HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1877-01-05, Page 16 / TENTK VEAK. WIROLE NO. 474. KRAL ESTATE. 40111 SALE. =AIM COTTAGE FOR SALE.—Contairting 4 rooms and 2 kitchinfa aituated near Mr. A. Stewart's brit* residence in Seaforth. Apply to W. N. WATSON, Seaforth. 468 WOR SALF.—A new Frame Cottage and sere -I: of land' on Turnberry street, Brussels, just north of the Railway.. Apply to C. R. COOPER, Brussela• P. 0., with stamp for allawer. 474-4 "I.TOTTSE TO RENT OR SELL.—Will be sold or rented, a comfortable frame house, with well add garden attached. Thia house is adjoin- ing the ExPosirdk .Oftice. Apply to A. M. CAMPBELL, Seaforth. 465 VARMS FOR SALE.—East half Lot 11, Con.* MoRillop; else South 50 acres of Lots- 1 and2! Con. 10; Morrie, adjoining the village of Blyth: For particulars apply to MoCAUGHEY & HOLME- STEIN Barristers', &o., Seaforth. 425 Teett FOR SALE.—North half of Lot 12, Con. 13, IcJu11op, containing 75 acres, 40 cleared, balanae well thnbered, withgood' buildings; for sale cheap and on easy tertus of payment. Apply to MeCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 449 FAR"PK FOR SALE.— For 'sale, that splendid farm now in the oceupation of Michael' Madigan. being Lot 11, in the 5th Concession, McKillop, containing 106 acres. Excellent build- ings, good fences and terms easy. J. 8. POR- TER, Seaforth. 471 pROPIllITY FOR SA.LE.—Thar. v'alnable prop- erty on Groderich Street occupied by the Goder- ieh Company as a Machine 8hoiS. Also dwallinghouse audio t adjoiui ng. 21e above property will be sold on easy term,, For partieus lars apply to GRAY &, SC017. .„ 439 , rr0 SELL OR RENT.—To sell or. -.tent, that comtottable and pleasantly situattisi dwelling housa antrgrourals recently occupied as the Pres- bytmian Manse. Possession given on the 10th of January. Apply „at The Expositor Office, Sea - forth. 474 IlstrIILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE Jtj —Dr, COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently- occupied, as a Driving Park into Buid- ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able terrcts to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to purehase should make immediate ap- plication. 864 TIOROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two lots, with a 2 -is story frame house arni barn, situated on the Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have been used us an egg packing establiahrnent, and are well adapted for any public business. For particnlars apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, Sealorth, or to D. GORDON., Goderieh, Ontario. 456. 1XTILD LANDS FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 18, Concession 8, Hallett, 100 acres, al1 wood Ian; also 40 acres of. Lot' 17, djoining. This land is within a quarter of a mile of the Lop- 's...Hurott and Bruce Railwayand is well • Urg- er, r the river Maitland runs through tbe land. asqr to Bandon P. 0., or to the proprietor on ass. it 17, Coneession LAWRENCE aIELWLLE. 471f 4 WARM FOR- SALE.-4,ot 15, Concession 4, Town.; ship of Stanley, containing 94 acres, about vs cleat and in a state of good cultivation,the asaance well timbered with maple, elm, hemlock; and cedar. There is a good frame barn on the premises. It is convenient to school and ohnrela and within two miles of Brucetield station. For particulars apply to ALEXANDER McE WEN. on the premises. 470t1 A CHANCE FOR IrPCHANICS.— For sale 4-1- cheap a lot with a house, wagon shop and lumber shed thereon, situated in the village of Walton. The buildings are .all new, and this is an excellent opening for a good wagonmaker. There are three blacksmith shops in the village and only wagon shop. A stock of all kinds of -seasoned lumber will be sol 1 with the property or seiarately. Apply to JOHN COWAN, Walton, Out. • 47048 A Pli THE STRIKE ON THE GRAND 1TRUNK. _ The long promised .strike of the Grand Trunk engine drivers took place isE Fri- day night last, at 9 o'clock. At that hour each driver from one end of the road to the- other stopped his train,* blew off steam, put out his fire, and rnade his way on foot as best he could to the nearest station, leaving his passen- gers to do the same thing or remain in the stationaryl cars. The eegineers Claim that a locomotive engineer evas not only required to be a thorough mechanie, but had to be intelent, strictly sober, cool in the midst of anger, and fully posted as to the condition of the road. En - el gineering on the line is one of the most daugerous of oc ueations. Let there be but the slightest miscalculation or care- lessness, and death may be the conse- quence. As ca e readily be seen, the en- gineer occupies.the most dangetous po- kition on the