HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-07-20, Page 5ULY 2O 1877, . • ' asaarsassmasmarassamemeet t was about the size of si ral it mcire fully resent. blear; but ithad a pair rder one of which wart St g a young one. While ad themselves in trying angster from ita nature/ e, the mother amused of stupor, and on her ook herself to her forest e away her precious and left her would -b. tg111 speechless amaze- h inst Mr. Flannery, the town fine between EulIet, went into his field, began caressing a young rned upon him and gored The boy ran to the ight two men who at. ie Flannery 'and broke a Vs head, but to no par - not been for a. faithful al the bull the two men d also have been attackery died next day and he 11th. yearly examination of ro. S, Hay, took place on riday la.at. The exam - ducted in Writing, and examined in all the sub-• respective classes. The stood first in their sev- iary GraybieI, fifth class, rrks out of 200; Roland e class, obtained 372 out inn Orth, third class, ob- oe 36a Lovina Faust, tained 236 out of 320; first elan, obtained 168 ous assault was commit - en of Mr. McLean, tave w St. Marys station, on last week, by four young raeen er Yung Britons, ated. The rowdies went called for drinks, and k e least provocationlone of ambler and atruck Me - blow over the head ; sim- other three- drew revoi- tt the unfortunate men her of the balls tookl ef- irne a crowd gathered four rascalsescaped. ration of candidates for achers' certificatea con - Az, fifty flan having re - the ordeal,' and five re - first day. On Monday • for third-olass certifi- ed, and concluded on ere were 212 candidates. ass test, strong objection the book-keeping and Teich were unnecessarily which too little time waa 'amnaar paper was also he third-class, the geo- vas fully as difficult aa s one, if not more so. McCracken, care of the t respected residents of Morris, died at his resi- h concession on the 5th was a native of Donegal, migrated to Canada in time he settled. in the Thitby, Ontario County, d about eighteen years. roved from Whitby, and t the township of Morris, wilderness, and set to it a berme for himself and :li he was very successful. low and large family to Town as Viewed by 5outherrier. ent of the St. Louis daily at present sojourning in a to that paper respecting at and its inhabitants, as promise I write to give ptton of things in this sec - manic Majesty's Dominion - his town of Goderich is Depiest and. mot restful existing on the face of re inhabitants consist for lawyers, county officials fe men, with a few atrang- ride of the lake, .who ajoy the cool air of Lake eeupatton of, the natives "tending Court" and iag about the public of - rt House, with alternate Viau'a " en the west, and • en the south side a of the harmer ef employing your extremely interesting for r ten days, bat since then. her monotonous to me. wever, who have been at assure methat it is the i -mode of existence extant, ance the system becomea by long continued usage, rould suffice to in any ge their mode of living. ed do they become to this rn that the spirits of all habitants are actually re- it- the " square " at the of night, .sniffing and the fragrant vapors of rite- will& in life they , t:is a most delightful Months- in Barmier, arid if -ide of the lake it woulcl agest towns in the North- = country before many is a very niceharbor part - re works were commenced 3 ago by the Government, been suspended for want people of the town grum- the suspension of the rr they had taken a few, t at "'Vivian's " and the t consoled themselves with t "it was none of their' so the dredges are bring irk undone. at works here some time they are all abandoned with the 'exception of are till working. The s ap.pareotlyi of excellent tell me it la the , purest salt that ZS made any - s very cheap. an buy it here on board low as $2.50 per ton. would pay our packers 're and look after it. A salt made here is sent by go and Milwaukee, but as a gold duty of twelve ,n our side we are pre - Ing it to any great extent. will no doubt soon be er Western farmers will et themselves under a tax this on a prime neces- :1-h as salt. here tiow about three ad the most extraordinary w JULY 20, 1877. benefit to my health and appetite. You know what a wretched, languid looking object I was when you saw me on board the cars a month ago for Chicago. You would not know your correspondent now The juicy beef and the pure fresh, air of this "sleepy hollow "have worked a marvelous change in yours truly, • VIATOR. (Minton. [mat TEE NEW ERA.] ROBE RECOVERED.