HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-05, Page 5De 1877. . . enlivened by choice ung One the scholars. who LS retiring was presented by atiful album as a entertainment was he evenii& when tlfe large ge of N was crammed with . The Redgerville Choir was nee and furnished musie in tity and Of such quality as to heir greatly very high repute. eir rendering of one piece— ring Sea."—was particularly A great number of recitationa ;nes were given by the aniline d style, frequently eliciting up- ipplause. Rev. Mr., Cameron trt addrese, bringing out many interesting ideas on matters with edaeatien. Several of itisitors 'present also spoke emplimenting the teachers on ing of their school. Rev. Mr. brought the meeting to a dose aour by pronouncing the bene- Usbornee LT. — Mex. e were three can- •,orainated and placed in the tee Reevestiip of Ushorne,but be. of eleotion Mr. Alexander elle of the three, withdrew, and Junter mid Mr. James Eider to tight the battle between The following is a state - he vote polled : For Reeve— " 249 ; Elder 138. For _ Coim- ortli-west Ward- -Millar 52 ; d, 32; North-eaat Ward—Kay, rantyne, 45. The Council for nt year win, therefore, be com- E. Huotee, Reeve ; and Millar, IIsand 'Shire. The Deputy ill be elected by the Coun- t_ first meeting. It is likely that a- will be agaiti chosen for the TRF 4 —An entertainment pleasinge as well as of an in - character, was held in the t Churchtf dimaille, on Christ- ie in conneetion with the Sab- ad in that , place. Though the was stormy during the day, yet epproached it appeared milder, g before the appointed hour re wending their way towards •ch, and before the time had ar- nommencine the exereises the as crowded. to excess, and still te, until fbe number amounted rds of hear hundred, inchidin• g ✓ en of the school. On enterine trch, the - first thing that at': atm attention was the ietto, ie," emblazoned, in gle rig ts, arid then, as we castj our rard, a magnificent looking tree d itself to our view. This tree orily laden with all manner of 'Gm a tin ithistle to a sterescope, / a pair of infant's stockings to r dress, and when illuminatecl aumber of candles had, a very appearance, almost dangling the spectatorwith its splendor. rrch wee- 'nicely decorated, and and all the surroundings showed •eat deal of taste had been die - A platform was erected, on ere seated nearly one lanid- ioua loolting children, waiting r for t/ee plucking of the fruit. -cises were opened with flinging -er, after which a number of re were given by the children, in singing., The children eebe encl4vied with a spirit of sra, and performed their parts e really took a delight in them. •etary then read a very favorable the school, and aftet COD:Taring he report of last year, showed tse which was very satisfactory ficers and teachers. T. Green- lee then took the platform and. el the audience for a short time. 3tieceecled: by Rev. W. Walsh, -et minister, giving a Scottish e These gentlemen both ex- heir- deep- regret M regard to val of the Superintendent, Mr, :towing the great lose which wilt ned, not only at Elimville, but entralia Circuit at large, by his e, but hoped that his efforts rarowned with success in the iere he is about to go. The a tree was then stripped of its fruit and the presents distri- mong the children. '`Good As sung by the children, and El to their homes highly grati- the proceedings of the evening. ant realized was thirty-one dol - eh will be appropriated to the Scheel fund. Huron Notes. ,nery on a large scale is shortly rib:fished in or near the village pn. k's Hotel, Cliatore was sold by a few days ago, for $9,100, and 4 and lot on which it stands for Adam Scott, of Lot 15, Con. 4, est week 'sold a spring pig in 'which, when dressed, weighed T. Os. T. Duncan; veterinary sure deride, Ilea been elected second eident of the Ontario Veterinary en. Gabriel Elliott has been elected Goderich township over his t Mr. Vent, by a majority of six week Ma Elias- Lear, of Hut- .