HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-05, Page 7A.R.Y 5, 1877. NITER. 18 ILLSN'S 'aplem nt a 'pox tum; FETE SEAFORTH. e goad snPply o Maxtwril's CUTTERS. a areentitled to rank 'am the Laving l.eatien all eorepotitors AL EXHIBITION,. URING TEE 1`IONAL MEDAL. efssr Corse Powers, awing Mea- .Voot Cutters, Waitangi Prringer, e. Machines. ieh ne DeparementF he keeps at, the best machines made, Ma ;ed RENCE, ig more popular every day. :e he keeps iri Stook at aLb LER & WILSON, ROYAL,.. D WER. Second-hand MMachhines, ales, for Sale Cheap. FOR BRAIDING,. the Neatest Tiling Out rEPA1RS. res Repaired an the Shortest p; also Sewing Machine OILe (tepair-s -a3waya on hand. WLLS.00N, Seaforth. S I0 ! SON & SCOTT'S STORE ,edged to be the Place to get D VALUE IN INSTRUMENTS.. 'IANOS. eared the exclusive right, of the minion for selling that. I1 POWERFUL PIANO ranufactured by & SON, NEW YORK.' =gained; a World Wide Repack- -name enjoys the enviable- a the Largest Retail business tcese Pianos are sold at as low possible to make a respectable uhnent,for we don't propose to or half priee as sonic dealers- ng that Instruments sold at worthless even at she money A good article can not be sold. N & SGOTr the enl_ place to get k ' bnderfully Celebrated & LINCOLN 'r Lured by that Company. -have s ;gassed everything that in oppositdon on the Canadian. F also remarkable for theirbeauti- ao,. Variety of Orchestral Effects, Excellence of all Material used, suction,. Finish and Elegance- of tee of perfection which these re attained haeabeen acquired Loymeot oa extraordinary ingen- ,th the aid of–extensive capitals ;avers to a -cel; and tho st a ese,. ith is unparalleled in the history ire of Musical Instruments. Lil►eratly Dealt W ith. Lists and Circulars.. N & SCOTT, Seaforth. BOGS WANTED. LeEMAN & GOUINLOCK the Highest Cash Price for MS OF ALL KINDS. ty of Elio LOGS suitable for the Vroo1)s. swing attended to promptly at any other wan. t every daseeiption, also Shingle., 4 always on hand, and at the very rices.. AR POSTS FOR SALL kt N counmocir. Sentarlit TL: 'SHE..IU DN EXPOSITOR. '�rrda's i tl t, - in' "Itiffiber. enterprise has =begun in3orthetn: Californiawhich premises to add im- mensely to the wealth of the State, and. at the same time to afford employment to`' from. 500 to 1,000 people. A brief allu- sion was made in my correspondence from Plumes, Butte and Tehama Coon - ties to the immense resources which Cal- ifornia possesses in the extensive forests of pine, spruce and fir which belt the slopes of the Sierra Nevada. It is a question, which yeaita will inly deuton-. Snare, whether this' vast tract -of timber myself, the heavenly Bridegroom has come„<and He has called her, Homo to be His -bride ;- and I thought,>as He has taken the -bride; it is only.right that He should have the dowry.,” : ; . DRF,SSING A LOBarER:—The Kingston Freer ala has this domestio incident to relate : "A young housekeeper . up. toren was. much surprised the other day' upon answering. a ring at the doorbell to receive from a small boy . a package, which proved to be a large red lobster, (it having been cooked) ,with a note pini ned around one le{l. stating, 'Your. hus- country or the precious metals stowed band would like to have this:broiled for away in the bowels of the earth on the dinner.' She knew her -husband was' sides of the mountains, will produce more material wealth to the state. Both are enormous, both but little known, and .still less developed. For near one hunt dlred miles in length, in the counties of .Plumes, Butte, Tehama and Shasta the :slopes of the Sierra are covered with a .growth of timber of the varieties before mentioned ;- tall, stately trees, to, the *.eight of from 80 to 120 feet, with a di- ameter at the base `of from six to ` nine .and ten feet. , If the pixie and 'fir of thin region do not reach the majestic propor- tions of the "Sequoira gtgantea '- f_ound -in Mariposa, Calaveras, Fresno and more :southerly sections of the state, they at- tain an extraordinary, size and are Per - baps more er-baps_more valuable as articles of com- merce and for administering to the wants el man. This belt of timber land before -described varies in width from 20 to 40 miles, according to the. spurs .of the mountain chains. Of , this area of coun- try, considerably more than one-half is .occupied with timber that can be manu- factured into merchantable lumber. The remainder consistsof scrub timber and _cordwood, end at intervals occur those <valleys : or basing of tillable land and meadows met with on the Weptern slope .of the Sierra. The best timber is found .at an altitude of from 