HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-10-12, Page 3OCTOBER 12, 1877. STOCK. FOR SALE. 3 FOR SALE. -For sede, °heap., several working and driving horses, young and Apply to SCOTT BROTHERS, Sea. 509 PIECIFTeil AltTittlitelEal • LDERS.-8and, Stone, and Gravel for -.orders left with jamea Edwards or Lee will be promptly attended toe , guRRrE,settorta. 481 AND- FELT MI/,L-INERY.-MIlan • be to annonnee to the- ladies oa vicinity that be ie prepared to ate 1 orders for Strew' and Felt Millinery, Stamping, de. Perfect Satiefeetion • Booms-thoee lately oceapied by eve, Ou. Goderieli Street, near the Chareli. 5134 SetteEte. k1/4; SALE :OF FENCING TIMBER:- undereigrald wi/1 offer for sale the, time out *acre, of swamp, eoneiseing prin- ceder ana black aeb, suitable foe poste . on SATO...DAY, October I8th, at 2 em.yoppeside the lot; vie., Notttt half r. A, Turnbeere, beina on the Gravel north of Jamestown_ and 3 tallea AVroxeter. Particulere afterwards by aAXES' STRETTON, Auctioneer ; DOUGLAS, -Proptietor. 511-4, ',sex FARni FOR SALE BY PUBLIC KION. -There wilt be sold* ny Publics BRUCIEFIELD, on TUESDAY, Oc- e, I, o'clock P. M., Lot No. 11, Con. 4, ntaiaina 100 aeres, 65 cleared- The geed aeal Of eedar arid ; the ;erea geod trete° belief), with cellar and aud primp convenient; the barna Pan Are log; there ite- a good thriving a full bearing: -there ie aleo good pas- iehplenty ex shade tree a and a never - ream a water- le 3 Innen from Bruen- Lon (rad a mks troi. Seefaren and malt ems -Oat -Tenth part of the purchase Vac dav a sale, toed enough to Wake Pon the first of Jentuery, /678, Time eaelafor the belence at 6 per ceat. JOHN ALL, Proptie- or; 3. P. BRINE, Ana. 510. P1flTAi1 NOTICESe pereou Laving elairrts against 'aerate of ate late Robert esettonigai, L by note or book aceotiet wil. plenne earae to either of t'ae undersigned Ex. eetete Din or before the arse day oe le7a. IiIIEW I3EATTIE, 1VIL- TH. 5121.4 S nle melee -- eel wish to itaintate to the fenning Com. t1.131.11NVhIg purehseed one c f Drover:Int id Clever Seed Threehere, they are pre,. ‘Dc'D fer any ate, raav require aiees. Good wark warraarttei, an ehergea Fa, ISA -AC & WILLIe/DELAND-, 5-13X4 E is hereby given that application. will iade to the Parliament of Canade,nt the iton thereef, by JOHN -AlOONEY, of the aliaton, inathe County of Huron, in the Outario drover, for a triu of Divorce AN:N • rOONEY, his wife, late of •the Careea afereseid, on the ground of- : Janet', at the Town of Clinton. the 3Rtb, :Zniv, A. D. 1t77. SOHN MOONEY, S• leINTYRE 6.-; FERGUSON, Solici- 5.pplicaut. .507s26 - - PA.F.TNERSHIP.-Notlee ' r• eby gin. re that the partuership hereto- eletbe between us, the undersigned, aa in the Yiaeee oWrexeter, has been this "ailead lee inqual consece. .3_11 debts the eaid pertnership tire to be paid to n. le Gibson, at Wroxeter aforesaid, arid ttpirett the mad pareatrship are to be a. to the seid Alexantler L. Gibson.by a sante will be settle -1. Deted at Wrox- let day of October, 1s77. A.I.EXANDER eetnen ROBERr CL aRK14.1. Witneee- illaSON- a1s4 b.:0321C.1 !;COTT, aff. D. eac., Physician, Surgeon and (-amateur, St abeetin Ontneeifnce and reed! nth side of Gatlerich Street, that door [resieeteriaa Chi:1min NM, !VERCOE, X. D., C..M., Physician, Stir, _ en, etc., Cormier for the County of Huron Reeldecee, ..ta Jarvis street IlOrtak* ereaelee eeertnia letaelie tielean. leAni M. D., lete of Inaefiela. tante - 1ui'u Sulgeou mat Accotteitent. t4e .o Trireinv College, aaetiaer (4 the itoeeil Cele. .e.• (.1' Par. ,atel Seretieue. Get. lintetten.ont. 485, treeno \Tit, M. l, i. C. M., fneduate of ea, l're 1`11yeteiari, Slat:Lou and !.- tilit. OirteC--LOWAIS 1;143,1i. he ely oectrenal by lir. Paeien, and tia. lett Dr. •Rine. Will ettend at 1:roak eu ineedieni it tel i•leye. 495 nal t1Hle. yet,. ;nary antretee-, Otitene tee ea. Vet. cieete neaten, eentortbe n el. 1 lee -int -we in reer 1irir. & , Ce1le aromptie eta -aided to. rtieht t els („: veterinary medieinee en band neva -1 I fearce exautined as to SOrtiati- i: Z't•rtifittei, gleert if requirea. 407 W. 1.1.nlal1, v. 8., up:dilate a the intit. V. t. tit ary College. After deeoting le enveliee with Profesetn nmith, of ite e b•'tied, ia See teeth. teeiee at hie a. rent et W. Citaveit. Celt- aromptIer day or night. A. lean! :dock el M.izits corleattitiy °aimed. Horses ;Is !u ..t-,naareee er. 1 text i le I tee, given ',by:a:41A au -Isola a etenteitelea. 