-tiht to Clinton. market five hogs,- reighed 2,200 Ibs., reeeiving gi per ew t. Itatz it Sone, of Crecliton, i.hased a numbeitof lots in that :and inten.c1 erecting a new rn the spring. ie of Mr. Wm. °eats, of Clin- ' days ago Was badly scalded a a dipper of hot water acch- epilled °a his face. annual meeting of the West 'gricultural Society will be held `ewn Hall, Smith's Hilt, on ay, , 17th January, at 2 p. m. t businesa'witi be transaeted. °Hewing resalution was adopted t meetiog of the Brussels Coun- iat all clergy -men assessed on less then $2,000 receive a de- er of their taxes." /ugh. MICartney. well known tion, haelpurchased the Bruce - se factorone of the best in ry, and Will take possession in or two May saeceis attend aturday man tiSmedt, Samuel o came" to Goderich 11.4.06 -ug about three months ap, in• a? state ;of ,inteticication, e of his yi gee ula the The injury receive resulted / in death the following evening. As. the blow was not given with intent to injure Cowen has not been arrested. —Richard Howard, of Seaforth, on Friday last 'committed to Goderich Jail to await his trial on a charge of breaking into a house and committing 4111 indecent assault upon oft, woman :therein. —Robert John McCutcheon, the lad who was committed to jail by a Brussels 'magistrate fel. the theft of a small sum of money from his sister, has been sen- tenced to one month's imprisonment in -the county Jail. —Vt e are pleased to learn that Mr. Alexander B. Ross, son', of Col. Ross, M. P.P., and a pupil of the Goderich High School, has passed a creditable examina- tion for admission to the Kingston Mili- tary College. • —The latest bar -room swindle in Brus- .eels consists in taking three pennies out of your pocket, shaking them in your closed hand, and asking the » victim whether there are !foyer or under three. ?" He never thinks of guessing- exactly three. ----The annual. meeting' of the Hullett Branch Agricultural Society, will be., held at Cole's Temperance House, Clin- ton, on Wednesday, Jan.. 10, 1877, at 1 o'clock P. M. for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction' of other business in connection with the society. , —The annu.al meeting of the Morris Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the Temperance Hall, Blyttg, on Wed- nesday, Jan. 10, at I o'clock !P. M., for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of ' other busi- ness in connection with the Sodety. —One day last week Mr. Stephen Halstead, of the Maitland c n., »Oodcrich Township, was engaged i feedieg his stock, and while climbing on a beam by some means fell, the f 1\1 rendering him insensible for some t nie • but we are glad to learn that he i able to be about again. =Some tie ago a Clinton, carpenter was injuredd by falling from a building. Be was taken to a house near by, where he was attended through his illness by a female domestic, a stranger to him. Her attention warmed his heart, he fell in love, and after his recovery, pro- posed, was accepted, and they are now • man and wife. —The Rev. Elector MeQuarrie was in. ducted over the Wingham Presbyterian congregation on the 28th Dec. Rev. John Ferguson, of Brussels, presided .. and addressed the people, Rev. Mr. Mc. . lean, of Blyth, preached, and the -Rev. Mr. Young, of Manchester, addressed» the pastor. In the evening a tea -meet- ing was held, presided over bir 'Rev. John Ferguson. Addresses were de, livered by the nainisters of the Methodist Churches and by members of the con- gregation. Proceeds about $120. —The examination of the Public School in Section No. 3, Grey, took place on the .2Ist of December• it was conducted by the teacher, Mr. Peter McKinnon, a young man of rare qualifications who has lately mitered the profession of teaching, in a manner which showed he was master of the situation. He was assisted by Miss A. Smith and Messrs. Taylor and. Gibson, the» pupils answering in a credi- table manner. The ladies of the section provided an ample feast for all present, for which they deserve much praise. There was a great number of visitors present, showiog by their presence that they took an interest in their children's' -education,- which many would do well to follow, as it nerves and stimulates the teacher to greater exertions. The exam- inetion beiug finished, addresses were given by Messrs. T. Strachan, Taylor, Gibson, and, others; when all dispersed satisfied that their school was in a pros- perous condition. —On Wednesday of last week Mr. Thomas Dearing, of Exeter, had a most neiranulous *ape from death. He was ald, Goderich Central School, 905 ; Wm. J. Young, No. 1, Colborne, 326. —Rev. Dr: Lachlin Taylor Was a -pas- senger by the .Sarmetia.n from' Liverpool last, week. Dr. Taylor was on a three years' special lecturing mission in Scot- land, in the interests of emigrationefo Canada. He was employed by the Do- minion Government. It is said that for some time his services will be tktilized in connection with the Education Society of the Methodist church of Canada. BiRTHS WILSON. —In Howick, on Dec. 22, the -Wife of Charles Wilson, Deputy Reeve, of a daughter. , Joses.