HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-12-15, Page 7ECgltiBER 15, 1876. Iteneailinuks Opinlon - **meXigkin itAll American cities are built upon the same plan, that of a chess board ; •all the streets have very nearly the same breadth, the same aspect, ancl the -satne flare- ee-eenerally the names of trees or of -illustrious men. Everpiliere, • for eaaenple, you will fled a Washington Area and a Lafayette street, crossing at right fogies, avenues which. haVenum- bers and not names. All the houses and all the public edifices look alike; the, hotels are built after the same colossal medal, so that, after having passed a night in a aleeping-car, You wake up- in • another city along distance away, and have difficulty in realizing that you have changed plaoes at ali. The hotel at, which hrryie hai the Same -columned. entry as the one you left the evening before, the same office opposite the door, thesame cigar stand, newspaper stand, the same elevator with mirrors, the same entries with red carpets, the same bar, the same dining -room Where you are served by the same.looking negroes who invite you to a seat by the same signs: and when you go out you find the same tiara office at one hide where 'they sell you the same. railway tickets, and at the corner the same druggist with his soda - water fountain. Who was it that said that France was the country of unity? If unity is found anywhere it is in the United States, and it must be confessed that this unity considerably simplifies the work of traveling. " -M. Molin- ,ari. • THE SEAAVEP ' STAGE BU -7)-Ritk INEss. To tlidi Niopis Seafortk OAMPBELL bogs tJ Merehanteanteetne the libieetpetronagerraed ea emitter of the Dreetee Arh eteeervethtiqszte- the men of .8eatOrtlidoe d him lancelet Bn8jfl5 4.11"1* _ oreb. lite Veal easel state tint Ito is eitev,beetteiltiikiae. ea, than serer te'Atte:Abel • eituttotilleeinateeee ., . erg hokving mesa another eesen in thsaervieel GoOd4 by- yall a -11-Vored'el etta. lionse• - bake nre reranved carefully and reasonatat territ Gae plowed, and all ot er eleOree and moderate e es are the( eirdinai in thle lin men y. atten ea to en the ellortest • otiee. Prompt EMU. pieneeples wheeh he °beat in hie business. To the Tea The old Royal Mail S Ishii*. Parties tequirinee forth anti Beane& -will find safeat an most omelette estrefttl arta sober, the horse the coaches waxen ana comet BELL-, Proprietor. VALUABLE FAR BY Atio Ereeutors of the -1- drew Reid will offer for at BRUMFIELD, eon 1876nat 1 o'clock P. M., t farmeisho property of the contains 94 scree af of which are cleared. an timbeeed with hardwooa a inhale shed and good cedar also a god spring week The niece is situated on Road, five miles 'west of four miles from /deified cent. of the- purabs.se mon day of sale ; the balance o 1877, 'Without intemat. thenret Of April.- For hat TWO& XELLS, Varna, r Winglisan, SAMUEL RE Auctioneer at Bayfield. W Auctioneer. Public. still 404' ead fem., travel between Belie the MenteSekeent thee Ie, The driver* nee fast and reliable rtahle. JOHN CAMP. FOR SALE 44\ tate 'OE the gate Ara 1e b'y Public Ameticii, fURDAY, DEC. ie.' at valnahle -lin- Preived late A. Reid. The firm anent land, 70 mret the behmee le 'Well a cedar. reantehant,, t sag honseett thepleee; good welt and pear the Reynold Gavel Midi iitat16)17and TERMS -Tin elk to be paid on the the lint day 0444 poOtession given en] er parteenlarsely to O.; ANOBEW RIM , Karla* -or to the ID • M HARTereON 4694 1WiTIFOM TO . GRANGERS, ARMERS AND OTH A S TIME occupy the tterttion of ell, them -e-A- hard' times, the 'subs 'ber is detenulaed to. meerkhem by offering go° inch Hemlock, "nest i usually sold for inch," a the following raw : - la root Hemlock. &t$6 50 er thoneand ; 14 holt Fenciege at $7, for Cash. All orders- over &ooe 5 per emit. discount. Call( and see it you. 