3,400 to 6,000 feet :up to the snow line. Untili?a comparative- ly recent period nothing w,but the very :fringe of this country was explored. No use was made of these magnificent forest trees which abounded in such quantities, except where they happened to be located near a mining camp ; and then only such 'small parts were felled as were necessary for the purposes of shoring -tunnels or other mining work, or for fuel. This . whole tract of country, with its wonder- ful sugar pine, yellow pine, spruce and ir, was regarded as comparatively worthless. It iai only recently that tie light began to dawn upon our lumber- men, that California had within its own borders, lying neglected, a class of tim- her equal to any imported from the East for the manufacture .of flooring,, doors and window sashes. Tho well known and useful redwood was supposed to com- prise the valuable lumber resources of the state. To a Registrar of the Land_ Officetat Shasta belongs the credit of in- troducing sugar pine into the ° lumber market of California. And he came very near losing money by the venture, and getting laughed at for his imbecility in believing that the sugar and yellow pine were useful to the lumberman and me ohanic. 'For the first load of sugar . pine he sent to Sacramento he could find . no immediate purchaser, and bad to wait months before he could dispose of his goods. But when once tried by carpen- ters for the inside work of : dwelling Houses, its admirable qualities were ap- parent, and the sugar pine lumber was pronounced superior for that purpose to any other kind of timber. —Red Bluff (Cal.) Correspondence of the Bulletin. partial to broiled meats, .but not having -seen a lobster before,; she really couldn't conceive !how such a hard, horrid -looking thing oould be cooked in any way, much. less )smiled ; but :lie.must be pleased if it was possible to do it, and so all the cook., books ook- booka (she had quite a . libraryrof them) were taken down and examined, but no receipt cold be found for broiling any- • thing that resembled this. Finally, be. ing at her wit's end, she dressed it. up in a doil'eeiothes •arid Sat it on her"hus- band's chair at the =dinner -table, where that man found it when he'came home: the joke being •completelyturned upon himself, though the woman was seeming- ly unconscious of it, only saying as she pointed to the ridiculous object, 'You wished me o • dress it for dinner, and that is the only way I knew of doing it"' F VERY NATURAL.—When a person has proved an article and found it good, and answering the purpose for which' it is intended, he will not readily abandon it for 'gine of doubtful reputation, or con- cerning which he knows nothing. We are led to make these 'remarks owing to. the course always pursued by those .who have used that celebrated and valuable horse medicine known as " Darley's'Con- dition-Powders and Arabian lleave Rem- edy.". All are so well pleased with it that they will not use any other ; many have waited several weeks until the. agent could obtain a new supply. ° There is nothing equal to it es a condition med- icine, or tor any, complaint affecting the wind of hon ses. - Iteiisember the name and see -th t the signature of Hurd & Co., is on ea h package. Nor- throp & Lyman,r,Toronto, Ont.; proprie- tors for Canada. Sold • by all medicine dealers. - I have come to the conclusion to sell off MY Estrum STOOlit OF FURNITURE AT COST For' the next Thirty Days, and Just. COME ALONG ALL YE. Married, Unmarried. and About Getting MARRIED, And I Will Give You SUCH BARGAIN.S goose -Bone Weather Predic- tions. As cannot be attained elsewhere, ASI MUST SELL To prevent the Sheriff doing so. I saw him the other day, and he gave me THE WINK, But don't mention it, as it is a 'Secret. I know at once that something was up. CONSCIENCE MONEY.=1n one - of the largest and most thriving towns of Ohio a well-known hotel keeper and politician was appointed coll,�ector of internal revenue. One morning he found on his desk a letter addressed to him officially, without postmmrk, containing a five hun- dred dollar greenback, to which was pinned a small " Conscience money Quietly folding up The goose -bone is- more closely watch- td in Kentucky than in any other part of the country. It has been handed down among the early traditions of the state, and may be called the Kentucky weather prophet. It is to be found in • nearly every Kentucky country home, and in many parts of the state the farm- ers consult it, and prepare for handling their crops in accordance with its read- ings: The prophecy of the goose -bone. does not extend beyond the year in which the goose