HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-07-06, Page 88 , TIJI 'HURON txp,...94z2r1;1,...), p.nron txpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. LIME. -John Wilson, of the Silver Creek Lime Kiln, Seaforth, has on hand any quantity of fresh barned lime, for sale cheap. Price 15 cents per buahel, at the kiln. Deliver- ed in any part of Seaforth or Egmondville for 18 cents perbushel. 491 ALLEN'S Grocery. Provisions, flout, oatmeal, cornmeal, pot barley, rice, split peals, dried apples, new prunes, Bleb bacon, smoked bacon, canvassed hams, codffsh, lard, butter, &ease, and general groceries. Wet. AnItEen 496 WATCH REPAIRING in all its branches at E. Hiossore & Co.'s, by F. Ceske, a praetical workman of long experience. Allwork warranted. English watchea a specialty. See advertise- ment. 498 S. LOUNSBURY & Co., Seaforth, have two new and two seeond-hand patent arm lumber wagons for sale. Saw logs will.. be taken in ex- change, to be delivered next winter. 500-4 PARIS GREEN, for Potato Bugs, Car- bone Acid, Castor Oil by the pound, Madder, Log -wood, Indigo, and all Dye Stuffs, Fresh and Good, just in at Ifroxsates Erug Store. 498 I TO FARMERS.-HICKSON & ROBERTSON will pay Cash for all Good Batter irt rolls, pails arid tubs, delivered at the drugstore of E. Hat: - sou. 474 GREAT RUSH for Crockery at WILSON & You -era's. They_ sell the Bleat Stone China Tea Sets for $2 50. A few sets left. 495 " STONE and. Glass Frnit Jars for the million at WILSON 8c Yourea's. 499 FOR CHEAP Fruit Jars and Sugars aee Weesoa a: locale's. 499 was just going out crash came. Had moment longer t would have been se killed, as the roe were shattered to for thankfulness' was not attended. sequences. DOMINION DAY. by very quietly i was very nearly d ber left by the mo Toronto, and othe number went to Some went to Wi base ball match, sels, while others joy the fresh and Lake Huron. those who went above mention few left behind t town, however, flourishes yet. all our citizens t selves as best su and returned t morning fresh a FIREMEN'S MEETING. - The regular monthly meeting of the Seaforth Fite Brigade will be held in the town hall next Monday evening. f the door when the she been delayed a e probability is she iously injure4 if not a‘r and even the bed ieces. It i a cease that the c astrophe ith more serious con- i 1 1 Dominion Day passed Seaforth. The town serted. A lerge num- ing train for Stratford, places east. A good he Irishtown pic-nic. gham to witness the d some went to Bras - went to Bayfield to en - invigorating breezes of aking intoaccount to the several places d there were very guard the town. The survived the day and. Ve have no doubt but oroeghly enjoyed them - ted their several tastes, business on Tuesday d vigorous. THANKS.-Otir thanks are due Mr: William Robertson, of Oakville, for 'his annu al donation of strawberries. May , our g enial friend long live to grow such 1 delicious fruit. - EARLY VEGETABLES.-eMr. Wm. Robb, has the earliest potatoes we have heard of this year. On the lat of July they were fit for table use, being of large size and dry. These potatoes are of the early rose variety. The same gentleman has beets also fit for table use. Of the excel- lent quality of these .vegetables we, can apeak from experience, Mr.:Robb having kindly favored us with a sample. SILVER CDRAIN.-Mr. French, the REEK e person to whom the contract for deep- ening Silver creek was awarded, -being unable to furnish secdrity for the clue performance of the work, the contract has been let to Mr. Edward. Dawson,the next lowest tenderer, for the sum of $945. We understand that Mr. 'Dawson has com- plied with all the necessary conditions and. that he will commence the work at once. THE IRISHTON under the auspi of the Triehtow Monday last in, The weather wa and, 'consequen very large. Th matches durin passed Off sac kinds were eng the stone, juin which liberal p count of the la ent, the supp equal to the natural appeti satisfied; how consideration, antly, and wa ally and fina THE MCKILLOP INSURANCE CAPANY. •,--At the last meeting of the Committee of Directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company,- held on Saturday, 95 applications for membership were con- sidered. and passed. This company has been very successful thus far, and is be- coming a general favorite with the farm- ing community, anci it is expected that before the close of the season there will be at least one thousand members. • GOOD WHEAT. -Mr. George Sproat, of Tackersinith, has shown us a sample of Seneca fall wheat grown on his place which presents as fine an appearance as we ever saw. ,The heads' are long, well formed and filled to the very top, and the stra,w is tough. and hard. Mr. Sproat has about 25 acres of this wheat, which he thinks,. from present appearances, will yield. over 40bushels to the acre. It will be ready for harvesting in about two weeks. N PIC -NIC. -The pic-nic s of the several schools parish took place on the grove at Irishtown. all that could be caesired, ly, the attendance was re were several lll of tse ba the day, all of which essfully. Games of all ged in, such as throwing ing, foot races, lac., for izes were given. On ac - go number of people pres- y of provisions was not emend, consequently the es of some were not fully ver, taking all things into the affair passed off pleas- e success both intellectu- ially. • 4th, Henry Brenner; 5th, George ,Fas- sold. First Fotne.