HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-09-14, Page 10u i3PL Varieties. —Mr. Ryecraft, a journeyman shoe- maker in London and janitor to the Wellington street 1VIethoclist • Church, has fallen heir to the Modest fortune of $60,000. —.One night last. week, Messrs: Wey- mouth, Cartwright, and H. Snell, of Hallett, had some sheep Worried by doss. The two former ones had to kill quite'a number, but Mr. Snell did not lose any. —Wood has many advantages over coal for small fires in au up -stairs room, as it can be carried more readily, and very cold weather sets in, all fruits are 1! placed out of doors wit a northern ex- ! w y never touch s throughand ! ~ flavor as coni • It; been pluoke'd . C� nere traavellera' l aG plication might i ig ido safes far CO those delicious e indifferently. sugar, etc., may posur•e, that the s them. They are through, and rota pletely as if it lra from the tree. T hili is gossip, but a! prac deal a be derived by ests.blLth fruit, game, etc., whore results which can, only obtained by bottljng, bs be assured. rn m froze 11 tj.fei jus Ali. Ottd G* n is. causes little dirt: and - almost no ashes, A queer genius lives while the noise of feeding the fire is man who has prababl man for the p a a. witha a oxna, never witha man; ev as they arrive at21 y t East 1I rke-a not spo en to I avoided. The latter evil may be reme- j another p. t 25 yeaais. Ile died, however, by putting the coal on in will talk b or ami or, but I paper bags such as are used by all n his oh soils, grocers. 'h r ars of a e, are ' —When chromes require cleaning re talked to no longer. Vhen lie can do move all dust with a feather brush, and no betterlig willtalk t the stove, or to wipe carefully, with a soft chamois skin a horse, or whatever el e happen s to e or fine linen cloth, very slig fitly damp- near, and say: " Old h ,rsa you tell Mr. f med. If a little spotted orlulll, a drop Sinlith T want to buy 1 • is farm.' Arr. of oil on the chamois will remove the Smith can speak for linlself, lint will he hears it ad - e." This eccen- w no man to ill sooner stand. often stood up through church •serv-ic=s. when he mild find no seat without it man at his right hand. He speaks in eetings and is G, qui e an earliest, inter .Sting, speaker Bariivion (1-t.) J`'/WP 1 rens. The Aby! ssin A gentleman! who MajestyKingSohn o the seemed a man in and vigor, his es: �ress;i sullen,his eyes c•as.t c c ins straight at his int i0a, ing sudden, swift, sidelong glances, frill 0 —The composer of the song "Listen of penetration and fiir- )leiOn. His corn- to jrn to the Mocking Bird" keeps a inusic plex on is coffet..•a doted h' features, store in Philadelphia. His name is like those of th.e Abvs: Septimus Winner, and his ,mm cl� 2,ltc�nr. and aquiline, c lsr•:tr c:1 is Alice Hawthorne, his mother's name. pressed lips. Iiy spas blemish. If the varnialfis dull or rub- 1 only get an answer a bed, revarnish with thin mastic ver- dressed to the "old. hon nista Like oil paintings, it 'is not de- 'trig individual will all sirable to hang chromos in adarkroom at his right handl; he but never expose them to thedirectrays up or leave, and has of the sun. —Some fifty years or more ago'a poor old woman in Ireland had her cottage pulled down over her head by her land- t t t k lord. Her name was aMoll a Maguire, X and she died of grief and, exposure. Thereupon her son and some neighbor y an King. lads formed themselves into a secret called upon his band, and vowed and tookfercerevengo Abyssinia, says on Irish landlords in general. The band ie prime of life a spread rapidly, and they .called them,- 1 n of countenance selves the " Mollie Maguires," and Irish 1 I wn, seldom to k- . W coal .miners brought the name to Amer- g 1 locator, but - iv - ,i MENT TO THE HURON EX.POSITQR. I3ASV IRS Pat ; his inliwis, were high I , , with thin, caul-• ell was slow, ci,nd. Onee, having written a song over