HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-12-07, Page 7ECEMRER 7, 1877. OF TOWN LOTa EW SURVEY --OF TIIE--- *LOCK ESTATE., MN SITES FOR SALE!. FY WILL R141 SOLD VERY CHEAP. NG IN SIZE FROM ONE-- EFTH OF AN ACRE TO FOUR ACRES. f these lots are. the most desirable for- e of any in Seaforth. 'CIAL TERMS TO THOSE, ANTING TO BUILD. e Office a COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, BENSON, Soiicitor, Seafort 1.....Cesal-To 11PBELL'S BLOC SEAFORTft preZe to retire from busiaess I h ye - e omr4eIcoio dispose a my_ entire GK OF MILLNERY, rAITOY AND,. (MIER, GOODS and Below Cost. stermined SELL OUT I am prepared se of nay Geod.e at the . FEST.POSSIBLE aME ONE. COME ALL. MISS LEECH. DONSOLIDATED EK 01? CANA D- A . • , $4.000.0 0. LTA 1, A -NE, OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 883; d ROYAL. CANADIAlg BANK, Incorporated 1864. KA,FORTH BRANCH. UNION SLOCkeIVIMPI- SEAFORTa gita ou New Vork Payable at a the -United States_ ot Ezchnoge on London p&b1e- hief of the -United Kingdom - WEST PAID ON DPPOS TA9:;. M. P. HAYES, MAN EMI - TN+ any. DECEMBER 7, 18'11. C...A„TETT.IC)1\T_ :ACH PLITG OF Tif 1YRTLE NAVY, TOBACCO,' 15 STAMPED 6c: 13 IN GILT LETTERS., NONE oTtiEn Is GENUINE.. ramuton, Sept.:1J. 1877. 514-13 • lEAEORTH PLANING MIL „DactR Atin BLIND FAG Larthscriberbegs leave to thank Itia nu astomers for the liberal patronage exte tince commencing business in Seater -ga that he may be favored witla a cent' asrae. rtieaintending to build wonld do well - call, as he will continue to- keep on. stock of all kinds e ORY &Ong- dedto In ant - nape o giver and DRY PINE LUMBER, tis E , OORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. feels confident of givingsaisfaction o those may favonrhira with their p atronage, snow rst-elassworkmen are employed. _ articrtlaratttntian paid to Custom haling JOHN H. BR OA DF :AW 1.96S WANT .ssrs. COLEMAN & GPUIN Wilt ray the Highest Cash Price IEIT AW LOGS OF ALL Kt DS. 1:4o n, quaint ity of EL2•1' LOGS suitable foram- hutacture of Ileops. Salving attended to 40mPt171- 8 chi_ al) as at any other mill. zalaer of every deacription, also Shingles, tit and Vial:eta always' on hand, and at the veil' Et intuisst isrisses. D. oOIC OD CEDAR POSTS F011 -ALL COLEM4N & UINLO MBER 11On Si Seatortll •117.11.1LOt ira Ft tandity, Isar M. FOE from , cri"ro (wpm Ail La-aati.a, tts•I In to 'clO Feet, at the 1 tONY XILL' r, IN McIKIT440-Pg, The Subscriber has; also a LUMBER- YARD IN SEAFORTfif pg,g_re stit Liz, its nt Lusula r can be obtained - '47n THOMAS. DOWNEY, AGE UCENCES ('ERTIFICAT'E (CL,der the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTEL :fAter aett.gaity of the Lieutenant -ft overnor in I. ts.. ge. .The Death of Prince LeuCh- tenberg. With regard to the death of Prince Iteuctitenberg, which I telegraphed to you from the spot, it ni rbe interesting ee know a few details which have coin. .to hand since the sad event occurred. Although present on the field when the prince received the fa.tal I bullet, I was not an eye -witness of Ilia, fall. I saw him only after he was iplaced on a stretcher, and about to be sent to the rear. I was, therefore, ;unable to do more than record the 'fact of the prince's death. A. staff officer, however, -who was Close to Prince Sergius -at the time, has kindly furniSre me with the following details : Soon after the comm. neement of the reconnoissance, the Prince, accompani- ed. by several officers, was watching the lisevements of the enernyl from a p ce The little gienip was -if I may use he t of safety in rear of the Russian reseres. expression -actually out of fire. Not a shell nor a bullet had, been, fired in that direction by the Turks. A. Russian. of6.-. cer on horseback was standing a, few paces to the left front of the Prince, whose field -glass he held in his hand. The poor young Prince asked for his glass, and, as the office alluded to turn- ed round to hand it t• him, he heard. him exclaim, " Ahr t the same time pressing his hand to hi, forehead. The Prince reeled in his sa dle, and would. have fallen from his h rse, but the offi- cers surrounding hina I ad time to rezr ease° hem in, their ari -, s 'arn.d -lay him - gently on the gratin.,. when he was. found to be already a c rpse. ,. r Such are the eliance• and fortunes of war. With the presen long range guns there is no suci thing s absolute safety anywhere near a field f battle. This gallant young Prince, a general favorite in sooiety as well as in the army, had oii several ocoaSiCoIS exeosed himself se recklessly to the ene i y's fire, as to merit more than once t e rebuke of his superior officers. On s ch occasions, _however, he had escap d inhurt, where- as now, in a place of co arative safety, he