HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-06-15, Page 88 THE 'HURON EXPOSIT._ v4 f.nton:x ox is '. her to her room, w to final a recently i the bed. The s e had given birt t e night while sit DISTRICT MATTkRS.1 fteritwas born s. ' nd got in with it when she awoke lvir. McGregor at over, and an inque ing further than ti end the jury retur ffect that the ci death through exp sure, the woman from I tenth to be submitted to such woman is a person, of al age, and is of rath r loo' ing' the third illeg ha`. PLENTY of Ham, Bacon and Spiced Bolls, wholesale and retail, at J. Brownell's. A car load of corn, for seed, just arrived. Crockery and glassware, selling very cheap. • J: BROWrnSLL, Dominion Brook, Seaforth. 495. 'ALLEN'S Grocery. Provisions, flour, oatmeal,: cornmeal, pot barley, rice, split peas, dried apples, new prunes, side bacon;, smoked bacon, canvassed hams, codfish, lard, butter, cheese, and general groceries. War. ALLEN. 496 WANTED 200,000 Pounds of Good Batter, for which 18 cents per pound willbe paid , in tabs,. and 17 cents for loose, by the undersign- ed. Tn'o11a3 KIDD. 496 ATO 1FAR3rERS.-HICKSON & ROBERTSON will pay. Cash for all Good Butter in rolls, pails sad tubs, delivered at the drag store of E. Hick son. 474 BARNlmt NOWHERE. - The Greatest Wonder of the Age. Call and see the Carpet Ex • hibitian at THOMAS %DD'S Emporium. 497 WILSON &�YOUNG have 1,000 pounds of Turnip Seed for sale, all of the most improved varieties that are in the market. PLEASE notice advertisement of new sxJewelry and Hicx o & Co.'s Jews watchmaker in E. Drug Store. 490 A VETER:a* GOOSE. Mrs. Constance V,anEgniond, of Egmondville,has a goose which is 23 years of age. It is still the best layer she has out of a large flock, andis as spry and frisky as its - youthful offspring. FIDELITY LODGE. -The members of Fidelity Lodge, I. O. 0. F., Seaforth, en sh rn c rl ac to t ing o e put ndw the c nee notified the cor- n was held, but noth- e abo a was elicited, red a verdict to _ the ild h come Ito its. and exculpated pally causing it exposure. The ►out 35 years of e habits, this be. timate child she has was horrified ild lying dead nowle d that e child during the floor'; that it into the bed ' nt to sleep, and id was dead.. T� the regular meet- ing`rN COUNCIL. ' At gn , ar of Council, he d on Monday evening last, Mr. Dunlo q, constable, was in- structed to ` rigid y enforce the by-law providing for the impounding of horses and pigs found 'r ening at large within • the town limits. A communication was received from M '.. Hickson, Manager of the . Grand Trun Railway, offering to consider the advi • ability of constructing a new station bui ding at Seaforth, pro- viding the town '' ould rant a bgnus: of $2,0004to assist t e Co pony in the said work, - A resolut on w passed instruct- ing the Mayor an. Cler to again cqqm- 'municate with r. ,H ckson respecting the matter, and : seer in definitely the best conditions u on which the Company will agree to ope . Jarvi: street and erect a new station bu' The byelaw for the purpose of w ng the balance and money due it for the sup - 0 -1s,' was read 'the to the Finance ctions to fill up t meeting: The to the Fire Bri- g their expenses ort of the Street ing the' required the present year, ding. thdra are requested to attend. at the next regu- of the Municipal Loan lar meeting, to be held on lAreclnesday the town, and i s vestin evening, June 20, for the nomination of port of the publi scho officers for the ensuing quarter.- • first time, and eferre Committee, wit r instr PROPERTY CHANGES. -Mr. William . blanks and repo at ne Scott formerly of the firm of Grey sum of $20 was ;rants 13437ii he re Scott, has sold his residence on North Mainstreet to Mr. John McIntyre, for $1,700. Me. Scott has purchased a farm in the township of Stanley, and has gone to live on it. gade, to assist i to Brantford. Committee, rec town iniiroveme was received an' reres refreshing hip rains of tion at next mee THE CROPS. -The g sin on llonda. the past few days have wonagain re- g. freshed the crops in this section. The rain Test came in time, and now every kind of crop presents a most promising appearance. There have been one or two slight frosts; but nothing to cause any damage. A REMARKABLE COINCIDENCE. -At the last session of the County Council, the report of the Equalization Commit- tee was passed by the Council without a single amendment being 'moved. This is the. first time in 20 years that an equalization report has been allowed to pass unchallenged in the Huron. County Council. Ta.E COUNTY COURT. -The •County Court and Court of Quarter -Session has been in progress during the week a' Goderich. There was very little husi nese before the Court. In the case o.1 the Queen vs. Hannah, the Grand Jur rendered a true bill, but the case wa not sustained