The Huron Expositor, 1877-06-08, Page 8*non txpooitot.
HURON EXPOJIL9.11.'......„
• people of this town if they do not at once
take the nee Beery steps to require them
to do it. t has now become almost
an absolute necessity for the business of
the town and the public safety that this
should be done, and. if the company will
not do it after being ctivily asked, some
other more.„ effective means should at
once he adoPted.1
Lam. —John Wilson of the S. er
Creek Lime Kiln, Seaforth, Las on hand tiey
4uantity of fresh burned lime, for sale chap.
Priests 15 omits per bushel, at the kilii. D ver -
ed in any part of Seaforth or Egmondville r 18
Gents per bushel. oi
PLENTY of Ham, Bacon and Sp eed
Rolla, wholesale and retail, at J. Brownell's. A
ear load of corn, ior Heed, just arrived. Cron ery
and glasaware, selling very, cheap. J. Blum me
Dominion Block, Seaforth. 493.
ALLEN'S Grocery. Provisions, fi ur,
oatmeal, cornmeal, pot barley, rice, split eas,
dried apples, new prunes, side bacon, sm ked
Moon, canvassed hams, codfish, lard, bu ter,
cheese, and general groceries. Wen ALLEN. 496
WANTED, 200,000 Pounds of ood
Batter, for which 18 cents per pound willbe aid,
in tubs, and 17 cents for looae, by the under ign-
ed. THOMAS KIDD. 496 -
will pay Cash for all Good Batter in rolls, jeails
amid tubs, delivered at the drag store of E. ick -
son. 474
WILSON & Yo UNG have 1,000 poun s of
Turnip Seed for sale, all of the most imp ved
varieties that are in the market. 495
GREAT RUSH for Crockery at Wi SON
Yourro's. They sell the Best Stone Clein Tea
Sets for $2 50. A few sets left. 495
PLEASE notice advertisement of ew
watchmaker in E. HIelt801.1 th Co.'s Jewelr and
Drug Store. 490
will hold their regular monthly mee
in the town hall next Monday eve
Every member is requestedt to be pre-
PERSONLL.—Dr. Phelan, who has been
practising in Seaforth for several years,
has removed to London. Dr.- Phelan
takes the practice of Dr. Hagerty, he
having been appointed medical superin-
tendent of the Northwest. The Doctor
is a gentleman of gond professi nal ability
and although h enjoyed a large practice
here, we are gladto learn th t his pros-
pects in his knew eld are even ore prom-
—Dr. Phelan is'succeeded. here by Dr.
Hanover, a4youeigent1eman who comes
well recomMended, and who will, we are
sure, well 4.nd Worthily fill the position
vacated. by his! Predecessor. Dr. Han-
over's card will be found. "in another
column. •
thirty merebers Of the Seaforth Fire
Brigade, headed by the Firemen's Band
marched tb the station on Thursday
morning of last week to trate the train
for Brantford where they went to assist
in the inahguial celebration of the new
city. At Mitchell they were joined by
m, en the Brigade and band of that town, and
Ing the two bands in Open, cars geve frequent
ng. ,selections at the different stations along
the route. ;, Arrived at Brantford the two
brigades with their bands marched to the
general rendeavous and joiaed the pro-
cession which was at onceorganized. Our
Firemen though small in nuniber made a
very creclitable display. There were
some 16 or 18; Military and brass bands
in the procession; of the latter that from
Simcoe was universally admitted to be
the best, the dobourg band coming next,
while Seawall stood third. in point of
merit. The greater part of the brigade
returned the evening train, so that
they did aot teke part in the torchlight
processioi4 ,
Scott, has purchased the cottage an
opposite the public school baildin
present occupied by Mr. John C. M
, at
aY, -
for the sum of $800. Mr. McKay has
erected_ a residence on Goderich treet
wheife he intends to live. ,
NEW OMNIBUS.—Mr. Stephens o the
Qaeen's Hotel, has purchased an put
on the road a handsome new ornnila s to
run between the railway statical and his
hotel. This is the first vehicle of the
kind. which has been brought into Sea -
forth, andis creditable to the enterprise
of the proprietor of the Queen's.
• applicatiotus of candidates for certifi
at the examination of Public S
teache,rs, have now all been receive
the Secretary of the Board. Ther
.254 candidates for third class c
cates, 59 for second, and none for
it is likely from the ,number of
and second class candidates, there
be about as much plucking"
ate s
BIG WHEAT. — r. Robert Govenlock,
of McKillop, has shown ds a spechnen of
fall wheat of the Seneca variety, and of
this year's growth, which is a curiosity.
The stalks are well headed out, and. meas-
ure 60t inches in length. Mr. Govenlock
has an acre of this wheat, all of which is
fully as long as the sample shown UP. If
this is a specimen of the fall what of
this county„ fariners may fairly count
upon a bountiful crop.
