HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-20, Page 57 ee and few sales Ie were scarce. were exhibite& n two Mitchell on the market e„ Aboutixty witnessing the top to by a con - Roiling the fan. ner and D. lel, about reraeving ve purchased a Winnipeg where uite extensively goodS &c, at- week, Messrs. array, Iluriburt n1 sowing their Ilibbert' are other town iseips. ✓ prospect of a :hart there is this eating the re em- seregation, Strats -of Rev. Dector e the 6th. inst 1a. Carling with a Lel his reverend th a gold -headed iot very far from ert time ago, at - reek, but, the ice an fell throngh. lad the presence ier. After much) ed in making the -with great di-FR- aded that they only their feet eb John Camp - t the patriarchal %out doubt the ty, Be wae barn Javerness, 'Seot- rrated to Canada excellent health from the time of ›ssessed af a good Mall events Which aat his years; were rags of the Court &short time ago • eame un for de - :ailed was Enright , t suit to establish` Ashmore. Mr. he'J. E. Harding, • Smith and Mr. relent A sfiniore hard, was an old ee, and about 16 Lel of his property, [e, `e. the defend- Lephew, reserving Louah's sisters. died and the old ie 18th July, 1874, will, leaving all ice Caroline Eu- hree Iega.eies of ' children, payable age of 20 years. Caroline Enright, afterwarde, an was brought by Le last spring as - en a verdict was on the ground of • Ashmore, when aew trial Was, ap- without costs, and, a cointnenced. to the decree of the the action at law oseenated, and also one of the clauses occupied the at - during almost ite ;eing 25 witnesses Ilor the defendant. estaining the will. gotene. Seymour, black - committed to jail J. P., for having that day a pair n violation of the m. IL Moyse was joleman, Mayor of trial on a charge en table from the loweliffe, of Sea - the erection of a Wingham, has ris Kinne & Sons, 2,138. The manse y November next, e handsomest reel- Aerich is now clear of the pioneer ves. e The fishing sea- `0 ay, a number of the , gone out on that 'Very little ice is lake, the easterly e driven it out of 'rian, of Goderich, lijah Martin, died ireday of last week. een very good for la appreheesions of of his life were en. - ver, took a fit and r. Deceased was and leaves a wife tale took place on 1, con. 3, Morris, e of Turnberry, and the champion chop - Loy prayed the vic- of a dry rock. elm e. in 230, Brandon the cutting next in the winner by . a nephew of Mr. George Anders0, age, attempted to working a hors.. [factory of Mr. 4. rhen his whip" get ery, and in trying le fellow fell into the horse couldbe s was broken. homes Cooper sold on the London f Clinton to ' Mr. for $3,506-aboult here is only a barn land, it ienonsidep re, Mr. .A. Tay* the Bayfierd Road, ce from Clinton, property there 9-14e hile a well-knewn was on his way n the night train, he car. While in. or jokingly relieved considerable sum) awakening he, a Ioss, and wag ns - APRIL 20 1877. tunny in an excited state of mind, which was not lessened when the con- •ductortold him a men had hurriedly got off the train at one of the stations,,and be gave it up as lost. After keeping the articIesfor a time, they were returned; the drover feeling greatly relieved at their recovery. -There repides in Clinton a riling girl who is icted in a peouliar and un- usual manner viz., in n�t being able to see in the d sk of evening. Her eye- sight is apparently as good as any one's durnig the d but when darkness sets in, she beco -s stone blind, and requires to be Id aroue d the same as a totally blind person. She enjoys good health, and the cause of this singular physical phenomena is unknown. esday night of last week, f Mr. Verity, of Exeter, upstairs, taking alighted. em, without a candlestick.' the candle by some means bed, and retired, leaving ear the light. After they eep the garments caught consumed. The heat of ecl the children, and