The Huron Expositor, 1877-08-10, Page 7=UST 1, T. IIVALS AT 999 New Teas at ttee Ting .Paces ;t 50 center worth 60 cents. n Mayune at -50 cents, worth at 70-eents, worth SOcenta. id, at 40 nts, wort . 50 cents. and,. at 50 cents, worth 60 orad, at '60 . cents, worth 75 ;e and at very IoW prices. and Save Money b• the Three Fines. :SH STOCK OF D FRUIT. sed a Bankrupt Stock of AND OROCKERY'. cents per dozen, worth $I 15. nts per dozen,worth. $1 15,. 60 cents per dozen, worth $1.. to perdozen, worth. 90 dents. ,tes at 85 cents-, worth $1 15. ' .es, plain, at 75cents,worth th $2 50. to $4 upwards. :clear it out at 25 per cent. original invoice price. :AND FEED NTLY ON HAND. LIVERED FREE. lace, 999, opposite the Cont. Orth, A. Vit - STARLING. FACTORY. tow fitted up with Machinery tovement, and is in fall open ketar'e of FULL CLOTHS,. TS AND YARNS, are kept constantly on hand Wool or Caelx at very low ucturimg, T oolCa�rd- ng and Fulling Done test Notice, at the ti - esu yard, 40 cents. kttan warp famished, 35 cents. noel, 25 emote. ' wane', 30 cents,. trona $3 to $3 50 per pair. :ng, 5 cents per pound. cents per yard. a. E4 cents. on hand a Targe quantity of .weeds, B.ankets and Flannels, ,!acture, whieir we can recom- nfident that we can give L SATISFACTION us with their patronage.. VANLESS & BLAIN. AND PRICE S TO SUIT HE TIMES.. AND SHOES 1LE4 $4VARIETk AT, h. S CO ENTRY'S. _. kENING any Spring Stook, com- b Latest Styles in Ladies', Gents' Wear. I have bought from the Trade, for Cash, and 1 amthere - t not to be undersold ; and as I Rally hard up, I am determined ;fore respectfully invite the cash Seaforth and its stirroundings to fore Irnying elsewhere. STUN DEPARTMENT buy none but the beat material • cry best of workmen_ My repair-- a a style that cannot fail to give with thanks for paat'patronage, aith in a better time corning, ay don't forget the place :. THE BIG BOOT, Street, Seaforth. COVENTRY, Seaforth. HARDWARE. EGE WE D MANUFACTURERS- Ft ,,-T NAILS, SHOVELS, FORKS,. AND RAKES, PAINTS, OILS, &c' GING WIRE [DING HARDWARE ry Description Cheap.. GHS AND CONDUCT- ' ING PIPE `hortt at Notice and Warranted. iucefrterits to' Cash and I'((t/tfl(J Custoilners. JOHN KIDD. CHEAP . GOODS. P.. MAR KEY, 'E\LI;R IN f.'. ' (tuft FROVISIO. gt - '`lf_1N EllY, &e, EREO FREE OF CHARGE. ET, SEAFORTI , OPPOSITE AB]'i E'. zYs' I[f) EL. ERETT, �I:.3I't1FTII, ct zi Dea-r r in. LEATHER and; INGS of Evert Itr:scriptiou. Very Beat :4toek kept. Terms tl:'ulivitad. All orders- by mail aaptiy R. N. BRETT IND BACON• earl have for sale a quantity of a, Lang Clear Bacon, Heavv Mesa a Mine, and Lard, which they e'a alow( € prices(. Addresa $gDXO . & 111ATIAM, Seaforth P. O., Ont. AUGUST 10 1.871. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. .Fights between. Iron Clads. Mr. Scott Russell, ;the English writer •an naval warfare, thinks 20 minutes will be a long time for an! engagement—that is, for the period which will elapse be- tween .sighting an enemy, and either sinking him or being slunk. This is stag - gearing, but Mr. Russell has his reasons, and puts them forward boldly if not theoretically. "Standing on the deck, 24 feet above the water, I see my enemy clear on the horizon. .Ue is seeking me. 1 am seeking h? -m. We are six miles .apart—at modest speed a mile takes six minutes—at that rate we shall .meet in 18 minutes. What to do in these 18 minutes is a serious question. There is not a very heavy sea an, but an) ordinary swell; our ships roll gently; steam stead- ily; our guns are charged ; all is ready." Twelve minutes are consumed in themu- tual approach, and the disposal of the next six minutes is•serious. During the first three the only course he maintains is to meet the enemy boldly, and run at him, and insists that a commander's or-. ders must be, ."Stand by ! Steady 1 Full speed ,.head !" Then the three minutes are soon over ! The engineer gets all in order for the crash ! 111 in the ship is already made fast ! The commander's eye never leaves the enemy. ' At the end of a minute he sees the enemy hesitate. Then, if the enemy is not ithfficiently alert to double or tack, he must sue for mercy, or the only course of dealing with him is to "stem on, stem into him. His side is open to the sea." Mr. Scott Rus- sell's conclusion is, however, that which - •ever side. may win,it seems unlikely that an encounter between two such ships will last more than three min.ntes, or that the time of an engagement will be prolonged. Eighteen minutes to meet, and eighteen minutes to close quarters seems a lung fight." So, the lesson he would have us learn by way of preparation for this rapid work are first to possess the " greatest strength to strike an enemy with rnost harm to him, and least to me," and thesecand to " possess the greatest gun - power." Disraeli, Past and Present. His ringlets of silken black hair, his flashing eyes, his effeminate and lisping voice, his dress coat of black