HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-09-28, Page 7SEPTEMBER 28, 1877. IE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. $4•000.000e, BANK OF aiIONTREAL,Incorporetec118egt. and itql-*L. CANADIAN BANK, Ineorporated 1861. SEAFORTH BRANCH. )hliritION BLOCK, MAIN -ST,, SEAFORTII. aerate en New York. . Payable at any *in the United. States. Una of .EXeleautege on London PaYabbe ell Chief Cities a the United laingtiont. rTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYS, scouoila EGG EMPORIUM. he subscriber hereby thankhis nunnertnet tomers(merchants anclothers) for their liberal , ronagederirtg the past seven, years, and. hopes, strict integrity artdclose attention to busbaess, erit their confidence and teade in thefuture„, Peeing greatly enlarged hie premises, during winter, bets new prepared to pay the GHEST CASH PRICE r any qatintitv' Of good freah eggs, dellearea EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seeforthe seed by the subscriber 25 tons of good dry isle WHEAT STY. ea. 11 WLSeNe HE cOMMERCIA1 SEAFORTII., ARTHUR FORBES, AYING purchased. the Stock tuaa Trade of the Commercial Livery, Seaford', front Me, eorge Whiteley, begs to state that he intende trrying on the business irt the °Id steed, and haft Idea sl valuable horses and vehieles to the remedy large sockt None but 'int-elassCloinfortable Trehicles and Good Reliable H0r8e8 Will be Kept. nered and Open Buggies and Carriageta and (ruble and SinglaWagons always ready foruse. peeial Arranuernenfa Made With 7077t.. menial Men. - ;Orders left a the stables or any of the) hotels- roraptly attended to-. etENTRAL EXHIBITION. 1877, WILL DE HELD IN THE g.7.0WN OF GUELPH, THE 3rd, 4th and 5th of OCTOBER. OPEN TO ALL. " Prize Liets Rua Entry I'apere eau be had at the eeretareas Office, qualph and ftlso from the Sec- teries of other eocietiea throughout the P ravine& Paxties not receiving their entry ticketsprior ta ae shear, will find them at the Seeretaryas Offfee. The several Ratlwaya will eaary freight and pate -neers totted front the Exhibitiee at sirtgleefare. MiaRTON, Secretary THOS. MoORAE ,Pres - :cut. Guelph, Sept. Lt, 177. O9-4 iskTOTIO 1'0 GRANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. A s THEY oecup,y the attention of all, these hard times,. the subscriber is determine to aect them by offering good inch 11emlook, "not usually eold for inch," at the following rata: :a foot Hemlock. at $6 50 per thousand, 14 foot i7eaciture, at $7, ler Cash. AR orders aver 4,00a per eeut. discount. Call and see if you tiorta int what iS repreaented. Bok Accounta over 8 menthe will be charged ; per cent. 1- • The subscriber thanks his numerous eustottera pr their liberal enpuort, and solicits a contintt- txtee a their favors. JOHN THOMPSON. taa Steam Sew Mills, MeRillop. • BUTTER TUBS. • TROTT, SEAFO.RTII, note Prepared to sapply aR enetoinere with. any ntuuber of his SUPERIOR: BUTTER TUBS, At 830 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are 80- w ell ana favorably known to the trade that it la :nitnecineary to, say anything in their reeoramen- aat ion. MR. TROTT-also manufactures El. small Hard- -Wood Tub, suitable fur washing batter in. Oedere by mail or otherwise promptly attend - lad I! 41r, S. TROTT, Seaforth. iR DRESSING MISS AMANDA STARK Timm.; to inform tbe Laaies a Seaforth and Veity tine she preparea to makeup 'eeN.VrrttliEattc CUR.IS, BRA/DS, etoq- 1 tattle Latest .nashion from Combined- Pailaas tel 0 rat s. punctually attended to. 'A Call I-ea:a:tea. Iteeidence-tioderich Street, ateafert L. ; - 46749' :NEW BLACKSMITH; SHOP IN SEAF,ORTH. AN(.41,'S .1.7\10SII -wIs, II et.e • Peblie generally L • that le t tee. ' laatehentith Shop Hetett late et. e V, It's atotel, wirer te, ert I tt. SilE81 t NE. AND Am. tnees er t;eet.teet, (tile Satiefactiout ana eten ei e en.. eeete t; T'S alcaNTOSTL _ HENSALL PORK FACTORY & A.MES 1.)ETTY, ' 41A Siteikea and Sneer Carea Hemet '''je' 'I a!el Smoked It., Cumberland Deceit, Cant seen, :thee rink, : e. .1/1 II/abate tie _Mail or Otherwise - 0 u hand. '1a7; G. & J. PETTY. iroa0s11.- R. N. BRETT3 SEAFORTII, Witt eeetile end I: Rail Dea.er in LEATTIER s16 ail, tie itleteleINGS a Every Description- -N.111e but the leery nein sunk kept. Terme. moderate. A Trial Solicited. All order a by rasa er otherwise nrotriptly tilled. 