HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-05, Page 8ee
s • e ;essesses ess se es- s see - see -ease - -see- a es --seessa• ---este--sessa'sees-lee - • -
.1 streets and sidewalks. ' The three retire
ing trustees are ali good men and have
faithfully fulfilled the duties of their
offices in the past, and while we urge
upon the people the desirability of their
, taking increased interest in the school
management, we have no fault to find
with the 1conduct of the board during
the past year, and should rejoice to See
the retiring trustees re-elected if they
will consent to fill the positions for an-
other term.
. , .
a complete Stook of Prinie New Fr it whicth they- Lee has disposed of his grocery andro-
are Belling at the very lowest cahilr1ceH. Velma- viion business in Seaforth to Mr. Albert
1tV011 X11001 OV.
EATING purchased J. I: Carter's Saw
Mill, situated south of Sparling:s Salt Works,
and the Stock of Lumber on hand, we are now
offering Sorted Good Hemlock and Culls at very
low prices, and are prepared to pay the highest
market priee Iu °mai for Hemlock and Hardwood
Logs. diatom Sawing a Speciality. S. Louss-
IMMIX & Co. 468 -
cia Raids, Sultana Raisins, Siee less Raleino,
Layer Raisins, Loose Museatel and Fancy Crowt
Layers for table use, Prime New Currants, Prime
Figs,Soft Shell *blonds, Walnuts and Filberts -
ell 1876 crop. 4.72
Spading, formerl of the firm of Grey,
loung 8%c Sperling. Mr. Sperling is a
gentleman of geod business tact and
ability and as he thoroughly under -
CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE,-7W1LSON stands the busin as he has undertaken,
& Ions° have Ithe best and cheapest stock of will be sure to s cceed.
China Sets and Stone Sets in over 50 different pat- o Mr. L. Mab4e has rented his plan -
Crockery and G assware ever offered in Seaforth.
terns, Toilet Sett; and Glass Sets for the million. ing mill and lumber yard in Seaforth to
Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to Mr. Alexander Grant, of Granton, who
is now in;possession. - _ •
NOTICE. -E. HeciesoN & Co.'s Cheap .
Ware, Jewelry, Motto Cepand Saucers&c., 'a , 1
that took place before Christmaing f the Tuelersmit
s will be continu- fiehi'Branch Agricul-
et NNUAL MEETLNGS.-The annual meet -
Side of Toys, Ornaments Dressieg Cases, Plated A
ed until after New Years, Great Bargains in tural Society Will be held at the Com -
some lintel. 473 , mercial -Hotel,
Tfet.-WILsote & YOUNG have a large next, the 9th i
show goods. 472.
and very fine stock of New Season Teas -Young
o'elock P. M
Hyson, japan and Black -which they are selling .
cheaper than ar y other house ha the County. All - -The annual
warranted to give satisfaction. 472
NOTICE Top DEBTORS. -I wish hereby
to give notice that sill parties indebted to me by
note or book account must pay up, otherwise I
must put their eases Into court. Wm. CAMP -
/ILL. 461
FOR Pure Ground Coffee go to FAIR-
env's. All Coffees Ground on the premises, and
warranted pure. Chicory added if requested. J.
Seiforth. 474
GREAT Auction Sale of Readymade
Clothing, Hats, Caps -,--&c., at the Golden Lion,
Seaforth, on Saturday, Jan. 6,1877. J. P. BRINE,
Auctioneer. 473
THE Cheapest an41 Best Teas in Town
to be found at FArenv's Cheap Cash Grocery,
Sbaforth. 474
• BUCKWHEAT FLOUR., Cornmeal and
Oatmeal at FAIRLEY'S Cheap Cash Grocery, Sea -
forth. 474
RURLEY is Selling all kinds of Grocers'
Articles Cheap fr Cash. Give him a call. 474
A LARGE Stock of Lake Huron Her-
rings for sale cheap at M. Monmsores. 474
CRANBERRIES, a Choice Lot at FAIR-
FIREMEN -'S MEETING. - Members of
Seaforth Fire Brigade are reminded that
Monday evening is the regular meeting
night. Business of especial importance,
sach as election of officers, &c., requires
to be transaeted. _ Prompt attendance
at half -past 7 is desired. •
.remind oui readers of the meeting of the
Seaforth Literary Society next Monday
evening in the town hall. The following
subject will' legdebated : "Resolved that
e Monarchal form of Government is bet-
ter than a Itepublicau form of Govern-
Lumsden and Miss Isa. Robertson will
give one of their grand. Scottish ballad
and comic entortainmentsr in the Town
Hall, in this town, on Thursday evening
-next, the llth inst. The entertainment
in highly spoken of by the Press general-
ly, and lovers of good 'music, and
especially those who admire Scottish
song, should be sure to attend.