was slain by the an o lybullet fixed in that direction &nisi< the whole fight, and that a spent ball, -waicla had the Prince stood a few yar is further back, would probably have given him but a contusion. His, ad death has cast %%gloom over th a hole Russian ,army. . The Prince was tale n to the head- quarters of his cousin, the Czarewitch, where the body was 'epOsited iu the village church. Altho gh a Prince Of the Imperial Fa -Daily, his mortal re- mains were treated -with the utmost simplicity, necessitate by the exigen- cies of war. Accor ng to Russian etiquette, it was requir d that he should lie in state for a certaii -Period, and. the headquarter staff repai ed twice a day to the little church, w ere prayers were •offered up for the dep rted soul. The body of Prince Sergiusj lay on an ordin- ary ambulance stretch r, with his head bound, his face _exposed, and enveloped in his great coat just a II had seen him -carried, from the fiel . ' His remains will shortly be sent t • St. Petersburg for interment, and. will be escorted to the Russian capital by the men ot his squadron of the Guar ' t,t cheval, who will be relieved of the r present func- tions as escort to the Emperor. His two brothers,Prince Ni holas, and Prince Eugene, will probably accompany the body.—London filiMe& Vienna Corres- pondence, eVov. 3. A Bard irae. Among the inmates of a cheaitable soup house in St. Loui is a graduate of Harvard, who is well • onnected in the East._ He has been. ui fortunate in his efforts to support hin self, and. is too proud to write to hi, friends and let them know how wretcl ed a failure he has made since he grac u tecl. He goes out every day in sear h of work and gets an odd job oc as onally. His habits are good; he i. iitelligon; he is careful of his pennie, rid 'is striving to save enough to take hilui to another town. The moral right of a -man, who has friends that are willi t -Le help him, to fall back upou public harity may well be questioued. The i cident, however, illustrates a condition et human sooiety which has not been k own until with- in a few years.Ethic ation is not as valuable eapital as it was twenty or fifty years ago. It we, easier then for a college graduate to win. immediate suceess than it is now. He had only to go from college to ag vi lage in a West- ern. State, and the nc tura]. 'growth of the town would. set hin en his feet and enable him to make r pid progress in professional or busines life. Collegians who acquire literary t ste and. culture at their university, bu who are above following their fathers' calling ma 'farm or in shop, now have t struggle terribly hard in American citie , East and West, to keep the welt from the door of pro- fessional A Fish Story an its Ocular Proof board, Ca, emonstrate t e pike clear mained in seed throug c ught in the t a• asillifollimangd anthe4 o 1803, a br s a • d four ere. aptain John t is said, " t era fish is j t e water." --B ✓ mber 13. race as science, t in Johnson, to further tratlj of the story, cat en. The hook, Which e perch's month, had he upper jaw, and had oat of the pike. On storaach., there glihh penny of the date button, some pebbles fish, partly digested. having displayed all ake my affidavy that t as they carae out of ltimore American, No - Gained nd a Con- asily Sa isfied, eeting in New York related her experience aiIt articles of ornament loved. She ved to wear gay colored is ornamente , In a camp S ate a woraa, elgiViganyattire slid that at na more arti r'bbons, hand3o u.r 'broochee I ;was her w resolved- to t when he did st tion came. she stood. in. t -eat change 8 e hBPlaYe0 at she had she resol flowers, e silks, e ut one idol remained. ling ring. I At last she ✓ w this • aeIvay too, and he blessing of satisfac- e Methodist says: " As audience, :la,ting the at had co e over her, n immenSe mass of ainw se d up on the back of her • upon a THE HURON EXPOSITOR. —1--- r9 ad which s mounted topknot of a hat, neith r protection , entalto be- ath a half waist which. nutive pro - fully abnor- gey puffrngs, a dress skirt h of the sev- ed upon the fter her tes- exhortation to erring ce all ponap and glory he plied. her fan and h like a byl-room belle toolong and was dress - to breathe with ease. se of the way, she hymn bo e other 'I holdin oni suii nor co old, She the st-off shawl as reduced' t d,nor orna, losed ben e corseted• such di rtions as to p ppear pad al.. She supplertedpaddi annier, and pie -back, and s dly bedrabble3l to a dep e al inehes w1iioh it drag , min& As sh sat down t mony and. aonj s sterfato renom o th ffl world, anted very mu iohhad. wa,ltze too tightly ; en. at the cl 1Loraan. walked. s1, a fan an o e hand, au nji gathering eadth of he albie her to st ineing