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The Huron Expositor, 1877-08-17, Page 7
f GUST 17, 1877 tilwALSA of New Teas at t owing Prices a at 50 cents, worth 60 cents. 'son Marane. at 50 cents, worth mat 7dcents, worth 80 cent ored, at 40 cents, wo �h 50 eentete elored, at 50 den::., worth CO. colored, at 60 cent$, worth 75 rice and at very low prices, and - Sive Money zt the Three Niles. ISH STOCK OF ED FRUIT lased a Bankrupt Stock of `F AND CROCKERY 5 cents per dozen, worth $1 1.5e :eats per dozen, worth $115- t 60 cents per dozen, worth $1 tits per dozen, worth 90 cents, fates at 85 cents, worth $1 15, sten, plain, at 75 cents, wortl Frth50 CFM 4 II wards. clear out at 25 per cent, 2e ort al invoice c Brice, A N D FEED S NTLY ON HND.. ELIVERED FREE. 'lace, 999, opposite the Cont.. forth. A. W. SPARLING _E:T g N FAOTORYY mow fitted an with Machin Frovement, and is in fall opene acture of FULL CLOTHS- - TS AND YARNS, are kept constantly en hand Wool or Cash at very low facttvring, sol Card - ng and Felling Done - test' Notice', at the fol es it yard, 40 cents. tton warp furnished, 35 cents nel, 25 cents. ennel, 30 °elite. tom $3 to $3 50 per pair. ng, 5 cents per pound. cents per yard. 4 cents. on hand a large quantity of reeds, Blankets and Flannels, reture, which we can recom- eOdent that we can give SATISFACTION ;s with their patronage. WA".IES$ & BLAIN. AND PRICES TO SUIT IE TIMES. ND SHOES. F ESS jVARIETY AT COVENTRY'S.. ;SING my Spring Stock, coma. aatest Styles in Ladies', Gents' ar, I have bought from the rade, for Cash, and I am there- of to be undersold ; and as r fly hard up, I am determined re respectfully invite the cash. aforth and its surroundings to :e buying else*here, ATOM: DEPARTMENT iy none but the best material -best of workmen. Myrepair- style that cannot fail to give rth thanks for past patronage, We. in a better time coming,, den% forget the place: ,J[R RIS BOOT, reet, Seaforth: OVENT-RY, Seaforth. U RD: Y1 ARE. COVED' MANUFACTURERS: TT NAILS, OV.ELS, FORKS, _ D RAKES, PAINTS, OILS, &c< - EMG WIRE ING HARDWARE ;Description Cheap. HS AND 'CONDUCT- _G RIPE rtest Notice and Warranted. enlents tri Ca.SJG and wing CusCustomers.FiOHIN KIDD. CHEAP' GOODS. MARKEY, .ALER IN and PROVISIONS; TION ERYI &e, ED FREEIIF CHAR -CE. SEAFORTH', OPPOSITEh S' HOTEL. 485 BR Ea, T T,: AFOEITH, it Dea.er in LEATHER and OS of Every Description. ry Best Stock kept. Terms" .`oiicited. All orders by mail ly filled. IL N. BRETT. 'ND BACON - have for sale a quantity of ong Clear Bacon, Heavy Mees anal, and Lard, which they low prices. Address NO & GRAHAM,. Seaforth P. 0., Oust. AUGUST ,17,- i8'7. molt a Act O Iii- vary. At the end of the storming of Badajoz, after speaking of, the officers, Napier goes on, "Who shall describe the spring- ing valor of that Port' guese grenadier who was killed the foremost man at 'Santa Maria ? or the martial fury of that desperate rifleman, who in his resolution to win thrust himself beneath the chain- ed sword blades, andt en suffered the enemy to dash his heal in pieces with the end of their muskets." Again, at the Coa, "a North of Ireland man nam- ed gtewart, but jocularly called 'the Boy,' because of his youth, 19, and of his gigantic stature and strength, who had fought bravely and dislayed great in telligence beyond the iver, was one of the' last men who co e ' down to the bridge, but . he would of -pass. Turn- ing round, he regarded the French with a critical look, and spike aloud as fol- lows :—` So this is the end of our brag. This is our first battle, land we retreat ! The boy Stewart will not live to hear that fid.' nen striding forward. in ,his giant might he fell furioiisly on the--.near- eat enemies with the bayonet, refused the quarter they see ed, desirous of granting, and died fighting in the midst of them." "Still morel touching, more noble, more heroic, was the death of Sergeant Robert M'quade. During M'Leod's rush, this _man, also from the north of Ireland, saw two men level their muskets on rests against a high gap in a bank, awaiting the uprise of an en- emy, The present A jutaat General Brown, then a lad of 6, attempted to ascend at the fatal spot. M'Quade, him- self only 24 years of ge, pulled _him back, saying in a cal decided tone, 'You are too young, sill, to be killed,' and then offering his own person to the fire, fell dead pierced w'th both balls." And speaking of the Br'tish soldier gen- erally, he says in his reface, "What they were their succe stirs now are. Witness the wreck of t e Birkenhead, where 400 men, at the call of their heroic officers, Captains Wright and Giardott, calmly and without a murmur