train. He is to the fore, and &there is danger 'ahead he sees it before anybody else, but his grasp of the lever must not relax its firmness, nor his head its coolness. in cases of emergency he is expected to use his discretion, but otherwise he .rnust explicitly obey orders. If ,he is- told by the station -master, through the conductor, to go on, on he naust go—" not hie to reason why, but his to do," and sortietimes die. _Locomo- tive engineers have Wives and families as ether men, and the qiiestionhere comes in—what provision will the rela tivee have in case an engineer get killed? Althouglrin nine cases out o ten when engineers are killed it is no their fault, yet it is very -seldom tha railway companies make peetiniary corn pensation to the widows and orphan outside of the insurance of $500. 1 Th engineers cannot insure in the ordinar ineurance Companies, because the rate would be exceedingly high, owing to th great risks. Thus the original raiso) (Care for the formation of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers. Th chief objects of the Association- are be nevolent, but it is more or less a trade union as regards regulatio of work and the amount of pay. The men, Of course, threw the whole blame of the strike upon tbe Company-. In 1875 the Company wished to make a reduction of pay, but no strike took place, for a basis of settlement was ag- reettupOn between Mr, Hickson and the general "Grievance Committee." This agreement fixed the rate of wages at which the several grades of men should be em- ployed, and made other rtulations, which were.satisfactory to bot parties. The Company, so the men say, only kept this agreement for -three months.. Ac- cording to the • agreement, a driver was to have his grade raised after he had run 12,000 miles, bot after the lapse subee- quent to the signing of the agreement, the Grand Trunk raised the grades as it saw it. Another grievance of the men was that when anything happened to a driver's engine his pay,would be reduced, as a fine, and it was only raised in a few eases. The "Grievance Committee" . (this time cora posed of eleven members— from the whole length: of the line) visit- ed Mr. Hickson and requested that the agreement be kept. Mr. Hickson took down their names and where they came rom, in writing, and promieed to adjust he matter as far as they were concerned. be a most desirable property fora market gardener B or a retired farmer; Apply to J. S. PORTER. 468 T1ESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For -1-' Sale on reasonable terms, the residence and grounds in Eginontiville at present occupied by J. S. Porter. There as a -comfortable_ dwelling house with all nelcassary out -buildings and con- veniences, also a large driving house and stable. There are iota acres of Iand, well fenced, and a 4, good bearing orchard of fruit trees' This would " ut when the men got home they found, with the exception of three, that an or- der was waiting for . their discharge in three week's time, on the 23rd December. The grand chief went to Mr. Wallie, at Montreal, asking for an interview, but Mr. Wallisreplied that he knew of no gr'evances of_ which the. men need Qom laiii. . However, the "Grievance Committee" Went down • to Montreal, and two of their number waited on Mr. Wall is to . see whether -he would. receive the Committee. He said he would receive no men who had.- re- ceived notice to quit on the 23rd Decem- ber. He was informed that the.Cein mittee; as constituted, was the only body recognized by the men as entitled to act for them, and that it must' be receiv- ed, or be -could treluti with no other. Then Mr. Wallis said- he would receive no Committee at all,.. They sept tele- grams to Mr. •Hickson, who was e i New York, desiring a loonferenoc, ard they were informed that Mr. Wallis Could be dealt with as the tepresentative of the Company. , Three of the: Committee waited in Montreal, until Mr. Hick -son's retorneand presented the following for his signature, (Mr. Wallis refusing to re- ceive it), _which the men say would have amicably settle4 the disagreement.- . T_TOVBE AND FOUR L)T 8 Fort S A LE.—That elegant two-story brick dwelling ht. use on the Huron Road, Seaforth., with four lots adjoining; there are 8 bedrooms, parlor, thawing room, din- ing room and kitchen, with soft and hard water most convenient; there is an excellent garden attaehed, also stables and outbuildings :this is a handsome henuestead, and a rare chance is offered to intending purchasers.; it will be sold on favorable terms. For further paatieulars apply to THOMAS STEPs.NS, Seatortha 462 FARM FOR §ALE.