—Mr. W. J, Pai ley, the Clinton town constable, succeed- ed in recovering a buffalo robe on th 19th of July, that had been taken out o the vehicle of the owner at Bayfield, th same day a year previous. . The holde said he had bought it, but it was doubt ed. He gave back the robe and $2 fo the me of it. LOST AND FOUND.—On Saturday a lady got off a Grand Trunk train at Clinton station, and entered an omnibus , to come up town. Intending to see the time, she felt for her watch—a fine gold one—but discovered tkit she had lost it Of course she was considerably 'grieved at her loss, and making it known to Mr. Straiton, a general isearch 'was instituted, when the article was found lying on the track, where it had evidently fallen as the lady descended from the train. GOOD GRAI. —Last week Mr. James Keane, of Clinton brought us several samples of fall grain, which are really excellent. One from the field of Mr. A. McEwen, Stanley, was ready to harvest on the 10th of July. Others from differ- ent localities were almost as well ad- vanced. The grain is plump and fine in appearance, the heads being unusually long. There is every indication that the yield will be the largest ever harvested in Huron. Peas promise equally as well as the wheat. BIRTEES. , PARK ER. —an mussels, On July 6? wife of Mr. John Parker, of a dau ter. RYAN.—In Seafoth, on July 3, t wife of Mr. Thomas D. kan, o daughter. DYER.—In Hullett, on July ; the w of Mr. Martin Dyer, of a daughter. Erman,. —In Hullett, Ion July 9, t t, of wife of Mr. Robert Erre daughter. s- 1 , , ARRIED. e THomPsoN—Lirit.—Oa July 11 by Re George Buggin,; at the residence of t e bride's father, 'Mr.- Thos. Thompso , ✓ of Petrolia, to 'Mary E. Lusk of e4. forth. ✓ Kerox—Nourtas.—In Gorrie, on July 4, by Rev. Mr. Fessant, Mr. John Kno , mason, to Matilda, eldest daughter f Francis Norris, Esq., all of Gorrie. WRIGHT—IiNox.—At the residence f the bride's fathr, on July W, by Re Dr. Wall, Mr. G. H. Wright, me chant, to May, aecond daughter of M A. Knox all of Clinton. Yurae—CAMPBEL --A tIthe residence et the bride's fath, r, on July 18, by Re F. McCuaig,M . Robt, Yuill, to 'An nie, eldest daugh ter o Mr. D Camp bell, all of Stan ey. HavraiNs--BLAG ouNE.---At Pelham Ont., by Rev. ohn Ridly, assisted by Revs. W. J Maxwell an E. Al Chown, B. D, on July Rev; Charles W. Ha king, B. A., late o St. Catharines, o Lizzie Blagborne, o Pelham, On. 11. COMMISSARIT.—To give some. idea , of the number of visitors that were enter- • tined at the different hotels in town on the 12th, we have obtained -the amount of butcher's meat that was provided for by each. Jas. Moore—beef 131 lbs.; mutton, 261 lbs. I. Rattenbury—beef, 1601 lbs.; lamb, 311 Ibs. S. Pike—beef, 120 lbs.; mutton, 351 lbs. G. A. Knox —beef, 125 lbs. Peter McLearn—beef, 170 lbs. J. W. Ross—beef, 88 lbs.; mutton, 60 lbs., and a number of -tur- keys. C. Cole—beef and mutton, 208 lbs. H. Tewsley—beef and mutton, 200 lbs. Total, 1,359 lbs. STALLION Feeerr.—On Saturday after- noon last a stranger was taking two full- blooded stallions towards Goderich, when a fight occurred between them, which, had it not been for the timely astaistance rendered, might have been much mote serious. The person had twO stallions and two sulkies, both horses being har- nessed, but one being by the side of the other in the sulky. When opposite Mr. Martin's'one nipped the other, and both instantly reared up and commenced to fight. The owner was thrown off, and the sulky disengaged, and for a few mo- ments the horses pawed and bit each other desperately, the noise attracting a crowd. With difficulty they were sepa- rated before either was