HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-20, Page 3PRIL 2O,_ .1877. - E 1N•.._.... ;ter, Attorney, Solicitor in Dderieh and Seaforth.. Of- •rng Store, €toderic and 854 t; Barristers, Attorneyleat Chancery, ;Notaries Public,. owls. W.R. Scitrxsi, God- Brussels. 415 ATSON, Barristers, Attor- in Chancery, &c., Clinton, Mr east of the new Royal n8, Money kilo= ou farm 404 G.A. WATSON t BADENHURST, Barris few, Solicitors in Chancery,. loan at a low rate of inter• suit borrower Offices-- w. e. scum. 75SattsiS. 4.74 ;i LliSTRD,Barristers,Ats Solieitora in Chancery and Public end Conveyancers: °Batik, Seaforth. Agentsfor ce Company, nil at 8 per Dent.. Farm* 58 ,. Barristers and Attorri_.eys' in Ohaneery andlnsoivem y,, a Public, eto. <3ffieee -S�a- 23,000 of Private Fundis to i percent. Iuterest,Paya 53 ..o. TR. this day been dissolved by aceonnts due the . firm to on wha= will pay all liabi3- JAS 11,SON. H. W. C. DIVA c., Physician, Surgeon and orth, Ont. - Office and res14, Goderich Street,, first door ureh. - 842 I3., C M., Physician, Sar-. erfor the County of Huron corner of Market and Rig' b n€ng Mi21. D:, C. M., (late of the- firm elan, Stratford)Graduate of Physician, Surgeon -and As. Ontario. Office—Rooms fn srIy occupied by the Tate Dr ,omrueroial Hotel. Will at- on Tnesdayaand Fri& ya. 898' Veterinary Surgeon, Grader- Veterinary College, Seaforth, �identse- in rear ofKill Oran d nptl1 attended to, night -or unary medicines on hand Horses examined seta sound - given if required. 40? ER, V. 8.,. Graduate of the iary- College. After devoting es; with Professor Smith, of ed in Seaforth. Office at hia .M. E. Church. Calla promptly ror night. A large stook of eft constantly oahand. Horses idnese and certificates given. Esold on commission. 1424 • DKRBYSitlitE. L. D. S.,: Surgeon Dentist, Graduate that Royal College of Dental - geona of Ontario". ArtifteliG. scutes.. All surgical opera- pith care and promptitude, A. M. to 5P.M. Room over ;tore, Main Street, Seaforth. • 1E-Lote.,ibrklEOITS. aicenced Anetionoer for the; nron. Sales attended in all V. All orders left.at. the Ex - E. be promptly attended to. moral Loan and Real. Estate in, Produce and Commission e—New Brick Block opposite;: Istel, Brussels, Ont. 480 eTttES, Provincial Land. Stir m. Orders hymen wfI receive Branch office, Clinton. 485 T. S. GONE. M. I?.,; late of t.alrefield, Ont., a, Surgeon end Accoucheur. ITniversity of Trinity College, rot the Royal College of Phy- ma, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 485 nadeby every agent every month usiness we furnish, but those. n earn a dozen dollars a day localities. Have no room to slaws: pleasant and honorable-. and girls- do as well aa mea.; 3u a complete outfit free. The er than anything else. dire will tasting you. Particulars fres. Farmers and mecha/lies, their xs, and all classed in need of are should write to ne and learn. k at once.. Now is the time. dress TRUE & Co., Augusta, 433 �5t ALR REMEDY.—job Mosea' IIs—This invaluable medicine is cure of all those p --infra and. ;s to which. the female constita- t moderates all excess and re- tons, anti a speedy cure may be risdlad ea,itiapeouliaily-suited. time, bring on the monthly pe - It. These pills should not be t daring the first three months= ;hey are sure to bring on Mis- ty other time they are safe. In arvous and Spinal Affections, ;and limba, fatigue, au slight em- u of the heart, hysterics, and will effect a cure when all other ed; and, although a powerful sntain iron, calomel, antimony, fel to the constitution. Full >amphlet around each package, arefnlly preserved. .TOb ltdoses, roprietor. $1 00 and 14 cents ed to Northrop & Lyman, To - ;rat agents for the Dominion, itle containing over 50 pills by f. in Seaforth by E. Hickson c'h and R. Lumsden. 