HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-10-19, Page 5OCTOBt 19 re long be ba poon to emet a le strttettnon the exhibition Is. The scattering of the vatioue inents has a- tendency to militate t the success: of the show. astet Albert Halbeard, of the of Lakelet, township of Hewiek, of 14: stimmeaseshot a large wild the bash eloee to, the village. It mapificentlooking animal, and unoommoa'apecies. It was pur- , by Mr. Miles Young, who intends. • "t stuffed, r. George Grber, of Gorrie, has sold m a 100 acres, adjoining Gorrie, William Ferguson, of Cartwright, ,t handsome sum of $6,500. 'Stinson has sold his farm of 100 being lot 9, aoncession 16, How-, Mr. Samuel- Ferguson, of Cart- ; township, fer'$4,300. Misoellasi eceds. I. -Pratt, we/I-known throughont a as an eminent horse trainer, °few days ago at a town in New :tate of typhoid fever. man named Charles Worthless anon, New Hampshire, U, S., has' ed a -verdict g $18,000 againstthe Trunk Rail:way for loss of a leg accident, ca-4sed by train racing. •,voung man named Anderson,son post-mastes at Walkerton, has inivicted of (flaming lOters pass- rOugh the office and abstraetna• g 7 from them, and has been sen - to five vers imprisonment in netangaisheue Penitentiary. tire broke out at one o'clock on. lay morning in the Review print - Lee, Kineataliae, totally destroying gilding, and spread thence to block on Queen street, destroy- -whole building. The sufferers Johustondry goods, Madden ›kledge, pork packers, Mrs. N. an, fancy dry goods, and John los, boots and shoes. The loss is tant unknewa, but it is expected iirance covers all. nne of the -farmers in Middlesex have been noticing lately • insect it -4 destroying :the fall The insect is to be found in the irectly above where it has sprout - n the seed. Iii oue stem as many or seven insects have been found. heat that has been attacked by Viz turned to a pale yellow celor. say that these insects are the re- ! the deposits of eggs by a fly, in na of the wheat, disastrous fi-e oceurredlast Mon- aht, says the Corawall Freeholder, Andrews, -which destroyed the one hotel and expensive out - "e belonging to Mr. Joseph Me - E. who had recently purchased the tv from the estate of the Hon. a,ndfield Maodonald. Aside from 4 which. Mr, McDonell suffers, a :rio-tie loss befalls the parish, for aIr. Sans -Meld ISfacdonald erected, tel he so -planned it that the en- 4ement was to be for the accore, ion of the parish, and by his wffl e of it was gnarauteed for twenty and besides this boon he erects -ife sheds under which the people 'coming to church could place reams. All ;these benefits have SWCPt 03Vily, and once more eple will have to shiver round the e of the fences and angles of the o and theirhorses will ha'e to )sed to inclement weather. ester, the a4aistant treasurer' of :mid Trunk, having become &Ide- a has abscultded frein Mentreal. 11 a salary of %,500, and lived a Et.1, at the rate of $3,000 or $4,900„ enting that his income was sup- ated from preperty in England iting to 1:1,000 a year. The it of his defalcations is not yeti 1. and eaperte are employed on oks. One mode of his operations tising money on orders. It is be - that he has drawn heavily, and propriated money belonging to eployes' supetannuation fund. and v of the cases the receivers could 7ite their owe nainee. It is also that he .cashed same bogus. Leeeind made away with moaey -the • funds if the International ;t Treasury, He paid all his per- taeounta before leaving, and ar- u New York without a dollar. oved in good sooiety in Mon- oother case', of " snake in the 'it" is relented by the Dundalk which says:—Mr. Wm. Dobson, Peter Dobson, residing at a e , of over eighteen miles from in Collingwoodtowushipehas been eernewhat lengthy time back, anifested saluptorna of disease baffled the most skilled physi- applied to. He gradually grew ' and wawithatanding the change medical attendant after the other ed to do ao. He became dis- t and lovi spirited. His hope ery was very meagre. very incident, :however, which ex- ltnd unlocks the whole seeret of es. occurred to him while out tote day last week. Becoming ly iil lte wtt.i seized with 1. end, starling to relate then a living snake. Upon this seat of parteerehip with this mi - t octet/atilt taf tite atninaktin Mr. • became avneso. being in almost couvulaiens, and fears were led of his recovery. He is now v ell. '.tatt fifteen' th(oaand persona. I al at the:Ver.