HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-12, Page 7ALAN. atoms h* . atm NOW lr1 IS One 0 fn - _,.'y tc atronag; m AND SHOES Steak of New Work that snit the tames, Also a bast mast be sold los Heir Orders recently will pleas. _EASUE BOOK E their Measures.. Iong standing accounts an - SETTLE THEM AT CUM ar.his money, as in the past. old friends will not forget one, au4 with thanks for tkt t the future, he .€ill try tre AS COVENTRYY SEAFORTH. AF€RTH ARS LAND ALERCY. zo STRONG Several .First -Class Stook, Thee ce Companies, and is:prepax- iAVOR.ABLE viral of the best Loan Seems- the sale and purchase of Farm. rrty.. R OF FIRST-CLASS IM -- D FARtle FOR SALE. to Loan at S Per Vent. Interest. ver M. Morrison's Store, Main -Ste YG A FIND NIM' .IAM GRASSIE commeneed business after the fire sea foi`merly occupied: by Monroe MAIN --ST., SEAFOR .H, be glad tonneet with as many of and customers as can male it con- om hixn. :THING & WACON MAKING artments carried on as formerly y Promptly Attend to: WILLIAM GRASSI& O:MMERCI-AL L.I`YERYJ SEAFORTH. HUR FORBESS, =chased the Stookand Tracie of the rad Livery, - Seeforth, front Mr.. teley, begs to- state that he intends the business in the old stand, And hat al valuable horses and vehicles to the ge stoat. None but Comfortable Vehiclesand Good able :Horses Will be ,dept. d Open Buggies- and Carriages,.awd Single Wagons alwaysready for use. rrangemen's Made With Com- mercial Men. at the stables or any of the hotels tended to. ORTH PLANING MILL, OOR AND BLIND FACTORY riberbegs leave to thank his nnmeron* rsfortheliberalpatronege extendedte ()ran: erming business in Seaforth, and amay he favored with a continuaut*- endingtabid1 would do well to give s he will continue to keep on hand a: f ell kinds of lY PINE LUMBER, SASlllit, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, INGLES, LATA, ETC. nfident trf givingsatisfaction tathose vonrhie, withtheirpatronage, as none awor`rmenare emplayed. - cula attention paid: to Custom Planing JOHN H. BBOADFOOT. EMPORIUML scriber 1>;ere&y thanks his nunnerous. tmerchants andothera) for their liberal during the past seven gears, and hope*, tegriti; andclose attention to husinese, sir confidence and trade in thefuture. greatly enlarged his premises, -during e, he is now prepared to pay the EST CASH PRICE entity of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seatorth. by the subscriber 25 ions la/ good pry-. EAT STRtsW . D. WILSON., K ON STEAMSHIP comply., SLS Se it Weekly from Quebec for Liver - 1„. calli ig at Belfast. Through Tickets- :ora ickets:om SeefortittoLiverpool ke, Seaforth to Liverpool..... $32 Seafierth; tt Liverpool..,:...... A. ABMITAGE Agent thousand debars to loan on improved )perty, principal payable at any time, and :wins to suit the borrowers'. convenience' .try nice Building Lots for sale in Seaforilt nzondviiie. Call and sea plan and get pat A. BRMITAGE - .HENSALL. N LOGS WANTED. Fndersigzed is prepared to purchase eaw- f delivered at Hensall- this winter, for willpythefollowing prices -i es in,cash: 5 per 100 feet ; Basswood, $6; Oak, tternat and Cherry $8S; Ee€alook,Biroh, 3eeeh and Book and Soft Elm, $4. m going to erect a mill in Etensall I .am l to receive any quantities. T. J. WILSON, Hansell. .JPSE OATMEAL MILLS. T IN FULL OPERATION. Veal, Split .Peas, Rot Batrrley (Yarn Merl Chopped, IRios of Mill Feed Constantly on Haes2 .. edagne Teesdale and Fridays. oatmeal tor Osts. Highest price paid for 0044 d Barley, CURR C T110/00 24, • Rite .877 ttr the, piEoovery'• of . ►:lnerioeL Probabfy nid archeological mystery is enshrouded with more interest acid .a greater chariri than the discovery of the Western Continent. ' This facttis attest- ed by the devotion and zeal of a galaxy of men of genius,. such as Humboldt, Kingsborough, Stephens, Rafn, and well nigh a score of others. The various theories for the solution of this perplex- ing problem. many of them_ ingeniously .spun, are too numerous afor mention here. Only the .prucipal." claims to. ,the; discovery and colonization can receive attention: .Ancient America, with its noble monuments of a once grand oivili- .zation, is to us a land of darkness, and its history •one of uneertainty: In our enquiries, fact must, in a measure, be exchanged for conjecture. Very'scanty are the recordsthat .come down to us from the ancients concerning their knowledge of the Atlantic, and the islands hidden in its bosom, though -those indomitable sailors, the Ph cenicians, had passed the pillars. of Hercules and ese tablished colonies on the western coast of Africa, in the ninth century before Christ. Three _ hundred years later (B. C. 576), according to Herodotus,` Pharoah Necho fitted out an expedition, manned by Phosnieiau sailors, and