HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-13, Page 8THE H
fturon txfootter
Tne.— Weesoet & YOUNG, Grocers,
seatorth, having learned that tea pedlars vie Ore-
grinaying through the country pretending to
offer great bargains in teal, beg to -warn the pub-
lic against all such plausible storiea. They are
preps red to furnish tea of every variety of a mush
supeelor quality at better rates than can possibly
be p hafted from any such irresponsible travel-
lers, and would recommend purchasers
with sponsible houses which have a reputation
to su tain, instead of purchasing from these tray -
elle who are here to -day and away to -morrow.
An ination of eur stock and prices le respeet-
fully solicited, and. we guarantee satisfaction.
Wu, me & Youree. 483.
F ESII Garden and Flower Seeds just
arrived it Wesson's Drug Store. Robinson's
Cha C bba e Large York' and others, Car-
Perfection Mad Beet, 1000 to 1 Beans, But-
eans, Winsdor Beans, Scarlet Nantes Car-
Veitch's Autumn Giant Cauliflower, Early
, Cimumbers, Tomatoes, Turnips, Carrots,
golds, and Field Seeds—all !above by ounce
onnd. Sweet Mignonette, Double Portobel-
lo, 'may's, Petunias, and all Flower Seeds. No.
1 ndition Powders for horses and oattle—sold
by t e pound. 488
OTICE is hereby given that . I have
hased the right for thill County of the
rrie Patent Stove Pipe Damper and Sperk
Ext gnisher. All Orders left for the Damper at
• 's Grocery will be promptly fined. eWen
. FAIRLEY has the best selection ofi
Can ed Fruit in town, comprising Peaches, Pears,
Pia if 0, Pine Apples, Tomatoes, &o. Abe a new,
afoul rtment of Potted Meats, suitable fer break -1
fast, luncheon &c. 488. •
BROWNELL, kas a few
bu hels of the Minneeota Wheat yet. Femora
to seenre a sample for seed would do
we3 to call early. Plenty of Corn always o
had. 488
MEMBER the Grand Opening of the
Mi nery aud Mantle Show Room Id HoFFIsAti
Be THERS', to -morrow, Saturday:April 14, day
an evening. Call and see the styles. 483-1
. FAIRLEY, Seaforth. is selling Teii
io per cent. cheaper than ever. To arrive on.
nday, April 16, a line of choice Japan Tee
w oh will be sold at a bargain.' 48‘5
FEED, Fenix—Barley, Canadisn Oats
aid Pess,in Lots 01 10 bushels wad upwards, if
N. 6 -Storehouse. Enquire at the Market. JAMES
A considerable breadth WM sown list
fall, and it is the fervent hope of all that
a bountiful harvest may be reaped.
SPRING Snows.—As the Spring Shaw
seSSOn is now close It hand we would
direct the attention of all those interested
to our table of dates id another part of
this issue.
PERSONAL—Mr. A. Campbell who left
Seaforth a year or two ago and who has
since been as far as the Week Hills has
been in town for a few days past. Mr.
Carepbell says that he intends returning
to the Black Hills to engage in mining.
—Rev. Dr. Ure, of Goderich, will
preach 'in the Canada Presbyterian
anrch in this town on Sunday, next at
the usual hours. Mr. .Ure and Mr.
G-oldsmith exchange pulpits.
Holm CHANGE. --Mr. D. D. Rose bas
disposed of his hotel business to Messrs.
R. L Sharp and John Brigham. Messrs.
Sharp and Brigham are both well known
as popular and competent landlords, and
both of them thoroughly understend the
running of a hotel, and the public may
rely that under the management of the
new firm, the excellent reputation which
this houroe has long enjoyed will be well
and worthily sustained. We have pleas-
ure in welcoming Mr. Brigham as a citi-
zen of our town once more. , Mr. Rose
intends engaging in the butter business.
Museoee.—We are pleased to know
that a great number of our towns -people
have connected themselves with Prof.
Millard's music class. The music they
are rehearsing is the Cantata of Esther,
the beautiful Queen. This is one of the
Most popular oratories that has yet been
performed in this country. The solos
.areeif a very high oeler, and varied to
suit any voice, from•the 'highest soprano
or tenor to the deepest alto or bass,while
the choruses are calculated to display
great harmony and power. We are
pleased to learn from the Professor that
there is talent in our town competent to
take all the parts in a far superior style
to many of our cities and larger towne
where he has performed it before,' No
doubt, with the elegant wardrobe with
Which Mr. Millard dresses the piece and
the large number of singers taking part,
over one hundred voices his per-
formance will be the richest' our town
has ever had.. Notice will be given next
ATTIE. 481
THOMAS 'KIDD'S Emporium. Grand
opening of Millinery on Wednesday and Thurs.
d y, APril 18th and 19th. 487
A LARGE stock of Pickles and Saucer
lo sale cheep at FAIRLEY'S Cash Grocery„Sea-
fo th. 488 I
LOVERS of Pumpkin Pie can get suP-
pl!ed with Pumpldn Meal at J. PAnix.ev's, Sea -
forth. 4t8 ,
THE LACROSSE CLUB. —A meeting for
the purpose of re -organizing the Seaforth
1 Grosse club will be held at Fosterls
otel on Tuesday evening next. i
Been BALL.—A meeting will be 'held
t Currie's saloon this (Friday) evening
f rasteh Be aplui rp oClubse ancoizmininggthseeasSotT4ar.
ofor r e -thrge
full attendance is particularly desir
' BIG MEN. —Two residents of this town,
Messrs,' Hugh Balkwell and Michael Mar-
key, were weighed a few days ago and
brought down the scales at 475 poun is,
1VIr. Balkwell weighing 228 pounds aid
Mr. Markey 247 pounds.
