HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-12-14, Page 1DER 7, 1877.
ler 0 —Cr i\T
—AT --
RS, &c., &o., AT PIM s -
vABM FOB SALE.—For .ale, theis. W. corner
.1: of Lot 15, Con. 4, Mc Wort, consisting of 7
acres, with log house and frame barn, g•ood orch-
ard, well and pump. One luile and a quarter from
Church, Post Office and School, and 5 miles from,
seaforth. Apply on the premiss to 1LIRTIN
- -521x1
FFCR SALE. ---For ale, a valuable farm
AR,,on's sting fi o 100 acres, being the north half of
Lots 26 and 27, Con. 10, Township of Grey, County
of Huron. Is a beautiful lot with 40 acres cleared.
No buildings.Terms easy. For farther particu-
lars apply, by mail, to WILLIAN 'MORTON, New-
rearket P. O. 5214
FARM FOR SALE.—A splendid ittiTtl, being Lot
22, Con. 6, Turnberry, 90 acres, 70 acres cleared,
well fenced, and in a good state of cultivation,
balaneo hardwood. Well vratered, good frame
house and barn, and half a mile from Wroxeter on
a• good gravel road. Apply t the proprietor on the
premises, CHARLES MoTA1SH, Wroxeter Post
Ofilee. 517x13
FOR SAT4E.--For Sale, chJap, the west halfrof
the north half of Lot 9, Bauble Line, Stanley,
containing 67 acres, 40 of which are cleared, and
the balance well timbered. It is 'within 3 miles of
Bayfield. There is a never failing stream of water
running through the place. This property must
be sold at once. Apply to SCOTT BROTH )RS,
Seaforth. 520
ILL Lot 12, Con. 14 Stanley, containing 100 acres,
Lmostly cleared and in a first class stato of culti-
vation. This is one of the best farms between
London and Wingham. Fai buildings, plenty of
water, and a good young oroIard. On the London
Road, thme-quarters of a mil south of Brucefield.
Apply to JOHN LAUT, Brae eld. 523-4
— —
-A: Sale, Lot 28, Con. 3, L: R. S., Tnekeramith,
containing 100 acres, about 80 cleared, the balance
hardwood timber. Large brick house and good
frame outbuildings; an excellent orchard of the
choicest fruits; is well watered. Is situated 5
milesfrorn Seal ortit and n - es from B'rucefteld
station. For terms apply by letter to E. NICOL,
Grocer, Wingham. 518
VARM FOR SALE.—For 3a10 lot No. 27, and
4•-'• half of 26, and half of 28, on the Fourth Con-
cession, London Road. Survey, Tuckersmith, con-
taing 200 acres. The farm 1 ill be sold as a whole
Or in two parts to suit pure aser. First-class out
buildings, good orchard, lenty of water, and
within four miles of Scaforth, and three of Bruce -
field stations. Apply on the premises, or to A.
STRONG, Land Agent, Sesiorth. 50S -4x
AGOOD FARM.—A,Farm for Sale of 152 acres,
being Lot 2, Con. 2, Tuxlnborry. The farm is
2 infies south of Wroxeter anld 7 north of Brussels
the gravel road running th ough. it. About 643
acres cleared., 40 acres of go4d beech and maple
bush, artd 15 acres of he oak and soft maple
mixed, the balance cedar ai4J. blach ash. There
are 4 acres of fall wheat, and a new fallow in tur-
nips. Beni 24x40, log house, a good,well with
pump, and a splendid orchard of 150 bearing fruit
trees. W. G. PALMER, Wroxeter. 523
'STRAY HEIFER. --Came into the premises of
-A:4 the undersigned, Lot 5, Con. 7,1firliett, about
beginning of Ootober, a griey Heifer coming 2
years old. The owner is requested to prove prop-
erty, pa -y expenses and take the animal away.
ESTRA.Y HEIFER.--aame lint° the premises of
the undersigned about the first of September,
a red Heifer rising 2 years! old. The owner is
requested to prove property, pay charges and
take the adimal away. WU. MoINTOSH, Lot
4, Com 11, Hulled. • 523-4
VSTRAY STEER.—Carne into the premises of
-1-4. the undersigned, Lot 2., Con, 8, MeKillop,
about the beginning of l‘overaber, a yearling
Steer, brindled color, with w te along the back.
The owner is requested to rove property, pay
charges and take the anim 1 away. ALEXAN-
DER MURCHIE, Winthrop .0. 523X4
STRAYED EWE AND L MB.—Strayed from
the premises of the under igned, Huron Road,
Tuckersmith, shoat the last bi June, a Ewe and
Lamb. When last seen theit was a tar mark on
eatija. Any information that will lead to the re-
covery of the above animals will be suitably re-
warded. G. M. CHESNEY. 523x4
TPIG BREEDERS.—T e undersigned will
keep during this season. on his premises,'Lot
31, Mill Road, Pnokcrsmit1., a Berkshire Boar
Pig. Terms, $1, with the p ivilege of returning
if necessary: WM. (300PE11. 52311 .
VSSEX. B0A11.--The um ersigned will keep
-124 during the present seastn, on. Lot 1, Con.1,
Grey, a thoroughbred Essex Oar, bred by James
Cowan, Esq., of Waterloo. Be is one of the
fined animals in the County. Terms, $1, pay-
able at the time of SerVice, With the privilege
of returning if necessary. JAMES SIMSON,
- Grey. 52314
LIFFOL.R. BOAR FOR ski-vie-E.—The under-
• signed will keep on his premises, Lot 15, Cop.