't gee whet is represented. I Book Aceomits over 8 .. Inths will be dame& e per pent. The subscriber thanks • a numerous enettonleee for their liberal sapport, • a solicits a contintte- *nee of their favors. J. gs THOMPSON. Steam aw Mills, Mr Itiliop. SEAFGRTII PL ING MILL, SASH, DOR AND. IND FAGToili THEsubscriberbega leaveto- thank his nuanesee customers for the lTherIpatroyage extend** 1111nel/ice commencing bnal3Laam Sea/teeth; gni tenets that he maybe Iaro4ed , with continuant* of the sante. Parties intending to buil wenld do well to him acall, as he -will eon un ta keep on hand et ergo etock of all finds ef DRY PINE 'LUMBER, SeAftlnt, DOORS, BLINDS,MOULDINGS,' SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Hefeelseonfident of LngsatiSfection tatbose who mayfavour him with tbeirpatronage, s noni batfiret-claesworfinen a replayed. - eelearticularattention aid. to Custom Pleats 201 JOHN 11 BROADFOOT; .EGG .EMPQR10101 The subscriber herebyj hanks his ntiteeioiti customers(merebants others) for their/Omit patronage during the past( seven yearse and/topes( • ny strict integrity andeloiattention to busineese to meeit their confidence d trade in thefuture. Having greatly erllarg d his premises, during the vrinter.he is now prepared ta pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE! For any quantity Of gd fresh eggs, delivered at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. Wanted by the subscri er 25 tons a good ere clean WHEAT '8TE-dm , D. WILSON LU MBER. FL -UMBER. THE CRANBR OK MILLS" rPHE UNDERSIGNED the attention of the Stack of Lumber a all she best quality, and at SIZED HEMLOCK From 10- feet, up. • All orders sent by in ly attended to; A discou orders. interest eharged over S months. Make en prieee before purehaein g e ould beg leave to cell' public Are their IMO , ds, aud Shingles he very Lowest Priem WAYS ON HAND, il or otherwise prompt- itof &per cent on large ozi accounts eunning ' "es est° quality and ewhere. BRUSSELS 1RAW KILN.: TOWN & 13TIRROWS, PROPRITORS. Subscribers take th s opportunity to return- hanke to their nuraer us oustomers for the patronage extended to them during the past sue Ben, and bepe by strict at ention to busineessele4 by supplying a good artio e, to merit a continn- anee ot the same. LIME BURN D DAILY. i,,oPiniocaers 14 oentS per s TLY CASH.. A good aztiele guarantee bushel, at the kiln; 15 ce TEMRS STRI .Bieessels, May 2, 1876. • GOOD NEVVS. T HAVE came to tlTie-[-c-oinsion that 1will sell - -L. those Two -Dozen Sewi g Machines at Fitatoe9 prices. Come now if you ant to -make 439 A BIG B+RGAIN And save your money. Came soon, eg am' going out fast, and make A BIG DAY S WAGES. 1 atilt hold the Agency lo first.elass reaebilleg- For further particulare ap ly at T. Kidd's Liquor , Store. THO • S D. O'CONNOR. 1 Third door south of the P et Office, Main SU.eet. 1 Seaforth. 146. DOMINION STEA SHIP COMFY. • 'VESSELS Sail Weekly f T pool, calling at Bel issued from Seaforbh to Li Steerage, Seaforth to Cabin, Seaforth to Li A. om Quebec' for Liveri. set. Through Tickets erpool iverpool.. erpooL.......- • !)8 ARMITAGE Agent A, few thousand dollars to Joan on imprOvele farm property, principal payable -at any time, Ow.' in any Hume to- snit the mowers' convenience - Some very nice Building Lots for sale inSeelorth and EgmondvilleCall aid see plan and get Pare tieulaes A ABMITj AGE 438 I IVITT IC.. IANG OR 0 R G AIT • 0. sa, DUNLOP, horongh and efficient - (=hex, will receive FW MOE PUPILS 41015 At b.er residence on Georg Steeet• • THE HURON E S I TP R. Of. Providence arid the SootchHar- vest. At a meeting of the eatablished.Synod. .of Angus recently, an overture was ,pre- sented. praying the Synod to appoint.,the day on which the thoughts of the eon- gregations might be directed to the deal- ings of God with the harvest, which has now been on hand for nearly three months, ancliis not yet completed. Rev. Mr. Anderson, in eupporting the over- ture, said it would be well for ministers - call ;he attention of their people to indications of dissatisfaction with their conduct shown by the Ruler of the Seasons. Rev. Mr. Young said it was a very difficult subject indeed to try and read the decrees of Divine Providence as expressed by prosperity and adversity. On the East coast of Scotland the harvest had been.almost a failure, while on the West coast fine weather had prevailed and the harvest was a good one. Were tkey to infer from this that the Almighty was