HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-09-07, Page 7e 18d*fr Te HE SEAFORTH 118-11RANgE AND LAND AtIERCYI ALONZO STRONG rs ENT fie Several First -Class Steck, end Life Itenranee Compardes,and, lap el to take risleaem rHE alOST FAVORABLE TERM so Agent for sexeral of the, heat Loan aes. Also Agent fer the sale and parchase of tied Village Psoperty. NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $3-0,000 :to Lean at 8Per Vein, Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steareersa oFFICE-70vei M. Morrison's Store,littriarea iteaforth. VOTERS' LIST -1877. UNICIPA.LITY OF THE TO SHIPOF STANTy. CO:UNTY OF HURON., TOTICE hereby given that I have tra WILLIAM PLUNKETT, Clerk of the said Municipal' Varna, Augest 21,1677. ThE COMMERCIAL LIVER SEAFORTH. ted to the persons mentioned in the Seco ectiou of "The VotersLiat Act of i876opies requirad lay said section to be se lted of the List made pursuant to the all peone appearing by the last re sseesment loll of the said, Matieipality, to entitled to 'alto in the said AtunicipMity at E lOUS !Or Meti*ers of the Legislative Assam land at Munieipal Elections, and that said. leaa first posted up, a my office, at Varna. the Sist day of August, 1877; and there for inapeetion. Electors are -called nponen examine that isaid List, and if any otandone ee any other errors- are foun4 therein, to take I - mediate proceeding:rite have the same errors meted aceordieg to lava 5074 ARTHUR FORBES, AVING xehased the Stock aua Trade of lee- :"L'E" 001XIVIerial Livery, Setiforth, from Mr. George Whitelea, kegs to state that he int carrying oa the business in the old staud,and added see eta4 Talmage horses and vehicketo fonnerly large stook. None bnt [-Firgt-Class(Yomfortable frehiclegand Goo r.: Retia6le Horse& Will be Kept. ;Covered &a Open Buggies and CarrIagets Doulrie and Stu& Wagons always ready folusie. :Special Arrangemenfs Made With Cop- - menial Men. Ordera left ixt the stables or any of the hotielia promptly attehded to.. RISES FROM THE AWE , E HURON CARRIAGE FACTOR, M. GRASSIE AS. pleasere in informing his customers Mende that hes again workiag full blas his new prentisee on Goderich street, on the of his ohl faestory, which was destroyed by He bits on baud a number of Lumber itnil Light Trauma, a Deritocrats and Buggies, Whialt for Workmanship and Material h an. ; recommend. Bern determined to frilly MS : his (Ad reprairtien, and will allow aerie in the business to. surpass him in Workmansid or s, price. Repelling and Custora Work prom attended to. Blacksraithing in all its branch . 502 WM. GRASS I SAW LOGS WANTEL) Mesers. dOLEMAN• & G0UI14LOY3E. Will pay the Highest Cash, Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KIND Also- a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable fo manufacturelof Hoops. : - Custom( I SaWirtg attended to preMftile ! elides cheapfaa at any other mill. lainelle0 of every aesciiption, also Shhililese Lath and Plakets always on hand, and at therrar owest raarket prices. SOOD OMR POSTS FOR SA.LE.. ocK,ENIAri & GOUINLOCK, the 417 Seaf rth UTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS Mvt7 prepared to supply all elastomers ithE -L. any number (if his SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS,. At SZ;0 per hundred, Cash. These Tuba aria BO' well and favorably known to the trade thatlit lanneceseery to say anything in their recomPan* t dation. - MR. TROT also marnifs.etnres a, small Oar& wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by retail or otherwise promptly atleatda ed to. 495 S. TROTT, Seaforih. LUM143R FOR SA HEMLOCKFirst Quality, $6 per M. j. from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER,. All Leirgthe, from 10 to 50 Feet, at tit PONY gnai, IN BiloKILL he Subscriber has ate° a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORT .re all kinds (4 Lumber can be obtained 479 .