ills there was not much d gnity of manner., real name, the Round fable criticised i He wore the dress col anon to Abyssin- him severely, comparing his music with ian. chieftains ,i loll:; cotton cloth With 3 that of Alice Hawthotrne, and suggested a red baud running th rough the centre, the old Roman for the head and z erasions he wears thiopia in a gold ta that that " gifted lady should be repre- sented by a publisher other than Sep. Winner, whom, for some unaccountable. reason, she permitted to give her works to the musical world." circlet. —Some time since Mr. Jac ib Wolf, near Varna, lost two rnenbes of his worn_iu the st4'1e of toga, with no covering feet; though on Arrc'at p the triple crown, ctf E Be Gaut family through sickness, and he was . It is best to 3u, ver heft alone with a large harvest to reap. beglnninl; of a Iclinue He was unable to procure help, persons brow what is t . fuilotiv, and all the rest apparently being afraid of catching the may be spoiled for ox.e by an opposite disease that had carried off the two c fuse. We rexneme the case of a lady (fi membersof his family, although the Alexico, who diiiins with the Go -ver- m doctors said. that there was no danger nbr of the Provl n ee, tt5 served for the whatever. However, quite a number of first course with a lis h. Shc was soave- an his neighbors gathered with the inten- tion of harvesting his crop, but rain pre- vented them. Some time passed, dur- ing which he did a little himself al- thoughquite ill, but the frequent rains so hindered him that he gave his erop up a8 lost Last week the farmers re- ious. moderate in the • as one does not m m 1 assembled, gathered all his grain, and threshed it for him, two days being oc- cupied in threshing. Those who ren- dered assistance certainly deserve peaise for their kind act. .er 1 , ' and t Railway. —1VIrs.Crapo; who,1hu.o, with hel , Una, north and south , s crossedtite ocean in a small. boat, rites i home to New Bedford, Massacliu-= , GOIKG SOUTii f setts, confirming • the story of mixed..... 9:15 A. M. ail 6:37 A.M. She slept on a wet Aeeom..... .9:03 P. M. ecom 8:05 P. M. their hardships.slept A"(aii...- 3:10 ':ll[. Mixed 5:29 P. M. bed all through the voyage They had tE• Railway: " but, she says, `" God was with us, Trains lenvr, 5eatcsrt.b St Mon as to lows : and Ile calmed the seas, so that we Ooi.rG �vz s2— were able to make sail. The next morn- } Mind Train, 6:40 A. M. ing God spoke to me and said : " I z xprrosa main • (1:45 P. M. 2:08 P. M. with thee ; dont fear. Trust ine, antiI;xpreasa 8:58 P. M. will land thee safe on shore.' The f01*tG EAST— tears dropped down my face like rain." Express Trein. 7:50' A al Express Zrsiin.. ' Mrs. Crape complains of pains all Mixed' 1xzed `Gratin ' 1.25 P. M. 10:10 A M. through her body ; she fainted twice on Mixed Train i ;4.45 P. M. the passage. The husband, too, was badly used, and both have quite enough London, Fiuro • and Bruce. dory voyaging. " We would not under- Goble small— run 1, ' Mixed. Express. take this voyage again for considerable," E A. I. A. M. P. M. Wingham, dere' t... r 30 10 50 4 30 she writes; " Nosing could make as Belgrave. 7 50 11 15 4 50 go.''' ]3lyth.......... 8 05 ];1 $5 5 05 —Permit me to say to the lady wlio Londesborough 8 14 11 50 5 15 had such a time getting her baby to B,henc lieid 8 SO 1 15 5 50 sleep that she changed her song too of Kippen 9 t 0 1 40 6 02 ten. 1 50 6 07 . Let her keep her baby in one po- Ilcnsall 4 050 ' sition. as nearly as possible, without Exeter London, arrive! . - 10 t,, 4 45 7 45 holding it by main force, and sing one A P. 11i. P. M: song to it, over and over again, till it (roi G 21101•1011 11 t i. D[iticd. _ Txpres6. :1 1. A.M. P.M. falls to sleep from the sheer monotony London, depart, . • • sal 7 85 5 05 of the thing. There is no need a£ nee- Exeter :4 ... 8 ,0 " 10 50 6 25 Hewlett ! it 05 ' 11 15 6 88 Kippen. 9 10' 11 80 6 46 Brnaefield..... .1... 