they getting the rest, of the bed before any mbreelam- -On We the children retired to be candle with They fasten close to the their clothes had fallen as fire, and wer e, the fire wake succeeded in family out of age was done. -Many of Mr. W.11. tune to lose b accident near _Dominion H Westminster, -that he receiv pliment at t -Club of that manager, bein ,mentary ban • $ our readers will remember we, who had. the misfor- th his arms by a railway linton. By a copy of the ald, published • at New British Columbia,' we see d a most flattering com- e hands of the Dramatic lace, of which he is the entertained at a compli- net. Mr. Lowe's friends here will be pjleased to hear of his suc- cess and popu arity. -For severil weeks past a series of revival meet' gs have taken place on the twelfth conc ssion of McKillop, under. -the managem nt of Rev. C. M. Thomp- son. The me tinge were held in private' houses, whie1i were regularly packed by an attentljve audience. At the close of the meetin s about 18 persons joined the Methodi t -Episcopal church. Mr. Thompson inrnediate1y started out with a sabscriptio list, and in a few days se- cured over $211I for the erection of a new chtuch. He eels sanguine of adding an- other hundre if a thorough canvass is . made. A late lea ous to conver some stay in' an occasion fa tion, he open culiar tenets said, "haw a education, w by travel and ferent (Thai° ject such as t bishop," rota been fortune arrival in tha it. You hav thing it is." eing the un. ed Bishop was very anxi- a Parsee, who was Making iiclon, and meeting him on arable to private converse- d an attack upon his pe - "1 cannot think," he Ly man of intelligence and ose mind has been enlarged association with men of dif- nE3, can worship a created ob- lhe sun." " Oh ! my lord ed the Parsee, who had not e in the weather since his country, "you should see no idea what a glorious Tra A writer i - - scribes his m follows feet long, be and drives bo able interval trains petun. abundantly t ment. Pe treated as if . and trained trailing habit ID the season . considered. ning Petunias. the London Gazette de- thod of training petunias as takes hazel rods about two ds them like croquet hoops, h ends into the bed at suit - all over it. On these he as which blossom more an usual under this treat- ies have been successfully they were sweet pea vines, n a slanting trellis. The of this plant, especially late is not always sufficiently THE MA.R.TKETEI BEAFORTH, April 19.,'11371. - Fall 'Wheat 1 30 to 185 1 25 to 180 0 48 to - 0 45 •. 0 68 to 0.70 0 45 to 0.60 020 to, • 0. 28 0 11 to! 0.11. 7 00 to, 750 ' 12 00 to; 12 60 . 8 00 to, 5o0 . 0 50 to 180 . I 0,75 • Salt (Wholesale) per banel. • . 0. 65 Potatbee,- per • broffiel . . ..... 0 60 to 068 ! Oatmeal AP• brl .. 6 00 WI 6 601 OLINToN, April 19,,1167. • •• • 180 (4 185. 125 1 80 048 @I 045 - 050 a 055 0 70 @i 0.71 .1 0 20 @, 0 22 Potatoes 0 55 @I 0 60 1E ggs o o' o 11 • Hay, per ton, 112 00 @1250 Pork 1 6 00 to; 625 r • Spring Wheat, per bushel Oatsper bushel. . . Peas per bnehel ,Barley per 'bushel ' Butter,No, 1, Loose. ... Eggs Flour, per barrel Hay Hides Sheep skins Salt (retail) per barrel Fall Wheat, per bushel Spring Wheat, perbushel Oats, per bushel Barley, per bushel • Peas, per bushel .. Butter...,. . L s ng Speeches. r. Mood. tells of a London preach- er who woul o gather great crowds about him, and. the preach on, and on, and on, until every o e of his hearers had gone, and left him lone. When asked why he insisted on ti ing out and disgusting his audience, he answered that it seemed a pity to stop s long as anybody was will - mg to hear a y more. Possibly that is wily some peakers make such long speedhes to Sunday schools. 