The Huron Expositor, 1877-04-13, Page 3SRC. Af1DFN, Barristers and zzeery, Goderielt. got w. FI. aiCFADDEN. cc=ztva a ne r arta Commie. Wroxeter. Auctioneer antl fritts and notes collected on 865. Barrister, Attozr.Ey. Solicitor in Lc„ GOdericl and Senforrh. O f- tris brut; Store, tioderiah and !Orfl . ILLI., Barristers, Attorzzeylr.at 'rs in Ciutuet ry. Nettrie .Publie :t Brussels. W. R. SQ ii n, Qo€1 Brussels. 415 'ATS, :'', ,Barristers. Atter- UT/PA Lhftneery, eke., Clinton - seast t ,icor of the rt�tc F i�©jai tl ring. Monty to loan on farm 4(!4 rt. A. WATso k 1t 1, ilsn N t`1 r Barris.. -tit-Law, St tlaci t otS in Chancery, to Ivan at a low rate of inter. i :tit btrtrowero. t�tl yes II: w. c. ICE7]<ii. 1..1.NITtira:c•z,sx. 4:74 Ilt Uri:STEP, l.:rrria;terf ,gt. v-. F t`t:ieitttrs,in ehaneery and. • Punic and Conveyance -vs C- Bank, Settfoitli, tstf,tax rt(( t €.Izparcy F knit fit S pier Bent, Farms gait*. 53. F. 1' rr•i ,rs and Attarno3 s hr Chancel) and Insolvency, tics I ,ittl�i et.. Oalct.s---Sea.. tzln,ttt.o.of Private reinds to i;tttltirzet°Lt. Int erest.ia atilt ti`i • [trey t o rr f.is;:elved by • : a€Celt Ir : K t 4e the firm to `�ctt tvhe `will pity a.11 linbi)- e:l tTPS H. BENSON, 11. W. e. MEYER. ttttecee E.. ti el C.. Pje eurg join told..tffrt.h. tint- f.E11te. r:d Ener tztttleziah k Ercet first doer Chi: -Eft. .'l4 C. .:, Physician, esti.rfor tin:County. of Huron v. corner sof 3rarket, and araZigh :s€ztiz it c. %D., C, ., Haste of the firm ;zel ir, S trattordltirzttfuate of t�i27?t: Ftf Surgeon and .kc- Ontario. Fftice--• ooms Yi2 e ly occupied by the lata .fir - `orurgtOei.l Hotel. Will - at. A on Tuesdays tlFridaya. Sn ;Vett rinatry S tirgt'orir U dri.- tVcttrira:ryColicGt'.Scab , 'dent a in rear of Killoran & tnptle attended to, night- - or iterinary hie ;ieine:s on hand lIt)r:tstxcunii7:c.£;i-'stosound, gisen if rennia;ed: 407 a:ItF S, Graduate ot. the Lary College, Afier deviating ',cc -with Professor Smith,of ed iii Seftfttrth. Office att his. I, Chi/rein Calls' promptly or night- A large stock of its constantly onitaxzcl.. Horse. .nese and c rii*:eater given 3i.,1 1 on ciirnitlissitill, 424 DER.BZS1•IIR . L. D. S„ Surs;eon Dentist, Graduate the, Loyal College of Dental neons of Ontario, ArtiReig;t -heed. Ali Fur't',ieea1 opera- 4ith €fare and. promptitude :i. M. to 5 P.M. ltoftina over tore, Main Street, Seaforth. teeneetl• Auctioneer for tjze ran. Sales atttaded in ali All orders li=ft at the Nr - be prnn ptly attended to. :era/ Loam, and Beat. Estate <, Piodut•e and Corandssion -New Brisk Bleck opposite `ttei, Brussels, Ont. 48 r ES, Provincial Saud Sur- a. Orders by mail wzll receive Branch o€lit;e, Clintozr. 4S5 T. s. ooh. D., Este of I akeft .1d, Ont., - Surgeon and Aceoacheu'r. rye r tity of Trinity College, the Koval College of Phy- s. Ont. Iiinirtru.Ont. 45 de byevery agent ererymonth c dness -Wc famish, but, those ea,n 9, dozen dollars a day ,alities. Have ntj room to ess pleasant and honorable. nd girls do as well as rneu.. a complete outEt Erse.. The than anything arse. We will i ins you. l,'a+tieulars• fres. rim re and nieelwnics,. their and all classes in need of he.nld write to us and learn i•' t+tat'e. Now is the time. as. `plop: & Co., Augusta, 482 LE 1tEMEDY.-Job Noses Tris invaluable medicine ig 'e of all those l,;inful and e which the female constitu- odera;tes all exeess Rhyl re - it anis a speedy cure may be ;la clies, it is peeuliatly8nitefl. €e, bang on the monthly R. These pills should not be =ung the that three months R t.re sure to bring on Ma- ther time they are safe. In ins and Spinal Affections,. iinibik, fatigin.. on slight es - 4 -the heart, hysterics, And effect a eure when all other and, although as. powerful in iron, caltrruel, antimony,: to the constitution. FuIi filet around each package, Oily preserved, Job Moses, rietor. 