HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-07-20, Page 7LY 20, 1877. HLRRH. tOR S ,• AGAIN, OLD STAND, a in a short time AND lilt .I< MADE,, erial and by competent -orkiuen. SUIT THE TIMES. nks, Satchels, Va- . bashes, Dass Curry Brudhes.. &c., sally #atind in a first-class f East,lishitrizn t. hl Cheap for Cash. SONE }N SHORT, NOTICE. _SOLICITED. ,ESWILSON, t', Seaforth. f ` .R D ARE.. MANUFACTURERS- �T NAILS, HOVELS, FORKS, ND RAKES, iSx PAINTS, OILS, &c'• WIRE DING HARDWARE Descript n Cheap. `GlIS AND CONDUCT- ING pin' hortest Notice inns i'arrantad. trcetrten is to Cash and Paying Customers.. JON AIDED. ING MILL,. AND SSASF, BLIND IN. G.. FACTORY. •j a,goo d Stock of LUi EER,: seed and Undressed. l SHINGLES, HAY CHEESE BOXES, - • Cheap for Cash- • IVI PLANING I IF.L It CE1 E Int Attention. -ing? Lumbee Ytird on :forth Main D" J (rRA , ,S1erffortJ. TCUCH TICKETS. 'TO FORT -CARRY, MAIL,, u '•.'.• First-class, T39 50. 1rrr..t'1' I and ltettitu. ,.t deli °l.ef.ti ltii• f...• health seek. - ..mess eek -.tees tate ic::).;;nt.icent and scenery i-I� I.itl'ttUi. Firet-Class carstO l'iilsir't.i Liverpool $61 i6. I'..lt•i.ItPOOL , LONDONDERRY* ' GLASGOW, BELFAST, First-S.14s,, senses fits. to Nor 'iesneti f .r IfOLL kND, BELGIUIII l: ItIII�I:, U'rii GERMANY Ni)`and I. ALY. R GANG OF CCIT ;:: te rzier'islt Ele:at:n.• t seh,etvheri ;ICE LOW. k. RM 1T G E, Se a.forth.E L.L. PORK FACTORY E & AM�s�''<`i`T• Y us in Smoked and Fingsr Cured Hames it Brooke • t Wills, Cumberland 131cort, .31"t,n•. fork, +`.e. • rs bg ilia i or Otherwise j`orltptlsr Attended to. ..tit,;„- tity,ulwuy s on: hand. G. & . PETTY,. Tien. JOLY 20, 1877. ammernenesmeemieruor Protection Against Lightning. Mr. Nahum Open has contributed'' once more to the Boston Post a corn- man cation concerning lightning rods, received by hill several years ago fro Professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, whom he believes to. be the highest authority on this subject. Professor Henry makes suggestionsas follows : 1. The rod should consist 'of round iron of about one inch in diameter ; its parts, throughout the whole length, should be in perfect Metallic continu- ity, by being secured together by coup- ling ferrates. 2. To secure it from rust the rod. should be coated with black paint, itself a good coaductor. 3. It should terminatein a single platinum point. 4. The shorter and more direct the coarse of the rod to the earth the better ; bendings should be rounded and not formed in acute angles. 5. It should be fastened to the build - ng by iron eyes, and may be insulated from these by cylinders of glass (I don't however consider the latter of much im- portance.) mportance.) 6. The rod should be connected with the earth in the most perfect manner possible, and nothing is better for this purpose than to place it in me=tallic con- tact with the gas pipes, or better, -the water pipes of the city. This connection may be made by a ribbon of copper or iron soldered to the end of the rod at one of its extremities, and wrapped around the pipe at the other. If a connection of this kind is impracticable, the rod should be continued horizontally to the nearest well, and then turned vertically' downward until the end enters the wa- ter as deep as its lowest IeveI. The horizontal part of the rod may be buried in a stratum of pounded charcoal and ashes. The rod should be placed, in preference, on the west .side of the build- ing.kinl may : of this c m beput _A rod y up by an ordinary blacksmith The rod in question is in accordance with our latest knowledge of all the facts of electricity. .Attempted im.provetnants on it are worth- less, and, as a general thing, are propos- ed by those who are bat slightly ac- quainted with the subjeet. Mr. Gapen says : He speaks only of iron rods, probably because Least 4xpen- sive. Rods