HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-08-31, Page 5th, a at Aylmer #n who r ea the 24th. 1 Hayes, a w ll-knowu .Ql r� Barrie eras, charged with k. elonging to ,George • by the hnd.legs .and dulls. a stone macs) times ung He was fined and cow lays in jail. *se of the man Quinn,c elmurdered Hackett in tla f ,h of July embroglio, lien a to have tato witnesses who tat the pier was at tie nurder, ou the opposites side ;quare, engaged in restming itnesse3 in q estion.. augrauir, En., Inspector csf Lieutenant-Colonel Gilmore, arrived at G$derich on, Sat.. The formet. inspected the )orted everything in good 'ecommenclg ;the painting ut airs by the prisoners, in went rusting ; and also s for jail supplies be let by conductors ;should tot al. rust in ' appearances. on last week, Sandy --.._. one. Wiest men in North EasthQpe Bred that she had pressing tratford.. Without waiting !coat, he hastily hied to the station. He had barely is ticket when the train Sandy stepptid on the rear confronted by the conduc- fight he saW the case at tramps can` steal no rides get off at !once --we have of you tramps." Sandy eat from his grow, and calm the official, said : " Wait a sere s a metepheesical view hick I would like you to un= fl.t this theconductor lost all then Sandy quietly pro- {ret with th4 bit of advice 'officers in Witte Claes should ,gh with those who choose to rn hornespn " a meeting the Brussels - Ee.Sons of Temperance, held i<s the most successful de- of _ the kind ever held in The temperance hall was iat to suffocation, and large Led to obtain admission. erry, Worthy. Patriarch of ;d the chair Very efficiently, sic was given by the choir, .vored with is good reading, ;nee was addressed bar Rev. ion Rev. E. J. Robinson, !'. McGillicuddy, B. Gerry, flicuddy. The best of or. and great satisfaction wag all present at the character Rinineat. Miss A. B. Me- sided at the organ. Out-. a numbers lave expressed man a retition of the at no distant day, and the matter will be con- next meeting of the Divi- . Morton, of the law firm rade & Morton, Winghaiir had a -narrow escape from: isher's raiilportd, in Wing - day morning of last week, 3 near the pond. Having a the water, and not being se the game, and being a ner, Mr. Morton had no undertaking to reach its boat or ratnt hand. The be to a distnce `of about he further side of a large but nothing daunted, Mr. r off . coat and vest and the " billowy wave," and ably for the- prize. After within three feet of the- : that the long" weeds had niselves around his arms o render further progress Lion impossible. He then reach a log about thirty i, at right angles to the been taking. The water tine feet deep, and swim - post impossible, the only pression was when dragged ;needs to the bottom to aa - ting direction towards the ity. Happily, presence of Deserted him for a moment, J.1 the 0hancea of safety he iu then!. When within of the log the river deep- r about ten minutes in. pts: to proceed further, unaided deserted him. r help, after battling for n hour. With a deeper- owever, he managed to tch the, coveted support, alive, just as: Messrs. eld, Campbell, and several g up, when a raft was he almost drowned man firms after having been n hour and twenty min- ton was taken charge of bbed briskly and put to remained until the next was able to' et up, and is ring from the effects of 1RTHS. eKil op,. on Aug: 21, the gns: McLeod,, of a Baugh )orris, on Aug. - 20, the acnes Gibson, of a dangh Blyth, on Aug. 18, the os. McGuire, of a son. 31yth, on, Aug 20, the r Michael Doherty, of a Clinton, on Aug. 20, the Sas. Harper, of . a datigh- Clinton, on Aug. 20, the R. Haywood„ of a daugh IfA.RR1EDi. `ren..—At the Episcopal , by Rev. Mr. Mellish, on, Esq., of Clinton, to `Hudson, of York, Haidi- k.L.