Seatorth, on Tuesdey
st., at the hour of ; 1.
meeting of the South.
Huron Agricultural Society vill be held
MeGregor's Hotel, Brs cefield, on
Wednesday, 17th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M.
-The annual meeting of the Huron
Farmers' and Mechanics' Association
will be held it Shaffer's Hotel, Kippen,
on Wednesday, 17th inst., at 1 o'clock
P. M. The annual supper will be held
at the same place at I( o'clock on the
evening of same day.
i •
conclusion of Mrs. Pech's lecture on
Wednesday evening a reverend gentle-
man from whom we should have expect-
ed better, rema4ked that it was a pity,
the ledture had not been delivered before
the municipal elections in this town, as
if' it had be thbught the people would
not have allowed whiskey totriumph
over morality and - Christianity' . We
say it is a pity that intemperate temper-
ance advocates Will permit their feelings
and prejudices to lead them to make
fools of themse1 ves, and publicly insult
respectable peoPle by giving utterance to
such mischievous twaddle. People of
this stamp do more to retard the progress
of the temperance cause than it most
consistent and earnest- advocates can ac-
complish for itsladvancement. Notwith-
standing his ineulting language, We dare
inform our reverend friend that the gen-
tlemen who have been elected to the
Council of Seaforth for the present year
aye as moral, in every sense of the word,
and have as great a regard for Christian-
ity, as he has, or as have thosewho op-
posed them. This is the first time we
have felt called upon in the diacharge of
our duty to the public to censure the
public utterances of a clergyman of our
ttown, and we sincerely_ hope it will be
the last.
. ,
tions in Seaforth on Monday last were
conducted with considerable spirit, and
each of the contending parties put forth
special efforts to secure success. But,
notwithstanding the great interest taken
in the' Municipal elections this year, end
the consequent excitement, they were
INSTALLATION.-Oia Tuesday evening conducted 'lathe most friendly spirit by
• last the following brethren were instelLesan parties concerned, and, although herd
ed as officers of the Seaforth Court of- hits were given and. received by both
Independent Foresters: J. C. Bell, Ghief parties, all was one in a friendly spirit,
Ranger; F. A. Afeyer, Vice Chief; A. and one of the most severe and exciting
(laid a Secretary ; W.Slater, Treasurer; municipal contests which has ever taken
H.. eagon, Senior Woodward; 0. w- ._ place in Ses,for.th, has terminated with -
Bailey, Junior Woodward; J. McBride, out any ill feeling being. engendered
Senior Beadle; • Arch. Campbell, Junior among our citizens. The ballot system
Beadle. J . R. Aitchison was also ap- '
,pointed Assistant Secretary. The install- . of voting worked splendidly .and to the
admiration and satisfaction of all, and
District Deputy High Chief Ranger. • no doubt served a good purpose in keep-
ation was conducted by Mr. W. B. Shaw,
i ing clown excitement and ill feeling, and
This young and. vigorous Benevolent and 1 what is equally as important, secured. a
Benefit Society is becoming very popular, fair and Eunbiased expression of public
and the unprecedented success which 1 sentiment. The vote was the 'largest
has attended all Courts established since
its organization in the United States, ever polled in
is a statement
about two years' a,nd a half ago, has meyeee_Ne
excellent, particularly the piece entitled
"Gathering shells from the sea shore."
The duet, `Mother can this the glory
be," rendered by Miss Foster and Miss
Carmichael, of Seaforth, was also well
received. Addresses were delivered by
the followihg gentlensen : Rev. ,Mr.
Sieveright, Rev, Mr. Goldsmith and Mr.
Jamieson. Rev. Mr. Jamieson occupied
the chair.' At about 10 o'clock the meet-
ing broke up, and the several parties
present set their faces homewards, feeling
that they had spent a very sociable
TnE ELECTION. -eNotwithetan ding his
'vote on the Dunitin question at the last
session of the County Council, our old
friend William Young has been re-elect
ed, Reeve of -Colborne, by the handsome
majority of 113 over his opponent Mr.
Kernighan. This is the twenty fifth
time that the people of Colborne have
elected Mr. Young ;as their representa-
tive in the County Council. Mr. Richard
Jewell has been elected Deputy Reeve,
and Messrs. P. Carroll, W. J. Harris,
and Daniel Fisher,' Councillors.