of one-third the size,jmade of copper and put up in the same! way, would answer the same purpose." And he also makes some suggestions as fol- lows : "When any building is struck by lightning, let all the phenomena fol- lowing the event be particularly stated. The size and situation of the building,. and how occupied and surrounded. If a house, -what part. If a stable, how oc- copied. If protected by a rod, of whose make, how large in diameter and of what metal, and how extended to the parts of the building, and how deeply set in the ground. The phenomen of electricity cannot be too. oarefully d scribed, and if such descriptions are gen rally made to the press the public woulc soon acquire much practical informati n that would not only be useful to all, ut do much to remove a common skepticism in respect to the importance of well -adjusted light - i ing rods.'' Change a Fortune. Nobility and ignobility_ go. sometimes hand in hau.cl iu1+11tigland as elsewhere. A London journal, just received, gives a curious instance of the ways of fortune : A noble but not particularly sharp- witted youth appears one day in a police court in connection with a horse transac tion of a somewhat "shady" character. Like Moses in the "Vicar of Wakefield," he has parted with his father's horse, not, indeed, for a gross of green specta- cles, but for an almost worthless accept- ance. The next day, by a sad and sud- den calamity, the „weak-minded young gentleman finds himself premier pari of the English and Irish peerage [Shrews- bury], hereditary Lord High Steward of Ireland, and no Ionger under the neces- sity of selling his father's horses in or- der to raise money. In point of fact, his income is now i bout $850,000 a year, which ought to Io for one 17 years old. Forwarded b An intoxicated Ger son River train at Ki Troy, and the Budget "He threw his satche of the car,took a seat a On awaking he'said h gage at Kinderbrook, employed on the train - to recover it. The la the German place the ner, replied- : " You g and I'll telegraph to K the depot master forw to (Treenbush. - . It wil fore we clo.' The fixer ty cents, and the bo the satchel into anoth ing Greenbush the boy bag. 'Ah' said the graff is van grate din oder (porter, : m.cin po The Good 0 A backward glance raises the query, seri whether the ;ievolvin brought increase of tri, is certainly true that 1 niers did not cut offff th ing machines, neither worry over disordered According to all histo were no disputes 100 y impoliteness of street did kerosene lamps ex tal damage of men, wo In 1776 nobody ever Probabilities " macle a did people worry ab and cheap transporta.ti plaint about their gas lactometers to test the nor suffer railroad ac good old. times ! • Telegraph. an got on a Hrd- derbrook to go -to of that city says down in a corner d was soon asleep. bad left his bag- nd asked the boy what he should do er who had seen a chel in the cor- re me thirtty cents rxlerbrook to have rd it by telegraph reach there .le- an paid the thir- departed, taking rcar. Os reach. returned with the 'erman, `oat Bele- . here dake an -- d Times. over the century us, or otherwise, * years have not I and trouble. It, O'years ago far ir'legs with m.ow- did our mothers sewing machines. 'cal records, there ars ago about the car drivers, nor lode, to the mor- a en and children; said that " Olid mistake ; neither gut rapid transit n, -nor make com- bats, nor,require purity of milk, idents. Oh, the To Tile Pelrrae.—rte d what the peo- pie say in regard to ti c Great Shcsho- pees ltetnedy• and. Pi le.