- THOMAS DO HENS4LL PORK FACTO Y CTECYRbE & JAMES PETTY' Dn-T-Ei4S u. Smoked and Sugar Cured sgisr ; Spiced aa Smoked Rolls, Cumberland B 00Dr Clear Sides; Mess Pork, &et. F 171 Ordirs by Mail or oth Zro3nptly Atte-ntled to. e gaantity always on hand. G. & J. PETTY, He - A Lax 4.O5 NEW 7AD CHEAP. GOO' MRO. P. MARKEY, DEALER IN GROCERIES and PROTTISIaltr& CONFECTIONERY, &o, DS DELIVERED FREE OF CHABL &INsTREET, SEAFORTH, OPPOS - HAYS' HOTEL. - "SEPTP.MEi '7, 1877. Devotees of Self. ` There are certain people wh,o come into being with an understa,n.ding that ..the world was made for Cresar, and •Cm-sar Means themselves:. They axe de- termined to have What they want in .thia life, and usually carry out their de- termination at an hazards. They can. not conceive that anything is of more importance than their wishes • and they :become in time, if they are not frona the. first, such utter incarnations of selfish- ness that everybody and eveiything ,give way to them. If they want a thing they must have it, let who will go without it; if they are happy nobody .else must show a gloomy face ; if they will play, let those work that dare; if they ...are sad, the world is turned topsy-turvy; if there axe sick, there is im health in There is always some excellent. retie 8011, for the tyranny of these devotees of self. They ought to have the best eheir 1 they have the lame back, or they get tired more easily; or their strength needs to be husbanded, or they are deli- • cate anyway, or else they always laave had it, and they are no -b conaforta,ble in, sang other, while those who never have had it will of course not feel the (life fereneo. Then they should have the novel first: i doesn't take them so long to read it. they mentioned. it first and -wante& it moat ; they can't bear to have it after everybody else has read it, and knows just what they are feeling at just this or that page, and nobody cares about that; they expeot it first, which nobody else does ; they are the oldest, and. have a right as such, or they are the, young-. est-, and ought to be oonaidered, and so on. They should have the choice out at the table: their appetite is the most fastidious ; they can't eat everything the way some people on; that is the most nutritious, and it is well known that they need the most nutritious; nobody else seems to care for it, and everybody knows they avant it. Of courae every- body knows they want it! They taken precious good care of that. want is a light they have not hidde der a bushel ; it has been " aamou by all the trmnpets in the sky." never eat any but dark meat, whe there is dark meat enough 19ft to the rest a tidbit of it or not; or want the liver -wing, let who else prefer it; the beef must be se un. done that the rest of the family learrt to like it or go without it, so they shall be pleased, or so over that for tall the others it is "don k death," in order that they:may no vexed by seeing the blood run; ce dishes never can, be had a all at table where they sit, because the co meats, such as garlic, are disgustin them, whether desirable to other not; and certain vegetables never be joked in the house under any cumstances, because they cannot nottenclure their smell.. And. the rest—the back seat in the •co for instance—why, it makes them to drive the other way, and that • 'barbs their whole day. What if makea others sick? They would stare with amazement at the idea; what that to them; they cannot afford to sick, if it does. of men poor their, youth; whose dis- interested IriSrs, pursued under diffic-alty, have afterwards yielded fits to the world at large. The engine itself was brought into pre use by James Watt, who had to his daily bread by making inathe cal instruments and repairing fi and indeed seems to have been gl get almost any employntent. Small it 1 she considered the sole' of exCellence. every oyly—for the Chineit ee have genuine bene- 1 erre of a profane eye in such matters steam her Excellency e lited what she Weal as p eased to call her foot. earn as—just the size of. a lady's doubled mati- st, and. meh uthe same shape appar- cldles, ntly, swathed in bands of blue silk. ad to tra,ceful it could hardly be called to uropea,n eyes, but for absolute abeence o uti#ty it certainlv bore the pin. er vim:dors did not tt..iink it would. be - c me popular in London. • THE. HURON EXF'QSITOR. The Cooper Institute of 'New York. , Some statistics of the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, as given in the eighteenth annual report, will be of general interest to our rea,ders. The immediate object of the Cooper Union is. to teach