—For istile the West hsil of Lot 29, Con. 8, 'Mali:Mop, containing 50 acre, 25 of which are cleared and in a good state Of cuitivation, the balance is. well timbered with hardwood. There is a good frame house and frame stable on the premises, also a young orchard. It is oue mile from the gravel road at the village of Winthrop, where there is a saw pull], flour mill, stores, achool, chinches, and all other village conveniences;. also within six miles of Seaforth. Apply to the Proprietor on the prem- ises, or addresa 'Winthrop P. 0. JAMES Mc - DONALD. 1 470 WARM FOR SALE.—For sale, north half of Lot 11 and east halfof Lot 12, Con. 12, Hallett, containing 100 acres, 85 of which are eleared and in a good state of cultivation and well underdrain- od, balance is well timbered ; a large frame barn and frame stable, good log house and other build- ings; good bearing orchard; a isever-failiug- stream running through the farm, also a good well ; about 8 acreof fall -wheat sown. Is situ- ated about 11 miles from Clinton. and 12 miles from Seaforth. For further particulars apply to the prOpaetor au the premises or to Harlock P. O. ANGUS CAMPBELL. 469 pUSINESS.—For Sale, in one of the best loofa - ties iu Oataras Lot No. 5, Village of Behnore, Township of Ifoa lel:, County of Huron, on the gravel road, 7 rifles north of Gorrie arbi Wroxeter stations; Dwelling House and Shop, built, for a -- store ; Lot contains about three-fourths of an acre of good laud; splendid I opening for any business, c:apecially a harness maker, as there is none nearer than 7 miles. The above property will be sold eheap. If required only part of thelpurchase money down. Apnly to 8. PEEBLES, Hopeville, Ont., or to WM. - safafin IWN, Merchant, Belmore, Ontario. The above Let is the property of .the late William Fitzgerald. 4720.2 LOST OK FOUND- • Air ONE): PO UND.—Found. in EgmondvilleSon Dec. 23, v. Pur,u e,untaiuing' money, &c. The owner pan Iai.‘ 0. the 6aine uponprong property pa$inf.: k•-•-•,:‘,..1>... GOTTLIEB 'KETTELER, _Eguionetvile. 473x'2 AVATCII LOST.—Lost, on the Second C ees- T sion of MaKila fp, between Lots 20 mist 21, an. open. face English Lever Watch,No. 4988. Any awraon finding the same s and leaving it at M. R. Ciainter's jewelry Store will be suitably rewarded. 472x4 STOCK 1FOR 'SRO -VICE 1_110AP. PIG. FOR SERVICE.—" Champion of the West." The underAgned has on his prern- i eRs Lot 18, Cous 2, Tucaersmith, within 11 miles Kippen, a Chester White boar pig, Which will Land for the service of sows this season. terms. $1 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. The above pig iota successful sack getter, and ago a suceessfal prie taker, and in his class has never been beateiJ JOHN WOBEArhal. • 470*4 S OCK" 00.11. SALE. -TT 011SE4 F01; SALE. --For sale cheap, a good -E--Lworling horse, rising years old ;1 good work- ag mare, rising 5, also twa colts, one rising 1 year and one riaing 2 years old. For, further par- aulara apply to the fundersigp�d on Lot No. 33, arra 3, Mcliiilasa ROBERT MMILLA 4735:4 ▪ 5•54,555,55,145,5455, MONTREAL, Dee., 1876. HERRERT WALLIS, —sq., General Mechanical Superintendent, Graud Trnnk Railway: DEAE. SIR: We, the undersigned,- a committee appointed tol represent the lo- co -motive engineers in your cmploy, do mostlrespeetfully. sub -mit for your con- sideration the following propositions as a basis of settlement of our grievances : First—That the agreement of 1875, made between the engineers and the Company be faithfullyadhered to. • fourth class of en- ird class of firemen, t , be abolished,' and emen who have' been that their services would not be regured after. December) 23rd, be reinstated ancrthe work divided' t between. them all. * Third—That all questions of dispute : f or difference that may. arise between the 4 Company and engin.eera be arbitrated by p a Committee of engineers and lofficers of p the road selected by the General Mena- . Second—That th gineers and the ti recently inteoduce all, engineers and fi served with notice SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, J certain anacent of looney allowed him', and no more, with which to work his portion of the lineand that he Would get 15 per cent.; for himself of the saving in his district by any reduction in wages or force.. T.he superintendents there- upon agreed to cut down the number of engineers and firemen one fifth, and make the other four fifths perform the whole work. In accordance with this agreement, one fifth of the men were dis-1 charged at short notice. They were all members of the Brotherhood. Another committee was formed, and the officials were visite-l. "Here," the men said, "if you have to make a reduction in theex- penses of the road, we are willing to _work short. time in order that all our fellow workmen an be employed:' A