187 0 7.7 - PLANING MILL, ,Gd hereby inform their man d the public generally of the Re - :tory and Lumber Yard to new lious premises on MAIN STREET, teased facilities and some new beat make, they will continue ;id fin an, orders for , Blinds, .1[o2fld Ings, old all kinds of D- LUMBER es to Suit the Times. • Hay Racks, Chez "loxes, oxes, & c. if Seasoned Lumber on Fiend. D SHINGLES. rase Cm: ton%:Pirating wild • Prompt A;ttentiioi. a hereby thank their nnmeronit liberal patronage extended to past, and hope, by strict integ- tention to business, to merit a increase of the same. .ose &cooants are overdue we give in to pay up. GRAY . & SCOT. nd Specifications for Bali )cation. The Telephone. . 4 Ooh ! Biddy aalbtore ! d'ye knowwhat they tel Of a foin grand invinshun of one Misthur Bell? They say it can shpake, it can cry, it can sing; - Though it's only a wiare fist like a long string Youjist tic your tongue to a wiare all curled, - An' it shpa es all at once ail over the worruul If you were in Ireland an& jist gave - a laff, I'd hear it ri ht here, by this new title- graph. They say, B ddy darlint, 'twill save us expinse,— An' sure if t .does it's a oraythure' of singe ; We'll be abl to spake to our friends over says, An' say wh we mayne or not, jist as we plase ; An, they'll ow what we mane ivory word w discoorse- f Much better than iver by letth ur of coorse) An' they say it's all throe, an' - before a long tithe - We'll hear cannons firin' an' Parish bells chime.. An' thin wi the Gintry there'll be grand affairs, - For they'll ' ear Queen Victoree repayting her pra • ers,— An' all by wiare that runs through the say, • To .folks in Tew York, whin they're tak- ingthei: tay ,- An' whin it' complayted there'll be a new era, For thim th t are far, thin, will spake to usnear r:- An' the Qu en will spake plisant to Priai- dent H yes, Who'll tip e . back, - like Grant, "Let's havep• e, if you place." - An'' more t i ey cud do wid this wiare, ga- lore, 1 'They cud sink it Nowa deeper an' hear Satan roar -! - :But, of Sate they wants to be quite in- depind nt, - - .For.science must iver be in the ascind- ant ; f An' so they lI aacind in a foin big bal- loon, An' jist giv the ind to the man - in the flioon,. Who'll spa a of the weather more thrue- ly, Och ne ! .Nor Venno or Probs, wid this grand tilepho- e. .A Poe f'• r a "Wounded .Ama- zon." son modelled the "Wounded e said to a friend of mine who tudie to see the statue in the that lia my `Wounded ADA - have doubtless -heard Gib - r, dry, crisp mode of talking d can imagine how he spoke. all it a `Wounded Amazon ue is a proof of howseful it ist to keep his eyes -open. do you think I found that s just going along the street, girl catching a flea. Yes -1 a catching a flea ! I stopped myself, `That's a pretty pose retty pose, indeed ;' and I . So I thought it over. I orked it but, and there it minded Amazon.' But it is e ' of the girl catching the eless. A very pretty pose e ; and, as I said, it shows st must not fail to keep his open.—From Anne Brew - Letter. - "Wheii Gi Amazon," , went to his clay, "Yes, Yo son's peculi imitated, a "Yes, -I but that at is for an a Now, how :pose ?' I w :and I saw did ! she w and said to --a very -took it clow set up and W is as my ` the very.po ilea, nevert it is, you s that an art' eyes alway� 8ter's Rome was able to walk, as *all as ever.'' - Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, .$i ; Pills 25 cents a box. CAsmassNEss.