-let, Albert Grandy ; 3nd, Charles Bauer; 3rd,Lavina Wurm ; 4th, Elizabeth Geiger; 5th, Solomon Rodding. Walton CALL A CCEPTare LRev. Mr: Mc- Naughton has accepted the call to Wal- ton Presbyterian chuech, and his induc- tion is to take place on Tuesday, 24th inst.` Rev. Mr. Leitch to preach, Rev. Mr. Farguson, of Brussels, to preside, and Rev. Messrs. Jones and McRae to address respectively the minister and the people. I 1 SUNDAY S4100L SocreLete-The union Sunday Scho'l Social, held, in the agri- cultural gro attended by a very pleas weather thr ened rain, brease the a meet. Th at the Pres pitied by t cession to t the ground ANOTHER ROBBERY. -On Wednesday evening last the drug and jewelry store of Mr. Edw-ard Hickson, of this town, was entered by burglars anci a few small articles of trifling value Carried off. The scoundrels effected an entrance by pryiag open the shutter on a back window and removing a pane of glass. They also paid 1 a visit. to the adjoining store of Messrs. Duncan Sr Duncan, but they seem not to have founcl aaything there to suit their fastidious 'tastes, as no goods are missing; although. .several articles had. been turneci over aaid. disturbed. ds on Friday last was well oth old and young,and was nt and. successful affair. The ughout the afternoon threat- ut this did not !seem to de- tendance or lessen the enjoy - several Sunday echools met yterian Church, and accom- eir teachers marched in pro - ie grounds. On arriving at both old and yeung were re- the animal in getting on the boards broke through and fell in. The well was 42 feet. deep and contained. about. 20 feet of water and. was only 5 feet wide. The horse fell clown backwards and. Managed to keep afloat, on the water until he. was rescued from his dangerous Position. As soon as sufficient assistance could be procured a rope was lowered . into the well, and wa i fastened. around. the horses front legs, and he was drawnip by a team which was hitched to the upper end of the rope. ' The animal had been in the well about an hour and a aalf, and when ' rescued was uninjured ex.capt a sprain of one1of the fore legs, At seems almost marvellous that a horse eould fall such a distance into a well and be. brought to' terra firnta again alive. The only four years of age and as valuable animal Mr. McIntosh reason to congratulate himself rescue. Gorrie. . Clinton. PERSONAL. -Rev. , F. McCuaig, of Clinton, has aecepted the call tendered hitn "by Chalmers Charch, Kingston, and will remove to the latter place as • aoon as his arrangements are eompleted. -Rev. Mr. Brock and family left Clinton for Guelph, his new field of labor, on Tuesday. Quite a number of friends assembled at the station to bid farewell. - • Stanley. SCHOLASTIC. -The following is the re, suit of a written examination in Arith- metic by the pupils of School Section No. 4: Fifth Class -Wm. Armstrong, 90%; Bella Sparks, 65; Lizzie Sparks, 50; Bella Hickey, 45, and. Maggie Sparks, 45.1 Fourth Class--Alphonsus Shea, 81%; Maggie Tough, 80; Sarah Dunn, 80; Mary Mossop, 80 ; Mary Stirling, 79; Mary Carnie, 77; Gordon Wilson, 60, and Charlie Wilson, 40. Third Class -Archie Stirling, 98%; Edith Arm- strong, 70; John -Dunn, 59, and Mary Sparks, 60. Second Class-Alick Eng- lish, 75%•'Nellie Armstrong, 60; James Nimtao, 60 ; David Dewar, 59.; Elsie Thompson, 59; James Dewar, 44; Annie Donaldson, 49, and John Rau, 40. Senior part First Class -Mary Dunn, 1007 ; Maggie McLean, 100; Sarah Croeder, 99; Elsie Tough, 97 '• Mary Quinan, 99; Agnes Stirling, 80; .Alicle Monro, £0; Elia Montgomery, 79; Mag- gie Wilson, 39; Willie Bannerman, 35; John Talbert, 20; Sarah Howard, 2, and Thomas Talbert, 0. I galecl with strawberries and mem to their entire satisfaction. These were served in the hall. • After all had partaken and a few rpusical selectimie were given, ers betook themselves to the ere all enjoyed. 'themselves to degree until the shades of' the youngs grounds w the fullest evening set in. Croquet, awinging and ball playing being the chief amusements. In the evening the hall was lighted .up, and quite a number who Were prevented by busines the day, delicious fr was a grati old and yo pleased au FORESTERS' INSTALLATION. - At the regular meeting of Court Flower of the Forest No. 3, I. 0. F., on -Tuesday even- ing last, the followinet'brethren were in- stalled to their respective offices for the ensuing six months:' J. 11. McDougall, Chief Ranker ; H. Deagon, Vice Chief; W. &later, Treasurer; J. R. Aitchison, Secretary; W. Henderson, Senior Wood- ward; S. Merton, Junior Woodward; T. H. Janes, Senior Beadle; W. EL Haynes, Junior Beadle. The following appoint- ments were also made Zenas Beam, Chaplain; R. Sleeth, Marshal; J. Mc- Ginnis, D. McNanglet and A. Calder, Trustees; and. Dr. Campbell, Surgeon. from being p sent, during ttended and partook of the it. Upon the whole the affair ying success, and all, both ng, seemed to satisfied. • Winghana oe thoroughly I 1 BASE BeILL.