7 A Thuriday, Hotel, Seaf Andrew M Brine, midi Monday, Brucefi McGregor, tioneer. ction Sales, April 26, at the Commercial rth, Household Furniture. lcolm, proprietor; J. P. neer. pril 30, at McGiegor's Ho- ld, Hotel Property. Peter roprietor ; J. P. Brine, etic- CASE. -In _Reginald, aged 2 ye FORREST. - Jas. Forre rest, form aged 77 ye MILLER. -A 18, Richae 11 months A ennee-etha 5, Wm. G months an Jems.-In third elde James. GREER.- In Greer, son years. GARDWELL, wife of years. CANNON. - Jane Wil; aged 70 y DEATHS. cKillop, on April 19, Geo. on of Francis Case, Esq., s and 8 months. t the residence of his son, t, Morris, Charles B. For- rly of Glasgow, Scotland, Fans, Morrisbank, on April Miller, aged 75 years and the Bayfield Road. on April son of John Allen, aged 11 9 days. orrie, on April 9, -Vibletta, t daughter of Mr. Edward Gorrie on April 9, Thomas of George Greer, aged 5 In Grey, on April 9, the honaas Gardwell, aged 87 In McKillop, on April 6, or, wife of Hugh Cannon, Mrs. BIRTHS. Bueonn.- t Lonclesboro, on April 8th, the wife o N. Bulger, ef a daughter. McCue -Leta -1 .-In Brussels, on the 8th inst., the wife of Wm. MoCullagh, of a SOn. DA -Yet -ENT. In Clinton, on the 9th inst., the wife of JOhn Dayment, of a daugh- ter. FERGUSON. In Clinton, on the 6th inst., the wife f Jas. Ferguson, of a daugh- ter. THE GOLDE4 LION. MARRIED. MONTGO Y - ARMSTRONG. - At the residencc of the bride's father, on the Ilth inst., by the Rev, M. Denby, Samuel,on .# Wm. Montgomery, to i Mary, el est daughter of J. Armstrong, all of Staii. ey. MORAN-BUNTON.--At the residence of the brid '8 father, on March 29th, by Rev. J. impson, assisted by 'Rev, F. Smith, 1ev. J. X, Moran, of the Onta- rioConfe ence, to Mary Amelia, second daughter of John Bunton, Esq., of Minto. OUND PRINT FOR S Li AT THE GOLDEN LION, SEAFORTKI L09 -AN 8r JAMIESON. HARp TIMES AND PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 1 BOOTS AND SHOES IN ENDLESS VARIETY AT THOMAS COVE MTV'S. LOST OR POUND. pLANS LOST.-Locit, en April 18th, between Hensell and Seaforth, the plans of the English Church, Hannah Any person finding the same and retuning them to Hensall P. 0. will be re- warded. 489*4 NOTICE, TO. DEBTORS NOTIOE TO DEBT ORS. -The undereigned hay - fug disposed of his soda water manufactory in Seaforth, and good will of the business, to Messrs. Colbert & Sleramon, he desires to thank his patrons for their liberal eupport during the past eight years, and has pleasure in recommend- ing to them his successors. He also requests all those indebted to him to settle the same at once, either by payment or note. F. A. MEYER. 488 WM. MEETINGS TO BE IIELD "NTOTICE.-A general meeting of the Reformers •+-1 of the South Riditg of Huron will be held in Brueefield on Tuesday, April 24tle, at 12 o'clock, noon. It is desirable that all Reformers, who can, should attend. By order of the Central Arel sedation. A. WORTHINGTON, Seeretary.489-2, "NTOTICE.-A meeling of the I Reformers of Howick will be held at Fordwieh on the even- ing of Thursday, April 26, when Mr. G. R. Paton°, Secretary of the Reform Association, and others, will addrese those present, on matters of import- ance. A good attendance is requested. By order of Committee. 4894 WANTED. TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders will be received -IL up to April 25, 1877, for the building of an addition to the Manse in Brucefield. Plans and epecifications for the same may he seen on ap- plying to the undersigned. WM. GRAHAM. Secretary, Brucefield. 488-2 TENDERS WANTED. -Sealed tenders marked "Tender for Church," separate and, in bulk, addressed to the undersigned for the erection of a Methodist Church, in Seaforth, will be received till Saturday, May 6th. Plane &e. to be seen at the office of Gray, Young & Sperling. Seaforth. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aocept- ed. WILLIAM M. GRAY, Secretary of Building Committee. 