424 - - ' DERP.XSIIIRE, fe D. a., • Sureaon Deraisa Gradate of 1' tin: neyal College of Dental Stitneens of -Ltinteria. Artificial n tie- exeetned. All surgieel opera, mett venni clue and pieneptitude, teas item fe Aelf. et 5 P. M. Itoome in Lintey'e new ?eriele lei tek, Mani fn-reet,. b. -1,/ege.a Tenni, IneI.T CAMEIZON, Darrieters, tit tale.> elteneery,ac.. tioderielt, ODb• Q . C., Philip UOtC LE*. Caen- -.506 salA LI., Cann eyareeca• arid Commie - /a -I. re 11. tz., ta'resee et. Auctioneer end e. Act etarte ana Lane; .cullected on - Lie ter me. z3,55 eiot LE. Barrieter, Attoreey, Salicitor eueery, Ili - .e., Gederieh area Seafortla. Of 1!14'S lare • See.. , rich. au& _ a e ela a, tN, lett-rite( is, atter- - e• :t.,,h catert •a. ea, clieten.„ •-• - r • t f the Law noyal lentie tettaiiit MttItt y : 1' u1.4 farm 1'7•I'S'N. t;. A _fa AMA in I_UtLMES1iEiii.thraAt. LW, Saliein-re n C;harcery and i (iee Publie an a ci.,L.royancors. tin 4. Cagan!, Settforth. Agentafor 411 A-alarm:tee Comptme-, a aateeter to lend at 8 per cent. Faentit JAY, allaY ant italtENIftriteat narriffr t.tMle :- t -I w. .41 n Chancery, .t.. ar t t late nite of inter-; L 1. •A Tr - in elem. -es.-- in Lenadaleal • ?nen ..-aitenn lawn et. 4. Ir. c, UgYER. W.J. 474- .(. r. szi:ieityr Ct.usolitiated Bank MEIER. Barristers and Attorney , Solicitors in Clateneery and Insoleencyt :cers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Se*. d lerneseli . ea23,000 a Private Funda to t mace, at Eight per ceatt, Intetest, payable fia :lioN Iw. C. MEYER. ove final ham this day been dissolved by eraisent. All, accounts due the firm tO tt)riir.Danspn who will pay all nail - 1076. JAMES If. BENSON. MAY- C. MEYER. na itSCM XeLANEOLTS. a XeCOLL, Solieitor, &e.„ Brussels. Office Leckie *a new brick building. 504-52 • ;Ey TO LEND -On, terme mere arlaaila Ootts than eve- before offered. A. SOlicitor, Brussels. 504059 OCTOBER, 12, 1877. waxed' the magistrates and jocke the peelers, when. it NS'itS odds ag his young friend, eo he went ; and. a good many deal he had gone tiff to enjoy his ill -go gains; but I never thought so; and of our men going to Chathaan to iden prisoner, saw Lytherlyin the unif of the ,Royal Engineers, and, j f had a glass of ale with him. The yo fellow said it was his only resour dig he could not, and to beg where was known would be in vain. He 1.. THE ed any mistake, she trips up stairs and re- though trying consistency of mould, has I turns with a basket, a small box and. a one weak point, one hobby for which brown paper parcel,- a cage d • Lily en- everything else may be neglected, iira , * c. ed cased in tissue, pin-punctur d, and 9, that -his garden. Round this he has en large ' reticule, which are pl ed with• pheno enel palings; and a gate of me - no scrupulous cars in the -cab, and the door diteval cast, a gardener specially re - y closed. She begs the man to be cant- tained to keep off little boys and slugs, rra ous that the horse does not start and labels on his shrubs which he illumin- ates in classic characters, and an. old t, mg 1 - he ent enters once more, returning after a long- , er interval, with a cat, a footaelarro.er, a large Rower pot, a bundle, and some books confined by a strap ; these are arraiagedinthe vehicle, the driver view- . his respects to me, and that was the nag the ceremony with an expeeesion a1 - last we heard for, a long time of the toeetherindescribable. Having ng rauraee. (Concluded Next Week.) bestowed a look of ineffable disgust at ed, "It is quite cool this morning," and the dxiver's sarcastic cast of floridness, A 'Morning in Covent Gard 311., and the maid aglain dashes to the re - London. serve, finally returning with agrbe of A man wheels a curidus machine fish, evbich, in the endeaver t carry the square; it .is upon wheels, a,n steadily while descending the steps im- stea,raeth ; Itie a contrivance of pa,rts a cross-eyed effect to her beauty, 1MA it beareth. insoript, "Hot co already unprepossessing by any light. pies and sausages.l. There is a s An angular being, with grissly ringlets, cupboard attached and. .it canted and. wraps beyond enumeration, brings mokery frOm this, having plante up the rear ; she has a venomous leek- ; apparatus, the man produces ing sunshade, with which. she pokes at cups sau.cers ; they are of solid ware the steed exclaiming,: "1 hope yer hoss ain't likely to run away, yo -ung man?" SOnae d.elay oacurs in consequence of the lady insisting upon the maid. bearing the aquarium upon one knee and. -the aviary upon the *other, end the cat between the two. A lounger drawn to the ,epiat offers to carry the entire cargo for iipenoe, but the lady implores the cab drive on to Chairing Cross. As t alca.de