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Tr.smon raarimsms that the present
and corning season will test the health of many.
All should protect themselvea against sueh by tab -
curing suitable Underclothing. The largest assort -
=tent of =chin town at A. O. McDounettas & Co.,
nan. New Windsor Tics, liew Bow Ties, new
White Shirts from $1.25 to $2.50. Every gentle-,
anon should see the assortntent of Furnishing•
goods at A. G. McDouGALL, & Co.'s before parches -
tag elsewhere. 516.
AUCTION SALE on or about Saturday,
November 10th. E. Hiceences will sell by Auetion
At Porter's Furniture Wareroorus, an extensive lot
of Household Furniture, comprisieg Blames, Bede
ateade. Wash Stands, Chairs, Tables, Stovea, &e.
Also Mare, Buggy, Sleighs, Iltuness, Robes, and
conaidemble other property, including -cheese fac-
tory stock. Particulars next week. 517
OYSTERS. — Fresh Oysters received
daily at the Terrapin Billiard Rooms, and for Artie
itt bulk or in creel. Private hunilies or pa.rties sup-
plied at the shortest notice. O. Iltmorant. 516x4
irreslt Drugs and Meaicines. Dye Stuffs, Fancy
Goode,. dewehas Ciocka and Watches, at Bottom
Prices. See advertisement, 515
W.3r. HILL & Co.—Grocery Depart-
-11381d.: 11 pounds good segar for $1, 18 pounds
=Wag -for $1, a lot et. very cheap brooms, 25 cents
twin War. Mrs. & Co. 515
E. Hicasox would intimate that
there are some accounts not yet paid—and some
TerY fixnall amounts. Gall in at once and square
$5. Silver Plate on Nickel Silver. 516.
Col:STEWS. 515
MANIT&B.S.—Itev. J. Gardiner, general
inissiona,ry seeretaa-y of the Methodist
Episcopal ehurch, of Canada, Will len-
tura on Manitoba in the Methodist
Episcopal church Seaforth., on Wednes-
day evening the 7th of November.
PROPEE'rY — Mr. Etl:WS.rd
iliekson has said. his three lots, on the
corner of Chalk and Gounalock. streets,
,Mr. John Dorsey, for the sum of
S700. Mr. Dorsey intends erecting a
couple of dwelling houses on. this pro-
pertynext spring.
A,Nornan-Ctudosrry.—On Wednesday
last Yrs Wm. McQueen, of the 2nd con-
cession of Stanley, left with us a num-
ber of pea stalks of second growth which
were in full bloom. Mr. McQueen may
have green. peas for the second time
this season if winter keeps away long
of the Directors of the Tuckeramith
Branch; Agricultural SocietY will be held
• Weies hotel, Seaforth., _on Friday, No- •
vember Ma -at 1 o'clock P, for the
purpose of making arrangements for a .
Christmas_ fat cattle show and Other
A union Sabbath sehool prayer meeting
was held ia the Episcopal Methodist
Church in this town on Monday even-
ing.last. This meetina was participat-
ed in by the several Aerg,surien of the
towa. and the superintendents and
teachera of the Sabbath sehools. The
meeting was largely attended and Was
one of much interest. The choir of the
Presbyterian church was present and
sang several of Sankey's hymns in a
snanner so efficient and pleasing as to
delight present.
Sr:Pr-EL-0R Wednesday evening last
Tar. Thomas Stephens, the genial host
of the Queen's Hotel, gave an oyster
supper to his boarders and a few of
their friends, to the number of about
50. The supper waa got up in, com-
memoration of the time-honored citstom.
of Hallowe'en. The apread was most
excellent, and reflected great credit on
Mr. Stephens' abilities as a caterer. Af-
ter the tablea were cleared, the com-
pany spent a few hours in singing, (17c.,
when each one went hisme fally satis-
fied with having spent a most enjoyable
OBITUARY.—The Rev: J. G. Bull, den-
tist, at Mitchell, and father in-law of
Afts H. Derbyshire, Esq., of Seaforth,
died at Mitchell Oet. 28,th, aged. 68
years, The deceased spout 30 years of
his life in the ministry of the Methodist
Episcopal church in. Canada - 20 years
as an effective, earnest, faithfUl and la-
borieus pastor, and 10 years as a super-
amauate, The departed was officially
connected. with the Methodist Episcopal
church in this town, and that congrega-
tien have met, in his removal, with the
loss of a, faithful and wise counsellor.
The funeral serman will be preached in
the - Methodist Episcopal church next
Sabbath evening.
lar meeting of the Seaforth Literary
Society- held on Monday evening laat,
there was a very large attendance, the
town hall being crowded full. The sub-
ject, "Reaols-ed that Russia was justifi-
ed. declariug war against Turkey,"
was ably and exhaustively discussed by
both sides. ,After giving the debaters a
very patient hearing the andienee decid-
ed in favour of the negative side. The
next subiect for discussion is: "Resolv-
ed that Canada should. have universal
suffrage." The aides ahosen ares for
the affirmative : HiclSs, leader, and
Messrs John HannalsnAm. M. Gray
and Joseph Higginss for the neg-
ative : Lumsdans leader, and
Messrs James I. Carter, George Watsen
and P. Hasyden. The next debate will
take place one week from next Menday
evening. and will, we hope- be as largely
attended and as SuCcessful as the last.
On Monday evening next readings will
be given by the ladies, and gentlemen
men t i I ai.ed laat week.
Paasotat---AS will he seen by n re-
p,Jrt of a concert given in LucknOw on
the occitaion of the opening of the odd -
fellows hall in that town. two of our Italy
vocalists, Misses Foster and Carmichael,
distinguished themselves_ and won gold-
en ()pillions from their alldiel Wet IW
their exquisit vocal performances. Ittli
ladies have rare natural music:II talents.,
which. we have pleasure in neticing are
aa \Veil appreCiated among :Avengers as
by their own frientl-rz;at home.
-- We underst t al that the. trtbst t)f
the Seaforth public seles4 have en-
gage(' aia. F. W. a:altar:4. of Esmond-
villes for the second department of the
school, for lai7S. Mr. leleilttra general-
ly admitted. to be ono (if the best and
successful teacherg in the counts-,
. and we have pleasure in welcoming him
to a position in our public school.
understand. that 11-1r..(3a..0, ay,
Cline is engaged in the organization af
clasa waikettou for the rendering
of the .Cantata of Esther the. beautiful
Queen. Mr. Cline has recently met
i 1
with much' success in this lart• e' in Lis-
towel, Kinardine, and other towns,
and we s,re gIad to learn that his pros-
peets far a elaas in the enabryo city of
the north' proroise to equal any he
has yet ha , and axemost eneouraging,
and the go d people of Walkerton may
fairly anticipate• a Musical treat the
equal of which they have nev r enjoyed.
semi-annual meeting of this ssociation.
will be held in the Central School,
Clinton, on Friday and Satttrday, No-
vember 9th and. 10th. G. IW. Ross,
Esq., M. P„ Inspector of Model Schools,
has kindly consented. to be piesent and
will deliver a public addreSs on the
evening of Friday, in the town -hall.