seriously in- jured, although some blood was -drawn. • gg DISTANT FIELDS LOOK GREEN. "— Notwithstanding the very many unfavor- able accounts that have been recorded against the -United States as a place preferable to Canada, there are still those who look upon it as a "place to be desir- ed," only to rue their change after" an expensive experience. Some time since a well-to-do farmer in a neighboring township, became dissatisfied,-• and be- lieving the glowing accounts he had heard of the wonders of North Carolina, determined to move thither. He sold, his farm, a good one, and moved into the "laud of promise." But the hopes he had entertained were not to be realized, and last week his family was sent back to Canada, he soon to follow. The re- port given is that schools, churches, and society are decidedly• inferior to those of Canada, the people of a lower social status, and the country not to be com- pared to this delightful one. Miscellaneous. Twenty-two pupils of the common school have passed the entrance exam- ination to the High School at Mtchell. --During the six months ending June 30th, there were 585 internments in the city of Toronto: 304 in St. James' Ceme- tery, 36 in the Necropolis, 167 in St. Michael's, and 61 in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. —There was a stormy meeting of the Guelph Town Council, on July 17. The members strongly condemned the minis ters of the town for the action of the latter with regard to the Council attend- ing the dinner to the Papal Delegate. Three ComecilIors resigned. —On Sunday, 8th inst., Rev. Thomas Macpherson, who some months since re- signed the pastoral charge of Knox Church, Stratford, preached his farewell eermon to an unusually large congrega- tion, the commodious church being well filled. As naight be expected, many of the congregation were visibly affected during the delivery of the sermon, and there was an audible tremor in the -ven- erable and much respected pastor's own voice as he recounted the changes which had occurred since his advent in Strat- ford, 28 years ago. The discourse was preached from the eleventh verse of the last chapter of second Corinthians: nally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you" Rev. Mr. McAlpin, St. Marys, occupied the pulpit in the everting, and apreached an a.ble---diacourse, at the close of which he declared the church vacant. —An elopement of rather an interest- ing nature has recently taken place in 13Ianshard. 1 A few weeks ago a spruce gallant, giving the name of Shaw, made his appearance at the threshold of Mr. Morphy, on this Line, and inquired for work. which he obtained. A week ago last Friday his time expired, and he left. 'Morphy pere thought nothing further about Shaw until last Saturday morning, when he awoke to find that his daugh- ter had left the house. Upon making his loss known in the neighborhood, he ascertaitted that on Friday last, about 7 oclock, a man answering Shaw's de- scription was seen at Woodham with a horse and buggy, and that he was seen driving towards Morphy's about 10 o'clok. A further proof of Miss Mor- phy's filial devotion was forthcoming in tihe shape of a $50 account which she bad run at the Woodham store. She also took from the house everything she could lay hands on that was small enough to be stowed away in a buggy. Since they took their sudden departure up to the present time, no trace of the loving pair has been found. • D IATHS. [ MCPHILLIPS. —At hal residence, in th city of Winnip , on July 14, Georg McPhillips, Sr. P. L. S., C. E., for- merly of Seafor la, in his 70th year. CormE.—In Clin on, on July 12, Maryi Ann Cottle, age 31 years. WOLF.—In Staid y, on July 16? Eliza-, beth, youngest aughter of Mr? Jacobl Wolf, aged 11 years and 6 months. On July 17, J 'cob, only son of the same, aged 19 y ars and 8 months. TIBBS. —In Wing am, on July 13, Liz- zie, wife of Mr. Abraham Tibbs, aged 28 years and 6 onths. MILES.—At Win • ham, on July 8,1 Edith Anna, inf nt daughter ofMr. C.! t F. Miles, aged 6 months and 1 days. HOGG.