9 McEillop, for the improv meat of stock this
season, a Thoroughbred Sufi lit Boar. This Boar
has proved himself a surettook-gotter, and of
-pure breed, no matter what o lor the sow May be
the pigs will always come wh.te. Terms, $1, pay-
able at the time of servioe, w:th the privilege of
returning during the season 11 necessary. SAM -
VEL SMITH. • 523x1
• diately, a Good Girl to do general b.busewOrk.i
Good wages. Apply to MRS. ADA
Seaforth. • 523x1 _
TEACHER WA.NTED.—Wanted, for School
-A- Section No. 11, Grey, a Male Teacher holding
second or third-class certificate. Apply, stab.
ing 'Wary and enclosing testimonials, to the
midersigned. .Applioettions received until Deo.
29, 1877. JAMES SPENCE, Secretary, Ethel
T'FENDERS WANTED.—Tenclers will be receiv-
ed up to 2 o'clook P. M. on Wednesday. bee.
26tb, for the erection of a Briek Church at Dar
WI. Plana and specifications can be seen at the
Telegraph. office. The Committee will not bind
themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.
P. HESS, Secretary of Committee. 525-2
NOTICE.—The Quarterly Meeting of the An-
cient. Order of Foresters will be held at the
Temperance Hall, Seaforth, on Thursday, Dec.
20. HENRY TOWN, Secretary. 523-1
NOTICE.—A Meeting of the Par ons of the
Enaburu Cheeae Factory will be held in Kin -
burn on. Monday, December 17th.. at 1 o'clock
P.M. IL JAMIESON, Seey-Trea.surer. 523-1
NOTICE.—All parties indebted to Dr. Vercoe,_
Seaforth, aro requested to call and settle the
same on or before January 15th. All accounts
renaaining unsettled at that date will be placed
in. other hands for collection. 528-4
ALLEN't; Gnoceee, Bright Sugars,
New Teas, New Valencia Raisins, New Seedless
Raisins, New London Layers, New Prunes, Is.Tew
Bright Syrup, Baking Molasses,
Icingorte; 5ear:io eeeeeebee yeas, Nuts, Flavoring Ex-
tract,t value iu town at EN
arlival.4: of Dobbin's Celebrated Electric • Soap at
Thomas Kidd'. Call and get a bar, only 12 cents,
worth three times the quantity of any other soap
yet imported. Tiont.ss Kinn.. 522
ttLeaLr'S GROCERY, Mill Feed, Flour,
Itize, Pot Baxley, Potatoes, Onions, Gar -
rot, Turnips, Boneless Codfish, Sealed Herring,
(hese, Neter, Lard, Pork, sauatee, tee., Cheap for
at ALLEN'S Grocery. 520
The COuncilinclt at Goderich on Tues-
day, December 5th. After calling the
roll. of membere• and reading the • min-
ites of last se 'elan, the ;Warden, in a
*eland to the
few appropriat i remarks, adc1..resej the
°mead. He referred to th
ents made o the court h usesrinvel3e-
he last mcetnig of Council ; the failure
f the 'contract r in the cOnstraction of
hieKippeu bri ge ; the sendilig of Mrs.
erlin pod house from
the County jail, where she had been so
long confined. He further suggested
that the Geyer IP . . • should be request-
' d to expend ai•ortion of the surplus qn)
and. in erectine a House of Refuge of a
rovmcial chi+, acter for i curables such
iF.s Mrs. Irelan a,nelanoth r person from
he township o Colborne, who is -being
aintained by hat inunic'pality in the
London Hospit .
A circular om Mr.
Toronto, requ sting the
00 -operate wit the city p
petitioning the Legislatur
1exenaptions fro n I taxation
ferred to the pecial co
Al circular fr m the Presid
, ye l and Lax TeermarY, T
nesting a gran from this C
iead and refe ed to the Fi
The Council djourned to meet at 10
'ol•pek Wiidne day.
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 5, 1877.
,After calling the roll and reading the
minutes, a let er was read from Mr.
Mil er, Public School *specter, re-
questing the ouncil to grant the
tun of 1100 to ch of the Model Schools
ii the County t suppleed' nt.the Gov,
liniment grants in aid of these schools-.
Referred to t to Finance Committee.
The followine is Mrei ar's letter:
" The School Act of 1877 established a,
system of Mo el School training; and
the regulations provided that no certifi-
cate can he gra ted to any teacher who
asInot acl ttend and given evidence of
latitude to teach in Buell school. The
overnment a,p, ointed the God
ilprich an
lint= schools provisionally to be the
odel Schools for the Comity of Huron.
hey have den the work assigned. to
.them,each ha ng in attendance during
'1 st and presen sessions 47 pupils. In
all, 64 have be re under training. The
Act provides for the maintenance of
such schools by ranting$100 per annum),
in E,dditiOn to such sum as shall be given.
y the County CounciJ. of each-munici-
al ty. I have the honor, therefore, to
q, est that -your honorable body will
rcegnize t e
Lmoney f their annual support, as I-
se chciols and sum
grant it
na well assured that they are -calm-
1 ted to aid verr materially the work of
education. I niay add that the Board
of Examiners requested Mr. Dewar and
myself to petition in this behalf. Also
the Board of Trustees of the Town of
Goderich resolved to do likewise. The
chairman 14 away from home and - hes
requested nae tc do so for 'him."
