HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-11-02, Page 15* a- NOVEMBER 9, 1877. IOAL fNSTRUMENT EMPORIUM- • proTT .0orrti..ERs, PROPRIETORS. rEWOTJL 'iaviite the attentiou of the - public geuerally to the Celebrated 1.0UCI1 & .WARREN ORGANS. 1 Captivate Ithea World, Saving not May Bleed ! IPLOMA OF HONOR AND MEDAL j I-IXGHEST . TEE LITED STATES CENTENNIAL C INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, t haying beeu uroaniroortsly pronounced, by - the World's Best Judges, as SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS - those valities Which go to make perfection ; s deservedly placing these unrivalled Inare. nte at the head a the highest rank of Reed truments Dlaintfaxtured, in the world. Waite competitore of the Clough & 1Varren haste a. accredited 'With prodacing Sraoothrame renness of Tone,&e., it remained ter the Clougli, Warren aleue to receive the Crowning Honoref Tieing, rn a praerainent degree, (te wee the t words of the Judges' report,) " Volume with ly a -Tone, :having the character of the apasoninthe Ordinery (Pipe) Organ," a dis. fiction' bespealdng the, highest possibleanusical the deeideratum eagerly aspirod. tO, it riot attained, by other marinfacturers. Add. this the rerneining dietinctive clause oe eae, clges' report, as basis of Award, to- wit: s. be. lse a certain nieehanieal arrangements, which ilitate the working el the Instrument% to - her with neatness of design and ornament, bined,with siraplicity a constraction," and have the deseriptiou of an_ instrum eent, de- tily lea,ding the first rank, ire the entioal pigment of the musical world. Webeve also on, hand a large stock of other !gime, including the Wninion Organ Co., Bowmanville. : Vogel & Lincoln, Connecticut. Excelsior, 1 o-ronto, &c. , iANOS AS °C-SUAL, WITEI CELEBRATED TEIE F IV& 1\T iAT THE HEAD- OF TEE 1,2,ST.. -eath pride we eau attention to the SUCCOSS oi iaPiano Company, which has been most re- arkable, has but few coanterparts ia any man- aeturing business, and is not rivalled in tt.e story of! pieno-forte. making. The high pose. Isri which theselinstrameets have taken; the iqueidioed endorsement of their excellence by le musical profekeion, publie institutions, emus aries, and the press; the present unsurpaseed ciliates for manufacturing ; the magnitude and iloant a busioess done—ali attest the solid endation on which this remerkabie mews& rests. NYE CAN ALSO SUPPLY THII FEINWAY & SONS, MATHUSILE.K, CABLR & SONS, AND OTIIER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS. We especially invite the attention t Dealers, ts;ith whom we will deal `o.s-t SCOTT BROTHERS. nYGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. . FOR SALE AT IRIMAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, SEAOGRTH, I Number. of New, and Second— Hand Bz,cggies. ! These Ruggies'must be sold at once to. make oom far fall stock, and will be sold CHEAP FOR GASH. 411 Kinds of _Repairing Attended to Prompt1i4 and New Work got uk Equal to that of any other Estab— lishment. 4f the undersigeed devote their entire attention p Light Work, mad every department is under eir own supervision, they can '=•'; GUARANTEE Coop WORK r:..ttt the Lowest _Possible Figure. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. & CO. 507 SEAPORTS. IS I4F H pAMpaELL'S BLOCK SEAFORTH. )PEND-ING to retire from bueiness I haw now commenced to disposte of my entire STOOK OF MILLINERY, Fik•wcr AND OTHER, GOODS At and Below Cosi. Ileing determined to SELL OUT I am pretlexel te dispose of ray Goods at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE_ !- COME ONE, COME ALL. MISS LEECH. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SAN, NOR AN BLIND FACTORY J'BEBubscriberbegs1eave to thank his numeral • enstomers for the liberal patronage oxtendedto hirasinee commencing busiuees in Seaforth, and. treats that he may be favored with a oontinuane el the same. • • Parties intending to build would do well td BUS' eira a call, aft he will continue to keep on han& a arge stock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS , - SHINGLES, LATH, TO. RefeelsconAdent oi givingsatisfactiontotheser who ortayfavonrhire with theirpatronage, as WM* but first-claseworktuen execraployed. rParticulttratt en tion paid t °Custom Plenitol 201 JOHN -a. BROA DFOOT. f I _ • - • aeaesa- NovemBER- 9, 4 Training Trick Eie»ha4ta. . The London Spectator gi es he fol- • lowing account of the proce s o train- ing African elephants at Ale. andra Park, near London "The `junioristi elephant is s lected • I • __ 3 •44.. 1 • to have his lesson first, and. Come Sling trot; but ing down. to the ring in his hea the occasion. is, quite a private o e, „ there's a Nubian looking on, w o has learned. the English method of apPlaud- hag, and he softly claps his black !palms together as ;the -pupil entangles himself in his rope Itoihegin with, and feels up Arr. Felix's isle ve for ponSolation in. the shape of carrots. He does not get them at this stage of the proceedings, but he ng, and it is very Liquor] Cases. funny to observe him, in, the midst of his lesson, twitching his trunk in some new direction, which it suddenly oc- curs to himi to explore; then he resumes his studies, as if he had not had a mom- entary disetion. 