was batched, and the predic- tion is for the three -winter months only. Take the breast bone of a last spring's goose and divide it into three equal _parts, and the different divisions will re- present December, January and "Febru- ary, The breast bone of a goose is trans- lucent, and if clear when held up to the light, the weather will be mild and. pleasant ; but, if covered over with •cloud -like blots, it will be gloomy and cold ; he heavier 'the blots, the colder will b the weather. A study of this year'" goose -bone in- dicates that the weather for December will be cloudy and gloomy, probably with much rain and snow, but, withal a very disagreeable month. About the last of December we shall have some cold weather, which will continue to grow colder as January advances. The month of January will be a cold one througl out, with some very severe weathe during the last part of the month On the prophecy of the goose - bone, it may be predicted that about the last of January we will have the coldest weather experienced for years. Febru- ary will be more pleasant and spring- like, betokening an early return of the Rowers. During the last of the month however, there 'will be a few cold days, but no severe weather. Such is the prophecy of the goose - bone, and as we have the woad of ,a good old farmer up in Woodford County, that it has not failed for 50 years, we - may as well prepare to meet it, and need not be surprised if we have good skating or the Ohio River during the latter part of Jan- uary.—Louisville an-nary.Loui ville Comiieercialr ce of paper. with " written thereon. the greenback and putting it in his pocket -book, he re- marked, " I always did suspect that bar -keeper of mine. "-'-EDITOR'SD RAWER, '. in Har. per's Magazine for December. A LIVELY LOOKOUT •FOR JONES.— "Oh, mamma, that's Captain Jones' knock"! I know he has come to ask me to be his wife !" "Well, my dear, you must accept him." "But I thought you hated him, so !" "Hate him ? I do—so much that I mean to be hie mother -in-, law !" ("Revenge is sweet, °especially to women.") SO COME ALONG AND BE AHEAD OF HIM. • You will find the Place. MATT. ROBERTSON'S OLD STAND, Main Street, Seaforth; JOHN S. PORTER. OVERCOATS, 0'V-ERCOATS. A Big Rush in Overcoats at WILLIAM CAMPBELL'S, THE; GOLDEN LION. LOGAN & JAMIESON. BLANKETS, Temporarily at Killoran & Ryan's large brick block, Main Street. , —As au example of the almost incred-. ible prices -paid for good building sites in London a transaction just. completed is cited. The demolition of Northumber- land House and the formation of a new approach to tl- ' Thames embankment at Charing Crosave left two plots of eli- gible land vacant. The plot on the east side of the new avenue has been let on a building lease for 90 years at a rental of £58,000 a year. The land comprises nearly an acre, and is'triangular in shape though only two sides could at best be used for ahops. A Large Stock of All the Varieties. SPLENDID - LOT OF ULSTERS, Just the thing wanted for the coming winter for riding. . BLANKETS, BLANKETS. A L rge Stock of BED BL41YK.ETS In Home Made - and Best Canadian Makes, Cheap at The Stock in all lines fpr Merchant Tail- ors' purposes is quite full, and as I want to sell off the whole lot look out fee-- rare ee-rare bargains for cash. BARGAINS, BARGAINS FOR CASH. WM. CAMPBELL. BE WISE.—Too often a cold or slight cough ie considered a very ordinary, trifling affair, just as well left to go as it came, and hence systematically neglect- ed- until a simple curable affection is converted into a serious pulmonary dis- ease. The more prudent, aware that a cough or cold should never be trifled with, promptly use `Bryan's Puimonic Wafers," which have sustained their rep- utation fen over twenty years. They are always efficacious, and exert a most beneficial influence on all, the bronchial and pulmonary organs. 1 Sold by all druggists and country merchants at 25 cents - a box. • ErPS's COCOA .—Grateful•and comforting —" By a thorough knowledge of ' the Neural laws which- govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties swell -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicate- ly flavoured beverage,which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution .may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point.. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wellfortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service.Gazette. Sold only in pack- ets labelled-- "James Epps & Co., Ho- moeopathic Chemists;` 48, Threadneedle St. ,and 170; Piccadilly, London. 