—In Seaforth, onlJan. 1, the. wife 1, of Mr. Robert Jones .0 ' a son. CARDNO:—In Seaforth, on Jan. 2, the wife of Mr. A. Cardno, of a daughter. BELL.—In Stanley, on Dec. 28, the wife of Mr. RobertP. Bell, of it daughter. ALLEN.—In Seaforth, on Jan. 3, the wife of Mr. Wm. Allen, ofa son. NEWALIN. —In Seaforth, on Dec, 20, the wife of Mr. Wm. Newmsn, of a daugh- ter. DODDS,—In McKillop, on Dec. 18, the wife of Mr. James Dodds, of a son. STUART. —In McKillop, on Dee. 15, the wife of Mr. Jacob» Stuart, of a daugh- ter. , • engaged in drawing wood from Captain Howard's bush, and shortly after 4 o'clock in the evening was walking alongside of the loaded eleigh. On pass- ing a root the sleigh slipped down of the jut, and upset one of the large logs upon him.. Providentially it fell in such a way as not to crush but merely to hold him fast. When the load. upset, the team started. for their home at a rapid gait, which they reached about dark. Mr. Dearing's son, suspecting something was wrong, obtained assistance, and about 9 o'clock reached the almost per- ished and» crushed man. His joy can be better imagined than described, on being released from his five hours' bondage. He would no doubt have frozen before aid. could have readied him, had he not had- presende of mind» to seeare a horse blank- et which had fallen off at the time that the load upset. • —The following is a list Of those »who successfully passed. the entrance examin. aticri to the Clinton High School, and. the number of marks made by each : Archie Buchan n, 229 ; James Combe, 291; Frederick E. Corbett, 249; Chris. topher Dickson, 275; Edward Fee, 344; Samuel Ferrie; 27; Frederick Folland, 248; Albert E. Hooper, 314; Frederick T. Jackson, 260; John Charles Link. later, 318; Alexander Matheson, 227 ; Henry Isaac Pearen, 291; ' Frederick Pearen, 292; Albert Rumball, 251; Gilbert Wall, 289; Sarah Barge, 256; Sarah Bean, 255; Lizzie I:Calloway, 303; Mary Angeline Holmes, 276; Mary Jane Irvine, 250; Maty Jane Laird, 235 ; - Frances Porter, 325; Minnie Renton; 242; Barbara Scott Robertson, 282; Isabella, Margaret Ross, 270; Mary B. Straith, 276. John Essery, heving fail- ed to obtainitone-third of the 'marks in MARRIED. DELMAG-E—COMMAVORD.—On Dec. 28, • by Rey. A. MeLean, Mr. John Del- , • mage, to Miss Annie Commaford, all of Blyth. » . McGme—Emas.—At the » residence I! of the bride's father, on Dec. 28, by key. J. Philp, Mr. J. McGill, of Blyth; to Miss Lettitia Ellis, of East Wawan- osh. IRWIN —MILLER. —In Clinton, ortJam 1; by Rev. R. T. Courtice, Mr. Josiah Irwin, to Miss' M. J. Miller, of Hui- . lett. MeLeeN—MoDeemin.—In Mount Pox.- - est, on Tuesday, Dec. 17th, by Rev: II. L. Yewani, MretJames K. Mc-, Lean, P.L.S„ to Nis Kate Mee - mid, daughter of Mr. Duncan McDer- mid, of Minnesota. HARBOTTLE4--YEO. —At the residenee of the bride's father, Turnberry, on Dec. the 27th, by -the Rev,. C. E. StaffOrd, Mr. Thomas Harbottle, of Grey,; to Miss Agnes Yeo. • MC/k1BBIN — BROADIE. At Brussels, Dec.; 25th, by the Rev. J. Ferguson, James til•cKibbin, of the township of .McKillop, to*Jessie Broadie, of the township of -Morris. BOA—BRINTNELL.—At the residence of the bride's father, Chieelhurst, on Nov. 3, by Rev. W. Yokem, Mr. W. J. Boa„ to Miss Margaret Brintnell, both of Hibbert. BONE—SottcH.—At Wroxeter, on Jan. 1, by Ptev. George Brown, Mr: Henry Bone, to Miss Sarah Souch, all of the township of Mortis. t REID—MpBEATH14t the residence of the bride's father, on Dec. 29, by Rev: John Ross, of Brucefield, Mr. flector Reid, to Jessie, duly daughter of John IVIeBeath, Esq., ill of Stanley. , MURDOCH,--MANNING.