HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-04-06, Page 7APRIL 6, 1877. ENDID CHANCE TO RAKE IVIOTtlEY.„ L U .A 33 L z 'N. PROPERTY sEAFoATH E By PUBLIC AUCTION. BRINE hes reeeived instractiona to ?Olio AnetiOn, at the COMMERCUL rnyaiRTH, on TUESDAY, Matra amea at 2 &Clock P• the folleirs town propexty :hat large, comfortable andhaacisonie nr house at presentoccupied hy this, , together with the twO hateon Which .%ta house contains kitchen, atatug r, and 5 bedroome, together with's kitehert, alto first -0108S Well Ina 0 10t 10 planted with fruit and o a and, there is a good driving hottest -That comfortable dwelling house shi Street, opposite the, residence Of re hell. The houae is frame,. sow iud stone foundation- It contains ing room, parlor, and five badroelne. &good well and (Astern and astable. eequarter of itti acre and. the bailee r. be houses can he Been at any time. - de. On tha brick house, $100 on the day within 15 clays thereafter, the. bal. iam OIX mortgage, with interak at Er annum, for tea years or sued:tame nrchaser. On the frame house, $100 ale, $506 °within 15 days, mid the ortgage to suit purchaser with ins r cent. per &mum. LANDREW MALCOLM, Preptietara , Auctioneer- 4864 iqSOLIDATED BANK CANADA. $1.000.004X OF MONTREAL, Ince- pore tet1188 ;Ora, CANADIAd.',/ BANK, - Incorpotated 18i. 'ORTIT BRANCH. DN BLOCK., MAIN-ST.0 SEAFORTH. a New Voirk Payable at any nited States. /Exchange on latntion payable dee of the Urtited Kingdom'. T PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, MANAoial HE SEAFORTH I AND LAND AGENCY. WZO STRONG ar Several First-CIasa Stoak, First .1surance Cerape uies, and is prepees- on IFAVORABLE TERMS.. or several of the be Loan Serie- or the sale and parehase of Farm vert3a :ft OF FIRST-CLASS IM - FARMS FOR SALE., to Loan at S Per Cent. Interest. ver M- Morrison's Store, Ma'm-Ste CHEAP GOODS. P. MARKEY, DEALER IN !'ES and PROVISIONS, liEetiONERY, &c, WERED FREE CIF CHARGE E T, SEAFaRTH, OPPOSITE HAYS' HOTEL. 485, OATMEAL MILLS, EAFORT1-1.. ,FULL OPERATION. Split Peas, Pot Barley, 'Meal Chapped, Mill Feed Collate way on Hand a Tuesdays and F:4sv. Oatmeal eats.. B iehest wire pant for Oates, CURRIE & '1 HOMSON. AND SAW MILLS. ated has Pleastire in annortnahig de of Zurieh and Vicinity that hitt in better running order than ever LNG promptly attended to. In his BER YARD ritity of Dry Hemlock at $6 per hj- Rock Elm at Val to $12 per the r kind a equally cheap. Cue- 'emptly attended to, mad, Bills Ortest Notice. WILLI A 31 FEN VeiGK. PORK , FACTORY & trAMES PETTY, Smoked and Sugar Cured Hamel oked Rails, °timberland Bacon, se Pork, ,by Nail or Otherwise ,,atly Attended to. always on hand. G. & J. PETTY, lIcasall• W. P OMR r; WELL 'KNOWN VAHT PHYSICIAN, evellira, hrc-ugh the Dominion rs. sr d hag made a great many wel be at STEPHENS' NEW eRTH, ou FRIDAY, April 6th, 4a ca. tiridy Botanical, and. furniehed t.-,tsonable rates. 486-2 DRESSING. Ft MANUA STARK !arm the Ladies of Seaforth an&. she is prepared to makeup CURLS, BRAIDS, &c,, shion from Combings. Pricen -orders punctually attended to. Rehidence—Goderich Street. 467#19 tISIIELS OF CO -HN LoNDGN:RuRoN AND CR RAILWAY. - now romp' te,1 a, range-. growera in the Weat to fa:. vish MN AND OATSy ;Corn, at lower pr:ce3 th ut can iein Witt CounLy. Tha dret r. a few days. Note the ad- 5NAN, Grain Dca! er, B ace- Mse, Bracefteld station. 4,62, - _ IL 6, 1877. _ . or_ THE UROIV, EXPOSITOR. HARMONY. Some Water and oil ! One day had a broil, As dOwn the glass they were dropping; . And. would not unite,' But continuedlo fight, Witheut any prospect of stopping. Some pearl-ash o'erbeitd, And, quick as a word; ...Tamped down in the midst of their clash- ipsf, When all three`agreerl, And united with speed, And sap was created for washing. PAT IN mIt1{0ICA. BY J. A. §-Irani. Close hy a stream, 'mid theliills.of Mus- ikoky, I have a cot—'tis a beautiful one. Mornin' and evenin', the chimney. $o smoky, Hangs up like a cloud on the beams of the sun. CHORUS. Come iddy, come, come Biddy, come ; Come to Muskoky, dear, say will ye onae ? Ova he door a,n1 all -round -the first tory, Stic ing their tindrils through chinks n the wall, the sweet rose an' the bright oruing glory, ing so purely through summer