accepted death in a hor 'bre form rather than endanger the women and children saved in the boats. The records of the world furnish no parallel, to this self - devotion." Let us add to these, two very recent examples of which we have been all reading in the last few months ; the a poor colliers who woked at Ponty- pridd, with their lives intheir_hands, to. rescue their buried come acles ; and the gambler in St. Louis .who went straight from the gaming -table into the -fire to the rescue of the women and children, and died of the hurts after his third re- turn from the flames. A Bulldog$ Victory) aver an Alli- gator. One day last week an _ alligator was . seen swimming in Sampit' River, near the wharf. Captain David'Steele's bull- dog was soon brought forward, and, up- • on viewing the enemy, plunged off the wharf to meet it. The alligator saw -what was up, and made for the dog. While they approached each other not a sound could be heard from the specta- tors, who were expecting, the moment they met, to see the dog submerged,, never to rise again ; but the clog got the first hold, plunged his ugly teeth into the head of the ferociou's monster, and caused it to sink. It soon reappeared, looking as fierce as ever. The dog and the alligator were mouth nd mouth, nip and tucts, until it was thought that the dog had conquered, the 'lligator disap- ar pearing. The dog, being xhausted, was then picked up by a boat. The alligator, however, soon appeared, land ' made for the opposite shore. Several persons got in boats and pursued. him' until he passed under the wharf. It was, nip and. tuck; again for a while, but thejdog, soon gain- ing the advantage, brought out his foe -{lead. The reptile measured five feet and several inch es. —Geoavetown (Fla.) Comet. End of a Vexe Life. The people of Sutton, N. H., were considerably excited at the sudden death last week of Ephraim Marston, a noted, sitizen of that town, noted for his stubl harmless and for the many vexatious law -suits which he has carried. on for half a century. He has been engaged in litigation nearly all of that time, and lawyers' fees long since reduced him to poverty, while the law's delays had only sharpened ' his appetite fbr more, he al- ways expecting to realize the success he never obtained. For nearly half a dozen ,years: he has been partia, ly' insane, and has not properly fed an clad himself and his two or three y ung children. 'On. Friday of last week he was injured by an ox in his yard. He was carried to his house by his neighbors, and a sur- geon called, who found him quite serious- ly injured, but not dangerously, it was thought. Having no h use -keeper, a woman was employed t care of him. The doctor Ieft quite a 1 rge amount of laudanum, with orders f r its use. As it would appear, one o the' woman's friends soon after paid he a visit, when the two became intoxica ed, ` and the in- jured man becoming restl ss; the woman gave her patient. all th laudanum left by the physician at one dose, which re- sulted in his death in short time, as the drunken pair,' on waking to con- sciousness, found him stiff in death. Thus ends the life of trial and vexation. EPPS'S COCOA.--Gratefu and comforting —" By a thorough . kn wledge of the naturaLlaws which gove n the operations of digestion and nutritioi , and by a care- ful application of the ft e properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- vided our breakfast table with a delicate- ly flavoured beverage,whrich may save us many heavy doctors' bilTh. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundred$ of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We 'may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fori titied with pure blood, and a properly nohr).shed frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in pack- ets labelled- "James pps & Co., Ho- mceopathic Chemists, 4 , Threadneedle St.,and 170, Piccadilly, onion." 482-52 To THE PuBLic.—Rea what the peo- ple say in regard to th Great Shcsho- pees Remedy and Pill. Levi Jones, Markham, says "I hard a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get my blleath. I sought far a quick remedy, and seeing the "Shoshonees Remedy" so highly recom- mended, .I procured abottle, and am happy to say that by the time itwas taken I was entirely well, and have re- mained so, although I was much exposed through the winter in travelling." Rev. .7. B. Stratton, Demorestville, writes "I have found your remedies'particrtiar- ly benefi©ial for liver complaint,'dyspep- aia and bronc ial affeetidns, and would advise all simil sly affectedto give them a trial." John Yhnlayeon, Athol, ' says : "When