489-4 T = JUST OPENING my Spring Stook, oom- -i- prising all the Latest Styles in Ladies', Gents' and children's Wear. I have bought from the beat housee in the Trade, for Cash, and I am there- fore in a position not to be undersold; and as I am mere than usually hard up, 1 am determined not to'be ; I therefore respectfully invite the cash buying people of Seaforth and its surroundings to give me a call before buying elsewhere. IMPORTANT NOTICES. _ DUB= NOTICE. -The Court of Revision for 'L the Village of Baylleld will hold its first Bit- ing in the Orange Hall, Bayfield, on Tuesday, May 22nd, 1877, at 10 o'clock A. M. All interest- ed please attend. J. A. RUTLEDOE, Clerk. 489-2 PRIVATE SCHOOL. -A Private School will be opened by Mies Wright, on Monday, 2nd day of April. Ladies wishing information in regard to regulations, tuition, &e., will please oall at Miss M. E. Wright's Fancy Store, Main Street Seaforth. Terms in Advance. 477 IN THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT- NT OTICE,-Notioe is hereby given that a By-law 'LI I Will be submitted at a meeting of the Council f Tuckersmith, to be held at Mrs. Dills' Hotel, H rpnrhey, on Saturday the 26th day of May next, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. for stop- ping up and selling that portionof the original road allowance in front of Lots 18 and 14 in the first Con., Tu kersmith, H. R. S., and forming i part of the Boui th dary Line between e Townships Tuckeramith fnd MeRillop, anddescribed as fol- lows, viz.. Commencing at a point 15 rods West from the North-east corner of Lot 18,, Con. 1, Tuckersmith, thence along the front of Lots 18 and 14 in a Westerly dieection 145 rode to the North-west corner of Lot 14 in the said Conces- sion, thence in a Northerly direction along the Eastern limit of the present traveled side road between Lots 14 and 15 in the first Concession of Tnokeremith a distance of 4 rode, thence along the Northerly limit of the old road allowance in an Easterly direction to a point on the South- east corner of Lot 28 in the first Concession of meEillop, a distance of 160 rods, thence along the Northerly limit of the present traveled road in a Westerly direction to the place of beginning. WM. McCONNELL, Township Clerk. 489-4 NTOTICE.-Ncitice is hereby given that a By - Law will be submitted at a meeting of the McKillop Couneil to be held at Davis' Hotel, Me- Rilloy, on Saturday, the 5th day of May next, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., for stopping up and selling that portion of the original road allow- ance m front of Lots 28 and 29, in the first Con, cession of MoKillop, and forming part of the boundary line between the Townahips of McKil- lop and Tuckersmith, and described as follows, viz.: Commenciug at the south east nngle of Lot No. 28, Con. 1, township of bloKillop, County of Huron, thence along the front of Lots 28 and 29 In a westerly direction, 160 rode. tothe south- west corner of Lot 29, on said concession ; thence in a southerly direction following the eastern lirait or the present Bide ro4i between Lots 29 aid 30 in said lat Concession of MeXillop, a.dis- tance of fear rode; thence following the old road allowance in an easterly direction to- a point on the front of Lot 13, in the lst conceesion, H.R.S., Township of Tuekersmith, a distance of 145 rode; thence following the lir sof the present traVelled road in an easterly direction to the place of be- ginning. JOHN O'SULLIVAN, Township Clerk. McKillop, April 5,1877. 488-4 Of my business I buy none hilt the best material and; employ the nery best of workmen. My repair- . ing is;executed in a style that cannot fail to !give eatisfactioa. So, with thanke for past patronage, and, an abiding faith in a better time coming, I would simply say don't forget the place: SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT Eat Side, Main Street, Seaforth. THOS. COVENTRY, Seaforth. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. rrHE Subscribers would reepettfully intimate -L to the public that they have again commenced work at theli Lime Works, opposite Vanstone's mill, on the eftet side of the river, where, having the finest draw kiln in this section and first-class facilities, they will he in a_ position to turn out the beat of lime at 14 cents per bushel, for cash. A good article guaranteed, as we know oar brininess thoroughly. Give ns a calla TOWN aG BURROWS. IN CHANCERY --Saturday, the , Seventh day In Chambers. I of Etpril, A. D. 1877. Between HANNAH MATILDA COLE- IIIAN and others, Plaintiffs, JAMES and O'CONNOR and others, De- fendants. IJPON the application of the above nanel ed Plaintiffs', and upon hearing read the Bill of Complaint herein, the certificate of the state of the cause and the affidavits of James H. Bengen and of David O'Brien ; it is ordered that the de- fendant, James O'Connor, do on or before the 26th day of &me next, answer or demur to the Bill of Complaint in this cause. Signed R. P. STEPHENS, Ref. TAMES O'CONNOR, take notice that if you do u not answer or demur to the Bill pursuant to the above order, the Plaintiffs may obtain an order to take the Bill as confessed against you, and the Court may grant swill relief as they may be entitled to on their own phowing, and you will not receive any farther notice of the future pro- ceedings in the cause. Your answer is to be filed at the office of the Deputy -Registrar of this Court, at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Ontario, Canada. . • • 11. W. C. MEYER, 488-4 Plaintiff's Solicitor. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Celebrated Imported Heavy Draft Stallion, THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE SEASON. THE GRAND OFENiNG AT KIDD'S ELME' Everybody Surprised and Deligiged at the Magnificent Display of Millinery Goods. OVER 700 VISITORS AT ji-HE SHOW ROOM AND ILLINERY !DEPARTMENT ON FRID Y AND SATURDAY, APRIL 13T11 AND 14T11. In retnr ning the Show Da cuted and wil vain ed comm having a tho orders promp thanks to the Ladies 641Seaforth and vicinity for the honor of their presence during 8, I respectfully beg tt inform them that their esteemed orders are being rapidly exe- be ready in a iew day . Owing to the large nrunber 'who have favored us with their nds I have found it necessary to engage some extra hands in this Dspartnient, and oughly experienced young lady in charge, my cestomere may rely iDn having their y and carefully filled to their entir satisfaction. THE GENERAL STOCK OF DRY GOODS Is now fully sorted, and every oust omer visitiLg my store shall receive full value ing their money. I am shTng this week A Full ne of Colored Lawn, in all the Fashionable shades, very hand- some Patterns. A Full Li e of Costilime Linens. A Full Line of White and Colored Mu* ns.' A Full line of English and Ainerican Prints, all \Fast Colors. A Full Line of Dress Trimmings. All the .Nete,Shadee i;6 Buttons -4U the Newit Shades in Braids -All the New Shades in Fringes. 1 1 "ENTERPRISE" The property of Mr. Peter Maw en. will stand for. the improvement of stook this season as follows • On Monday, April 23, he will leave his own stable Lot 23, Con. 18, McKillop, and will proceed north the gravel road to the White Tavern, at John bleArtlitt?s, for noon; thence to Brussels, at Stretton's hotel for the night. On Tuesday he will proceed west through Morris two miles and a half, and then south two and a half Miles to Win. McArthur's, Con. 8, for noon ; thence south to Torrence's, in the Watt Elettlement, Hullett, for the night. Wednesday, will, proceed to Kin - burn, at noon; thence to Alma Hotel, Huron Road, for the night. Thursday, will proceed south -to the West End cheese factory, and thence west along comession 2 to the London Road to Alex. Innis', for noon; thence along the London Road to Brticefield for the night. Friday, will proceed along the London Road to Seaforth, at the Commercial Hotel, for noon ; thEnce to•Han- nah's