The Huron Expositor, 1877-08-03, Page 8_
.111011. trritlittt.
ANOTHER Arrival of Crockery and
Glassware at J. Baoweizrap's, and, SS tuatudvsell-
• 1ng at very low priests. Also a special line of
new season's Moynne Tea, selling in Caddies from
5 to 10 pounds. Warranted to give satisfaction
Plenty of aorn yet, and lower in price. 4,
BROWNELLf Dominion Block. 501
Marna—All parties having any bags marked
"Ogilvie" in their Possession will greatly oblige
by returning them at onoe either to the Mills or
to any Flour Dealers in town. A. W. Ooteirto &
Co. Seaforth, Aug. 2,1877. 504-1
Li. —John Wilson of the Silver
Creelc Lime Kiln, Seaforth, Ilea on hand any
quantity of fresh burned lime, for sale cheap.
• Price 15 cents per bushel, at the kiln. Deliver-
ed in any part of Seaforth or Egmondville for 18
cents per broshel. 491 .
ALLEN'S Grocery. Provisions, flour,
oatmeal, comraeal, pot barley, rice, split peas,
dried apples, new prunes, side bacon, emoked
bacon canvassed hams, codfish, lard, butter,
cheese, and general groceries. Wet. ALLEN. 496
WATCH REPAIRING in all its branches
at E. Hiessoei & Co.'s, by F. Crake, a practieal
workman of long experience. All work warranted.
English watches a specialty. See advertise-
ment. 498
S. LOISNSBUB.Y & CO., Seaforth, have
two new and two seeond-hand patent arm lumber
wagon 8 for sale. Saw logs will be taken in ex -
dean e, to be delivered net winter. 500-4
PARIS GREEN, for Potato Bugs, Car-
bolic Acid, Castor Oil by the pound, Madder,
Logwood, Indigo, and all Dye Stuffs, Fresh and
Good, just in at Ilwasoafes Drug Store. ,498
will pay Cash for all Good Butter in roils, piffle
and tube, delivered at the drug store of E. Hick -
eon. 474 , ta
STONE and Glass Fruit Jars for the
million at WILSON a YOUNG'S. 999
FOR, CHEAP Fruit Jars and Sugars see
WILSON & YOM1O'S.i 49 -
FOR THE Cheapest Teas in Town try
WM. Woe & Co. 504
Church in this -town has been given a
freeh coat of paint, and its external al).
pearance has been, thereby, materially
improved. It nOw looks as good as new.
Mr. Henderson, with his magic brush,has
also improved the parsonage in a like
manner. . 1
TEE FALL 8E414—The Fall Show un-
der the auspices of the South Huron Ag-
ricultural Society; will be held at Sea -
forth on Friday, October 4th and 5th. A
liberal prize lisit will be offered, and
should the weather prove favorable, in
view of the fine crops, we may anticipate
one of the most successful shows that
has ever been hild,
their previ
The hall wa
a large 'and
close of th
proposed a
and highly
efficient m
ducted his
might be s
towel, and
well worth
J. W. Scot
seconded t
match, under auspices of the Huron was rea
Farmers' and i hanics' Association,will of the ;Grand Trunk Railway, which was
be held on the !farm of Mr. D. Stong, to the e ect that the Company did not
London road, near Kippen, on Thursday consider it would be in the interest of the
next. The Machines will be tested in Public s fety to openJarOs street through
spring wheat. Prizes will be awarded their p perty, and inquiring What aid
as follows: 1st, gold medal ; 2nd, sil- the Cou eil would be prepared to offer
ver medal; 3r.d,' bronze medal. Each the Co pany Ediould they erect a new
machine shall compete and receive the station uilding, same as plans submit,
same award of the judges for three sue- ed. In reference to this communication,
.cetaiiiYo years before receiving the medal. the fol owing resolution was Passed :
us readings put together.
well filled each evening by
ppreciatiye andince. At the
performance Mr. Halsted
ote of thanks to Mr. Cline,
complimented hira for the
nnerrich he had con-
usical lass, and hoped he
ared .to me again to Lis-
"ve another entertainment so
of public patronage. Mr.
, in a few similar remarks,
e resolution, which was un-
PEiSONA — Mr. •Geor;ge and Miss
Gouinlock, of this town, left en Friday
last on a pleasure trip to Manitoba.
They go b way of Duluth. They ex-
pect to be bsent about a month. This
will be a v ry pleasant summer trip.
• —Messr . Jas. A. Cline, M. Morrison,
C. Arrnstr ng and Sohn Campbell have
gone to lleville to attend the Oddfel-
lows' Gra d Lodge, which is now in ses-
sion in th t town. Mr., Campbell at-
tends'the dge in his capacity as,Grand
Marshall, and the others go as represent-
atives of idelity Lodge.
—Dr, Gouinlock and Mr. Charles Wil-
son leave town to -day for a trip to the
Georgian ay. They go from G-oderich
in compa y with a party gotten up by
A. M. Ro s, M. P. P. The party in-
-tend alien ing a couple of week's in cruis-
ing on th beautiful lakes which abound
in that di trict.