1 "He -weighs Seven hundred. weight at • present, and if he can only b4 kept from injurious food and inflammatory dis- ease will grow to ten feet high, itlis ex- pected, and , furnish a remarkable ref- utation of the general notion thatAfr , i - can elephants cannot be highly -trained. They are net, indeed, equal to the In - masking rapid. pro the Shape by the solitary inventor to his night's labor oflove afterthe " bors of duty were done, and so t Scarcely allowing himself an in rest between the two. , Professor Bell's achievement o for him, a few weeks ago, a dist ed honor to be conferred on so y man, in his election as a Fellow -American Academy, of Arts a ences. Scotland may well be p Such a son, as America, such a York Scotsman. g at ay's la- etimes al of tained guish- ung a of the a Sci- oud of itizen. ,The Late Decision. in Reg d. to knows are comi dian elephants in intelligence ; 093 has only to look at their 'brain box' to see that, but the four little elephants, all newly come into Mr. Felix'sihand , are gress under system of kindness, patience, praise, r ward and 'no knocking about' ' Com , my baby!' ' Th t's a line boyr, 'Ala., brave, I brave; you are a beauty!' 4 Fillq, boy! beautiful b y.' Such are the phrases, perpetually repeated;.which. encourage the big little scholar as he climbs, on a wooden pedestal, lifts one lelimagy leg after another, admonished by a gentle tap of his teheher's stick ---never used to - hurt or frighten hina.---or turns his lum- bering body in the valsewlaich, wheirhe is perfect in the accomplislimenti, will be hailed with peculiar delight by the , public. -. . "me vali ie . s a,' performance hich the little elepha;ntslearnvery re dily. They are at first held by one Pange; flap- ping ear, and turned by t. -e tea . her, whose steps they followthe ova:tient agues easilyto them;: after t o orthree lessons, they need- only to have the .stick held on the side from frhiohthey are to .tum, a few more, an the wave :of the teacher's hand, in th required. • direction is enough. Thr e of Mr. Felbes pupils are as yet not -ufficiently favanced to appear in public; it was most interesting to see how they took , • in the idea of what was required of them and to hear him praise them when they ' • succeeded in doing what he 'indic ted. He never lets them be tired; am. ob- serves then', so closely, that •i,vhen- the clever little black elephant was ca ing • on finely in the art of rolling a b rrel. with its forefeet --it was de]ightftd to . see his satisfaction when he disce ecl what he was to do, andthat his iind feet were to be kept clear of -the b�.rrel —Mr.. Felix stopped the lesson at once, on seeing him begin to tremble. . I • "Good, marks in • the dras. scaool translatethemselves into Ininps of su- gar and chunks Of earrot, and bad Ones into .. derisive Observations about ithe self-respect which the idle pupil or.ght to feel, but doesn't.- . One of . Mr. Fe:ix's pupils isr still very timid ; he :was sear- ed and ill during his voyage to this 'un- - genial clime, and at first he Would tnot let any on approach him; but h is 1 a promising youngster now, and le ids his bark4ik - neck to a, friendly scra ch with much affability.. On none of these animals .is to be seen .a scar or a 'prod,' the ' no knockina abbut' systeni is t be traced. in their adies and in their re. •n - liars and. they look for their reward addessed - to .their .-• stoniaahs.---v1th cheerful confidence.: One of them, ithe nervous one, had an anxiousand p z- zied- look during a pertion of his less but reiterated assurances of his brave his beauty, and 'his . babyhood', indit ed Iii;m to 'perk lup,' as. the nurses s y, wonderfully." _ • . n ; Inventor 1of the Telephone. Professor Alexander Grahaan Bell, in- ventor of the telephone, second and. only surviving son Of Professor A. Melville Bell„inventor of visible speecli was lacnn At Edinburgh, Scotland. on March 3itd, 1847. Mr. Bell belongs to a faanily of teachers. His grandfather,.Aexander ll Bell, was long esta,blish.ed in London, and celebrated for his success in remov- ing impediments of speech; his father -practised the faimilyprofession in Edin- burgh ; and hip uncle, David Charlles Bell in:Dublin.] The three Britfsh qa itals Were thus. for many years, prof s- sionally occupied. simultaneously 11 y meinbers of thelsaane family. But Professor A. Gra,ham Dell 1.1. gone beyond the "family profession" I his grand invention of the telephon although, no doubt, the world is, n some degree, indebted for this marvel f science) to his preparatory studies a d training for the inherited work of rem° ing impediment.. of speech. Telegraphy employed Much of his time and thoughts from a comparatively early period, and the bold ideais--hich he has now successfuly developed in the speech transmitting telephone is known. to have been in his --mind, as a .possible achievement and an object of practical endeavor-, for years before it took form and substance in his handsit An invitation to introduce visible speech into the day school for deaf mutes in Boston having been made to Profts- 'sor A. Melville Bell, he obtained the transfer of invitation to his son, to sOio the teaching of the system was now fii ally consigned. The success of the Bo ton engagement led to similar engag ments in Northampton, Hartford, (kc and Professor A. G. Bell soon .became .widely known throughout the Unite States in connection with the teachin i' of articulation to deaf mutes. His sub- sequent appointment as Profeissor o Vocal Pliy.