HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-10-19, Page 7' OCTOBER 191 1877. frIDD& O'CONNOIS.—liotice is hereby event Lee- that the Partneran`p subsisting betereeei, inomo$ KIDD and THOMAS O'CONNetes2 izt„ b,e Liquor Bunese, is still eubsisting, was ito usirtees is being conducted in the same nesalues a heretofore, Mr. Kidd'' notice to the eontrazy totwithstanding, Mr. Kidd refuses to settle any/ le what isrighz, and the bueineeta win be, eon., inued on behalf a the said pertneeship. It. tip-roper/3/ diesolved and te Just Batten:tent see ived at. THOILIS O'CONNOR, a Sidd `Coacror. COD & O'CONNOR WHOLESALE AND ISETAIT. LIQUOR DEALERS, IAIN ST.REET, - - SEAFORM. Third Door South a the Post Office. ATE WOULD invite the attention et Hew Keepers and Prevate Faun/ace to our Larga. nd Extensive StOck of 'LIRE LIQUORS, wirtEs, - PORTERS AND ALES theBest Brands, and purchased from. reliable fonsee. Purity esSantranteest. The Steceire Onsists of thefoliowing vie.; Iteromeay Brandy e Aged and Mild. Martell Brandy, as Imported. Jules Robins, cannot be surpassed.. Sazerae Brandy, worth drinking. Bernard's Brandy, aged and pure - Shore? Wine, light and palatable.. Pert Wine, f,10IIIIi110 cobweb. Madeira Wines. light and sparkling.. Holland Gin. and Obi Tom Gin. Canadian Rye Malt, no to mot eareing's Ale and Poxter, Labatt's Ale. XX1Z Selo Pale and ember Ale and Porter in 'band nd bottle. Orders front Hotel Reepers and Private Paint. es promptly attended to. KID.") & O'CONNOR. aINTO:N.Z—LOOK OUT FOR. THR NEW SIGN. IMAM & AIKENNEAD, Grocers, plintort, AVE just. received a very fine Stook of Nem and Fresh Groceries% of teeny descriptiors. hich are cheaper than the cheapest. -A Fresh supply& Teas Just received from. New- ork. The bestiveitte for the past money. . A very ince stook a Crockery and Glasaware, hich is weel deserving of the attention of pur- lasers. AL kinds a produce taken in exchange as cash. 511 CUNNING-TSAI/I & .AIKENHEAD. RISEX PROM .TIIE ASHES. .HE HURON CARRIAGE. FACTORY. WM. GRASSIE As pleasure in ixtforralug his customers and , friends that hale, again workieg full blast In- is,new premlikes ea Goderieli etreet, ou the site, his old factory, which as destroyed by fixe.. has on band a number of mber and Light Wagons, also, Democrats and Buggies, ejaiele fier Worentanehip and Material- ha Om ecoromend, Ile is determined to fully sustain' soid reeutetion, and will allow none in the- asiness Yet _surpass Wirt- in Workmanship or ice. Repairing and Cuetona Work promptly -- tended to., Blacksinithiug in gilts branches. 50a WM. GliA.SSIE. EGG EMPORIUM, The ettbseriber hereby thanks hie numeroutr- ketomers(mexchants and others)for their liberaltronage during the past seven year% and hopee, r atria integrity and close attention to businesse merit their cenfidenee and trade in _the future. 'Ffieving greatly enlarged his premises, during: "e winter, he is now prepared to pay the fiGHEST CASH PRICE er any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivezedi the EGG EMPORIUM, ?Jain. Street, Seeforthe EWanted bv the anbamther 25 tone a good dry tem. 'WHEAT STlea.W • W:JASON .. 0 GRANGERS, FARMERS AND - OTHERS. t.S TEET occupy the attention of alI, theile• hard times, the subscriber is determined ta set them by offering good inelt Hemlock, not usueliy sold for inch, ' at tee following rate foot Hemlock. at $6 60 per thousand; 14 foot cueing, at $7, for Cash. All orders over 44000* Per cent. diseount. Call and sea if Yon don't r what is repreaented. Book Aecounta over 3 meutlis will be charged •er cent. ' ;The hub:ice-thee theake his numerous customers - their liberal Support, and boticits a continue ee of their faeors. " JOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, melall0P,- HAIR DRESSING. MISS . MAMA STARK trISHEs te inform the Ladies a Sea/forth ana vicinity thee she is prepared to make up VITCI1E, CURLS, BRAIDS, the Lateet Ia.hjon roze Combings. Prices - °aerate, arid ell o ram it punctually attended to. Can Siaicited. Itesidence—Goderich Street, etforthe - 7 467410- . e .EVir BLACKSMITH SHOP M, SEAFORTH. ;\ 1\:( ;1.1.8 Art:71..Nr..r()SII -rislit:s tareettneeU tIj Pablic generally ilea Le e tipeeed a New Blaelennith Shoe etreet. fo eireirat Hotel, where ie II.1. te .ikt Sioas.:co AND ALL Kus OF Gear:ital. RL ioKeeliTitleate . Welk Wer-Ottzte.1 to (}ie Satiefactiont and eve Ic-ntt... .".Fete7 AN G US MeINTOSTI. BRUSs•ELS V. v 0 K. S. eata, e.e..:e v. mil I t•i eettelty intuuster to- tie 1,+.)1..•.t.ltJ..t the -V hL.,tta.:miu eft:auto:iced •te et thr Li-ne \Y'L..eppieito Idarettone's 1. I a tee tor: ;St- et I be liver. where, having t ,••,!ioa tUhtsrst-olas? t .2 si )• -sioa tarn ottu tast1. .g t COUN Iker ha* Cr*".ko nrti ••'. • t±:tranteed, SS We- • tra . - It • oltitr4.7,:. 1:sty. 11. call. >‘V 1Z OWS. -- "eeee t" • 4-% T t f r LEATHER and CiS 14 re/ ty Deecription. 1: ett-ea, keet. Terve ea-- e. All ordere bY Met • • fee . DIWTT. 00ToBER 39, 1.871. Gaieties liock-Turtle.— Kissing before coin- loanyand quarreling afterward• raiddle age, ior repair only,- and old people, for the smallest &Mount of re- . , e chance and 1 bo little pair. Sle _It is a e singular how ranch valuable time a wOlnall Win take up in 43h/flying the postmark of a letter to see ' -.glare it comes from when, she ean open _ he letter and find out at once. , —A elergyman. in Boston recently* aroused his sleepy audience by announc. jug in a wages properly understood that] the brain is -withstanding the hard times, the the seat of 'sensation, the Source of Vol- SPAD S, SHOVE .of sin have not been cut down one iota _A. saloon -keeper named his resert nntary motion., and the org - of thought .sNewhere," so that -when his married and that there is no rest -fm the brain, HOES AN.D R atory of repair for thebraj and nerv-ous r - system. In this fast ag, there is no fear of suffering froni to much sleep. On the contrary, vast n bers, espec- ially of those engaged in nsiness pur- suits and in mental lab6r of various kinds, are victims to overwork of the KIDD'S HA THE HURON EXPOSITOR.H DWARE. I M "la S IVE rit