Wingham Lodge, and theie togel ther with
the people of the .village and vicinity
filled the house to overflowing. The
chair was occupied by Mr. Joseph Leech.
The programme consisting of singing,.
recitations, dialogues and readings was
well arranged and carried out. The
brothers and sisters from Wingham took
a very active part in the proceedings of
the!evening, and on the whole' the enter-
tainment was a very profitable and suo-
cessfal affair. '
• Oarronbrook.
Pees:ewe —Among the Canadians
who have recently received, the degree
of M. D. at Ann Arbor' University,
Michigan, we notice the name of William
H. MCKenzie son of Mr. James McKen-
zie, of Carron'brook.
To AnvannSERS.—Advertizers destr-
ng a change of advertisement will pleaee
ve notice at this office not later then
ONDAY NIGHT of each weeek, in ord r
o ensure„a change.. It is not necessa y
to furnish the copy for the new advertise-
ment so early, but simply to give notiee
of the desire to change. The copy ter
the change to be sent in by WEDNESDA Y
Whiteley leas recently purchased aid
MoRE -GOOD HORSES. -- Mr. George
brought to town two very handsome en-
tire horses, both of which are well bred
and have good records for 'speed. Mr.
Whiteley's venture will, we have every
confidence, prove remunerative to him
as they are both animals which, as ee-
gards speed and breeding, have alrea!ly
made their mark.'
Home Ateuseaannes. — Mr. JosephMarshall, who conducted the Victoria
Skating Rink so successfully during the
winter season, has now his gymnasihm
about completed. It is nightly crowded
with the young people of the town who
engage in the variousm
gynastic exercises
and athletic sports. ' This is la good. end
healthy amusement and will no doebt
prove beneficial both to Mr. Marshall
and his patron.
• .
VAIN BOASTING.—We aro frequently
not a little amused at the egotistical
boastings of some Of our local contem-
poraries, notably , the Goderich Star and.
Mitchell Advocate, respecting their Mr-
culhtiens, &c. We have never deemed
it worth while to notice those boasting
effusions, as they seem to "please they
and. don't hurt we," and, besides, we be-
lieve the public are sufficiently intelli-
gent to.appreciate worth in a journal as
well as in an' individual, unaided by self
laudation. • •',We only refer to the Matter
now to recommend all those who may
peruse the following extract, from the
last named paper, to " take it" with a
very large grain of salt "We eom-
" memorate our Seventeenth anniversary
"with a circulation greater than that of
"any journal in Ontario outside of the
"Cities, with the exception, perhaps, of
" the Guelph Mercury. Our printing
establishment is the most complete
"in this or' the six neighboring coun-
" I
COUNCIL MEETING.—At the meeting
Tece Menerroen, FEVER. 'everal in
this village and, ticinity have been smit-
ten with the Manitoba Felt+. Among
Mr. Robert
that Prov -
ext week.
d if sat-
nds taking
g into the
others our respected Reeve,
Brown, intends starting for
ince in a prospecting tour
Mr. C. Bauer goes with him,
isfied with the country, int
up land with tie view of go'
flax business.
the electors of the township
were called upon to record
for or against th bonus to al the Strat-
ford and Huren Railway Company,
which resulted in a defeat fo the by-law
by about 200 of a majority.
ROBBERY. —Dar. Thos. McLennan, a
farmer who lives a few Miles from this
place, was robbed of about$60 last Tues-
day morning. I It appears that an old
friend of Mr. McLennan'a had been stay-
ing over night, land apparently knowing
of the whereabouts of the money, had
risen earlier than usual and left with the
above named sum. Mr. McLennan pro-
cured the assistance of Deputy -bailiff
Young and started in pursuit, with what
success we diclI not learn. , Should the
• "old friend" allow himself to be caught,
it is likely he Will be acco odated with
free lodgings in Kingston fo a few years.,
onday last
of 'Howick
heir votes,
onded by Wm. Grieve, that the 'motion
passed relative to granting $30 on each
cencession line in each ward for grading
or gravelling .providing the ratepayers
give anequivalentbe amended as follows,
viz. :—That $15 be granted to 4ch mile
and a quarter on each concession line for
said purpose.—Carried. -Movedby Alex.
Kerr, seconded by John 'Horan, that the
Treasurer's bonds as now pres nted and
read be accepted.—Carried. Moved by
Wm. Grieve, seconded .by Wm. Evans,
to meet
turday in
to be
une next.
that this Connell do now jou
at Davis's hotel on the first
May next to hold a Court of
and other purposes, said Co
postponed, and held again at
hotel on the first Saturday in
BIBLE SOCIETY.—The following officers
and committee for the Seaforth branch of
the Bible Society have been appointed for
the current year: President, Rev. Geo.