Programme for Friday: 1.30 P. M.,
routine bnsiness and address by the
President; 2.15 1'. M., notes land com-
ments on. Teachers' Provinei 1 Associa-
tion, by S. Hicks, Esq., dele ate ; 3 P.
.M. last elevenpapers in -Kirk and's mid
maens,n's examination probl ms, third.
class solutions of, by G. Bair , Sr.; 7.30
P. M. public address at the t \via hall,
by G.,W. Ross, M. P. Progr mme for
Saturday : 9 A. M., fmanc s, by the
President ; 9.29 A. M., first-cl ss gram-
mar paper, with class, by J. Tuiebull,
B. A.; especial analysis of A t 21 lines
of invocation to light in ft h reader,
page 220 ; 11 A. M., subject o be pro-
vided, and unAnished busines
The lecture on physiogno
nology, &c., delivered. by Pro
Allister on the evening. of T
y, phre-
essor Mc-
ursday• of
last week, was not very large y attend-
ed. The -excellence of the lecture would.
have justified a very much larger audi-
ence, as it was both interesting and in-
structive. As a delineator of character
the Professor, for accuracy, surpasses
any we have ever heard. We had. an
opportunity of listening to several pri-
vate examinations, and from an inti-
mate acquaintance with the parties, we
are in a position to speak of the won-,
derful accuracy and correctness With
which he told the peculiarities, the:vir-
tues, and the faults of those he examint,
ed. They were all entire strangers to
him, but had he been acquainted with
them all his life, he could not have been
more correct. As a delineator of char-
acter, therefore, we have no hesitation
in saying that Prof. McAllister is all
and moiks. than he professes to be. We
understand that Mr. McAllis,er intends .
giving a series of lectures in Mitchell,
commencing on the 5th inst.
. ,
Consuur., MEETING.—At a meeting of
the Council held on Tuesday evening
last, the Glerk was instructed to notify
the Collector of poll tax to;lay before
the Connell at its next meeting a stole-
n -lent of the monies collected by him, a
list of the names of those wha have paid
and of those known to him 11who have
not paid. The Street Coramettee were
instructed to examine the dr in in front
of Mr. Jaanes Kyle's residence on Main
Street, and have such repairs1done on it
as may be necessary in the interests of
the public safety. A petition, was pre-
sented from Mr. C. It. Cull ' nd other
ratepayers, asidng the Con cil not to
purchase from the property holders in
the burnt district on Main treet the
laud which they have added ta the street
for the purpose of widening it. The
prayer of the petition was not granted,
the Council having reviously entered
into negotiations with the property hold-
ers referred to in the petition respecting
the said land. A resolution was passed.
accepting of the aareement made by the
property holders :hove refe ed to, and.'
ordering the same to be aegis ered in the
registry office of this county. The Clerk
was instructed. to prepare a bYalaw to be
submitted at next meeting of Council,
requiring the taxes to be all collected
by the 15th of December. Mr Dawson,
the contractor for Silver Creek drain,
having notified the Committee in charge
of the work that he had conipleted his
contract, the CommAtee employed Mr.
T. S. Gore, Civil Engineer, te examine
and report on the work. 11-Tx1, Gore's re-
port was submitted to the Council. The
report was to the effect that the lower
section of the drain was . not, complete,
in so much as it was not so Syide as the
specifications required, in some places
the drain in this section being only 10
feet wide, svhile the specifications call
Of the fanner snail machines as he de-
sired; the machines to be sent by ex-
press, collect on delivery. , The bar-
gain was made, the farmer giving his'
note for two hundred. d.ollars and. re-
ceiving in return 'therefore a paper en-
titling him to sell' the machines after he
had purchased and paid for, them. Af-
ter reflecting on. his bargain the farmer
came to Use very sensible conclusion
that he had been badly swindled, that
he had in -fact given his note for $225
for a document that was net worth the
'paper on which. it was -written.. He
came to &Meath to consult a lawyer,
and while he was in the lawYer's office the
patent right man also came in for the
parpase of disposing of tae note and
getting the moliey. Seeing his dupe
consultatian with the 'lawyer, the
shrewd Yankee " smelled a mouse;"
turned on- his heel and the last that
was seen of him he was malsing for the
station to catch the firs train that
would caxry him out of reach of his
irate victiro.. He will dispose of the
note at a big shave in some! other town,
and when it becomes due Mr. Farmer
will have to pay it. This man will
learn at least, althOugh at• an expense
of $225 in hard cash, to beware of pat- ;
ent right swindlers in future.
—Since the above was in type we
learn that throuah the agency of Mr. ,
' Holmested. the patent right vendor was
over -hauled, and was forced to give up
the note.
' Op.
Sonni.-Mr: Robert Menarey
has sold his farm on the 8th Concession
of McKillpp, to Mr. Duncan McGregor,
for $2,400. The farm contains 50
1 members of Loyal Orange Lodge 813,
- will celebrate the fifth of Nov-
ember by a social in their ball at Win-
throp. Addresses will be delivered by
Rev. Mr.- Pierce, of -Seaforth, Rev. Mr.
Follis of Walton, and others.
FARM RENTED .-11fr. Kenneth Me-.
• Leod, has rented his farm on the 6th
Concession of MaKillop, to -Mr. William
Scotia of Seafoith, for a term of six
years, at a rentallof $300 per year. The
farm contains 100 acres, has good build-
ings and a large clearance. Mr. Mc-
Leod. intends removing to the States,
and will eonseqUently sell his farm
stock, implements, and household effects
by auction on Wednesday the 7th inst.
TEACHER ENGAGED.—We understand,
that the trustees of Roxboro school,
McKillop, have engaged Mr. W. G.
Duff as teacher of that school for next
year; Mr. DUff was prineipal of the
Bluevale publicSchool for several years,
and enjoys the reputation Pf being an
excellent teacher. The trustees and
parents of this section are to be con-
gratulated on . having secured. the ser-
vices of so efficient a; teacher.'
0 - N • ` NEW Hsr., -aWednes-
day of last week being the occasion
112,' Tndependent Order Of Oddfellows,
chosen for the dedication of the new
,hall, fitted up by` Lncknow Lodge No.
