HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-12-14, Page 7• R 14-, 1877. AM CAMPBELL, MR AND CLOTHIER, ST OPENED JLL SUPPLY CLASSES OF GOODS RANT TAILORS' STOC WHICII HE IS k EsED TO SELL LOW. IS THE TIM TO SECURE SINS PO.R CASTE:. Icis Many Friends wz I rget that he does business i rick Block on the Garner and hopes to remain the7f ytny a day to serve h s rrous Customers. cusTorii TR ADI4 IMILY INCREASING! '11 _ s most earnest attention. He a, Large Stock oi -1-MADE OVERCOATS, YM.A.DE SHIRTS, NI-.NIADE YOUTH'S SUITS q -.MADE BOYS' SUITS, & has an Iuexb.anstibio Stock of 8 CLOTHING, SHIRTS, &C. is useleas to enumerate things: in 41, for he has almost in Stock 8 - THING THAT IS WANTED, CAPTS AND OF ALL KINDS. SEA SEAL- CAPS, A FI ARTICLE. co I Satisfy Yourselves. WM -DAIVIPBE. .,en,gisTRumE !Emp-oRtuimm NIB L. )TT BROTHE Ss PROPRIETORS. EMERSON PIANO taking its place with the very best Instra.: n the -United States and, Canada, and is ne at from TO Mb LESS PRIOE. RANTED• FOR 7 YEARS. also Zust Received, %Fresh, Lot' of the- Celebreted .01/CH & WARREN ORGAPT. kxese Beautiful Ieatrurnents axe at well we need say little about there, i every - jaws what they etre. ALSO ONE DOZEN OL * THE' INION ORGAN CO.'S .ORCANS, Will be to hand in a day or two. I the Western Advertiser Weekly Liberal. 'ORGAIsi„—We had the pleasure, in !.atv with a very respectable number of e= including a couple of ministers, of listenuMg. OrgEtu xecital byE. Plumro,er, organ Mr.iist Ludas street Centre Methodist Choral. The um& used on the caicasion was builtb the Mion Ore= Company, of Bowmanville, and. eue of the finest of the magnificent telauroh turned mit from, that establiehment. five octave inetrument, with two banks of 13 setsct reeds, and 2:4 stops= No pairts or ase appears -to have been spared in the con- ,ttion of this organ to make it in the highat ee artistic and beautiful in appearance, and isite in its varied combinations of tneledli- notea of teolian delicacy and sweetnese to impetuous and profound tones of the water - the rumbling of distant thrinde. The tions for theeccasion, were classical pieces ha best anthors, arAil showed the scope of the rument to excellent advantage. This Pa - lar organ was built to fill an -order for Ass' Ea, andwill unquestionably be au acquisition church where it may be made to assist in erviee et soeg, andwili add in no etaall d°. to the al re ad v ens ielde reputation of the ;:inion Organ Companv."—Oct. 5, 1877. and Pianoa and Organs supplied on_ Short .1N.Zotice. -1E TRADE SUPPLiED, SCOTT BROTHERS, SEAFORTH, ONT. SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLESi CARNOCHAN & ABELIL PROPRIETORS. FFICE and Stabiea on Market Street, second i door frara Main. Neat, Stylish Carriages end !,pies, and Good Reliable Horses always on A. Orders left at the Commercial Hotel, Be or at the of:I?e will be promptly attended 50 DECEMBER 14, 187t. Varieties. The wife of a Pennsylvania clergyraim when dying recently called him to her 'bedside and. said: " Don't growrrtorbid when lam gone. Go -into 80434--, ay be elieerful, and let no regard for my - memory cheek you when you see fit to marry again. It ie ray wish; the chil- drerimust be cared for; you will need a helper in your I work. You cannot live 'alone, your temperament is all ligaillst it; only choose a cheerful wo- man, and teach her tolove Our children. Don't answer ine, and don't be governed by what the world says or thinks." • —A good story a the farewell exer- cise at the Pan -Presbyterian Comicil , has just got into print. The venerable raster Fisch of Paris has a pretty co fortable assurance of his ability to use the English language. He took caeca- sion to corapliment his dear brethren from America for their soundness in the faith; and, after dwelling a little Mme on this, ,proceedeato praise ` their eloquence, which he brought out thus "And. den they are zo varree—zo (with a French shrng of the shoulders) zo varree talk - or teev !" which., of course, fairly shook -illehouse, some