before the petit jury, an 1 the defendaut;was acquitted, . A repos' of proceedings' will be given next week. LONG GRASS. -Mr. Wn. Martin, o the fifth concession . of . McKillop, ha brought us in a large sheaf of orchar grass in full bloom, . the stalks of whic measure 43 inches. This is one,'of th most profitable' crops that farmers ca grow for fodder, as it is surer, and wil yield. more per acre 'than almost an. other grass that can be grown. Stock also, are very fond of it, and frequents prefer it to the best hay. BASE BALL. -On* Saturday last th Low Batters, of Seaforth, went to Cli ton and played a match with the Youn Stars, of that place. Both are, juvenil clubs. The match was closely contes ed, and at the end the score stood 18 17 in favor of the Low Batters. The r turn match will be played in. Seafort on Saturday, June 23. -The Stars,, of Seaforth, play the Si ver Maples,of Wroxeter, a friendly ga„e of base ball, on the grounds of the Star:, to -day (Friday, June 15.) Play called t 2 P. M. Admission, 15 cents; ladies a, d ticketholders free. A large attendan e of spectators is expected: ROBBER -V. -On Sundaymorning la t, some evil disposed persons .entered t e hardware store of Messrs. Win. !Robe t - son & Co., in this town, and stole then .-- from two valuable revolvers and ago , t three dollars in coppers. Nothing ele is missed from the establishment, .1 - though other small articles may ha Te been taken. The burglars' effected ' n entrance by removing a pane of gl, ss from a back window, and then pryi , g the window open: They left the p e- m -ices: by opening a back' door, whi h they did not take the trouble to close af- ter them. It would be well for m r - chants to be on the look out, as th re are generally lazy vagabonds • loiter' a g around who will not work, and who .a e, in consequence, forced to obtain a livali- hood by stealing or begging. . • mmen is for laid. s ver for considera- ing. The Council meet evening next. business. The Catholics of Mitchell and surroundin ' country are to be congr tu- s gg ' raped- such a haven lated� on � a e ne church, which is at I once a credit 'to themselves ; and an ornament tb the town. -Coni. NEW WAGON & D. Ryan have shop in the rea smith' shop, and in that line wil manlike marine to Mr. John Co carriage and wa . HOTEL IMPR and Beirnes, of hotels, are malt improvements. altering the int Hibbert. FARM SOLD. -Mr. John Rice, of Rib- bert, has sold his fart, which is situated on the llth concession, to Mr. Thomas Oliver for $6,000. The farm contains 100 acres, and has on, it, good frame build- ings. altoia HOP. -Messrs. J. Cowan opened out a new wagon of Mulholiand's black - any description of work be executed in a work- Mij. Cowan is brother an, se well known as a on builder. VEMENTS.-Messrs. Sage he Walton and Victoria ng• great and extensive The former completely rior of his hotel; and a more handsome,' commodious and comfort- able house it would be difficult to find. Mr. Beirnes ha- also made- great altera- tions to the V ctoria, and is having it thoroughly psi ,'ted outside and {inside. PERSONAL.-, r. M. Dorsey, so long and favorabl known in , this lo- cality as the able manager of Mr. L. McDonald's mills' has left this village. His loss will b universally felt here, for by his genial annere op those having transactions wi •'rim,he had won the esteem and goo f all. Mr. Dorsey has removed to h, where h,e•has pur- chased the w 'liquor store of Mr. Thomas We are confident that his honor d .straightforward way of conduct _ iness will meet with its just -due, b ing a large share of the public pati i o f Seaforth and the surrounding n • hood.. , Stanley. Innes has sold F'A.R1UI. SOLD: -=Mr. Sohn his farm on the 2nd concession of Stanley, three miles from Clinton, to his son-in- law, Mr. W. H. Scot , for $7,500; The_ farmcontains 100 acres, and ia one of the best in the county. The buildings, how- ever, are not very good. ,• Kip11. e I}. Goon SHEARS. -Mr. 1 Geo. Taylor; of Stanley, has a thoroughbred imported _Cot wold ram, from which 13 pounds of woo .was clipped thisspring. He has also two two -year-olds; which sheared 161 pounds, one two-year-old, 8 pounds, and athree-year-old, 9 pounds. • I ' Jamestown. PERSONAL. -Our friend Mr.' Jas. Mills has received the documents for constable thi week. We wish h' in success in his ne business. EW BUILDINGS. -The new store of Mr Neil McLauchlin will be completed in a few weeks. TMr. Wm. Whitford is also erecting a fi e building this s l mmer. • Wroke4er. DUCATIONAL.- Ther average -attend- ance at the public schools for the month of May was, in the senior division 67, and in the junior division 102. Honor List -John Campbell, lie rge Hamer, Jas. y Pla ford 'Ella Gibson,'IEliza Young, Os- car Wheeler Newton` Gibson, Jeannie Gibson and Maggie Barnard. NUAL MEETG.