HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-05-25, Page 2, 2 ammimimm...wwww•miiiwiniw t- I THE URON E.XPOITOR. MY FRIEND THE TRAMP, - wake and weary, intane miles to g Of course I to • There.was evi from my friend t his .countenance the limitecrexte I had been sauntering oyer the clover dowos of a certain noted New England seaport. it was a Sabbath- meriting, so singri arty reposeful and gracious -so re- plete with the significance of the seventh served that the day of rest that even the Sabbath bells - only a flower b ringing a mile, away overtbe salt marshes doubtless before had little that was monitory, mandatory, extent of his cat acity in diggene, he had or even supplicatory in their drowsy probably expect that kind of wonnande voiceie • Rather they seemed to call from I daresay I disc infitted him by pointing st levelled stone !wall, g, with the remark that e the rebuilding of that stone brought from the es. In a few moments ably provided for in the he cook, a woman of his parently "chaffed" him leep is better than prayer. tnd thim as walks siv- the hint. entlyeao work to be had e.tramp that dee., Yet brightened as he saw Lt of my domaimand ob- garden, so Called was cl 2,5x10. As he had this been utilized to the their Mue sleep cloudy towers, like some renegade . him to an alna in • " Sleep is better than prayer; about 20 -feet lo Sinn i- 0 eons of the Puritans, ! Slu- his work would ber sill, 0 deacons and -vestrymen. Let, stone wall with 0 let those feet that are swift to wicked- hbslo ness that curt up before thee ; those palms orhig he was conifer re aching for the shekels et the un - kitchen, where , lie clasped beneath thy pillow. own couatry, e with a raillery hat veaa to me quite un- Aod, indeed,though it was high morn- intelligible. Y t I noticed that when,at ing, leep was still in the air. Wrought sunset, he accempanied Bridget to the nponI at last by the corabiteed influences spring for water!, -oetentatiously flourish - of t e sea, and sky, and atmosphere, I jug the erapt '' bucket in his hand, suce tabed and lay down on one of the •when they yet irned in, the gloaming boulders of a little stoney slope that gave Bridget was ear ying the water, and. my upon the sea. The great Atlantic lay frienii, the Trantp,was soine'paces behind before me, not yet -quite awake,but slow- her cheerfetlly ' celloguing" and. picking ly heaving with the rythmieal respiration blackberries. . of sleuthed There was no sail visible in At 7 the next morning he started in the misty horizon. There was nothing cheerfully to wprk. At 9 A. M. he had to do but to lie and stare at the unwiuk- placed three liege stones on the first li17g ether. •course , in posi - Soddenly I became aware of the strong spat in lookin d. fura s of tobacco. ' Turning my head I and in the inoid saw a pale, blue smoke curling up from get. At 10 o' behind an adjacent bouldert Rising and climbing over the intervenmg granite, I came upon a little Whew in which,' com- dirt bly extended on th d mosses and Keh- 1 ens, lay a powerfully built man., He was conversation. very ragged; he Was very dirty.; there berries, Captai was a strong suggestion about him of his children were havi g too much hair, too much nail, too from the mea num perspiration; I too much of those stop the sugges supeefluons excrescencee and. exudations "Ah, but Calk that society and civifiz ttion strive to keep . randerite and •his work. .4 caused hire to discontinue hi against the fe und r. But it was noticeable that be had uot much of anything cite: It was the Urainp. , ith that swift severity with which we alwa.ys visit rebuke upon the person who happens to present any one of our vices offensively before usein his own per - aerie I was deeply indignant at his lazi- ness Perhaps I showed it in my man- netfor lie rose to a half sitting attitude, ran ned my stare apelogetically, and then{made a movement toward knock- ing the fire from his pipe against the granite. ' "Shure, sar, and if I'd. belayed that I wee trispassin on yer honor's grounds it's meg If that would have laid down on the say Imre and taken the salt waves for me lankets. But it's siventane miles I've walked this tiles' sed noight, with not iug to sustain me, ancl having a mor- tal iakenessto fighth widin me bowls by , rads n of starvation, and only a bit of • 'bac4iy that -the widdy Maloney give me at the cross roads. to kape me up entou•- .' ly. 1 But it was the clerk day I left me ho e in Milwaukee to walk to Boston, and yell oblige alone -man who has left e and six children in Milwaukee, a lone of twenty-five cents, furninst ime he gits wurrek, Gocl'll be good instantly flashed through my mind the man before me had the previous t partaken Of the kitchen hospital - )f my little cottage, two miles away. lie presented himself in the guise of istressecl fisherman, Mulcted of his es by ah inhuman captain; that he it wife lying sick of consumption in ext village, and two children, one a w wid the to I tha nig ity - Th a wa had the of t em a cripple,wandering in the