—At the last monthly meeting o
Directors of the McKillop Fire Ins
Company, applications for mem
• to the number of 90 were consider
passed. The success which has at
this coreipaary since its otganizatio
most unprecedented, and at each s
ing meeting of Directors the nu ber of
applicants for membership increases. Al-
though the company has now bee ' in ex -
istelice for about eighteen months, only
one small loss has been sustained , and
aze v .
d and
is al-
the directors have not required to
one single call upon the members.
is certainly cheap insurance.-
SGRAPS.—An amateur dramati
is being formed in town. I
make its debut shortly.—Friend
0 son, of the Commercial, is getting
'bus.—Quite a number of our
have been beautifying their priva
dences this spring. Tree planting
building, and other ornamentation
been the order of the day. It is -
presumption. to predict that S
will, in the course of time, :not o
leading business town, but also
of beauty, pleasing to behold.
got the right sett of people in t
place to bring about such a gr
result.—Caterpillars are alarming
alma on the fruit and shade tree
vicinity. They can be seen in
all through the town, and the w
the neighborhood are fearfully
with the troublesome pests. We
aware whether these vermin
mosquitoes and black flies, and
season for retiring or not, but if t
going to remain all summer grove
parties will not be enjoyed ve
thie season. ao,
- few weeks ago a resolution wa
bysthe Seaforth Council asking t
Trunk Railway authorities to re
unsightly shanty which does d
as a station house, and to ere
building which would not be a
to the town, and also to ope
street through their property
when the Main street at the
blocked by trains standing,acros
public would have some othe
'get aoross the railway track.
evenings ago Mr. Hickson, m
the road and other officials p
s tation on their way to Gode
rere interviewed by some gen
th e town on these matters. Th
ea, unent received however was
oat tering. Mr. Hickson whe
to a. Itout the new station buildin
ea pc \may and hard times as ai
for da \laying the erection of a
ing, a, ad desired to know what
town N 'MUM give if a new buil
If Mr. Hickson was
erected. •
a bonus from the
in askii
be ashamed of himself.
ought to
a building did not cost
-arthing, it having bee
of Seaforth in the fi
the people
It has serv ed the purposes of
rly 20 years, and if,
pany for ilea
so dilapidated
it has bewail,
standing disgr tee to both the
the company, the companywitha rel e
ford to replace
banding seereaseh at in keeping
revenue derived fi •om this place
receiving aid to (1'0 SO, they h
while eating, an worked its way through
the coats of the stomach. The cow is
doing well.
. _
DOING WELL.—At a meeting of the
committee of the Board. of Directors of
the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Com-
pany, at Zuricti held on the -30th day of
May, 53 new applications were passed by
the Board.
A BIG TREE.—Mrs. Wm. Black, of
the second concession of McKillop, has
an apple tree in, her orchard, the trunk
of which measures seien feet six inches
in circumference. The tree was planted
about 30 years ago, and is now in full
blossom. It is, one of the best bearing
trees in the orchard.
NEW POST OFFICE.—A new post office
has been established at Charles Davis' in
McKillop, and will be kept in the build-
ing opposite Mr. Davis' hotel. Mr. Da-
vis has been appointed postmaster. The
first mail was dispatched from Seaforth
office to the new office on Monday last.
CARDNO-S Bnobx. —We announced last
week that Mr. A. Cardno had purchased
the Powell Hotel property. 1We are now
pleased to atate that Mr. Cerdno has de-
termined to remove the old hotel building
as well as the bailding adjoining whieh
he now oecupies himself, and will erect
on these properties a handsome brick
block. This willunite Mr. Counter's brick
building With: that now occupied by A.
G. McDougall & Co. and make one com-
plete and Unbroken brick row from John day.
to Market streets. In his new block -Y •
Mr. Canino will have five large and com-
modious stores, and he intends fitting up CHURCH PROSPERITY. —1Considering
the wholeof the upper fiat- for a music 1 the very recent erection of .the new Pres -
hall. Th hall will be 100 feet long and
40 feet wi e, with refreshment and dress-
ing rooms in the rear of the building or
along the Side of the hall. Whea com-
pleted this building will be one of the
handsomerit in town, and the hall will be
one; of the largest and most convenient
in this section of the country. It will
ale° provide for a want which has been
long felt in the towniand cannot fail to be
re.munera.tive to the enterprising pro-
prietor. Mr. Cardnof has the plans of his
building ready and intends 'commencing
work at once, and expects to have the
whole cOrtepleted. by the last of October.
Mr. Cardio is the right stamp of a man
to have in a place, and we are sure that
his enterprise will be amply rewarded.
County Council met at Goderich, on
Monday evening last, and will continue
in session until Saturday. Up to yester-
day morning there was no business of
'iniportanee transacted, there having
been only, three short sittings. The all -
absorbing business of this session is -the
, equalizing of the assessment rolls, and,
consequeritly, the greatest amount of
labor devolves upon the Equalization
Committee. - While the unfortunates of
this Committee are laboring zealously
for the good of their county, their fellow
Inembtre 4ave little else to do than kick
their _Meels around. the streets of the
county tewn and enjoy themselves as
best 'they can. The equalization of last
year waS so equitable and generally
satisfactory, there is not likely to be any
material Ichange this year, except what
is rendered necessary by increase in
values in one municipality over another.