young people some art of self-support. For this pur- pose it has established schools for tele- graphy ; photogra,phy. ; mechanical, architectural, and artistic drawing; modeling in clay ; engraving; painting. In a free "Night School of Science" instruction is given in mathematics and mecha,nice. Organic and. analytic chemistry are taught, with the use of an excellent laboratory. There are also classes fOtmed. for oratory and. debate, with lectures in elocution and in Eng- lish literature. No less than 3,276 pu- pils were admitted to • these various seltools and classes during the last year. All instruction is entirely free. The public has free -access, also, to a large reading room, and to a library of nearly twenty thousand volumes. The librarian reports that 609,000 persons have visited the reading-roora during the past year. There were 306 students admitted into the Free Art chool for Women during the year; 57 into the School of Telegraphy, and 40 linto the Sbhool of Wood Engraving—both for women. The number admitted into the Various' classes in the Night School of Science was 1,388, and 1,485 pupils availed themselves of instruction in the Sehoo of Art. The Saturday night lec- have , tures, given in the large hall of the That Cooper Union, have always been at- nun- tended. by large audiences, showing nced that the popularemethods used to diffuse They knowledge are appreciated b the ther give they will der - must that done e to t be the ndi- g to s or n•ust air - and for aoh, sick clis- it Notwithstanding all this, the pleas of pleasing one's self can never last yond the moment of the receipt the pleasure; but the pleasure of pie ing others lasts for days and years, a carries on its good work to be added the good work of the eternities. • Tearriy Lind. Jenny Lind writes almost as well she used to sing. At 56 she has hew • the mother of a daughter, of Whorn a herself she thus writes from Dresden a friend in Paris: "I want tospeak you of nay baby. Well, I must tell y that God has given my dear husba, and myself an adorable little girl, bo ou the 31st of March last. She is t perfect image of health and happine She laughs and crows in a way to d light all empathetic hearts. We ha ,given her a little Katharine among li other names, but we call her Jenny need not say in honor of whom. 0 boy Walter will be four years old the 9 of August next. He is an iutellige thild—very intelligent, very religion and when he has been naughty, it touching to "fee the way heprays to Go to make him .good. again, poor litt 'chicken!' He adore e me, obeys me, an understand th.e child completely, f , he is like myself in nature—very impre sionabIe, active, gay, high -tempered, a fectionate, hv, good -nature, quick t learn, remembering all that he learn preferring to the finest toys a horribl old doll, because it is one witla which h haa longest played, caring nothing abou dress, but preferring to be loved rattle than admired. Is he musical? Not th least in the world. That is my grea despair. But he is religious ma I thiii . he will be a Christian. As to the bably I cannot say as much. The little crea tare eats, drinks, laughs, mumbles ove her shoe, and I have nothing to sa against her character. My husband i now in England looking out for a resi dence,'for we intend, on. accoimt of th children to settle in that country." • Some Triumphs of Poor Men. It is not a little remarkable that most of the mighty works of the world have been accomplished by poor men, but Wen so thoroughly absorbed in their la- bor as to ultimately exercise the most widespread influence. Da,vid Living- stoue, for instance, and Smith, the Aa- syrian explorer, have recently shown that it is not avealth -which makes a man famous. Livinestone, who opened up the interior of Ifrica, and whose memory is so fresh that it need not be dilated upon, was a factory boy. Sir Virilliam Herschel, who made so many discoveries in astronomy, actually went. -to England when a youth from Ger- many es a street Musician. It was a .great step when he became organist to the Octagon chapel , at Bath. 