490 B. ten BUTT. - _ S. CAaaPitELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -tat t and Ca, il Engineer. Orders by mail prow* lv attended te. 479 In S. CAMPBELL, Miteuell. o • SEPTEMBER 28, 1,477. Aeronaut Willed -Tris Balloon EXplodes 300 Feet in the Air. Glad. Springs, in this county, as on Monday thronged from all puts of the surrounding country to witness the bal- loon ascension. According to antioun.ee- =mit, the travelling show of Prof. II. Hoffman made its appearance andre- pared for exhibition. The large iion furnace was put to work, and the al - loon hoisted over it by means of two .poles on either side, 40 feet high. he was inflated by mean.s of wod fii and. kerosene oil, with a, small quaintly balloon of gasoline added. When it Wit8 ' ed 1_ as usual, lWr. Hainur, the ceronaut, was infonned., but he said, "I want 'More gas this time." Two pints more of •oil were put in, and -when. exhausted; he jumped. into his position, and like an an•ow the great air -ship shot upward, .0airying its limn= freight dangling at its end. It had ascended some 300 feet, •and while the actor was performing on .a horizontal bar, hanging by his feet with his head down, waving a handker- chief to the nervous audience below; the patched and dilapidated canv ss -split from bottom to top with a rep it that was heard miles away. No soo er- h,acl. the gas escaped than tho ball° n collapsed, and came shooting down jas swiftly as it had. darted up. T e feronaut saw his situation, and qui k as lightning turned. himself up and re- gained his hand -hold, and commenced, a roanceuvre to dodge a telegraph wire and post toward which he- was falling. This he succeeded in doing, striking the grouncl with terrible force, which bounced him up, to be caught ancl press- ed down by the balloon. All of this was the work of a meraent. The crowd was literally paralyzed, women sicken- ing and fainting, and men unable, in • their horror, to move. • The companions of the unfortunate man stood rivetted - to the ground, and •not until soiae citizens undertook to move the canvas did they stir. The man was found ito be alive and conscious, but dreadfu ly bruised and mangled.. He was thron h it all calm and cool, and described 1is feelings as, descending, he saw and f It death staring him in the face. He was taken tothe hotel, where both Mr. and Mrs. Thompson did all in their powjer to relieve his sufferings. With all t e aid nothing could be accomplished, and at 1130 o'clock P. M. he paid the pe alty of death for his reoklessness. His mune is Frank Hainur, from War- ren, Ohio. His father, we learn, has been for years • a book-keeper for Packard & Barnum, hardware mer- chants, at that pla,ce.-Abingdon (Ira.) Standard. 4 , The Sensation of Star-ving. For the first two days, through whiclh a strong and healthy man is doomed to exist upon nothing, his sufferings are, perhaps, more acute than in.the remain - lug stages -he feelan inordinate, un- speakable craving, at the stomaeh night and day. The mind runs upon beef, bread, and other substantials ; but still, in. a great measure, the body retains ts strength. On. the third and. fourth days, but especially on the fourth, this inc s - sant craving gives place to a sinithjig and a, weakness of the stomach, accea - pained by a nausea. The 1-info/tuna e sufferer still desires food, but with loss of strength he loses that eager craving which is felt in the earliest stages. Should he chance to obtain a morsel or two of food, lie swallows it with a we' f- ish. avidity; but the minutes afterward his sufferings are more intense than ever. Ile feels as if he had swallowed a live lobster, which is -clawing and feeding upon the very foundation of his . . existence. . On the fifth day his cheeks sudden y Appear hollow and sunken, his body at- - tenuated, his color is ashen pale, and his eyes are wild, glassy and cannibal, ish. The different parts of the system now war with each other. The stomach calls uprm the legs to go with it in quet of food ; the legs, from very -weaknet-s„ refuse. The sixth clai brings with -it i creasel suffering, although the pangs huneer are lost in an overpoweritg. languor and sickness. The head. b comes giddy -the ghost of well-remeh I run out. Its partner Wale' a 8'11 611'61 white4 chookered, .white ";.inst steriai! gutted Methodist. (Hie. Vlorsluk. ed that such language was of ru. ler.) The Doctor went on at somo lengthams. cloised by saying that he ropuiiated being drunk, he repudiated thaLt His Worship had been d.riuking at Berlin, no man at this council boh -d ha ever been drank. -Meii Ti ess, Economy is an excellent thirig. That is, it is Very -comfortable to be able to say to one's self, "I will do withal]. this, that or the other luxury ratherl than ran the risk of being a beggar in ny old itge, or even to find it possible t live without what 18 Usually ;termed a sees - fifty, rather thaakto !run Jae debt. But 9)*ggerated. economy, or father eau- ness, is soraething which rnustren erits ' possessors wretched., and oniething too selfish, to 'forbid themse yes anything . they desire. They covet rich foocl and fine dress, ease ancl idleness,, buti they begrudge to those Who minister to their wants their well earned . price, aid. al- ways forget that "the laborer is worthy of his hire." - • 1, From the lips of such people yoi hear nothing but *complaint. Every4ie isi overreaching them. The drossnrlaker has sent in a frightful bill; the cook has no right to such wages; the °m- inable landlord thinkszo rent too rnuoh for his house; it is impossible to have anything done