S RECElyED DIRECT FROM' MA UFACTURERS: i ` most positive manner that not - -brain and nervous system. When jit is AMERI AN CUT N roustomers•went home late, anti' their except. in dreainless sleep, we can not GLASS, P been they could safely tell them aye at any cost an, abundance 'Isleep. --The force of habit is a fine thina in The Value of Suicislainp. at a church fair as to what he will ha „wives wanted to know where they had fail to realize the necessity of obtaining, -truth- its way, butwhen in reply to a questIon A. free exposure to the light and to the ye. sun's influence has a grea effect in di- e rainislung the tendency to .sease. The sunny side of a street should always be chosen as a residence, froni its superior healthiness. It has been Aound,in pub- lic bnildings, &c., that thoETe are always the most healthy which ar the lightest and. sunniest. In seine barracks in Russia it was found tha a wing where no sun penetrated.,t ere occurred three cases of sickness for every, single case which happened on th tt side of the building exposed to the s 's rays. All other circumstances were equal—such as ventilation, size of apart ents, num- the ber of inmates, t, &c., so hat no other cause for this disproportion seemed to exist. In the Italian cities this practical hint is -Well known. Malaria seldom at- tacks the set of apartments or 'houses which are freely open to the sun, while on the opposite side of the street ,thi3 stunmer and autumn are very unhealthy, and even dangerous. young man meeltanically re lie -"beer" or "the same," it is a trifle awk. -ward. —The Am,ericarn after dinner orator in:England will soon be be able to say, "Speakingin the same language, glorify- ing n the same'literature, of the same blood, and subject to the Same potatc ing,&G-1. You're a pretty smart fellow," Ineered a lawyer to a witness,tb.e other ,day in court. "I'd return the compli- ment if I wasn't lander oath," replied the -witness, preparatory to being told that ,"that's all." • - —Before they are are married slae-vvill ,carefully -turn. down his coat collar when it gets awry; but after that event she'll jerk it down into position as if she was throwing & door mat out of, the win- dow. as." Allow me to be your beau," said a gentlemen, placing his umbrella over a lady in a shower. "Thank you ; I've plenty of fair weather beaux, se I sup- pose I must call you ray rain beau," she replied, archly. : I —A Gerraan-American patriot, re- turning to the old.country, shed. tears as his adopted land. faded from his view. Ameriga ees der best goundry in der vorld," he remarked. "-1 hai failed dree dimes, und now I leaves it to shpend mine vortnne mid my vaimily,” --" What are those purple posies down by the brook ?" asks Gus. "If you mean," replies Clara, those glorious mases of em.purpled efftoresence that bloom in bosky dells and., fringe the whirapling streanilets, they are Garapa- antda Rotztncliflora." Gus plays billiards for a living, and. Clara goes to a girls' college. . I —What cannotbe cured—raust be eaten fresh. A bird in hand—will fly .siway unless held tight. Little pitchers --don't hold. ranch. There as many a slip—on. a skating rink. judge not a man by the coat—that he steals. Boys will be boys—they can't be girls. It's an ill wind.—that blows your hat off. You can't make a silk purse out of—un- bleached calico. "Hey Get .long, Get your QiarrIfne " A. sorrespondent in the Turkish camp .at slairala writes : "1 was present to- day in the Doctor's private tent while he saw his morning's patients, and a curi ous experience it was. Two non-ccsn.- raissioned officers stood at the entrance by th,e sentries and ushered in, man af- ter man, for about two hours. The Doc- tor, seated on a medieine hest just in- side, felt pulses and. prescribed with the regularity of a clock ticking. Two, na- tive doctor's assistants, who squatted be- hind, handed a pill or gave a draught as directed. Now and then -When an un- mistakeable case a fever wasidiscovered the man was told to go into hospital, but the majority were dosed there and. then. One man came up with toothache. At a signal given, up jumped one of the Turk- ish doctors, seized a pair of blacksmith's pincers, and going behincl the fellow threw his left arm round his neck as if he were about to strangle hini, In an instant a capital double tooth, as sound as a young elephant's sucking tusk, was lying on the earth on the other side of the tent. The patient, who had never winked, mildly suggested that the wrong one might have been drawii,aShe felt the offender at work stil4 Hold°, haid.e1' 'Be off, be off!' said the operator, push- ing him out of the tent with his pincers: Then, calmly resuming his seat ou the floor, he lit up a fresh thgarette and 'po- litely handed the live charcoal in the tongs to me." Sleep is a most important physiologi- cal factor.During its houra of quiet rest, when. Muscular and nervous effort are stilled, millions of inicroscopic cells are busy in the interior of the organism, like coral insects in the depths of the sea, repairing the wastewhichkhe day's work has paused. Dr. Richardson, of London, an accomplished physiologist, describes the labor of sleep in the fol- lowing language: "During the period of natural sleep, the most important chariges of nutrition are in progress: the body is renovating, and if young is actually growing,. If the ebody be properly covered, the animal heat is be- ing conserved, and laid up for expendi- ture during the -waking hours that are to follow, the respiration is reduced, the inspiration being lessened in the proportions of six to seven, as compared with the number made -when • the body is awake • the aafion of the heart is re- duced; die voluntary muscles, relieved of all fatigue, and with the extensors more relaxed than the flexors, are uu- dergoing repair of structure, and re - °rutting their excitability and the vol- untary nervous system, dead for the time to the external vibration, or as the older men called it, tstimulus' from which it, is also nudergoing ret and re" - Pair, so that; whell it