-ma) wharves last :ai. afternoon. to -witness the Ross hui boat racte which was expect - data! that afternoun on the immense crowd with doomed nepointment, however. SS- the tate of the Water, cauena by a eeze blowing from the south, a 1 it impracticable to commence aeeordingly.it was postponed zelav, when the great but race Wellaee Ross, champion of the ..Provilicta, and Edward Han- ' onto, the victor in t110 Cen- ampien race. which has been Tly centemplated for the last ten mine off on the bav. The crowd t sensilkly clinsiniehed in numbers Ie vast gathering disappointed on Hanlan, the Toronto chain- •-azine in first by upwards of 200 • svinning an easy victory, much disappointment of the sturdy runswicker and iiia friends and s. The extitement at St. John, vas intense during Monday fore- onsequence of the boat race. eet in front of the electrio tale- ..flice was thronged with people ' the result of the contest. Even he news came announoine that was fifty yards ahead: men OCTOBER 10, 1.-877. were rashly betting en Ross whenever they could getoopponents. The final TEEE MARKETS. news was received with much chagrin, said many ittributpd Boss' defeat to the accident which happened to his boat. Some, loath to believe the tidings, lingered by the office till darkness satin. is saidthat upwards of $75,000 °hang. 4ad. hands in Toronto alone. —On some of the Western railroads a .colored porter is employed on all passen- ger trains, whose duty it is to wait on ladies and. children. His duties are the same as those of sleeping coach. porters. If this practice could be adopted. on all our railroads it Would be a valuable help to ladies travelling alone.. —The trial of William, Elope, forern- • sozzlement, commenced at the Ham- ilton. Assizes on Wednesday of last week, lasting through that and the following day, .and•continued on Friday morning when the jury returned the verdict of 4( Guilty" on two out of the; three in- dictments with Which he was charged. Tohe was prisoner,char,4edsras ouri thref111 11 e inodicet- y rateenatalwakteh embezzlinga ilnotfrom the firm of Hurd & Roberts, wholesale marble deal- ers in that city. From the prominent social position previously occupied by the accused—he having been an active ana zealous worker in Church and. Sun- day School matters, as well as a general favorite with all with whom he was in aey manner assoeiated—a great deal of • sympathy is expressed for him, as well as great ciuiosity to know the result of the trial. The Court -room was crowd- ed throughout the trial. 1.11 opening the case Mr. Idington, the Crown coun- sel, occupied one hour and a half in laying the MSC before the jury. Hope was sentenced to five years on each, count, in the Provincial Penitentiary. mommusmams...am Local Notices. TEIRTY VIOLIN SIERINGS for 61, at M. R. Connie:len. 515 Mn. E. HicxsoN would intimate that % there are some aceanmts not yet paid—and some very small amounts. Call hi at once and square esp. 515 Wan HILL & Co.—G-rocery Depart- raent ; 11 poands good sugar. for $1, 18 pounds raisins for $1. a lot of very cheap brooms, 25 cents each. Wm. HILL & Co. 515 New Finet—Ilioxsos & BLEAsDELL.— 'Fresh Drugs and Medidnes. Dye Stuffs, Fancy Goods, jewelry, Woks and Watohes, at Bottom Prices. See advertisement. 515 A MARE, Low Buggy, Cutter and Har- ness for Sale cheap at once. Brick Dwelling House for sale or rent on Victoria Square, also for sale three vacant lots on -victoria Square, the property of Mr. John Hickson. Apply to E. nICESON, Sea - forth. 