HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-06-22, Page 7ROPMETU r€ridFnot to be behaacl eines pash of Seafeltt, •i made 1PROVEMENTS odneing a number of the- ran machines from the - among which are a Self aehine, a Self -Feeding iso of which better tnd_ than by the-ol d methedsr ollinery invited. Tweeds,' Blankets, Riot - Yarns,, & i nares,,€ G r 01, or Cheap for Cash. r i ORDER. 'g, Wearing, Color-. ressingg fkc..,J notice, -eyed to take line E YOUR WORK, we can and will do better r got done before, hexa or A. G. VAI -EG to . PO Ci ND -S ANTED THE GOLEN MILLS, anafacaure,or trade for As I have been making up the of March and April, ool, comprising, ,reeds, Fancy .Plan- [a ancls, Blankets, s, and a Variety ere will find it to their their wool, and get what hem the same day. I ant OR WOOL nerous customers for their in the past, I would say Ade will be encouraged as tention paid to it. P,d env Factory and f«JIllacitinery,' ince last season, I am now > attend t and supply the City in every branch of my afore, and as cheap and as tory in the country, and I ration to business and the as to merit, in the future as al increase of custom and `FRMS CASH. -DO JAN _Mitchell. I.ERCIA :: LIVERY,, FORTH. R ORBES',,. d the Stock and Trade of the ataxy, Seaforth, from Mr. its tostate that ha intends aesain the old stand,and has >lehorses and vehicles. to the None but rrtable Vehicles and Good irses Will be Kept Buggies and Carriages, and iragons always ready for use. ens Made With. Uorn- :ciat Men. stables or any of the! hotels- >TTCE S. FARMERS AND TifERS. the attention of ail, these subscriber is determined to R good inch Hemlock, "not ch," at the following rates: a6 60 per thousand 14 foot Cash. All orders over 4,000 Call and see if you don't Led. a' Z months will be charged take his numerous customers ?ort, and solicits a continue JOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, Mc carhop. BLOCK, SEAFORTH. :he handsome and cornmeal- in ,ommOdi- in Campbell's Block, Main aform the public that her 1VN FAPU FOODS every department. All the pds always on hand. pectf u1iy Solicited, ',every article guaranteed. M ISS LEECH. s Wanted. 491 kW) SAW MILLS. has pleasure in announcing f Zurich and Vicinity that his tetter tter running order than ever promptly attended t:. In his: EER YARD y of Dry Hemlock at $a per Lock Elm at $10 to $12 per r kinds equally cheap. Cas- ;gttly attended to, and Bills est Notice. WILLIAM F E`N` VICE. ER TUBS SEAFORTII, i o -supply all customers with t f BUTTER T t' 1Ig,. td, Cash. Riese Tubs are so, knee n to the trade that it is • ani thing in their recummen- ,o rnaaufaettn n s a email Hard- ', f tr washing butter ht. ,c otherwise promptly attend- S. TROTT, Seafortlz. [ELI M R E Jens to intimate to the farmers is vicinity, that he has always ad oats on bared, G AT PRICES -- .tion also a quantity of choice attest Market Price given for er grain at Warehonse,'totals ration. Give me & call before posing of your produce. DAVID McLENNA,N. ` 1N 2 ,._ 1877. .1111111MINIP NNW A Cruel I'rooess. At the famous Strasburg factories for the manufacture of a dish which epicures love, pate de Foie Gras, a scene of cruelty. is daily enacted which would -have the effect, one might think, of destroying the best appetite in the world. As the principal ingredient of the delicacy is the liver of geese, those unfortunate bipeds are artificially fattened for six or seven weeks before they are ready for the sacrifice. Girls perform the princi- pal part of this work. e When, the young geese are first brought in, six girls each takes her goose, lays him gently but firmly on the stone, and then ties down his wings, body and legs tight • with plaited whipcord, the legs and wings be- ing well spread out. The bird's neck is left free, and it seems that during the first three days he makes a violent use of it ; but afterwards he may be trusted to lie still till the hour of release and killing. • On the upper tiers are birds who have been lying for three, five or six weeks respectively, waiting to be fed by half -a -dozen other girls with .wooden bowls. Each of these bowls is filled with a thick white paste, made with parboiled maize, chestnut and buckwheat ;and the made of administering the dinnerds for the girls to catch the goose by the neck, open -his bill with a little