-iology in the Boston 'Univer sity has given him the opportunity o training teachers to carry out his plan in deaf mute institutions; and at the present 'moment his pupils, by direct o4. indirect instruction, number some thou- sands in these establishments in the Eas ternand Western States. . Recent events have shown that whilc the days were thus engrossed with pro fessieual duties, the midnight lamp had been constantly burning, and the ex 1 ploring mind had been restlessly a work in its favorite fields. The tele phone is one of its results. This instru raent is sufficiently wondorful in its ef fects, but is further remarkable as purely scientific invention, having beeu completed in theory before a single ex perinaent was made. The telephon Was gradually worked into practic The opinion of Chief Justice H isen lately given. in quashing a con ction Made in a -case of selling liquor co trary to law, will complicate and rende more Undefined than ever -this vexed qutstion. The Local.Legislatnre at a rece, t ses- sion so amended the License Ac , that Parties charged with selling liqu ,rcon- tra.ry to law,conid be called as witn ssess, and compelledto give evidence a ainst themselves. Many convictions ha etak- en place solely iipbn the statement of the :defendant himself, when placed i the witness box, and, in case of this kind recently appealed to the Queen's ench, Chief justice Harrigan held th t the defendant could not be compe ed to give evidence against linitself on a ,harge of contravening the liquor law. It is a well known principle of law, ti at no person .charged with a criminal .ffence can be compelled to Jcriminite hi a self and he is neither a competent or com- pellable witness in his own case. The Chief Justice, in a lengthyjud nt, in which a large number of authoriti s for the various points decided are cited, shows that° while the- British orth America Act conceded to the P ovin- ()jail Legislatures the incidental (Wirer of enacting certain laws of a cri inal character when necessary for the• roper enforcement of laws properly pass d. by them on matters within their exc sive jurisdiction, at the same time the have no power to destroy the general es of evidence appertaining to criminal pro- cedure ; that the selling of li u r in contravention of the,' law was 'a act which must be held ta be a crimin 1 of- fence; and that, as by the rules of eyi- dance, no man can be convicted. of rime on his own testimony, ie Act o the Prpvincial Legislature nAking th de- fendant in a liquor cage a comp tent witness against himself is ultra vires, • the convictions obtained under the ,are not in accordance with the law and should be quashed. As the qu-,.tion now stands, the deciSion of the hief justice will, be the ruling one, un- less the matter is carried her. The Local Legislature should thus either repeal the I'clause to this effect, placed. by theM on the st tute book, which is held. ultra• vires, or take Steps by a referenceto the Sup eine Court, to define their powers in this regard. The intentions of the Le isla- ture were commendable in inse ting such a clause in the Act and its o era - tion has had a most salutary e ect. The difficulty always had been, in the way of obtaining convictions in li uor cases, that everything depended on the evidence of the party . who bought the liquor, always an unwilling witness, and though not amenable to the law, a • ar- ticipator in breaking it. By inal ing both buyer and. seller witnesses, it as thought the obstacles in the way of ob- taining a con-viction would be to a g eat extent removed, as indeed they w re, where the Crooks Act obtained. It vas not, we presume, supposed by the Le:'s- lature, that any principle of law vas violated by so doing, but it just sli ws the necessity of exercising care nd caution -in inaugurating and putting in motion new measures, and new pr ce- dure for the repression of the great e is of intemperance. The decision is ne' which will cramp the efforts for 1.e suppression of the traffic for sometiia e, until the question has been clocto ed, aniencled., or decided upon by judge or by the Legislatures. -1 J . . . ' • 1 The Trade in False Eyes. • Between 8,000 and., 10„000 eyes .tre sold annually inthe United States. .n eyd-maker gives .one in 125. as the popu- lation of one -eyed pedple.. Computing the population of the -country at:42,600,- 000, this rate gives 336,00 as the num- ber of persons with Only one eye in the Republic. !Consequently, • while 10,C00 people supply their optical 'deficienc-Les' with an artificial eye 228,000 go wi 11- dut.,j In proportion tOl the populaticn, the eye:maker said; th re are more -or_e- eye 1 people: in Paterson, .New • .Jersty( than a,ny other town in this'or any Other couiitry. All . towns that have .. mal'ay fol. dries:and. factories, and. whose jr..rir is i ipregnated. with soot and smoke, cou t their one -eyed inhabitents.by tie score ; but Paterson iS 'Ahead of fie rest. The eye:maker knew of the tin ae proprietors of a single foundry there, each losing • an eye. Pittsburg comes next. Li this city -j one -eyed folAs aboinnl in the neighborhood of manufa6- Wring establishmentSi Once he,•ht.d Our patients from near a foundry in :Wet Eleventh street gone. _ Not - only the foul atmosphere -destroys the ' sight, but 'flying pieces of metal burn out the eyes of , the workmen. An importer who sells 1,500 eyes annually sends on third to Canada - Chicago takes 300 aa...d Cincinatti more than St. Louis: New Orleans, Nashville, ancl other towl s west and south :briV the !remainder. T1.e "color for eyes.inostly in demand is what is known as -"Irish blue," a peculiar)y- light azure that predominates' in Ire- land. The average cost of an eye. is ten dollars. -. He sells comparatively fe v eyein this city,. New Yorkers prefer ..to,have their eyekmade to order.—H. le. -Sa.n.1 1 , .. - , E , rs's COC6A.—prttteful .and emrifor ing.--" By a thorough knowledge of th natural laws - which goVern the open tion S of digestion and nutrition, and b a -careful application of ,the fine prOpe ties lof well selectedcocoa, Mr. Epp has provided our breakfast tables -wit] a delicately flavored. beverage, whic May save us many- heavy doctor's hills. . It is by the judicious us of such article ' of diet that a constitution may be grad uallTbuilt up Until strong enough tore sist .every tendency to disease. Hun areas of subtle nialadies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Werna,y escape many afatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and r.., properly nourished frame." --Civil Ser- viee Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led --L" James Epps & Co. Homceopath ic . Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street Baia .170, Piccaailly, London." 482-52 i i i , - 1-j , • TRE 1-IURON• SENSIBLE ADvICE.—You are astd._ every day through the columns of ne s - papers and by your druggist to use soraething for your dyspepsia and livr complaint that you knownothing about, yOrt get discouraged spending money witb but little success. j Now to giVe you satisfactory proof that Green's Ai. - gust Flower will cure yeti of dyspepsia and liver complaint with all its effects, sudh as sour stomach, sick headache, abitual costiveness, palpitation of the heart, heart -burn, water -brash, fullness of the pit of the stomach, yellow skin, coated tongue, indigestion, swimming of the head, low spirits, &c., we ask youto go to your druggist and get a samplebot- tle of Green's August • Flower for 10 cents and. try it, or a regaler size for 745 cents. Two doses will relieve you. • 1 G • XPOSITOR. R.N.BR SEAFORTH, TT, I ; Wholestde and RetailDea:er in LEAT o R and ' SHOFINDINGof Every Deecriptic. rNone hat the Very Best Stock kept, ; Terina E S moderate: A Trial Solicited. All order by mail or otherwise promptly filled. ; 1 490 R. N. BRETT THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. I CARNOCHAN & ABELL, PROPRIETORS. OFFICE and Stables on Markej Street, second door from Main. Neat, Stylish Carriziges and Buggies, and Good Reliable Hones alays on hand. Orden left at the Oommereial Hotel, See - forth, or at the office will be promptly deed d to. ,1 50 HAITI DRESSING.1 • rent Western Railway. Trains leave Brussels station, north and soat , • as tinder: GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. .... 9:15 A. 31: Mail 6:37 A. V. Accent.. .... 9:08 P. M. &mom 3.08 P. M. Mail 3:40 P. M. Mixed 5:25 P. M. ' (3 -rand Trunk Railway. ; Trains leave Sealorth Station as follows ; GOING WEST -- Mixed Train, • 6:40 A. M Mixed Train 24::0485 P. MM Express. GotexPorEe8a8sT — 8:58 P. M. Express Train 7:50 A. M. Express Train 1:25 P. .111. MixedTrain Mixed Train 10:10 A. M. 4.45 P. M. London, Huron and Bruce. GOING SOIITII— Mail. Mixed. Express. A. M. A.M. P.M. Wingham, depart... 7 130 10 50 4 80 Belgrave • 7 50 11 15 4 50 Blyth 8 05 Lendesborough 8 14 C•inton8 31 Brucefield 8 50 Kippen 9 CO Hensall 9 05 Exeter 9 20 London, arrive10 45 A. M. GOING Notru— ?fall. 4. A.M. London, depart.... 7 80 Exeter 8 50 Hensel' a 05 Kippen 9 10 Brimfield.. 9 20 Clinton 9 40 Londesborough.... 9 57 Blyth .... .. . . 10 05 Belgrave 10 22 Wingham, arrive13 40 LM.• 1185 5051 [150 515 12 40 5 83 ! 115 5 50 140 602 150 607 245 625 445 74.5 P.M. P.M. ' Mixed. Express. A. M. P.M. ,7 35 05 10 50 625 11 15 - 638 11 80 646 11 45 657 12 40 711 110 780 180 740 155 . 