dissatisfied with the inhabitants on the Eat coast and pleased with those on the West? It was ultimately agreed to fix the first Sabbath in November on which ministers shall call the attention of congregations to the dealings of God with the bad harvest. Denominational Bulloeks. A late traveler in Western America was struck by the absence of the usual tesselated language of the bullock -driver in the case of a man on the road with a small team, which he thus apostrophised, "Come hither, Baptist! Wo -o -o ! Pres- byterian," &c. This mode of address seemed so strange to the traveler that he entered_ into conversation with the man, and asked him how these titles were applicable to a bullock team. • "Well, sir, you see," said. he, "1 calls this the 'clesiastical team. You see that bullock on the off -side, leading, I calls him Bap- tist. • We'll be crossing the creek pres- ently, he'll be bound to make for water. • That one on the near side he's 'piscopal- ian, 'cause he holds his head so very high. That bullock on the off -side of the pole, the one with the • crtimPred horn, I calls him Presbyterian. Ile's the most out-and-out knowing bullock of the lot. The brindle in the Bathe yoke with him, he's Wesleyan. He's always a -groaning and. a -groaning, as if he was drawing the whole load. Bless your life, sir, he's not pulling an ounce." noble peer is it w,bose,nerves are so deli - °ate mete" be wounded by a hiCkneyed quitation. - Lord glitrendon=i *fp, that peer; and protest Ataihat any hoble,,lord applying, even in the: language it poetry, the epithet of villain- to any menther Of the 'House, most of the 'use of M.10% an expression by a :Itie; peer towards the Right Reverend 'Prelate. - Peaeeitiakers rose on both' sides of the Heuse.','. The *reporters had left the 'gallery, the House was 'proceeding to a division. - Lord Clarendon poured out a glass of water and drank it off. Lord 'Derby at the same time filled another bumper of water and called out across the table, "Your good health Clarendon," and so the affair ended: -The subject of the following para graph, taken from the Sarnia Ob8erver, will, no doubt, be readily recognized by many of our readers. It says : E. B. Lumley, the sedate individual- who has been buying a farm for the last three yearn elifferent parts of the Province, has lately turned 'up at Camlachie and Wyoming, Lambton county, offering Mr. A: Murray, 'of- the former place, $8,000 for his farm, and a.Mr. Brown, ,near the latter place, $5,000 for his. Mr. Muir - ray, was more lucky, however, than Mr. Brown; for it appears Mr. Brown, ac- companied. by. Lumley, travelled through the mud to.Sarnia to close the bargain; but when in the act of doing so, Lum1ey1 4found it necessary to geta large bond' changed, and told Mr. Brown to wait until he came in: Mr. Brown did wait, i and, for that matter, might have beenl waiting yet, as Lumley akedaddleci. The same individual has since turned' up in the township olMoore, in theeame Omanty, having for the .nonce changed his farm,buying tactics, and in his capacity of teacher made an engagemeut with the trustees of one of the schools there. They appear to have suspected that he was not what he pretended to beand wrote to the Public School InspectLefor information which he gave them, and. which spoiled. his little game in that, quarter. The Inspector knows him of old, and by an advertisement over his own signature, cautions school trustees to have nothing to do with him. The fact is, that Lumley is perhaps one of the most consummate scoundrels abroad, and it would take more time and space than we can Spare at present to enumer- ate half of the rascality he has perpetrat- ed during the past 20 years. • APiece of Sound Doctrine. It is about the season now for church eociables. The little games of chance, incipient lotteries, palaver, pions deceit, and shoving of trifles jet° visitors' pos- session, in return for their surplus cash -all this doirbtful business is likely to begin. As managed, too many such en- terprises result in pitting brass into young ladies' faces while taking the Silver out of young gentlemen's • podketes. Money 80 raised is more