oPmes again into work, it may receive better the impres- sions it may have to gather up, and in- fluence more effectively the muscles it Incoanyt-r1(1alled upon to animate) direct, Another physiologist tells us that the state of general repo' which ac- companies sleep is of especial value to the organism, in allowing the nutrition of the nervous tissue to go on at a great- er rate than its destrUction.'s In an- other place, the same -writor adds, "For the brain there is no rest, eXotert during Sleep ;" and again, " The- more active tbkt rain' d, the greater the necesity for sleeP ; just as with a steamship, the greater the number of revolutions its engine makes, the more imperative is the demand for fuel." These statements explain the instinctive demand for sleep. nleY also show why it is that children require more sleep than persons of =la- dle age, and these again, more sleep Ikea old people. Children must have. SleeP fur repair and growth; those of 1 Mocleation is Best. Pleasures entered. upon 4ithont mod- eration shorten more the days ef raen than remedies can lengthen them. The peer are less fr,equently siclf on. acconnt of their_ want of nourishment than the rieh on account of their having too'much. Food which pleases the appetite top much and makes us eat beyend our need, poisons instead of nourishing. Rem- edies themselves are true evils which wear out nature, and should be only used in urgent!cases. The gFand remedy which is. always innocent and alvy•ays useful is sobrie-by, temperance in pleas- ure, tranquility of mind, exe.rcise of body; thus_one can have sweet blood and on even circulation, and all the &Teri:Imps humors may be disposed of: -:-The late Samuel Warren, whqse Ten Thousand a Year was the great fic- tion of 35 years ago, left personalprep- erty of the value of $60,000 to his widcpw and children.- The manuscript of that novel he bequeathed to his eldest itc:n, "trusting that ,he will retain it as heir -loom as long as possible." r OUT THIS OT.—It May Save! Yo Life.—There is no person living bht what . suffers more or less with Lung Disease, Coughs, Colds, or Consump- tion, yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medici e that would cure thern. Dr. A. Bosphe 's German syrup has lately been intro- duced into this country from Gernaany, - andits wondrous cures astonish eV- ery: one that tries it. If you doubt what we say in print, cut this out anc.1 balte,lit - to your druggist, ancl get a sanaple bot- tle for 10 cents and. try, it, or a regular size for 75 cents. Errs's. C000e.—Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledge of the' natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine prope-- ties of well -selected •cocoa, Mr. Epps has provideour breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many b.eaVy doctor's ,bil13. It is by the judicioususe of such articles of diet that a constitution may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to ro- sist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack-whrever there is a weak point. We ay eacape many a fatal shaft by keeping. ourdelves well fortified with pure blOod, and properly noftrished frame,"--Feksi/; Sen -- vice Gazette, Sold only in paPkets label- alaMeS Epps & Co., Hcanceopath- ic Ch..emists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 17-0, 'Piccadilly, London." 48242 i- 1 Great WeK tern Railway. Trains leave Brussels station, north and soul ., as under : GOING NORTH. OGING sovnt. • . Mixed.. 9:15 A. M. Mali 6:87 A.M. Aceom.. .... 903 P. RE Aceom 8.08 P.M. ail 3:40 P. M. Mixed 6:25 P. M r Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Sealorth Station as follows : biNG Waste— Mixed Teed% 6:40 A. M. Mixed Train 4:45 P. Id. Express 2:08 P. M. Express 8:58 P. M. OING EAST— Express Train 7:50 A. M. Express Train 1:25 P. M. Mixed Train 10:40 A. M. Mixed Train 4-45 P. M. London, Huron and Bruce. c eixe. Sourn— Mail 'Mixed. Express. • A. M. A.M. P. M. Winghten, derart.... 7 ett 10 50 4 Belgrave. ' 7 50 11 15 4 50 illytb • 8 05 11 35 5 05 - Lomb elturough 8 la. 11 511 5 15 Clintue . • L; 40 6 :t8 Brace -acid.. ... 8 50 1 15 5 50 Kippen 0. 1 40 6 02 Hansen 9 05 .1 50 5 07 Exeter 11 20 2 45 6 25 Loudou, arrive10 45 4 .43 7 45 A. M. P. U. P. ;M. - G reo NonTrt— Mail. MiNed..Exprese. A. ef. A. M. 1'.M. London, depart7 80 785 .5 05 Exeter 8 50 10 50 r- '6 25 Hensall U 05 11 15 6 88 Moven 9 10 11 e0 6 46 i20 1195 657 940 la 40 71]. lirucelieter Canton Londesborough ..., 9 57 1 10 7 80 . Blyth . 10 05 1 80 7 40 . Weer:ire . . ' 10 22 1 e5 7 58 ' Wingeant, arrive. 19 40 2 20 -8 15. - • A. M. P.M. - P.M. .111•00=•• HE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY...a-job Moses Periodical Pills—This iuvaluable mediciue is n ilailing in the cure of all those reinful and di ngeroas diseases to which the female constitte ti n is Babied. It moderates all excess and re- m yes all oberaetions, and a speedy cure may be re 'ed on. To mneriedladies, it is peculiarly suited. I will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe. ri with regularit3. These pills should not be ta en by Females daring the first throe months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring .on Mis- o wiage, but at any other time they are safe. In al cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, p ins in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- er ion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and w des, these pills will effect a cure when all other m ans hsve failed; and, although a powerful re» edy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full di notions in the pamphlet around each package, w "ch ehould be carefully preserved. Sob Moses, w York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cents fo postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To. to, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, wi I insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by re urn rnail. Sold in Seaforth by E. •,• Hickson & J S Roberts end li.Lumsden. 