—In Wroxe er, on July 19, i nnie,1 eldest daughter o Mr. John Hogg, agedi , 19 years -and 22 ys. I STARK. ----In Walto , July 10, the young- est daughter of r. John Stark, aged 10 months. •. THE ML RKETS. • SE ORTI, July 19,11877. 1 For the past wee the market hs been nearly deserted, a d there were rim de- liveries of any acco nt and consequently we cannot this wee give quotations for grain, butter rd eggs remain as last week, with a weak r tendency for the former. ? There is c nsiderable new hay offering, and sells t from $7 to $8 per ton. CHEES ri MARKET. STRATFORD, July 18.—The cheese mar- ket offerings were about 3,000 boxes. Sales of one factory all July at 11 cents, 600 all July at 10c. BUFFALO LIVE STOCK MAR ET. Carree.--There as a fair demand. - The best gradesiwee disposed of. Best shippers at $6 50 to $6 75; butcher's . and medium grades lof Shippers at $5 60 to $6 25; Coloradoa at $4 /0 to $4 30; common at $3 90 to 04. • SHEEP AND LAMBS. —No sales, Five cars unsold. HOS.—The market was dull and. the demand light. Sales of 3 cars of good heavy hogs at $5 40 -Two cars unold. MONTREAL LflTJ STOCK MARUT: MONTREAL, July 17, 1877.—Deovers and country dealers still complain of the ruinously low prices, that they yet ob- tain. Some very nice grass-fed cattle, averaging 1,250 lb. each sold for 4c . per 1 . and prices ange from 31 to 5c per ib., for fair to good beasts. Hogs from 5/ to 5e. A lively enquiry cadets for cattle suitable f ' r the export trade, ok is being shipped iv1ontreal, and as for d satisfaction. Mr. ad of cattle weighing ach, or $41 cents per sold 6, weighing r lb. Mr. Simkins lbs., at 4 cts. perlb. ld 15 cattle, weigh - averaging 5c per lb. ogs, weighing 1,700, Twenty lambs were which class of et from Chicago via quality is giving go J. Walker sold 19h 23,750 lbs., for $56 lb. Mr. W, MCLe 9,000 lbs., a:t 41c p sold 2 weighing 2,21 • Mr. R. J. Hopper s ing, 18,750 lbs, and Mr. Walker sold 9 lbs, at 61c per lb. sold at $1.60 each. Grand Tru ik Railway. Trains leave Seaforth tation as follows: GOING WE ST— Mixed Train, 6:40 A. Mitred Train 445 P. Express. 2:08 P. Express 8:58 P. GOING EAST— Express Train Express Train Mixed Train Mixed Train 7:50 A. • 1:25 P. M. 10:40 A. M. 445 P. M. M. M. M. M. Great Westeirn Railway. Trains leave Brussels sation, north ands uth, as under: GOING- NORTH. 1 GOING SOUTH. Mixed.. .... 9:15 A. M. Mail 6:87 A. M. Accom.. 9:03 P. M. Accom 3.08 P, M. Mail 8:40 P. M. _ 5:25 P. M. STOCK. PO Ili SERVICE. TEACHER WANTED. -L-A Male Teacher hold- ig a third-class certincate wanted for School Section No. 4, Hullett. Duties to commence on the 17th, of August. Apply to the Trustees. JAMES ALLEN, JOHN CARTER, GEORGE RUDDEL, Bandon P. 0. 496-4x LOST OR FOUND. La.Masonic Apron. Ay person returning the ST.—Lost between. B ucefield and Hayfield, same to ROBERT CLUE , Hayfield, will be suit- ably rewarded. , 50-3 THE SEAFORTH LIVERY STABLES. CARNOCHAN & ABELL, PROPRIETORS. oFFICE and Stables o Market Street, second door from Main. Nea ,Stylish Carriages and Buggies, and Good ROI ble Horses always on hand. Orders left at the ommercial Hotel, Sea - forth, or at the office will be promptly attended to.S1nrn 592 HORSES ANTED. H-11 undersigned will SEAFORTH, for the Horses. None wanted lea and from 1,100 to 1,800 but sound horses wanted. 500 GEOR at SHARP'S HOTEL, urpose of purcbasing than 15i hands high, ounds' weight. Nona E A. HOUGHTON. TH HURON EXPOSITOR; • , THE SEAFORTH I - MUSICAL 1STRUMENT iNax:=•4:3t,i1J-z.ez.. SCOTT BRO.THEIS, • • ELATE WILLSor & SCOTT) rtEG to gate to the public that the reputation 4-" which this eetablisliment has Bemired pre - eludes the necessity of puffing, and they only need to give • I I: A FEW PLAIN FACTS Respecting the Instruments they have to offer to the public. A. member of 4he firm has fast re- turned from the principal American manufactor- ies, where he has secured several of the best Instruments made in the 'United States. 