apt to he an abomination than a blessing. Why shonld the people be in.veiglecl into doing their duty? If churches cannot be built, and the gospel supported, without resorting to means which are both silly and de- moralizing, let there be on building and no preaching. Christianity is worthy of holiest patronage, and is only hindered by any other. ' Jesus Christ is not a child, to be amused with trinkets. He is a man of men, and asks manly service and candid discipleship. -Methodist Re- corder. • FLOWER MISSION. - The " Englieh Flower Mission" for the sick poor, is spreading rapidly in the chief cities of the United Kingdom. The idea origin- ated in the United States, but its devel- opment in England has either been more rapid or has attracted. more public atten- tion than in the former country. Among the English cities Hull has become pre- eminent for a thorough distribution of flowers among the sick. In 1875, 20,594 bundles of flowers, grasses, and fruit were distributed in that one city. There -is a central station where contributions • are received, ; "village baskets" are de- posited at well known points in suburban .villages for the convenience of contribu- tors, are dispatched to the central l sta- tion and duly returned. Supplyand distribu tion are thus arranged in a' sys- tematic way. Flower missions have also been established in Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leeds, and London. A Row IN THE ROUSE OF LORDS. -I was witness, says Lord Albemarle, to a curious scene in the House of Lords on April 25th. 1853, and as a very imperfect account of it is given in Ilansard, I offer my version. The debate was on • the clergy reserves in the Canada Bill. The Bishop of Oxford, Dr. Wilberforce, in making some quotatiou, smiled. This • gave offence to Lord Derby. The Bishop admitted the smile, but denied any in- tention thereby of imputing anything of- • fensive. Lord_ Derby -I accept at once • the explanation that has been offered by the Right Reverend Prelate, but when he1ells me that it is impossible for him to say anything offensive,•beCause he has &smiling face, he will forgive me if I quote in his presence from a well known ',niter, without intending in the least to apply the words to him : 'IA man may smile and giallo aud be a villain" Lord Clarendon (in a .voice of thunder,) ---"Oh 1 oh e oh 1" • Loed, Deafen -What • Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seaforth Station au follows: GOING WEST - Day Express ' 2.08 1' M Night Express 8-'55 P M Morning Mixed 10:25 A M Afternoon Mixed 5.00. P M GOING EAST- . . Morning Exprese ! 1'55 A M Day Express .. 1.30 13 M Morning Mixed • 10:25 A. M AfternoonMixed 5.00 P M London, Huron and truce. 'GOING SOUTH - Mail 'Mixed Wingham, depart .... 8.00 A. M 10.60 A M Belgrave. 8.19 A. M 11.20 A M Blyth 8.87 A. M 11:50 A M Londesborough 8.49 A. M 12.15 A. M Clinton 9.10 A. M 1.15 P el Bencefield..... 9.25 A. M 1.40 P M KiPpen • 9.86 A. M 1.55 P M Hensall 9-45 LM 2.05 P M Exeter 10.00 A. M , 2.45 P M London, arrive .11.15 A. M 4.45 P M GOING NORTH- Mixed. Mail. London, depart 7.80 A. M 5.00 P M Exeter 10.50 A M 6.20 P M Hensall •11.15 A. M. 6.83 P M Kippen 11.30 A.. M 641 P M Brimfield 11.45 A. M 6.52 P M Clinton 12.40 A. M 7.10 P M Londesborongh 1.05 P.M •1.28 P M Blyth 1.252. M .7.38 P M Belgrave 1.502. M 7.56 P M Wingham, arrive 2.20 P.M 815 P. M Great Western Railway. • Trains leave Brussels station, north and south, as under: GOING NORTH. .... 9:25 A. M. Accom.. .... 8:55 P. M. Accom 9:182. M GOING SOUTH. Accom.. , ... 6:17 Leen Aecom 2:57 P. M. [ Mixed 6:16 P. M. THE GOLDEN LEON, L9CAN & JAMIESON. BLA.NEETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. CY A Large i'Sitock Of BED B.A.IVKETS In Home Made and Best Canadian 1fakes, Citectp at the: Golden Lion. Also our Well-known Make of HORSE BLA KETS From St. lifary Woolen - • Fa,..tory LOGAN & JA IESON. . Now ill 'Your *Ohae to Get I CH EARHARN JOHN 'WARD SEAFORTH, HAS on hand a large quantity of Harness, both ' Realty and Light, which were slightly tar- nished at the Bruesels Fife, and whieh, altheugh nearly es good as ever, will be sold off at • REMARKABLY LOW 'PRICES. - SNGLE HARNESS From $8 upwards. 