-Many persons neglect their horses health and condition- until it is too late, when at a trifling ' expense and no trouble the horse might ha a been saved if attended to in time.' Toll who may have occasion to use an article of the kind we • •would confidently recointsend " Darley's Condition Powders and - All- abian . Heave Remedy ;" it iej With- out doubt, the best preparation lin use, as thousands who have used it can testify. Remember' the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., proprietors' for `Canada.) Sold. ;by all medicine dealers: 1 i ° THE a racy of "Bryan's Pulmonic Wa- fere" in uring coughs, colds and all bron- chial affections, and cheering the afflicted has passed into a proverb. In the tn- ited States, where these marvellous Wa- fers are known they bear down all oppo- sition and eclipse all rivalry; the demand for them has steadily increased _for the last twenty years, until now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes a year. ! Eminent members of the medi- cal profession without number admit that they know of no preparation producing such beneficial results as. -:.these Wafers. When taken in season they effect a per- manenture. Sold by all druggists and country dealers at 25 cents per bo�c . f EPrs's CocoA.—Gratefn and comforting —" By thorough knowledge. of the naturalla aws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. 'Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tableslwith a delicate- 'ly fiavonred beverage,whioh may save us many heavy doctors' bills. _ It is by the judieiou' use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. -.Hundreds of subtle. maladies -are floating around us ready to, attack wherever 1 there, is a weak point. We may escape :many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortitied with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in pack eta labelled-- "James Epps & Co., Ho= mceopathic- Chemists, 48, Threadneedle St.,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 A Fr4nch Drawing -room. A Paris Correspondent thus describe& a .fashionable French drawing -room "Window curtains of brown' velvet, lined with hi:te satin. Turkish carpet embroidere in silk and gold. - On the mantlepiec rare vases filled with flowers. A enapensi n clock held by gilt chains bangs from the ceiling, and rests opposite the centre f the chimney grass. As for the sofas, .hairs, etc., they:are of every kind, age a , d nation—nothing must be alike, and he room is as full as it can hold. He e is a conch of brown velvet draped wit ' pink silk, embroidered with green. T. ere two blue velvet, cushions placed on each other form a divan. .Other eas chairs are of white v elvet, yellow- sati, velvet -brocade, and all are -of differen shape. The tables are equal- ly various. One is of gold Mosaic, with -.amber feet ; another of antique workman- ship. Ivo ' stands in the corners of the room are 1 • aded with Dresden and other •china. Thq.O iginal of Gwendolyn. Accord; s g to a Londoln correspondent, the original of Gwendolyn, the heroine of George El ott's " Daniel Deronda " is a lady now iving in . London, who some years ago ' as possessed of nearly a mil- -lion dolla .. She went to the Continent .and becam • an infatuated gambler, los- ing nearly :11 her money and parting with her heckle. e as the book states. During her infatu: tion she was narrowly watched. by George Eliot, and by a wealthy gen- tleman liv ng to -day in Manchester: So interested • id he become in Gwendolyn that, as th : book stated, he offered to ;hake good her losses if she would cease to play, but was refused. Gwent1olyn is now about 25 years old, unmarried, grand -daughter of one of Englandls great- est poets, ' ut lives on an income of about a thousan dollars a year, all that was saved fro the wreck. READ C 4REFULLLY. — Samuel Osborne, Sophiasbu g, says : "I was affected with - dyspepsia for nearly four years, my lungs becoming ffectea towards the last. I was induc d to try the "Shoshonees Rem- edy, after using three or four bottles I became,m ch better and gained strength rapidly, a d when I had taken three or four botthrs more I was quite