—At the parson- age, Londesboro, On Jan. 1, by Rev. R.. Davey, Mr. John Murdoch, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James »Manning, all of Hulled. Russ ELL—M01a.—Att the residence of the bride's father, on Dec. 25, by Rev. H. Gracey, William Russel), of» the Thames Road, Usbome, to Jane, sec- oncl daughter of Mr. R. Moir, Of Us - borne. *Geography, but having taken a fair pro- portion in the other subjects, and having Secured. 271 marks, is recommended to the Central Boarci by the Provisional Board of Examiners. —The- examination of candidates for- entran.ce to the Goderich High School, took place at the Central School' on Tuesday a,nd Wednesday of last week, when the following obtamed the neces- sary nuMber of marks ; Lizzie Acheson, Goderich Ceiatral School, 287 '• E. Bailie, • School Section No. 1, West Wrawanosh, 260 ; Mary W. Dunbar, School Section No. I Ashfield, 291 ; Lillie Henderson, Goder'ich Central School, _302 ; Kate Jamieson, Goderich Central School, 339; Mary Keefe Goderich Central School. ,326 ; Isabella Maxy Ralph, Goderich Central School, 305; Maggie Wilkinson, Goderich Central School, 317 ; Maria -A. Young, No. 1,- Ashfield, 285 ,• David Dobie, No. 5, Hulled, 293 ; Cameron oderich Central Scho0,,318- • George Gordon,'11a.wkins, No. 1, Athield; 't92 TAatatas 3to to1bor atfletild Re' Sbifoitlit Ruitkimaint. IGiedltrich » Cigitttal r School, 74ei Alex. Rusk, Goderieli Centyal chool, 274;.Isaac Salkeld, Goderich Central School, 304; Thomas Wether- THE MARKETS SEIFORTH, Jan. 4, 1877. Fall Wheat » . 1 20 to 1 25 Spring Wheat, per bushel 1 16 to 1 20 Oats Der bushel Peas per bushel Barley per bushel Butter,No. 1,Loose Egge por barrel • 0 40 to 0 42 -0 68 to 070 0 50 to 060 018 to '0 19 0 17 to 018 6 50 to 6 00 8 00 to - 8 50 5 00 to 5 50 0 50 to 180 0 76 Hay Hides. Sheep skins. Salt (retail) per barrel Salt (wholesale) per barrel-- .. 0 65 Potatoes, per bushel 0 45 to 0 50 Oatmeal r brl » 0 00 to 5 00 Wood 0 00 to 2 50 Lard 0 10 to 012 Pork 7 00 to 756 1 NOW GOING ON • THE GREAT ANNUAL STOCKTAKING SALE AT HOFFMAN BROTHERS' CHEAP CASH STORE, SEAFORTH. CUSTOMERS CAN EXPECT EX- TRA BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF !DRY GOODS, MILLINERY,, MAN- TLES, &C. rt CLINTON, Jan. 4. 1877. Fall Wheat, per bushel............ 1 20 (4) 1 23 Spring Wheat,•perbusliel » 1 15 @ 1.18 Oats, per bushel Barley, per buehel Peas, per bushel Batter • . Potatoee Eggs Hay, per ton, Pork 040 (47 0 43 0 50 @ 060 0 68@ 0 70 0 19 (43'. 20 050@ 055 0 16 @ 0 17 8 00 (4I 9 00 6 50 to 7 87 NEw Yoac, Jan. 4, 1877. Gold is quoted in New York at 107. ' BLYTH, Jan.14, 1876. Fall wheat, $1 18 to $1 20; spring, $1 13 to $1 15; barley, 48c to 55c; peas, 67c to 70c; flour, $5 50 ; butter, 19c to 20c; eggs, 16 ; hay, $8 to $9; pork, $6 50 to $7 20. LONDON, Jan. 4, 1876. Spring wheat per 100 pounds, $1 85 to $2 00; barley, $1 to $1 35; peas, $1 13 to $1 18 • oats, $1 15 to $1 19; treadwell wheat:$1 80 to $2; red winten$1 70 to $2. Pork, $6 » 50 to $6 90. Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth Station as follows: GOING WEST—, Day Express Night Express Morning Mixed 10:25 A M Afternoon Mixed 5-00 P M GOING EAST— Morning Express 7.55 A M Day Express » 1.30 P M Morningt; Mixed 10:25 A M 5-00 P M . 2-08 P 11 8.55 P M Afternoon Mixed London, Huron and Bruce. GOING SOUTH --Mail Mixed Wingham, depart.... 800 A M 10.50.A M Belgrave » 8 19 A M 11.20 A M Birth 8.37 A M » 11.50 A M Londesborough...... 8 49 AM 12.15 A M Clinton .. 9 10 A M 1.15 P M prtwefLeld. , 41gall e 9 25 A. M 1.40P M 9 86 A M 1.55 P M 9:45 A ma» 2.05P M 10 00 A M 2.45 P M don, arrive 11 15 A M 4.45 P M GOENG NORTH—Mixed. Mail, London, depart 780 A M 5.00 P M ' Exnie » 10 50 A AI 6.20 P M Hensall. 11.15 A. M. 6.33 P M Kippen 11.130 A.111 6.41 P M Brucefield 11.45 A. M 6.52 P M Clinton 12.40 A. M 7.10 P M Londesborough 1.05 P. 7.26 P M Blyth.1.25 P. M 7.88 P M Belgrava. -1.50 P. El 7.56 P M ' Winghannatrive.... :' 2.20 P:Ild ' 815' 1' a •----- . . , Gretiettiestern lItailwn.y.' • ' ' ' . .. i Treinidetivig &lige% station, nortlrand south; as under : CALL AND SE THE GOODS AND PRICES FOR YOURSELVES, AND WE KNOW IT WILL RESULT IN YOU GIVING US YOUR»» ORDERS FOR ALL THE GOODS YOU RE- QUIRE. HOFFMAN BROTHERS. ESTRAY STOCK. ESTRA* STEER. --Came into the premises of :the subscriber, a year old red and white Steer. The owner ie requested to prove properey, pay chargee and take it away. MRS. GREER, Brun- stoLLiner, Stanley.' 