nal .)es
Mentioned are 'Dr. i cMi ,king, -WM.
Campbell, 13. L;Doyl , J. T. Garr' w,
A.braham Smith, Rob . McKay, Hor -cc
Horton and ethers., Mr Horton is
Understood not to desire he positiOn,
and Mr. Carrow holds the position df
Reeve. . This position he has held' so
Bruce Rail
ant little vil
on,. In a bit
ferred to :
SEAFORTH, /:;;OV. 30, 1877.
• H. L. ,Vintcon, ESQ.—Sart At the.
meeting of Council, held on the 27th
inst., when the High Schdol question
was being discussed., LI. Carter ma,de
no representation, nor did he infer in
any way that a name had been obtain-
ed by you to a petition in favor of said
school, through your representing to
said signer that the school would be
self-sustaining Or almost so. While he -
did state that a name had been obtain-
ed, the signer understanding that the
school would be almost self-sustaining,
he aia not infer that the canvasser, was
aware at the time that such was not
the case, Yours, &c.,
L. Mumeiv, A. STEWART,
A. &Bose, C. WiLs ON ,
Tucker smith.
To the Electors of Tuck:a-smith:
GE).ZTLEMeN : Owing to the condition
of my private affairs I have resolved
that I will not become a candidate for
municipal honors .at the approaching
election in Tuckersmitli, Thanking
you for the generous Consideratiot
shown me while' acting as your Reeve.
I reined -a your obedient servant,
Preibytery of Huron..
This Presbytery met in. Seaforth on
the 5th inst., to consider a 'call
addressed to , the Rev. Mr. Golds
smith from the congregation] of
St. John's Church, ' Hamilton. After
parties were heard. for and. against trans-
lation, and finally Mr. Gold.smith
self accepting the call,- the Presbytery
agreed as follows : " Moved. by Dr. Tire,
seconded by Mr. McLean, that in vieW
a yom,pa as o
ham on Saturday last. He brought
with him a stock of a mysterious com-
pound. which he represented as the
pure and unadulterated. product of the
busy bee, and -which he undertook to
peddle through the t He succeed-,
ed in palming off some of his " honey
on a few of our unsuspecting citizens,
but the fraud Was discovered before he
had made many sales. He was forced!
to ;disgor„ae pertion of his ill-gotteni
gains, and. was advised to depart quick-:
ly for " fresh field. and pastures new,"
which. he obligingly did, and, is now no
doubt dispensing his sweetness else-
-7-The Goderich Star is responsible
for the following : Last week we record-
ed the fact of a farmer starting tottown
with. a load of wooden a Sunday morn-
ing. , Last Sunday Mr. Alex. Gerard,
who lives on the Bayfield. road, wasi so
absorbed in the toils and cares of the
wicked world, that, though he had an
api5ointment, to preach in Clinton that
morning, he was entirely oblivious -Of
the fact that the day was the Sabbath,
and went to the fields to plow as usual.
of all the circumstances of the case, the He was industriously pursuing his la -
Presbytery agree to tfanslate Mr. Thos. bor, and would probably have done so
Goldsmith to St. John's, Hamilton, and all day, had. not Mr. Harris geatly in-
direct him to wait.for, and obey the.or- timated tO him that six days-. shalt
derS of the Hamilton Presbytery. In thou labor," As it was then ablout
parting with their highly esteemea noon, he aia not preach in. Clintonthat
brother, Mr. Goldsmith, the Presbytery day, but he 4id not plough any more.,
would express their deep concern at the —On TueSday of last week the usual
loss which they, in comnaon. with the quiet of Boston Comere in the Town-
corig,regation of Seaforth sustain bY the ship of Stephen was disturbed by a
change; th.ey much regret their antici- little fracas' between. Messrs. Willson.
pated separation from one who has, aux.-. and Helleal**, two of the most pron‘i-
ing his seven years connection -with the inent citizens of the place. It appeal's -
Presbytery, occupied SD high a place in that they had. employed a man to. dig a ;
the esteem and confidence of his co- ditch from 'N,hich the3 both derived a A. G. MCDOUGALL &
Presbyters, and who has ever taken so
influential a part'in the business of the
court, and so large a share in the gen-
eral work of the Presbytery. They also
CAPS, :FURS, &c., &c., AT PRICES
benefit. An
ed they qua
the paymen
-few uncomp
when the job was finish-
elled over the division of
After the exchange of a
mentary remarks, Hellen- ,
s •
TIOROPERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, that 0.0
venient and desirable residenee on the eorn
of High and Market Streets, lately occupied
veteen. Apply to DR. VERCOE.