velvet, lined: with white satin; his white kid gloves, with his wrist -surrounded by a long hanging fringe 'of black silk ; and his ivory cane, of which the handle, in- laid with gold, was relieved by mere black silk in the shape of a . tassel. Everyone laughed at him for being af- fected; bat the women declared that he was an affectation of the best style, and they felt that his personal vanity was a flattering homage to their most notorious weakness. Such was the plumed boy - exquisite who forced his way into -the saloons of peeresses. Men held him in light esteem, but observa.nb women, who, as a rule, are more discerning judges of young men than themselves,, prophesied "that he would live to be a great man." That was Disraeli, after he had created intense sensation by his novel, "Vivian Grey," written and published when he was little more than 20 years of age. And this is his appearance now : There hangs from the crown of the head a single curl of dark hair, "a curl which you cannot look at without feeling a touch of pathos in your inmost heart, for I it is the only thing about the worn and silent man reminding you of the brilliant youth of 'Vivian Grey!. The place be- low this solitary lock isdeeply marked with furrows left by care's ploughshare ; the fine, dark eyes look downward, the mouth is closed with a firmness that says more for this man's tenacity of will than pages of eulogy would do ; but what strikes you more than anything else is the utter lack of expression upon the countenance. No one looking at the face, though but for a moment, could fall into the error of supposing that ex- pression and intelligence are not here ; they are there, but ii. concealment." The face is clean shaven and an utter blank—the face of a sphinx --"the most remarkable face in Eng1 ind." A Queer Man. Amos Fish, one of the queerest men in Albany, N. Y., died a few days ago, leaving an estate of $50,000 to charitable institutions, and cutting off his wife with a dollar a day. " In describing his man- ner of life to a friend, he once said : "I buyofbeef from a shank the butcher, which costs me 10 ceps. My wife makes enough soup from this to do us• one meal, then the meat cut from it afterward makes two more meals, or one day's food for 10 cents. I split the bone and get the marrow for cooking purposes, and my wife finds sufficient fuel in the bone itself to do considerable cooking. ` Then in an iron box I save the ashes, which I use for manuring a few plants that realize for me six cents each." Yet, when extra taxes were put upon his property, he rarely, if ever, demand- ed more rent from tenants than what they had been paying. , He married a widow who had two children and a little money. He offered to borrow the money and allow her seven per cent. His wife accepted the proposition, and he was in charge of the property for a long time. One day he forced a settlement with her, bringing in a bill for her own and the children's board, and leaving her in debt to him. The Chinese lobo$. The influx of Chinamen was never so great as now. Every steamer and sail- ing vessel from China brings more or less. Within thirty days over [4,000 have been brought to port. Among recent arrivals is a consignment of Tarters, a variety of Mongol rarely if ever seen here before. They are to be distinguished from the general run of Celestials; by the promin- ence of their cheek bones, swarthy com- plexion, and a most villainous expression to their almond eyes. At home they are pirates and revel in their throat -cutting propensities. The "honest" Chinamen say they come to these shores for no good. If that be so, they will probably be welcomed with hospitable hands to- bloody graves.—Sart Francisco C'or. Bos- ton Journal. —An old professor, whose pronuncia- tion was antiquated and provincial, in speakingof milk as the lacteal fluid, al- ways said, " lacktail fluid." A witty student suggested that the reason proba- bly was because the professor's old cow was a bobtail—her tail having been cut off when she was young. OLD BATTLE FIELDS FOR MODERN SOL- DIEIts.—It appears that the Turks in the Dobrudsoha are using the old wall of the Roman Emperor Trajan as a breastwork I against Russian attack. This wall, now' 1,700 years old, wais one of three built by Trajan—one in Spain,one crossing the country from the Danube to the Rhine, and one in the Dobrudscha—all intended to keep the Barbarians out of the Empire. It. is still from 10 to 20 feet high, and is sometimes in do{ible,, sometimes in single lines. A Scoundrel. In England a young man named Staun- ton, with a.pourd a week, four years ago married a poor idiot named Richardson, ten years older than himself. The lady was of good famiay, being a niece of Lord Rivers. She hail £1,400 in money, and a reversionary interest in £2,000 more. Her friends tried unsuccessfully to place her in an insane; asylum to , prevent her r from marrying, and from the time she did marry she ever