The Huron Expositor, 1877-12-07, Page 57 7. 1877, the property of Mr. Steel e, from whose shop they we go trace of the thief. Elugh Durkin, of Fullarton,ha arm .compaeed of the easterI lot 13, 6th doucession, to hi Mr. Miles Brown, for $5, ;vet having recently returne ip te the Muskoka district,ac sons to act on the advice ;-reeley, viz., " tO enlarge the" ,y deep tillage," feeling assur v can make money easier at by clearing up new lands r n the advantages of good road kets, &c. ccident of a. peculiarlv painfu i,pperzed to Mrs. E. James, a short time ago. While eat- kfast, she became seasible o vailowed some sharp pointe at, which she supposed to be peak\ and -which had lodge oat. The piece (ef needle ha 13.VII the previous day, as wa into the stove, but must hav o certain food which was beal elpon the stove. Medical ea id iu, but, at latest accouut itely the doctor had. not bee ;tract the need/e. The patiea tick lames Kennedy, of the Terra b'trattord, has diSposecl aId ,100 -acre lot hallorthEasthop t-tebastian FryfogeI, of Scat . The buildings were not o unt but 3Ir. Kennedy had Ward, feuce erected round th• a enhanced its value very ma `11(1 he was well and deserved! lifoi lus ontlay. For he re r the property the handsom ,500. Mr. Fryfogea takes pos March. The Ulan has bee ass-- ever since Mr. Kenned it, and will aow yield luxuri vel plan was adopted recentl rd for ridding the town, of tha " tramps?An exchange o i. reterliog to the matter says ier is a bateli brought befo e m.eistrate, and • sentenced t ren the graai.d bounce,' thai le are teetin full, likewise th One clay last week 17 of th were in the cells, and how t f. them was a puzzle. Tu. rmer came .a/ong with a bo ad a bargain as struck 'with ie whole batch, several of them • helpless, were loaded in a, and c'teiven to a considerable outside the coxperation, wher to be dumped out. Hew they he ride is not known.. lEtinori Notes. amcan -MoLauehlan, of the --.essiba of. Grey, has a mare .eighs 1,450 pounds. town, of Clinteu has a popula- eiently large to entitle it to a iteeve next year. ,James Campbell, of Walton, ilteu from his store till, a few ago, but has not been a,ble to race of the thief. W. J. Hayward, for many years Lt of Wingliana, has decided to a Myth, where he will in_ future his profeseion—aaw. 51"S. C. F. tt; g. Brooks, of Bras- :atriidinct an omnibus for Mr. - "artin, of the TeCareseh House, whea completed, will be a. tke to the awned: and to the londay last, as two little sons ienry Cardiff, of Brussels, were in the WoodShed, the elder, age idea -tally chapped the middle . the right hand off his 11M 7 old 'brother with an axe. Wm. Harris, of lot a, comes- Turnberry, shot, on the 2u ei:-er large eagle, which measur- eight feet from tip to tip of its It is very rarely. that oae o -ieS of eagle is seen in this pa orld. G. A. K. McLeod, of Ushorne his farm on the lst concession artli of Exeter, to Mr. W. Hodg .tlie sum of,58,000. Mr. Hodg since sold the farm to Messrs ual Thomas: Horton, at an ad ! 5100. 1, meeting of the Conservative h. the- felldwing officers area Wm. Clegg, President ; Jame at Vice -President; Wm. Hawk !al Vice -President J. H. Thom retarev; Thos. Nicholson, Treas -(klin. Cook. John Thompson an .1loody, Committee. airs. Fox & McDonald hav 'a building iu the village of Hen ,wnshin of Grey, suitable fo on a, pail manufactary au This is one of the mos Ais viI1age in- Western On ad every encouragement i. people ho cast their lot emu named „Hollingliam, vh to be au tminent horse doe bOnit VietiUDZing the people o and vicin4. Ile t Jok up b.' it Beanie's hotel, where he re for a couple of weeks. He sud .-1u1 quietly took his departur g to pay hiS board bill and sun ersniall debts he had contract n; village. at of Mr. Hugh McDonald, o Smith, who went out West sora ince, is now working in a in miles from Virginia, City, Ne ad ites home that the wages ther r. per nii:yntli for winter work, an !swam( r. Ile had not seen f !eatin for souse mouths, th one to ' him being twelv , ietant, the country is prett ext.t the ways of the people equal Exeter( It says there is that town who, when he want 's the street ior a half lieues loaf inighbees place of bueluess, there is a croesing tbout tw,0 On his d'or is too lazy to walk 'null out of his dir€01 way, and 'Auliging like a small elephant e tee mud, and then has the face Lis svift, to polish his boots in lurch flit!, next Sunday mant- is th ei man ? Natina_him, • Morida Mr. A. R. King, hail a very narrow escape Fre Light have been a, fatal accide engaged in pttintiug the wi ..ki" the Mansard roof in front eksen's new buildine. when t ding gave way, and 1.'")ie fell do etely alighting on another seaffo d, etinit htury.. Where he Mallp.g d on. Another