A full report of proceedings will be given
in our neXt. 1 v.
—Since the last session' of COciincil, the
court roota has been painted. and grain-
ed and other internal .improveents ef-
fected, wilich gives it a much improved
appearanee. This Work was much need-
•a vid-
e new
e rem -
o vain
• aforth
ly be a
O have
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in this
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ON. —A
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GRANGE DetEETIN G.—A meeting of the
Patrons of Huebandry was held at Bel -
more on Saturday June 2. The regular
business of the! Grange was transacted in
the forenoon. !About 1 o'clock refresh-
ments were partaken of by all, and when
justice had been done to the viands, Ad-
dresses were
Brown, of Lo
of Wroxeter,
Heppenstall; o
were non -poli
however, both
delivered. by Messrs.
don, Gibson, M. P. P.,
Dow, of Gananoque, and
Howick. The speeches
ical in their character,
Mr. Brown and Mr. Dow
did not consider Protection to be in the
interest of the farmer, the nearer we ap-
proached Free Trade the better it would
be for that claps of the community.
injure their oWn constitution in seeking 1
gain, they must abide by the conse-
quences. Wit hope to see so111 e different
steps in thia move taken by the more
liberal merchents, and speedily made to
work to the advantage of all parties.
of Chatham, Addressed a mee ing of rate-
payers. on Friday last on the merits of
the Chatham steam fire engine. The
meeting was not so well 4ttlended as it
should have been: The meeting was ad-
dressed by the Reeve and o
advisability of getting a epro
tection. A resolution was
questing the Council to take
certain what the best protecti
and after deciding, to submit
raise the necessary funds.
steamer and outfit, includin
of rubber hose, would be
Tuesday last Mr.' Waterous,
conspicuous! of the many improvements
going on here, this season; ut the new
Agricultural Hall which has just been
completed. It will be remembered that
the contract was let to Mr. Hood about
the 1st of Aril; who has fulfilled the
contract 'with commendable energy. The
hall aodgronnds of which there are six
acres is enclosed by a close board fence,
and. supplies a want which has been long
felt in this section. -The members of the
society intend having a bee on Tuesday
next, for the purpose of clearing up the
grounds, and' as a general invitation is
extended. to all, it is to be hoped that
every one who can find it convenient will
see the necessity of turning out on that
close it up altogetlier. If the com any
area° niggardly that they will ot build
the prose t one is
a new station wune stuilpi
lose the own can
burned dawn,
not compel them to olo so, but we do
think that they can be ttompeLesi to at
, least open up Jarvis street\ and if so the
0011110i1 Will be remise in thel't duty to the
ed, and bas been Well and carefully ex -
James -to -gin.
SAD AOCIDENT.—A ehild 3 years old
belonging to Allan Ramsay, of the First
ConcessiOn of Morris, met with a sad
accident li which resulted in her death on
Sunday 'Morning last. It appears that
the Mother went acrossi the road on Sat-
urday to i a neighboring house to see a
young man by the name lof John King,
who wasvery sick at the time with in-
flarnmatipn of the lungs, and left her eld.-
est daug ter te scrub the floor, and the
water be ng too hot. for scrubbing, she
left the ail sitting on the floor and. went
out to th pump for cold Water to cool it.
When -sIe returned She found the child
lying on he 'floor scalded in a frightful
manner. i; She had been playing around
the pail 4nd fell in, upsetting it on her-
self. Site lived itill Sunday morning,
when death put an end to her sufferings.
i •
A CURIOSITY. --Air. Allan Hobson had
a sow which, a few days ago, gave birth
to a reall: curiosity in the little squealer
line. The pig had two perfectly formed
bedies Until it pame to the should-
ers, when , the two bodips formed into
one, with one head and neck. Each
body had four legs, the front ones on ac-
count of4he joining at the shoulders be-
ing a little further back' than usual.
This curious animal had only one ear, in
other reSpects the head and neck were
, perfect for one pig ancl . the bodies for
; two pigS. The animal Was born alive,
' but died. soon after birth.
! A SURGICAL OPERATI ..!:.A cow, the
propertai of Mr. Joseph ... tevens, of the
thirteenth concession of Hullett, had a
laree abscess formed in her right side
behind. the shoulder, • an 9 the cow ap-
peared to be failing elTery day. Mr.
John Nott, veterinary sOgeon of Bros -
Bele, wail sent for, and fter making a
I careful examination, he opened the ab-
scess and allowed the tIppuration to es-
cape. i On making a do er examination,
he-fOundaa needle projecting out between
the ribs, which he removed.This needle
must have been taken the month
1 ,
ers on the
er fire pro
passed re-
tepa to a8.
n would be
a by-law to
he cost of a
1,000 feet
4,500. On
also visited the village to ex lain his sys-
tem of water works for fire protection.