saw her mother. Recently she ave birth to a child, which speedily lied, and attention being thus called to h . , it turned out that she bad been starve by her husband to such a€n extent that she died in spite of all at- ly escaped lync ing. tention. Stauntp. isinprison, but scarce- EPPS'S COCOA. Grateful and comforting —"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws wh'h govern the operations of digestion andiutrition, and by a care- fail application the fine properties of well -selected co oa, Mr. Epps has pro- videdour breakf st tables with a delicate. ly flavoured bev'rage,which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. . It is by the judicious use of tuch articles of diet that a constitution my be gradually built u until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease; Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. -We may escape ;many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a projierly nourished frame." tte. Sold only in pack- ames Epps & Co., Ho- ists, 48, Threadneedle 170, «:dilly, London." 482-52 Civil Service Ga ebs labelled— ' mcuopathic Che St.,and Pic DID you ever ed a common co neglected, often and distressing but when attend easy of cure. If cold or cough, fers," will be fou moving it. They generally effect Sold by all drug ers at 25 cents p A GOOD HOR pleasure and pro good horse, and in a bad one ;" will retain a bad are in possession be. We think t bad but that the proved and rend useful for their o there is nothin Condition Powd Remedy ;" it 1 ing results in Remember the signature of Hur age. Northrop proprietors for medicine dealers. hink that what is term - d, when systematically leads to that most fatal disease, consumption ; d to at once is generally you are troubled with a Bryan's Pulmonic Wa- d most efficacious in re- ive immediate relief, and cure when used in time. ists and country deal - ✓ box. E.—" There is much 't in the service of a ut very little of either no personfrom choice horse ; many, however, f such who need not ere are few horses so ✓ condition can be im- red more valuable and ners, to effect which equal to " Darley's ra and Arabian Heave as effected astonish.. thousands of cases. ame, and see that the & Co. is on each pack - Lyman, Toronto, Ont., anada. Sold by all • ELECTRICITY.— _ homas' Excelsior Eclec- tric Oil ! Worth ten times its weight in gold. Pain cann t stay where it is used ! It is the cheapes medicine ever- made. One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured 1 ronchitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured - u old standing cough. It positively cure catarrh, asthma and croup. Fifty c.nts' worth has cured crick in the back and` the same quan- tity lame back of eight ,_years standing. The following are extracts from a few of the many letters hat have been received from the different parts 'of C anada,which we think should tisfy;the :most sceptic- al j. Collard, o Spatta, Ont., writes—. " Send me 6 doze Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OiI, have sold a I had from you and want more now ; is cures are truly won- derful." Wm. IcGuire, of Franklin, writes—"I have sold allthe agent left, it acts like a char —it was slow at first but takes speedil now." Mr. 11. Cole, of Iona, writes— "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' Eclectri Oil, I am nearly ou t nothing equals it It is . highly recom mended by those ho have used it." J, Bedford, Thames ille, writes-" Send at once a further su ply of Eclectric Oil, I have only one bot le left. I never saw anything sell so well and give such gen- eral satisfaction. J. Thompson, Wood- ward, writes—" end Me some more Ec- lectricOil. I h ve sold. entirelyout. Nothing takes like it.",Miller & Reid, Ulverton, P. Q. write—" The Eclectric Oil is getting a great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send me a further sup- ply without delay. ' Lenoyne,Gibb& Co., Buckingham, P. .,write—"Send us one' gross Eclectric Oil We find it takes well.' Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents. S. N. Thomas, Phelps, N. Y. Northrop & Lymtln, Toronto, Ont., sole agents for the DomNOTE. OTE.—Eclec- tric—Selected and; electrized. , THE SEAFORTH' LIVERY STABLES. i CARNOCH N 8k. ABELL, PROPIETQRS. OFFICE and Stahl door from Main. Buggies, and Good hand- Orders left at forth, or at the office to. s on Market Street, second neat, Stylish Carriages and reliable Horses always on he Commercial Hotel, Sea - ill be promptly attended 502 HENSALL PORK FACTORY AMES ok d and GEORGE & PETTY., - DEALERS in SmSugar Cured Hams, Spiced and Smoked Rolls, Cumberland Bacon, Clear Sides, .Mess Pork, ac. All Orders by Mail or Otherwise Prlomptly Attended to. A Large Quantity always on liand. 485 G & J. PETTY. Honaall. THE CONSOL.IDATETD BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1833; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorpirated 1861. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAI'ORTH. Drafts on New `' York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID. - ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, 417 MANAGER, 7 1877 SPPIG M E SRS. BATTY & 00. 1877 Beg to announce to their customers and the general public, the arrivalof their Sprink Stock recently purchased by their Mr. McMULXIN on the moat favorable terms.; The Stock willbe found on inspection SECOND TO NONE AS RE ARDS QUALITY AND PRICE They request a visit from intending ptirchasers before making their selections, when they feel con- fident of giving every satisfaction. - 111 0 TROUBLE TO SHOW GOOD: L. BEATTY & Co., Seaforth. THERE 1S. NOTHING LIKE ILEATHER WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO GOOD SUCH AS YOU FIND ATS WARD HARNES — s' SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of ' arness Made up in the Latest Styles. REMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Subatan ial Harness J. WARD can give you better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PR -ICE than an other maker in the County. A Trial is a1 that is wanted to secure regular custom. THE PATTERSON J. WARD, Seaforth.. AXWELL REAPR, Al 11 t' j t_ rrl Q) And as anLight Reaper unequalled for Durability, Sim- plicity and Convenience. THE SELF-DISCHARGIN Acknowledged to be the beat in use having talon 10 first prizes in the fail of 1876. �N ITHAC HORSE RAKE, PATTERSON'S Patent Combined Empire Drill and ceder as a drill has never been bea as a seeder, ensuass 4r ed. Our Sprague and Junior Mower's h e stood the teat for years. Our Wrought. Iron/ .Frame Gag Plow, gave Unusual Satistaction. While thanking the farmers of Ontario for their liber have been in business we cordially invite them in their before making purchases. W. GRIEVE, Agent. and 1 patronage daring the past thirty years we wn interests to inspect the above implements PATTER ON h BROTHERS, patte Iron. CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND DIPLOMA AWARDED TO MA.LCOLM ] SEAFOR FOR WOOD HANDLE IRON BEAM P Air ALCOLM MONROE has pleasure in announcing to it -L is better prepared this season than eves; to Ennis, . his Plows are the Beat in the Market he has only to ref him obtained the INTERNATIONAL PRIZE AND D HE ALSO MANUFAC- TURES IRON PLOWS, Hill's Patent Plows, SCUFFLERS, P Z co cn cc vU acg 2 ONROE, H, !ID ow. WROUGHT 1 the Fanners of Huron and Perth that he a first• close article. Asproof positivd - that er to the fart that the Plow Manufactured by IPLONA at the Certennial Exhibition.. Thistle Cutter Plows, Alaq a IRON ANI One -Horse Plow Suitable for Plo%rieg Gardens. WOOD PLOWS. t t - -T_ . ,.autn,:d x Iu wuwh itt . 1 iU , W; r�..,�;;;";m1110001§1111'„1‘7�iItUm!s Ili//�'Ir ,q1211221. 'WAAL- /an r CRIVEta. 1n— This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gan it a trial before purchasing any other. . All these Implements are Manufactured byMaimself, of more durable than those got up by Large establishmen ranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those o turns out a gcod article his shop at any time. Plows of all the above kinds 'f Plow now in nee, and Farmers should give the very best material, and are better and e for catch sales. Every Implement war- any other respectable establishment that -ept constantly on hand and can be seen at 'IRON HAR ” OWS• The Scotch Diamond Marrows kept constantly on han stantly on hand. Remember the shop, Main Street S- MALCOL Repairs fcr all kinds of Plows hep forth, East Side. con MONRO H �. AJf SSN1101 S 0 Q m m O 0 0 0 C rr c m 1-1-CTIR,CDN PLANING MILL,` AND OOR, SASH, BLIND -AND- 1 1'D 2 ULDING FACTO]EY. On Hand, a good Stock of SEASONED LUMBER, Dressed and Undressed. LATH AND SHINGLES; HAY RACKS, CHEESE BOXES, Very Cheap for. Cash. i CUSTOM PLANING •N‘ ILL RECEIVE Prompt Attenti on. - 1 Factory and Lumber Yard on Narth To VAPMERS---HIC'KS.ON & ROBERTSON Street,. Seaforth. will pay Cash for all Good Butter in rolls, pails and tubs, delivered at the drug store of E. Hick- son. 474 Main ADA J GRAY, Seaforth. CIRCULAR SAW. WM. ROBERTSON & GO., MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. ~THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD.. ERN TIMES. H SSv'Io ALOCIhI 30 0 WATER LIME AND CALCINED PLASTER FRESH AND GOOD. • PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN ALSO SCYTHES, SNATHS; RAKES, FORKS, The Pills Pu its t1ceBloa:T, correct all disorders of the Liver, atom,cb, liitlntys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females - The Ointment is the 'only reli.t'taa remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers ^ of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- ) -1` htheria, Coughs, Colds (,ant, [thenreetiem, and • all Skin Diseases it has no equal. pa-: BE WARE OF NEW YOnI: COU▪ N- CD • ' TERFEITS. 02, Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." are main: factured and sold under the- name of ` Hol - w bty J. 1?. Henry, re Druggists, an d tropolitan Medi - of New York,with H trade mark, thus: Joseph Haydock, likewise passesoff CJS loway's & Co.," Curran, & Co., also by the Me - eine Company an assumed —Again o n e of New York. counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive yon, un- blushingly, caution. the public in the small books of directions which accompany their medicin "a, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. - Unscrupulous dealers obtain then at very low prices and sell them to the public in Canada as shy genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladids, and to the public generally of British North America, that they`may be, pleased to denounce nnsparmgly these frauds. ' Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not- 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the H a words, "HoLLowtx's PILLS AND OINTMENT, —1 LoaDo.t," engraved thereon. . On the label is tt the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LoxnoN,where en alone they are manufactured- .. t Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and ointmeirtt as of my genuine make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan,1,1877. 477 HAIR DRESSIG . MISS AMANDARK STA ]'ISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that she is prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In -the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. • A Call Solicited. Residence—Goderich Street, Seaforth. 467*19 `SZIaHZo rn . IOSNI-IOf Irea N • 'HSAO LVES `s33`�IJS era popmq°Ian Otl CD CD CD CD CID 0 CD cr▪ t- C O rn ')1O030Vd N30100 tid 0 CD caa▪ a p w in AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, BEGS to acquaint his many friends and emsto- mere thathe has removed two doors north of his old stand,McIntyre's Block, where he has a stock equal to any in the business, and at the most favorable prices. Ali kinds of Repairing done on the ahortest notice. A. good Stook of • Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and aU other such articles required constantly on hand. Ren@maer Sour old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar'. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially re- . commended as =unfail- ing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorr- hea, Impotency, and all Before. diseases that follow as After. a sequenee of Self abuse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness i -of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other ;diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are fust caused by deviating from the Path of natur. e and over indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of er perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or ti packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & 00.,•, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE. AND LAND AGENCY. ENCY. ALONZO STRONG IS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take riskston THE MOST FAVORABLE TERM. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A IN TJMBER, OF FIRST-CLASS 14- - PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at S Per Cent. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. EGG EMPORIUM The subscriber hereby thanks hie numeroxe customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and hopes, by strict integrity andclose attention to businee , to merit their confidence and trade in the future, Having greatly enlarged bis premises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seafortb- Wanted by the subscriber 26 tons of good dry (lean WHEAT STRAW. _ ). D. WILSON. ILSOly . SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous customers for the liberal patronage eater tte"dto him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuant) of the same. Parties intending io build wonld do *ell to give him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a arge stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, M:t.P4IlBrl, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. He feels confident of givingsatisfaction to thoes fin,, who may favour hin with theirpatronage, as none but first-c1aeaworkmen are employed. r'7 l~s'Particularat ten tion pat r'. to Custom Planin g 0201 .JOHN H. BROADFOOT. -- -- _ SAW LOGS WANTED. ✓ tt- \Iessra. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCE 17.5 ;r} I Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. n, w Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the ✓i W Manufacture of Hoops. - ' 0 inlIdiCnr�tont Marring attended to Iiremptiyr C and as cheap as at any other mill. ► {CD Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very owest market prices. CARD - T1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor 1J • and Civil Engineer. Ord.era by mail prompt- ly attended to, COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, 479 D. S. CAMPEF%T.T+,1ifitcheil. 417 Soafortlt 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. ti !1