departs, one-two-41jre to it n, ee, all eth his make pottery music that might almost be heard at the other end of the hushed. and eehoing mterket. A pause, the man sUikes his oh.est after warming method, ties on a semi -w apron and. pokes at a little fire su ranean to the tip. works, and pima fork into a pate raising a pallid loo sausage .whicb he eyes with the aux scrutiny of a connoisseur and profes al cook. The representative dog s the odor of that sausage and its fell and comes sneaking round. the corn the tin, the proprietor of which a isters a vigorous correetive, and rub covers of his euite with an old ra,g for that purpose. Two men, coen sight, workmen, printers appare di • • • t 88 I) en the lite ter - 0118 1011 - ells ws, r of the ept ly-; they stop by the early raorning stell end. breakfast. A policeman tamps 8 est, and greets the old fellow of the ha et; then come a Couple of girls, young but not fair, andjooking very like ht g been out all night; maybe there are rea- Belle. One begs's, cup of coffee for the Wo, solemnly promising to pay ano her thne ; they have been locked ont, she explains, and are half dead with w ari- nese and hunger. Over the way a th- er stains nattking a stand. Merehan No. 1 indicates his rival opposite as of ore benevolent tendencies, and returns the dregs from the lest customer's- cup 1 a,ek te the can; whereon the lady who ath not spoken indulges in -a volley of o tb.s directed at this nee.rehant, his ewe and his coffee. Acclimatized, he only s es satirically, and winks to the m ket clock, which just then goes the ar- ter. Rumbling of wheels is heard, and presently aewagon laden high with as- kets, secured by ropes and covered vith a species of tarpaulin t into 'the meadraingle ; the tea' not high mettled, and, the N and. re -ns hang listlessly in thetwe ees hands. Under the influence ot or slunaber the man doesnot arouse til a sharp shout is heerd. and. the &Aim or 0 -Menai the Garden s out feom some mysterious recess, w he awakes tafter a long journey fr 'sweet tracts of field and garden land, ate- most profitable of all garden land, the market garden. And now, from the rear cof the edifice, tumbles one of the porter breed, and between the two the unlading *is accomplished, and. the freigb,tage spread in orderly divi ions upon the pavement.1 There is a to on °asciiasciiwagon of vegetable produce, and oia. each 'ion. of potatoes, which hel s to swell the revenues of the market, and the custodian jots down memoran a, in an official looking book. The first oolomn of smoke now w-nds upward from one of the early-sti ring hotels over Southa,rapton street ay ; and, Strendward, the gradual exte sion of hubbub creeps upon the ear, re ing, spreading with the salience of adv ne- ttle; waves; stealing upen one wi h •ai strength of increase that is• almost Ma- jestic, every minute adding to it, as one -two -three-four strikes wo ID • 111 88 18 man w.aoin he employs to walk retind his trees with a lantern during the night. He knows the exact age .01 the entire family, having bought them all himself, inthe G-arden; he has the best things, out Claptonway,to be foundunder name of box. and bay, sumach and sycamore, accede tend almond, escallonia and eu- onyiiup, hawthorn and. hollyamagnolia and d a alea b rb. o Th.e for the ing- Here i a gentleinan's gentleman -order- ing put bloom for the table.- There, a 1 le, olive and oleander, laurel Lac ; while his rhododendrons, TO -MORROW, , and kazaleas are famed Q the su- er. I ddle-aged man there is on htmt o ATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29 most choicebouquet of the mom- . will not enquire for whom. i HURON EXPOSITOli. 1877. 107. REMEIVIBUR THE cRAND OPENING -OF THE MILLINERY SHOW ROOM, fashion West i gilded ow. ✓ oke a iari ft ral ies. e la an to -t e efen- f -four t -five! Why, we are getting rig t into11 the day of this fragrant td. fresh autuni- nal morn ! The Gar enZlioStelries are open or opening, and those of the early business persuasion re in full draw, a raotley crew ranging from salesmen to water -cress- girls, being crowded -at the bars. Cabs in abundance rush up with those for the early trains, or _those for the early markets, which are a.6 this. time open and crowded; and, judging by the ?mise and shouting, the businessdone should be something considerable, and so it is, as all the world knows. It is oue of the most sweet and glowing places oftbusiness 1 The stalls of Damas- cus and high places of Ba,gdad,be'air no brighter show of color; all the bazaars of commerCe, in lands away East, famed over the breadth