4'1 00 and I'.I corns z Northrop & Lyman, Ta- ngents lents for the Dominion,. a-ont: units ; over 50 pills by Scaforth by E. Hickson IL Luznfaden. 197 UR CANADIAN NORTH. ring to be informed upon .ski -West should subscribe Pn -:ss—weekly e€litior►— isrzrru;rtz, in advance. The presentative x tura al of the no circulation of all other 44, combined, and is there - Vera -dog medinrn. Nine- speiskinir population read itfskefs a specialty of infer.. rfiPracteristics and resour- Presents, and such matters r€<_ing to those who eon- ite_•cato for investing- there t for the Faun Pnnss is E p c:ratio-xi by a ;.eritlyr.Ialu Ft for the work --tee pirixl- -2nmeriet: in May next— irizaent-new anti old—in L.; their fitatun-s, natural ogress, hitt pre,.ent papula- ret;irr.'sof crops. &C. tilt. &tr.ir.be worth many titin nrict; or tit.' FREE ,ring; ari iiatelght into to the Prairie 'Province. RI.F.i l'r:E5 has arranged r worn upon Manitoba and .f Pre .s —ty Al:s.-:t. Begg: i:aaittt-liotek anti Guide to :tri-Wet.t," which it:, of it-- 3edia. of state:tile izzforma- at and the Canadian North- er>rk will be start (*rads to l• -REE PnEss becoming t ey rant. Address FREE €uitalrft.^ 487 LICENCES 4.1 t Act) Timed at the SEAFitirra. a ir:Plata/mid-Go .r::ttr t� =raft. APRIL i3,' 1877. • I THE HURON EXPOSITOR, One day, after To hadlbeen three years in his employ. me t, Begg .found.- three young moles in his sseasion, , - He killed. them at once, knocjkad- dawn Tont with a last, seized him l y tTie neck and breast dragged him to the door, and with a hor- rible imprecation, threw him into the street. Tom was : good deal hurt; but he went home, d 'termiued that from that day he would o ever again serve un- der such a brute. And now, the gu atign.waswhat to.do next? Tom wante to be a sailor, and visit foreign lands, but; his mother's . en- treaties induced im to giveppthis scheme. When the Abe deenshire ilitia was called ont in I:$1, lie enlisted, being then 18 years old. His passion for t atur- a4,history, led him into several s-' apes, but on the whole h served his tin: with credit. ' I When 20 years old, Edward, s we must now call the an, went to B:s ff to workaat his trade. Three years, la er he fell in love with comely, brigh and cheerful lass, and. a ter a short you ,ship, married her, and b gan housekeep ng -on about two dollars and a half a,. ' eek. Poor as tiiey.wer-e, t ey were conte e t and happy. Edward a r • once began to. make collections of the of jects gathered n his walks. He had ace hired& the art -o.pre. serving birds as we 1 as "insects: Unfor- tunately he knee aimlist . nothing of balks, and was una a lean write, a did not possess a single work -on naartur 1 -his- tory, and did not k i ow the names f sthe birds and animals : e caught and„ hose habits he was fame lar with. Al his ,knowledge had ,bee ! gathered by himself; land was his own. I0 To assist him; in a roeuring specimens iof `birds and animals Edward bought an id grin. It was so rickety that he had tie the barrel to the stock withas piece f stout twine. He carried his powder in horn, and measured out `his charges in he bowel of a. tobacco pipe. His shot vas conta nee in a browai paper bag ° A ew insect bottles, some boxes for -lit tter- r ies and moths,; and, a botanical boo : for baits, corisbi tuted`'the test of his e pip- neut. As he did not cease to work ntil o'clock at night,srtnearly all hi re- :, earches v ere made after that honr. r. He ad to beback to hi work in the t ern; pg; at 6. His wage were so small that e cduld n ; t'ventuife to abridge this ork hours. He never spent a mo ent a nor a penny uselessly. Agsoon as his, work was anetlie ' mild et out, w 'th his supper stowed a ay, in his poc et, to lose no time, and so long s itwas`1 ght hescoured the Coq try, looking to motlis, beetles, birds; of