person, engag opposite end of the first scaffol :rown off hs feet, but manp.g DECEMBER to prevent himself of the beards, in pleasantly near a fe who esoaped only b ments. —The special ine ift Roe's appointrae of Grey, (Brussels he addition to the bers, nearly all of being heads of ftam -there were only 14 - number is 49, with adherent. The co the church. On eontra,ot tea a fee, let to Mr. Xohn Mo of $145. —From the Na olip the following a -"Huron boy," whos Binevale and vie' ‘other parts of this with pleasure : " .the Globe reporton Ella James, daughte Esq., J. P., and mid of one of the depart here, were Thanksg,iving clay, a by the Friday m schools were compli sent to them a porti cake. A host of fri wishes for the happ of Mrs. and Mr. Ey 7, 1877. om falling. Som urabling, came un ale on the street her quick move ting recently he1i. t, third. concession 'iron* resulted in ohurch of 27 ment-i horn are adultac16i ies. Two years 4.o members, now the large number of gregation now fills' riday, Nov. 16, the e shed, 22x72, was ougall, for the sum anee Standard we tie° coacerning a many friends in OA well as in! aunty, will peruse . George Eyvil, of staff, and Bliss' of CharIes James, ' recently in charge ; eats of the public ted in marriage on d left for Toronto ming train. The nented by having le of the -wedding tide unite in best esS and prosperity 1.7' I Miscellaneous News Iteras. A lady who onc station. in society in tected in pilfering a house in that city th. she had, called to soli was the cause of her —Several weeks.aa Knox. Church, Ham', ton, became use- less through the an, o g way of the hydraulic apparatus, which supplies -wind to the instrume it. To make re- pairs, it has become lecessary to bring workmen from Mon real. The dam- ages will amount to several hundred dollars. —On ,Thanksgivin ult., the hotel of Mr. Wardsville, was bur by some person or &treated from. one of tl the sum of $300, and able watch and c Oliver and. Joseph been 'committed. for fence. —j. II. McConkey, westing the cause of in connection with th ance movement. in escorted to the station ing by a large crowd, bearers and a band.. adorned. a high Montreal, was de- aluable jewel jii a other day, where it charity. Drink all. the fine organ in night, the 22nd Joseph. Ward, of laziously entered persons, who ab - 'e bureau drawers so took a value- ain. Abraham nereaux have rial for the of- • hie has been ad - total abstinence Gospel Teinper- evnitarket; was. on Monday even- eadad by torch `e labors in that village have been very successful, about 700 having signed the Ibrdedge. As the train was leaving the s, a,tion he spoke a few parting wards, urging all to be faith- fal to their pledge. —Mr. John Yeoman. of Moncla.Mus- koka, on -killing an thscovered a most singular substancb in the stomach, which at first was tak6n for an India; rubber ball about thred inches in diam- eter. It was as black as jet, and its substance like sole lettther. On more minute examination, it turned. out to be a collection of hairs. The ox had been Riling for some doubt, to this tmwelco inside. time, owing, no e lodger in its —Henry England, tihe liquor detec- tive, the man who satecl,as executioner in the Williams hanging, in Toronto, was set upon last Saturday night by two men and severely beaten. When he left the jail on Friday afternoon he met a crowd of roughs DII the Don bridge, who were waiting to throw him into the river. He ran bac to the jail for protection, but the officals objected to his staying there and. 1 t him out at the back, and by a circu taus course he reached the city. —A. few days ago, two year old child of Wm. Perry, Na, anee, was fatal- ly poisoned by drinkirt a solution of saltpetre. The mother had a strong so- lution of saltpetre for u e- on the throat of a younger child afflio ed with. quinsy, and. the older child w nting. a drink, the mother, by mistake gave it a drink out of the cnp containii g the saltpetre. She discovered the mi -take but felt no great alarm -until the child began to turn purple. A doot r was at once brought, who adniinist, ed an antidote, but it was too late to ave the child's life. —On Monday even' cf of last week, a very sudden death ook place In the Village of Ancaeteie t appears that Mrs. Rice, an elderly 1 dy who has re- sided in the village ior about thirty years, hacl been, afflictec for some time with the growth of a tairaor under one of her arms, and that she had determin.