HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-12, Page 8e THE HURON EXPOSITOR. lommonsimm Anon Olpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. "Lig not what we cannot get our cheer of mind destroy," but you can get Choice Seas at low prioes. Beautiful Sugars'Extra good Preeherowed Coffee, Bright Syrup,Baking Mo- lasses, Fresh Fruits, Candied P eels, Spieee, Ex - trans, Watt's Erasive 'Family Soap, Starch, Blue, and Butter, Lard, Cheese, Potatoes, Tur- nips, Applea, Flour. 4.to., at prices to suit the times, and have tliem prouiptly delivered, at Allen's Grocery. 475 HA.VING purchased J. I. Carter's Saw Mill, situe,tea south of Sperling:a' Salt Werke, and. the Stock of Lumber oit hand, we are now offering Sorted GootIllemlock and Culls at very low prices, and are prepared to pay the highest mallet price in oash for Hemlock and Hardwood Logs. -Cfastora Sawing a Speciality. S. LOURS - ISMS! & Co. 468 NEW FRUIT. —WILSON & YOUNG have a complete Stock of Prime Now Fruit which they are selling at tL.‘e very lowest cash prices. Valen- cia Raisins, Sultana Raisins. Seedless Raisins, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel and Fancy Crown Layers for table use, Prime New Currants, Prime Figs, Soft Shell AlmondseWalnuts and Filberts— all 1876 erop. 472 President, Vice» residentand Mr. James Londesboro were appointed a Committee to examine applicationi for membership and to transaet other business. It is confidently expected that • by the next annual meeting the membership,will ex- ceed eight hundred. • PERSONAL—Mr. Thomas E. Hayes, of McKillop, and 1Mr. John McMillan, of HuIlett, are this week attending the Dairymen's Coirvention at Ingersoll, the former being it delegate from the Sea - forth, and the latter a delegate from the Kinburn faetory. —At the annual meeting of the Huron Sabbath School Association heldlast week, at Exeter, Mr. D. D. Wilson, of this town, was elected President, and. Rev. T. Goldsmith Vice -President. PRESENTATION. —At the annual meet - in g for the election of officers in the Preabyterian Sabbath Schabl in this town held on Wednesday evening last, Mr. henry Watson was presented with an address -accompanied- by a beautifill and costly Bible. The address was reed by Miss Nettie Goldsmith, and the pre- sentation was made on behalf of the teachers by Miss Kate Brine. Mr. Watson has devoted much time and tal- ent in furnishing beautifulchart illus- tratione of the Scriptural lessons, and these charts have been of the 'greatest service, not only to the scholars, but ,to the Bible Class, teachers, and to everyone connected with the Sabbath School. The presentation was made as a slight recognition of Mr. Watson's valuable services in this way, and wase well merited. :• OBITUARY. —We have this week to re- cord the death of two of our most esteem - CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE,—WILSON 6: YOUNG have the best and cheapest stook of Crookery and Glassware ever offered in Seaforth. China Sets and Stone Sets in over 60 different pat. terns, Toilet Sete and Glass Sets for the million. Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show geode. 472. • NOTICE.—E. Ileciesoes & Co.'s Cheap Sale of Torn ' Ornaments Dressing Cases; Plated Ware, Jewelry, Motto Cups and Saucers, that took place belore Christmas will be continu- ed until after New Years, Great Bargains in some lines. 473 • TEA.L—WILSON & YOUNG have a large and very fine stock of New Season Teas—Youog Hyson, Japan and Black—which they are selling cheaper than at- y other housein the County. All warranted to glee satisfaction. 472 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. —I wish hereby to eive notice that all' parties indebted to me by 1ed. citizens, Mrs. John Shaw and Mr. t seemed to notice the time ,Passing till the -first bright streaks of dawn lit up the easternhorizon, and warned the merry makers to prepare for home. The party broke up at a rather advanced hour in the morning, and all returned to their homes well pleased with the .sport theyhad witnessed, and physically bene- fitte -by the hearty and delightful exer- cise of the dance.,—Com. note or book account ruust pay up, otherwise I •must put their eases into cottrt. WM. CAMP- BELL. 461 FOR Pure Ground. Coffee go to FAIR- LEY'S. All Coffees Ground on the premises, and warranted pure. Chicory added if requested. J. FAIPLEY, Seaforth. 474 CHURCH. OF ENGLAND MI8SIONS.