HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-06-15, Page 1• OFFERING COODS S WERK AT .aUCAU z { PED CREAP ODS r S 1' ORE. eeiaof Bless Goedsat kerma yard,, worth 25 to 40 aentS— ce titi%t, the •p EST BARGAIN • offer to our Pustamers, >#ndl we+• Topa to see them OTINTENDAY&. E ALL ;SILKS 2 • OEN S - PER YARD trance, our Vit. IdTki/Y having rsaid•at a Great Bargain ad Stock Ga Silks e in. FARIS Last Month. • 3 1W “*CES ICS O F rirR ' ARPETS' 30 Cents -per yard by the: piece, or cents added if cut. - 'pO ITL & Co: ' f its to the Ladies of t eatorth an.4 country that they have added tel 1:47 Goods Busitless the Mauer - a1a'AND MANTLES WEST STYI` 1 S and Mada of th$ TERIAL.. This Department -fes arge of ERI NCg% CUTTER have every confidence in reeom those who may favor ns with their ileal will fiends in this: Department EX `fENS. ° STOCK Fs r Latest Mantle Cloths to Selectfront FIT AND FINISH, t, with !Moderate Charges, Gnus:I:Me& RE NOW SHOWING SAMPLE BMAl '.LES '. rt manufacture, in addition to s rTerS t of Foreign. .Slake. We Invite:a Elates saaaaaaa TENTS YEAR. WHOLE 11 To. 497. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 15; 1877. Ilimmteltodsomtmaseemmoons LEANT BROTERF, Pohlishe►•,+. 51 30.a -Ye r, in taldvance. 14 RAIL E TATE FOR SALE. OTEL FOR SALE—In the Village of Harpur- hey, with; good. accommodation for the -p ublic, Oise good stabling and driving sheds, with 4 acres of land more or less. It will be sold cheap. Apply to DIRS. C. DILL, Seaforth P. 0. 496x4 FARM SALE. ---For sale„ Lot Na. 30, Con. 13, McKillop, containing 50 acres, 15 of which are cleared, the balance well timbered. Is Situated one mile. frorp gravel road, and convenient to churches, schools, dtc. Price $1,800.. Apply to A STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 491• .. ARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, 85 cleared, being Lot 31, Con. 3, Usborne, County -of Huron ; good soil, well watered, ' well fenced, splendid orchard ; school house adjoining; two-storybrick house and good outbuildings. For particulars address RUS- SELL J. ROSS, Rodgerville, Ont. 496x8 FOR S ALT;.—A two storey frame house and out - buildings, situated on the Market Square of Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The building is -very suitable for a boarding house or a public business. For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea - forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich. 493 ARI. FOR SALE. North half of Lot 28, Con. 5, township of Morris, County of Huron, con- taining 97 acres, best of land, 70 acres cleared, balance all hardwood bush, good frame barn- and stable, and a bearing orchard. The farm is well watered and in the best condition, and is only one and a half miles from •Brussels station, Great Western Railway. For terms apply to GEO. FOR- SYTH, on the promises, orBrasssels P. 0. 491 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, a brick dwelling with 8 acres of land at trached, on which is an orchard of all kinds of fruit trees. The house is 24x30 and in good . repair ; there is a woodshed and tank house, also a stable ; anda second dwelling house of frame 1S.v24.- The property is situated within two and a half miles of Seaforth. Also several dwellings and other prop- erties in. Seafotth for sale. Apply to A. STRONG, •Seaforth. • . 486 1TOUSE AND LOT FOR SAT.7i,.—For Sale, that comfortable and conveniently situated dwelling house and lot, adjoining the Methodist Episcopal Crutch, and at present occupied by Mr. W. S. Robertson. The house contains kitchen, dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. A good cel- lar and woodshed, also hard and soft water, and a stable.. The lot is a corner lot and is within one block of the Main Street. Apply to W. S. ROB- ERTSON, Seaforth. 486 - • `{ ARM FOR SALE For sale, Lot 10, den. 5 township of Grey, County of Huron, can- Wiling- onraining 100 acres of good land, 58 -acres cleared, balance timbered with Beech, Maple and Elm:' Naw frame bank barn and stable. A good bearing orchard of 50 trees. The above farm is 5 miles from Brussels station, Great Western Railway, and only 2t miles off gravel road. For further par- ticulars apply to JOHN LOWE on the premises, or Brussels P. 0. ' - 491 VAR I FOR SALE.