197 • • s, S, FORKS, KLES, NTS, OILS, &a FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Descrippion Cheap.' EA -FE 'IROUGITS AND CONDUCT- . ING PIPE Put tip oie the Shortest Notice and Warrante Special inducements to Cash artel Prompt Paying Customers. JpIEN KIDD. AN OLD FRIEN FRIEN ,• lt41'r 1 W. H. OLIVER, 4SEAFORTH, i BES to acquaint his ma y friends and oustoe mere thet he has remoysd two doors north of his old stand;, Mantyre's Bleck, where he has a stock equal to any en the business, and at the most favorable priees. All kinds of Repairin done on the I shortest notice. A good Stock o other such a tides reciaredloonstantly on hand Tranke, Vitlirs, Whips Combs, Brushes, and al Rememoer 3 our old Friend. Sign of the Scoteb Collar ' 4811 ' W. H. OLiVER, Seaforth. 1 TH COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORITH. 1 ARTHUR FORBES, J' TT ANING purchased the Stoek and Trade of the Commercial Livery, S6forth, froth Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends added sevei 1 valuable horse aid vehicles to the carrying on !lite business in te old stand, and has formerly largo stock. None nt 1 _First-kalas I Comfortable' Vehicles and Good ReVable Horses Will beKept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carriage% and Doable and Single Wagons always ready for use. Special 4 •angements Made With Coa- 1 1 mercial ken. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. THE BEST LIECIAL OA.MERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristem,' 8o1ieitors in Chancery, l& -e.. Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. 0., Philip /Ion, M.' G. Cam- • OPENED THIS WEEK: THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF CLOTH MANTLES EIrtR' SHOWN BY US. OUR WINCEYS ARE A MARVEL JOHN OF EXCELLENaE AND CHEAPNESS. ROGERS, Noted" for Popular Prices. J" BOWE1LI_J 1 . 1 DESIRES TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS FALL STOCK OF GROCERIES. HE HAS JUST RECErVED• A FULL LINE OF VERY PINE NEW SEASONS' TEAS. • 'i 'id YOUNG HYSON - GUNPOWDE , JA.PAN,- PING SUET, PEKOES, - , - AND BLACI4 ' , SELLING AT VE Y LOW 'FIGURES. 1 . 16 POUNDS 'GOOD VAL NCIA FAISINS FOR $1.00. i ! Also- P .Ienty of Tim4thy,and AgneriCan 0171 Always on Bond. . , , ! SOMETHLNG NEW -IN WASH BOARDS—C PLETE STO'CIS OF • LL AND SEE THESE. A FULL AND Otree- ENERAL GROCERIES. 1877 s i 1\T GI MESSR I BEATTY & 00. 1 • Beg to announce to their customers recently pnrchased by their Mr. MMU on inspection 1877! I • . rid the general public, the arrival of that Spring Stock KIN on the most favorable terms. The Stock willbe found I SECOND TO NONE Ap REGARDS QUALITY AND PRICE They request a visit from intendin fident of giving every satisfactfon. purehasers before making their selections, when .theyiteel eon - NO TROUIII.E TO SHOW GOODS. L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. Tli GOPERI H FOUNDRY.. 1 1 , - Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel alud Saw Mandrel e , Second hand 20 Horse Eng no, litteance Wheel. be Pulleys Complete Second band 16 ...terse ingne, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors Second hand 12 Horse Jng.ne, Balance' Wheel, Pulle3 s and.Governore A. Heisting or Bat Engine, with Hoisting Gear , Second hand 16 Rore Portable Boi er, with Smoke Stack ' Second hand 16 borse POrtalale Boi or, with Smoke Stack Second hand 20 horse Poetable Boil r, with Smoke, Stack Second -band 80 horse Poetable Tub ler Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars Valvee, all ini.Good Order whine 1. Steam Gunge Gen ge 'tine Stoat Second hand Shier 'le and He ding Heading jointer. Heading Planer.. • Heading Turner. Stave Machine, wi •h Knife, s 1 • New Engines hd Boilers on land, also for Flour g, Grist tind Saw ills. At teeded to. Impleinents.—Stoyes CODERICH FOUNDRY AND- WI NUFACTURING COMPANY1.. 1 p • • 0 fri co 0 0 3 rf) -4 0 0 11 11 M 0 '13.3 MISS CAMPBELL'S BLOCK SEAFORTH. TNTENDING to retire from business 1 haTe now commenced to dispose of my entire: STOCK OF MILLINERY; TANGY AND OMR GOODS 31 At and Below Cost, Eft Being determined to SELL OUTI am Prvaroll ' ow to diepose of my GoOds at the 0 tg LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. M X COME OWE, 003YLE ALL. MISS LEECH. 2 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD ERN TIMES. 11* 4g191V"/TiVe A 7 ! The Pills Purify theBlood, correetall disorders "d1 • of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Boviels, and "5 ti.re invaluable in all eomplaints incidents1 to• pi Females. , eete The Ointment is the only reliable remedy 1&• tor bad Logs, Old 'Wounds, Sores ana 'Meer, in of however long standing. For Brenchitis, Dip- litheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. M BE WARE OF NEW YORK COUN- M TERFEITS. 3and Ointment." are manu 0 factured and sold tinder Spuriotie imitations of '91ollOway'a Pine the naineof "Hot- lowayei & Druggists, a n el tropolitan Medi- Doass Curran, & CO., go by J. F. Herny, LI trade mark, thus: ef Neve York with —Again iti He alSO by the Ide- 2 Zoseph Haydock, eine Company an as a of "Icew York. 1, likewise paseeseff ' counterfeits Of "I his own xuake under the name of Holloway & Co., 0 having for a trade mark a crescent and sorsent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. iii These persons, the better to deceive you ult- . I I blushingly caution the publit intim small you, of directions which accompany their metileineere ITI which are rally the spurious imitations, to . Be- wareZunsocfruCpealunotuesdealers obtain very low s obtain them priees and seli them to the public in Canada as fi my genuine Pills and Ointment. 2 I most earnestly and respect -folly appeal to- t Clergy, to =Others of Families and. other Ladi < VI and to the public generally of British 2/o America, that they may be pleased to denounce 'lc unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Itoxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loudon,. they are Counterfeits. t Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medieinee bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND Ortazrztrz, . ... Lonome," engraved thereon. On the label is 10 the address, 538, OXFORD STItEET, Lonnorr,where m alone they are manufactured: Ite's Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors � selling spurious Ilellowity's Pills and Ointment as of my genuiue make, shall on communicating the particulars tome, be amply remunerated, and 0their names never divulged. Signed London, Ian. 1, 127771"AS HOLLOWAY. 