nd fall. Climbs Bloo Come, Out in Are And d The IR iddy, come, &c. he garden, tile turnips an pra- ies • t equally bent upon oppressing us. What. everthey demanded' haiheen'granted to hem. This year we -have:had to do' ail the labor in the fields befere.laying handto our own. Nothing,, 'however, haft ower to satisfy them , or to render theini more humane er considerate toward 48- , "There is no limit to their violence or rapacity.' Our 94easts ofe'burden must a ways be at their disposal ; they ride 1 ofur horses and compel is to find them fOrage. They make equally free with our purses; and 'whatever sum they ask ust he. forthconiing, :Rause them and ytou are beaten alinost toldeath. A vil- l�.ge priest, who had been arrested. and !tlIken to prison at Sere% upon being set' if ee and allowed to return to his parish, d the other day his house invaded by Is me Redifs, or soldiers of the Re- e rve, who. deemed the itnprison- ent he had suffered an inadequate nishment for his alleged (imaginary ence. "Twice they attacked the house and ice they were baffled, because the lest, warned of their intentions, bad, ken' flight and sought refuge in the uses of some of his trusty parishioners; ereupou bp perseetiters declared that they caught him they'would shave his ard and -tear him tri pieces. Then the est, who had before been in the hands these Philistines, and knew what dness he might expect at their hands, k up his gun and fled Ito the moun- ns, where he must live an outlaw's as he best can. Not satisfied with tting from the peasantry whatever y be`of use to then; the Turks take asure in doing the people all the' h rm they can by wantonly destroying trees in their, fields, vineyards and. ga, dens." Manitoba Notes. [FROM THE FRER PRE SS] . Coal Oil still sells in Winnipeg at $1 pet gallon. , . farm of 320 scree with commodi- on outbuildings in the parish 'of Kit.' do an, Manitoba,' was recently sold for 000. 10 01 is rowdin' aitch other clane out of he ground, ; wn through the dooryard as thick s miskaties, ins an' their chickens are scratch - le around. .Cerne. Iltfiddy, come, tec. I have af cow in the bit of a pasture, (Oceahs of butter an' milk phin ye a e dry,) A chu k of a pig growin', faster an' ter, Lawks tj how he squales to git out of tl at sty. iddy, come, &c. 'Come, 111 sprin The s An' syru ci To sw -Come, B Pse be tappin the big sugar shes ; gar's good aitin', an' faix we'll ve some, like honey so thick an' deli - 11S, . ten yer party wee mouth phin come. ddy, come, &c. Take Comfort. It is w II enough to provide for a rainy day, but that man is very foolish who saves his umbrella for a future storm white he is being drenched with rain. We do not ta e pleasure and enj oyeententment as Nye sh uld do. We live too much in the fatur and too little in the present. We live oor that we may die rieh. We get all ready to be happy, and when we are quite k-eady infirmity or disease steps in and the chance to take comfort in this. life is gonte. If we could only be content to seize u. on the little pleasures that lie just outsi e, and often within our daily pathway, they would make a large sum total at t e end ()tour lives. Too many of us scorn p easures that are cheap and near and with' our grasp, and complain be- cause we annot have such ae are costly and remo ,fbut if we would only magnify tha little hings that make life pleasant as we do t ose that make it unpleasant, the cup of our joys would continually over& w. Be content to take life as it comes, and always make the best of the present and let future sorrows be future, and let them not intrade upon the pres- ent by u necessary apprehensions and. foreboding . Ono ?ause of Hard Times. - The identity of interest between em- ployer and employed is no longer felt; as it used to be, by the employed. For- merly a hi ed man seemed to care just about as in ch for everything that be- longed to t e person he worked for as if it belonged to himself. Nothing of the kind exists at the present time conse- quently labjor is not nearly as productive as it would otherwise be. Unwillin hands accomplish but little. Unless a an's heart is in his work he is not w rth much. While this lack of interest renders the work less produc- tive to the employer it