HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-06-01, Page 1.4
FAT, 25 1877,
rfl� of thel lost youth
eml to: the excites
took the plate of weep -
se the fattest calf was
hered. He had owei in the excitement
of Clinton,. after five
miication to the hotel
seed of his ieffects, and
with MWife, to his
ves in Ottaiwa county.
ducted waS the first
as for th.St purpose,
a day, sheltered a vast
:re, as, at one tirae,
:el, of any importance,
It new stands lonely
. every one that looks at
ill soon be displaced by
So mote it; be.
John SnoVe was corn -
S. Malcomeon. Esq., of.
been fined $600, to be
til paid, for having un -
his posseasion. Tho.
red by Inapector Cia_Vaaa,
that he is is detective
se inspector -a in Toron-
into the friendship of
tillers in the County,
into full operation, he
bleu, but was mistaken
sa and nabbed. for the
is story is subistantiated
sd in reply from one of
onl &IOW claims to be
1116ALL & C
es of Drag Goods at from &
- yard, worth 25 to40 cents--
ption, the,
to our Customers, and we
a to see them
at, our Er. HILLY having
at &Great Bargain.
Stock of Silks •
PARIS Laat Month.
ats per yard by the piece, or
ts a4dea if cut.
the Ladies of Seaforth_ and
,try that they htwe added to
Goods Business the Mann-
STYLES and Made of the
lIAL. This Department is
41EN:um) ,CAPTTER •
every confidence in recoras
,who may favor us a itb. their
ill find in. stria Departracrit
t Mantle CIoUls to Select front
[oderts e Cha gee, Guaranteed
Lfacture, in addition to a very
reign, Make. We invitee. Call.
-116DOUtfAL1 & ack
WIROLE No. 495.
VARM FOR SAT.. --For sale, Lot No. 30, Con.:
.L 13, McKillop, containing 60 acres, 15 Of which
are cleared, the balance well timbered. Is situated
one mile frdm gravel road, and convenient to
churches, schools, &e. Price $1,800. Apply to A
STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 491
"MIR BaLE.—A two storey frame house and out-
-11: buildings, situated on the Market Square of
Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The building is very
suitable for a boarding house or a public baldness.
For particulars apply to W. N. WATSON, Sea -
forth, or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderich, 493
WARM FOR SALF..—North half of Lot 28, Con.
1 5, township of Morris, County of Huron, con-
taining 97 acres, beat of land, 70 acres cleared,
balane,e all hardwood bush, good frame barn and
stable, and a bearing orchard. The farni is well I
watered and in the best condition, and is only one '
and a half miles from Brussels station, Great
Western Railway. For terms apply to GEO. FOR-
SYTH, on the premisesor Brusssels P. 04 491
-LI Sale, a brick dwelling with 8 acres of land at-
tached, on which is an orchard of all kinde of fruit
trees. ' The house is 24x30 and hi good repair;
there is a woodshed and milk house, OHO a stable;
and a second dwelling house of frame 18x24. The
property is situated within two and a half miles of
Seaforth. Also several dwellings and other prop-
erties in Seaforth for sale. Apply to A. STRONG,
that comfortable and conveniently situated
dwellinghouse and lot, adjoining the Methodist
Episcopal Chureh, and at present occupied by Mr.
W. S. Robertson. The house contains kitchen,
dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. A good cel-
lar and woodahed, also hard and soft water, -and a
stable. The lot is a corner lot and is within one
block of the Main Street. Apply to W. S. ROB-
ERTSON, Seaforth. 486
FFOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 10, Con. 5
township of Grey, County of Huron, C511.,
tainirtg 100 acres of good. laud, 58 acres Cleared,
. baltmce timbered with Beech, Maple and Elm.
New frame bank barn and stable. A. good bearing
orchard of 50 trees. The above farm is 5 miles
from Brussels station, Great Western Railway, and
only 2. miles off gravel road. For further par-
ticulars apply to SOILN LOWE on the premises, or
Brussels P. 0. 491
VABM FOR ALE.—North half of Lot 15, Con.
I: 8, township of Monis, containing 100 acres, 90
of which are cleared and in the very best state of
cultivation; good brick house, frame barn and
driving house good bearing orchard; farm well
watered; is situated 6 miles from Brussels and
Blyth stations, on the Great Western Railway.
For terms apply to P. LYNN, on the premises or
to C. R. COOPER, Brussels P. 0. J. J. LYITN,
Proprietor. 495
VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, East half Lot 8,
1- -Con. 4, Turnberry, County of Huron, contain-
ing 50 acres, 40 acres cleared; good frame house
and stable, also good bearing orchard. Situated 4
miles from Wroxeter Station and 2i miles from
Blaevale Station, on the Great Western RailWay.