gait c ntraeted p eels. And omen." meeting the had a pare - k to hold'in as employed the front 'its high nough-to en - while the limit of ' her as dete 'ned by her nit . ack and. stilted boot way she wen a sanctified. B a,b evelopraent, latest coeitribution in favorite, theory of de - chapter On infant life, otes made thirty-seven s own p sigeny. His. • servations on. infant lie, of course, e not in this ase those df a fond par- • t, but rather hat of a close observing scientist. For his purpose he kept a diary, and wr to down at the same time an accoun of the very slow steps which mark th progress of an infant's evelepment. Infant boys, he obserei- e , showed an terlier tendency to anger t an girls, and learned quicker to slap •d. throw thin fs. "1 °mild never see trace of such aptitude ib, my infant aughters ; and this makes me think t at a tendency to throw Objects is in- erited by bo s." ' The terrible fears with which chi upon as inherit their roots in t they inay.be r tr ers and. abject s iperstitionis during the ancient savage Mr. Darwin, an strongly inherit tpiadencies, if e t mated by wi ne of his chilc ren., when it committed petty larceny, and. stole s t it was !doing wrong e a culprit. On anoth- ted in a way that "care: 1 deceit," but " as this ted solely foe working n his good feel:11gs, he soon became aa t eithful, open nel 'tender as any ond ould desire." These hints ma,y be i setur to stolid parents, but few, we ink. would ta KC the tro ible Mr. Dar - '.in has to get at the bottom of baby M. Darwii s pport of 1 elopment is bracing hi ears ago o 's is 0 dren arse heset he looks d: troubles. -which have e past, fer_d he thinks ced " to the real dang- times." According to infantis the sport of d tendencies, but these il, may at least be coms- e and. gentle training. s first act of car, knew th ncl behaved, • occasion it a illy planned hild WaS ethic • 1 e. • Sale of Tri ventrs. . very curious -auo sale took A di lace in New York city a week or two go . a sale of inventions. Among the ovelties. offer;d were the following : tread -mill a ranged fok sifting' the arvesting ; 'a a, deceptive lading pick - pail; an im- atmospheric bring but - instrument ips and. the es. A rat:s- ate pencils ved overcoat ocket, for the1. pretecMoul of a lady's and while wal ring with a eentleman, as sold for 5i 50; --bolt I for locking pper and low r -window sashes by a irt 'from potat °able pocket, ap, for the pi ockets ; an ire roved. dish w es while livided by ose Of. -d 'moved slop sher ; an ?urn -dasher, Varratited t t sr in three f :r moistening umened surfa line for Sh -Irouttlit $1,000 mutes ; iostage sta, of envel rpenhig s - au impr 1., . sligle operatic) Captain JOhnson, of the pungv Te_ f cumseh, brings the latest fish story to ad'uster" or town, and it, he leadn't In ought the fish t 0 lwUidoW is themselves, silent but conclusive evi- t ie ash, sold 1 dence of the truth of le • story, his state- ment might be classed with the " fish stories" which are acc pted with many grains of allowance. IIowever, the puugy is at Light area fish are on board, and porter was only one of sons wilt, saw the fisl story. Captain Johns( lows: I was anchored on mouth l.)E Bodkin Cree went for 5 'seising th closed, wi r only $90. 125, While an blinds When boutraising itting B 11's W hi T e commis ion which. ittiing Bull ri le an in:1p wharf and. the cry m the, fact that the w n J1incrican re- 1 is clamp a win e prisoner a hundred per- t 10 Custer mks -acre. Bef and heard the l'ortt Walsh rut nors mac relates as filis reission that Si ting Bull Thursday in the c' wasting for the wind ei go down, and having nothing else to do I put a line iver the side to catch a perch or so, if iossible. 1 did- n't expect much iuck, but I pulled in thirty tiosh in leit ti140'l Ian' tWeilty minutee. Presently I- got 1, strong bite And pulled quick. Tho fi,sh wits evi- dently a heavy one, and. I.! was afraid. my line would, break, and '.:1 began to play my eatelt, 1 pilled hard and. up came a rock perch to the surface. - Just as it was coming out of, the water a , pike came rushing up and swallowed the perch on me- line, hoek and, all. gave my double catch f ull play and ;.to escape, but ieually brought them on board in a net, Was unsuccessf iust as you sde them, except that I cut he was severe 'ittine-Bull h. The captain illustrated his story by , use nenesed producing the two fisle ,The pike had aughtees. R. been. cut open. The .. perch, fully five ong in Indite inches long, was fairly r inside of the ' ndian and ibit whichswas not More than eleven, r 'Mite Chief. inches in length. A .suggestion ,being r Upon the re .made that the perch might have been `t. ' Paul Ge furced into the pike after