brethren probably hav- ing an impression that the word taken literally would, not be altogether out of the way. —Captain Sonathan Walker, of the -,‘ Branded. Hand," is living on a little farm near Muskegon, Michigan. He is seventy years old, and it has been thirty-three years since he carried. fugi- tive slaves from Pensacola, to the Ba - and. was punished with fifty lashes in the pillory, a fine of 150, im- prisonment till it was paid, and a brand of " S.S." On his hand. with a hot iron. 3vir. C. B. Howell, of Detroit. wrote to Mr. Whittier sonse time ago suggestina. -that he might help the old num by pub- lishilag as a holiday poem his ceraposi- tion "The Man with. the Branded, Hand," and allowing a, percentacre of -the receipts to go to Captain Walker.. It6fr. Whittier has -consented, and has offered to contribute toward the ex- pense of printing it. The Cost of Living. Some very curious Statistics have been published pertaining to the comparative cost of livincr° in New York and in the principalcities of Europe. The • conclusion suggested by them is that, taking all things into account, it is really cheaper to live abroad. than here. As a sampleof the whole, the experience of an American lady may be given respecting the cities of London and New York. For ten :years she resided. in London, and for the last four in. New York. She says "that fifty pounds a month amply sufficed in London to cover all housekeeping expenses -which were in my departmerfor a household • of two, and, sometimes, three or four, grown up members, several children, ..and eight in -door servants. There was generally a dinner party once a week. These expenses included the wages. of the women servants, but did not include taxes, coal, wine, or anything connected with the liorses and stable. In New York, with Only five servants and less company, the lowest monthly average is £80--1,100, When I was in London a lady not going out very much. could dress well and fashionably on 6750 to $1,000 a year." In Ireland. and Scot- ian& it is possible to live more cheaply. St. Petersburg is said to be the dearest capital in Europe, whilst aceommoda- tion in Paris, dear though it be isnot SO high priced. as in. New York, wirile it is quite as luxurious. Wealthy French: men and Belgians live in a style which is certainly not surpassed by anypeople in this country. A Short Sighted. Economy. Many things done in the name of economy prove both foolish anci crimin- al extravagance. It appears that Fer- nandina, Florida, has always been a re- markably healthy eity until it was re- cently visited with the yellow fever scourge. The immediate causes of this fatal epidemic were traced to the un- cleanly condition a certain sections of the city. The municipal authorities, fi-nding the treasury impoverished. this year, concluded to "economize," so drainage and. sanitary regulations -were. neglected. The restlt is that out of a population of two or three thousand persOns something like athousand have had the fever, and many still are ill. It is true that the disease proved to be a mild type, and perhaps not more than sixty deaths have occurred.. But such a number, in so small a city, is a fear- ful loss, and those who remain are suf- fering greatly in many ways. The Com- plete suspension of business has cut off all opportunities of employment among the laboring classes, and the citizens generally, having exhausted. their on resources, have become dependent upon outside relief. Appeals for help have been met by a generous public; and as cold weather will soon cheek the spread. of the fever, it is hoped. that the strick- en city -will speedly rally from the suf- fering and. the impoverishment follow- ing the ravages of this dreadful plague. The Corset Liver.