The cost Of the Waterous system of wat-
er works, including engine Power, 2,000
feet of main pipe, 1,000 feet of cotton
hose and all other equipments, would be
between $9,000 and $10,000. It is not
yet known, but it is believd •that the
Council will at once decide which of these
protections to lay before the people for
their approval. ,
byterian church in this village, the con-
gregation is now in a very prosperous
condition, and, rapidly increasing in
numbers, which is a very good sign of
a church's prOsperity. They have a
workman at their head who is not
ashamed of his calling, rightly -dividing
the word of truth and giving unto every
one a portion in due season. May his
labors be abundantly blest amongst
them. Sabbrith collections are good con-
sidering 'the size of the congregation,
about 55 or 56 families. The collection
every Sabba h amounts to over $8 a day
and during the communion season re-
cently the very handsome sum of
over $55 was collected, including two
week . day Iservices and the Sabbath
services. Tne above collection goes to
Knox College. The Congregation is al-
so going to elect a new brick • Manse for
their Minister. this summer which will
cost in the neighborhocal of $1,500. The
best of Harmony exists between pastor
and people 4nd all things seem to work
together for their good.—Coti.
meeting of the township council, held on
the 29th ult., the sum of $100 was voted
to be expended in cutting down the hill
west of Belgrave station, the contract for
the work to be let by Councillor Clegg.
Councillor Laidlaw was authorized to let
the job of cutting down the hill opposite
lot 15, on the 9th and 10th concessions,
the cost of the wor not to exceed $50.
The Council! meet a ain OA the 26th of
JUNE 8, 1877.
for the purpose of erecting a new school i
house n that section. A by-law was
also passed, authorizing the issuixg of
debentures to raise by way of loai) for
school section No. 5 the sum of W for
a similar purpose. Upon the repreeenta-
tions of Mr. D. D. Hay, of Listowel, the
Council agreed to pay one-half of the
cost of gravel to gravel the boundary line
between Grey and Wallace to the bound-
ary of Howick, provided that the gravel
do not cost more than five cents per yard,
and that Wallace or other parties pay
the cost of the other half, the money to
be paid as soon as the Council has evi-
dence to satisfy that the gravel has been
used. The sum of $20 was granted for
the benefit of Robert Pease, an indigent
person, the said sum to. be expended by
Mr. Keifer. The flum of $25 was also
granted towards repairing the Mill Road
at Ethel station. The Council will
meet again at Dane's Hotel,. Cranbreok,
on June 29.
Bay -field.
This affair still continues to create a
good deal of talk and specu ation. It is
now stated on good authori y that both
Keys and Elliott have been in the
neighborhood until last Sanday. On
that day they 'were taken across the
lake to the American shore n a fishing
boat. Mr. Keys had to bprrow money
from some friends before leaVing to pay
the boatmen for taking them across, and
the families, of both men are said to be
in destitute circumstances. 1 The affair is
certainly a Imelancholy one. It is not
considered how by any person that either
Keys or Elliott made anything for them-
selves out of their fraudulent transac-
tions. They had for some time been
"selling short" in grain, the term
goes, and the rapid increase in price com-
pelling them to pay $1.75; tor wheat to
fill contracts which had b en made for
$1, threw them behind. T added. to
the fact that t ey are sup osed to have
paid other pre sing claims with money
which they ileceived for ithe purchase
of grain, will readily explain how
they got !so much -behind without in
any way benefitting themselves, notwith-
standing the several large sums they
procured fraudulently from1the bank and
other persons. Several farmers in the
neighborhobd have also turned them in
grain, for which they ave not been
paid. An agent of Mr. eilans, of St.
Catharihei, was in Bayfielda few days
ago, and visited several pa ties who had
sold grain to Keys, for the purpose of as-
certaining the kind of mo y it had been
paid in, and securing other evidence with
the view, it is supported, o taking legal
proceeding e to secure from the bank the
grain shipped from Bayfield, and which
was seized, at St. Cathari es.
COURT OF REVISION.—At the uourt of
Revision, which was held on the 29th ult.,
some 31 appeals were heard and disposed
of. The following persons were entered
on the roll authority of the Farmers'
Sons Act, viz.: D. Geddes, J. McLean,
D. Knight, J. Knight, R. Burns, W.
Laidlaw, W. Traquaar, J. Traquair, R.
Traquair, J. Tucker, J. McInnes, R.
Shedden T. McCarter D. McDonald, A.
Forbes, 'J. Curry, VS7. J. McKenny, J.
Johnston, W. Robb,H. Lake, John Lake,
James Lake, W. Casemore, J. Swirm,
J. Bowman, J. McDonald, J. Brydges,
W. Casemore, W. Gauley, R. McKenny,
W. J. Eakett,' J. Craig, A. Vanalstine,
R. Vanalstine, A. Brydges, G. Hanna,
G. Proctor, A. Bradburn, R. Dornian, J.
Robb, J. Johnston,W. Rand, J. H. Law-
ler, W. Ingram, II. Bone, H. Gallagher,
R. McDonald, F. Ingram, J. McLeod,
N. Black, T. Al cRea, M. Armstrong, A.
Scott, S. Walker, M. Wilson, J. R. For-
syth, W. L. Forsyth.