without being oh ated. In fine, they want all that people ihave tO 'sell, and have -withiu their s ul. a miserable desire to get it for nothing.. Always, accusing other people of their, own vices, they slave their conscience, and when they get something for i oth- .i g fancy themselves happy . But it is only a fancy. They out' 'lever now -.the pleasant -warmth that fills the eart evhen a generous action has been, done at its prompting. - Never can the feel t a pleasant independence that f Bows liberal and ungrudging iayme t . of those to whose toil or trcii le one s in- debted. ' ' I Life is a constant battle to thee) and rx4any a spendthriftis happier 'than. 1 those who forget that they hal e no right to economise at the expense of - other people, saicl whoever wit ingly - takes money from anoth.or to a I d to his own purse is, at leas at hes rb, a thief. . , Toombs on the Negro. In his speech in Atlanta, Ga:, cs Fri- day, Aug. 24, Robert Toon+s said: "And„ talking of nogroes, I. under tand them. 1.- owned 600 of th in. before the war. They knew what s rt of aniaster they had, and in my coma y 1 never lose one of their -Votes. But .I clo say they know nothing about -Gave nment. [Ap- plause.] I remember that some fellow from somewhere about Cherokee -I be- lieve his name was Woford-mscle a great to-do because I said they were savages. ; They are -just ,• as much as those who came over in the Wanderer te Savannah before the wk. They are of the huinan race, but they arenlot of my race. They are a lower orter of ' human beings. God Almightyi 1, ado them, but He made thani just as fie does other things in nature. He made ., the race -horse, the. draught -horse, and he naacle the jackass -and He makes fools ifi our own race. We whipped the Radicals lii. their own fight .when they first tried to force the negro upon us. It was said -that I threw the whole Yankee natiointito ' trepedition ' because I said. that if they would let me inake the Constitution thenegrq woulcl Inover be heard. of. That is so. I pat ii this Constitution I take away none f his rights. That is a matter for society. We exclude 'only idiots and thieve.. No- body, I hold, should. have • the frailcliisc except hose who are fit for it, and that is what y ur Constitution hap provid d for. That is Coustitution Nthich G orgia , shall live under when you I and your pos-. ' terity are gone. You hav shut out the women, but you have donc that on what I conceive to be a right Pr neiple. The brave soldier. doeS not car4v his jewels ., . into battle, and it is our. uty to keep Runty, virtue, and hone out o ' the ring." - hexed dinners pass hideous proce.-- sien through hi§ mind. The seventh day mimes, bringing increased lassitude and further prostratiou of strength. - The arms hang listlessly; the legs drag heavily; the diesire for food .is still felt,. to aldegree, but it must be brought, n t "sought. The miserable remnant of li a -which still hangs to "the. sufferer is u. burden almost too grievous to be born ; yet his inherent love of existence i duces a desire to preserve it, if it. can e saved without a tax upon bodily exer. tiou. The mind wanders. .. At one me- ment he thinks* his weary limbs mullet - sustain him a inilo ; thenext he is , (lowed with unnatural strength, and ly -there be a certainty of relief before him, dashes bravely lend strongly forward, wondering whence proceeds his new aid sudden impulse. Guelph's Oratory. The following is a specimen of tlte Oratory indulged in *by the Municipill Ceuncilors the Town of Guelph : t a recent meeting, 1)r. Clarke, aiiid. roars ef laughter, then (tot :off his ell - initiating speech. He 1111. been accuscld Of incompetency by the pera North Ward electors had. elected bine I re` acclamation, and iio would leave it tn then]: wnether he was incoinpt!eent. LTe had. been aecused ot insobriety ; 1e would point oUt a life of 30 years Guelph to cantradict the statement. The repernere who had reported hi it drunk Valfit• looking through drunkm spectacles tprder, order), yes, tilt: re, IRWter:-. were drunk., • Ho would. put it stronger. Would it be wrong if he said His Worship had. taken a glass ortwe - of lager at the Berlin festival ? The teporter:4, indeed !" had. hear 1 what - had been said about the/IL Why, they guzzled more -whiskey in one 4tly than he did in all his life. He had heard. Public opinions • about . the editors and proprietors of the Hora/d. Some said one thing, »)1110 said -another ; smut: said they were fools ; some said that if they were halignel by a rope there would be more than fools at the end of it. But . the universal opinion regarding these people was that they were liars. The liftrenry was more cautious, and. said he should go to a camp, meeting. Wh3,- should he go to camp !meetings? But the Mercury had done worse; it had said he -had drunk after- that meeting; - the 21(rc1try had drank with him, and - shameful to say -had. kissed and • told about