421-52 • THE GREAT SIOSR0144ES REMEDY—IB an Indian vegetable compound, compos- ed of the juices of a variety of remark- able medical plants and herbs : the vari- ous properties, of these different ingredi- ents, when combined, is so constituted as to act simultaneously upon the Blood, Lungs, Liver; Kidneys; Digestive organs, Nervous . system, &c., restoring their functions to healthy action, and, being purely vegetable, is as harmless as ria• ture's own beverage. his medicine is a decided benefit in all, ind a permanent cure in alarge majority of 'diseases of the blood, such as Scrofula, Erysipelas,. Salt Rheum, Canker, Pimples, &c. In-- pre- scribing . this medicine we do not claim that it always performs cures; but this We do say, that it purifies and enriches the blood, permanently curing a large majority of diseases arising from its im- purities. It -stands far ahead and. un- • equalled among the hundreds of compet- ing medicines of the day. It has stood the test of ten years; and is to day more popular than ever. - As a summer re- storative it stands unrivalled ; it enables the system to bear up against the- con- stant drain to which it is subjected by a high h • temperature. Person who are subject`tci-:billions Colid;Dyitentery; 1n-: digestion, &c..° should take the "Shosho- nees Remedy." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1; Pills 25 cents a box. 3T.TRON FOUNDRY AND.MACHINE SHOP, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. the Golden Lion. Also our Well-known Make of HORSE BLANKETS From t. Marys Woolen' ' Factory. LOGAN & JAMIESON. 7 PAP) MM1R'S! Now is Your Chance to Get 011EAP HARNESS. verythin Re- rim cD • CHOPPING AXES ' }"''" CHOPP.ING AXES e -i ,O CHOPPING CHOPPING O CHOPPING a tft DOUBLE STEEL, er ea) ONLY $1. tet En GRAIN, S' CD GRAIN SCOOPS GRAIN SCOOPS A 6 LOT OF DYE STUFF ENCOURAGE HOME MANUFACTURE AND KEF,P THE MONEY # IN THE COUNTRY. HE Subscribers would respectfully intimate to the, hiillers,Farmers, and the penile gener- ally that the Huron Foundry and l$rsscliine Shop is now in full operation, and any orders that may be intrusted' to them will. it . is confident, give entire satisfaction ,to their patrons. We have now on hand = - HORSE POWERS, True Love. A London paper says : "A clergy- man was sent to visit a young girl who was seriously .ill. She was the only child,of her widowed mother. The ill- ness proved fatal, and the once happy wife and mother was left in poverty and desolation'. A few days after the child's funeral, the widow called and asked to to see the clergyman. After some little hesitation, she put into his hand a packet containing money, which she begged he would give to some society* which was sending the gospel to the heathen world.. He opened the parcel, and to his amaze- ment counted out $20. He at - .once re- monstrated with the widow, .told• her that, gaining her precarione living as a laundress, she surely ought not to give so large a sum. With great modesty she urged him to take it, and then said : How I came to have this large sum of money is jlist,,this. Ohild:wasi born, I thought she'll live to get married some of thee° days, and I thought I would begin to put by a little sum to be in store for her then, and I began ;that day with sixpence. You knew what happened last week. Well, I thought to Of very J. .S. Pitt's Pattern. STRAW CUTTERS, For hand or power. Root Cutters, Sawing Machines, and other descriptions of Agricultural Implements • In use by Farmers, and to which we invite an ex amination before purchasing anywhere else. MILLWRIGHT WORK A SPECIALITY. eriorgnality just received at AXES AXES AXES ROBERTS' DrIUG STORE, Consisting in part of the following ; MADDER, MADDER, COMPOUND, COCHINEAL, CREAM TARTAR, FUSTIC, ALUM, INDIGO, INDIGO COMPOUND,' Loam and Dry Sand CASTINGS fur- nished to order. REPAIRS Promptly and Satisfactorily done at all tirades. Prices Low -Terms Libera,—Orders Solicited. WHITELAW &-MORE. OPENED OUT AGAIN, Circular Saw ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK. AGE DYES, SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE, SCARLET, BLUE, GREEN and ROSE, - and in fact Searly all colors, which are gnarau- teed to produce beautiful and fast colors if direct- ions are faithfully followed. THOMAS LEE'S FLOUR AND FEED STORE Happened to be one of the unfortunate ones that got burned out at the late fire. He has opened out again in HIS NEW STORE, OPPOSITE THE . COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Where he hopes to be able to supply his many customers with GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Call and See for Yourselves. My Tereus for the Future are !Strictly Cash or Produce. Don't forget the