of the tmiverse for splendor, boast no more gorgeous array of color. One should come hither, were it not for the comenotion,and read Canti- cles, or Tennyson, er any other lovely nature lines that cease of poem. utter- ance only where the tend.erer epiritual light beats upon the stanzas: '! Not a quarter of an hour since and. all -this areawas deserted, and now a legion flocks Longacreway, so varied., we well xna,yterra it cosmopolitan. Everything is here. Italian mice boys, and they of the plastic art. from old Roman. courts, more dingy and more wretched. even ways, where the swart- able artiste in modes, whose salon always elegant With flowers and urniture hired in Southampton There, we see a retail dealer in es and fernerieia ; he also deals in And aquaria, window screens, nders, and. ether ornamental lux - And now observe for a moment y and her n3aid selecting the rus- e epergne. She is very beantiftil and stidious; the contrivance' must be sl- ed to her taste ; this coil =of wood vined the reverse way, that gilded mach and chain removed for the plume maiden-h.air fern. The 1%4 is au ' ent novelist, with a house like a iry bower, and. the isovereignty of an press. That stout, white -whiskered man has made a fortune on these flags ; he is a wire merchant ;• has cordoned the gardens, trellised. the lawns, and wired the walls of half the noble land- owners in England. The frumpy old lady in. spotted alpaca, and a lapful of -variegated bulbs, is a general grower of t ble requisites of the plainer sort. When le old. man, her husband, died. there little to leave save the onion reaches. ople thoughteout of hies way, there'd ha,ve been a tidy purse of yellow gold. But no; somehow, there was a garden, and that alone: The old- lady took it philosophically, and, planted celery, sprouts, broccoli, beet, marrow, kale and such like growth, and they thrived to- . gether. She is at her post every morn- ing, drives up in that light cart stand- ing third in the line, a journey from be- yond Stratford; a quarter of a league. The brisk buyer of flower seeds is la tradesinen. with two strong loves; one fpr family -a) smell brood nursay- yard ; and the other fur his garden - their heads, being on the •roof, a tradesman's garden in London, marigold n the leads and mush- rts than our London rooms in the oellr form the antipodes skinned most do congregate. French. a'bove 1112413' where is of cultivation. I 'liiPteare here with curious plants and still Thus the study,of the genus honw in on- more curious terra cotta; some with Covent Garden as diversified as a pa- = last night's newspapers ; 'one with a (remit De national un- tray of photographs, where the actreses I cus- are at high jinks with staid Republicans, A Black Hills Ad -venture. arts and the Pope lies face to face with tb.e f 'w days ape naan named Mont - hen - HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ALL ARE 1INVITED TO SEE THE FREE _ last brazen' debutante ed the Scarlet Let- gm oer Stub, hailing frona St. Louis, ter. Here hails one of Picardy -with pine had t ea singular and narrow escapes ; contrivances1 all feathery wit i fern, ; rolled , into one. He `left a camp 30 there a handsome lad. of the H rite Sft-i reties Pp the hillto bring letters here one with a peddler's wallet and jewelry, to post, and in t4ying to shorten the dis- old filigree we -A, and. Florentine craft, trireme a little hellost the regular trail or imitation. Right away by the en- and got into a, bad bit Of country. While trance of the Arcade stands a eed-cap- hunting for the treil he came across fresh ped Turk, with a tray of scented: pink signs of Indians and ;while hm:rying and yellow paekets. „ He has in his day out of the neighborhood he ran directly stalked the Balkan with the .most fear- upon a large brown bearl which :was less sportsmen of tb.e _Semen. range; sleepin on the sunny side of a thicket. The thicket was on aside hilletud Smith was ling at a good pace When ho turn- ed. th elerep. The beat was so near -when the man canghtsight of him that now he has come to tremping Loudon with odd parcels of fragrence, turning up in Covent Garden DA 5:45 A. M., and in Bayswater at the corresponding hour in the evenin,g. And yond.er is en Arab there was neitb.er time th halt nor with Plenty of rich hued scars'oven in °hence to tium. out, and bruin was clear - the of gold. Plenty of Irish about the market - a fewsnnt61)- - but ed by a flying leap. He xnade a stroke at Smith as he went over, inflicting a of our countrymen,- the English, ' slight scratch 011 one leg, and then . set the