regular day's work is as much as we can perform, .and if you make the remaining four fifths of us perform the whole of the labor, they will be worked beyond their capacity." The company, however, re- mained sfirm, they would not -"budge' an inch, and the men saw no recourse, in order to maintain their organization, but •to strike-. They assert' most emphatically that Mr. Hickson was in formed when the strike would take place. He was, asked whether he pre- ferred the men striking at a certain time or at stations. He preferred time. Much popular indignation ha'a been aroused .against the engineers en account of leav- ing their engines anywhere directly their watches told them it was 9 o'clock;_the time _agreed upon for the strike. The men say this is very unjust, for the Managers are the parties to blame. Mr. Hickson knew th;itthe men were to strike at 9 o'clock on Friday -night, and .yet with this knowletlge station masters were in- structed to !send trains on, no matter if they left the station only a few minutes before nine.. In many cases the drivers remonstrated with the station masters; and told them that there would be a simultaneous strike all along tbe line at nine o'clock, and that it would be folly fof the company, and cruel to the pas- sengers, to send the train on when .it could not .possibly reach a station be- fore nine. The Brotherhood. charge the Company with deliberately sending out trains which they knew 'would not be run a foot after -9 o'clock. As regards intimidation, there is, so the men . say, a strictly -enforced rule that any member who purposely damages the property of a railroad, or wantonly assaults any one, is dismissed from the • Brotherhood. It will be found, the • members say, tin& most of those who have broken the law in the strike are not connected with the Brotherhood. The conductors of the road are said to be, as a body, in sympathy with the en- gineers: Their Union met on Saturdey, it is stated, and passed resolutions de - elating that they would not run With incompetent and inexperienced men. How long the strike will last it is im- possible to say; that it will be a bitter war there is every reason, to fears The men say they can stand out for a year, or two years, if necessary. The Brother- hood of Locomotive Engineers is known to be the. wealthiest and most powerful organization in- America. Its member- shiP foots up to 11,000, 1 THE .COMMOTTON ALONG !THE LINE. , TORONTO, Dec. 30.—The lending topic in this city yesterday Was the great .strike. The election question, which till then had occupied.the undivided at tention ahnost of the citizens, paled into insignificance when it became gener- ally known that the threatened strike had: actually taken .place, and. that all railwa,y- travel east and west on the c -rand Trunk was few the time stopped. As has 'already been stated, the strike took place at. nine o'clock on Friday evening. The train which left the city that night with the Orange party carried over a hundred and twenty pleasure seekers, .more than half of them ladies in full dress. Their condition, when they found themselves left out about four miles from the city, in the storm which prevailed, can easily be 'imagined. They were reduced to the necessity of either walking into. the city or waiting . until 'conveyances of some sort were got for them. Before the ladies got out of their difficulty many of them were in a sorry plight ; and it will be a long time before - they forget the night's experience. herever passengers were left along the line in similar circumstances, they must have encountered similar hardships. When, .on Saturday, the news . got abroad that -the passengers had. been left out in the snow by the engineers, a storm of indignation was aroused in the - community, which continued to increase, until in the course of yesterday the feel- ing against the men was.very strong in- deed. All day the station was besieged by persens who either expected friends from a distance or wished_ to go from home to visit friends and' relatives. .No hope could be. held out to these anxious enquirers, however, for things were in about as bad a condition as they could be.. The engineers seemed determined to hold to their purpose, and. contented hemselves ;with hanging about the. Round Hoese and the track generally, watching' that no trains got out. And no trains did go out on. Saturday. BELLEVILLE, Dec. 31.—Matters have aken a very serious torn, and. the trikers are for the tinie being all power- ul. Last night twenty-eightmen of the 9th Battalion.