- ed to have it removed, and with this object in view she was visited. by Dr? Orton and Dr. Brandon, who. at her re - guest administered chloroform and had. just made the first incision with the knife, wheu their patient died almost instantly. A Cure for Hydrophobia. As there have apparently been a great number of cases of hydrophobia lately, and there is at present certainly no known remedy or even supposed rem- edy for that awful diseaserit is worth mentioning that Mr. Laporte writes from Birkclale Park, ScOliport, to de- scribe a case, dating frOrn (three years back, in Which a collio bitten by a- mad, dog was cured sixty day- after the bite, and apparently in. the W rat spasms of that frightful malady, by having- an "infusion of datura st'aanoniurn—the same leaves which astl /liable patients tsomhoke .for their asthrariti 7 -administered im. A handful of leaves were boiled in a pmt of water, till they hacl shrunk to' one-half their original bulk, and the water when strained off was poured. down his throat. After a violent paroxysm, a profuse perspiration came 011. The coolie then sank into a deep sleep, which lasted ei flit hours, and. when he awoke there vas no siga of disease. The cure, Mr. Laporte thinks, was due to the perspire, ion, as in anoth- er case which he saw )reviaus to the period of this case, the chief symptom, which vapor baths wer in vain tried to cure, was the exce. sively. parched. and dry condition of th skin. Itwould be at least worth while or our medical men to try any alleged ieraedy for a dis- e.ase which is at present supposed to be meura,ble.—London Spe tator. —n is The latest New Yo k social sense,- tiothe elopement of the daughter of the millionaire Arnold, senior member of the firm. of Amold, Censtable es Co., with G. 114 Gillette, a clerk in her father's employ. Gillette is about '52 years old, and of unblemished reputa- tion, and th to each oth intercourse bidden by t e young .woman's faanily. l3ut, as MissArnold possesses $100,000 in her own right, she felt independent of control, and last week s e went with laer lover to a hotel, where they were married. Saturday they started for Europe, aftlej satisfyin the lady's friends that he union was regular and proper. Aflctjou Thursday, Dec. 20, on let 18, Babylon line, Stanley Farm Stock, Implements and Househ er,.propriete eer. Wednesda, James Johns Stock and. auctioneer. Friday, Dc. 21, at thc Commercial Hotel, Beafdrth., a Valuable Farm Andrew teith, proprietor; . J. P. Brine auctioaeer. Credit Auction Sale on Commission. of Live Sto k, Fanning Implements, Household F rniture, itc., at Brussels, on Saturday December 8, 1877, at 1 o'clock P. M. C. R. Cooper, auctionser. Births. E Inondvillc, on Dec. 1, the wife of Mr. David Ri chie, of a daughter. BRYDON.-In Iliirpurhey, on Nev. 28, the wife of Mr. Jas. Brydon of a, son. BROWN. -In S orth, on Nev. 23, the wife of Mr. James Brown of a daughter, (still born.) DOWLING.-In Seafort,h, on Dec. 4, the wife of Mr. David Dowling, of a daughter. D1IVJ,BEAUX._.LI MaKillop on November 29, the wife of ir1i. Edward Deve aux, of a son. STAFFORD. -In Brussels, on November 25, the ROSS. -At Rodgerville, on 3ce Pe1st, the wife wife of Rev. C E. Stafford, Ifiher a daughter. of Mx. Gavin Ro.ss, of a on. Marriages • COMMON -OWE E. -Al the XeSidncc of the bride's father, on December 6 by Rev. Matthew Barr, Richard . Conunon, of North Dumfries, to Janet Burn t, third daughter of Hugh Grieve, Esq., of Mar . OLE -TAYLOR. -At the residence of the bride's father, Hallett, on December 4, by Rev. R. Davey, Mr. J. Cole, to Miss Miry A. Taylor, both NIOTIRING--TROYER.-At Shaffer's hotel, Kip - pen, ors Novernber 22, by Rev.111. Cameron, Mr. William Manu 1 Mohring, of Colborne, to Miss • Catherine Troyer, of Stanley.! AIARTERS-Mc STER.-At; the residence of the bride's fLLtlICr, 011 Novemher 28, by Rev. H. Cameron, Mr. Win. C. Charters, of Hensel], to Elizabeth. Ann, second daughter of Robert McAlister, Esq., of Ty. Deaths. couple haveibeen attached for several Years, but all etween them has been for - urmture. John Walk- ; Wm. Harrison, auction- , Deo. 19, on lot 11, con. 1, on's Mills, Stanley, Farm plements. j. P. Brine, HISSOLM,On Nov. BO, in Toronto, Marquia 2 Chisholm, -Prof ssor of music aged 42 year& ' AUNCEY.-In B ssels, on Nov. Maria Louisa only daughter 1 john and Elizabeth Danneey, formerly of Siaforth, aged 10 years and 11 Months. PATTON.-In Var a, on Nov. 30, Atha Patton, 1 aged 62 years. MeLAUGHLIN.- t the residence of his dough - ter, township o Howick, on Dec. 2, Robert Mc- Laughlin, Sr., ged 67 years. I THE all Wheat MARKET. SEAPORTS, DOC. 6, 1877. 1 18 to 1 20 pring Wheat, Fife per bushel... , 1 05 to 1 08 Sprig Wheat,Red haff,per bush. 1 00 to 108 Oats per bushel. 0 80 to. 0 82 Peas, per baahel , 0 65 to 0 60 Barley per bushel. 0 45 to 0 50 Butter, No. 1, Lo se, trade 0 16 to 0 16 Butter, No. 3, Loos , cash.. . 0 15 to 0 16 Eggs 0' 15 to 016 Flour, por barrel 6 00 to 6 50 Hay 9 00 to 10 00 Etides, per lb. Sheep skins - . . . 0 00 5 00 ttoo . 