-The second game of the season between the Stars, of 1Seaforth, and the Silver Maples, of Wroxeter, was played on the driving park grounds, in Wingha.m, on Dominion Day, July 2nd, and was w of spectato and most between t tnessed by a fair attendance s. This ga-me was the best keenly contested yet played ese two nines, as the score be- low will show. Play was called at 12:30, with the Silver Maples to ' bat. Mr. J. Lamb perfbrmed the duties of ! umpire to the satisfaction of both clubs,' his decis- ions being prompt and no lopen to criti- cism on a single poitit of play. The fol- lowing is a summary of the game by innings : First -A. W., W. H. Peelle and Gibson retired in o ie, two, three style with a 0, Henry Cameron and Baird scoring; and Eldridge, Emsley and Lattimer going °et. Second -T. Brock, A. Paulin and A. Brock,, of the Silver Maples, and A. Cardno, . Cardno and Hugh Ca Stars, retired. with a O. ck, A. W. and W. H. Pa one, two, three order wit breaking the amer on, Baird ourth-Gibson, retired. with a wadi Lattimer, out in the same J. Btock with a 0, Eld- tt scoring, and and Emsley tt made lst on lst and scored, nd Armstrong , while Latti en A. and W. tired with a 0. Seventh -A. . Paulin and S. Brock, of the pies, and Hugl Cameron, Eld- Baird, of the Stars, retired With hth-A. W., r. H. Peleliu and f the Silver aples, retired in Pro -Mo. -TA grand. Union ance and Sabbath School pic-ni in Mr. Samael Greer's grove, Monday last. The attendance old and youag was very large. cellent choir, discoursed sweet mum dur- ing the afternoon, and suitable address- es were delivered by Revd. Messrs. Tush and. Feasent, and Mr. Daniel "Moran. The pie -rile was a very pleasant and ouccessful affair. i RECEPTION. --Ori the arrival of Rev. Mr. Feasaat and family, on L Saturday evening last, alarge number ofl the mem- bers of the Canada Methodist Ghurch as- sembled at the parsoaage and Aave him a most heart/ and cordial reception. After the congratulations and aalutations were concluded 'those assembled sat down to a sumptuous repast which had been prepared 'by the ladies of the congregation. • The new pester thanked his congregation for the kind. and hearty reception t ey had given him, and hoped the interco rse between them during the term of hie pastorate might continue as auspiciously as it had began. After spending tafew bours• in social converse, the company withdrew, leaving their pastoaand his family comfortably locat- ed in his new 'home. orse was LO was a has good over the Temper was held otrie, on of both An ex - ..1 'me anemosmalmor sion 8 ; Richard Stewart, south half of 1 loss when about to purchase her ticket south hall of lot , 21, concession 9 ; A. railroad lent every assistance in hunting JULY 6, 1877. lot 20, concession 9; Charles Barnhill,. The officers connected with both lines qf Hingstone and. Albert Hingstone, north for the money, but thus far no trace of it halves of lots 29 ,and 30, concession 5; Thomas Thyne, smith half of lot 16, con- cession 3; William Laidlaw, north half of north hallooed lot 15, conceseion 6. Moved. by F. Clegg, seconded by T. Laidlaw, that the Court of Revision bel now closed, and that the assessment roll as now revised and corrected be confirm- ed and. established as the.assessment roll of this Township for the current' year. -At the *se of the Court of Revision the Council held' a sitting. Mov.ed by F. Clegg, seconded by J. R. Miller, that William Wilson get a job of digging A ditch opposite lot 28, concessions 2 and 3, amount $6. -Carried. Moved by D. Vanalstine, seconded by J. R. Miller, that F. Clegg be authorized to let a job of digginga ditch on lot 4, concessions 5 and 6, thirty rods in length. -Carried. Moved by T. Laidlaw, seconded by D. Vanalstinc, that Kelegg be authorized to let a job of digging a ditch on side- . Tuckersmith. VITAL STA.TISTICS:-From Mr. Wm. McConnell, registrar for Tuckersmith, we learn that there were registered in that township for the half year ending 30th June, 40 births, 23 deliths and six marriages. EDUCATIONAL. -The following are the positions obtained; by the pupils of the senior department of school section No. 1, forthe month of J une : Fifth Form - B. LOgie, W. Rodger, J. Murray, T. Logie. Fourth Form -W. Bell, A. Fitz- gerald, M. A. McLaren, John McArthur. Third Form -A. Murray, Agnes Mur- ray, Agnes Lang, W. .Ford, • and Jessie 1; Clark. MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE. -The following is a list of the names of the pupils of School Section No. 6, Tucker - smith, who received the highest number of marks for perfect alessons: Fourth Form -Wm. Robb, Robt. Broadtoot, Ellen McVety. Third Form-Elvira Cosens Eliza M. Landaborough, Samuel Landsh'earough, Maria Landsborough, Margaret Martin, Second. Form -Lillie Robb, - John Sproat, David. Sproat. First Form -James Hodgens, Absolem Cosens, Sarah Turner. eron, of. the Third -J. .Br dial retired in a 0, Eldridg egg by a Ingle, Henry and Emsl y going out. F T. Brock nd Armstrong 0, they n t reaching 1st, A. and. Mf. Carclno going manner. Fifth -W. B. and A. \A . Paulin rake ridge an Hugh Camer Friend, Henry Camero going out. Sixth -Gibs an overt row from 3rd t W. 11. P ulin, T. Brock going ou Cardno r and W. Silver M ridge ancl a O. . Ei Gibson, one, two Lattime with a, W. B. P order, B. ley, Lat eron sco Cardno ninth in batting, than 4 a been for part of t DIE RIFLE MATC11.