-� The regular INan- nu 'meeting of the town hall joint stock company was held On Tuesday evening las el R, Cu -it NEwv-BcsINEee e Houma -T new hardware' store of .Messrs. Robe 't - son,& Co. is now nearly ready for e c- capatcy..-The brick work - on M Whitney's block is Clearly finished. -11 Carmichael is busily engaged clear r aut his cellars, preparatory to'• makin commencement.-The-bri.ck work on 1 ,Milt's store is nearly completed: -i McGregor's store, adjoining Mr. Aul lrnost finished and ready for oc panty. -Mr. Murphy has the ercavat r for his cellar finished, and has- c r T anted the building. of the walls. - i ¶ardao has advertised for tenders for erection of live new stoics.anci ani fall. So the work goes bravely on. hope by the close of another; season see a solid row of brick buildings alt each aide of the business part- of M Street. ' h the will eafor olesal idd. ble-a ng bu obtai nage ighbo la itc.ell. CHURCH .OP : ING. The 'new Roman Catholic Chur'h, in Mitchell, was 'form- ally opened nd dedicated under the patronage of . t. Vijicent de Panel, on Sunday last, ' y Hi Lordship Bishop Walsh, of Lo don, ssisted by several priests from a , istan e. After the cere- mony of blessig th church, usual on such occasion:, High Mass was cele- brated at 11 o' lock M. by Rev. Dean Murp+� , of Irisht iwn, " as celebrant, Reov. I other O'Nei , of Kinkora, as deacon, and R v. Fa her West, of arish- town, . s sub- eacon at the conclusion of whi h His ordsh'p preached a, very power ul and • loque t discourse on the Sacrifi e of th Mass and every sentence being eased u on so nd and cogent rea- soning was l':tened to throughout by those resent ith rapt attention. At the close •f the se mon, hick occupied over an ho r in d; livery His Lordship ad- minist red th rite of confirmation to. about 5 youn'_ boy and girls. In the af tern son at ° o'clock, Solemn Vespers and B nedicti . n tool place, at. the close of whi h Rev. Fathe O'Neil, oaf Kinkora, delive !ed; an , excels nt sermon, which showe that toe rev 'rend gentleman had . studio l well is su sect, and veils at the same -time c pable of enunciating his ideas clearly. The choir on , •this occa- sion was corn osed f severallady and gentlemen si' gers f om Seafrth, Irish - town, Carronl,rook nd Stratford, The singing was e.'ceedin ly good, and, where every one sewed o do their best, it would be in idiou to particularize however we c isnot refrain from making We should like to see before the ratepayers, cion arrived at soon. the matter kept d some co + olu- STREET WATERING. Brussels pays $12 per week for street watering. The town of St. Marys pays $9 5¢. THE SPACEMAN' COMPANY. S ack- man's opera troupe of 18 artists giv en- tertainments in the town hall this iday and Saturday evenin . Miss S phis Miles, the star, is an tress of a good deal of power. Hamle isto be payed on Friday evening. t ; the following gentlemen were duly acted directors for the ensuing year : bt. Clark, Jas. Orr, A. Patton, J. ffatt, J. Knutson, Millen, and • II'sb OTII e. COURT OF REVISION. At the Co Revision in ;the towns p of Usborn� on the 2nd inst., it as. resolve in of ,held that J. Duncan's assessment be reduced to $3,850 _; that J. T. S therland s assess- ment on income be red ced to $1001that J. P. Marsh all's assessment be re uced He - to $800; that the appeal of Thos..Hey- wood, y wood, assessor, far errors on the assess- mentincome be received ; that roll on the following persons' names be entered on the assessment roll,as owners o f the er t set opposite their res ective p property . P names, viz.`: D. Kerniek, lot 19, con. 3 ; W. Hackney, lot 17, don. 11; J. I3��innin, d A. lot 7, ▪ 13• r. ,Ni. n: 11: Halls, ot 14, 1; W. cock, lot 5, con. ; S. McCurdy, l t 26, S. T. .; R. Hodgins, lot 8, S. W. B.,, The fol owing. farmers' sons were added to the 1 : A. Moir, G. Moir, R. Dempsey,: J..B utt,- J. Moir, G. Moir, S. McMaster, J. Moir, D. Moir, S. Batten, E. Clark, W. Clark, G. Godbolt,. J. Gillfilllan, J. Brown, W. Brown, J. Russell, J. Monteith, C Mon- teith, P. Madge, S. Madge, A. Fr er, G. Fraser, S. Passmore, , F. Davis, J Fran- cis, J. Kirk, :amm, n, E. • Bis- Haw - W.& of Ei of lot 25, cdn, 7 ; J. a Campbell, lot 17, con. 9; J. Easery can. 3; Wm. Mahon, §i lot 10, co G. Irvine, lot 13, con. 12; J. Harris, lot 18, con. 11; P. Burjns,Ei lot 6,c J. Gourley; E. pt. lot 1, on. 7; S. P. Si lot 11, con. 6 ; W. Westcott, con. 2 ; I. ;Carling, pt lot 22, con. May, lots 8 and 9, co . 