also makes it much more irksome to the laborer. We believe one of the greatest causes of the present depression in business is the very change of which we are speaking. Men cannot afford to employ labor in many thing S they couldif laborers took more interest in their work. It is in this way that working men stand in their own light. A man who talres his em- ployer's intereit thoroughly to heart can always find something to do in the hard- est tinaes. A Pleasanter if not a Better= Job. One of th Methodist ministers of this city was, a f• w days ago, called upon by a German. and requested to conduct the funeral servi es over his wife, who had rother L—, with MS usual sented, of course, and the held with due decorum and fter the funeral was over idower stepped up to the the following dialogue en- _ " Vell, Mr. L—, how re for burying my vife ?" thing for attending funerals." ihug significantly)—``Vell, erry kind uv you. But te. In. a few days I give ob than i4" justdied. urbanity, co services wer solemnity. the forlorn minister, an sued. German — much you oh Preacher— Oh! I do not charge any - German (s now this ie &atop a rain you a better Preacher— 'Why, what may that be?" German -- Oh ! ferry much better job than dat. I be's ping to get mar- ried again." Rochester Express, Sufferings of Christians in Bul- garia. ' The settlers in Rockwood division. ar taking steps to have a grist mill' erects ed for the convenience Of the settlements. A nuiriber Of the owners Of land in that dNision who reside in Winnipeg have -offered. individual bonusesranging from o $100 to 0. P. Jackson upon his gu= rantee to erect a mill costing $6,000, . Tided he can obtain a bonus.of $2,00Q frqI the ' settlers, in the surrounding to nships. M: fell I att: ed we for fin sen be tlark asei The met Some hot asheIs were thrown out on street, Winnipeg, recently, and a w came along ,with a yoke of oxen ed to a load Of woodi He anchor. he animals'eloSe to where the ashes • deposited, and placing some hay he oxen right on the hot heap, left to a customer for;his wood. In his ab. :e the hay caught fire, and the oxen g unable to kack away from the es were some hat scorched before tance came. , . . E GREAT SHOSHONEES : REMEDY. — success that these medicines have with since their introduction to the public some years ago, proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are medi- cmos that perform what they are advcr- tisect to. The iirtues of. these med- . •icin s have been well tested, and have withstood their trial in a MoSt satisfac- tory anner. For diseases ef the blood, le liver lungs, (to., they are unsurpassed. We have testimonials of I miraculous cure of these diseases, and of Many othe is. If any one 'is afflicted, let him try a bottle of the Remedy and a box of Pills. No injurious, 'effects will follow their use to the most delicate person, as they re purely vegetable ; there being no in neral milder in; them. i The • cost is small while the ad vantagesderived from their use will doubly repay you for your exp se and trouble. Tbe medicines are widel known throught the Dominion. and e for sale by the principal medi- cines. Try them, and be convinced that these raedicines are no humbug. No 1 ,one who has tried thp Shoshonees Pills has evier pronounced an unfavorable op- inion ' of them, no 'family where they have been used will be without them. Full iliforwatinn. may be had on all par- icu1a,i4 touching the use, and l the exper- ienceli4f those who have used them, by seculg the Treatise or the Circular from I ny druggist in the Dominion freo. Price Of the Reznedy in pint bottles, $1 ; Pills 2ii cents a box. 1 I LON times ly out either how to appeat -there .,sure, a person quant'i fects 4 dealer dition proved readily dais 1 Arabia equal it naemb signal age. propriet inedicin Esrs natura of dige ful ap well -s vided ly fla many j udieio a cons until s dency maAadi attack We ma keepin blood, The corres endent of the London ebs la Civil Se Times at Pera, writing on the 20th of mceopa February, says : I have before me a St.,and letter from. Seres, a town in the Province of Adrianople; northeast of Salonica, in DID yo -which I read' that the vexations the a COMM Christians haie to endure at the hands glected, of the Mussulinans are as intolerable as and dis they ever wer. The letter says : -The Turk only show us some for- bearance as ling as we are 'willing to supply them ith meat and drink, and to pat up wit all their exactions and ill-treatinentg, and as long as.we consent to work in the r fields withOut remunera- tion. Poor o rich, the Turks are all o y t el th e b • I T Km.NOW IT HAT TO Do.