01 0060 Salt (retail) per ba rel, 0 76 Salt (wholesale) pe barrel.-- 0 65 Potatoes, per buil el 0 85 to 0 35 tarioalVabrl 5 00 to 5 60 Wool, per lb • 0 28 to 0 28 allow, per lb. 0 °alto 0 06:4 Dreased Hogs, per 10 lba 5 00 to 6 50- leef, in.quarters, p r 100 lbs.4 60 to 5 00 1 • Fall, Wheat, por Uri 'Spring Wheat, perb Oita, per bushel Barley, per bushel Peas, per bushel. BUtter. . Potatoes.... Eggs Hay, Per ton- • Ctrwrort, Doe. 6, 1877 hel . . ... ....... 1 12 (fa 120 tithe] Q90 105 0 80 cl]. 081 • 0 40 @ 055 0 58 @ 060 0 13'0 16 0 BO @ 085 0 18 @ 014 10 00 @ 12 00 • • B▪ LYT , Dec. 5, 1877. Treadwell, per bush. 1.$1 18 to $1 20 Rod Winter, per bneh 116 to 1 18 Spring wheat, Red Chaff, 0 96 to 1 02 Fife arid Club, 1 00 to 105 Pima, per bush. .... ....... .. . 55 to 60 Baxley, per bash , 45 to 50 O Is, per bushel . 0 80 to 0 88 P rk, per 100 lbs . 600 to -6 60 B of, 1 , 5 00 to 650 -B tter, rolls. par lb. 0 17 to 0 18 B tter, per lb. tub ,. , 16 to 17 Eggs, per doz 12 to 13 Potatoes, per bush 0 80 to 085 Hides, . 6 00 to 6 50 Sheep .skins 1 0 60 to 1 25 flay, ' 8 00 to 10 00 LONDON, Dec..6.—Fall wheat, per 100 1 s. $1 90 to $2 10; spring, $150 to $1 97; oats, 900 to 93o; }peas, 90c to $0 95 ; barley, 90c to 61 15 ; .pork, per 100 lbs., $4 50 to $4 75; butter, perilb., 180 tol 20c; eggs,per dozen, 15c. • TORONTO, Del: wh.es,t, per bu. $1 25 to t 26; spring, $1 06 to $1 111; barley, 56c to 58o; oats, 350 to 38c; pbas, 64c to 68c; &eased hogs, per 100 lbs„ $5 50 to $5 50; blitter, per lb. 180 to 200; eggs, per cloe1, 18c. I Toronto Live Stock!i 'Market. CAT Ln. ----:Firs -class have been firm • r4 50 to $4 7 i, or,Terhaps, 65 might be paid for choi e. Second-class $3 75, and some seihnL a trifle lo ver. Third- class weak at $3 to $3 25. There have been sales of a ar of mix d, averaging 1,109 lbs., at Ng ; some lot comprising 46 head. averagi g 1,050 lb ., at33;$ car of steers averaging 1,05 ,lbs. at 44;$ a ,car of intaed averaging .1,050 lbs. at $41' a car of 311 xed averao ng 900 lbs, • $31. Serer. --First-class $5 • 0 to $6 50, or $4 25 per cental for ny dressing from 75 to QO l3s. Seam -class $4 25 to 4 75. Tliir -ClaSS §3 to §3 50. LA1P3S.—F st class,which now means lambs dressi g t least 50 pounds, bring 75 to$4. S cond-class, $3 to $3 25. Alnd third-chIss, or culls, $2 to .$2 50.! lot of 52 1 ead, dressing 45 pounds s ld at $3 40f; a lot of 26 head at $3, d a lot, iiaf sheep and. half lambs, at H 25 all rouhd. HOGS.—Thp market has been well supplied, prites being from $4 to $4 25 per cental. 7661.100,11 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. OTICE TO F having put 0 tortao naachine, they e ciency crier as well elicit a hment has be and the q we refer to Mr. S /TITERS it DI MERS.-The undersigned e of Brown's Attachmeots ix are now prepared to thresh er grains. The mae,hine with n thoroughly tested, and for ality of the Work it performs G. Sproat, Tnekersmith. 522x2 THE HURON XEP6SI ......66677777,6`7.77,6,77,67,626 71 ESTRAY STOCK. VSTRAY HEIFERS. -Carne into the of the undersiped, Lot 14, Con. 7, yearling Heifers, on or about Septenthe owner is requeated to prove property, pa and take them aw y. THOS. E. WAR the unIersi ”fil STRAY CA f,"F or about the 20th The owner 16 req charges and take MAN. premises Whitt, 8 10. The charges . 521 -Come into the pr inises 6,1 ed, Lot 12, Con 18, ett, on f October, a grey He fer Calf, ested to prove prop Ay, pay her away. • HENRY HOFF. • 522x4 VSTRAY BULL.1-Came into the preinisOs of +-2 the undersignr, Lot 13, Con. 2, Maillop, 'on or ahout the first Augnit. a two-year old red Bull. The owner is requested to prove Property, pay charges and t ke him away. JOH O'SUL, LIVAN. 621-4 . • IESTRAY HEIFER. -Came into the premises of -I" the undersigned, Lot 7, Con; 8, McKillop, on or about the last of August, a grey Heiferi coming two. The owner il requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. MRS. HART, McKillop. • 519x4 , ESTRAY EI R. -Came into the premised -2-4 of the nacre gned, Lot 35, Con. 1, lIcKillop, about the let of June bust, a red and white year •• property, pay char es and take her away. RALPH. ToladZifseor.41.The owner is requested to prove • 519x4 pSTRA.Y TEER.-Came into the premises of -2j. the un ersigned, Lot 28. Com 0, Ifibbert, about the naiddle of Novensber, a grey S•earling Steer. Thelowner is requested to prove pXoperty, ppaByReci.xleanT.sea "an d take him away. JOH HPE T- the undersiignair TSe kTe nr a AmTi 1 I are are red and requested to them away. .6:141_,V. ES. -Came into the preMises ,Lo.t,a2e4a,iCveogn,I ..tw2,01:4f. 8pring the other twO grey. The owner provelproperty, pay charges WM. DALE. of which is nd take 522:4 ESRAY TEE4.-Came e no ersigned, Tuekorsmit on or two-year ol red and requested t prove him away. EORGE ESTRAY IFER.