• Lev i l Jones, Markham, says : 'I 1 ad a very severe attack of bronchitis. was so bad that I could hardly get my 1 Veath. -I sought for a quiek remedy, and seeing the "Shoshon:ees Remedyy' o highly recom- mended„, I procured bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I. was entirely w-11, and have re- mained so, although I as much exposed • through the winter in t avelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Denim estville; writes : "I have found your re edies particular- ly beneficial for liver coplaint, dyspep- sia and bronchial affections, and would advise all similarly affected to give them a trial." John Finlayson„ Athol, says "When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out, I could not cure it, and had to rrturn home. It became better and afterwards purchased a bot box of Pills, an gone I commenc fore they were fi pletely cured. since, but have Price of the lie Pills 25 centsa much' worse. I .finally le of the Remedy and a before they Were half' d to improve, and be- ished, My foot Was com- t is new 17 months ad no further attack." edy in pint bottles, $1. x. EPPS'S COCOA. By a thoro natural laws whi of digestion and ful application o we - ll selected' co video our breakf ly flavoured bey many heavy doc judicious use of a constitution m Grateful and comforting gh knowledge of the h govern the operations utrition, and by a care - the fine pr- perties of oa, Mr.. Epps has pro - t tables_ with a delicate-•' rage,which may save us ors' bills. It is by the uch articles of, diet that y be gradually built up until strong enouoli to resist every ten - Hundreds of subtle ing around us ready to there is 'a weak point. any 'a fatal shaft , by well fortified with pure a pro erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gaze te. Sold only in pack- ets labelled_. amee Epps & Co., Ho- mceopathic Che4'ists, 48, Threadneedle St.,and 170, Picc.kdilly, London." 48 -52 deny to disease. maladies are floa attack wherever We may escape keeping olurselve blood and Two OR three 1 olds in Successi with many const tutions securel' dish the seeds of onsumption in i tem; thus conver 1 ing what'was or a simple,.efiable affection into o:pe. g erally fatal. Or inary prudeuce the fore makes it the .business: of e'vei onto take care of a cold until it is grA aidof. • Fortunately FC i Br an s Pulmonic Wafers" are thoroughly ad pted to remove spe d- ily all coughs and colds, _ ar d equally effective of consumption,_: Sold by all drugg ers at 25 cents pe. ►n will, est tb- hess- ly n- e - n the primary sthma, and bro sts and countr box. re stakes chi is. de 1- A BEAUTIFUL HORSE. -There i noh- ing that can cont ibute so much o rdn- der the horse be utiful and elegant, to improve his condi ion, and make iim all that is desirable; as "Darley's Condi- tion Powders am + Arabian HeaveRem- edy ;".it has been used by many ersoins who own valuab horseswith decid pleased are they keep itonhand inc be given at allti Remember the n signature of Liar age. Northrop & propriet►rs for medicine dealers. e carriage anc d success, and ith it that they se ofemergency es with perfect me, i and see t & O. is on eac ym n, Toront anaa a. Sold other so well always ; it may safety. hat thin h pack - o, Ont., by all REMNANT REMNANTS. REMNANTS 1 REMNANT REM REMNANT ;.EMNA1TS TWEEDS, TWEEDS, TW TWEEDS, TWEEDS, REMN. REMNANT MNA&T STAN T. OF REIN T NT TWEEDS, T WEEDS, EEDS, - TWEEDS, '',- T W EEDIS,. DRESS C DRESS. C DRESS- C DRESS C DRESS VERY CHEAP i VERY CHEAP VERY VERY CIIEAP VERY CHEAP OOD, , &c., OODS, &c., rOODSj &c., TOODS, &c., -OODS, :&c., S 1TEIRY CHEAP VERY CHE P CHEAP - eT lI'i CAE P AT • THE HURON EXPGSZTORL 1 esi rmnes• THERE IIS NOTHING LIKE, LEATkER WHEN IT IS MADE UP INTO Gr 0 0 I'J HARNESS SUCH AS YOU 1IND AT. J, WARD'S, SEAFORTH, Where you will find all Kinds of Harness Made up in the latest tyles. REMEMBER, if you want Fancy or Substantial Harness ;T. WARD can give -yon better satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other .maker in the County. A Trial is all that is wanted to secure regular custom. f J. WARD; RD, - Seafo, lth. THE PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER, LU icr cc oc 1- 3 • • • eve C C.71 CO And as alLight Reaper .ine ualled for Durability, plicity aricl onvenience. TE3E P4TT Q_T -LTA A -Q SELF-DISCH RG1 ,G HORSE 14r IKI - Ackn.owledged to be the best blase hav ing akeu 10 first prizes in the fall of 1876. PATTERSON'S Patent C mbinedlErnpire Drill acid Seeder es a drill. his never been beatqli and • • ash a seeder, nusurnaesed- Onr Sprague and JopiorMower's have sett od the test for Years. 