HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-20, Page 2• THE HU ON EXPOSITOR. News of the Week. , STEAM. CARS. —The new steam street cars, now in use in Philadelphia, give gen- eral satisfaction. TEx Urn& — The Texan cattle drive or theooming season is estimated at 250 000 head. Fou ATA. BIRTIL—Mrs. WM. Scott, of Gr e ville, N. J., gave birth to four in- fants n Thursday, April. 5th. Three are living 0 Por CusIOUS Brreee-Sanireel.Richartle, of New ork die4i a few days ago from the ;bite ef a strange cat, inflicted. on New Year's day. Wrier THE BRITISH NAVY CosTs.—The total !estimated net cost of the British navy - numb Ma of N myst since Lee ende A peil of he Ho ciety of,th for h. CA ste day beef, ghee ST the s and stree fusin A thus* dem shou port in o If that Twe legis brib hitc infor A fell Cent and open boys The lesd larg 150 thr or the current year, is m retina rs, $54,500,000. MYSTERIES.—The police records w' York and Brooklyn show .105 rious disappearances in both cities January lat. s OP SIX Lrvis.-4-A fishing boat in voring to enter Banff harbor on 5th, was da,shecl. on the rocks. Six crew were drowned. ota—The French Geographical So - has awarded the great- gold medal Society to Commander Cameron, explorations in Africa. eons FOR ELTROPE.—Six European ers sailed from New York on Satur- last week carrying large cargoes of lard dm, 160 head otcattle and 176 IKE AND RIOT.—Duting last week ng silk workers of Union Hill colooken have been parading the and threatening the litres of all re to quit work. A riot is feared. PRO -BISMARCK MEETING.—An en - tic public meeting at Bremen has nded that the German. Parliament d confidingly and unreservedly sup- ismarck to enable him to remain e.• NOR AMONG THIEVES.—It is stated here will be no compromise with d unless he divulges the names of attire and others alleged to have been d by him, and that this is the only. in his case, he not wishing to turn er. TEE DESTROYER.—Henry McGinnis x stories down the New York Grand al Hotel elevator a short time ago, asmangled to death. Since the ng of this.hotel, seven years ago, six have been killed by the elevator. ITLE PLAGUE ON A DAIRY FARM.— cattle plague has broken out at Wil - 311, MiddlesexTounty, _England, on a dairy farm. The entire farm herd of ill probably be slanghtered. Within e miles are 2,000 or 3,000 cows whose milk goes to London. • 0 TAIN ENG „ FIREARMS. —The Defense, rical and Orleanist journal published. aris, reports that Communist Ref u - in Switzerland have succeeded in in - tieing tire -arms in several depart- ts of France, with a view to a future sing. The Government' has ordered ore complete surveillance of the tier. - OTHER PANIC IN A CHURCII.—At the ral of the organist of St. Patrick's edral, New York, on Monday morn - • last week, the drapery about the n ignited. There was a wild. rush for doors; the officiating clergymen and e laymen sternly demanded order, and ted the congregation. Several were tly injured. ONOR. —The German Government has ten erect Minister Washburne one of the higli orders of knighthood, in rocognition e of is services to the suffering :Germans in Paris during the seige. The decoration contains costly diamonds, and is worth $5q,000. Under the Constitution of the United Statea Minister Washburne can- no1 accept it, but it is retained for him in ase of his resignation. 4. WHOLESALE SWII•TDLER. —A swindler puiporting to be an agent of a Turkish Bey has been visiting New York, and neighboring cities. He wanted proposal for locomotives in Buffalo, for blankets in New York and for army shoes and equip- nt at Philadelphia He also offered charter a steamer; for Constantinople. e Turkish Minister pronounces him an mitigated fraud. A WIFE'S STRATIGEM.—Mrs. Hull, wife of a prominent banker of St. Louise adleptecl an infant lately, representing to her husband that it was her own, his fa- ther having offered them $5,000 on the biith of a child.: The husbanciediseovered 1 the deception, and brought a ,suit for dia vorce. A strange woman now claims the eh, I he, however, managed to escape from tem at Wilton after a desperate strug- le, during which elle sprained her ankle. he persuaded the ! conductor of hersan- ity, and was allowed to take rooms in the hotel at Lowe City, in which place she is well known and, respected. The object was probably nioney, I ; TURKEY REFUSES TO YIELD.—A dee- patch from 'Constantinople :,says the Porte rejects the principal clans, in the proto- tot, refuses to admit the Russia p declare - ion of disarmament; also declines to send tet envoy to St. petersburge and , finally DIeifita upon being left al'ene in dealing With Montenegro. i War ie now consider - d inevitable and imminent. Much un- asiness prevails in London regarding the Eastern Question.Further nem from Russia and Turkey relative to the probe - eel is anxiously awaited. I 1 1 The Book of Hezekiah. 1 Stories of ignorance- of the names and order of the books of the -Bible, on the part of those who are supposed to be familiar with such matters, seem to be now in order. A friend in whose word we can have implicit confidence reports this awe veritable case: 'A number of persons, inoluding three preachers of the gospel, were in , company for dinner. Some Scripture question was under dis- cussion, when one of the brethren re- marked, "How-earprising it is that so few persons know the names of the books of the Bible in order !" "Why," said he, "I met a; brother the other day who could not tell whether the book of Reza- lkiah came,before or after 'Ezekiel.'" The !question, Who can tell ? Was fairly sub- mitted to the company. One of the I lpreachers answered, "Of course Hezekiith comes after Ezekiel, among the minor prophets, but I confess I canaot always givethe book of the minor prophets in order exactly."