squeeze, and then put three or four balls of the paste down his throat with her- middle finger. This is done six times per day. When the birds have arrived at that' stage when they are ready to die a natur- al death (which would render them good for nothing) an inspector steps " in, pro- nounces them "ripe," and carries them off to the slaughter -house. The•carcases, shriveled out of all knowledge, are sold for about eightpence apiece to peasants, who make soup of them ; the livers are first cleaned, then put to scale, and the geese are declared fine birds, for their livers weigh from two and a half to three pounds each. It is needless to add that death is a. happy release to the ' poor creature—helpless victims of the cruelty and appetite of man. The Early Rising Delusion. For farmers and those who live in lo- calities where people can retire at 8 or .0 o'clock in the evening, the •old ' notion about early rising is still appropriate. But he who is kept up until 10 or 11 o'clock, and then rises at 5 or 6, because of the old ditty about "early to rise," is committing a sin against his own soul; There is not one man in 10,000 who can afford to do without seven, or eight hours' sleep. All the stuff written about: great men who slept only three or four hours a night is apocryphal. They have been put upon such small allowance occa- sionally, and prospered ; but no man ever yet kept healthy in body and mind. for a number of years with less than seven hours' sleep. If you can get to bed early then rise .early. If you can not get to bed till Iate, then rise late. It may be as proper for one man to rise at eight as it is for another to- rise at five. Let the rousing bell be rung at least 30 minutes before your public appearance. Physicians say a sudden jump out of bed gives irregular motion to the pulses. It takes hours to get over a too sudden rising. It is barbarous to expect child- ren instantly to land on. the centre of the floor at the call of their nurses, the ther- mometer below zero. Give us tithe af- ter you call us to roll over, gaze at the world full in the face, and look before we leap. A Deaf Elde• r's Mistake. Sometimes a laugh will occur in the serious-minded congregation of a Con- necticut church, as on a recent Sunday. The clergyman desired to call the atten- tion of the congregation to the fact that, it being the last Sunday of the month, he would administer the rite of baptism to children. - Previous to his having en- tered the pulpit he had received from one of the elders, who was quite deaf, a notice to the effect that as the children would be present that afternoon, and he had the new Sunday school song books ready for distribution, he wouldhave them there to sell to all who desired them. After the service the clergyman begun the notice of the baptismal ser- vice, thus : "All of those having child- ren, and desiring to have them baptized, will bring them this afternoon." At this point the deaf elder, hearing - the; men- tion of children, supposed it was some- thing iu reference to his books, and rising, said : "All of those having none, and desiring them, wily be supplied by me for the sum of 25- cents each." Stumbling Horses.. The best horse indeed may stumble. If it arises from a heavy fore -hand, and fore -legs being too much under the horse or being too narrow in the- breast, no one can alter the natural shape- of the "crit- ter." A young overgrown animal, and -one of spirit, if not properly broken. in, will commonly stumble. If it arises from tender-footedness, knock-kneed, •or with feet turned in or -out, you will find it a difficult matter to remedy.. A tight rein is a caution that should not be umitted. In purchasing a horse say the best horse may stumble ; but if . he has sears, or the hair be broken an his legs, and if he springs out when he stumbles as if he feared a whip or spur, you may beware of a stumbling jade and perpetual faller.. Show me a bighorse, and I will show you a stumbler. In the majority of cases tripping is found to be practised by young, overgrown horses before they have arrived at maturity. A known sturnbler should never be rid- den, but should be put to slow and heavy work. How Exasperating. A Coltish -Hiller says he accidentally offended his wife recently. When he sat down to supper he noticed that she looked weary, and he asked what she had been doing. She said she should think he could see. He said he cpuldn't. She said, "Look at the room !" He said that he couldn't see as the room looked any different than usual. Then the wife broke out into tears and went away from the table with her head buried in her calico- apron. The truth is that the room had been thoroughly cleaned that afternoon,—the carpet taken up, shaken, and put down again ; all the paint washed, and all that, and that stupid man couldn't see the least change. What is the use of a woman working herself to death, anyhow ? Errs's COCOA.