—North half of Lot 15, Con. 8 township of Morris, containing 100 acres; 90: of which are cleared and. in the very best. state of cultivation; geed brick house, frame barn. and. driving house ; good bearing orchard; farm. well -watered ; is situated 6= miles from Brussels -and. Blyth station, on the Great Western Itailway. For terms apply to P. LYNN, on the premises, or to C. R. COOPER, Brussels P.. 0. 3.. J.' LYNN; • Proprietor. 495- FARM F011' SALE.—For Sale,. East half Lot 8, Con. 4, Turnberry, County of Huron, contain- ing 50 acres, 40 acres cleared ; good flame ,house and stable, also good bearing orchard. Situated. 4 miles from Wroxeter Station and 2* miles from Blnevale Station, on the Great Western Railway. Possession given let Septereber,1877. For further particulars apply to ROBERT RICHARDSON, on the premises, liinevale P. 0., or to -C, R. COOPER, Brassola P. 0, with stamp. for answer.. - 4810 FARM F FOR SALE or Sale, Lot 26, Con. 2, Tnekersnuth, containing 100 acres of excellent `land, about 70 of which are cleared, the balance is good hardwood bush; frame house, frame barn and stable; an orchard, good wall; convenient to schools, churches, d&e. Is situated about 6 miles from Seaforth and 1. mile from Brueefield station, on a goodgra,ve1- road. For farther particnilars apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by letter to Bru ietieldl P. 0. THOMAS MUNRO, Tuckorsmithp 492x13 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. For Sale the east half of Lot 9 Canaeesion 8, meecillop, containing 50 acres, known as the Deigle estate.. This farm is situated within one mile and a quar- ter of Seafarth. The land is of the ehoieest quality. There is a handsome residence, and good out- buildinge. The fermis well planted with fruit and ornamental trees, is in excellent order, and well fenced. It isdlni irably suited for a retired gentle- mau, n dairyman or market gardiuer. Terms -easy, apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Seaforth 1'.0. ? E. TB; 3KY, Proprietor.. 495 LARGE FARM FOI! SALT;.—Por Sale, that. beautiful farm, comprising Lot 26, Con. 12; lard the aorth three-quarters of Lot 26; Con. 11, 175 acres in alit situated in the Township- of Mo- ll:Wog, County of Huron, on the leading gravel road, midway between Seaforth and Brussels. The - farm is in a good state of cultivation, well fenced and watered, unl conveniout to church and school; 185 acres are cleared and the balance hardwood timber. On the farm is a dwelling house, good outbuildings, and a young orchard. For? further particulars address SA1IT EL HANNA, Oil City, Pennsylvania, U. S. • 473 AR I. FOB, SALE.—For Sale, Lots 15 and 16, Con. 6, Stanley. containing 99 acres, 85 of which ire cleared and about 40 acres in seed. It is within one mild; of the village of Varna, whore there are churches, schools, and all village conveniences. There ie a Choice of four good markets within 11 utiles, the neared being within 4 hilus There is a good dwelling house and frame out-bnildi igs, consisting of baro, horse and low stables, driving sided. ,htep pens, &e. Plenty of water and ' au ex- tra gooit orchard.. `rltere'f, a cheese factory on the corner of the faarm which could be pureliasedl with the farm if deslretl. Immediate possession. Apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Varna, P. 0. THOMAS JOHNSTON, Jr- , 488 AT LUALLE. MILL PROPERTY FOR S.. LE.- The property is situated on the Town Plot of Grey, about 8 !miles from Ethel station, ou the Southern Exte tsion of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce ltailwey. The machinory ()Width of 35 - horse engine, 40 -horse 5 -flue boiler, large'circular edging and butting_saws, shingle and heading ma- chine and sluu<,le jointer. The machinery is all fust• -Claes, and luta only been running about a year and eight mouths. This is a rare chance for men of capital, as there is a good local trade, and any quantity of Timber of all kinds to be had, Satis- , n09 factory reasons given n for selling. Bull part}ciilars on application: to GABltOW BROTHERS, Grey $3. Post Waco. N; notes and accounts over- . Wi, due must be settled at unce, and save trouble and expense. 