-The rifle match, three order with a 0, Emsley, held under the auspices of the Seaforth and W. Cardeo also retirine Rifle Association on Monday dast, was 1 Ninth-Areastreng, A. and very successful. Competition ws keen, ulin retired in' ', one, two, three and many excellent shots were made. nry Cameron, 'Eldridge, Eme- There were in all 28 entries. The following' imer, Friend and Hugh Cam. - is a list of the successful competitors: All ing a run each, while Baird, A. Comers' Matchlst, A. Campbell • 2nd, nd Friend went out. In the J. G. Wilson ; 3rd, J., Joslin ; 4th, Dr. ings the Stars made their beat Vercoe ; 5th, M. Monroe; 6th, F. Best; ut would not have scored more 7th, W. Roleson. Association Match- most in this innings had it not 1st, M. Monroe; 2ad, W. S. Robertson; two unpardonable errors on the 3rd, A. Carapbell ; . 4th, Mr. Bethune; e Silver Ma,ples. The score: , - 5th, A. Wilson ; 6th, W. Robson; 7th, Brussels. FOR CLINTON.e-The band, also a great number of citizens, went to Clinton,to at- tend the Reform pic-nic, on Thursday last. ,1,, , • MARKETS. 41,11 wheat, $1 25 to al 30; spring, $1 20 to $1 25; 1 oats, 55c; peas 70c to 75c; wool, 28c; berk, $3 00c; butter, 16c to 17c. • SPECIAL SERVICES. -On Sunday next two special sermons will be preached in St. John's Church, Brussels,land collec- tions taken up in aid of the St. Johns sufferers. It is hoped, that the collections will be liberal. THE RACES. -The- second day's races, on account of the rain in the early part of the afternoon, was not quite so well attended as on the previous day, and the running races were attended with several accidents. No came to grief on ing so veet; two W. Campbell; Sth, la Hawthorn; 9th, F. Best. Best Aggregate Scorea-lst, M. Monro; 2ncl, A. Campbell; 3rd, W. S. Robertson. STRUCK BY LIGIITSINO/.-On Friday morning last about half -past 5 o'clock, during the rain storm, the residence of alr. A. Garda° was struck by lightning I and badly shattered. The fluid struck the building on- the north-east corner and tore the corner clean ut, scattering splinters of boards and timber around the yard. and adjoining streets. It ran down the side of the building, tearing away its course before it, • and finally entered the cistern and escaped into the ground. The entire building was badly wrecked, but strange to say there was not aboard. or shingle so much as scorch- ed. The shock was very severe, and caused a great commotion in town for a, time. Several horses which were stand- ing around. the streets at the time were frightened and ran .away, but no person was injured. It it ahnost miraculous that the inmates of Mr. Cardno's resi- dence all escaped uninjured, as they were scattered around through the house at- tending to the morning household duties. In fact one of the Misses Cardno had been engaged in making a bed in the room where the lightning entered, and STA B. 0 Hy. Came .on, 3b.. 2 Eldridge, s. s .... 2 Baird, p. It S. MAPLES. 0 R 2 A. W. p.. 4 0 3 W. 11. Paulin, c.. 4 0 1 Gibson, ib.. 1 Emsley, 1 f 4 1 T.:Brock, s. B.... 8 0 Lattimer, 2b4 J. Armstrong, 2b .... 3 0 A. Carla c 4 0 A. Paulin, 3b.... 8 0 W. Can o, c. f.. 4 0 W. B. Paulin, 1. 1. 0 Fnend, r. f 2 1 A. Brock, c. 1.... 1 0 H. Camer n, ib2 2 J. Brock, r. f ..... 8 0 --Total 27 11 Total 27 1 s. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 6-11 Stars Silver Maples... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- 1 At tho conclusion of 1 the game both clubs reaaired to the Royal hotel, where the Star were treated ,to an excellent spread. y their .old-time rivals, the Sil- ver Mae les, and after s ending a pleas- ant hou or two left for cane. Zuricli. SCHOt REPORT.-Tbe following are, the posi ions obtained by the pupils of the seni r department of Zurich school, for the current mont „ The report is based o proficiency, deportment and unctu lity : Fourth Forna-let, Mary - Gra dy ; 2ad, Robert Grandy. Third Form. 1st, Thomas Eacrett ; 2ad, Nan- Ecylizlaaauc r ; 3rd, Lydia IS. Wilson; 4th, eiman ; 5th, Catharine Prang. Second ,Form.