1; J. Ha lot 14,con. 4 ; J. H gg, N. pt. cis, W. McGill, J. -J Bowerman, W. H. W. Kirk; R. Kirk, 3 R. Taylor, J. Taylor Small, W. Skinner, sett, W. Fisher, G. nes, J. Fra farshall, D. Comm, R. D. Parkins WP. Coultis, Horton, T. Mr. Kalbfleisoh, seconded by Mr. Geiger, that the clerk notify S. Martin to remove his fence from the side line between lots 10 and 11 -Carried. Moved and carried that the case of Mrs. Corbet be not en- tertained by this Council as they think she is not a resident of Hay. Council ad- journed to meet on Saturday, June 23rd, at 10 o'clock A..M. kins. COIINCIL MEETING--Atthe close of the Court of Revision, the Council met when M� Cr.M'll T the following business was transacted i Hemphill. N. Allen and J. R. Forsyth Moved by T. M. Kay, seconded by D. were appointed. auditors. perform Kalbfleisch a call, as the lumber an shingles are first class. - EDUCATION. -The school attendance o this section has 'increased so rapidly fo the last six months that the trustees have found it necessary to engage an ass sistant teacher. The average attendance of pupils for the last three months was about 90. This year the trustees hay+ been persuaded to open a French class in the school, and for this purpose they hay engaged. Mr.; Besue to conduct the Frenc department.) I HARD TO BEAT. -Some time age an ad vertisement eppeared in the Irish Canacls an to the effect that whoever would sen, in the most•words, written ou a postal card would receive a handsome prize. M Benue, the 'rench tutor, has just sent his card with the enormous number i f 2,135 words written on it, and only written one way on the card. The let- ters and words are .all legible, and cap be read at arm's length. Mr, Besue states that it took him. seven hours to acco.nd- Millar, that R. Marquis add J. Domini -be Drysdales DOMINION DAY. -It is the intention of the villagers to have a grand celebration on Dominion Day. The Committee is de- termined to spare no pains in making this the richest treat of the season. NEW PARSONAGE.- The members of the Roman Catholic Church of this place have let the contract for the erection off a new brick manse for their pastor. The contract was awarded. to Mr. Holtzman, of Zurich, for $1,000. the bushel.- a ' Dglz rs.-Cater$illar by Potato bugs by the thousands. -Fine showers on Saturday last.- Crops are looking very well in the neighborhood, except hay, which is rather short owing to the dry spring. 1JNI.oADEl).-The schooner Todman, o Goderich, unloaded a large consignment of lumber, lath and shingles for Messrs. J. & H. Kalbfleisch. The cargo consisted of 102,000'feet of lumber, 60,000 lath 60,000 shingles, which were safely unload ed on the beach, at this place, on Thurs day last. Farmers and others who in en building would do well to give Messrs - i JUNE 15,..1877. Ashfield -A. Milliken. Rev. Mr. Brock, who has filled the position of pastor to the Clinton church for the past three years, goes to Guelph, and Rev, W. C. Henderson, of Goderich, goes to Sarnia, where'' he has been made chairman of the district. -A disgraceful affair took place be- tween two uMen. named Richard. Sellars and Wm. Govier, in the village of Blyth, a few days ago, It seems that Govier's. chickens were destroying Sellars' garden, and had .destroyed the first growth to such an extent as to cause replanting, Sellars asked Gooier,; civilly and respect- fully, to shut up his chickens, but to no purpose, and -thus Sellars had to resort to the last and most effectivemeans of saving' his coshootp. He' took his gun and commenced ing the chickens, but no sooner slid he commence than out came Govier with a handspike, and Sel- lars' had to run for his life. Govier pommelled caught him and however, him, Sellars offering no resistance, and had not others interfered it is 'generally believed that he would have been murder- ed. Gooier was summoned before Squire Wilson, and for thisgrave assault he was let off with a fine of $1 and costs. Sel- lars Was for some time in a dangerous condition, Nit is now recovering. The excitement in the re at d restt affair offal g usually quiet village; asisissosasalwameimmiNwszene push his work,. This is certainly. very allowed to their statute labor on hard to beat, and we predict Mr. Bes e MQ Mop. the side line between! lots 25 and 6, con. carries home 'the prize. Council met on the 2nd inst. as a Court ed by T. M. Kay; that owing to an error Huron Teachers' Assoc anon, of'Revision, when the following business in statute labor lists; all parties owning The • annual meeting of . the Hun as transacted : So a two or three ap- property in different'divisions'are hereby Teachers' Association was held in Cli w & � - peals were presents and only one sus- allowed to do their work in -the 'vision ton on Friday and Saturday last. n tallied, viz.: Mr. b . Grieve's piper- in which they reside --Carded,. ' Moved Friday afternoon the meeting was call d ty reduced $200. h� following named by D. Millar, seconded by: T: . Kay, to order by . Mr. Dewar, and after 't e farmers' sons were ordered to be placed that $125 be spent in each ward f r grad- reading of the minutes of the previots on the roll : Michael Dillon, John Wall, .ing and gravelling -Carried. M ved by meeting by Mr. G. Sheppard, and -ther Henry. Longworth, Wer. -Davidson, Jos. ; T. M. Kay, seconded. by T. Ha s, • that adoption by the association, and oth D rrance, Thos. MOIlroy, Robt.. A. 