VCR SALE, -The subscriber has for sale a
acre lot in the township of Meliillop, -County
Huron, 20 'urea are cleared and the bolero:0 wa
timbered with beech and maple. The prom
will be sold cheap. Apply to J'AS. H. BEN80.
Solicitor, Seaforth, Out.
_ .. a
A GOOD CHANCin-e4,500 will buy 150 Et
.C1 s7g good land in the Towrahip of Rep
County of Grey. Bush land, all hardwood, ma
within two miles of a flourishing eillage. It ini;.•,,
beresemixethha,flogreHa ufollrel)'tt s. r a_Aa 1 13:01 laryx 3sti lao I me A:t. hS3 leTexr:0 livN7 t,Toi Arnwn
• ard, well and pump. One mile arida quarter he
aj . . ..1 ,. . :r i 1 te sn_::: r, w iSi itiotf:11: tg: .,$) aG 0_ 40, uTn: 1 in.,
ma frainellilleotarn, o,Issigostoaing:ioxr:f
Church, Post Office and School, anadN5.,aluarailveos ffrolkni
Soaterth. Apply on the premisee to 3IART
FlartF—R4A—se°11W2i"611:ai-Es11;t1i47-,,°8CAotiE0 1*170,11TItataSll'heip of -Grey, Count
being the northhalt
of Huron. la a beautiful lot with40 acreseleare
No buildings. TerinS easy. For further pottier:
- market P. 0.
lars apply, bymail, to WILLIAN 11011TON6,2N14etr
a goOd gravel road. Apply tothe proprietor= tit
premises, CHARLES MCTAVISH, Wroxeter Pos.
house and barn, and half a from Wroreter
well fenced, and in a good state of tultivatio
balance hardwood. Well watered,. good tram
RAR31 FOR SALE. -A splendid team, b5e3.1:7:
22, Con. '6, Tuntherry, 90neres, 70acres -deem
the north half of Lot 9, Sauble Line, Stanle
-coneeining ,57 acres, 40 of which are timed, am,
the balance well timbered. It is within s awes 4,
Bayfield. There is a never failing streara of water
limning through the place. This property moat
be sold at onee. Apply to SCOTT BROTtlenIS,
Seaforth. 520
'writ LAUT'S F.A.1131 FOR SATE. -For Sale,
La -a- Lot 12, Con. 1, Stanley„ containing NO ecres,
mostly cleared and in a first-class state of cold-
vatiore This is one of the best farms between
London and. Winghana, Fair buildings, plenty of
water, and a good young -orchard. On the London
Road, three-quarters oft. mile southof
Apply to ..TOEIX LAUT, Brucetell. 5M-4 .
_ _ ,
• Sale, Lot 28, Con. 3, L. It S., Tuckersruill,
containing HO acres, about 80 eleiren, the balanee
hardwood timber. Large brick house and good
frame outbuildings ; an excellent omhard of the
choicest fruits ; is well 'watered Is situated 5
miles from. Seaf orotund miles limn Brneeseld
station. For terms apply by letter to E. NICOL,
Grocer, Winghann 518
-- --
FARM FOR SALE. --For sale lot No. 27, and
half of 26, and half of 28, on the Fourth .Ctete
cession, London Road Survey, Teckersmith, -cog-
thing 200- acres. The farm. will be sold as a whole
or in two parts to suit purchaaer, l'irst-chiss out
buildings, good orchard, plenty of water, and
within four miles of Seaforth, Mei three of Brum-
field stations. - Apply on the premises, or to A.
STRONG, Land ./4ent, Seaforth. 503-4x
FOR SALE. -For Sale, the west part or
-IL Lot No. 1, Con. 17, Grey containing 50 =rest,
85 of Which are cleared, welifenced, and in a state
of good cultivation. There is a good tram house,
good orchard and plenty of water. It is -on the
gravel road leading to Brussels and Settforth, au&
adjoins a Church and School. It ittalso within
half a mile of the village of Walton.. Apply on the
premises or to Walton Post Office, CHM:tr.-ES
_______ _ _ _
'PROPERTY FOR SA T.,'E.-For Salenlot No.14,
-a- Cola 16, Grey, 100acres, 16 acres cleared -An -
extellent lot. 'West hell of north half of Lot No.
29, Con. 6, Morris, adjohring the Village of Brus-
sels 50 acres, 33 acres eleared, eheese factory and
maelinery complete thereon. Four houses and '
lots, and a large number of meant lots in Brussels, .
aR the property of the undersigned. Also num-
ber of improved farms, the property of -other par-
ties. a-OHN LECIIIE. Bmssels,
A GOOD FAR31,-A barna for Salo of 152 5a:en.