both fieli \yew ueter rolls i - ; t r !aster's men be first confers aterpreters em felted. the ea e Chief. was sent to rtant diScov- -tier has itt captured at re reaching ed the Coin - held SOMO 01 s prisoner and after nco pile of therhalf breed -loyed by CT en odd Terry p; and while passing t -rough, was r a costed in English by a ! person dressed and.painted as a chief, 'who said. that his name was Martin Ryan, -who was, a corporal I, Seventh- Cavalry, Colo company, and. had. been I ner at the latttle of th in Company el Keough's -Mem a prire- Little Big .1.0-rn with Custer.. Inqm 'y apparently ubstantiated lJlis assertion, and the fel-- owing facts w3re assCOrti hued.: Ryan's ife haa been epared by - Sitting Bull Muscle who a opted. him into his own ainilv. Ryan made several attempts rillv .guarded !ach occasion Ile has new -epted the ..situation and made hie a war chief yan to one e of his own tin has Jet his hair grow fashion, dresses as -an loWn by the Sioux as the um of theoommission to 'oral Terry cans -ea the f Company I, Seventh tins ono, V,;U can see Loy: it, happen- •• apparently Fle. ems; caret' 11, and on ✓ beaten: Cavalry, tb be examined, and f that Mar4n Ryan's name is borne as corporal, titid that he was present for duty *hen, his command went into that fatal aztiob, of Sune 25, 1876. It was statecl by the friendly Indians 'hat there are several Others of Custer's men p-asoners n Sitting Bull's camp, but Ryan's ca e was the only one which was verifie . Sitting Bull was asked. the questi n di ect by General Corbin al if he took ny p Boners of the Seventh Cavalry, d a,n wered flatly, " Thist is none of Your usiness,"- Washington despatch tolBoston Herald ' 1 a Ret The ret Janeiro wa cf Dora Pedro. of Dom Pedro to ;Rio s made the ,occasion for a three days'; jubilee in that city. ;The imperial party disembarked at an early heur from the steamship which carried tliem home, the 'port ha,vingbeenereach- ed. during the night. Early as the ; dis- embarls.ramat was made the streets were ciowded, and ins the emperor, bare- headed, walkedIwith his companions to the chapel., his subjects gave him a grand ovatiose strewing their path with flesh leavers in ad.vance of their coming and showering blossoms upon thein as they passed, while the air was vocal with patrithtic cries of " viva I" In the eie the imperial family attetded the o a, where again a hearty spir.tsof welcom.e prevailed. After the perforine &ace the streets resounded- for some time with shouts, and among the strik- ii g utterances of the hour were Tivas r "Pedro the Second, sovereigu of the great -western empire, liberal as a republic," and for " Rutherford B. Hayes, preside "t of the great we tem rePtiblie, .strong as an empire." ! • SINs1nLE A4w1OE.-You are asked every day thrmigh the columns of niews- papers and by your druggist to, use semething for your dyspepsia ancl liver C omplaint that iyouknownething a,1!?0ut, you get discouraged spending money with but Attlee success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Green's Au- gust Flower Nvill cure you ,of dyspepsia and liver boraplaint with: all its effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache, abitualeiestivenesa, palpitation of the eart, heart -burn, water:brash, fullness • the pit of the stomach, yellow Fikin, coated tongue, indigestion., swimming of t e head, Ilow spirits, &c.; we ask you to o to your drugt e of Gifeen's August Flower fer 10 fist and get asamplebot- ents and'try it or a regeilar size for 75 ents. Tikvo &Les will relieve you. t Eres's po A -Gratettli and cornfort- g.—" BY a rough knowledge of the Mural hich govern the opera - tons of digestion and. nutrition, and by careful Iappliclation of the fine prOpei- t'es of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps LLS provided our breakfast tables with delicately flvorod beverage, which ay save us m nsr heavy doctor's bills. t is by the ju.dicioususe of such a,rticles f diet that a constitution may be grad - ally built up iintil strong enough to re- st every tend. nay to disease. Hun-- eds of subtl maladies are floating round Us ready to attack wherever t ere is a weak point. We may escape any a fatal Shaft by keeping oueselves 1, ell fortified with pure bleed, ani a roperly nourished frarae."-Civil Ser - t ice Gazette. Said only in packets label - 1 a—" JD, s Epps & Co., Hoinceopath- i naClie i7oni, ts• Trains le as under: MixedG.°.1!.G. Accom.. I'fail 3:40 P. M. • 1 sts, 48, Threadneedle Street, iccadilly, Lond.on.." 482-52 s eat -*catcall Itniligway. ve, Brussels station, north and south, NORTH. . GOING SOUTH. . 9:15 A. M. Mail - 6:37 A. M. . 9:03 P. M. Accom ... . 