HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-20, Page 1tn. 131. 1877.
77 7 7
tog Linea Compete
Dundee,. Lybsifer, 03 'WSW
--Is all th a Finest Makes.
i ----In Brown, White,. Draba
and New Patten&
GS---ItegattausFency Checka
xsiia Crash, and Brown
frotton and TUtkish.
keathed and Unbieaehed...
Quatioas Izmir10
',NDS=Great variety of_ Gelors
OE cents, IA centa,a
Wed s Marble; and -
Ma de Suez,. rich and price
peva beautiful Dress.
Ida Linares, SilkWarps, Babas
lkIatellaese Cloth,
?fool Baregee In Greys and
StripaGoods, new makes and
auk Cashmeres, Paramattaa,
.linsseI Cords, Bamtheaa, and
In Madder& Purples, Pinks,
and Mourning -300 pattern&
et faom.
Range in Plain and Ribbed
iggan, Spanish Brown an4
es, and Rook Dye.
k' Hid Josephine, Felix Combo
very geed, at 60 cents per
Kid in all colers, Lisle Thread
riving Gloaes.
SIIIRTS—In beat American
!S—Plain and Panay..
CUFFS—All Qualities.
MaRCHIEFS—Best Value ever
PAS—The Cheapeat we eVer had.
W$ET.TAS—Best Assortment ia
Lk in Brown, Black, and Green,
h Ladiesand Gents'.
IS----Dandaak, All Wool.
Son, All Wool,and Tapesiry, best
EDS—Sammie*, Millions, MEM*
eat a England.
frLACIC BROAD --Coating.
GLAND---Woaded Worsted Coat -0-
Taziety of Pattern&
and Bottle Green.
iomsonia Glove Fitting.
'Fottingham Lace.
Great, Variety, American and
B—A new lot ; just arrived, very
as -01 all the new kinds and CoIOrg
Tamale and Cords.
all the Fashionable Lines.
te to the Ladies of Seafortli and
country that they have added to
Dr -y Goode 'Business the Mawr-
'WEST STYLES and Made of tha
TERIat. This Department is
arge of
have every confidence in Tacoma
hose who may laver na with their
es will find in this Department
%test Mantle Cloths to Select from
-th Moderate Charges, 0tta_ralittfted.
manufsetare, in addition te a very
of Foreign Make. We Invite a Call.
G. 41-cDoUGAIL & Co.
TENTH( YEAill. ,
WEIOLE No. 489.
VOR S. =That commodious residence on tho
coni r ois St. John and, Jarvis Staaets. For
parties& re enquire of the owner. JAMES H.
BENSO Seaforth. 487
a- vein
of High
F°R 8
way str
RTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, that mi-
nt arid desirable residence on the corner
and Market Streets, now occupied layDr
Apply to DR. VEROOE. 488
.—Lot No. 2, Corner of William and
both streets, and. Lot 126, South of ,Rail -
et, &adorn:a For price apply to • Mo -
bbert, Seaforth P.O. 489-3
-Li- he.
also goo
of land
ply to
L FOR SAT—in the Village of Harpttr-
with good accommodation for the public,
stabling and driving sheds, with 4 acres
ore or less. It -will be sold cheap. Ap-
RS. 0: DILL, Seaforth P. 0. 478x13
'' For , 'ale in Eamondville, a beautiftilly situated
Btrildin& Lot containing half an acre. The lot is
drained, planted with trees, and well fenced. It
lies on t e east side of the road between the card-
ing ntill and Egmondville, and faces on Main street.
Apply a the EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 485
VARM,FOR SATE.—For Sale, Lot No. 11, Con.
7 S'anley, containing 50 acres, 36 of which are
cleared, well fenced and in a state of good cultiva-
tion, th balance is well ttaibered, with some cedar
on the r ar of the let. There is a good barn and
house, a small orchard and plenty of good water.
A gravel road runs past the farm. It is conveni-
ently sit ated to markets, schools, churches, &o.
For fart er particulars apply to the prolorietor, Sea -
forth P. 0. -WM. REDMOND. 480
Sa e, a brick dwelling with 8 acres of land at-
tached, n which is an orchard of all kinds Of fruit
trees, e house is 24x30 and in good repair;
there is t woodshed and milk house, also a stable;
and a s ond dwelling house of frame 18x24. The
propert is situated within to and a half miles of
Sea.fortl4. Also several dwellings and other prop-
ertdes in, Seaforth for sale. Apply to AaSTRONG,
Seafort 486
j"1" t t comfortable and conveniently situated
dwellin house and lot, adjoining the Methodist
EpiseopI Church, and at present occupied by Mr.
W. S. obertson. The house conbaing Latchena
dining r om, parlor and 5 bedrooms. A good cel-
lar and oodshed, also hard arid soft water, and a
stable. The lot is a corner lot and is within one
block of the Main Street. Apply to W. S. ROB-
ERTS° , Seaforth. 486
VAR1 FOR SAT. ---For Sale, East hall Lot 8,
Ca . 4, Tumberry, County of Huron contain-
ing 50a res, 40 acres cleared; good frame house
and eta lo, also good bearing orchard. Situated 4
miles fr m Wroxeter Station and 21 miles from
Blneval Station,- on the Groat Western Railway.