FREE FOHT.—Oni, day last week an
extraordinary and disgraqeful scene oc-
curred on 1 the town null between Us -
borne and Hibbert. For ome time past
a couple of men in the township of Us -
borne, named White and Horton, have
borne ill -Will towards each other, and
several tinies they have *lied and, re-
ceived chillenges to have the matter
ended by resort to the (tuella, the fists
On the day
Stewart had a
a number 'of
Imagine his
he proceeded, to find him-
onstantly reinf reed by addi-
every part of beth townships,
umber of " helPers" amounted
to about 150. When th managers of
the disgraceful affair that ght the num-
ber of interested spectat rs sufficiently
large for all practical purri.oses, the word
was given to drop the wo k and adjourn -
to the road, which w s convenient.
e secret could
as all about,
med and the
tottie used as weapons.
above mentioned, Mr. A.
barn raisibg, and invited
his friends to assist him
self being
tions fro
until the
Falai SOLD.—Mr. Hezekiah Andrews
has -sold his farm, on the second conces-
sion of Tuckersmith, near the West End
Cheese Factory, to Mr. John Whiteley,
of Whitby, for $7,500. The feral con-
belong- -
tains 100 acres.
ing to Mr. Finlayson on the 9tt. Con-
cession of Tuckersmith, gave birt to a
calf on the 25th of May, and on- the fol-
lowing Thursday, nearly a week1 after-
wards, ushered a second young bovine
into this world. of trouble. 4Both animals
are strong, healthy calves; and the cow
also is doing well.
following is a list of the pupils Who re-
ceived the highest number rof marks in
their respective classes for perfect les-
sons during the month of May, in sec-
tion No. : First Form—Jane Hodgins,
Mary Townsend, Agnes Carnochan, A.
Cosens. Second Form—Lillie Rnetb, Da-
vid Sproat, John Sproat. Third Form—
Marion Landesborough, Margaret Mar-
tin, Annabelle Landsborough, Eliza Mary
Landsborough. Fourth Form --William
Robb, Wm. Landsborough, Ellen Mc-
Vitey William Hodgins, and Robert
ball was played on Saturday last
farm of Mr. Donald Robinson'
the Tuckersmith boys of school
No. 1, and the Hibbert .boys of
Those whO were not in t
not understand what it
until a ri g had been fo
combatants placed thereiin. All cloth-
ing at all likely to impede their move-
ments wee thrown off, and then the two
set to work. Both are strong, heavy
men, and when they hit 4hey hit pretty
hard, but White was too lnuch for Hor-
ton, and Would have pounded him into a
mummy had not eminence suddenly
taken possession of some of the crowd,
and the two were parted. The strong
arm of the law should at once be raised
to put down such indecent exhibitions
of brute strength, but so long as people
who defy the law have peilect immunity
from punishment, so long will the re-
spectable public be liable o witnees these
encounters. —St. Marys ournal.
has sold. his house and lot, on Elizabeth
atreet, to George Colom, for $400.
SALE OF LOTS.—John Leckie intends
having an extensive auction sale of oil,:
lage and park lots, adjoining Brussels on
the 4th of July. See particulars next
Oena.N. Ticnrers. —Procure your ocean
tickets from C. R. Cooper, agent for the
. Anchor Line of steam ships, .sailing from
New York 'every Saturday. These ships
are not exceeded by any other line.
BUSINESS CHANGE. — John. Chunter,
furniture dealer, hae purehased the stock
in trade of Alex. Duncan, furniture deal-
er. Mr. Chunter intends holding an ex-
, tensine auction sale of furniture on Sat-
urday, 9th inst. -
. MARKETS.—Fall wheat,,$1 35 to Si 40;
spring, $1 25 to $1 30; peas, 70c to 75c;
• oats, 50c to 55c; barley, 45c to 50c; wool,
25c to 27c; hay, $10 to$12 ; butter,
16c to 180 ; eggs, 109; flour, $8 50 to $9;
bread, 16c. .
GONE BAtii..—The early closing adopt-
ed by our merchants about a month ago
has fallen through on account of some of
the parties not closely adhering to the
agreement of closing their place of busi-
ness at the time agreed upon. The re-
sult is that the clerks (for it is to them,
we think, that great injustice is done) are
kept to their hard tasks these fine sum-
mer evenings until 8, 9 and even 10 -
o'clock. Our sympathies are not with
the proprietors in this step; for if th.ey
Prc-Nic.—A pic-nic
connection with School:
Grey, in Mr. Ballentyne'
(tat June 15.
of Revisien, the followin
ers' sons were placed. u
ment roll, ander autho
ill be held in
Section No. 2
grove, on Fri -
he Grey Court
named farm -
on the assess-
ity of the act
7 7
_cHEAp DRESS moos
it base
on the
section No. 7. The Hibbert bops scored
ith 33,
Tuck -
2nd of
passed at the last session of the Ontario
Legislature, viz.: Alex.