'Unable to be disco:- a telescope, he made one, and. while iu these humble circunastances -ered a new planet, then called the Georgium Sidus. From that, mo - Meat he became famous; but it is cer- tain that it was not the hope of public applause that suatained him previously, bbellitupgure love of science. Jenner, again, the inventor of vaccination, which is workeso carefully enforced in Lonclon, was : for twenty- years in the obscur- itY of a country village before his theory cepted, and in addition was bit- terly satirised and seamed. Sir Humph- rey Davy was an apothecary's a,ppren- witiTh' anild. at first worked at his ideas o better materials than avIth suoh tiaraer_allroupots and bottles as he could find the kitchen. There is a whole naile- d celebrated names in science is be ure be - of as- nd to as me ad to to ou nd rn. he SS. e- ve - er ur th nt s•; is le d. or s- 0 s, a masses. The follong are some of subjects upon which lectures have b given: "Going Around the Wbrl "The Operations at Hell Gate," " Modern : Locomotive," " Honseh Art" "Evolution," "-Prison Reform "The Horn an Hand," "The Mo Si,ok Room," "The Signal Service a, the Law of Storms." This in.stituti is doing gr, eat work, but hundred.s applicants are refused every year want of sufficient accommodatio The resources of the Cooper Uni should. be increased, and sitaila,r ins I tut ons should be multiplied through.° • th country. A He.r----Oine. I THE AmEllICAN GIANTESS.—" Fanny e " (Mrs. Beaton), the American aaate s, died recently in Wisconsin. or m ny years she has been, in every s nee, great attraction in circuses and t aye g shows. She was probably o e of he very largest women that evei- R ed. Shewas 54 years old, seven feet fo • in hes in height, and weighed 685 pounds. Think of sanding up with that to be maaaied ! --e• Mies Von. Hillern, the pedestrian, when preparing for a walk rises at 5 A. M., eats two raw eggs, and walks ten miles, returning to her bath and &hearty breakfast of rare beef, boiled. potatoes and stale bread. After this she rests until 1 o'clock, when she takes a fifteen- diniag on resist beef and. po- tatoes, following with a light tea, and retiring at 10 P. M. under all circum- sta,nces. During her walks she relies entirely on beef tea and. the raw yolks of eggs for nourisbanent, quenching her thirst with seltzer and prune water. EPPS'S COCOA.—Grat fal and coinfort- T— y thorough knowledge of the •al laws which govern the opera- s of gestion and nutrition, and by eft application of the fine proper - of ell selected eocoa, Yr. Epps pro idea our breakfast tables with eic ely flavored beverage, which sav r. us many heavy doctor's bills. e judicioususe of such articles at a constitution may be grad.- it up until strong enough to re - tendency to disease. Hun - subtle maladies are floating laready to attack wherever weak point. We may escape y fatal shaft by keeping ourselves fortified with pure blood, and: a erly nourished frame."—Civil Ser - Gazette. Sold only in packets label- mes Epps & CO. Heraceopath- sts, 48, Threa,d;aeedle Street, iccadilly, London." 482-52 na, tio , a c tie ha 'ma It ie by of c 'et tl u& y. bui sist ever dre s of nd -e is V I I the aro een the MS he we old pro ), wee del nd on of for ns. Oil tint- The heroism of Grace Vernon Bus- sell, of Perth, Western , Australia, is wo hy of lasting record., Some time du4ng the month of January last the steirner Georgette was -wrecked near Pe h. The heavy surf ' capsized the boat which was launched, and when. at length righted and. -filled with wom.en and children, it was again ingulfed, leaving the helpless creaturestruggling in the water.. Just at this Moment, on the' orest of a precipitous Giw, there ap- peared a young lady on herseback. She plunged down the dangeriouS declivity at full speed, dashed through the roar- ing breakers, and. reached' the beat to which theterrifiecl woment and children were clinging. Her horse stumbled over the rope stretched ,between the wreck and. the boat, but she managed to rescue all the women and children, and then returned for aan left on e c. the boat. So fierce was t e surf that four hours were occupied i la,ndiag 50 persons. While those whom shhad saved were rescuing others who reinain- ed on the wreck,- the heroic girl, drench- ed and half fainting with fatigue, gal- loped a dozen miles home to have re- lief sent to the sufferers. Her sister, Mrs. Brockman, that