Possession given lot September, 1877. For further
particulars apply to ROBERT RICHARDSON, on
the premises, Illuevale P. 0., or to C. R. COOPER,
Brussels P. 0, with stamp for answer. - 481e
SEAFORTH, JUNE 1, 1.87*7
The Montreal Star of Saturday, 19th
ult., contains a portrait of the Rev. Mr.
Roy and. the following ketch of his pub-.
lic c reer :
This clergyman, area d whom 'is cen-
tered such an amount o interest at pres-
ent, is descended of Scotch Presbyterian
parentage, and was in Montreal in 1834.
He was educated. in Mr. Bruee's and Mr.
Harris' achools, well known to ell Mon-
trealers, then went to Bishop's. College,
LennoXville, and subeequently to Vic-
toria College. He gracuated as Bachelor
of Arts in 1868, and took his degree as
M. A. in 1871. He had entered the
Methodist niinistry beore his twentieth
year, and his whole c llege course was
pursued and terminate
tivelyengaged as a p
years he was makin
the collegiate honors
achieved, and. it was
dustrand persevere
VARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, 'Lot 26, Con. 2,
Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres of excellent
land, about 70 of which are cleared, the belance is
good hardwood bush; frame house, frame barn
an,d stable; an orchard, good well; convenient to
sehools,, churches, &c. Is situated about 6 miles
from Seaforth and 1 mile from Brucefield station,
on a good gravel road. -For further particulars
apply to the proprietor on the premises, or if by
letter to Brucelleld P. 0. THOMAS MUNRO,
Tuckersmith. 492x13
while he was ac-
tor. For twelve
preparations for
hich at last he
only by talent, in-
-.cethat he won in
the end. His first charge -as a minister
was St. Andrew's an1 Grenville, 1854,
and thence he went w stward to the va-
rious stations falling o the lot of the
Methodist' minister, a metimes on mis-
sion work, at otherseia fixed ministerial
duty. He resided esght years at Co-
bourg, and was, while there first class-
ical master in the C llegiate Instituter,
It was under Mr. R y's administration
, that this school was e evated to its pres-
ent dignity. He was Elected French ex-
aminer in the Unijreraity of Toronto
three years in succes ion ; in the last
year he resigned, owrig to thei incon-
venience of traversin the distarce be-
tween his charge an
has been examiner 1
history in Victoria
written a good deal f
tare. - 1
, Mr. Roy became in
brooke street congreg
He speedily began lt,
by his preaching, an
rate the church grew
sixteen years befor
himself to, the standa
: and theol y, and he
came con inced that
Methodisn of the d
from its eriginal lin
Galvanism, entirely
ings of Wesley, and
retrieve the positi
power, by following Wesley and ma mg
Jura his model in th eXposition of os-
pel truth. Hisser ons and his whole
course here were in accordance with the
principles which he ad assumed as ri ht,
ntil he came nto
nt members in the
✓ he was attacked
ames street ch rch
VARM FOR SAL-R.—For Sale, Lot 26, Con. 11,
Hibbert, containing 100 acres of excellent land.
about 80 of which axe cleared and in a,good state
of cultivation, the Mance is good. hardwood bush.
(Rick' frame house, frame barn, stables and other
buildings; gaod orchard, well watered; convenient
to schools, cinarches, &c. Is situated.about ten
miles from Seaforth and two and a half miles from
Cromarty, on a good gravel road. Terms Easy.
For further particulars apply to the proprietor on
the premises, or if by letter to crornarty P. 0.
jOHN RICE. 485-4x
pronainence whic• h t
the college. He
logic and church
College. e has
✓ periodica litera-
nister of th Sher -
tion two ye rs ago.
attract attention
under his pasto-
in strength. Some
he had evoted
cl, books of [Wesley
states that he be -
he tendency of the
y was to drift away
$ of dogmas into a
oreign. to the teaChi
e felt it his duty to
n as far as his
and it was not long
conflict with promin
church. Last wint
in the pulpit of St.
on account of a ser
preached, but which
says, misreported in
city contemporary.
struggle was Waged,
. climax by the pamp
awakened the inte
rant from the police magistrate of .Strat-
ford, and. on Wednesday he was arraign-
ed for his numerous misdemeanors.
Electing to be tried summarily, he was
found guilty and sentenced to a term of
year in the Penitentiary.
—While the races were n progress on
the Mitchell course .on the 24h, a run-,
ning horse struck Mr. John llicott, of
Fullerton'on the breast, i jur ng him so
severely that he bled fron the nose and
—Mr. Wm. Rosso hotel keeper, Kirk -
ton, was recently fined $20 for an infrac-
tion of the license law. It is but fair to
state that the liquor was sold by an em-
ploYee of Mr. Ross, without hia
—A couple of incarcerated jail -birds
are supposed to have fallen through the
floor of the Listowel lock-up, or at least
made their escape in some mysterious
manner, as they are gone without leaving
any traces behind them.