Seaforth. The following
of the votes polled
rth Ward -Coleman, 46;
found no exception in Seaforth. Court Beattie, 37. South Ward -Coleman, 85;
"Flower of t e Forest" was established Beattie, 36. East Ward -Coleman, 76;
in. Seaforth abut three months ago, and Beattie, 24. Majority for Coleman, 110.,
it now has a large and respectable mem- Reeve. -North Ward -Wilson. .43;
bership. The members hope to be in a •McLean 37. South Ward -V ,
''• ., 42 ;
McLean, 76; East . Ward- son, 40;
McLean, 57. Majority for McLean, 45.
Co zincillor s.i-NorthE Ward -Campbell,
4i • Grey, 44: Malcolm, 44; William-
I •
silty; also an exciting and well received
recitation by Jas. Smillie, Jr. The
'whole Was interspersed with choice se-
lections of nuisic by the Seaforth Dhoir,
who braited the storm, and were in at -
tenderizes to swell the melodious .strains -
of Mr. Hewitt's new organ, so kindly
lent for the occasion. Votes of thanks
were not forgotten, neither appropriate
replies, after which the chairman pro-
nounced the benediction, and all went
home full flif speeches, cakes and music,
to find a balm retreat in the outstretch-
ed arms of Morpheus and wander in
raptures of delight amid the fairy land
of dreams. There being lots of pro-
visions left, it was agreed that a social
, for the Sabbath School children should
be held on the following day. So at
about 11 o'clock A.M., a great number
of children took their seats. J. Smillie
was appointed chairman. He opened the
meeting and again the good things were
passed around. Between eating,speaking,
reading, reciting and singing, two hours
went merrily by, when the meeting was
again brought to a close. The collection
at the door Friday night amounted to
$41 -Com. _
H owicli.
SCHOOL Ex AMINATiox.-The examina-
tion of the pupils of Sehool Section No.
7, Howick, (union)! was held on Thurs-
day, Dec. 21st., 1876. The teacher, as-
sisted by Mr. J. Powell, a teacher of a
neighboring section, examined the School,
and all present were highly pleased with
the readiness of the pupils in answering
the various questions proposed to them.
ln arithmetic, grammar, and geography,
especially, they excel most pupils of
public schools, which we think is very
commendable to their teacher, Mr. Ed-
ward Snell. There were a number of
visitors present, several of whom made
very complimentary remarks on the pro-
gress made by the pupils under the
tuition of • their present teacher. Mr.
Snell is engaged in the school for the
coming year, and we Wish him all the
success which the expellent classification
and discipline of his school so amply de-
serve. The trustees deserve great credit
for the liberality which they have dis-
played in .giving the scholars so large a
number of prizes, a course we recommend
to all public school trustees. -Com.
. position, at their next iestallatior, to
have this imposing arid. beautiful cere
molly performed publicly. Outsiders BOB,'
will then haVe an opportunity.of wit-
nessing the whole proceedings, and also 44 • Ballantyne 34; Johnston, 25.
ascertaining the manyadmirable quali- Thesecond, third and fourth on the list
ties and benefits of Independent For- ' • being ties, the Town Clerk having the
estry_ casting -vote decided in favor of Messrs.
Mits. P ECM'S LECTURE. -On 'account G-rey and 'Malcolm. South Ward -
of the stoppage of the trains on the Stewart, 86 ; 'Carter, 70;.Strong, 65;
Grand Trunk Railway, Mrs. Pech, bet- Broadfoot, 51; Dorsey, 50; Mabee, 28.
ter known as Susannah Evans; was un- East Ward-Grassie, 70; Wilson, 55;
able to fulfil her engagement on Tuesday Murphy, 49; McNaught, 48; Wil -
evening. On Wednesday evening, how-
liatns, 42; Morrison, 28.; G-rey, 23.;
ever, she was on hand, and delivered. her Kidd, 9. , I
lecture, "A Terrible Temptation," in the • -The Council for 1877 will be cell -
Presbyterian church. The audience was stituted as follows : Dr. Coleman,
not nearly so large as it should have May& ; M. Y. McLean, Reeve; Coun-
been, considering the reputetion of the cillors-Wm. Campbell, Wm. . Grey,
lecturer and the merits of the lecture. A. Malcolm, Alex. Stewart, J. I. Car -
Mrs. Pech is a lady of good address, ter, A. Strong, Wm. Grastie,p-Chlarles
pleasing ' appearance, and seems to be Wilson and Lawrence Murphy.