I Moved by Mr. Hays, *ended by Mr.
Walker, that the Clerk be instructed to
draft a by-law to confirml by-law No. 3-
o the township of McKillo
p for stopping
p and sale ef irregular reacl allowance
in *out of lots 28 and 29, in the fist
con ession of the township of McKillop,
— areied.
similar motion to theabove was
as ed in respect to the township cef
' u •kersmith,
Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr.
1 easter; that the 'Warden and Clerk, in
&elf of this C uncil, be authorized to
e oralize thej Government of Ontario
Sp , et aside, the sum of 1100,000 for
ratiattere purposes, to be eipencled under
-t e provisions o the Drainage Act, and
its urncndmenti, and theta further sum
of $2 per head be distributed out of the
surplus funds of the Province of Ontario
t the population of the said Province,
and paid over t the reel) obive munici,
p litities as was done in 1872, and that
t e Clerk be in tructed. t request the
,c -operation of -.other municipalities of
t le Province inthe matte •—Carried.
by Mr McMillin , seconded by.
B r. Hays, that he Engin er be instruct-
ed to have Ryan's Bridge • On the boun-
dary line between Hulle t and McKil-
1 p put in lb proper state of 'repair—Re-
f rred to the Road and Bridge Commit-
Movedby ML Gibson, seconded by
1 r. Weir, that tlie aidin and Clerk
bi authorized to memoralie the Govern-
ent to build a House of Refuge for the
r,cePtion of persons inflioted withincur-
ai le diseases, nd that he -Clerk re -
est the co-op ration of he other mun
1 -
ilea -likes in th Province in the matter
Moved by Mr. Stream , seconded by
le r. Kane, that the sum of 140 be re-
f ended to the township cf Grey for le -
ovine of flood wood f om the rieer
s uth of the boiiiC1arybCt.VOeil Grey and
1, owick—Referred to the Finance Cene-
Tiallani, of
ouncil to
oronto in
to abolish all
was read and
titee. •
nt of the
route, re-'
nacil;• was
nee Cora -
The followi
;aunty .Engine
the Road aric
O the Warden
g report ; of Mr. Bay,
r was read and referred
Bridge Committee: ,
au/ Conn(' Council :
Gentlemen, Durine the present sea-
son, Dew County bridges Ilave been built ;
t the following places, vi Jamestown,
etween the to Lnships of Grey and Mor-
atHall's C
raig's on the
eederich and
bridges on the
Lridee at Jame town, the contract for
e inch was let a, the last January meet-
. 0
iag, is a Howe truss of 126 feet span and
was satisfactorily completed. in the month! ;
of July. Hall's bridge, built over a small;
creek where no satisfactory foundations ;
coulti be found until piles were driven, ;
was also finished in good time. It cot
semeteing more,however, than ,I ex-
ected, owing to a difficu ty found driv-
ig.piles in a deep natroN water course,
the channel of which is g aclually.deep-
ening every year from the action of the
water, the pilesl having, therefore, to be
driven to a coniiderable depth. Craig's
1 ridge,•Ipo feet, long, crosses the Bey- •
i_ekl river 21E miles from plintou. Th.e
eek, near Bayfield ; at
ayfield.' River, between
Stanley, and also two
Perth boundary-. The ;
MdLEAN BROS., Publiqhers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
ew strueture is a light t
'entre span of 90 feet, b
oderate- cost, and whic
ay sufficient for the pla
no great amount of traffic
oad here crossing the ri er.; The, new
ridge on the Perth boundary at Kirk -
on is built with stone ebutraents and
n elm superstructure. It has one span
f 55 feet; is well built, and although the
ontract was let late in the season. :the
ork was finished in eocal time , a,nd before
he fall Tains set in.bThe bridge between
rey and Elma, also on Perth boundary
ost with its approaches 1300. It crosses
he stream diagonally and has three
herb spans of 30 feet each, The I new
pproaches are sinking ft little, and will
equire Making up in the spring, -1 The
tone bridge on the London Road at
• ppen was finished about the middle of
ovember. The cost of its construe -
ion greatly exceeded the estimate, ow -
g, in a great measure, to the contract
ailing into the -hands of a man altogeth-
r without mea,ns a,nd adicted to drink-
gi and also from the great expense and
'fficulty of getting suitableetone. Soon
fter the contractor's tithe expired I put
if men by the day to finish; the work;
om this I found that cutting stone for
he arch was a tedious' and expensive
ffair, and certainly cost more than the
ontract price. The work was subean-
ially done, however, and will endure
or ages. „ Repairs have been done to all
he County bridges where they were
equired. 1Sbnie slight repairs have also
een doue by ; the Laxnbton Commis.:
bridge '1 and
omicil of I that
act, subject to
he sand on .of. the Huron Council, for
lidding an iron bridge at a cost of
00. Its length should be 120 feet, and
or a, briclIge of that length the price is
• ertainly very low. TheBaylield bridge
getting; quite unsafe. It wouldthere.,
ore, be advisable to receive tenders and
ave the contract for a new bridge let
t the next Council meteting.