—The Free Mason's of Stratford have
arranged for an excursionri 'to Erie, Pa.,
over the Port Dover r ilway and by
steamer across Lake Eri , on Wednes-
day, June . e
on which he
had been, Mr.
tbe columns
being brought o a
let which recently
est of the entire
Mr. Roy is a tall ell -formed man, un-
mistakably a student in his aspect, and
with a noble forehead. Married early
in life, he is the hea of a large • fantily.
Naturally of a retiring disposition, the
e present discussion
has thrust upon hi is anything but
grat ful but he surrounded by the
sy athy of many sincere friends in him
ch ir h, who are d. termined to remain
lo a to him.
east half of Lot 9 Concession 3, Mei-Mop,
• containing 50 acres, Iniown as the Deigle estate.
This farm is sitnate.d within, one rnile and a quar-
ter of Seaforth. The laud is of the choicest quality.
There is a handsome residence, and. good out-
buildings. The farm is well planted with fruit and
ornamental trees, is in excellent order, and well
fenced. It is admirably salltedfor a retired gentle-
man, a dairy -man or market gardiner. Ternis
eaey, apply to the proprietor on the premises orto
Seaforth P.O. E. TESKY, Proprietor. 495
• beautiful faint, comprising Lot 26, Con. 12,
fad the aorth three-quarters of Lot 26, Con. 11,
175 acres in all, situated in. tho Township of Mc-
Killop, County of Huron, on • the leading gravel
road, midway between Seaforth and Brassets. The
tam is in a. good state of eultivation, well fenced
and watered, and convenient to church and school;
135 acres are cleared. and the balance hardwoorL with rules, regular
Pennsylvania, U. S. 473
For further ag—mr. F. Phil
been transferred to
thnber. On the farm is a dwelling house good
particulars address A.'‘TUEL HANNA, Oil. City, agent ef, the G. T,.
outbuildingS, and a young orchard.
25 Th rice of the t
. Archibald
has left home to rev
--Messrs. Heal
ton, shipped last w
London market, En
—Quoiting seems
amusement for the
wel. A club is ab
will be about $2 for the round trip.
—Still they go. Mr. Thomas
man and family are about leaving
wel, for Oregon. Mr. Hohman
has disposed of his property to D
and intends going to the same
Mr. W. F. Hacking started a cou
weeks ago for Manitoba.
. Roe
le of
Hugh D. Evans, of Woodstock, says
he can lift seven hundredpounds with his
--John B. Gough is lecturing to crowd-
ed audiences in Truro •and other towns in
Nova Scotia.
—A. Tyson, general merchant at B
lin, is compromising with creditors at
cents on the dollar. 1
—Mrs. laltert Irwin, of Prosp ct
Hill, lately gave birth to a son whi h
weighed 18i pounds.
—Mr. Morrison, of the llth concession
East Nissouri, has a horse 15 years old
that was never known to rolL
—A ship with small -pox on boa d
rived at port in Quebec without r
ing to the quarantine authorities.
—The Dominion Government ha
a grant of $25,000 for the assiste
the Icelandic settlers in Manithba.
—Prospect Rill has a lamb that weighs
only 40 pounds, and sheared 11 poUnds
of wool. The wool measures. 16
—Diphtheria continues its rava
Nova Scotia. Five children in on
ily in Cumberland have been cam
by itin 12 days.
—Mr. Dennis, of Malahide, has
ce of
1 nel.EAN BROTIIIE1RS, Publisher..
$1 50 a Year, in advance.
moving to some other place, where their
preperty and persons will be secure from
ruffianly outrages.
---The, steamship City of Brussels, of
which sO many fears were entertained,
arrived at Liverpool on Tuesday the29th.
The passengers landed all well.
—The Peterboro' Times says : Twenty
thousand salmon fry have arrived at that
place from the establishment at New-
castle,' and are to be put in Stony Lake,
Sandy Lake, Wolf and other lakes near
—Six children of the Hudson's Bay
Company employes, at the Lower Fort,
Winnipeg, were frightfully burnt on the
24th, by the partial explosion of a keg
cif damaged gunpowderwhich they were
playing with. Two of them are report-
ed dead.
— Mr. McColl, an old and much r-
spected citizen of St. Thomas, died r -
centl .. He was for many years an eld r
in th .Presbyterian church. He was the
father of the late Rey. J. McColl, 'rf
Ham Iton. i
— he Oswego Palladium furnisl+s
the f Rowing : A speculator from Can-
ada • rought over 300 bushels of potatoes
on ti e Oswego Belle, but was unable to
es in
d off
which gave birth this spring to three
fully developed calves, all of which are
alive and doing well.