Place—Three Doors North of the Post Office. THOMAS LEE. J." S. ROBERTS, ' Temperance House Seaforth. Opposite Nowells Te p TOTICE- NE.W SHO -E. SHOP. OOPS GRAIN SCOOPS GRAIN SCOOPS FROM 71 CENTS UP WARDS.. ED. x Sy: CD. cc+ }-- 0 CD 0 —0 OW CHAINS—'(""'' —COW CHAINS- -COW CHAZ'NS— —COW CHAINS- -COW CHAINS— ALL PATTERNS., ` ALL PATTERNS. "4 JOHN WARD, SEAFORTH, TTAs on; hand a large quantity of Harness, both $sway and Light, which were ailightly tar- nished atahe Hrussela Fire, and which, although nearly ars geed as ever, will be sold off at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. §Ii1NGLE HARNESS CD From $8 upwa ihi. O I T —4— From $1 upwards. An other Goods Proportionately Cheap. C L ' SOON BEFORE TRESE GOODS ARE ALL GONE. - GOOD W9RK ON HAND And Made to Order as usual. A .GQOD STOCK OF VALISES, TRUNKS, WH1PSi AND I' URNI SHI OS NOSLa[HO) swhis,1 �B ROYAL . CANADIAN BANK. SEAFORTH BRANCH. JOHN' WARD. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, ROES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HARDWARE DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN--ST.,- SEAFORTH. - Drafts on New York Bank in the United States. Bilis of Exchange on at all Chief Cities of the United THE undersigned begs to notify the inhabitants of Seaforth andsurrounding countrythat' he has commenced business IN SEAFORTH, In the Shop next door to Pillma 's Carriage Fac - torp, where he intends t carry on The Custom ShoBusiness INS ALL ITS BRA CHES. The Stock having been carefully selected, and none but a FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN BRUSSELS DRAW KILN. TOWN & BURROWS, PROPRIETORS. EMPLOY Dg And by strict attention to bra can rely oti getting good value REPAIRING done 1 and Dispa THE Subscribers take this opportusiity to return thanks to theirnumerona customers for the patronage extended to them during Che past sea- son, and bcpe.by strict attentien to.business,and by snpplymg ir good' article; ; to' merit a continu- ance of the same. LIME BURNED,".- DAILY. good"art.Th1e gnart►nteed-, Price 14 cents per bushel, at the kiln; 15 ciente, costars. TEMRS STRICTLY CASH. Brussels, May 2, 1876( j 489 INTEREST PAID ON M. P. 411 ines, the public or their money. Dith Neatness ch. 485 JJ J. SCOTT. EG 'EMPORIUM. Paya;'ble at any London payable Kingdom DEPOS1 TS. • RAYES, IlisxaaEa LIMPER. LUMBER. THE CRANBROOK MILLS • • Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE ?ROUGHS AND CONDUCT- . ING PIPE Cyt ap on the Sbertest Notice and Warranted. Specialt Inducements to Cash and Rrompt Paying Customers, JOHN KIDD. BE UNDERSIGNED would beg leave to call THE the attention of the public to their Large Stock of Lumber of all kinds, sud Shingles . o ahe best, quality,and}at the very Lowest. es. • SIZED HEMLOCK ALWAYS ON HAND, From 10 feet, up. - All orders sent by mail or otherwise prompt- ly attended to; ' discount of $;-;per cent on large. orders. Interestcharged on accounts running over 8 months. Make enquiries se to quality and prides before purchasingelsewhere. � r The su scriber hel y thanks his numerous easterner (merchants and others) for their liberal, patronag during the past seven ears and hopes, es , by strict integrity and close attention to business, to merib their confidence and trade in the future. HAvin greatly enlarged his premises, during the wine r, ho is now prepare to pay the H IG EST CA For any quantity o1 good f at the EGG E M Wanted by the subscriber clean" Witi.EAT STRAW. H PRICE esh eggs, delivered IPORIUM, - in Street, Seaforth. 5 tons of good pry, E Qv..L!, HURON PLANING MIL. THE undersignod 'hereby ipform their many: customers and the public generally pf the Re- move-1'of their Factory and Lnniber Yard ta new and more commodious premises on - NOETH MAIN STREET, Where, with increased .facilities and some new inachinery of the best make, they will continue ito manufacture and fill all orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, And all kinds of . PLANED, LUMBER • • ECLIPSE OATMEAL MILLS. NOW IN FULL OPERATION. bat deal, Split Peas, Pot Barley, Corn Meal Chopped, And All Kinds of Mill Feed Constantly on Hand Chopping done Tuesdays and Fridays. Oatmeal exchanged for Oats. - Higbast price paid for Oats, Peas and Barley. 