-lst, John Sipple; 2nd, Mary A. Fenwick; 3rd, Fanny Gies; less than three horses account of the track be - of the riders being very badly hurt, but at last accounts they were doing well. THE CANTATA. -The rendering of the cantata of Esther, on Monday and Tues- day evenings last, proved quite a success, and notwithstanding the great opposition taken by certain parties against it as not being a proper entertainment, it was attended both evenings by not less than 600 persons. At the close of the second evening, the Reeve, Mr. John Leckie, moved, seconded by Rev. E. Robinson, a vote of. thanks to the conductor, Mr, G. W. Cline, and the performers, for the able manner itt. which they had performed their, parts, and the great treat they had given them in listening to such a render- ing of so fine a piece of music. , Drysdakes. DOMINI N DAY. -Dominion Day was celebrated The weat very fine, in Drisdale with great eclat. er !in the morning broke in nd afterwards became cloudy, and remaneed. dry and cool during the rest of t a day. Before 9 o'clock car- riages came rolling in, filled o their ut- most capacity with lads and 1 ssies, some of which were the finest loo ng our land can produce. Next came the urich brass band, which we must ad it was the main apolee in the driving heel. This band has 'very much impro ed , of late, and. can ow hold a forem st position with man far older bands The lake was the n xt leading attract on, to which the band directed its cours . Boating, dancing aid ;swinging were the principal amusements Of the day at th lake. The day passed off Very qiiietly, considering the largeirtnber of people that were as- sembled gether. The horee racing and other gamea were the next attraction, and coneluded the sport of the day. The following is a list the prize takers: Horse, races - unning-let C. Troyer, 2d T. Gravell ; rotting -let G. Todd 2d R. Stephenson ; foot race -- 1st T. Lyon42d B. Rumph, d T. McLoy ; putting t e ,stone-lst D. McLoy, 2d E. Erwin. 3 E. Sipple.' l' 1Ct;ey: 1 , MONT LY, REPORT. -The following is the stan ing ob ained by e pupils of school section o. 2, G ey, for the month (:, June : Fourth lass -1st J. B. Clar 2d M ry Ann Hielop, 3d Geo. Harris; 'third class -let q Richardson, 2d CA. Smith, 3d Si Q. Stnith, 4th J. W. Joluestone, 5th J. ilaarris, 6th Hugh Stewart,' 7th Arehie Sillers second class --1st_ Jon 'Hareis, 2c1 Mary J. F. Ram- say, -3d Maggi el Sillers ; fist .class -let E. Willi meon 2d E.' J. Tiirnbull, 3d A. Duncan on 4t'h M. A. Richardson, 5th T. Turn uil 6th J. M. Al. McAllister, 7th J. Clark, 8th M. Ilialop, 9th E. Campbep, 10th J. McKay. line near Sunshine, concession ti, no exceed $10. -Carried. Moved by Laidlaw, seconded by J. R Miller, Thomas Clark be appointed to ins the work of building bridge on ce sideline, concession 6. -Carried. M by F. Clegg, seconded let J. R. M. . that James Nelson get a job of ggi ditch about 8 -rods in length epposite lot 12, concessions 7 and 8, at 30 ents per rod. -Carried. Moved by D. Van- alstine, seconded. by Thos. Laidlaw'that W. J. Johneton, and J. R. Miller lee in- structed to let a job of ditching opposite lot 26, concessions 1 and 2, also a job of ditching opposite lot 18, cOncessiona 2 and. 3. -Carried. ' Moved by J. R. Miller, seconded by D. Vanalstine, that the sum of eight dollars be expended in repairing crossway opposite lot 16, icow cessions 4 and 5. -Carried. Moved by F. Clegg, seconded by T. Laidlaw, that the Reeve and Treasurer be instructed to borrow one thousand dollars by note or bank account to pay interest on rail- way debentures and other laccounts.- Carried. Moved by J. It. Millen, sec- onded by T. Laidlaw, that fifty dollars be expended in repairing centre sideroad on the 2nd concession, to be let by W. J. Johnston. -Carried. The Council meets again on the 2nd August. to T. hat' ct tre ved er, it a has been found. -On Sunday even o'clock, sortie miacre w hre edin r e , MreoFcierCiChrr,g Goderich, and cut the hind leg of one of them. The wound. was little more than skin deep, and extended samosa around. the leg close to the stifle. -The Gorrie Vidette says: "Itt real life there are menet instances stranger than fiction. As aft example the team that Idrew Sir John Macdonald so tri- umphantly through the streets of Gerrie on the 19th ult., was a few days after the means of taking the life of Isaac Galbraith, a young man in the'bloom of youth." -The corner stone of the new Presby- terian church in Blyth was laid with the usual ,ceremonies by Rev. Dr. Ure, of Goderich, on Monday last. The cere- monies were witnessed by a large con- ourae of people. The church, when coat- Pleted, will be a very comfortable and commodious edifice. ng between 6 and 8 its entered the field an's horses are pas - e II:lune-at. i . ,. . SABBATH SCHOOL PIC -NIC. -ii. 1-1C-Ille of the children ttending ' the Sabbath School at Haelock, in connection with those of the School of the 1 ullett Pres- byterian char+, was h'elci in Terence's grove on Monday last. ,here was a large attendance of children, parents, and others interested in the schools. Refreshments in abundancj and of the choicest order were supplied to the pic- nickers. Theiafternoon wa antly spent, thusic, swingi amusements taking up t are glad to learn that both are largely attended, we and in a flourishing conditi s very pleas - g and other Le time. We these schools 1 conducted, 77713. OBITUARY. -We inadve tently Omit- ted to notice last week the death of Mrs. Lawrie, tvife of Mr. Chas, Lawrie one of the oldest and most highly esteem- ed residents of the township of Hallett. Mrs. Lawri 4ied. on June 23rd in the 58th year o her age. Shelwas