—S. S. Times. i a el in gee trod me up I a fro fun Cat ing arg the SO qui slig me to Tli nn • always persons eno ries at any price. there are persons about -the price iz t ing their appetite luxuries deo not hard times, neither expensive restaura luxuries that farm from, are the thin ed early.—Chicago gh to purch e luxue • every la go eity ho do not hesitate e matter of gratify - The de e nd for em to decreer during - does the pat onage of ts. The ,highepriced ra on derive benefit that can be niarket- Tinzee. Magpies. A magpie was in the habit of hiding bits of feed. not immediately, wanted in some long grass at the bottom of a row of iron hurdles. This .heard was dis- covered, and often- robbed, by e favorite terrier. One morning Mao was observed in great excitement, hopping and. chat- tering ince ssantlyeraptdly repeating every word in his vocabulary at the dog, who was busily engaged in rifling the store- house. In his sea ed over a tuft of g beef was conceal spot in an instant, sure, and securely bar of the ,._hurdle reach. He then, began pluming •hi The Canadian Girls. _ Toronto girliare very pretty. There °are two distinct types—the. petite in figure,' with American feet and. -complex- ions, and the tall, stalwart, fresh-lookieg girls that remind. me of the Kentucky women. Some of them have the most beautiful red hair-eTitianesque is, ' I believe, the polite thing to call it—and it is really very soft, glossy and luxuriant. The Toronto girls dress mote like Ameri- cans than any other Canadian women, and though once in a while I hear a jibe or two at our expense,they unconaciously, in speaking oripoinething in dress matters' or energy, often say "American styles" and American go-ahead-ativeness. At the rink the other day I saw a very pretty, elegantly dressed girl, who seem- ed to be on the most amicable terms with her attire, as if she and it understood each other without saying a wor4 about it, and I had hardly become aware that I was mentally questioning , myself whether she were not American, when I heard a, bit of saucy dialogue behind me sotto wee: "That'i3 the young lady visiting the Is she an Ameri- can?" "Wouldn't you know by her dress that she was a Yankee?" returned the other in a tone of such strong conviction that my doubts were set at rest. Satisfied too, for if they choose to say pretty thinga of my countrywomen, i' faith was it for me to complain.—Toronto Cor. Philactet:phia Times, - ef eq 111 11C t1 Id. Mrs. Hull piteously begged in urt that she might retain it. IBLES. —More than $1,000,000 copies the Bible sew printed yearly. This ise nal to moretham 19,000 every week,; re than 3,000 every day, 300 everyl ur, or fivo every minute of workin e. More copieetof the sacred Scrip - res are demanded in the English lan- gi age than in the languages of all the ot er nations of the world. A Items OF BARBARISM.—At a meeting of the Trustees ofittnderson's Institution; E gin, Scotland,the Governor stated that nither the boys nor the girls in the in, a itutiou were providecl with knives or f rks; they conveyed their. food to thent n1011thS with their fingers.' The scandeb O 13 onamission has lasted for 40 years. A s pply of knives end forks has been or. d rect. MORE CONSPIRACY. -rrhe New Yotk ribune says that special Treasury Agent§ a -e investigating the couepiracy to iret, Sprieg lamb eeteils ie July at twenty - p rb millions of dollars' worth of silks at • ew York by undervaluation. This ie seldom supplied'even atthat price. a complished by the manufacturers and Keep the lambs till November, and the • ents in Europe, and, it is believed, with- meat will most likely retail at twelve t le connivance of the New York Custom e cents per pound. Continue to ' feed the o oiels. A. T. Stewart k Co. and otheis lambs ,till they are sheep, and their flesh ch, however,he pass- assin which apiece of d ; Mag was at the drew forth the trea- xed it on the highest , far above the dog's ata little distance, feathers, chattering to himself with a very self-satisfied air, and. occasionally hopping back to take another look at hie recovered meal, evi- dently priding himself in his skill. The conduet of this magpie is quite in keep- ing with the old adage of "Set a thief to catch a thief." Hislfering habits are notorious. He is also a sad 'poacher. Not only the egg, but the young, of pheasants, partrid are: destroyed by .the unfledged chi the farm-yatd safe Attacks. In captivity he is very amus- ing, and notwithetandieg his thieving propensities, no one on contemplate his dark, aron -eye, his -inquisitiveness, his familiarity, and h ry, without inte wholly devoid of es, and other game, the magpie; nor are kens or ducklings of from his mischieveus ar his efforts at mimic - est. That he is not ratefulfeeling the fol- ICeving anecdote shows :—A favorite. magpie had been 'accustomed to receive dainty bits from the mouth of its mis- tress. One day it perched. as ushal upon her shoulder, and inserted its beak be- tween her lips, n t es it proved to re- el ceive,- but las one good turn deserves an- , other).the grateful bird dropped. an im- mense green fat cateipillar into the lady's mouth. 