streete of I3oston. I remember that this tre- mendousi indietmeht splint Fortune touched the family, and the distressed, fisherman was provided -with, elothes,, food, and some Small change. •The food _and., small change had -disappeared, but the garments for the consumptive wife r, , wh re were hey?tHe had been :using ri for a pillow. e . instantly pointed seat this fact, and ged him with the deception. To my rise lie took it quietly and even -a lit- onaplacently., •• • ,, - Bedad, yer roight; ye see, sir (con- fide tly), ye see, sir, until. I get wor-ruk, andit's worruck I'm kokin for, I have to dsave now and thin todhute the lo- cali y. Ah, God; save us, but on the say coast they're that hard upon thim tha don't belong to the say." r ventured to suggest that a. strong, he thy man like him might have found Work sonaewhere between Milwaukee and the cha sue • tle on. ' but you see, 1 got a free passage freight train, 'and didn't elitop. as in the aist I expected to find wor- rak " • e " Have you any trade ?" 'Trade, is it? I'm a brickmaker, God kno s, and, many's the lift I've hid. at ma In' bricks in Milwaukee. - Sure, I've as yer abo was tba • fine nin enc eou &not help admiring the assumption of t e scamp, who knew this fact as well as yself. t I said: "1 can give you work for y or two," and bidding him gather his sick wife's apparel led the way as the downs to my cottage. first I think th e offer took him by rise. and gave him some consterma , but he presently recovered his spir- wad. almost instantly his speech. wor-ruk, is it? God be praised; meself that's ready and willitig. ugh maybe me hand is spoiled wid kmakin. assured him that the work I would hdni would require no delicate man - alien, and so we fared on over the ale py downs. But I could not help no- ips but the hedges -it's m thim. Shure i boys they are, ing me to go wi only to *resell. that he trium of vagabonds o ed the Women --and my frie way. He dep at 4 P, M. wit filled. • On int peered that th but on cross ex they had picke • 6, three More arduous labor As I stood looking at the first course of friend, the Tram p, stretch - inns out to their' fullest 4 : "Ah, but it's wurtruk me; give me wur-ruk, and sking fur." suggest that he had not yet acconiplis ed. much. Wait tilt to-morror. Ale but ye'll see thin. It's me hand that's yet onaisy ing and sthrange ,to the e'll wait till to-morror." ly I did not wait. An mi- me away at an early hour e up to my cottage at noon reeted with the astonish - my two lone; hard at work la,ying th eoursea of the stone wall, assisted by B dragging iiton comfortably wall, lay my overseeing the • humorous coin foolishly indig me to my sen "Shure, sir the habits 'ay they niver know,•be the same token, . what it is to w their lips. SL think its play beyant in the n, an hour having been for.a picidand hainuter, ock I went to ov rlook nt "chaffing" wiBrid- as a rash action;, as it respectfully doff his hat, labors,. and lean back ce in cheerful and easy "Are ye fond of black- ?" I told him. that the the habit of getting them ow beyond- hoping to ion I knew was toping. it',s meself that with avin' nothin' to pass me ernes I'd pick from the, self knows where to find yer childer, and foine aptaire that are besach- em to the place knownst ' It is unnecessary to say tiled. After the manner all degrees he had enlist - and children on his aide d, the Tramp,had his own rted at -11 and. returned a tin dinner pail half erogating the boys it ap- p had had "a bully time," minatien it came out that the bellies. From 4 to tones were laid and , the of the day were over. six stones, my ed his strong extent, and ad that's good for it's all I'll be • I ventured t wid brick -m sthoned Av _ Unfortunat gagement took and when I roc my oyes were dug spectaele dget and Norah,who were from the hillsides, while rotcned on the top of the Timid, the Tramp, quietly • operations with lazy and ent. For an instant 1 -was a,nt, but he soon brought s. .1. it's oily laritin' the boys raluathry I was -and may barn, 'where he had elept, a vor of whitie onions But in two d•aWs this had termed my h bitation)knew "shebang," (Er my friends Yet it was pleasant fe thin ing at last fonnd jet, at b or having returned to his f Waukee, or making his Lo once more happy with his again tempting the fish pr --this time with a .nilble a captain. It was a lovely August ir I rode across the sandy pen it a certain noted family, w sons were tenant and the beautlful. The front of the h ur-ruk for the bread betuue tire it's but makin' thim I was. As for the colleens' kitchen, sure isn't it bet- ther they was helping yer honor out here than colt side ?" Nevertheles to forbid hene servants or "wor-uk." this embargo the Tramp w - lingering fla- d fluffiness. one and the irreverently m no more. of him hav, icki making miry at Mil- isiana home p+ence, or ducin,g main d• -,equitable orning when •nsu a. to vis - ere f all the aughters use was deserted,but en the rear verand h I heard 1 ,the rustle of l gowns, and abov it rose What seemed to be the voice -o Ulyses, reciting his wanderings. There was no mistaking that voice --it w lir friend, the Tramp. ' From what I could hastil gather from his tipeecl.i,h9.had walked f pm- St. John, N. B., to rejein a distressed wif4 in New York, who was, however, living with op- ulent but obiectionable relatives, I "An' sure, Miss, I wmildn'tlbe askin' ye the fone of a ciut if I Odd get wor- ruk at me thrade of carpet WS/rail—and I may be ye know§ of some manufactory , where they wave carpets .beyant here. 