4 1 1 Our Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plow, gaze Z'?tzs�ca1 Satistc�ctionl, 1 ! While thanking the farmers of Ontario for thcirliural patrniuige der ng the past thirty yetirs we have been in business we cordially invite there. in their own interests to inspect the above implements before Snaking purchases. 1 • I TP GRIEVE, Agent. PATTB SO2 (. 7.3ROTI1DRR, 1'atterso.z. THE GR Zilc`i z 5'i3. 'LINO 1\ V 0 0 c T E ROYCE REAPER VICTORIOUS! c 3 The folepw:(ng extract from fine rrpnrt of the sial ttenslIlitchell, gives the drs.urhts cif the corn- eting �,chines : • Figll ii.tl nn Mr. Wm. Etty's ferns et i Mit- e1T, under the auspices of the T>>vnshi,pps of oge;n, Ilibbort and Fullerton Agsicuftnral tscic!Wee. on the 18th Angust;1876. Jnd'ges— :tstrY. W. Davidson, Fullerton';Tan ea Hackney, sberne1 Robert Tome, l.c•gs•n, E. Stiles, a'nd R uckei, it: itch till . ; ; ' ATEST WONDER C1F MOD ERN TIMES. H 0 ALO WA,Y'S eiUs & OINTMENT L The Pill: Purify the Blood, gorreet all 4isor of the Live Stomach, Xidneye and Bowels, are invalu b1e in all complelints incidents Females. The Oin ment is the only reliable re for bad Lags, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulc of however long standing. liar Bronchitis, htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, 'Rheumatism, all kin Diseases it has no equal. •i BEWARE -OF NEW )ORK TERFEIT I S �trioas imitations of ' Holloway s Ile and Ointment," are manufactured and so dnq or time of "IIol- I loway's & C .;" • 1?. Henry, Curran, & o., ;fats, . a n d also by the e- itan Medi- sine Comp ny in .asInm9' d —Again . o of Netts Y counterfeits 0 t %s �P- nd - the }E Y CHEAP by Drn trop of ow York,with brad mark, thus: ' los ph Haydock, like Ise passesoff his c wn make under the name of Holloway & having for a trade mark a' crescent and serpe Mel esson & Robins, of New York, are agents the 'me.. 1 - �! THE GOLIDEN LION. THE GOLDE\ LION. THE GOLDEN Lj0N`; THE GOLDEN LION; THE 'OLDEN. LION„ LOGAN & JAMkESpN, ARD TIMES AN THE 11 PRIICES TO !S. IM BOOTS 1DSI10 IN ENDLESS VAItIE'1 Y A7.' THOMAS C VENTRY'S • I AM J(TST OPENIN prising all the Lates and Children's Wear. beet houses in the Trade, fore in a position not to am more than usually h not to be ; I -therefore res buying people of Seafortt give me a call before buy 'al• III THE CUSTO DEPARTM NT If my pring Stock, come Style- in Ladies', Gents hay bought from the, or Ca h, and I am there - be u dersold ;' and as I rd in , Ism dctermined� ectf11y invite the cash and is surroundings to ng el, ewhere. Of my business I buy no and employ the very best ing is exectuted in a style satisfaction So, with th and bi ing faith in I would si ly say don't 'SIGL OF TIT East Side, Main Street, bu the best material e workmen. My repair - that cannot fall to dive take for pail( patrona..ge, better time coming, forget the piaci° : BIG BOO eaforth. THOS. COVE 'TRY, Seafort T ipso persons, the: better tO deceive ;von, blushingly caution the public in the small be whi h are really tbe spurious. imitations, te Be: wiltr11 of Counterfeits., ffpic and sell them to the public in Canada las tscrupulons dealers obtain them at very w my ermine Pith; andiOintment.: I Most:earnestly and respectfully appeal to tl Cler Y to mothers of Families and other Ladi and to life public- generally