sent it around the entire coast of Africa. That the Canary -Islands were discover, ed and colonized by . the Pho:nicians,' them is no doubt. Strabo, speaking of the Island`s of the -Blessed, or Fortunate Isles, as they were, afterwards- called, adds, "That those who pointed out those things were the Phcenicians, who before the time of Homer had possession of tlee• beat part of -Africa and Spain." It is a well, known fact that these - hardy ad- -venturers of the seas were its the habit of preserving with the strictest secrecy the names and location of the distant lands with which they engaged in com- merce. Where they sailed and traded, other than in the ports of the Indies and of the British Isles, must remain un- known. Whether furnished by, this na- tion of sailors or not, the ancients seem- ed to have had some remarkable • infor- mation concerning an island or contin- ent hidden in the Saa of Darkness, as. theAtlantic was called. - The xfirst -men- `tion of this is made by Theopompous, a celebrated Greek orator and historian, who flEourished'in the time of Alexander the Great. His description of this dis- tant island, of great dimensions, and in-- habited by a strange people. is pre- served in AlIan's "VarI HIstori n," written during the -reign of Alexander Severus. — I'Ite Galey. The Queen on the Education of Her Daughter. "I am quite clear that she should be taught to have great reverence for God and ior religion, but that she should have the feeling of devotion and love whiclrout Heavenly father encourages His earthly children to have for him, and not one of fear and trembling ; and that the thoughts of death and an after life should not be represented in an alai -tiling and forbidding view, and that she should be made to know as . yet no difference of creeds, and not think that -she can only pray en her knees, - or that those who do not kneel are less fervent and devout in their prayers." While wishing to be guided. in all things relating to the education of the Royal children by the Prince's wishes, Ser Majesty from time to time placed upon record, in writing, her own 'views upon the subject. In these. memoranda, the education of the head. is well provided for, but the education of the heart. is dwelt upon as of primary importance. One of them, dated 4th of March, 1844, winds up thus : —"The greatest maxim: •of all is—that the children should be brought up as simply, and in as domestic a way as possible ; that (not interfering with their lessons) they should be as much as possible with their parents,.and learn to place their greatest confidence in them in all things." The question of religious training is also dwelt upon re- peatedly: arid anxiously. - That this is best given to a child, day by day, at its mother's knees, was the Queen's eon- viction. Even so early as 1844, how- ever, the pressure of public duty made it impossible to keep this part of. the ed- ucation of the. Princess Royal wholly within her own hands, "Ip is already a hard case for me," Her Majesty says, in a memorandum of 13th of November of that year, `that my occupations pre- vent me being with her when she says her prayers. "Life of the Prince Con-- sort. on-sort. Curious Hotel Customs in Sweden. . On arriving at the inn, which is good and clean, and makes up some forty beds, one is struck with all similar places in Sweden, namely, the apparent indif er-. encs to visitors exhibited by the proprie- tor. No head waiter, with attendant circle of porters and chamber -maids awaits the arrival of the guest. The luggage is put down at the entrance, and the traveller must seek for himself his - noolns and the information he requires, while the landlord, with his' hands in his pockets, regards his efforts from a window with .languid curiosity. There is no in- tentional incivility, but it appears not to be the custom to welcome the coming - guest, although to speed the parting guest there is abundance of hand -shaking and hearty good wishes. The curious custom of the Smorgos prevails at these inns, and indeed everywhere thoughout Sweden, ; it consists in a standing refresh- ment provided at a side table free of charge, and comprising bread and butter, cheese, caviare, dried fish • and reindeer flesh, sausages, and other similar deli- cacies, to be taken immediately before each regular meal, and washed down with branvin and other neat spirits. In connection with this performance the Swedes have an objectionable habit, which may be called the comrnwnity of forks, as the same implement passes rapidly from mouth to mouth and from dish di h the rights of private prep-. erty are flagrantly disregarded.r--Fort- nigglctly Review, CHEERFULNESS. --- It is a cosmetic which tones the heart and places bou- quets all over the