8.08 P. M. Mixed 5:25 P. M. Grand Trunk Railway.1 Trains Iei,.vo Seftiorth Station as followa =Orate 'Waal,- • • NLEDICAL. JG. SCOTT, M, D. &c.,Physidan, Surgeon and I" • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, irst 'door oast of Presbyterian Church: 84n TT L. ;17ERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physielan, Sur- -Li- • geen, etc., Coroner for the Countyt of Huron Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seatorth Pablic Scheo1. W ADAMS,11, D., late of Lakefield, Ont_s " • Physician, Surgeon and Accouchetun Gradnat:e of the lltniversity of Trinity College, oronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy- icians and Surgeons, Ont. K1nburn.0nt.1 485 11. HANOV,ER, 11.D., C. M., Graduate. of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and ccouchenr, Seafurth. Ont. Office--Rooinal in Meyer's Bleck lately occapied by Dr. Phelan, and formerly by theqp.te. Dr. Sing. Will attend at arronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 MoNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu • ate of. Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth pnt. Office -and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's. cells- promptly attended to, night or Iday. A stock of veterinary medicines on hand harges reasonable. Horses examinecfatto sound- ess and certificates given if required." 407 .A.ME8 W. ELDER, Y. -S., Gradtiate of the Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting wo year to practice with Professor Smith, of oronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his cssidence east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly isatended to by day_ or night. A. large stook of eterinsay Medicines constantly on hand. Horses xannined as to soundness and certificates given orsea bought and sold on commission. 424 -s...T DERBYSHIRE. L. D. 8., -1--1. Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Artificial Dentils neatly exeented. All surgical open a - tions performed with care and promptitude. 10ftioe hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in Mrs. Whitney's new brick bloek, Main Street, Seaforth. 11111nAlkiLLANEO1Jtil. A.S.McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office • in Leckie's new brick building. 50,4-52 ijMONEY TO LEND -On terms more -a-advan- tageous than ever before offered. A. j. Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. ' 504 52 TIREMIAKING.---Dressmaking done in the Latest Styles, and a good fit ensured,ab MISS QUINLAN'S Rooms, over Watson's I boot and shoe store, in Mrs. Markey's block. 1 515 T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in. all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- ; posiToR Office will be promptly attended to. rsHARLES F. MII.ES, Provincial Land Sur - N•14 veyoi, Wingham. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Branch office, Clinton.' O. F. IMES. 485 LB oortE. THE SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY. - N. -1- Clair, successor to J. R. Williams, manufac- turer of Pumps and Cisterns. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Factory on North Main St., Seaforth. 500 TORN LECKLW:GeneraI Loan and Real Estate t' Agent, Grain, Produce and Cammiasion Mer - client. Money loaned on real estate nu town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured , mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farms and village preperty for sale Office- Leckie'a new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 , , Ceetle,..1=t3D .•1 • r CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 479 ! . D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. — DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP-- The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, Ttndor the name and style of Mabee & McDonald, Saw Millers and Lumber Merchants at Walton and Seaforth, has been this day die- solvedby mutual consent. All debts due the late firm contracted in Seaforth will be payable to Levi Mabee, who will pay the debts of the firm contracted by him in Seaforth. And all debts due the late firm contracted in. Walton will be payable to Lewis McDonald, who will pay all the debts of the late firm contracted by -him in Wal- • ton. Witness our hands the first day of Novem- ber, 1877. Witness -S. G. McCaughey. LEVI MABEE, LEWIS McDONALD. B. -AU parties indebted to the late firm will please call and settle their accounts at once, and save costs. MABEE & MeDONALD. o 519x4 • SIGN OF T HE GOLDE LION. The Goods advert sed in la at a argain HOWING VER t week's _Expositor as having been Purcht.zsed ve come to hand, and we are 91010 SPECIAL IND'UCEMENTS TO OUR CUSTOMERS IN ALL KIN IN S OF DRY GOODS. , WE INVITE INSPECTION OF OUR 20 -CENT LINE OF DRESS GOODS, NOTRING LE/CE THEM OR. Quarry HA.8 BEEN °VEERED