2 477 mu HA S AND BA6ON • THE u dersigned have for sale a qttantity of C. C Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Heavy Mess Pork. an Canvas Hams, end Lard, which they offer to • e -trade ab low prtees. Address OARDNO & GRATAM, Seaforth P. Q., Ont. 497- $225 225 275 sea 200 = 230 lt0 Lt. 200 225 C.3 Cei 450 90 40 50 70 80 ade to Ord6 very cheap, Mill Machinery iddling Purifiers Of Iraproveil Kinds. of 'Feria s Kinds.— rairs on Boilers, =Is, &c., promptly ,THEF1E IS NO WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO Where • fortheard Brussels. $28,0oo of Private Funds to. invest at ono, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable . yearly. : 63 3•Y JAS. E. BENS N. H. W. 0. MEYER. The abov l;.- 1-, thie day been cliseelved b mut-tial con enp. All accounts,' due elm firm to ' be paid to Mr. Benson 'who\Till pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 187G JAMES H. DENSON. H. W0. MEYER. • • ASE. Hickson & Co.'s Jewelry Stm e, beg 0 0 P HARNESS HI.NGLIkE , LEATHER SUCH AS YOU FIND AT SEAFORTH, you will find 1411 Rind of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. EMEMBER, if you want a 'Fancy or Spbetantial Harness S. WARD can give you better satis- Cot* faction as to QUALITY end PRICE than any othermaker in the Connty. A Trail is all that a wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth,. p,(1) F. CRAKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, to infoien the publie that he is prepared to do first-class work. in : :TIE Seel?. 1, LA Pi 160 Us. (IIIABLES F. MILES, Provinciel Lane Sur - se veyor, Winghem. Orders by Til MI will receive prompt r Um, thin. Bre nch.office, Cliuten. 0. P. lat.Es. 465 T. S. GORE. , T P. 11tIN.4 Lieenced Anetioneer for the • u • Comity .ot Huron. Sales attended to all part:, of the County. All orders left at the Ex- W.A.Teli R. EPA [RING,' -- JEWELRY R1PAI S, AiTING learned the traee.thoroug ly in Eegland, the esteblistunent ofA' Morphy /London, Ont., can be given in tiny deecription of wor PIPE REPAIRING, 0 SPECTACLE REPAIRS. .1 , end for nserly six 'years past have worked' in it; a sufficieut recommend that 111110TAKutisfn.c.tion 1,. M (i) pe Kew; Office will he prernetly ttended to. ANT E beg to say tint oviag tofbs mite -pi more- and tigbt times get ei ally, in order to reduce .. 7 011 eioek of Jewelry,- (3 doe thse nnt„will be elven on all pea:bases in order to indece these hay - T IT ClIELL'SRI ELLADONNA. IMPROVED IN. ing money to ini-dot. All ivork topair d or kold pi evionely the entirtudee ivill be fulfilled by Mr. -Lid• DIA RUBBER P{ PLASTit 11.-eThere C rifee ;1 not runeing to ill tisfeetione E. HICKSON & Co. never hail been a tine when the healing of so many uiffeeent diseases bas been (tensed by out - • ward opplicatione as the preseut. It is an une- . itee s ' ' e iug these plasterare Gum Olibanura—or better tion of the. globe resore to the se of oreiny D 0 N 'T BOY plaster& The principal ingredintuused in mak- arTOUR . . . . 0 dispnted fact that over half of the entire pepula- know u as the Frankiacense nf the Bib le—Ti libber` • and 13urgundy Pitch; which, when scientitleally : ;3 compounded, is full el el eetrieity, and when iJOM , AN v ONE ELSE BCT P1 LUMBER FROM 2 biaed with the pure medicinal gums, is fon al t.o be one of the greatest healiug medium; ever brought berate the human race. They are ac- knowledged by all who have need them to act quicker than any other Plasters they ever before tried, and that one of these Planters will do more • real service ftan= a hundred of the ordina.ry kind. All other Plaster's ere slow of action, and require to be worn conthenally to effect a euro; but with these it is entirely different ; the instant one is applied, the patient will feel its effect. They possess all the soothing, warming, supporting' and strengtheuing qualities of all other Plasters. Many who have been relieved of RHEUMATISM, TICDOLOREUX, und variousother pains in the KIDNEYS, Bnsesn or Sinn, and believe it is solely done by the elearical qualities which the Porous Plasters contain, and which is imparted to the system, thus restoring them to a healthy condi- tion. They are eery soft and pliAble, still very adhesive; and a sure cure for WEAK BACKS, - PAINS IN TAB $1DE .A.ND BREAST ; and are in- valuable to thosewho have a COLD of long stand- ing, and often prevents CONSUMPTION. Some eyen tell us they believe they were entirely cared . by the use of them of a lone -seated Consump- tion. Prepared by GEORGE E. MIrCHELL, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists.. NOR- :THROP &LYMAle, Toronto, Agents for Canada. S. LOUNSBURY 84. 00., SEAFORTH. fl n> THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. LUMBER FOR SALE. —71 CARNOCHAN & BE L, PROPRIETOR nFFICE and Stables on Market Str et, sJcond eed door from Main. Neat, Stylish Car -age and , Buggies, and Good Bailable HOrses wa s on hand. Orders left ea the Coutrarcial otel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be p omptl at nded to. A J. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brum: t. Office in Leckie's new brick buililing. 504-52 MONEY TO LEND—On terms moie advan- iLL tageous than ever before offered. A. Js, Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brassele. 