.Avery, Jr., John Stewa
Jr., Charles O'Connors,
Roderick McLeod, Jr.,
John McLennan, Robt.
Elliott, James Colter, J
James Scott.
is the standing obtained
School. Section No. 2,
month of May: Fourth
Ann HYslop, 2nd Joh
McIntosh, Geo.
t, John Cowan,
Wm. Douglas,
in. McDonald,
IcGeorge, Thos.
Ines Elliott and
71 runs, and those of Tuckers
the Hibbert lads thus beating th
ersmith lads by 35 runs. The
match will be played on the
—A friendly game of base b
played. on Tuesday, the 5th inst., ,be-
tween a club from the fourth concession
and the pupils of school section i No. 3,
er nine,
11 was
resulting in a victory for the lat
by a score of 80 to 7.
EDUCATIONAL. —The following
standing of the pupils of school
No. 1, for the month of May
class -1st Thos. logie, 2nd Ja
ray 3rd Bella Logie, 4th A.
The following
y the pupils of
Grey, for the
orm—lst Mary
B. Clark, 3rd
George Harris. Third rm—ht Chris-
tina Richardson, 2nd Charlotte A. Smith,
3rd Sarah G. Smith, 4t1 James Harris,
5th Archie Sellers, 6th Janet W. John-
stone, 7th Hugh Stewar
—1st John Harris, 24c1
say, 3rd Margaret Sel
Efuncanson, 5th Wm.
Form—lst Ellen J. Tur
is the
e Mur-
5th S. Caldwell, 6th Maggie Bella Fourth
class—lst M. A. McLaren, 2d A. Fitz-
gerald, 3rd Wm. Stoneman, 4th Wm.
Bell, 5th James Ingram, 6th Jane Logie,
7th John McArthur.
—The following is the standing ob-
tained by the pupils of school, section
No. 2, Tuckersmith, for the Month of
May. The report is based on proficiency,
good conduct and punctuality Fifth
Form—Wm. Doig, Wm. Young, Sara
Sproat, Jemima Mellis. Fourth!Fonn—
Mary J. Mellis, Ellen Wilson, Hannah
Sproat, Jessie Elgie, Elizabeth Dayman.
Third Form—Charlotte Chapmah, Eliza-
beth Wilson, Maggie Mellis, Gee. Hunt,
John Young. Second Forms -Maggie
Robertson, Mary E. McKenzie'R. A.
McGregor, James Mcitiordie, ,Jemima
Cooper. First Form Senior -I -Maggie
Cooper, Wm. Hunt, Catherine McKin-
non, Elizabeth Monteith, Mary J. Day
man. First Form Junior—John Mc-
Gregor, Maggie Wilson, Leslie Plewes,
Joseph Davis.
Sedond Form
Mary Jane Ram-
ers, 4th Donald
Watson. First
nbull, 2nd Adam
Duncanson,3rd Elizabeth Williamson,
4th Thomas Turnbull, ;5 Margaret His-
lop, 6 John Duncansonl 7 Marion Wat-
son, 8 John Clark.
Dorcas is Co GNCIL. At the last meet -
ing of the Grey Council, in compliance
with a request from Mr. Nesbet, the recover the saddle, and after hearing
considerable evidence a verdict was giv-
Council agreed to pay pne..third of the
en in his favor. The saddle produced. in
cost of covering the jrossway on the court could not be identified by Mr.
boundary of Grey andlma, oppositedot
36, concessions 10 and 11, providing the Stotts, and Mr. Polley will appeal against
the decision.
total cost of the said wOrk do not exceed
TESTIMONIAL. -- Dann, January 29th,
1877. — Money litarakfactuning Co. —
Dear Sirs: The Sharp's Rake I bought
of your agent, Mr. Fathers, I. like first-
We offer 150 pieces of Dress Goods at kom8
cents to 15 cents per yard, worth 25 to 40 cente--
this is, Without exception, the '
—James Stewart, one of the tramps
charged with stealing a coat from the
Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, pleaded guilty
fore Judge Toms, on Monday, and was
remanded to the 12th inst. for Sentence.
Thos. Partington, on the same} charge,
also pleaded guilty and will receive sen-
tence on the above date. 1
—A few daYs ago Mr. Henry Horton,
of Goderich, lost his splendid mocking
bird, it having escaped from ts cage.
The birci was a valuable one, az4d was a
fine singer, the frequent conceis which
it gave from the store door delighting
many ears. It was the last of seven which
Mr. Horton and Mr. Cameron brought
from Philadelphia some time agb. ,
-On Sunday afternoon May 27th, als
Mrs. J. Miller, of Colborne, was riding
in the back part of the buggy, tile seat on
which she was sitting was sudd nly jerk-
edi out of its position by the h rses giv-
ing a sudden start in coming to he bridge
close by Bennailler hotel. Mrs. Miller fell
heavily to the ground, and was rendered
unconscious. for some time, her back and
shoulders being bruised badly.