Street, w
from the
a ad-ignit
ing dry,
when fir
mach w"
fire was
water be
The 'fire
their ser
ing ano
This tim
mill for
stack ca
time and
to any e
as Soon
any hea
the rrsu
—The annual reaping
I s
On Monday afternoon, while
in Nopper's foundry, on Main
re engaged in easting, a spark
chimney alighted On tbe roof,
d the .shingles. The roof be -
he fire caught Very quickly, and.
t noticed was burning quite
Fortunately there was not
d blowing at the time, and the
xtinguished by a few paileful of
ore -much damage ; was done.
en turned out promptly, but
ices were not required.
t half -past six the same even7
p.any anan equal number
her alarm of bre was raised,
tives. This game showed-
• it was the saw -mill of S.Louns-
litical reaction, ae the To
o. which was in, danger. A few
day by a score of 18 tq 9 a
fter the workmen had left the
to spare in a five inninks g
supper, the dust in the smoke
the afternoon, 'croquet and
ght fire, making it red hot and
ments were indulged in, an
the sparks broadcast over the
seemed to enjny themselve
he saw dust in the mill , yard
re, but the. fire was noticed in
was putout befpre it had spread
tent. Had it not been noticed
a it was, and bad the fire got
way among the, saw dust a de -
conflagration Might have been
„ ' A
IL MEETING.— aa communication
from Mr. Hickson, Manager
1 1 1
he hardships connected with them, and,
lthough he rallied t'SI: a time, his con-
titution was eo, broken down that there
as no hope of his recovery, and after a
long illnees he died July 13tIn' The de-
ceased leaves,a wife and twelve- children ;
most of the latter are grown up, .May he
rest in peaoe.
EN'S PIC -NIC. The Fire-
men's pic-nic on Friday aft rnoon last
was a very successful affair. It was
held on the Diliving Park grounds. In
the afternoonmost of the stores and oth-
er business places in town were closed,
thus affording the clerks; an:c salesmen
an opportunity of attending !the pic-nic.
The attendance throughout t e afternoon
was very large'. , At the ' app hated hour
the brigade formed in proces ion -at the
engine house, and headed by the Brigade
Band,`marchecl to the greunds. The en-
gine was tastefully decoeated.,with ever-
green wreaths, bouquets, &el., and pre-
sented a very pretty appea ance. The
principal attraction of the af ernoon was
the base -ball match, betwee the Own
council and a pickednine fr m the fire
brigade. The game commenced about
3 o'clock, and; was continued vigoronsly
for two hours; and the
Aldermen, combined wi
ning and ready tumbl
the more corpolent
body, seemed to affo
amusement for the on -1
/le playing of the
h the swift run -
ng, especially of
embers of that
d considerable
okers. Howev-
er, the couneillors could Searcely equal
their opponents in skiEul Playing, but
for endurance they seemed tp,be "boas,"
and although at the cornmiencement of
the game they made rather
it, yet as the game advan
proved rapidly, and h d t
tinued for two or thr e d
believe the town coun llor
gained a glorious victo y o
tagonists. As it was, win
poor exhib-
ed they im-
game con-
ys, we fully
would have
er their an -
to lack of
learn, McDonald followed his victim out-
side where he inflicted three more
wounds—one between the shoulders cut-
ting deep into the muscles, a long flesh
wound on the left arm, and a long gash
on the side of the left leg cutting be-
tween the knee cap and. the joint. Mrs.
Munro and. the family, one of them a
boy about fourteen years of age, were
witnesses of the deed. They gave the
alarm, and McDonald was arrested by a
constable and medical aid was speedily
procured. Munro is a strong man, very
harmless, somewhat " innocent" and
meth addicted to drink. His strength
stands him in good stead, for although
his wounds are very serious, particularly
the one in his.head, he is in a fair way of
recovery. His assailant is short, stout,
and active, and about 30 years of age.
He is unable to read or write, and drinks
pretty heavily at times. In ,conversa-
tion with him he professed to recollect
nothing of the assault further than that
Munro rushed at him and swore he would
have his heart's blood. McDonald has
been committed to jail to await results.
He seems to take matters very coolly,
and is quite indifferent to the seriousness
of his position.
time, the game was tirminated at the
end of the fifth innings leaving the fire-
men victors by a scot.; of 47 to 24. At
the conclusion ef this match a game was
played between nine Grits f the Com-
-f Conserva-
genuine po-
ies won the
(I an inning
me. During
ther amuse -
all present
There were also a large n mbar of car-
riages on the grounds,ithe Occupants of
which amused themselves by alternately
viewing the sorts avid driving around
the course. The bandgave several mu-
sical selections during the afternoon.
The ice cream stands [teemed to be liber-
ally patronized, and we shOuld say that
both the peblic and the fireBrigade were
prefited by the afternoon's.proceedings.