Buggin ; Secretary and Treasurer Robt.
Lumsden Committee—Win. Hill, Jelin
Beattie, F. Holinstead, Dr. Vercoe, I L.
Mabee, D. D. Wilson'Hugh Robb, J.
Dickson, and A. Wilson. The sum of
$85.90 has been collected in connection
with this branch this season.
THE BOSS EGG.—Mr. Davh1 Yuill, of
this town, left with us; a few days ago, ana
• mamotla egg, which, for size, has not
yet been beaten by anything we have
seen in the "big egg" line. It measures
8!s inches the one way by 6i inches the
other, and weighs 41 ou.nces. It was
layed by a common black hen of unusnal-
, ly small size. Mr. Yuill informs us that
this little fowl furnishes lum with atilegg
nearly as large ae this one once a Week
during the laying season.
EXAMINATION. —The regular quarterly
examination ofi the pupils of School Sec-
tion No. 9, Turnberry, was held on Mon-
day the 26th Ult. The pupils were ex-
amined in the various subjects usually
of the Town Council, held. on Monday
evening last, the auditor' abstract was
read and ordered to be published. In
compliance with a request from 'the fire
brigade, Mr. John Campbell was ap-
pointed chief engineer, and Mr. White-
law assistant engineer. The sum of $10
was also voted for the use of the com-
pany, the Money to be placed in the
hands of the captain, Mr. James A.
Cline, and its expenditure to be account-
ed. for by him to the Council. A reso-
lution was passed authorizing the pay-
ment to Mr. Whitelaw of the balance of
the bonus money due him, so Boon as he
furnishes satisfactory security to theConn-
cil for the fulfilinent_of the conditions of
the by-law. The bond of the collector
and his sureties was accepted as satie-
factory. The Council meet on MOnday
evening next to consider the transient
traders by-law, the Silver Creek drain-
age, and other matters.
taught in the
teacher Mr.
Messrs. King,
teachers, and
MONEY. --Parties desirous of orrowing
money on real estate security would do well to
give me a call before closing
where, as I can offer the beat of terrahnitoenbtoserelose-w-
ers. All applications for loans Oddly confident
tial. Mortgages bought on favorable terms.
Office in Leckie's Block, Brassels COoPza.
New APPOINTMENT.—At a Meeting of
Council on Tuesday last Thomas English
was appointed village constable.
COMMENCED, —Wm. 11. McCracken has
commenced the excavation for the foun-
dation of his new brick store and dwell-
has sold his store and dwelling in Brus-
sels to Mr. G. Stevens, of Gr Y, on Pri-
vate terms.
e THE Senine- Subw. —The ,G ey Branch
Agricultural Society will 1 DId their
spring show at Brussels, ox Tuesday,
April 17th.
MORE HOTELS. —The Lic.nce Com-
missioners of Noeth Huron have request-
ed. the Council of Brussels to have a
special census taken, as, on 'account of
the large increase during the last year,
more hetet accommodation is thought
THEATRICAL—The Townsend. Family
and Troupe gave two entertainments
during the week in the town hall. They
were well patronized. In return- they -
give another entertainment on Tuesday
evening next for the benefit of the Brus-
sels brass band. The plays for that
night will be Lord Lytton's beautiful
play, entitled "Lady of Lyons," and
' My Neighbor's Wife. ' • The troupe are
wellup,; and the playa are well sustained
throughout. Give the band a full house.
Public Schools, by their
eorge King,assisted by,
Thomson 4ud Burgess,
others. TIey acquitted
themselves very dommenda ly, which re-.
fleets great credit on the r teacher, as
well as on themselves fo their energy
and perseverace. Their knowledge of
Geography, History an4 Arithmetic
✓ during the
Id be desired,
e inclement
there was a
'sitors, chief -
n, and about
as. brought to
r their respece
satisfied with
J. Neelands, Fame, and fined! one Wan-
dred dollars. (the lowest penalty thail Can
be imposed), payment to be made ith-
in seven days, in default of wbicbj the
offender goes to jail, the -re to tem • un-
til the fine is paid.
—Mr. James Smith, carpenter,
eels, purchased the east half of 1
con. 6, Grey, together with the
stock and implements, from Mr. :9
for $2,520. . --
-Mr. W. Cudmore, of Clinton,
ped the other day for Toronto, a
ling steer which weighed 1,170 po
He Owns another which weighs
—Mr. Edward Leech, upon rein ing
the Superintendency of the Methodist
Sabbath School, Gorrie, was peesented,
by the pupils with a set of Dr. Clarke's
Commentary, valued at $20.
—That was a fleece worthy ofnote
which Mr. W. Brunsden, liing near
Londeaboro, clipped from a "beep hits
he had killed the other day. The lelec
we ed 19 pounds.
ingham came very near having
one Yconfiagration recentlyJ The fir1,
which originated in a cellar'was disco
ed before much headway hed been gai
ed, and subdued with a few -pails of w 1 -
ter. .