4mong these are the 1 EMERSON PINO. The reputation of the Emerson Piano, as a thoroughly first-class instrument in every respect, has often been criticised severely, and untavr- ably commented upon by prejudiced parties as welFas by oar competitors. In the first place, we have always been averse to soliciting encomi- ums from musical artists, and publishing the same in our circulars, for tire very reason that all such testimony and praises are directly or indi- rectly paid for; and if tiny one will tak the trouble to examine the different circulars q our piano -houses, they will find the same nam (ar- tist) bearing equally as good testimony in favor of each piano -maker's production. These tac- tis we have never followed to gain the unques- tined reputation that the Emerson Plano bears first premium wherever they have at the present time. These Pianos have ally/aye received the been exhibited, for elastic tench, singing quality, delicacy and power of toneand great durability. If desired we can frirnh the StEINWAY, MnTHUSHEE, CABLE & ON S, and others. 0 R G iet I S. The CLOUGH & WAR EN ORGAN is the favorite Organ in the Unit d States. It is the best for the money made. To it we direct especial attention. Thous nds of teetimonials can be furnisbed, of win' the following is a specimen: ' , • "The 'Grand Combinat n Organs,' manatee - tared by the Simmons & Citing h Organ Company, are supplied with the new invented' Scribner Patent Qualifying Tubes,' ad are wonderful in their combinations, possessurg much volume and power, with rare sweetness qX tone and delicacy of touch, and affording greet range and variety from the deep bass to the softest finte-like ntes. For superiority in manufacture, perfectio* in finish, and general reputation as a musical in- strument, this organ has; few equals at much more than its cost. The impressions formed in this community relative to these instruments are highly favorable." ---Detroit Daily Tribune. We also supply the best Otinadian made Organ, THE DOMINION ORGAN, Manufactured in Bowmanville. This was the only Organ from Canada -which received an award from the International OnMpetition, Philadel- phia, 176. ' I It will thus be seen that We make a Specialty of the Beat American and Canadian Instruments, viz.: Masdn & Hamlin, George Woods, and other first-cl ss Organs supplied when desired. SEND FOR CICULARS. The Trade Liberallir Dealt With. SCOTT BROTHERS, • 502 Hain Street, Seniorth, FRESH ARRIVALS AT 999, A Fine Lot• of New Teas at the Following Prices: Fine Young Hyson at 50 cents, worth 60 cents. Choice Young Hyson Mayune at 50 cents, Worth Extr7a0 Toeanutns. g Hyson at 70 cents, worth 80 cents. Fine Japan, uncolored, at 40 cents, worth 50 cents. Extra Japan, unadlored, at 50 cents, worth 60 cents. Choice Japan, uncolored, at 60 cents, worth 75 cents. Japan Pekoes, choice and at iTy low prices. Call and See and S ve Money 6y Buying at the Three Nines. A FRESH sTocg OF CANNED FRUIT. Having purchased a Bankrupt Stock of! GLASSWARE ANE CROCKERY I am determined to clear it out at 25 per cent. less than the original invoice price. FLOUR AND FEED CONSTANTLY ON HAND. GOODS DELIVR,ED FREE. Remember the Place, 999, Opposite the Com- mercial Hotel, Seaforth. RISES PROM THE ASHES. THE HURON CARRIAGE FACTORY. WM. GRASSIE TTAS pleasure in informing his customers and -L-L friends that he is again working full blast in his new premises on Goderich street, on the site of his old factory, which was destroyed by fire. e has on band a number of Lumber and Light Wagons, also Democrats and Bugies, Whina for Workmanship and Material he can ecommend. He is determined to fully sustain s old reputation, and will allow none in the nsiness to surpass him in Workmanship or rce. Repairing and Custom Work promptly ttended to. Blaiksmithing in all its branches. 502 WM. GRASSLE. VOTERS' LIST 1877. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH. COUNTY OF H RON. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmit - LI ted to the persons mentioned in the Second Section of " The Voters' List Act of 1876,7 the copies required by said -section to be so trans- initted of the List made, pursuant to the said Aet, of all personaappearing by the lapt revised ASsessment Roll of the said Mtinieipality to be e titled to vote in the said Manicipality at Elec.