1 ; ., •i ' The Potato, QuestiOni A NOVEL APPLICATION OF RULE OP PROPORTION'. 1 , To the Editors of the.Evenin`q Pot ; . A.s to "G. S. S.'s" potato prioblem, the . 1 , relation of the man to the digging is the same as that of the boy to the pulling; that is , Man: digging: : boy: pulling. And the relation of the map to twice the pulling is thesame as that of the.boy to the digging; that is Man; twice the pulling: . boy i dig- . ese proper - Nouns of Multitnd.er` A little girl was near the picture of a number of ships, when she exelaimed, "See what a flock of ships!" We cor- rected her by saying that a flock of ships was called afleet, and a fleet of sheep was called. alock. And here we may add, for the renefit of the foreigner who is mastering the intricacies of our lan- guage in respect to nouns of multitude, that a lock of girls is called a bevy, and a bevy of wolvea is called a pack, and a pack of thieves is called a gang, lend a gang of angels is called a host, and a host of. perpeises is called a shoal, and a shoal of buffaloes is called a troop, and a troop of partridges is called a covey, and a covey of beauties is called_ a ' galaxy, and a galaxy of ruffians is called a horde, and. a horde of rubbish ' is called a heap, and a heap of oxen is called a drove, and a drove of blackguards is. called a mob, and a mob of whales is. called a school, and. a school of worshippers is called a congregation, and a coegregetiOn of ,en. gineers is called a corps, and a 'corps of robbers is called a band, and a 'band of locusts is called. a .swarm, and e swarm of •people is called. a crowd, and a crowd of gentle folks is called the elite, and the elite -of the city's thieves and rascals are called roughs, and a miscellaneous crowd of city folks is Called the community or the public, according 4 they are spoken of by the religious community or the secular public.—Pitrecsn's Phonographic Magazine. Early i'hings ay Best. A chicken which co es to this market in July, and is large ,enough to make show when broiledl and placed -on a piece of toast, will sell for fifty cents. Feed the. chick till -it is four or five times that size, which will require it to be ;kept till about „Christmas, and it will bring a quarter of a dallar. Most farmers follow the latter practice, and declare that raising poultry for the market !does I not pay. It P E- ff-• P E I\T 1 1\T GI - 7 -011 AMPBELL'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM. • WILLIAM CAMPBELL, SEAFORTH, 13GS TO INFORM THE CITIZENS OP SEAFORTH AT LARGE THAT HE HAS g4- -1 lransposing the terms of tli tions, the first gieese . 'Man !I boy: : digging : pull And the second : Man :boy : : twice the p ging. - • ! Combining these, we have Digging : pulling ; : twice digging. Multiplying th the extremes tog The equare of square of the pull Extracting the square root Digging re the square root the pulling. • ' I -As the man iso the boy 1 ging is to the -puling, the ma equal to the squa e root of 2, of the boy ; and they should portionally. That is, if the a day, the boy should hay day. - , ng; ling; dig - AND tHE COUNTRY OPENED UP BUSINE!S-.I,ti HIS NEW BRICK BLOCK, On his Old Stand, with a FULL LINE of all the Varieties in Merchant Tailors' Stock. The • greatest part of the Stock is FRESH IMP-ORT.ATIONS FROM THE EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN MARKETS. he pulling: means to ether, and there we ha e : he diggigg twice the g - Kalamazoo, Mich., March 24, 187 .A: Fountain on a Chun, Steeple. Last evening the eyes of Iiundreds of persiMs on the streets were directed to- wards the top of the spire of the new Catholic church, where was seen a foun- tain spouting numerous jets high in the air. A large iron pipe is carried up through the steeple to the large cross. The pipe then takes the form of the cross, :behind which it is hidden and from holes perforated at proper intervals the jets are sent up. From the top of the croseand from tie end of each arm large streams ascend to the height of about twenty-five feet, and between • these are thrown up ,a ntineber of smaller jets. The height of the top of the cress from the grower' is one hundred and seventy feet, and last evening, the air being calm, the numerous jets spread out in the shape of a fan. The rays of the declin- ing sun fell upon the jete and. spray at just the proper angle to light up and bring out the whole in a beautiful roseate glow, which stirrounded the top of the cross like a glory. This novel: fountain was not ,construct- ed for mere .orriament. It is intended for use in case of the breaking out of a large fire as a protection to the spire and roof of the church. It is but the work of a moment to turn on the water and drench the spire. The height to which the water is thrown above the cross shows the great' force of' the waterworks of the city.