616 - CARD oa THANES—Alexander David- son, Proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, tenders his sincere thaelvs to his Commereini friends and the publie generally for the liberal patronage he has hitherto received, and begs` to ins tbnatethat having renovated his house he is in a position to offer tbe comforts of a 1411 -regulated and first-class hotel. A. Davidson desires to ex- pre.ss his acknowledgments to the farming com- munity for their large and increasing patronage, and to assme them they will &ways fain a liber- ally supplied table in the dining room, and liquors of the best quality, and choice cigars in the bar. Roomy stabling and lock -rip coach houses. A handsome billiard room, and a livery in connec- tion. 514-g . Auction Sales. Monday, Oct. 29, on Lot 1, Con. 3, Ttickersmith, Fano. Stook and. Trnple- ments. James Kelso°, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer!. Tuesday, Oct. 23, on Lot 22, Con. 13, Hilabert, Farm Stock and Implements. Samuel Humeston, proprietor; Thomas King, auctioneer. Tuesday. Oct. 30, on Lot 28, Con. 10, McKillop, Farm Stockand Tmplenaents. Joseph Kinney, proprietor; John Bul- lard, anotioneer. Tuesday, Oct. 30, at the aif-Way House, McKillop, Foam Stook, Imple- ments, &e. Charles Davis, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, aaictioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 31, on the farm of the proprietor, Gravel Road, north of Davis' Hotel, McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements. Robert Smillie, pro- prietor J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. 7, at the Commer- cial Hotel, Seaforth, an Improved Farm,, being Let 24, Coro 8, lgoKillop. Robert Menarey, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. Thursday, Oct. 25, on Lot 28, Cm 1, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, Farm Stook and Implements. Wm. Wasticott, proprie- tor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. • Thursday, Nov. 8, at Sdatorth, Thirty - One Town Lots. Thomas Adams, pro- prietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Thursday, Nov. 15, on. Lot 6, on. 1, Stanley, Farm Stook and. Imple- ments. Robert Bell, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Friday, Oct. 26, On: Lot 6, Con. 4, Stanley, Farm Stook and Implements. John McDiarnaid, proprietor ; S. P. Brine, auctioneer. • Frialav, Nov. 2, on Lot 26, Con. 4, L. R. S., tuckersnaith, Farm Stock, Im- plements, and Household Furniture. James Forsythe, proprietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Saturday, Oet. 27, at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, Valuable Town Lots. J. H. Carter, proprietor; 3. P. Bring, auctioneer. ' Saturday. Oct. 27, on Lot 29, Con. 5, Hibbert, Farm Stock and Implements. James Quinlan, proprietor; A. Bishop, auctioneer. • ...,==•••••••••••••••••••=MONINSM.• Births. • SCOTT. --In Seaforth, on. the 16thinetnthe aifc of Mr. Archibald Scott,of a son. Men:ACM-ITO:al.—In Brussels, on . Monden, Oct. lst, the wife of Mr. D.11.1eNaueliton, of a .1son. HAMILTON.—in 'Myth,. the -'11th . inst., the wife of Mr. Charles Hamilton, of a son. NNINDMILL.—In Wawanosh, on the 10th inst., .the wife of Mr. jrnees Windmill, of a daugh:-- - CUMMLnKn—in Tuckeremith. on Oet. 14tb, the , wife of Mr, Wm. Cumming. of a son. ELGIE.—In Tnekersznitli, oct. In the wife of Mr. Wm. Eigie, of a datighten... • Marriages. SMITH-eCAMPBE',LL.—On the 10th hist, b,s. the Rev. J. Fergueon, Oliver Smith to. Elizaeith . Campbell, all of Brussels. GIBSON—EDEN.—In Tuelversruith, on the 16th inst., at the reeidenee, of the bride's father, by Rev. W. F. Campbell, Mr. Hourv Gibson., of seanorth, to 14es Mary Eden, of Inekerszeith. SIIUTE—BALKWILL.----On Um 98.8. inst., by the Rev. W. J. Butcher, at the residence of the brick's father, Mr. George B. Shute, of Miehin =Moine:Ay of Exeterd to Mary jane of Exeter_ BAYCROFT—HITTCHiSON.—lat Listowel. on the 9th iust., by the Rev. X. W. Bell, M. A., Mr. Thomas. Hayeroft, of Brussels, to Miss Jane An Hutchison, of Grey- TON—WATSON.—.&t the residence of the bride's father. Chillicoehe, Mo., on the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. A. !Pinkerton, Mr. L. Ben- ton, of Chillicothe, to Mary E., eldest daughter of jr. Joseph Watson, formerly of Chilton. Deaths. LATTIMER.