--Came of then' dersigned, 1, Morris, a out the year old Heiler. The property, pair expenses PETERHILL, B into the pre Lot 40, Con. 8, about the 'list. of October, white steer. The owner property, pay oharges and TROTT. hies of L. R. S., a is take 521.x4 • into the premIses South half of Lot 89, Con. month of June, a r$ two- owneris requested to prove and take the animal away. travel° P. 0. 00x4 R S TRAY -2-2 ises of the heifer, with Whoever wiR abouts of the W. E. COLDWELL, ts IFER.-S trayed from the prom- subscriber, a year-old light roan spreading horns and of geed size. give information as to the 1y/here- animal will be 'suitably rewarded. Constance P. 0. p19.4 STRAY of the undersigned, r about Ootober white Eiteerl-both requested te take them sway. _ CA.TTLE.-Cam 15, pro -'e . i 1e to the prIonlises Lot 16, on. 6, Stanley, on a red Heil r and a lied and coming three. The owner is property, pay charges and THOS. JOHNSTON. 621.x.4 STRAY CA.TTLE.-Came into the premises the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 1, McKillop, ; bout the bg ' inning of October, 2 yowling Heifer an Steer. Heifer is red and white, • tiser all red The owner is requested to i •roperty, ly extsses and take them AMES. CA LIN. ' - I ; of cattle and prove , away. 622x4 -i- of R. S., three white. pay 5g2x4 , 1 STRAY 11ATT4E.-Came lute the premises ' the undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 4, 14. ' uckeranaith, about the first of November, • earling steMe andIone heifer-ailred and ' he owner is requested to prove property, xpenses and take them away. ALEXANDER IVINGSTONE. I • STRAY OATTi$E-.-Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con. 13, Hibhert, bout the mActle of September, 1 yearling heifer 1 ed and white, and Lk -eller calf also spotted red nd - white. The 'owner is. requested to prove roperty; pay exPenses and take them away. ETER MORRISON. • 522x4 - STRAY SEIFER.-StraYed from Lot 21, Con. 4, L. R. p., Tuekersmith, about the beginning •1 November, axed Heifer coming 3 -with i white in the bellyi and white hind legs. Any person . Ying Binh information as will lead to the recov- ry of the above animal will be suitably rewarded. SOMAS LEECH, Sea forth P. 9. 521x4 • STRAY- SHEEP. -Twenty-four sheep having lately cane into my possession, which I have !trod reason to believe were stolen, I wish the i . roprietor o proprietors to prove property., pay .xpenses and tako them away. Said sheep have '0811 in my possession since the 16th of October. OHN MILLEN-, Lot 1, Con. 3, Turnberry. 516 STRA.Y OATTLE.-Strayeafrom of the subseriber, :arly in the c lor, 1 black ear old, .2 heifers • n them. A s to their • a ty P. d. the promises Lot 19, Con. 12, Hibbert summer, 1 two-year old steer, steer one year old, 1 red steer bne-year old with white reward will be given for information 'whereabouts. JOHN HENRY, , rat one marks Cr -o- 5224 Heifers, The aud the owners pay GOV. 522x4 STRAY SEIFERS.-Came into the premises of the undersigned, at Winthrop, 2 • no 1 -year old and, the other 2, both- red.] arling came about the first of July, other about the firat of November. The .1 tho above are requested to prove property, es urges and poke them away. ANDREW NLOCK. 1 ; STRAY . STEER - AND HEIFER.- Strayed- from- the promises of the subscriber, Lot 4, son. 11, Trickersmitb, in June last, a red Steer a • d a red ;and white Heifer -year-olds. Both a imals have 2 notches cut out of the lett ear. • ny person giving sack information as will lead • the recovery of the above animals will be s itably rewarded.' D. McDONALD, Chisellmrst .0. • 1 . 522x4 1 STRAY -STEERS i from the premises g ayfield react, two facers e eer red and white, h -tiers all red, ono a 1 red. Any person '111ead to the recovery i . imals will be suitably '. INTON, Clinton 1 STRAY GATTim 1 ises of the un t roe Yearling Cattle. wl, ite, with ted neck • ith a white star on b . e other a red and s • °alder. Any person a will leaa to the 11 be suitably rewarded. alton P. 0,. AND HEIFERS.: ---Strayed, of the subscriber, and three heifers, the otber nearly rod, a. mooley, and the other giving such information -of all or any of the rewarded. JOHN P. 0. .-Strayed frothe ersigned, Lot 8, Con. 15, Ono a steer, nearly and legs ; one a roan forehead and a white white heifer, with black giving such information 1 recovery of tho above ADAll TURNBULL, Lot 40, one two nearly as said WIG- 517 p rem - Grey, all heifer, belly; off cattle. 518 --- - Hay, -all one and fore - giv- 521x4 Two Two white Also 2 having bell on: where- 520,4 I STRAY OA.LVES.