— Virginia Enterprise. of 2 times o the dig- 's labor is times that e paid pro- angets $2 $1.414 a - T. V. Campbell hope s that, after having finished off ene of :the most stylish establishments in this part of Ontario, the public will give him A SHAR E OF THEIR PATRONAGE. faithful old friends will find him able and willing to snit them. Part e.11ed to his Stock of _ t ioular atterion is Hats -and Gents' Furnishing. W4. CAMPBELL, Merchant Tailor. BRIpic BLOCK, C6RNER OT' GODERICH AND MAIN STREETS. five cents per pound, and the market is 1 1 I rge importers have been unable to COntr is denominated mutton, and the latter 1 r ete with this combination. I can be 'disposed of at a out six cents per SUGGESTIVE OF Wereas—A few day e pound, though there will be little de - n o tne foundation stone of a Church of maud for it. Mot far ers think there ngland was being laid, when the gentle- is no Money in mutton , an officiating discovered that he had.,!. The first quart of strawberries, rasp- - c osed the bottle intended to be placed in berries, or blaekberriethat appears in Ef t e cornen-stone without putting all the the market, brings abo t a.s much money i ecessary coins into it. He asked if any 4 a,s the last bushel of these fruits. The o a e had a cork -screw, and instantly every ! same ie true of the first cherries, peaches` ci ergymau ancl most of, the deacons put 4 i and apricots. Nothing sells more readily I apd into his pocket intse role of one. i in April than pie -plant, and nothing is A. FELINE PIIILANTHEO IsT.—The oth.°1 lessIsalea.ble th anthe same substance two I old age she wag bunch. c,' day there died in Lon on, Eng., a lady months later. 1 The tiret asparagus in the - r amed Phcebe Brown, aged 6S years, whe ; market is caught up at fifty ceras for one I oved cats. For 1S year she lived in one i bunch, while the last that comes finds room and systematically fed no less than e. ! slow sale at the rate of five cents per dozen cats. When fro 1 I , DID longer able to work, she starved her .' The first cucumbers in the market sell s a and pawned everything she could in ' from 25 to 50 cents each; late in the order to keep her feline pets alive. She - season ,a bushel brings about the same r qused to send_ for a dodo' when sick*: • sum. Nothint produCed from, the soil a d was* found dead in her bed one raorta pays better than early vegetables, and , 11 a surrounded by cats and kittens. : I .hardly anythieg peys as poorly as late , i ABDUCTION AND ESCAPE. —Six inieresupt ': vegetables unless it be late smell fruits. p sed to be monte operators, attempted to . After one variety of fruit that succeeds a duct Mrs. Geo. W. Watson, a wealthy 1 another comeslinto maeket, the price for y ung woman of Massillort, Ohio, from 1 the former immediately falls, It is like tljie Rock Island train between Rock : a garment no; longer in the height -of 1 land and Iowa City,under pretence that ' fashion. 0 was a lunatic. 4 They kept her 1 gagl. Early poultry, meat, fruit, and vege- d and htab idd her down at each station., les, class as luxuries, and there , 11 1 4 73 la TT V A la D. S EWARTI Manufacturer a d Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE,SASHES FRAMES, MOULfDINGS, TURNING, ETC., on hand and made to order. Also a good as- . ! sprtment of '0••••••••22 DRITSS T_JS FOITIVIDIZM IMPORTANT NOTICE. TO GRAN GERS, FARMERS, AND OTHERS. $25. WenasliZirsch472!efou:irtiiiiftetercsa purchase a first-class Gang Plow, oast wrought Iron beam • $10 will purcha:s purchase a good Soitffier or Horse H elks, Rake; $25 will purchase a first-class Land Roller with ase a firsteolass Gang Plow, wrought iron frame; $22.50 will Iron frame; $18 will purchase a good General Purpoie Plow, a good Plow, wood beam, all improved steel moulds; $6 • APRIL 20, 1877. LEG -A1.4 CAMERON & McFADDEN, Barristers and' Solicitors in chancery, Goderich. 8411- E. 0. CAMERON. W. H. MCFADDEN. 'WILLIAM SMai,ve Conveyancer! and Commis - V sioner In B. R., Wroseter. Auetioneer and Appraiser. Aticounte and notes collected on reasonable terms. 889 ICI L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in 1. neeneeres ac„ Goderieh and Seaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderich, and Kidd's Store,.Seaiorth. 354 & McCOLL, Barristers, AttorneyiSat L' Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries Public, &c., Goderich and Brussels. .W.11, flutrinin God - °rich ; A.. J. McCann, Brussele. 415 . 2 1%I.L OTHER IMPLEMENTS It PROPORTION AT THE BRUSSELS FOUNDRY. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES, ALWAYS ON HAND. Call on D. STEWART and he will give you as good bargains as can be got any other place. 488-13 D. STEWART, Bluevale. EGG EMPORIUM The subsoriber hereby thank his numerous customers (merchants and others1 for their liberal patronage during the past seven 3loars, and hopes, by strict integrity and close attention to business, to merit their confidence and tra e in the future. Having greatly enlarged his remises, during the winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CAS PRICE For any quantity of good fres eggs, delivered at the I EGG EMP Main treat, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscriber 25 t ns of good dry clean WHEAT STRAW. - 1.). D WILSON. OBBING of Every Description. Done with NEATNESS ond on the S.HORT.EST NOTICE. WM. R. WILSQN & SON, BRussELs. T. M .T4J L I M INT 7 THE FARMERS' FRIEND. ATALCOMSON & WATSON, Banisters, Mor. neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &a., Clinton, Ont. Office—First door east of the new Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to loan on farm property. S. IIALOOMBOW. 