countenance. Cheer- fulness, like most other talents and mer- its, is, to a very large extent, the sub- ject of voluntary culture, and the pres- ervation and development of it should be looked upon as a duty which we owe alike to ourselves and to society. Those who, Iike the generality of men, have been in the custom of yielding `up their tempersas vanes to be blown about the shifting courses of fortune which way they will, be surprised to know how. much the Iustre of the outward scene nay be affected by the light within our J1a : e km f bosoms. We may set ourspirits to cheer f ulnees: and keep them so, indepen- dent ,of the conditiou of, outward eirk ennistances,- And this is -:the, .true dig- nity;`and- happiness,, and pity of a inau, to- Iive, above the shifting: and. dashing.. tides: of . the world's incidents and hu- mors—to bring our natures;into harmo- nious union • with the . great permanent type' of human • excellence. Cheerful- ness quenches blows, it blunts arrows, rounds the edge. of the sharp sword, it secures pure breathing ine the foul air, easy digestion• and sound slumber. Tiro QUESTIONS EASILY ANSWERED. -Why do men wear beards ? Because they are a great protection to the'throat and lungs; and add much to their per- sonal appearance. Why should we use "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ?" Because when used -for coughs, colds, tickling in the 'throat, hoarseness, &o-, they act like a charm. Ministers and lawyers use them, physicians recommend them, and gingers and public speakers say they are the very best medicine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold by air -medicine dealers at 25 cents per box: NOT QUITE. SO. 'It is among - the most ,savage and debased tribes only that the condition and comfort of the horse have been neglected," but we be-,iieve there are many in. civilized countries who are guilty of the same neglect, andwithout :the .excuse of. the former ; here all may avail themselves of the use - of an article which has done more than anything else heretofore known to im- prove.the condition of the horse. Those who will not use it will be the losers, their horses the sufferers : to avoid both use:."Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy,",and you will be satisfied with the 'result. Remember the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Nor- throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., proprie- toreefor Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers. EPPS's Cocoa.—Grateful and comforting By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fineproperties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- vided!our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly flavoured beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills.. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal- shaft by keeping ourselves wellfortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. 'Sold only in pack- ets l labelled- "Jame§' Epps & Co., Ho- moopathi.c Chemists, 48, Threadneedle St. ,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 421-52 .li THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL.—Worth ten times its weight in gold. Do you know anything of it ? If not, it is time you did. There are but few preparations of medicine which have 'withstood the im- partial judgment of the people for any great length of time. One of these is Thomas' Eclectric Oil, purely a prepara- tion of six of some of the best oils that are known, each one possessing virtues of its own. Scientific physicians know that medicines may be formed -of several ingredients in certain fixed proportions of greater power, and producing effects which could never result from the use of any one of them, or in different combina- tions. Thus in the preparation of this Oil a chemical ` change takes place, form- ing a compound which -could not: by any possibility be made from any other com- bination or proportions of the same in- gredients, or any other ingredients, and entirely different from anything ever be- fore made, one which produces the most astonishing results, and having a wider range of application than any medicine ever before discovered. 'It contains no alcohol or other volatile liquids, conse- quently loses nothing by evaporation. Wherever applied you get the benefit of every drop ; whereas with other prepara- tions nearly all the alcohol is-lostin that, way; and you get oder the small quantity of oils which - they may contain. . S. N. Phelps, N. Y., and Northrop & Lyman, - Toronto, Ont., sole agents for the Do- minion. Note.