9 20 11.45 6 57 Clinton i 9 40 12 40 7 11 Londesborough ..... 9 57 • 1 10 7 30 Blyth 10 05 - 1 80 7 40• 73eigrave 10 22 1 55 7 56 Winghain, arrive, 13 40 • 2 20 ' 8 15 A. P. M. P. M. what surprised 1 ut hash,and shelledlly in it. But the next Hash there ware so hashhashbefore the m<ti, delicious delicacy unc its appearance!. Of c of each hash, fur the ing, was all she shot it was, she ..stat ctitr talus. t wasa very good oa tleher dinner upon A course was also -enteen courses of i dinner, of -every er the stub, made • urse, a tiny morsel sake of the flavor - d have taken ; as rwtyrds like Tan - Great t r 4>~t n \ �er Trains leave Bru leis et ay under: GOING seven gales, the last being very hard, 1 j Grand rutz romancy, jugglery, etc., etc., slough it is well to remember the laws of mes- merism. Keep your mind concentrated. on the one idea of putting your baby to sleep. Look him in the eye and if a fly chances to light on his face, make the downward pass of the hand in driving it off. If baby is put to sleep regularly . at the same hour every day it becomes a comparatively easy task though for a time he stoutly resists being taken from his play. McLaggan, formerly of the Gnelph Mercury, is writing his experi- ences of a trip to Manitoba in that pa- per. Speaking of. Winnipeg, he says it is to be "the big city of the west," and - that, too, ere many years pass over us. Its past record is an extraordinary one. In 1871 the population was about 500; in 1872, 1,600; in 1873, 3,500; in 1874, 5,000 ; and now about 7,000. Were it not for the grasshopper plagues of 1874 and 1875 it is a certainty the population would have even doubled the figures I have given. This year's assessed value of pity -property is $2,987,000: The tax, - slim: about 1 cents on the dollar. Real estate is high, about $100 to t:*'>0 per foot frontage being the ruling figures for choice properties on Main street, near the centre of business. Rents are I excessively high, and buildings dear. Fifty dollars per month for an ordinary 1 dwelling house is the ourrent rate; $1,- ' 500 to $2,000 per annum the rent for small stores; while the common rents paid for such hotels as the Pacific, Grand Central, or the Davis are from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. —A traveler in Siberia last winter writes as follows : Our dinner party in the-evening—and it was really a dinner party :was extremely merry. ti lard his stores -under contribution. ou Some brought out .frozen bread, others frozen caviarre, others frozen preserves, others again sausages,which could not be bent even if , put across the knee and pulled with the strength of both arms. Can you imagine, without laughing, the appearance of sevenhalf-famished peo- P ie sitting at a table with thirty differ- ent .iff tr - eat dishes before them,. and unable touch one except at the risk of break- ing their teeth.? Nothing could be done except to whit patiently for the va- rious dishes to be thawed, by sitting on them. At the close of the dinner "we t frozen. e excellentfhroughaut� e Siberi.a,, assoon en as irO' NEW 2 D "i iE 13 0 11 - tfi tO r t.4 r 0 2 T 2 v AEI3N1H0 033SNI1 0 N Q 1-1 r r 0 r m T AND IS COMING-', vvILLqO Is prepared for it at his old skull on N,, SEAFORTH • I Slain •` treot vhere you can got any quantity of those eeltsbrate SHARP'S PATENT SULK' IIA'" RAK E,S Those eertninly are the boat hakes in the marketI, being the only Canadian Retro that cured n. Can - termini medal. This rake was purchased y the Auetr liar Government for the Sidney' Exhibition. i i - - REAPERS. REAPERS. ; REAPED FE111�hNG WIRE 3 JOHNSTON'S REAPER, WOODS' REA ER antttlre 00NQt1ERER COMBINED, all manufactured AND BUILDING ITAIID�•TArE by that well known firm The Masse 71lanufaeturing'Cempauy. i 1 111I Of Eve.y Deseriition Cheap. X1 MAXWELL'S LIG T REAPER. 