thoroughly in I earnest. Her lecture on
Bayfield.. '
Vp-ednesday evening, although well de-
livered and interesting,
was not equal in • Muere. -Mr. J. W. Ward, the cele -
style and composition to that delivered brated teacher of vocal music, will come
by her on her former visit. But, not- lmence instructions in music in the school
withstanding this, it was an able lecture, house, on the evening of Wedneday,
and the subject was logically handled, 3rd 'inst.
and was made as interesting and inatruc- PRESENTATION. --Mr. Charles Tough,
tive as it well could be, and it is a pity of the Brown on line, Stanley, was last
that it was not listened to by a greater 1 week made the recipient of a handsome -
numbers Several pleasingmusical selec- , 137 bound coy of the Bible, together
tions were given by the lodge Choir. 1 with an address by Miss itl. A. Maldrue,
The Good Templars of this town are 1 on behalf of ' the members of a mueic
certainly entitled to the greatest praise class which Mr. Tough had been teach -
• 1 . Stanley.
Rum SOLD. -The farm belonging to
the late Andrew Reid, on the Bayfield
Road, Stanley, was sold at Varna by
public auction on Saturday last. Mr.
James Reicl was the 'purchaser. The
price paid is $4,310.
THE ELECTION. -There was a good
deal of excitement in Stanley on election
day, but notwithstanding the great
furore which was raised about naunicipal
matters, . both the Reeve and Deputy
have been re-elected. Township matters
were lost sight of entirely in the struggle,
and the question of temperance and anti -
temperance was fought out to the end
with the following' result: Reeve,
Thomas Simpson e Deputy Reeve, Geo.
Castle ; Councillors, Messrs. Aikenhead,
Douglas and. McKinley. The following
is a statement of the votes polled for
each: Reeve -Simpson, 204; Graham,
170. Deputy Reeve-Castle,190 ; Keys,
166. Councillors -Douglas, 232; Mc-
Kinley, 217 ; Aikenhead, 138; Errett,
112 ; McFkiane, 96.
for their efforts in securing thebest lee- 1 ing. The presentation was made not
taring talent, and we trust those -efforts only as a token of regard for his
will. be be more generally appreciated by vices as tesicher of music but also as a
the public in frit -are. mark of the high esteem in which he has
been held by his class.
THE ELEcTioN.-The municipal elec.'
tions in this place created considerable
stir and excitement on Monday last, and
resulted in Ithe election of Mr. John
Keys as Reeve, and Messrs. Esson,
Cleve, Rutledge and Burns as Council-
lors. The following is a list of the can-
didates and the number of Votes polled
by each: Reeve -Keys 56, O'Connor 28.
Couiscillors-4John Esson 68, Paul Cleve
52, A. It•utledge 45, James' Burns 41,
John T. Adams 15, Dr. Stanbury 29, H.
Howard 28, 9. Meddleson 23.
TEA MEET NG. -The tea meeting, held
in the Presbyterian church of tBayfield,
on the evening of Wednesday, ‘Dec. 27,
was a grand success. Although the
evening was stormy, the house was
crowded to its utmost capacity. Tea
was served at 7 o'clock, it being highly
creditable to he congregation; the cakes
to tempt the meet temper-
ulgence. The music was
SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELEuTioes. -The elec-
tion of !school trustees takes pier. on
Wednesday next. The retiring trustees
are Messrs. D. Vercoe, W. N. Watson
and William Ballantyne. As a general
thing the annual school meetings in Sea -
forth are very poorly attended, the pnb-
lic taking comparatively little interest in
this all-important interest. Our school
heard have, in addition to the manage-
ment of the school as an educational in-
stitution, the expenditure of at least one
half the revenue of the town, and the
people should, consequently, take at
least as deep an interest in this election
as they do in the election of our other
municipal officers. It is to be hoped,
therefore, that the school meeting on
Wednesday will be largely attended,
and that the people will thereby show
that their; interest in the education of
their chil1ren and the management of
the choo1 is at least equal tohe inter- were enough
est they take in the repaiiing of our I ate to over-
THE CouNone-All the old Council-
lors have been- returned in this town-
ship. The following is a statement of
the votes polled: Reeve Thomas
Strachan, 277 ; Archibald -McDonald,
211. Deputy Reeve -S. Slemmon, 299;
Mr. McFadden, 159. Councillors -His,
lop; 258 • Keifer, 213 ; Kabel, 155 ; La-
mont, 88'; Oliver, 278.
examination of the school in section 10,
Grey, took place on Friday, Dec. 22.