50442 • 7 HEMLOCK, First Quality, $4.1 per M. PINE from $8 - BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Leegths, from 10 to 60 Feet, at -the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. Tile Subscriber has also a LUMBEft YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, A 0 F 2 rn 0 a3Nlcilvo Ef3,1SV1 d CD rtrt "13 3:21 CM ▪ Drafts on New York Payable at C3 ▪ Bank in the 'United States. pc Bills cut Exchange on London payable it all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom, INTEREST PAID OR D1T.E!OS2 TB. M. P. ITAYES, 411 Mermen -a THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ; o CIA NADA. CAPITAL - $4.900.000; CITY BANK OF MO'NTREAtt,Incorporated1 and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Inempoirited 1664. SEAFORTH BRANCH. M INION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEA FORTH. , Alta 5 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 41,11.E subsaiberbegs leave to thank hisuutnerous customeraior the liberal patronage exteedeato him since commenting business in Seaforth, and trusts that he niay be fayored with a continuane of the same. Parties intending to beild evonid do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a arg-e stock of telt kinds et DRY PINE LUMBER, O SA S E , • C DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of gixingsatisfactionbo those Z who may f avorir him -with theirpatronage, /10110 but firstadaeitworkreen areernployed. Ps" i.e.72articulerattention paid to ettatOMPlaning T 201 -JOHN H. BR OA DFOO.T. SAW ..0 • I LO GS WMessrs. COLEMAN , GAONUITNELOD1 OK t. I I) ; 0 : Pa ! O ' ... 1 Will pay the Highest Cash Pelee for ' SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Aleo a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the menufamture of Hoops. GO Clamant Sawing I1tetv1P,11 to promptly, IIamine cheap ae at any other 3:till. Lumber of every deecriptien, also Shingles, -0 ; Lathaml Piekete elweys on hand, and at the very eise t oweet market prates. M • • ir.! 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, CoLEMAN & GotaNLOCK, am 417 aria forth DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC ; MEDICINE MARRIAGE LICENCES on. CERTIFICATES, . Mader the ne-w Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOIRTH. Under authority of Otake Lieutemutt43,ernor n trio. To Greet E'nelieh Remedy is covet -billy ro- cominemied as an unfelt - lug euro for Seminal Weakness ripermatorr- bete Impoteeey, and Ali 13eforeediimaees that 1ollow ILS Aft ex., sequenee of Self ebuse, a i Lois or eiemoey, Universal Laenitude, 1'. ii in the Back, Din/mese 01 Vieion, Premature Old „Age, 2.114 many other diseeeea that leads to Insane y moComeumption and a Premature Grave, all el which a3 Tule are first caused by deviating from the tatir of Indere arid over hidulgence• The Speciffe Medic:me the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating thee epeeial diseafies, Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is (fold by an Draggiati at $1 per package, or 6 peckages for $5, or will be rent by mail- on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM -GRAY & 00., Windisor, Ont. Sold in Seeforth by E. Tait:keen ia Co., J. S. Roberts, n. Lumeden and all .druggiet merchants, Ta-- DERBYSHIRE. L, D. P., •& Surgeon Dentist, Granata of the Loyal College Of ,Dented Surgeons a Ontario. Artificial Dentils neatly executed. All liargical opera- , tion a performed with care and promptitude Office hours from 8 A M to 5 P 15. Booms in Mr. Whitney's new brick bleck, Main Street, Seaforth. AJIL1TA1MALL, s I senior in Appraiser. Aecounte' reasoneble tetms. . . , Coneeyancer and Collimate B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and and notes collected on ' 8136 „ B -L. DO • Obauct ce, °ice Kidd's p toil; • E, Barrister, Ateorney, Solicitor in . , &c., Godericb.' and Seaforth. Of'. Iirdan's Drug Steve, Goderich, and ectiforth. e54 - M"I'ALCOMS N & 'WATSON, Barristers, Atter. neys, IS licitors in Chencery, ite., Clinton., Ont. Offied First door east of the new Royal Canadian Ban building. Money to loan OR , 10.M. property. ' - _ s. meecoets il N. 404. G. A.. WATSON le ToCA.tf Gil ad -L- terneys cnsolvency, Solicitorstoe ;he Canada '-'4.£ N. B.—$30,0 Rouses and 1 Y & 110LAIESTED, Barrietti e , At a Law, Solicitors in Chancery and _ °taxies Public and Conveyancers t e II. 0.13ank, Seaforth. Agentsfor ' Aes mum Company, - 0 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms La s for sale. . , 58 • - - . . BYER & RADENHURST, Barris- 1 eys-at-Law, Solieitors in Chencery, in els to loan at a low rate of inter. terms to • suit borrowers; Offices— Wingbarn. Office in Langdale's ite Scott's Bank. . • u. M w. c. EYER. W. S. RADENIIURST. 474 Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank - , ! Q. ARROW, ters,` -d Atter e. Private st, and rn Soderich and mailing, oppo J. T. °AnnulI i H• W. C. >f Ca.nada,Wingham. pENSON ie MEYER,- Bertieters and Attorney Li! at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency, !nnviovini rtpr a isli-kf writ". T40,1: n . ni-ft flef; Q.. OPENED THIS WEEK: THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LOT OF CLOTH MANTLES EIrtR' SHOWN BY US. OUR WINCEYS ARE A MARVEL JOHN OF EXCELLENaE AND CHEAPNESS. ROGERS, Noted" for Popular Prices. J" BOWE1LI_J 1 . 1 DESIRES TO CALL ATTENTION TO HIS FALL STOCK OF GROCERIES. HE HAS JUST RECErVED• A FULL LINE OF VERY PINE NEW SEASONS' TEAS. • 'i 'id YOUNG HYSON - GUNPOWDE , JA.PAN,- PING SUET, PEKOES, - , - AND BLACI4 ' , SELLING AT VE Y LOW 'FIGURES. 1 . 16 POUNDS 'GOOD VAL NCIA FAISINS FOR $1.00. i ! Also- P .Ienty of Tim4thy,and AgneriCan 0171 Always on Bond. . , , ! SOMETHLNG NEW -IN WASH BOARDS—C PLETE STO'CIS OF • LL AND SEE THESE. A FULL AND Otree- ENERAL GROCERIES. 1877 s i 1\T GI MESSR I BEATTY & 00. 1 • Beg to announce to their customers recently pnrchased by their Mr. MMU on inspection 1877! I • . rid the general public, the arrival of that Spring Stock KIN on the most favorable terms. The Stock willbe found I SECOND TO NONE Ap REGARDS QUALITY AND PRICE They request a visit from intendin fident of giving every satisfactfon. purehasers before making their selections, when .theyiteel eon - NO TROUIII.E TO SHOW GOODS. L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. Tli GOPERI H FOUNDRY.. 