475 Gas HURON COUNTY" OOUN CIL The County Council, of the County of Huron met -at GGoderi hon Monday of ter000n, June 4. The ;Warden in the chair. - -After reading the minutes of the last meeting l - of the last session - the Wards delivered th usual opening addres to .'the .Couneik Re referred to vario s matters which would likely come before the Council for consideration, and [more particularly to he equalizing of" the assessment rolls; wh ch he said would form the principal business of. the Council. • - THE AGRICULTUIIAL COLLEGE. letter from the President of the On- o school of Agriculture,'stating that s the desire of the Government th t County Council of - the Proving ld have the right f maintaining one ►` qualified studen . for this institt- was read and ref rred to the Special mittee. MONEY FOR BRU. ELS SCHOOL. communication fr n the school tru's- of Brussels, req n: sting the loan of for the purpose of paying school hers, said loan to be given in accord - with the terns o the Public school of 1877, was readnd referred to the tar it eac sh dul do Co tee. $7 tea anc act Finance Committee: he Council adjeuri mo , ning at 10 o'clock. 11 Tu he Council inet_pui me t. - CaRAHAates letter from Alesi & t utton, barristers, eni- a g to bring an Co ncil for damages Wi e;ghani, known as be a of rebuilt by the eel until Tuesday sDAY, June:5,'1877. rsuant to adjourn RIDGE. - • yrs Guthrie, Watt of ;Guelph, threat- iction against the ifi -the bridge at Graham's: bridge, : Council, was read mite. aE ane referred to the rod nd bridge com- . • G ' ANTS TO AGRICUL URAL I SOCIETIES. 11 oved by Mr. Yo : ug, seconded by Mr. Hunter, that th, sum of $100 be gra ted to each of ththree riding agri- cul 'ural societies in - the County. Re, ferr to the finance crnm,ttee. COUNTY TRE.SUR.ER'S REPORT. he following tette with the acorn- ing documents, ; ere read and re- d to the finance c' mmittee : the Warden ct iul ount y Council of e County of .Huron : pan ferr To t • ENTLEMEN : I ' eg to I submit a sta ement• of colle ions ;from- non• resi.ent lands from January . 1st, o Ma lst; also states eut showing t 9 fun o s on hand and av ilable to rneet.'cur- ren expenditure. I iso enclose for the gui ance of the Film "ce Committee my esti ate of the expen iture for 1877. In acc rdance with youriiustructions I have inv sued the sinking nd at the credit of he Gravel Road ebenture account Win' Northern Gravel goad Debenture a cou t in the purchase of township mu i cif), 1 debentures. F r account of t e. Northern Gravel Boa I have purchts dl one :debenture of $2, 00 maturing J a -' uar , 1880, of "the wnship of Dove, bea ing-7 per cent. in erest at 1001.For .acc a unt of the Sterling gravel road de- .bentures I have bong t five debentures of he township of Minto of $500, each ben ing 6 per Sens. int rest, maturing in Ma,`, 1890, at 98& ; and three; deben• tur s of $1,000 each f the township f'. El a 'a, maturing in Fe ruary, 1897, bea ing 6 percent., at 99. - A. M. • oss, Treasurer. leo 4 E:TIMATED ERPENDIruRE FOR 11877. A•, o iniatration of Justice • _ .. . $2,200 Inq ests - 100 Jail .................. € 1750.. Jnr Sch 090 of Management 1 1,760 Lun . tics and Charities 500 Sal ries and. Councillors'F es t 5,250 Rep: urs' on County Buildi. gs. . 1,100 • Hig i Sohool; Goderich. l 960 sig School, Clinton t1 850 Mis, ellaneous and Coating=ncies.....:• 850 Stitt '°eeryail d Printing 1,000 ; To n'Lines 3,000 Cro n witnesses _ Ro ds and Bridges ' . 10,0 0 Gra •• el Roads Debentures Interest 1 15,850 Gra el Roads Debentures .;,inking Fund; 5,300 Nor hero Gravel Road De aventure Inter= es .lino, Nor here Gravel Road De suture Sink - in: Fund 1,000 Exc ss of Expenditure ov r Estimates i 1876. 1,589 Agr cultural Societies. • Les4 Revenue from Licens Les.1 Revenue from Interes Les Revenue from Itegist Les part premium reali D .bentures 3p0 $58,449 s. .. $400 250 Officer 2,750 8,400 ed on a#ale of ... 5,048' 1 Am col Cot A bor $25 94• Mo Sta Tu 4 Latese Tuok,rmIlith, (entraining 100 trews, 80 of whiter are cleared and in a good state of -.cultiva- hardwool : the re ie a, tirst-elees brick house 88x28, kitelten 21-xle, With stone cellar under both. house and kitchen; g, frame baler finx-40, driving, honey alth stout. basement and tattle hate, e the whole kligth of both buildings ; leading from the tenth; hoese Mow is a large root -house, 2exil, dug out ef the solid bank, Lunt of solid stone and lime and arehed over with brick, and is frost eroef ; there aro 3 At ens, each- about 40 feet deep, lain up with brick, aud are rawer -failing springs Qf hat(r ; there is a good orchard of apples, -pears, Dimes, chorriee, grapee, and small fruits ; alto abed :100 rood.; of drains with tiles carefully laid doe n ; sttuo,; ttre au -Enured with :stone, care - Due Due re Due Mr. ed bri and wat rec.aa. Li situated 7 miles from. Es..eter, 10 from its approaches. Be aunt to be raised this y NO1-RESIDEN' he following is ore non urer fro r statement of the rity Trea January 1st to st Wawanosh, $82 71 • "East Wawa - PRESENT STATE OF HE FINANCES. . for Co. Rate from Me icipalitiese 5,874 62 Went, taxes collected.....