THE BALT. FIELD. — Art interesting
game of base ball was played on the Driv-
ing Park on Monday, July 30th, between -
two nines composed ef the boarders of
the Commercial and Queen hotels. This
was the best and most evenly contested
" green" game played on the Seaforth
ball grounds this season, and was in
some instances, amusing it;Ll the extreme,
gymnastic exercises being freely indulged
in between the bases on , different occa-
sions, which were a source of consider-
able amusement to the audience., Play
was called at 3 o'clock. ;The Queen's
nine won the toss, and the Commercial
nine went to the bat. In the -first in-
nings the Queen's nine got the best of it,
then came the Commercial fine's turn,
they taking the lead tip to the eighth in-
nings. The Queen's nine then led up to
the ninth in nings,they beinf 6 rune ahead
at the end of the eighth. in the ninth
innings the Commercial nine made a score
of ten, and whitewashed their opponents,
and the victory was theirs
29 to 25. Mr. W. Cardn
game, without spectaplee,
tion of both nines. ' Tue
following the game, was
tested the metal of these b
it was amusing to eee
I "-That he communication of Mr. Hick -
THE FIRST WHEAT. --Mr. James Ha- son be eceived,- and that the Council
on the Seaforth market t e first wheat of stre t -t rough the property of the Com -
This pany, b leving that there will be no ad -
this seamon's crop offered this year.
wheat was of- the Scott and Treadwell ditional danger to the public in the event
* varieties,. and was a beautiful sample. of siich treet being opeoed, and that the
He sold it to Mr. A. Cardno for $1.50- Council do not , feel disposed to grant aid
per bushel. Mr. Hagan had 7 acres of for the reotion of a new station builditig
this wheat, and from these seven acres insoinu h as one station has already been
he threshed V2 bivibels. Good for Hay erected or_ the Company by the people
and better - for Hagan. Long may ' he of this wn,atid the Council feel that the
live to grow such crops. The grain was Conipa y are now in duty bound to pro -
threshed by Mr. IJOhn Rickbeil,, who put vide a r spectable station building at their
through 54 bushels of grain in 40 nun- , own ex nee." Pr. Gouinlook was granted
permiss on to open a street 60 feet wide
'utes. through his property near the saw mill.
ACCIDENT. —0 Saturday last a young The str et committee were. instructed to
lad about twelve years of age, son of Mr, examin a drain on the east side of Main
J. S. Porter of this town, met with a street, is said to be choked up. Mr.
painful and dangerous accident. ' It Mullen, contractor for the Methodist
seems, that a bird had escaped from a Chtirch was granted. permission to occupy
cage, and lighted on a tall 'poplar tree onetthi d of the streets south and west
in front of Mr. Porter's residence in Eg- of the hurch while building. ;Mr. Wat-
mondville, whenthe lad climbed up the son wa granted permission to have the
tree to capture it. A branch on which present drain along George street opened
he was leaning broke, and he fell to the and rep ired, providing it is clone with -
ground head -foremost. When taken up out ex ense to the town and to the
ion of the street committee. ,A
as made instructing the fire and
ommittee to have specifications
irnates of three new water tanks
d and .submitted to the Council
meeting. An amendment was
leaving the matter over for con -
on at next meetirlg. The Council
ain a week from next' Monday
gan,of thetownshipof Hat yesterdaysold at% ur e upon the opening of Jarvis
he was unconscous, and for a time his satisfac
medical attendant had grave doubts of motion
his recovery. In time, however, he ral- water
lied, and we are glad to learn that he is and es
now in a fair way for Irecovery. prepar
• at ex
THE GRAND EXCURSION. — Judging ear ied
froni the extensive preparations that siderat
have been madelbr the Committee, the met a
excursion on our civic holiday will be the evenin
best that has ever left Seaforth, and par-
ties intending to go should procure tick- BIT ARY. —The subject of the follew-
ets at an early date. 'The firemen's obi uary notice, which we copy from
band will accothpany the 'excursionists the M nitoba Free P90,9, of the 21st
and will render some , new selections of w s,' for several years a resident of
music on the oceasion. • Refreshments at this to n, and was: well and favorably
reasonable prices may be obtained on the knOwn to many of our readers : "The
boat, and the •ouremittee—the.members late G orge McPhillips, Sr., D. L. S.,
of which will wear White ribbon badges was born at Monaghan, Ireland, in 1809,
_will take charge of all baskets or and se ved his apprenticeship with John
, land surveyor, Monaghan, du -
rt of which time he was employ-
orking engineer on the Ulster
He obtained. his certificate from
eming on May 2nd, 1839, and im-
ely afteryeards came to Canada,
finding nothing to do at his pro -
he went to New York State, and
ployed for a time as working ;;en -
In a town so thoroughly Scotch as Sea- gmeer on the Tanawanda feeder of the
ferth is, a splendid club for the practice E ie anal. He then returned to Upper
ef this noble Old national game C where he taught school until
sihould be
gotten up without difficulty. -We under- 1 ; 47, vhen he served the six ,months of
bundlesproperly marked with owner's j- /lend
name, and will all in their power to ring p
add to the con -fort, safety and enjoy e ed as
ment of the patroes of the excursion. - ea 'at
M . F
Ci RLING.—We understand that an ef- m dia
fort is being made to organize a :ctirline w iere
club in thine' town. We hope the effort; fe sio
being made Will prove successful. w s
like Trojans, the clang of their weapons
and the shouts of the combatants might
have been heard far and wide. There
-could be no mistaking the nationality of
the players. "Noo, Geordie, div ye see
that.' " Weel, juist pit her doon there."