1471 STRA 'a-4 pre owner is and take EWE AND LA.MB.—Came into the lime of the undersigned, Lot 26, Con.11, In July last, a Ewe and Lamb. The! °quested to prove property, pay charges ' nem away. HENRY HAUT, Si. 47114 ESTRA SHEEP.—Came into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con. 9, Stanley, dur- ing the fall, a Sheep. The (miner may have it by proving property and paying expenses. GEORGE STEP NSON. 474-4 E• STRA. CATTLE.—Strayed into the premises of t e subecriber, Lot 7, Con. 12, Stanley, a Heifer an1 Steer coming 2 years old, both spotted red and hite. The owner san» have them by prov- 'inn pro rty and paying expenses.. DANIEL B. STIOJiLtI. 472 ALLAN MITCHELL. GREAT BARGAINS DRESS GOODS Mixed.. ... 49PIGII:tug.k.1;i1 Accom.. .... 8:55 P. M. Acco .ifft t't.'gr,9c:18 3).1: THE Cheapest Coffees Momnsoiss. 4784 .... 6 m 2:57 P. M. k.i6J5i.tritr in Town at M. WINCEYS FLANNELS GLOVES SHAWLS WOOL SQUARES LACES, St.C. SPECIAL BARGAINS —IN TRIMMED HATS BONNETS -1.113 SETTS FLOWERS FEATHO3S ORNAMENTS, &O. NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' JACKETS.. • 4, • +4 »Z the Undersigned, Dr about coming 2 prove pr FRANCI 1. F7J-Aux4x1,--vna.uu u.aw wuu v.,,........vu ...... Lot 11, Con. 8, McKillop, on he first of October, a small red Steer, years old. The owner is requested to party, pay charges and take it away. O'HARA. c'' 47214 ESTRA the Tuckers opith, Heifer, 2 prove pr 'party, ALEX. HEIFER.—Caine into the premises of o ndersigned, Lot 2, Con. 10, L. R. S., about the first of September, a red years old. The owner is requested to pay charges and take her away. ULE. » 469 VSTR '1"4 the or about years. pay char. Hallett. STEER.—Came into the premises of I dersigned, Lot 10, Con. 10, Hullett, on the first of October, a red deer rising 2 he owner is requested to prove property, es and take him away. JAMES RE11), 471§4 ESTR of t Tuckers two whi prove pr WILLI Y CATTLE.—Came into the premises e undersigned, Lot7, Con. 3, L R S, ith, about the beginning Iof November, e cattle. The owner is requested to perty, pay charges and take them away. HOR TON. 47114 EST the or about red nee11 quested her away. HEIFER.—Carne into the premiaes el unllersigned, Lot 11, Con. 11, Hullett, on the first of November, a grey Heifer with ,, rising 2 years old. The owner is re• to prove property, pay charges and take JOHN REID. 46 1 . ESTRAY the Undersigned, McKillo piece b quested her awe COW.—Came lute the premises of South hal f, Lot 2C, Con. 12, on December 3rd, a dark red Cow— oken off one horn. The owner is re. o prove property, pay charges and telt THOMAS- D. GRIMOLDBY. 471p -p, STR -1-.4 of in the la steers a Y CAT 3 LE.— Came into the premise he undersigned, Lot 25, Con. 1, Hiboert t week of November, four yearlings, t d one heifer, three of them red in color, _ _ . _. . _ the other red and white. TLie» owner San them by paying charges and identifying the same. THOMAS MeCANN » ,t71*4 -fi` STRAY DOG.—Lost, in Seaforth, on Moliday, Dec mber 11, a black Coolie Dog, answering to the nam of "Raglan." He has a scar on each hiud leg and has a lump on, the nigh, front foot. Any per on giving such information to the under- signed o at The Expositor Office as will lead to the recovery of the above animal will be suitably re- warded. W. J. SHANNON. » » 472 TItA ED.—Strayed 1TOM the preraises of the un ersigned, Lot 10, Con. 9, Hullett, about She 12thI of October, three steers two year old past—oiie gray, on a dark red, and the Other spotted ed and wlliite, having stag 'horns. Any pereon iving sncl information as will 1 d to thereco ery of the above animals will be suit- ably rewarded. 07IN WARWICK; Con tance P. 0. 471f4 VSTR »Y CATTLE.—Strayed from the pr raises -" of t e undersigned, Lot 16, Con. 6, McKillop, in May I st, two Heifers and one Steer, all cOming 2 years Id, each one of them has a large white star on fore ead, with a white spot on the shOulder, 'mostly .ed along the sides With some White on their bellies. Any person giving itformation that -will lea td their recovery will be suitably reward- ed. • ' D NALD McG-REGOR, Seaforth Post Of- fic,e. 473-4 WANTED. firet-class Boot and Shoe Maker. TV Constant employment will be given. None need arIply but those of temperate habits. JAS. STANLEY, Constance P. 0., Kinburn. A large stock of General Goods always on hand and for sale cheap for cash.» 464 STA" 4 BOLTS WANTED.