of British North Am 'ea, that they may be pleased to denounce prehasers should look to the Label . on he. Pots and Boxes. lithe addre ot 533, Oxford Street, L011410 the Imre Counterfeits. Eagh Pot and Box of the genuine Medicin 9 bear the _British Government Stamp, with t e tole " engraved thereon. On the label..14 jot tar Lois the ddress, 538, OXFORD STREET, Loapolawhere Ilion they ere manufactured: t 1,-- Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors sena g spurious Holloway's Pells and Ointment as of My genuine make, shall tea comrannicatieg the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, an their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS' HOLLOWAY. DR. WILLIAM CRAY'S SPECIFI MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as anuntail- ing cure for SeMinal hea,' Impotency, and all Be ore. diseases that follow as Afte rsd a se uenee of Self abuse, as Loss of Memory, Univ rsal Lassitude, Pnin in the Back, Dienneee of Vi •ion, Prcmature Old Age, and many other disea es that leads to Insanity or Consurapticin and Premature Grave, all of which as a r le a e first ensed by deviating from the Path of atu e end over indulgence- The Speeiffc Medieine .0 tbe result qf e. life study and meny years of eis perience in treating these special diseases. ' Pam- phlet free by ail. The Specific I Medioine is so d for $5, or wi be sent by mail on receipt sil the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY 4 CO; Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hiekson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Ltunsden and all ggist at Tsi 10 00 Cra Ca 1(3 1 :1;1'7.'4'4. 01•;--7:1..*75 !. .;"-'Ll 1:: rp 1-z 0 '00 'S NOSla33Oa ~'wi n 7 THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF. CANADA. 0 CA Pi'l;'. li. - $4.000.000. • CITY BANK (1' 310N Ti Fe;.,Incol porated1888; tied hOYA AN BANK, Ince, l,t , t`e .So 1. - H 0 0 w 0 Q ►1111 1J.. l.J.. Ir • W S II2 tti m 2 0 0 _A Z 0 83.LSV1d S170flI d ALSO SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, FORKS, &C tO 1-4 p) ArriaxavaAl `S[DIlId tSt O'I HAIR DMESSING . MISS AMANDA STARK Wan -Rs• to inform the Ladies of ,Seaforth and Vicinity that shale prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. A Call Solicited. Residence—Goderich Street, Seaforth. I 67 19 LL' att at p.4 See and Examine the Royce Reaper on 0) Exhibition at (:) filSSRS. WHI1ELAW &MOR 'S, IAN OLD FRIEND THE BEST . I'll.:. :7, .7. ; 44 Iti 1'3 V W4 H. OLIVER, SEAFORT11,1 BGS to acquaint his niftily friends and cu to- W 111 MT this be hes iterno‘ed two dealt nort of e--3 sto k equal to any in the hardness, and at the , lone on the shortest notice. A 'good Stocl of r..„Q 'IR aka, Valises, Whips, Combs, Bruehes and all t em em tier 3 our old_Friend.! Sign of the Sccitcb.. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seafortli. CD Cr ct CD CD es cD et - 0 CD pRUCEFIELD MARKET. 13 Subscriber begs to intimate to thefarmers Id others in this ,vicinity, that he has alWays a sten ply Of corn and Ts on I:and, 1 That defy competition ; ale° a quantity of chOice QleviT seed. Highest 3taiket Price given !for w he, t Brad all also- grain t 'Warehouse smith doc.r Brett field station. Give me a call befiere BRUSSELS it- to the public -that they have again commended work Fit their Lime Works, opposite Yanctonies '11, en, the dast side of the lieu, where, hav4ig 4 he apest draw kiln in this section and first-cless acilitiee, they will bedu a position to !turn cint he eet of lime at ,14 cents per bushel, S. CAMPBELL; Provincial Land Surveyor o anx business thoroughly. Give us a can! ' D• or. foal. A good article guaranteed, as we , and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ' . TOWN & BURROWS. D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. . Ytt CD CD zen CD Cis Cti 0 Ca rn oes 0-4 0 �a�S