sa,me night, took horse and galloped through the voos with provisions for the half -starve pee- ple. The next day they were taken ' to Mr. Brockman's house and cared for. Grace Vernon' Russell survived .the exposure, but the anxiety and excite- ment were fatal to Mrs. Brockman, who took a severe cold, and died eventually of brain -fever - Revaccination. There is no evidence. to show that re- vaccination once effioieatly performed at or after puberty need ever be repeated. On the other hand, the frequent repiti- tion of vaccination which has be ome conamon during alarms of small -p x, is distinctly to be deprecated. Sue] re- petitibns• are as a rule, futile, the are l wast ful of vaccine lymph when 1 ph is m st precious; they tend to unsettle a the inds of some people regardirtg .80/110 of the bet esta,blished facts e.,s td the preservative power of vaccination and they are unnecessary. The nnrseS and other servants of the London sthalle pox hespital, when they enter the 's r - "vice, are invariably submitted to vac- cination, which in their case is goner 1-' ly revaccination, and is never afterwards repeated; and :so perfectis the protec- tion that, though the nurses live in the closest and rnOst constant atte-ndanoe on small -pox patients, and though also the other servants are in various ways exposed to special chances d infection, , the resident surgeon of the hospital, during his 41 years of office there, 'has never known the small -pox to affect any of these nurses or servants.—Lon- don Lancet. - ,Smafi Feet.. Tho wife f the -Chinese ambassador in London has lately been interviewed MISS'BANNAif by several ladieSe She -is said to be a eentle. lookine Creature ith. al cl EGS inform the Ladies f led— J ic -Chem and 170, R Jars Twica. —Five to thirty dro Of THOMAS' ECLEOTIII0 OIL, Will cur common sore throat, It never fails in Croup. It will cure a Cough or Cold in t entyl-four to forty-eight hours. One bott e has cured bronchitis of eight year' standing; recent cases are cured 'tree to six days. It has restored Ole voice where the person had not spok n a,bdve whisper, in five years. As a, outward application in all eases of pin orl lameness nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Bac1. For diseases of the Spine and Cent action of the Muscle, is unequalled. In he atism or any other pain the first ppli ation does you good. It stops Ear Ache and. the pant of a burn in three min tee, and is altogether the best and ,chea, est medicine ever offered to the peoplea-the cheapest beca,use ittakes so little to l do you good. It is composed of six of the best oils known, and .n.oth- ing bid oils. It is worth its weight in Roch rs, a. sistantpostmaster,Arthabas- gold.ii WIT not buy to-day?—A. B. Des kavi e, P. Q., writes: " Thirteen years ago I was seized by a severe attack of rheumatism in the head, from which I have nearly constantly suffered. After having used Thomas' Eclectric Oil' for nine days, bathing the _forehead, I have been .completely cured, and have only used hall bottle. This I can certify under oat if you wish." Rev. J. Mal- lory of Wy Laing, N. Y., writes: "Dr. The/nes" electric Oil' cured me of BronChitis lin one week." Dealers all over the country say, We have never bold, a, naedicine that has given such complete satisfaction as this. has." Sold hy all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents. . S. N. Titoaras, Phelps, N. Y. And NOliTHEOP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents for -the Dominion. NOTE.---Eclectric—Seleate& and Elec- taizect. ,c4 -q EMPORIUM. . The etbsen er hereby thanks hie numeroup custom re (me cheats and ()there) for theft liberal patrona e due ng the past seven years, and hopes, by strie late ity and (dose attention to business, to meri their onfidenee and trade in the future. ' ' Hs -vin greatly enlarged his premises, during the winter, he s now prepared to'pay the HIG E T ASI -1 For any quantty of good 'fresb at the EGG .EMP Main Wante by t e subscriber 25 i clean W 3 EAT STRna's . PRICE. eggs, delivered RIUM, treat, Seaforth. ne of good dry "WI 0 N . HAIR D.RESSING. MISS .,AMANDA STARK WISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS &c In the Latest rashion from