$6,284 88 to Municipalities or I School Grant 568.00 6,852 ss oved by Mr. Stra ban, seconded by Kane, that the en 'neer be instruct - o remove the flood wood south of the ge on the bound ry between Grey Howick as the stoppage of the ✓ is a great injury to the bridge and f rred to the read fulla. and te euly laid also log barn 48x2e, and 2. and bridge committee to scheole and elturches. Terms—e32,000 to be, The council adjourn Paid dottn, the remainder to snit pureletteers. Ap- day morning at 10 o'c plyto the proprietor on the premisee or te Hensel le en WX. STONEMAN. WEAN 196-4:e The council rnet pu FOR NALE Oft TO LET. . s'A'tvorre?S"leaafoiar Seott's block, over Wil eon & Young's be i ERT 8cOTTt.b. Apply to the Proprietor. ROB - 486x4 Sea suant to adjourn-. County Treasurer to the towns of he proportion of the public school inspectore' salaries :taid by these municipalities in the. years 1875 and 1876, as said; !municipalities having been incorporated as_ towns have to employ and pay their own school in- spectors. Referred to the finanbe Coni - An REPORTER FOR THE COURTS.n A communication frorn, Judge Toms requesting the Council to empower him to employ a short hand reporter to take the evidence at the Quarter sessienS, as he believed that the employment a such an official would shorten the sittings of the Court, -and consqeuently decrease ex- penses, as jurymen and witnesses} wOuld net be detained so long ie attending the Court, was read -and ieferred to the Special committee. ' COUNTY AUDI ORS. I The following report f the County auditors was read and referred to. the ' In submitting accounte Of the Sheriff and Clerk of the Peace for the eicainini- tion of hinatics -committed to the iail, the Board of Audit reported to the ' fol- lowing effect : One. of the parties be - dame insane in the jail; ,another, Mrs. Ireland, was examieed With the view pf getting her into the asylem, but shestill remaing in the jail. The Magistrate who committed the other par did not elicit the information required,b'y the statute to enable the Lieuteniat-Governor tp issue his warrant for reMoval to ' the asylum. When a. magistrate who -dote- mits an insane person fails or neglects to elicit the information required under the act, er when a person beconies insane in jail who has been committed fdr any offence, the County Judge has Itt instruct the County Attorney, under he previsions of the act, to summon witnesses, 'and the Sheriff to serve them to I attend '-uprin a, insanity of the party. T is is the first certain day before him n Goderich, to give -the necessary infor ation as to' the time that accounts of 1this kind have come before us, and as there is no tariff for the payment of sudh accotints, we deferred them for the Conacil to instruct us what they may consider' a reasonable allowance, and establish a tariff for the guidance of your auditora in future. We would also beg to request yon to instruct us what allowance the Witnesses sum- moned in cases of this kind should re- ceive. The Act, 36 Vic1., Cap. 31; sec- tion 30, direets that all enquiries, made ender the act in reference to insane per- sons shall be paid by the County. We may mention that under' he aet it re - and the County Judge to! t e insanity of ;3. quires the certificate of ttv medieal men any person committed to the jail, before the Lieutenant-G-overnor i.sues his war- rant for the removal of Such. pereons to the asylum. Judge Tonis has perform- ed this duty for years without receiving ' any remuneration, whilat the !medical men, receive $5 each far leach certificate of insanity or otherwise f)f any' person committed as insane or whio becomes in - mend that the County Clerk be author. ized to issue a circular tothe magistrates with full instructions as to their duties under the 'Lunacy Act. And lso to supply them with the necessary forms, as we belie -e that in most instan es this would save the expense of an in estiga- tion at Goderich. ! itp s. PETER ADAMSON, }- Au A SCHOOL DIFFICU, TV. A petition -from Mr.' Andrew Mullen and 26 others of school section o. 10, Ashfield, praying for a.cominittee to form a new school section, was read an refer. red to the School Committee. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPOR' The following report f the ounty Engineer was read and eferred to the In examining the county bridges, Q11 the line of road between Huren and Middlesex, I find the bed of the Streams at Sauble Bridge filled With driftwood, and. the approaches at both ends , of the bridge are quite narrow ;' one of' them from this cause not safe, and the floor. needs repairs. I have let a, contract for removing the driftwood, and it will. be necessary to notify the Middlesex Coun- cil before steps are taken to make the other repairs. The approaches to the bridge crossing thei same. stream, on the Crediton gravel road, are 1.4.so quite nar- row, aud will regeire some additional width, pr a fence on each side, to protect travellers. With regard to, Bell's bridre on the London Road, whieh I was in- structed to rebuild wholly of stone, nothing has yet been done. I have ex- amined every quarry in the county, and find thaet the arch stone must come from Brussels, and the cost, in place of being only m0, will sum up to 1050. Even if the expenses be sanction: d, there has been ne time lost, as the ater is still too hig for putting in the foundations. The wopden piers at Helps' Bridge; be. tween. East and, West Wawanosh, have received serious damage from the ice and driftwopd, since they Were first built, eleven years ago. It therefore, be necessary to -cover the fa e' of eaeh pier with el plank, to preN if, further in- jury. n other respect t e bridge is quite safe, and with some trifling re- pairs will last four or fiveayears lenger. 1 A. Bata The (tIouncil adjourned. tp meet at' 10 Tfrossinty, June 1. Counpil met pursuant to adjournment, the Warden in the chair. APPLICATIONS FOR CARETAKER. Some thirty applications for the posi- tion of caretaker of the dourt House, were read and referred to, the Court House Committee. GRANTS WANTED. A communication from D. D. Hay, requestiug a grant for the county bound- a.ry between the townships of Grey and Wallace, was read and referred to the: Finance Committee. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Kane, that the sum of $200 be grant- ed for the boundary line between Minto and Howick, provided that the County of Wellington grant ,a like sum. ' Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Mason, that this Council grant the sum oved by Mr. Mc Chidley, that the orth and Clinton • of $200 to assist in improving the bound- ary lines between Morris and McKi let) and Mortis and Hulled, providing he municipalities. of 1 *orris, McKill p, Hullett and Blyth grant an equal su Moved •by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that thrl sum of $200 be • granted. to improve the, boundary line e - Moved by Mr. Hamilton, secended by Mr. Webster, that this Counail gr nt the sum of $500 to assist in gravel' ng the boundary line between the townships of Huron and Ashfield, providing the County of Bruee.give an equal amoulnt, and also that the municipality of Lupk- now and the people living along the line of road. each give $500. Moved by Mr. Hogarth, seco ded by Mr. Brown, that the sum of $200 be granted to repair and gravel the -bon d- ary between -Stephen and Hay, on conditions that these townsnips grant an equal amount. . Moved by Mr. Simpson, seconded by Mr; Geiger, that the sum of $200 be granted to repair the boundary line e- tween Hay and Stanley, on condifon that the townships i terested grant an equal amount. . Moved by Mr. Ch dley, seconded by Mr. G -arrow, that thp statutory grants gh a in aid of the Clinton nd Goderich H Schools be made. - 1 Moved by Mr. :Y ung, seconded. Mr. Kerr, that A gradt of $400 be given for the improvement f each of the fel- lowing gravel roads, on condition that the municipalities Mt rested supplement the said grants by e ual amounts, viz.: on the road from Brucefield to Exeter ; on the road .from the Maitland bridg to the boundary of Ashfield ; on the r ad hem Clinton to Wingham, and on he road from Seaforth to [Brussels. All of the above motions were` refer ed to the Finance Conimittee. I SCHOOL INSPECTORS' REPORTS. The reports of the School Inspectors were read and referred to the School C m - The Council adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock Friday. - }1.111DAY, June 8, 187 The Council met pursuant to adjou n- ment, the Warden in the chair. ANOTHER GRANT. Moved by Mr. Girvin, seconded by Mr. Taylor, that the C, ouncil. grant 'the sum of $500 to improve the boundary lin.e between Huron and Bruce from Wingham to Lucknow, provided the county of Bruce grant $500, East and West Wa- wanosh $500, Turnberry and the village of Wingham $300—Referred to the i - THE JAMESTOWN BRIDGE. 