- . Some xnedical students in one of the Cincinnati colleges, dissecting a female subject a few days ago, :found what is called in doctors' parlance a "corset liver." When tight lacing has been practised through several years a per- raaneut dent or hollow is produced in the liver, which may be seen very plain- ly after the woman is dead_ and. her liver taken out. This kind of liver °G- ems so frequently in women that the physicians have given it the name of "corset liVer." Intho subject Mention- ecTt the hollow in the liver was largo en- ough for the wrist of -a grown man to be laid in it. Young women who don't want their livers to beput into the news - 'papers as an awful example will take warning. Inconvenience of -English Rail- way Carriages. Women have to -take their chances in an English railway carriage. Two weeks ago two Rugby ladies took seats in a con ipartment of the Scotch Express from Euston. They were joined by a. Scotch gentleman, and just as the train was starting the porter put into the car- nage an ill -looking sailor, with a large bottle of whiskey sticking out of his Coat pocket. When they were off, he proceeded to offer this to his fellow pas- sengers, and on. their refusing, he took out a pistol, which he pointed at them in turn. The Scotchmax. immediately Sprang upon him, wrested. a knife from Lira, seized him by the collar, forcing him_ back upon his seat, and, being for- • , 4unately a strong young fellow, succeed- ed in holding him down.in this position threatzig to strangle him if he at- _empted to get away. Meanwhile the two I es, in great terror, add. all they ould to -attract the notioe'of the guard; they searched in vain outside both win-, ows for the cord, and failed from the:, oar of the train to make their screams, eaxd. An hour afterwardi,-upon the rain stopping at Blisworth, they were eed from their most unpleasant posi- tion. Municipal Elections in Scot- land. - . The Municipal elections throughout Scotland passed off , very quietly. In Fn. lasgow, Paisley and: Ayr very few of he wards were contested, while in Aber- - teen there was a contest in every ward. unusual feature of the elections in he provinces was the large number of Gowns in 11.- cthe elections were ac- orn hailed without the aid. of a poll. ais ey, Greenock and Kilmarnock were 'in OI g the number. The Conservatives '. y Letri- no the Liberals were corapletel cured a majority in Rothesay ; in Ir- _Ica,p iant.' Liberalism also proved vic- orio s in Aberdeen. At Airdrie, the or ngmen's. candidate, -aided by the oin n Catholic vote, carried the day gaist magisterial interest and the shopocracy ; Renfrew was divided on he Destion of extending the harbor, nd he election leavesthematter where t w s--4-wo candidates for and: two aai st extension being returned. The °orr selectors have caShiered 7 of their old. councrnorg because they refused to g.1veifespootM hearing to a petition recen- ly a dressed to them regarding altera- tions upon a road. At Port Glasgow an nsuccessful candidate fainted when re - ng thanks after the result of the oll was announced. - A Pretended Death Changed 1 to Reality. 1 , . Whoever"has , habitually attended ireuses in England remembers the °mad brothers, acrobatic clowns, and heir' corniced performance, in which one retended to be dead, while he other tumbled him about. They recently went to Gernatmay. The London Era. contains the following: " One evening the elder Conrad fell to the ground after a pretended blow, and was turned a,ndre- turned. as usual. His a,rmsland legs were jerked, he was struck and kicked. and dragged, but preserved. 9,4eatly im- passibility. Suddenly an expression of distress could be noticed thrpugh the grotesquely painted. lineaments of his brother, who hastily droppe on his -noes and placing hip hanfd pon the e heart the inanimate clown exclaim- ing, "My poor brother is dead!" At this the audience only laughed.' "Gen- tlemen," said the distresse,d man, -with tears ia his voice, "I asstire you that he is dead." Then taking him tenderly in his arms he bore hint from the arena,. The crowd appeared struck with the nat-ural manner in which the bereft elown expressed grief, and applauded him vigorously as he departed. , There were loud encores for both, but , neither pre- sented himself, Death had been more thoroughly simulated than ever be- fore." _ A Case of Leprosy in Rhode Is- land. A ..short tithe ago Dr. Snow, the Superintendent of Health, received in- formation from Rev. Father kInglies, of St. Patrick's Church,. of tie 'existence of a geianine case of easter# le.prosy in this city, and inamecliatelyi topic meas- ures.to relieve the communityfrom the • danger of its presence here. The victim of th7 disease was a girl of French ex- traction, nineteen years of agel and who aame here from a Prducli vplage called Tradadie, in the northern Part of New Brunswick. The girl has lived in the eity two or throe years, Riving as a servant in several different families, wing which ' time the cl.i.sease has rapidly developed, until it has reached a iery , advanced stage. 1 Her family are well known as sub- jects' of the disease in the place from which she °Milt, and the clergyman of the, village, Father Bahin1eai, kindly furnished inforination cone rn ng her to Father Huglies, and advise that she be sent back as soon as possibl . Arrange- -,- rnent were accordingly made, with the assistanee of Father Hughes, to send. .her ba,ck. She was provided with warm. clothing, and under the charge of a . ciaaeful officer .was sent to lier home last week, and delivered to the author). ities there.— [Providence Journa. S Athong 'theiTidiligctgfnmleutgs. 'found at the second terra of the United States Court Auburn,.N. Y., was on against 4. Sartwell, a well-known I resident of that:city, for- rmu,gling. Th indict - Merit charges t sometime ago Sart- svell was dete led. in the tct of smug-. gling a quantity of furs from Canada, at Suspension Bridge.- The unusual "rotundity of hie person at the time ex- cited the suspicion of the officials,, and. asi investigation disclosed a lady's seal- sldn woiln underneath' his over - goat; andthirteen Pairs of g (Ares, twelve yards of far trimming, and. a seal -skin boa,- an&muff secreted about his er- son, the whole cargo being valuec at cbout 4OO. He probably, suppose( it n ea y matter to quiet the coaseien es nd t ngties of the officers, but it sens th.e e. periment was failure. . - Colorin1g Seal-Br3w42. Dissolve thr e .pounds catechu in Water enough t -c1 coverthe goods.- When, dissolved. add. four ounces blue vitriol, put in the good's, and let tlieia remain ight • in the morning vTring out ces bi-- eli ter, three es of ex - tie g TO °dB: Dissolve four o ate of potashin boilin oinic •s of copperas, two o ni. tract 1 of Jegwodd in wate • enough to fic er the . goods; let them remain in fteen minutes, or till the desired s ade. This will color cotton or wool - e , and vtdll not crock. A good dark brown is obtained by leatringli out the .10gtvood. and copperas. I , Rail -road Cake. Clean]. two large tablc.spoonfuls of -knitter, free from salt, with two cupfuls of saii.d.sugar - when light add one cup - fol of new milli and. the yolks of three eggs:- Into thrde cupfuls of sited. flour rub 'thoroughly a tea -spoonful f cream of tartar; dissolve in a- small quantity o_f water half a iea-spoon.ful of oda, and add. to the batter ;- beat tlie bites of the eggs until light, achl to the cake, al- ternqing with tfte our. Bake in pans 4 for jelly cake THE filfRO- CUT Tilli3 Oum —It M Satre Your e.—Te is no person living but hat abeffere more or less with Lungisease, Coughs, Colds, or Consurnp- ion, yet some'would die rather than ay 76 cents for a bottle of medicine hat Would cure em. Dir A. Boschee's erman syrup has lately 'been, in'xo- need into ,this country from Germany, d its Wondrous cures astortislo ev- ry one that tries it: If you deubtw at e say m print, ant this out and take it o your*Fist,* aucl get a sample bet- e for 10 cents and try it, or a regular ize for 75 cents. EPPS'S COGOA. Grate ,and comfort - g.