—Kincardine complains of the annoy-
ance to citizens of bad boys let loose on
Suudays.• Here is a field. for a mission-
ary or a policeman, or both.
—Mr. Crombie, Dominion Secretary
of the Young Men's Christian 1 Associa-
tion, is holding a series of very success-
ful revival meetings in Ottawa.
—A car, containing bonded goods, for
Winnipeg was robbed on the Northern
Pacific Railway some days ago. Mer-
chants of that city are the losers. ;
—A much respected resident of Berlin
sell them at a dollar al bushel, and vs.
them back.
Nassagaweya farmer says the f r -
in that township are particularly
at over the prospect of having an
ance of hay, as during the past
years it has been almost a complete
e with them.
few days ago a kitten was put in
f the paper receivers of the Toronto
office, addressed to J. Holmes,
• , The postmaster not having
Instructions concerning live stock it
owed to escape.
r. D. H. McRoberts, "Cherry
e" farm, townline of London and
lph, leftirecently for Muskoka to
a couple of weeks in laying out or-
s, and making other needful im-
ments on his farm there.
ohn McKay. of North Yarmouth,
tried. before Mr. W. T. Nugent, J.
ra. the 21st inst., on a charge of beat -
is sister. It was considered that
as too dangerous to be allowed
xi at large, and he was committed
he Brant Union says: &attend
e does not improve under Dunkin
ule. We are informed from reliable
cirity, that. on ' Saturday last there
more drunken people in that yil-
than ever were seen there before at
Barley flour is being manufactured
veral places in Ontario. The flour
early as white as wheat flour.
result will answer the query of
anti-Dunkinites : "What will be
with the barley if you cease making
r out of it ?"
Collector Caven, of Godench, and
er Craig, of Walkerton, seized two
t stills in full working order in ithe
ship of Culross, Bruce county. The
elm was carried on somewhat exten-
destroyed. The fire originated in a
stable of a hotel, and is supposed to have
caught from a drunken man's pipe.
—Last Tuesday a fire occurred in Ot-
within the statutory right of the trus-
tees. and that the mode of collection pre-
scribed by the general regulations of ex-
cluding the pupil from the school while
. .
tawa which resulted m the destruction non-payment continues, can be legit'.
of a biick block on Queen Street, 'a stable mately exercised, notwithstanding the
on the premises in which were a valuable general declaration of the law that all
horse and pleasure sleigh, was also de- public schools are free."
stroyed. —A 'man from Beachville, named
Heard, was in London a few days ago
and met with the fate of many a one be!
fore. He fell in during the day with
three very nice young persons, and after
night they took a stroll around. --Pass-
ing under the archway on Thames street,
the nice young persons robbed Mr.
Heard of his available money, consist-
ing of a large roll of bills and some
change in silver. After this they knock-
ed him down and ran off.
--Teeswater is sending out its quota
of stalwart settlers for the land. of cheap
farms. The Hews says: During the
week a number of persons have left this
place for Winnipeg. On Saturday,
Laughlin Galbraith and. family, who
have been residents of Culross for the
last 18 or 20 years, departed for their
new homes, taking with them a team
and other things necessary for farming
purposes. 10n Monday, Messrs. Hugh
and .William Gardiner, of Tunaberry,
took passage for the same destination,
andin a few days a number of others are
to follow. .
—An exchange says that from a single
well in the township of Brant was taken
riot long ago, ten toads, a dead bull -frog,
a rat and al lizard. These had been in
the water all winter. And it is an un-
doubted. fact that if all the wells in the
County of Bruce were cleaned. out at the
end of the Bummer a dozen barrels would
not hold the -dead toads and other crea-
tures; and it is equally true that hun-
dredslof Men, women and children are
yearly poisoned by drinking the horribly
tainted water from these abominably ne-
glected wells.
—Last week, on Thursday, three col-
ored men were playing billiards at Sand-
wich Springs Hotel, when they com-
menced to quarrel about some of the
balls. One of them, named Kelsey,
drew his 'revolver and fired, hitting one
of the others in the hand, and then •
making for the door. On one of the by-
standers trying to atop him be fired again •
and wounded his would-be captor in the
knee, and then ' made good. his escape.
He was arrested at Windsor the same
night, while he lay concealed in a straw
loft behind his ifather's house, and was
sent down to Sandwich to be tried
—Mr. C. Clarke, M. P. P., offers the
following prizes, through the Centre
Welliegton Agricultural Society, to be
competed for at the,: fall show by chil-
dren of members of the Society, under
16 years of age, and without payment of
entrance fee. The articles must have
been made or grown by the exhibitor:
For the best loaf of bread, quart canned
fruit, plain sewing, fancy needlework,
knitting, specimen writing, map draw-
ing, pencil or crayon drawing, window
plant, half bushel of potatoes, a first prize
of $1 and a second prize of 50 cents is
Otto -
to r
to j
in s
Thi -
sive y, there being six meshes in process
of f rmentation.