—Eclectric—selected and Electrized. THE i EAT SJIOSI ONEES REMEDY --Is an India a vegetable compound, compos- ed of the juices of a variety of remark- able medical plants and herbs : the vari- -ousproperties of these different ingredi- ents; when combined, is so constituted as to act simultaneously upon the Blood, MARKING GOODS AT THE LOW - Lungs; Liver, Kidneys, Digestive organs, Nervous system, &e., restoring their - functions to healthy action, and, being purely vegetable, is as harmless as Na- ture's own beverage. This medicine is a decided -benefit in all, and a permanent cure in a large majority of diseases of the blood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt DOING BUSINESS STRICTLY FOR Rheum, Canker; Piiinples, &c. In pre- scribing this medicine we do not claim CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT. that it always performs cures; but this we do say, that it p rifles and enriches the blood, permanently curing a large majority of diseases arising from its im- purities. It stands far ahead and un- I equalled among the hundreds of compet- MAK NG ing medicines of the 'day. It has stood 1878: WILLIAM HILL, S�Apo TH. 1376 CHANGE OF BUSINESS. I7!I announcing cite following change of busi- ness I desire to return my hearty thanks to my Mends and. the public generally for ,. THE VERY LIBERAL SUPPORT accorded me during more than eleven years active trade, rnd more especially in sustaining a then NEW FEATURE in Business in this plane : " THEONE PRICE SYSTEM." The business in future will be condticted under the name and style of WM. ItILL & Co. WILLIAM HILL, One.Dpor North of the Post Office. 1877. JANUARY FIRST. 1877. r WILLIAM HILL & CO., INresenting their Circular would announce that they are determined to GREATLY INCREASE • The already Large Business which they have assumed, and to aid this they have adopted THE FOLLOWINC PRINCIPLES : EST POSSIBLE PRICES. the test of ten years and is to day more popular than ever. As a summer re- storative it stands unrivalled ; it enables the system to bear up against the con- stant drain to which it is subjected by a high temperature. ' Persons who are subjectto billious Colic, Dysentery, In- digestion, &c.. should take the "Shosho- pees Remedy." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1 Pills 25 cents a box. HENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE THE Snbseribers having commenced business at their New Pork Packing House in Hensel], are prepared to PAY THE H GHEST PRICE n For quantity of any y HOGS, EITHER ALIVE OR DRESSED. .A. large quantity of PORK CUTTINGS always on hand for sale cheap. 468 G. & J. PETTY. MARRIAGE LICENCES OB CERTIFICATES, (Under the new Aet,) issued at the EXPOSITOR , OFFICE, SEAFORTH Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of On elite ONE PRICE TO EVERY CUSTOMER. In order to reduce the Stock to make room for New Goods we are now offering goods at SUCH LOW -PRICES that the c1 Best buyers will be astonished. DON'T FORGET THE BARGAINS FOR ONE MONTH. - WILLIAM HILL & Co., One Door North of the Post Moe. 1876 -W I- NT E R. 1876 O. 'C. WILLSO'S Agricultural Implement and Sewing Machine Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THAVE on hand a good supply of Maxwell's Celebrated STRAW CUTTERS. Those Straw Cutters are entitled to rank as the Best ins the World, having i.eaten all competitors at the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, SECURING THE INTERNATIONAL MEDAL. Also Grain Crushers, Horsei?owers, Large and Small, Sawany Ma- ehines and Root Cutters, Washing Machines, Wringers, &c. Sewing Machines. In the Sewing Machine Departmenhe keeps a full selection of all the best n.achin fls made, in- cluding the -celebrated FLORENCE, Which is becoming more populai1 every day. Besides the Florence he keeps in tock ut all times the SINGER, WHEELER & WILSOii, ROYAL, AND WEBSTER. -1 About FIFTY Second -Hanel ;Machines, Various .Makes, for Sale Cheap. STAMPING FOR BRAIDING, New Style, the Neatest Thing Ont. REPAIRS. Sewing 'Machines Repaired on the Shortest Notice, and cheap; also Sewing Machine Oil, Attachments and Repairs always on!hand. 0. C. WILLSON, Seaforth. . MUSIC! WILLSON & SCOTT'S MUSIC STORE Is now acknowledged to be the Place to get GOOD VALUE IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. : PIANOS. They have now- secured the exclusivi right of the the Dominion for selling that BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL PIANO Manufactured by CABLE & SON, OF NEW YORK, This Piano has gained a World Wide Repute - tion, kind, at home enjoys the enviable position of having the Largest Retail business in that City. These Pianos are sold at as Iow prices as it is possible to make a respectable and reliable Instrument, for we don't propose to sell instruments -for half price -as some dealers are doing. knowing that Instruments sold at such Prices are worthless even at the money