756 220 ft 15 P.M. P.M. 11, EC A 1. OAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderieh, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron, .506 WILLIAM SMALL,.ponveyancer and Commie -1 T sionor in B. R., W' raxeter. Anottoneer and/ Appraiser. Accounts and notes leollected on, reasonable terms. ' • 366 , Tle L. DOYLE, Beanstalk Attorney, Solicitor in 4-'• Chancery, &13., Goderieh and Seafortle Of- fice, over Jordan'a Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd's Store, Seaforth. 354 , MALCOMSON WATSON, Barristers, Attoa- neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Clinton„ Ont. Office --First door past of the ntw Royal Canadian Bank baildieg. Money to loan on farm I property. •r 8. htALCOMSON. 404 G. A. matescirs , VrobrATIGuitY & HOLMESTED, Barri fates.. At 1 11-1- tonieys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancere Solicitorsfor the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agentsfor the Canada f die Assurance Company, N. 3.—$30,000 to lend at 8 per cum t. Farms Houses end Lots for sale: . 53 • ' aARROW, MEYER & RADENHURST, Barris- ` --.4 tors, Aktorneys-at-Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- est, end rn terms to snit borrowers. Offices— Goderich and Winghoan. Office in Langdale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. J. T. GARROW. H. W. C. MEYER. RADENHURST. 474 II- W. C. Meyer, Solieitor .Consolidnted Bank of Canada, Wingham. • pENSON & mEYEB, Banisters read Attorney -1-J at: Law, Solicitors in Chancery and InsolveneY/ ConveyAncers, Notaries Public, etc. Offico's-,-Set• forthand Brussels. el23,000 of Prirate Funds to invest at once, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable yearly. 63 JAS. N. NENSoN. H. W. O. 3IEYEIt. The above firm has tbie day been dissolved by matatal consent. All acconuts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who! will Pay all liabil- ities. I• JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER • ! ff G. SCOTT, M. D. &c., Physician, Surgeon and r" • Acconchear, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence seutla side of Goderich Street, first door east of Presbyterian Church. I _ 347' r • 14 L. VERCOE, M. D., 0. M., Physician, Sur- geon, eto, Coroner for the County of liftmen Oftice and Residence, on Jervis etroet north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. W A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont.' TV • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheus- Graduate of the University of Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the RoYal College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Ifinburu.Ont. 485 _ • HANOVER, M.D., C. M., 1Gradmite oi ! McGill University, Physician, Sargeon and Accoachenr, Seaforth. Ont. Office—Rooms iu• Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, and • formerly by the late Dr. King. Will atteud at ti,rroubrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 496 DMcNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Glade -le' • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seafoith, pnt. Office and Residence in rear of Killoran & Ryan's.Calls prompt13 attended Co, night or day. A Stock of veterinary medicines sni hand', Charges reasonable. Horses examined as to sodeade nese mid certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. Calls proraptly attended to by day or night. A large stock, of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examined as to sounduese and certificates given Horses bought and sold on commission. 424 TT DERBYSHIRE, L. D.19., --L-1-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dedtal Surgeons of Olitarle.: Artiecial Details neatly executed. All sntgical opens- / tions performed with care and promptitude 1 Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms in 1 Mrs. Whitney's new brick !block, Main Stieet, o Seaforth. • infitscEi,LANEous. Aj. Me0oLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office 1 • in Leckie's now brick building. -504-5 : -m-ONEI. TO LEND—On terms more ativ n- ; "J- tageons than ever before offered. A. J. Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 501 5: - TelltSSMAKING.—Dressmaking done ! in he . -le' Latest Styles, and it good fit ensued, at MI3R QUINLAN'S Rooms, over Wateon's boot a a shoe store, in MrseMarkey's block. 51- HARLES F. MILES, Provincial Land Sir- veyor, Nilingham. Orders by mail will rece ve prompt attention. Brarieh office, Clinl,:tsnoltE O. P. tin -Les. 485 TOHN ILF,CKTF,, General Loan and Real Estate " Agent. Grain, Produce and Commission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town 'or coantryi at 8 per cent. simple interest, Chargee moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Terms to suit borrowers. Farnis and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 ; MISS AMANDA STARK L 1i WISHES to inform the Ladies of Seafortnand " Vicinity that &leis prepared to make OP SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &el In the Latest .eashion frorn Conibings. PricJe Moderate, and all orders panctually attecled to. A Call Sulicited. Rpsidence—Goderich 1 Street, Seaforth. 