'Ah, Miss and. if ye don't give me a cint, it's enough for the loikes of me to know 'that me ttoubles has brought the tears in the most beautiful oiyes in the world, God bless ye for it, Miss!" w Now I.kn w that the Most Beautiful Eyes in the orld, belonged to one of the most sympathetic and tenderettthearte in'the worldeand I felt that COMMOD jus- tice demanded my interference between it and one et the biggest ecaps in the world. So without waiting to be an- nounced by the Bervant, I opened the door, and jeiued the pewee on the ver- . andal. •! , , If I expected to touch the conscience of my friend, the Tramp, by a dramatic, entrance I felled utterly ! For no sootier did he see we than'i he instantly gave vent to a hoel of delight, ind falling on ed !my hand he ladies. hin!tself that me; charack- hat; lifted me e ling with ay coast and but it's him- self that shapported. me over tie faldee, and whin the chills and fever came on me and I shivered wid the old it was himself, God bless him, as sthripped the coat aff his back and giv it me, saying 'Take it Dinnis, it's sthairved wid. the cowld say air, ye'll be entoiely!' Ah, but loOk at him; will ye Miss! i Look at his swate mod* face -a blurint like yer own, Miss. 1 Ah ! look a him will ye? He'll be ae?yin' of it in it minit-may the blessing uv God, folio*. him. Look at him,- Mise ! Ah, but it's a swate pair ye'd make !-(the reseal know I wa,s a married. in.en.) Ab, Miss, if you could see him wroightin' day a d night with such an iliigant • hand of had etidently believed fro "And it's s be began, "b stun that's • brickrnakin', lave ye a-nd - guing with theutselves in- , I thought it expedient forth any interruption of hildren with my friend's rhaps it was the result of hat the next morning early itted to see me. dry I am to say to ye, sur, t it's the handling of this sthroyin' me touch at the and it's betthet I should find *worduk aft me own thread For it's wer-ruk I'm nadin'. it isn't meselt, Captain to ait the bread of °idleness h re. And- so good bye to ye, and it fif y cints ye can be givin' me ontil I find a kitn-it is God that'll re- f, pay ye. He got the money. But he got also conditionally note from me to my next neighbor a ealthy retired physician, ilarge domain -a man em- it and business like in his T it. He ernployed many. Sterile 'waste he called. his curred to me that if there work , in , my friend, the my own indolence and,pre- d. failed to bring out, he o d4 it.' . week after. it was with ailment that I enquired af- the Tramp. possessed of sy a hand at it as any man. Maybe inently nracti honor might know of a kiln here- management it ?"• laborers on th ow, to my certain knowledge, there fame, and it o not -a brick kiln within 50 miles of was really an spot, and of ail unlikely places to. Tramp,which one, would have been this sandype- occupation h ula, Liven up to the euramee resid- was the Man s of a few wealthy people. Yet I I met him a firmly waiv ng all at on any topic some embarra frequently distrusting my facts, general - ter my friend ly my deductions, and always my ideas. he said tellectively, "let's on Monday and left rae e was, I think, a sioilt, welloneaning, good , hu - but afflicted with a most y of diseases. -The first his knees before me, gras ,and turned oratorically to but, it's himself has. come as a witness to ter ! Oh, bet it' himself four weeks goo, when w ita mortal wall%ness on he Wit, me to his house. Oh, his own- (he the gossip of my servants that I was a professor of chiroeeraphy)-if you could see, him Miss, as I heve, ye'd be proud of hind" He stopped out of breath. I was so completely :astounded I could say noth- ing; the tteme does indictraent I had. framed to utter s I opened the door van- ished completely. And as the Most Beau- tiful Eyes in the Wur-ruld turned grate- fully to rnitie-well- i , • I still retained enough principle to ask the ladies to withdraw while I would take upon myself the duty of examining jute the case of lily friend the trammand giving him each relief as twee required. (I did not know until ifteeward,however that the rtscab had already despoiled their scant purses of $I 50.) When the door was closed pen them I turned upon him. I i "You. infernal ,rascal !" . "Ah, captain,and woul yet be refutin' me a charaalither, and me givin' ye such a one as Oi did'? Save mil 1 but if ye'd seen the luk that the purty one give ye.