14 others requesting the Council to bu d a bridge at Jamestown *was read. and e- ferred tp the Road. and Bridge Cein- REFUND TO IVOCILLOP. Mpved by -Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that $307 he refunded to tlhe township of McKill4), the equalized acreage being morelthan was in the teWn- ship for many years 1past—Referred to the Finance Committee. - JAIL AND COURTHOUSE COMMITTEE. The following report of the jail d Court House Commititee was read a d The Jail and Court ilouse Calmat e, having visited the jail, found it clean a d well kept in every particular. There re fourteen inmates, most of them havi g been confined for petty offences. The Committee recommend that the insane be removed from the jail as soon as possible, as they invariably entail an immense amount of extra labor! upon Mrs. Cam- paigne and the jail assistants. The walls surrounding the yards are cracked in sev- eral places,and should be repaired. Inre- spect to the care -taker 'of the court houie, the Committee recorn end that Mr. Reid the present official be ontinued on cop- dition that he devote is whole 'time Ito the duties of his office, remain in t e .court house over night, and keep t e building clean at all times to the sat faction and under the{ direction [of 1‘ r Adamson, and that Mr. Adamson rep rt at the next meeting of the Council as to how Mr. Reid has performed his duti s. The Committee 'further recommend th t the fence surroundin the court ho se yard be cleared off and repainted, arid that hereafter show. orl other placards e not allowed to be pasted on it ; that t e water closets be repaired and cleaned, r new ones built, and that in future t e care -taker do not allos1v them to be us d by the general public, but only by those transacting business at the Courts and in the court house. FINANCE COMAIITTEE'S REPORT. The following report of the Finance Committee wag read : that the latter ob. se of the e - port of the Board of Audit be adopted, viz.: Th issuing of 1 a.," circular and other necets)ary ferins under the Lunacy Act to the i agistrates in the county ; that the auditors make a r a- sonable allowance to he County Att I.-. cases deferred; that th Judge's fee shall be the same as a ined cal examiner, and that a schedule settin forth sums to he paid be published i the minutes. T e loan of $700 be not g anted ; that le grant of $100 to each o the Riding Ag i - cultural Societies, as sked for in r. Young's motion, be gilven ; that the e - to Clinton' and Seafoirth in respect Of School Inspector's galaxies be complied with ; that the prayer kif the petition of D. D. Hay for a grant on the boundary line between, Grey and Wallace be n t ccanplied with, and that the requests co i - tained in the several motions for speaial grants to gravel roads be not entertained, Rest)ecting the motion of Mr. Hays fttr refund of $307 to the township of McKill lop on account of the'equalized acreage having been more for some years than the township contains, tbe Committee recommend th t the amount asked be not mplitdedasgrthoses ceix nditure for the current by year amounts to $58,440, less revenue from licenses, interest and registrar, $3,-, 401, making the real estimates for the year $55,048, and the Committee recom- mend a further'reduction of the estimates in the sum of $5,048, being a part of the premium realized from sale of county de- bentures,which will leave the sum of $50,- 000 tobe raised by taxation duringthe cur- rent year. This amount is exclusive of the school equivalent for which the Clerk will impose the necessary rate as soon as no- tified. of the ainount required.by the De- partment. All of which is respectfully JOHN LECKIE, Chairman. Moved by Mr. Currie, seconded by Mr. Hennings,that the portion of the Finance_ Report recommending the grant to the Agricultural Societies be amended by di- viding the $300 asked for- the Riding So- cieties,among the Riding and