—In Seaforth, on Oct, 1, Margaret Ifirailouzsa17days. leo,infaanotda.ughterof Mr. T.Lattimen aged 4 DOLMAGE.—On the 15thinst. suddenly, at the residence of her son -ba -law, ifs. John • McCort- ney, afaitland concession, Goderieh township, Mrs. Cathariue Dolmage, aged 77 years. THE HURON .EX. 0$IT01.1. Fall SE.AFORTH, October 18. 11877- SpingWheat, ............ .... 1 15 to', 1 IS 8 A 1 05 to •1 12 Spring Wheat, Red Ohaff,per bush. • Oatsper buehol. . eo...0...8e. .ea. .......... 0 55 ttoi 1867t Butter, No. 1, 200.;,, ja; .. . 340 to 8505 Peas tBarloyier brh .... EfFIE3ii tuoyto e: r.o. barrel. /. . ... ................ )60 110 21760 to 806 151820i seltaot itdao t(go cr.:. kat. ,at. n sup. r.. 093 500009 ttt000 1050 700005 Salt (wholesale) pe b • • • • ....... 75 Sheep er .. : ... . ... 0 26 to 0° 8°05 Oatmeal v. brl • 6 50 to 6 00 CLniToN, Oct. 18, 1871 • Fall Wheat, per bushel . ....... 1 10 (n) 1 18 SPring.Whoftt, perbashe•1•• • 1' 00 ® 1 10 Oats, per bushel..• • • ... • 0 30 ® '0 si Barley,per bushel Peas, per bushel 0 40 ® 0 65 0 58 ® 0 60 Butter. .... 0 16 ® 0 17 Potatoes. 0 25 ® 0 80 •Eggs' 0 12 ® 03 Hay, per ton, 9-00 g 1000 ,Cheese Markets. WOODSTOCK, °Oct. 17. ----Seven factories registered four thousand eight hundied boxes; holders ask 13c to 13c; buyers are not offering over 12ic ; no sales re- ported. London. Market. LONDON, Oct. 18.—Fall wheat, per 100 lbs., 41 95, to 62 10; spring, $1 30 to $1 90; oats, 900 to 92c; peas, $1 00 to $1 1�; barley, 90c to $1 14; butter, per lb., 20c to 24c; eggs, per dozen, lfc to 20e. • Toronto Market. TORONTO, Oct. 18.—Fall wheat, per bushel, $1 20 to $1 27 ;•spring $1 08 to $1 16; barley, 45c to 65c; oat's, 35c to 36c; peas, 68c to 72c; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $5 to 5 50; butter, per lb., 190 to 22c; eggs, per dozen, 17c to 18c. • • Montreal Horse Market. A fair business has been done in horses during the past week, about '22 having been disposed of at &talon ttt prices ranging from $23 to l70;$and by private sale a superior hunting horse realized $205, a fine bay saddle horse $225, one carriage horse $200, two dp. $175 each, and. one 4150. Tbirteen horses are being shipped. to England by the Allan steamship Moravian, by My. Grand, of Toronto. - ave boLenivlsereaSktoa range :being from $2,75 to $3. lIl fair to choice, $5 25 to $5 50 ; common grade's neglected and hard to sell. noticeable; Canada 'Aruba, $5 to $5 12..;Yorkers, common to fair, $5 to $5 25 , good to choice, $5 30 to $5 40 ; heavy dull, no sales. Hogs-, market dull; BUEEALO, Oct. 17.—Cattle.--Market rg ots. Second-class have been quiet, b t vere wanted offering, and prices ha e lass have remained steady at $3 50 to n consequence of the cool, weather, ew reaclaing the top figure. Iliad class teady at $4 to $4 50. Lambs.—Fixst- low of sale and rather Weak at $3.62 lad. for shipment, and buyers could Gamely any have been offered. Seo- • nd class have been in fair supply, but o $4, accoring to quality, with very hieep, $4 to $4 50. 5 DA., or $4 50 per cental for shippi 5 to $5 75 for lots dressing not under ave been selling rather mere reaSily nt there have been quite ae many as e had; prices ha'ire been steady at $5 3' 75oyes remaining after the first piqk . for picked. Second-class . Or een no firmer, than. last week, t e ave been found at $4.60 to $5, but een wanted both for the local market beep.—First-class have been in d and for shipment, but scarcely any to TORONTO, Oot. 17.—Firit class have Sheep and Laanbs. — Better feelirg at 75 Mmartoke3ts10. ; mid 1 ' hird-class or culls have been sell, ng freely at from $2 75 to $3 10. HOGS—Have been freely offered, bilit have been quiet and not nruch wante .; prices stand at about $4 25 to $4 10 per centa4. • . "MONTREAL, Oct. 16.