asked for them. A good article can not be sold at half its value. WILLSON & SCOTrS is also the only place to get That Wonde,selly Celebrated "VOGEL & LINCOLN Manufactured by that Company. $r These organs have surpassed everything that has been placed in opposition on the, Canadian Market. They are also remarkable for their beauti- ful Quality. of Tone, Variety of Orchestral Effects, and Combination Excellence of all Material used, Thorough Construction, Finish and Elegance of Design. The high degree of perfection which these Instruments have attained has been acquired only by the employment of extraordinary ingen- uity and skill, with the aid of extensive capitals and earnest endeavors to excel; and the suttees, they have met with is unparalleled in the history of the manufacture of &Tubical Instruments. The Trade Li- erally Dealt With, Send for Price Lists and Circulars. WILLSON & SCOTT, Seaforth. TY Z°T0—. SE~LLIPNC OFF. _ I have come to the conclusion to sell off M X ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT COST For the (next Thirty Days, and Just. COME ALONG ALL YE Married, Unmarried and About Getting MARRIED, And I Will Give You SUCH BARGAINS As cannot be attained elsewhere, AS I MUST SELL To prevent the Sheriff doing so. I saw him the other clay, and he gave me TIIE WINK, But don't mention it, as itis a Secret. I knew at once that something was up. SO COME ALONG AND BEAtrsseD OF HIM. You will find the Place. MATT. ROBERTSON'S OLD STAND, Main Street, Seaforth,. JOHN S. PORTER. FA Pi M S; Nov is Your Chance to Get CHEAP HARNESS. JOHN . ii AR.D, SEAFORTH, .HAS on hand a large quantity of Hi;rness, both Heavy and Light, which were slightly tar- nished at the Brussels Fire, and which, although nearly as good as ever, will be sold off at REMARKABLY .LOW PRICES.- SINGLE HARNESS From $8 upwards. C' 0 Z, L A P. From $1 upwards. And other Goods Proportionately Cheap. CALL SOON BEFORE THESE GOODS ARE ALL GONE. GOOD WORK ON HAND And Made to Order as usual. A GOOD STOCK OF VALISES, TRUNKS, WHIPS', AND FURNISHINGS. JOHN WARD. WOOLEN MILLS. WOOL. WANTED. To Card, Spin, Manufacture, or in Exchange for II'oolen Goods. CUSTOM TOLL CARDING Always done to take home the same day. ,SPINNING, WEAVING, COLORING, CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, And every other branch of the business well done on short notice. TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, SHEETING, Flannel, Stocking Yarn, &c. All of our own manntactnre, and made out of good wool, cheap for cash or wool. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Any kind of Woolen Goods made to order out of your owm wool. TERMS -Cash, or 20 per cent. extra. A. G. VANEGMOND. Seaforth, May 25, 1876. - 442 HURON FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP,, SEAPORTS, ONTARIO. ENCOURACE HOME MANUFACTURE AND SEEP THE MONEY IN THE "COUNTRY. rpu i cubsoribers would respectfully intimate to the Millers,Farmers,:and thepnulic gener- ally that the Huron Foundry and Machine Shop is now in full operation, and any orders that may be intrusted to them will.. it is confident, give entire satisfaction to their patrons. We have now on hand- - HORSE POWERS, Pitt's Pattern. STRAW CUTTERS, $ior hand or power. Root Cutters; Sawing Machines,' and other descriptions of Agricultural Implements In nee by Farmers, and to which we invite an examination before purchasing anywhere else. MILLWRIGHT WORK A SPECIALITY; Loam and Dry Sand CASTINGS fur- nished to order. REPAIRS Promptly done at all times. Prices Low—Terms Libera,—Orders Solicited. and - Satisfactorily WHITELAW & MORE. MRS. MARKEY BEGS to announce to her friends and custom- ers that she has again opened out in her new store, oposito Have' Hotel, Seaforth, where she .hopes to receive that LIBERAL PATRONAGE . heretofore extended towards her. She intends, as heretofore, to keep the BEST QUALITY OF GOODS to be fund in the Markets. Farm " Produce bought, sold and exchanged. . 472 MRS. MARKEY. - 7 4211110111111111amoingaigeminmeni. 311,1111111=1.112.1‘ M:o r & HURON PLANING MILL THE undersigned hereby inform their many oustemers and the publie generally of the Ro- moval of their Factory and Lumber Yard to new and more commodious premises on NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with increased facilities and some new Machinery of the beat make, they will continue to manufacture and fill all orders for • Sashes, `Doth's, " Blinds, ` Mouldings, And all kinds of, PLANED LUMBER At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gates, bray Backe, Cheese Boxes, &c. A Large Stook of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES. Jig Sewing and Custom Planing will $eptive Prompt Attention. The subscribers hereby -thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past, and hope, bystrict int-ee- nity and close attention to business, to meat a continuance and increase of .the same. To all those whose accounts are overdue we give a cordialinvitation to paynp. GRAY & SCOTT. P. S. -Plans and Specifications for Buildings furnished on application. 