"Hoot man she's fleeing," or "Noo San-
die, my man, here's the tap o' the pin ;"
"Ye maun juist sklate that ane
"Noble I Noble'man, yon for a shot."
While the pitching on the whole was
good, some of it was really excellent, it
being by no means uncommon to see the
quoits 3 and 4 deep, and so close to the
mark as to make it difficult to determine
the shot even by measurement. Listo-
wel has however an excellent organized
club of about 30 players, while Wingham
has nine which , gives the firitt an advan-
tage. Listowel gradually drew, ahead
and won by 25 shots. After a dinner at
Dinsley's they went home. This ' is the
sTowEL. Nam.
C. Walkinshaw, 1 41 james MeAipine, 86
Robert Bell, 1 John Cole,
Bn411 n
James Bright, 41 John Anderson,
Wm. Bright. S. Leggett, Zr. J
NUM 111.
R. Elliott, 28 Thomas
J. Coutte.
George Ford, 41 8. Ugget, $r*, 22
A. Young,
R. sFoerHgtiosooLn,
CONTRACT.—The contract for
building the new school has been award-
ed to Messrs. McKay & Young, Paisley,
for $7,482. There were 11 tenders in all
the highest being $9,700. The whole is
to be completed by next August. ,
McKillOP. 1
CONTRACT LET.—The contract for the
erection of the new Methodist Episcopal
church on the 12th concession of McKil-
lop has been awarded to Messrs. Grant
and German, of Seaforth.
CALL TO A MINISTER. —The congrega-
tions of Duff's and Winthrop Presbyteri-
an churches have extended a unanimous
call to the Rev. Mr. Musgrave, of Milver-
ton, asking him to be theiripastor. I
Wednesday of last week aa Mr. T. Duf-
field, of the 14th concession of McKillop,
was about commencing to rieap a field of
wheat for Mr. Dalgetty, his horses be-
came frightened and rat away. Mr.
Duffield succeeded in keeping his seat
until the reaper struck against a stump
when he was thrown off and. was dragged
a considerable distance, narrowly escap-
ing being drawn under the machine.
Although considerably I bruised and
shaken, he was not serieusly injured,
but it is a wonder he was not killed.
After a long run, Mr-IDalgetty succeeded
in stopping the horses, but not until
they had strewn the 'machine insplinters
over the field.
by a score of
umpired the
o the satisfac-
day, the day
he day that
11 tossers,and
goodly num-
ber of them wending their- way up or
down street, some on the limp, others
with stiff legs, sore arms !and game fing-
ers, the effects of a game of ball. Full
particulars will he found in the score
below: •
Roberts, lb 8 4 Grieve, lb... ..... 5- 1
Henderson, rf.... 5 1
Beattie, e 2 5
Lattimer, p
Currie, cf.
Wells, es.
Fentz, rf. .
Lyall, Da.
tenealy, e..
McBean, If..
Parsone, ef
Aikens, 3b 5
Campbell, ss 3 4 Johnston, If 2 8
Davidson, p 0 5 Stephens, 8b...... 2 8
Total........ 27 29 T?tal. 27 25
INNINGS. 1 2 3 4 :5 6 7 8 9
Commercial 0 6 1 0 6 8 0 3 10-29
Queen's 1 1 0 4 '0 5 8 6 0-25
W. Cardno, umpire; Lattimer and Wright,
At the conclusion of the game, both
sides partook of supper at the Con3mer-
6 1
'3 2
2 4
3 8
cial hotel ---a supper being at stake in the
game. . • .
I ---The employes of Gray's planing mill
wish to know if the employes of Broad -
foot's planing mill will play them a game
of base ball. An early answer expected.
—Some of the Referm hall tossers, who
feel satisfied that the match played on
Friday last was; not a ;fair test of the
strength of the two political parties, make a fine appearanc
t other' at h la ed The
On Wednesday evening
Wilson and her nephew,
ston, of the Mansion Ho
sall, were returning home
and when about midway
last, as Mrs.
Mr. P. 'Nin-
e Hotel, Hen -
from Brueeels,
etween Muir's
hotel and the churchesii Melton they
met two wagons. *r. Johnston pulled
out to allow them' to p ss, giving the
greater portion of the ro d, when one of
the villains, apparently deliberately, ran
into their buggy, knocking the hub off
Mia wheel and: throwing Mrs. Wilson
on to the fore and back heels of both
vehicles respedivel . Her ne hove en-
deavored to supporkher
her dress, and he states t
en hold of one f t e sp
quite a revolution rou
y holding to
at having tak-
kes she made
d one of the
wheels. Having got extricated the fel-
lows drove off as fast
gentleman at a distance
urrence and gave chase,
possible, A
oticed the oc-
nd it is to be
oped that he caught up and escorts:Med
heir names. Mrs. Wilson was taken to
Sage's hotel, Walton, and a medicalman
appening to be there at the time Made
n examination, when it was found that
although dreadfully bru:sed no limbs
were broken, and at the time of writing,
under Mrs. Sage's good nursing and at-
tention, elie is progressing very favor-
ably; L.