The school room was beautifully em-
bellished bythe pupils for the occasion.
The numerous classes were examined by
their teacher, Mr. James Thomson, as-
sisted. by Mr. Herbert H. Burgess, of
school section 9, East Wawanosh. The
ladies, as usual, had provided ia pleeti-
ful supply of eatables which they- dis-
tributed at the hour of twelve. The
order during the day was, considering
the large number of pupils, very good.
About twenty visitors were present,
some of whom expressed their satisfac-
tion as to the progress the pupils had
made during the;past year.
. Tuckersnlilth.
TILE ELEernoes.-The election in this
township on Monday last resulted in the
return of Messrs. William Sproat, James
Lang 4.hd Samuel Londesborough, as
Councillors. There was very little ex-
citement, and only about one half of the
votes were polled. The following is a
statement of the number of votes polled
by each candidate: Wm. Sproat, 216;
Jas. Lang, 170; Samuel Londesborough,
160; John Doig, 51; Win. Bell, 46; N.
Cosens, 34 ; and J. Aikenhead, 25.
NEARi, Y A FIRE. -- On Wednesday
morning.of last week the residence of Mr.
Chas. Masons on the Mill road, Tucker -
smith, 116d * very narrow escape from
estroyed by the. The fire was
iced About 8 .o'cloek in the morn -
bedroom, and had. made such
that ere the flames could be
early every article of bedding
ring apparel in the room was
d. The house itself was only
damaged. It is i supposed that
originated in the early morning
Wr deter.
elections for the township of Howick re-
sulted as follows : Reeve -John Kane,
by acclamation. First Deputy Reeve -
Thomas 'Wilson. Second Deputy Reeve
-David Weir, by.acclarnation. Coun-
cillors -James Mitchell and E. Phair.
• .NEW YEAR'S DAY.-TNew Year's Day
was observed as a geneeal holiday in the
village, though there was no great stir or clerk
exeiCernent. 'Under the old system of were
voting the polling place would have been &c.
the chief objeet of interest, but the ethe
silence and. secrecy of the ballot box
effectually prevented any knowledge only
of the state of the poll from becom- talki
ing known, anl at once removed the
grand source of discuSsion and ex-
citement. Though by the withdrawal of
several nominees at the nomination the
choice of the ratepayers was limited to
'five candidates. Considerabiti canvass-
ing was done, and a great 'amount of
feeling manifested in the result of the
election. At the close of the poll the
following gentlemen were found to head
the list in the order named : Robert
Forsyth, James Clark, John Sanderson
and David Black. The Reeve, Mr. A.
L. Gibson, was elected by acclamation. •
ing in a
and we
the fire
from s me of the clothing which was
banging up in the room coming in contact
with the flame of a candle. Mr. Mason
was fro ' home at the time. The loss
amounted to about $115 and was fully
eovere4 by insurance.
ins gi
off yez
St. Jo
ed on
son, J.
R. Ar
Y READINGS. -The Penny read.
'en in aid of the Mechanics' In.
on Wednesdayeening last went
well, indeed. The next enter -
at will take placeron Friday, 19th
NIC. -The following 'officers of
n's Lodge, Brussels, were instan-
t. John's Day: 'John Shaw, W.
. Richardson, S. W.; G. David -
V.; J. Stewart, Secretary; Wm.
Treasurer; J. Monkman, S. D.;
strong, J. D.; 0. Boynton, I. G.;
- Simeon, T.
THE NEW YEAR. -The old year was
ushered out by the tolling of St. John's
church bell a few minutes before 12, and
when he hour had passed the new year
was tg in, and the town band struck
-up so e lively music. The band then
serenaded a leege number of the citizens
and evi3re very cordially received, and at
the same time they carried a subscrip-
tien with them for -the 'benefit of the
band find, and. at 8:30 in the morning
they had a cash subscription of $1'20.
THE ELEeTIoN.-The election of coun-
cillors on Monday last passed off very
quietly, but the contest was very close.