—" By a thor ugh knowledge of the Mural laws w ich gove the op&aa ions of digestiou and nutrition and by careful a, plica 'on of • the fiat; proper - les of we - Bele tied cocoa, .Mr. Epps. as prowled our breakfast tables with delicately flavored. beverage, which ay save us Many heavydoctor's bills. t is by the judicioususeof such articles diet that a constitution may be grad. - ally built up until strong enough to re- ist every tende cy to disease. Hun- eds of subtle rnttlathes are -floating round us ready to attack wherever here is a weak )oint. We ma,y escape any a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves ell fortified witit pure. blood, and a properly neurish,a frame." --Civil Ser - Ace Gazette Soli only ixi packets label- ed—" ja,•. es Ep s & Co4 Homceopath.- c - °hernia 13, 48 Threadneedle Street, and 170, P ccadi y; London." 482-42 WILSON'S ' The Great Cue for COughs, Colds,. Hoarseness, . onchits , Whooping Cough, Croup, tbc.,. an4 all .Diseases. of the Bron4ial Tubes or Lungs. WILD Gives Instant Severe Cases, a who try i onc it to' their frie the sale h,as bec Sold by LUMSD 25o., 50e., and $1. Relief in the Most d never fails. Those always recommend ds, and in this way me :immense. ERRiY. & WILSON,Seafort3iat 2 GREAT 0 BOOTS McINTYR ARE THEIR IM OF FALL B EARliNG SALE OF ND SHOES. WILLIS W OFTB4ING EN, STOCK • OTS 4D SHOES AT COST UNTIL JANU-• AR 1878, Consisting f the Following Kinds a a d Quautities 150 Pairs Men's Kip Bots. 50 Pairs Men's Cowhide Boots. 100 Pairs Boys' ip and ?owhide Boots. 150 Pairs Yout 's Boots.. 500 Pairs Girls' and Ohiidren's Boots. 50 Pairs Wom n's Calf Pebble and Buff .Boots. lso,a, Quantity f Cheap Shoepacks. tX.POSITOR Ida _CHEAP GO ci la RI AT I:TNT'S. FURS. FU S. 11141RS. > Beautiful Furs; $3 a Set at DENT'S—a 'few Sets on hand yet of Mi and SeaL , tankets, 31 nkets, at cost.. Shwas., Sha ols,iat Cost.i Mantles, .M" ttl.s, at Cott. Millinery, 4,,illinery, at Cost. Dress Goods Cheaper than ever • at Dent's.. , I .!4 • Fitenneig, 4Jloth , Rats, Caps, mad Underclothing Ch t apeat at Rent's. On aeceunt of the ope weather Mr, Dent will ran off his Winter Good now until the holidays. COME ON'AND G MAS P G. DENT, regardless of value from T YOUR CHRIST- ESENTS. 1 SEAFORTH. WOOL, IN- vvooiL, RL1N W9OLS, 0 RS, '011ORS, OL4ORS, NEW BERLI NEW BER NEW B ALL ALL ALL AT MISS AT MISS AT JILISS RIGHM. WRIGHT'S. WRIGHT'S. NEW STAMPIN PATTERN'S, " NEW STAMPI G PATTERNS, NEW STA PING PATTERNS, AT MISS WIGHT'S, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, AT MISS W IGHT'Sf MAIN STREET, E FORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTLT. MAIN STREIT, SEAFOIRTH. •e -t t.J , I Li These Ooods fakes, and a took. are of he Very Best .e all ffoocl, Sound IF YOU WA ow is the time to in Seafort TER _ T coop BOOTS get the for the icINTYR MAIN VII . tled est. ,13ver offered one?. S CASH. & .-.;ET, SE. 'FORTH. counts st be Set- tinedia4lu ly. U AT ROBERT j! DRUG' STORE Opposite C rdno!s New Block: hosphoZone, oschee's German S -rup of hurchilys S phite, ugust rs, Bri sh Oil, cKenzi 's Dead S ot Worm Caud , nd any qu ntity H ndy Pack- age DYes, rup, ypophos- 11 of Which are gi aratteed to ' and Fast Colors. -TTNIBEk -F01 I,,MLOCK, First BILLS C All Lengths, fr ONY The Sub LUMBER YA ere all kinds of 479 utility, $6 rom $8. T TO 0 m 10 to 60' IN NI criber has D IN S ak_e Beautiful 516 SALE. er M. PINE DER, eet, at the . KILLOp: SO ft AFORTH, umber can be obtained. THOMA DOWNEYs 0 0 • 1-3 }-4 0 0 0 C/1 i3UFFALb RO:3ES. BUF1FALD ROBES.1--rtml,c)1\1- PLANING Mij...Ly, LINED AND UNLINED. • EVERY ONE SHOULD • SfEE THOSE BUFFAL6 'ROBES BOUGHT BY OURM: MeMULICIN AT TpE LATE AND MOULDING FACTOV. On Hand, a good Stock of 'GREAT SALES IN /TORONTO iSEASONED LUMBER,tiND MONTREAL. THEY WILL BE SOLD AT LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL. PRICES. TWELVE BALES TO CHOOSE FROM. L. BEATTi & •C Dressed and Undressed. LATII AND SHINGLES, HAY RACKS, CHEESE BOXES, Very -Ches.') for Cash. CUSTOM PLANING —WILL RECEIVE — Prompt Attention. • S eafOrtb. Factory and Lumber Yard on North Main Street, Seaforth. , THERE IS °THING LIKE EATHEO WHEN IT IIS MADE SUC • .AS YOU - UP INTO 0-00 JD .WARD HARNESS SEAFORTH, Where yoU.will find all inds of liarness _Made up I, ' I REMEMBER, if yon want a Fancy or Substantial /farness r. WARD 'can give you better • satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other make in the CO nty. A:Trial is all that I is wanted to secure regular custom 1 J. WARD, Seaforth. 