FL,tx.—The flax crop in this neighbor-
hood is being harvested, and is„greatly
over the average.
has sold hie house and lo on John street
r., on private
ug of the Brus-
AUG UST 3, -1877,
Brucelleld. 1
evening of Thursday, July 19, at the
close of service in Union Presbyterian
church, Brucefield, Mr. Millar, on behalf
of the congregation, presented Mr. Mc-
Cuaig with a copy of Lange's commentary
on the Bible, the value of which Was $85.
The address expressed regret at his leav-
ing the neighborhood, and in flattering
terms recognised his valuable services in
behalf of that congregation durirg the
time he was moderator of the session,
before the church secured a regular -
pastor. Mr. McCuaig made A suitable
reply. The reverend gentleman has left
behind him in the Brucefield congrega-
tion many warm friends who will long
cherish his valuable services with the
most kindly remembrance.
CRICKET. —A 'match game of cricket
was played on Saturday last, July 28th,
between the Brucefield and Exeter clubs,
on the grounds of the latter. The Bruce -
field eleven took the bat, the side retir-
ing with a score of 89. Exeter followed
with a score of 85. On the second in-
nings eight of the Brucefielders' wickets
fell with a score of 81, when the gime
was closed, there not being time to fin-
ish. Below is the individual scores of
the first innings.
Marks, e Hyndman, b Caddie. .
Rattenburry, o Saunders, b Caddie
Cameron, o Hyndraan, b Cowan
Gray, o b Cowan. .
Baird, b Caddie.
Briggs, o and b Cowan
McGregor, b Elliott
Maokidd, o Montt, b Elliott
Hayden, b Elliott
Hutchinson, o Trible, b Elliott.
Hodgson, not out -
Byes 85, Wes 8
to Mr. John Dolson
- RACES. —The fall meet
eels Driving Park !Ass° iation is to be
held on the 7th and 8th of September
next. The association also intend giving
a Ball and Supper in the Town Hall on
the evening of the first diy of the meet-
ing. 1 •
Barrister, late of the firm of Squier &
McColl, has returned to Brussels after
an absence of six months, and has open-
ed an office in Leckie's I Block, where he
' intends carrying on tilt practice of his
A Nnw BUILDING.—M. H. McCrack-
en intends removing into his new brick
store on Monday next. This building
has been Pushed forward very rapidly,
and is a fine substantial edifice .25x60
feet, and 2 storieS high, with flat roof
covered with felt and gravel. There is
also a cellar the full Mit' of the building
• with seven feet walls. We congratulate
Mr. McCracken upon the completion of
so fine a building.
—S. Smale also commenced the erec-
tion of a similar building to that ofi Mr.
McCracken's and adjoining it on the
north. When completed the two *ill
wisho see an in e p y .
players are to be chosen from the town
and viciniti. Will the Conservatives
accept this Challenge, and appoint a day
when they will pla ?
, stand that Mr. A. Halley has a:sample of apprei Ashfleld.
several different kinds of curling stones, --kacti NzARLY A 1uRDER,.--1- On Weclnes-
and, being hiinself a genuine Scot, will with day; evening of last weeka serious row
be Only too glad, in order to encour- ti esti took place it a farm house in the town- ---4
age the ganie in, Seaforth,- to procure the ci ship of As field a short distance from the 'PUBLIC flOLIDAY.—Priday last being a
! r t
stones for those desiring them at ;what a nin village of Port Albert. .It appears that peblic holiday by pri3clamation 9f the
they cost himself. This is an excellent - a a i i 1848, and cotnmenced the prac- Roderick Munro mid Duncan McDonald, Reeve, quite a nutnl* of our citizens
offer, and should not be let slip.. Soule fice o his profession -in the County of who live near the village; the latter who took advantage lof the cheap excursion
DersOn-shoUld take the matter in hand at "11 ork. In 1851 he made the- survey of is a teamster boarding With the former, to visit the Fails. A croquet tourna-
once, and have the club organized, and t le township- of Elderslie, for the -Upper were drinking at the tavern and went .ment on .Mr. Kent e grounds found , —Mrs. John Kippen, of Brussels, has
the stones ordered, -80 they may be ready Cllanac a Government, and , afterwards home late in the eveninglmuch the worse amusement for another group of pleasure during the past four years suffered Be-
te commence p !ay as soon as the Weather n ade the ' Government surveys of Col- of liquor. ' Milers" started home 'first, seekers, and not a fetvLwent to take part verely from an affection -of the head, Sup -
Twill permit. _ 1 res, Luther, Artemesia! Ehgenia, etc., going in eleDonaldls Wagon, and the la4. in or look at a game f base ball at the Posed to have been catarrh.: Having in
ticeship necesearyto enable him to
e.his profestion -Upper Canada
Dennis, and during his appren-
p made the first 01164 surveypf
y of Toronto. He 'passed his ex
tion as a P.. L. S. for Upper Can -
Wing am.