-Strayed ' of the nndersigned, i • out the Btd of h ifera. Two arered w th white back and r d sides; and one h ad, and OM white . g such information a all or an: of the r. warded. ..miene1EL from the premises Lot 21, Con. 18, October, 4 spring Calves (one of them a muly), white on belly and head, red, with white spot on on belly. Any person as will lead to the recovery said animals will be suitably ZELLER, Zurich. • STRAY 0A.TTLE.-Strayed • of tho Undersigned, i out the ;end 8 x Yearlings s eers of rea o the heifers w th red haiirs, r d steers and n tch on left A. • y person kiving % onta will i r WEBS, Faraaho. from the premises Lot 15, Con. 14, Hibbert, of the month - of September, -3 steers anda 8 heifers. color, the otherred and white. red and white, and the other and had on a .small bell. 1 heifer red and white, tell ear, and one year old, also information ea to their be suitably rewarded. WILLIANI P. 0. • a STRAY CATTLE. I 6, Hay,' 3 tt1e--2 Steers sits White with b 1 e other steer ti e heifers is a d white. ith a slit in t ;at will lead .. ale will ileALLISTED, , 1 STRAY I Lot 11, Oon. Do expireeedtgb meifer, lonOoatured, L g toWards B me white on ay up the aide, 0:1! at 2 yeas •• as advertised 0. Iiovembei• a . d owned by of vertisement t • e animal sway ' f ar the animal 1 oiler, one year a • d strayed from ot 28, Con: .n giving Ouch r • °ovary of dither a. itably rewarded. - },.. worm -Strayed from Lot 23, on or abont May last, four yearling and 2 Heifers. One of the red ears, and red round the is spbtted red and white; all red, and the other spotted Each i of the animals was the right ear. Any information to the recovery of the above be suitably, rewarded. ROBERT Hills Green P. 0. Con. steers nose ; one of red marked ani- 521 _ - from (the point- . a little had a animal seen and to take mem to red age3 per - to the will be Kippen. , 522 CATTLE. 4, I. an .j113anmatehsa each other, the 3 old, in the 91h, and the a few it was old the 2, L. information la Cardno's -Strayed or Stolen B. R. S. Tuckersmith,' ,bnat blingietiaregds Onhecsanreteyr) very short horns and tail white o.bout halfway, belly, a narrow strip years' old past, baying but now farrow. The Exrosrran by Mr. Chesney two following weeks, subscriber, paid for keep days after. On going was gone, as there is stolen. Also a dark past, rather small for premises of the subscriber, B. S. Tnckersmith. Any as twill lead Of the above animals i WILLIAM -COPP, block, Seaforth. spm DUNCAN & pu D HOUSE FOR 1 I CHEAP AND. FASHIONABLE D 1 [ • s 1 i 5 l I IVE ARE NOW OFFERING GOODS AT PRICES TO HAVING IMPORTED Tfl BULK 011 OUR STOOK, A LARGELY IN CANADI COTTONS AND WOOLENS PREPARED TO SHOW NE OF T.HE LARGEST ^ STOCKS OF FRESH AND FA.SFIIONABLE DRY GOODS THIS COUNTY. SEE OUR STOCK.1 - FIVE HUNDRED PIECES OF DRESS GOODS IN , ABLE' SHADES OF COLO, IN PLAIN, CHECKED, AT '10, 15, 20, 25, 30; 35 AND 40 CENTS PER YARD, , , WE WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO 0 CENT DRESS GOODS. HAVING GOT A SPECIAL 13 FIFTY PIECES, FOR CASH, WE CAN SHOW OUST THESE PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THIS T WINOEYS, IN GREYS AND BROWN, AT 7 CEla CHECKED AND KNICKERBOCKER WINCEYS, AT CENTS PER YARD. 1, TWO HUNDRED' FELTI SKIKTS, LT 65 CENTS -. '- BLACK LUSTRE AT 20 CENTS, WORTH 30 CENTS. LADIES' COLORED SILK TIES, FR M 8 CENTS TO , Ft—Yr _A.1\4- .1V1 LADIES' FELT HATS, 'LADIES' S RAW HATS, MENTS, FEATHERS, • WINGS. LAD ES'• BONNETS MANTLES MADE TO ORDER INAq THE NEWEST MADE MANTLES, NEW, FROM $2 p UP. LADIES AND SEAL FUR, MUFFS; ROM $1'175 -TO $5. MIN TO $38—VERY LOW. • READY-MADE CLOTHI TG; MEN''' BEAVER AND MEN'S TWEED COATS AD . JACKETS, MEN'S PA AT PRICES- TO SUIT. wys, CLOTHING READY- , TO ORDER. Hfl IMEN'S UNDERCLOTHING, SHIRTS AND. DRAWE i • 75 CENTS, AND $14 MEN'S A.ND BOYS' CLOTH AND 50 CENTS UPI MEN'S FUR, • CAPS I 1N SEAL; BE BOOTS AND SHOES. ' CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK AND PRICES FASHIONABLE GOODS. & DUNCA AFORTH. Y GOODS. UIT THE TIMES, D BOUGHT VERY WE ARE NOW AND CHEAPEST VER OFFERED IN L THE FASB/ON- AND BROCADED, I ' R 20, 25 AND 30 GAIN OF ABOUT MERS GOODS AT WN. SIrETIIEtII. TS. SEE THEM. 10, 121 AND 16 0 $2. SEE OUR FIVE HUNDRED 0 CENTS. LOWERS, ORNA- ALL STYLES, HAPES. READY - FURS N MINK. SETS ROM $10' NAP OVERCOATS, TS AND -VESTS— ADE AND MADE S, AT 50 CENTS, SEAL -CAPS FROM ER, 07ER, &c. EOR CHEAP AND Seaforth. BUFFALO ROEES 1BUFFAL LINED AND UNLIN I .1 • EVERY ONE SHOULD SEE T1104 BUFFALO RO OUR MR,. McMULK N AT THE LAT ) 1 G9AJ SALES IN TORONTO AND THEY WILL BE SOLD ROBES. D. ES BOU6HT BY ONTREAL. AT LESS THAN HALF THE USTI L PRiCES, TWELVE BALES TO CHOOSE FROM. L. BEATTY & C Seaforth. WILLIAM HILL &. CO., S ••••.6,..••••••• WE ARE Not GIVING UP BUSINESS. WE ARE Not REMOVING TO BETTER PREMI WE ARE NEXT 'DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE. WE ARE OPPOSITE THE BANK AND COMME WE ARE FOUR DOORS SOUTH OF MARKET 8 'WE ARE, QUITE) PLEASED WITH OUR B'USIN WE ARE CLE1ARINC OUT STOCK EVERY DAY. WE ARE BRINGING IN NEW STOCK EVERY WE ARE INCREASING OUR BUSINESS EVERY S .BECAUSE WE ARE SATISFYING THE PU FOR A GOOD ARTICLE AT A FAIR AFORTH. 