—An interesting match race took place
at the Melton Driving ParkaGoderich,
on Saturday afternoon, between two fast
horses from Brantford, A. IF. Lee's
"Little Ethan" and J. C. Clark's "Ned."
The track was in good condition the slight.
shower of the morning having laid the
dust nicely. Quite a large crov d was in
attendance, and much interest was mani-
fested. in the result. Little Ethan got
the pole, aud wen the race ' in three
straight heats, leading his opponent 1
throughout. The time. in he three
heats respectively was 2:371, 2:37, and
2:35. J. H. Finlay, Esq., Captain
Dancy and Captain Frazer , acted as
judges. ,
—On Saturday a peculiar case was
tried in the Goderich Divisien Court.
Some time ago a party UnClinton borrow-
ed a saddle from Mr. W. Stotts, of God-
erich, and on returning it, as he says, he
forgot Mr. Stotts' name and thinking
that there were only two livery -stable
keepers in town—Polley and Sturdy—
and knowing that the latter was not the
party wanted he sent the saddle address-
ed to Mr. Polley. One of the latter's em-
ployees received a saddle at the station.
about the time, Mr. Polley receiving it
as one which he had been expecting.
The snit was brought by Mr. Stotts to
We ever had to offer to our Customers, and we
hope to see them •
To make a Clearance, our Mr. HALM having
purchased at a Great Bargain
A Second Stock of Silks
While in PARIS Last Month.
, •
At 65,, 70, and 80 cents per yard. by the piece, or
$183, and that the remaining two-thirds
be cOntributed by Elnia or private in-
dividuals. On applica On of trustees of
school section No. 3, a y -law was order-
ed to be prepared, auth rizing the issuing , rate. It rakes clean and wellai and works
of debentures to raise the sum of $500, easy. Yours, itto., G. RITTENHOUSE,.
5 cents added if out.
A. G. illaDOUGA.LL & Co.
Beg to intimate to the Ladies of Seaforth and
surrounding country that they have added to
their •General Dry Goods Business the tisna-
factore of
In all the NEWEST STYLES and Made of the
FINEST MA.TERIAL. This Department ill
under the Charge of
In whom we havo every confidence in recent -
mending to those who may favor to with. their
Orders. Ladies will find in this Department
Df the Very Latest Mantle Clothsto Selectfrom
Combined with Moderate Charges, attendee&
Of our own manufacture, in additionelo a Tea
large Stock of Foreign Make. We intite a 0111.
VUOLE 14:o. 4-97.
.11.E21.1.4 ESTATE FOR.
ITOTEL FOR s.A.LE—II) the Village
hey, with good accommodation for
also good stabling and driving shed -t, wi
of land more or lefls. It be sold chel
to MRS. C. DILL, Seaforth 1'. O.
"VARM FOR SALE.—For salP, Lot N
13, Mcitillop,rcontaining ,50 acres, 1.
are eleared,, the balance well timbered.
one mile. from gravel road, and com
churches, schools, ,6:c. Price $1,800. A
STR0NG-, Land Agent, Seaforth.
WARM FOR SALE. -100 acres, 85 elea
Lot.31, Con. 3, Usborne, County of Ile
soil, well wateredovell fenced, splendid
school house adjoining; two-story briek
good outbuildings. For particulars nem]
SELL J. ROSS, Rodgerville, Ont.
- -
WOR S.A.LE.—A two storey frame hone
buildings situated on the Market
Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The build.
suitable for a boarding house or a. publh
For partitulars apply to W. N. WAT
forth, or to DANIEL GORDON., Goderi,
WARM FOR 5 A T,E.—North half of Lo
-a- 5, township of Morris, County of II
taining 97 acres, best of land, ;Al acre
balance all hardwood bosh, good freante
stable, and a, bearing orehartL The fa;
watered and in the best condition, and a
turd a half miles. from Brussels stat
Western Railway. For terms apply to k
SYTR, -on the protases, or Bruesse4s P.
Sale, a brick deyelling with Seteree
tubed, on which is an orchard of all kin<
trees. The house is 24.x.30 dud in go(
there is a woodshed and link hoase,
and a second dwelling house of frame le
property is situated. within two and a ha
Seaforth. Also several dwellings aud ot
erties in Seaforth for sale. Apple- to A.
that comfortable and .convenimetl
.dwelling house and lot, adjoining the
Episcopal Church, and at present occule
W. S. Robertson. The house tontain;
dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. A
dor and woodshed, ,also hard and soft we
stable. The lot is a -corner lot and is -
block of the Main Street. Apply to W.
ERTSONe Seaforth.
WARM FOR S ALE.—For sole, Lot
township of Grey, County of He
taining 100 :acres of good land, roi nen
belanee timbered with lieech, Maple
New frame bank barn and stable. A goc
orchard of 50 trees. The above fat= i
from Brussels station, Great Western Re:
only 24.- miles off gravel rola For fuf
ticulars apply to JOHN LOWE on the pr
Braesels P. 0.