— The annual Missionary Meeting will be held in St. Thomas' Church, Seaferth, on Thursday the 18th inst. at half -past seven p. m. Addresses will be delivered by Revs. W. Logan, of Lucan, and Dr. Wall, of Clinton. COUNCIL MEETINGS. — The retiring Council of this town held their last meeting on Thursday evening of last week. The new Council will meet at • the Town Hall on Monday next it Il o'clock in the forenoon, when the oath of office will be administered. to the several members. AN OTHER BUTTERFLY. —Mr. R. Grim- oldby, of this town, showed us on Thurs- day a very Pretty yellow butterfly, which he had captured in his hous . It was as sprightly as possible and. appearances has every prospect o viving the winter and getting a start in the spring. from sur - good BAP. Rogers.] They both died on Fri- Wroxeter. BELL RINGERS.-- The Miner Family- Swies Bell Ringers gave an entertainment on Friday, the 5th inst., in the Public Hall. The audience was large, and the performance fairly gaod. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. —The annual meet- ing for the election of school trustees was held. on Wednesday, the 10th inst. A large number of ratepayers gathered at the Public Hell, and the retiring trustees, Messrs. John Sandereon and Nathaniel Allen were unaeimously re-elected for another term, • N'iTalt day morning' and were buried,,.inthe •Maitland cemetery on Sunday. Mrs. Shaw died of billious fever, after a short illness. • She was a lady highly respect- ed by all who knew her, and leaves a husband and family, as well as many fiends, rto cherish her memory and mourn her loss. Mr. Rogers had been in delicate health for some time, but was able to attend to business until with- in a little over a week before his death, and at no time was his case Considered serious, so that his death was, we might say, unexpected, and caused universal regret and surprise throughout the tewn. Heart disease, combined with congeition of the lunge, were the diseases which caused his 'death. Mr. Rogers was one of the oldest merchants in Seaforth,! and although an unassuming and retiring per- son, he had, by strict attention to lausi- nese, probity, and honest dealing,built up a large trade, and he was held in the highest esteem by his 'fellow men. His death will be a subject for universal re- gret by all who knew him. • Couneillor, $16 ; William IA ilson, COun- cillor, $14 ; Daniel McColl, Councillor, $16 ; R. Brown, letting contracts, post- -age and stationery, $20; J. B. Geiger, letting jobs $10 ; J. C. Kalbfleisch, ditto, $8 ; Wm. Wilson, ditto, $12; D. McColl, ditto, $10. carried. Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by J. B. Gel - ger, that the following parties be re- : Wm. Wilson, arles Southerby, Blatchford, .31; ael Zeller, $1 ; stead 'of bitch, 4/1-BANGE OFFICERSe—The Patrons of Husbandry of Walton 'Union Grange met on the 4th init., for the purpose of installing officerfor the current year. The ceremonies were performed. by Mr. John Whitefield, of he Grey Division Grange. The fallowing is a list of the • officers: John Hewitt, Master;James Douglass, Overseer; Wm. Bell, Lectur- er; Alex. Sim.pson, Chaplain; James McAllum, Stewart • James Barnhill, As- sistant -Stewart ; Wm. Hewitt, Gate- keeper ; M. Morrison, Treasurer; Mrs. Hewitt, Ceres; Mrs. Gudkins, Pomona; and Mrs. Dickson, Flora. 1 THE CeEeepeAls —Remember the car- nival on the Victoria. Skating Rink to- eiiglat (Friday.) The rink has been en - larged and. otherwise considerabl proved, and the ice is in first-clas dition. The carnival commences im- COn - at 7 o'clock. The Seaforth Fireman's Band will be in attendance. THE SCHOOL TRUSTELECTINS. — The elections for School Truste s, on EE Wedneiday last, passed off very quietly. The attendance at each of the nomina- tion places was *ery small. Dr. Vercoe was re-elected for the South Ward, W. N. Watson for the East Ward., and Wm. Ballantyne for the North Ward. . ELECTION OF OFFICERS. —Th e annual meeting of the Seaforth Fire Brigade for the election of -officers was held oil Mon- day evening . last and was largely at- tended. The fallowing officers were elected: Captain, Jarnes A. Cline ; First Lieutenant, William Cline ; Second Lieutenant, C. Armstrong; Secretary, George Watson ; Treasurer John Ward; First Branchman, David Treasurer, ; Seeoud Branchrnan, William Rehill. • funded their dog tax, v $1 ; Ludwig Ism, 1 ; C $1 ; W. Cook, $1 ; J. Philip Koler, $1; Mic J. Hamacher, 1 dog $1 • Adam Albreeh, $1; S. Disherda, 1 bitch, $2. Carried. Moved by