The Preston mineral baths are again
ened for the season, with the attrac-
of extensive pleasure grounds, form -
delightful promenade for visitors.
popular Canadian summer resort
no doubt, be well patronized during
coming season.
Mr. George Seip, brewer, aged 57 The people of Kincardine are con -
suddenly on Monday of last week. sid the waterworks question, for the
disease is supposed to be the cause pur ose of devising the best systena of
—During this spring Mr. tre rotection for the town, and a by-law
The Montreal street Ice cream yen-
s are greatly exercised. over a by-law
ich is now being enforced, and which
vents their remaining in any one
ce, but obliges them to keep on the
ve. Each of these people pay $8 per
um for a license.
A Canadian drm are.endeavoring to
ge an order ffiled in Charleston, West
Wrginia, for 2,000,000 feet of sawed lutn-
be , to be used for lock -gates of the Wel-
la»d. Canal. The order has been sent
so th on account of the great dimen-
si ns of some of the pieces, there being
n trees sufficiently large for the purpose
in Canada.
In the village of Wolverton, in Blen-
im township, during church services
o • e Sunday recently a coal oil lamp ex -
p1 ded with such force as to cut a large
pi ce out of the reflector, besides burning
188 Mitchell's hat, setting fire to her
d ess and burning is quantity of hair from
h r head. The service was disturbed for
a few minutes, and those present may be
thankful that no further mischief was
d ne.
—A large grain warehouse, belonging
t Mr. Willing; with several thousand
b shels of grain, was burned at Foreat
o Tuesday night of last week. There
as $4,000 insurance. Four hundred
rds Grand Trunk Company's wood
ere destroyed by.the flames. A. Grand
runk special train and five engines
from Point Edward arrived in time to
prevent a general conflagration.
Black, of Pusli7c11, killed no
0E1,11 th skiAs
avera e of
as been submitted in Council proposing
reheat, of Hibbert, than twenty-one fo
e I vy of $20,000 to be expended in the
which he sold at .an truction of a system.
sit his native home in
Widder. He is suc
WARM: FOR SALE—Being north half of Lot 25 . • Battersby, of Bran
-1-- Cork. 2, :Township of . Hay, containing 50 acres,
4501 which ;1.re cleared, in a good state of cultiva- -
—Mr. George .
tion, and lvell, 1:Indere-trained ;• the balance is well North Easthope, I
timbered with hardwood; good dwolting house, uted a quantity of s
frame barn, stables, and allnecessary eat buildings,
good orchard, two good wells, good fences, and the produce dealer
everything in tirstchts.s order; convenient to schools, given th the indust
churches, itc. Is situated 2 miles from either Kip- will in due time
rest is well seeded; the farm will be sold with or "He that giveth to
-pen or Itenaall; there are 25 acres in crop, and. the
without the crop • possession will be given inunedi- the Lord." -
ately, For: farth'er-_ partieulars apply to the pro- —The work. Of •
BENSON S. PHILLIPS. ; - • 492x4 .. and Huron railway .
prietor on the premises or, address 1Cippen P. 0.
: ably. The Men are
Pridham, of Fuller -
From the abundance of blossoms on
—One thousanc. Six hundred dollare in the pear, pluns, peach and 'sherry trees
ek 80 fat cattle for gold has been found in a tin ettle in the on he Lake Erie shore, there is &very
land.• shanty of one Ned Brown, he has re- pro nise of a rich harvest of these vane-
tO be the standard. cently died at Wakefield in the Ottawa ties of fruit this season. . On the Other
gentlemen of Listo- district. ' - hand, the indications -presented by the
ut to be organized —The ManitOba arrived . from Lake apple trees are just the reverse. '
ns, &c. • Superior on Saturday night with about —The ministers of varlets towns and
Ills, for several years forty _passengers and a cargo of , flour, villages throughout the. country are
., at Tavistock, has 'fish, salt and furs, the latter altied at moving and combining against the prac-
Thedford, formerly s5o 000.
eeded by Mr. L. C. —A daughter of one of t
tice of Sabbath fuPerals. The reasons
e section against it are overwhelming, except in
ford. - men at Princeton, on the Gres Western cases of absolute necessity. The practice
yde, of Hyde Park, Railway, had a leg cut off on Saturday
s generously clistrib- by a passing train, she having strayed on
ed potatoes amongst the track.
in Stratford, to be —Mr. Robert Brown, of Holstein,
ious poor. Such acts Grey county, has a single quilt, over 136
aye their reward. years old, which belonged at one time to
he poor lencleth to Prince Charles—" Boenie Prince Char -
FARM FOB. SALE.—For Sale, Lots 15 and. 16, all -along the line an
Con. 6 Stanlev. containiu,r 99 acrea 85 of which few weeks. There is.very little cutting ton and Montreal.
done. In the north- —A man and. his wife in the neighbor -
est cut is not more 'hoed of Ddndalk, county of cireyi were
alf or four feet. weighed the other day, the men weighed..