-At the residence of la Winnipeg; on the 14th rv. J. F. German, Mr. Weldon, of ' township 7,` id formerly cif Clinton, to till, late of Clinton. VAR.: In. `Seaforth, at e of the bride's father, on 15th inst..,;by Rev. Mr.. [ldward Norman, to Alice, ter of Mr. Richard How- idorth, F.ltsolp-. MILv.—In Wroxeter, on the 23rd Inst., by Reg. G. Brown, Mr. A. G. F = can, of Gerrie, to Mise Maggie A. s cGitvery, of Perth. .,talEGMo --F .--Io. Seafflrth, by Rev. T. Goldamith, on the 30th halt., Mr, Wm. VanEgmond, of Egmond- vile, to Jessie Ann Fraser, of Mul- lett. �� �E<S• W (riot s: --In Proton, William Peter Thomas, infarct eon of John and Chris- tina Williams, aged 2 months and 16 days. BSL. -- In MoR llop, on Aug, 14, Jessie, fifth daughter of Mr. John But- lard, aged 3 years and 2 months._. ALEXANDER.—In Brussels, on Aug. 18, Adam Lawrence, infant son of John and Jane Alexander, MoE .---In'South Dumfries, onAug. 30, Ann McPherson, relict of the fate Murdo McRae, Esq., aged 71 years, MCTAGGART.—In Grey, on Aug. 24,Don- ald Alexander, youngest son of John McTaggart, Eaq., aged 1 year, - Fall Shaw.. Fall exbibititons will be held this year as fol- lows: Turnberry, at Wingham, Sept. 28. Hallett Branch, at Clinton, Sept. 18 and 19. Drovinnalal, at London, Sept. 24 to 28. North Perth, at Stratford, Sept. 19 and 20. Mitchell and Logan, at Mitchell, Sept, 20 and 21. "western Dairy Association, cheese and butter, at Stratford,- Sept. 18, 19 and 20. Central, at Guelph, Oct. 2 to 5. Hay, at Zurich,,. Oct. 9 and 10. South Huron, at Seaforth, Oct. 4 and 5. West. Huron, at Gc*lerioh, Sept. 20 and 21. Hibbert, at Stake, Oct. 2. Stanley, at Bayfield, Oct. 8. Grey, at Brussels, Oet. 4 and 5. Bast Huron, at Wroxeter, Oct. 2 and 8. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, August 80, 1877. Fall Wheat.....,..,.... • ....... 1 05 to 1 10 Spring Wheat, per bushel....... 1 00 to 1 10 °steperbushel... ..... 0 80 to 0 85 Pegg per buabel... . ....... 0 60 to 0 70 Barley per bushel.... ............. 045 to 050 Butter, No. 1, Loose, trade.... .. 0.17 to 0 18 Butter, No. 1, Loose, cash........ 0 16 to 0 18 .. ..011to 012 Fl • • • Flour, per barrel • 9 00 to 10 00 Hay 8 00" to 10 00 Hides .... ....b ,.. 8 00 to. 5 00 Sheep sldna .., 0 50 to 180 Balt (retail) per barrel,0 75 Salt (wholesale) per barrel...... 0 65 Potatoes, per. bushel 0 35 to 0 40 Oatmesl'brl .. ,,.,.. 6 50 to 7 00 Wool, per pound ....... _ , ..0 28 to 028 :.Apples, per bushel ... 1 00 , Cr tarON, July 12; 1877. Fall Wheat, per bushel............ 1 08 @ 1 10 Spring Wheat, perbushel... 1 00 @i 1 05 Oats, per bushel 0 80 @I 0 35 Barley, per bushel0 40 ® 0 45 Peas, per bushel. .. 0 60 @ 0 60 Butter.,.. 0 16 @ 0 18 Potatvos................ . 0 85°I 0 40 Eat -0- • 0 11 ® 0 12 Bay,perton.............. ... 00 10 00 Wool, per pound • 0 `27 @ 0 28t • LONDON, Aug. 30, 1877. Fall wheat per 100 lbs., $1 75 to $2 ; .spring wheat, $1 40 to $1 60 ; barley, 90e to $1 05 ; peas, 90c to $1 ; oats, 90e to $1; butter 15c to 24c per lb.; eggs, 12c to 14o per dozen. • TORONTO, Aug. 30, 1877. The street market was rather quieter. One load of fall wheat gold at $1 18, one of spring at $1 03, two loads of barley at 60c and 64e ; two loads of oats at 33e and 35e, two loads of hay at $18. But- ter at 18e to 20c, and eggs 110 to 12e. MONTREAL HORSE MARKET. *'he horse market during the past week has been exlceptionably dull, owing to higher prices being asked. Mr.7ames Maguire sold by auction five horses, which brought from $30 -to $85 each. Ile also sold on private terms a hand- some brown carriage mare for $200; and a light brown horse for $150. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. MONTREAL, Aug. 29.