Combings. Prices, Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. A Call Selicited. Residence—Goderieh 4S6t7re*eit9, Seaforth: • DRESSMAKING. , W M011 - shaped eyes, a,ncl jetty hair held out -in a stiff tail over b, tortoise. -shell pin be- hind. Her attire, a loose, many -colored embroidered jacket with laa-ge slecares, surmounting a skirt or trousers worked in gold. A pardenable ruse was pler- petrated to obtain what was most cov- eted, viz., a view of her feet. The con- versation was, bY in.eans of the inter- preter, brought round to the subject. An American lady present, celebrabed for beautiful feet, as we here understaid them, exhlibited.1 one of her ' to he "Lily." Immensely huge," was he remark a and the" explanation that t ey -were useful to walk on was not acce t- ed as a valid reason for their airn eli- sions. Again, another lady showed a tiny boot, with ao more effect; and the Lily,” not to be pleased by European models -of perfeetion, which have no doubt turned. many heads in their o country, was cha,llenged to show avi B to oSeaforthand vicinity that she has commenced Dressmaking in all its brandies in the rooms above tee Post Office. Et ving steely viiited the Leading Houses in Toront , she s prepared to give all who may favor her vith t eir orders the latest city styles, and satisf ction guaranteed. Apprenticee 'want- ed to learn Dressmaking. 497-13 1..8 Aarr-criviw. 1877 LL1 NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. 3 AT THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. I have much pleasure in inforrning FIRST my ,cus enters and the pnblie 1 receipt of the INSTALMENri OF MY FALL STOCK, in gtneral that I am new in Having been purchased on the most favorabl can confidently say that at no former perio dtmements to offer in the way of CHEAP The _Patterns are all New, Very An InspectiOn of the terms and seleeted with great care and judgment, I • since I commenced business had I as good induce - DRY GOODS. Stylish and Exceedingly Good Value. oods is Respectfully S'olicited. I 100 PIECES 'WINCEYS, !EXT A GOOD VALUE, from 10e• per yard. up. 125 PIECES OF PLAIN iAND FANCY DRESS GOODS, from 121a up. • ' 150 PIECES OF THOSE CELEBRATED BLACK LUSTRES, Specially Made and Dyed fort my Trade. • • - A LARGE- LOT OF NEW..FOL PRINTS, Perfectly Fast Colors. 21 CASES OF MEN'S AND BOYS' LONG BOOTS, At Low Prices. READYMADE CLOTHING, A Large Lot Just Arrived. 1 TEAS. EAS. TEAS. THE BIGGEST ARR IVA OF FRESH TEAS IN TOWN. CALL AND CET A SAMPLE CURD OF OUR "SPRING LEAF," It beats in Strength and Flavor, all oth r kinds yet imported.—only 60 cents per pound. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER. All Goods a( ld for Trade the same as Cash. _Every Satisfaction Guaranteed to all who buy their Goods at the New Cash Store. HOMAS KIDD, SEA.FORTII. 1 P. S.—Apprentices to the Drossinhmg and Millinery Wanted. Apply immediately. OENTENNI L .MFDALS AND DIPLOMAS WARDED TO •MALC LM MONROE, SEAFORTH, "FOR WOOD HANDLE AND WROUGHT IRON BEATH PLOW. ATALCOLM MONROE bas pleasure in announcing to the Farmers of Huron and Perth that he ILA- is better I tapered ibis Beset n than ever ft) furnith a first-class article. As proof positive that his Plows are the Best in the Market be bus 0n17 to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured by him obtained the INTERNATIONAL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. HE ALSO MANUFAC- ' TURES IRON PLOWS . Thistle Cutter Plows, Also a Iaea _nee One.Fforse Plow Suitable Hill's Patent Plows, . . for .Plowing Gardens. SCIIITLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. 1 . i , SCRIVEN. This Plow ie universally admitted te be he best Gang Plow now in use, and Fanners should give It a trial befere purchasieg any other. All these Implements are manufactured by himself, Of the very best material, and are better and more durable than those got up by large establiehments tor catch sales. Every Implement war- ranted to give satisfaeti n.. Prices as low as thsse of any other respectable establishment that his ehop at any time. turns out a geed artiele. Plows of all theabove kinds kept constantly on hand and can be seen at IRON HARROWS. The Sect eh Diamond Iltirrows kept constantly oi hand. Repairs fcr all kinds ol Plows kept coo stantly on hand. Reuse ber the 69, Main Str t Seaforth, East Side. 1\/A.I.J M i THERE I NOTHING LIKEITEATHER ' 1 _ WHEN IT IS MADE e SUCH AS YOU FIND THE subsariber begs leave to thank his ntunerons ) -g.I J- customers for the liberal patronage extendedto I . I him since commencing business in Seaforth, and .a. :_*-'3,: )- 3 trusts that he may be favored with a continuants 1JP I NTO . iz.