night last a large and nfluential meeting
of the citizen a of Wingham to consider
•the.advisability of ha
Ilyndman, b Cameron. g
Treble, b Baird 3
W. Bissett, run out 3
Caddie, b Cameron. 6
It, Monett, b Cameron 8
1. 0
. 12
4 ' 3
777 —7 7 7—
.... 88
. 89
Balkwell, b Baird
W. Bissett, not out
Saunders, run out . . .. ' . . 9
Cowan, b Cameron
Strethy, b Cameron.
Elliott, b Baird 2
Byes 89, Widee 8 42
Total. 85
Tuesday last in the forenoon a little girl
four years of age, daughter of Mr. Con-
nors, of Hibbert, strayed from home.
About noon she was missed, and a search
instituted. A large number turned out
in quest of her, and continued the search
all the afternoon, but no trace of her
could be found. At dark the excitement
became intense, and about fifty men tra-
versed the woods all night. On Wednes-
day at ten o'clock she was found in a
large beaver meadow, two miles from
home, walking around, apparently none
the worse of her night in the woods.
of the Wroxeter Woolen mills, shipped
10,000 pounds. of wool this week.
meeting of the Directors of this Com-
pany was held in Gorrie on the 28th of
' July. As an 'evidence of the increasing
prosperity of this Company, no less than
104 new policies have been issued since
3 last meeting, amounting to about $110,-
000. The entire sum insured by this
I Company is now over one million .dol-
Carronbrook. •
Connuarro.N.—In your edition of the
20th ult., you say that the prize for best
reader given to Miss McLaren, in the
Carronbrook School was "the only prize
awarded at this examination," This is
wrong. There was a large number of prizes
awarded on the occasion referred to, the
prize for best reader was a special. one
given by Mr, Luke King, while the other
prizes were given by the trustees. ARGUS.
Our ,Prices will be AMA as will
17UYIV than gratify every buy-
er; the Sale will contain
all Classes of the
FANCY GRENADINES, at 9f cents per yard,
regular prii. 20o.
FANCY STRIPE BRONZE, at 10i cents per
yard, regulisr price, 22 cents.
PLAIN COLORED LUSTRES, at 12i'oentsp4t '
yard, regular price 20 cents.
Toronto, Grey and
Wingham, was held. A GOOD CROP.—Mr. Ed und Troy -
seem almost linanimouri in favor of grant- er, Lot 22, Concession 7, has a piece of
ing a liberal bonus. oats which measure 5/ feet,in length and
the heads 151 inches. He hits also some
spring wheat 5 feet 3 in-che in length,
and the heads 5t inches, an barley with
75 grains in a head.
ing a branch of the
ruce Railway to
The ratepayers
NEW BROCADED GOODS. at 16, 18, 20, MI
25 cents, worth 25 and 50 cents,
1-• - Hay.
BLACK LUSTRE at 15 .00nts, worth 22 mitt.
PARASOLS—A full sized Parasol for 25 ciente
superior to any in town at 4 cents.
300 PIECES PRINT, at 8, 8, 10, and 12i cents
worth 10 and 16 cents.
I ' and a number of town and village- sur- ter, followed shortly after, being accom- race course. This match, was in con- yain tried a host of remedies, and after
THE CANTA' A t*,.* ESTHER.'--The Lis- veys. In 1862, in compa,uy with Colpanied by 17rederick Fla•t;vkins, who took sequence of a challen4e from the people suffering much from wrong treatment,
ftocve1 Banner cif last week says : "-One Dean s and two other serveyorS, lie ex- care of McDotiald';and isaw him safely belonging to Scott & Bell's factory to any ehe determined to see Dr. Reeves,'. the
BROWN DUCKS at 15, 18, and
20 and 25 cents.