it. The editor of the Mercury was a sponge saturated. through, and through with whiskey, and all one had to do was to squeeze him and. it would • , • - - Sensitive. . Most children are sensit ve, and it is wrohg to wantonly wound their feelings by censuring them too ha shly for their faults. !Time cures a great many things; children outgrow infirmities and faults, and if right principles ,et action and fooling are instilled gently., constantly, wisely, the restilts will ultiraatel ap- pear. It is merely cruelty to mal e the Weak points of a child a;souree of teas- ing and ridicule, as "is ! often do le in schools and families. ' A ment 1 in- firmity should. be -Created as tendetly a- Itibodily deformity. A : quick te aper, an irritable or timorous Or -Leash)._ dis- position, requires far More tact and judicious management than any mere physical:infirmity. - When (crow p to . .. . . t•,,. maturity, our sensitive children become the poets, musicians, artists, writers, leaders of their time. Help theim too with their tasks, which te !manyof them seem hopeless. DefinitiOns aro hard to reniemher ; . the gene:tea:play lessein is dir- t -IC -tilt tO comprehend, and won't stay fix- ed in the mind; history is dul11. and dead; arithmetic a hopeless togle of figures, tUlil :gra/ in titer fl10C lore i puzzling than any possible conimdruM. The little folk need belt) ; they need. !Cheer and encouragement, and Wl'o sboi id be SO. ready. so willing,. so able to givc it as the parent! i 1 ! . 1 ______ .4 Curious. Surgical. Operat on. IA boy named Frank '1ip,iiiin, -Who , had been injured in a sawmill herd, and had: been, as Wo might say, almost skin- ned, alive, was suppliedwith a new elein by taking pieces from the arms.of eight or nine other boytt In the accident a very largo wound was m (le in his back, the surface being One mass of red, quive;ing flesh, though iealthy in ap- pearance. The wound, Id course, was vpry sensitive, and the 4eratio11 Must, have boonquitepainful to hilit. 'Drs. Picot and Maynard and ;an assistant performed the operation. Around . the bed were gathered six o eight Irish boys, from-eight•to fifteen -ears of age, from-whoso arms had be n taken, or was to be taken, -the skin needed to re- place that which was lest.' As each was called on by the doctor, he came forward, and baring his! :arm, a small piece of akin was skilfull3- cut out with the lancet and gently placed upon the raw flesh. About thirty pieces in all were so , put on. Several of the boys gave up more tha() n Luepke°, andFolger i P. cot, the doctor's, son, contributed ei lit pieces. A - younger brother of Hanafin's.ga,ve nearly as ihany. While i 1 i i - - - THE• HURON EXPOSITOR. the optaration was going on the boys joked among ph.enaselves on helping to make hp Hanafin, and bantered each other on the number of -times they had submitted to be cut into for the benefit ' their playmate The boys were gen- erally ;ferY willing to ve the skin re - le they evidently ugh was as good creed out doors, •kos through the hov,tever, that ye skadi SO that gaited, Ibritit al.:be,r, ai Iv alp: began.: thins; Plat en: as a fe st, and they' watc ' g farther opera window. It is though enough will consent to aanafin's wounds '',,Till lae entirely oovt:Zr- ed overj thus hastening his recovery, and adJing g to his comfort when the wound all have healed. -Auburn, (N. T.) Aclyertiser. -, `hs Rules ofPoliteneps. The ilules of politene s are never at variance with the prim, ples of morality. Whatever is reallyinipolite is really immora4l. We have no!right to offend people ly our Manners er conversation. We havb no right to be influenced by gossip ivbout people we meet. If We be- lieve a inan to: be unfit Oonipany for us, we mus not invite hirni; but if we meet hini wl ere he has been invited by tethers, e must treat him with civility. If we know a man (at. woman to be c a grave offender, we &Janet Use that knowledge to injure him or her, unless it is absolutely needful ;for the protec- tion of 4thera. The gr atest and best • men in IfRie world. hay beei assailed with cs:lumny. • The pirest a d noblest , clo not always escape itJ We annot in- vestigate, as a, rule. We mus disregard all slanders. Where great offences be- come notorious, the offianders must be excommunicated. In 011 other cases we naust give everyone the benefit of a - doubt, apply charitable construction, • hope for the best, and consider every one innocent until he has proven guilty. A Brave Lid,dy. Charlotte Bronte's sister Eanily, the authoress of " Wuthering Heights," pos- sessed extraordinary courage. Thnicl as a fawn in society, and afraid to hear herseli speak, but in the face Of appal- ling danger she was self possessed, know- ing no fear. She waspassionatelY fond. of dogs, and. always too t them for corn- • pany inher walks. 