B. W. Grand Master Col. T. Campbell,
of London, performed that ceremony,
assisted. by prominent merabers of the
order from London, CliiAon, Walkerton
and. -Kincardine. At th.e elose of the
ceremony, addresses were delivered by
the Grand Master, Dr. McKinnon, of
Michigan, Messrs Scott of Olinton, Les-
lie of Kincardine, Stevens' of Walker-
ton; and Tenna,ut of Lucknow. The
new Lodge raom is large, a, and ele-
gantly finished., and reflec s credit on
the:Luck-now brethren. I the evening
a concert under the ausp ces of the
above society was held la thetown hall,
and notwithstanding the 'unfavorable
weather -was a grand success, proceeds
netting 0125. The following svere the
principal contributors to the evening's
entertainment : Misses Foster and Car-
michael, Sealorth ; Miss Burgess, Lon-
don ; Mr. Kennedy, Brantford; Mr.
Maitland, Guelph, and Pre,f. Lee, Rin-
cardine. The singing of Misses FoS-
ter and Carmichael, was beautiful and
received repeated encores,: Mr. Ken-:
nedy in his favorite characters, Dutch,
Irish and Negro, was loudly applaaided,
t and the singing of Mr. Maitland 1, was
!rendered in °moo -Rent Style. This was
the most successful concert' ever held in
for 13 feet ; also, that theloose earth at --
certain -points specified had not been
sloped andlevelled ae per coutract.
reference to Mr. Dawson's n ea, ions
and the Engineer's report th" following
resolution -waapassed " Th t the con-
tractor for Silver- Creek dr in havins
ceased to go on -aith the work, and, as
according to the Engineer's report, the
-work the lower seetion is not finished
or sufficient„he be notified in apcordance
With contract, and that if he denot con-
tinue the work as per specifications, the
Committee proceed at once to have the
work finished. as the • eontract sets
forth." After passing a. number of ac-
counts .for street improvements. &c., the
Council adjouraed fer tivo eks. -
gwINDLERS.—It is astonishin that not.
'withstanding.: all the _warn ngs people
receive against patronizing ad encour-
aging these traveling vaga onds, that
still sensible,. intelligeut will per-
- sistin allowing thensselves to be Mill -
died by them.. Fer some veeks past
agents have beea travelling Iirough the
neighboring- townships sel ing Cloth,
which they'represeated ha( been say'-
ed-frOm the .St.• jelsa fire, ud. which,
according to their represent tions, they -
were selling at a remarkab e sacrifice.
We regret to leasn, that a large amount
of this cloth has been sohl, and that
some :of ant 1ga-it-farmers ha-ge been. sad-
ly victimized as it isscau7cel necessary
vesy worst
solutely So
to -have -it
le aro Asa
to say that the cloth is the
kind of shoddy and. is al
worthless that it wont pa
made np. When will peopl
despite the mast 4thlusibi
tatioug, man. can do a leg -timate and
honest business. whe offers to sell two
dollars worth of go(;)ds for one dollar,
and that tie ass who ittreliassil from par-
ties who, represent !that _they can do
this Miss ‘ssi e thi n aid and - enc our -
age them in their di4honest traffic ?. Se
nisi& for shoddy sloth, now for. the
patent right laisineSs. . few days ago
a respectable. farmer hi the ownship of
MeKillup was Visited by tl c vendor of
a patent right tositse and se a machine
for pruniug apple trees. or . the sum
of S-22,1 the farmer reeeived document
entitling him to sC11 these nachines in
the' eounty. and. in addition he received
an order on a th-m ia the L iited. States
which was represented t manufac-
turers. This order rapiesen .ed. that the
manufaeturers wcail,t1 ship theorder
tention and liberal support. The fol- in a very pleasant pa of the village,
lowing are. the prize -takers: Boys, 18 is built in. the Gothic style, having a
Years and under—lst, Robt. Russell ; tower and spire at the east end., all cf
2d, Robt. Nichol ; 3d, Jas. Purvis. Six- which is; finished off in goo taste, and
teen and tinder—lst, C. Egan • 2d, Jas. reflects the highest ere lit o the differ -
Russell. Messrs. W. McKay,'L. Tack- ent workmen engaged ' in A, construes
er and G. Pearce were the judges of the tion. 'The altar, whicl is a exceedina-
Work. ly fine piece of workmanshi , and is i
. . keeping with the rest' of t e interi li•
Tuckersraith. . Van.de ,-
- Morris. 1 ;
FAIIM SOLD. -0. R. Coaper sold by
private sale, on the 30th inst., the north
half of lot 15, 8th concession., lliorris,
the property of Mr. -J. J. Lynn, to Mr.
Chas. Howett, of Ayr, for $5,500. :
Claim SITIES .—Mr. . P. Scott, of
lot 9, 9th concessien, of Morris, a week or
two ago, observed some English beans
in his aarden in bloom and:pod forthe
secondb -time this year.- Had it 'not
been for the late heavy freat, no doubt,
they would. have come to 'm'aturity as
the beans were perfectly fermed in the
—On the farm of Mr. james &sett
on .the 8th concession, 'perfectly,
ripe wild raspberries were picked in the
beginning of October. Tho berrieS had.
a peculiar taste,.however, appearing not
to be so juicy as those placked ie the
proper SeaS011.
IT'S " ItA.NK."—We don't mean the
kind of " rank that a certain news-
paper made use of when referringto
political opponent, and which bY- the
way has lately been reiterated conSider-
ably through the press generally—oh, no,
but simply what we want to get 'at is.
that a field of fall wheat on the farm of
Mr:H. Gosman of- Morris, has grown
rather rank. Mr. GOSE11411 thought he
-would. try the experiment of sowing fall
wheat pretty early, and now he haS
learned to rue it. 'He sowed about the Jai.
ter end of August or about the first of Sep-
tember, and. noW the svheat has mad.
such a rapid and thiek arowth that
resembles .old sod. We 'believe he has
all the calve§ and sheep in the neighbor-,
hood pasturiug in the fields in order t
thin it Ont.
PLoWinn MATCIL—A plowing Match;
the prizes :for wldch were sot up hypri
t -ate subscription,. for the encourage -
ment of the young lads was held on th
farm of Mr. -Thos. Russell on the' 7t
concession of Morris, on Thursday, 25th
ult. Six boys divided into two classes
Competed. The field was sod and. very
rough, making the ground. rather• toci
heavy for. the ' yonngsters; ta
show off their skill to any advantage:
But as this' is the first of its kind, this -
difficulty may be fereseen before apeth-
es 'yeas., -when it is miderstood. that these
matches will be continued in a more. ex-
tended manner, and. under more favor-
able circumstances. The object is a
• laudable one," and worthy of careful at-:
&noon S.Ecalati No. 6.—The follow-
ing is a list of the pupils -who :received
the highest number of marks in their
respectisie forms for perfect lessons and
good behavior : First Form—A. Cosens,
Mary Townsend, Wm. Campbell. Sec -
end Forra---Lillie.Robb, Jas. Sproat, D.