404 o-. A. -WATSON THE Subscriber hereby thanks hie numerous easterners -and others for their liberal patronage during the past, and hopes by etriet attention to businese to merit their confidence and support in the future. . I - PLOWS -T- NELLIS hes now on band a fresh lot of Seed Plows and Thistle Cutters for Sale cheap, manufactured by Monroe, of Seaforth, the winner of the prize at the Great Centennial Exposition, for iron beam and w oden handle plows. I have the1f ollowing Makes of Gang Plows on band: The Coss it Plow, GANG GEloraPPLptert Plow, and Nopp er's make, of Seaforth. Call and see for yourselves. HARROWS -The Scotch Dia $16 to $20. ond Iron Harrow, with 72 pins,- warranted. for one 'year, from 41, GARROW, MEYER RADENHUBST, Barris - tars, Attorneyinat-Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- -- est, and on terms. to salt borrowers. Offices— • Godeirich and Wingham. J. T. (*ARROW. H. W. 0. mieen. W. T. RADENHURST. 474 evicOAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Barristers, At• a-va- tonieys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and tnsolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers Solicitors for the B. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agents for the Canada :f 4fe Assurance Company, I .• N. B.—$80,000 to lend at 8 per cent. Farms Housesand Lots for sale. 52 HORSE-SHOEIING—T. MOLL IS makes Horse -Shoeing a Speciality. His work speaks for itself. BLAC ksmithin g Work and Repairing of Bnggi es, Wagons, Plovres Harrows, and anything pertain mg td the business, from a needle to an anchor, done with neat - i Dees, and despatch- • I Francestothi Plow Castings alwaye on hand. Remember the stand, two doors north of Shaffer's Hotel. TBOMAS HELMS, Ilippen." THE GODERICH FOUPNDRY. 'FSENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorneys -L.' at taw, Solicitors in Chancery andInsolveney, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Ofacea-fts- forthandBresseli. $28,000 of Private Funds -to Invest at (since, at Eight percent. Interestepayable yearly. 58 :AR. U. BENSON. ' H. W. O. MEYER. The above firm has this day been dissolved by - mutual consent." All acciattuts due the firm to be lima t� Mr. Benson who will pay 'all liabil- ities.' - Nevi 1876. ' JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. . , ! . . . . 1 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel and Saw Mandrel $225 Second hand 20 Horse Engine, Belem() Wheel ana Pulleys Complete 225 Second hand 16 Horse Engine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governors 275 Second hand 12 Horse Engine, Balence Wheel, Pulleys and Governors 200 A Hoisting or Boat Engine, with Hoisting Geer . 250 . Second hand 16 Home Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack 150 Second hand 16 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stack 200 Second hand 20 horse Portable Boiler, with Smoke Stank 225 Second hand 80 horse Portable Tubular Boiler, with Smoke Staek, Furnade, Front, Grate Bars, Steam Gnage, Guage and Safety Valves, all in Good Order 1 Secondhand Shingle and Heeding &chine 450 90 Heading Jointer - 40 50 70 80 Heading Planer Heading Turner Stave Machine, with K.nife New Engines and Boilers on iand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery for Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. 11.Agriesu1tura1 Implements.— toves of Varietal Kinds.—Repairs on Boilers, Mills, dm.,promptly ftt- CODEIIICIf FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Attended to. POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. T ONCE MORE rupee -tinily beg rve to return thanks to my numerous customers for their kind a. patronage during the last 12 y ars that I have been doing businees amongst them and kindly solicit a continuance of their favors for the future. I have just received a Large and Well Selected Stook of DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of GROCER O—TEAS a Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the County. AaLPorgaCleOil, Hardware, Paifits and Oils, Drags, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Hams, in fact every- EstRocklEofBOOTS al* SHOES-MoPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps S thing required in a. general sore. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash or farm produce taken in exchange. I would also intimate to all parties indebted to me for last and previous yeard to come and eettle by cash I or note before the end of this month, or the accounts will be put hate: other hands for collection. No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS. —I am also valuator for thelDominion Saving and Investment Sciciety, one of the best loan societies in the Dominion. The above Society loans money on gond farm security for a term of from three to twenty years, on th,e most filterable conditions. LIFE INSURANCE. ---If you want your life insured give,me a call, as I am agent for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In. surance Companies in the Dominion, and conducted on the most economical principles. Don't for- get to give me a can. I am alwaya attentive to business. Post Office and Telegraph Office in con- nection. Clover, Timothy Tarnip and other seeds on hand. R. PATTISON WALTON. LOtTNSBURY & Co., HAVE THE BEST AND CHEAPEST- LUMBER. T G. SCOTT, M. 11 &a., Physician, Surgeon and " Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, firet door east of Presbyterian Chureh. 