424 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD ERN TIMES. H OLLOWAYS PI LLS & OINTMENT The Pilin Petrify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. - The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcers, of however longstanding_ For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. , BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. I deem it nay dnty to state that my Pills and Ointment a reneithermanufaoturednor sold in any part of the United States. Each Pot and Box bears the British Qovernment Stamp, with the words, ";HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufactured and sold under the name of"Hol- loway's & Co.," by J. F. Henry, . Curran, & Co., Druggists, of New York, w i t h an assumed ^ trade Mark. t h it s ---In Canada, the principal Wholesaledea- lers in these conn terfeits are LY -MAN, CLARE & Cd. - Nosunavr & LYMAN, and LvMA.x BROTRERs & CO., who obtain them at very low prices, from J. F. Henry, Curran & Co., of New York, and which are is supplied to nnprinoipled Retail Vendors. who sell the same as my genuine Pills and Ointment, which are manufactured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, and maybe obtained from the following Firers, viz:— EVANs, MEncnn & Co, Montreal. Messrs. AVERY, BROWN &-Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. BARRER & Sons, St, John, N.B. Messrs. ELLioT & Co., -Toronto. Who import them direct from hems. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, W. C. 454 DR. WILLI M. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as elan/Ail- ing Huta for Seminal Weakness - Spermatorr- hea, Impotency, and all , Bstorso. diseases that follow as A rt t r. a' segnenee of Self abuse, at Less of Memory, Univerua Ieassitnde,Pain in the Backs Dimness 01 Vision; I' einature Old Age, and many other diseases t41 1b ds to Insanity or. Consumption, and a Pr►tnre Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence• The Speciffc Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these speciiil diseases. Pam- phlet free by. mai.. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 pest packejxc, • or 6 packages for $5; or will be sant by. mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & 00., Windsor, Ont:: Sold in Seaforth -by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. - SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCX Will pay the Highest Cash Price lot SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a gnantity of ELM LOOS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom' Sawing attended to promptly, and as cheap as at"any other mill. Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very owest market prices.—— 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCI, 417 - - Seaforth KI D'S HARDWARE. R ECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AME LIGAN CUT NAILS, •S ADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE • AND BUILDING HARRi ARE 01 Every Description Cheap. EAti E T ROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ' PIPE Put up on the Sborteet Notice and Warranted. Specs 1 inducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers, JOHN KIDD. 11:11.1 GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses' Periodical Pills—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those pinfnl rind dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. - It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtructions, and a speedy -cure may be relied on. To married ladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod' with regularit:. These pills should not be taken by Females daring . the first three months - of Preference', as they are sure to firing on. Mies carriage, but at any other, time they are safe. Its alI cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on alight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all ether 4 means nave failed ; and; although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony; or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fail directions in the pamphlet around each. package, which should be carefully preserved. jolt Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 1$+l e for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lymame To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle cont -sluing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & " Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. I97 4