There were two new aspirants, one only
of which was successful. Three of the
old council were elected. The excite-
poetry. They also acquitted themselvesment at 5.30 when the result of the polls equally well in the other branches of
was made known was very great.,. The study, giving entire satisfaction to the
visitors, among whom w,ere ciuite a
town hall wee filled with an anxious
crowd! After it wasmade known
number of ladies, the younger ones, and. ,
who were elected, the band drawn I make bold to say, the nest looking
by four horses, and the newly elected 1
opes too, vei y gracefully served up a
,lunch, got up, I believe, at the expense
Council in a second conveyance, paraded
of Mr. Smith. After justice I had been
the p incipal streets. The band and a
done to the eatables, order wah again re-
stored, and the business of the day•peo-
ceeded.with. When the last class had
been examined and taken their seats,
Mr. Smith was made the recipient of a
handsome writing desk and i album, me-
mentoes of respect and affection from his
pupils. A short but very feeling address
was read, in reply to which Mr. Smith
spoke at some length, though at times
with considerable difficulty, giving
strong evidence of his dislike at parting
with his young friends, after which he
took a formal farewell, and there were a
eumber of sore hearts and quite a few
unsuccessfully smothered sobs, as the
little ones came forward to shake hands,
perhaps for the last time, with their
teacher. Mr. Smith has been very suc-
cessful as a teacher in this,' section end.
it is much to be regretted that our trus-
tees failed to secure his services for an-
other year. He carries with hipa the
best wishes of all who had the pleasure
6f knowing him in this sectio McG.
The COunty Council,
• _ -; - r- -
JANUARY .5, 1877.
five votes, the scene that ensued can be
more easily imagined than described. A
very sharp, although less exciting eon -
testa took place in No. 3 Ward, be-
ivveen. Hr. Alexander Kerr and Mr.
Scarlett. Mr. Kerte however, carried
the day. In this township the Deputy
Reeve is elected by the Council, and
there is, consequently, considerable
speculation as to who will be appointed
to that position. The impression gen-
erallyjprevails that Mr. Wm; Grieve will
this *ear be the fortunate !man. The
following was the result at the close of
the poll: Ward No. 2 -Horan,' 69;
'Malone 64; majority for Horan, 5.
Ward 14.o. 3 -Kerr, 113; Scarlett, 52;
majoritrfor Kerr, 61.
TEA. MEETIN G. -The tea meeting held
in the Methodist church, ott the tenth
concession of McKillop, on Monday night
last, was a very successful affair. The
church was crammed to the door. The
refreshments were in abundance, and
were of the very best. Interesting ad-
dreeses were delivered by Rev. Mr.
Brandon, Rev. Mr. Bowers, Rev. Mr.
Stafford, Rev. Mr. Davey and Mr. John
Ferguson. The church choir gave a
number of very nice musical selections.
Th proceeds of the entertarment
am unted to $54.
1‘11E ELECTION. -The election in this
township this year was very hotly con-
testeid and created more excitement and
ent usiasm than any municipal election
held in the township for years. At the
close of the poll it was found that • Mr.
John .McMillan was elected by a ma-
jority of 75, and Mr. John Mason by -54.
The Councillors are John Britton, J.
Houston and J. Lasham. The Council
witherefore be composed of four' Johns
lone Joseph.
meeting under the auspice e of the Ind -
pendent Order of Good Templalis will be
held in the Temperance Hall, on the
evening of Wednesday, the 10th inst.
Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Mr.
Griffin, of,Seaforth ; Rev. Mr. Thomp-
son, of Brussels; Rev. Mr. Dayey, of
Londesboro, and Me. Robert Thomp-
son, of Harrowsmith, formerly of Kin-
' burn. A choir will also be in attend-
ance, and will give musical selections
during the evening. Tea will be served
at half -past 6. The proceeds will be de-
voted towards liquidating the debt on
the hall.
No. 1. -Dear Sir: Perhaps you will par-
don the, tardiness with which this coin-
munication reaches you, knowing, ap yoU
must, the general apathy and dislike to
, 1
aseume what is cemmonly supposed to
be one of the duties of trustees, namely
that of giving publicity to the proceed-
ings upon such occasions. Such not
hiving appeared in your last issue I pre-
suine yon will not object, even ;t this
hear, to a brief account of the above
examination from' one Who feels it t� be
but an act of justice alike to the feelings
of the children; and to Mr. Smith, their
teacher, whose popularity, ' especially
among the little folks, has of late been A
matter of serteral comment. The ;deco-
rations of the school room w re exceed-
ingly neat and tasteful, bein composed
pfl evergreens and roses which gave it
au air of gaiety and cheerfulness quite
in keeping With the quiet happy facee
of the children. The junior classes
were first heard and disposed of. They
were very interesting, there being a keen
comp4ition for.first positions! in all the
classeS, and it was pleasing to see the
good grace with which the little unfor-
tunates gave- way. The senior cl sses
behaved very creditably both to it em- ,
selves and to the teacher. , -There was
some very fair reading, bdth in prose and
agr 7777777 7777777 7777777 -RI
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F. C.