Sproat. Third- Form—Alvira Cosens,
Landshorough,Rebeeca Towns-
end. Fourth Form — Win2 ItoVitey,
Ellen MoVittey, R. Broadfoot.
• s .
East WawaaaoSh..
PIRECT TO TEXAS.—As.an instance of
the high reputation Canadian sheep have
obtained, we may mention* that
a buyer frena Texas was in the town-
ship of East Wawanosh this simainer andi
purchased several ram lambs from Mk.
Potter of the 2nd concession of that
townsinp, which he -Leek direct to the
distant State af Texas. We understand
he paid. $10 a head for- the lambs. The
same purehaser alSO bought froin Messrs.
John Cumming and. 'Thomas Ady, of
CONCERT.—On Thursday evening next,
Nev. 8, a grand vocal and instrumental
concert _will be held in the Albion Hall,
Carronbrook. Some of the hest singers
in this section of country have been
engaged to take part in the proceed-
ings. The programme is well got up,
the pieces selected bein,g-of the highest
order of musical excellence. To give
our readers some idea of the. treat in
store for them, it is only necessary to
naention the names of Miss Nevins, Mr
George W. Cline, Miss Foster and Miss
Carmichael, which are sufficient to
draw a full house. Besides these,
several other first-clasti• singerS will be
present to take part in the programme.
t, Exeter. ,
REMOVAL Or SERVICE.—The next Pres-
byterian church service will be held in
the new building (basement) at the:us-
ual hour next Sabbath.
SENT IJr.—Our villaae -was visited
last week by an enterprising " tramp,"
who stole an. axe from the store of Messrs
O'Byrne Lk Co., while Squire Gidley was
present. He afterwards offered the
stolen property for sale in the -street for
25 cents and found a purchaser for it. He
was sent up for trial. ;
Rnmoven.7-Mr. Samuel Stanlick has
removed from the village to his new
premises in Sodom, three Miles hem
Exeter, where he is going into the saw-
mill business. We might explain. that
this is not the Sodom of fire -and brim-
stone fame but is famous - for lumber
and will (perhaps) in th.e far future
make its mark in the world. .
TRIMILATION.—And now t e "Times"
man sittethsat his desk and nervoualy
regard.eth the callers, and studiously
compareth his own dimen ions -with
that of the s-sbscriber who e mplaineth
of misrepresented fare*ell pa,sties etc.,
and as he knowinglywhistleth occasion-
ly to " tiger" he ever and anon placeth
a trembling hand on a ponderous club
with. which he hopeth to establish his
veracity and safety in the argument
with the "party" man. • .
FIRE.—Our village has been visited
by the fire -fiend. On Tuesday and
Wednesday eveninge lasttwo buildings
were burned in the north end, and. sev-
eral stables and some brick blocks in
the south end were fired, -but happily
extinguished before doifig much dam-
age. Our two fire engines done good
service, and. the companies deserve
credityor their promptness and 'efficiency.
Since then patrols have been put on the
streets and 4, vigilant watch is kept up.
It js to be hoped that the diabolical
wretches may be canght in their nefar-
ious work and brought to juStice, .
1 13russels.
BAD STREETS.—The Main street of
Brussels was never known tabe in such
a state as it is this fall.
House SOLD.—A. T. lialarten has
sold his house and. let, on Cypress street,
to Mr. John E. Smith.
MARKETS.—Fall wheat, 41 17 to
$1 18'; spring, 95c to $1 ; oats, 25c to
30c ; barley, 40c to 45c apeas, 56c to
58 ; hay, $8 to $10.
LOTS SOLD.—F. o. Rogers has sold
two of his lots on his park lot jUst west
of Elizabeth dreet, to Mrs.; Alexander
Strachau, for $300 cash. .
ACCIDENT.—Mr. ' John Leckie, on
Tuesday last, accidentally dot his foot
into the horse power at his grain
warehouse, and had two f his toes
NEW PARTNERS.—BelIllettl 'tk Smith,
sash and. door manufacturers, have
taken Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. James
Sinith into partnership with thera in
their business.
number of gentlemen isiet at the Tecum-
seh House, on Wednesday- eisemeg last,
and agreed to form a Conservative As-
sociation in Brussels.- The Arst annual
meeting is to be held at the' American
Hotel on Wednesday next, for the pm: -
pose of electing the officers for the
year, and ratifying the by-laws*and con-`•
stitution, - '
decorations, was built by 11
pol, of Detroit. The Catholics of Bra -
sels and vicinity are krealy indebted
for their handsome chnreh to the un-
tiring efforts and substantial assistance
of Messrs. M. and. P. Moore, whol to-
gether with a few of the leading gentle-
men of the village, lent their assistarese
to the work of erecting a chinch svhich
is an ornament to the place, and, pit
the same time a credit to all concerned..
—COM. 1
Gr ey.
plowing mach under- the !auspiaes of
was held on the 25 ins :, the farm of
the Grey branch Aalcultusal Society
Mr. D. McLauchlin,Lop 2, Concession
Grey. The day was tery fine for t s
time of the year; but was a !little col
A good fall of rain. the night before made
the land in fair condition, but, at the
same time, the sod. wts not the beSt,
being a little brittle. There were 95
competitors in all classes, and the wo k
on, the whole was consid.ered very goo
but the work of the firSt class boys wa
without doubt, superior to that of . t e
men. Judging from tliis some of oitr
pinugbmen wiu soon hkve to talte
a back seat It would be a great iris-
provement at these Imatcaes if - the
ploughmen were required t a cer-
tain amount of wosk m a uph shorp-
er time than they doia Fliorn 9 to 3
o'cloOk, six hours' work, shoUld be suf-
ficient. The days are short, and as
things are now condUcted;, spectatoas
have not sufficient time tb view the
work; neither have the jud es time to
do their part properly. On this occa-
sion the judges were unable o complete
their work until the next da
(ED. NOTE.—For somea unacc liable reason
our corrapondent has negle ted to end the prize
list with his report of the pl wing m tele]
. St an11103r.