A. Blavee
Moved. y Mr. Black, seconded by
elitist= that the County Engineer be
structe to examine the bridge on the
ss having a 1 ing.flood-wood south of the bridge on,
ilt at a very the boundary between. Howick and
is in every G-rey, the committee' recommend that
e, there being the sure of $25 be given. The pommit-
on the 141e of- tee reconunended that no grant be
made in accordance with the motion of
Mr. Young, to sustainan incurable ba-
the township of
•don hospital. In
the lett er ofel'arn es
Hicks, a county cons able, clai ing the
sum of 4W2.25 for aaccmnt passed by
county audit, it is recommended that the
sum be paid as the services for which it is
claimed were performed. The usual
grant , of $100 to the Warden, is also
Irecoramended. .Grant of 1200 to the
;Eye and. Ear Infirmary, Toronto. All
;of which is respectfully submitted.
, Joins/ LE arcrE ,
• Chairman.
Moved by Mr. Hamilton, se4nded by
Mr. Weir, that the report. be am -
mended. by striking out the cla,use re -
:commending the grant of $100 • to each
of the Model Schools ni the county.
After some discussion the regommen-
dation of the report was sustamed. on
la division by a majority of seven%
The following report of the Special
,Comninittee was read and adopted:
Respecting the circular of A?.. Hal-
lem, ot Toronto, concerning ta exemp-
tions, the committee recommend that
no action be taken in the' matter.
Respecting the circular from the county
of Waterloo, requesting'the co-operation
of the Council in enemoraliaing the
Legislature, to make certain changes in
the Municipal Act reSpectiug the build-
ing and maintainin,g t;if bridges lin inCor-
porated villages, the Committee recem-
mend that the Warden and Clerk' be
requested to memoralize the Govern -
anent in terms of the; said circetlar from
the County of WaterlOo. ;
• A. L. Censoei;
ioner to
nd I un
ounty h
he Giand Bea1.
erstand the
•ve- let a con
between Morris and Turnber-
, at Bluevale, and haYe it put ,in a
roper stete of repair-Iteferred to the
oa,d and Bridge Committee.
After eeading it number' of accounts
hich were referred to the Finance
ommittee, the Council adjourned until
hursdaye at 10 o'clock.,
i THURSDAY, Dec. 6th, 1877.
Atter reutine business, it was moved
y Mr. Bleak, seconded by Mr. Willson,
hat the engineer be instructed to have
he a,pprea,cheS to the 1)ridge laieveen
pper and LOwer -.Wiagliam put ,in
roper sate of repair—Referred. to the
oad and Bridge Committee.
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr.
icMillan, that the attention of the En -
neer be !directed to the, -bridge on the
oundary between Hullett and McKil-
p, as itlis reported Moafe—Ref rred
o the Road and Bridge onmitte4.
Moved by Mr. Young, seconded. by
Ir. Jewell. that the Colima do grant
he sum of 42.50 per week towards the
,elpport of L. Sharp, an indigent incur-
ble invalid now in London Hospital,
nd suppprted by the tol,,ehip of Col-
Another batch of accounts -were, read
nd referred to the Finance ,Conunittee
hen the Council adjoamdd until 10
'clock Friday.• ! I
"• Frtinfkv, Dec. 7, 877.
Alter routine business, it was •-11 oved
y Mr. Gareow and setend.ed by Mr.
oung, that the council purchase of H.
eldon de Co. 27 copies of their , new
'storical illastrated atlas, now in
cense of ;preparation for the County of
Iuron, and that the said atlases be
'stributed as follows: ' Oae to each
• unicipality in the County and, one
ach to theCounty Clerk and Treasurer.
he motion was lost an a cliTision by a
• I
ajorityaof 8.
A circ lax was read from the Clerk
unty of Waterloo, soliciting
eration of the Council of
f the C
ie co -o
Iuron in petitioning the . Legislature of
ntario f r the aneeuchnent of that part
f the Mi$nicipa.1 - Act which inakes it
ompulsolry for County Councils- to
Dad and keep in repair in incorporated
'Rages attl bridges of 100 feet and , over
length, by making villages sustain
bridgee within their borders eacept
these cm roads assuined. by the Comity.
eferred Ito Special Committee. I
A letter froni Mr. Hicks, a constable
cf the township Of Grey, asking' the
dined to pay the amount of hie ac-
ount fOr services-rend.efed in seare
or and capturing Laporte, the Brussels
pork thief. Referred te .the Finance
The following report qf the, Finance
lommittee was read:
Respecting epplication of , Mr. Millar
or grants to Model Schools, the 'corn-
nittee recommends that the, sum cf one
midrecl dollars be granted to— ea4h of
he Model Schools in , the Comity,
lespeating the account of the township
erry, ' ' expenses for sending
cDopeld. Gillies to London
syltim, amounting to 144.55,
cledlthat it be paid, less the
he sum of ell, said reduction to be
irilide on tho several items as follows:
n three medical certificates 6, leaving
c ach cdaficate at 15 ; Dr. Tami#yn's
harees fer visit to Blueyale.$3, mild '12
fronifee or making out papers. It is
u-blier rrommentled 0 at in future the
ee for each medical cer ificete in such
ases be 5. In referen e to th.eaccomit
;f Mr. Wilson, 1425 or building a
bridge aud approaches in the village of
Vinghare, it is recommended that the
ccount be left for future consideration
, nd that the County Engineerbe in-
.. truetal. to examine said bridge and re -
ort at the January meeting as , to
bather or not it conies. within' .the
eaning of the Statute and ,as to
-bather or not it is necessary in the
ublic interests. With efere,nce te the
motion ot Mr. Strachan for refund o
40 to tike toweiship of 'rey, for remov-
avid l-
digent, belong,ing to
Turnberry, in the Lo
Colborne, reference to
t ;Chairinan.