Hotel, Winthrop, for the night,. Saturday, will proceed to his own stable where he. will re- main until Monday morning. This route Will be continued regularly during the season. Terms - Insurance $12, with the usual conditions. The steak left by Enterprise speak for themselves. At the South Riding Show last fall, to say nothing of township shows, year-old colts sired by Enter- prise carried off six prizes, one of these beating the colt which took first at the Western Fair. For pedigree and other particulars see Route 488-3 PETER MeEWEN, Proprietor. BRUCEFIELD MARKET. A SpZendid Assortment of Black Silk gee, from 25 cents up to :$1 50 per yard. Another Consignme t of those Cheap Kid Gloves jp.st to hand, only 50cper pair. 1 Ladies, pleaee call and LACES I s elect a pair at nearly one-third the usual price. Perfeei Satisfaction Guaranteed. A Large and Attractive Stock of • REAL 1 BEATJTIF AND IMITATION DESIGNS These Goods must e seen to be appreciated. Parasols and Sunshades for the million at the NEW CASH STORE:1 • TliOMAS KIDD, Seaforth. T' , Subscriber bap to !intimate to the farmers and others in this vicinity, that he has always a supply of aim and oats on hand, SELLING AT PRICES That defy competition; also a quantity of choice Clover seed. Highest Market Price given for wheat and all other grain at Warehouse, south door, Bracefield station. Give me a call before prirchaeing or disposing of your produce. DAVID McLENNA_N. NO'rICE is hereby given that I have purchased the right for this County of the Harris Patent Stove Pipe Damper and Spark Extinguisher. All Orders left for the Damper at Allen's Grocery Neill be promptly filled. W. AT.T:PN. Til SPR,fNG S'1100 OF DR GODS AND MILLI ERY, GETS' F MEN'S AN BOYS' HATS, RNISHpTG AND FANCY G 1 ODS, WILL NOW BE FOUND COMPLETE AT CHE MA.1\T 13ROTI-1 P CASH TORE, SEAFORTH. ancy oods Op ning Out Every Week. Call and See the Goods end rice& iemember the P e, HOFFMAN BROTHERS, Flur Doors Sou h of the Post Office. GA ALAR Carter's I i. 11 DE E STOC AIRLE SEEDS AND FIELD SEEDS. OF FIELD AlsTD GARDEN SEEDS TO BE HAD AT J. S,- ONE DOOR SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE. EDE IURNIPS OF THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES : perial, Ha Lo MANG • LDS -- Also 0 rob- rd Grass, A Lailg above lis of John to large , 's Westbury, Boal Nbrfolk, Sutton's Champion,' Bruce's Selected East an, Skirving's Improved, and the celebrated Grey Stone. ammoth Red and Large Yellow Globe, CARROTS -Green Tem, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For sale' cheap a -A- 'a house and lot on the corner of William and Centre,streets, Seaforth The lot contains one- fifth Of an are, is pleasantly situated, with a dwelling house, stable and well. Apply to HENRY RUTTIE, Wingham P. 0. 482 Ti OUSE AND LOT iOR SALE IN EGMOND- ver,LE two Amy brick house, with stone basement on Main Street, suitable for store said dwelling. Good opening for store. Lot contain smelt barn, some choice apple and plum trees, small fruits, &c. Apply to 3. S. PORTER, Sea - forth: P. O. , 487 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR, SALE. -For Sale 011 reasonable terms, the residence and gronnds inEgniondville at present occupied by . 3.5. Porter. There 19 S comfortable dwelling house with all necessary out -buildings and con- veniences, ale a large driving house and stable.- There eke fourcores of land, %vell fenced, and a good bearing r, @lard of fruit trees' This would be a most desinable property for a market gardener or a retired farmer; Apply to J. S. PORTER. 