Daniel McColl, seconded by J. C. 11talbfliescb, tbst the following parties be refunded. statute labor, viz: Jacob Ragier, $3; J. F. Moritz, 86. Carried. Moved by Daniel McColl, seconded by J. B. Geiger, that this Council do now adjourn. Car- ried. some still maintain that the old way was the best, yet the majority seem uncom- monly well pleased with the township board system. The following is a slight name of the finances for the year, viz.: Expenses — building expenses, $900; wood :&c., $200 salaries, $4,500; total, $5,600. For the incoming year the sal- aries will amount to about $4,900. All are second-class _teachers, except the as- sistants, making, we will venture to say, as efficient a staff of teachers as is to be found in any rural locality in the Do- minion. Grey: ELECTION OF OFFICERS.—Subordinate Grange No. 231, Patrons of Husbandry, have elected the following officers for the ensuing year :. William- Leckie, Mas. ter ;-Peter Sinclair, Overseer Thomas Whitfield, Chaplain; Samuel Slemmon, Steward ; Robert Martin, Lecturer; Wm. Sinclair Assistant Stewart ; James Johnston, Secretary ; Peter McDonald, Treasurer ; John Knight, Gate Keeper; Miss Jessie McLaughlin, Ceres ; Me& P. Sinclair;Vomona ; Mrs. Steel,Flora; Miss Maggie Cameron, Lady Assistant Stew- ard. The meetings of the Grange are held in the new hall, Cranbrook, on Thursday of each month on or before full moon. Bluevale. PERSONAL. —We regret to learn that Mr. W. G. Duff, who has for the past four years been a resident of the village of Bluevale, and also a teacher in the senior department of the public school, loft here on Friday, Jan. 5th; for Clinton, to attend the High School and, to better fit himself for the noble work of teaching. His absence here is . deeply felt by all, far he was a great favorite not only with the children but with the middle aged and aged. His untiring energy to pro- naote the interests of the village and ephool will not soon be forgotten. Blue - vale school is now taught by three of its own pupils who were also pupils of Mr. • Duff. He has left here with the well wishes of the 'villagers and friends in the neighborhood, TME LITERARY SOCIETY.—At the regular meeting of the Seaforth Literary Society held on Monday evening last there was an unusually small attendance. On account of Mr. Hicks, one of the leaders, being absent, the subject of a Monarchical or Republican form of Gov- ernment was not -discussed, but in its stead there was an impromptu discussion on the following subject: "Would the Governmenl be justified in making it a critninal offence for engineers and. fire- men to abandon a train midway between 'stations, in the eveht of a disagreement between them and their employers." The affirmative' was supported by Messrs. I R. Lumsden, Dr. Vercoe and 'f. Kidd, and the negative.by Messrs. John Mc- Millan, W. N. Watson and William Campbell. The subject, "Resolved that a Monarchical is preferable to a Republi- can form' of Government" was, again \• four assemblies dirriug the season. ' chosen for debate en one week from next CARNIVAL.—A skating carnival takes Monday evening, with Messrs. S. niche I place on Friday, Jan. 19, on Wilson's and John McMillan as leaders. , The I oovered rink-. The rink to the present time has been in the very best condition, Hibbert. • —The following is a list of the officers elected. for Grange No. 233, the head quarters of which is located on the 16th concession: Win. I Cuthill, Master; John Stewart, Overseer ; Hartwell Spei- ran, Chaplain; Donald McTaggart, Steward ; George Aviary, Lecturer; AV il- liam Fulton, Assistent Steward ; Alex- ander Stewart, Secretary; John Mc- Taggart, Treasured Duncan McInnis, Gate Keeper; Mrs. G. Avery, Ceres; Mrs. T. Shields,Poneona•'Mrs. Hartwell Speiran, Flora ; Miss Jessie McNeil, Lady Assistant SteWard. Brueefield. aullett. NEW MILL. -- Mr. Josiah Irwin, of Hullett, has erected, ancl has now in op- eration, a new grist and flouring mill on his water powerl,having two run of stone in full blast. THE COUNCIL. —The polling on Mon- day for deputy -reeve and councillors re- sulted in the return of Mr. Harburn as deputy -reeve and Messrs. Olver, Camp- bell, and Burns, as Councillors. These, with Me. R. Gardiner, re-elected _reeve -by acclamation, constitute the council of 1877. THE LOST FOUND. —It will be remem- bered that a 'short time ago we stated that Mr. Edward Mulcahy, of Hibbert, had had a quantity of peas stolen from his barn. Mr. •Mulcahy now informs