- tinas for Members of the Legislative Assembly a d at Municipal Elections; and that said List w s first posted up at my office, at Seaforth, on t e Sixteenth day of July, 1877, and remains t iere for inspection. Electors are called upon to e mine the said List, and if any omissions or a y other errors are found therein, to take im- m diate proceedings to have the same errors cor- re ted according to law. , • WILLIAM EL/LIOTT, Clerk of the said Municipality. eaferth, July 16, 1877, 602-3 VOTERS' LIS 1877. ,M 'NICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE WROXETER. COUNTY OF HURON. 1- OTICE is hereby given that have transmit- ted to the persons mention d in the Second Stotion of " The Voters' Lin et of 1876," the ies required by said section to be so trans- mic ted ' of the List made, pure int to the said Ac , of all persons appearing by Ithe last revised As essment Roll of the said Municipality to be en itled to vote in the said Muni *pality at Elec- tio s for Members of the Legisl tive Assembly and at Municipal Elections; an that said Liet wet first posted up at my offi e, at Wroxeter, on the Nineteenth day of July, 177, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to ex mine the said List. and if any omissions or an other errors are found threin, to take im me late proceedings to have the same errors oor- rec ed according to law. WILLIAM SMALL, - Clerk of the said Municipality. Wroxeter, July 19, 1877. 502-8 5 1877 EXTRA ORDINAR BARGAINS. 1877 GREAT REDCT!ON IN PRICES D D! E MI10 R U I HAVE DECIDED TO CLE STOCK AT AN IIMMENS WILL OFFER DURING T R OUT TE BALANCE OF MY SUMMER • SACRI*E. TO ACCOMPLISH THIS I E NEXT kx. WEEKS '111R,MMM1V7DTTS PIZGI-INS IN ALL CLASSES OF Dry Goods, Readyrnade tlothing, Boots and Shoes, -Millinery anc. Mantles, &c. ON HAND THIS -WEEK, AND SELLING l'AST, A SPECIAL LINE THE OF COSTUME PRINTS, N EWES+ OUT, In Bronze, Brown, Seal Brwn, Nam Wath,8—Trimming7 These Goods make an Exceedingly Handsome Blue and Tilleul—all Wide to Match. Outfit, and are Sold at Low Prices. SPECIAL iqTENTION IS DIRETED TO THE STOCK OF WHITE AND COLORED MUSLINS, WHICH ARE' BEING R N OFF AT A GREAT REDUCTION., EVERY INDUCEMENT Tq CASH AN] TRADE CUSTOMERS. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. agr HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY -OF GOOD BUTTER AT THE NEW CASH STORE. THOMAS KIDD, SEAFOTH. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 01? SUMMER GOODS SEWING OFF CHEAP AT .A.i—ti_JA-1\.T \./ITT S Comprising Dress Lnens, Iron Bar Greadine, Newest Shades in Dress Goods—Plain, Striped a:hd Checked, A Large Stock of Prints , I in all the Newest Patterns. Also Shades in Seal Brown, Olive Green, Navy Blue, Cardinal &c. Colored Cotton Shirting:, Brun Ducks, Denims, and Cottonades. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. MILLINERY. Nov is THE TIME TO Buy , (1_ HEAPI MILLINERY, SHAPES ALL NEW AND STYLISH. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, CUFFS, COLLARS, NECK TIES1 SCARFS, &C. ALLAN MITCHELL, Seaforth. pi_Jooizz otmi FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ALL WIDTHS FROM THREE TO TWELVE FEET. NEWEST PATTERNS. WILLIAM HILL & Co., SEAFORTH. PAPST'S BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. BOOK LIST: Travellers in Africa, by Williams Swiss Family, Robinson We and our Neighbours, Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Life Thoughts, Henry Ward Beecher.... Cecil Ray, Mr. Blake Basil, Wilkie Collins Woman against Woman, Florence Mar- ryat Betton Estate, A. Trollope Above Books sent to any ADDRESS, 0. 111 $1 50 Miss Mackenzie, A. Trollope 1 50 Sports that Kill, Talmage East Lynn, Mrs. H. Wood 1 00 John ITalifax, Miss Moloch. –. . 75 Joshua Haggard's Daughter, 1 00 don 60 Tale of two Cities, Dickens Michael Stogoff, Jules Verne 60 Griffith Gaunt, Charles Read 60 Dr. Ox's Experiment, Jules Verne $0 60 30 20 20 address on receipt of Price, Footage Free. W. PAPST, SEAFORTH. 2,49 10 50 10 10 MAT. ESTATE * F R SALE. rill-011ERTY SALE. -'7 --For 81Ie that enn- 1- venient and deeirable residence on the earner of High and Market Streets,' lately ocenpied by Dr. Vercoe. Apply to 'DR. VERCOE. 