- were ordered out,' and roceeded to the station to Bemire the assage of the Montreal express, which waited at Napanee. until the necessary re.paratioos had been mide. The trikers had pulled the snow ploughs off tea he ck, one at each end of the yard, nd, ktfter one had been replaced under he supervision of the military; the com- anies' Men proceeded to put the other n the track, but- the rioters in the mean- ime again Pulled off the rails .the one hich had been replaced. Under thee ircumstances the express wasdetained t Shannonville until this morning, when Ir. Davies, Mechanical Sliperintendent, ent down with an engine and. brought t here. The strikers gathered in force t the station, and owing totheir hreats, it was several hours before an ger ; failing to effect a, peaceable settle- p ment with them the case then to be re- s ferred to the Thief Executive of the t road for his decision J. Eaton, J.O'Brien, a J. Fitzpatrick, A. McNaughton, T. Ren- t wick, J. Ferguson, T. • Hollinrake, p Taylor; John Cowdell, ,E. Pickering, o Grievance Committee of Engineers. But Mr. Hickson refused to sign the w document, although the men say it c would only restore things to the posie • a tion they were in under the original 1+e agreement. . While the above negotia- w tions were going on Mk; Hickson:sent a i notice to every district superintendent, a stating that each of hem would have a . t - NUARY 5; 1877. • 1 ItIcI.EANIIIIOTHEICS, faublimhers• $1 50* Year, in advance. enginee could be procured. At length one wa got and an engine brought out and att ched' to the train, but is the platforth was crowded, the military, who were on duty all night, were unable to isrevent the rioters from severely beating the engineer. The volunteers wet° not orderedlto load or to use their bayonets, and stdod as spectators of the scene. One of I the strikers, in attempting to wrest a I bayonet from a, volunteer, re- ceived a, wound in the neck. ' Some other parties vere slightly hurt, and several pistol s `ots were fired, but nobody re - one man was said to have been. struck. 1), re- ceived • ny dangerous wound, though After this the engine, which the rioters had suceeded in partially disabling, was returned to the shed, and the train re- mainseat the station. STRA4F0RD, D00. 30.—The strike of the eng4ee driveri has caused much in- convenience to through passengers many of 'whoin have been detahaed here in consequence. The belated travellers are much . annoyed, and threaten actions. It had been arranged that each engine nearest tation at 8 : 37 p. 131. yesterday. driver las to leave his locomotive at the This agreement watecarried out with but one exception. The exception was Mc- Gibbon who, on his arrival in Stafford last nig t, received a rough handling. Betweenl 300 and 400 persons were de- tained at this station, and threaten to sue theti company for damages. The Roberts�n House was kept open all night for their accommodation. Some of them took the Port Dover road to Wood- stock this morning, in order to continue their journey by the Great Western. The strikers manifest a firm reSolve to continue the strike until they can get what th cy conceive to be their rights, and they assert that the powerful or- ganizatidu of the Brotherhood of Loco- motive Engineers will Lsustain them throughout the struggle. Conoueto, Dec. 30.—No. 2 train was left by the locomotive driver last night about five miles east of Cobourg. About sixty passengers were • brought to ,Co- bourg during the night and this morn- ing. A fearful snow storm was raging all night, and the train will be com- pletely showed up. About ten locomo- tives are at this station, the trains having been left at different points along the line. r . 0-UELPII, Dec. 30.—The Grand Trunk strike, beyond making it very incon- venient for travellers, causes no local excitement Last evening the 8 : 30 Galt accommodation train was left at 8 : 05 on the side track near the station. Steam was blown off and the water drawn out of the tank. The -passengers were provided with lodgings at the com- pany's expense. Two freight trains are on the line at the freight sheds, one of which is composed of twelve cars of live hogs. The drivers and firemen are all respectful, but are determined to stand firm. to d in what they consider their rights. 