- Well, before the chills Land fever broke me spirits entirely, 1 whin I was a young man, and raakin' nte tin dollars a wake brick makird, it's meself that wud i. buy given--"• e "1 consider," I broke in, "that a dollar is a fair price for your story, and as I shall have to take it all back and expose you before the next twenty-four hours pass. I think you had better hasten to Milwaukee, New York or Louisiana." I handed him the dollar. "Mind, I don't want to see ,your face again." "Ye wun't, captain." 1 And I did not. But it so ohanced that later in the sea- son, when the migratory inhabitants had flown to their hot air registers' in Boston and Providence, -1 breakfasted with one who had lingered. It was a certain Bos- ton lawyer -replete with principle, hon- esty, self discipline, statistics, resthetics, and a perfect consciousness of possessing all these virtues and a ful 'recognition of their mark values. I think he tolerated me as a kind of .foreigner, gently -but OPENED pu+ 'THIS WEEK AT ANOTHER CROCICMIt-r2" • I have now on hand a Large and Well S - to give satisfaction as rega EXAMINE hi Before purchasing eisewhere. I am selling go LARGE LOT OF M MORRISON'S, MT 13 G-1.JAS,SVQ" looted Qua Low,as 75 cents per Setal and a I ALSO .ON HAND, A LARC ST • Consisting of all th leading lima in Turnips, Timothy, Black Tame, Hungarian Grass, and -GOOD ST _ ad up !ler su tio it's Th bri I giv tici g thate although an invalid, I was a mu h better pedestrian than metcornpan- loll frequently leaving hini behind, and th t, even as a "tramp," he was etym. log cally an impostor. He had. a way of lut,ering beside the fences we had to eli b over, as if to continue more confid- en jelly the history of his misfortunes symptoms of cholera morbus and I had to an troubles, which he was delivering to keep him up on bratidy and capsicum. me• et in on the follotving clay tic ted hien foi work, and vit ' "Oh, yes,"In conversatiodhe always appeared to see -he came descend only half way devtii a Jong mor - Thursday. al and intellectual stairease,and always strong man, delivered his conclusion over t'ne balus- rnored fellow, trade. •' • singular varie "1 had been speaking of my friend,the day I put ld at work in the -stables he Tramp. i I developed chi is and fever caught in the "There i but one way of treating that swamps of Lo isianaL" 1 class of im ostors ; it is simply to recog- "Excuse - e," I said, hurriedly, "you nize the faat that the law calls him a mean in Mil " I know tuined the d his whole wre the Confeder him by arme in the bayous - ," Go on 0 were- speaiie "Yes, we malaria; the up in blanket The next' day aukee l' 1 `vagrant,' aid makes 'his trade a inisde- bat Prer talking about" re- meatier. Any sentiment on the other ctor, tejtuly, "he told_ me side renders you particeps-crimin. . I oiled Beery; his escape from don't know but an act would lie against te service; the attack upon you for eneourgaging tramps. - Now, I negroes; his concealment have an efficacious way of dealing with and sivamps--". • these gentry." He rose and. took a ctor," feebly,- "you double-barrelledi fowling piece from the of his Work." • chimney. "When A tramp appears on , his system 'was full of my property I warnhim off. If he per - rat dayI had him wrapped • sista I fire on him as I would any brim - and dosed with quinine. inal trespasser." he was taken with all the "Fire on him V' I echoed in alert)]. "Yes -but with powder only! Of course he doesn't know that. But he doesn't oome back." It struck me for the first, time that dbetter give him a nate to possibly meny other of my friend's argu- f the City Hospital than ments might be only blank cartridges, . As a pathological study' and. used to frighten off other trespassing int as was looking for a intellects. • clueing our homeward walk, and I late d that he could seldom resist the in - tion of a mossy boulder or a tussock of oft grass. • 'Ye see," sir he would say, suddenly ing dowii. "it's along a,v m Misfor- es beginning in Milwaukee -'!and. it not until I was eut of hearing that he woald languidly gather his traps agin and. saunter after rite. hen I reached my own garden gate he leaned for a in oment over it, with Ito h of his powerful arms 'extended down- eva el and said, "Ab, but it's a blessing th t Sunday cums to give list fur the sit tut wa , Rheumatism and incapaci concluded I h the director keep him her he was good, man to help not afford to ties." As 1 never doctor was in ped the subje And so my ally faded fr. ever, without about :the stabl keep him in bot I ould really tell joke or in earnes I could "Of course, if the tramp still persist- capeci- 1 ed, I woul4 be justified ia using shot. Last evening I had a' visit from one. He -hen the wa.acoming over the Wall. My shot gun I drOp- was efficacious you should have seen him run !" friend, the Tram, gradu- It was useless to argue With so posi- in my memory, 4ot,- how- • tive a mind, and I dropped the subjeed leaving behiud h m in the After breakfast, I_ strolled over the OK OF 9H Hams, Bacon, Oatmeal, Pot Barley, took of Crockery and Glaeswareaand I am prepared ity and Price. The publici will do well to * 1 OCK AND PRIG d Tea