0 e day when she was giving water to a deg at the parson- age cloor--her father was a clergyman -14-e-biti her hand seveiely, and showed, evident i symptoms of madness. The brave *1 Uttered no cry of pain, rior called fOr hielp. Walking cahnlyto the kitchen ' she found an ikon heating on the fir4ancl held. it to her ann. She 'held it there without flinching till the wound Was thoroughly cauterized, and a broad. scar remained, which was visi- ble to the day of -her death, Neither of her sisterkiknew what had happened till many weeks afterward, when, thinking all danger had passed., she informed them.. - 1 ' EPP8)4 Cocak.-Gratefal and comfort- ing.-" By a thorough littowleclge of the natural 'laws which govern the opera- tions of 'digestion and. nutrition, and iby c:areful application of the fine proper tie S ef Well .selectecl cocoa, Mr. -Epps has provided our breakfast tables. with a delicately flavored bevera.ge, which may save us many heavy doctor's bills: It is -by the judicious use of stieh articles of diet that a constitiatien may be grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist -every tendency to clises.se. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating arena. u's . ready . to attack wherever there is o, weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nomished frame." -2f 'Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led," James -Epps Homceopath- ie Chemists,' 48, Threadneedle Stredt, and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 _ • ea rent Wesitern Hallway. Trains leave Brussels station, north and south, as ander: oetiNG NORTH. GOING SOUTH. Mixed... .... 9:15 A. M. Mail 687 L. M. Aaeom. 9:03 P. M. Accom .08 P. tL Mail ' 3:40 P. M. Mixed 5:25 P. M. • , , grand Trunk Railwa.y. ' . Traine leave Scatorth Station as follows: GOING 'WEST- " tM4od Train, • Mixed Train. Express Express...... (*MFG tAST---,- Express Trein 7:50 A. M. Express -Train • 1:25 P. M. Mixed Train •10:40 A. M. 1 :' r T i ' ' • 4-45 P. la. Lpridon. Huron and BrUce. GOING SOUTH-- Mail. gi:Wd. EXpTOSS. I - , A. M. A.M. P. M. riglT, depart... 7 ) 1? it t elaN7gci: Blyte. 8 05 1135.5 05 Londesborough.... 8 14 _ 11 50 515 • Clinton 8 31 12 40 5 ,a8 Bincelield. • 8 50 • 1 15 ,5 50 ' • Kippen. 9 00 1 40 . 46 02 Hen pall •9 05 1 50 ' 6 07 Exeter 9 20 2 45 6 25 .London, arrive.. :. 10 45 4 45 7 45 I I - A. M. P. M. , P. M. Gore, G NORTH-- Mail. Mixed. Expreas. 1 •A. M. A. al. P.M. London, depart.... 7 80 7 85 . 5 05 Exeter , 8 50 10 50 6 25 Ilcneall ' 9 05 11 15 6 38 Kippen • , •9.'10 11 30 • 6 16 Brncefield 6:40 A. M. 4:45 P.M. 2t08 P. AI. 8:58 P. M. 920 . 11 45 6 57 Clinton . ,• 9 .40 12 40 , 7 11 gi Lorelesborough a... 11 57 _. 1 10 1, 7 Ha nee Blyth............a.e 10 05 '': -1 80 1 7 40 'X Belgrave 10 '2 1 55-- •7. r4-1 V Wingharn, arrive le 40 2 20 ! e 15 ei - A. M. P. M. 1 I'. M. 1 i la I - THE IIURON EXIIOSITOM Xi 1 0 • Is runLisnED -. 1 , ' E V :1,‘ RY PRIDAYMOIltNIN G, , k , 1 1 . PI t IN SEAIFORTII. . ail Tlell MS- •1 50 Per Annum . in Advanee ; er eel i 2 I at the end of the Year. ' ; - ADVERTISING RATES. 1 . , 1 • - m. -4 X 2, 0 0 3 It; 0 2 9 (i) 910 -4 FRESH ARRIVALS OF • DELTA. KAPPA GRAND MARCH -A. H. Pearce,,',500.; TH.L.', EVERGREEN WALTZ -J, T. Stoddart, 35c.; HEAVENWARD OR HOMEWARD MARCH HERD BO'Y 5(o.; CHAUT DU PAYSON-Alfonso Rendam, 50c.; THE SHEP- -C-. Vibre G. D. Wilson, 50e.• GATHERING SHELLS FROM THE SEA SHORE-Rie ards, 50e.; THE STORM -H. Weber, 67o.; WHISPERS FROM ERIN -W, 8° Itockstro, 67c.; THE NIGHTINGALE'S THRILL -E. Hoffman, : 67c,, MARC.4 DES AMAZONS -J. M. Welli, 67c.; CENTENNIAL GRAND MARC a -n ., C. Pratt, 50c.; VALSE JOYENSE-C. Kinkel, 42c, 'MORNING SCHOTTISCHE -A. P. Wyman 350.; ROBIN'S - RETURN -L. Fisher, 50c.; FAIRY WEDDING- WALTZ -5•. W. Turner, 35c.; VALSE DE SALON- Brinley I Richards, 67e.; VIENNESE WALTZ -Samuel Jones, 42 . ; ANNA BOLENA-Knhe, 670.; LOVER'S REPLY pOLKA-C. Kinkel,t..)0 .; HOME, SWEET HOME -J. H. Slack, 42c.; and. about 100 other Popular pie es. r ThAelsaoboAvlemmathe btiar poPsthpoatoidgrtaaypahnItraadmdersesoso f thneroebeesipttFortPrice.epe_ FrenchandEitermen make, front 25e. to $6. Adelret a C. W.. PAPST, reaforth. CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND •DIPLOMAS ` • AWARDED TO 'MALCOLM 1‘10,*_RE,, . - SEAFORIFDI, '1 FOR WOOD HANDLE iA WROlIGHT ' IRON BEAM P OW. • • MALCOLM MONROE has pleasure In tennonneing tbe Farmers of Huron and erth that he 1 -Y -L• is better prepared this season than ever to funal a firet-clats article. As proof 1 positive that his Plows are the Bost in the Market be has only to ref r to the fact that thePlow M ufactured by him obtained the INTERNATIONAL. PRIZE AND D PLOMA at the Ceutennial Exhibition.- - HE ALSO MANUFAC- TURES IRON PLOWS, 11111's Patent Plows, SUCTFFLERS, IRON .AND WOOD PLOWS. s• ct, X T- ent- nee, One -Horse Plow Suitable -• for _Plowing Gardens. Thistle °titter Plows, Also a 0 si 0 171.0 0 to A 2 0 2 HAMS AND BACON. THE undersigned have for sale a quanti ,ty of ' a- G. 0. Bacon, Long Clear Bacon, Heavy 14088 Pork, and Canvati Hams, and Lard, which they offer Co the trade at low price& Address •• OARDNO & GRAHAM, 497 ' ' Seaforth P. 0., Ont. 2 X ,IIIMIMMINIMMININOM.111110.111/1E 1•11011.10 I I ."1 • - . CONTRACT Ira. 1 Xi .1 4TI' • SPACE. ! One Year. all 'Year:, 8 M „, Mouthy:- 1.1 , - Hoe entente Onel column a-60 00 $35 00 • taell et) 35 00 ' 20 00 . ] 13 09 • ' One.fourth. .....:. 