us that souse days ago he had occasion to go under his barn, and upon reaching the spot underneath his granary imagine his surprise when he came across the whole of his peas which he supposed had - been stolen. It is supposed the grain ran out through a hole in the floor. The peas were all spoiled, having get wet. Brussels. e,ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meet- ing of members of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricultural Society was held in the hall of the Commer cial Hotel, Seaforth, Tuesday last. The attendance of members was very small. In fact it is discredit- • able -to the agriculturists of this seetion that a meeting of such importance should be kio meagrely attended. The Treas- urer's report showed the Society to be in a good. position financially, and the conduct of the Directors for the past year was universally approved 6f. -The following officers ancl.Directors were ap- pointed for the ensuing year: John Mc- Millan, President; Robert Charters, Vice -President ; Jahn Hannah, Secre- tary; William Logan, Treasurer ;' and Mr. MeDermid and Hugh Chesney, Auditors. Directors—John . McLean, James Young and John C. Steele,Tucker- smith ; V. J. Shannon, Peter McEwen and George Lee, McKillop ; A. T. Tyere man and George Watt, liullett ; David McNaught and Alexander Stewart, Sea - forth. THE FIRE INSURANCE MEETING. —The annual meeting of the members of the •McKillop Mutual Fire Latium -ice Com- pany was held in. the ¶iowh Hall, Sea - forth, on Friday last. There was a very fair attendance of members. The Com- pany has prospered amazingly. Al- though it has only been in existence about nine months, there ere now over four hundred members with an insurance of $462,545. We learn from the Di- rectors' report that since the organizing of the Company' there has been only one loss, amounting to $115. The member- ship fee of $ L.50 has, also, not only been sufficient to pay the salaries of all the officials and expenses connected with the Company, but has left a balance of a good sum in the Treasury. According to the rules of -the Company, five direc- tors retire annually. This year the retiring dire&ors were those represent- ing the township of McKillnp. The fol- lowing new directors for tftat township were elected, viz: W. J. Shannon, James Hayes, James Kerr, Irwin John- ston, and William Morrison. Mr. 0. E. Cresswell and Mr. James McDonald, Directors for Tuckersnaith, resigned, and • Mr. A. Elooat, and Mr. James Stanbury were elected. in their •stead. Several amendments to the by-laws were con- sidered and passed, when the meeting adjourned. At a meeting of the Di- rectors subsequently held, Mr, W. J. Shannon was appointed President and Mr. John McMillan Viee-President. Mr. M.Y.McLean was re -appointed Secretary' and Treasurer, and Messrs. David Sproat, Robert McMillan and Thomas Neelans were re -appointed Agents. The TYPHOID FEVER. cases of this fever i Huron Notes. A debating club has been formed at Dashwood, and those spoutingly inclined are having a good time. —The Methodists of Wingham had a Christmas Bazaar, from which the nice; little sum of $165 was realized. • -.-Mr. Wm. Dickson, the popular teacher of School Section No. 1, Grey, has been re-engaged at a salary of $450, an increase of $60 over last year. —For the quarter ending in Dec. 12th, there were in the County of Huron 36 convictions for drunkenness, and 31 convictions for violations. of the License Act. —Thirteen. teachers are studying for second class Certificates in the Goderich High School, all of whom have taught schools. A number are studying. for third s. • —A fit days since Mr. S. P. Halls sold his farm of 70 acres, in the village of Elimi11e,*Dr. Cowau, of Exeter, for $5,090. This is one of the best farms in Usborne. —A Wingham paper states that there is no truth in the statement that the Grangers of Turnberey have pnrchased a portion of the Wingham cemetery in which to bury their dead. There are several the neighborhood at present, but as y t none have proved fatal. - MARKETs.—The lwo grain storehouses at the railway statien have been rented, and are now occue4ed, one by *Messrs. Scott and Armitag , and the other by Mr. McLellan, of no doubt that with in the market, goo given to the farming community. This week $1 24 has beep. paid for fall wheat, and $1 21 for spring. As a result of the above, we find Brii1cefie1d gradually as- suming- the husieess-like appearance which distinguished it in past years. QUADRILLE ASSEMBLIES.