1 n i € This is something now and should be exained. by ferrners before making a purchase It , is the ' fi m best light retnperinEA V •1 IIOtlGH AND GONI?I7CT- t� ho market. • iIl\TG! PIPE I 9 i Pat up n the Shortest I'rotice and Warranted. KIDD'S li-IARDWAR,E. 11 R fc;CE IVE D DIRECT FRO ' I MA'LIFACTURERS I AEIIIt'A\•' CUT NAILS l'OEyS AND RA -E ES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, lt,c 51' aDES HOVELS FORKS c r a CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND y A JV.RDED TO MALCOLM .MON ItOE, SEAFORTH, FOR WOOD HANDLE AND WROUGHT IRON BEA11� PLOW, 1Jr ALCOLM MONROE }las pleapureinannonnetng to 1heFalrof)•s of Huron and Perth that be /1-1' is better Impaled this sense than ever to furnish infhst•clnr s ortielo. As proof positive that b his PIcR•s are the Bent in the Market be bus only to refer to rho fact that the Plow 07ai.nlactured y him obtained the INTERNATIONAL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. MOWIN WOODS' MOWER, BUCKEYE MOWER, S!?th.GUE MOWEE, and others. All of the above Machines are sold on the follqwing Terms : No Equal or No Sale. k SMALL IMPITEMENTS. PLOWS of all kinds, TURNIP -SEED 8 WER8, Iron and Woolen HORSE IIOE 8 , Cultivators, Gang Plows -and Iron Barrows. All Implements 'Warranted to be Wheat is Represented. O. 0: WILLSON, SEAFORTHH. 0 119 3 m O MISS CAMPBELL'S BLOOK SEAFORTH. TENDING to retirefrom business I have now, commenced to dispose of ma entire I STOCK OF MILLINERY, FAI6Y AND OTHER GOODS �t aid Below Cost.• Being determined to SELL OI am prepared to dispose of my Goode at th li.OWET POSSIBLE PRICE. COME ONE, COME ALL. DIPLOMAS Speci t 1 ucl'r,,ceyner., rornpt 1P. aying Customers. ri THE GRE ATTST WONDER, OF MOD - P RN IMES. is to Cash and JOHN IUDD. MISS LEE4I3.: g 0 0 ANI) LITE A.P: GOODS: s: ?� 1ARKE , f`il IN 1�9RS. E.1I: ORO.C'ER1 L'S ane L ONFE(•rLO GOODS DELIVERED MAIN STREET'. SF. FORTH, OPPOSITE BAYS' Eio rEL. gs� HARD TIMES AND PRICES TO SUIT THE T MES. D' P C),VIS'i0.1TS', 'TI Q REE OF CHARGE. "I aBOOTSAND SHOES IN ENDLESS ARIE'1'Y AT THOMAS CC VENTRY'S. I,AZ JUST OPENING my Spring stock, corl- ptising all the Latest tylos iu Ladies', Gents' and Children's Near. I .have bought from the best houses in the Trade, fbr O sh. and 1 am there- fore in a position not toe undersold; and es I am more than usually haup, I am determined not to be ; I therefore realId ctfully invite the Dash boring people of Seafortbnd its serroundiugs to give mea call hof re buy: IN THE CUSTC g elsewhere. • DEPARTMENT Of my business.I liar non but the best material and employ the very best o workmen. My repair- cannot fail to g t s�A any' .s executed in a style repair - satisfaction; So;aith th bks for past patronage, and au abiding faith in better time Doming, I would simply .sad- don't forget the place : 0 ts. 1-3 HE ALPO MANUFAC- TURES IRON PLOWS, ]fill's Patent Plows, SCUFFI,ERS, IRON AND Z4 p( • US cc EX O IR. Thistle Cul ter Plows, Also a One -Horse Plow Suitable for .hfowing Gardens. WOOD PLOWS. ��. As. -4546:4,7M44,744,--, �•> SCRIVCN.r C) 13 m r2 U Fanners d This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now insure, Farn ers se, and shout give • It a trial before purcbuting any other. i All these Implements„are manufactured by himself, of the very best materi:il,.ar,ci aro better and more durable than those got up by Dirge establishments lor catch sales. Every Implement war- ranted that Prices h ranted to give t•atisfaction. as low as those of any other respectable estslot turns out a gcod article. 