467*I9 OA..1J'1'10N.! EACH PLUG 01* T MYRTLE, NAVY' TOBACCO," 18 STAXIPE D • IN CrILIP LETTERS1. 1 .01/- NONE OTHER IS 4ENUINE. Hamilton, Sept. 23, 1877: . 514-18 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODL • • , The Pills Parity thoBlood, corre t all di -ordere of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bow le, and are invaluable in all complaints inoide tal to Females. The Ointment is rthe only reliable remedy for bad Lep, Old Wounds. Sore # and there of however long standing. For Broechitile Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheiursatista, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. 1 I I 1 BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUlsr . I - - TERFEITS. Jj J • , Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are naanufactured and sold under by j e na.mpeofn'etyl: Carran, Coal lowey's & Coal Druggists, a n d ale° by the llfee tropolitten sMedi- eine Co4opanyr of New Yorkavith an assumed trade marks tins: Joseph Haydock,Again o n el Nteewrfeiltr oki ihlikewiseown Patesuliffder equn the name of Thdlloway 4 Co.; having for a. trade mark it crescent and eerpent ; McKesson et ROMS, of New York, are agents, for : the same.. , , ' ' 1 1 Those persges, thc. better to deceive yalsnu- blushin gip caution the public in the' small- bo,oke of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spuriousimitatione, to Be- wilurensocfriCipouimictuesdrfeeits.at1 irs obtain them ,at very low 1 , prices and them to the public! he Canada as raygenuine Pills and Ointment. ' I i I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clcagy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the, public generally of B4tish North America, that they may be pleastd to demi/este • unsparingly these frauds. ' I IPurehroiers should look to the Label on the Slots and Boxes. .1 f the address is not 533, Oxford Street, ' London, they are Counterfeits. 1 Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medi ines ! HOLLOWAY'S . PILLS AND (DIEM/ NT, Is bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, " - LONDON," engraved " thereon. Oe the laliel is !:raHnek1107sithya'snPoillnscaonzinOnOintment g } the address, 533, Oxecoue STREET, LoNDON,Vihere aloue they -re 'manufactured. : 1 I i 1-...r Parties who rney-be defrauded by VendOr selling spurioue s as of my geneine the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names timer divulged. Signed j . THOMAS HOLLOWA ' - London, jun. 1, 1977. 47 pETTIT'S EYE-SALVE—An Infallible Re,medy i -a- for all Diseases of the Eye (acute �r cloronio) Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the La- thrymal Glends, Film, and Weakness of theVition from any cause.—Tae AMERICAN E E -SALVE. 18 presented to the public with the ass ranee of its efficienney as a curative of most dis ases of the eye. acute or toilsome inflammation; whether in- duced by scrofulous origin or otherw se,,weakness nr defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic perve, ora diseased state of the tissu s constitut- ing that organ..Also for all perons,wlEo8e s °cation requires an iecessant action of the -e as,the Salve will act as a charm in restoring a u iform, heal- thy action, where weakness,pain and miserymay have long threatened a fatal terminetion. It is tthe most simple, safe and effectual remedy ever aiscovered. the materials of which it is made 'are pure, perfect and costly, compoundeal with elab- Mate care and exaetnees, safe in its applicittiOn, being used externally, and, of course, aeoidine'he 1 pain and danger, wtich. necessarily attend( he intioductiou of caustic minerals and1eYeertin es. Ringworms and Old Chronic Sores, cif wrote ns cf oaigin, or resulting from whatever cause, yiel to the Ansaacele EYE'SALVE. It is need snec ss - fully for piles. .Its soothing effect is inimedi te, and a permanent cure requires but a few appli se tions. The proprietors of "Dn. J. PETT 'S AMERICAN EYE-SALVH," *bile making new and improved machinery for making a -more petract box for the Ern -Setae, have changed the TA tide Mark on the cover ao as to correspond with the Cut on the Wrapper, *Circulars, Advertisements. &c. We mall attentionto his, as it might oth r - wise be regarded as coun ei felting. !PETTIT & BARKER,.Proprietore, E eedonia, NI Y. -1,.:gg- THROP & LYMAN, To Uto, Agen s for Ne- atly.. 1 519 THE GREAT FEMALE IEMEDY. Job Moses -k- Periodical Pills—Thi invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho cure of all those :infra and dangerous Oiseases to which the teem e coestitu- tion is subject, It moderates all ex ess and re- moves all obtructions, and a. speedy ore may he relied on. To ma. riedladiO, it is peenl ally suits d. It will, in a short time; bring on the onthly re - ken by Females daring he first tb ea monts riod with replant:. Thor pills ah uld not 3e ta of Pregrancy, as they- are sure to ht.