—Wanted at Trott's Tub Factory, Seaforth, a quantity of Oak, WhitaAsh,Reech and Rock, Elm Stave Bolts, 34 inches long ;1 also a few good Pine logs suitable for making sap pails. The highest price in cash will b'e aid. S. TROTT. 471-4 TENI ERS WANTEDL—For the hauling of milk Eon and 'West of Egmonaville to the Wet End Factm . Also for the Alexander route from Broad. foot's •ridge to Walker's, thence to O'Brien's. Tender: to be received on or before the 17th of Januai . A. if a.V.Y, Secretary of the West End Cheese » anufacturing Company. 473 114 '&o$9.‘ (.6 1§.9id, a4, ?ljLozd- est est Priges,. 6 dIYTLaI ALLAN MITCHELL. THE AULD SCOTCH' SAMOS TOWN HALL; SEAFORTH, THURSDAY EV'G, JA:N. 11.. MISS ISA ROBERTSON AND MR. JAMES LUMSDYN. it In theix Grand Scottish Ballad and Comic Enter- tainment. MISS JESSIE LUMSDEN, Admission, 25 mute. Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Doors open at 730. Entertainment to commence at 8 o'clock. » 474-1 EX_ECUTORS, NOTICE. ELM1V1M1V113M1R., AUCTION SALE GOLDEN LION, TO -MORROW, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6TH. Millinery and Jackets All to be Slaughtered. CHEAT AUCTION SALE OF TO KEEP out the Bailiff MR. DENT has con - eluded to take in the Auctioneer, and will sell by Auction his SPLENDID STOCK OF DRY GOODS On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 AND 13. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A Set of _Furs, A Nets Dress, A Pair of Blankets, A Lovely Shawl, A New Suet of Ckthes, Underclothi4g, Or anything else that you want cheap. J. P. BRINE, AUCTIONEER. CHEAP CASH GROCERY i IS OFFERING REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE. GEORGE DENT. docoi) NEWS. • T HAVE come to the conclusion that I will sell -a- those Two Dozen Sewing Machines at Factory prices. Come now if you want to make GFIZO ( A BIG BARGAIN "L'' XE UTORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS.— j" The creditors of Isaac Rattenburry, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Esquire: -deceased. who died on or about the 19th day of September, 1876, are, on or before the lith day of ebruary, A.. D. 1877, to send by letter post-paid to Messrs. Ge.rrow & Radenlinrst, of the Tciwn of Goderieh, in the County of Huron, &lie is for the Executors of the said Isaac Rattenbury, deceased, their Christian nanies and stunantes, addresses and dtscriptions, the full particulars of their claims, statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities if any —held by them. And immediately after t e ,said llth day of February, the assets of the es ate of the said Isaac Rattenbury, deceased, will e dis- tributed among the parties entitled there o, bay- ing regard onlyi to the claims of which notice shall have been received. And the said Executors shall not be liable for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof, to any person of whosd claim notice shall not have been received by them or their said Solicitors at the time of distribution This notice is given in pursuance of the Statute, 29 Vie., Chap, 28, Sec. 27. Dated at Goderich, al nt.,this llth day of November, A. lii. 1876 VI...ARROW & RADENHURST, Solicitors 'for the - Executors. 467-14 SPECIFIC ARTICLES. NOTICE TO BUILDERS.—Any person wtoat- ing Sand, Gravel or Stones, can leave their orderslat THOS. LEE'S Grocery,and it will be de- livered on the shortest notice. THOMAS CUR - RIE. 438 DRESS MODELS FOR SALE.— Miss, Quinlan as in her possession the right to sell Mad- am D Land's Patent Dress Model or Pattern This System is the best that has ever been broug t into Seaforth. instructions will be given pon lying at MISS QUINLAN'S Dress Me.ki7 Ito , over Johnson Brothers Hard- ware tore, Seaforth. ' 45'7 2 CEDAR POSTS FOIt SAT.