met pursua,nt to adjournment at Varna
on Saturday, the 27th ult., at 2 o'clocils
P. M. Members all p esent. The Reeve
in the chair. Minute of last meeting
read and adopted. T e Clerk was in-
structed. to notify the Bayfield Council
that.this Council intends to take legal
proceedings forthwith. to collect the
amount due to the m-tinicipality of Stan-
ley by Bayfield ; also to notify the treas-
urer to have the toWnship accounts
audited at once and te have 50 copies bf
sheets issued as soon as possible. The
- Clerk was also instructed to have the
necessary notices issued for the nomina-
tion and election of the township Coup-
cil for 1878. The following persons
were appointed depuiy returning ol-
cers: Division 1, T. Ke nard; 2, W. Plen-
kett ; 3, G. parks, Jr:;' and 4, Jas. '
stron,„,c/ Jr. Moved by Ms. Douglass,
seconded by Mr. Castle, that the Ree*e
give an'brder to Alex: CamPbell for $8
for repairing a culvert on BrownsOn
line—Carried. -Moved by Mr. Castle,
second.ed by Mr. Dpuglags, that the
Reeve, Mr. .Aikenhead and "Mr. McKin-
ley be a committee N,t,t go and inspeet
the two bridges kno as Mr. McGill's
and Mr, Blain's, and to have the neceis-
sary repairs made fo hwith—Carried.
McKinley, that Mes •s. Castle, Aike
Moved byllr. Dougla s, secended by r.
head and Douglass he a c6mmittee 'W
inspect the bridge at the 16th hill,Bron-
son line. and to take huch Elteps as they
'think propos. for building or repairing as
the present structure' is unsafe for pub-
lic travel— Carried4 Moved by
Castle, secended by Mr: Aikenhe d.,
that the Reeve give tai. or er to jam s
Campbell for gravel taken ona his p 6,
amount 1W—Carriedi M veil , by
Alkenhead, seconded by Mr. Cast e,
that this Council do no adjourn o
meet on the first Wednesda,y in ja, -
ary, 1878, at 10 o'clock A..M.—Carri d.
! .
CIEURCH 0 PEN IN (h—On 'Sunday last
the new Roman Catholic ' Phm•ch at
Brussels was opened by Hifi Lordship
Right Rev. Dr. Walsh. At 1'11 • o'clock
A. M., Higla Mass was celebrated by
Very Re -v. Dean Murphy, of Irishtown,
at the close - of which His Lordship de-
lives•ed one of the finest ser -Mons it has
been Our pleasure to listen to for some.
time. Before cicising he made a few re-
marks conterniug the ;congregation
present and thanked the people of
other denominations for th manner in
whieli they had tin-ned otit p make the
opening a' success. After ! Mass the
Bishop administered the S , rament of
Confirmation - to about 60 ' pandidates.
In the afternoon at 4 o'cl ick Vespers -
and. Benediction were eele rated., after
which Rev. -Father McGrat , of Irish-
toSvn, preaehed a sermon apprpriateto
the occasion. The singing' liroughout,
both morning and. evenin , was well
and efficiently rendereds-an . - creatable
to the different parties engaged. . The
weather was exceedingly sne conse-
quently a large miniber w re preseut,
the - church beins comfo ably filled.
-We understand.' a handsom . sum was
realized at the collection, which svill be
devoted to. the.: benefit of the church
funds.---:The.'church, which is situated
A " FAST PnAcE."—Should a stran er
wish to judge of the longitude and la 1-
tude of Blyth by the scientific proc ss
of calculating according to the difference
between Greenwich time and the time
where you are, he -woUld. be led to sup-
pose that he was in s4me island. in the
Atlantic Ocean, abont 200 miles east of
New York, provided he took the ti e
generally recognized in Mirth as 001T et
• lns guide. When it is 12 o'clock lin
Hamilton it is exactly 12:3 3-61) o'clofit
at Blyth.
, AMUSEMENTa.—That Blyth is fond. of
All summer a - rifle gall ry has b en
amusement and must hat it is m e.
stationed. on a lot sohth of Hawksha v's
hotel, and throngs of!youn and'old, s (Ye
and sedate gather and. spe Id an hour or
two and. some stray ch lige shooting
".two shets only five cent s" The pko-
prietor of the " shbw " akea up his
abode with his family in a Small hol.kse
like a railway carriage, having the wag-.
en for a foundation. 1 He SeemS to On -
joy life well too, and does a flourishing
business. --A new billiard room has b en
fitted. Up in connection. With Cook's o -
tel, and is no* in running' order. T 's
is something new. -,1 ..1 1 ,
A Foneasaa-•A pereon calling him elf
Jones was arrested at B1.31-th on Sat na
day on a. charge of pissing and coil ct-
ing a forged note. T •s individual isan
old jailbird. having ust served a term
at Goderich for smile offence committed
at Clinton on the 12 .1). of July. The
note, for which he s now in trouble,
was drawn in favor e himself, and. cisv-
NOVE11113E11 -2 1877.
very brisk du • g tte • past session.
Among the ma y buil ngs at present in
contractor's ha ds we might ment on
the new Presb erian church, a fine
brick edifice whichwh n•completed will
be a credit to the con egation and to
the town. The pastor, ev. Mr. McLean,
has been zealous in b inging about the
building of tliis ch eh, and much.
praise is due to him f r his earnest 'ef-
forts in having a place f worship,which
in size and appearance will be in con-
sonance with the requirements of e
congregation and. to the credit of the s-
ing town. Mr. Buchanan, of Clinto , is
the contractor for the carpenter w rk
a,nd. Mr. Smith of Blyth, does theb ick
work and plast ring.— ext is the new
school house, also b •ck. Jonathan
Carter, of Cart r's plating mill, is con-
tractor. Yr. Carter h s also the con-
tract of Mr. Rest. Brownlee'snew hotel.
This building is also rick, two storeys
with Mansard reef, an( resembles in p,p-
pearance Mae Queen's I otel, of , eaforth,
and the Tecumseh ouse, russels.
Probably the only deAciency Blyth has,
is the lack of first-class hotels, and Mr.
Brosvnlee's energy promites to supply
this want. When completed this hotel
willbe, by 'all odds, th leading public
house in Blyth and w hope that he
genial host and hostes may long 'ye
to be favored eaterersj to public con-
vepience and comfort.1—Mr. P. KellY is
also erecting a brick store, and:Messrs.
Jenkins, Rowlands, Trewin, and .4aw-
rence & Gra,cey have had new ffame
stores either erected or incourse of Qom-
pletion.--Besides these a, number of
dwelling houses are being erected, and
altivether, to n:iake a long story short,
before the snow falls, Blyth will be able
to show what the effect of a good sum-
mer's industry in the way of building
can do.
Root CropS,
The following is the report of the
judges of root °reps entered for compe-
titi A -with the South Huron Agricul-
tur 1 Society. There were only three
en ies, and prizes were awarded as.fol-
le-Ws •
TURNIPS.—lst James Dickson, Tuck-
ersinith, 938 bushels to the acre ; 2d. S.