—Grateful and comforting —" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of Nvell-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has - pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly flavoured beverage,which may saye us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the THE HURON EXPOSITOR, judicious use of such articles of diet that a -constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough, to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a'weak` point.. We may escape many a fatal shaft by' keeping ourselves wellfortified with pure blood,- and a proper..y nourished frame.!" Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in pack- ets labelled— "James Epps & Co., Ho- mceopathie Chemists, 48, Threadneede St.,alid 170, Piccadilly, London." 482.5• Tits first approaches of consumption are so insidious that thousands remain unconscious of its presence until it has brought them to the verge of the grave., The immediate use Of " Bryan's Pulmon- ic Wafers " upon dere first appearance of the cough, pain, ororeness of the throat or chest would gene ally preclude a fatal result ; -therefore, hen you take a cold use Bryan's 'ul'i onic Wafers," and thus prevent the necessity for tak- ing them in more d.'ngerous complaints. Sold by all druggist: and country deal- ers at 25 cents per s sir. - r a C z cn 0o C 0 J 0 ' H1ElOJV3S GANG PLOW G NG PLOWS,! HILL PLOW , HIL PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, LAN ' ROLLERS, FOR SAI7F1 AT TEM HURON - HURON FSUNDRY AND MARINE SHOP. nn0 V' z W m win 0 PLOWS And PL� Made frog CELEBRATED DI E W CASTINGS n the AMONE IRON. to call and examine be AW &; MORE RICES TO SUIT ES. Farmers would do well f ore purchasing elsewhere. WHITE HARD TIMES AND THE TI BO9TSA01 SHOES IN ENDLESS "ti ARIETY AT THOMAS CO ENTRY'S. I AM JOST OPENING u y Spring Stock; coma prisii g all the Latest S Kyles in Ladies', Gents' and Children's Wear. I ' avebought from the best houses in the Trade, fo Cash, and I am there- fore in a position not to be undersold ; and. as I am more than usually hard up, I am determined not to be ; I therefore respectfully invite the cash buying people of Seaforth : d its surroundings to give me a call before bnyin;+ elsewhere. jt IN THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Of my business I buy none and employ the very best of ing is executed in a style th satisfaction. So, with than and an ,abiding faith in a I would simply say don't f � I ut the best material orkmen. My repair- t- cannot fail to give s for past patronage, Tetter tune coming, get the place : SIGN OF THE IG SOOT, East Sidei Main Street, Sea Orth. 70S. COVENTRY, Seaforth, NEW AND CH a AP d00DS. MS. P. ARKEY, DEALER GROG RIES and I RO VISIONS, ONFECTION*RY, &c, - C ODDS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE: MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, OPPOSITE . HAYS' HOTEL. 485 DRESSIVIA;KING. MISS HAN BEGS to inform the Lade vicinity that she hescomr in all its branches, in the roc Office. Having Iately visited in Toronto, she is prepared t favor her with their orders tI and satisfaction guaranteed. ed tolearr Dressmaking. NAH es of Seeforth and fenced Dressmaking ms above the Post theLeading Houses o give all who may to latest city styles, Apprentices want- ' 497-18 R. N. BO ETT, SEAFORTII, Wholesale and Retail Dearer in LSAT IR and SHOD' FINDINGS of Every Description. 1 None but the Very Best S moderate. A Trim Solicited. or otherwise promptly filled. 