—Cattle met with a dull sale, owing to dealers asking some- what stiffer prices, which butchers were unwilling to accede to. A fair business, however, was done. The prices of cat- tle ranged from 4c to 50 per lb, live Weight ; hogs 51c to hie, and sheep 5c per lb. All hogs offered were bought at an average of 6c per lb. They are scarce and wanted. The improvement in the hog market was in (sympathy with a better feeling In. Chicago. BUFFALO, Aug. 29. -Cattle, --There was a fair demand at lower prices. Quota- tions are down 25c on choice shippers, 122e on butchers' and medium shippers, and strong 25c on common lots. Sheep and Lambs.—Canada lambs $5.60 ; fair to good clipped sheep $4.25 to $4.37 ; culls, $3.10 to $3.26 ; yards almost full of unsold stock. CHEESE MARKETS. LONDON, Aug. 25. —This afternoon at the cheese fair the following factories of- fered the number of boxes opposite their names : Applegrove, 225 ; Siftons', 350; Pond. Mills, 300; Thames, 550; Glen - worth, 300 ; Ball's, 450 ; Weekes', 60. All the cheese was of August make. A couple of sales only were made -350 boxes at ll c, and 60 at 11c. INGERSOLL, Aug.28.—Fifteen factories offered 4,950 boxes of August make. During the past few days over 15,000 boxes have been contracted for at 10e to 12c for August make, and 12ic is freely offered to leading factorymen for balance of the season. Buyers are excited, and paying more than the market warrants. Cable 56s. GREAT CLEARING SALE. OF Carriages, Buggies, Carriage Mak- ers' Materials and Tools. cPHAIL, NFNNICKF, & CASEY,. of Mit- chell, having concluded to dissolve the part- nership of the above iline we willsell by Public Auction, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5th, 1877, 1,11 our Stock, consisting of 8 single buggies new, 1 six passenger carriage, 1 four passenger carriage, 2 trotting carts (60 lbs. weight)," business sulky, 4 Portland getters, 2 swell side cutters, 1 four passenger pleasure sleigh, 1 set single harness nearly new. Also, at the same time and place, ell our tools, lumber, bent stuff, hubs, spokes, a quan- tity of iron bolts, clips, &c. The tools consist of 8 anvils and tools, 3 pairs bellows -(new), 8 vices, 1 tire bender, 1 upsetter, 1 tire form, 1 blacksmith's arils, sledges, taps, dies, &c., 1 pair bolt clippers, 1 hub boxing machine, 1 spoke tenoning machine, 1 grind stone,.1 manufacturing sewing machine, 1 office safe (new, with combination lock), 5 stoves and pipes, 1 paint mill, a quantity of paints, oils, 'varnishes, &c. The lumber consists of choice lots of basswood, oak, elm, ash, white wood, oak scant - Bug, oak wagon poles, &o, and other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold Without reserve. TERMS. Ali sums,of 820 and under cash, over that amount 3 months' credit on approved note, or to puttee requiring longer time 10 per cent. inter- ;; 9 per cent. discount will be allowed for cash on all aums aver 820. teta.M !'HAIL, HENNICliE & CASEY. A mss/ rU.i i.S..Sw1 . 1877 NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. veszormmaparnasaieesarleei THOMAS KIDD'S EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. • 1 have much pleasure in informing my customers and the public in general that I am now in receipt of the FIRST INSTALMENT OF MY FALL 'STOCK, Raving been purchased on the most favorable terms and selected with great care and judgment, I can confidently say that at no former period since I commenced business had I as good induce- ducements to offer in the way of CHEAP DRY GOODS. The Patterns are' all 1Pew, Very Stylish and Exceedingly Food i�alue. An Inspection of the Goods is Respectfully Solicited. 100 PIECES WINCEYS, EXTRA GOOD VALUE, from 10c per yard up. 125- PIECES OF PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, from 12tc. up. 150 PIECES OF THOSE CELEBRATED BLACK LUSTRES, Specially Made and Dyed for my Trade. A LARGE LOT OF NEW FALT, PRINTS, Perfectly Fast Colors. 