—The first of a series of quadrille assemblies was held. in the town hall, oil Wednesday evening last. The committee propose holding readings will take place on next Monday evening as usual. We should like to see, these useful and interesting meetings much more largely attended. t ' . election foi two tnembers to Brussels THE Rosties.—The roads both north school board, came off on Wednesday, last. Dr. Graham and C. R. Cooper s and south of Seaforth are in a most de- I plorable, condition. The roadway be- I were the retiring members. C. . R. tveeen the fences is drifted full of snow; 1 C°°Perstood for re -erection. A good , and. the heavy teaming has cut great 1 number of the ratepayers assembled. at e k holes, which are perfectly frightful. In 1 thappointed hour. After a ood deal fact it is almost impossible to drive over 1 of talking, the following parties were op them with any degree of safety. Surely 1 for election: C. R. Cooper, Dr. Holmes, , i t it is time seme steps were being taken Daniel Stewarand Thomas McGillie to keep these roads in a decent ,state of cuddy. The friends of the last named repair. In the spring and fall they are candidate not being satisfied with a show next to inepassable with mud, and in of hands, denaanded a poll. At -the close winter they are equally dangeroufrom i at 5 o'clock, the following was the state s f the accumulation of over much snow. If 1 othe poll : Dr. Holmes the suggeations made in',. these columns I Cooper, 72 ; D. Stewart, ' 96 ; C. R. 69 ; T. Mc. some time ago—the erection of wire 1 GillicuddY, 48. Da Roll:ries and *C. R. fences—were acted. upon, the drifting Cooper were declared elected. The vote in 1 i the winter would be almoet entirely pre- being au open one, matters were kept There are •several pieces very lively the whole afternoon. There vented.1 of were within 30 as many votes polled as there were for municipal councillors. At a meeting of the school board, held in the evening, W. G. Hingston ' was elected chairman, and J. Shaw secretary wad. treasurer. - and we hope to see a good turn out at the carnival. 'SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION.— The • xeter, and we have such able gentlemen satisfaction will be JANUARY 125 1877. 7777777 77E77777 7777777 lie Or 7 7 7 7 7 7 lie Or 7 • -7 or .7 7 7 "Es ga- 7 7 7 7Stt Or 7. 7 • 7 - —As . Mr. John Cox, of Goderich TOwnship, was attending to his horses, a eolt-got frightened. and. kicked him on theforehead, stunning him for a short time. He is getting around nicely. —Mr. H.Y. Attrill is in Goderich com- pleting his arrangements for sinking a shaft to the salt bed, and the work will be commenced as soon as the weather and the completion of the arrangements will permit. —The Primitive Methodists of Wing - ham held their. -anniversary services and tea -meeting on the 31st ult. and lst inst. A debt of $220, which rested on the church and land, was settled. from the proceeds obtained. —Mr. Richard Hicks, lately • from Berne, is fitting up and furnishing a cot- tage in dentralia, preparatory to bring- ing home his bride. He is purposing to enter a co -partnership there with Mr. A. J. Rollins in the general store busi- ness. —Mrs. J. Vivian, of (oderich, has had the good fortune to win -the highest prize at the bazaar held in aid. of the House of Providence, London, during Christmas week. The prize consists of a horse, covered buggy and sett of har- ness. —At the regular meeting of Wing - ham Lodge No. 286, A. F. and A. M., on Tuesday evening, 26th,ult., .the fol- lowiug officers were elected: B. Wil- son, W. M. ; Thos. Bell, S. W.; Wm. Messer, J. W.;W. Davis; Chaplain; S. G. Cox. Secretary; B. Flynn, Treasurer. —Two men named. Joseph Thompson and Jas, Carney were, a 'few days ago, brought before Messrs. Robt. Armstrong and Donald McLean, J. P.'s, at Belgrave, on a charge of assault and battery on James Bailey. The case was proved against them. It also came out in evi- dence that 'great provocation was given by Bailey, who has a very abusive tongue. A small fine was inflicted. NION CHURCIII MEETING. —A meet- ing of the congregation of the Union church in this place, was held on Mon- day, the 8th inst.!, for the purpose of moderating in a call to a minister. Be- fore proceeding in the matter a resolu- tion was passed that in the event of more than one candidate being proposed, the minority wottld cheerfully fall in with the majority. Two candidates were nominated to be inserted in the call, Rev. C. D.