• —The Church Warden of the Goshen
Line congregation, recently presented.
their pastor, Rev. Thos. Watson, Of Bay-
field, with a large load of oats and a en ,
of money, thus showing their apprem
tion of his labors amongst them. . •
—A very successful social was held in
the school house at Ethel on Monday
evening of last week. The entertain-
ment consisted of refreshments, readings
and recitations, and vocal and instrh-
mental rnursic. The proceeds amount Ict
to $27.
—John Henley, a laborer, aged abo1Lt
48 years'poisoned himself in Exeter
Thursday night bytaking a dote
arsenic, and died at three o'clock on Fr
day morning. He -leaves a wife and
large family. Cause not known.
—The Blyth Review has =spenderl
publication for the present, .and the
plant has been purchased bg two of the
sohd men of that place, who purpose
putting a first-class hand' in charg.,e,
and running it in the Conservative in-
t 9,
was really goo
proceedings w
and, notwith
weather and
a very good a
ly parents, from the seal
5 o'clock the examination
a close,when all departed f
tive places of abode, highl
the proceedin s of the day
. The ord
all that co
tending t
e bad road
tendance of
WATER.—On Monday morning last Dr.
Gouinlock and Mr. W. S. Robertson, of
this town, started from Egmondville for
Bayfield in a bark canoe. They left Eg-
mondville about 7 o'clock on. Monday
morning and reached Bayfield, sailing
around the pier out into the lake by
Tuesday night, making the journey in
about two days, They reached Varna
the first night. • They think, hewever,
that if they were going again, now that
they know the "lie of the land," they
could make the distance -48 miles—in
about 12 hours. During the voyage they
met with several queer adventures.
When near Clinton, and while attempt-
ing to get their canoe under a log it cap-
sized tnrning-them into water neck -deep
and givingthem a cold bath which -at
this seasonof the year could not have
been very enjoyable. At several places
their progress was interrupted by jams
of driftwood, one of which, about live
miles on this side of Bayfield is nearly
two miles in length. Of course wher-
ever these occurred they had to shoulder
their craft and portage it around until
they came to clear water again. Both
gentlemen, notwithstanding these little
difficulties, were delighted with th eir
trip and describe it as most exciting and
exhilaratiog. Of course we don't doubt
their sincerity, bat we think we should
yet prefer the old-fashioned mode of
locomotion to Bayheld.
REAL ESTATE SALE.—The auctien salele
of Mr. Maolm's town property, held on
Tuesday last, was very fairly attended,
and bidding was toleeably spirited. ll'he
brick residence and grounds were pur-
chased by Dr. Vercoe for $2,600, and
the ,Smith property was knocked doevn
to Mr. Lyali for $1,020. Both proper-
ties are well worth the money paid for
them. Dr. Vercoe intends selling, his
present residence, and.' will occupy the
one he has recently purchased.
has disposed of his soda water business
and stock in trade to Messrs. Alexander
Slinamon and Henry Colbert, of Egmond-
vine. These gentlemen are making pre-
parations to carry on this business en an
extensive scale in connection with the
Egmeiadville brewery. They are both
enterprising reliable men and will, no
doubt do a large business. 'Mr. Meyer has
some intention of removing to the States
if he can make suitable arrangement.
THE WEATHER.—The weather for the
past week has been all the most fastidi-
ous could desire. The roads, ander the
influence of the genial sun, are becoming
dry and cleeety, and. the snow has already
disappeared. The frost also in inost
places is out of the ground, and work in
the fields has become general. On almost
every farm plowmen. are busy at work,
and in some instances seed has been sown.
We are glad to learn from all acceunts
that the fall wheat has stood the winter
well, and now that it is relieved ef its
winter covering looks healthy and green.
EARLY PLOWING. —Mr. John Thorp
commenced to plow on,his farm on the
2nd Concessicin on Monday hat, and on
e !sowed a
field with sp
John Camero
heard from.
ceived anoth
Parent" of
Township Sc
a large space in this issue being taken up
with corneal
Wks ere oblige
next week. '
from the ver
a general can
ment of Tu
otherwise, and elsolo th
Township Board system.
only prevail upon our cowesohepersopalities and
ng l wheat.
? The m
r communi
chool Secti
ool matters
fohrteen acre
Where is Mr.
road must be
We have re-
ation from "A
n No. 2, on
but owing to
ications on other subjects,
to defer this one until
his discussion has diverged
• simple point first raised to
ass of the chool manage-
keismith, lllnancially and
merits of the
If we could
respondents to
rsonal insinu-
ations, and confine themselves to a dis-
cussion of the Township Board system
and its practical advantages and disad-
vantages as exemplified hy its working
in Tuckersin th, the dischssion would be
both interestling and useful. It is a sub-
ject which will stand dispussion, and the
experience of its practical working which
those who have taken an interest in
school matters in this township have
had, will enable them to treat it in an
intelligent manner. If therefore, we
could draw this controversy into a dis-
, cussion of thp merits of the system as
exemplified y its practical operation in
our contribu
quire as we
7 7
APRIL 13, 1877.
t-777— 777
A. G. McD01101.1. &
Stanley. 1
Courecee PROCEEDINGS.—The Council
met pursuant to adjournmeneat Varna,
on Saturday, March 31. rembers all
present, the Reeve in the hair. Min-
utea of last meeting read and adopted.