20 00 12 ('0 8 01) 0 . One-eighth .. .... e.2 00 8 OU ; . 6 00 :temawelftle 8 00 5 00 :. 3- (el , M -TRANSIENT.-First- tuna -dote per line, d eeuts , - see 1 • ' suhsequept ineertions, 2 cent" caeli tinie, .per '4 t Hite.' „; 1 i! . I 0 BU8INESS . CARDS, .Six Tenes and Wider per xi year, ea4. Advertisements nncler the head Of Strityel, Lost or FO (1, For -Sale or To A t, Specific rticles, - W ted, Notice to Debtors, leetinge to be Held, '1. . . Stotlk for Sale, .Stock for etervice, e:c4 ac., not ; exce- cling 10 lines -first mentle .e.41 ; after first 1 m�nith. 50 coats ench month ' 1 Adver isentemts under the he of Real E tate for . Sue; not exceeamg le lines first wenn), $1.50: , °Role subsequent month, 75 cents, - I :' 1 Local Advertisements under the head of !District ' Matters, 15 cents per line each insertion. Birtas, Marriages and Deaths --Gratis. .; l Advertisements without specific directioup a -ill be l in rted till forbid, and charged accordingly. ; MeLlak.N BROTTaltnee Put:et-Jens. 1 M g0 0- c 91 r . • • r 0o . r 2 . 2 2 r > I xi MARRIAGE LICENCE CERTIFICATES, 3 -4 act, j:L','.-,j : taA. I...P. 'VaVf'41; s f,„sr;'„ ."•"••••:t. • This Plow is universally aelraitted to be the best Gangltlow now in use, and Fanners should give it a trial before purebasing any other. • All these Implements ere manufaeteared by hinaself, of the very best material, and are bttter and more durable than those got up by large establishments tor patch sales. Every Implement war- ranted to give entisfeetion. Pricee as low as those of any etheerespeetable establishment that tures out a good article, Pliews of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand and ean be seen at his ahop ab tithe. • IRON N HARROWS. The Scotch Diamond Harrows kept constantly on hand. Repairs fcr all kinds of Plows kept OM saintly on band. •Remember the flop, Main Street Seaforth, Emit Side. -- MJLCOIt MOIsTIR00. THERE IS NOTHING !LIKE LEATHER . WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO- (3- 0 0 JD HARNESS SUCH AS YOU FIND _ AT J. WARD'S, • SEAFORTH, Where you will find. all Kinds of Harness Hade up in the Latest Styles, EMEMBER, if you want a Pam or Substantial Harness j. ,WAIID ean give you better satis- aa' faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A. Trial le all that is wanted to secure regular custom. • - WAPD Seaforth. 7.4.= SEAFORTII PLANING MILL, •SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE sobscriberb egs leave to thank his numerens -I- customers for the liberalpatronage extendedto hira since eommencing business in Seaforth, in trusts that he may be favored with a continnank of the same. Parties intending to build -would do well to shit him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand a argestock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SIIING-LES, LATH, ETC. /Toledo confident of givingsatisfactiontothoto who may favour him with theirpatronage, AB none but firsteclateivrorionen &reemployed. 11-Particularattention peed toCuetora Planing 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. SAW LoGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for thee manufacture of Hoops. Custom, Sawing attended to promptly, sodas cheap as at any other min. Lumber of every description, also Shingle*, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the veay -invest market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMA3%.3 & GOUINLOCK, 411 - Seafortle LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per Przut frora $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, _ All Lengthe, from 10 to 60 Feet, at. the PONY MILL, IN MoICILLOP4 The Stthaeriber Las also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber an be obtained. - • 479 • - THOMAS riewNET, • BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. THE Snheeribers wohld respectfully intimate to the pealic that they hew) again eorameneed work at their Limo Works'enpoeito Vauttoneet mill, on the east side of the river, where, heving the RHOSt draw kiln in this section and first -elm fecilities, they will be in a position to t11171 ont the best of lime ab 14 cent* per busite4 for cash. A good article guara-nteed, Ile we know our leminetts thoroughly. Give usn call. TOWN & 33URROWS. THE •SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & ABELL) PROPRIETORS. CIFFICE and Stables On Market Street, mond_ a" door frone aftdn.. Neat, Stylish °erliegen and Buggiee, and Good Reliable Horses always ott hand- Ortlera len at the Commercial Rotel, Sea - 'forth, or at the Oleo will be promptly attended. to. •502 STORE TO RENT, • THE Dry Goods Store at present oecupledatly • Mr. George Dent, two doors north of the Post Offiee. Tide is ono of the best !added business stands in Seaforth, being on the corner of -Main and Mellott etreets. For particulars apply to J. II. BENSON, Esq., Barrister, Seafoeth, sa MRS. MARKEY'S Grocery Store, opposite Hart' Hot el. •510 SC)61,14.11.11 E401.114. N T BUY YOUR '1]..UMBR • FROM Leeldete new beta building. -604-42 k .1".1Te0OLL, Solititor &e., Bruseeisn (Mee ANY- ONE ELSE BET I I : a 111ARLES P. MILES, Provincial Land Sur. 1 an veyor, Winglnan. Orders by, mail win receive S: LOUNSBURY & co, SEA.FORTH. i prompt attention. Branch Office, °Buten. c. F. MILES• 4e5 T. S. GORE, rrnar, SEAFORM TII PUP FACTORY. - N. . _ -1- Club', sneeessor to J. R. 