9 AT ADAM GRAY, Seaforth. SALE OF TOWN LOTS NEW SURVEY OF GOUINLOCK - GOUINLOCK ESTATE. the Latest $tyles. , ci) WM. ROBERTSON 0 1 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. 0 1:1 & SEAFORTH, r 0 CAN SHOW YOU A STOCK OF CD SKATES: Acme, Barney & B Clamp, Ice King &e., &c. R°1SLEIGH BELLS Oi Neck, Back, Bod &c. LARGE rry's All nd Club, Open, COW : Open, Close, Ring, nd Wal- KIDD'S H RDWARE I • REC IVED) DIRECT FROM MANUFACTIMERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, • SPADES, SHOELS, HOES AND RAKES, I GLASS, IrAINTS, 0 LS, &c: FENCI G VV1R7 AND BUILDING HARP-W.411E Of Every Deiliiption :1 EAVE 'TR0U,C-1-LIS AND CONDUCT- ' ING 1PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Witrrauted. 4 1 Special Inducements to Cash and :Prompt Paying CustoMers, 1 :1 dOIIN KIDD. 1=i2 I000 -POUND PLATFORM SCALES (Stamped by the Government,) • Really a Good Article, and iVar,- ranted Correct. , Delivered Free at any Station on the London, Haron and Bruce Railway, on receipt of Price, $17 cash. • Apply to C. PI:RKIN & Co., Agents for Me.xwell's k'Rapers and Mowers, and General Dealers in all kinds of Farm Implements, Exeter, Ont., or to D. JOHNS, Tinsmith. 520-6 toni • ES : Burrel's, Warnock's, and the Welland Vale. OROSS-CUT S WS ' The Lange Tooth,i proved Cheirapiop, Tuttl Tooth and: Lightning. All of WhSch thky will* sel for less I money than ever o ered , in Seaford?, befor REMEMBER That we have. Moved to our 1NEW PREIVIISES East Sid Main Str et. DON'T FAIL T CALL. R BERTSON d; Co. A:C7=0 EACII .PLUG" OF THE INAYRTLE i The Pill Purify theBlood, °erred all iiisorilers of the Liver, Seomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invallable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Oi tment is he onlyreliable remedy for bad L gs, old W rinds, Sores and 'Ulcers of howeveri long sten in. For, Bronchi is, Dip- htheria, C ughs, Cold gout, lit: bannstt am, and all Skin D seases it ha no equalr BEWA). E OF NIEW YORK COUN- TE FEITS. Spurion imitations of "Ifolloway4 Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and sold under the lame° ',.Elol- loway's & Co.," Curran ilD Co., also by the Me - eine qompany an as umed trade mark, thuo: —Again o no Joseph B ydock,- of New York, likewise pa sea off counterfeits of his own make under 61113 name of Hollowa -,% Co.. having fore, trade ma T‘IcKesson & Robins, the same. These p rsons, the blushingly caution the of direetio which are ware of Co by J. F. Druggists, tropolitan of New Yo a creacent and erpent; New York, aro a ents for otter to deceive on, un - public in the malsbooks s which se ,ornpany their ra icules, eally the spurious imitations to Be- nterfeits. Umicrup lions dealers obtain theni at yery low prices and pelt them to the pablio in Canada as my genuin3 Pills and Ointment.) • I most earnestly anclespectfally appeal to tb.e Clergy, to motherS of lFainilies and other Ladies, and to th laablle generally Of British. North America, tat they may be pleased to denounce nnsparhigl these frauds. Parch 'seer should took to thelLabel on the ohs and Boxes. tithe address is not 33, Oxford Street, London, Joey are Consiterlielts. Each P t and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the Jritish Government Stamp, With the words, " OLLOWAY'S RILLS AND OIIMIDNT, LONDON:" engraved thereon. On the label Is the atlases, 533, OXFORD &DUET, LOND0r,where alone they nre manufactured: Paries who may be defrauded by 41 enders selling sp rims Holloway's Pills and ttment as of my ge due make, shall on commu testing the particu aril to me,;be amply remunerated, and their- narne nbverflivulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 477 London, Tan. 1, 1877. AN i LD FRIEND THE BST FRIEND. W. H OLIVER SEAFORTH, . BEOS to;equaint his many friends and custo- mere F nthe Imo removed two doors north of his old demi, MeIntyre's Block, -where he has a stock equal to Any in the business, and at the °Adele .lo nAd ag000fd Ilscroacikrinz Tallier:risme :iv ibla. 1;b8le:hs o, Pr tWhip,r eco ets. ' It Combs, Brushes, and all other such rtieles rag iired constantly on hand. Rememoer oar old Fri nd. Sigli of the Scotch Cellular. W.'