490 ock kept. Terms All orders by mail R. N. i3RETT. TO -A 1877 Q 5--IESOIV... AT - THE GjjOLDEN LION) SEAFORTH 1877 BOYS' SUITS IN LINEN, VELVET AND TWEED AT THE GOLDEN LION. All the above Goods will be Sold Cheap. LOGAN & JAMIESON, SEAFdRTH. HARVEST IS - COMII\TG, AND C. WILLSON, SEAFOR.T Is prepared for it at his old stand on Main Street where you can get any qu entity of those celebrated Sh-IARP'S PATENT SULKY HAY RAKES Those ertainly are the best Rakes in the market, being the only Canadian Rake that secured a 6en- tennialmedal. This rake was purchased by the Australian Government for the Sidney Exhibition. REAPERS. °REAPERS. REAPERS. JOHNSTON'S REAPER, WOODS' REAPER and the CONQUERER COMBINED, all 'manufactured by that well known firm The Massey Man ufacturing Company. MAXWELL'S LIGHT REAPER. T his is something new and should be examined by farmers before making a purchase. It is the best light reaper in the market. i MOW=NC MACI-INES_ WOODS' MOWER, BUCKRYE! MOWER, SPRAGUE MOWER ,and others. All of the above Machines are sold on the following terms : No Equal or No Sale. SI PALL IMPLEMENTS. PLOWS of all kinds, TURNIP -SEED SOWERS, Iron and Wooden HORSE HOES, Cultivatgrti, Gang Plows and Iron Harrows. 411 Implemen s Warranted to be What is Represented. 0. C. WILLSON, SEAFORTH. THE PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER, c9c MAW I- 3 •• e' PfT't And, a s a_ ight Reaper unequalled for Durability, Sinm.- plicity` and. Convenience. - THE PATTERSON - ITIACA SELF -DI CHARGING HORSE RAKE, Ackztowledged to be th6 best inose havipg taken 10 first prizes in the all of 1876. PATTERSON'S Patent Comb ed Empire Drill and Seeder as a drill has never been beaten a; -as a seeder; unsurpassed. Our Sprague and Junior Mow?r's have stood the test for yearis. Our Wrought Iron rame Gang Plow, gave Unusual atistaction. While thanking the farmers of Ontario for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years we havebeen in business we cordially invite them in their own interests to inspect he above implements before making purchases. W. GRIEVE, .Agent. PATTERSON ce BROTII RS, Patterson. CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS 1 A WVARDED TO NIA . 1. L a � COLS .�IOi�TR,O:E, SEAF,ORTH, FOR WOOD HANDLE AND WROUGHT s IRON BEAM PLOW. I )� CNBOE €tire in announcing is bctter3 itera ed this season tbap ever to furnish a first-class article. As proof positive th his Plows are the Best in the Market be ha s only to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured v him I}� obtained the INTERNATNAL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. j i I Also a One -Horse Plow Suitable IALCOLk T ,lROE h l to the Farmers of Huron and Perth that HE ALSO MANUFAC- TURES IRON PLOWS, Hill's Patent Plows, Thistle Cutter Plows, =_ =F• ' for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS, W • Lea • 'HZ'IIO3vaS Ca • CD p cat - CD CD O 0) c�- p UJ O 0 rJ CD Tr/ CD C ' Ca ce- CJ r CD p eTh ce- CD Celebrated_ New Brunswick Cal- CD- zn p ' )IOOlabd N30100 II CD ea c+- � G CD CD O p 0-• 1 + CD rn 0 p � a CD .5 CD v p " Tip Top " Silver Steel •sot lSos ssvaD JOAIIS S4pooig LUMBER FOR SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from $8. . BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths., from 10 to 60 Feet, at the PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP. The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 THOMAS DOWNEY, SIGN OF THE IAI V M I M 3 a 4111;�r x k�nw*. �.tZekRii�• .1a Scaly E' .iL'*' V . This Plow is universally admitte to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers it a trial before purchasing any other. All these Implements are manus attired by himself, -of the very best material, and are more durable than those got up b large establishments for catch sa les. Every Imp ranted to give satisfaction. Pric s as low as those of any other res pectable establii turns out a good article. Plows o all the above kinds kept constantly on hand and can his shop at any time. IRAN HARROWS. shoald.give better and ement wax hment that be seen at The Scotch Diemond Harrows kept constantly on hand. Repairs fcr all kinds of Plojws kept eon stantly on hand. Rcfnember the shop, Main Street Seaforth, East Side. M.A.LCOLM MOI R E - • THEM. PLATFORM SCALES STAMPED Z 0 ' a31O3dSN '3a0W:i00 Ol r 0 C r - r 0 0 m 0 v Z Cl) z z [11 D 2 m 3H1-1NIt/d 1N31dd Ssaa0 HOd m tui cnz 0 C Z m X y"...