842 e Don't Bitty from Anyone Else. They also Offer a Qw4ntity of SHINGLES, on the Marrket Spare, uaranteed First Class, 10 CENTS PER S9UARE CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. HURRAH FOR MANITOBA. HATING decided on going to 11. Offic stree =Hobe, I will commence on FRIDAY, MARCH 161h, to run off my Stock of DRY GOODS at almost any price at all, the object being to save time. FOUR CASE OF NEW SPRING GOODS Including a lovely line of PRINTS, will be sacrificed with the rest. Ladies and Gentlemen, llow is the time, as these Goods must and -will be - SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. I have also for sale a Splendid House and. Grounds, suitable for a gentleman's residence, a Park Lot inside the corporation of Seaforth, and several Town Lots, -which will be sold cheap. DON'T MISS THE DRY GOODS, GEORGE DENT, Settforth. VERCOE, M. D. 0. M., Physician, Sur- geon; eta., , Coroner for the County of Huron end Residence, oeruer of Market and Htgli, next to the PI1n1ng Mill. TEE undersignGd hereby iniorm their raw -1- customers and the public generally of the DI- movid of their Factory and Lumber Yard to new and more -commodious premises �n , NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with in/Imaged facilitiee and some new machinery of the beat make, they will continue to manufacture and fin all orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, , And all kinds of PLANEP LUMBER • At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gales,Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, &C. A Large Stock Of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. • LATH AND SHINGLES. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing wilt ' Receive Prompt Attention. .The subileribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past, and hope, by strict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuance and increase of the snap. To all those -whose accounts are oSerdne wegive a corflialin.vitation to pay.Up. - I CRAY Lk. SCOTT. P. S.—Plans and Specifications for Bullring! tarnished 071 application. - APRIL 20, 1877. The Telephone. Oeh ! Biddy a,shtore 1 d'ye kme they tell Of a fain grand. invinshun of one Bell?Theysayit can shake, it can cr, sieg, Though it's only a wiare jist string: You jist tich your ton- gue to -a. carted, An' it shpakes all at once all worruld I ' If you were in Irelandjist laff, I'd hear it right here, by this ne graph. They say, Biddy darlint, 'twill' .An' it's a crayf esxpef inise,-- sure does sinbeee Wellable to spa.ke toteur frie says, An' say what we mayneor not, 31 plase ; An, they'll know what we mai word we diseoorse— (Much better than iver by lel coorse) An' they say it's all -thrue, an' 1 long time Well hear cannons firin' an' ' Par chime. An' thin wid the Gintry affairs • For they'll'hear Queen Victoree r her prayere,— An' all by a wiare that runs tlar, say, To folks ire New York, whin the ing their tay An' whin it's complayted there'll era, For thirn that are far, thin, will us nearer:— An' the Queen Will spakeplisan dent Hayes, Who'll spake back, like than • have pace, if you piase." An' more they cud do wid this v lore, 'They cud Sink it down deeper Satan roar! But, of Satan they wants to be deyindent, For science must iver be in the - ant; An' so they'll a.scind in a foin loon, = An' jist give the id to the mai moon, Vi h&ll sake of the weather 'inc ly, Oehone I .Nor Vermeer or Probs, wid ti tilephone. ..A Pose for a "Wound° zon.P When Gibson modelled the Amazon," he said to a friend of went to his studio to see the sty. clay, "Yes, that is my 'Wound ,zon.' " You have doubtless h sons peculiar, dry, crisp mode imitated, and can imagine how "Yes, I call it a 'Wtiunded but that statue is a proof of ho ,is for an artist to keep his e Now, bow do you think 1 f pose' I was just going along .and I saw a girl. catching -a la -didI she was catching a flea.1 and said to myself, 4That' to a p —a very pretty pose, indeed •took it down.. So I thought it set up and. worked it out, and is as my 'Wounded Amazon,' - the very.pofse of the girl ea flea, nevertheless. * very pr it is, you see'and, as I said, that an artist must not fail to eyes always °pc-ie.—Front A ster's Row Letter. A, French Drawing -r A Paris correspondent thus d .fashionable French dravvi "Window - curtains of brow lined with white satin. Turki embroidered in silk and gold. .mantlepiece rare vases filled wi A suspension clock held by -g hangs from the ceiling, and res the centre of the ehitnney grass •the sofas, chairs, eta., they are kind, age and nation—nothing alike, and the room is as full hold. Here is a couch of bro draped with pink silkAmbroi green. There two blue velvet placed on each other form -Other easy chairs are IA whi yellow satin, velvet brocade, a .of different shape. The tables ly various. One is of gold M amber feet, another of antique ,ship. Ivory stands in the cee room are loaded with Dresden -china." • - TheDriginal of Gwen According to a London COTT the origins., of Gwendolyn, the ,George Elliott's " Daniel Per lady now living in Londim, years ago- was possessed of n donate. She went to the and became an infatuated lea ing nearly all her