WARM FOR SALE.—North half 01Let
-I: 8, township of Morris, containing 10
of -which are cleared and in the very hee
cultivation; good brick house, frame
oliiviug house; good bearing -orchard;
watered ; is situated 0 miles from Bee
'Myth stations, on the Great Western
For terms apply to P. LYNN, on the pn
to 0.11, COOPER, Beussels P. 0. T.
WARM FOR SALE.—For Stile, East
Con. 4, Turnberry, Ciuntyof Ilarrot
ing 50 acres, 40 acres eleahed. ; -good ha
and stable, also good bearing orchard,
miles from Wroxeter Station and 2.1
Bluevale Station, on the Great Western.
Possessiongiyen 1st September, 1877. I.
partieulars apply to ROBERT RIC1LAR
the premises, Bluevale P. fh, or to C. R.
Brussels P. 0, with stamp for answer,
W.A.R11 FOR SALE. --For Sal, Lot 2
Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres o
land, about 70 of which are cleared, the
good hardwood bush; itarue house, er
and stable'an orchard, good well; von
schools, churehes etc. Is situated abou
rom Seaforth and 1 mile from Brneefiel
on a good gravel road. For further 1,
apply to the proprietor on- the premise:
letter to ilracelield P. 0. THOMAS
" east half of Lot 9 ,Coneession
containing 50 acres, known as the Bei.
This farm is situated within one ran an
ter of Seawall. The lanais of tlie choke
There is a,- handsome residenee, and )
buildings. The farm is well planted with
ornamental trees, is hi excelleot-order,
fenced. It is athnirably suited for eereth
man, a dahyonan or market gardiner
-easy, apply to the proprietor on the prei
Seaforth P.O. E. TJ 'KY, Proprietor.
beautiful farm, comprising Lot 2t
And. the aorth threeeparters of Lot 26,
275 titres in all, eiteated in the Townsh
Killop, County of Harm), on the lead
road, midway between lieaforth and Bros
farm is in a good state of cultivation, w
and watored, and eonvenient to china an
135 acres are cleared and the balance
timber. On the farm- is a dwelling le.
outbuildings, and a young orchard; Fi
pub -eating eddeess SAMUEL HANNA;
Pennsylvania, U. 5.
'ARM FOR SALE. --For Sale, Lots 1
Con. 6, Staaley. containing 99 acne,
are cleared and about 40 ares in se<
wit ,rain one mile of the village of -Varna, wi
Are eh:undies, ethools, and all village cone
There ie a choice of four good markets -
eniles, the nearest being wit -)in 4Milee.
gpod dwelling house and' frame ont-'
eousisting of barn, horse mid cove Feeble,
shed, sheep pens, <Se. Plenty of water an
tra good orchard. There k a else se fact<
corner of the farm which e. mid he purcha
the farm if desired. Immediate peeeesei<;
to the proprietor en the peeiniscs or to
' The property is ER11111011)11 the Tow
Grey, about 3 miles from Ethel stethe
Southern Extension of the Wellington. -
Bruce Railway. The maehinery comie
horse engine, 40 -horse 5 -flue boiler, largo
edging and butting saws, shingle and heal
'chine and shingle jointer. The inachiii
first-claes„ and has only leen running ab
ana eight rmaiths. This is a rare chane
of capital, as there is a good leen1 trade!
quantity of Timber of all kind.: to be Ind
factory reaeons given for Eelli•eg, ' 1-
on application to OAIZIZOW BROTHE
Post. Office. N. B. --All »otes and Reefs]
due rout 1,c -healed at onee, end eave 11
T.TiA RM. Ft )R. SALE. --For sale,
A-• Tneker-rnith, eontaining 1411)
of whit], are C11.4111'11 2111,1 in a good state. I -
tion, the balaneeis v.e11 with I
IPardwrioa; -thcre it, briek
• kitehen 2,4xls, with 111)111, e,t11:11' 11!1,I1,1'
111111 3:114•11r11; a g.,od l'imoo Nan 1;i/N41
1101-4! n lib stone ha-: molt
1,7,4, whole aeon LI of ivith bia.113:•.
frglil the (*.Attie ho:',- b•-14AV 1-, a r •
20XU, 1111g out of th'- staiid bank, toiltef
top.' lime wail ladled nith bi,S111,
woof ; there 111"41 3 es elle, each <about
zrilt up with brick, aiel are Inver -failing- 11
flier, ; there 18 s, goed erchanl .4 ape!.
pionek, 'harries, grapte, al mail fre
rtheut 300 roosIs of drains with e51-4
the Stable.; are all toored with ste
fulls and evenly laN
aid ; o ite...
e, barn 48-1
stabile, Is situated 7 njhs From E'liel4
Searme le and 2 from Iteneell etatieen
to et -brads and elnirebes. Terms -Yet
paid dos,?, the remainder to snit ourchoe4
lay to the proprietor on the preroises <a-
la 0. ,STONEMAN.
It COW; TO LET.—To Let, Three ce
-hy rooma 112 SCOWA bldek, over Wilson 411
store, Seaforth fepply to the Propriete,