procession is charaeteristic to a degree. Take for out after the miner with the intention instance the olcl of eating him for dinner. The flight led man sitting on the up -turned. baskets. over broken groand, up and dawn a Already he has eleared, and now sits ri.d.ge,1 and then, along the base of a flush to the voiceful company of Loi don down. sharp, to drink the can. of tea his broken ledge. traffic. NVa,golasand. vans, °arts, tr eks, ..erandlaughter doubtless is preparing, and even barrows, now begin. to are before he must get back to his cottage or Knowing that_ the bear would soon la quick -succession, and the bust1s of shop with a bit of land. Not fer from overtake him, Smith had his eyes pool - the, da y commences ; quest- me in wdr horn, notice the welleessed Man with ed 'for some place of refuge, and he . , aprons ana fur caps, rough Eng and the ebony cane, a, [gentleman with a, found a good oneClose to the ground bound in corduroy; brawny wo nen taste for roses; not in the least preju- was a rift in the ledge made by part of with great baskets weighted and yer- diced., but deeming everything else that the rocks settling down or cramping iefs growls a mistake. He has a charming away, and the bear was not a hundred feet in his rear. There was no -time to bower near Fulham, wb ere he ctiltivates tea -scented china splendor of deep, rich (mess whether the crevice vies bie enough yellow, or creamy white, shaded with. salmon. ; he fills his, -lozenge beds with Moss -covered triumphs, • carmine, all a 0 almost a black. head, ana taaks to mad when people his hands proudly weightedeby roots ; girls, hanker° tied around h,ea,dswith.bundles of herbs; master gardeners early to the mart epick and span with clean collars; old fo- gies, with botany samples, which one would suppose -were never uprooted from the soil of this planet; strong, rosy-cheeked lads from the villages, where the bits of garden behind the cot- tages provide for the pig and the family; visits his house, rub, little girls with bundles of flowers, fair when standing en Cite hearth rug, and. as thethselves, wad looking none the says assuriugly, "You'll come and look worse for such early rising ; damsels at my roses?" And -they go with alac- from the water cress bed.s with the pro- rity, knowing about as much about the duce of whole reaches; end sturdy, ion- roses as do the sticks the latter are -wed- est lookiug sons of the soil loaded vith ded to. He.lia,s eBourbon of a feiry crime all the choice fruite in season. ' re- son the Horticultural Society Would as - fully nailed and stra,wed boxes packed sasinate him for; aid a whitelqueenly I with layer upon layer of sweet thin s in. bittern he calls the mperatrice Eugenie, foreign fruit, and others all jewel -1i snowv wool., A smell army of co velvet glow, and is He pate these ou th• them like children, -e in of which the people neat deer reserVe ters, the petals among old letter's, jind put nurserymen in every variety, propri. tors tempting vaseS on the window s .11 in the of monster graperies, proud growers of hope that he may occasionally present prize roses and artists in melons and a specimen or two with his compliments. pumpkins. The men who considers He is artistic, too, in,the arra,ngment of Kew an imposition, and swears he can ! the flowers about his rool!ne plaoes grow sturdier firs than -Norway the dense purple Patraene bloom ii natey other man who delightsni fancy names 'vases, and dazzling white noi •ettes 111 for 1de applee, and, has a pear called af-' aelt 1 • e", of a ech ed when tnto head than had ever lodged ' tet evert, Ito a ti y E . Here tho Sharon telt-lie deckell. the tables of I . eo a it the 111911 and too small to let the b ar in after -him, or - so small that the victim• would. there be -overtaken and d vo urea. Ho had. dropped -bus gun to aid his flight, ci,nd. running full speed he made a dive and went into the crev- ice head.. Bret, raking enough hide off his should.ers and back to make aspair of baby shoes. The bear wasn't ten seconds behind. him, and as Smith reached. the back end of the cave,which was not over six feet deep, the bear put its head into its meuth, and tried -t0 .Work in. his body. This he coulda't do owing to his stout shoulders, but for a, quarter of an ho r Montgomery Smith was the worst fri A:Merit:al..