—The 0 00 • subscriber has for sale about 20,000 Cedar Ifence and gate Posts, on Ins farm, ;near the Village of Londesborough, in the Township. of Hun lett, 15.1 of which are of the best quality, and will be cut and taken out of the swamp during thapresent winter and. piled in lots to suit purchasers' on dry land, -Where they can -be easily loaded and, teamed away. Terms, cash oz credit until the first of Jan - nary, 878i.secured by approved 'notes bearing in- terest at the rate of 8 per twat, per annum. JAMES BEAII HWAITE. 1 » »473 AT REDUCED »PRIOES 01\TM 'FOR T E 4—Four pounds" for Ong I kw. SUGAR—.Eleven poUnds for 097. 1 DR1ESSMA KING. E OVAL.—Miss Quinlan has removed to the -1-4) rooms over Johnson Bros. Hardware store, wher she will continue to carry on dress -making in all its branches. A gocd fit and perfect satis- factio • guatar-iteed. Apprentices wantedinimedi- ately. 464 _Dollar. » • • CANNED FRUIT—Five Cans One Dollar. MACKEREL—Five Cans for - SALMON—Five Cans for LOBSTERS—Five Cans for Dollar: 'PICKLES—Six Bottles for Dollar. » GROUND COFFEE—FoUr for One Dollair. SPEbIALITIES.' A FRESH LOT OF And save your money. Come soon, as they are going out fast, and make A BIG:DAY'S WAGES. I still hq14 the Agency for first-class machinea. For furtl%r particulars apply at T. Kidd's Liquor THOMAS D. O'CONNOR, STtheirdre. do or south of the Post Office, Main Street, 145 Seaforth. HURRAII FOR CALDER , THE BURNT OUT PKOTOGRAPHEL PALDER is in full running order again, and the N--/ generous public has placed» him in a better position than ever, and he is prepared to give you better satisfaction than ever, his accommodation is better, his light is better, -his fixings are all new and of the best quality-. As he is at present under the instructions of Inglis, of Montreal, • and F. Paltridge, of, Galt, Calder feels thankful O'ne that there are men of ability in the business who lend a helping hand to roll himup the hill -again, 1 where he expects to meet his old friends and many new ones. Pietures copied and enlarged. ei Paltridge, Galt, and j. Inglis, Montreal, please accept my thardts for the valuable receipts and Oinstructions you have givenme. Yours, 1--"€.° 444 A. CALDER. oizel DISSOLUTION PF PARTNERSHIP. rim Business bitherth carried on in Seaforth lb and. dD MStationers,cGregorIkisSOdills.sBolovoeki. bj'induncrds,erPtrhientnearmes, All debts due or contracted by the firm will be . settled by the undersigned. DANIEL MeGREGOR. T WOULD return my sincere thanks to the mer- -a- chants, farmers and others 1 or the very lilt- eral patronage received. Hereafter the business ; will be carried on at my own place, in. Harpurhey, and as soon as the shop now building in- Sea- . forth is finished it will be rented and fitter tip to snit a tenant. 474-4 D. MeGREG011. $100.04 REWARD. Canned Pears, Peaches and Plums, Pkup pound for poUnd—Warranted the Best in the Market. These Goods obtained the INTERNATIONAL PRIZE At the late Centennial Exhibition. No hampui. NEW MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS. -1 beg I leave to inform my many friends of the Town of Seaforth and surrounding country that I have again resumed busivess over Allan Mitchell's new store, opposite the Commercial Hotel, and will on Saturday, the 28t1i inst., open out a Complete New Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, com- prising all the Novelties of the Season. An early call solicited. -MISS LEACH. 464 STOCK 'FOR SERVICE. ALWAYS ON HAND, OATMEA CORNMEAL, &c. IT having been reported to me that certain evil disposed parties in the same Tine of business, but rmlicensed, circulated the report that I own- ed and had in my stables horses having the Glanders. t hereby offer a reward of One Hun- dred Dollars to any party furnishing sufficient evidence to convict one or more of said parties. 474 D. D. ROSE, Hotel Keeper. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NUTI-E is hereby given that the partnership 'LI hitherto existing »between the undersigned ' under thafirm name of Jordan & Adams, Plas- terers, in the Town of Seaforth, has this day been I dissolved by mutual consent. I J. JORDAN. • ; THOS. A. ADAMS. Seaforth. Dee. 29, 1876. 474-4 MEETINGS TO BE HEED just Arrived,. a Lot of Lake ituron Herrings, Trout and White Fish. » TIJCKERSMITH BRANCH AGRICULTURi.le "L" SOCIETY.