1c man dying immediate!y afterwards. inquest was held, and tbe young m Griggs fully committed to Sandwich j to await his trial at the next assizes. —A valuable mare, owned by 1%, George Sheen, broke out froth her e closure on Mr. James Rankin's far near Stratford, and in crossing the ra way track was killed on the spot by passing train. —The following notice of a very ge erous donation appears in the &etas American: Mktg' Mc9lellan, of Londe Ont., has sent £300, to be invested f the benefit of the poor of Crossmichae Kircudbrightshire, Scotland. . —John Burn, a farmer, 84 years age, who resided near Tilsonburg, w retirieg to his room Christmas nigh when he slipped and rolled down t stairs. On taking him up it was foun that his neck was broken. ---,Lincolnrelection sOrutiny is adjour ed till May 19th. Liiicoln will not represented during the coming Beast° as Mr. Rykert has been unseated an the seat has not been given to M Neelon. —One of the residents at the Hu son's Bay post, near 1Einerson nearl perished in the snow storm 'of ileursda night, while on his way home, being lo for two hours, although within fift yards of the fort all that time. --Col. Skinner, M. P., for South Ox. ford, • met with an accident -the othe evening in returning hothe from Wood etock, by which his shoulder was dislo cated. The accident was caused by person attempting to run past his tea just as he was about to turn into his ow gate. —Ail important public meeting, pre aided over by the Mayor, wes held a Walkerton recently for the purpoae o taking steps to estabhsh a Nrbrthern Ex hibition, embracing the country betwee Guelph and Lake Huron. An effieien committee of business men was appoint ed to carryoutthe object of the meeting —It is pleasing to note the success o Mr. James Ballantyne, son of Mr. T Ballantyne, M. P. R ,wlio entered the TO route University last October, he is there as he was at the Collegiate Institute i Galt; high up in the honor -het, havin at the recent examinationtaken first i English, French and German branchea and fourth in Chemistry, for students in the first year. —The saw mill property of the Red ford estate, including a lease of tirebe limits in Mornington and Elma, and a quantity of saw logs and dumber were sold on Wednesday of last week. .Quite a number of practical men were present, and a spirited bidding took place. The purchaser was Mr. Jas. Trow, -Jr., and the price $3,825. --The ftew Congregational Church on the Tenth Concession, township of Kin- cardine, the scene of the remarkable re- vival last winter, was opened for divine worship on Sabbath, Dec. 24. On Tiles - lay afternoon Mr. Dugald McGregor Jr., was formally set apart; to the work f the Gospel ministry, and -installed astor of the church by Rev. John Vood. —On Thursday morning of last week, antes Hinch's farm (welling, near amden East, in which his wife was ying dead, was totally destroyed by fit•-. The neighbors were unable to remove the corpse, which was consumed, tegether with all the contents of the house. The inmates escaped with only the apparel they had on. No insurance ; loss $1,500. —There have of late been many com- plaints of the manner in which cattle are used in being transported over the rand Trunk Railway, and also in the ard at Point St. Charles. Drovers say hat the value of the animals' is greatly educed by exposure to the weather. he Inspector of the Montreal Society or the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ntends to take steps to prevent the re- urrence of this cruelty.1 --A young man by the name of Jones, om Pembina, Mountain, Manitoba, liIe crossing the plain between the oyne and Salle _Rivers, get *overtaken y the. stortn on Thorsday night, 7th ec, and was out until eleven o'clock n Friday morning, during which time ne of his oxen froze to death; and after* e reached the Salle river he was in- ensible for nearly an hour. He had is nose and one of his fees frozen,. • —Mrs. John Monteith, of Stratford, as in Detroit the other day, says the ree Pre88, in search of her clanghter largaret. The family have recently een left a considerable sum of money y the death of a _relative in Quebec, and ey were naturally anxious to find the hereabouts of the daughter, who went' the city of the straits about a year ago. rs. Monteith was -unable tol find any ace of her daughter, and returned nn- eceisful. —A good many smiles were changed to scowls at a certain point on the Grand Trunk a little west of Toronto, last Fri- day night. Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 588, had chartered. a special train to Wes- ton, where they intended. to hold their annual ball and supper. The train start- ed at 8 o'clock, with 200 on board, about' helf being ladies. When about four miles on the road the train came to a stop, and those on board, finding out the state of affairs, tramped. back to town, through, in some places, four feet of snow. The ladies were in full ball cos- tume. The lodge intend to sue the Com- pany for damages. —A young man named Robert Heffel, twenty-six years of age, a blacksmith by trade, who was on his way home from California to visit his friends at Travel- lers' rest, Prince Edward's Island, after an absence of eleven years, while ap- parently laboring under mental „aberra- tion got off