'Moll- the electoral divisions for voting f r mem- preliminary matters. R. H. Danb ir• ror,, Wm. Nash, Tobias Nash,. Thomas hers of the Legislative Assembly be the read his essay on Analytical Arithmeti Nash, Robt. H. Pattison, 'Wm. Hewitt, same as those now in use for municipal and exhibited on the blackboard h Robt. Hewitt, John McCallum, .James purposes; that by-law No. 9 for 187a5be method of conveying arithmetical ii Ryan,.M chael Ryan. r Also that Archi• rescinded, and that the clerk dr by-struction to the children under his supe bald Menzies I , for Lots �n 13 ----_a_-..,.,, therewith-f^!arriPr�_ .. --.,.__.a.. ,...,7 ,.F.,•,.. COUNCIL MEE G. - The McKillop 7 -Carried. Moved byEJ.'Halls, econd- • which appeared and 14, in the 12th an 13th concessions. comprehension. Mr. Strang follow A: number of accounts' were Passed includ- ,ing $5 for charity to W,idow Cahill. Mov- ed by Air Kerr, seeontled bY W. Evans, that a debenture b g' anted to the treas- urer for $35.78 in 1 his possession, whi sessor for $76•. for The clerk was ins Canada Company o the Ni cif lot 6, con. the N-1 of lot 6, con. l, to give an outlet •te the -water, as it appears the roads are obstructed and damaged thereby. The council Will hold nn adjourned. meeting of the Court of Reyision at Leyden's ho- tel on the last S turday of June at 10 ctclock A. M. ronbrook, Mi s Do iss Nevans,. of Car- ney, of Seaforth, and Mr. B. nks, Stratford, whose . singing was Ally magnificent, and the a. success of th musidal part of th.`e core - a their efforts. The organ was presided over by Miss eVans. The ehureh was r. eu of two old notes in h ave becothe worth - are in favor of the as - is services-, Carried. rti thd to notify the ig a ditch through ; also the owner of r. filled to the doors both morning and 0e, evening, and, altho gh the weather was us a little chilly still he day was fine, and ' Thealtlitchell Brass Band plaYed in front I tutted in Canada: sarancewill be pro ir. of the thurc door number of excellent East Huron. 497-5 SIC / LetBetARY. -0 volumes have be to side of the own, verlooking thb River ' of St. john's Ch ng Thames, is o Gothte style of atchitec- ' IMPROVED Pi rains, dunng th long, includi Arai sept. and. veqtry, by - the farmers' prospects for good. c 35 wide, and capaly e of accemniodating rising to a- h ight o about 50 f et, sur- Tint Banta- :t fr. Holland, of mounted by cross aud it is th inten- has been re-ent aged as mastei tion to put a' spire on, as soon as time ssels band, The band goes Bru w, which wilt make 0 eta ative demenstration charged that lam mit on collIctor's roll h. The interior of on -the 19th inst. -Carried. ed by Mr. Murray, the veter smith, has' purch and horse power, the longer he wor lese enable him to faction to his pat MORE FINE S sale of thoroughb held in London la n thresher Of Tucker - sed from the Messrd. tford, a new separator paying' for the same is one of the oldest s the more popitlar he w machine tVill doubt - give even better satis- ons than he hal hith- OCII. -At the auction ed. short hem stock, t week Mr, James Dick- son purchased three very fine animals. One of these, a•yearling heifer,wat 'calved in January, 1876,1 took the first prize at ehased by Mr. Dickson for 8485. The eeond is a four-yparsold cow. This ani - al was imported from Kentudkyl by Mr. . Craig. She tpok the first Prize at he Western Fair in,1875, and the'second prize at the Provincial Exhibitionland the' Western Fair in 1876, beating four im- -law in Moved by J. Halls, seconded b T. M. patbmaster in place of Samuel avis - Carried. 'Moved by J. Halls, conded by T. M. Kay, that whereas W. Smillie, a cripple has requested the co ncil to have him taken to the Toronto ostittal, that said request be complied wit , should the expenses, upon enquiry,- not exceed 40 cents per day, and that Mr. J. Shier attend to the same -Carried. On motion Council adjourned to first Saterday in July at 10 o'clock. 