—We some - ear persons say, "my horse is sad - of condition, and I cannot tell hat is the matter with him, or get him into better order ;" they to be ignorant of the fact that within their reach a reraedy safe, d effectual in all cases. Many who deal in horses use large les of it, and testify that its ef- most satisfactory. 1 One horse informs lis that his horse's con-- nd appearance are so much im- by its use .that they sell more and for higher prices. The arti- arley's Condition Powders and Heave Remedy." Nothing else is it for the same purpose. Re - the name, and see that the e of Hurd & Co. is on each pack- rthrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., rs for Canada. Sold by all dealers. 1 OCOA .---Grateful and comforting a thorough knowledge of the aws which govern the operations -on and nutrition, and by a care- lication of the fine properties of ed cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro - if tables with a delicate - u ed beverage,which may save us vy doctors' bills. It is by the use of such articles of diet that tion may be gradually built up ng enough to resist every ten - disease. Hundreds of subtle are floating around us ready to erever there is a weak point. escape many a fatal shaft by urselves well fortified with pure d a properly nourished frame." ice Gazette. Sold only in pack- ed- "James Epps & Co., Ho- c Chemists, 48, Threadneedle 0, Piccadilly, London." 482-52 s 9 ver think that what is termed cold, when- systematically ne- ten leads to that most fatal essing disease, consumption. but when attended to at once is general- ly easy plf cure. If you are troubled with a chld, "Bryan's Pulmoitie Wafers" will be f ing it. generally time. Sp try dealer nd most: efficacions in remov- hey give immediate relief, and effect a' cure when used in Id by all -druggists aud coma- , at 25 cents a box. ENTENNIAL MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS eg• -a • r- > 0 ri n- 0 > • ri; 0; • .> r -71 C o) t— o .0() 0 0 > rn 2 O m > a) a< m g - m M 0 1N-31 Grand Trunk Railway: Trains leave Seeforth Station as follows: GOING WEST— Mixed Train, 8:50 A. M. Express 2:08 P. M. Express .... 8:58 P. M. GOING- EAST— Express Train 7.50 A. M. Express Train Mixed Train 14:24 MK: Great 'Western.RgOway. Trains leave Brussels as under : GOING NORTH. Mixed• • • • • • 9:25 A. M. Accom.. .... 8:55 P. M. Accom 9:18 P. M. station, north ai4 south, I Goma sou et. Accom. 6:17 A. M. Aecom 2:57 p.m. mixda . t3:15 P. M. •fel p:1 )L'f' 2 0 69 0 an C w 0 12:1 • cn 02 0 0 ALL necessary articles in the line be found ELt Hickson,sDrng Store. Cough Me eines; Glycerine, Saltpetre, Condition Powde Coarse Castor Oilby th,e wand, Head Light Oil, Sponges, High Back Combas gaudy Packs Dyes, and arena goods fresh at HactsOns• 4 al 9 ' WARDED TO MALCOLM MONRQE, SEAFORTH, FORyrOCiD HANDLE AND WROUGHT IRON BRAM'PLOW. \ 1 A/TALCOLAI MONROE has pleasure in. announcing to the Farmers of Enron end Perth that he it; better prepared this -season. Oise ever to furnish a first-class article.' As proof positive that his Plows are the Bast in f he afarkethe has oaly to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured by him ebtained {lie INTERNATIONAL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. L HE ALSO MIN IJFAC- , TITRES Thistle Cutter Plows, IRON PLOWS,, Hill's Patent Plows, fpr Plowing Gardens. • SCUFFLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. .. Also a One -Horse Plow Snitable rs- • guar ••••7;c7,... teetveta. • This Plow is universally admitted tohe the best Gang Plow new in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these Implements are manufactured by himeelf, ef the very best material, and are better and move durable than those got up by laa e establishments tor 'catch sales. Every Implement war- ranted- torgive eatisfactien: Prices a low as those of any