the express train bound east, at liarrisburg, on Tuesday last week, and went to hide under a freight train - as he says, from parties who vtant4 f.4; assaasinate and rob him. The freight train was moving slowly at the time, as it was just starting from the. depot. When he found it began to move faster he caught hold underneath, and in some way his right arm 'WAS . caught and was fearfully mangled. He was also other- wise badly mjured.. An amputation An was performed, but the patient did not rally, but gradually Elan and died. at five p. m. He made a short will before the operation, bequeathing his money, about $3,000, :to his three sisters, and. otherwise disposing of his , minor effects. an, ail Ir. n- m, a n- 11, Or of RS t, he n. be n, r. d- st a 11 -1 Canada. One h ndred and thirty families in London a .e reeeiving-regular relief from the city. --e-Mr. dam Hope, of Hamilton, has 3 been offel d and has accepted the vacant C Ontaiia sat in the; Senate. 1 —A eci tract -has been given for the carrying if a mail once every six weeks between Vinnipeg and. Fort Francis. —A sn w -shoe club was formed in Lon- don last eek. We .expect to hear of some extr ordinary walking feats shortly. —A hi herta un known horse disease is spi eading in the township of Huntingdon. Several a. imals which have been attack- ed have d ed. - —The rie.nds of Mr. W. T: Amos, of Nairn, te cher, presented him with an .elegant f mily Bible and a gold chain and locke _John . Macdonald has been com- mitted fo having st treal, on —Rev: resigned tion with being abet tion at a trial by Judge Coursol for c bbed G. 11. Laperge, m Mon- hristtnas Day. fr V. F. Clark, of Welland, has w is charge laid also -his connec- he Presb3 tery, owing to his- b t to assume a literary posi- D igher remuneration. . _ o —The 1 st consignment of Ca.nathan 0 mannfact red goods forwarded to New .fi York for ydney, Australia, Exhibition, s arrived in time and is now on the way. h The consi nment foots up to about 700 tons. • mai named Daniel McKinnon has F been 'corn nitted to jail • by Squire W. a -Wells, of arkhill, on a charge of hav- ing obtain d by false pretences, e horse h th to Ivi tr su cutter, harness, &c., from George Cook, of that —Arran the • cense perior line sor pany unde Transport ce. er elute have been made for Ni of Beatty's Lake Su - of ....anships with the Wind - he Kai now form one , cons- ethe name of the North-west tion Company. —As a lad was entering St. Paul's , Church, Montreal, the other evening his fur cap was snatched from his head by a thief, who made off with it. This is the thirci time this winter that a fur cap has been snatched from its owner on the street. s—The Grand -Trunk express train due at Colborne at 8 A. M. ran off the track at Colborne last Friday morning. Five cars were wrecked, but happily no lives were lost.. The accident is supposed to have been caused by a broken wheel —The trade in frozen fish since the opening of the Intereolonial Railway is becoming extensive. Samples of salmon, troule &c., arriving from Bathurst, N. B., possesses the .peculiar flavor which one would suppose would only be retained in the height of the fishing sea- son: —On Christmas evening Wm. Griggs, of the township of Gostield, aged -25 years, killed his father, of 45 or 50 years, under the following circumstances : They had been to Ruthven and Cottam, and had partaken freely of intoxicating drink. Upon aniving, home, near. Olinda, they quarrelled about the team, which end- ed in the young man knocking his father down, and when down kicking him on the temple, which resulted in the old a=5.5..c5-5 ' —A few days since Miss Annie Pain died in Puslinch at the great age of 137. The deceased emigrated to Canada many years ago, going to Puslinch, where she entered. the service of the late Mr. Lin- derman. For the past ten years she has been supported at the expense of the township, and resided with Mr. Jas. Mc - Edward. The age mentioned may be doubted by some, but she always main- . tainecl it to be correct. —The following from Grip we have no doubt expresses the feelings of many a thirty canine this ft osty weather: "To the Editor of Grip: Sir—I am a dog. 1 am very thirsty. The frost binds up every stream and puddle. If I try to drink from the water pail, the cook beats me away with execrations; but does not give me any chance of otherwise quench- ing my thirst. I eat SLIOW, when there i▪ s any; but it produces a horrible burn- ing -in iny throat. A sickeeseis corning ovee ther and I feel a wish to bite some elle. Perhaps I am going mad. Do, my faiend, speak a word for me, and save .me and others. Yours CANIS." little son of dr. R. Ferguion, 0013. 