, Moved by Mr. Black, Iseconded by
Mr. Currie, that all property and
salaries be assessed except Government
and. 4unicipa1 property, and ' 1non-sec-
i tarian. schools and institutions,ef learn-
,ing4 and. salaries of 1400 and wider per
annum, and the Warden and Clerk t be
instrected to memoralize the; Ontario
Government to this effect. I
Moved in amendment- by Mr.
Strachan, seconded by Mr. Johnston, of.
Mortis, that all property and salaries be
assessed except the following'that is to
say: Government , 8,nd Municipal
property, churches, Schools, and insti-
tutions of learning, and salaries of 1400
and under and the salaries of clergymen,
and that the Warden and Olerljmemor-
• alize the Government, dec. j
After some discaiseions„ 1 whieh a
very great diversity of opinion on ex-
emptions generally Was, manifested, a
division was taken, When the amend-
ment of Mr. Strachan was carried by a
majority of ten.
Moved by Mr. Johnston, 6oderich,
seconded by Mr. Martin, tbet the
'Could do purchase it flag for their own
?use o public occasions, such flag to be
placed in charge of the caretaker of the
Court House.—Carried.
The following report of the Road and
Bridge Commmittee Was read and
passed: • i
In reference to Mr. McMillan's mo-
tion for the repairing of Ryan7s bridge
on the -boundary between Hallett and
• t
McKi op, the committee reeemmend
that e Engineer be -instructed; ;to do
1 as he believes to be best. Aterclou-
sidering the Engineer's repp t, the
t ,
committee recommend that the seggest-
Ikon to rebuild the Bayfield b id.ge be
acted on, as the old one is repo ted nn -
safe, and that he be authorized to select
a suitable site for the new bridge, as, on
account of recent extensiote of the
harbor, the site of *the present bridge
cannot be utilized. In referenee to the
bridge at Grand. Bend, it is receminend-
' ed thet the Engineer' have the bridge
properly repaired on cenditionithat the
county of La,mbton will agred to pay
ence, to
n 'Mead
hat the
loud hell of the Costs. In refe
She stale bridge on the Lend
'at Kippen, it is recommended
contractor be paid the sum of
,bala,nce due on the work, but as there
is a dispute between the :Engineer and
the Contractoras to hoW the masonry
above the abutments and outside thb
arch is to be paid for, it is rec mmend-
.ed also that the further sum of
'addition to the first mentioned
'paid to the contractor on condi
this suin is accepted as a fu
iment.- The bridge itt Blueva
ance with Mr. Black's motion.1- In ac-
: Cordance wibh Mr. Hays' motion, the
Engineer is instructed to examine the
bridge on the 2nd concession on the
boundary between McKillop and Hul-
led, and have the necessary' repairs
made/ In accordance with Mr. plack's
motion', the Engineer is instructed to
have the approaches to the b idea 'be-
tweeu upper and lower Wingli• in pro-
perly :repaired_ All of which ie respect-
' fully submitted. A. L. Cr-1118os% I
• — Ch mirth an .
, The Council adjourned until.9 o'clock
; Saturday.
SATOIDAY, Dec. 8th,, 1817.
On Saturday, after routine business,
• the report of the Jail and Court House
; Committee ,recomm enclinCr. certain ten-
' (hrs. for jail supplies, and the purchase
of certain articles for use in the jaihalso
stating thet the jail -was neat, Olean and
i in a satisfactory condition was read and.
-, adopted. By-laws confirming' the sale
:of road allowances by the towaships of
Tuckersmith and. McKillop were read.
. and passed:
Mr. Abbott, the new American
censulax agent at Goderich, was intro-
. (laced to the Council by the Warden and
• delivered a very neat and. suitable ad-
dress, which was received with applause
• by the -members. I
! Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by
• Mr. Girvin, and carried unaninous1y.
an -
of tahne-
1100, in
sum, be
ion that
1' settle -
e. is ;re-
commended to be repaired. in accord -
that the Warden of this Council
thorized to convey, on beh
Council, an expression of their sincere
pleasure and satisfaction in meeting and
forming an acquaiatance -with the re-
presentative of the United States in
this County, and hope that their rela-
tions will continue to be in the future as
agreeable and happy with the present
representative as taey have been in the
p'a,st with his predecessor. .
The Wardell, ha a few well chosen re-
marks, presented the resolution to Mn.
Abbott, who made a suitable -reply.
After voting a grant of $20 to an in-
digent person named McLeary who had
applied for aid, the Council adjourned.
1 ' Canada.
The Wellington county poor house
will be opea for the reception of inmates
; .
in about a week. 1 t
' —The London Echool Board has or-
dered the 'public schools to, be., supplied
with melodeons. • ,
—Upwards of $200 worth of counter,
feit $10 Ontario Bank bills have been
passed in- Montreal.