Posses on given lst September'1877. For further
portion] 13 apply to ROBERT RICHARDSON, on
th,e prei ses, Bluevale P. 0., or to C. R. COOPER,
Brussel. P. 0, with stamp for answer. 4810
VABM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 16, Con.
15, °wallop, containing 621 acres, 40 of Which
are oleo, ed, well fenced, and in a state of good
oultivat'on, the balance is well timbered- with
boadwoc d. There is plenty of water and oilseed
young o -chard. Is two miles and a half from the
Norther Gravel Road leading to Seaforth and
Brussel. , is convenient to schools; &c. For farth-
er -porta niers apply to the proprietor on the prenr
ises or to Walton P. 0. WILTaard MG -Ram,
Proprie or. N.B.—Immediate possession will be
given. 489x4
FARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 26, Con. 11,
Hib ert, containing 100 acres of excellent land.
about 8( of which are cleared and in a good state
of cultic tion, the balance is good hardwood bush.
Good La me house, frame barn, stables and other
buil a ; good orchard, well -watered; convenient
to scho s, churches, &e. Is situated about ten
miles fa rn Seaforth and two and. a half roiles from
°roma' y, on a good gravel road. Terms Easy.
For furt • or particulars apply to the proprietor op
the pre •• ses, or if by letter to Cromarty P. O.
JOHN 'ICE. 485-4x
LARG ' FARM T011 'SAL-FL—For Sale, that
be otiful farm, comprising Lot *Seen. 12,
and, the orth three-quarters of Lot 26, Con. 11,
175 acre in all, situated in the -.Township of Me -
'Scallop, 'musty of Huron, on the leading gravel
road, mi &way between Seaforth and Brussels. The
farm is u. a good state of cultivation, well fenced
and wat red,and convenient to church sad school;
135 acre are cleared and the bal.ance hardwood
timber. On the farm is a dwelling house, good
ontbuilc ' as„ aud a young orchard. For further
partieul us address SAMUEL HANNA, Oil. City,
Pennsyl .ania, U. S. - . 473
VARM FOICSALE.—For Sale, Lets 15 and 10,
-1: Con. IV, Stanley. coutabsing 99 oozes, 85 of which
are cleared and about 40 acres ha' seed. It is
Within o e mile of the village of Varna, where there
are char es, gehools, and all village conveniences.
There is Evehoice of four good, markets -within 11
miles,. ti °nearest being wittrin 4. miles. There is
a good dweiling house and frame- out -buildings,
consistii g of barn, horse and cow stables' . driving
shed, eh - ep pens, &c. • Plenty of water and. an ex-
tra gem orchard. There is a cheese factory on the
corner o thalami which could ba purchased with
the far.n if desired. Immediate possession.. Apply
to the p °Dieter on the premises or to Varna P. -O.
,. . .
4: Los Nog. 36 and 37, Con. 4, I-Ioaricks contain-
ing 80a res of land, 35 aeres cleared, nearly free of
stumps, and in a good state of cultivation, the bal-
ance is eiltimbered There is a, log, hoase and
log baa a also an orehard of-gootl fruit trees, and a
good.welLI on the premises, ;the forth is situated
-within (Me -and -a -half miles of the gravel road and
2 miles!of-the thriving village ' of Wroxoter, where
there is. a station of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce
Radwaa, and within 11 miles of .Brussels. Pos-
segaion con be given at any tithe. Reason for soli-
ing—th owner is riboutaeturning. to Europe. For'
further particulars apply ou the premises or to
JAMES EARL, Proprietor, Wroxeter P.O. 488x4
• Ti
o property is situated on the Town Plot of
.Grey, a. oat 3 miles from Ethel station, on the
Southern . Extension of the _Wellington, Grey and
Bruce -Sailway. The machinery consists of 35 --
horse e gine,. 40 -horse -5-flue boiler; large circular
edging ud butting saws, shingle turd heading ma. -
china a ti, shingle jointer. The 'machinery ss all
first-cla a, and has only been running -about a, year
and. eig t months. This is a' r re chance for mon
ol capit a, as there is a good lo al trade, and any
quantit - of Timber o1. all kinds o be had. Satis-
factory -easoiss given for gaffing; Full particulars
on • nap 'cation to GARROW 13R0T11ERS, Grey
Post 0 ice. N. B.—All notes and accounts over-
due mu -t be 'settled at once, and save trouble and
expena. ' - 475 .
v la s a seats half Lot 17, Con. 1, Hay, contain-
ina 150 acres, 120 of which are cleared and in a
good st Lte of oultivation- There is a good brick
house a • d a frame cottage, the barn, stable, cow
-stable la other outbuildings aro all frame; there
are abo it 10 nereli of choice apple, pear and other
fruit tr -es, and a,bouf 300 spruce . trees planted 10
years. There is a never -failing stream_ running-
throug ' the centre of the farm on which is a good
mill site, a. good- gravel road on two. sides of the
f aian t is situated oho mile from Housa-11 gas -
ton an four mflea from Pareter, an, the London
Road, a ad is just across the road from the Roder -
villa po t office and ehureh. For further .particu-
Jars ap )1v to JAMES W. ELDER Voteriniu-y
Stussaoi , Seaforth P. 0. 431
__. — s --
VaAlat,I., ABLE PROPERTY _ 17012 SALE.—For
_ Lots Nos. 24,25 and 26, in the 9th Con-
cession of MeKillop, contaiaing. 200 acres, about
80 of v; 'eh axe cleared, well fenced and in a good
state ef callivatiou; the balance is well thnbered
with th . best of hardwood. There is a new frame
house a itit &sone foundation, also a frame stable
and log barn; there is also another frame dwelling
hens(*) i the pace. _A bearing orchard of 150 tree,
also a y raw orahard with eame number. Plenty
of- good voter. 1,,s on the northern gravel road, 5
miles frbm Seafoirth, and adjoins the villag,e of
Wintluarr in • -whias are all village conveniences,
includina a cheese fartsay, saw and grist mill. Also
the biting known as Hannah's Hotel. s The
properts, will be gold, in one parcel or hi lots to suit
purchasers. Apply to the proinietor on the
einiseS or to Winthrop Post Office. ROBERT
NAE, Proprietor, 485 -ax
Hibbert Spring Show.'