Sets as Low as $2 50 per set, nice Glass ets as other Goods in this Line equally low. CK OF FIELD AND CARDEN .SEDS I • Mengel 'Wurtzels, 'Beets, Carrots, &c., Seed Ostia, Blot. M. Morrisoxl alwkys keeps on hands ' ICE FAMILY GROCEIZ.IES,, ornmeal, Flour and Feed cheap at Morrison's. CALL AND ET A FIVE KAI Only IQ cents p GOODS DeliTered Free of Chew M. MOIRRION, MAI D CADDIE OF GOOD TEA FOR $2.50; r poend, and first-clase. , e. T_E43iS Cash or FotrmiPr duce. STREET, SEAFORT1-0. P • 000 - 000 13 U C;ICOIOU U N 0 .OU TJNN C CO OU TJNN CCC 000 UUU TsT For 25c, 40c, 50c, 75a, $1, $1 25, $2, 42 5r., Sole Agents in Seaforth and vicinity or Laz Spectacles. The above can be exchanged an WA;TIC ES . . . full lin• e of Amertoan, En.glish, -resell a hand. 1 he above goods that are watinnted faction is not given, provided they ST not d A.OLS AT- T-TTTT EEEEE T E T T EEE T E, N T EEEEE IIRRR SSSS R S SSSS R 13, R it . S§SS MAY, 25 1877. LICCIAL CIAMERON & MoFADDEN, Barristers Ana 'et Bolleitors in Chancery, Goderich. 848 0. -CAMERON. W. E. MCFADDEN. IVITAJAM SMALL, Conveyancer and - Commie. vl• sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and 1•Pitaiser. Accounts and notes collector' on rens nable terms. • 3$13 , • L.:DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in • Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seaforth. Of - fide, ovep Jordan's Dtug Store, Goderich, and Kidirs Sdore, Seaforth. 1354 1VIALCOMSO1 & WATSON, Berristers, Attor. neys, Solicitors in ,Chancery, &e., Ont. Office --First door east of the new Royal Canadian Bink building. Money to loan on farm property. S. MALCOMSON. • 404 G. L WATSON • IVioCAUGHEY & HOLMF.STED,Barristers,At• torneys at Lew, Solicitors in Chanccry and ecs. BPatinbkl,i cs eaanfodrthC."AvegYennteseflo8r SoiicitorSlO N,a3.--430,000 to lend at 8 per trent. Farms r Nthtarill. the Canada T•ifeAssuranc,c Company, Haases and Lots for sale, 53 —803Teprsri, Attorneys-at-r-fauneyd-s-s-at-td--Lioaawn—, aStolaienTot.owvria-r.-aiint-.e-ChmeEiy-nthE-cletery:, est, and on terms to suit borrowers. Offices- Goderich and Wingliani. A.REOW, MEYER & RADENELTIRST, Barra,- . G.A01111.MCIWey. Meyer, Solicitor Coneolidated 13ank 474 • • 1 W. a. ILADENECURST. _i__Caead_40,01/_Vi_ngham. 1DeENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attornea-s -la°. at Law,' Solicitors in Chancery and Insolveney, Oonveyancells, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Sea. . forth and Erussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to - hav-est at once; it Eight per cent]: I. nwt.erce.slit,aryiatb.le ye 53 • h• • se 1L H. nil day been dissolved by mutual- con• sent. All accounts due the Pam to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all Habil- - ities. 3, $7 and $12 per pair. A ease gitien with every pair.' rus, Morris * mid Louis Black & Co.' celebrated • time within' three morolas if not soiled or broken. • JE A fine assortment of Colored Gold Sets, Bri Cuff Battelle, Studs, Gem Seal, Guard and W Keys, Lockets, Peas, &c. None of the above worn -except when the goods do not turn on Plated Jewelry, Black Jewelry, Fancy Goods, • Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of every descri to give satisfaction. -Work must be paid for •-3f. R. COUN 1:312,TTSSI.-1 IMPORT NT NOTI6E. TO GRANGERS F RMERS, AND OTHERS. AND CLOCKS. • d Sivise Watches. AMerican and Trench Oocks on o Customers will'be exehanged within one yen' if satis- nage(' or bfakea. ELRY. i - ht Gold Sets, Gold 13rooalies, Gold Ear Riagsa Gold ddin gllings, Gold Guards and Albert Chains, Seals, oods will beeta•ken back after two weeks -or at all if as re presented. A Large Stock of Silver Plated Ware, s &c., Cheap for Clash. ' Won liepaired by first-class worlanen aga warranted delivery. ER, Practical Watchmaker Seaforth, Fou7ay WILL purchase a Arst-class Sulky ake ; $25 willpurchtise a first-class Land Roller with ‘reP Cast Ends; $22.50 will purehaee a first-class Gang Plow, wrought iron frame; $22.50 will purchase a first-class Gang Plow, cast iron t lune; $13 will purchase a good General Purpose Plow, wrought Iron beam ; $10 re ill purchnse a go d Plow, wood beam, all improved steel moulds, $6 will purchase a good Scaler or Herse Be. 1 ALL OTHER IMPLEMENTS IN PR PORTION AT THE BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. ORDERS BY MAIL ROMPTLY ATTNDE.Jj' TO. JOBBING of Every Descripti n Done with -NEATNESS owl on the 81101?`,TAST NOTICE, • WM. T. WILSON & SON,, BRIJSSES. SEEDS SMMIDS SEEDS. 1 ' I BEG to draw the attention a tit pubr 0 to my Stock of FIELD AND GARDEN • SEEDS -An are such as to Isecare to purchasers Seeds that are fresh, pure, and true to name. Pa 'ties wishing to secure Seeds shot' &go to the 999 where they will get Seeds Ithat are pure and fresh, and thereby avoid the usual trouble of ersowing. The following lists contain such as have proved themselves adapted to Our climate : BEETS -White Silisian Sugar, Long Blood, Egypt- ian Blood, Early BSBFalle. MANGOLDS-Long Red, Red Mammoth, (Carter's,) Red Globe`, Carter's • Champion. CARROTS -Long Orange, Early Horn, 'White Belgian, White Orthe. SWEDE TIIII NIPS -Carter's Imperial P. T., Skirv ng's Improved P. T„ King of Swedes P. T. Westbury's Im- proved P. T., Yellow Aberdeen SP. T.,. Yellow Aberdeen G. T., East Thtbian P. T., Bun Bohn, Tutton's Champion, Marshall's Improved. 