- McDonald, of Sarnia, and Rev. Mr. Thompsen, of McKillop. 011 a vote being taken, the latter gentleman was elected by a narrow majority." A motion was then Pa-ssed that the name of Mr. Thompson which was carried delegates were a road. , in1this vicinity which used to be badly drifted, but which., since the erection of wire fences on either side, do not drift at all. It Would be well worth whiie ictir the municipal Councils of the townships interested to give their at- tention to this matter. We are sure that th re is More property destroyed. annuallY through these horrible roads, to eier nothing of the discomfort and • danger, than would pay the 'entire cost of erecting wire fences along, the por- tions o roads which now drift: - MeKillop. ACCI1DENT.—On Monday last a . son Of Mr. William Nesbit, of the litle con- cession, of McKillop, met Ninth, a most acres. Mr. Troyer has purchased Mr. painful accident. He was workirtg with Pollock' s store at Hills Green, and will a straw cutter when his hand got caught hereafter: carry on business there. It in the knives of themachine severing will be remembered ithat Mr. Troyer one finger flora the hand and severely met with an accident last fall, through wound!ing three of his other fingers. • - which he lost his left arm, and on ac - ELECTION OF OFFICERS. —At the last Count of this he has been forced to give meeting of McKillop Loyal Orange Lodge up farming.• He is a good, square, hon - No. 8113, the following Offieers were orable man;' and will no doubt do a good elected for the ensuing year, viz: 131c). busidess at Hills. Green. John Scarlett re-elected W. M;; Bio. . COUNCIL MEETING. —The Council met 'Irwin 'Johnston, D. M.; Bro. Aothony pursuant to adjournment in the Town Bayd Treasurer ; Bro. J. C. Morrison, Hall, Zurich. on Tuesday, December 26. e inserted in the call, unanimously. Three pointed to place the call before the Pr sbytery at its meeting in Clinton on Tuenday. 1 . Kippen. SOIREE. —The nnual soiree of the Kippen Presbyterian congregation was held. in Ste Andrew's Church on the evening of Fridaer, 29th ult., and proved in spite of the tether stormy state of the weather, a great success. The church was filled by a very respectable and. or- derly company ef old and young and middle aged, who all determined to throw dull care away and abandon themselves to social pleasure for the evening, and their capacity in this respect seemed to be upto the maximum. Rev. Mr, Cameron, pas- tor of the congregation, occupied. the chair, and the opening services having. been concluded,l an abundance of .riolt cakes and other good things, which had 1•T 0 111 I a- _ A CASE CONTAINING TWENTY-EICHT PIECES, 'U . • Hay. FRUIT Soya", —A Fruit Social will be held in Farmsville Church on , January 16th at 7 o'clock p. in. A number of speakers and a good choir. will be in at- te n dance.1 • FARM SOLD. —Mr. Charles Troyer, has sold his farm on the Par line, Hay, to Mr. Marshal Pollock, of Hills Green, for $3,000. The farm contained 67 Secretary ; Bro. Hugh Mowbray, Chep - lain ; Bro. Rev. C. M. Thoin,pson, As- sistant Chaplain ; Bro. William Bullard, -Director of Ceremonies. Committee— Bros: W. Morrison, ist ; W. Harrigan, 2nd ; \V. Cook, 3rd ; M. Gilpir, 4th ;1J. McKay, 5th. SURPRISE PARTY. —On Thursday even- ing, ,Tan. 4th,, quite a number of young ladies and gentlemen assembled at Irish - town, and,being joined by a counter gent from Seaforth, the united party proceed- ed in ' leighs to Con. 13th,- McKillop, s saw mill. happened arrivi Luck' to be prised immediately ordered a large timing -room adjalit to the mill to be cleared of its furnit re, and the party being well proi vided with music, dancing was commenc-1 ed. As the saying runs, "all went as merry g a.t Mr. Thos. Downey y the genial proprietor here, and did not feel a bit sur- Selector lof Jurors, $4 ; Robert Brown, at their unexpected areivaL He ditto, $4 ; Satnuel Foster, ditto, $4. Carried. Moved by D. McColl,. second- ed by J'. C. Kalbfieisch, that the follow- ing accounts for Council fees and ser- vices for letting contracts, be paid : Robert Browne Reeve, $16 ; J. 13. Geiger, Deputy -Reeve $16 ; J. 0, Kalbfleisch, All the embers present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. On motiqn. of Mr. Wilson, 'seconded by Mr. McColl, a number of accounts were pai3sed and or- dered to; be paid. Moved. by J. B. Geiger, seconded by J. C. Kalbfleisch, that the following salaries be paid, viz: Michael .Zeller, Treasurer, $76 ; Samuel Foster, Clerk, $116 ; registration of births, deaths and marriages, $10 30; postage and stationery, $6.80; Charles Bauer, Collector, $60; Mrs. Kleinhardt, Hall -keeper, $8; R. D. Broderick, Tavern Inspector, $8 ; James Bonthron, —The following is the state of the poll at the close of the. Wingharn muni- cipal elections : For Reeve --)3. Wileon; 106 ; C. Tait Scott, 54. For Councillors —L. J. Brace, 105; Dr. :Tamlyn, 97 ; Geo. Pettypiece, 91 • Dr. Macdonald, 83; Geo. Green, 70; h. Kerr, 69; Dr.