'Plows of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand and can beseen ut his shop el; any rima. IRON HARROWS, The Scotch Diamond Harrows kept constantly on handl Repairs fcr all' kindsol Plows kept con- , stantly ou hand. Remember the shop, Main Street Seaforth, East Side. I P MAI COL* 1101\TP OE. i BUTTER. BUTTER. MONEY ! BUT rER MONEY ! WHO WANTS IT ? NO TRUCK ! NOR TRADE ,! CAS11 The Pills Purify t1soll od, correctell disorders of the•Liver, -t4E:imaeh, a tineys and Bowels, and ere invaluable .' all c niplaints incidental to rusneles.. - T8e1 Ointaneuk is th a only reliable irniedy for bed Legs,. t)15 Won ds. Sores and Ulcera of hntvevor 1nng; st,indin Tor.. Bro:rahitis, Dab- hthcriir, Coughs Colds font, Bheamatism, and all Skin 1)iseasea it hasp• equni. BE cF N} rr YOItIC COUI�- i ! TERF}ITS. purines imitations .f "Holloway's Pills �� under a f attired and sold u e • "utment re man a an 01. thoname of "Bole • loway's & Co.,” by J. F. Henry, Curran, Co., Druggist,;, a nid also by the Me- tropolitan Med.^ eine Company an assumed Joseph t d 1®' —Again (in e AS US JAL, IS YING TOP' PRI ES, FOR GOOD DAIRY BUTTE R N ANY QUANTITY, I AT HIS OLD AND ' EL'IABLE • BUTTER STORE, • I Goderich Street, Seccjorthz.. THER IS NOTHING WHEN IT IS MADE • STP INTO GOOD X HARNESS Where you will find all Kinds of harness Made zip in the Latest Styles. LIKE LEATHER SUCH AS YOU FIND AT J. WARD'S, SEAFORTH, of i ew Y,wit ra o maiorkl this • : of ltewr York, likewise paves()eoanterfeata of his mini make under the nam of Holloway & Co-, basing for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New 'York, are agents for rile sumo. n These persons, the better to deceive you, u- blushingly caption the p' blit in the small books of direction whichaceoinpany their medicines, which aro rally the sp ions imitations, to Be- ware Of Oountu cite. U,nsarnpnloadealars . Main them at very low prieel and sell them to t e public in Canada as my genuine Pills and On trent. I groat earueetly and spectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of F milks and other Ladies, and to the public •gen rally of British North Ameiea, that they may be pleased to denounce unaz Daringly the a frauds ekirchuse, d shots d look to the Label ou the Pots nil 11 xcr+. lithe nddreeas. is Hot 533 Oxfo _d Street, London, they are Co Merle til+. . Zech Pot a d ;Box f the genuine Medicines bears the British Gove meat Stamp, -with the words, " HOLLOy11'S ILLS AND O INTffi sxTy Los oN.," engraved th reon. On the label is alone e the� ro m an ufa tar ed,theµddreas, 5133rOxFon STDs Dr, LORDOx , whore t Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurns a Hello ay's Pills and Ointment es of niy genuii a make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and thoir•nanres never disnl�ed, Signed TiIO i4S $OLLO\i'AY'. London, Jan11,1877. 477: '1p. ••� EMi•;a1BEri, if yon want a randy or Sitbstal�tial Harness 3. WARD can give yon better setts - .+V PRICE than an other maker in the County. A Trial is all that hi old Is wanted t0 fieDlrre ee^elAr GRatO � T at Ck THE CONSOLIDATED BANK i 0I+ CANADA. CAPITAL PITA L • - - • $4.000.000. CIIIY BANK OP MONTk EAL, Incorporated 1833; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, ' I Incorpol ated 1864. SEAFlif�.3RT BRANCH. D MINION BI CK, MAIN -ST., SEAFOII,'II. raft* on NewYork Payable at any Ba in the United Sta es, Eine of Exchange 'on London payable at 11 Chief Cites of th United Kingdom. LtTERES., ,S, , PAI 6N - I)EPOS.t TS. I. P. HAYES, 41 mass ass AN OLD FRIEND THE -BEST FRIEND. 0 H. OLIVE,, SEAFORTH, EGS to aecinaint hi risers tbt.tihe has r fAohon as to Qtp LITY and PRC I Y i stand, hfeIntyre's Block, where ho bas a rj p equal to any in the business, and at the 0 , J, R ARD, Seafortb, m dt many friends and ousto- moved two doors north -of z � SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASII, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY MITE subseriberbegs leave to thank hisnnmerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to him since commencing business in Seafortb, and trusts that he may be favored with a oontinuanc of the same; 1?artiesintending to build world do well to give hin} a call, as ho will continue to keep on: hand a s argestock ofall kinds of f' 'r ; DRY PINE LUMBER; AS E . DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, !LATH, ETC. Hofeels oorildent of givingsatisfacticnitothorn who may favour him with their patronage,! as none u1first.elaes;wcinkmen aro employed. t.A-'' PiuLicelt.n ttention paid to CustomPlanine 201 JOHN H. P 1; OA-DFOOT. MARRIAGE LICENCES work in . E ,� 1 DEAL ABOUT GREAT CLEARING "SALES J1i, R `'� L } (EAR A GOOD NOW, BUT I_ YOU WIS;HTI AVOID ALL SHAMS, AND GET A SIGHT OF TITS , C� GENUINE TUING, /i GO TO DJNT'S, i Who thiA Day Begins to Sell 0f in REALITY, as he is Bound to .Tlerlitce his I � Present Mock, as 17tuc/L as possible before mooing into Itis vet ,stcoul. THIS IS NO HUMBUG. et iavorablm prices. All kinds of liepairing no on the r• ortest notice. A good Stock of rinks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and all her =eh articles reglrired constantly on hand. ;member 3 our old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Bar. 481 'W. 11. OLIVER, Seaforth. IL. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tho Cleat English Remedy is especially re- commended as anunfaii- i,ig cure for Seminal @>"= 14 eakness iipermatorr- hi a, In)pgLoney, itnd all JiefOre. diseases that lollgw as Af tb>r. a sequence of Self abase, as Loss of Memory, nivereal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness 1 f Vision, Premature old AAs, and many other Call and be convinced that you can get the most Dry Goods for the least money at DIN -VS during raeases that leads to Insanity or Consumption 1 and a Premature Grave, all of which as a role are his ! first caused by deviating from the Path of nature EAT GENUINE CLEARING SALE , nod over indulgence. The'fipeciffe Medicine is G R the result of a life study and many 3 -ears of ex - 1 erience in treating these special diseases. Pam - 1 l,hlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is told CSrHICH IS NOW GOING ON. 1„y all Druggists ists at 81 I er package, or t) packages fur S5, or will be sent 1by mail tan receipt of the money, by addressing JWILLIAM GRAY & Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold i Seaforth. by E. Hickson & ! Co., J. S. Roberts, It. I.t}msden and all druggist merchants. ' F. CRAKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, - At E. Hickson & Co.'s Jewelry Store, begs to inform the public that he is prepared to do first-class 3 lirIUSSILS 0 It C E B 'r ll FICA '><`-1� 8, t j . �[ (Under the new Act,) iso ne a d t the a' PIPE RE PAI1tIN (l,• �' `�' KC� "' ? t INN i WATCH F�EPAIII, , EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. 1 Under authority of the Lieutenant-Govctnor cf ! On e - _ t rc _ - --- t H th ur bhshment of A• Morphs London, Ont., is a sufficient rccommeud that full se. �� � ,�,�,� cau be in any description Of work. OF G 100 T, ,S'IG1 TII .-( BIG r E to say that owingto the scarcity of money and tight times ger:erally, in order to reduce S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land -Surveyor beg y err Orders by mai.;prompt- steel of Jewelry, a Good discount will be given on an purchases in order to indnecthose hay- East Side, Main Streel, Sbafo�th D • and Civil Engineer, t invest. All work repaired or Fold previously a gunlan d SPECTACLE REPAIRS. 1 T Subscribers wbnld respectfnUy intimate J>'; iVELI'.�c' REPAIRS, _ ct to the pubiie.tlutt tbcv bane again c mmmenaad t .work nt;.heir :Line �'nrka, opposite Van�toao's AVING learned.the trade thoroughly in England, and for nearly six years past have worked- in ,pill, on the oast side df the elver, where, havens e es r F . CRAKE. ( given. our , Iv attended to. rug money o i ves . th t e will be fulfilled by hir, f D. S. ckgrBELL-, Mitchell. i Crake if Kofi, razzing to saiicfaction. E. HICKSON & Co. 1 THOS. 60VE iT Y, Seaforth. 47s e finest ,draw kiln in this section and first-class acilities, they will be in a position to turn out be best of lime at 14 crate per bombe!, or caah. A. good ;article guaranteed, as we - now our business thoioughly. Give as a call. TOWN t4 BURROWS.