IN TOWN. , KIRTLE PLAIDS: for Child en's Wear, at 25 cents. well worth 35 centS, 'iTINCEY'S at .10 .1ents, wor cents, Worth 22 cents -do Golden Lion. TWEEDS at 75 cuts a yar ° JNDERSHIRTS AND DR LOUDS, BREAKFAST S value at the Golden Lio h 13 cents; at 14 cents, werth 18 cents; at IS 't fail to ask to see Wineeys when you visit the thatsurprise customers. WEBS at 40 cents each. AWLS, HOODS, GLOVES, FURS, &c., all good. A LINE OF H VER COUNTERPAN MEMADE 7 N6f‘f BERLIN WOOLS, JNEW BERLIN WOOLS, I NEW BERLIN WOOLS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, ALL COLORS, AT MISS W RIGHT'S. AT MISS WRIGHT'S. AT .41.1ISS WRIGHT'S. NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING PATTERNS, NEW STAMPING 'PATTERNS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, AT MISS WRIGHriS, AT MISS WRIGHT'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. MAIN STREET, SEAPORT. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ,CIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DiRECT FROM MANUFACTURER& AMERICAN OUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, Ste. FENCING -WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE *Of Every Description Cheap. EVE TROUGHS BLANKETS; ING PIED ONDUCTs I Pat brie ou tne Shortest Notice and 'Warranted. GOOD VALUE. S AND CARPETS CHEAP. CALL AND EXAM! E GOODS AND BE NO TROUBLE TO SHOW T EM. S eciql inducements to Cash, ancl Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN -KIDD. 711E GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. CONVINCED. -SIGN OF T.tilb GOLDEN LION.. I I R. JAMIES9N, S9aforth. L THERE IS NOTHING LIII<E WHEN IT jIS MADE UP INTO C., Mixed T ain, 6:40 A. M. c/a Mixed Tt in 4:45 P.M. Express. 2:08 P. M. ) Eypress. 8:58 P. M. ' OING EAS- Express rain 7:50 A M. Cr3„ Express rain 1:25 P IL l'i Mixed Train. 10:40 A. M. -'4 Mixed Tr sm.- . ............ ....4:45 P. M. r..-. al pi EG1k <4 6Li MPORIUM The sttheariber hereby thanks his -numerens ustomers(mereha ts and others) for their liberal patronageduring the past seven years, and hopes, y strict integrity andclose attention to business, to merit thpr con1 dence and trade in the future. -, I Having _greatly nlarged his promises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the IGHEST CASH PRICE 'or any quantity of good fresh oggs, delivered t • g the . EGO EMPORIUM t -ed \Main Street, Soaforth. Wanted .sy the subscriber 25 t Ohs of good dry lean WHI AT ST tit.W. L. i. WILON. , Ite e4 A 112 4AMER0N, lIOlIT & CAMERON, Barristers Solicitors in Chancery, &e.. Goclerieh, Ont. I. C. Cameron, Q. 1, Philip IIolt, Gj. Cam- o-4 ron. 1 506 • r.,4 NTiliraLkg SMA siouer in B. 1 ppraiser. Accou leasonable terms. L, Conveyancer and Commia- Wroyeter. A.netioneer and. ts and notes collected on 366 L. DOYLE, B • Chancery, &e. ce, over Jordan Sto e; Seafo rristerrAttorney, Solicitor in , Goderich and. Seaforth, W- s Drug Store, Godel'ich, and •th. 854 . TA.LCO1 SON & 'WATSON, Barristers, Attor- neys,rirSolid ors in Chancery, &c., Clinton, )nt. OLE e-Eirst dour east of the lie* Royal • 'anatlian Bank bu tiling. • Money to loan du farm property., gg*;. mars:Mises:. 404 G. A. WAT11:4 t 1oCAUGIIEY & IIOLMESTED, Barris ttrs, AA; tomcats at. Law, Solicitors in Chanestry egrui nsolvenev- Noterses Public and ConVi.ystiscs.-15 ; °Bettors:ter the R. C. Bank, S.eadorth. Agi1ntsfor the Canada, ! gifts A.seurauce Company, N.13.-1$0,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms ousesand Lots f r sale. ' _ _ 1 tlE 53 1 ARROW, MET R & RADENHURST, 13arrisi tore, Attorneys' at -Law, Solieitore in Chancery,! -c. Private frinds to loan at a low rate of inter- .st, mid co terms to suit borrowers. Offices - loglerich end WI ighara. Oilice in Lanssiale'e uildiog, opposite 'coils .benk. II. W. C. MEYER. . Y. T. GA.11110W. • W. . RADENIrrIlsT. • - 474 ' 11- W. C, Meyer Solicitor Consolidated Bank 1 f Canada1 ' AVingla sue ; It r t—f no.) e,. les • '3131dIMOO All3A SI *S30Itid 2lOd )ISV c1N 1 TWO EVER OFFERED, IN THIS MARKET. 0 HRHESS Where you will find all finds of Harness Ma- de up pEMEMBEP., if yots -want a Fano -IA' faction as to QUALITY and P is wanted to secure regular custom. EATHER SUR AS YOU FIND 4`1" WARD'S • or Substantial Harnees WARD ICE than any other maker in the C J-. The Pills Purify theBlood, correct all disorders sall the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and 'Ulcers of however long standing. For Brosschitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, coia-s Gout, Rheumatism, and - all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUlie . TERFEITS. - 'Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and Hold tinder the name of "HoI- loway a at Co.," by • J. F. Henry,• Cumin, & Co., Druggists, a