Petition from Win. Carnie and 50 others,
asking that the limits of school section
No. 4 be altered. Moved by Mr. Aiken -
head, seconded by Mr. Douglas, that the
sum of $3 18 be paid Mr. McDonald for
gravel taken from Ins pit foe the London
Road, certified to by Mr. McQueen,
pathmaster—Carried. Moved by Mr.
Castle, seconded by Mi. MOKialey, that
the clerk notify the Reeve of Bayfield
that we demand the interestUue by Bay-
field to Stanley, and that no account for
gravel be recognized—Carried. Moved
by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Me-
Kinley, that lots Nos. 1 and 2, in the
'London Road West "Conceasion, be .de-
tached from school section No. 4 and
amended to No. 3; that a by-law be
framedand passed at the next meeting
of Council ; also that the clerk notify all
parties concerned—Carried Moved by
Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. Aikenhead,
that the following amountslbe apportion-
ed to the respective concession lines, viz.,
2 and 3, $115 ; 4 and 5, $1100 ; 6 and 7,
$100; 8 and p, 000 ; 10 ,nd 11, $115 •
12 and 13, $120, and SaublLine, $150---"
Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, sec-
onded by Mr. McKinley, that this Coun-
cil grant the sum of $200,1 for the pur-
pose of improving the town line of Hay
and Stanley, provided the Council of
Hay grant an equal amount, to be ex-
pended under the inspection of the Reeve,
Mr. Douglas and r. M4Kinley—Car-
ried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded
by Mr. Aikenhead, that $10 be granted.
to Mr. John Lee and wif, , an indigent
couple, to be expended by Mr. Aiken -
head on such necessaries as he deems
most required—Carried. Moved by Mr.
McKinley, seconded by Mr. Aikenhead,
that Mr. Castle be paid iis outlay for
registering a deed of hall •site and the
McNair gravel pit lease— arried. Mov-
ed by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr.
Castle, that this Council do now adjourn
to meet on the last Saturday in April, at
2 o'clock P. M.—Carried.
we would heerfully afford
ors the space they might re -
believe that the more thor-
oughly the subject is diseussed, and the
longer experienee the pedPle have of the
system, the More will the public become
convinced o its benefits and advantages.
COUNCIL EETING.—The Council met
at the McKillop hotel—formerly Mr.
Saturday, 7th April. Mem-
nt. Moved by Alexander
ed by John II,oran, that the
meted to give the necessary
publication I relative to the
sale of that portion of the
• allowance in front of Lots
the first don, of McKillep,
, and that a byelaw be sub-
. assed by his Council con
sale thereof at its next meet -
Leslie 8—on
bers all pres
Kerr, seem
Clerk be ins
notice and
stopping an
original roa
28 and 29, i
Mum Road
mitted and -
firming the
ing to be he d at Davis's hotel o? Satur-
day, 5th of elay next.—Carried. Moved
by Alexander 'Kerr, seconded by John
Horan, that the Clerk be instructed to
notify the occupant of the Soutb-east
—Mr. Billingsley, of Winghani, net
with aesevere accident while assisting
to back a car at the station on Gdpd
Friday. By some means he slipped Un-
der the car and became doubled up be-
tween the oil box and the ties. It is
feared that he is inwardly injured.
—The Clinton New gra is down on
"cheeky and persistent agents," and
tells a tale wherein a long poker with a
crook on the end of it, had to be called
into requisition: in order to have the
street door intervene • between he
"cheeky one" and the editor.
si=)RING1- ICI-coOrys.
thf) F0110117111g Lines Complete:
OBEY _COTTONS—D11.3a0, Lybsber, Cornwall:
and Norwood, American.
WHITE COTTONS—la 141 the Finest Makes.
AMERICAN DUCKS—In Brown, White, Drab,.
Checks, Stripes, and lew Patterns.
COTTON SIIIRTINGS—Regattas, Fancy Checks
and Stripes.
Bleaches Roller.
TOWELS --Linen, Cotto
centd to 80 °elite.
and 80 cents per ya
part of Lot 33 in the 14th Con., to dig a
Bluievale. ditch through said property, as it appears
NEW SAW Mieee—Messrs. William H. the water having no outlet, in damaging
, and =Joseph Leech intend erecting a new and obstruc
saw mill this suminer on the same place Carried.
I where the old one 4ow stands. ordered. to
LECTURE.—Rev. G. Roscamp, of Wing-
stiucted to
ham, will lecture in the Primitive Metho-
his fence o ,
dist Church, Bluevide, on Monday even- 6Dun
ing next. His subject is "Ghosts."
a son of Mr. Josep
ris, was going holn
with a load of barley, his team became
unmanageable while coming down the
hill at the pond. The horses ran for
some distance, finally striking the wagon
against a log, breaking the axle and scat-
tering the grain. Neither the boy nor
the team was hurt, but the wagon is
considerably damaged.