Perth Teachers' As- • 185 lbs.-, and his wife 901 lbs. J—total 386
should, therefore, be generally diseour-
—Mr. Richard Wilson, late of the Cus-
toms Department, St. Johns, Quebec,
has taken suit against the Grand Trunk
Railway Company for $6,000 darnages,
in consequence of injuries received by be -
ley," of Scotland. ing run over by a locomotive at the St.
rading the Stretford —Six hundred car load a of Vermont Johns depot, on the 21st of November
s progressing favor- white marble were sold at Rutland, Ver- last.
working in sections mont, the other day, at prices generally —The work of removing the sl epers
expect to meet in a very low, a portion of it came to Hamil- of the railroad track in the Victoria
Bridge over the St. Lawrence, at Mon-
treal, and replacing them with newl ones,
has been commenced. The transfers have
to be made when the trains are not run-
ning, and, unfortunately, that is. only for
a, good dwelling house and frame ont-buildmgrs lbs.—pretty fair. five or six hours on the Sabbath. .
coushting of barn, horse and Cow stables drivinr: sociation met in Stratford on,Friday and
within one mile of the village of Varna,,where there or embanking to be
are cleared ma about 40 acres in seed. It '
is ,
are churches, schools, and all village conveniences. ern section the dee
miles, the nearest being within 4 miles. There is than three and one -
There. is a. eimice of four good markets within 11
' —The County of
—A Bruce exchange says : A voting
shed, sheep. pens, &c. Plenty of water and an Of- Saturday last. r. McLellap High —Mr. Wm. Colcleggla, late ofl Cem-
d Al b and P of. Bell, late of Dub- Manitoba, has been speculating in half- with the uselessness of her life, and im-
comer of the farin which could be purchased with
breed scrip, andas no possessor of 12,- mediately went to work with vigor to
N.13LE MILL PROPEIITY FA SATE.— of Stratford, were —Mr. Millar
D0rar of the County had hemmed one side of a towel, dtwhich
tra go (1 orchard. There is a cheese factory an the School Inspector, le tared on Arithmetic Minsville, Halton county, now of Selkirk, lady of that place! was recently struck
the farm if desired. Immediate possession. Apply
THOMAS JOHNSTON, Jr- ° 48S Nethercott, of Mit
lin, gave a series
to the proprietor on the premises or„ tc5 Varna P. O.
f readings. Messrs.
hell, and Dickenson,
ppointed delegates to
learn plain sewing. By latest dates she
000 acres of land.
Grey, abo . the Provincial A4sociation. Fully a of Drummond, Quebec Province, was the proud parents have framed an hung
1 is
Southern Extension of the Wellington Grey and hundred teachers Were present. found dead in his office on the 10th ula. in a conspicuous place in their parlor.
The property is situated -on the Town Plot of
ut 3 miles froin Ethel station on the
Bruce 1Z The machinery consists of 35- --In February la
horse engine, 40 -horse 5 -flue boiler, large circular tried by the Police
edging and butting saws, Silillf.tie. and heading ma- ford, for stealing
chine e.rid shingle jointer. The machinery is all
and eight mouths. This is a rare chance for men and found guilty, b
first -las., and. lois only been. running about a year
quantity of Tim:)er. of all kinds to be. had. Satis- ed and. bonds
of capital, as thore is a good local trade, aud any ferr. ,
factory reasons rfil,•en, for selling. Full maticulars cerned in a series o
appearance. . Since
due must he settled at once, and save trouble and day8 aoseo turned u.p
-on application to GARStOW BROTHERS, Grey
expense. *here he committe
of a horse. Goin
Post Officv. N. —All notes and accounts over -
VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.4—Por described bliced offeredvcr.yto
Sale, Lirts Nos. 24, 25 and 26, in the 9th Con- owned by Weis:
cesAlon 01 MeKillop, containing 200 iCcres, about
st, John Watson was sitting in his chair before his desk, with ' —Mi essrs. Christner & Co., proptietors
Marwood, of Dorchester, who have decided upon removing their estab-
Magistrate in Strat- his pen in his hand. of the Baden shirt factory and lasi4ndry,
meerschaum pipe,
t sentence was de -
$750 taken for his
then he has been con -
larcenies and a few
in South' Easthope,
an ingenious theft
to the farm of Mr.