1 . I REMEMBER THE CLEARING SALE OF a e GLASSWARE AN CROCKERY AT THE 999. • ,3 Now is the time to bny,your G1 sa.ware and Grockery at the 999 as they will be sold at a 'LI saorifice in order to clear the S ock out. If you want a firet•class rid of China go to the 999 ani you will get, them at makers' prices. ITIFilk Crocka, Paws and Earthenware of all kinds will b4 sold at makers' prices at the 999. Do not forget to call at the 999 as I am bound to clear out the -whole Stock of Gleam are and (+rookery. •. A W. SPARLING, Main 'Street, Seafotth. OTHE G DE. RION FOUNDRY - 1 -7? Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel. $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel -and Eulleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Bal nee Wheel, Pulleys and Governors , 275 Second hand 12 'Loge 'Engine, Balauce Wheel, Pulle3s and Governors. 200 250 A. Hoisting or B,oat Engine, with H iating Gear • 1 Second hand. 16 Horse Portable Boile , with Smoke Stack , 150 Second hand 16 horse Portable Boile , with 3moke Stack • i 200 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boile , with Smoke Stack 225 Second.hand 80 horse Portal* Tubul r Boilcr, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Bars,) Steam Gunge, Guage and'Safety Valves, all in Good. Order ... . ... r .... .......... 450 Second hand Shingle and Heading. Machine Heading Jointer Heading Planer ' Heading Tamer • Stave Machine, with Knife I 1 40 50 70 80 New Engines, and Boilers on h�id, also Made to Order very cheap. MillMachtttery • for Flouring, Grist and Sa Mills. Middling Purifies of Improved Kinds. 1,Agricu1tura1 Implements.-StOves of Various Kinds.--Repairsi onBoilers, Mills, &c., promptly Attended to. CODERICH fOUNDRY AND MANUFICTURINC COMPANY. POST OFPIOE 'STORE, WALTON. • JONCE MORE respectfully beg ;e ve to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind 11 _patronage during the last 12 years that I have been doing business amongst them and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the intnre. I have just received a Large and Well Selected Stock of DRY GOO DS of all dem. ptions. Also &heals on hand a toll assortrant of GROCERIES -TEAS a Specialty -which, for quality and price, are the best in the 0onut. A Large Stook of, BOOTS and S HO ES-MeTherson's male. Crockery, Glassware, Ilampe and Goal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oils, Drum Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- thing reqaired in a general store. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farnt produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previons years, to come and eettle by cash or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put into other hands for collection.o further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. -I am also valnator lor the?i ment Society, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The abov Society loans money on good farm seenrity for it term of from three to twenty years on the most favorable conditions. LUB'E INS17RA.NCE.-If you want your life insured give me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life . Assurance Cotamny, one of the beseLife In- surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the taost economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a call. I am always attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Timothy, Turnip and, other 'weds on hand. • R. PATTISON, WALTON. STATIONED AGAIN AFTER THE FIOE.. Stoves and Tinware Cheaper Than tv-er... 3A3IES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. •EC. W. C. MEYER. MEDICAL. T G. SCOTT, M.D. &o.,Physieian, Surgeon sad " ••AccOuchour, Seaforth, Ont. Office and rest- denee south side of Godaria.t. Street, first door east of Presbaterian Church. 342 L. TEROOE, M. D,, C. M., Physician, Sur. geon'etc., Coronerfor the Coiauty oftlunon Office and Residence, "corner of Market arid Higb. street, next to the Plaiaing Mill. *NV• A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., • PhysicianSurgeon and Accoueheur. Graduate of the Viiiversity of Trinity College, Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy- sieians and Surgeons, Ont. Kin burreOnt . 