488, $47 LTriLf 710).1vrie0:titnhliemtieshtoerneiw storey and a. shed, 'Well, piup, &c , in scelocetion. Terme.— $75 cash, mita lice to suit purchaser. Title in- disputable. '1 his is ceni ely a. very cheap prop- erty.Apply to Alen/CZ STBONG, Land and Insurance Agen, Seafort . 492 FARM FOR SALE r se/e (lie \Vt. I Ilan' of Lot 29, Con. 8, McKill >p eoetaining 50 acres. 25 of which are [cleard a in a good state of cultivation, the balance' la well timbered with. hardwood. There is a good frame hoe, end frame Aable on the pi onnee, erchurd.i It is one mile 1 'ern the gray.I d at the villa fre of Winthr4, vase) e there is a sawfmill, flour mill, stores, school, churcbes, and all other village conveniences; al o within six miles of Seaforth. Apply to the P oprietor on the prem..DisoesN, ALori. ;address Winthicp P. 0. JAMES Me - 470 ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE—For Sale, Lots Nos. 24, 251 and 26, in the 9th Con- cession of McKillop, containing 200 acres, about 80of which are cleared, we 1 fenced and in a good state ef eultivation ; the r +ne is well timbered with the best of hardwood. There is a new frame house with Stone foundati. s, also a frame stable and log barn; there is also • other frame dwelling house,on the place. A bee .gorcherdot 150 trees, also a young orchard witlr ame number. Plenty of good water. Is on the I orthern gravel road, 5 miles from Seaforth, and adjoins the village of Winthrop, in which are village convenience, including a cheese Ifactory s av and grist nailL Also the building -known as s nnah's Hotel. Tbe property will be sold in one cel or in lots to suit purchasers. Apply to t ; proprietor on the premiseor to Winthrop • ost Office. ROBERT HANNgli, Propritor. 4854x I'ARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 8, Con. 3, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, ce itaining 100 acres, 80 of which are cleared and in good state of cultiva- tion, the balance is well bered with the best of hardwood'; there is a first -c ass brick house 88x28, kitchen 2018, with stone c llar under both house and kitchen; a good fram barn 60x40, driving house 4x30, with stone asement turd cattle houses tho whole" length of oth buildings ; leading from the cattle house below s a large. root house, 20x9, dug out of the solid bank, built of solid stone and lime and arched over widi brick, and is frost proof; there are 8 wells, eac about 40 feet deep, built up 'with brik, and are never -failing springs of water; there is a good ore rd of apples, pears, plums, chrrie, grapes, az4id small fruits; also about 300 roods of -drains th tiles carefully laid down ; the stables are all 11 ored with stone, care- fully, and evenly laid; also g barn 48x28, and 2 stables. Is situated 7 miles from Exeter, 10 from s eaforth, and 2 from Hens station. Convenient to schools and churches. Terms—$2,000 to be paid down, the remainder to suit purchasers. Ap- ply to the proprietor on the remises or to Hensel P0. WM. STONEMAN. "64x IMPORTANT NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. The undersigned hay- - ing disposed of his so water manufactory in Seaforth, and good wIlhI of the businese, to Messrs. Colbert & $lemmonj he desires to thank his patrons for their liberal anpport during the past eight years, and has pl asure in recommend- ing to them his successors. He ab3o requests all those indebted to him to set le the same at once, either by paYment or note. r A. MEYER. 488 A UCTION SALE OF EN - The subscriber has re sell by Public Auction, on t and Princess streets, Brae August lst, at 4 o'olock P. and engine, 6 -horse power, either foriron or -wood, 221 and bearings, with beltin half cash, balance to be seen at 6 per cent., due lst .1C0OPR, Auctioneer. H. etor. INE AND BOILER. eived instructions to e corner of Queen els, on Wednesday,_ One steam boiler One turning lathe, t of 2 -inch shafting &c. Terzns—One- ed by approved note nuary, 1878. C. R. CARDIFF, Pr opris 501-3 AUCTION SALE.