0 la let ea.. Pr S From $1 upwards. '• And other Goode Proportionately Cheap. CALL SOON BEFORE TfiEgik GOODS AREIALL GONE. GOOD WORK ON, HAND And Made 'to crder as usual. • A GOOD 'STOCI OF VALISES, • TRUNKS, WHIPS, AND :FUR4VISHIN.GS. JOHN WARD. NOTE THIS.-Importan quire first-class Photegreplue Soott's Block, Seaforth, IRnow • tion than :aver to produce eie • photogeaphe oughly fenovated. The leght is struments ate efIlies' newest ki Mocinn's practioarigperienie e -he has Just retie:teed-a large -. ety of frames which' he WA sell to all who re- itAILLES MOOR,E, in a better pod- ry deseription of h bee been thar- perfect. The In- d, end Celeanne sures satisfaction Oak of every vari- apap. 465 A • LOT OF DYE STUFFS Of very superior quality just received at J.S.ROBERTS' DRUGSTORE, Consisting in part of the following: MADDER, MADDER COMPOUND; • • COCHINEAL, • • CREAM TARTAR, • FUSTIC, • ALT,114, INDIGO, INDIGO COMPOUND, ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK. AGE DYES, SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE, SCARLET', BLUE, GREEN and ROSE, and in fact nearly all colors, which ere guaran- teed to produce beautiful and fast colors if direct- ions are faithfully followed. J. S. ROBERTS, Opposite-Powell's Temperance House Seaforth. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING HAI1DWARE Of Every Description Cheap.. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ING, PIPE Put hp on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special inducements to Cash and ProMpt Paying Customers, JOHN KIDD. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK; $EAFRTH BRANCH. 1 DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., • SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the United States. Bills of Exchange on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Kingdom. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOS1T0S. M. P. HAYES, 411 MANAGER SAW LOGS WANTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of HoopS. • Custom Sawing attended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other mill. • • Lumber of every description, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on hand, and at the very oweet market prices. 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK, Seaforth 417 .9 OKERY AND GLASSWARE. WILLIAM • ALLEN HA.S JUST OPENED OUT A VERY CAkEFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF Grockery, Glassware, Fruit Jars, &c., NO OLD BANKRUPT STOCK, • But New Goods, New Patterns, Close Prices, to whicb he invites the attention • of the public. Teas, , Prunes, Sauces, Canned Goods, Oatmeal, FREE DELIVERY. HAIR DRESSING. MISS AMANDA STARK GROCERIES. Sugars, Fruits, Mustards, Dried Apples, Pickles, Spices, Hams, Bacon, Flour, • .1 Cornmeal, Mill Feed, 4cc. WILLIAM ALLEN. MAKE • HOME BEAUTIFUL. '‘Nmsommi Now is the Time to Adorn Your Homes with Beautiful New Furniture at Extraordinary Low Prices. JOHNS &. ROWOLIFFE Will give the Best Bargains in Furniture•that may be offered before the next Centennial. We have 45-110{ STOCK OVER KIDD'S HARDWARE STORE i • • t 4 At present, but expect soon, very soon, to have it SC TTERED FAR AND WIDE AMONGST OUR MANY CUSTOMERS. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. Entr nCe between Roberts' Drug Store and Eidd's Hardware Store. If you can not find the way sine oujt arid we will throw you s 'tope, Yours respectfully, JOHNS & ROWCUFFE. WM. N. WATSON, SEAFORTHI GENI RAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AND SEWING MA- , CHINE AGENT. Insu noes on all kinds of property effected at the Lowest Possible Rates in the following first- . class C mpanies : ST • CK,„......Stadacona, of Quebec ; National, of Montreal ; Phcenix, of London, Eng; Provin ci al, of T oronto; British America, of Toronto; Royal Canadian, of Montreal G ....Niagara District, of Si. Catharines ;ore Diseriot, of Galt; Hastings Mutual, M TUAL. - 1.1 ge...Liverpool, London and Globe; Travelers, of Hat -ford; Toronto Life and Tontine also .A ent for the Canada Live Stock Insm ance Company. of Toronto Mr ANSONsis agent for the following Sewing