a native of Berwick hire Scotland. , and had been married 35 ears. She Came to this country with her husband 25 years ago and settled lin Hallett on the farm where she lived an il her death. She was a person wholhad many warm friends and no, enemies, and her death will be deeply regretted by Many ancl will be a sad and reparable 1os to her esteemed husband d family. the -funeral took place on SCHOOL .XAMINA.TON. -The quarterly examination of 'the pupils of School Sec- tion No 10, Grey, took place on Friday, June 22nd. The day waa exceedingly fine, and qiiite a number of visitors were • I was conduct- , the teacher isses, Erskine eorge King. in the sub - our common common which they ries put to present. The exammatio ed by Mr. James Thompso in charge, ' assisted by and Livingstone, and Mr. i , The pu ils, were examine jects g nerally taught itt schools, and the manner 1 answered the various qu them, Was,certainly Worthy of the high- est coinmeadation, and sp aks highly of Mi. Thorason's abilities as a teacher. Tile otder considering the number of 1 pupils 1 wa.s coreparativelly favorable; there being no less than ninety-five pupils present, which is certainly a suffi- cient number for two teachers to do jus- tice to. A. sumptuous repast was pro- vided for all present by the ladies of the section, to.which ample jestice was done. The examination wale brought to a close between four and. five o'clock, after which all present ' retu med to their homes, being satisfied. With having at- tended the most suecessfal examination ever held in No. 10, Grey. _ Morris. COURT OF REV -1[8103N' MEETING. -The Court o on the 28th of June, wli appeala were heard and Huron Notes. Messrs. Hodgson and Haevkshaw, of Exeter, have returned from their trip to Manitoba. -Mr. J. W. Auld, of the 4th conces- sion of East Wa.wanosh,ha,s clover grown on his farm vihich measures 3 feet 10 inches. -Mr. R. -Ferguson, of Hay,near Fauns - vile, has a splendid crop of barley. Some of it would. measure, a week ago, 31 feet in length. 1 -Mr. Soloman Woodhall,of Centralia, who is about to leave for Oregon, has sold his house and lot to Mr. John Ten- nant for $440 -Mr. A. qerrond, of Goderich, grew a strawberry in his garden this year which measured gx inches in circumference. It was of the Wilson variety. --Mr. Richard Jewell, of the township of Colborne, is busy rebuilding his saw mill, and his enterprising efforts have al- ready nearly obliterated -the traces of the late fire. -Mr. James Steele, Amberley, town- ship of Ashfield, has a cow that gave birth to twin calves this spring, Making in all seven calves she has had within three years. -There have been in this quarter, ending 12th. Jane, 1877,1 in Huron, 20 cases of violation of the license at; 32 cases drunk and disorderly; 32 cases of assault, and 2 of larceny. -The machinery for the new flax mill in Exeter is all on hand and is being erected in the mill. It is intended to have the mill in working order in a few weeks. AND COUNCIL Revision met n the following isposed of, viz.: -A one-fifth acre lot, withont any buildings on it, situated in the village of. Fordwich, township of Howick, is said to have been sold a few days ago for $250. There must be a gold mine on it. -Rev. S. J. Allen, President of the Exeter Literary Society in connection with , the Bible Christian Church, • has been presented with a purse containing $25, by the members of the society. -Mr. Patrtek Rooney, one of the pi- oneer settlers of Blyth died in that vil- lage on thel 28th ult., at the age of 70 years. Deceesed was highly re;pected, and leaves behind him many frie de. -Snow, the crooked whiskey still ven- dor, who was arrested last week iat Wid- der, has been tried before a bench. of Exe- tei magistrates and sentenbed tio pay a firie of $500,11 and to remain in prison for eight montha at hard labor. - The Orange celebration on the Twelfth of July, for the northen'e part of this county will this year take place in Gorrie, and for the southern section in Clinton. The celebrations will be similar to those of former years. -Venerable Archdeacon Elwood, of Goderich, starts on Saturday to visit the land of his birth, Ireland, after an absenae of over thirty years, and will be absent about three months travelling on. the British Isles and the continent. hailtstorm passed over the south- ern part of Hay township last Friday about 4 o'ctock in the afternoon, -and did a large ameunt of damage to the crops. Some farmers had all their crops, destroy- ed. , The lieilstones were very lerge. --Some days ago as a boy named. Mel- vin Hodgins, working in Messrs Wanless & Blain's putting a became en 77--777 .I4VIE)0 TA.TT AND XTENSIVE- CLEARING SALE ----,4--- 0 F G-OODS COMMENCING ON MONDAY, JUNE 24. 101a accotmt of contemplated int - m 11 proveents i1 our present premises we have determined to clear out our present Stocki'of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At Illesperate Prices. READ THE LIST: 11 New Oxford Shirrings, wide widths. cents. New Light Striped Prints, wide widths. 7 eats. New:Light- Small Pattern Prints, ' wide widths. 