The spring show of the Hibbert
Branch Agricultural Sooiety, Was 'held
in the village of Steffa, on Tuesdayllast,
April, 17. The weather being fine, a
large concourse of farmers and others in-
terested were present, and seemed to
eiaince a deep interest in the proceedings.
The show of horses was not quite so
large as in former years, the number of
entries- being only! 11, including heavy
draughts, general purpose and carriage,
against 17 ,of the previous year. I The
quality, hOwever, was excellental and
made up for all deficiencies in point of
numbers. 0. ome good horses were Shown
by Messrs. Thos. Colquhoun,Oke,Bower-
man & Hodgson and James Horton, while
those of Mr., Patrick O'Connor, Hugh
Brown,. Alex. DGW and Wm. Norrie
cpuld net be surpassed. The show of
bulls was op to the average, and some
very fine animals were exhibited by Mr.
Duncan M0.4aren and Mr. George Rock,
and high was the praise bestowed upon
these gentlemen for the good quality of
'their* stock,land certaml* y it wasnot un-
deserved, aa it cnuld scarcely be beaten
4 any show in the country. The show,
on the whole, was a succets, ;considering
that the weather WAS so fine' that num-
bers of fanners coald not spare the time
tO attend, is they 7anted to be t getting
op with their spring work, and time was
precious with them ; ,eonsequently; had
the show been held a week sooner, there
ia1no doubt' but that it would have been
much better attended than it was. The
decisions of the judges Were very im-
partial, and gave the highest satisfac-
tion. For ,further particulars We refer
onr readers, to the following prize list:
I HoasEs.-L-Heavy Draught -=-3 entries
-a-1st, Thos. Colqahoun, `Glencairn ; "
2nd Oke, Bewermao is Hodgson, "Crown
Prince." 1
General Purpose. —3 entries—lst Jas.
Horton, "Glory of 1th e Dominion ;" 2nd
Patrick O'Connor, f`Farmer's Fancy."
' Road and Carriage. ---al. entry -1st H.
W. Brown, "Ottawa Chief."
Canadian Heavy Draughts. -4 entries
—1st Alex. Dow, 'Young Defiance;"
2nd William Norris, "Young Lord
Haddo." ! -
BULLS.--Darham—Aged--2 entries—
lst George Rock, "Duke of Wellington ;",'
nd Wm. Butler, "Roe.'
DurhanaS under two, years,Old.-2 en-
tries -1st Duncan McLaren "Sir
ha.rles Napier ;" 2nd Jas. Neil, "Duke
el Yorh." 1 1 1 1
Devons.--=-1 entry—lst Wna. Hamilton,
• "Sir Walter." 1 1 •
- • J unoEs.-'--George Graham, yullarton ;
George Kremer, Fullerton, and James
a,ckney, , Us borne.
The Brussels Show.
The entire stock show, held under the
uspices of the Grey Branch Apical -
ural Society, at Brussels, on Tuesday
last, was not so successful as expected.
In consequence of shows being held on
the same day at Wingham, Listowel
and Clinton, competition in horses was
Much less limited than it would have
leen had the surrounding exhibitions
ot conflicted. Were these shows' con-
centrated a little it Would prove more
beneficial to exhibitors and all concern-
ed. Although all the horses shown in
the several classes were fully up to the
standard as regards quality, the only
ompetition worth mentioning was in the
toad or oarriage class. In this class Mr.
eorge Whiteley, of Seeforth, exhibited
the two stallions lately purchased by
him, taking first for "Renforth" and third
lor "Lord Dufferin." Properly the
atter should have been shown in anoth-
er class'when he might have secured
higher honors. The , following is the
prizelist: 1, 1
HORSES. —Imported Heavy Draught—
lst Robt. Brown, "Oxford Lad."
Canadian Draught -1st Thos. Seale,
'Scotch Miracle,' 2nd L. McNeil, "Tin-
to," 3rd Wm. Rinn, "Honest Billy."
, General Purpose.—lst Wm. Herbison,
"Phenomenon : ' 2nd Jam Raymond,
f 'Dick Turpin ;" 3rd Alexander Stewart,
"Young Dominion King."
Road or Carriage—lst George White-
ley, "Renforth ;) 2nd John Leckie,
"Kentucky ;" 3rd George Whiteley,
'Lord Dufferin."
Blood.—lst R. Rogerson, "Captain
BuLLs.--Aged Durham—lst Robert
Brown, 2nd Conrad Michel, 3rd Alex.