trade a colt which he.
arately, for a horse
Veis being agreeable,
80 of which axe (..leitred, welt fenced and in a good a 80 I and stole the colt
state ef cultivation; the balance is well timbered from John Haatle b and consummated
'g'to boot a bridle,
h worth $9. The
rifle, and traded. the
r, and going to Tay -
a jolly spree. The
stolen the horse was
of personsan Tavis-
ot arrested, there be -
or constable in the
y evening, last week,
with th.e best of hardwood. There is, a new frame
and. log barn ; there is also another frame dwelling the trade, receivt
lionscwith stftne foundation, also a frame stable
house on the place. A hearing orchard of 150 trees, saddle, and a watc
of good water. Is on the northern. gravel road, 5 horse ne sold. for a
watch for a revolv
also a young orelitull with same number. Plenty
miles from Seaforth, and adjoins the village of ,ist°,eic.; wis,e8nhat vininzf°
Winthrop, in which are all village -conveniences, lac,. 01 t"
including a cheese factory, saw and grist mill. Also known to a num't e
, the building known as Tinunah's Hotel. The
. property will be sold in one parcel .or in lots to suit tock, yet he was
womises or to 'Winthrop Post °Mee. ROBERT ing no magistrate
place. On Mond
purchasers. Apply to the proprietor on the
ANNATT, Proprietor.
485-4x he was arrested at St Paula on a war -
some time since lost a purse containing
about $900, and supposed it to 'mitre been
taken by burglars, has found it , at the
bottom of a barrel of potatoes.
—A small California pine tree, attach-
ed to the engine of No. 4 exattess, passed
through London a few days ago, on a
tour round the world— She left t>an
Francisco May 18th, reachin4 Londc '1 in
six days.
—Mr. George A. Rontledge c Lam-
beth, has successfully passed 'hie exam-
ination before the Ontaro Medical
Council, and is registered. as a homce•
pathrc practitioner. He willkspeta an of-
fice in Lambeth. '
—The people of Lucan are having a
rough time of it, incendiarism,murderous
midnight attaeks and wickedness of va-
rious kinds, rendering the place unfit for
law-abiding citizens to live M. Several
of those are seriously considering the -
visability ,of pulling up stakes and re-
lishment to Berlin. They have lease
the large brick building adjoining th
woollen factory, at the east end of th
town, where they will at once commenc
the manufacture of dreis shirts ! on a
extensive scale.
—The fortieth anniversary of Kno
Church, Elora, was observed on Mon-
das evening of last week. About 2
were present, among whom were seve
of the nine original members. Mr. Joh
Davidson, of • Eden Mills, one o
the seven, and the first eldea or
dained in the church, addressed th
meeting. There were several clergyme
present, and the meeting was pieasan
and enjoyable. 1
—A fearfully disa.strous fire broke out
in Walkerton on Monday last, whic
has laid nearly half the business portio
of the town in ashes. The loss is full
$250,000. Tweety business places an
sixteen or eighteen we ga are e
—It is reported in Montreal that the
nited States Treasury detectives who
etended to investigate alleged smug
ing frauds are "line bound," or, in,
her words, cannot come back from the
fates, as they have not paid a firm in
entree' for the primella cloth which
ey purchased five months ago and
uggled over to make a test case. 'Their
redicament is causing great amusement
mong the city officials.
—The Glencoe Transcript says: 'Mr.
obert McKay has, within a week's
• ace, lost a young team of horses valued
t $170. The week before last, one of
e animals had been tied to prevent his
mping, and by some means got strangled
th the fastening. A few days after,
he gate at the railway crossing had be-
ome or was left open, and his mate was
illed by a passing train on the Great
estern Railway.'
—The sports at Cornwall on the 24th
ere marred by the occurrence of a fear-
ul accident, which resulted from the
ompetition in hammer throwing. A
irl aged 13 years, named Ellen Kay-
angh,was struck on the head.
nd instantly killed by hammer thrown
y R.R. McLennan, the champion of the
orld. No blame can be attached. to
r. McLennan, as the hammer landed.
ithin the ring.
—Fishermen will take notice that given for each. Collection of vegetables,
black bass cannot be fished for, caught, lst $2, 2nd $1.
ylled, bought, sold, or had in posses- —Mr. A. W. Joice, of Windsor, has
sion from the 15th of May to the 15th of devised. an admirable means of escape
June. All well disposed persons are re- from burning buildings, consisting of an
quested to afford the local fishery officers
whatever information and assistance
they can to prevent an infringement
of the law. Complainants will re-
ceive one-half of the fines imposed, and
be paid for their costs and attendance as
witnesses. '
—Things have now gone so far at
Lucius that the authorities should. lose no
time in bestirring themselves to ferret
out the perpetrators of the fiendish out-
rages, which have for some time back
given that locality a reputation for ras-
cality second to none in the Province.