7 cents. Those 7 cent Prints are nearly double the Width of regular A.meri- -Woolen factory, Exeter, was elt on the carding machine', he angled in it. He w relieved bef re any Miles Walsh self name o itted, ordered serious injury was d ne. to be entered as owner 43f west half, of south half of lot 19, concession 5. Wm. --A cove belonging to Mr.Dennis, of Hawthorn entered as owner of west half the 16th concession Howick, accidental - of north half of lot .15, concession 4 ; ly broke beth hind legs while attempting, Frederick Toll, tenant; R. J. Lennox, to jump oyer a three rail fence on Satur- entered is tenant for lot 5, Knox's sur- day last. !She died on the following day from the ffects of the accident. can print. vey, Walton; Matthew Dorsey, entered as owner of north half 25, concession 8; Robeet Pattison'enterec as owner of lot 6, Welton, in place of J. hn Stark ; Jon: the farm of Daniel Lehman, Hay toWn- athareDulmage, entered as owner of east ship, got between a bent, et[hich was half of south half 3,5, co cession 1; Wm. raised against another buildina. g, nd re- Woodfrowt dog struc off ; ltobert ceived such injuries that his Ilife is de - Thompson, dog struck off; W. J. John- spatred of. ston, dog struck off; John H. Lawler & -Mr. C. Davis, cattle drover, McKil- Jamea A. Lawler, entered as owners of lop; last week purchased froth Mr. Geo. south.' helf of lot 5,, concession 4, in place Forbes, of Morris, two fat steers for $112., of John T. Brandon. The following A two-year-old heifer belonging to Mr. l' name a were ordere to be entered under -On Thursday of last week Mr. Robte Broderick, while engaged in a 'raising on DRESS GOODS. Assorted, in Plain, Striped and Checked, ranging from 25 e ems to 45 cents -all r 25 cents per yard. duced to 17/ cents and Moncley th 25th ult. and. the high re- the Farmer's Son7 Willi a Act, viz.: am spect in whi.ch she was held was well ex- einplified by the large number who followed her remains t eir last rest - in g place. A STRANG INCIDENT.I're, , ern Monday last a young horse the prhperty of Mr. William McIntosh of the 1 th Concession of Hallett which was run mg in a pas- ture field, fell into a well in the. field. The well had been neWly dug and was only covered. with some la se -boards and Cockerline, lot 8, , cone ssion 10 ; Wm. Pollock, south half of lof 4, concession 8; William Phelan, seuth ijalf of north half of lot 6, 'concession, 8; obert Holmes, got off a south half of lot 23, con ession 8 ; James having a satchel wherein s Holmes, south half of lot 23, concessiten wrapped IT in a shawl, $257 8 ; James Smith, north half of lot 21, and $256 in notes. As it was r John Smith brought $20; 4 he ing to Mr. Moses were pur $115; Darican Taylor sold a d $32. -On Tuesday, Mrs. Porter, d belong- hased for y cow for of Blyth, Grand Trunk train at Clinton, e carried, in money, ining, she forgetting tang it on, concession 7; John Little, south half of lot 12, concession 4; Dancan Campbell, north half of lot 25, concession 2; Jas. McCallum, south part of lot 21, conce.a- took out the shawl to wear, her valuables were in it,and pu proceeded to the Great West&n station, on her way home, and only discovered her 'COSTUME LINENS. A. large I in Checks and Stripes, at 16 Cents-usnal price 22 cents. PARASOLS. Several cases of New Cotton. and. Silk Parasols; to be sold very cheap, trom 22 cents to $2 50. LL GOODS Will be larked in PLAIN Figures/ and ONE Price throughout. HIGHEST PRICE in cask tor any quantity WE PAID of Batter. INVITE A CALL A. G. i MCDOUGALL & Main Street, Seatortke 111110010111.11111111111111111.1161116massemsemma TENTH VEAK. WHOLE No. 501. f REAL ESTATE FOR. VOR SALE. -For Sale, a new frame one-fifth of an acrelot, situate:don Street, Seaforth, cheap for eaeh or on va the owner is. leaving Seaforth. STRONG, Land Agent. FFOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 18, McKillop, containing 50 ares, I are cleared, the balance welltimbered. , one mile from gravel road, and to: churches, schools, &c. Price i -;e1,800. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. VARM FOR SALE. -10,) acres, ejt Lot 81, Con. S, i3sbornt, County of 11 soil, well watered,ovell fenced, splentli school house adjoining ; two-storybriel good outbuildings; For partieulars tub SELL J. ROSS, Rodgerville, Ont. FCR SALE. -A. two storey frame hot buildings, situated on the Markel Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The buil suitable for a boarding house or 43. loth For particulars apply to W. N. WA forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Gode ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, West 6, Con. 2, H. R. S. Tuelenenithe acres, nearly the whole of which is fenced and in a first-class state of there is a good frame barn, good < plenty of water ; is withha 2 miles of t Seaforth, with a gravel road kadiug ps For patticulers apply -to the proprh premises or to Egmontiville. 