travell ng one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not cure it, and had to rrturn ome.. iIt' became better and afterward much (worse. I finally purchased a bo tle of the Remedy and a box of Pills, a d before they were half gone I homme ced"to improve, and be- fore they were niched; my foot was com- pletely cured, It is ;now 17 months since, but have had no 'further attack." Price of the He edy in pint- bottles, $1. Pills 25 centsa box. HARNE'S, HARNESS. THE Subscriber tante of Sc. that he is prepay SADDL !hes to inform the inhabi- rth and surrounding country to sell S, HARNESS, Trunks, Val ses, Satchels, Whips, Curry Co es, Cards, . Brushes, "And everything in . is line at the Smallest Possi- ble Profits, and by buying for cash in ' the best markets he feels co dent that he can sell goods f ' CHEAPER HART ANY OTHER- PERSON IN THE TRADE: Being determine who want anythin getting a good art vices, of a flrst.clas do all kinds of wor CARRIA DON Repairs Don SPECIAL IN TRADE to ,buy, Good Goods, parties in his line'. can denend on ole, as he has secured the ser - workman, and is prepared to a j E TRIMMING TO ORDER. on Shortest .Notice. UCEMENTS TO THE D LIVERY MEN. A OAL. SOLICITED. Remember the place : Bet',veen Morrison's Grocery and Mein yre & Willie'!Shoe Store. JAMES. WILSON, Seaforth. VOTER LIST --1877. MUNICIPALI Y OF THE TOWN - SH P OF HAA. CO UN NOTICE is here ° ted to the pe Section of " The copies required by Bitted of the List Act, of all persons- Assessment Roll of entitled to vote in Hone for Members and at Municipal was first posted u the Eighth day there for inspectio carmine the said any other errors' a mediate proceeding rested according to SA Hay, August 8,1 MIS CAMPB Y OF H gRON. - y given that 'I have transmit- sons mentioned in the pecond oters' List Act of 1876," the said section to be so trans made, pursuant to the said ppearing by the last revised the said Municipality, to be he said Municipality at Elec- of the Legislative Assembly leetions ; and that said List at my office, in gay, on f August, 1877, and remains Electors are called -upon to ist, and if tiny omissions or e found therein, to take im- to have the same errors cor- law. UEL FOSTER, lerk of the said Municipality. 77. j 505.3 1. -JE CH, LL'S. BLOCK FORT' I. SE INTENDING to dire from now commenc:dto dispose STOCK FANCY A At and Being determined t to dispose of my G LOWEST COME 0 redness I have f my entire F MILFINERY, D OTHER, GOODS Belo ` Cost. SELL OUT'I am prepared ods at the OSSIB _E PRICE. E. COME ALL. ISS; LEECH. RISES- P THE HURON Wm HAS pleasure i friends that h his new premises,o of his old factory, Ile has on band a .Umber and Light Democrats ' and I ggies, 0.31- TIE ASHES. ARRIA EP FACTORY. GRASSIE informing ,3is customers and is again wdrking fall blast in Goderich street, on the site which was destroyed by fire. umber of Wfzgons, also Whi;h for Wor recommend. He his old reputation business to surp price. Repairing attended to. Bias • 502 unship and Material he can determined Ito fully sustain and will ellew none in the as him. fns Workmanship or and Customer ork promptly smithing inial its branches. 'M. GRASSIE. N TO GRANGE AS THEY Occup hard times, t meet them by offe e- usually sold for, 12 foot Hemlock. at Fencing, at $7, for 5 per cent. diecoun get what is represe Book Accounts ov 8 per cent. The subscriber th for their liberal sup auce of their favors 438 TIC -+ S, FARMERS AND THERS. the attention of all, these e subscribe is determined to g good inch 'Hemlock, " not ch," at the following rates: $6 50 per'thensand ; 14 foot Cash. All orders over 4,000 Call and see if you don't ;ed, r 8 months will be charged nks his nemerous customers ort, and solicits, a continu- JOHN THOMPSON. team Saw • ills, McKillop. ACTORY HENSALL GEORGE DEALERS in S Spiced and Smo Clear Sides, Mese All Orders In Tromp A Large Quantity a 485 ORK JAM I S PETTY, oked and Sugar Cured Hams, ed Rolle, Culmberland Bacon, 'Pork, &c. Mail. or Otherwise ly Attended to. ways on hand. G. & J. PETTY, Hcnsalt H LIVER1( STABLES. AN & ABELL, PRIETOBS!. THE SEAFOR CARNOC PR OFFICE and St door from Mai Buggies, and Go hand- Orders left forth, or at the o to.. MARRIAGE LICENCES OS CEKTTFI'CATES, (Under the new Act,) i$sFed at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, EA'FORTH. Under authority o f the Lieutenant -Governor of On trio. bles on Market Street, second Neat, Stylish Carriages and d Reliable 'Horses always on at the Commercial Hotel, Sea - e will be 'promptly attended 602 T�iE PATTERS9N I • MAXWELL REAPER, arAAu A d as a Light Reap pileus. HE PA.TT SELF-DISCH z'�{ Acknowledged to be the