Carnochan, Tuckersmith, 839 bushels
to the acre ; 3d D. D. Wilson, McKillop,
693 bushels to the acre.
JpoahtiaterLaoonch, Jeoahnd, TxhooDraoansaidE,dpga.rs, anAldeexr_.
SOD :and. James Walker. Prizes : lst J.
Lochead, Elina ; 2d_ Alex. Patterson,
Wallace ; 3a Jobp McDonald , Wallace ;
4th David Sand rson, Wallace. Boys.
under, 16—Prize .: lst Allan Adam ;
2d Alex. McKere; er, 3a A. Lochead •
4th,,Alex. MELTiatliall-D-
The Elm& aAa. Wallace plosaing.
match was held on thd farm of -11r. D.
D. Hay, near Liatowel, a.nd was very
successful. Thelfollowing is a list of
the suecessful losvmen : First-class•
men (iron plow) -1st J. Dickson, Elms;
2d Thomas Forayth, Morris. Second -
'class teen (wooden plow)—lat Thomas
Dickson, Elina, ;i 2d J. Brown, 3a. G.
Brown, Molesworth. Boys over 16 and
under 20 years—,tst j. Lochead, Mina;
2(1 H. Scott, Wallace. Boys under 16
years—lst AlexliePiaaittrerisoolnvi,n: remya;tc2hd.,
John McDonald, Wallace; 3d John.
Melrose, Elma.
At the Provi
held near Ailsa raig, on Friday last,
there were orr ;- 0 entries, and. upwards
of 1,000 specta rs. The followina is
the prize list : , First-class—john r.e
Courtice, Goderidh township, first prize,
the Champion Mower, Oshawa, svorth
$100 ; John Mc arvin, Chathaaa, see..
ond ; John Mar uis, Goderich, third;
ThOmas Steele, ownie, fourth ; Wna.
Phipps, Stratfor ; fifth ; Wm. Dickson,
Elms', sixth. S' cond-class—Alex. For-
syth, Brussels, t t ; james Campbell
East Williams, s, cond.; John. Haggart, .
Hibbert, third ; ' Wm. -Duini Downie,
fourth ; Wm. Thompson, Ark'ona, fifths
Peter McDougal; Goderich, sixth. Boys'
Class—Duncan McEwen, Brucefield,
first ; Wm. Gardiner, London, second;
Jas. Dunn, Downie, third ; Andrew In-
gram, London, fpurth.
OARROTS.-1St D. D. Wilson, Me-R-il-
lop, 1,130 bushels to the acre ; 2d Jas.
Dickson, 974 bushels to the acre.
Max eel) s Dickson, 1,493 bushels
to the acre.
TURNIPS.—Prize lst—Grown on a'
clay loam soil after a crop of fall wheat
which was the fi'rst crop after asummer '
fallow from old sod, 12 loads of barn-
yard manure and. 6 loads of leached.
ashes per acre, sown jrnie 18th-, variety
Royal Norfolk, drills two feet three
inches. Prize 2d—Soil clay loam after
a summer fallow of old sod, without
manure, sown June 20th, variety Royal
Norfolk, drills two feet three inches.
Prize 3rd—Soil clay loam after a crop
of spring whpat, 15 loads barnyard.
manure per a re in the drills, sown
June 15th, v riety Lang's Improved,
drills two feet hree inches.
—On. Monday eVening of last 'week,
111-r. Samuel Wilson, of Uaborne, breath,-
ekhis last in the Asylum, London. In -
the early pai:t of the week before last,
Mr. Wilson became affectedin his mind,
and the aberration. beingso dangerous
he was' taken tq th'e asylum. It was
thought that he would soon recoVer, but -
contrary to all hopes he gradually grew
worse until deatb..put an end to his suf-
ferings: He was a well-to-do farmer
and a man hig-hly esteemed by all. As
a neighbor he w'qs kind and obligin„,o as
a parent and hmOband. nothing could be
said against him In his death, his fam-
ily lose a kind fr end and an indulgent
777 —7 7 7— 777
Thle Bargains that are offered at the-
, 777 are appreciated by the
Public, Crowds
CARROTS.—P *ze lst—Soil clay ,loam
after spring heat, the land was , plocking
wrought and drilled in the fall, 25 loads r 1 —
to the Store prove the Faet that
of manure per :acre put in the drill, I
the drills were lightly dragged. in the
spring and run tip again before. sowing,
sown 27th Ap vartety 'White Belgian,
drills 28 inche . Prize 2d—Clay loam
soil, after fall heat which was the first
mer fallow from old sod;
1st May, variety Ortly,
ve inches. ' -
crop after su
no manure, so
dr•lls twenty -
MAN eonns.
lo4m soil wit
M4y, variety 1 ng red drills twenty-five
in hes.
he =Hive, ion of all the fields ex -
a • ed was e cellent, and the ground.
was entirely se froM. weeds. There
ought to be tire cokapetition in this
branch of ag,ri ulturei Several applica-
tions were m e to the judgesby parties
wishing to co pete. 1 The judges have
been allowed for some years past to
accept such e tries blit complaint having
been. made th t isuehlis a violation of
the rules of t e Society, no entries werel-.
taken by the this year, and in the
future, as th s year, the rules in this
respect -will b strictly adhered to.
JUDGES.— na. Sproat and Hugh
Chesney, Tuclsersmith, and 3, McMil-
, -
Hullett. • I
Plovring katches.
Prize lst—G-rown clay
out manure, sown 1.8th.
Which enables the Puichaser to make
a Large Parcell with Little Money
during the lilatl.Times.,
The following is the prize list of the
Turnberry Agrieultural Society's ploys -
big match, held. on the farm of Rob-
ert Curry, Esq., on Friday, the 19th of
October :
First-class, open to all, lst Douglas
Fraser, 2d
William Ma
men who nev
Adams, 2d
Linn. This
frpm 17 to 2
Forsyth, 3d.
class, open to
Henry, 2d.
ham Watson
5th R. Parke
The plowi
on. Mr. A. M
west of the
homas , 3a
Second. -class, open to
r took first prize, ist John
in, Barbour, 3d Thomas*
-class, open to young.men
, lst A. Watson, 2a T.
jamea Fowler. Fourth.
boys uncles 17, 1st Soseph.