—Cattle —Prices ranoed from $3 to '$4 per 100 pounde. Buffs were sold at less than §2 pert 100 pounds. H. Gould sold. 17 cattle fir $500. J. Stone sold.a pair of 'oxen fpr $110, and 12 other cattle at from 528 to bulls at $19 eaoh, 2 seep $34 each. W. Latimer sold 5 oxi at 50 each, two at $45 each, and 7 dry cows at -27 qaoli. R. 3. Hooper sold 4 steers for $210, 2 for $9p, and. 9 others for $470. rth. Head sold 9 cattle at $33 each, fer $170, i and 3 for $125. The prices pf hides have gone up considerably. No. 1, inspected, are $9 to 49 50; No. F„ 48 to 18 po ; and No. 3, $7 to V 50 per 100 pounds. Calf skins, 12c per porn. Sheepekitns, 65c to 85c each. a A SPLENDID CHAN6t • CHEAT AUCTION SAE TOWN 1..,OrTS IN SEAFORTH. . I Its E. J. P. BRINE has been 8:stinc10d by Mr.j THOMAS ADAMS to tsell by Public .pn • THURSDAY -NOVEMBER 8, 1877, At 10 onto*. .A.M., on the Grounds, 31 BUILDING LOTS. Eleven of these Lots face on Huron Street, and t remaindef on James Street, first street with o Hurou Street. • HE LOTS ARE ALL RICH AND DRY, itb good cellar drainage, and aro Harland ip t e most convenient and pleasant part of thle t wn. The streets running through the prop. e ty are the full width of 66 feet. PLANS OF THE PROPERTY C n be seen at a t y time at the residence of thr p oprietor. • TERMS OF SALE. One -Tenth of the purchase money on the day of sale; the balance iu two eqaal annual inebal- • ents, with interest at 6 per cent. per annum, to h secured by mortgage on the propertyif desired. THOMAS ADAMS, PROPRIETOIn J P. BRINE, AUCTIONEER]. leITOCII _FOR SALE. HOROUGHBRED SHORT -HORNS For Sale comprising, Cows, HeUers, ar d one Red Bali C It 10 months old. For further particulars ap- pl to W. J. BIGGINS, Elrahurse, Clinton, O t. 515x4 tri\ro_Aa\T • T_TINT-0.4.3-1\T}, 'IMPORTERS /..r3 --D DEALERS IN TAPLE. AND F-ANCY DRY GOODS • MILLINERY AND CLOTHING. WE HAVE much pleasure in stating Mat our Fall and Winter Purchaees are to hdnd, and " that we are fully prepared to meet our numerehe customers and friends. In doing so w simply affirm that at no former thee has ourintock been SO ATTRACTIVE ORSO LARGF, Having Imported the bulk of our Stock direct from the Manufacturers in the Old Conn. ry, and are prepared to show our easterners Good. Seasonable and Fashionable Goods at a Becluotiqn of from 10 to 25 per oent of former prices. 12,A.ID4 _AND 12,MMM3E3 1R0 All Wool Scarlet Flannel, 20 cents to a cr6nt FLANNELS. Heavy All Wool Checked Flannels, 374 cent ; White Flannels iu Saxon and Welsh, 25 cents up. REMOVED. .REMOVED. RNIO.VHED, TI-10MA.S HAS REBtIOVED HIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR STORE TO Tgp, FIRST DOOR NORTH OF KIT LORAN & RYAN'S, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, ONT., • WHERE HE WILL CONSTANTL KEEP ON HAND A CHOICE STOCK OF WIN 'ALE AND PORTER... -BOTTLED S AND LIQUORS, AND IN WOOD. HOTEL KEEPERS AD OTHERS Are Requested to Call and Examine htsi Stock and Prices Befor Purchasing El8ewh4,re. LApIES' SUItINGS. Waterproofs in. Grey, Black, Gold, Green, S Checks, 75 cents to $1 .20 ; -Ulater Coating, self • checks, Matalasae Clotl for Mantles, $1 40. ri col • sand „as• Nand LINENS. Table Linens, Damask Pattern 30 cents up; 430 -inch Bleached Pelton Cotton, 124 cents; White Tow41s, $1 per dozen ; Bath To-wels. 1 OUR SHOW ROOM IS -NOW OPEN. - EXAMINE OUR STYLES AND PRICES. HOSIERY. Just Arrivedi a Large Stock of Ladies and Misses' Striped Hose, from 124 cents to 50 cents; Canadian 4ibbed Hose in Brown,'Girey and Scariet, sizes from one tear old up; Kid Gloves, and 2 -button, in black and eo 1 NOVELTIES. Ladies' Silk Ties in all new colors, from 8 cents to 75 cents; Ladies' Collars and Cuffs in all new shapes ; Twenty Different Styles of Frilling, froth. 10 cents up. DRESS GOODS. Black and Colored Cashmere, from 60 cents up; See our New Drese Goods at 20 cents and 25 eents—t ey are value for 28 cents to 30 bents. One Hundred": lefts of Wincey, in all the best colors, from 7 cents to 25 cents per yard,. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. , - HATS, CAPS, R 1441) 17:MADE CLOTHING AND GROCEBIES. 