41a CURRIE & THOMSON. WILSON. WHERE -YOU CA FIND HIM HENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE THE Subscribers; having commenced business at their New Pork Packing House in Hensall, are prepared to WILLIAM GRASSIE HAS again commenced business after the fire hi the premises fofn,erly occupied by Monroe & Hogan, on -NORTH MAIN=ST., SEAFORTH, Wbere.he will be glad to meet with as many of his old friends and cnstOniees as can make it con- venien1 to call on him. BLACKSMITHINC & WACON MAKING In Il departments carried on PS formexIi. Re 459 iring Promptly Attended to. WT.WAhid GBASSIE. PAY THE -HIGHEST PRICE For any -quantity of HOGS, EITHER ALIVE `OR DRESSED. - At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm, Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, &c. A i Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES. Jag 'Stewing and C witencrinnang wilt Receive Prompt Attention. The aubsoribers hereby thank their numerouas 'customers for the liberal patronage extended to them daring the past, and hope, by strict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuance and increase of the same. - To all those whose accounts are overdue we give a cordial invitation to pay up. GRAY & SCOTT. p: ST.—Plass and Specifications for Buildings furnished on application. 4 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD ERN ,TIMES. A large quantity of PORK CUTTINGS always on head for sale cheap. G. & J. PETTY. 468 The Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, a tonnach, Kidneys and. Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The .Ointment is the :only reliable remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sore and 'Ulcers, of however long standing. For Bronehitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, 'and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. 'IrECE GREAT PEM ATE REMEDY.—Job Moses' e icine is — d Periodical Pills This invaluable m unfailing in the cure of all those panful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- inoves all obvractions, and a. speedy cure may be relied on. To mac iedladies, it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularit.. These pills should not be taken by Females daring the first three months of Pregrancy, as 1they are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pales in the back and limbs, fatigue, on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means bees failed; and, although a powerful. remedy, do not contain iron, _calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package,] which should be carefully preserved. Job Melees, New York, Sole Proprietor: $1 00 and 12icents for postage enclosed to Northrop .& Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over -50 pills by return mail. °Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson it Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. .97 BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. I deem it my duty to state that my Pills and Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States. Each -Pot said Box bears the Britiah Government stamp, with the words, " HonLowaY's lamas AND OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the,address, 583, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and soldnnder lowey's & Co.," Curran, & Co., York, with Grade Mark. --- fn Canada. Wholesale des- terfeits are the name of "Hol - by J. F: Henry, Druggists, of -New an assumed thus the principal lers in these conn DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMFY: VESSELS Sail Weekly from Quebec for Liver- pool, calling at Belfast. Through Tickets issued_/rola Setforth.to•Liverpool= Steerage, Seaforth to Liverpool ' $32 Cabin, Seaforth to Liverpoolfi& A. ABj 1J AGE Agent A few, tbenasthd dell$rstio -loan on improved farm property, principal peyab1e at any time, and in,apy amine to snit thb bC iyO.Ness'-.conY nienee Some very nice Building Lots for sale ia Seaforth and Egmondville. Call and see plat and get par tic niers A ARMITAGE486 - LY3iAN, CLAIRE & CO. NORTHRUP & LYMAN, and LYMAN BitounYRRS & Co., who obtain them at very low prices, -from J. F. Henry, Curran & Co., of New York, and which are is supplied to unpeineipled Retail Vendors. who sell the same as my genuine Pills and Ointment, which are manufactured only at 533, Oxford Street, London, and maybe obtained from the following Firms, viz: o EvAigs, MERCER.& Co, MontreaL Messrs. AVEnY, BnowN & Co., Halifax, N. S. Messrs. T. B. BARRERL & Sons, St, John, N.B. Messrs. ELLIOT & Co., Toronto. Who -. import them direct from -here. THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 588, Oxford Street, W. C. 454 MRS. MARKEY BEGS to announce to her friends and eastern - ens that she has again opened out in her new store, oposite Hays' Hotel, Seafortt,, where she hopes to receive that LIBERAL PATRONAGE heretofore extended •towards her. She intends, as heretofore, to keep thea BEST QUALITY' OF GOODS to be found iri the Markets. Farm Produce bought, Bold and exchanged. 472 MRS. MARKEY. O