485 T B. PITTMAN, M. D., C. M., (late of the firm " • a Saver & Phelan, Stratford) Graduate of 'McGill TT versity, Physician, Surgeon and Ae- •ocuchear, Seaforth, °Atari°. Office -Rooms in Meyer's Block, formerly occupied by the lute Dr King. Residence-Commereial Hotel. ' Will at- tend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays andFridays, 393 t I) McN1UGHT, Veterinary SurgeOn , Gradn- • ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. OfIlee and Residence in rear of Hilloran it Ryan's. Calls promptla attended to, night -or day. A stock of veterinary medicines en hind Charges reasonello. Horses examined as to sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 _ MRS . E. WHITNE,Y. Seaforth, begs to Laforra her tnany friends and elastomers that she has again resnmed businesa on the site el her old stand, where eveLything p,ertaining to the Tinware business will be found. A Large Stock of Stoves and Tinware always on hand and for sale cheap. • THE BEST AND PIJRESS COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. •, rvery kind of Tin Work Constantly on hEnd or Mad to Order. Call and see *hat she can do be- fore purchasing elsewhere. WO. E. WHITNEY, Seaforth. JAMES W. .ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the "1 Ontario Veterinary ' College. After devoting -two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his retridence east.of W. M. Ch•arch. Calle promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horses examioed as to soundness and certificates given: Horses bought and soldon commission. 424 TT • DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., •a•-•-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate Of the *Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Artificial D ntilsi neatly executed. Allsurgical opera - Urns performed with care and promptitude, A. G McDougall's store, Main Street, Seaforth.Ohl hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms 'over ;II$EzEiLANEOUi4. XP. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the . County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex', DOSITOR °ifice will be promptly attended to. T LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate t' • Agent, Grain Produce and Commission Merchant. Office -IF -8w Buck Block opposite North Anarniesn /tote), Brussels, Ont. 480 CHARLES • Winghanl' F. MILES, Provincial Land Sur- - •Orders bymail will receive prompt attention. Branch ofece,Clinton. io. - 485 ere ea a ei Can't be made by every agentevery month '11"01JJ in the business we furnish, but those williig to work can earn a dozen dollars a day right in their own localities. Have no room to explain hero. Business pleasant end honorable. Women, and boys and gide do as well as men. We will furnish you it complete outfit free. The business pays better tban anything «fise. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics, their , semi and daughtere, and all classes in need of paying work at home should write to us and learn • all about the work at once. Now is the time. Dim% delay. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, keine. • 482 THE GREAT FEMALE REMFDY.-job Moses • Periodical Pill -This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those pZnful aid dangerous Iliseases to which the female constitua tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all oh -tractions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To mairiedladies, it is peculisaly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe - nod with regularit:. These pills should not be taken by Females daring the first throe months et Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Mis- eatriage, but at any other time they are Bale. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the, back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a euro when all other MeSIIS tertre failed; and, aathough it powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New 'York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12i cents fax postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman; To- ronto, ,Ont., general agents 1 or the Dominion, will inure a -bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & CO., S. S. Boberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 T1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor -Ai' • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 479 13. 5. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. TO THE WORKING CLASS, E ARE NOW PREPARED to furnish all biasses with constant emplo•roent at hem°, the whole of the time or for their spare Pei's° e of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to moralitsBaldness new, light and profitable . . $5 per evening, and it proportional sum by de- voting their whole time to the tbusinesa. Boys and girls earn nearly as raueb as men. That all who see this notice may send their addrees, and test the business, wemake this unparalleled offer: To such as are not well satisfied we will send Sl. tor pay 1 or k the trouble of writing. Full pattice Wars, sainplea worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want perman- ent, profitable work, address, GEORGE STIN- SON & Co., Portland, Maine. HAIR DRESSING. • I MISS AMANDA , STARK ,wistIpt to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and f Y. Vicinity that she is prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., Iii the Latest rashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. , Cell Solicited. Besidence-Gederich Street, Seaforth: • 467*19 • R. N. BRETT," • I:MAYO/1TH, *lalledde and Retail Dea.:er in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. ' 1 rioderateA Trial L: Solicited. All orders. by mail Norte but the Very Best Stock kept. Terras or otherwise proreptly filled. 