468 Orthe, and,White Belgian. ed Top Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, and Bruce's mix tare, suitable for Lawns. GARDEN SEEDS: VARM FOR SALE. -For sale the West half of Lot 29, Con. 8, MoKillop, containing 50 scree, 26 a which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance is well timbered with hardwond. There is a good frame house and frame stable on the premises, also a young orchard. It is one mile from the gravel read at the villageof Winthrop, where there is a sawlmill, flour mill, stores, school, churches, and all other village conveniences • 'slim_ within ,six miles of Seaforth. Apply to the Proprietor on the prem- ises, or address 'Winthrop P. 0. JAMES Me - DONALD. 470 VARM FOR SALE. -For sale, north half of Lot -1-* 11 and east half of Lot 12, Con. 12, Hallett, containing 100 acres, 85 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation and well underdrain- ed, balanr is Well timbered; a large frame barn and fram stable, good log house and other build- ings; good bearing orchard; a never -failing stream running through the farm, also a good well; about 8 acres of fall wheat sown. Is situ- ated about 11 Miles from Clinton and 12 miles from Seaforth. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises or to Harlock P. 0. ANGUS CAMPBELL. 469 F011 SALE OR TO. LET. HOUSE TO RENT. -To Rent, the house late- ly occupied by Dr. Burgess. ApplY to DR. CAMPBELL. 485 p00111 TO BENT. -To rent; a oaumber of -LA' Good Roome in Meyer's block, over Johnson Brothers' Hardware Store. Apply to: Duncan & Duncan or to the propfieter. L. mEysR. 480 Stock in Biulk, Warranted Fresh and Good, also a choice _collection (4,11 Flower Seeds. The of Seeds have been purchased with great care from the old eetablished and reliable firm Bruce & C „Hamilton and will be sold at Catalogue prices. A Liberal Discourt made chasers. lover and Timothy Seed always in Stock. A FUL STOCK OF GR CERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Fine avored Teaf a Specialty, and Cheaper than ever. Provisione, Floult, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Fo tatoes, 5ideMeat,13ngar Cured Hams, Spi1 ed Bacon, Dried Appies, &e. I tISPECTION INVITEp. Goote D vered Fre of Charge in any part of the Town, Harparhey er EgmOndollle. I I Give th Cash Grocry a Trial, and you will be treated with civility whether you purchase or not. VARM TO SELL OR RENT FOR ONE CROP -I: -100 acres cleared, frame barn and stabling, - log,house and young orchard; 2 miles from Au- burn. Possesolion immediate. Apply to WM. BROWN, Auburn 1).0., Ont. 488-2 , __ TT OUSE TO RENT. -To rent, that comfort -LI- able dwelling house on Main Street, north Se a forth, formerly t e property of Mr. A. Malcolm 1 con taming 8 room , with good pantry, cellar, eta ble, sofkand har water. Apply to W. LYALL, at Hill & Oin's store. 1 489*4 'PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Two lote, with a 2 J- story framehouse and barn, situated on the' Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have beeu used as an egg packing establishment, and are well adapted for any public business. For partionlare apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, ISeaforth, or tr D. GORDON, Goderiela, Ontario. 456 I SPEC1/FIC ARTICLES. TO BUILDERS. -1 -Sand, Stone, and Gravel for -1- ! Sale. Orders left with James Edwards or Thomas Lee will be promptly attended to. THOMAS ClITRRIE,Seaforth. 481 HAY FOR SALE. -For sale at the born, about ! twenty tons of Timothy and Clover Hay, weilleaved and in god order. Apply on Lot 15, ConlesSion 9, McKillop. S. SMITH. 489.2 FAIRLEY, SEAFORTH QE D WHEAT FOR SAT. -Por Sale, a quart- " tity of Red Chaff Wheat, suitable for Seed.' Appy to the undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 2, H. R. 5., Tuoke .1, th. JOHN HANNAH. 487 rHAETON BUGGY FOR SALE.--eFor sale, an elegant phaeton, buggy, also one light demo - rat wagon and light piano box buggy. Will be soldicheap. WILLSON & SCOTT, Seaforth. 489 CED AR POSTS. -The undersigned has a large quantity of round and split posts, from 24 feet long ilown to 8 feet, at his place in Seaforth, whieh he will dispose of cheap. DAVID Me - NAUGHT. 