1 MEETING. -The Court of Revieion was held, pursuant to notice, at the township hall, Zurich, on June 2ad. All the mem- . hers of the Connell present ahd duly sworn, when the Court was o ganized, e same. t for the assess - • tried, helands pany 'er acre - parted animals. She wascalved her 1873, and as' purchased DiCkson for $430 The third . was a calf belong ng' to -this cow. These nimals are .gene -ally admitted by corn- etent, jud8es to be 'among the best that ave been iinportedinto this county,land efforts to iceprove the stock of the town- ship: will be eminently succes ful and Pratitahle alike t himself and -h s -neigh- bors. n Octo- y Mr. urchase with the Reeve as chairman of t An appeal of J. Spackman, age Canada Company, against thei ment ad being overcharged, w when it Was moved by Mr. -Mc onded by Mr. Kalbfleisch, that belonging to the canada Co by Mr. McColl, that the following altera- tions be made in the assessment roll,viz. : Village lots 67 andl 68 Zurich o be as - assessed for Et lots:26 and 27, on. 7, in place of H. Shaeffe'r; G. McLebd for S. and WaSwinnerto4 for lot 1, ccn. 2, and that the following lots be taken from the non-resident roll and placed on the resi- 12, to F. Armstrolg ; 8.11. lot 13, to John lot 17, con. 7, to S. Carlisle; ti .1 pt. lot 6 passed ever his b.ody, and he susta several severe bruises, but had. no belles con. 8, to V, Resler ; Sl lot 4, bon 13, to' broken. . The horses pulled up again t a . , ' post their harness being much dama ed for second-class Candidates," and it was a pity that more of this class were nbt 1,1 present to listen to such a well -deliver d and instructive address. After a sh address on school registers from r. Dewar, the association adjourned till the levening, when they re -assembled. in the town hall, to hear the lecture and w t - rt nese the experiments in chemistry to given by Dr. May. The lecture was tr ly. instructive an d, interesting, and. the exper- iments were very brilliant and attrictik e. On Saturday mornina the Association e- cers for the ensuing year, Dr. May g some further experiments, and Mr. c- Faill, of Seaforth, delivered .an addr ss On the "Centre of Gravity and Smith's' Statics," and Mr. Huston gave a b4ef address on " Object, Lesson Teaching." It is gratifying to observe -the . interest thatis taken -in the propedings . of the Association ,by tea.chers, as they are 'by i. this means making- the better prepa a - ren under their cire. The officers Idea lars, Secretary ; and Mr. S. Hicks, Dele- gate to the Provincial Association Meet - Huron Notes. On Thursday- of last week, as Robt. Bacom, Goderich Township, working at statute labor on Con. 6, near GREIAT OFFERING oF CHEAP DISS GOODS r. as Porters' Hill, he met with a painful a dent. He was driving to a gravel pit get a load, when his horses, a fine spi ed team of colts sired by Fisher's cock, got frightened and. ran a throwing Mr. Bacona out. The wa ci- to it- ea - on ed 'MIS WEEK AT iiimarealeinamasameamememamail NOTED CHEAP RY :GOODS 8TORE. WO offer 1 0 pieces tef Dress Goods at frone8 cente to 15 c nts per yard, worth 25 to 40 cents - this is, withent exception, the gsonoff;eSr t; and the wagon slightly so. 5, con. 5, --Several gentlemen from Wing T. WerrY had an interview at Toronto with r. John Gordon, President of the Toro to, GREAT,EST BARGAIN We ever heti to offer to our Customers, and we hope to see them CLEA ED OUT IN TEN DAYS. THIS WEEK WE ondecl by Mr. Mc oll, that the subject of Grey and Bruce Railway, in reference to increasing the*lands in cons. 1, 2 and 3 to the contemplated branch to Wingham. $40 per acre be taken into consideration Mr. Gordon expressed himself strongly in favor of building the branch, alleging, In all the at the iiext meetirg of the Co irt of Re- vision -Carried. The Cpurt adjourned, to meet on Saturday, Jute 23 d. 'After however, the inability of the Company piii En to make any cash advances. We under- stand that, the necessary rails can be ob- . d nn er the adjournment the Council met and trans- tained at a very reduced rate froth the . acted the folloWin business : 'Moved by REDUCEALL OUR SILKS 25 'CENTS PER YARD To make a Clearancej our Mr. HAUS having Ilt A Seciond Stock of Silks le in PARIS Last Month*. A FEW PIECES OF d 80 cents per yard by the piece, or 5 °mite added if cut,. HE LADIES. Beg to int mate to the Ladies of Seaforth and surroundin thear Gen facture of g country that they have added to ral Dry 'Goods Business the Manta LAME!' JACI4TS AND MANTLES NEWEST STYLES 'and Made of the MATERiAL. This Department is Charge al Mr,- Kalbfleisch, s;onded by Mr. Geiger; Ggiid Trunk Company. Mr. Gordon . FARMERS'. Insure in the Agrictiltural that Cr; MeLeod be pathmaster instead Of stated that the Company would in.' all a - as, probability, .before many inonthe, be looking for additional bonuses front: the . lad the only Licensed Fire of D. Mack, and K. Werner inetead of J.; F. Rickbeil-Car ied. Moved by Mr, different municipalities with the. vieW of AN IlateleEST IN HAlertattarter. -A couple of weeks ago a woman named Isab Ila Buteltard called at the residenee of Mr. D. *McGregor, in Harpurh4, and re re- sented. that she was koraeless and frie less, and. that owiner to her peculiar c . dition she could not get any person to . the church i give her shelter. Mr. and. Mrs. ilc- ing .being 4; regor very humanely -took her in nd finished -in o told her she might stay with them f r a walls with or cau-ple of weeks until she would be ti to is also a gall go to service and earn her own living