any Vflier living Ming that ca his ayy. Vhen it became so day that he c•uld o longer observe, he droPpped''dow a bys he side' of as bank,• or a bush, or a .ree, hiehever came -hand` est,".s.ncl . ther • he • ozed or he slept until the light retire ed. -hen. he got up and again began his ob- s rvations, which he continued till'it was t me to go to work. Sunday was his o ly day of rest. By ;12 o'clock Su day ht, however', .he was up and far ay-. is neighbors used to. say of hire, "It's a ard. at ver uld s ,rrny night that k'eejs that than Ed i the house." In fact, he never staff ome except Sundays. t ,eatherI n c aunted him. When it rained; h ewr 1 ok out for a hole in a bank and th list h'mself into it, feet foremost.' He ept h s head and his gen out, watching and aiting for atiy' casualties that might h Apert ire ktl'ew of two such h les, th in sand -batiks and both in Wei ds, hick he occasionally frequented. }ley ere;foXes'far bedgefs.' -dens. -If an of e ,e gentry" were inside 'when he oak it his position, they did Tilt venture to d stub' Flim. If they were out,they d the 'same, a ccept on one `,occas; on, ht y rd. His objections to these pla could not efford,to have tlentateit by a _joiner; sq he made the Wbe-le them Iiiinseli„ with the Ara. et !hid sli There were aheut theinehmedrediCasee all. An exhibitiOji Of a fair held it Banff yielded hinia sum •af money, 'aid eucourage4 him in the hope that he iniglit be able toil up hie ttade tad devote bia time 4. sad clisaPponitment. Few people we tome the colleetion and he was Oblig in removing itate, Aberdeen. The ea tbrpeght hint miry 00 100. The collecti visit iato the hands of a private geetle- mat who suffered it to go to tuna. Ed - bat neither sou ed nor disheartened; ward *eat bat tO Bauff disa,ppointed, resumed his tiade and his:researches. Edward got Plenty of good edvice from the peoplewho had seen his collections or hed heard Of his, devetion. to nattirel. historta but outside of his own family he rarely received any' praptical assistance. For many Yeare no tine sent him books, and he had no MorieY to buy them. A terrible fall over the rocky eliffs of Tar - lair laid hiniTui for many weeks, and he was compelled. to sell ,aportion Of .a :sec- ond collection of spechneee th supPort his family during hie illness. He, was tt -length se fortuaate as tat interest a neigh- boring clergyman in hie: researchee, and to obtain' from: his library ',the leen of some werks on natural histOry. By this .gontreman's advice lie began to publish in the Baiijiskire hurnal the results of his papers containing his artieles; but on look ing foe them, at the resuest of Mr. Sinilen he found they had been. moS9y used far Reports of EdVard's reseirchet at length ) began to attract the notice 'of scientific I men in London,. and elsewhere, andliis I name was sometpnes mentioned. in Baena ttfic journals in eonuection with some in- teresting discoVeiy. , He also found a° valuable friendeand adviser in Rev. Mr. toyd,'the Parish minister Of 06F- wayEi open to him. But .sicknese again assailed hire. He was forced to give up hia nightly ramblerie and, wore° than all, he found hiniself -Obliged to sell his thiid and best collectible witt:no hope Of ever lieing able to rei4ace it. He now leesoIverl self to the aatutethistoey of the Sea;sliore. Here wee a -great field open:for The Moray. Firth: lied never been re:Opel:1;y searched for Marinepreilactions. It was full of fish ancI of the varioue Objects aud substances that fi4la feed upoe. In this branelof natuial history Edward made inetil-t. more Observing taid clasalOf mentha:ii the kola, tillers 'cif tlee soil. Vie :eldeat dtughter, mag 013; maae the sands With het'.fathere,.i, But he was stilt hamperadby the want of ineamea.nd of boOke. to name his specimens he toed to:send them fe