Forsyth. -
Durham under two years.—lst ,John
Ilislop. 1
I JITDC.ES. —Horses — Charles Proctor,
Morris • John Nott, Brussels; Mc-
Lean, Morris. Cattle.—George Moffatt,
Morris; S. Walker, Morris; John Swal-
low, MeKillop.
Morris Branch Spring Show:
The entire Stock show of the Morris
Branch Agricultural Society, was held
t the village of Blyth, on Thursday,
2th inst. The day being fine, vast num-
hers of the farmers availed themselves
the opportunity to exhibit, criticise,
profit or otherwise satisfy their curiosi-
ties or inclinations, as the case might be.
The implement agents, who are like a
side show at a circus,—never advertised.
beforehand, but always expected,—were
largely represented on this occasion, each
and every !?ne sounding the good quali-
ties of their respeetive reapers, mowers,
seed. drills &c. to the gazing crowd.
The show of Aallions and bulls at the
grouncl waa very creditable to the stock
wizen of thia section. In fact, some
entire ans'apinion that there will scarce
y be a better turn out of horses, quality
nd numbers considered, at aur other
show in the county. In the heavy
draught horses' class, Messrs. John Ma -
on and Thos. Bell were the competitors,
he latter exhibiting two. There were
iaine coMpetitors in the general purpose
lass, viz.:" Wm. Rinn, Wm. Herbison,
. G. Parish, 0. B. Wilson, John Rey-
nolds, Thos. Seale, H. Beadle, George
Shepherd and John Cumming. The
road and carriage class were represented
loly James Johnston, Jolla Beacom, R.
Gardner and John Mason ; and the two
year old and under classeia by John
homson, Thos. -Stewart and John
sou. The competition in bulls was less
limited. In aged. thoroughbreds, Messrs.
J. _Youngblod, E. Manning, R. Match,
R. Shortreed and J. Washington ex-
hibited. Ia two year old and under of
the same class, Mears. A. T. Tyerman,
Thos. Addy end Johi Brigham exhibit-
ed; and in grades T os. Addy and Jas.
Logan n exhibited. Annexed is the list of
Heavy Draught lin•ses.—lst Thomas
Bell, "Earl Grand • ' 2nd Joho Mason,
"Bank of England ; " 3rd, Thos. Bell,
"Dick Turpin." '
General Purpose.—lst 11. Beadle,
"Young Conqueror of the West;" 2nd,
Wm. Herbison, ; " 3d, 0. B.
Wilson, "Forest King."
Aloe& and Carriage.—lst John Bea-
com, "Young •Ilamb etoman ; " 2nd,
John Mason, "Merry Legs ; " 3rd, Jas.
Johnston, "Young Warrior."
Two years old and under—Heavy
Draught.—lst John Thompson.
General Pu rpose. —1st John Mason,
"Canadian Prince."
Aged. Thoroughbred Bulls. lst E.
Manning ; 2nd, John Washing on ; 3rd,
R. Shortreed.
Under Two , -Years.—lst Join Brig-
ham; 2nd, A. T. Tyerman.
Grades.—lst Thos. Addy, 2nd James
Logan. , '
Messrs. R. Scott, Hullett, James Mc -
Co b, Morris, and Andrew McDonald,
M cheater, were the judges ofl horses ;
an James Biggins_,_ Stanley, Js. Snell,
H lett, and Thosa_Bell, Eas Wawa -
no h, of bulls,
Exeter Spring Sho+
he annual spring show under the &as-
pic s of the Stephen and'Usborne Branch
Ag icultural Society was held 4t Exeter
on hursday of last week. TIT weather
wa pleasant, the roads good, and as a
co sequence, there was a larger attend -
an e of people than there has been on a
si ilar occasion for years. In horses
there was not such a large show as there
ha been on former occasions, but many
of hose exhibited were excellent animals.
In thp various classes of young horses
th re was a magnificent show, indicat-
in clearly the benefits derivable from the
us of well bred. sires. The display in
bu s, both as regards quality strid num-
be s, was very middling. The farmers
of his section seem to devote their atten-
tioa to the breeding of horses, while cat-
tle are too much neglected. The follow -
in is the
HEAVY DRAUGHT. —3 entries — 1st,
()lie, Bowerman k Hodgson' s Crown
Prince ' • 2nd, J.- Willis's Glenlee ; 3rd,
Ryan & Guest's Mayor Wallis4 Three-
year -olds. —1 entry—Hawksha 's Heath-
er Jock. Two -year -olds. -2 entries -1st
Hannen's Young Enterprise; 2nd, Cud-
rnore's Bank of England.
AGRICULTURAL. -4 entries -1st, Hor-
ton's Glory of the Dominion ; 12nd, Fish-
er's Champion; 3rd Hill's. Young Scotch
Miracle. Three -year-olds.— 3 entries -
1st, Norris's Young Lord. Beddow; 2nd,
Colquhoun & Davis' Plowboy.
GENERAL PURPOSE.— 4 entries — lst,
Hunter's Coachman • 2nd, Brown's Otta-
wa Chief; 3rd, J. unter's King John.
Three -year-olds. —2 entries—lst, McNa-
mee's Bank of England; 2nd, Sturgeon's
Prince of Wales. Two -year -olds. -2 en-
tries—lst, Moir's Enterprise; 2nd, S. Wil-
son's Brigham Young.