—There lie ancon at Johnsto Saturday, Silly 2Iet, comme M., the following valuable Lake Road east, Township from Hayfield, containing 1 50 cleared; two brick stores the occupation of Mourn Ke nection with which a good been established; also lot' oderich township, 4 Mile 6 from Goderich, containin TERMS OF SALE. --One t money on the day of sale a up one fourth of the pure day of January 1878, Belem years from the cly, of sale, rate of 7 per cent per annum, For further particulars ap I SON, Goderich, or to G. M. T eer. ill be sold by pub- 's Hotel, Bayfield, on cing at 1 o clockP. roperty viz: Lot 10.- 01 Stanley, 8 miles acres of good land n Bayfield lately in s & Elliott. in con - grain businesa has 28, 1st Concession from Hayfield and 72 acres, 14 cleared. nth of the parch, se rther sum to make e money on the lst e at the end of four ith interest at the payablinhalf yearly. to MRS. FERGU- UEMAN, Auction - 499 -4 %V41'4 TIE PPRENTICES WANTE 4" prentices wanted to les ply at rooms over L. Beatty' DRSON. or seven ap- dreseinaking. Ap- tore. MISS. AN - 492 TEACHERS WANTED.—T or Female, holding a sec° tificate for the second and t Brunch Public School. Dut August 20th. Applications, companiedby testimoniale f received until August 8rd. rotary Board of School Trnste o Teachers, Male d or third-class cer- rd departments of es to commence OH stating salary, sp- m Inspector, &c.. OHN SHAW, Sea- s. 501-8 TENDERS WANTED, -..-581 -L received by the undersign for the erection and completi Brick School House, 49x80 fes rooms, &a. to be built in the Plans, speCifications, and all tion given by applying at the PROCTOR, Esq., Architect, tory security will be required The lowest or any Tender not ed. W. J. HAYWARD, Seer Wingham. Jed Tenders will be d, up to JULY 27th, n of a Two -Story t, to contain eight lllage of Wingham. ecessary inforrna- face of JOHN G. bighorn. Satiifacn with each Tender. necessarily accept- tary School Board, • 501-2 FOR . SALE OR TO LET. P OOMS TO RENT.—To Good Rooms in bleyer's Brothers' Hardware Store Duncan or to the proprietor. ent; a number of lock, over Johnson pply to Duncan & L. MEYER. 480 TIABM TO RENT.—To let, i; 6, Hallett, containing 20 170 of which are cleared and cultivation. The farm contai and orchard, an d is well wat near Kinburn and convenient &. For further particulars SNELL, Constance P. 0. ots 9 and 10,0o. acres of good land in a good state of , good buildings red. It is situated °chools, churches apply to JAMES 6024 SPEC. FIC Alt 1CLE S. fro BUILDEnS.—Sand, Sto e, and Gravel for 4- Sale. Orders left with ames Edwards or Tli mire Lee will be prom tly attended to. THOMAS CURRIE, Seaforth„ 481 VOR THE LADIES.—Wills 11 & Scott have re- ceived a lot of the celeb atecl Franz & Pope Knitting machines, the best nt-chine made. They will knit a pair of stockings in ten minutes. Call and see them. WILLSON & SCOTT. 489 ESTRAY STOCR... STRAY MARE.—Came into the‘ premises' of J-4 the undersigned, Lot 24, Lninlon Roa.d, Stan- ley, about the middle of May, a bay mare 2 or 8 years old. Has a Mall 'whte spot on forehead and on end of the nose, and ore White hind foot. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. JOHN H. PER - BIN. 500x4 VOTERS LIST -1877. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF TUCKE SMITH. CO UN Y OP URON. NOTICE is hereby given tha ted to the persons menti Section of "The Voters' List copies required by said Beetle mitted of the List made, pnr Act, of all persons appearing b A-ssessment Roll of the said entitled to vote in the said M tions for Members of the Le and at leunicipal Elections; was first posted up at my offic on the Ninth day of July, there for inspctin. Elector examine the said List, and if any other errors are found t mediate procee' ns to have tib rected aenording to low. WILLIAM McC Clerk of the Tuckersmith, July 9, 177. I have transmit- ned in the Second •a of 1876," the to be so trans- uant to the Irani the last revised urieipality to be eipality at Elec lative Assembly d that said List ,at Tuckersmith, 877, and remains are called upon to any omissions or erein, to take im- same errors nor - le NELL, said Munieipality. 501-3 • • 3 ; see