church, whi again, or uatil they could , secure he r a number of plac&-ia the Lying-in Hospital, in Tor a style in ke church. Th work and p of Mitchell, and upon being questioned she said she work of wh had been sick ill night. Mrs. McGregor these gentle sent lasr baolt to bed and accompanied 1 that both t ptiv attended to Address -sele , Agent for South and Wilson, seconded y Mr. Geiger, that a, Solda,n perform hi statete la, tor on the blind. line north o the Metho ist church ignan be ed by M4 Carried. nst whom ent of the ' same without ,ilelay, and if no paid with - that J. Count be refunded $7,1being over ried. Moved) seeonded and carried, that for 1874, and [that James Bo thron, as - LIVERY STABLE8.1---At last meeting of sessor be paid lis salary, $7 lieense ' to livery stables. Persons in Kalbfieisch that $200 be gr that line Woold do well to o tain license • proVe the bctunclary line between the te protect themselves. - townships of Till and Stant y, to meet MARK ETS. --Fall 'wheat, $1 30 to $ l 42; the amount vete by the Cou cil of Stan - spring, $1 27 te $11,30 ; oats, 50c to 53c; ley -Carried. I oved and • arried. that peas, i Oc to /4c; barley, 4,sc to b0c; hay, each councillor e empotvered to spend $10 to $12 ; wool, 25c to 26c ; rtgge, 10e ; $150 in impro!ving the roads pa their re- botter 16c to 17o. spective diviqion , the money not to be ia the weather during the past eek has, ed that Gee. cLeod be paid $62, iv FIRE FROTECI702::.-The gre t change paid natil the ta es are collected. Order - we are afraid, e. tinguished the question to redeem lot 203, which was sold. for of fire protectip . It will likely revive taxes by error ; and that D. .13ell be paid again if we get e hundred and forty new _ at Faunsvilleaand that W. a added to the library rch Sunday Sciool. . placed' On S. Carlisle's list the treasu parties aga ing the pay d- and means all n- it over 100 eat hi aticel overe amen a - to. On Monday morning -last, as she lid not get up as early as usual, Mrs. Me. Gregor called her. T.Tpon coming down stairs it was noticed that she looked, ill Mr- Meelay of ch refl en as oroug decorated, the ceil- he transept and side al plastering. There ry at he south end of the is capable of seatit Quite eople, and is fieishe off in ping with the rest of the contractor fors the brick and t at of the woodwork he same place, the eta great credit on eehanics, and shows ly understand their • some very dry weather. $9.69 for timber tor culvert ! Moved. by widening the gauge, and that extra e would require to be made -to carry ou. much desired change. -The follewing is the second dr the appointments for the Goderich trict, in connection with the Meth church : Goderich-James Presto A. 3. Wallace. Clinton-Robt. Fo M. D. Londesboro-Robert D Holmesville-Joseph Philp and J. Foote: Seaforth-Geo, Buggin. hurt, superannuated. Fullarton- S. Fisher and R. R. Maitland. Mo -Ezra A. Fear, under the directi Mitchell, Stratforda-M. Benson John W. Cooley. Harmony -F E. Nugent. Bayfield -James roley and Robt. Treleaven. Kippen-james Livingstone. Dungannon -James Cas- well ; L. 0. Rice, superannuated. Kin- cardine -Hall Christoperson. Be vie- - I. Crane and. S. Staples ; James G supernumerary. Teeswater-Dani Thompson. Brussels -C. E.- St Walton -John G. Fallis. Wing George A. Mitchell, M. A. Belgr .AN EXPEIONCED CUTTER orts In whom we have every confidence in mom. this mending to those who may favor us with their ft of Orders. Ladies will find in this Depattment dis- dist and vler, EriENSIVE STOCK • vey. Of the Very Latest Mantle Cloths to Select front url- Mit- John STYLE, FIT AND FINISH' cton ri of mat Combined with Moderate Charges, Guaranteil WE ARE ll'ONV SHOWING SAMPLE , MANTLES 1 dais, I Of our own manttfacture, in addition to a Very affiraWkeedi large, Stock of Foreign Make. We Invites '\ NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM. ve- Waddell ; John Walker, Superannuated. . A. G.,McDOUGALL & Co. WHOLE No. 49* 11EA-14 ESTATE FOIL ,1e VOR SALE. -For Sale, a new frame • one-fiftle of an aereloa situated on 1 Street, Seaeorth, eheap for cash or on WO. the owner is keying Sealorth. STRONG, Land Ageut. TTOTEL FOR SALE -In the Villagel -a-s- hey, with goodaccommodatiou for If ,aeso good stabling ana driving; sheds, * of land more orless. It will be sola tho., to MRS. DILL, Seaforth O. VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot a! -la 18, McKilloppeontaining 50 acres, 1 one exiile from gravel road, end eoa churches, schools, &e. Price $1,800. ) STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. VARII FOR SALE. -100 acres, 85 tie soiVvren watered, well fenced, spleaal, school house adjoining ; two-story briel good outbuildings. Per particulars *Ili BELL j. ROSS, Roagetville, Out. SALE. -A two storey frame lion ale buildings, situated on the