3rd, Metcalfe, on Sunday morning, on ping to the barn thought there was an owl on the straw stack, as he saw feathers about. He took a pitchfork and went on the stack, but what was his surprise -when he was confronted by a huge eagle, which pitched battle with him. He accepted the challenge, and had the good fortune to run :the fork through its wing, and carried the king of birds home in triumph. It measured 7 feet 5 inches from tip to tip of its wings. The bird is alive and doing quite well, and the lad wants his mother to let him put a few chickens in the coop with it —A Young man named Richard Doyle, baggageman on the Grand Trunk Rail - Way, met with a serious accident near Thorndale on Saturday night, December 23rd, while attending Co his duties on board the train which leaves here shortly; after six o'clock. He was en- gaged, it appears, shifting baggage from. '- else side of. the car to the other, when his foot slipped and he fell out of the side door on to the track, While moving arceind, in an insensible condition, it is suPposed he unlortonately got his left leg across one ot the rails, and a moment afterwards the wheels came along and cut it in two a few inches below the knee. He was picked up and cared for as soon as possible thereafter. —The old country French who Were induced to emigrate to Montreal by thonsands through the exaggerated in, &cements of Bossauge, the agent in Paris, have found Montreal and this Province a hard country to live in. They state that the French Canadians are un- friendly to them. and refuse 'thein em- ployment. They likewise allege that the Roman Catholic clergy denounce them as infidels and Communists. Being without money and unable to get steady work, as many of them as were in a po- sitionito do so have returned to France, while others have gone to the United States. About 300 are still about the city, too poor to leave, and without any prospect of work this winter. Mr. C. 0„ Per- rault is endeavoring to obtain 'a free passage -for them to France. 1 —The charges in Connection with the il 'Wilmot illicit whiskey ,cases came up at Berlin, when Louis Stoeser and Gilbert Pringle were arraigned before Judge La.. course, charged with stealing certaiu ar- ticles which were under seizure, and also . with assaulting Inland Revenue Officers Bruce and Adams. Prisoners pleaded guilty and were sentenced to six months' imprieortment John Stoeser and Wil- liam Stoeser were charged with. being acceeepriesbefore and after the act. Prisoners Pleaded "not guilty." After considerable evidence had been taken the Jodge decided to discharge John Stoeser, as the evidence was not suffi- ciently c nchiiive against him. Wil - c liam was found guilty and sentenced to six; Inai ths' imprisonment. —At the inquest held after the recent burning of the Convent of St. Elizabeth the following verdict was given : "That the thirteen victims died and perished in the fire of the Convent of the Sisters of Charity, or of the Providence, in the paeish of St. Elizabeth., in the County and District of iJoliette,Quebec Province. That the fire originated in the interior of the building, and the jurors have no reason to believe that the said fire was set purposely, but, to the contrary, that it as -by accident, and the said persons diel by the will of God." Besides the Corevent were .two -outbuildings belong- ing ttlt the institution, which were burnt. One cif hese. was full of hay. A building belongi g to the same establisment, used aS -an isy1um. for orphans and insane persons, :was saved. The remains of the victims were not identified-, but Iby the Places where the bones were found, they werel supposed to belong to certain of the 'victims: r ' —The County �f Brant was thrown intO a high state of excitement on Sun- day. morning last by the intelligence that there had beet!. an attempt -made to assassinate Rev. Dr. Armstrong, of On- -ondaga. The facts are bei,efly these: Doctor Armstrong, a clergyman of the 'church of England, is stationed at - On- ondaga., and has charge of the churches in Onondaga and Middleport. Unfor- timately for these villages, _ruffianism is ;the .eading virtue, and they are the ren- dezvous of some of the worst characters the county can produce. The doctor is one of those fearless men who does not confine his opinions to private indi- viduals, but makes it a point to cry . clown from his pulpit the existing evils lot the place, and for this reason some of these low fiends attempted to take his life, by firing several rifle shots through the window into the room where he and. ,his wife were sitting. Fortunately, however, none of them had the intended effect. . One of the parties has been are resteds.and is in jail awaiting his trial. .•••••*•••••••,,,••-•--••