'ES. CIAL HOTEL. REET. SS LOCATION. EEK. ASON. LIC 134EIVIANp PRICE. WILLIAM HILL & -CO 'S DRY GOODS IMPORTING AND CLOTHING ESTABLISH. MENii, MAIN STREET, SEAFOPTH. SPCIA.I.4 ivirr o ; ALLAN IA TCHELL WISHES THE LADIES TO • KNOW THAT HE HAS IN STOCK DR - WARNER'S CELEBRA.TED HEALTH CORSET, SO HIGHLY RE- COMMENDED BY THE MOST EMINENT MEDICAL MEN. THE bORSET HAS SKIRT SUPPORTER AND SELF-ADJUSTING PADS, AND IS UNEQUALLED FOR BEAUTY, STYLE AND COMFORT. 1 ARRIVING EVERY DAY, A MAGNIFICENT VARIETY OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR CHRLSTMAS. ALSO MILLINERY, MANTLES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND ORNA- MENTS IN PROFUSION. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE ALL TEE STYLES AND PRICES. - ALLAN MITCHELL, Seaforth. STOCK FOR SERVICE. paGs. "a* 8011 9, Con. Boar. returni The undersigned keep during this on, for the improvement of Stock, on Lot , 11.3. S., Trickersnaith, a Chester White erms, $1 pes sow, with the privilege of if necessa . ANDREW STORY. 521xg TO ST )OK RAISE kee on his pro lop, for the improvem Thorong bred Suffg payable t the time b of retur ng if Doc SON. S. -The undersigned will sets, Lot 29, 0011.,5, AloKil- nt of stOck. this WAWA. re, Boar. Terms, $1 per sow, strviceowith the privilege emery. W. A. ANDER- 514 NOTICE TO FARMERS. -The urdersigned wil improve est of stem this season, a well-bred ullkeep on Lot 1, Con. 9, Hallett, for the i Berkshire Boar. This pig is one of the best in timtheeoCefsunerN iTeirrntaih st,7a (mars, payable at the mieessary WM. COWAN.ce,we privilegl of returning if 521.4x Ps /OS, 08. -The nndersigned- sill keep dux- . lug th present season, for the iMprovernent o f stoat on iis premise& on the fourth coal:erection of Tuckersur th, one nnle and * quarter south of Egmondville. a thoroughbred White Suffolk Roar Pig. Thifi is one of the finest animals in this section of the country. Terms, $1 for the sea- son, with the privilege ni returning if necessary. JONA.TH1N CARTER. . 519 plEDIGREE OF BE/RKSIIIRE BOAR," First -1- Duke lef Nissouri," the property of Tohn Staf- ford, Lot 21, Con. 14,- McKillop. First Duke of Nissouri was farrowed 03t. 15, 1875. Bred by John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. Got by Imported Lori Liverpool, dam Imported Sovereign by own brother to Sambo 2nd; grand dam.No. 2, by St. Adair; great grand dam Lady St. Dennin ; great great grad dam by Gloster Premium, Lord Liverpool. the sire of the first Duke of Nissouri, has made a good record at leading shows. He won the following prizes tinder a year old at the following shows in England in 1874, viz.: It at Bath and 1Vest of England; 2nd ab thR e oyal Counties a a Gloucestershire, 1st at the Provin- cial Pair at Toronto in 1574, and triple prize as the best .imported boar on the ground under a year, also at the head of the prize herd, and the some record at the Western Fair, London, in 1875. First Duke. of Nissouri also received the Ist prize at Stratford in 1877; first at Seaforth in 1877; and first at Brussels in 1877. First Duke of Nis- souri's dam, Imported Sovereign, is the bean -ideal of a perfect Berkshire, and the best sow we ever ..- of service, sary. JP.IN with' privilage STAFFORD, of returning U neces- Proprietor. 1 522, I1VPORTANT NOTICES.] NOTICE. -Alexander 241h December, are signed for eollectiou, And requested te take notice accordingly. 116CACGHEY Seaforth. , P Wright's', Salo Notes, due at tue office of the under- all parties indebted axe and gevern themselves eal HOLMESTED, .1522-2 MOTICE.,-All -2-1 Taxes further tronble. taxes paid lose their elections: l'1/41-, °TICE.; -1-1 -Winthrop Factory, on o'clock P. business of ments for HILL. part' are requested -Parties on or before :votes at t7AMES BATT, s who hive not paid their to do so at once and save who do not hale their the' 141hr inst will likely the approaching mnnicipal Collector.• 522-2 -A meeting Cheese Wednesday, M., for the past the next 1 of the I Patrons i of the Factory will be held in the December 13th, at 1 • e ptirpose of settling the ear and ral eking arrange. ,ear work. WILLIAM TEMPERANCE COl VENTION.-At the, last -1- District Lodge ;deating of the Independent Order (4,1 Good Temp ars, it was resolved that from that time our m.,,tings as a. DiStrict Lodge should cease to exit. , but fro thenceforth we call ourselves a Conye • tion of T mparanee work- ersn:i open to all Tempe ance bodie . A Convention will be held in Blyth, .n Thursday, December 20, at 11 o'clock A. 3L A Temperance workers are invited. JOHN S. F ASER, Seereteay. 