- There aim tle turn aro paled. to lie at fu ditened man in North was room enough for d. in, but he was corn - length and look into the fidlry eyes of fe bear which conld get withila. four feet of .him and wanted to oine nearer. . Bruin didn't glee up These Buggi(.s mast be sold at 'one° to make trying till he had. sadly cut and. bruised iiiiratlf against the stones end his snarls room for fall etoeknend win be geld Mid a -owls put more religious thenghts I here' before. The bear c9111ituf eet CHEIT FOR CASH. THE STOCK IS NOW CO PLFTE IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS FOR THE FALL TRADE COMPRISING ALL NOVELTIES THE MARKETS CAN PRODUCE. . • L ADIES' JACKETS AND JACKET CLOTH A SPEOLLTY FALL AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHE.EitP CASH STORE, Four Doors Smith of SEAFORTH. the Post orate. j • PRACTICAL • WATC1MIKER AND JEWELp. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE REPAIRING- OF FINE WATCHES. J EWELRY, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, PIPES, &c., Repaired Prompily and WARRANTED to Give Satisfaction. I HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST LETE STOCK OF Watch,e,s,,,iflwelry, and Clocks, Silver Plated Wc-z,re, Spectacles and Fancy ,GoodS, In the County, which I will. Sell Cheap to Cash Buyers. - M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth. BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. FOR. A'ALB AT PILLMAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, h4FoRriFir A Number, , of New a S'econcl: Hand Buggi oyes all the young colins of the market, The old. lady in ineurninie I ,v those the gardener's daughter casting sheep's porphyry. and the old woman so extravagantly drosses and wreathes of intmortelle is cress because the faiverite publio house often seen at tbe. garden, but nciverliuys at the corner is late in. opening its elmt- anythine elee. 'ler bravo stricken' ter. One or two Out -door laarips, are ;•--young, bt'onnie, and winsome. loved these- , still alight, struggling desperately With s she decks his portrait with the ir streaks of color etealing -up from .over.; bloom, The a,gea hteve drowns Shore -ditch and Bethnal Green (the poor the hesrb, as it gro*s a d.egr receive the, sun first soinetimee); aud in with each silver lia, ir the kitplaens and even doorwa.ys of love; 1110 -she rises beruses lights are kindling, and a ;hut- contat tiers before riet1 meal is preparing , for those ;Who, ...poor housekeeper in . d.ay lest with bag, and portmanteau may have to catch the early trains. From a hotel a to go for her eke -meas. But now she is pege runs to the nearest cab -rank %, he off; fox there goes one-two--threte- rube his eyes sleepily as though scarce four--five-eix• Hcw time flies! Ob - awake; his hair is tangled. andunkempt serve the pale, thoughtful looking gen- Jacket loose, 0.ua cap awry; he rides back Ceram. -oho seems to be buying up an, with the driver, who indulges in a chil- the market, 'He is a great physiOtn- ly sort of chaff ; the hotel door opens, so great he strengthiens life among the and the "'boots" brings forth a trunk poor, and when ' the iday comes ' for fee 'Ole sad recorapense, ysteriously forgets vices. These flow - nee by his servant 1. Tavistock street) valid, flower -loving vill come as angers ld gentleman th his stick, as iitn, kit neither could he get the! bear. --a- I .ie lied nothine to ehoot with; neither -ood nor drink and yelling at a bear to . .All Kinds o ' Repairing Attended to eliar out anal go home.has no-effebt in ; promptly an,d NEI) Tkork: got up „his rarified.atmosphere. The mouth E 1 qua , to hat of any other Estab- lf tate crevice was ten feet long; and 1 ich iinith could look out over Ins trail for 40 t• „sent e • rods or more, no :matter et what point II As the underei colder the bear was. I to Light Work, , clings teith lone th the 1,) -est, and The animal Was walking up and clown their own sun work. being only a eefore the led,ge, probably fishing for _a 1 chambers, and. tini- eda,n by which he might get something ; CUARA she should be tola bette than roots for dinner, when the ! which he and the cabman throw o vehicle as if to knock the bottom and they indulge in by-play of a f ous order. Presently a maid bonnet box a,ppears on . the steps, mincingly inquires if that clock is out, many sucii little se esti- ars will be carried h th a (the carriage waits ii and and taken to wan, ir *ght. ones, to whom they . Cabman having assuredher apolic maaa messages. The cr sleeps in the works all -tight to prevent poking into everything BS nine caught sight of three Indians ereep • e alone the trail he had made-. , They had, perhaps, followed it for a , mile r more, and must have known ! that e bear had the first claim. The reds .s had just Come into view when they aw the bear, the bear paw