-45:--e- -e------.. •en----aar,.. AT ' °Iptharetsjearasfueiending to build Would do well to give , CT 0 0 ID .--,,... ..,... - ...._,„. Y. • , .Z-. r -„==-7=3..t. .,s,..:iitr• , J. WARD'S, 1 argeetock (*id all kinds el , him a call, ai-he will efertinue to keep on hand a • THE BEST QUALITY ALWAYS 0 2 xal 2 9 --1 KIDD'S HARDW RECEIVED I - DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS. FORKS.,. HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, On.-- • FENCING WiRE AND BUILDIN4 HARDWARE Of Every Description Oheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND 06NDUCT-- ING PIPE 0 Put up on the Shorted Notiee and WerranteL 1.4 2 SP eclat inducements to Cash and Prompt Paving Customers • JOHN ,IcIDD THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD. ERN TIMES. 0 171 .91)• HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT 10 The Pills Puffy the Blood, orreetall maw of the Liver, toreach, Iiidneys and Bowels,an O Fareemailtiz.aluttble fal complainte „inclacutal to ° rriAc forThheadOtr4,enoti of however long st.anding. For Bronchitis, UP'. al8W0thliend°8,111SYoreresliataa ttnitnfferia$ 07 ahlithsetharia, Deiosuersess, latohlastis ntoloeniatua, eumatistra and ' BEWARE OF NEW yoitic Cotal 3 TERFEITS. lee Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills talinednOamitoimen,ao t."le.re niunufeetrired and soldrander tropolitan Medi- loway s dam • by J. P. Henry, -.111 Jtorafo sNdeepehwin aYlitchonlotkish: Curran, & VAN so by the Mem. e Company. - Druggist, a n d r II likewise wo 7ne niPasZstrder the name of Ff—"u10ou1114ainollavrterlewaSy8:141Z111:30::,! = having for a trails mark a ereseent andnexpent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deeelve you, un - 0 blushingly caution the public in. the errnal Wait of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very IOW prices and sell them to the publie in -Canada eise my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and reepeetfally appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families andedi rLa and to the pubhe generally of Beitish Istorth • America, that they may be pleased to, eletwunee Nriss CAMPBELL'S BLOOK SEAFORTH. TNTENDING to retire from- business I have JL now commeneed to dispose of my entire STOCK OF MILLINERY, FANCY. AND OTHER GOODS At and Below Cost, Being determined to SELL OUT I am prepared to dispose of ray Goods at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. COME ONE, COME ALL. MISS LEECH. 0 cJ0 mj 03 0 0 0 CI) rn 11 0 SEA J,nfi .is'Ia SWO 14 V ORTH-PIAN-ING MILL, SASHMOR AND BLIND FACTORY HARNESS,. SEAFORTH) Where you will find all .A.rindls of !farness Made-up in the Latest Styles, 19(0EMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Stab tantial Harness. J. WARD can give you better saMs- -" faction as to QUALITY and PR/CE tan any other maker in the County. A Trial is all that Is wanted to secure regular eustom. THE S Anril LIVERY STABLES. •T. WARD, Seaforth. CA NOMAN & ABELL ROPRIETORS. OPFICE jan4 tables on Market Street, second door friom M. ' Net, Stylish Carriages and Buggies, aIi1d G.od Reliable Horses always on hand. Or era le t at the pommercial Hotel, Sea - forth, or 511 the o ce vl be promptly attended to. 502 .R . R E T T, EAFORTH, 11 tail Dekser in LEATHER and GS of lEvery Description. ery Best Stock kept. Terms 1 Solicited. All order,' by mail ptly R. N. BRETT.. Wholesale nd SHOE FIND None bu the moderate. A Tri or otherwis pro 490 RY PINE LUMBER,, SASIIES ; DOORS, BLINDS, MO•ULD'INGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC • Ile feehl.confident of givingsatisfaction to thou who mayfavaarhim with theirpatronage, as none but firs t-claesworkm en are employed. fe.:-Partienlerattention paid to Custom planing 201 JOHN II. BROADFOOT. F. CRAKE', PRACTICtilL WATCHMAKER, MARIIIAGE LICENCES At E. Hickson & Co.'s jeevery Store, beige