of the best cut it4inmenta in the musical Ploret the Manitoulin Island •in Laee home. • MnnrO Was sittieg at the table players in the yillege except the first famous Toronto surgeon. About amen*
1 - ,
liue eVer given to the people of Listowd Hero , and in 184;2.63 erode the survey eating this slipper, and 1'e disputed with nine. ; The game was stoutly contested, I ago she placed herself in his hands, ;and
took place in he Agricultural Hall on of ;th . township of Shegnidah on that Me.Donald iabout two in ails' board for the gallant Tom himself performing . pro- in three weeks' time he performed amost
. Monda,y and Tuesday evenin;gs. The ;Want . On Juee 10 -,h 1811 be left To- : whiich the latter is owing. Both got ex- digiee of valour, and but for the misfor- successful operation by extracting a Mon-
, elaSs ior the rendition of the beautiful ronta for Manitoba with 'a surveying - cited, and :Munro says' !that McDonald tune of failing to scorc a few runs more • istrous polypus from just bel ind-the base
Cantata of Esther has entY been ' under party bringing with him the first annual went outside and getting an axe, return- would have been victorious. Bet the l Of the nose. An instrument was insert -
the instruction 'Of Mr. &'. W. 'Cline, a subsi ty to the Province of 'Manitoba. ed and struck him 'on the head While his fates Willed! otherwise. The cricketer si ed in her mouth and the excrescence
few weeks, and 4ie manner in ophidli the He elI me by the Dason Route; and ;ar- ba0 was turned, hut prisoner says that spent ' part of the afternoon, at their taken out by way of the throat. ;The
Many solos nd Gh or uses were per.; rived at Winnipeg, J ly.'21st, 1871. Mtinro, who is a, big TIOSChlar maO, got faverite game, viiitnesied by quite a num- ; tumor is one of immense sILe and the
formed reflect the greatest credit, not .SinCe that time he b Is b enemployed on excited and piekipg- up a table knife, 1301 among Whoni V. quite a sprinkling wonder is hew it could •h ve lodged in . ,
only en tilos wbo took ;part in ' the -Gove Pment surveys mo t ef the time, ruOied at . Mepon'ald, %,he;;I the latter of fadies: But the game of the day was Such a place. The process f its growth 1 Gonzie
performauce, lint on their instructor, Mr; and l'iade surveys'of Ith e Atishes of 'Baie seii[zed hold of an axe and struck him -a the reiurn inateh batmen our quoiters ie remarkable, as it w s evidently ;
Cline, for the . happy way in tiellion MI- St. P ul. St. Francois X. vier, Heading- blow on t e forehead cutting through and those Of Lustowel. These latter stretching out toward the throat and ;
the arrangeme is; nOnneeted with the en. ty, „, t. Bouifaeo, sti -N ital, St. ..'S orbert, the skull. This staggered Munro and he drove from Listowel, , arriving about 10 ears, among other things pr ducmg great ; '
tertainment w 4 -e -carried out. -The dra- part ' of Ste. Agotbe, Se. Ann, Port:tge turned, and ran into al' small bedroom, o'clock, and after an early dinner proceed- ' deafness. The &eters say it is the ' 1
matic renderin Of this portion of, Jewish -la Pe eirie, High Bluff, two tewnships m shntting the door after him. -McDonald ed to the ground,strirped Wand went to ' largest, of the kind. ever seen. Mrs. A c
history has ;probably left a ;deeper ina=' the 1.-Plandic Reserve, and the towns of cut at the•oor with the axe trying•to get Nvork 'with a zeal that was delightful to liCippen, exterieneed instant relief, and
20 carts, with
GREY and WHITE COTTONS at Greatly Bs
duced Prices.
HATS -and CAPS at Prices next to Nothing.
Towns People and Country PEWS
Bally to the Great Sale . Tsar
Own Store, the 777. Do Net
Buy a Cent's Worth Else.
where till you have seen
our bargains, a glance
at which will con.
vince you that
the 777's- is
the place
- Spend Your Money.
This is Not the First Time we We
Beaten every other Store in Sell-
ing Cheap, and in the
present Competition
pression on th, minds of thoee Who had Oita
the pleasure- o‘ being present than all sUrve
and Sandy Bar. On these latter in; while IS! Imre made ips escape through t, but with sleeves Ilia assured t at the disease ill give her
ys he got seriously ill; owing; to the windo From what we can further
see. The sun was h
rolled up anclibare heads, they stood to it little or no trouble again.
311ain !itrert,
W11.01..E No. .5(M
H. It. S. Tuckersmith, County 0
taining 100 acres, 40 acres des -red.
For particulars a.pply to JANTF'S BU
lin P. O., Ont.
VOR SALE.—For Salt, a new/rem
one-fifth of an acre lot, situated. o
Street, Seaforth, cheap for cash or on
the owner is leaving Seaforth.
STRONG-, Land Agent.
VARM FOR SALE. ----For sale, Lo
18, Meliillop, containing 50 aeres
are cleared, the balaneelwelltimbered.
one mile from gravel road, and e
°hurdles, schools, ate. Price $1,890.
STRONG-, Land Ageut, Seaforth.
- •
VOltSALE.—A two storey frame h
buildings, situated on the Mark
Seafortb, for sale or to rent. Theb
fsaitable for a boarding house or a pn
For particulars apply to W.- N. W
forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, God
-L-1- desirable house, with new ad
acre lot, on Rattenbury street, Clint
Splendid hard and soft water tank,
shed, and unusual totiv.eniences on.
Apply to the undersigned, Dr,
WARM FOR SALE.—FOr sale, We.
9, Con, 9, Hullett, edutnining 505
are well cleated, without lib:imps,
state of cultivation, being well unda
the premises there is a new frame
frame barn and two frame stables,
bearing orchard and never -failing w
• Apply to DAVID HILL, on the pr
Constance P, 0.
VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Wee
-I: 5, Con. 8, H. R. S., Tnekersmitie
acres, nearly the whole of which in
fenced and. In A first-class state of
there is it good frame , learn, otod
plenty of water ; is -within 12 miles of
Seaforth, with a gravel road leading p
For particulare apply to the propri
premises or to Egmondville P, 0.
vm Foal. sATiE.—For sale a de
-1; within ll miles of Seaforth, maer t
Gravel Read, containing 48 acres,
cleared and iD good. eondition, ale° g,
and °reload well waterel l'rice
desirable country residence, with Arst
Ings worth $8000,beautifolly situated,
sores, ana within oue sul a half mile
For farther particulars ir ply to A. ST
Agent, Seaferth.
VAFrjoirlt"Bal-ertPenoin°flolErtntibTlYe firNamTeTilAal
with about 2i acres of loza attached. -
well and other conveniences. There
of choice young fruit trees of :various
buildings are all in god repair, nn
dean and in good order. The Prope
ly situated. Also two pa k lots eon
each, well adupted for arleet gird
further paticulars apply to the prop ,
premises, or to Sealer h Post Ofli
• Tuckierionith, containing 100 acre
laud, about 70 of which are cleared,
good hardwood bush; -Lame house,
and Amble; an orchard, _rood well; c
schools, uhurchee, Shi. Li situated n
,from Seaforth and 1 mile irom 13ru
en a good gravel road. For !Lathe
apply to the proprietor rim the prem
letter to llrucelield P. O. 1II0
beautiful farm, eo ipriShig La
said the aorth three -Ana ere tif Lot
175 acres In all, situated ln the Tow
Rillop, County of Euro , on the 1
road, midway be een Seaforth and .11
- farm Is in a go tate of cultivation
and -watered, and convenient to churc
185 acres f1X-0 cleared And the balan
timber. On the lann I a dwelling
outbuildings, and a young oreluad.
partioulare aildrees 15411 I.JEL HAN..
Penneyjvania, U. S.
A RA.11E CHANCE.—.1,500 wil
Mill situated 3i mile!: from Br
"hers° power, engine40 hotee power ;
edger and buttou Saws; shingle
splitter and jointer, lath- mill and bo
well situated for timber, and tan be
three week& eleighing, iratrge 11121011
work. Terms, $1,500 on or before th
nary, 1878, and $1.,000 inlone year laud, being near the inill, being L
Township of Grey, 85 acres cleared,
bered ; a new frame house on the pre
$2,700; $1,500 down, balance to sin
Apply to J. or T. DA UNCEY, Biusse
JL: cession 7, Ilibbert, conteining 1
;East hall of Lot 80, -Concession 41,
acres, Them are 80 &eras cleared a
state of cultivation on the former
cleared on the latter. First class buil
largo farm, but no bniiainio on the
mile% frona Seaforth and ASonvenient
The MITA TS one of the be A in the CO»
and is within .3 miles of the Grand
miles of the London, Huron ani Bru
There are three. spring -wells on the I
e a living spring on the snailiOne. Th
Will be sola separately or together.-
particulm-s apply to tin proprietor
v The property ie eituated on the
Grey, about 8 miles frotn Ethel st
Southern Extension of the We.11ioi,
Bruce Itailway. The' machinery ca
horse engine, 40-horee 5-tlue boiler,
edging and butting Bevis,' ehingle and
chine and shingle jOinter.._ The m
first-cis:es, &tellies only been running
and eight menthe. This '13 a rare eli
of capital, as there hi n g od local t
quantity of Timber Alf all kinds to be
factory reasons elven for oiling. len
-on application to GART OW BItOT
Post Office. N. .B.-Allx. otee and ne
due 'must be settled at once, and eseVe
'16 andsouth half Loti 17, Con. 1,
'big 150 neves, 120 of which RTC clea
.good et -ate -of cultivation- There ie
houits vi
se emframe tt eo- the bar
'stable and other outbuil Inge are nil
nre about /0 acres of do ice apple, P
fruit trees, aradabout 800J eprnee tree
years. Thcre ie a never-lei/nig .st
through the eentro of the farna, on'v,
mill site, a good grave] road on te-
ll:MIL It in kituated -one ' Mile from
tion anfour miles from Exeter, en
Road, and is just neross tbe road fro
vine post office and church.. For fu
lars apply to JAMES W. ZLDE
Surgeon,- Seaforth P. 0.
Tuck( rsmith, containing
of which sr!: eleared and in a geed 145
tion, the balance iewii tienhgrol vit
throot:th4053:1:Iew:::: w big"aenlIa6rgnet
lhousee the whole length f both builds
20x9, dug out Of the solid Hoak, built
and lime and arched ovek with brick,
proof ; there are 3 welle, ach -about 4
PuHt up with brick, and ateneverfa
Water, there in a good orchard a ttj
plume, cherries, grapes, and mall
*boat 800 roods of drains with Glee
down ; the stables are all floored with
fully, and evenly laid.; alsolog barn
stateee. Is situated 7 miles from Eke
Seafortb, and 2 train Ifeneall station.
to iiehooiii and churches. Ter121S—
paid down, the remainder to suit pu.rc
Ply teethe proprietor on the premises