Branch So- cieties in the same proportion as the Gov- ernment grant—Lost on a division by a majority of nine. Moved further in amendment that the report yecommend. the witholding of the grant entirely this year—Lost on a divi- sion by a majority of thirtsen. Considerable discussion eusued on the above amendments to the report. The general opinion of members being that it would be better if the three Riding So- cieties could agree ° to unite and hold one Central Show for the whole county. -I . GRANT TO VOLUNTEERS. Moved by Mr. Keine, seconded by Mr. Leckie, and carried, that the usual an- nual grant of $300 be given to the volunT teer shooting Match. ROAD AND BRIDGE GOMMITTEE. The following report of the Road and. Bridge Committee was read and adopted: The Road and Bridge Committee re- commend as 'follows : Respecting the communication of Messrs. Guthrie, Wade & Cuttler, in reference to Graham's bridge at Wingham, threatening legal proceedings if the said bridge be not re- built, the Committee recommend that if legal proceedings be instituted in the mat- ter, the Warden and Clerk be instructed to defend the suit and to employ suitable counsel. It is recommended. that no ac- tion be taken on the motion of Mr. Strach- an, asking to have the Engineer remove the flood -wood from the river below the bridge near the boundary between How. ick and Grey. It is recommended that the engineer's suggestions respecting theSau. ble bridge be adopted ; and that also his suggestions respecting the approaches to the bridge on Crediton road; that the en- gineer act to the best of his judgaient re- spectiug the bridge on the boundary be- tween Hay and Stanley • that the two bridges on the boundary between Hibbert and Usborne, which need repairs, be repaired, if the county of Perth ot the township of Ribbed will agree to pay one half ; respecting Bell's bridge on the London road, which was ordered in January to be rebuilt of stone and which -has not been done because the expense is likely to be greater than was anticipated, the Committee endorse the January report, and recommend the work to be proceeded with as speedily as practi- cable; respecting the bridge on the How - ick gravel road, that between Grey and Howick, the one at Wingham and others mentioned by the Engineer as needing repairs, the Committee ,recommend that all such repairs be proceeded with at once. Respecting the Kirkton bridge, it is recommended that the Engineer have it rebuilt at once, providing that* Perth county will pay one half the expense, as although the present bridge can ibe re, paired it is deemed more advisable 'ilto re - A. L. GinspN, Chairman. The following repert of the School Committee was read and adopted . The School Contmittee report as fol- lows : With reference to the application of J. B. Miller, School Inspector for the apPointment of a Committee to deal with the dispute concerning School Section No. 4, Stanley, the Committee recom- mend the ° appointment of His Honor Judge Toms, Mr. J. R. Miller the In- spector, and Messrs. Cresswell, Adamson and Garrow as a committee under the School Act to deal with said dispute. With reference to the petition of the rate-. payerg of School Section No. 10, .A.Shfield, the Committee recommend that a com- mittee. to consist of His Honor Judge Toms Mr. J. R. Miller School Inspector, and Messrs. Girvin, Adamson and Garrow be appointed, and as there seems to be some necessity for a previous appeal to the township council before application is made to the county cooncil that Mr. Mil- • ler be requested to obtain from the Minis- ter of Education his opinion as to the proper construction of the section govern- ing stich appeals before action is taken by this Council's Committee. 'With refer- ence to the report of the School Inspec- tors, the Committee would recommend that as it is a matter of public importance to know what education is costing the county, that the Inspectors be requested to prepare a statement for the whole county, giving particulars showing the expense to the county of the present sys- tem as follows : Rate per dollar in each township; Equalized value in 1876; Gov- ernment grant ; total received ; average salary of male teachers ; average salary of female teachers; children of school age from 5 to 21, from 5 to 16 and. from 7 to 12 ; number of pupils attending certain days; average attendance; certificates of