theme! and I'mith saw the whole thing: The bea.r ooke,d in on Smith in a despairing man • er, and then made a bee line for the r men. They fired at him once I apie , and then turned and. ran, and after about three minutes' waiting Smith I craw ea out and made 2:40 time till his breath gave out. -Deadwood Letter to 1 eincinnati EnqUikr. ed deyote their entire attention nd every deparlairent Is under 'sten, elley cau , • TEE COOD WORK At the Lowest Possible Figure. A TRIAL IS SOLICITED. piLl-mAN 507 SEAFOR MUSIC -PIANO OR ORG 1$1.. MRS. C. M. DUNLOP virOULD notify her pupils, and there wlsWng v Y to become pupils, that the fa term is isbont to commence. All wishing to join the .lass shbuld do so s�4r. For terms, apply at hef teal - dance on Geor street. 18 7 SMA,..POIR./T,12-1 1877111\T STTIZALINTO OF ALL KINDS EFFECTED, AND MONEY TO LEND BY W. ,W1A-srS01.4. SEAFORTH. WADDELL & Ca, SEAFORTH. We Iliarve WE much plects.ure in informing our nvmerous Customers and Friends that our Stock is n. Ivo Complete in Every ; Pepatrtment, and t ding 1T1-1 ILL OFFER SUCtl BARGAINS, WHICH FOR STYLE, QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS CANNOT BE SURPASSED,. THE FOLLOWING ARE A 'F'EW OF THE MANY: BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERE -1, NEW COLORS. BLACK AND COLORED THIBET CLOTIlk NEV'ir COLORS. pR,Ess GOODS, ALL NEW COLORS -THE pRICES SUIT EVERYONE. • OUR BLACK LUSTRES C.ANNOT BE BEAT. . 'FILAIN, CHECKED AND MATTED WINCEYS, RARE VALUE. IANTLES IN ALL THE NEW STYLES AND PATTERNS. SHAWLS, A SPLENDID ASSORTMET. FELT AND LUSTRE SKIRTS, PATTERN SUPERB._ TABLE LINENS, TOWELS 4ND TOWELLINGS. FLANNELS IN -GREY, SCARLET, WHITE, AM_BRIti. AZITLINE, AND CHECK. 1 • , I I IrRILLINtp-S, -NEWEST PATTERNS AND VERY CHEAP. COLLARS AND .9trFFs IN PLAIN, .FfeNOJY. il1ND MOURNING. LADIES' SILK AND CHENII,LE TIES INIENELLESS VARIETY. . 1 I 4 BUTTONS AND FRINGES, ALL NEW COtORS. MISSES' AND LADIES' HOSE IN PLAIN 1AND STRIPED. 1 , , -TWEEDS, OVERCOATINGS, AND READYMADE' CLOTHING. " WE ARE SHOWING THE iftINEST STOCK GENTS' BOY'S AND YOUTH'S FELT HATS • Ever Shown iu Seaforth for STYLE, VUALITY and CIIE,APNESS. 01.0 -THING MADE TO ORDER. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. ,rSz CCX. SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL WAREROOMS. IF YOU NT TO CET THE BEST THISTLE CUTTER PLOW IN PFJE MARKET e, GO TO 0. C. WILLSoITS, SEA ORTH, Ind get one made by the Massey Manufacturing Company. REASONS WHY THEY ARE TM. 113Ear They ere higher in the beam, they are higher in the mould board, they are thicker in the mould board, tbay are thoroUghly ground mad polished in all working parts and hare the best oar wheel, Iron points on there, no eommon metal being need in *lois ufareLe. Thie on bit 8144 by no other makers of Plows. A Full Stock of ALL KINDS OF GENERAL PURPOSE PLOWS, Also Gang Plow9 of all kinds, including the Port Perry and Guelph. IMPLEMENTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, SUCH AS Straw Cutters, Grain. Crushers; Ihrse Powers of all .kinds, from two to I ten, horse power„ Chuins, firadliffig diza,chines, Clothes Wringers, and Every Machine:belonging to the business. I . SEWING MACHINE'S., 1 • • It 18 Deedless to Pay abything alma tbem as loag as every person knows that the Florence is tlae best. Also a full idea of all the common machines made, such as the ' je ea- 1 • WANZER, ROYAL, OSBORNE, RAY MOND, AND S1NGlER. Al kinds of Sewing Machine RepairsOil , Needles and s always on hand. Sewing Machinee Re - pare on the shortest notice. 0• • C WILLSON SEAFORTH. JUST RECEIVED AT THE 999. 1 A FRESH STOOK OF :SSWARE AND STONEWARE, CROCKER AND LA-' GOODS, VERY CHOICE DESIGNS AND VERY CHEAP. he Best Pratte in Town iet Teas, Sugars, Tobaccos, Cqffe 8, Spices, Canned _Fruits and Meats at Me Three tt'in• es I I yer" Raisins, Valencia, Muscabel, Sultanna, and Seedless 1?aisine, very low at the Three Nines] odftsh, Bacon, Hams, Lard, (IT., always to'be had at the Thaws Nines. Orchard Grass, for .Tall ASfowing, at the Three: Nines. Flour and .Peed of all kinds constantly on hand , at the. Three Hines, op- posite the Commercial Ilotel, Sectforth. ' F gE: DELIVERY. A. W. SPARLING. VIRE, LIFE, IIABINE, and LIVE STOCK -I. Insurance may be effected with the folloWling First -Class Companies : The Phoenix, of London, England. The British, American Assitranee Company. The National Insurance CompanY. The Canada Fire and Ma/rine In- surame Company. - The Ottawa Agricultural Insurat Company. The Gore District- Mitt21,,al Insur- ance Company. The Travellers' Insurance Company for Life