1', 0. Al DICE. T_T OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. that comfortable, and co/wen-it! dwelling house and lot, adjoining IL Episcopal Church, and at present nec W. S. Robertson. The hone curate dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. lar e.nd woodshed, also hard and soft stable. The lot is a corner lot and is block of the Main Street, Apply to ERTSON, Sea.forth. VARM FOB, SALE. -For sav, Lot Tnekersinith, containing 100 acres land, about 70 of which are cleared, good hardwood bush; frame house, and stable; an orchard, good well; e, schools, churches, &c. Is situated' al from Seaforth and 1 mile from Bruceet on a goodgravel road. For furthet apply to the proprietor on the preml letter to 13rucelield P. 0. TIIOXIA. Tuckersmith. WARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot -I: cession I, L. R. S. Tackenonith, ref acres,80 of which are cleared, well fen good state of cultivation, the balance i ed. There is a new brick house, 2 stables, sheds &c. Also a iimt elas plenty of water. Also 20 acres in. 13raoefield. The farm is within three naile of Brucelield station, and is abo from the village. Apply to the pixel premises or to Brucefield 33.0. W ILI COTT. 'VALUABLE FARM F011 SALE -- V 22, Con. 2, Osborne, containing first-class laud, 80 of which are cleare s.tel thoroughly drained, the balanee wood bush; there is a. frame house sitting room, .3 bed rooms and cellar , 40x60 with stone and brick basemee stable, cattle abed and sheep house pen 14x20, also a nice young bearing splendid well. Is situated 82 miles miles from a school and close to a farther partieultus apply to TH-021A Exeter. LARGE 'FARM FOR SALE. -Ft, beautiful fann, comprisink To Gild the aorth three-quarters of Lot 175 acres in all, situatel in the Toei Rillop, County of Huron, on the 1 road, midway between Seaforth and 1 farm is in a good 'tate of cultivatiot and 'watered, andlonvenient to cher 185 acres are -cleared and the baled timber,. On the farm is dweithr, outbuildings, and a young orchard. particulars address SAMUEL BA) Pennsylvania, U. S. `ARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Li Con. 6 Stanley. tontaining 09 -11.C.7, are cleared and about 40 acres is within one mile of the village of Van) are churches; schools, and all village There is a choice of four good mar miles, the nearest being within 4 me ; a good. dwelling house and fraroe consisting of barn, horse and vow .s shed, sheep pens, &e. Plenty of wat tra good orchard. There is a cheese corner of the farm which could be pt the fano if deskred. Immediate pose to the proprietor on the premiees or ; THOMAS JOHNSTON, Jr - 'VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY The property is eituated on lie Grey, ;about 3 miles from Ethel Southern Exteusioe of the W.ellina Bruce Railway. The machinery horse :engine, 40 -horse 5 -flue boiler, edging and butting saws, shi»gle ar • shine and shingle jointer. The re firsteclass, and has :ordy been numb and eight months. This is a rare < of capital, as there is a good local quantity of Timber of all kinds to a factory reasons .given for eelling. FL -on application to GARROW 13110 Post (Mice. N. 13. -All notes tool due must be Fettled. at -once, and sa :expense. ATALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. - v 16 and south hell Lot 17, Cern 1 ing 150 acree, r20 of -wide)] are ell good state of :cnitivatiou- There house and a frame cottage, the ha stable and other outbuildings are ,e1 are about 10 acres of chide': apple, - fruit trees and about :300 sprme tee years. Tftere is a ever -failing through the centre of the farm, no mill site, a good gravel n•tel farm. It is Si:Watt:a OUP Ini]e fr. e, Eon _and four mike from Exeter, , Road, and iS just 71M7ilithe eel fie vine post office and church. l'er ft lars :apply to JAMES W. ELDI Surgeon, Scaforth P. O. - • ATALUABLF, J'itOPERTY t 0. Sale, Lot; Nes.-24, 25 and 2, it cession of Meliillop, •-centainieg 80 of which are cleared, wellfne-4 state ef cultivation; ethe baluitee with the bet )1. hard -A ood. house with qone ft nindati.,n, al,., aud log barn ; there is also anotly house _on the piece. A he!lirh.g.71J'i. also a young orehard with 7-6107117 of good wat,er. Is on the :n1ia 0 miles from Seaforth, and atliein Winthrop, in which are all villea tinela ldiu7111iin(glck i"no e:f,.ile.:a t"r:;:' heb property will he sold in one parcel o purchaeere. Apply to the pne., premises in' t3 Winthrop I'‘ot one HANNAH, Preprieter. • of which are cleared anti in 3 ,- tiOU, the, hal:1117'7_7 iS V.-7711 thilh7 1 hardwood ; there s a lireteela e bee ,kitchen 2 his, with etotte et -liar in and kitchen ; a good ironic hero Louse 45x3u, with stone ba, 11;•1 Louses the whole length ef frene the cattle lemee below ie a la.' 240, dug out of the solid bank, hnie and,lime and art -he]. I,ver with Proct ; there art-. 3 was, cue!' ale; built 21p with brielt, and are wereree water e there is a good orchard • 1 plums, eleerries, grapes, and eno about 800 roods of (Inane with tile down.; the stables are all floored a fully, and eeenly ; also log ba stables. Its situated 7 miles from Seaforth, and .2 from to schools and churches. Terral paid down, the remainder to suit le ply to the proprietor on the premist F, 0, WM, STONEMA.N%