teachers, kind of school houses and ac- commodation; libraries—public and Sab- bath school ; value of property ; cost per pupil on whole amount paid - cost per pupil on whole amount less dovernment grant on roll between 5 and 21, and that this statement -be printed in the minutes, of this session, and 500 additional copies in pamphlet form be struck off for circu- lation. J. T. (3 -ARROW, Chairman. SPECIAL COMMITTEE. - The following report of the Special Committee was read and adopted: The Special Committee, after consid- ertng the letter from Judge Toms re- questing permission to employ a short- hand reporter fpr the local courts, as directed by Act of Parliament passed at last session, recommend that the Judge be -authorized to: .secure the services 'of such a reporter for one court, and if suc- cessful in obtaining one for the first cIurt, and finds it to be a saving, he be authorized to secure similar services for the next court. In reference to the let- ter of .the President - of,' the School of Agriculture, requesting the Council to *Bider the advisability of sending one *dent from this County to that institu- tion, the Committee recommend that the Whole matter be left in the hands of the Warden and his committee. 11 A. L. GIBSO r, Chairman. • • EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE. The following report of the Equaliza- tion committee was read and adopted thout amendment or opposition :- The Egitalization committee in Pre- s nting their report for the year 1877 h ve to state that they adopted a plan s "rnewhat different from that adopted. t e last and some previous years. T ough not unwilling to encounter and engage in the laborious work of intricate c lculations and comparisons of last year, t ey were not disposed to overturn and s t at naught the result' of last year's labors. They deemed it advisable to ark the representatives of each munici- pality to come before then and state if they had any objections to the equaliza- ti n of last year, and if so to state what these objections were. The committee tLen gave full consideration to any ob- jections, and if - they believed the objec- tions well founded: they made a change, a d if on • examination the objections w re not considered •reasonable, no c ange was made., The -committee have t, state that in almost every case they h d to form their judgment on very i -m- p rfect information, and. so unwilling w re some of its members to give such j. dgment, they' I acknowledged they w uld have preferred in :some instances nit to be asked to 'vote. The committee ! have the unpleasant duty of -directing the attention of the Council to the disgraceful condition of the rolls of the municipality of Stephen as to its figures, the committee having been compelled to add up every page, andin almost every instance found in- curacies on the part of the officials of t e township, and on the last page the• fi urea were so blurred and blotted as to b perfectly illegible! We would recom- mend that the Council_ authorize the Clprk not to receive any rolls in future t at may be forwarded in such a condi- ti n. The committee have to state far- t er that these same rolls contained -a most singular anlimproper certificate,written partly illipencil and partly in inlk, and containinnone of the required cruses. The 1 Committee would a o Rate that several of the ro 1s reflect much credit on the cl rks for •the neatness and care with which they have been made out,• and all the remaining rolls evince that sufficient care and attention had been devoted t& tem. The Con4mittee, in conclusion, e press the hope that the annexed sched- ule will prove, on the whole, most satis- faptory to the Council. All of which is respectfully submitted. ( A. I:IGTBSON, Chairman. The following is the schedule above referred to:11 i 0-3 1-4 1,4 ee 80: - ier` ,icx) $spi ity:72:02th tit $ 0 SP VT MigttglE188Egtrt •n'''M IT, 000WC:1040040100GWO, 5D ,;+.0.1 cocOpmcolcupos el 7 m To i7 aa C8 olo4ropeenceeSpetteReeete'eo -4,014 oDlel-coln epee toot cm .76401 r • • 010-2 4-9-02 TOO totonWto Di 01. neen • 1-4 tzi 0 HaIII NO0 00 he Council adjourned to meet at 9 he Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. The only business transacted at this sittingi was the reading and passing of the by-law nfirming the equalizationf and fixing the ounty rate. The Coun- cdiaiiallujoDuerneeeidn meet on the first Tues. r. 11.