487 'LAX' SEED. -The undersigned has now ready a quantity of Flax Seed at No. 6 ware -house, Seatorth, and le prsipared to make arrangements with all whoiwielt to sow seed this season. JOHN BEATTIE. ; 488-3 VOR THE LADIES.-Willsoir & Scott have re- oeived & lot of the celebrated Franz & Pope .Knitting machines, the best machine made. They will knit a pair of stockings in ten minutes. Call and see them. WILLSON & SCOTT. 489 EED OATS, -The undersigned has on hand l'•-7 and for sakes quantity of New Zealand Oats suitable for seed. Samples can be seen at ; the stores of Geo. E. Henderson, saddler; or Wilson & Young, Seaforth. WM. HENDERSON, Mc - 484 TOILER, ENGINE, AND MACHINERY FOR SALE.L-For Sale a six -horse -power engine and boiler and machinery, suitable forcarpenter- ing work, will be sold at a bargain for cash. If not sold by private sale before the 15th of May, they will he sold by auction. Apply to H. CAR- DIFF, Brussels. /C B. -The property where the machinery is situated can be bought. 489*4 • 701i DOZEN sold since April last of Brtmten's I" Rho tie Absorbers and Digestive Fluid. The Rheum tie Absorbent will positively relieve all pain from Rheumatism or other inflammatory swellingein 12 honrs. The Digestive Fluid has never failed to cure dyspepsia -relief is felt in a few hours -the most obsthaate cases are cured in a week. A lady writes: "1 have been saved from life long lingering pains. I had Bronchitis, Cat- tarrh and Dyspepsia, and was eared in a few days by its nee.' Sold by druggists, price 50 cents. WholesalebyiNorthrop & Lyman, Toronto. Ad- vice for particular \ cases free. Address W. Y. BRUNTON, London, Ont. 462-28-476 . STOCK FOR. SALE. THOROUGH BRED Short Horn Cows for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to M. bleTAG- GART, Clinton. 488*4 URHAM BULL FOR SALE. -For Sale, a one-year old Durham Bull. Apply to GEO., SPR OAT, Lot 18, Con. 8, Tnekeremith, Seaforth P.O. 486-4 _ TT ORSES FORSALE -A Sir Arehy colt com- ing 5 years, will drive either single or double. o a Woe driving mare whichavillbe sold cheap. Ap ply to L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, or to 3. W. IdEYER. 482 a BADE BULL FOR SALE. -For Sale, a one- " year-old Grade Bull, bred from "Crown Pr ince." Will be sold ou resaionable terms, eit her for cash or en credit. Apply to SAMUEL SC ARLETT, Lot 22, Con. 9, MeEillop - 487 MILCH COWS FOR SKI -M. -For Sale, Five G ood Milch Cowe, all in calf to a thorough- bred Ayrshire bull. One ej these cows is a thoroughbred -Ayrshire. Apply to the undersign- ed, Lot 61, Con. 6, Townthip of Hullett. A. T. TYERMAN. 1 488 SALES. A TTCTION BATA OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- '43- TURE.--Mre3. P. Brine will sell by Public =. Auction for Mr. Andrew Malcolm, at the Commer- cial Hotel, Seeforth, on THURSDAY, April 26th, 1877, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following vahaable property, viz4 One 1,t1.11 set of walnut parlor and bed -room f itnre, 1 cherry cupboard, 1 side- board, 1 secretary, lounge, 1 large extension table, wash -sands, chairs, tables, stoves, looking - glasses, and 4iaiy other articles of furniture, ah3o aboat 80 yari1a !of Brassels carpet, 20 yards all wool carpet, f0 yards of Union carpet, besides all wool stair ce4pet, &c., togetter with a large num- ber of pictur s, including chromes, &e. Also one horse, suitab e either for driving or agriculture/ purposes, 4 years old, 1 set of single harness, 1 cutter; also bout 20 cords of stove wood. Tenoas. -All sums of $5 and under cash, over that amount six 4tonths credit will be _given on fur- nishing app ved loint notes. A. MALCOL3I, proprietor; 3, P. BRINE, auctioneer. 489-2 t 1 ESTRAY STOCK. V STRAY 00W. -Came into the premixes of the -1-1 undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 11, Tnekeren:dth, abont April 8rd, a young cow red in color. The owner can lave her by proving property and pay- ing expel/SO. CHARLES ROBB. 468x4