Machines, which cannot be beat by any other Fold i n th country: Howe, Osborne, and Wheeler & Wilson Money to Loan at reasonable rates of i ntere t OF 1 ICE -Bear of Lumsden's Drug Store, or one door south of D D. Wilson's Egg Em - p ori W. N. WATSON, Settforth. WISHES to inform the Lathes of Seaforth and T T Vicinity that she is prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In the TJatest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. A Call Solicited. Residence-Goderich Street, Seaforth. • 4671'19 ECLIPSE OATMEAL MILS. NOW IN FULL 01)ERATI0N. Oat Meal, Split Peas, Pot Baxley, Corn Meal Chopped, And All Kinds of Mill Feed Constantly on Hand Chopping done Tnesdays and Fridays. Oatmeal etie banged for Oat. Highest price paid for'Oats, Peas and Barley. 419 CURRIE & THOMSON. op , of Bell vine ; -Beaver Mutual, of Toronto R1 Eo -sr A. 1_1 1 HURON PLANINC MILL, THE undersigned hereby inform their Many -1- customers and the public generally of the Re- moval of theirFactoryand Lumber Yard to new and more commodious premises on NORTH MAIN SltREET, Where, with increased facilities and some new machinery of the beet make, they will continue to manufacture and fill all orders for Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings; And all kinds of PLANED LUMBER At Prices to Suit the Times. Farm Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, &C. A Large Stock of Seasoned Lumber on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES. Jig Stewing and Custom Planing will Receive Prompt Aftentiou. IThe subscribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to theta during the past, and hope, by strict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuance and increase of the same.: To all those whose accounts are overdue we give ea cordial invitation to pay un. STATIONED AGAIN AFTER THE FIRE. Stoves and Tinware Cheaper ,Than Ever. ' 1Vr ES. E. WHITNE,Y Seaforth, begs to Worm her many friends and customers that she has "1-T-1- again resumed business on the site of her old stand, where everything pertaining to the Tinware businese will be found. A Large Stock of Stoves and Tinware always on hand and for sale cheap. ' THE BEST AND PUREST COAL OIL IN THE MARKET. Every kind of Tin Work Constantly on band or Mad to Order. Call and see wbat sbe can do be- fore ptxchasthg elsewhere. MRS. E. WHI'TELEY, Seaforth. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD ERN TIMES. The of the are Femal The for ba of how htheri all Ski • " - Pills Purify the Blood, correct all disorders iyer, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and v`aluable in all complaints incidental to s. Ointment is the only reliable remedy Lege, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, ver long standing. For Bronchitis, Diu - Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and Diseases it has no equal: EWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. I dem it my duty to state that my Pills and Ointm nt are neither manufaetured nor sold in any part o the United. States. Each Pot and Box bears he British Government Stamp, with the words, " lloneoway'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, LOND ," engraved thereon. On the label is • the ad ress, 633, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. Spu 'oils imitations of I "Holloway's Pills and 0 Mment." are manufactured and sold under then& 1 00! "Hon • loway's & Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran, & Co., Drug ate, of New York, wi th an assumed trade • Mark. thus --In Canada. the p •incipal Wholesale dea- lers in these conn • terfeits are L MAN, CLARE & N RTHRUP & LYMAN, and L 'MAN BROTHERS & Co., who btain them at very low prices, from J. F. Henry, Curran •& Co., of New York, and which are HI supplied to unprincipled Retail Venda s. who sell the same as my genuine Pills and 01 tm�nt, which are manufactured cnly at 533, 0. ford Street, London, n.nd may be obtained from e following Firms, viz: - ETA Mes Mes s. T. B. BARKER & SODS, St, John, N. B. Mes rs. ELLIOT & Co., Toronto. Who Import them direct from here. • THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 538, Oxford Street, W. C. 