1 1 , - Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel alud Saw Mandrel e , Second hand 20 Horse Eng no, litteance Wheel. be Pulleys Complete Second band 16 ...terse ingne, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors Second hand 12 Horse Jng.ne, Balance' Wheel, Pulle3 s and.Governore A. Heisting or Bat Engine, with Hoisting Gear , Second hand 16 Rore Portable Boi er, with Smoke Stack ' Second hand 16 borse POrtalale Boi or, with Smoke Stack Second hand 20 horse Poetable Boil r, with Smoke, Stack Second -band 80 horse Poetable Tub ler Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars Valvee, all ini.Good Order whine 1. Steam Gunge Gen ge 'tine Stoat Second hand Shier 'le and He ding Heading jointer. Heading Planer.. • Heading Turner. Stave Machine, wi •h Knife, s 1 • New Engines hd Boilers on land, also for Flour g, Grist tind Saw ills. At teeded to. Impleinents.—Stoyes CODERICH FOUNDRY AND- WI NUFACTURING COMPANY1.. 1 p • • 0 fri co 0 0 3 rf) -4 0 0 11 11 M 0 '13.3 MISS CAMPBELL'S BLOCK SEAFORTH. TNTENDING to retire from business 1 haTe now commenced to dispose of my entire: STOCK OF MILLINERY; TANGY AND OMR GOODS 31 At and Below Cost, Eft Being determined to SELL OUTI am Prvaroll ' ow to diepose of my GoOds at the 0 tg LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. M X COME OWE, 003YLE ALL. MISS LEECH. 2 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD ERN TIMES. 11* 4g191V"/TiVe A 7 ! The Pills Purify theBlood, correetall disorders "d1 • of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Boviels, and "5 ti.re invaluable in all eomplaints incidents1 to• pi Females. , eete The Ointment is the only reliable remedy 1&• tor bad Logs, Old 'Wounds, Sores ana 'Meer, in of however long standing. For Brenchitis, Dip- litheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. M BE WARE OF NEW YORK COUN- M TERFEITS. 3and Ointment." are manu 0 factured and sold tinder Spuriotie imitations of '91ollOway'a Pine the naineof "Hot- lowayei & Druggists, a n el tropolitan Medi- Doass Curran, & CO., go by J. F. Herny, LI trade mark, thus: ef Neve York with —Again iti He alSO by the Ide- 2 Zoseph Haydock, eine Company an as a of "Icew York. 1, likewise paseeseff ' counterfeits Of "I his own xuake under the name of Holloway & Co., 0 having for a trade mark a crescent and sorsent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. iii These persons, the better to deceive you ult- . I I blushingly caution the publit intim small you, of directions which accompany their metileineere ITI which are rally the spurious imitations, to . Be- wareZunsocfruCpealunotuesdealers obtain very low s obtain them priees and seli them to the public in Canada as fi my genuine Pills and Ointment. 2 I most earnestly and respect -folly appeal to- t Clergy, to =Others of Families and. other Ladi < VI and to the public generally of British 2/o America, that they may be pleased to denounce 'lc unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Itoxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loudon,. they are Counterfeits. t Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medieinee bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND Ortazrztrz, . ... Lonome," engraved thereon. On the label is 10 the address, 538, OXFORD STItEET, Lonnorr,where m alone they are manufactured: Ite's Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors � selling spurious Ilellowity's Pills and Ointment as of my genuiue make, shall on communicating the particulars tome, be amply remunerated, and 0their names never divulged. Signed London, Ian. 1, 127771"AS HOLLOWAY. 2 477 mu HA S AND BA6ON • THE u dersigned have for sale a qttantity of C. C Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Heavy Mess Pork. an Canvas Hams, end Lard, which they offer to • e -trade ab low prtees. Address OARDNO & GRATAM, Seaforth P. Q., Ont. 497- $225 225 275 sea 200 = 230 lt0 Lt. 200 225 C.3 Cei 450 90 40 50 70 80 ade to Ord6 very cheap, Mill Machinery iddling Purifiers Of Iraproveil Kinds. of 'Feria s Kinds.— rairs on Boilers, =Is, &c., promptly ,THEF1E IS NO WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO Where • fortheard Brussels. $28,0oo of Private Funds to. invest at ono, at Eight per cent. Interest, payable . yearly. : 63 3•Y JAS. E. BENS N. H. W. 0. MEYER. The abov l;.- 1-, thie day been cliseelved b mut-tial con enp. All accounts,' due elm firm to ' be paid to Mr. Benson 'who\Till pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 187G JAMES H. DENSON. H. W0. MEYER. • • ASE. Hickson & Co.'s Jewelry Stm e, beg 0 0 P HARNESS HI.NGLIkE , LEATHER SUCH AS YOU FIND AT SEAFORTH, you will find 1411 Rind of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. EMEMBER, if you want a 'Fancy or Spbetantial Harness S. WARD can give you better satis- Cot* faction as to QUALITY end PRICE than any othermaker in the Connty. A Trail is all that a wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth,. p,(1) F. CRAKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, to infoien the publie that he is prepared to do first-class work. in : :TIE Seel?. 1, LA Pi 160 Us. (IIIABLES F. MILES, Provinciel Lane Sur - se veyor, Winghem. Orders by Til MI will receive prompt r Um, thin. Bre nch.office, Cliuten. 0. P. lat.Es. 465 T. S. GORE. , T P. 11tIN.4 Lieenced Anetioneer for the • u • Comity .ot Huron. Sales attended to all part:, of the County. All orders left at the Ex- W.A.Teli R. EPA [RING,' -- JEWELRY R1PAI S, AiTING learned the traee.thoroug ly in Eegland, the esteblistunent ofA' Morphy /London, Ont., can be given in tiny deecription of wor PIPE REPAIRING, 0 SPECTACLE REPAIRS. .1 , end for nserly six 'years past have worked' in it; a sufficieut recommend that 111110TAKutisfn.c.tion 1,. M (i) pe Kew; Office will he prernetly ttended to. ANT E beg to say tint oviag tofbs mite -pi more- and tigbt times get ei ally, in order to reduce .. 7 011 eioek of Jewelry,- (3 doe thse nnt„will be elven on all pea:bases in order to indece these hay - T IT ClIELL'SRI ELLADONNA. IMPROVED IN. ing money to ini-dot. All ivork topair d or kold pi evionely the entirtudee ivill be fulfilled by Mr. -Lid• DIA RUBBER P{ PLASTit 11.