TEMPERANCE. —The Independent Order
of Good Templars of this village gave a
free entertainment in the Orange Hall on
Wednesday evening, April 4th. There
was quite a number present from the
and earried
Tuesday night, While
McKinney, of Mor-
e , from the station
ing the roa
e paid. T
notify Patrick Dayer to move
the stre t 'between Lots 5
's survey, in the village of
It wa moved, seconded
that as i appears, our town-
ncial affairs do not
inie past, according
er's statement, that
inted to investigate
at said place.—
f accounts were
e Clerk was in -
ship and county fin
correspond for some
to the Clounty-Treasn
a cotnmissidn be app
the same, chreposed df Dr. Coleman, Mr.
Turnbull a d the Clekke said commission
being auth rized to demand from the
township o cials any papers, accounts,
books or documents in ', their possession
that, may be required. 'Moved by Alex.
Kerr, seconded by Wm. Grieve, that the
Clerk be in tructed to amend the School
Section by- aw in accordance with the
motion pass d at last meeting, and that
the school Map be arranged accordingly.
—Carried. I Moved by Alex. Kerr, sec-
Huron Notes.
• A gentleman who lives near Exeter has
100 tons of hay for sale. 1
—An Orange Young Briton lodge is to
be organized in Blyth.
leaving Wal -
dune in Mani-
-Several parties intent.
ton shortly to try their fo
Obit. •
—Mr. Donald McLaullin has bought
the McLean farm, Lot 2, Con. 7, Grey,
for $7,000.
• —Wm. Lewis, of Step
his stallion, "Canada Ban
fpr the season. .
—Mr. Alva Baker a fe
the last of his farm ne
nearly $800 an acre.
—R. Craven,Of Londe
bailed out of jail; has disa
a lot of unsettled claims.
—It is stated that a la
has lately become heiress
$40,000. We hope the r
—Mr. Fitton, of Exeter, has present-
ed the Bible Christian Church at Cen-
tralia with a handsome new time-
—On Good Friday so
were publicly received i
lowship in the.Bible Ch
L --Mr. Sheppard., of
ship, is erecting a g
Blyth, 20x50 feet, nearl
lock's hotel.
—Ready - made cloth
clothes -lines in the back
and handy. So think s
sels poor whites, at least
• —Mr. Joseph Leech, f Bluevale, has
a large number of sas logs, waiting
further operations, on t1ie banks of the
Maitland at Jamestown.
—The proprietors of the Cranbrook
cheese factory have secu ed the services
of John Morrow, of Mc11lop, as cheese
maker for the coming se son.
—Messrs. Henry Hamlton aud Thos.
Forbes have been elected Wardens, and
Mr. R. Pattison Secretary and. Treasur-
er, of St. George's Church, Walton.
—Mr. Caven, .of Goderich, Inspector
of Inland Revenue, on Wednesday °fleet
week seized an illicit still on the prem-
ises of Samuel Garrett, Wingham. Gar-
rett was arraigned before B. Wilson and
—Mr. T. W. Pomroy, the clairvoy nt
doctor, was summoned by Mr. Smith a
detective employed by the Medical. As-
sociation of Ontario, for practising medi-
cine without a license. He was taken
before Mr. Crabb, Goderich, who fined
him $50 and dosts, in all $62.
—Mr. Richard L. Holmes, son of T.
Holmes, Esq., of Wingham, Who has
been managing a law office in Brussels
for some time back, left for Toronto
on Tuesday last, to prosecute the study
of law. Mr. R. L. Holmes is well and
favorably known, almost since his chilocl-
hood, in the neighborhood of Blyth,
Wingham and Brussels.
—Mr. Twitchell, of Clinton is manu-
facturing team harness for lir. White-
head, to be used in executing his con-
tract on the Pacific Railroad. He will
have 1.8 set ready by the opening'of
navigation. Messrs. Rumball & 1 Leslie,
of the same place, are making four
wagons and one carriage for the same
—Mr. Wm. Dickson, who has been for
some time teacher in the school on the
Ilth. Concession of Grey, was recently
presented with two volumes of the Do-
minion Encyclopedia and. a beautiful
album by the pupils attending his school. -
Mr. Dickson intends retiring from hisSUPERFINE BLACK,
• position as teacher shortly, with the
purpose of further pursuing his studies.
—eta equestrian came to sorrow In
Clinton, a few days ago. While riding.
along one of the streets he was, by some
unaccountable means pitched head fore-
most into the mud. ilia feet remaining'
in the stirrups, he was in an awkward
position, but his horse standing, and
assistance being, rendered, he was nte-
hurt getting a liberal coating of
—At the close of the examination in
the Ontario Vetterinery College, Toronto,
last week, the graduates presented their
photographs in a , group, handsomely
framed, to Dr. J. T. Duncan; V. S.,
Goderich, as a small token of esteem for
him as one of the lecturers. As our
readers are aware Mr. Duncan has been
absent from town during the winter
filling an official capacity at the college,
and we are pleased to record this evi-
dence'of his success, and manife“ation of
appreciation of his services.
—Mr. Christopher Crow, in I a- letter
dated Kelso Nebraska March 26 in -
rash, and Brown and
and Turkish.
d and Unbleaohed.,
11 Qaalitiee, from 10
Great variety of Colors
t 20 'cents, 25 cents,
SILKS—Biaok, Gros de
reasonable, makes a
Ltuitres, Brocade Lu
mos, Duchess Clo
French All Wool
Brnwn, Fancy Stri
new shades, Black
Thibet Cloth, linage
French Merinos.