Markel Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The buil For particulars apply to W. N. WX., forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Godei TTOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.e ea --a that comfortable and coneenie,n dwelling house and Iot, adjoiniag tie Episcopal Church, omelet present *cell W. S. Robertson. The house eontal dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. lar and woodshed, also hard and soft stable. The lot is a corner lot and te block of the Mehl Street. Apply to ea VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 'a: township of ti,rey, County of 1 taining 100 acres of good laud, 58 ue balance timbered with Beech, Maple New frame bank barn and stable. A ce orehard of 50 trees. The above farM from Brussels station, Greet Western I only 2a miles off gravel road, For 1 Oculars apply to JOHN LOWE on the] Brussels P. 0, VARM FOR SALE.-Neeth half of 11 -12 8, township of Morris, eon-Web:1g of whach are cleared. mid in the very cultivation; good brick house, taw driving house ; good beefing orehara, watered ; is situated 6 miles from 13 Blyth stations, on the Great Westre For tmens Apply to P. LYNN, on the Proprietor. .VARM FOR SALE.--nr Sale, East: e -aa Con. 4, Tmeaberry, County of Hee big 50 acres, 40 -acres cleared ; good I and stable, also good beariug orchani. miles from Wroxeter Station and al Possession givert'lst September, 1877, ptertiettlars apply to ROBERT RIC1L4 the premises, Bluevale P. 0,, or to -C. ti Brussels P. 0, with stamp for &newer.' WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lote land; about 70 of -which are eleared, good hardwood bush; frame honse, schools, churches, &a. Is situated a.le from Seaforth and 1 mile from Brucen on a good gravel reed. For further apply to the proprietor on the premir letter to Brucefield P. 0. THOMA WARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot cession I, L. R. S. Tnekersinith, eel acres, 80 of which are cleared, well fene ed. There ie a new brick holm, fr stables, sheds &e. Also a first class plenty -of water. Also 20 acres in 1,1 Braeelield. The 'arra thive mile of Brucefield station and isaboti from the -village. Apply 'to the imam premises or to Brett:field Ia. O. WILLI COTT. VALUABLE FARM FOR SA.L11-4 east half ef Lot Concession :1 containing 50 acres, known tbe This farm is situated within one milee ter of Seaforth, The lanais of the ehoi buildings. The farm is well plant'ed ornamental trees is in exeellent °We fenced, It is adn'llrably suited. for a re man, a dairy -man or market gaa-dia easy, apply to the proprietor on the la Seaforth P.O. E. TESKY, Proprietor -a-a beautiful farm, eoreprieing Lc* , eaul the north three-quarters Of Lot lI aumnabwe la.,t e 1,(*) Id ,1 -taheed eirtinne: niise no.t‘>ttnalolle'rtehh:::rise:e111: 185 ackes are cleared and the bale* road, midway between Seslorth and Be farm is in a good-stete of taltivatioue particulars ,adiberie SAMUEL HANN potto=hz,:aun.asa. young orchard. WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lota -sa Coe. 6, Stanley. containing 09 acree aro cleared and about 40 acres in withia ow; mile of the village of Varna; are churches, schools, and all village Ili There is a choice of four gooa inarke miles, the nearest being within 4 to11, a good dwelling house and frame ra consisting of barn, horse and cow ate shed, sheep pens, &e. Plenty of water tra good orchard. There is a. eheeee: corner of Olefin -pi wheel meet be pui the farm if desited. Imowdiate posse . to the proprietor en the premises or to; THOMAS JOHNSTON, Jr- TPAAM. FOR SALE. ---For Sale, Lot L.R.S., Tuckers/nit)), containing of which are cleared and in a good stat tion, the balance is well thaberea kitcben %els, with atone cellar nude and kitchen ; a good. frame barn 60 house 46x30, with stone basemcnt house.; the Whole length of both from the cattle hoese below is a large; 20x9, deg out of the sole' bank, built o and lime awl arched over with brick, Proof ; there are 3 wells, each about built up with brick, and are no,er-faili plums, elmrries, grapes, awl smal about 300 roods of drains with Wee down ; the stables are all ileoresi wi ' fully, and evenly ; also log ban sta.bles, situated 7 railer; froze Ex Seatorth, and :2 from Heusali station.. to :Aire& awl ehurches. Terms - paid dime the lam:tin/ler to suit P ply to tler proprietor on the proxiir,es IMPORTANT NOT': -a-a- that Mr. Houston wrote an awn). a female child, 2 months old, strong, should apply to E.- SMAL P. to wager the sum of sa100 that la a Spirie Level, Box a Compass, or ha laly better than any young man in 1. ed by either of the undersigned un e SO, for removing stumps and le three . acres of tho Agricultural Or vartieulars as to the manner in whie 18 tO be done can be xeceived from members of the Committee. THO A. TOUNG, M, Y. MeLEAN-Commit