HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-11-24, Page 7fN CUTTERS, C simpus, MEM /ANL POIttnitY 04$6 ealatlCd annenta they have, ravnts4`ri* anaratnee on husinent in 'au Nikek Id it trheaintie Unit intimate taatitentaut Uc in pneral that he hat now on stili manufacturing, Gottesman Cantlailid'a "Nee Bobs', Batioli Bobs. and Long 8141. gotg Wanting allyt biAg for tho winte4 r eh their Ordats in and not 'wait till lunar Orders are coaling in rapidly. Fit -Gera° Served. No pains -will be apared taexeeb. eqaal to any in the Dorninien, as his long' 1, epee in the business enables- him te away stsaid. the requirement* of his eastOrnern hates, by strict attention to btutinusa, entire satisfaetion to all those whet mina join with their pattonage. Nothing naati . at:mooned thither used, and finit.elsaa wo emnioned. All orders executed on the ta- i notice. Repairing in *II its braneheit prom attended. to. Good work, small nrofiti anal aetiares commands a trlahboifilisineateanzt#,Ir ' the stand, two doagrztAx Hilite47 BLACKSMITHING AND tioRtix SHOEING IN ALL ITS BItaalORISajaj ri" you want gOodblaeksmithing g0 tor., Kippen ; if you want pod horse ge4cf T.11ELLIS"; it you want yotia liznping horses cured go to-T:a.asans T. mEritis areuld take this opport thanking his mann customers for the - patronage that they havefavored hint Within past, and that he is now in a better position ever to satia0the valeta of his mutineer/a these who may make it convemient tailifvo call. Ilia work is well known, and the reputation which his work has gained by • lie at large gives him every conadenea work is- second to none in the County. Wei a trial. Horse shoeing in ita Yar1011PS# r strictly attended to -1,000 homer made ahoes hand --no pateat-ahoes to defraud thepuldie A call solicited froni al. Come and see Mai -- wan find hara in the same place if yea d blow I will tell you: Maiai Street: Eippen, dotal north of Shaffer's Hotel. 486 THOMAS ME naaanna.......4n a at LPS NM. ys IIENS41. PORIKI PACKING NO THE Subscribers having commenced bushiest "L at their New Pork Packing Remain Runk are prepared to Py THE HIGHEST PRIq- For any quantity of HOGS, -mum ALIVE OR DRESSED. large quantity of PORK CUTTINGS on, bend for sale cheap. G. & I. PETTY SEAFORTH PLANING M.1.14e SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTO THE snbacriberbegs leave to thankhi cristomerafor the liberal patronage eaten Inti since commencing business in Seaforth, trastathat hamay be favored with a (sou of the same. \ Parties intaading to build would do well to gate - lam itt call, ea he will continue tO keep on hand it argestoek of lilt kinds of `' DRY PINE LUMBER, S 4Alk- Solif It , DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, - ETe: Hefeels confident of givingsatisfactiontathew who may favotarhirn with theirpatronage, avr but first-claes workmen are employed. . • ' aa.Particularattention paid te Custom P 2fn JOHN H. BROADFOOL • EGG WPORIV The enibecriber hereby thanks ME; mita a _erdis- eustomersamerchants and others) for their libetat patronage during the past seven years, and Iva* by strict "mtegrity andeIose attention to bu to merit their confidence and trade in tbefutare }Inning greatly enlarged his prensisesid tha winter, he is now prepared to pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE - For any quantity of good fresh egga, deliterel at the EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street.Seafortla Wanted by the anbscriber 25 ton.s par- ade= WERAT STIanna. D. D. NV:1'80N. LUMBER. LIT3M-3; THECRANBROOK, MILLS I E UNDERSIGNED would beg leave to c the attention of the pubhc. to their. Stock of Lumber of all kinds, and Shingjea 0, elm best quality, and at the very Lowest Prienti SIZED HEMLOCK ALWAYS ON ICAND, From 10 feet, up. All orders sent lay mail or otherwise pro Ia attended to; A discount of 8 percent ma* orders. Interest charged on accounts over 3 months. Make enquiries as to quality prices before purchasing elsewhere. .BRUSSELS DRAWKILIL TOAIITN & BURROWS, PROPRIETORS, THE Subscribers take this opportunitytn Tot= i -1- thanks to their numerous cnstomers for thew patronage extended to them during the Past Sea'"' son, and bete by strict attention to busineanand by supplying a good article, to merit a centime, ance of the same. LIME BURN.ED A. good article guaranteed. Price 14 ciente pee . baishel, at the kiln; 16 cents, °nears. T.EMRS STRICTLY CASIL Bruseele, aday 2, 1876. 43) BUTTER TUBS, SAUMEL TROTT T_TAS- now on hand at the Seaforth Tub Factory a ,nnraber of his well and favorably know*, litachine Turned Rutter Packages. These Packages are the best in wet and will • give- satisfaction. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE PURCHASERS. 1.1r., Trott expecte in a short tittle to oonafiente the manufacture of Wash, Tuba on a large easba 3:1 SAMUEL TROTT Bailor* E4IPSE OATMEAL MILLS. NOW IN FULL : OPERATION. Oat Meal, Split Pea, Pot Barley, t,4Yrn Heal Chopped, And All Kinda of Mill Feed Constantly (;11 "rand Chopping done Tuesdays and Fridayi. Oatmeal axe hange4 for Oats. Highest price paid for Ostia Peas and Barley. 41$ CURRIE & THOMSON. ELM LOGS AND BASSWOOD HEAD- ,: ING BOLTS WANTED. et_RAYa YOUNG &• SPARTA:NG raw:Lira thiga wiater2,000 Standard Elm Logs, II- 'heal: feet lotto; 1,000 Cords Basawood Ileadb4,-aa0an 88 inches long; alsosplit Stave Boltst au"' long, aiza Cord Wood. Parties degrouaaillur- nishirigcan make contracts at the Workstartit, calling at the office in rear of the ilimers Store. 48“ NOVEMBER 24, 187e. istion of the Jews to = estine. A residence of some years in the Holy Lima leads a Writer in the Jewish Herald to conclude that there are signs of the ap- preaching.restoration of 'the Jewrto that woo. V‘ The last four or five pear' s belie witnessed a relnrii oftheIws palestine from all parts, but more es- eel/illy from Russia, which has :been ate togother fieprecedented. The Hebreiv poPillation. of Jerusalem is now probably double what it was ten years ago. Ac. ,curate statistics on this subject it is im- ible to find, as the Mu:item-Jews dread Foss A census from superstitious reasons, and. also from fear of having.to pay more by way of poll tax to the Turk if their true limbers were known. For these reasons sna especially the latter, their official Tetarns on the subject are not to be trusted. In 1872 and 1873 such num- 'hers 'returned to Saphed alone, one of.the four holy cities of the Jews,- inlhe moun- tains af Galilee,that there were no hoUses • to receive -them, and - building was for a .considerable length of time carried on all night, as well as all day. This, be it remembered, in the East, where the night isemphatically the time 'in which no man can work Great accessions still continue daily; and whereas, ten years ago, the Jews were confined in their own quarter in Jerusalem, the poorest and worst,they now inhabit all parts of the city, and are •-aIways.reakly to rent every house that is to be let. Notwithstanding this happy change'owing to -want of accommodaticn still, a building society has'been formed, and many of its simple tenementsare now rising outside the city to the northwest._ Even before this many Jewish houses had/ already been built in two little colonies outside the Jaffa gate: Moreover, the -Jews in Palestine are cert&nly acquiring possession of landed property in the vil- lages and country districts." The writer attributes these changes to --first, new land laws affectinr, Palestine; secondly. new laws of miliary service in Russia; thirdly, new civilization throughout the East. Stick to Your Byksiness. There is nothing- w hich, should be more liequently impressed upon the minds of young menthan the importance of stead- ily pursuing some one business. The frequent changing from one employment to another is one of the most common errors committed,and to it may be traced more than half the failures of men in business, and much of the discontent and disappointment -which render life uncom • fortable: It is a very common thing fo a man to be dissatisfied with his business; and to desire to change it for some other, • which, it seems to him, a more lucrative employment; but, in nine cases out of ten, it is a mistake. :Look around you, and you will find among your acquaint- ances abundant verification of our asser- tion. There is an honest farmer who has toiled a few years, got his farm paid for, but does not grow rich very rapidly, as much for lack of contentment mingled. with industry as anything, though he is not aware of it. He hears the wonder- ful stories of California, and how for- tunes may be had for the trouble of pick- ing them up; mortgages his farm to raise money; goes away to the land of gold, and, after many months of hard toil, eonies home to commence again at the bot, tom of the hill for a more weary and less successful climbing up again. Mark the 3nen in every community who are notori- cus for ability and equally notorious for never getting ahead, a.ncl you will usually find them to be those who never stick to any one business long, but are always forsaking their occupation just when it begins to be profitable.—Scientific Amer- ican. Light Brahmas for Profit. Some years ago, a dozen Light Brahmas were selected for me, mostly by accident, as the foundation for a flock. Without going into details,I will say that their record for several years was most satisfactory. They were large in size, the hens often weighing ten pounds, and yet moderate in appetite. They had the freedom of the farm, and did as little harm in the garden as any liens could be expected. to do. They were amiable in temper, and active and in- dustrious in procuring their food. As an ornament to the lawn, they were conspicuous, exciting th+ audible ad- rairatio n of -passers by—more particular. ly the rosters, which were as handsome birds as ever I saw. They had good quarters, and repaid the slight attention they received with vast quantities of eggs, of very large size and rich quality. They begin to lay about the 1st of Janu- ary each year (the young ones), and con- tmeI with the least practicable inter- missions. When, on account of prolong- ed sieknese, I thought it best to sell off all my stock, and relieve myself of all care, 1 they sold at auction for better prices that any other property offered. I kept an accurate aecount of their current expenses and their gross profits, and found the net income to amount to about $3 per head each year. ---Cor. Country Gentleman. Miseries. Hearing the bells ring for the marriage of your rival. -Toasting cheese, an41 when it is more than half done, letting it fall into the ashes. --Drying a long letter, by holding it negligently behind your back to the fire, as you converse with a friend turning round and beholding it all in flames. —Forced. by politeness to leave a comfortable party for the pur- pose of accompanyng a crossiold maid to her lodgings, two miles distant.—Mak,- ing several memorandum knots - in your handkerchief, and forgetting , the ini- portt.nt cause of everyone of them.— Dreaming that you hate suddenly ac- quired a llarge fortune, • stretching out your hand to grasp the welcome booty, awakening, and finding nothing in your fist but the bed-post.—Going with', a party of pleasure on the 'water; while In the act of handing a lady into the boat, your foot slips, and you -tumble in Up to your neck, dragging the affrighted fair elle after you. Monster Umbrellas. Messrs. Wilson, Matheson & Co., Glas- gow, have finished an order for forty • aalanaains, which a Glasgow firm intend to present to several African chiefs with Whom they do business. Three of the unbrellas are about 30 feet in 'circurrifer- eno.e, and the smallest ones measure about 18 feet. The material of which they are made is richly variegated dam- - ask silk, with a fringe varying frcim— 3 to 18 inches in length, and- the top is ornamented with a gilt ball. The inside is lined with finished cloth. The ',whale-. bone ribs are about the thickness of a walking -stick ; and the lancewood han- dle, which is furnished with a spike for tenting purposes, is divided: in the mid- dle with a bayonet joint, by means of which the palanquins are rendered : -more portable. • To Soften and Purify Water. James- Brum voltam- astfolIOWs in the Builder: "Will you be good enough to allow me to make known in your coluinns the extremely simple discovery that I have made, that -hard waters are ren- :dered very soft: and pure, rivalling dis- tilled water, by Merely boiling a two -ounce a phial, say, in kettleful of water? The carbonate of lime and any impurities will be found adhering to :the phial. The water boils verrnitioi quicker ,at the same time. The -knowledge 'of -this fact will prove a boon to housewives and laundresses, aiewell as to brewers, as it is affirmed that good porter :cannot be brewed out of 'onclon. 3) SPEO/AT.4 NOTICES. EPPS'SCrOCOA.--LGratefuland comforting —"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of Well -selected cocoa, -Mr. Epps has pro- 'vided our breakfaet tables with a delicate- ly flavoured beyerage,which may save us inanY heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of Buell articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until'strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a -weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wellfortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold only in pack- ets labelled-- "James Epps & Co., Ho- meeopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle St. ,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 421-52 0 CONFESSIONS OF A VICTIM.—Published as a warning and for the benefit of young men and others who suffer from Nervous Debility,Loss of Manhood, &c., giving his rules of Self-Ctire, after undergoing much suffering and expense, and mailed free on receiving a post-paid directed en- velope,. Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, P. 0. Box 153, Brooklyn., N. Y. 404-26 THE.GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.I-Job Moses' Periodical Pins—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the feraale conetitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtractions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To matried ladies, it is &culla:11y suited. It will, in a shorttime, bring on the monthly pe- riod with regularits, . These pills should not be taken by Females daring the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are stunt°, bring on Mis- carriage, but at any other time they are safe.. In all Cages of Nervous and Spinal Affections, painin the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- rtion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and hites, these pins will effect a cure when all other eana have failed; and, although a •powerful reraedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, oa an7thing 'hurtful . to the constitution. Fnll aiaections in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 12a cents for poinage enqlosed Co Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, cant., general • agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 falls by retnrn mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Cof, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumsden. 197 i ELECTRICITY! THOMAS'EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC On—WORTH TEN TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN Goan..—Pain cannot stand where it is used. It is tie cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat. • One bottle has oared bron- chitis. Fifty cents' worth has cured an old stand- ing cough. It pesitively cures catarrh, asthma, and croup. Fifty waits' worth has cured crick in the back,and the same quantity lame back of eight years' standing. The following are extracts from a few of th& many letters that havebeen received from difierent parts of Canaaa, which, we think, should I.:efficiently satisfy the ' most skeptical: j. Callard; of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, have sold all I had from you. and watt more now; its cures are truly,won- derful." Wm. McGuire, of -Franklin, ;writes, " I have aom all the agent left, it acts like a charm— it was slow at first, but takes sp:endidly now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, "Piave forward 6 dozen Thomas' Edectric Oil, I am nearly out, nothing ' equals it. It is highlyrecommended by those who have used it." J. Bedford, Thamesville, writes, "Send me at once a further supply of Ecleetrie Oil, I have only one bottle left. 1 never saw any- thing sell so well mad give such general satisfac- tion." J. Thompson, Woodward, writes, "Send me some more Eclectrio Oil,__I have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reid, Ul- verton, P. Q., write, "The Eclectic Oil is getting a great reputation here, and is daily called for. .Q.awrite, " Send us aorurther supply without delay." Lenteynea Gibb & C, Buckingham, P. Send us one gros. s of Eclectrie Oil. We find it i to take well." • Sold by all medicine dealers. p ice 25 Cents. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N.Y . And NORTHROP & LYMAN , Toronto, Ott., Sole Agentsfor the Dominion. NOTE.—Ecleotrio —Selected andElectrized. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, and R. Lents - den, 453-8. THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH ANDREW WHITELAW HAS pleasure in announcing to the public that hie New Foundry' in Seaforth is now IN FULL WORKING- ORDER, And that he is prepared to do REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. MILL MACHINERY, ENGINES, BOILERS, And frkRMIEG IMPLElliEiVTS Of every kind repaired promptly and satisfac- - torily. Straw Cutters, Root Cutters, Horse- powers, and Drag -saws ot hand at all times. ANDRE W WHITELA W. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. A N Examination of Pupils for admission to the -La- High School. Clinton, will be held (D. V.) in the Central Sehool, Clinton, en TUESDAY, the 19th, and WEDNES- DAY, the 20th DECEMBER., 1876, At 9 o'clock A. M. i Candidates shotad, if possible, notify James Turnbull, Eq;, B. A., Head Master, Not Later than the' 13th of November' Of their intention to present themselves for ex- amination, ARCHIBALD DEWAR, 465 P. S. Inspector. 1VIT-TSI - P I A. N.0 0 R. ORGAN. Mits. C. M. DUNLOP, a thorOugh and efficient av-i- Teacher, will receive a FEW 'MORE, PUPILS At her residence on Ovaries Steed. 468*18 anostan nig HURON EXPOSITOR. , --EAS. TEAS TEAS. 1 FROM THIS DATE UNTIL NOVEMBER FIRST I WILL SELL TEAS IN 50R 10 POUND LOTS AT PRICES •TiO SUIT -THE TIMES. PRICI. WILL RANGE FROM ' 25 TO 65 OMI\TI'S PER POUND. COME AND CET YOUR WINTER STOCK 'AND tAYE,MOliEi By Baling in Lots at • PA.IRT_J-5E"S CHEAP CASH GROCERY. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Paid in, CASH' for 500 13 1.7 S E1 E 1.4S OF GOOD 'POTATOES, Delivered at the CHEAP CASH GROCERY. _FREE DELIvER Y. J. FAIRLEY, Seaforth. OPENED OUT AGAIN. THOMAS LEE'S FLOUR AND FEED STC01=2, Happened to be one of the unfortanate onei that got burned oat at the late fire. He has opened' out again in HIS NEW STORE; OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Where he hopes to be able to supply his many customers with GROCERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. Call and See for Yourselves. Jily Terms for the Future are Strictly Cash or Produce. Don't forget the Place—Three Doors North of the Post Office. THOMAS LEE. A ,LOT OF DYE STUFFS Of very • superior qnality just received at J. S. ROBERTS' DRUG STORE; Consisting in part of tlie followin MADDER, MADDER COMPOUND, ° COCHINEAL, CREAM TARTAR, FUSTIC, ALUM, INDIGO COMPOUND, ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK- • AGE DYES, SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE, SCARLET, BLUE, GREEN and ROSE, and in fact nearly all colors, which are guaran- teed to produce beautiful and fast colors if direct- ions are faithfully followed. J. S. R6BERTS, Opposite Powell's Temperance Reese Seaforth. SAW LOGS WA NTED. Messrs. COLEMAN & GOUINLOCK Will pay the Highest Cash Price for SAW LOGS OF ALL KINDS. Also a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the manufacture of Hoops. Custom Sawing atended to promptly, and as cheap as at any other mill. lLumber.of every deocription, also Shingles, Lath and Pickets always on band, and at the very owest Market prices. ' 5000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE. COLEMAN & GOIJINLOCIC, Beaforth 417 r,Tt 7 _ .TRY AqA, IN. _ THE tindertigned Would revealingly ieforrn hl -1- old hiendb and patrons and the world at large thathahie ping to try.hia luck again. Now IR the atop!, lately ecaupiedahy Mrs; Burnie y, one • does? eolith Megarey's new bakery, and oppo site thelirmers' Stoke, where. he will, as in the pastaendesnor to the very best of his ability te give all nho may favor bim with their patronage the very best valua for their money itt BOOTS AND SHOES , He thee te very Large Stook of New Work .tlaa will be soldat prices to suit the times. Also a large qbAntity of old stock that must be sold foi what it will bring. Partial leaving their Orders recently will pleas call again, as he has LOST HIS MEASURE BOOK Containing their Measures. Ali parties having long standiag accounts un- paid will please CALL AND -SETTLE THEM AT ONCE, As he cannot wait for his money as in the past. Trusting that his old frieods will not forget him in his misfortune 'and with thanks for the past and hope for Will future, he will try, 1r3 again. THOMAS COVENTRY, 485 SEAFORTH. 1/41/41/0 1;1, JOHNSON BROTHERS. we have HURON PLANING MILL. THE undersigned hereby finform their many •a- customers and the publio generally of the Re- moval of their Factory and Lumber -yard to new. and more oommodions manniees o 'NORTH MAIN STREET, Where, with imunased facilities and some new machinery of the best make, they will -continue to manufacture and fill all orders for Sashes, Poo. rs, Blin,ds, Mouldings, . And all kinds of PLA11.IE.D LUMBER At Prices- to Suit the Times. Farm Gates, Hay Racks, Cheese Boxes, dc. A Large Stock of Seasoned Lumaer on Hand. LATH AND SHINGLES. Jig Sawing and Custom Planing will Receive Prompt Attention. The subscribers hereby thank their numerous customers for the liberal patronage extended to them during the past, and hope, by strict integ- rity and close attention to business, to merit a continuance and increase -of the same. To all those whose accounts are overdue we give a cordial invitation to pay up. GRAY & SCOTT. P. S.—Plans and Specifications for Buildings furnished on application. • 424 LTOTI=.. NEW SHOE SHOP. THE undersigned begs to notify the inhabitants -a of Seaforth and surrounding country that he has commenced business IN SEAFORTH, In the Shop next door to Pillman's Carriage Fac- tory, where he intends to carry on The Custom Shoe Business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. The Stock having been carefully selected, and none but FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN EMPLOYED, And by strict attention to businees, the public can rely on getting good value for their money*: REPAIRING done with, Neatness and Dispatch,. J. J. SCOTT. 458 WOOLEN -MILLS. WOOL WANTED To Card, Spin, Manufacture, or in Exchange for 'Woolen Goods. CUSTOM TOLL CAROM Always done to take home the same day. , SPINNING, WEAVING-, COLORING, CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, And every other branch of the business well done • on short notiee. TWEEDS, FULL CLOTHS, BLANKETS, SHEETING, Flannel; Stocking Yarn, &c. All of our own manufacture, and made out of good wool, cheap for cash or wool. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Any kind of Wo-olen Goods made to order out of your own trelool. TERMS—Cash, or 20 per cent. extra. A. G. VANEGMOND. Seaforth, May 25, 1876. 442 FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! HAVING SAVED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF BOOTS AND SHOES From the late Fire, I Offer the same stock saved to the public at LESS THAN COST PRICE. Give we a Cell, you will find it to your advan- tage. I request an early settlement of all an counts due me in order to help me to build again. Residence—Old Block, Goderich Street, near Edward Cash's. 459-13 SAMUEL STARK. MA13EE & 3IcDONALD'S PLANING MILL 1/Ind Sash and Door Factory SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. ATABEE & McDONALD 'having established it .1-V-/- connection with their Lumber Yard a Plan- ing Mill and Sash ahd Door FaetoZa are prepared to execute work in 'this line in a iatigfactory manner. Planing and Lumber Dressing of every deseriptinn done to order, Doors, Sigma; Frames, &c., always on hand or made to order in the best manner and of 'good niaterial. Lumber of all kinds On hand and for sale as usual. ` • Estimates furnished for buildings of all kinds. 449. MABEE & MoDONALD. ever before had th Call and See.Then 0 Id 0 i •eaainuai4r abubrI paupuulg 03 0 • : iced alddjr a luluualua;, JOHNSON BROTHERS.' PIANOS&ORGANS Wholesale and Retail. THE MATHUSEK , AND GABLE & CO.'S PIANOS. THE VOGEL AND LINCOLN ORGANS THE SEAFORTH MUSICAL ° INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. WILLSON & SCOTT Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Musical Instru- ments of all kinds, - Beg to direct the attention of the public to the following facts: They make a Speciality of the Best Pianos and Organs in the Canadian. market. THE MATHUSHEK & CABLE & SONS CELEBRATED PIANOS. Never beforelas any'piano been sub- jected to such close criticism and severe tests by friends and foes as have the above named instruments. The scale, being BO radically different from any other, so ingenious in its construction, and producing such wonderful power and purity of tone, has attracted the atten- tion -and admiration of mechanics, phil- osopers and musical critics; and they - have therefore been looked upon as inno- vations byinanufacturers and. dealers iii other Pianos, who, being unable to find in them any weak points for assault, have endeavored to storm them by unjust as- sertions. But after ten years of thorough trial of the one, and -Twenty of the other the manufacturers are enabled to prove that they have more than vindicated the highest hopes of their friends, and are fast silencing the guns of their enemies. A trial is all that is required to thorough- ly convince the public of these facts. THE VOGEL & LINCOLN ORGANS Are universally acknowledged to be the best in the market, and each instrument is fully warranted for five years. • The following are a few of the many advan- tages we claim for this instrument over all others made: The PATENT PIANO AT110‘.011MENT is a complete success; is fully proved and. tested. Sparkling i 'Vivacity s by this imparted to the mu- sic. Is always in tune, The Manifold Pipe gives richness and purity of tone, equalling the best Pipe Organs, is prov- ed, and. above competion, and stands un- equalled. and alone. Science, experience, good stock, skilled workmanship and honest purpose make these Organs. They commend themselves. They are beauti- fully vuiced and tuned. Pianos and Organs of other makes sup- plied on order when desired. The Trade Liberally Dealt with. ' A few Second -Hand Instruments al- ways on hand. Remember the -Place, and don't pass hy. WILLSON & SCOTT. P.A. RI M E3 Pa Now is Your Chearee toGet _CHEAP HARNESS. - -JOHN WARD, • SEAFORTH, 11IS on hand a large quantity of Harness, both Heavy and Light, which were slightly tar- nished at the Brussels Fire, and which, although nearly as good as ever, will be sold off at ,‘• REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. SINGLE HARNESS From $8 upwards. ' CD TR, S Froin $1 upward And other 'Goods Proportioiate1y Cheap. CALL SOOff BEFO E TIIESE GOODS A,RE ALL IGOEE. GOOD VVORK 0 HAND 1 And Made -to Order as erma A GOOD STOCK OF VALISES, TRUNKS, W IPS, AND FURNIS LNGS. JOHN WARD. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVE DIRECT FROM MANUF CTURERS : AMERICAN CUT NAIL, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND RAKES, • GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. FENCING WIRE AND 13-UILDING. HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAyE TROUGHS A_ND' CONDUCT- ' ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice nd Warranted. Special inducements Cash and Prompt Paying Customers, JOHN KIDD. THE GREATEST WOND ERN TIMES R OF MOD' HOLLOWAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT Tile Pills Parify theBload, ern of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys are invaluable in all complain Females. ' The Ointment is the only fork bad Legs, Old Wounds. So cot all a:J*1;1'4131T nd Bowels, and s incidental to •eliable remedy Ts and Ulcers, of however long standing. For flronchitia, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal.] • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. I deem it ray duty to state that my 2111sand Ointment are neither manufactured nor sold in any part of the United States. Each Pot and Box • bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, " Hcanoway's Pints AO OINTMENT, LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON. g• Spurious imitations ofi "H011oway's Pills and Ointment" are manufacturedlrarayisallouuo0 de.,r bthye nsa.mFe.ofIt'enatfryoli- Curran, & Co., Druggists, of New York, with -an assumed Trade Mark. thug --In Canada. the, principal Wholesale dea- lers HI -these coan terfeits are LX3IAN, CLARE & CCr. NORTHROP & LYMAN, and LY3tAN 13ROTHERS & CO., who obtain them at very low prices, from 3, F. Heinn, Curran & Co., of New York, and which are is supplied to unprincipled Retail Vendors. who sell the same as my genuine Pills and Ointment, which are manufactured enly at 533, Oxford Street, London, and may be obtained from the following Firms, viz:— EVANS, MERCER & Co, Montreal. Messrs. ACF,13.Y, BROWN & CO., IfillifflX, N. S. Messrs. T. B. BARRER & Sons, St, J ohn, N. B. Messrs. Emacia & Co., Toronto. Who import them direct from bere. THOMAS II-OLLOWAY.- 583, Oxford Street, W. C. 454 ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. SEAFORTH BRANCH. DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. Drafts on New York Payable at any Bank in the _United States. Bills of Exchange_ on London payable at all Chief Cities of the United Eingdora. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. M. P. HAYES, 411_ MANAGER DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great Engl sh Remedy is especially e - commended as anunfdil- ing cure' for Semi al Weakness Sperrnatorr- - hea, Impotency, and all Be for eadiseases that follow as Ante z.,, a secluenee of Self abuse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain io the Back, Dimness ti. of Visiote Premature Old Age, ad many other diseases that leads to Insanity o Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of Tallith as a naleare first caused by deviating from the atk of nat ure and over indulgence. The Spec ffe Medicine is the result of a life study and ma y years of en- perienceln treating these special 4iieeaees. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will b o sent by mail money, by addressing WILLIA Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth Co., S. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden merchants. n receipt of the GRAY & CO., y E. Hickson & nd all druggist 461752 DOMINION STEAMSHI COMP'Y. XJESSELS Sail Weekly from Q ebec for Liver- pool, calling at Belfast. hrough Tickets issued from SeaforthtoLiveinool Steerage, Seaforth to Live • ol Cabin, Seaforth to Liverptra A. AR AGE, Agent. cq2 68 A few thousand &liars to lo a on improved 1 farm property, principal payable t any time, and ! in any auras to atilt the borrowe 8' connenienee. ' Some very nice Building Leta lot sale inSeaforth and Egmondville. Can and see lain and get par 0 dealers. . 4118 :ARMITAGE. '