-eThere C rifee ;1 not runeing to ill tisfeetione E. HICKSON & Co. never hail been a tine when the healing of so many uiffeeent diseases bas been (tensed by out - • ward opplicatione as the preseut. It is an une- . itee s ' ' e iug these plasterare Gum Olibanura—or better tion of the. globe resore to the se of oreiny D 0 N 'T BOY plaster& The principal ingredintuused in mak- arTOUR . . . . 0 dispnted fact that over half of the entire pepula- know u as the Frankiacense nf the Bib le—Ti libber` • and 13urgundy Pitch; which, when scientitleally : ;3 compounded, is full el el eetrieity, and when iJOM , AN v ONE ELSE BCT P1 LUMBER FROM 2 biaed with the pure medicinal gums, is fon al t.o be one of the greatest healiug medium; ever brought berate the human race. They are ac- knowledged by all who have need them to act quicker than any other Plasters they ever before tried, and that one of these Planters will do more • real service ftan= a hundred of the ordina.ry kind. All other Plaster's ere slow of action, and require to be worn conthenally to effect a euro; but with these it is entirely different ; the instant one is applied, the patient will feel its effect. They possess all the soothing, warming, supporting' and strengtheuing qualities of all other Plasters. Many who have been relieved of RHEUMATISM, TICDOLOREUX, und variousother pains in the KIDNEYS, Bnsesn or Sinn, and believe it is solely done by the elearical qualities which the Porous Plasters contain, and which is imparted to the system, thus restoring them to a healthy condi- tion. They are eery soft and pliAble, still very adhesive; and a sure cure for WEAK BACKS, - PAINS IN TAB $1DE .A.ND BREAST ; and are in- valuable to thosewho have a COLD of long stand- ing, and often prevents CONSUMPTION. Some eyen tell us they believe they were entirely cared . by the use of them of a lone -seated Consump- tion. Prepared by GEORGE E. MIrCHELL, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists.. NOR- :THROP &LYMAle, Toronto, Agents for Canada. S. LOUNSBURY 84. 00., SEAFORTH. fl n> THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. LUMBER FOR SALE. —71 CARNOCHAN & BE L, PROPRIETOR nFFICE and Stables on Market Str et, sJcond eed door from Main. Neat, Stylish Car -age and , Buggies, and Good Bailable HOrses wa s on hand. Orders left ea the Coutrarcial otel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be p omptl at nded to. A J. MeCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brum: t. Office in Leckie's new brick buililing. 504-52 MONEY TO LEND—On terms moie advan- iLL tageous than ever before offered. A. Js, Mc- COLL, Solicitor, Brassele. 50442 • 7 HEMLOCK, First Quality, $4.1 per M. PINE from $8 - BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Leegths, from 10 to 60 Feet, at -the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. Tile Subscriber has also a LUMBEft YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, A 0 F 2 rn 0 a3Nlcilvo Ef3,1SV1 d CD rtrt "13 3:21 CM ▪ Drafts on New York Payable at C3 ▪ Bank in the 'United States. pc Bills cut Exchange on London payable it all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom, INTEREST PAID OR D1T.E!OS2 TB. M. P. ITAYES, 411 Mermen -a THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ; o CIA NADA. CAPITAL - $4.900.000; CITY BANK OF MO'NTREAtt,Incorporated1 and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Inempoirited 1664. SEAFORTH BRANCH. M INION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEA FORTH. , Alta 5 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 41,11.E subsaiberbegs leave to thank hisuutnerous customeraior the liberal patronage exteedeato him since commenting business in Seaforth, and trusts that he niay be fayored with a continuane of the same. Parties intending to beild evonid do well to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a arg-e stock of telt kinds et DRY PINE LUMBER, O SA S E , • C DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of gixingsatisfactionbo those Z who may f avorir him -with theirpatronage, /10110 but firstadaeitworkreen areernployed. Ps" i.e.72articulerattention paid to ettatOMPlaning T 201 -JOHN H. BR OA DFOO.T. SAW ..0 • I LO GS WMessrs. COLEMAN , GAONUITNELOD1 OK t. I I) ; 0 : Pa ! O ' ... 1 Will pay the Highest Cash Pelee for ' SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Aleo a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the menufamture of Hoops. GO Clamant Sawing I1tetv1P,11 to promptly, IIamine cheap ae at any other 3:till. Lumber of every deecriptien, also Shingles, -0 ; Lathaml Piekete elweys on hand, and at the very eise t oweet market prates. M • • ir.! 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE, CoLEMAN & GotaNLOCK, am 417 aria forth DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC ; MEDICINE MARRIAGE LICENCES on. CERTIFICATES, . Mader the ne-w Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFOIRTH. Under authority of Otake Lieutemutt43,ernor n trio. To Greet E'nelieh Remedy is covet -billy ro- cominemied as an unfelt - lug euro for Seminal Weakness ripermatorr- bete Impoteeey, and Ali 13eforeediimaees that 1ollow ILS Aft ex., sequenee of Self ebuse, a i Lois or eiemoey, Universal Laenitude, 1'. ii in the Back, Din/mese 01 Vieion, Premature Old „Age, 2.114 many other diseeeea that leads to Insane y moComeumption and a Premature Grave, all el which a3 Tule are first caused by deviating from the tatir of Indere arid over hidulgence• The Speciffe Medic:me the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating thee epeeial diseafies, Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is (fold by an Draggiati at $1 per package, or 6 peckages for $5, or will be rent by mail- on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM -GRAY & 00., Windisor, Ont. Sold in Seeforth by E. Tait:keen ia Co., J. S. Roberts, n. Lumeden and all .druggiet merchants, Ta-- DERBYSHIRE. L, D. P., •& Surgeon Dentist, Granata of the Loyal College Of ,Dented Surgeons a Ontario. Artificial Dentils neatly executed. All liargical opera- , tion a performed with care and promptitude Office hours from 8 A M to 5 P 15. Booms in Mr. Whitney's new brick bleck, Main Street, Seaforth.