CARRL1GE.-2 entries—lst, H. Alex-
ander's Pride of England; 2nd, L. Hun-
ter's Pride of Huron. Three -year -olds -
2 entries — lst, Bossenberry's Young
Peacock; 2nd, Essery's Young Peacock.
BL00D.-1 entry—Kent's Young Pre-
—1st, John Glen; 2nd, Jas. Swenerton.
One -year -old. -2 entries—lst, D. McLar-
en; 2nd, Jas. Pickard.
GRADE BULLS.—No aged. Two -year-
olds. -1 entry—J. T. Manning. One.
year-old 2 entries—lst, R. Harvey; 2nd,
Wm. Baker.
The West Riding Spring Show.
The West Riding spring show was held,
at Smith's Hill, in the township.of Col-
borne, on Wedneaday of last week. The
day being very fine there was a large at-
tendance, and while the entries were
fully up to the average of other years,
the quality of steak, especial]. horses,
was superior, taken as a whol , to that
exhibited on any former occas on. The
following is the prize list: _
Best heavy draught stallion ( ged.), lst
prize, Simon Pure, aged three years past,
e hibited by Mr. John Joseph isher, of
C lbonaes 2nd prize, Bonny- Scotchman,
a ed four years past, exhibited by. Mr. J.
McDonagh, of Colborne.
Beat heavy draught stallion, foaled
since Jan. 1st, 1874, 1st prize, Lord. Duf-
ferin aged two years past,- exhibited by
Mr. W. L. Ferguson, of Colborne. The
judges also. awarded this horse a special
diploma for superior merits.
Best general purpose Stallion (aged),
1st prize, Young Conqueror of the West,
aged five years'exhibited; by Ni. H.
Beadle of East Wawanosh; 2nd. prize,
Forest King, aged live years, exhibited
by Mr. B. Fisher, of Colborne.
Best general purpose stallion foaled
since Jan. 1st, 1874 -1st prize awarded
to the fine three year old. arse exhibited
by Mr. John Cummings, L Hallett.
' Best Coacher or Roadster stallion (aged)
1st prize, Merry Legs, aged se en yeafi,
exhibited by Mr. John Mason, 4f Hullett;
2nd prize, Young Warrior, 4gecl nine
years, exhibited by Mr. James Johnston,
of Grey; 3rd prize, England.' Banner,
aged six years, exhibited by M
ton, of Colborne.
Best Coacher or R' °mister sta
ed since Jan. lst,1874-1st priz
ter, aged three years, exhibit
W. Walter,of Colborne; 2nd pr
of the Dominion, aged three ye
ited by Mr. D. Fiaher, of Colb
Best Coacher or Roadster, fc
Jan. 1st, 18715—lat prize, You
aged two years, iexhibited b
Walter, of ColborBune.
Best thoroughbred Durham, two years
and Over—lst prize, Ontario Chief, aged
two years, exhibited by Mr. R. Mutch,
of East Wawanosh; 2nd- prize Prince of
Peace, aged four years, exhibited by Mr.
D. Mcllwaine, of West Wawanesh; 3rd
prize, Rosy Prince aged two years, ex-
hibited by Mr. John Washington, of
Wsst Wawanosh.
Best thoroughbred Durham, under two
years—lst prize awarded. to the One year
old bull exhibited by Mr. Joseph Tews-
ley, of Colborne.
Best thoroughbred of any other breed
lst prize awarded to a superior Ayrshire,
aged three years, exhibited by Mr. Gor-
don Young, of Colborne.
The judges were Messrs. Wm. McLean
and A. M. Polley, of Goderich ; J. Mar-
quis of Goderich township; L. Hunter,
of lsborne, and. R. Currie, of East Wa-
Clinton Sprimg Show.
The spring show of the Hallett Branch
Agricultural Society, was held at Clin-
ton, on Tuesday last. The weather was
favorable, and the attendance of specta-
tors was unusually large. The show of
horses was good, and. embraced many of
the beat animals in the county. In bulls
also there was a fair show. The follow-
ing is the prize list:
HORSE.—Ileavy Draught-4ged-5
entries—lst "Bank of England,' John
Mason; 2nd, "Simon Pure," J. J.
Fisher. .
Two years old and under.—]entry—
"Young Frenchman," Alex. Innis.
General Purpose.—Aged-2 ntries--
1st Wm. Purdue's, 2nd George Oak's.
Two years old. -1 entry—JohnlVIason.
Road and Carriage. -3 ent 'es—lst
"Merry Legs," John Mason; 2d "Young
Hambletonian, John Beacom.
Bums. —Du rham Thoroughlered — 3
entries—lst "Oxford Butterfly." E. Man-
ning; 2nd, Mr. ,Ketchen's. To years
and. under. -1 entry—"Brea.dalbane,"
John Ransford.
Ayrshires.-1 entry—A. T. yerman.
Grades. -1 entry—Wm. Wescott.
JUDGES.—Horses--John Lent, Stan-
ley; John Moore, Lucknow ;v . Fish-,
er, Hullett. Bulls.—A. Elcoat, Tuck-
ersmith ; Robt. Scott, Hullett ; Wm.
Medd, West Wawanosh.
Creditor' Spring Show.
The spring show held in Crediton
on the lltk inst. was a decided
success, there being a large attend-
ance of people and horses. The Commit-
tee, after paying all prizes and expenses
find a surplus in hand, and the show
will most, likely become a permanent in-
stitution. The following are the prizes
awarded by the judges, Meiers. A.