70DUCE TAKEN HIGHEST PRICE PAID DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. W.A.JDTDMJ az 00., S.A.POIRITT-3. SPECIAL ADVERTISEM, ENT TO THE LADIES AND TO THE GENTL OF SEAFORTH AND SUBBOUNDIN6 COUNTRir. ' IF YOU •INTA.NT TO BUY CHEAP DRESS GOOI1S, IN ALL THE NEW COLORS AND THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, CALL AT • Vt;ADDELle, & CO's. IF YOU WANT TO GET GOOD WINCEYS' CALL AT WADDELL & CO'S. IF YOU.liVANT A FASHIONABLE MANTLE QALL AT ADDELL & CO'S. IF YOU WANT TO BUY STY - LIS FI FELT OR FANCY LUSTRE SKIRTS 'CALL AT 'WADDELL & CO'S. IF YOU WANT • TO BUY THE - NEWEST 8 YLES IN CLOUDS 0 R- FISCHUBS, AND AT LOW PRICES, CALL AT - DDELL & CO's. IF YOU GLOVES 0 AND CLOT NEW COL FOR AT WANT To BUY KID THE BEST Q1JAL1 GLOVES IN ALL TE RS, CALL AT,, W DDELL & CO'S. CH AP FLANNELS CALL WfkDDELL & FOR -4THE BEST TABLE LINEN IN TH MARKET CALL AT WADDELL & CO'S. FOR THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF BL N-KETS AND onus CALL AT - WADDELL & IF YOU WANT A CHE GO TO WADDELL & HAT CO'S. IF YOU WAIST A NOB GO TO WADD LL & YHAT CO'S. IF, YOU WANT A PERFECT FIT- TING DRESS SHIRT GO T WADDELL & OO'. IF YOU WANT CHEAP AND GOOD UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAW- ERS GO TO WADDELL_ & opFs. IF YOU WANT TO1GET FIRST CLASS FITTING SUIT GO TO WADDELL. & CO'S. • IF YOU WANT A FASHICNABLE OVERCOAT GO TO WA DELL & 09'S. IF YOU WA TT A :NICE S ARF OR TIE GO T e WA DELL & C S IF YOU WAI T GOOD M ING COLLARS GO 0 WA DELL & C S. • IF YOU WA GO TO WA '1 CHEAP T VBEDS DELL & .1 NT TIP TO[P BUF- ND HORSE BAN - DELL & C 'S. IF YOIT W FALO ROBES KETS GO TO OCTOBER 17th 1877. WA L cf3Z 0 MAIN STREET, SEAF RTH. L ORDERS LEFT AN KILLORAN & RY N'S WILL BE ATTENDED TO ON THE SHORTEST T 1 TICE. All Goods Delivered in Town ree of Charge. MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. j Til MAS D. RYAN. 1\T"C2ST FIRM. MEAL ESTATE itrom,.11.41aag- PROPERTY FOR SALE. ---For Sidenthete011- -i• vennent and desirable reaidence on th9-harn„e! of High and Market Streets, lately ectorpind fri Dr. Vercoe. Apply to DR. VERCOE. 488 SPLE.n.IDID FARM FOR SALE.—For salefLet No. 6, Concession 7, Ilullett, eontaining 100 acres, with the exception of some village- lots, sit - tutted close by the sillene of Hinbuin, na0a from Seaforth, and 8i miles from Clinton, with pen. gravel roads to both. Never -failing water, an orchard e,ontaining some 200 trees. Comfort- able house, good barn and sta.bles, fences in pod, repair, 90 acres under cultivation. For further partienlees apply on the premises, or by postto the proprietor, R. N. ADA Constence P. 0. 5011 panar FOR SA T.E.—Being Lot 18, Con. 4, L. R. S., Tuckerstaith, containing 100 aeres about SO of which are cleared and in extellent 'cultivable condition. There is a frame barn, log stable, and. good log house on the premises, also good orcband and two good wells. The bush land on Ibis tar* is the best in this section of the country. The tennis situated. within 8 miles of Rippen, a sta- tion on the London, Huron and Banes Railwani. fold 6rniles from Seaforth. For further pardon - Uri apply to AinEXA_NDER LIVINGSTONE, on theprenuses, or to Enipen P. O. • 615 ATALUABLE S'Altal FOR SALE IN EAT WA - 1' WANOSII.---The owners offer for Sale the East half of Lot 32 in the let Concession, East Wawanosh on the Manchester and Blyth grand road about two miles from Manchester, contain- ing 100 acres of which 65 acres aro cleared and about .free from stumpste and the bsace veell tim- bered with hardwood. The soil in excellent and in good condition. There is on the land a good hewn log house with good cellar; log barn, good. well, circhara &e. Title perfect. TERMS.—$3000 cash, balance on reasonable credit seethed by nfort at 6 per cent. Apply to JOHN InAERN sq., Goderich, and the undersigned, GARROW, AMER 4 RADENHURST, Vendors Solicitors. 50:n8 - — IMPORTANT NOTICES. T• nRESSVARTNG.—Dressmaking done in the Latest Styles, and a‘good fit ensured, at MISS QUINLAN'S Rooms, over Watson's boot and shoe store, in Mrs. 3Iarkey's Meek. 615 inTOTE LOST.