Greys, Solids, and
in all to select fro
HOSIERY—Full Range
White, Balbrieffana
Heather Stripes, an
GLOVES—Ladies' Kid
also Job Lot, very
pair. dugs' Kid
and Fancy Driving
make and all price
manse Variety.
SIDE UMBRE.LLAS—Irhe Cheapest weever bad.
VVeod, Marble, anal -
Suet, rich and prise
eautiful Dress.
tree, SilkWarps, Baler-
, Matellissee Cloth,
areges in Orreys and!
Goods, new makes and
ashmeres, Paramattas,
Baratheas, and
dders, Purples, Enka. ,
ourning-300 patterns
in Plain and Ribbed
Spanish Brown ana
Bock Dye.
osephine, Felix Combo
good, at 50 cents per
all colas, Lisle Thread
TS—In best American.
in and Fancy.
—All Qualities.
all alma, both Ladi
and Colored.
8—Beat Assortment Is
rown, Black, and Green,
s' and Gents'.
ask, All Wool.
CARPETS—Union, All Wool, and Tapestry, best
value in Seaforth.
. Jots, and erseys.
en, has taken
," to Michigan
days ago sold
r Hensall, for
boro, recently
peered leaving
y in Wroxeter
to a fortune of
port may prove
e 120 persons
to church fel-
Stian Church,
oderich town-
ocery store in
opposite Pol-
ing • from the
yards is cheap
me of the Brus-
forms the Brussels Post that he arrived
safely home about a fortnight previously.
On his return he found that a good deal
of grain had been sown, and gives it as
his opinion that the breadth of "small
grain "to be sown by farmers this year
will range from 50 to 100 acres. All the
Canadians who went with him took up
land. Francis Crow bought 480 acres
G. Walls 320, and John Ainley 80, all
"as good land as the United States
—Quite a nitniber of people in the
vicinity of Goderich have been gulled by
another Yankee trick. Not long ago
circulars were reeeived here in large
numbers, setting forth that the town of
Oxford, Texas, was extending its bounds,
lots were being laid out and a deed for
one of them could be purchased. for $1.
Furthermore, any one holding a deed
would receive an excursion ticket free
from any of the leading cities of the
United States and return, s4 that he
might go and see his purchase. The
Mayor of Cincinatti announcethat his.
chief of police ha si made enquiries and
found the whole thing to be a fraud.
The people of Goderich, and the county
who have been bitten, may give up I all
hopes of a free ride to Texas,for the pre-
axonies, Chillians, Ch.ev-
BROAD --Costing.
Weeded Worsted Goat -
Inge, great variety of Patterns.
Brown, Blue, and ottle :Green.
DOYLIES and Antth
Spring Shows.
Shows for the Exhibition of Entire Stock will
be held in this County this season as follows:
South Huron, at Brucefield, on Wednesday,
April IS.
West Huron, at Smith's Hill, on Wednesday,
April 11.
East Huron, at Wroxeter, on Wednesdasc Ap-
ril 18.
Seaforth, at Seaforth, on Thursday, April 19.
Stephen and Ushome, at Exeter, on Friday,
April 13. e
Willett, at Clinton, on Tuesday, April 17.
Morris, at Blyth, on Thursday, April 12.
Grey, at Brussels, on Tuesday, April 17.
Glove Fitting.
m Lace.
t Variety, American sua
w lot just arrived, very
TRIMMINGS -di -Of all the new kinds and Colors
in Fringes. Tasses and Cords.
BUTTONS—In all tie Fashionable Lines.
4. G. McDbUGALL & Go.
Beg to intimate to the Ladies of Seaforth an&
surrounding country' that they have added to
their General 'Dry 1oods Business the Maria -
facture of
In all the NEWEST STYLES and Made of the
FINEST MATERI This Department is
under the Charge of
In whom we have
mending to them, w
Orders. Ladies will
very confidence in reoom-
o =ay favor us with their
find in this Department
• Of the Very Latest antle Cloths to Select from
Combined with Mo erate Charges, Guaranteed.
Of our Own man
large Stock of Fore
tu.re, in addition te a very
Make. We invite a Call.
4. G. larcDOUGALL &
ROLE NO. 489.
SATE.—That commodious
corner -John and. ja
particulars enquire of the own
-BENSON, Seaforth.
venient and desirable residen
of High and Market 8treet54, now
'Vercoe. Apply to DR. VERCO
WOR SALE.—Lot No. 2, Corner
Elizabeth streets, and Lot 12
way street, Seaforth. For prie
CANN, Hibbert, Seaforth P.O.
-"- hey, -with good aecommodati,
also good stabling and -driving at
of land more or less. It iU be
ply to gr.s. 0. DILL, Seaforth
For Sale in Egmonaville, ah
Braiding Lot containing half an
drained, planted with trees, Audi
lies on the oast side of the road b
ing mill and Egmenthille, and fat
Anply at the EXPOSITOR Office
-I; 7, Stanley, containing 50 aere
eleaxed, well fenced and in a sta
tion, the babince is well timbered
on the rear of the lot. There is
house, a Enhal orchard and plen
A gravel road runs past the far
ently situated to markets, schoo
For further particulars apply to th
forth P. 0. WM. REDMOND.