- Towler, 47. The Council for -1877 will theretore be: Reeve—B. Wilson. Coune cillors—L. J. Brace, Dr. Tamlyn, Geo. Pettypiece, and. Dr. Macdonald. —The Hymeneal fever has been pre- vailing to an alarming extent in the vi - 1,500 YARDS OF° DRES,S GOODS, All the New Makes in EAI 331R,OWl\T,, NAVY BlbE, PLUM, And other New Shades Just Opened at As C. McDOUCALL & CO Sr SIGN OF THE 77777 77777 77777 77777 77777 77777- 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7- • 7 7 7 7 7 7 - been provid.ed by the ladies of the con- cinity of Blyth lately. On Christmas gregation, and which might have tem t- ed the appetite of the most fastidious, together with a plentiftil supply of "the' cup which cheers butt not inebriates," was handed ron d by the very polite and attentive waiters. Ample justice hay- West Wawanosh, whilst on the same ing been done to the good things of this day Mr. J. Delmage made a Miss Cum - life, the intelleetuel ipart of the enter- merford, of Blyth, Mrs.. Delmage. tainrnent commenced. The Clinton choir —The following are the office bearers as a marriage bell," and nobody Day Mr. J. M. Clinton led to the altar Miss Phoebe Bell, both of West Wa- wanosh. On the Wednesday following Mr. John McGill was united. in matri- mony to Mins Letitia Ellice, both of under the leadership of Mr. Crawford, was present, and discoursed sweet music at intervals duiiiig the evening, and by their artistic rendering of several fine - pieces added very much to the pleasure of• the entertainment, and also to their own well earnedreputation. Edifyingand interesting add esees were delivered by Rev.Messrs.Tyler, McCuaig,Hartley and McCrea. Votes of thanks having been ladies, the speakers and eeting was brought to hairman pronouncing the fter which all parties veral ways, the younger tendered to the the choir, the a close by the benediction, wended their s portion of the company going principally in couples, and all well satisfied with tho evening's e tertainrnent.—Com., T ekersinith. SomE Rites. the threshers grain on the fa Mill Road, the One day last week, as ere engaged in threshing m of Mr. John Cameron, came across in thebot- . tom of a mow iTegular nest of rats. The machine was, of course, stopped, and. all hands. charged the enemy, and at the conclusion of the fray sixty-four rate -had been slain. Mr. Cameron says he has serious intentiens of going into the saus- age business. 1, SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION.— The elec- tion of three township school trustees took place in the Egmondville, on Wed - re was a very fair at- e electors. The retiring Messrs. Wm. McConnell, and Wm. Mahaffey. The lemen were unanimously es in their stead, viz.: , -N. Cousins and James e are sure a better 'selec- tion could. not have been made. THE TOWN4HIP BOARD. —At the an- nual school meeting held in Tuckersmith on Wednesday, the Secretary read his financial sta ment, which received a friendly but zjgid criticism, and although for Tuckersmit school house at nesday last. tendance of t - Trustees were David Sprat following gen elected trust John Hanna McEwing. of Exeter Encampmenle t, o. 38 Inde- pendent Order of Od.dfellows : T. D. Stanley, C. P.; U. jury, H. P.; W. Howard, S. W.; G. Thexton, Secretary; R. Pickard, Treasurer • J. Orr, J. W. The following are the dicers of Exeter subordinate Lodge: T. D. Stanley, N. G.; 71. C. Brown, V. G.; U. Jury, IL Secretary; J. Brown, P. Secretary; R. Pickard, Treasurer. SMA.T'ORTI-1_ This ease was detained here at the SEAFOBTEC STATION for the last Seven Weeks by the —A few days ago Mr. Fillion, of the firm of Thompson & Fillion, Bayfield, met with a severe accideot while work- bag in a shingle mill. His coat was caught by a shaft revolving at the rate of one hundred and twenty reVolutions per minute. Beforethe machinery could. be stopped, Mr. Fillion was stripped of his clothing, being lett in- an entirely nude state, fearfully