restored to health and strength, and have experienced better; heath than for 40 -year's before. I • had been ijinder the treatment of a num- ber of physicians before, but never re- ceived an3i material aid until I usedyour remedy." A. McKay, Truro, N. S., says : "h• was very bad with liver co- plaint,but� m used the `Shoshonees Remedy' and in a. month was as well as -he had ever been in hks life. I am now in busi- ness and wish you to send me three dozen by steam r." A. Wood, Consecon, says: "That h has tried the "Remedy" for liver com laint and dyspepsia with great suctcess. I have also used the "Shosho- pees Pills ' and find they are as good as any I e er tried." Rev. John Scott says : r Ir. McKenzie Butting suffered from an a k of rheumatism; and- was unable to move without help ; but after tailing a f w bottles of the "S-hoshonees" ELEcn'RICITY. -Thomas' Excelsior Eclec tris Oil ! Worth ten times its weight in gold. Pain cannot stay where it is used I It, is the• cheapest medicine ever made.;, One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis.'. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthma, and croup. .Fifty. cents worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity lame - back of Leight years standing. Theof lowing are extracts from a few. of the. many letters that have been received from d' erent ' parts of Canada, which, we thi ,,should. be sufficient fo satisfy the most sceptical : J. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes,. "Send. me 6 ,dozen of Dr. Thomas.' Eclectrio Oil, have sold all -I had from you, and. Want more now ; its cares are truly wonderful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin writes, "I have, sold all the agent left, it acts like a, charm—it was slow at first, but takes splendidly now." H. Cole; of Iona, writes, "Please for ward 6 dozen Thomas's Eclectric Oil, 1 am nearly out, nothing equals it. Itia highly recommended by those who have used it."- J. Bedford, Thaniesville,writes, "Send at once a further supply of Eclec- trio Oil, I have only one bottle left. I never sew anything sell so well and give such general satisfaction. J. Thompson, Woodford, writes, -"Send me some more Eclectrio Oil. I have sold; entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller &• Reid, Ulvertan, P. Q., write, "The Eclectrio Oil is getting - a great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send us a fur- ther supply without delay." Beware of Imitations =Ask for Dr. Phomas'. Eclectrio Oil.1 gee that the signature of S. N. TI10MAS is on• the e wrapper, and' the names, of Northrop & Lyman tare blown in the bottle, and, Take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cens. Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., proprietors , for the, Domin- ion. STOTE. —Eclectrio ,---- Selected and eleetrized.' GANG PLOWS, GANG PLOWS EIILL PLOWS, ' HILL PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, LAND ROLLERS, FOR SALE AT THE y HURON FOUNDRY AND. MACHINE SHOP. PLOWS And PLOW CASTINGS Made from :the CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRON. Farm+rs would do well to, call and e xamine be fore pnrchasing elsewhere. I WIi TEL4.W & "MORE. AI OLD .FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. ' OENTENNIAL ME ALS AND DIPLOMA � , ; , , A WARDED TO 1, a,\\ MALCOLM MONROE, SEAFORTH, FOB . WOOD HANDLE AND 'WROUGHT IRON BEAM PLOW, '�•/�•ALCOLM D ONROE has pleasure in announcing to the Farmers of Huron and Perth.that he 1'Y•L is 'better prepared this season than ever to furnish a first -plass article. As proof positive that bis Plows are the Best in the Market be has only to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured by him obtained Ale INTERNATIONAL PRTZ 1 AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. HE ALSO