d)AT[S 177 tdd SEAFOI4TI DOMINION BL S EA Ft BRANCH. OK, :' AI -ST., lT11. li]•t•atte ou New Bank iu the United State Bills of ll xelc:tt g at all Chief Cities of the INTEREST PAID 411 THE SE.. INSURANCE AND task l•ay:,3,4. a: any on London payable fico -1 ing lom. ON DEPOSITS. P. HAYES, FORTH LAND AGENCY. ALONZO S AGENT fo Several and Lite Insurance Co ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVO Also Agent for'sezeruFo ties. n Also Agent for the sale and Village Property. TRONG .list Class Stock, Fire 1patties,and is prepar- RAI3LE TERMS. the best Loan Socie- nd purchase of Farm 1 A NUMBER OF k 1 I.ST-CLASS 1M- - • PIiOVED FARA 8 FOR SALE. 550,600 to Loan :it S Per Cent. laid est. $ Agent for the White S. ar Line of Steamers. • (OFFICE—Over ;l i. Aro i ison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. D. S►TE' Manufacturer and D .FURNITURE, f SA FRA MOULDINGS, T on hand and made to o sortme U NDERTAKIN ALWAYS 0 ART, ale/. in all kinds of HES, DOORS, RNING) ETC., t of SUPPLIEE HAND. Call on D. STEWART a go od beggitins as tan be g d he will give you as t an -other plate. EGG EM, The subscriber hereby customers (merehants and patronage during the past by strict integrity amselos to merit their confidence a thanks his numeroue there) for their liberal even years, and hopes, ' attention to business, d trade in thefuture. Hexing greatly enlarge the Winter, he is now prep HIGHEST C For any quantity Of goo at the EGG Wanted. by the subserib clean WHEAT sTRzw. his premises, awing red to pay the SH PRICE fresh eggs, delivered MPORIUM, Main Street,Seaforth. r 25 tons of good dry D. WILSOIN. SAW LOGS Messrs. COLEMAN "Will pay the Highq SAW LOGS OF elleo a quantity of ELM ,mantiftiettire of Hoops, 51, t Cash Price for ALL KINDS. LOGS suitable for the Custom Sawing a anclas cheap as at any oth JLtimber of every de Lath and Picket? always o owest market prices. tended to promptly, rip -Mon, also Shinglees hand, and at the very p00 CEDAR POS 417 FOi SALE. Seaforth LUMBER F R SALE, HEMLOCKs Pint Quality $6 per M. PINE from BILLS CUT T ORDER, - All Lengths, from 10 50 Feet, at the PONY MILL, MoKILLOP: The Subscriber as also a LUMBER YARD I SEAFORTH Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. NEW AND CH AP GOODS. DEALER GROCERIES and ROVISIONS, CONFECTION 11.Y, &c, COCOS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARCE. - MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, OPPOSITE CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH. TTAVING leased the handsome and dornmodi- -1--L diens new store in Cam,pbelPs Block, Main Street, begs to inform the public that her skieMILINERY AIND FANCY COON is very complete in every department. All the Latest Styles of Goods always. on hand. : .A. .Call is Respectfully:Solicited, And satisfaction in every article guaranteed. • MISS LEECH. N.B.—Apprentices Wanted. LOOK FOR THE EW SIGN. NATE, the undersigned, birsing entered into Partnerehip for the pupdse of carrying on • business in the GROCERY AND CROCKERY TRADE IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON - Wo -Oa most reseettfully inform the inhabitanta of Clinton and sun ounding country that, with ott .1: increased facilities and advantages for doins bo Hitless, we confidently solicit a large share of your patronage, believing that we can give every ad vantege to our austoiners that is to be had in our line of business. 387 CUNNINGHAM AIKENHEAD. MARRIAGE LICENCES Oft CErt'flIFIFCATES, .1-.Ittder the new Act,) leaned at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the T.deutenant-Governcr et On HORSES WANTED. rprag undersigned will be at SHARP'S HOTEL, -L. SEAPORTS, for the purpose of purchasing . H rites. None wanted less than 15i hands high, aril Irani MOO to 1,800 pounds' weight. NoLe lint sound horses wanted_ 500 GEORGE A. HOUGHTON,.