other respectable establishment that urns out a gcod article. Plows of all the above kind ia kept constantly on hand and can be seen at his shop at any time. • IRON HARROWS. • The Scoteh Diamond Harrows kept censtantly on hand. Repairs fcr all kinds ol Plows kept con- stantly on hand. Remember the shop!, Mate Street Seaforth, East Side. M.4.1.7,001J1V1 CCC 000 U II N C 00 0u -U N 0 OU UN .0 CO OU UN CCC 000 UUU N T.A.CLMS AT N TTTTT NN T NN T NN NN T EEEEE RRRR SSSS E R RS EEE RRRR SSSS E R R EEEEE R R SSSS For 25c, 400, 50c, 75e, $1, $1 25, $2, $2 5C, 8,$7$and $12 per pair- A case given with every pair. Sole Agents in Seaforth and vicinity for Lazarus, Morris & Co.'s, And Louis Black & Co.'s celebrated Spectacles. The above carri9e exchangTi any time within three months if not soiled or broken. i..........a_a_ WATCHES AND CLOCKS. 1 . , A full line of American, English, Emmen and Swiss Watches. American and French Clocks on hand. a he above goods that are warranted to customers will be exchanged within one year if satis- faction is not given, provided they are n t da,maged or broken. EVVELRY. A fine assortment of Colored Gold Setia, l3right Gold Sets, Gold Breeches, Gold Ear Bigg, Gold Cuff Buttons, Studs, Gem Seal, Guard arid Wedding Rings, Gold Guards and Albert Chains, Seals, Keys, Lockets, Pens, &e. None of the above goods will be taken back after two weeks—or at all if worn—except when the goods do not turn out as represented. A Large Stock of Silver Plated Ware, Plated Jewelry, Black Jewelry, Fancy Goods, 'Violns, &e Cheap for Cash.Watches, Clocksand Jewery of eVerydescription Repaired by first-class workmen and warranted to give eatisfactiond Work must be paid fOr on delivery. TR'E GREATEST WONDER OF MOD. 7 1\TCYTIO_ N E W SHOE SHOP. Tundersigned begs to notify the inhabits nts of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has commenced business IN SEAFORTH, In the Shop next door to Pillman's Carriage Fac- ter7, where he intends to carry on - The Custom Shoe Business IN ALL as BRANCHES. The Stock having been carefully selected, and none but FIRST-IOLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED, And And by strict attention to businees, the public can rely on getting good Value for their money. REPAIRING done with, and Dispatch. Neatness 485 J. J. SCOTT. KIDD'S HARDWARE. _ kECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ! , ING PIPE Put up 'on the ;Shortest Notice and Warranted. Speciq 1n4Cements to Cash and prompt Paying Customers. JOHN KIDD. M. R. COU TER, Prefctical Watchmaker, 811 :ERN TIMES.ora. HURRAH FOR MANITOBA. 11AVING decided on going to Manito14, I will commence on FRIDAY, MARCH 16th, to run o my Stock of DRY GOODS at almost any price at all, the object being to save time. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS& OINTMENT The Pills theBlood, correct all dieorders FOUR -CASES Or NEW SPRING GOODS .Earemetaiinevseluable in all complaints incidental to of the Liver, ntemach, Kidneys and Bowels, and Including a lovely line of PRINTS, will b - sacrificed with the rest. Ladies and Gentlemen, now is The Ointment is the only reliable remedy , the time, as ese Goods must and will be for bad Legs, Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcers of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. rounds, suitable for a ger tleman's residence, a Park Lot BE WARE OF NEW YORK COUN- and several Town Lots, which will be sold cheap. TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pine and Ointment." are mann facturedawnady,Bao sold under by ye njean. Pe Druggists, a n a ."'fliaelln41, ioCurran, & Co., GEORGE DENT, Seaforth. tropolitan Medi- dm Company also by the Me - of New York,with tn assumed trade mark, thus:- —Again o n e Joseph Haydock, of New York, likewise passes off connterfeits of his own make under the mane of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robina, of New York, are agents for the same. t _ A COMPLETE ST OK OF WHEAT, *OATS blushingly caution the public in the small books Thee° persons, the better to deceive you, nn - I of directions which accompany their medidines PEA, BARLEY' CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEEDS At Reasonable Prices. SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. I have also for sale a Splendid House and 'inside the corporation -of Seaforth DON'T MISS THE DRY GOODS, MD "VT A. IR0 13 0 _A.S II HAS, AS USUAL AT THIS SEA.SON, -which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to tha public in Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies . and to the public generally of British North' America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. GODERICII STREET SEA.FORTI-I .1 a on the Pots and Boxes. Ifthe address nrchasers should took to the Label. 