Thomson, 3d Wil- •
4th David Saunderson,
a •
g match -which took place
Kee'afarm, about a mile
-illage of Molesworth,
vas it all respects, the
best that has yet be n held in that vi-
cinity. The e was a large crowd of
spectators on the gr and the ma-
jority seeme as much interested in the
result of the match as the censpetitors.
themselves. It was the general opinion
that the boy , eonsiLering their experi-
ence, fairly outma -chest the " auld
erect $60, with the flame of" a fanner chaps ;" an
living near Clinton. parried Jenkins' ful if they
Siansci. to it. This iipte he sold to 111r. first honors
The wherew
of the inner
hy Mr. and
1 thanks of th
their kindn.
! Turnberry ;
judges were
1 Paul Doig,
a list of the
the several
R. J.
ed t
Jones arrested on
was brought p for tri.
he .affirmed. that he
. Pollock, of Blyth, for $34 iii -e Sh.
ie meantime Mr. Pollock aScert in -
sat the note w 's . bagus 'and had
turday night. sTie
1 on Monda,y,when
ad found the note
on the road, aiding s he.' had admi fed
that he had foaged it helms the tidal.
His case was not. finisheq. on. Mon la;y
(at present writing) hut A is gener ily
thought that he will1he sent to Go
, ich to stand his trial. ;t -is belie
that he coinnsitted the clime simpl to
get to Penitentiarydas lie had an ple
time to clear opt afaer. he: cashed the
note, had e desire i -• !
A Salina,. TLY LITT E Toksta—The vil-
lage of Blvth, situat d tans the' Loudon,
Huron and Bruce railroad, is probably
. one of the busiest litle toWns of its size
in the' Proyince. Sii ce tile railroad Was
opened the town haa grown, wouderftilly
—new huildings spr. uting up iu alrdi-
rections. Building oPerations have been
1 1 , . ..
it was Yen' held as doubt-.
ould n t have Carried off
awees stake competition.
thal to sUpply the wants
san was liberally pro -sided
lrs. McKee, to whOm ..the•
elub are specially due for
ss - and. attention. ! • The
MeSSUS. Douglas Fraser,.
. R. Milian, Morris, and
owick. The follosving is
succes ul- coMpetitors in
lasses Class first, men
with any p ow—ei tries s-- T. Gibson,
Wm. Dicks n, T. E syth, T Me-
Lauchlin, J . Priz s st Wm. Dick,
son, Mina ; 2d. 11. Forsyth, Grey ; 3d
Wm. Havs aber s 4th T. Gibson,
Howick. Men's second -class .(wooden
plow—entries a T. Gibson, J. Brown,
G. Brown, A. McK e, H. SCotts. John
Adams, W. -elf, A ex. Hastie, William
3)/EcKercher, and. . McKee. Prizes :
ist T. Dic on, E ma ; 2d -111.m. Me-
Icercher, Ho -ick ; -, 3d H. Scott,.Molea-
worth ; 4th john dams, Grey. Boys
hrtweeia 16 and :8 years.! Ei tries.:
Although onr ikock of Dress Goods,
would be Sufileient for Two or Three -
Stores, we still
• Our Dress Goods at 17 cents and 25 cents ater
-Our Black and Colored Silk at 98 cents. .
Our Heavy Wincey at 10 cents.
Oar New Checks at 1211cents.
Our 121 cent Black Lustres aro really a bar -
Our Dresia Wincey at 7 cents.
_ thgaeww.on. der of all who see them.
likOttre lsi5a, 2.0, and .25 cent 131ack Lustros ante-
Fine Beaver, Black and Blue, $1.
Heavy Beaver, Blaok and Blue, $1 50.
Extra Fine Bever, Black and Bitie,$2.
Double Extra Beaver, Black and Blue, $2 50.
Fancy Cloths at $1 50, $2, and$2 50.
'Ulster Serges, all new and cheap,
'Ulster Checks,sll neW and cheap.
DERSON. Fit mut! Finish in every case Guar -
Scarlet and White Flannels,
Prices, 18, 20, 25, 28, 80, and 35 count.
Grey and FancY Shirting,
Prices, 1 , 25, 88, 88, 40, and 45 oents..
Canton Flaxen° s,
Prices, 9 cents to 25 cents.
50 Pieces All Wool Canada Tweed,
at 80 erns, regular price $1.
The Cheapest Eot 'eivershown at the 777.
Brussels Carps at $1 .20, worth $1.- 50.
Tapestry Carpet at 75, 85, and 90 cents.
Parties buying Cltrpet ohould secure there at
We are Receiving almost Week',"
Shipments of New Goods, Par -
"'aged hy Mr. fficDou-
gall in the English
and Stiotch Markets.—
Highest Price paid for any quantity of riae
Yellow BUTTER.;
777—Itemel4ther the Place -777
.A. 0. lie OUGAL_L cri Coir
-post SALE OR TO LET. --West half Lot n,
-1: Concesssion 13, McKillop, containing 75 urea;
20 acres cleared. Good log house on the place.
Apply to Mr. JOSEPH KINNY, Leadbury Post
....... ..._ :
SALE.—The subscriber leis for sale
sere lot in the township of Meliillop, County
Huron, 20 acres 11,1-C clearea and the balance w
timbered with beech and maple, The properts
veill be sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H. PEN'SON'
Solicitor, Seaforth, Ont. 517 '
A GOOD CnalnCE —sal,500 will buy 150 aena
sc-a- of good land in the Township Of Reppel;
County of Grey. Bush land, all hardwood, ann
within I've() miles of a flomishing it might
be exchanged for a small farm in Manion Tueks
orsruith, or Hollett. Apply to A. STRONG,Land
Agent, Seaforth.
VA= FOR SALE.—A splendid term, being Lot!
sa: 22, Cola. 6, Turnberry, 90 acres, 70acres elearea;
well fenced, and in a gooa state of eultivation,,
balance hardwood. Well watered, good frame
house and barn, and half a raile from Winxeter
a good gravel read, Apply to the proprietoton the
premises, OHART;ES MeTAVISli, Wrestler Post
Oflice. 517/.13
a: Sale, Lot 28, Con. -8, L. 11, S., Tuekersmiths
con.taining 100 acr-es, about 80 eleared, the balance:
hardwood timber. Large brick house and goo&
frame outbuildingi ; an eneellent orchard of the'
choicest friaits ; is well watered. is situatea 5,
miles frora Seaferthand nines froin Bracellent
station. For terrns apply by lette.r to E,
Groeer, Wingharn. 518
taa Sale, Lot 2, Con, 11, n. R. S., Tuckersmith, ton- '
abling 100 acres, 82 sneered and clear of etumpa I
in a first-elnas state of -cultivation; comfortable
house and good frame bate with stone stabling
underneath, Is situated 8 miles from Seeforth
and within 5 miles of Rippen and &mall sta-
tions. For terms apply ou the premises, or if hn
letter to J-OHN C. STEELE, Seaforth. 5164
Cheap, on GeorgeStreet, in the Town of Sea -
forth, within live minutes walk of the business
part of the town, six splendid building lots and ;
good frame house 24x80 feet, storeys MO,
Anished; good. well -with pump at the door. Thel
lots xi-re:and! fenced, and will be sold either sep-
arately or all together, BS Z114 lillit the purciereer. ,
For tepas anply to C. W. PETERS, Expositer
Office, ,Seaforth.