naturalists et is distance. Sometinies hie, letters iTginained unanswered; sometimes the apeeimens were kept, and thanks only ' returned.. At last4esentknone but *se of which he had duplicates, preferring to keep theta without a llama to losing them altogether, in the face of all thessediffi• Out of 294•species Of .crustacea found in the Moray Firth, 26 wore discovered by the poor shoemaker of Banff. Ile, also diecovered a large number of new fishes. In resognition of his. setviees he wasein 1866, elected an assoeiateof ,the Liname Society. A few months -later -he was ro.ade es member of the,Abersieen Natural,Iiis- of doing what little I an ee- Any well wen' kit, to in in !teed of my.getting the et *tone and leather the all' get the better ofe to ve to to nt ed ed On But these honors,. e,ame to hish ,ompty. handed, and were Mine sense an adequate his discoveries have.thecome facts bf his- tory. but a large proportion of them can ' never be knoWn. Hie: specimens ',were sent to °theta to be named, but many of them were neveraftbrevard heard of. • This was particelarly the case with :his shrimps leathern7bag mollusks, fossils and plants. " Had any, one," he sap; "taken pity on me in time (as has sometiines been chine withetherst, and raised me from the dirt, might- have been eble to nanle My own specimens, ancl thereby made myown.dis- coveries known myself." lielied another difficulty besides his want of aneans to contend with, When he published what he had obeervedewith his own eyes, and not ia books through the eyenof others; his statements' were, often distrsdited by natuealists of recognized stanclitag;Iaed it Was ouly when his observations were on- firMed by others, and could no longer be disputed that his discoveries .were ac- knowledged. • Seine feeble and tit:avail& ing efforts weee made at one time to ob- curator of the Banff .musenm on a salary years since to fout guineas, :and more re- cently made•a,:little higher. %at with this exception, Themes Edward, has • received eo pecusdary compensation for his services as a naturalist, There 'are ehundreda of names on the Pension het far less deserv- ing than his. Old age hes come prematurely upon him. No longer able -to proseeute his re - fort to maintain hir family by the fete cheerful; although no longer sustained by hope, and hippy in the affection of bis wife and childr ,la,nd the respect Of all who know him.- In a Worldly 'seiise lf, "1 dinna,, think. there'll be sic a feel Se come I". Yet his life has not been unhap- th br hi pl be bu lie hi th so to ne hen tired—my well-worn eo.obler s stool. Brine a,uctioneer mph of discovery., ' He was always haii; in his house. .1 -lie children were ought irri Virtuodtly end well. There es nd bettee bondnOted family in Neff, hee hie wife asked; what she though -tot a wanderings '..aboet at night, elle ied, "Weel, Whit stfeh in interest in akers were then ti vert artinketr sett an's been a sober man all his life, and never negleckit his waik. Sae I let We cannot better conclude this sketch his career thati with his own 'cheerful ough touching wards, written in June, • 75-: " As a, last and only remainnig my old and timelhonored friend ---a end of fifty years' standing, who has ver yet forsaken me nor refused to help ' y body when weary, nor rest my limbs , ani now like a bean somewhat impaired, and admire,as much and wonders elf, ria the incomparable MT Oteationi te on re rks with the aid of intain myself and rtainty that better a the lap-. will vety soon And although I bored, to his pall- et my faculties n still appreciate ver the beauties as exhibited in of our adorable jI7Vitilts,dY Clerks are Poiiular With Lady C stomers. Scerte,-A store. La clerk 'Putting i finishing -touch td ber ongest curl with her forefinger. To tier Enter Female - Female Castomer—"I wish to see