'Williams, manufac- STATI NED AGAIN AFTER THE. FIRE. . ...... .•_ • f ! to give satiefaction. rectory on -North Mein St I turer of Pumps and Cisteins. All work warranted mONEY TO. LEND -0n tellies more athenne tageene then ev_er before Offered. A. 3. Me- aoLL, Solicitor, Brueseise 604 52 T P. BRINE, Lieenced Auctioneer for the at • County of Huron. Sales attended in ell parts ef tbe County. All orders left at the EX- .• eosnron Office will be promptly attended to. T LECKIE, General I.oun and Real Eatato tt. • Agent, Graie, Ploduce end Commission Mcrehant, Office -New Brick Block opposite North American Hotel, Brussels, Ott. 480 Soves and Tinware Cheb.per' , Than Ever. 1 --- Aii BS . E. WHITNE,Y Seaforth, begs to inform her Many friends and CliSteleerS that she has -tat again resnmea briefness on the site of ber old eland, wbere everything pertaining to the Tinware btu 'nees will bd found. A Large Stock of Stoves and"Tinwaree/wass on hand andfor sale'eheap. ! • i. THE .BEST AND PUREST COAL OII; IN THE -MARKET. Toy kina. °Inn 'Work Coestattly on hand or Mad le terdor. Calle-aid ace what, she can do be- i , •1 i . Seaforth. fore lean:basing elsewhere. MRS. Ei WHITNEY, Seaforth. 2 -11 • )2. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. ' 0.1 111 • • • ; r • • : ; CD I. ).44. `At. 4;•.$ ".0 1-1 , Settfort h. ate T.T DERBYSHIRE. L. D.S. .1-1- • Surgeon Dentist, Gradttatt: of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Aetifieial Dentils neatly exeented. All fungi -eat epees. tions performed with care and promptitude. Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Ileores in Mrs, Whitney s new brkk block, Main Street. 0 I Tie Pills Purify theBlood, correcb all disorders prl 1 of tart Liver, atomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and ten" ere [invaluable in all - complaints incidental to `1" i if 7 illtitegointinent is the only reliable remedy . ne I for bad LeW Los, Oel arman Sores and Incere (1)I of h twever long stendiug. For Bre:Alit ti -s, Dip- - Is W I heelie Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and eteene 4 all eain MI -mimes it linen° canal. g ! BEWARE OF ;NEW YORK COUN. < 1 ' , - TI1RFEITS. .. - ITI : Spurious imitations of "Holollsvoliwytly:: Co.,'Pi i Ira ; and ,!Ointenent." ate munufectured also by the Mc- Call:: tarndi, datunCdoe.r, . • •the 4 Arne of "Hol - eine Conner ey,1 •' '`, aeon titan. Medi - i . S of .4..4: ew York,with s F. , Haenuryd, counterfeits of `11, DbYria gi. an assumed' . !IV phmaHrka„ytdhonesk:. -Again o u e • of New York, C22 ; '• lili.iiak.:!Is'•IsiciforePratftiagt5riffilkleeit;tahrle: tataincreesocfelytolsbanfviemyrial, eCnot ;, - Mel eeson 6.... Rollins, of new 'York, are agents for FTI, tae . . III '' eat persons, the bet ter to deetive von, nn- - a1le/lit:0y cal:item the public in the 1,0411.11 totem en ' of directions which accempe.ny their recaleines, '0 • u hiah are really the spurious imitations, to Be- , - watrl.erisdefrucroiuiniotald t eeitaafers ebtain them at vere low- " priees and sell them to the public in Canada as ; my genuine Pills and Ointment. 1 I meet earneetly and respectfully appna to the a4• Clergy, to mothers of Fenalies arid ether Ladies, and to the public, generally of British North :•et i• America, that, they may be pleased to denounce • aneparingly these frauds. .•! Purehaserm ahould look to the Label . ' onthe Pont rind 'Boxes. If the address . ! iirs not 533, Oxford Street, London, ,. (Under the new,Aet,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of Onterio. t the are Counterfsita. •• E cla Pot and Rex of the gerluine Medicines • beat the British Goverrunenb Stamp, with the wor s, Hor.r.owey's lames ARO OINTMENT, ! LON cyx," engra,ved thereon. On the label is ' the tddross, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON,Where alone they ere raanufactured. • f4a-1 Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors sellipg spat -ions Holloway's Pills and Ointment as ot my genuine make, shall on communicating the aarticulara to me be arapLy remunerated, and theit names never dilenleed. Signed •;• THOMAS HOLLOWLY. 1 Lndon, Jan. 1, 1E477. 477 ; I _ GREA.T FEMALE nEMEDY.