4e4 WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The ` Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as an anfail- ing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorr: • that Impotency, iolaitovid aalslAiser. al Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness re.hdiZeasaIsemspo enee of Self abuse, as Loss of Memory, on Premature Old: Age, and many other 's, Mnocen & Co, Montreal. AVERY, BROWN & Co., Hali(ax, N• S. DR. Be f a seq Unive of Via diseas s that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rnleare nrst c used by deviating from the Path of mit ure and o er indulgence. The Specific Medicine is the re tele of a life study- and many years of ex- perie (leen treating these special diseases. Pam- phletee by men. The Specific ltiedicine is sold by allfbruggiats at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5. or will be sent by mail on receipt of the mone , by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Wind or, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., . S. Roberts, It. Luensden and all druggist mere ants. 461-52 M gmAGE LICENCES OK CERTIFICATES, ZUnder the new Act,) issued at the ,t POSITOR OFFICE, StAFORTII . . auA& .NIauthority of the Lientenent-GoVernor oOS.1,11a auk' f - tzt mtr"ri N'Y Everything Re - AXES a CD CHOPPING CHOPPING CHOPPING 44 CHOPPING 9 41( CHOPPIN,G AXES r- .A.,XES AXES AXES tt'S faa CD ca Pi) 0 al DOUBLE STEEL, ONLY $1. GRAIN SCOOPS • 5 GRAIN SCOOPS GRAIN SCOOPS GRAIN SCOOPS • GRAIN SCOOPS FROM 75 CENTS UPWARDS. =• GRAY „41 SCOTT. P. S. -Plans and Specifications for Buildings furnished on application. WOOLEN MILLS. WOOL WANTED To Gd, Spin, Manufacture, or in. Exchange fbr oolen Goods. G,USTOM TOLL CARDING Always done to take bora° the same day. SPINNING, WEAVING, COLORING, ciapTH FULLING, DRESSING, And every other branch of the business well done . on short notice. TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, SHEETING, Flannel, Stocking Yarn, &c. All of our own manurectfire, and made put of good wool, cheap for cash or wool. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Any kind of Woolen 6-'ood8 made' to order out of your own wool. TERMS -Cash, or 20 per cent. extra. A. G. VANEGMOND. Seaforth, May 25, 1876. 442 OPENED OUT AGAIN. THOMASLEE'S FLOUII.AND FEED ST01:4, Happened to be one of the unfortunate onee that got burned out at the late fire. He has opened out again in HIS NEW. STORE, OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Where be hopes to be able to supply his many customers with GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Gall an,d. See for Yourselves. ftly Terms for the Future are Strictly Cash or produce. Don't forget the Place -Three Doors North of the Post Office. THOMAS' LEE. NEW SHOE SHOP. THE undersigned begs to notify the inhabitants of Seafeirth and surrounding country that be has commenced business - IN SEAFORTH, In the Shop next door to Pillman's Carriage Fac- tory, where he intends to carry on The Custom Shoe Business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. eel" 04 The Stock having been carefully selected, and none but -COW CHAINS- f+ r+ -COW CHAINS - (1) ret -COW C.H A I N S- CD -COW CHAIN ALL PATTERNS. ALL PATTERNS. 's.. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED, And by strict attention to businees, the public can rely on getting good value for their money. REPAIRING done with, Neatness and Dispatch. 485- J. J. SCOTT. WHERE YQU CAN FIND HIM WILLIAM GRASSIE JJAS again commeneed bminess after the fire in the premises folaterly occupied by Morroe & Hogan, on NORTH MAIN -ST., SEAFORT1I, Where be will be glad to meet with as many of his old. friends and customers as CalpL make it con- venient to call on him. BLACKSMITH= & WAGON MAK= In all departments carried on as formerly. Repairing Promptly Attended to. 459 WILLIAM GRASSIE. RENSALL PORK PACKING HOUSE THE Subscribers having commenced business -1- at their New Pork Packing House in Reese% are prepared to PAY Tilt HIGHEST PRICE For any qeantity of liOaS1 EITHER ALIVE OR .DRESSEp. 67 A large quantity of PORK CUTTINGS always • on hand foist& cheap. 466 G. & J. PETTY. •