20, Con. 8, Grey, containing 100 acres, 52 of
- which are eleared, feneed, and under good
cultivation ; the bahmee is well timbered. There
is a hewed log house, and also a large frame
barn and frame stable, good well and young bear-
ing orchata. Is within 8 miles of Ethel atation
and 9 rniles of Brussels. Isconvenientteschurettes
and school. For further particulars apply on the
premiges or to Ethel Post Mee.
CARTInEY. 516x4
-1: the westhalf of Lot 29, Con. 9, end the South
half of Lot 80,Con. 0, MeRillop, each containing 50
acres. On the fdriner there are 40acreseleared and
under good cultivation, the balance is well tim-
bered with hardwoodneadthe whole is well Comet",
Therelsa good frame house and. new filmic barn,
also two wells undo. good4arehard. Lot 30 adjoins
Lot 29, contabm 50 acres the whole of which is
desired. The two lets be sold together orsep-
mutely- Apply en the premises to CHARLES
CLA.YDON or .1011N .a.LEXANDER. 516
Lot 8, Con-. 2, containing 100 acres, about 70
of which WO cleared and wider soots cultivation;
tbe balance is tnnbered with hardwood. There is
a brick boast). and wood shed, also 2 frame barns, ,
stable and shed. There are good spring wello,
and a bearing orchard. Is situated on a vane'
road leading to Seaforth and -Clintorn from which
places it is only 5 mile& A school 'within half a
mile. For further particulars apply to the pro-
prietor on the premises or to Constance R. a
ARC11113Aral WALKER. 516x4
WARM FOR Santa —Being south half ef Lot s
-11: 29, concessioa townehip of Monis eon= I
taining 100 acres, 40 eleared and well anterek t
is situates' 2.1 miles from Brussels, IS aniles from
Seaforth, end half a mile from the "navel road.
Also, south half of lot 27, eencessiont)7, township
Morris all bush, 80 acres imrdwood, the rest va-
slows inds of useful timber; eituated only a
quarte ef a mile from the above. For #411111S, ap-
ply to the undersigned on north lent of lot 28,
coneesason 7, townsbip 3Ionis. MARY
WALEPR, Administratran 514
iVne 150 saes, 120 of 'which Inn eleared and in a
.I.AL6 anVAntisToUgth half I,ot 17, Con. 1, Hay, tontain-
FARM FOR'S elan —For Selo, Lot
good state of cultivation- There is a good brick
house and a frame eottage, the barn, stain -cow
stable and other -outbuildings aro all frame ; there
are aboet 10 acres of choice ample, pear and other
fruit trees, and about 800 sprnce trees planted 10
years. There is a never -f` 'ailing stream naming
through. the -centre otthe farm, on w/aich is a good
mill site, a good gravel rota en two sides of the
/ann. It is situated one mile' from Hensel.' sta-
tion and foux miles from Exeter, en the London
Read, pad is just across the road from the Rodger-
ville Poet office and church, For furtber particu-
lars apply to IAMBS W. ELDER, Veterlmay
Surgeon, Seaforth P. O. 481
pARM, FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lots No. 24 and
x .
half of Lot No. 29, in the 5th concession of
Morris, 'tont-dieing 160. ernes, 90 acres of which
are eleard, well fenced, and under good crdtiva-
tion ; the benence is svell timbered with harnwood
and cedar. There is a good frame houee and 'sage
frame barn with _stables, sheale, &c. There is a
young orchar' a and water convenient to the build-
ings, besides a never -failing stream running
throijgh the farm. There are 22 acres of fall
wheat sewn. It is within 21 miles of the Ile/Isiah-
liag4sellage of Brussels. lt is one of the ehoicest
farms in the County ef limene Apply5475xt:e
p,Lemis_ieq or to Brussels 7._'.. O. Also a village )(Ain
Brussels WM. Mcr;FI D.
.1 —
S 'E.—Tlats undersigned, who is about retir-
ing fro business, wishes to sell his property in
the villa ,e of Rinburn, tesnaship of Hollett, eounty
of Huro , consisting of three-quarters ef an tem
of ehoic landnwell unnerdrained, and having a
number lof well selected fruit trees. There is ou
the prenlitises a blacksmith. &bop 28x88, a 'wagon
shop 20a40, and. paint shop the same size, a two
Storey awelling house 16x35 Baia kitchen 16x22,
with coOk-house attachea; also a new dwelling
house 1.8x24 and stable 16s25. The buntlines are
ail frame and the dwelling houses baye each's good
cellar. The above is situated in ene of the best
farminecomimmities in the countv and is there-
fore an excellent business eters& eke° for salea
ed of all overdueuptes andaccounts. 301IN \5171711,-
lawrAmge aMs, counonsttanolcoeapki oro.ck elm, red elm and pine
lumber, iwell seasoned, and fit for use. Vasgens,
sleighs,*ttere,andbuggieson.hand,and willbesuld
cheap to clear OUt the elock, Payment is vaguest-
-- — ..... . _ _____ ......_. ___ ...._..._ __
______ ______ _ _ .._
-1, Oil: SALE OR TO LET.
T-TOIJSE TO RENT.—To rent, that cotafortable
-`--'s and comm sdione cottage, near the old Tem-
perance i Hall, formerly occupied by A . G„ Me-
A1)."Gga. ThillicDI0331131220eAldiaitei 1)&°C880e.86111 given. APP5lly7t4)
LtfaTiLisOLUnigSE TO LET.—A torafortabie frame house
the villa es and Berne is situated in a splendid
eniendi - openine for a tailor as there is none in
-•-•`- situated in Berne, County ef Huron. A
, Bstiraicken pr. (3.70artuti.eulars apply to J5011.17N
. .
Tproopen:::.-0Anecoyemrear Ofediroudsotabglaenkeeemesistlia::
Vanua 1 Partieo wanting to rent can have tha
--1- and dwelling house, fittiated ha the villa,ge of
-preverasats. Also a comfortable dwelling house
on adjoining lot for sale. For further particulate
apply teiWal. BIAIPSON,Etb.el P. 0. 517x4
ATOTIOE.—The undersigned is now makiegont
hisfaceotuats, and all parties indebted will
Please min and settle the sante. A. CARDNO,
SeaforLin 536