-Jeb Mosea et ea. OLD FRIEND THE BEgrl. , t FRIEND, . Periodical Pills -This LTIValUAbleIllteliCiIte 131 unfailing in the cure ofallthosep!nfui and dangerous diseases to which he fern le cettell tion is aubjeet. It moderates all excess and re - 4 •, moves all obtraetions, and a speedy cure:nay be •I -1 W. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, - REGs te acquaint ale naany friends and cueto- -1-' niers tbethe lute rereoled two daors 0011110f his oia stand, McIutyre's wirer e he bas a s-tockqoa11 to antain the Inedeess, and at the remit favorable pies. All kinds of Repairing elone Oil the phorteet notice. A good Stoek of Trunks, Valisea, Whips, Combs, Brut -low, and ull otbersnch articlea aequixed constantly on hand. Rennee ten 3 our old Priem]. Sirn f tee Scotch Collar. 451 • W. H. OLIVER, fleaforth. 1../lt. WILMA:NI CRAS SPECIFIC . • . The Great English Remedy is cep/tie:illy re- commended as at unfelt - hag . cure for. Seminal laeaknees Speer -eaten.- ' bee, Impotency, and all o r .diFesses that' &Dew as A f vex. a serjr.vnee of Self abuse, as Lops Of Memory, Teniverital Laueitude, Pain in the Beek, Dintnese of Vision, Premature ,Ola Age, and !many other diseaeee that leads to Insanhy or Censumption and it Premature Grave, all of wit/eh as a rttle are firsteausedby deviating from the Pa tla of nature and over iudalgenee• The Speciffc 'Medicine is the result of a life attaly andmany years of ex- perience in treeting these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail_ The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggiets at $1 per package, oe 6 packages for $6, er will be ient by erten on receipt of the money, by address ng WILLIAM GRAY it CO., Windser, Ont. Sold m Seaforth by E. Hickson ar Co., .T. s.Robertsall. Lunteden and alt druggist merchants. - VOR -1 SALE. -A two itorey frante hortse and ont- forth, o to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich. 0.3 1 -aa b ' dings, situated on the Market Square of Seafort a for sale or to rent. The building is very suitabl for a boarding home or a publle business. For pa ticulars apply to W. N. WATSON Sea - relied on. To tuntriediadies, it is peculiarly euitea. It will, in it short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with. regularite. These pills stoula nOt be taken by Females daring -the bra three menthe of Pregrancy, as thee are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at -any other time they are safe. In all eftStS of Nervous ,and Spinal Affections, 'paled in tilt. beck and Bribe, fatigne on elight ertien, palpitation ef the heart, hysterics, and with ta, (have pilla Will effect a tare when all other lette))s neve failed; uml, although a pewerfnl remedy,- do eet contain iro», e4omcl,aetintorey, or anything hurtful to the couetitutieen Fula (Erne •ieee in the pamphlet anemia eaeh eekage, e lace, elitual lie earefully inteurved. J'ea 'Meseta New Yolk, Sole Promieter, $1 00 aue1124 email for pontege (meant:el to Nert arta) & lerren'it, To - mete et., gallery] Agents fer thle e eeaelon, will Lnet., a. bott1e. eouteining over at- niee by return mail. Sold in Seaforth hy E. 4t!S CO., 3.8. Roberts. and It. Lunaelen. 197 - T3ETTIT'S EYE -SALVE -An infaliiale L needy fer ell Dietawee el the Eye tactile cz e. Grateulaticn of :the Lisp, teleeratien f att, thrym al 17:1:11.44,, toid Weal:rivers 4jeleion from any eanm:..---Tnli prcseliteJ to the public with Ilia aRearai, i:ts erica -tines aes. curative oL nmet diseuete of the e.ye. Route or chroeie leflentruatioe, icl..41-Lttr in- duced by etrofuleus origin -or °the./ wiee, wie:amess or &feet .of vision, diminiehed tone •of (tette nerve, or a tlatietteed Mate a Thc tietetes tieute leg that organ. Milo fur all peritone,whuitts: 44. cation requires an ince/nen:it action of the eyenthe Ettallio will act it charm in restining a nnifene, hal- thy action, whe't' weekeeete pain and tete t ry may have long three:it-nett a falai termintitil It in the itunt i.iwpbe, Haft aria effeetnel rtuneey aver -discovered. Thenuateriebt of which it IS ma3o are pure, perfect end costly, compouoded vitt elab- orate eine and exact mew, safe i•ti its arena talon, being need externally, and, of •conr-se,avoietna the . pain and &auger, wl ich neceesarily attends the introduction of cattailfrl minerals and eye -wash. Ringworms and Old •Carorile Sores, of eettetalone eeigin; or resulting from wbatever cause, :acid to the Ain:axe/es Eve-Seeve. It la 'used staecess- fully 10r Liles. • • Its soothing •effect is irataeitiate, and it permanent cure requires but et few eeplicra Hone. The prom-lea:no of "Dn. 3. Pearanee A:et:Innen Eye -Beane." while ntaking tete and improved nmehinery for tralang a mere yeileet box for the EYE -SALVE, have :cbanged the Tattle lark on the toyer be as to correspond with the Cut on the Wrapper, °treaters, Ativertisementa &c. We call att-ention to this, es it might other' &c.- evise be regartlad as e-ounterfeiting. BA.RRER, Proprietors, Frac:410W% N. Y. t NOE- THROP •ia: LYMAN, Toronto, Agents -fee Can- ada. 1.",10 •