490 ' B. N. BRETT. MAY 25 1877 downs, my friend prothisedto j. °soon as be arranged househ nem. , It was a lovely, peaceful mo unlike the day when Ifirst friend, the Tramp. The hus great Benedict lay on land and few white sails twinkled afar,bi -one or two large ships were e lazily -like my friend, the T voice behind me startled me. My host had rejoined. me. however, looked a little trouble, • " I just now learned som importance," he began, "it ap with all my precautions that T visited my kitchen and the eery entertained him. Yesterday i that while 1 was absent, he audacity to borrow my gun to shooting. At the end of two, hours he eeturned with two du the gun. •- "That was, at least, honest.' "Yes -but 1 That fool of a that, as he handed back the told her that it was all right, - he had loaded it up again to say ter trouble." I think I showed my eorice face, for he added hastily, "It duck shot -a few wouldiahur Nevertheless, we both Welke silence for a moment. • "I thought the gun kicked. he said at last, mudingly ; but of -Hallo what's this?" He haA etopped before tie where I had first seen my Tr was deserted, but on the MIA were spots of blood, and fregnA old gown, blood-stained, as if bandages. I looked at it closer the gown intended for the tem. wife of my friend. the Tramp. But nay host was already tracking the blood stains that moss, and boulder, were steadi towards the sea. When 1 ovet at last on the shore, he. was sU fore a fiat rock, -on which lay a recognized; tied up in a hara and a crooked, grapevine stick., 44 He may have come here te wounds -salt is a syptic," zaid who had recovered his eorrect of etatement. I said nothing, but looked ti sea. Whatever secret lay I breast, it kept it fast. .),V1 calm eyes had seen that sumni it gave no reflection noW. it passive, imperturbable and But my friend, the Tramp, wa Bret Barte, in the Yew Yorh An Anecdote of Gen. .1 When General Jackson- wa date for the presidency in 182' did the party °pondto him I for his public acts, which if n tional or violent were a teed ject of reprobation, but the the charaeter ef hes wife. On sion a newspaper published in] was laid upon the General's t glanced. over it, and his -eye fel article in which the characte Jackson was most violently 28 soon as he read it he sent for . old servant Dunwoodie. " Saddle my horse," said. h.el a whisper, " and _put iny JeC hitid' Mrs. Jackson watche though she heard not a thought she ea* miechief in The General went out aftertat utes, when she took up the pa derstood everything. She ran south gate of the yard of the - by which the General evotA pass. She had not been there a few seconds before the Geller with the countenance of a madt Owed hereelf before his horse] t- "0,00 General, don't go to 31:, Let that poor editor live. Led editor live." "Let me alone plied " how came you to le ani going for ?" She answere it all in this paper after yea t put up your horse and go back plied furiously, "But I will gj - of my way 1' Instead of doid • grasped his bridle with both h cried. to her, "I say, let_go my leave hie heart's blood -the vi reviles my wife shall not heed She graved the reins but t and began to expostulate with ing that she was the one that ' be angry; but that she forgavt enters from the bottom of her; Prayed for them -that he shot if he hoped, tobefoi given. her reasonine'her entreaties -she so worked upon her hus seemed -mollified to a certain wound up by saying, "No, G shall not take the life of even -you dare not de t. for it 'Vengeance ie mipe, I will the Lord P" The iron -nerved. 'hero ga.- fore the earnest pleading of wife, and repl-ied: "I yield t had it not been for 3011, anal of the Almighty, the wretch have lived. an hour." The Fate of Wedding There are at least six perse More, in New York eity, wee pnrchase of superfluous we ente, three of _whom deal e a certain line of articles,. dealers, interviewed by A, ries OR busieess in the Bower 't eratide bufiiness is in the p eale of wedding presents, how be conducted the Iasi 'of unredeemed p,Iedges, but his sea.,1:arge store, ostensibly' "You see, when a yie belenging to good families ried their friends alt i present', and in out of ten the young folks selves in pos8eaei0if of certa houeehold stuff enough to generations.' The young wi covers that she has a net of tennosttifi,goraydpi-i.il tolnieino ln no ea) y married couple living tone; venue. where the youn• a beautiful girl she was-hai glasses. Of course, she did so I bought five of them. them left {showing a email b pearl mounted opera glass). -and ehina are other things married people generally 6.n. too much of, hut I ilen't do that way,. There are ether rik" eestsw sl„ ho deel in that and I confine myself to jewelle • -047,"But tbwohwea"do?371 knew " That's simple enough, marriages are _all publishe perse and where it IS a wed