best in! C2 - unequ lied for Durability, Sirn- and Convenienci. I ,SON ITII O.A RGING HORSE RAKE, µ . se having taken 10 first prizes in the fall of 1876. e Drill and Seeder as a drill has never been beaten and seeder, unsurpassed. or Mower's have stood the test for years. PITTERSON S Pa butt hay' held Wroug line thanking th been in busines e making parch, RIEVE, bent Combined Em as ur Sprague and Jar �t Iron Frame farmers of Ontarzd we cordially invite p sea. gent. Fang Plow, gave Unusual Satistact ons. or their liberal patronage during the past thirty years we em in their own interests to inspect the above ' plements ATTERSON & BROTHERS, Paterson. NIAL M DALS AND f DIPLOMAS hi hi WARDED TO MALC LM MONROE, EAFORTH,. FOR WOOD ; HANDLE AND WROUGHT IR 1`I BEAM PLOW, II NOS.EJ39Oa 'WM ALCOI,M MON OR has pleasure i ;dannouncing to the Farmers, of Huron and Pert that he is better preps 'ed'this season tha 'ever to furnish a first-class article. As proof postive that Plows are the B '1st in the Market he �ras only to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured- by obtained the I TERNATIONAL RIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. H ALSO MAN UTI(AC TURES IRON PLOWS, Hill's Patent Plo 's, z Itc v acc X al v Thistle Cutter Plows, Also a One -Horse Plow Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SOT 'FLERS, I ' ON AND WOOD PLOWS. SCitiVEN This Plow is unive sally admitted to b the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it al trial before pur bailing any other. j All these Implements are manufacture by himself, of the very heat material, and are batter and more durable than t ose got up by lirg V establishments for catch sales. Every Implement war- ranted to give satin action. Prices as lbw as those of any other respectable establishment that turns out a gcod art clef Plows of all aeabove kinds kept constantly on hand and can be seen at his fop at any time. IRN HARROWS- - i. II he Scotch Diem end Harrows kept co ' tautly on hand. Repairs fer all kinds hi—Plows kept con stn tly on bend. Remember the shop, ain Street Seaforth, iJEast Side. • OM .i�iO^� TR O J. i r 0 C Z -C Ro anok Ane 1,1\100 W m 0 PLANIIG IILL, _Lem OOR, SASH, BLIND ,AND MOTJLDI�G FACT 1 7 RY. On Hand, a good Stock of SEASONED LUM4ER Dressed and.Undressed. LATH AND SHINGLES, AY RACKS, CHEESE BO'XE 1,• Very Cheap or Cash. fi CU STOM P LAN-' .I _-----WILD; RECEIVE--f-- NG Promp Atte.ti n j �I tar Factory and umbel. Yard 7 North Main Street, Seaforth. l ADAM GRA YL Se Cforih. THE GENUINE ROYCE REAPER AND i FIRST PRIZE MOWER FOR SALE AT THE, HURON FOUN AN D Ii1ACHINF_ SHOP DRY REPAIRING OF ALL IINDS PROMPTLY1 .ATTENDED TO. Remember the •Nein, Foundri . WHITELA W & _MORE. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - - $4.000.000. . ! CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1838; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated.1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. , Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchange on Londe payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdorri. INTEREST PAID ON DEP M. P. HAY 411 SITS. S, ANAGER LUMBER FOR;- S HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. from $8. BILLS CUT TO ORDER All Leeigths, from 10 to 50 Feet, a PONY MILL, IN McKI LE, 'HIIJOJV3S `133 LLS 1-71 t-4 SSVZm A JUST ARRIVED FROM GERMANY. rn 3 m Z 0 r O m a STQIUJ dV tzi tzi age Reis 7 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- ERN TIMES. H30 WAY'S P!.`L` MOMENT The Pine Pu • ifs the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, tornaeb, Kidneys and Bowels, and are • invaluable in all complaints ieeidental to Females. : The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Lets, 01.1 SVnnnds, Sores and Ulcers ^ of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip - 1 -41 ! htberia, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BE WARE OF NEW ORK GO UN- - - TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and. Ointment," are mann factored and sold, under the name of "ilei lea sy's .& Co.," Curran, & Co., also by the Me - eine Company an assumed Akin a n'8 of New Yolk, 0) 0) CD by J. F. Henry, Druggists, a n d tropolitan Medi of New York,with y trade mark, thus: Joseph Haydock, likewise paseesoff counterfeits of ime his own make under the name of Holloway & Co_, having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; ,- McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive you, un- blushingly caution the public in the small books of directions which accompany their medicines, which are really the spurioes imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and reepectfally appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and tothe public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. if the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each .Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "HOLLOWAY'S PLLLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is -the address, 585, OnroRn STREET, LONDON,where alone they are manufactured: 1 Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of my genniue make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan, 1, 1877. 477 C) `s[:IZIavao HAIR DRESSING. MISS AMANDA STARK WISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that she is prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In the Latest a'ashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended t� A Call Solicited. Residence—Goderich Street, Seaforth, 467*9 `S` M:TIO ffl NOSNHOf w y PINE the !! C) LOP:I The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFO' TH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtai' ed. 479 THOMAS DO ' EY, BUTTER- TUB S. TROTT, SEAFORTH TS now prepared to supply all Gusto ii ere with any number of his SUPERIOR BUTTER T :S, A t $80 per hundred, Cash. These Tu • s are so w ell.andl favorably known to the trade that it ie u nnecesaary to gay anything in their . commen- dation. MR. TROTT also manufactures a email Hard- wood Tub, suitable for washing batter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attend- ed to. 495 S. TBOTT, Seaforth. • rip Pcs CD rn CD CD 'CD New Brunswick Cal- 0uInuaD put s‘aupzis CID CD CD 3.1 CI C. cal CD Ci) Scythe Snaths, Eorks and Rakes. put `tliaan'I «`xL Pts -AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, Tles EGS to acquaint his many friends and caste- -la' mere that he has removed two doors north of his old stand, MeIntyre's Block, where he has a stock equal to any in the business, and at tho most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing done on the shortest notice. A good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Braehes, and ail other such articles required constantly on hand. Rememner e our old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. DR WILLIAM Gray's SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as anunfail- ing cure for Seminal het, Impotency, and a Befogs. diseases that follow as f r. a sequenee of Self abase as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain 'in the Back, Dimness of Irishin, Premature Old Age, and. many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which ad a rale are fast caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the resnit of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The' Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will b e sent ley mail. on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fire el- and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS [IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at S Per Cent. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamer& OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, main-st EGG EMPORIUM. The subscriber hereby thanks his numerone customers (merchamts and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by striet integrity and close attention to business, to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having greatly enlarged his premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, • Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons Of good dxy clean WHEAT STRAW. SEAFORTH PLANLNG MILL, 171 SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY CD -1- customers for the liberal patronage exten ded to th him since conunencing business in Seaforth, and c -t- trusts that he may be favored with a continuane of the sanae. Parties intending be build would do well to give him a call, as he wi.h continue to keep on hand a arge stock of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, -LATH, ETC. gel eels ponfident of giving satisfaction to those who may faveur him with their patronage, as none but first-elaesworkraen are employed. artienlaratten ti on paid to Custom Planing 201 JOHN II: BROADFOOT. CD n S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -1-• • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- Ai:Waded to. D. S. CAILFBILL, SAW LOGS WANTED, Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS 'OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom Sawing attended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other TRIM Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very owest market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SA1E. 417 Seater*