Bishop, J. Miller, and J. Ratten ury :
"Crown Prince," owned by Oke, Bower-
man & Hodgson; 2nd, "Lion f Edin-
burg," J. Peck.
'at, "Heather Jock," Hawkshaw.
GENERAL PURPOSE. -1St, "11 rd For-
-tune," Sampson ; 2nd, "Coach an," L.
—1st, "King john," J. Hunt r • 2nd,
"Y. B. K." of England, W. McNamee.
FRENCH.— 1st, "French Lion," J.
Thompson. , .
Champion," J. R. Fisher.; 2nd, "Robby
Burns," J. Creighton.,
CANADIAN DRAUGHT -3 year -lid -1st,
"Young Scotch Miracle," A. Cadmore ;
2nd, "Young Scrotchman," William Mar-
tin. 1
. OARRIAGE.--lat, "Pride of Huron,"
L. Hunter; 2nd, •'Pride of Regland,"
H. Alexander.
BLOOD.—lst, "Lord Byron," G, Sellers;
2nd, "Young Pretender," J.' Kent.
Two -YEAR -OLD. -18t, " YOUll g Pea-
cock," J. Heycock ; 2nd, "Young Enter-
prise," J. Hamran. Special, • 'Young
England Glory," H. Motz., 1
• ' t
• Seaforth Spring' Show.
The Seaforth Spring Show for the ex-
hibition of entire stock was ield on
Thursday. The show, conside ing the
unfavorable aveather,was very su cessful.
Miring the whole day there wets a con-
tinuous down pour of ram. -There was
an excellent display of horses and several
good bulls. The following is the prize
list :
Heavy Draught—Imported-1-3 ent-
ries -I -1st Mason's "Bank of E gland";
2rid P. McEwen's "Enterpris ; 3rd
C lquhoun's "Glencairn."
Heavy Draughts. --Canadian reed -3
tries—lst Purdue's "Lord Beddow";
2 a Lacey's "Captain Lace"; 3rd
R nuis' "Honest Billy." Two-year-old.
—3 entries—lst McEwen's "Young
E terprise"; 2nd Smales' "You g Lord
Beddow" ; 3rd Dalgetty's ''Indian
C ief." Year -olds. -1 entry -0' onnor's
" addow."
General Purpose.—aged--4 entries -
1 t Horton's "Glory of the Do, inion";
21 d Herbison's "Phenomeno "• 3rd.
P rish's 'Young Entkerprise." T o-year-
oljds.-2 entries—lst Irvin'a "H rd Lad-
d 2nd Moir's "Young Enterprise."
, Carriage.—Aged-3 entries—lst Mas-
s n's "Merry Legs ;" 2nd, eacom's
"Hambletonian ;" • 3rd, Al xander's
"Pride of England."
Roadsters in Harness. -4 entries—lst
Whiteley -'s "Renforth ;" 2nd Johnson's
"Young Warrior ;" 3rd, • Rattinberry's
"young Revenge."
.DuRnAas BuLLs.-3 entries----ast Jas.
i Dickson, 2nd George Sproat, 3rd George
, Sproat.
Nott, Brussels ; Alex.
1 .t\fo cMurchie, Clinton; Thonias Bissett,
. F. Hor-
on, foal -
Joe Bax -
d by Mr.
ze Beauty
rs, exhib-
aled since
g Smiler,
Mr. W.
he South Huron Spring Show.
•The Spring Show under the auspices
of the South Huron Agricultural Society,
was held at Brucefield on Friday 'last.
he weather was very unfavorable, being
et'cold, and extremely disagreeable.
otwithstanding this draw -back, how-
ever, • there was a good attenFla,nce of
s ectators, but the Show was not so aw-
e ssful as many preceding ones. In the
a ed heavy dra,nght class of hoses there
as a- large display and many splendid
animals, but in the agricultural, general
purpose, and young classes o horses,
there was very little compet4ion. In
roadster horses there was a large turn
out, and many handsome animals. The
bulls shown were good but there were
very few of- them. The following is a
list of the successful competitors:
HEAVY DRAUGHT. —6 entries -- 1at
Colquhoun's "Glencaire; 2nd Mason's
"Bank of England"; 3rd Oak's "Crown
Prince." Three -year -old. -1 entry—Ma-
son's"Never Mind Him." Two-year-old.
—2 entries—lst P. McEwen's 'Young
Enterprise"; 2nd A-. Innis's "Young
[NoTE.—In the above class, the judges
would have awarded the first prize to
Fisher's "Simon Pure" had ]ie not !been
AOULTURAL AGED. -2 entries—lst
Purdue's "Young Netherby"; 2nd Laut's
"Young Netherby." Three -year -olds --
1 'entry—Parish's '"Young Enterprise."
Two -year -olds --2 entries—lst Moir's
"Young Enterprise."
GENERAL Po RrOSE.—aged-11 entry—
Horton's "Glory of the Dominion."
CARRIAGE, STALLIONS. —6 entries— lst
Hugh Alexnder's "Pride of England";
2nd Mason's `•Merry Legs"; 3rd Beacom's
JUDGES.—R. Gardener, Hibbert - K.
Ryan, Stratford; Jas. Broadfoot, Tck-
DURITS4.—aged-2 entries—lst John
Kitchen '• 2nd Alex. Mitchell. Two -
years. —2entries—lst Jas. Dickson ; 2nd
Geo. Sproat.