n d also by the Me- tropolitan Medi- eine Company of New Yorkowith RII assusned trade mark, thus: • -Again o n e Zesepli Haydeek, •of New York. SEAFORTH hkewise passes off counterfeits of n I his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; in the. _Latest ,Styles. eKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for . , • i. the same. , Can give you better satis- dtuity. A Trial is that ,F.ARD,.Seafo97th. THE G , Second hand. 20 Horse Engine, Ba ' Second hand 20 -Hartle Engine, -Ba Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Ba Second hind 12 Hera Engine, Ba A Hoisting or Boat Engine with Second hand 16 HMSO Portable B oi Second hand 16 horse Portable Boi • Second hand 20 horse Portable Boil Second hand 80 hors Portable Tub Steam G nage, Gunge and Safet Secondhand Shingle ond Heading Heading Jniater IHeading Planer NO 6 Lai Heading Tomer ' Stave Machine, -with Knife New Engines and Boilers on . for Flouring, Grist and S A gri eultural Implements. -S Attended to. ERICH FOU 112C0 Wheel and Saw Man el. . mace Wheel anct Pulleys Complete. ance 'Wheel, Pulleys and overnors lance Wbeel, 'Runes s and tovernors oisting Gear er, with Smoke Stack • er, with Smoke Stack , r, with Smoke Stack Aar Boiler, with Smoke St Valves, all in Good Order achine N DRY. 1These persons, the better to 'deceive yen, un- blushingly caution the public in the small books of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- witurensooftenpounniotzfaeoltasiets obtain them at very low prices and sell thein to the public in Canada as , my genuine Pills and Ointment. • ! I most earnestly and respentfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladiee, add to the public generally of British North • . $225 •211 erica, that they be pleased to denounce 2271 I u PsPnarriculitstheeaa-: of la will look, softhe tic dIdoarbeneill ..... 200 I o t the Pots and lioxne. ek, Enna e, FrontoGr e Bars? CODERICH i and, also Made to Order vIry heap. Mill Ma.athery ! w Mills. Middling Purifiers o Improved Kinds. ! oyes of Various Iiinds.=Ropairs on oilers, Mills, die., promptly : FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ' , 4 1 1 • ... not 533, Oxford Mtreet, Loudon, 150 they are Counterfeit*, 200 ; 'Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines 225 bears the British Government Stamp, with the g -unlade, " HingLOWNY's PILLS 'AND On:TRENT, 450 ' Loo," engraved thereon. On the label is 90 the addrees, 588, OXFORD STREET, Lowno-siwhere 40 alone they ere manufactured: 50 - Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors 70 seping spnrious Holloway's Pills and Ointment 80 1ny genuine make, shall on communicating o , ,_, - •, POST OFFICE. STORE, W LTQN. s Cl : ONCE MORE resoccifully beg ; ave to return thanks to my Immerse a • patronage clurin ; the last 12 y ars that I have teen doing bnsiness k. .-- solicit a. continuance of their iSNOX for the future. I have just received Steck of DRY GOODS of I] descriptions. Also always on h -TEAS a Special] ty-wbieli, for quality +1 price, a • GROCERIES and Coal Oil, Hardwa e, Paints and Oils, Drum Patent Mc-dicines,Baco BOOTS and S H 0 ES—.11ePherisonli male. A Large Stock of i , thing required in, a general store. Ask for what you want if you don t se taken in exalting°. 1 'would also intimate to all parties indebted to me 14o last and, previoue years, to come and:Fettle b° cash or note before the end of this month, or t se accounts will be pot into . -I am also aluator for the Doinin on Saving mod Investment Society, o e of the best loan societies other hands )or wile° don. No fart er notiee will be given. A EONEY T0LOAN ON EASY TERMS. : , in the Dominion. The above Soeie y loans money on gond far n security for a term qf fromsthree to - ;twenty years, on the ou at favorable onditions. LIFE INSIJI.ANCE.-If yoe want your life insured g • give nig a call, as I am agent for th Sun Mutual Life, Assuranee Company, one of the best Life La- surance Companies in the Dominic) , and conducted on the 'nest econoinleal principles. Don't for- - get to give nie a call. I am always attentive to business. lefst '011ie° ad Telegraph Gilles in con- nection. Clover, Timethy, Turnip a d other seeds on hand. , .......: 1... ...... R. PAITTIION, WiA4..TON.,- ,-- r.-r1 r , 1 - sse s customers for their kind amongst them, and kindly 1 a Large and Well Selected 1 nd a full assortment- of 'e the best in the County. rockery, Glassware, Lamps and Hams, in fact every - it. Cash or farm produce 1 1 '1111E GREAT FEMALE BEXEDY.--job Moses r A" Periodhial Pills -'This invaluable medicine is , unfailing in[tho cur of all those! p:infu,1 and ' dangerous dieeases tc slaich the fe ale etanstitu- 1 'tion is subte t. It moderates all semi and re- • moses all ob ructions and a speed cure may be 1gre1ied on. T raa.rittl adies, it is pec Bally salted. 