21 CASES OF MEN'S AND BOYS' LONG BOOTS, At Low Prices. READYMADE CLOTHING, ,A Large Lot Just Arrived. TEAS. TEAS. TEAS. THE BIGGEST ARRIVAL OF FRESH TEAS IN TOWN. CALL AND GET A SAMPLE POUND OF OUR " SPRING LEAF," It beats, in Strength and Flavor, all other kinds yet imported.—only 60 cents per pound. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRIDE PAID FOR BUTTER. All Goode sold for Trade the same as Cash.. CP Every Satisfaction Guaranteed to all who buy their Goods at the New Cash Store, THOMAS KIDD, .. SEAFORTH. • P. S.—Apprentices to the Dressmaking and Millinery ,Wanted. Apply immediately. NEW ARRIVALS. NEW GOODS. THS FIRST INSTALMENT. French . Costume Prints, Suitable for Fall Wear, Blue -Blank Lustros, Always in Fashion. All Shades in Berlin Cloth, Foulard Finish. All Shades in Colored Lustros, all. Prices. Black Velvet, Suitable for Dresses. Fine Selection of Ladies' 6-4 Fancy Coatings. Ladies' Panniers, Ormolettes and Centennial Skirts,' Newest Almeriaan Styles. A Large assortment of Sequins, Newest Styles in Dress Buttons. Ladies' Frills, two for 5 cents, New York Prices. Beautiful Assortment of Slipper Patterns. Beaded Embroidered Fenders. Weaving and Carpet Warp. two threads elevating a bund e Ladies' Hose only 10 Dents, value 20 cents. Towels only 5 cents, value 10 cents, Three Boxes of Paper Collars for 25 cents. eft ;WW1 And a Large Assortment of STAPLE and FANCY. GOODS which any intending pure baser, by buying, will save money, which is quite an object these hard times. THE PIONEER CHEAP CASH STORE, MAIN STREET. ALLAN . MITCHELL, Seaforth. NEW FALL GOODS. NEW FALL GOODS. A Complete Stock of the Following FALL and WINTRR GOODS can be found at HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE. BLACK AND COLORED LUSTRES, VERY CHEAP. BLACK AND COLORED MERINOS, EXTRA VALUE. BLACK CASHMERES AND PARAMATTAS, GOOD QUALITY. A SPECIAL LINE OF DRESS GOODS IN SEAL, NAVY, MYRTLE, PRUNE, PLUM, SLATE, DRAB, AND BLACK. PLAIN, CHECKED, AND STRIPED WINCEYS. SCARLET, WHITE, GREY, BLUE, AND FANCY FLANNELS. PRINTS, COTTONS, LINENS, DUCKS, DENIMS, CORSETS. KID GLOVES, TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. Every Lady .should Call and See the Grand Assortment of DRESS GOODS AND JACKETS JUST OPENED. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM. Polar Doors Simla oft ibe Post Omce, HOFFMAN BROTHERS. SITOR; !Sr( FALL GOODS 1877 T H ONE 0 1877 18n GI- 0LDEN- LI®IT_ THE FINEST STOCKS EVLR SHHOVIiN IN SEAFORTH OPfl T EJ D OUT THIS WM -AT THE-. GOLDEN LION, MAIN STREET. { AN EARLY CALL FlItOM THE PUBLIC RE8- ECTFULLY SOLICITED. R. JAMIESON, Seaforth. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN LION. DUNOAN & DU NOAN, SEAFORTH. THE LARGEST TOOK OF DRY GOODS EVER - OFFERED IN THIS COUNTY IS 'NOW OPEN "OR INSPECTION AT DUN Who have taken the great Styles are E eedimgly ARES ALT & I TTIVCAAN's, - at care in making their selections. Notwithstanding the low prices of Goods in the various departments, the Attractive and Strrictlr, f Fashionable. GOOD$ DEPARTMENT. 100 PIECES NEW FIALL DRESS GOODS JUST OPENED, IN ALL THE ff NEW COLORS. Seal Brown, Navy Blue, BrLize, Green, Prunes, Drabs, Greys. - BROCADED AND STRIPE DRESS GOODS. COSTUME CORDS inall t e New Colors fromj20c. per yard. Sages and Brilliantine, full stock. 11 BLACK LUSTRES. Just Arrived Per Steam r Texas: Illiese Lietres we import direct from the Manufacturers in Bradford, England, where they are specially dyed and finished for ns, and customers can depend on getting one of the best makes of Lnstres in the (Market at from 10 to 18i cents per yard less than regular prices. See these Lifetree. 