and` Accident. The Canada Live Stock Insurance Compawy. Claims Settled with Promptitude and Liberelity. ARMSTRQNG'S BOOK STONE., BE Subseriber begs bo return thanks to his rilliaTOUS entitt.ta8)., ill town and oonneary for their - liberal pabronage during tha past seven years, and he hopes to have a eontinuance of their pat - r. age for time to coma. Having EMOVED TO MRS E. • WHITNEY' --NSW BLOCK, WHERE HE WILL BE F UND WIXR 11111 Large Stock of P,all Paper, Cheap than in -the City of Tcrronto. . School Books of all kinds. • Copy Books, Pens, Ink, Slate .Pencils and Lead Pencils. Stationery Goods in Great Varietyi also Toys and F'cowy 6rooda. have also a Large Stock of FINGERING YARNS, being balance of 8talE16, which will be sold obey. Come One, Comer All and See Him in -his New Sto2v. C. ARMSTRONG, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, , • MONEY TO LEND At 8 per cent per anntun. interest paid halt* yearly -not in advanee ; or, if preferred, to be repaid in equal yearly or halnyearlyinstalmente for Erich a number of years as may be agreed on. W. N. WATSON, .Seaforth. HARNESS. HARNESS. THE Subseriber 'wishes to Mann the inhabie tants of Somforth and surrounding country that he i8 prepared to sell SADD-LES, HARNESS, Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Whips, --Curry Gong's, Cards, Brushes, And everything in his line at the Smallest Posen. ble Profits, and by buying for cash he the beet mallets he feels confident that he can sell gate& CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER PERSON IN THE TRADE. Being determined to 'buy Good Goods, parities who want anything in /ais line can depend on getting a good article, as he has secured the ser. vices of a first.olass workman, and is prepened to do aillinade of work. CARRIAciE TRIMMING DONE TO ORDER. Repairs- Done on Shortest Notioe. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS, TO THF• TRADE AND LIVERY MEN'. A CALL SOLICITELD. Remember the pace: Between Morrison's Grocery and McIntyre & Silos Store. JAMES WILSON, Seaforth. DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY VIIBIGHTS quoted from all points West for Grain, Butter, Cheese, (tc.'to Liverpool, and Through Bills of Lading ittsonil for the same, at my ()face in Seefortte Ph -se Cabin Parma* Liverpool, Vid. Commercial. Union Fire Insurance COM.- pany. Funds available over Eighteen Million Dollars. Appliestioas for risles received at my office. Merchants) MAYIDAt Llama/me Company. taife• bility unquestioned. Marine risks accepted at my office. Netherlanna-American i3toam -Company. Tick- ets issued at my office to Holland, Belgium. Alsace, The Indite, Senth Gerrnany, Switzerland. and Italy- ; North- Weet Trenspoetation Company. Tian& issned foe Duluth, Fort Gerry, and WI peal* West. A. ARMITAGE, AGENT - I 250:900 INISE-LS OF WHITE MINT waiitea, in Shipping Lots ef not less than Five Car Loads. A. ARMITAGE, THE SEA.FORTH INSURANCE AND LAND ACEBEY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several FirenClass Stock, Fire alai Life Ineinance Companies, and lap:ewe ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the beet Loan Boole - ties. Altai Agent for the bele and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan nt S Per Cent. lintcreat. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE -Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seal orth, AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE. MR. J. P . BRINE will offer for sale by Public ADCUOD, SATURDAY, OOT. 6, 1877, Cu11?caleilig at. O'CiOek, more IN FRONT (11? A. oe, ItDNO'ri NEW BRICK BLOCK. EA.FORTH, Large gearnity ef aloneeholii Eitr)itmte of all kindit, Te Furniture ie all of the very beat genlity. This will bit la apiendid opportunity for those wishing to secure good Furnitere TERM,cheap- - - - CASH, 512.2 Z. P. BRINE, Auetioneer. BUTTER TUBS. S TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS now prepared to a -apply all ettetomeast eretem etny number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At S30 per hundred, Caeh. These Tubs are BO well and faverably Inaown to the trade *bailees unneeestiery bo Pay anything in their reeotamora dation. MB. TROTT also mannfactin•es a email Hard. wood Tub, aultable for -washing butter in. Oxdwa by mail -or otherwise promptly ad to. to. 496 S. TROTT, Seirdestla R. N. BRET771-1-:- • SEAPORTH, Wholesale and Retell Dealer in LEATHER Wed sgoE FINDINGS of Eery Description.. None but the Very Bed Stock nem Tema moderate. A. Trial Solicited. .4,11 -order* by moil or otherwise promptly itil6a... 00 B. 1. 11111111m.