-LA Sale, a!brick dwelling with 1,
tached, on which is an orchard of
trees.. The house is 24.-t30 and
there is a. woodshed aud inUk hon
and a second dwelling house of fr
property is situated v,ithin two an
Seaforth. Also several dwellings
erties in Seaforth for sale. Appl_
that comfortable and con
dwelling house and lot, adjoinb
Episcopal Church, and at present
W. S. Robertson. The house e
lar and woodshed, also hard. and
dining room, Parlor and 5 bedroi
stable. The lot is a tomer lot au
Nock of the Main Street. Apply
ERTSON, Seaforth.
WARM FOR SA T.V.—For Sale,
Con. 4, Turnberr3-, County
ing 50 acres, 40 acres cleared;
mid stable, also good. bearing or -
miles from Wroxeter Station a
Bluevale Station, on the Great
Possession given 1st September,
particulars apply_to ROBERT
the premises, Bluevale P. O., or
Brussels P. 0, with stamp for ani
-a- 18, McRiIlop, containing 824 sA
are cleared, well fenced, and in
oultivation, the balance is wel
hardwood. There is plenty of vs
young orchard. Is :two miles and
Northern Gravel Road leading
Brussels, is convenient to schools
or particulars apply to the propritl
isos or to Walton P. O. WIL1
Proprietor. N. B.—Immediate p
vAini Fon SALE.—For
Ilibbert„ containing 100 aeresi
about 80 of which ape cleared an
of cultivation, the balance is gooi
Good frame house, frame barn, a
buildings ; good orchard, well wiri
to schools, churches, &c Is a
iniles from Seaforth and. two midi
Cromarty, on a good gravel roil
For further particulars apply to I
the premises or if by letter to;
-" beautiful faint, cOmprisin.,
una the aorth three-quarters oi I
175 acres in all, situated in. the 1
Rillop, County of Huron, on til
road, midway between Seaforth
farm is in a good state of zultiva
and watered, and convenient to el
135 acres' are eleared Anil the b
timber. On the farm is a dwe
-outbuildings, and a young orchA
particulars address SAMUEL 11
Pennsylvania, U. S.
Vein! FOR SALE.—For Sale,"
-I: Con. 9, -Stanley,. containing 99 1.
are cleared and about 40 acref:
within one mile of the village of V.
are churches, schools, and all villa
There is a choice of four good n
miles, the nearest beiug witiiin
te good dwelling house and frall
consisting of barn, horse and coe
shed, sheep pens, &e. Plenty i4
tra good orchard. There is a, clue
corner of the farm which could la,
the faun if desired. Immediate
to the proprietor on the. premise:,
-1: Lots Nos. 39 and 37, Con. A.
lug 80 acresof land, 35 acres den;
stumps, and in a gond state 01e
:slice is well :timbered. There is ;
log 'barn, also an :orehar-il ef good
good -well on the premises ; the
within bne-andja-half miles of
2 Iniles of the thriving village of
there is a station of the Toronto,
Railway, and within D. miles
session can be given at any time,
ing-the owner is about retinV
flirt:SA EparticularsAltL
, rroaelt).(i_,Yr,.ull‘l!rO,
• The property is situated on
Grey, about 3 miles from Et'
Southern Extension of the
Bruce Railway, The ineebie
horse engine, 40 -horse 5-1lue be
edging and butting saws, shingle
chine and shingle jointer. Th
first-class, and hes only beta rni
and eight months. This is
of capital, as there is a gooa 1
quantity of Timber of all kinds
factory reasons givui for selling
on application to GARHOW
Post Office. N. B.—All notos
duo must be settled at once, an
• 16 and seuth half Let 17, Co
ing 150 acre,:, 120 of which un
good state of cultivation- Then
sha tr°a: lbsal 04ainlutdd.13(6)tfalliEls:U.oteib"Iti:i1::11:ti:iit:n:ifitzi.1tr':
fruit trees, and about 300 :-.1,rn
years. There is a never -faith,
through the centre of the farm.
-mill site, a good gesee I re:- I
IRTITI. It is S11.11•114:,1 le!; -
tion and itini niil fro:n 1:-.
Road, and is just across: the rine
ville post office and:church. I
lars apply to JAMES W. E.
Surgeon, -Seaforth P. 0,
/AL CABLE t0.11-; I LT Y
▪ Sale, Lots Nos. 24, 25 and 2
tession of 3IcKillop,
80 of whiell aro cleared, Weil feu
state el cultivatieu ; :the halenc,
. •
with the hs.et of hardwood. Tie
house with eeone formilatien,
and log barn; there is also ;mot
beneeton the pace; A hearing
:else a young ore,liard with sant
of :good water. Its en tile nort
miles from Seaheetli, and ad)
Winthrop, in whici are all'
'including a cheese faestory, saw a,
the building known as 11
property will be sold in o:Oe Pare
ptuthasers. Apply to tile
premises or to Winthrop •Pes
HANNAII, Proprietor,