� z z m v 0 --4 0 SD C, z m 0 z Co 0 m 0 z 2.0 0 Cn C) rnz H1aOJV3S CD let CD r m C) m co '1 m z 0 IN3W1aOSSV 183dd3HO 0 -v cnv /, I 0 m-. g Cf m MARRIAGE LICENCES OR CERTIFICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of 1 On ilio. Anent THE ROYCE REAPER. MANUFACTURED BY JOHN- WATSON, Ayr Agricultural. Works, - - i ONT., YR, - Is the Lightest, Simplest, and Most - ElRcient Machine Made. BEWARE OF UNTRIED IMITATIONS. Mr.Watson has the exclusive right to sell the Genuine Royce Reaper in Huron and Perth Conn- t�ies. - TESTIMONIAL. - Read What Practical Farnie:*. Say Assout the Royce t;enpor. They tell the whole story Testimonial from JOHN M'eRUAR, Councillor. —"Froth the light appearance of your RoxcE REAPEli, I always had doubts whether it was strong enough for heavy grain. Hearing that you proposed cutting Mr. IV. Edgar's fodder corn with it, I attended, fully -expecting that the machine would fail, but was astonished to see it without any trouble cutting and raking off corn which was sown as thick as it could grow,and much of which stood seven or eight feet high, and I confess that after seeing it no this, I am thoroughly satisfied tl:at the ROYCE REAPER is quite strong enough for any work for which a reaper should be applied, the more so as I know personally that the work in question was not done by a machine fitted up in first-class order for the occasion,but by a farmer's machine, which had cut all through harvest, and went into Mr. Edgar's field just as it was." See and Examine the Royce Reaper on " Exhibition at - MESSRS. WHITELAW & MORE'S, Huron Foundry, SEAFORTH: THE CONSOLIDATED BANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - -' $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1883; and ROYAL CANADIAN BANK, Incorporated 1864. - SEAFORTH BRANCH-. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Draftson New York Payable at any Bank in- the United States. Bilis . of Exchange oa London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID O. DEPOSITS. M. P� HAYES, MANAGE 411 INSURANCE IS ed THE ties. hilso and A Sc THE SEAFORTH AND LAND AGENCY, Stook, Fire and is prepar• -TERMS. best Loan Socia. of Farm �, -CLASS IM- R SALE. Per Cent. I of Steamers. Store, Main -St 4 ALONZO STRONG AGENT fo Several First -Class and Life Insurance Companies, to take risks on MOST FAVORABLE iso Agent for several of the Agent for the sale and purchase Village Property. as NUMBER OF : FIRS PROVED FARMS F $50,000 to Lou,uat Interest. Agent for the White; Star Li.e FFICE—Over M. 1l or ison1s forth. - V E - L v •E FURNITURE, on UNDERTAKING Gall goqd 488.18 RT`, n all kinds of . , DOORS, - NG, ETC., Also a good as- UPPLIEE D. ill give ".you as other place. Bluevale. D. STEW Manufacturer and Dealer - SASHE FRAMES MOULDINGS, TURN land and made to order. sortreent of ALWAYS ON i on D. STEWART and he bargains as can be got any D. STEWART, SAWLOGS Missrs. SAW manleo an I La owlet 5900 417 WANTED. GOUINLOCB Price for KINDS. suitable for the to promptly, . , also Shingles , and at the very OR ' SALE, NLOCK, , Seaforth' COLEMAN Will pay the Highest LOGS Or a quantity of ELM ufacture of Hoops. & Cas AL- LOG 'ustom Sawing'', -a ett nde as` cheap as at any other m' timber of every descriptic Oland Pickets always on han market prices. CEDAR POSTS ,COLE �j AN & GOU E T customers pateonage by s to merit Having the jointer, HIGHEST Vim. Lt the W,Inted :learn G EMPORIUM. his numeroutq for their liberal ears, and hopes, ion to business, - in the future. . remises, during .ay the PRICE eggs, delivered t RIUM, treet, Seaforth. ns of good dry 1LSON. 'e subscriber hereby thank. merchauts and others during the past seven ,rict integrity and close atten their confidence and tra.. greatly enlarged he is now prepared CASH any quantity of good - - EGG by the subscriber WP F,AT STRa..1V,. his to fresh EMP Main , 25 t . D. 3A c dm rusts ,f the Parties tim irge,stock DOORS, He who but first-claesworkmen l 201 EAFORTH PLANINV H, DOOR AND BUN MILL, I FACTORY • his numerous ge extendedto Seaforth, and a continuants .a o well to give . eep on hand a ITER, LDTNGS, ETC. •`..tion to tkost onage, as aoiee - d. ustom Planing °- DFOOT. subscriberbegslea-� etothat stomers for the liberal patro..� ince commencing business f. that he may be fevered wit same. intending to bund wonld a, call, as he will continue to of all kinds of I DRY PINE, LUM BASHErI, BLINDS, MO SHINGLES, LATH, feels confident of giaingsat' Mayfavonrhim with theirpa. ar'e employ Particnla.rattention paid to_ JQHN H. BIR