( ig on Ms - carriage but at any other time they a e Rafe. n all cases ofNervous mid Spinal Affectio s, pains in the bttek and Webs, ;Angus, on slight e -- ertion, palpit 'tiou of the heart, hyetencs, peal whites, these p Ils will effeet a cure when all other means have ilea .- and, although a powerfal remedy, do notI contain iron, calomel atitirao4, . or anything hertful to the constitution. Fall directions in the pamphlet around each packagk which should be carefnlly preserved. gob Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 an4i 12,1- cen s for postage enclosed to Northrop & Iiyrban, T ronto; Ont., general agents for the - Domini° , will insure a bottle eontainingo-rerlj0 pills r return nail. Sold in Sealorth by E. Eliekson Co., J. S. Roberta and R. Lumisden. 197 T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for t e " • Comity of Susan. Sales attended in all parts of the COunty. All orders left at the Ex- POSIT011 Office will be promptly attended to. TErn SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY. — N. Cluff, successor to JB. Williams, manufac- turer o/ Pampa and Cisteins. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Factory on North Main St Seeforth. 500 NOTE LOST.—Lost, a Promiesory Note date Januar y 18411, 1876, amounting to $50, wit C.A_ Pa) a • interest fromate dat 6 pergiven by He Steinbach in favor of Henry Voos, payable in months after date. The public are hereby ca. S. D • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- CANfPBELL, Provineial Land Sarveypr tioned not to negotiate said note as payment ly attended to. s to be made to the subscriber. HENRY V00 479 D. S. CAMPBET.T., Mitcnell. Zurich P. 0. 515x4 .SHAWLS. LARGE soLT, sHtkwLs. - . . SHAWLS 11 i 1 - STOCK TO SELOT FROM, T Q D S. 1877-8. T rrI7 GOLDEN LION. JACKETS. JACKETS. JACKETS. GOOD VALUE IN LADIES' 'JACKET'S, 1 IT THE GOLDEN LION. 1 CLOUDS. • CLOUDS. CLOUDS. CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, T THE GOLDEN LION 1 OVERCOAT OVERCOATS. OVERPOATS. gat ! . must CALL IN AND SEE- THEM, AT THE GOLDEN LION.- ) • . ROW , MOUR STOCK IS ONCE MORE FULLY .ASSORT D THIS WEEK WITH NEW GOODS PUliCHASED IN TORONTO LAST 1WEEL j J 1 • . 1 1 • 1 SIGN OF GOLDENLION TH1 E R SA1VII, SON, Seaforth. , . f - CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND, pIPLQMS AWARDED TO MALCOLM AiONIOE, SEAFORTH, r9R WOOD HANDLE ANI) WROUGHT IRON BEAM PLOW. • 1VTALC0LM MONROE has pleasure in announcing to the Farmers of Huron and, Perth that he 15-1- is better prepared this season than ever to furnish it first-clas article. As proof positive that his Plows are the Best in the Market he has only to refer to the fat that the Plow Manufactured by him obtained the INTERNATIONAL PRIZE ND DIPLOMA itt the Centennial Exhibition. Thistle °atter rlaws, ' Also a 1 I ! One -Horse Plow Suitable for Ploviing Gardens,. 1 SCUFFTIERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS 1 HE ALSO MANUFAC- TURES IRON, PLOWS; Hill's Patent Plows, sray,,:-Tar Z Trio m 3 r ri l z 0 ".:...;..:,....•.40 ""Vad .,..,.....t.,C. :,•.kti12.1. It: ....,...L ...:0,.... ..• -._ .,....:.,..Z.. .• ''.... a * I • ' , 1 This Plow is universally adbiitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these Implements are nonnufactured by himself, of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got tip by largo establishments ror catch , sales. Every Implement -war- ranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any other respectable establishment that turns out a gcod article. Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand and cap be seen at his shop at any time. t . I IRON HARROWS. The Scotch Diamond Harrows kept constantly on band. Repairs ler all kinds oil Plows keit con stantly on hand. Remember the shop, Main Street Seaforth, East Side. 1 1V14.1.AC0LJI/1 I./101\1-19 , THERE IS i. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER WHEN. IT IS 'MADE _ -..-- SUCH AS -yOU FIND I . i J i UP INTO ! ••.,&i1 li '1AT f ' '' slk I 0- Q 0 ID ' J. WArRD'S, 1 ' H SEAFORf HARNESS -,-. , 1 , : ITTherd you will find a l Ki-nds of liarness _Made lip in the Late's` t Styles. 1 1 1? EMEWER, if you -want a Fancy or Substantial Harness X.1VAII,D can give you better satis- -1-‘' faetion as i to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maki er n theCounty. A Trial, is all that is wanted. to secure regular custom. - , ' •: of.1 /VARA Seal forth. AN OLD FRIEND TEL BEST DR. j FRIEND. W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, pEGS to acquaint his many friends and custo- mers thathe has removed two doom north of his old stand, MoItityre's Block,r where he has it stock equal to any in the hominess, and at the most favorable prices. All *Mies of Rephlring done on the thortest notice. A. good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Britehes, and all other such articles required constantly on hand. Remeinoer lour old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. ITZIA M GRA S pECIFI 0 IqEDICINE. . • The Great English Itemed,fy is especialle recorgheeded as an unfailing cure for - Seminal Weakness Spermalterrhea, Impo- ' tency,rd diseasee that ollow le a se- equerce of Self abase, Before ,.ngas Lois of Memory, A er Univei-sal Lassitude, Pain in the 13ack, Dimness of Vision Premature Old Age, and Many other diseases Vision, lea& to Insanity or' Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of whielo as a rale are forst caused by deviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. The Speeiffe Medicine is the result of a life attedy and many yars 'of ex- perience in treating these special (Becomes. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific ifedielne is *old by all Druggists at" -$1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be Efent by Mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY, & CO, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Mason & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and alt druggist merchants. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVER DIRECT FON MANUFACTURERS; AMERICA $T 'CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOE 4 AND, RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS,OILS, 8ce• FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDiAkE Of EVery Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUC;1% ING-1 PIPE • Put up on the! Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOIIN ICIDD. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OP CANADA. CAPITAL - $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1 , and R0YA4- CANADIAN BANK, !Inomposeted 1864, SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOM I NION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Drafts on New 'York Payable at 4,10 Bank in the 'United States. Rilis ot Exchange on London payabj• at all Chief Cities =of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID OE D1'FDS1 TB. M. P. '1,ATES, 411 MANAWAS RISES PROM THE ASHES. • THE HURON Cana FACTORY. WM. GRASSIE . T.1 AS pleasure in informing his oustomers ana friends that he is again working full blast hi his new premises on Goderich street, on the site of his old factory,. which was destroyed by fire. He has on hand a nuraber of Lumber and Light -Wagons, also Democrats and Buggies, Whist' for Workmanship. and Material he =cszz recommend. He is determined to fully sustain his old reputation, and will isllow none in the business to surpass him in Workmanship or price. Repairing and Custom Work pronaptly attended to. Blacksmithing in all its 'branches. 502 W311. GRASSIE. CLINTON—LOOK OUT FOR THE NEW SIGN. CU,NNINCHAM & AIKENHEAD, Grocers, Clinton, T_TAVE just received a very fine Stock of New -LA- and Fresh Groceries of every descriptioa, which are cheaper than the cheapest. A Fresh supplyief Teas Piet received from New York. The best value for the least money. A very aloe stook !of Crockery and Glatisware, which is well deserving of the attention a pure chasers. All kinds of produce taken in exchange as cub. 511 cuNNnefoalefAM & AIKENDEAD, SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN. & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Ifighest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also it quantity of ELM LOGS beatable for the manufacture of lions. Custom Styli -lug attended to promptly, anid.auionb Rche:1.1;wory si a!vaeny °dsei teherr , also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the yery °west market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAiN & GOUINLO 417 ; CCost:forth IltriBER FOR -SAE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 Pot M. ?MB 'from $8. BILLS OUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, frem 10 to 50 Feet; at the PONY MILL, IN McICILLOP. The SubScriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Wherp all Icinds of Lumber tan be obtained. 470 THOMAS DO'WNEY, 1\TOTTO TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. occupy the • attention 0 all, these As TbarriEYdtimei the subecriber is determined to meet them by °tiering good Inch Hemlock., "not 4 usually sold for ineh, ' at the following rates; 12 feet Ilemloek. et $6 50 per thoutand ; 14 foot t wkaAt iceeoreuttulsoetreds. months Fencing, at sts'7, for Ca -eh. All orders over 4.000 5 per tent- discount. Call and rice if you gewIliden't - will be charged 8 per cent. The subscriber thanks his numerous customers for their liberal support, juonndNeoT1Hiciotups ascooslia.t4ntt- ,ance of their favors. 438 Steam Saw Mills, McKillop. . . BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTII, TS now prepared to gamily all customers wait 'I- any number of his SUPERIOR .BUTTER TUBS, At sso per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are eo well and fe.vorabIY known to the trade that it is alme00eue137 to any artythiTig 1 their dation. MR. TROTT also nainufacthres a small Read - wood Tab, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or Otherwise promptly attend- ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaf.ortb. • a.:se