HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-09-21, Page 3SEPTEER 21, `1877. `e, McCOLL, Solicitor, &e., Brussel*. (Mice n Leckie'' neW brick building. 5flee* IEEON, IIOLT ut` CAM F ltON, Barristers, -elieltora chancery, ac.. Go/let-ma, tent. :Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. cue, see, : LIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Corer.. sioner in B. B., Wroxeter. Auctioneer Aird :riser. Account.' and uotea cojleoted .osblc terms. 3gg I,. P(yeree, Da sister, Attorney, Solicitor iA E lrancery, &c., and Seaforth, ore. over Joctisrt'a Drug Store, Godericit, and 's Steve, Seaforth. 854 .LCOMSON & . WATSON, Barristers, Atter. treys, SolicitOs in Chancery, ttie., Ciinioiq office—Filet ricer east of the new Iiopna diem Bank building. Miouey to loeu on fart my. 4 nctiMsoN. 40:1 a. A. WATSON t;A1.0/my to iWT.AfESTED,Barristers, At. •iirept in Law, Solicitors in Chancery eee4` 'envy, Notaries Public and Cortvegan eere tine for the 1w. C. Thenk, Seaforth, Agentefor lades `•ifeAssnranceCompany, f Beep t10t, to lend at 8 per cent. Farasa. .end Lots for sole.. 58 f.1'.OW, MEYER & It A1)ENilUI T, Barris. r., At tor cey' .. it -Law, Solicitors in Chancery, rieetefunds to lean nt n low rate of niece~ d n tern€, tO sect borrowers. Offices -- even and Win;;;ramr. rifiice iu Langdaleie Eng, apposite lieett'e Bank. e= r.row R. w. c. etEYE . W. 3. a rrF:::i#i nwt. 474. C. Meyei, St icitor Consolidated Bans. mania, Wingheee isoee etz MEYER, Barristers and Attorney Law, Solieitere in Chancery and Inetelventree yaneeis, Noteries Public, ete. Offieas—.Btu.. rind Brussels. 523,000•of Private Funds teat once at Eight Interest, payable 5,3 H. 8i::iSON. ir. W. C. IttY>sit. e irbc•%C firru hes the t day been dissolved by ;al c_,r.: errs. ;mil aceonnts due the farm to -d to .lir. Berrien who will pay all Iiab31- FeV- JAMES R. RENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. !E0=)11`,AL. f. SCOTT, M.D. &e., ghysiciau, S argeon and eeonebenr•, Seaforth, Ont. Ofhos and risen Mouth side of , Goderieh Street, first deet r Presbyterian Church. 84 Imo. YERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur. .eon, etc-, Coroner for the County of Huron and Besieeuec, on Jarvis street north, fly opposite Seeforth Publie School. A ADAMS, 3i. D., late of Laketie1d, Ont., 1'liesttien, Surgeon and Accotiehene, eeteof the l rriversity of Trinity College, to. Mende -rot the Royal Cohe=re of Phy- le and Suigee.n Ont. K.int>trrn.Ont. 485 i, BANOVE) M.. I'., C. M., Graduate of :`1C.i=isl. i niet:rs:ity, Physician, St r eort and rheur, Seef,:+rth. Ont. Office—Rooms in Cs Bieck lately c ec€spied by lir. Phelan, and -any by the lire Dr. Kinn. Will attend at r brook €rn '.t uresihya and Fridays. 4195 .IcNAI: CHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Grader etre of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, - Office and l.t iidenee in rear of Killoran & e. Calle proniiptle attended to, night or A dt ek of veterinary medicines on hand re•ss>til:Uric. Horses examined este seend- ind certificates given it required. 407 ES W. ELDER, V, S., Graduate of the ettario \'ett.r€nitry College. After devoting tiers rae u e with Professor Smith, of: no, has settled in Seaforth. Once at his !.CO east of W. M..Church. Celle promptly .ed, to by day or night. A large atocrk of nary Medieine4 constantly on hand.- Horses: ed�as to sonetinese and eerti• erttes given :s ljought an/ sold on commission. 424 T DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist, CYraduete tf the' royal College of Dental. ` Surgeons of Ontario. Artificial € e neatly executed. Ail surgical opera - pee formed pera-pezformeed i.it'll care and promptitude . hears from S A. M. to 5 P. M. Loon -s, in Whitney s nem° brick block, Main Street, rth. ' �� . N EMU' NEY TO LEND—On terms more advan sf euas than < ter before offeree. A. 3. Me - Solicitor, BI-tssels. 