—A_ special train of 20 cars of barley
was shipped from 2-Nrest, on Feiday last,
for England, -via Portland. 1
—Eight deaths have recently occur-
red. from small -pox in CornWall, and
there'are still a few cases in the town.
—Sleighs were out last Saturday in
Ottawa for the first time this winter,
but the snow was rapidly disappearing.
--An Owen Sound doctor was lately
fined $4 and costs for calling a gentle-
man in the tOW21 a "white livered-
Miramichi River, New Bruns-
wick, has been visited for some time
bast by seals, which have ascended ,as
far as Newcastle.
' —A little child, daughter of S. F.
Wigle, of Leamington, last week got its
face badly burnedi by coming In contact
with the hot stov.
—Rev. Mr. T trault, ewlio died at
Montreal a short time ag4,-, was the first
Roman Catholic priest in Cyanide who,
after becoming a Protestant, died a
Protestant. 1
—Mr. Peter Wood, who;has been
Reeve of the township of Beverly for 11
years has declined to run again. Mr.
;:i.unic''pa 1 Iife in that app, son of Mr. F. A.
o, died on Sunday, 251h
cksonville, Florida, of
e was well known in
ndon. _
Wood entered.
township in 185
—Frank B. K
Knapp of Toren
of Nov.,' at J
yellow fiver.
Ineersoll and L
—The merchants of Windsor are
id -
ready complalimeg that 13 per 1,000
feet of gas is to much, and have sworn
that if the price is not lowered they
Will bring out their old kerosene lamps
—A short ti -m, ago sorne ninety shim -
before he was put in, charge of the door.
Deceased -was a fevorite • h. all those
the inetitu-
Who. had occasion to visit
---The Bishop of 'Ontario
leave OttaWaeand take up is. resi
at Kingston. Seven thou and. Oilers . vicinity have nearly .finished ono of the
has been voted froth the Episcopal En- handsomest and most conimodions
dow,thent.PUnd, _for the ptirchase , of a churches in the •comity. It is built of
residence -for His Lordship,. . !• .
—Mr. J. Freel,' Adelaide, .. has lost
;three of hiychildien inside of two "days,
through diphtheria. One died on Thurs-
day, the 29th ult., one on Friday morn-
ing, and ,another on -FA ay •ev. laing. ,
The two who died the day ast Ine • tion -
ed, were buried in; one grave.
-Ratlier expenisive kindling wa" used .
in Hamilton a few days age, a lady in
the west -end was ;Making a fire gip. the
grate, she to•orea handle of paper from
the table, and proceeded' to "ignite it.
Her hoeter was
ery was -made l•at
150 in the parcel.
—A terrible fir
will s
fore Mr. Young reached the house. The
rascal had broken a pain of glass near
the door, turned the key On the inside,
and proceeded to make himself cora-
ortly fortable.
ence —The P.resbyterians Thedford and
eat when the discov-
r on that there was
visited he villaee of
quarried stone and 'white brick, is -IWO
feet, with basement, gallery and tower,
at a cost of 4M,000.
—Oil Wednesday morediag of last week
as a lad was going to school about one
mile from St. Jacobs, Waterloo county,
on passing, a swamp his attention WO'S
attracted to some living object 'near by,
e ran home and told his parents, who
ediately repaired to the spot, and
found a helpless old woman sticking in
the mud up to her waist. She was in a
fearful state, being covered with mud.
from head to foot. She wag. found just
in, time, as she could not have lived Iong
ini such a state.. She was taken to a
neighboring farm house Alia promptly
Stayner, county o Siracoe, n Thursday cared for. Her speech was altogether
afternoen of last week. A argepertion unintelligible, and nothing can be made
of the bneiness port of t town; was out of her as to who she is, or where
destroyed; the place woul Mei° Veen ,a she came from.
complete ruin had it not been foi the —A farmer who recently attended a
timely arrival of the steam fire -engine temperance meeting St. Lambert,
from Collingwood. Quebet, was returnine home about 1080
—A youne Englishman named. Thos. p. in.ewhen to his astonishment, he dis-
covered two men alongsitte his barn 'with
a horse and cart, on which they were
loading his hay. On being questioned as
to their right to do so, one of them said.
he made a mistake in the darkness of
the night by going to the wrong haute
This statement was not credited, and.
they again excused themselves by say-
ing they were under the influence of in-
toxicating drink; but even this was not
accepted by the owner of the hay, who
said. that the mistake was evidently a
wilful one, as the would-be benigrhtedor
intoxicated individuals had to travel a
milepost their own barn. •
Pritchard, work* On the extension of
the Victoria RailYe;y, cam. ei into, a: for-
tune of £30,090 the other day by the
went to Lindsay, ;spruced p, got 0. new!
land, andstarted for home; in excellent
death of it relative in Iridon. I He
suit of clethes, bonght a tieket for'Enge
—Madame Cau hen, wife of the newly'
appointed Lieuteea,nt Governor of Man-
itoba died. at Winnipeg on the night'. of
She 5th inst. Madame Cauchon was
eminently fitted to discharge the social
duties her new position would have inie
posed upon her; and her death is a mat-
ter of sincere regret to all Wile had the •—A young German of Montreal,.