GRADE BULLS.—ageci-1 entry—Robt.
Elgie. 1
JUDGES.-L-WM. Graham, Brucefield ;
John Petty, Bensall ; F. -Fewler, Sr.,
Tr ckersmith. ,
Licenses for South Huron.
The following is a list of those who
woe applicants for liquor licenses in the
district of South Huron, showing those
to whom licenses were granted and to
whom refused:
Seaforth.—Granted—A. Davidson, T.
Stephens, J. Brigham, T. Foster, j.
Weir R. Hays. Refused—S. Powell,
J. McBride, E. Dawson-.
Exeter.—Granted—J. Oke, J. Hawk-
shaw, A Walper, E. Christie. Refused
—J. Owens.
Bayfield.—Granted--J.- Morgan, J.
Johnston, E. Elliott, J. Black. Refused
—H. W. McCann.
Stanley.—Granted—J. Turner, R. J.
Turner, H. Schaffer, W. R. Hodgins.
Refused—C. Seppett.
Ilsborne.—Granted — J. Cave, M.
White, J. W. Cathcart. Refused—C.
Wilson, J. Davis.
Stephen.—Granted—W. Cunningham,
W. 0. Moffatt, J. Cane, J. W. Carroll,
B. Span, J. A. Cameron, C. Ryan, tr.
Gorman. Refosed—W. Baker, W. Holt,
J. Pratt, W. Fletcher, M. Neville.
Hay.—Granted--J. Wilson, C. Purdy,
N. Deichert, J. Pran , 11. Orth, H.
Koch. Refused -1C. agoner, J. Du-
charrne. . 4 I
Tuckersmith.—Granted—J. Cox, C.
Dill, David Story. Refused—J. Daley,
W. Van Egrnond, W. Kyle.
Seeforth.—Granted—T. D. Ryan, T.
Kidd, A. 14avidson.
Exeter.--Granted--J. Carling, G. A.
Bayfield.— Granted—R. Morrison, T.
G. Marks.
Liquor Licenses for East Huron.
The following applicants were granted
licenses at the meeting of the East Huron
Copninissioners held in Brussels on Fri-.
day last :—For taverns McKillop—
Leyden, Hermann, C. Davis;
Bell, T. Stanley; Morris—C. Sage, Mc-
Culloch; Grey—W. Biernes W. Dames,
J. Tuck, I. Gill, T, Clark, j. Mills, A.
Egger; Turnberry—J. Patterson, R.
Ross, J. Cargill; Howick—Mrs. Days,
S. Gilmore, Leckie, Graham Parks,
Benstock, T. T. Headley, McGrath ;
Wroxeter—J. Gofton, Wm. Johnston,
James Crawford; Brussels—J. Parker,
McKinney Bros., J. Stretton, M. Moore.
Shop licenses-1-Brussels—T. Tait; Gorrie
—James Young.
$1,030. M. C. Cameron for plaintiff, no
counsel for defence.
Rowcliffe vs. Rowcliffe.—Action for
trespass.. Tried without jury, and ver-
dict for plaintiff by consent for $500,
• subject to subsequent awards of Isaac
F. Toms Esq. M. C. Cameron for plain-
tiff, j. H. Benson for defendant.
Lee vs. Tripp.—Action on account;
tried without, a jury. The plaintiff ex-
hibited an account from himself to de-
fendant, dated 29th June, 1876. Verdict
for plaintiff for $388. M. C. Cameron
for plaintiff.
TheGrend Jury presented. a true bill
in thecase of Queen vs. Wra. and An-
thony Webster, larceny. The prisoners
were arraigned and pleaded "not guilty,"
S. Malcolmson appearing for the defence.
Prisoners were charged. with stealing
axes and saws in Exeter in August last. -
The jury retired, and after an absence
of iaver an hour returned with a verdict
of "not guilty," and the prisoners were
Queen vs. John. Campbell.—A true bill
was reported by the, Grand Jury in this
case, one of forgery. His Lordship, at
the instance of Mr. Cameron, ordered a
subpseha to be issued on the part of the
Queen vs. John'A. McMullen.—A true
bill for Llarceny being reported. in this
case, prisoner was placed on trial, and
pleaded. "not guilty." The charge was
that he had stolen some lumber last
summer froni the contractor fo the
sewer constructed in Goderich at that
" time. The -contractor could not swear to
the 'amber, or pieces rather, and His
Honor dismissed the case in a most sum-
mary manner, the jury bringing in a ver-
dict of "not guilty" at his instructions.
Barr vs. Sheppard.—Action for sland-
er. The parties ifi this suit reside on
the 16th Con., Goderich township. In
September last Sheppard's daughter was
walking along the road in the evening,
clad in1white, and she passed Barr and
several other young men, whorn she de-
clares followed her some little distance
and assaulted her. The young menposi-
tively denied that they touche4 her -
Subsequently the plaintiff had the matter
cast up th himam several occasions, be-
ing charged with attempting a rape upon
her. Sheppard denied that he it ad ever
made such a statement, and that if the
story was in circulation he did not origin-
ate it. The jury returned a verdict for
defendant, M. C. Cameron for de-
On Saturday the first case was Mason
vs. 'Burrows.—An action for breach of
contract for sale of horse. Verdict by
consent for $1,150, subject to agreement
attached to record.