'It will, in a hort time, bring an th monthly pe - 1 riod with regularits . These pills thould not be - : taken by Females daring the 'hist 'ince months ;•,..-• of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mie- r-, carriage, but] at any o' her time they are safe. In ;4 all cases oit Icerve as and !Spinal Affections, e...., pains in the back ani limbs, latign4g on slight ex- ertion, palpitation rf the heart, hysterics, and ' whites, these pills willeffect a cure when all other e- means have failed ; and, although a powerful remedy, do not. contain irnn, mien el, antimony, or auything hurtful to the eonst onion. Full directions in the para blet around ach paeks.ge, ENSON & ME 'ER, Barristers.; and Attorneyl at La.m, Solieit rs in Chancery:and Insolvency, coo I,- • onveyanctgrs, Not ries Public, et e. . Officess-Sea1.1 • orth and Brussels. $28,000 of Private Fluids te nvest at once, at Light percent. Interest , 'payable early. ,. 1 , 1" 58 Jas. a. inxsoN. . ' II . W • C. 31 E Y EN. The above firm has this day ta:eli disselvcd by mutual cOnsent. All accOonts clue the tgrra tq be paid -to Mr. Benson wha will, pay all habil, ‘ ities. ' _ JAMES II. BENSON. NOY. 27 1s76. H. W. C. MEYEIR. ' i WROXETER OATMEAL MILLS. A n nnn BI SHELS Good Clean Oats Want - k -4 "el. Oatmeal always en hend, for sale or exchange. 521X3 ALEX. L. GI13SON. which should be carefully preserve . job Moog, w York, Sole Prorrietor. $1 00 and 14 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- . ronto, Out., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containiog toter 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co, J. S. Roberts, ani R. Lumsde 197 DR. WI LIAM 'GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE, • The Great English Remedy ' is especially recorrant ided as 1 an unfalliug cure for va Semin 1 Weakness -Spermelf rihea, . teeny, an ell dieeeses 'that 1o1.ow as 'a ' se- queece f Self, abuse, Before akin gs Loss of memory, A :. er . akhig, Universal Lasisitude, 'in in the Back., Dimness of Vision, Premature 'Old Age, 1and many other diseases dela leads to Inanity or Consiimption and a Preniature Gra e, all of which as a rule.are first caused by deviati g from the Path of nature and over iodulgence* The Spetiffe Medicine is the restat II a life ate ly.. and many year'e 01 ex- perience in treating t ese" special cbeeaeret. Pam- phlet free by mail. Tibe Specillei Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 patkages for $5, or will be sont by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY. & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold n Sealorth by E. Hied:son & Co., J. S. Roberts, It Lumsden and all druggist merchants, th,e particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed • TH-011A.8 HOLLOWAY. London, jan..1, 1877. 477 1 AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, ;GS to acquaint his many friends -and custo- mers tbal he has removed two doors north Of • hie old Rand, MeIntyrshs Block, where he has a stock equal to any in the bneinesse, and at the , rio ogt. favorable prices. All kiwis •of Repairing ' sislue en the •eliort•eitt notice. A good ferosk of Tennks, 'Valisess., Whips, Combs., Brushes, and all other sneli articles rs.sinired -constantly On hand, , newcomer our old Friend. ESIgn of the scotch Cgillar. I 1 r7181 W. Tx. 'OLIVER, Seaforth. , 1 -94a) THE PCBLIC.-Iiengl what the people Bay . -14 in meant to the Grtat Shothentea Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, Boyd: "1 had a 1very severe :attack el bronebitie. I as et) bad that I eerall bardiy get nry breath. I so,oght for a i -vial.: remedy, and acting the " Sheahences gEicnocdy " so highly meounaanded, 1 preeartd a btottle, and tun happy to say that by the time it ; whas Igtikssn I was oath ely well, and h -ave remained no4, although .I was 'Much exposed through the 'winter in travelliog." Rev. if. B. Strattan, Dem- : c-Losts'lle writes: " I have feund your re- f :L. • 7 n edits1..at tieularly bent:116d for liver complaint, tl,,aspepsia and bronchial affoctiens, and would , advise all similarly affected to give Omni a trial:' jblin Finlayson, Athol, says: • When travelling • obe cf my Itet got sere tied broke out. I could g ise: core it, and had to return laeme. is beca.nao isoter and afterviargle ratith worn. I finally pur- chased a bot' le of the Remedy and a bos of Pills, and before they were half geoe I commenced to iteprcre, and before t•hey were finiehed my foot Was cernpIetely cured. It is novr 17 months Igiloce, but have had no further attack." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 2:.; cents abed. 522.