—,6ai ingeniously constructed whiskey sister,
vt,iose wife died, desited to marry her
pleasure of her acquaintanee. . 1
who was willing, but the law for -
still, in fiill operation and of coresider-
11 bids it, so they went to St. Albans, and
able capacity, was discove ed. the ,other had the rite performed on Thursday
day in the township of Mono, about 55 last. It appears that preparations were
miles from Toronto. An iminense pile
ment, -which was quite large and pro- made for the wedding in Montreal, and
everything was going on smoothly till
of saw -dust covered the entire apart-
vided with tuba, barrels, stills, and a he applied for a matrimonial permit
very good. grain crusher, driven by the from the proper authorities, when he
engme of the saw mill. 7 . Was told. that marriage with a deceased
wife's sister was contrary to the laws of
—Two Chicago confidence men, who Canada. , This was .a staggerer. But
attempted to "work" a. gentlemen on he was not long perplexed, and in a very
his way to England out o his money, short time the pair; accompanied by
were arrested at Clifton on Friday. ; several friends, were, on their way to
They gave their names as W. C. Heniy Vermont. According to the laws of
and John Hart. On their erson4 were Vermont the marriage is legal; and,
tymeu left Ottaara, for Michigan. The found several begus$1,000Uiaited Otates cOnsequently, it is no evasion et the
frielids of one of these men received a bonds, several_ drafts and chequet, also Canadian laws.
telegram the aller day that fourteen of a due bill on the California, New York, ; —The man Somerville, belonging to
them had been11e2.,..(lay a railway acci- and European Steamship CompanyThorney, Pontiac County, north. of 05-
dent. They Were rem laded by the Police
ta.Nva,who becameinsane through a pra,c-
tical joke being played upon him„ has
—Mr. Hugh .Davidson,- draggist, in Magistrate.:
Viralkerton, a well and favotirably known • —When the tu nip liftine season cathe been taken to the Asylum., near Longue
eitizen, sudden y dropped dead in his round at the Waterloo Inciusbuia1 perm
hop last Pride, evening. Heart dis- (in cOunection with the Por House- in oint, MontrealA short time since a
party ad shantymen Were on their way
ase is supposed to eve been the cause that coua!ty), Gedge ['Wolfe, an. inthate,
din 9 death. ;thought it prudent to .absent himself for up the river, Somerville being one of the
_ number, when they all got on the drunk
—It is stated that the quantiiy of a few days :until the job was over, and More OE less. The day following Some
whiskey sold in the town eit'Owen Sound then coolly returned to hie snug quarters erville was told that he had shot a, car -
since the enforeement of the Dunkin —for which charitable exercise oNiber- &lea magistrate while intmdcated, and
Act, a period. eV six months, foots up to ty he was taken before one of the town that he would likely be arrested, in or -
something near 400 barrels, br about magistrates and sentenced to ten days'
imprisonment, this being the seco id. of der to avoid this, he was advised to clear
20,000 gallons. . to the woods, and during the ensuing
I night he did so. It was 14 days before
—The father of Arians gazPhPrscm, be was found again, and then Awes th-
the young man who e'
absconded. froin the covered that he was a raving maniac,
Sheriff's effice at Hamilto sonae days havingbecoine so throughfear, exposure
ago, leaving large sums to e accounted eaa vault of feed,
for was in the • c'ty on Wednesday and _
In the immediate vieinity- of the
Wallape, driver of a stage be- fence of the kind.
e on his
the face
g fright -
flesh off
tween London and Liman, w
route lately, received. a kick i
from one of his horses, cams'
ful laceration and tearing th
in fold's. He will be confined to his
house for it month. told a particular
—Eight thoupa,nd dollars' worth of he would pay eve
liquors seized by the Customs at Yer- tion. During th
riend of his son that
-y cent of the defalca-
whole time of the in-
enouth, Nova S, cotia some tiMe ago, terview he wept itterly and uttered the
have been sold by auction and purchas- most painful and heart-rending expres-
ed by the temperance people, -who made mons of grief. T
a -bonfire of it last Saturday ap the pre-- lives in Puslinch
sence of a great -crowd. . and is highly res
1 —On Thursday evening of et
a eirl named Keenan, eleven
living on Brock Road, nee
as going up-steirs with it eoa oil lamp 43,000. A son o Mr. Dawson, the pro- and -will gradually grow as hard as any
when it explod,ed, burning her about prietor was injured very seriously, and. other stone. The refuse is loaded by
e elder Mo.cPlierlion
it well-to-do farmer,
—The boiler i a Ile -nig mill u Or -
rears old, aneeville exploddd on Sa urday nom -
Guelph, in:causine damage to the inill of about
village of Norland, Victoria, county, a
freestone quarry has been for sone
short time in active operation; and an-
other about- tw miles distant. The
first is owned. by Mr. McLean and the
latter by Mr. M piling, both of Toronto,
one of whom e loys abouttwenty-five,
and the other about thirty-five men.
The stone is of excellent quality, and so
soft that it is cut up on tile spot into
blocks suitable for various purposes,
the body in a fearful manner, from the
effects of which .she died about Mid-
night. ,
—On Thursdiey morning of last week, -
James Lucas was found dead in a ditch
about half a mile from Cpurtright,
Lambton county;with the w eel.of his
+won resting on his chest, 4ne horse
dead and the other standing dongside.
He leaves a wife. and childrZa.
• —Mr. E. D. Cloyes, one oftLe wealth-
iest and most respected men. of Brock-
ville was arrested at Ogdensburgh on a
charge of having wool smuggled into
Uncle Sane's d.omains. He wee brought
before the. Commissioner and released
little hope is entertained of his recovery.