bruised, having had several bones broken. It is expected he will recover. —An 'Ethel corresPondent says: Busi- ness has been very brisk for the past few days. A large quantity of wood. has been drawn to Ethel Station this winter. Messrs. Jas. & Wm. Milne ex- peot to be running their neve grist 'mill by the first of March. The contract for putting in the machinery has been given to Messrs. Goldie & McCulloch, of Galt. The boiler will be 55 -horse power, the engine 45 -horse power, and there will be four run of stones. • —Mr. William Elliott, who was in the employ of Mr. James Touchbourne, Of Goderieh Township, not feeling able to woek on Friday, went to bed, and on being called on Saturday morning made no answer. It was found he could not speak, though conscious. Medical aid was at once summoned, but Was of no avail, as he died at 7 o'clock Saturday evening, of apoplexy. The,. young man was a native of Ireland, and came to this country five or six years ago. He was a good hearted person, about 26 years of age, and was a inember of the Orange body. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTHORITIES For want of Invoice. We are now allowed to ••- offer them for sale for the OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • AT HALF THEIR VALUE ALSO 20 PIECES. ALL WOOL TWEED, At 90 cents per yard, worth $3 50 per yard -- These Goods are a GREAT .NARGAIN. ,CALL RESPEOiTULLY REQUESTED. A. G. McDOUGALL &Co. SEAFORTH. -0 TENT YEA* WHOLE NO. 4' KEA', ESTAT VCR S.AtE.—!-A Stave -11; Blythe Apply to VBAME COTTAG-E rooms and 2 kitebe Stewart's brick residene W. N. WATSON, Seek)] VOR SALE—A new i 3: of land on Turnbe :north of the Railway. Bruesels P. 0., with etai g :11-013SE TO RENT t levels Or rented, e. comfe :well and garden attach ing the EXPOSITOR 4 CAMPBELL, Seaforth a VAIIMS -FOR SALE. - JL also Soul Con. 10, *M`orkis, adjoie For particalats apply to STED, Barristers, 4c., VARM FOR SALE.- -1: 13, McKillop. mate balance well timbered , - sale cheap and oneaey, to McCAUG-IIEY & 119 rr0 SELL OR REN3 tomfortable and house and grounds ree! byteriau Manse. Poste January. AppIy at 1 forth. WARM FOR, SALE, farm now in th Madigan, being Lot I McKillop, containing ino, good fences ank TER, 'S'eaforth. VARM FOR SALE. - Lot 16, Con. 13, lie each, balance in 12 ye:4 any time and in any $ house and lot for sale DERBYSHIRE, Se* 'flOROPEBTY FOR fi ertyon Goderich ich Maimfaeturing Also elwellinghousea • property -will ba sold here apply to GRAY 1 VA.RM FOR 5al-.30e- ron Road, Maine which are desxexl and tion. Is within. a Mil $aeforth. It is One ty and -will be sold cl , Seaforth. 'T/UILDINO LOTS —De. COLEM Al reoently occupied ae ing -Lots, is prepare able terms to ioay wl desiring to purchase plication. ilogioopERTy Eon -1- story frame hol Market Squere, Se been used as an egg: fat weiiadapt-ed fo particulare apply to COM, Seaforth, or Ontario. VARM FOB ALE ship of Stanley' 50 acres dear and balance well timbet and coder. There premises. It is eot and within two mil particulare apply te the preniises. -- ----- PLANING- FACT first-elass aa Aachinery of the I nearly all new mad sonvenient to the jl Great Western Bi ef Crineton, M. the particulars apply *ITEVNS it MIL A CHANCE 10, cheap a lot lumber shed thee Walton. The bul an exeellent oleo There are three and only -wagon I seasoned lumber separately. Appl Out. DESIRABLE 1' Sale on mato groonde inEgmoi I. S. Porter. Ti hoose witbUnel veniences, also al There are four in good bearing oret be a most elesirale or a retired. ferret: OTTSE AND elegant tW0-i Huron Road, Sc there are 8 bear() ing Om and kit most conveniem attached, she) st a handsome haI offered to intend' favorable terms, THOMAS STEP PARM P0118. -re' Lot 29, Con. 25 of which are cultivation, the hardwood. The frame stable e ercharde It is A the villageof Wi tour mill, store zoiavenie Scalorth. Appl iseE, or addres • DONALD. ' VARM FOR S 11 and ea eontaining 1901 in a good state ed, balance leer and frame etab brigs; good 1> Stream running well; about 8 ated about 11 from Seaforthe the proprieor P0. ANGUS INESS.H ties in Oot Townehip of 3 gravel road, 7 etations; D tore; Lot eon of good land; 'especially a hal ea= V mileso cheap. If logo. down. Apply I, to Wm: ASHI The above Lot Fitzgerald. 'X TALIJA.131.1 Y The proe Grey, about 3 Southern Rei Bruce Railwa horse engioe, edging and len chine imd shi and eight mot of capital, as I quantity of Ti faetery reaser on -applicatio Post,0150e. due must bet expenEe.