toinformi the publie tbat be is prepared te do first-class 0 u icErt,m1C jicrie;8, work in , 1 ClIn ar the ne$ Act,) Issued at the EXPOS TOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authhrity of the Lieutenant -Governor -of WATCH R EPA IR,1X r, PIPE REPAIRING, i , . JEWELRY IIEPAIIts, .6 SPECTACLE REPAIRS. Tr AVING learned the trad thoroughly in England and for nearly sl a years past have worked in can be given in any description of work. I I 1 A--2- the estabhahment of .E1.4 Iforphy, London, Ont., is a sulidefent yecoromend that fulicsRaAtisfE. setion • , ! ° t1 F. x , 19(TE beg to say that owing to the scam* of money and tight times gene:ally, in order to reduce TV our stock of jewelry, a Good discount.will be given on all purchases in order to inducethose hay- ing money to invest. All work repaired ot sold previously the gdaranteeEw.illmbeeKfsolofilIN e&d Choy. Mr. , On trio. C.A.1RaD.. 1-1S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by raail prompt- ly attended to. 479 DI S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. unsparingly these frauds. Purchaselrs should look to the Label on the Pots and. Ilexeslfthe address la not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "Hota.oevaa's Pleas lam Ottramnsts. Lennox," engraved thereon. On the lel:roll; the address, 533, OXFORD STTLEEW. Lonnex,wbezits alone they are mannfaetured. Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors , selling various Holloway's Pills and Olutmeat as of my genuine make, shall on communica the particulars to me, be amply remun.erated, their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS IfOLLOWAX. London, Jan. 1, 1877. 477 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CAN•ADA. CA.PiTAx, - - $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated zesa% and ROYA.I. cANADax BANK, Incorporated 1884. SEAPORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN-ST.I SEAFORTH. Drafts on New Work Payable Wang Bank hi the United States. .14111* 01 Exchange on London payible at all Chief Citiei of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PALO ON DEPOSIT& • X P, HAYES, 411 . Maraot*It AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. ,i W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, BEInGeSrstotbaeglit hileainhat oh! sentmovatIll nofrj85 andetthilstri his old stand, McIntyre's Block, where he has is stock equal to any in the butiness, and et the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing done on the shortest notice. A good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Bruehes, and all other snob artiplex required constantly on hand. Itemenroer aour old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Co4llair. 8 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth, DR. tWILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English. Remedy is especially re- commended as entre/ail- ing euro for Seminal Weakness Spermatorr- hes., Impotency, and all Be fore. diseases that follow as Ala ors, a. sequence of Self abase as LOBE of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain 'in the Back, Ditnnese of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many Other diseases that Made to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, an. of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of ilittate and over indulgence. The Spectife Medieine.la the result of a life study and many years of ex. perienee in treating these special discs -tea. °Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Droggists at $1 per pa.ckage, or 8 package& for $5, or svill bo Bent by mail on receipt of the money, by addreasing WILLIAM GRAY etc CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson 4 inerchante. Co„ J. S. Roberts, R. Lancsden and all druggjag I3RUSSELS LIME WC) It K.•S THE Subgeribers would respectfully tabulate -A- to the public that they have spirt teeereeneed work at their Lime Works, opposite Vansteneas rnill, on the east side of the river, where, having the finest draw kiln in thie section undIrstelass facilities, they will be in a positiou to Ul.rn- 011t the best of lime at 14 cents per liashe4 for cash. A good article guaranteed, as we. know our business thoroughly. Givens A crat. TOWN & BURROWS. i