.H. OLIVER, Seaforth. , t DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S MEDICINE. The Great EngliSh Remedy is especially ecommended , as m unfailing cul -e for Seminal i Weaknesa iSepneerronT, atondrrhaella,tusbenapoco-s ak ns athsalofsoslic; alsiema ore:, _After quenee of Self abc4c, Universal Lassitude, Pin in the ;Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature qld Age, and many other diseases tha leads to Xiusanity or Consumption. SPECIFIC 1 and a Prern ture Grave first caused deviatin NAVY TOPACCO," talliudroevesurn inoi,aulligfeenactel;11 1 , perieece in treating thle phlet free bylmail. Th IS STAMPEtk by all Druggiats at $1 p for $5, or will b e sent ,.- money, by addresslng Windsor, Ont. Sold in Co., J. S. ROberts, R. L merchants. 4::SZ IN GELLETTERS. tcr NONE OTLIER 15G Hamilton, Sept. 23, 1877. all of which as a role are from the Path of nature be Spec ffe MediCole 38 add many years of ex- • e speeial idieeases. Ptuu- Specifte Medicine A; sold ; ✓ package, or 6 pa,ckages 4 y mail on receipt of the , VILEIAM GRAY & CO., Seaforth by E. Hickson & ; umsden and all dzuggiet WROXETER-0 1 1 NUINE. 40,000iY6REL ked. Oat ' sale or eichange. 514-13 521x3 • ' - 'TMEAL Good lean Oats Want - e l alivays on hand, for ALEX. L. GIBSON. 175 B_UILDING SITES FOR SALE, AND WILL I3E SOLD VERY CHEAP. RA GING IN- SIZE ROM ONE- FIFTH OF AN 1,'RE TO 'FOUR ACRES. Some of these lots are the most desirable for residences of any in Seaforth. • SPECIAL TERMS TO THOS WANTING TO BUILD. Apply at the Offices of COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, Or J. H. BENSON, Esq.-, 516 Solicitor, Seaforth. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF' CANADA. CAPITAL — - $4.000.000, CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Ineorporated 1883; and ROYA.J., CANADIAN BANK, Incoiporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK,MAIN-ST,, SEAFORTH. Drafts on New 'Iltork Payable at any Bank in the United States. Dills of Exchange 071 London papal° at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, 411 EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks bib numerous enstomers(merehants andothers) for their liberai patronage durbag the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in thefutnrc. Having greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to jay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, i Main Street, Seaforth.. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons 0/ good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. . D. WILSON. SEAFORTH i?LANING ILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous -1- customers for the liberal patxonage extendedto him since commencing business in Seaforth, anti trusts that he ma,y be favored witb a contenueue of the same. Parties intending to build wonld do well to give him a cell, as he will continue to keep on band & arge stock of all kinds el DRY PINE LUMBER, SAMUEs, DOORS, BLINDS, _MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of givingsatisfaction to thee who raay-favour him with theirpatrouage, as none brit first-claesworkinen are employed. Particalarai tent ion paid t o Cu sioni Planing 201 JOHN H. B.R.OADFOOT. SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK I Will pay On Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS hatable for the n 7 71 34 01 a11)gl 1. Cattended to pre3nptly5 and as' elle" as sst al:Ya:dstesohneeririrtnillin, atratSillbIhegiv.:4 LE'llt=317eltV Try °Nv4181;llCEA ra0 rket DpricRes. POSTS FOR Ss! 417: IN COLEMAN & GOULOCK, 411 •