—Lost, a Promissory Note dated .1" Januar y 18th, 1876, amounting to $50, with. interest from date at 6 percent,, given by !fenny Steinbach in favor of Henry Toes, payable in 9 months after date. The public are hereby cau- tioned not to negotiate said note. as payment is to be made to tbe subecriber. HENRY VO013, Zurich P. O. 515x4 HICKSON & BLEASDEL1_, SEA FOI3T1-1. J-07 LECKIE', General Loan ana Real Estate i gent. Gram, Produce and Commission Mer - 1 chant. Money loaned on real-estate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charge* moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Mutated mart aid off Te t b We beg leave to inferm our old customers and the public generally that we are carrying on the Bathe business and at the setae well-known stand of E. Hickson & Co., and we hope and :1 Are determined, by Strict Attention to Business, Re to merit the confidence of' the peop gagesP . rzas o suitorrowers. Fannie and village property for sale. Office— Leokie's new beiok block, Brussels, Ont. 1515s WANTED.. • .n • sonable Prices, dc., GIRLS WANTED.—At the EfeCutoheon Hotel, 'an Brussels, two good Girls,for &amber maid anddiniug room. Good. wages. Apply to W. McCUTCHEON, Binsaols. 515x4 GIRL WANTED. ---Wanted, in a private family OUF STOOK OF DRUGS AND OHEMICALS eral homework. Good wages. Apply to =Se a good and active gill wile understands gene W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. 615 Is completeand of the -Purest Quality, being carefully selected from the best markets. Also a j ] Well Assorted Stock of , Patient Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Toilet Articles Pipes, POCKET BOOKS, TRUSSES, SPONGES; SPECTACLES, WATOHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WAR,E, CUTLE.ItY, &c 1, Don't forget the old stand next to DUNCAN & DUNCAN'S, Seaforth. I • HICKSON & BLEASDELL. N. B.--,Wfitches, Clocks and JeWelry Repaired by FirsteCIas Worknimit, and all work guaranteed. WIir LIAM HILL & Co., StAFORTH. TITS`11 A LOT OF ALL WOOL TWEEDS, 25 CENTS PER !YARD. IN THE MAR ET. za)TogglprETHEI - WILLI M HILL & '1111E CHAT 'BOOT4 AND SHOE WEARING RUBLIC SHOULD CALL AT WATSON'S BpOT AND SHO OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ivx_A_ai\T s-R_A_Poita7 11, WHERE— BOOT AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS WILL BE F?UND At Immense Reductions on the Ersu,al rice& HE H S MOVED I WHO HAS IVIOViED ? EPI. DJT1\T AS MOVED into the Store lately. known as Arnistronget Book everybody to call and inspect his splendid stock of DRY GOODS an and Fresh, imported direct! from makers. He has almost everything that y price too. PLEA • JJ e&8 Goo Ladies' TJ E BEAR IN MIND THAT THE s in all the Neu) Colors, kets in the .Newest Styles, tore, and would invite MILLINERY, AU New a want and. at the right LACE FOR Shaw/8 of the ery ,est 1 Millinery and Afantle Gdpds„ at DENT'S, and don't forget the LADIES' FURS, of which he has "-wice as large and varied al Steck 11 8 any other bonse west of Toronto, end CAPS to match, if deeired. Being now in commodious premises, Mx. Dent bas. added several departments to his; trade, and will be very happy to show yon through. PLEASE CALL. A Fall Stopt of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR of Every Sind. rinEACHER WANTED.--Wantednto cominenera 4- duties on the first of January, 1878, for &shoot Section No. 5, Stanley, a Male Teacher holding a second -or third-class certilioate. Good references required. Appnications, stating salary desired, will be received until the drat of December. A.p- ply to JOHN MANSON, Blake P. O. 515x4 SALES. PAPROVED FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION -I- —Mr. J. P. BRINE has received it:tetra-et/one from Ian ROBERT MENAREY to sell by Pablie Auction, at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEA - FORTH, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7112, at 1 o'clock P. M., that valuable improved farmibeing East heti of Lot No. 24, Con. 8, MeEillop, con - tattling 50 acres, 40 acres of -winch are cleared, in a good state of cultivation and well fenced, the 191110.13Ce is timbered with hardwood. On the premises there ie a frame house 1844. and *new frame bon 82x50. The farm Is situated within half a mile of the thriving village of Winthrop, and is convenient to churehes, sehools, stores, and grist and saw mills. Possession given on the first of April, 1878. TERMS—$100 eask downon the day of the sale, and the balance in. • 13 months thereafter, with suitable eecurity. ROBERT MENAREY, Proprietor; 3.1'. BRINE, Auctioneer. 