-Lea- being Lot 2, Con. 2, Tarnbetry, The farm is
2 miles south of Wroneter ana 7 north of Bmssels?
the gravel road ninning through it About -60
acres cleared, 40 acres of good. beech and maple.
bush, and 15 acres of he,alock and soft maple
taised, the balance cedar aud blaeh ash, There:
are 4 acres of fall wheat, and n new fallow in tura ,
nips. Barn 24s40, ,.log house, aith
pump, and a splendid orebard of 1-50 beating fruit
trees. W. G. PALMER, Wasneter, 523
-- • _
the westhalf of Lot 29, Con. 9, and the South
ballot Lot 30,Con. 9, Maillop, each toataining 50
acres. On the former there are4Oacreseleared and
under good cultivation, the balatice is well then
bored with hardwood,sold the whole is well fenced.
Tliereis a good frame house and new frame barn,
slsotwo wells and a good orchard. Lot 80 adjoias
Lot 29, eontains 50 acres the whole of which la
cleared. T_Ite t_o_g. e_th_ er s_s5r1s0ey
stately, Is situated within three-quarters of a
-mile of school house grist and saw mills post
office, &e. Apply on 'the premises to 'CILkilLES
VALUABLE FAR,31 FOB SALE, -For Sala, 1.ot
16 Ana south half Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay, contain-
ing 150 acres, :20 of wilt& are elearen and in a
good state ef eeltivation- Them is a good brick
house and a frame tottage the barn, stableocow
stable and other outbuilditigs are all frame; there
are about 10 aeres ehoice apple, pear and other
fruit trees, and about 800 splice trees planted 111
years. There is a never -failing stream running
throttgh the centre of the Salmon Which is a good
rnill site, a good gravel roaden two eines of the
farm. It is situated one -mile from Henson ate.
tion and four ngles from Exeter; On the London
Road, and is just aeross the rota from the Rodger-
ville post office and church. For further_ partials,
lars apply to JAMES 'W. ELDER, Veterinary
Surgeon, Seaforth P. O. 451
" SALE. --The undersigned, who is about relit
ing faom business, wishes to sell bis property it;
the village of Iiinburn, township of Ihallett,eounta
of Huron, consisting of three-quarters of an nen
of choice land, well unaeratained, rain havirg *
number of well selected fruit trees. There it. to
the premises blacksmith shop a8x36, a waged
shop 20x40, and paint shap the same sdze, a vat,
storey dwelling house 16A5 and kitthen lthoe.1„
with ook-house attacked ;, also a new dwellirl
house 18x24 and stable 16r,45. The builtlines art
all frame and the dwelling houses heve tach'a a'.•
cellar. Thc above is situatha One of the_l_e_o,
farming communities in the county tosd is there
fore en excellent bushiest stand. .tkitio for ban t
large amount of oak, rock -elm red elm and pin
lumber, well seasoned, atta fit 'for nee. Waenee
sleighs, co ttersamn buggies on hand, ann be to„a
cheap to clear out the atoek. Payment is request'
ad of all overdue notes end account e. JOHN N5‘si7I2
ConstalaCe P. O.
-R.A.itm FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 3, t:en.
Inckeinnith, contaiuing 100 aeon,
of which are cleared awl in 4 good Sitittt
tion, the balance is well timbered with tire
hardwooa ; there ie 111-st-class brick house nese
kitehen 24x18, 'with stone cellar under' both bee
and kitclien ; good frame barn blix40, dais a.
house 45x30, with stone basement and Cann
houses the whole length of botlthrtildi»gs ;
from the eattle Ito -me below is a large rota loon'
20x9, dug out of the solid bank, built of ataii 1 eta t
and lime and arched over with "vitt, and is foil
proof ; there are 3 wells, each about 40 feat thy
built up with brick, and arenever-failingspriegs
water ; there is a good orchard of epplesn pear
plums, cherriea, grapes, and small fruitn; als
about 300 roods of drains with tilea carefully Ize
down ; the stables are all floored with stone, ear
fully, and evenly laid ; also log ban) 48xtbe and
stables. Is eituated 7 miles from Exeter, 10 Ins
Seaforth, and 2freni Ilensall station. Contar.ita
to schools and churches. Ternia-in1,01f0 to
ppa.i0d.dola‘e,am, t.hseTroer:al:ftlieNr t.o suit purchasera.
ply tg the proprietor on the premises or to Renee