MANU1'AO-. • TUBES IRON PLOWS, Hill's Patent 'Plows, - : Thistle Cutter Pion Also a ne-Horse. Plow Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SCUFFLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. c . NEM '0 rn 00 This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these Implements are manufactured by himself, of the vefy best material, and are better Slid more:durable than those got up by large es ablishments for catch sales. Every Implement war- ranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low s those of any other respeciabie establishment that turns out a good article. Plow of all the a ove kinds kept constantly on hand and can be seen at his shop at any time. ' IRON HARR 9Q WS,• ' � The Scotch Diamond Harrows kept constantly on hand. Repairs ler all kinds of Plows kept con eta ntly on hand. Remember the shop, Main Street Seaforth, East Side. W. H. OLIVER,-EAFORTH, B EGS to acquaint -his many friends and (mato- his old stand, MoIntyre's hook, where he has a mrs tbathe bat remo stock equal to any in the Lbusiness, and at the most favorable .price . All kinds of Repairing dine on the.. shortest iinoti$e A good Stock. of Trunks, Valises, Whits, Combs, Brushes, find all other sjich articles required constantly on hand. Remember ,our old Friend« Sign of ; the Scotch Coli$r. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. • M.AILCOLM MOTROE. SPRING §TYLES IN - HATS. AND CAPS i I -R FELT HATS WOOL H CAPS -SILK OC -ERS'_ FUR HATS, 1°TS, - SILK HATS. l'O - STED: AND TWEED, MA ING THE r . LARGEST AN FINEST STOOK WE HAVE EVER SHOWN. R 0 ci E R. S PO It T-1 A.T S_ ,I GANG PLOW , GANG PLOWS, O_ kC: WILLSON'$ L4. OLD STAND. Six different kinds of the following make Metal Frame Plow, of London ; Port Perry Wood frame Swivel Wheel Plow; and the Br :::ossit's Iron Frame PIow, of Gnelph; George Grey's ood Frame ; Port Perry Iron Frame ; The Uxbri ge ssels Plow. Also a Full Stook of MASSIE'S THISTLE ;CUTTERS AND ALL KINDS OF GENERAL PURPOSE PLOWS. Iron Harrows and all kinds 'end styles of Agrlonitnral Implements such as Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, Boot Cutters, Sawing Machines, Large and Small Horse Powers, Reapers, Mowers, Siilky Rakes, Threshing Machines, Land Rollers, nd every implement in the business—all guaranteed as represented. ! THE SEWING kA' CHINE BUSINESS As usual, is prosperous, with Ithe Florenoq at the head of the list. Fwenty different styles and makes to select from. .A Stock- of Butterick`s Patterns Always on Hand. O_ C_ WIDI - ON`i JUST RECEIVED AT 999 ANOTHER LOT OF ' I PRIM i4 ERCT SEASON TEAS, At PRICE to suit. the TIMES. Parties buying by th Caddie ill save money by callieg at 999. Go to 999 where you will et, ten bars of .brown soap for $1. Remember 999 is the pl ce where the cheap sap, pails are to be had. FLOUR AND FEED CQH,S TANTLY ON HAND. FREE DELIVERY. 999 OPPOSITE THE COMMS CIAL HOTEL. A. W. SPARLING. E tT -- RE D CAS A OOMPLET 11AS, AS USUAL AT THIS SEASON, STOCK OF WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, BARLEY, AND TIMOTHY SEEDS,.r Reasonable Prices. i I FI STREET, SEAFORTH, Block to Lumaden'g Drug. Store. CLOVER At GODERIC Next NEW AND CAF GOODS. HENSALL PORK FACTO MRS. P. M A R K EY, I GEORGE & JAMES . PET Y DEALERS in Smokedzand Sugar Cured Hums, DEALER IN Spiced and Smoked Rolls, Cumberland Bacon, .GROCERIES and P.RO VISIONS, CONFECTIONERY, &c, COORS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. MAIN STREET, SEAFOBTH, OPPOSITE HAYS' HOTEL. 485 Clear Sides, Mess Pork, &c. • All Orders by .Mail or Otherllise Promptly Attended to. A Large Quantity always on hand. 485 G. & J. PETTY, Henan. `suanIons NOSNHO2 `Z3 i ILS 17/ rra 0 ct- OI w 0 0 0-21 CD 07 ct- CD 0 0) 9 CD 0 PV" � O c�t- 0 CD U2 0 0 CD 0 r p E • CD C0 ' ri LUMBER FOR 0;3- 5 0 fi CD 0 m 0 CD PI Pi- CD aolntd pauppo 0 O 0) ae ae CD 02 c+ - ri l 0 0 Fs 0 5 m m' Dun—YEDFU 0 SALE. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. - PINE from $8. - BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the ' PONY MILL, IN McKILLOP: The Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all kindsiof Lumber can be obtained. 479 • THOMAS DOWNEY, SIGN of THE �8 NOS.L/138O}I WV11-11M 0 3 a_ - Z m m O 'a3103dSNJ -4 O n O P1 r 0 c r n 0 m vh 8 z Z 0 rn 0 z c 0) m 11431Vd S,iHO Had -n 0 CO I my � Q Z z m o .m 3 m 0 ▪ CO rn Z U)- ' --I. Z Q C A o 0) m z - 4 0 R 0 IOTIO NEW SHOE SHOP. THE undersigned bags to notify the inhabitants of Seaforth and surrounding country that be has commenced business - • IN SEAFORTH, In the Shop next door to Pillman's Carriage Face tory, where he intends to carry on The .Custom Shoe Business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. 1 The Stock having lieen carefully selected, and none but - FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED, And by strict attention to bnainees, the public . can rely on'getting good cvaaue for their money. REPAIRING done with Neatness H1aO3d3S CARD_ and Dispatch. - 485. J. J. SCOTT. IT N=TT :R E SELLING OFF. I have come to the conclusion to sell off MY ENTmE STOOK OF FURNITURE AT COST ,For the next Thirty Days, and Just. COME ALONG ALL YE Married, Unmarried and About Getting' MARRIED, Anel I Will (,eve You SUCH BARGAINS As cannot be attained elsewhere, AS I1I MUST SELL - To prevent the Sheriff doing so. • I saw him the other day, and he gave me THE WINK, ' But don't mention it, as it is a Secret. I knew at once that something was up. SO COME ALONG AND BE AHEAD OF HIM. Yon will find the Place. MATT. ROBERTSON'S - OLD STAND, Main Street, Seaforth; JOHN S.,PORVER. IqDD'S. HARDWARE. RECEIVED - DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, - SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, . GLASS, PAINTS,. OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING PIPE Pict up on tine Shortest Notice and Warranted Special Inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. THE CONSOLIDATED BANK ,OF CANADA. 'CAA'ITAL - - - /14.000.000. CITY BANK 01' MO+ITBEAL, Incorporated 1888; and. ROYA.L CANADIAN BANK, ooiporated 1864. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEA'ORTH. Drafts' oil iQ w York Payable at any Bank in the Unite4 States. Bills of Exishange on London payable et all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. M, P. HAYES, 411 , mane as" SEAFOR;T PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE eubscr.ber ego leave to thank hisnumerous eustomerefor eliberaipatronage extended to him since comma ing business in Seaforth, and tracta that he ma be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties inters to build would do well to give him a call, as he will continue to "keep on hand a arge stock of ell"kinds el. DRY PINE LUMBER, SASHES, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, - ETC. - Hefeels confident of giving eatis$ etiontothee who may favonrhim with theirpatr nage, as none but first-claesworkreen are employed. - L ParticularattentionpaidtoCustomPlttn ng 201 JOHN 11. BROADFOOT. SMO JR,S. We have again td call your attention to th e numerous IMITATIONS of the MYRTLE NAVY TOBACCO, Ir ait STAMP 110 T_ B_ In Gilt Letters is on Each Ping of the Genuine Hamilton, Tan. 18,1877. - 477 ECLIPSE OATMEALMILLS. Z1 SEAFORTH. NOW IN FULL OPERATION. P1 hekifetti, Split Peas, Pot Barley, I - Cara Meal .:Ch-opped, D• S.+CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. 478 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. • And All Kind,; of Mill Feed Constantly ori Hansa Chopping done Tuesdays and1rtidays. Oatmeal exchanged for Oats. Highest price paid for Oats, Peas and Barley. 41y CUBBIE & THOMSON.