money and p her necklace as the book state • her infatuation she was narrow by George Eliot, and by a w tleman living to -day in Mane interested did he become in that, as the book -stated, he • make good her loeses if thew to play, but was refused. G now about 25 years old, grand -daughter of one of Ong est poets, but lives on an inco •• a thousand dollars a year, al saved from the wreck. BRAD CARIVULLY. — Satan Sophiasburg, says : "I was • dyspepsia for neatly four yea becoming affected towards tlt was induced to try the "Shosh edy, after using three or f beeaexteeiauch better and gain rapidly, and when I had tak four bottles more I was quite health and strength, and hay better health than for 40 yea had been under the treatmen ber of physicians before, bu eeived any material aid until -remedy." A. McKay, says: "he was very bad wit •plaint,but used the ‘Shoshori and in a month was as well as been in his life. I am no IletiS and wish you to send. in by steamer.," A. Wood, Co "That he has tried the "1 liver conaplaiut and dyspeps success. I have also used t zees Pills" and find they are any I ever tried." Rev. says: "Mr. McKenzie Bot from an attack of rhenmat -unable to move withoutbei taking,a few bottles of the " :r it. PHELAN, M. D. C. M. (late of the firm " • ' of Shaver & Phelan, Stratford) Graduate of bleGill IJniversity, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- ocuchettr, Seaforth, Ontario. Office—Rooms In Meyer's Block, fornierly occupied by the late Dr King. Residence --Commercial Hotel. Will at- tend at Carrnbrook on Tuesdays and Fridays. 83 D- MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon, Gradu- • ate of Ontario Veterinary College Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residence in rear of ifilloran & Raven's. Calls promptb attended to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines- on hand Charges reasonable. Horses examined sato sound- ness and certificates given if r equiS•ed. 407 _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Graduate of the " Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two years to practice with Professor Smith, of Toroi,to, has settled in Seaforth. Office at his Tesiderice east of W. M. Church. Calls promptly attended to by day or night. A large stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly onhand. Horses examined as to soundness and certifieatee given Horses- bought and sold on commission. 424 •., TT DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., '4•7‘ . a -a-• Surgeon Dentist, Graduate Is_ _ .. 411.4411didt of the Royal College of 1:tental Surgeons of Ontario. Artificlil Dontils neatly executed. All surgical opera- tions , performed with care and promptitude, Office hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Rooms over A. G. McDougall's gore, Main Street, Seaforth. * , . 1111ISIC- ELLA NEOITS. _ _-T- P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the ga • County of Huron. Sales attended in su parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- eosrron Office will be promptly attended to. [- L,E0K1E, General Loan and Real Este " • !Agent, Grain, Produce and Commission Mere hant. °Bice—New Brick Bleck opposite Nort h American Hotel, Brussels, Ont. 480 CHARLES F. MILES, Provincial Land, Sur. veyor, Wingham. Orders hymen will receive pronapt attention. Branch office, Clinton. 0. F. MILES. 485 . T. S. GORE. IV-A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., . M. ' Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur. Graduate of the -University of Trinity College, - Toronto.. Member of the Royal College of Phy- sicians a,nd Surgeons, Ont. Rinburn.Ont. 485 a sa Can't be made by every agent everymonth $9 " s7 in the business we furnish, but those willing to work can earn a dozen dollars a day right in the:ir own localities. Have no room to explain. here. Business pleasant and honorable. Women,•and bop and girls do as well as men. ' We will furnish you a complete outfit free. The businese pays better than anything else. We will bear expense of starting you. Particulars fres. Write and see. . Farreere and mechanics, their sons and daughters, and all -classes in need of paying work at home should write to us and learn all about the work at once. Now is the time. Don't delay. Address TRUE & Co., Augusta, Maine. 2 THE GREAT FEMA LP, REMEDY.--.Tob M4:ses' a- Periodical Pills—This invaluable medieine is unfailing , in tha cure of all those p:infnn and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtractions, and a speedy curt may be relied OW To maLriedladiee, it is peetiliallysnited. ' It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularity. These pills should not be taken byFemales daring the first -Orme months of.Pregraney, as they are euro to bring on Mis- earriage, but at any other time they are sale. In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue, on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when another means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or Anything hurtful to the constitution. Fall ditections.in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and i2 cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & J., S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 RI M 0 -V I-1 -A.. , /. HURON PLANINd MILL TEE undersignGd hereby iniorm their raw -1- customers and the public generally of the DI- movid of their Factory and Lumber Yard to new and more -commodious premises �n , NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with in/Imaged facilitiee and some new machinery of the beat make, they will continue to manufacture and fin all orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, , And all kinds of PLANEP LUMBER • At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gales,Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, &C. A Large Stock Of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. • LATH AND SHINGLES. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing wilt ' Receive Prompt Attention. .The subileribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past, and hope, by strict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuance and increase of the snap. To all those -whose accounts are oSerdne wegive a corflialin.vitation to pay.Up. - I CRAY Lk. SCOTT. P. S.—Plans and Specifications for Bullring! tarnished 071 application. - APRIL 20, 1877. The Telephone. Oeh ! Biddy a,shtore 1 d'ye kme they tell Of a fain grand. invinshun of one Bell?Theysayit can shake, it can cr, sieg, Though it's only a wiare jist string: You jist tich your ton- gue to -a. carted, An' it shpakes all at once all worruld I ' If you were in Irelandjist laff, I'd hear it right here, by this ne graph. They say, Biddy darlint, 'twill' .An' it's a crayf esxpef inise,-- sure does sinbeee Wellable to spa.ke toteur frie says, An' say what we mayneor not, 31 plase ; An, they'll know what we mai word we diseoorse— (Much better than iver by lel coorse) An' they say it's all -thrue, an' 1 long time Well hear cannons firin' an' ' Par chime. An' thin wid the Gintry affairs • For they'll'hear Queen Victoree r her prayere,— An' all by a wiare that runs tlar, say, To folks ire New York, whin the ing their tay An' whin it's complayted there'll era, For thirn that are far, thin, will us nearer:— An' the Queen Will spakeplisan dent Hayes, Who'll spake back, like than • have pace, if you piase." An' more they cud do wid this v lore, 'They cud Sink it down deeper Satan roar! But, of Satan they wants to be deyindent, For science must iver be in the - ant; An' so they'll a.scind in a foin loon, = An' jist give the id to the mai moon, Vi h&ll sake of the weather 'inc ly, Oehone I .Nor Vermeer or Probs, wid ti tilephone. ..A Pose for a "Wound° zon.P When Gibson modelled the Amazon," he said to a friend of went to his studio to see the sty. clay, "Yes, that is my 'Wound ,zon.' " You have doubtless h sons peculiar, dry, crisp mode imitated, and can imagine how "Yes, I call it a 'Wtiunded but that statue is a proof of ho ,is for an artist to keep his e Now, bow do you think 1 f pose' I was just going along .and I saw a girl. catching -a la -didI she was catching a flea.1 and said to myself, 4That' to a p —a very pretty pose, indeed •took it down.. So I thought it set up and. worked it out, and is as my 'Wounded Amazon,' - the very.pofse of the girl ea flea, nevertheless. * very pr it is, you see'and, as I said, that an artist must not fail to eyes always °pc-ie.—Front A ster's Row Letter. A, French Drawing -r A Paris correspondent thus d .fashionable French dravvi "Window - curtains of brow lined with white satin. Turki embroidered in silk and gold. .mantlepiece rare vases filled wi A suspension clock held by -g hangs from the ceiling, and res the centre of the ehitnney grass •the sofas, chairs, eta., they are kind, age and nation—nothing alike, and the room is as full hold. Here is a couch of bro draped with pink silkAmbroi green. There two blue velvet placed on each other form -Other easy chairs are IA whi yellow satin, velvet brocade, a .of different shape. The tables ly various. One is of gold M amber feet, another of antique ,ship. Ivory stands in the cee room are loaded with Dresden -china." • - TheDriginal of Gwen According to a London COTT the origins., of Gwendolyn, the ,George Elliott's " Daniel Per lady now living in Londim, years ago- was possessed of n donate. She went to the and became an infatuated lea ing nearly all her money and p her necklace as the book state • her infatuation she was narrow by George Eliot, and by a w tleman living to -day in Mane interested did he become in that, as the book -stated, he • make good her loeses if thew to play, but was refused. G now about 25 years old, grand -daughter of one of Ong est poets, but lives on an inco •• a thousand dollars a year, al saved from the wreck. BRAD CARIVULLY. — Satan Sophiasburg, says : "I was • dyspepsia for neatly four yea becoming affected towards tlt was induced to try the "Shosh edy, after using three or f beeaexteeiauch better and gain rapidly, and when I had tak four bottles more I was quite health and strength, and hay better health than for 40 yea had been under the treatmen ber of physicians before, bu eeived any material aid until -remedy." A. McKay, says: "he was very bad wit •plaint,but used the ‘Shoshori and in a month was as well as been in his life. I am no IletiS and wish you to send. in by steamer.," A. Wood, Co "That he has tried the "1 liver conaplaiut and dyspeps success. I have also used t zees Pills" and find they are any I ever tried." Rev. says: "Mr. McKenzie Bot from an attack of rhenmat -unable to move withoutbei taking,a few bottles of the "