John Patterson, the Miller, lost a leg.
Pumping cold water into the hot boiler
was the cause. The shock broke win-
dows at a distant:1e of 200 or 300 yards,
and lUeces of the; boiler, as well as tim-
bers 't -weighing 250 pounds, were sent
through Mr. Aikeneee tannery, 150 feet
—A. savage bo r, owned by Mr. Win.
. .
Lehaae, Emily tcrwnship, near Downey-
ville, broke out o its pen one day last
week, and entering an adjoining field
attacked live horses belong*, to a
neighbor named. lynn. The infuriated
brute drove his tasks•into the belly of
on giving bail to the amount of $5,000. one of the hots, completely disem-
-A. Montreal lawyer named F. Cor- bowelling it, from the effects of which
beille has met a terrible fate.. He ran. it died sh Alyea
*way in September last; after forging eseaPea twith et• -g
for about $8,000, and news WR1S received i er of , the ,boar h•
. off a train while aossing a for the loss of hi
: sornewhde in th
by his father a few days ag that he
bridge near Kalamazoo, Mich ;,' and was —Three charl
- t
fatally injured by falling into .the river : the innocent peo
below. -
er. The other horse
azed skint The own -
d. . to pa yi Mr. Flynn
neighorhood of. 1100
horse.. ,
tans have been gulling
le of Three Rivers, by
ve been sent by the
spense the miraculous
Deane de Lourdes.
• pretendlue- to 11
. - —On Thursday of last week Dr. i. Holy Father to '
Delleubaugh, of Buffalo, a fine old gen-et waters of _Notr
tlema.n, and well known in many parts ! They •'1'ilade their 'patients kneel, and
of Ontario; was brought. before M. C. t then giving' them a few role; .o the
Erman; Esq., at Simcoe, and-• fined $20 : water, _premised that they shou d be
ne -With- . perfectly well within three days. , The
be of Lon- . simple Triluviens t.ai-a .noti, of aurae,
and costs for practising medic
ut a license. Detective ;emit
don, on behalf of the On ''
tario ollege of receive this wonderful specpie for noth-
Pharmicy, prosecuted. E ing, and the impesterst were pocketing
—P. -Irving, Drumble has tevo cattle their money pretty freely, whea the
feeding, both bulls, which weigh 1,470 Teliee cams: dOWn upon them, and eome
pounds and 1,575 pounds respectively.- ;of the victims have recovered a portipn
The one has been feeding 60 day e the :of their losses. •
other 40, and they have gained in —Mr. John Yoking, residing in Wed -
weight, the former 355 pounds, the bat- iL11a, on giiing to church last feenaay
ter 255 pounds.,•which makes over sia &ening, left his house, as lie supposed,
pounds apiece for each day' e feediag, securely locked. On returning a tramp
Who Call beat it? • was found toasting his shinls before the
—Henry Osborne, who for; the past fire. - Mrs. Young reaeh4 the house
;Oar has discharged the dutieS of doer- first, ona on asldng hint 's ab he • was
—keeper at the Toronto Generalillospital, • doing there, he very truly remarkeE that
died there on Tuesday of coniumption„ that he was warming himself, and 011
death having been accelerated by the • being asked what he was doing with her
bursting of a blood. vessel in he lungs. • son's overcoat on, he quietly took it off,
Osborne came as a patient, some time -put on hie mitts; and walked. away be-
• the workmeu upon wagons provided. by
t the monicipality, an(1 drawn away to
be spread upon the roads, -which are
' thus improved at small cost, while the
quarries are cleared of rubbish free of
1 charge. ;
—A largely atteld meeting was
held in Berlin on the 6th inet., by sev-
eral of the leading farmers of Waterloo
county. The meetiug was callied for
the purpose of taking into consideration
the development of sugar manufacture
from beet root. The meeting was ad-
dressed by Mr. James Young, M. P.,
•Mr. Bowman, M. P. and eeveral other
; gentlemen who agreed unanimously as
to the advisability of promoting such
manufacture. The following resolution
was passed.: " That this ineetiag
ly approves of the object of establishing
-this induetry, and. that a Committee be
formed. for the purpose of drawing up a
memorial to the Goveniment, asking
them to take the prayer of their petit-
' oners into their consideration for the
purpose of granting a bonne jko assist itt
the establishing of a -sugar f- ctory upon
such conditionas the Clover ment may
deem necessary.
—Mrs. Ledore, wife of Abraham Le-
i' dere, who resides ou the eighth conces-
sion of Kielose, was on her way home
from Lucknow in the waggon of, Thos.
Donovan, on Thursday night • bf 1a8t
w: colt . The night being very dark, Dono-
van trusted to his horses te keep the
road, but when about three miles north
of She village the horses went over an
embankment with the wagon. It is
thought Mrs. Ledore in falling must
have struck her head against the fence
at the bottom of the einbanknaent. Her
death was almoet instantaneous. She
leaves a large family'. Her husband is
at present in the Muskoka, district look-
ing for land, and is entirely ignorant of
her death, Mr. Donovan was with con-
siderable difficelty extracted from Ma-
der the wagon by Mr. Wm. Vallens, it
farmer residing near the scene of the
accident. He was not seriously injured.