The other night another horse had its
throat cut, making the nineteenth horse
killed or burnt by the gang of despera-
does who infest the locality.
—Three thousand pounds of nitro-
glycerine, brought to Oswego in wagons
from North Adams, Mass., for shipment
to Port Colborne was shipped recently
in the schooner dowbray. It is estimat-
ed that this amount of glycerine has
suffieient explosive power to blow up
the City of London. One thousand five
hundred pounds is to bs used for blasting
purposes in the Welland Canal, and
1,500 pounds is to be used on the lime -
kilns at Amherstburg.
—On Sunday morning, May 20th, a
man named Willis was found on the side
of the Great :. Western railway track,
near Thamesville, with one leg cut off.
He had been to a farm house near there
and abstracted a crock of butter, a quan-
tity of lard and some bread from ;the
cellar, and when found he had part of a
bottle of whiskey in his possession. It
is supposed that after stealing the arti-
cles enumerated he had imbibed too free-
ly of the liquor, and stretched himself
on the railway track, with the result as
—Very lately an accident happened to
the steamer Spartan on her way down
the St. Lawrence, which, had it not been'
for the expertness of some of the em-
ployes, would have proved disastrous.
At the head of the Galoup rapids, where
a very stiff current was -running, the
chain of the rudder snapped asunder, and
the ship was at the mercy of the waves.
Without a moment's delay one of the
waiters named Bell rushed up on to, the
hurricane deck, and, seizing- the tiller,
assisted by two other men, succeeded in
securing the boat from danger till, the
broken chain was repaired.
—Another school case has been; de-
cided by the Minister of Education. A
party in Brantford. refused to pay a fee
of ten cents a month imposed by the
school board, on the ground that he sup-
plied his own books, that the fee was ex-
orbitant, and that the board had no
right to refuse tuition to the 'child of a
ratepayer because he did not pay the fee.
The opinion of the Minister of Education
wails" that the parent's objections are
untenable, that it is immaterial whether
Ws child uses the books furnished by the
ottoman of Suitable dimenSions, and a
rope ladder with wooden rungs. The
ottoman is to be firmly secured. to the
bedroom floor, immediately under the
window sill, and has a sliding lid. Un-
derneath the lid the ladder is carefully
folded. The end intended to reach the
ground, being furnished with iron rings
of sufficient weight to drag ,the ladder
downwards when put out of the win-
dow, the other end of the ladder being
securely fastened by a snap -buckle to
a stout screw ring in the bottom of the
.ts-A Lindsay medical student has come
to grief by reason of his remarkable
technical knowledge. The young wo-
man, to whom he was attached, one
morning received the following note:
"Dear Annie—I am sorry to inform you
that, in consequence of a ocircumscribed
subcutaneous inflammation, character-
ized by a pointed fistular tumor, sup-
purating in -the centre of a curumculous,
I am unable to enjoy the pleasure of
your company to the Opera House.
Ever, dearest, thine. GEORGE," She
read it, she rushed to his house in an
agony of apprehension, and. found that
he only had one of those things of which
Job had so: many. Our informant says
the engagement is at an end.
—A number of Canadian excursionists
who visited Detroit on the Queens birth-
day spent their time in the ,different sa-
loons, and some of them forgot the hour
of the departure of their boat and. got
left on the American shore. One of them
named Charles Osborn, of Mandaumin
said. that he was bound to have a good
time, so he "took in" all the saloons and
dives on Front street. While stopping
at one corner of First street he says
that a rough followed him into the yard,
and robbed him of his watch. He was
intoxicated at the time, a,nd only remem-
bered the place. Another named Isaac
Haywood, who lives.near Sarnia, lost $60
on the Potomac. He was drugged, and
while in that state his pooket book, con-
taining the money and a lot of private
papers, including a mortgage.
—On Wednesday of last week, as the
train that runs between Teeswater and
Orangeville was shunting -at Arther, Mr.
James Duffy, the conductor, got crowd-
ed between the cars and the platform, in
a space of Only five and three quarter
inches, in which he was dragged a dis-
tance of 12 feet, making four complete
barns of his body. When the train was
stopped, it was found impossible to ex-
tricate him, otherwise than by riaixiing
the train forward again, which was ac-
cordingly done, he being dragged the
some distance back, and making the
same number of revolutions. He ie lying
at Arthur, being so prostrate as to ren-
der his removal too. de gerous to be at-
tempted. Besides being badly crashed,
a number of his ribs are broken. Un-
less inflammation sets in, hopes of his re -
trustees or not—tbat the fee imposed is covery are entertained.