515 IstrOCK WOK * OTICE TO BREEDERS.—The undersigne& has a well-bted Suffolk Boar, which will stand. far the improvement of stock on Lot 28, Con. Ifibbert. Terms—$1, payable at the time -of service, with the privilege of returning if moss - sexy. ISAAC TOWNSE:ID, 515-6 lES'IlltAY sir tfeli, 1,ZST1tAY STEER.—Came into the premises of 44 the undersigned, Lot 26, Con. 4, It. R. Tockersmith, about the first of June, a red and white yearling Steer. The owner is requested to prove, property, pay ebarges and tate it away. j CHARLES RObTLEDGE. 516x4 _ IN CHANCERY—COLEMAN AND ROSS. Chancery Sale of Valuable 7.1.022 Proper- ty in the TOttat of Seiforth, U PRSUANT to the decree made in this caufes -1- bearing date the Fourth Day of March A. D. 11376, there will_be sold by Henry MaeDermott, insq., Master of the said Court at Goderien, at the Commercial Hotel, in the said Town of Seafortb, at the bout of 2 ennock in the afternoon on SATURDAY, the 8rd day of NtsVEMBER, the following lands and premises, situate. lying, and being in the Town of Seaforth, in the County o1 Huron, and being eoraposed of. town lot num- ber twenty-five, and the next"), half of lot number twenty-six, as marked on a plan of part of said town, made for the nionlialock estate by G. McPhillips, I'. L. S., and duly registered. On the land is erected a large two-story frame building, known as Hays Hotel, with barn, stables, and other out -buildings, aU in good repair. The property is satiated °tithe Ease side of Main street, in the said Town of Seaforth, be- tween the Commercial Hotel and the Grand Tnink Railway Station. The property will be pet up at an tame price of eleven hundred dol- lars. The purchaser at the time of sale will be iequired to pay a deposit in the proportion of $10 for every $100 of his purchisomoney, to theaVen- dors or their solicitor, and to pay the balance el his purehase money into Court within one month thereafter, and he will be also required to 842,813. agreement for the completion of his purchase. Is other respects the "conditions of sale will he the standing conditions of the Court of Chan- cery, Further particulars and -conditions of .ale may be obtained upon application to J. 11. Ben - 8011 Dun and Ideesrs. McCaughey & Holmested, Solicitors, all of the Town of Seaforth. Dated Octeber 17th, 1877. IL MACDERMOTT, Meaner at G oderieh. J. H. BENSON, Esq., 'Vendors' Solicitor. 515-8 _. . . EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE ATTUE- HALF-WAY H 0 USE, McK LLOP, On TUESDAY, OCTOBER nOth. <, as- R. J. P. BRINE has reeeived instractions -Lnia from Mr. C. DAVIS to sell by Publie Auc- tion bis entire Farm Stock and Implements, eine sinning of 10 horses and colts—there are some ex. eellent diive s anion -a5 this lot; 25 bead of ehoice young raded cattle, a lot of good breed.- ing Pign, .Boar erne f3ws—eorne real prizetakera, also a lot of good farming implements, including 1 sawing machine, 1 grain crusher, I large straw cutter, with carriers all driven by the sarne horse power; theie will also be sold. 1 melodeon, nearly new. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Re- freshments served on the grounds. For particu- lars see hend.bills. 515 CARD OF THANKS. y BEG leave to express my thanks to the Onl- cera and Directors of the Usbortte and Hibbert Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the proinptnoss with which tbey paid my claim for losses by the recent fire on any premises. On Alio 27th of September my stables, granary arm contents were destroyen by lightning, and OA the 16th but. 1 reeeived from N. J. CLA.BK, the Treasurer, the whole amount of *nly clSixn, ViZa: $900. If I was unfortunate in sustaining a lose, I was also very fortunate in being insured in a Corapatay whose motto seems to be "To deal honestly and promptly -with al! its 31 -embers.' Yours Respectfully, JAMES Intetantnim. Hibbert, 001. 15,1877. J515