some linen cantle pleas .” Laelf Clerk, after a btief pause and "Untierlinen -at the -se ond countei to the left."' (Relapses ,in contemPlation of the Infinite.) C. —"Linen colla s, 1 wished I to "1". after mentally appraising 'the cuitomer's Wardrobe nd resolving if ever she liana black sil dress to have more bugles on it --0 ! Takes down and languidly epees 'a box, nd bectimes ab- sorbed in a flirtation be ween the shop - Walker and the red -head d thing at the lade counter.) • F. C, —"These &revery common. Have yon nothing better ?" L. C., recOverink he oonseioishess and politely smothering -a yatvn—"The others are twenty cents each ; didn't know a's you would care to pay so much. (Takes down shother bo 'and sighs). WO hire. Twelve is th size / wear." L. C., taking the'raeas re of theFeuiale easterner's neck as if fo the guillotine, with some vivacity—" h, no ; fifteen inches at least. • Here ar the collars yea Avant." (Takes down a ox of 15's.) • F. C., retnothitratingl "Bid know the size of tily own neck. wear twelveir." L.' 0., making a grudgi" g concession— "I are sure you are mistaken. Try F. C.; getting riied— ill you show r den find some line who can ?" me some twelves, or I shall go and see r L. C., slamming down box---d'Therele- (Glaree.)--Still you had 'better take thirteen's, for I knoW that twelve's are F. C. makes a seleetion, pays and exit, pursti4d throughiffe by the implacable hatred of t)ie LadteClerk.---New Fork *if oriel. Slang in: the Dom stio t "Say.' pa said' an • Up town boy .one date as he eame home 1 te from being kept in it school, threw • own his booke, -pinehed the cat till he ade her ,howls, andethen. eid led iato his s at at the din- ner table- "wasn't Ben: ict Arnold a relative, laying doive his knife and fork' with surprise, son ; but where ein earth ,did yon learn such language as that?" i'rj e'tt "Oh pull demi r VOA noti, father, and don't get on- our ear abotit it. I'll take some o' that roast beef, "Why, Willie," interpo ed his mother, "I'm surprieecl at yourez' youngster. "Nothin' me n about me. Pony up that beef hove, old map ot The "old man" didn't top to reply, He came down eni the yo gster like an Alpine glacier, and in a other minute that irreverent boy wan aiming a pas suel around the apartment; with his handssclasping the basement of his. pan- taldtinS in a vice -like grip', and" his infantile throat emitting mete yells to the minute than there • are empty bot- tles in the rear of the Lonieiana State House. The Begging .j3roadbrim. Yesterday morning a stranger entered a store on Woodward avenue and' asked for a gift of ten cents, stating' that he was, a Quaker and without moaey or friends. . He didn't look exactly 'like a broacibrim, nor did he tal like one, but the nioney was given him and a watch set on his further progre s. He went directly -to a saloon, and w e in the act ot drinking a glass of whi key when the man who had given him e money ea.' tered and said : "That's what you want d money for, "Yes, sir, was tbe cal reply. n1 thought you said yo was a,. QUa- ker V' theother. ' put!Qat:(1-ualLre never dritik," pretestO. IT at I meant w a that T. was again, sir o, 0141 .not," Slow y responded the mane', "You have do e nobly, and that kind 6f eeQuaker veh doeseet be- lieve ire letting any one hrra pay all my bills. 