—The annual meeting of the mem- Isere of the Tnekersmith Branch Agricultural So- ciety will be held at the Commercial Hotel, Sea- ' forth, on Tuesday, San. 9, 1877, at 1 o'clock P. M.., FREE DELIVERY. for the purpose of electing Directors and Officers - mud for the transaction of other business. Jomi I'Ff A NNAH, Secretary; JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, President. 473-2 .A_ P CHEAP CASH GROCERY, SEAFORTH.. REAT EXCIT. 9V1ENT AT THE SEAFORTH FLOUR AND SEED A•oR §EtRAC,E,—Rhetuntaeesigued ieeliorAtve,istiriicie ottsOds..&ribghllisfelea- ' eon t_his- residence Lot 15, Con: 9, MaKillop, a pure bred Suffolk Boar. This animal' took the first.prize from all pigs of his clam under one year old, he not being six months old, at the Sea- orth fail show', and was purchased from Mr. Thonaaa.,,Wal4enin .Lendern, ..,11.9941„e‘Stanleh t-' E5betaid iltivettaseiff t1ce, witli th;privilege of returning dnring the season if ne nary. SAMUEL SMITH. 471+4 - • • srroTtp_ iQGUTH HURON AGRICULTUHAL SOCIETY,. 1.-7 —The annual meeting of the South Huron Ag- ricultural Society for the election of Officers and Directors will be held at Brucefield, at McGregor's Hotel, on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 1877, at 2 o'clock P. M. A meeting of the Directors will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., on the sanie day, for the purpose of -winding up the business a the past year. SAMUEL SMTLLIE, Secretary; GEO. ANDER- SON, President. 473-2 • and Tenants of the Township of Tuckersinith wiil be held at School No. 8, Egmondville, on Wednes- day, San- 10 1877, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing thrce» fit and proper persons to serve as School Trustees, two In the room and plaee of James Mahaffy and Wm. Mc- Connell, whose term of office then expires, and one to fill the unexpired term of David. Sproat, who has resigned his office. WM. McCONNELL, Secretary Publie School Board. 473-2 0 NOTICE. -A meeting of the Resident and Non - Resident Assessed Freeholders, Householders - Groceries, Crocker?' -and Glassware NOTICE TO DEBTORS 20 Per Cent. Cheaper than Ever. NOTICE TO 12EBT0RS.—All parties indebted to Mabee & McDonald, Lumber Dealers, Sea - forth, are_requested to settle the same on or lee - fore the first of February, 1877, and save costs. I MABEE & McDONALD. 471 PARTLES Wishing to procure any hing -1- above lines will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. ALL KINDS OF ,FEED Constantly kept on hand. ' GOODS DELIVER.ED iFREE OF CHARJGE. Remember the Place—Sign of the • 9 9 9 OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL -1010AY UP.—All parties indebted tome either by note or book ,account must make prompt pay- ment. All accounts not settled. on the first day of February: next will be put into other hands for collection. My loss in the late fire compels me to 'take this course. T. COVENTRY. 474 MISCELLANEOUS. OTICE.—A new Blacksmith Shop in Hensel!, -a- • opposite G. Beverly's Carriage shop, Which will be in full operation by the New year. Blacken:tith- ing done in all its branches, aa» first-class shoer kept, repairing done with neatness and dispateln G. C. DY:GRAM. 473x4 aIR1i0W, MEYER & RADENHURST, Barris- ‘ -A ters, Jittorneys-at-Law, Solicitors itt» Chancery, 1 &c. Private funds to loan at it low rate of inter- ; est, and on terms to suit borrowers. 001ces- 1 Goderich and. Wingham. HOTEL- J. T. (FARROW. E. W. C. 3IET.En. W. J. DADENNUDST. 474 A W. EAT" SPARLINGI . — .. • . .7R CLEANING OR RENOVATING--- F • The .9persigned is nOW engaged. in the above Successor to Thomas Lee. ' ' business ui Seaforth, and will be glad to 'receive ordera from any who may require -work done in his -GREAT AUCTION_ SALE hrE ADY M AD E; P17.9T.1.11t491 1-1A-ISICAPT Pup' Y* UltDAY, AN'teLit 8th, 1877. 478 5. 1'. BRIKEi Anotioneer. Ai the line. 'All orders left at the shop, McKay's oli stand, first door north of the egg empoilum, will reeeive tirerropt ' attention. -Reference made to Mrs. » Wflitney, McNaught, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. 3?",1:11 Filson Fa -others.., 411 •Worlt,guamA.4- • tad ttu, gtve.„eatlejactiort .,A& pen, !tilted. E. F. • SPENCERle • • g • •• ;Ii181,4-w-WILSON 44, YbuNG:have just teetMsial Ifirge 40k.„.31'144141or Bring, Yoke Huron,Herring, take Superior White Fish end. Trout; all fall catch, and warranted first-class, inileh they win sell at the lowest price for cash.