50152. 52. PeRINE, Licenced Anetioneer for the County of Huron. Sales attended in all of the Counte. Ali orders left at the Br- et Office will Ile promptly attended to. i.I.CIiII , General Loan and Teal Estate Agtet, Produce end. Commission heart. Ofltt e—New . chick Block opposite. 1. American Plot el, Brussels, Ont. 48a ARLES F. MILES, Provincial Land Sur - icor, Wia.ghann Orders by mail will receive Sur- e.? ,.tterition. Branch °fliao,CIinton. 3(ILEs. 465 - T. S. GORE. 1 4E Al Ol: H PUMP FACTORY. — N. Cluff. sueee .o>i to J. 1i. Williams, mannfao- of Ptnnps and Cisterna. All work warranted ee gatisfactiou. Factory on Norte Mein, St., rtI. 5(+0 E GItEAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses' i'eriodical Pile—This invaluable medicine is ding in the care of all those p;sinful and -rot€s diseases to which the female constitn- F e tirb ect. It moderates all excess and re- is all obtruetiolte, ante a speedy eureinay be o ons. To maer•iedladies, itis peeu€iaily suited. E'1, in a short time, bring on the mouthly pe - ,with re;,ularit; . 'These pills should not be i1 by Fernales daring the first three menthe: re{grancy; as they are sure to bring on 3iiis-: erre, but at any ether time they are safe. In a=ces of Nei :one and Spinal Affeetianer in the back andlimbs, fatigue on slight ex- rn, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and e€•, these pills will effect a cure when all other s nave failed ; and, although a powerful ds, do not contain iron, calomel, antimonY, vtleing hurtful to the constitution. Full trans iu the pamphlet attuned each package, h should be carefully preserved. Job Mese%, York, Sole Proprietor. S1 00 and I2f cents >stage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- o, Oat., geuerel agents for the Dominion, insure a. bottle containing over 50 pills by' :n mail. Sold in- Seaforth by E. Hickson & J. Selloberts, and R. Lameden. 197 P ITCHELL'S BEiLLADONNAIMPROVED IN- DIA, RUBBER Pt'ItO-t S 1'L AS r l=it. --There ar has been a time when the healing of so y differeeit diseases has been cause,. by met- a applications ea the presout. It is an an- r.teei fret that over heir of the entire popular of the globe resort to the use of ordinary ere. The 1>riucipal ingredints tr=eed in mak- hese plasters are Gana Olibanum—or better en as the Freels -incense tf the Bible—Robber. Burgundy Pitehi which, when seieutitieaily polinded, is fell of electricity, and when corn• ed with the pm e ruedicival gates, is Toned tO elle of the greatest healing meaitrnrs ever *let before the human race. They are ae- wield„ed by ale who have used thein to act ket than any other Plasters they ever before , and that meet these P1•estere will do more eenviee than a hundred of the ordinary kind - other I'ineters are slow of action, and esquire . worn continnelly to effect s care; but with e it is entirely different, the, instant one is ied, the patient will feel its effect, They ,offs all the euothing, warming, supporting ft. strengthening dualities of all other _Plasters. ny who have been relieved of Ritenef.iresen t oloneve, and various other pains in the tNEIS, BREAST or Sinn, and believe it is solely t.. by the ele:ctrieal qualities which the Porous stere contain, aur.:which is imparted to the Item, thus restoring them to re healthy condi- re They are very soft and pliable, still, very €.sive; and a sure cure for WEAK B.tcas, ass is TILE Stux AND BREAST ; and are in - treble to those who have a COLD of long stand- , and oftett prevents CONSUMPTION. some - F.ntell us they believe they were entirely eared tl.e use of them of a lone -seated Coneump- n. Prepared by GEORGE E. MITCHELL. well, Mass. Sold by all druggists. NOR- %ROI' & LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada- _ _ ______, ____ __ STOftE TO RENT. HE Dry Goode. Store at present occupied by r.r , Mr. George Dent, two doors north of the Post: Thla is ergo of the best situated business ends in Seaforth, being On the corner of Maim 4 Market streets. For vartietilars apply to J. - BENSON, Leq., Barrister, Seaforth, or at RS. MAitli,EY'S Grocery Store, Opposite nage tel. 51@ SEPTEMBER 21, 1877. 