4'd eek yqu to drink if I had eny of pine Money left 1" to. our stare President Hayes: Church. The Foundry Church is a substantial, 'handsome edifice of md briek, standing oA the corner otO and Fella enth streets. It is emphatically a church the people; made up ,of well-to-do ci i ens 'who in..' trenched in their long-time respeetabil- itys think it would add nli ing to their importance Or uftefulness to claim to be the " official Watch," ;It one of the eldest Methodist, churches in the city, end derives its name fr o eeif its early be n electors, who' made argel fortune in a foundry. Dean Ramsay relates th tein dinner party the hos that one vof !the guests, a Murray, had no spoon for ealled the attention ef the fact. The man -servant, eccentric, old ohatacter, t mistress, iu troice that es over the rooni "Mum, the Murray was here we losta, ess 'observed Hon. Mrs. er soup, end ervant to the ho WAS an plied:Ito his heard all asttime Mrs. peon 1" ' Auction Sal s. Saturday, April 28, Household Furni- ture. Wm. Newman proprietor ; J. P. 3 - JUST RECEIVED' AT N.' MORRISONS, A LARtrg STOOK OF WHIWI will le sold at the Loassinosolind Priees. -Parties wishing. anything in this line 'will ," And it tb their advantagetg exaniine my stock and prices before purehasing elsewhere. Will ar- rive in ale* days,'Ironi one,' of the Largest end most. reliable Seed . growing and importing FIELD i.AND'IG' AliDgINT ' StEDS Consisting of all the Leadinrtittes of Turnips, Caots; Maniold Wtirtzels,'Beets, Orchard' chase, • GARDEN,SEEDS SOLD IN 'BULK.. ... We ai, hot reeoramend Seeds in Papers, Just Received, a ath Ladp OF WESTERN CORE toi _Fepdiong. ALSO ON ,HAND, A LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. ft is now' an established fact that MORRISON'S is the 13ST Grocery to deal at in Seaforth. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY ALW.A.YS ON_HAND. Fish, coal on, Cornmealt Oatmeal, Oysters,. Hams and 13.6con, Potat s, Buckwheat. Flour, Flour and Feed, and Provisions of* kinds to be Ionia at M. MORRIS'ONISI, .Strong & Fairley's Old Stand', East Side Mittl Street, Seaforth. 1877. NEW '400DS -JUST 41:q1.IVED' 1877. CHEAP D-RY ,THE ADVANCE IT 0 II M GOODS GUARD OF NEW SP CONSISTING OF E. 7 oy INQ GOODS, Dress Lustres, Brill:, Oines and 1 American Incran Clunney call. - Beautiful' AssiIrent of Ladiee Silk §,I,carfs wad .Antees, Patterns' and . Styles. fsiLeviVe and Varied lis&tinent :of _P:a.fir,c1 Goods, beautiful, chaite, • . • aiN4 FELT' CAPS:, LINEN A/T.-IiAPER' COLLARS, 'ALLAN MITCHELL. • JUST:RECEIVEb AT 999 At. ArcEsiLo mit the TIALO. 'Parties buying by the addie will alive money .by eallieg at 999. Gu to .999 ,where y u. will get ten bars a brown seep for $1. • , Remembef 999 ii the- Place where tlfeneheap ,sap:pails 'are to be had°. ils 999 -OPPOSITE TEIE COMMERCIAL hi' OTELJI ° THE' BESTvi, ND cHEApts-r LumbER Don't uy fron Anyone Else. They also 'offer a ?itity of .$11MG.L.XS, , on the Market Square, 1.0 DENTS sf:20ARE CHEAPER THAN ELSEWHERE. REMEMBE r TUE 3.111OFFMIAN. SE -AF ALL. :ARE 'IN ITED TO INSP*CT THE STO HURR H FOR MANITOBA. TTANNG decided. on going to Tanitoba,,I will commenIce,on FRIDAY, MkRfal 16th, 'to run off J -L my Stook of DRY GOODS a almost any Rice at all, the object being to save.time. i'OUR CASEi OF l't.1,EW3i G .C;04DDS RTH Including a lovely line o PRINT the willibe sacrificed 7ith the rest. Ladies and Gentlemen, now is p, as these Goods must and-Ifill SOLD FI:tEGARDLESS i• OF ;COST.- • I have also forsale Spl ndid lionse and -Grounds, suitable for a gentleman's residence, a Park Lot - inside the corporation of eafortin and aeyeral,TAvra Lots, which will be sold ciheap. r 4 D ON1111 IOSS .1)RY GpODS, 0 OBOE- PENT,' Seciforth. 1111111.11111111111, if:STATIONED AGA14,:AFT...i ERI. THE PiffiE„ MES ..Z. WHITNE,Y SeafogA14 bop to inform herntnany friende and easterners. that she' has .15-5* Again resunatial3mAiness on the site of her old stand, where everything Pertaining to the Unique business. will be foniid. A Large Stock of Stoves andTinwire aiwaya oh. band and for sale cheap. THE BEST AND 'PUREST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Livery kind of Tin Work Constantly on band or Mad to Order. Call and see -what she can do be- fore purchasing elsewhere. MRS. E. WHITNEY, 8enforth. 