522x2 , NOTICE. -LAB the near is nejw drawing to a .1.1 close, and the•time for nominating Council- muset bmodel° Bit a,t the Council Board, and that timely Warning may be given the eh:April, we, the undersigned, beg to inform the munitipal el./eters of Tuckersinith that we wish our names withdrawn as candidates for the ensuing year. Thanking the electors for the oordidenoe reposed in as, we retuain, your obedient servants, JAMES LANG, WM. SPROAT. 532 NOTICE. --A. meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held on Monday, the 31.0 day of December, at 12 o'clock- noon, in the Town Hall, Zurich, for the purpoae of nomintit.- ing a Reeve, Deputylteeve. and three Councillors, to serve as members of the Municipal Council for 1878. And, should a Poll be demanded, the same will be opened on the first Monday in January, 1878, at 9 o'clock A. M., in the different Sub - Divisions as follows,' viz.: • Sub -Division Ne. 1 - At the SchoOlHouse in School Section No. 2; Robert Lanunie, Deputy Returning Officer. Sub - Division No. 2 -At the School. House in 1 School Section No.10.; Alexander McLaren, Deputy lie - turning Officer. Snob Division No. 3 -In the Town'llall,' Zurich; amuel Foster, Returning Officer. Sub -Division. No. 4 -In the School House in School Section No. 4; Henry V. Dir - stein. Deputy Returning, Officer. Sub -Division No. 5 -In the School House In School Section No. 12 • Michael'. Zeller, Deputy Returning Officer. SAMUEL FOSTER Townshi Clerk. 522-2 .. - W NTED. A PPRENTICES 43- diately, Six App business. Apply to Post Office, Seaforth. 1 ANTED. --Wanted imme- entices to the Dressmaking ISS HANNAH, over the ' ' 512 BLACKSMITH WANTED. ately, a good Blacksmith. made by letter please taste ply to SAMUEL BEI, --Wanted iramedi- If application be wages expected. Ap- Harloek. 522 TEACHER WANT .-A Teacher holding a second-elase cert &ate wanted ‘forBayfield School for 1878. app ieations, stating salary, to be addressed to A. 'RUTLEDGE, Esq., Chairman Board of Trustees, Ba field. 521-2 TEICHE-R WANT .-Wanted, a Ilale Teach - or holding a sew dr or third class certificate for the Walton tinio4 School. Duties to com- mence an. 8, 1878. 1 Good references required, with certificate of eh rooter. Applications, stat- ing salary, will be received until Thursday, 29th November, by the un °reigned. ROBERT PAT- TISON, Secretary-Tre aurer, Walton P.O. 51914 • FOR SAL . OR TO LET. TO RENT. -A Wago Shop open to Bent in a good stand, on ea.y terms, at Hills Green. Apply to JOSEPH E WIN, Hills Green Post Office. 521 CHEAP GOODS OR 6 13 IR, I s T 1/1.AS AT DENT'S. FURS. F RS. FITS. Beautiful Fara, $8 a Set at DENT'S --a few Sets on hand yet of Mi k and Seal. Bla kets, B ankets, at Cosi Shawls, Slu zols, at Cost. - - Mantles .711 ?ales, at Cost. Mil nery, iktii8, at Cost. , Dress Goods CheaPer tan ever • at D ,ene 8. /Flannel , Cloths, Hats, Caps, and Underclothing Cheapest at Dent's. On account of the op weather Mr. Dent will ran off his Winter Good regardless of value from now until the holidays. COME ON AND GT YOUR CHRIST- MAS PRESENTS. G. DENT, SEAFORTLi. TOWN HALL, gAFORTH ONE NICHT:- ONLY. MANAGER. STAGE .3tAii.4111-1 R- SlliPACIesM XS. *T- SAMBROOK. The Gifted4glish Tragedienne, MISS SOPHIE MILES, 1 I Supported by Spackmat's Royal Star Dram- ] atic .COmpany. Re -organized and Augmented for the Fail and Winter Season of 1877-8. TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 11, 1.6770 The Beautiful PlaY, in 4 Acts, entitled 1 i EAST _LYNNE. mALLE 197%, Miss Sophie Miles . SONGS, - - J. SAMBROOK. , To conclude with -the one set eamixiy, OUR NAI11--T4e, Good fin. Nothing' Watnission, 25 cents. : Reserved Seats, 50 centas. p22-3. FRED. ROBINSON, Agent. 0 0 t *Pit .ROBERTSON & COs, SEAFORTHI I ilAN SHOW YOU A LARGE STOCK OF §KATES : Acme, Barney & Berry's All Clamp, Ice Ring and Club) &c., &c. SLEIGH :BELLS: Neck, Back, Body, Open, &c. 00W CHAINS: Open, Close, Ring, and Wal - tom AXES Burrers, Warnock's,and the Welland Vale. CROSS -CUT SAWS The Lance Tooth, Improved Champion, Tuttle Tooth and Lightning. ° All of which they will sell for less money than ever -offered in Seaforth. before, REMEMBER That we have Moved to our NEW PREMISES ; Bast Side Main Street. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. WM. ROBERTSON th Co, 0 (i) A8f19SN(1Ol go WILSON'S The Great Cure for Covghs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, JYJWOTpiflg Cough, Croup,c6c. and all Diseases of the Bronchial iubcs or Lungs. WILD Gives Instant Relief in the Most Severe Cases, and never fag& Those who try it once always recommend it to their friend§, and in this may the sale has become immense. CHERRY. Sold by LUMSDEN WILSON, Seale/1h, at 2.5c., 50c., and $1. 522