1 I its not 533, Oxford Street, London, i 1 1 they are Counterfeits. -Next Block to iLwnzsden's Drug Store. ; Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medieines e bears the British Government Stamp, with the Words, "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, TJ" R, 1\T I 'I' 13 1=t M1 GANG SELLING OFF. I have come to the conclusion to sell off MY ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT COST km the next Thirty Days, and Just. COME ALONG ALL YE Married, Unmarried and About Getting MARRIED, .‘47l I Will Give You SUCH BARGAINS As cannot be attained elsewhere AS1 I MUST SELL To prevent the Sheriff doing so. I saw him the other day, and he gave me THE WINK, . But don't mention it, a.s it is a Secret. I knew at once that something was up. 1 SO COME ALONG AND BE ARTIAD OF HIM. You will find the Place. MATT. ROBERTSON'S OLD STAND, Main Street, Seaforth; JO 1 N S. PORTER. 1 MA OK C IFICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. IAGE LICENCES Under authority of the Lleatenant-Governor of On Elio. PLOWS, GANG HILL PLOWS, Lorinua," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 588, 01YORD STRE'ET, Loanossawhere alone they ere manufactured': j 1..° Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment PLOWS I as of my genuine make, shall on communicating 'the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and 1 their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan. 1, 1877. 477 HILL PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, LAND ROLLERS, FOR &ME AT THE HURON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. W. H. OLIN/ER, SEAFORTH, ]?LOWS And PLOW CASTINGS BEGS to acquaint his many friends and eusto- mers thet he has removed two doors north of his old stand, McIntyre's Block, where he has a - stock equal to any in the business, and at the most fayorable priees. All kinds of Repairing done on the shorteet notice. A good Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Bnishes, and all other such articles required constantly on hand. Bern ember3 our old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar. Made from the CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRON. Farmers would do well to call and examine be fore purcbasing elsewhere. WHITELAW & MORE. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH ARTHUR FORBES, 11 AVING purchased the Stock and Tide of the Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George 1Vhiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand, and has added several valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carriages, and Double and Single Wagons always ready for use. Special Arrangements Made With Com- mercial Men. Orders left at thostables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. 481 W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth, DR. WILLIAmMtp SPECIFIC GI RC IANYE) 8. The Great English Remedyds especially re- commended as an widen- ing cure for Seminal Weakness Sperinatorr- hea, Impotency, and all Before. diseases that follow as Ak, f t e a sequence of Self base, as Loss of Memory Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Diranes; of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads tct Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as *rule are first caused bj deviating from the Patk ofnature and over incTu1gence4 The Sped& Medicine is the result of alife stddy and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases.. Pam- ' phlet free by mail. The Specific Medieine is sold by all Druggists at V per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM (*RAY & CO., -Co., a. S. Roberts, B1 Lumsden and all druggiet za Windsor, Ont. Sold . in Seaforth by E. Hickson &