The Grand Jury brought in ,a finding
of "no bill" in the case of Queen vs. Dr.
Jos. -Wm. Browning, of Exeter, for shoot-
ing with intent.
Queen vs. Norman McIvor and Angus
McLeod.—The Grand. Jury brought in a
true bill in this case, for assaulting a
constable in the discharge of his duty..
The offence was committed in Goderich
on New Year's day last, the defendants
having attempted to liberate one Neil
McIvor from the custody of constable
Yule. A bench warrant was issued, at
the instance of Mr. Rock, for the pro-
duction of the bodies of the defendants.
On the prisoners appearing they entered
into their own recognizance in the amount
of $500 each to appear at the next court
of Oyer and Terminer.
Huron Spring Assizes.
The Spring Assizes opened before His
Honor Judge Galt, at the Court House,
qoderich, on Thursday afternoon of last
week. Warrea Rock, Esq. Q. C., acted
as Crown Counsel until Saturday, -when
- when
urgent business called him away, and
the remaining business was left in the
hands of Ira Lewis, Esq., County Crown
Attorney. Besides the members of the
County Bar, we noticed Christopher
Robinson, Esq., and J. L. Lyon, Esq.,.
both ofillForonto, among the disciples of
The Grand Jury' was impanelled as
follows: 1 George S roat, foreman; Peter
Cavan, John Oath ertson, Samuel Gib-
son, Wm: Logan, A. G. McDougall, S.
Sloan, Henry Steep, James Torrance,
John Washington, John L. Coultiee,
Daniel Gordon M. P. Hayes, Thomas
Murray, Daniel McColl,' Richard Sweet,
Humphrey Snell, John H. Taylor, Jolin
McRae. After His Lordship had char
ed the jury the court adjourned.
On Friday the court opened at 9 .&. M.,
when the Grand Jury brought in "no
bills" in the cases of Queen vs. Jonathan
Barber for larceny and Queen vs. Alt-
kins, same offence. The first case was
Grassie vs. Provincial Insurance Co., an
action on policy of insurance. The jury
was dispensed with. Mr. Grassie ap-
pealed for value of insurance on his car-
riage shop, which had been burned in
Seaforth last fall, and the company con-
tended that the renewal of the policy had
not been made in time. Verdict for
plaintiff, $820. Messrs. C. Robinson a ad
F. Holmested for plaintiff, Mr. J. L.
Lyon for defendants.
Benson vs. Ottawa Insurance Co. ---[In
this case Mr. Robertson made an apph a -
tion to His Lordship for an order to st e
Sheriff of Welland to deliver a witness',*
one Ferguson, to an officer. Order
granted. Venue changed to Stratford.
Ballantyne vs. Martin.—Action on
covenant deed; immediate execution
applied for and granted. Verdict for
plaintiff for $5,000, damages assessed at
The Grand Jury came into court with
their presentment, as follow% upon the
reading of which they were dismissed:
"The Jury of Our Lady the Queen beg
leave to present that they have examined
the jail and found every department par-
tisularly clean and orderly, under the
care of the jailor, Mr. Campaigne, and
the matron Mrs, Campaigne. We would
recommend that John Eaton and Robert
Ford, who are committed. for vagrancy,
and whose time has not yet expired, that
they be liberated; and we would recom-
mend that Daniel McKinnon and Patrick
Kelly, .who have been in jail since the
.15th January, for being unable tofurnish
articles to heep the peace, be' also liberat-
ed; end we regret to find two extreme
mei of insanity,namely,Mrs. Garside and
Caroline Ireland who are confined there,
and would recommend that the authori-
ties use every endeavour to have them
removed at an early date to the asylum.
We regret to state that a number of
cases which have come before us have
been caused by liquor. We beg to thank
Your Lordship for your instructions as to
our duty at the opening of the court, also
the Crown Counsel and Crown Attorney
for their assistanen'and attention to us
'during our. sittings. All of which is re-
spectfully submitted."
'Tweedlie vs. Bogie.—An action for
seduction, but the partiea having settled
the case,' the jury was dismissed. —Plain-
tiff received $250, and each party paid.
their:own costs. C. Robinson and. B.
L. Doyle for plaintiff, and. M. C. Gamer-
on for defendant.
Green vs. Page.— An action for slan-
der, the defendant being charged with
impugning the character of the plaintiff,
a milliner. The plaintiff not being
ready, owing to the sudden illness of her
most important witneas, the case was
postponed on the payment of the costs of
the day. B. L. Doyle for plaintiff, S.
tda ef ff oe rn dd a_n tA.
ction for tres-
pass and on covenant, the particulars
being that the defendant had leased the
land to a person who left it for a time
in the charge of his wife. In his absence
the defendant induced the wife to give a
release of the lease, and the action was
brought to -recover damages. Verdict
for pLaintiff in $89. C. Robinson and J.
11. Benaon for plaintiff, J. T. Garrow and
F. Holmested for defendant.
On Tuesday the first case was Brent
vs. Co oration of Brussels an action for
neglige e,e. The plaintiff appealed for
compen ation for injury sustained by a
fall lastI fall through an alleged defective
sidcwal. The injury was a broken leg,
the plauatiff being an old. woman. A
verdict was given in favor of Brussels.—
Mr. G. S. Brown sold his farm of 100
acres, near Meaford, for $6,000 cash.