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GRA.ND TEA -MEETING. -The tea-rneet-
ing in the Walton Presbyterian Church,
on Friday' evening, 29th inst., was in
every respect a complete success. Al-
though the weather was a little atorney,
at an early hour crowds might be seen
wendingtheir way to that common cen-
tre, and by 7 P. M. the house was well
filled. Rev. John Ferguson was chair-
man, ex -officio, and after the usual Open-
ing exercises, called upon the waiters,
who brought forth from that store of
epicurean splendor the choicest delica-
cies that the cunning 'art of cookery
could produce, provided by the ladies of
the congregation. The 'eatables were
such that the most ;refined taste must
have exclaimed, Enongh ! and the wait-
ers would. not desist till the most capa-
cious interiors did the same. But favors
were in reserve w -hen the banqueting was
over -the intellectual part was a treat,
terse, witty and amusing. It consisted
of addreases by Messrs. Jas. Smillie,
Laughlan McMillan, Matthew Morrison
and John Ferguson, of Toronto Univer-
oth e
found dying, and was dead in kfew sec-
onds Mr. O'Sullivan sent at .once for
the coroner, Dr. Vercoe, who soon ar-
rive4 in company with Dr. Phelan, and
on eitquiring into the circumstances, the
Doct rs decided that death resulted from
natural causes, probably heart disease,
and jhe coroner decided. that an inquest
was entirely unnecessary. The man
appe rs to have been an inoffensive man
of Ir'sh origin, 52 years of age. He had
beenl in the American .war, • and was re-
port d to have said that he had a son
and 1aughterin Australia. He has no
known relatives or friends in this neigh-
betood. He wthstoetlybuilt, slightly
acq ni
ine nose, gray hair nclining to be
bald at the top of the head. He had no
property or effect a beyond, his ordinary
THE ELECTIONS. -One of the most ex-
citin and- evenly contested elections
that has ever taken place in the town-
ship of McKillop, came off in No. 2
Ward on Monday last, between Mr.
• Joh4 Horan and the late Deputy Reeve,
Mr. Malone. Both --gentlemen are old
and ell -to-do residents of the ward, and
bothi have had considerable municipal
exp rience, Mr. Horan having served
two or three years as Deputy Reeve.
The friends of both gentlemen made a
vigo ous personal canvass of the ward,
and or a week previous to the election,
the ontest was the all absorbing topic
of onversation. Throughout Monday
the xcitement was most intense, and at
the lose of the poll, when it was learn-
ed that Mr. Horan was successful by
r of citizens were entertained by
ogers to an oyster supper at the
ls House. The following was the
f the poll at the close in each di-
: No. 1 -Dr. Graham, 47 ; Peter
on, 47 ; B.Gerry,44 • F.C.Rogers,
.Tufts, 37 ; T.Leadheater, 20. No.
Thomson, 65 ;1 Dr. Graham, 63;
Rogers, 53; B. Gery, 48; T.
eater, 34; Wm. Tufts, 33. The
ouncil are P. Thomson, Dr. Gra-
. Gerry and F. C. Rogers.
DEN DEATH. -On Sunday morning
bout 11 o'clock, anelderly man,
Daniel Fitzsimmons, who had
working as a taller amongst the
rs of McKillop for the last few
, complained of pain in the region
heart. He was then residing with,
John O'Sullivan, the township
The ordinary domestic remedies
applied -a mustard plaster, emetic,
and neither the man himself nor
'Sullivan's family anticipated any -
serious. But about 2 o'clock, and
few minutes after he had been
g with them as usual, a peculiar
of breathing was heard in his bed -
and on Mr. O'Sullivan and the
s entering the rooneethe man was
1,500 YARDS OF
All the New Makes in
And other New Shades Ju.st Opened at
77777 77777 77777 77777 77777 77777
7 7 7 77 7 7 7- 7 77 7
7 7 - 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7
7 7 7 7 7
This case was detained here at the SEAFORTH
STATION for the last Seven Weeks by the
The County Council for 1877 will be
composed of the following Reeves and
Deputy Reeves:
Tuckersrnith.-G. E. Cresswell and
David Walker.
I ' .
Usborne.e--L. Hunter.
Stephen. ---W. Fulton and Thomas
Hay. -Robert Brown and J. B. Geiger.