1 r WINCEYS-IMPORTED DIRECT FROM GLASGOW. We have received one of the Largest Stocks f Wineeys ever imported into this County, consist. i ng of all the best colors in Plain and Twilled, hick we can offer from 7 cents per yard up. Fifty pi sees Checked Winceyi all colors. LADIEiS' SILK TIES, All New in Cardinal, Skey, se, Tilleul, Ceri Mauve, and Geranium. L dies' Frilling, Colla Best America e, Medium Blue, Pink, Coral White, Grey, Black, s and Cuffs, Gloves, Hosiery, &o. arced English Prints and Canton Flainnels. GREY COTTONS, 'Cheapest in Canada. OXFORD SHIRTING, from 10q. to 124c., Best Value intthe County. WHITE OTTON, in :American and English, from. 8c. to 12ic. See our HOBROCII S' 32 anti 86 -inch BLEACHED COTTONS. awl TWEEDS. TW EDS. TWEEDS, Our Stock in Canadian a nd Scotch Goods is 1 rger this year than at any former season, and we can offer Tweeds from l0e to 25e per yard lower See these Goods and Examine Our Prices. FULL S OCK OF ; HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES., &e. D V NCAN & BTJNCAN. NOSNHO z a W17 }I31VM 3 O 0 0 0 0 2 1318V1d Q3N1c Ivo °)lOOlara 1130100 NVO111IrM1v `S"13/1t1 HS `S30VdS 3 z c ,O MUSICAL INSTRUMENT II EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. WE WOULD invite the attention of the public generally to the Celebrated LOUGH & WARREN ORGAIIS. They Captivate the World, Having not only .received DIPLOMA OF HONOR AND MEDAL OF HIGHEST MERIT AT THE UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, But having been unanimously pronounced, by the World's Best Judges, as SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS I n those qualities which go to nuke perfection ; th s deservedly placing these unrivalled 3,nstru- me is at the; head of the highest rank of Reed Ins rumonta manufactured in the world. 'While the competitors of the Clough & Warren have b accredited with producing Smoothness, Ey nese of Tone, &o., it remained for the Clough & arren alone to receive the Crowning Honorof pro using, in a pre-eminent degree, (to use the exa twords of the judges' report,) " Volume with Pur ty of Tone, baring the character of the Dia aeon in the ordinary (Pipe) Organ," a dis- tinction bespeeldnn the highest possible mnsical qualities ;• the desideratum eagerly aspired to, butof attained, by other manufacturers. Add to this the remaining distinctive clause of the Judges' report, as basis of Award, to wit: "be- oaua of certazn mechanieal arrangements, which facilitate the working of the Instrumento, to- gether with neatness of design and ornament. combined with simplicity of construction," and you have the description of an instrument, de- servedly leading the first rank, in the critical judgment of the musical world. We have also on hand a large stock of other Orgejns, i ic1uding the ji D 'pion Organ Co., Bowmanville. Vogel if4 Lincoln, Connecticut. Excelsior, 3oronto, &c. PIANOS Ais USUAL, WITH THE CELEBRATED EJ a 8 01•T AT THE HEAD OF THE LIST. W4th pride we call attention to the success of this ' no Company, which has been most re - mar able, halibut few counterparts in any man- nfae tiring business, and is not rivalled in the histo of piano -forte making. -The- highsi- tion hieh these instruments have taken the nuns lifted - endorsement of their excellence by the musical profession, public' institutions, ; sem- inaries, and the press; the present unsurpassed facilities for manufacturing; the magnitude and amount of business done—all attest the solid foundation 4rz which this reznarkeble success rests. WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY ST INWAY & SONS, MATHUSHEK, ti CABLE & SONS,. 0TIIER FIRST-CLASS PIANOS. "e especially invite the attention of I eaters, with whom we will deal mo t liberally. SCOTT BROTHERS. IT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., Surgeon Dentist, Graduate o1 the 'Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. hriih+isl Dentils neatly executed. All surgical oPera; tions periorme d with care and prompttta3s. Office honrs from 8 A. If. to 5 P. M, Booms over A. er. McDongairs• *tore, Stain agree$,-8eiforth. 1