1877. MAIN '_HURON EXPO ITOR- a AFORTH. 1 ILLIA I O. IMPQRTE. WE HAVE NO HICH FOR Uy OPENED UP A LARGE PORTION OF OUR :FLL STOCK, VALUE CANNOT BE URPASS ED. WE HAVE Pt/ROI-1414SM IN THE VERY LOWESII MARKETS, AND LL GOODS ARE ED kv J/zsi/zng 711 THE LEAST POSSIB E ADVANCE. uy Place can get Goo's at the Rig. ht Prtce! Without Baniering. STAPLE DEPARTMENT The Stock xl this Depart- ment is Ursually Large. WE ARE SHOW NG VERY CHEAP LIN S IN PLAIN SHEETINGS, TWILLED HEETINGS, GREY COTTONS, TONS, WHITE ,C ? TTONS, PRINTS, SHIRTING DENIMS, WKS, DRILLS, J ANS, TICKINGS We have gained the reputation of being the Cheapest House in Town for all classes of COTTON GOODS, And we intend this season to further strengthen that reputation. A Large Stock of COTTON YARNS, CARPET WARPS, AND 1GRAIN BAGS, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. SPECIAL VALUE IN SCARLET FLANNELS, WHITE FLANNELS, PLAIN GREY FLANNELS, -. TWILLED GREY FLANNELS, TWILLED SCARLET FLANNELS, - STRIPED AND CHECKED FLAN- NELS, Also a Line of ALL -WOOL HOME- MADE FLANNETS, the Best Goods in the Market. WM. H'LL & CO. DRESS -GOODS DEPARTMENT PLA2N, LUTTRES AND SERIES IN NAVY, SEAL, AND MYRTLE. 3 • FA DRESS CY G.00 DS IN ALL THE LEADING SHADES. OUR 15 -CENT LINE OF FANCY DRESS COOoS CANNOT BE BEATEN. BLACK LUSTRES. A Ful Line from 15 per y cents to 80 cents rd. 4.00K: AT THIS : A BLACK SILK for 'DRESSES at 60 Cents Per Yard—Mich Belo Value. 1 I MCtURNIN GOODS. - —IN CRAPE CLOTHS, PARA M I,TTA , MERINO, COBOL) GS. EXCELL-EN ' VALUE IN PLAI i. AND FANCY V I.NCEYS. See our CHECK % INCEYS at 121 . Cents por+ yard. - WM. HILL & CO. FANCY G00DS MILLINERY DEPARTMENT A • SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BUTTONS, SILK FRINGES, WooL FRINGES VE ILINGS, FRILLINGS, COLLARS, CUFFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SCARFS, TIES, SATCHELS, - I CORSETS, CLOTH GLOVES, s KID GLOVES, HOSIEfFY. L A NICE LINE OF dies' All Wool HOSE, In Navy, Seal, Myrtle and Bronze. WM. HILL - & CO. DEPARTMENT FOR THE .M ANAGEMENT OF CLOTHING- GIENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT SUITS AT $12. THIS DEPART .MEAT SUITS AT $14. - We have again secured the Services of MISS GRANT, —WHOSE— SUPERIOR TASTE Was so Generally APPRECIATED during last season. WE ARE NOW SHOWING ALL THE NEW STYLES IN STRAW and FELT HATS. � I A FINE STOCK 0' FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RIBBONS, LACES, r 1 SILKS AND PLUSH THE NEW STyL IN— MANTLES' MANTLES' 1 S. All the New Shades In SHAWLS. WM. HILL & CO SUITS AT $116. SUITS AT $18.. SUITS AT $20. SU°TS AT $21. SUITS AT $23. SUITS AT $25. SUITS AT $30. SEE OUR STOCK OF SCOTCH AND CANADIAN TWEEDS, WEST OF ENGLAND BROADS, - DOESKINS AND WORSTEDS. As this Department is tinder the care of a FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, We have no misfits. WM. HILL & CO. IWHITE SHIRTS, COLORED SHIRTS, WOOL SHIRTS. UNDER SHIRTS AND DRAWERS A FULL STOCK. Our HALF DOLLAR Leine is hard to beat. COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, SCARFS, B WS, BRACES, SATCHELS, 1 . VALISES, UMBRELLAS. SPLEN ID LOT ENGLISH AND AMfERICAN I FELT HATS i if_T BOTTOM PRICES. WM. HILL &. CO. GROCERY DEPART -M -ENT WE ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND - A FRESH STOCK OF FAMILY GROCERIES. TEAS A SPECIALTY. A LIBERAL REDUCTION TO PARTIES BUYING TEA BY THE CADDIE. - SUGAR, 11 pounds for LAYER RAISINS At $1 75 Per Box. 1. Coffee Fresh Ground Daily. PROMPT DELIVERY. WM. HILL & CO. WILT,IAM HILL tiz CO., !MPOIITERS, M *IN STREET, SEAFORT Opposite the Commercial Hotel and One Door North of the ,Post Office. ONT.,