Stanley. -e -Thomas Simpson and Geo.
• Bayfield. -John Keys. - -
%Goderich Township. -Gabriel Elliott
arid Jos. Whiteley.
Goderich Town. -J. T. Garrowe F.
W. Johnston and Elijah Martin.
Ashield.-Robert Webster and Robe t
West Wawanosh.-C. Girvin and E.
Gaunt. •
East Wawanosh.-Thos. Taylor and
Robert Currie.
Blyth. -P. Kelly.
Wingham.--B. Willson.
Turnberry.L-S. Black and Jas. Hen-
Howick.-J. Kane, Tho. Willson and
David Weir. -
Wroxeter. -A Gibson.
Grey. -Thos. Strachan and S. Slem-
mon .
Brussels. -John Leckie.
Morris. -W. J. Johnston and. John
Hullett.-John 'McMillan and John
Clinton. -jos.‘ Chidley.
McKillop. -Thos. E. Hays.
Seaforth.-M. Y. McLean. '
Exeter. -Geo. Willis.
The townships of Usborne and MeXil-
lop, being divided into wards, the Deputy
Reeves have yet to be elected by the
For want of Invoice. We are now allowed to
offer them for Bale for the
At 90 cents per yard, worth $1 50 per yard:-
These Goods are a
; A
rooms and 2 kite
Stewart's brick residei
W. N. WATSON, Seat
VCR_ 8/V1 -Y4 -i -A new,
of land on Turn]
north of the Railwav.
BrussalsP. 0., with et
-L-L- or rented, a. corn
welland garden attac
.1.14 the ExPosrron
CAMPBELL, Seafortl
Mcllillop; also Sou
Con. 10, Morris, adjoi
For particulars a•pply t
sTED., Barristers, &c.
18, MeKillop, cont
balance well. timbered,
Bale cheap and on easy
-a: !arra now in tb
Madigan, being Lot 1
McRillop, containing
bags, good feuces am
TER, Beaforth.
erty on Goderich St
itch Manufacturing Co
Also dwelling houseat
property will be sold c
lam apply to GRAY &
comfortable and
house and grounds rec
by -tertian Manse. Posf.
January._ Apply et '
X01113,08/1, Meltilto
which are cleared and
tion. Is within a mil
,..sforth. It is one O
sify and will be sold ci'
recently occupied ar
ing Lots, is prepared
able terms to any wh
desiring to purehase
story frame hou
Market Square, Set
been used. as anegg
are well adapted p
particulars apply to t
COM, Seaforth, or
-1- ship of Stanley,
50 acres clear and in%
balance welltimbere
and cedar. Them is
premises. It is tom
and within two mile
pOticulars apply to
the premises.
cheap a lot wi
inralier shed. theme
Walton. The build
an excellent openi3
There are three bi
and only Wagon sit
seaeoned lumber
separately. Apply_
Sale cm. reason
grounds in Egmond
J. S. Porter. Ther
house with all neck,
veniences, ah3o
There are four aerei
good bearing °relit')
be e most desirable
or a retired farmer;
-1-t3- elegant two-sto
Huron Pond, SeatoI
there are 8 bedroom
kir, /43013i and kitcho
most convenient;
attached, also stab
a handsome home
offeredto intendine
favorable terms, 1
-••-• Let 29, -Pon. 8,
25 of which are el
cuitivation,i the 134
hardwood. _There
frame stable en
°realer& It is on
the villageof Wint
;lour '11, stores,
village convenienc
Seaforth. Apply t
ises, or address
- 11 and east
containing 100 ael
in a good state of -
ed, balance is well
and frame sitable,
ino; good heft
stream running ft
ivel1; abont 8 aer
ated about 11 nil
from Seaforth.
the proprietor o
P. 0. ANUS
- ipttsmEss.-F,
-ties in om.'
Township of Ho
gravel road, 7 mil
stations' Dwellit
'store; Lotcon.tai
of good land; sp
especially a har.S
than 7 'miles.
cheap. li relnir4
down. Apply to
The above Lot is
• The impel.,
Grey, about 8 n
Southern Exten
Bruce Railway.
horse engine, 41)
edging snia butti
chine and. -shim
first-olaisi, and h
and eight month
of capital, as th
quantity of Tim
fattory rea.sonsi
on application I
Post °Mee. N.
due must b‘set
- -LI the Count
Room, in theff,
• 23rd instant. 7
to return
of the Mcieillu,
for the priempt
has been settle
were exernin
January anal,
on the 10th