111h1ON PLANING MILL, THEonstnneinterrasiagrnethehperuebbiroingefnoernirtnythoefir thine W. moval of their /factory and Lumber lard to rretw and more commodious premises on NORTH MAIN STREM -Where, wilt' increased facillifes and some new machine* of the best make, they will et-oath:02e to manufacture and fill all orders for Sashes, Doors, _Blinds, M-OuldinO, And all, kinds of At Prices to Shit the Times. Farm, Gates., Hay Racks, Cheese A Large Stook of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. LAVIll AND SHINGLES. 4/1104Nrwing and Custom Planing will Receive Prompt Attention. The subscribers hereby thank their nurnerons customers for the liberal patronage extended. -to them during the past, and hope, by strict kilt - :Ay and close attention to business, to meri a continuance end increase'nf the same. To all those whooe accon43 are overdue we give a cordial invitation to pay up. GRAY 8c, SCOTV. • • P. S.—Plans and Specifications for Buildix furnished on application. . PRODUCE FOR SALE. • A MERICAN corn, oats and feed barley deli - -LB- ed at any Railway station at low prices. en hand a quantity of Clover and Timothy s , and Minnesota spring wheat, suitable for seed. ,. OCEAN- STEAMERS. . A GBNCY .fortkno First-elam Lines of Steamis 4.-L' sailingfrobi Boston and New York. 'Tic a Glasgow, Paris, &a. AuEiTcy for the Commercial Union Fire stpd LiteAsinranoe company: Subscribed Cali - *slid Assets amount to over .4418i0U0,000. A maw nice building lotirfor sale in Seafort/i INTOTIOM TO ViRMERS AND TilltYsencul tho, attention of all, that) Meet thermeyoffering -good ineTellemlock," ;let UtianalI 6014 for 413047 the fellowing raV: /2 foot Hemlock. at $8 to per thousand ; 14 Famine) attil; for Cash. AZ orders over 4 5 tee cent. discount, Call and .sea. if you di Boca Accounts °ref 8 months w4.11 be charged 8 per cent. ,The subseriberthankii his numerous custonarg . for their liberal support, and solicits a eontfati- sine of their favors. 488 Steam Saw Mills; Meliillop. Pt fGak l‘APORIUM elastomers (merchants and others) for their libeAl patronage during the past seven yeard; and hones, by strict integrilry-andoloseattestion to busip., to maiit their cunEdence and trade in the future. Jiving greatly enlarged hilt premises, during 'the 'winter, he is now prearetir, to pay the HIGHEST cASH PRICE For Any quantiti of gbedzitletsh eggs; Idelivered EGG EMPORIUM, at the ;It . Main Street), Seaforth. Waimea by itibsefiber 25 tons of good dry SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY • S subserilArbegsleave to thank his numerous him since Commencing business in Seaforth, and hiou,afaithe, osie: suini, neat- se rt ding to build wonld do well to give he win eoatinue to keep on hand s irge took of all kinds ef DRY PINE LUMBER, D ORS, *BLINDS, MOULDINGS, 1 SHINGLES, LATH, Ete. eas confident of giviil* giatisiaction to those ay favour hini with their patrotafp4 as none tint st-olasaworkmen are employed. 201 JOHN BPOADFOOT. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCIC Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS QF ALL KINDS. Also quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the &wont !tinning attended to promptly, id at! cheaP as at any other mill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, ath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very 51)00 CEDAR POSTS, FOR SALE. ▪ 4▪ 1▪ / Seaforth .LIJMI3ER FOR SALE. HEM101311, First Quality; $6 per M. PINE • BILLS CUT TO ORDER, 'AlI Le4itin fripa ).0 to 50 Peet., at the PONY MILL, IN MakILLOP: Theflubsoriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, THOMAS DOWNEY, We have again to call your attention to the nninerons_IMITATIONS of the 14/1yRTLE" NAVY TOBACCO, THE STAMP In ;din Letterili on Each Plug_ of the Genuine Hamilton, Jan. 18, 1877. 477 1-1 S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt.