HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1876-11-17, Page 7_ _ . _ .. _ .I- ,-�- _ _ . -- - _ . - _ I _ - 3 t v . ...; . t - * �_ a - '' as-- __. _ .. a_ -gvq __ 3 + - _ .a r -_ - • - ,.i. _ - ,qc, .*w.-. p t -.:= fns. •_...., s =-�'4'•Y`- : tr 7 .x§=` •.;F ;., o ... 51._ -, _ -._•, 11. _. - - __..«a,: -tie-.-_.. _ ... .. , - -. _ N- M R I - _f t . .. - - '' ,i , t- I . — i rMl ianel'i' ei , a *nd s r -4 £ , •NOVE�MRER .17 YS��i. - • 1,Istel� l M3ay. _. E I- .�JRLN EXFQ ITC,�Ti6 " - - ' rsouth of ��egars T$ ' --lit: - ..,_ . r - sae e g Mr. Mood `e Work. t.x .� , ;,,, . ,,.3 ,, ells th Ferfne s f3tatt, w1h ryzau�•-Trr 3t give him five dollars: As I cannot sum1. - ;. ' ' [at,. ea rtothe - - + , iAan fortitatle pa* h to -be looked•down us a l mho � � 1#est �f TifB 1kiE�Y AND -THE T$T %ONItY. C R O '' RY A N D G L AS . WAR E. - .& M 1, tilts best -sin's with • ill . ne who ads upnn b .him ae oor, and uAhnot -afford = • i . _ o -r their moat a i -. .4y 4 • ih een Bro her Mood yy . :, �'; eg ,; ;.. - in -.' Y fixe.Adollsrs, I .hate. resol,ye t to fly - N�w is Your Chance to set , ttifig iii the abandonedt nhlQon •.shanty „ d the; , � : =•t:s; o_, • ,r ° a orifi ode 'boldin plat. 1.-_ ., - . H Q . �.TS oil th I� , g's small chlor- u. : j ,, tf+ �"I E A R'N 11I - ed,boy in.,his lap°, and tryinglahorionolY, SPECIBL �T�TICE f : , • •f - - . I . A P E S , H8 . a a •very ;e at,,?, of � . SHOES ba the light of one U low +kand e,., to ` - S '� . r , Q I Y 9( I LLIAM AL LEN be ' at tines to � e iiin it I teach they little fellow the arable of the - ` • '2 .N ' r ,� .. the - p rrs S Cocoa.—Gratefiilandcomtorti- : y O rD `; 1 OH WARD lar €Faantity of'tsld 6toii7 tl,atmust sea i Prodi a1 Son, the teacher himself haven --_ B a " thorou h knowledge, , of ,the' "` " �` " °' HAS JIIST OPENED OIIT A VERT CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK OF iehat a Will bring.- g g Y g $ o SF�RTH, 1 to atop occasionally to spell out the foes- natural -laws;° whidli govern the gperations 1 `-"-- = ' I . est words. and being obliged to - skip of digestion and`nutrition, anti b a care- - ` • n�z� . quantity ` �f them aZ Y , Q y 4i HarnESH both their t3rders 1 some ether,' `vfcold, have fol ap ]ication df` the fine - ro erties of JOH IVS I N BROTHER . GrOCker Gr�asSware `rult ars c. ', which Were slightly tar- retseaxtl proper - J 7 - s �.Q� Fixe, and whYeh, slthongh sell a ! �" ! Win, lto has F 3►ilipj been surprised to learn that this man well -selected ooco fir. E s has , pro- -- - p . P w nes y as good as ever,. wall be sold off at i ` a i t: • was one day to become it bishop.. Bishop video our breakfast tables with a delicate- = ! % irl LI LOST MEAS )JE 8(3 1 Moody ! \at with a diocese in the usual ly flavoured beverag.,wh'icli may save tis '� Cd NO OLD BANKR.VPT STOCK, REM (�1 ARKA$LY L01. PRIGES. d I Containit GK j i -form,. but with an organized c4utpapy. of many heavy clocto a' bills. It . is by,the o y �' their h1easlares. the first evangelists in England and'Am-'� .lutein ons use of'sugh articles oi? diet t at r s k 0. ' But New cods j b G ,New Patterns, Close Prices,vhch he invites the attehtion f All pies having long -erica under }Ile dlr tion, for. whose ser- a constitution tray be gradually built tip G • of the ublic ` :SINGLE HARNESS ® ra p ped W. pteasa + aecotlnts; ugh 1 vi es In sperlking anti singing he receives f until strop enough to resist every ten- „ y From $s upwards. ` applicatlUns, and whom he assigns to cleiic �to d ease. Hundreds of- subtle �, ". C L A a C7IG ROC E R I E.S. i. 1 FI rLE T.-$eldp, of labor with: no less of Episcopal linaladles are flo ting around us read to Q $ .a _ �, . �_ R ► .� o - AT QNGE�; I authority than that exercised ley grand attack jyherever there. is a weak o* t - = o w , b X . AH he otwaii io. y t ° .old Bishop Asbury. himself. More than �Ve=ma • •esca .e- pian 'a -fatal shaft' b • .� a K tea• • 4 Teas. Sugars, Dried Apples, i 4 From his mons Y P Y Y a e( 41 upwards. as the I . tbig, and more than Bishop Asbury or keeping onru ves well"fortified with pure 5 °o W n o ,. » v el }Prunes Fruits;•_ Pi ekles Ana ofher Gaods Proportionately Gheap. �t -`—" {{ any other bishop .ever was, illi,. Moody blood, alio a� properly nourished frame.1. „ ,� z , Trinst ug that leis oltl irieaid i � ` . ' `not fcj is personally responsible for the support Ci il;Sei�vice Gazette. Sold only in ack- 0% F = i . �. lunx air aniafcnrtune, a rid 'vri tai t P'a'ck- P1 'C�iLL SON y . past su: hope for the fates his for of these seen and their families, wham: F is labelled- "James' Epps ck Ho- o �EQRE TI�EiE f as t &still try, y Co., . Sauces, Mustards, Spices, GOCIDS AIDE ALL O1Y11'- i 1.'' .by the direction of the Lord and. the ex- two i�pathic Chemists, 4S, Threadneedle a t O ' THOMAS T stelae of a : coonsummate judgment, . he fit,.,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 421-52' < es � I o � ^ Canned s A + •1 � - � El x =� cctllls to his assistance in carrying for. "i m � o til,! Good , Hams, Bacon, rloui# I!1_1 .� ; GQ►OD WORK ® HAND ward a scheme of- evangelistic work, 13hvArl s �VAFExs(.the"great public rem �, m t -- 0 I which already embraces two great na- edY)have now been in use over 20 � �' � � � A. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, I12i11 Feed, hc. _ - And Made to Order astt ' K g : hence it cannot liQ said that the years'I,J„I , o xtenal. r � tions , and which }he .believes ill .ulti- y , are on, � ' ;:w t*+ z { t��{1_ I matey embrace the whole English speak- trial. They have been thoroughly tried, ..d , and renounced on �• FREE DELIVERY. WILLIAl�I ALLEN. A GOOD STOC>� OF VALISES leis world;. To some of these men he has p ( the iiuthorlty of those o - 5 - - `� PLA�1 I .. paid a regnIar_s��l'ary ,• others share with whose lives they have preserved) tti be a o a _ Z ft �La i him in the gifts -of the_ people ; and• still afire, harmless and eminently salutory « A a TRUNKS, �4/H I PS, A I — = - others who fiat a Some other resources p Paration, and' if taken in season veils ' ' 0 C,A. LL AND SEE THE � fi T ixtidersign hereby inform their i are authorized to draw. from his treas� invariably cure colds, conghsLOY,sore throat A .a. . ; A ND P ;Zi NIS II1Y S: j i i ens and the pnzblac generally of urq to supply any shortcomings of. their and alI bronehiPl affections:. One fail• +� i f { ,;t m¢vai of#zeirFactorya Lumber: o JOHN IWARD. i•� audmore oommodiouspremiHes ob _Q1W own. . - . Bial will convince the most. skeptical. ` o A t, 41 - I " - In vies- of these facbs . eo Ie are in- Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents . z Z RAN D D I PLA i ©F �.l ODS =— *, i RTt- IiAN: S"R E�` dined to ask two questions, First, how a box. Q H KIDD'S HARDWARE. �-11 E `rerefWtlt inereagect facilities aril does Mr: 11rIoady get his men? and, sec- °Q ,° [.� a i mss - sox nam end, Where does he get his money ? Both a` ai ' = N -D j - the beat make the TEAS. - TEAS. TEAS. ' . ---- Po Y Wail con � ;k Q ; I; Z 2 - I dr I , - to manufaet>rre and fill ell; orders for �$� cluestious admit the same answer • vl-se � �d L i men and money are sent to him from 4 a o ;;- i RECEIVED o vdIS%b€�s, DOIIf`�erizads . ! the Lord. ,There is a ver lar a class of 4 � ' Q - ,�Ilaulcan. Y g N RUSH OF CU8.TO.MERS , - 9S:. Christian people who believe fhat elft. - I And kinds of F OM THIS DATE UNTIL ' Q DIRECT FROM MANU�ACT'URERS �- -Moody is a prophet of God, raised up to f ;� of P� A , E C be the leader of an essentially new move- � 1 V � � `� � � ; � o Ate' ; AivTEIIICAN CUT rT�iILS, � 1 17 i 8 E meet in the church, which . new move- U - %�(� ! i t Prices to Suit the Times, meat leas become a .necessity from theO,Sl"EMBER J�IRS'I' �' "` �` I SPADES, S$OVELS, FORKS, �. I --� constantly ply increasiub formalism and 0 v * - l m H O F F MAN . BROTHERS . NEW STORE I materialism which have cursed the or- s $ =• - HOES AND RAKES, t 1;" 1a2_�b (Tdt e,4, Lfcty Rads, Cheese= dinary•methodi of religious work. The', O j o � 11 y - �; • - } i ;Ri., �+ txLASS PAINTS OILS Vie, C RoE'1es, cl''c: means of Gods Providence are alwags I WILL SELL TEAS IN q o o b FOUR DOORS SOUTH OF THE POST OFFICE _— ' i ,,I 1 sufficient far its ends., Thus the Hetes- M c FENDING WIRE Lazgc S? ock of Seasone+I Lun?ber an v. . 1 k Hand, Bary funds for sustaining. the men re- r, A 1. LATH-, - gttired to Carry on this new moveplent 5 OR I0 POUND LOTS- m = � In the _Store Latel. Occu esti b O. C. Willson AND BUILDING HA.Rb- ARE art placed in Mr. Moody s hands oy de- s q m 'tom °�nss `a:�* �- I vout men and ti' men rho feel moved of . � ,� c y �: 4 �i s n�I t`arercan:s io;iiit wxlk God to make this disposition of a portion - i ^ � o Q � s M - I - ; Of Every Description Chimp. i i .111'f i t. 't onap t �� tip n t=ate, A T P l� I C E S �"' a Z I ' of their Wealth. o I-•-- .IIS A ail tlSIC STORE, , EA�TE TROUGHS AND 'C07DLCT- Tat ° r_, :'tett beret tl;ari their numerous Mr. Moody asks money of _no one bait _ U.I °Q � 10 J � � { Lor tE<< fir tl c 11P�ernl trrtrt�na e e�tEztdeil to j of Him to whom belongs fire world andi zr �a M � J `� =A �j IN G RIPE c u c i i cl e 124 , t ,el it€ane lzv street intE ' e=,� c t.�ri.cat *„ 1,;, g i the fulness thereof. As h.e onee said of W 0 S} d Put u on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. 1tri „ nit' ,to merita TO SUIT THE TIMES _ :. himself in this city years ago, "God is o �' o e� °o H('FFMAl�3ROTIiER S. p Ei ,L' 1% e Cf fl ­v. . cn 2 +. � 0 ll t 4, S1 ° ° } SZ�ecial: Ir;duce��ze�ats to Cash rind t t cf j t ai o.crrl:nev,egive . rich, and I am working for Him." ;'� ;� .p -E��.k t�.-<.it:, t� 1.}� FLT,. $is methods are partly apostolic and - �_1. P�•omTt I'et�iny C2cs$o. t;rs, � ` U .o.W _ G1AY SCOT partly prnridential. He has read that' i Q M �, I. e t I . , T� the Saviour sent out his disciples tsi_o by PRICES' tiVILL RANGE FROM �- '� " eb • ,� ��� � CALL D SF.E' E. . ,- ` , _- .i .,.tz..• " ..t.c>� 4 si r Lull two ; therefore, he captures I11r. Sankey .. � 9 � q a' - D 7�i J033N I£IDD. e . _ _ _ - �� as a pomr.zde for himself, and sends out a w° �' -- ` r - ( T ' I v ; o' FIRST-CLASS, CARRIAGE AND TEA.JS ' � � i r: ff' �� �, Whittle and Bliss,. Needham and Steb- �5 To 65 CE1�'T►„ W fl '� Z 1`HE GREATEST AVO\DEP- CiFTOD - o 1 `-' L � bins, and now is understood to be look- v �, N Z o y ' ERN TI:i1ES. 1, A = ing out for two musical brethren.to join I k I ee I.IARN��t T e °Fx Messrs. ilTooi ehottse and Ingliss in a PER PO V N D.' �' o' 1 At. G. E. HEtiDERSON'S, C similar dual work for the Lord. Here; I t ' '` • :L1 ai ,, , _ice r:, ,1 f4,r,.t p'. -P, of in thea, is a system., with Mr. illooti at First -Class Plow Harness at G. E.4 HENDERSON'S. �` < :_';-• r ..• ; r.,�t,;r (",c,,r4: its head, whereby it oppears that heal- JOHNSON BROTHERS. £ L,4 { A ready bias the substa>sce if not form and I __ All COLLARS Warranted at G. E. HENDE�SON'S. °' g'' r : :l "'` F= a, >f . -- t name of an evau�el stic a os olicbisho COME AND CET YOUR WINTER Ti -top TRUNKS and VALISES on hand -at G. E. HENDERSON'S. �t: ,; T• .. .3, i ... s 'JW ,' LMIII l * i - 4F a , P P p articles ertainmi to the business always on i y - , '; 3 All p g ys hand at LOWEST RATES. The Pius Pkir�'theBlood coriotaliaiaoreldrH I To him seem to be committed also the i ' > , of the Liver, ;Stomgch, Kvdneys• az�1d Bowels, and P are invaluable in all complaint ' . incidental to ; °' Y '�. L tit =.� .� ti >,:t t` ;��, gifts of the xoIy Spirit, for on no human STDCK AND SAVE MONEY w .sign of tris Large Trunk. n = T� ,_� , — 4. supposition can the crowds be accounted pq ,, ���` GEORGE E, H.E1tTDERSON Seaforth. Females. 0 'i~ i.. i'I, ISE=, C'tI,t3t;`\ far svhi h flock t0 listen to his homel /s�. ?% ' The Ointment is the only reliable -remedy r a - t ) 1{' f'� i.l l lr, _ [: �� I, Cr, v B Bn �,� "�L/A \ �"`.. i for bad Lege, Old ZPqunds, Sons and Ulcers, �� 2 I)14_j l�t(X . j words, or the freedom and gladness with yens in Lots at t (I _ ' of however longstandiaag.- For Bxo obitis, Dip ;ri which our oldest'and most honored clergy FvL '• -, a., ;:Y1;:.• ,r'� htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and 3, ; t k , T F =� t' L` _ .. �: =� �n - as well as l'Lit a ce t h i o �. �- - W M . N. WATS O N S EA FO RT H all Skin Diseases :t has rio equal. 1. y e p im as a leader in l ` the greatest 'revival movement that any I ���:' ' _ r' , �'A.ILY S , • s,; -, Beware of Pile and Abcm able Caen- . ;: �h ,t, t ter-. of thein have ever seen. -Chicago Tri- I 1 H % �,�., GT.NEPiAL FIRE ASD LIFE INSUP�ANCE AND SEtiVING MA- tarfeits. i . - l .j L_ CLOTHS, ,liune. i . � o F _ �`� CHEAPE U �. , Z.c CHINE AGENT. . i, _ i 11 y';: `1, r` 1'' I'1 N Lp, `\ �+ I deem it my dint to state that m Fills anti ,l ,� «�-- 4, War Trappings of an Indian 1 . Ointment are neithermanufaoturednorsoldinanp ,_ DII (11 ,. c r ` -, ,3 I i Insurances on all kinds of property effected at the Lowest Possible Rates in the -following first- part of the United States. Each Pot and Box - < ;111 sl 11 �'',G. Chief. I C A S H G I�, .O C E R Y. p bears Cho British Government St mp, with the class T mCniliCes #: I- If l $ Q „---Stadecona, of Quebec ; National, of Montreal; Phoenix, of London, Eng.; Provin- words, "HOLLOW- ex's PILLS ax OINTMENT, '''•-t t '�, sit 1 it, till UFiC of I . The • Smithsonian Institute at Wash- I I ci al, of T.orontO; British America, of Toronto; Tectal Canadian, of Montreal. Corner," engraved thereon. 0 the label ?s x �- a ESA' , in tau U. S. received a few days ago a' i a 1Y U V AL. --Niagara Dichict, of St. Catharines ;, Gore District, of Galt; Hastings Mutual., I the address, 533, Oxsoitn STTtBET Lornox. V. .' , CA,A, "i .fair c a.,11 i x ix ! .Lal. f� F. 0' E�.:.A',.� ANO � - TAI L g Y - � 1 Y of Belleville • Beaver Mutual of Toronto. _-r File and spurious imitations of " oliwa 's Pills -- valuaMe acid interesting addition to its - i c p museum in the she a cif a ' com lute and LIFE: --Liverpool, London and Globe; '.travelers, of Hartford; Toronto' Life and Tontine and 'Ointment," are manufactured nd.soldunder1-11 'I kiwi ' HtGH EST MARKET PRICE � also Agent for the CanadaLive Stock Insurance Company, of Toronto. - the name of "Hol- 1 way's & .Co ," V'. i (J,if'i2 ialldtc�,� iftCff$ to fine outfit of the w.Pr trappings of an In` ; I y.,� Mr. �VATSON is agent for the foiloQing Seeing 1lfachinen, which cannot be beat by any other sold . by J, F. Henry, urian, Co-, ` `' `- lr J it 1''` r � in the country : Rowe, OFborne, and Wheeler & Wilson. Money to Loan' of reasonable rates of Druggists, of New o rk, _with , ` ` " ` ff, ,i o- r olvn ,m-001, dian chief, the contribution comes from f I west of the Rocicy Mountains bait >;o< Pa2d 2n CASN f09' rote rest. OFI ICE --Ticar of Lumsden's Drng Store, or one doer south of D. =D. Svilsoa's Egg Eln- a ii a a s u m e d rade Blark. c r, � ., — ' poiinm. t 4 u s In Canada, f' ` ,1- (°~`li, w -d per cent. extia< letter of transmission or description- has -- F- - . W. N. WAdr,TBON' Lwecforth. the principal ` Wholesaledea- y�, €_�` E(x ll(J_D. been as yet received. The suit consists' m 1ext3 inches¢ Goan t rfeita are _ _, I1h, _ • :, � l�, U of a very fine head-dress of red flannel, 5 O O B TT S H IS L S - ,;t 4i2 trimmed and decorated - with beadwork .� THE H U H ON FOUNDRY �Toz�icE_ LY1LA:7, CLARE cls. . .p _ �,--A -�. FIRE.[ and eaules feathers. �.he long train ! NonAw R &HETI ,dna e v Lvaiaa: BItOTiiEltS S Co.,, K-. IRE 1 �- " 1 E 1 which descends from the head and over '• f7F SOD D who obtain tbem at very low prices, from N. i.- ' F Henry,Cur Co of New . E . ' 4, ,T th;e shoulders is also..fringed with eagles I S+EAF H. �' this trash is supplidd - o unprin 'ipalleed Retail NEW %SHOE SHO G N t ED €}NE 'fll`O SAND feathers. , There is air under -shirt which � � � � GRT vendors. who sell the snme as my genuine Pills HE undersigned beg o notify the inhabitants DOLT _ARS ' V OIITIt OF f .POTATO E S t-� T an'd Ointment, which are manufa fused t,n]v at is worn next the skin, Itis of red flannel t � of Seaforth and surrounding country that he ` ` ' t4 a c mi anted business 535, Oxford Street, London, and may be obtained also, with a black and' white border and has o u usin from the following Eaims, viz DOTS AND SHOE- . $ :_ -_ is sewn over with elk teeth. The suit Delivered at the "Q �11TDRE�I HITELAS?St' N SEAFOR'TH EvAxs, 1ti7$ncEn & Co, Montreal. includes a pair of war leggings of red � t Messrs. AvEnv, Bitow,.N do Co.,. lifax, N. % . l <ab11c t c' I `f" r fire same stock saved cloth, highly decorated with thick. bead- ERY X 4 v � Messrs. T. B_ RARErn & Sons, St John, l .B, _ {_ 1 q 1 CH EAP CASH GROG AS pleasure in announcing to the public that In fibs xt door to Pillman s Carriage Fac- Messrs. I' LLioT & Go., Toronto. r work in alternate sc nares of dark blue ss! THAN - and iia t kilts beads and with Erin es Of � ® H his New Foundr nn S forth is now cry, where he intende<to carry on' who import ihem direct from here . . ' ' OBT F�'tE. h , g ^^ •� y THOMAS LLOAv. .� �_e a 0 buckskin down, the sides. The war -shirt, `J - 53, Oxiord litre@t', �v. e. 454 :11, l;ou svzll find it to T ` i.EE DELI VERY, The Custom Shoe Business I ; " ,. your lagan• warn. outside, is of buckskin, ornament- - >r;T _ ITj . y D � IN FULL WOR -ZING ORDETf, _ , t� rectFneil an early -settlement of all ac- � i�QYAL CANADIAN BANK. f �, i . rine n o i order to help me to build eosin. ed with heads an'd _human hair, and is f itnce-Olct Block, Goderich Street near i painted on the breast and shoulder. In I - GI Q) H r - .t IN ALL 'ITS BRANCHES. I Casw,. _ , addition to these articles there is a tom- L J, FAII�,L.EY Seafol th. I i And that he iH re ared to do S,_1IEt.,� plate shaUraque, which is worn over the _ , _' ____�_: r 1 p p The Stock having been carefully selected, and SE1l.FORTH $RA,CI y i IREEcUf FTAD'b` shoulders with the ends falling on each _1 ►`y m I none but 1 1 side of the wester. It is worn oply when OPENED OUT AGAIN. ., —101 REP 1RING OF ALL {BINDS. # RiANI'NG; the chief is moulted, as a chief is not - . b o FIRST-CLASS 1IVORKMEN DOMtN�oll �aLOCK,►1�-sem,, i fond of Carrying much. weght3� apparel a Z hEAFORTH. '> or accoutrement and is gf flannel faced , EMX'L,OY- 11 1 I THOAIA.S LEES t H MILL MACHINERY T with otter skin'. To this is attached the - ; And b strict attention to businees the nblic a o k P ble at an' • i I A F G R T H. O N T A. R l Q. l� .� b y p BaDnkrin the Unit�ea states. r bow -case and quiver -case, which are •� o can rely on getting good value for their money, a a , o i both heavil ornamented with beadwork `� H M . . ENGINES ' BOILERS ` ' 'E IYIcD9-NALD having established ft y FLOUR A. N D F E E D , C p M : � , .Bills of Exchange on ndon payable " t aneetlon with their Lumber Yard' a plata- in v ariotls colors. , There came. -with the N o REPAIRING done with Neatness at all Chief Cities of flee United Hi dem. and Sash xhdDour tecto suit a pair of squaw's leggings of red i ­- a . , are prapareii �' m 4 . and DiTatcA. !' to worl- iu this line in a satisfactory flannel, very thiekly.and tastefully sewn S'EORE . v K 0 I And ARHING IffPLE111EXTS INTEREST -PAID ON DEPOSITS. a Flunina and Lumber Dressing Of every with beadwork. These articles could j ;•, � a �. V J. J. SCOTT. oat done t order, I ! co 453 V sashes notba.4a cost than ,som,e Wo bun- m T. P. R ES, 1 aFaesI. &c., always on hand or 1 pp P _ Of every kind repaired promptly and sa.tisfac- ! At�Ea - F•rder in the best manner and of good i i Ha aped to be one of the unfortunate ones that 4iZ � lai4r fel ; died dollars in the agb agate, and the : torn A L©T OF DYE STUFFS k got burned out at the late fire. He has opened r i y, this. ornamental beadwork is ver• " . Milds on: had y out a 1 rot all n dna for Stile Rs I ' U1 TTI M I DR. WILLIAM GRAF'S SPFCIFIC 'i - Costly, - . f I � E fes farnnslteilfOrbinildinry � ,, - - 1 ; 1 Stra Cutters, Root Cutters, Horse- Of very superior quality just received at TVI IJDICI�3E. 1 ',t.t ns of all IL = Ao1ne Pevuliaritles as Sesn by H I $ E $,T(1 R E fT �ozcers a�td Dra -saes o Iaand at all 1 i I ! Q 1' 1 1 , p The Great Engles t ll IASk;E & cD____ tames. = Remedy is especi$lly z - Foregn Eyes. OSATD* OPPOSITE THE COMIEBCIAL HdTEL ' rrj y ANllRI;w . HI'rI�LA�V. i ' commended as anuntai - - - .The Centennial Exhibition correspon- ' , _ { _' J. S. R O B E R T S ` ing cure for Semi 0 (;� .I,EIA1 TT dent of the London Times has devotedl a j Weakness Spermator, , '� &-GOUINLOCK ... q r - chapter to American hotels. Among w ere he hd es to be able to sup ly his many y _ �NTRANCE EXAMINATION. f Ilea, Imlotency, and 1 DRUG STORE; Bc!lore,diseases that fclirtu� sA#moo, t i=1 pay the niahest Cash Price for 1 other things he notices -what some ; p J r customers with P I U� 11 I I a ,rgquenee of Self abase, as Los op. - ? o ' ! y N Examination of Pupils for admission to the Un yoxidal Lassitude, P -n in iu the Baek Americans ,�xay have failed to observe A , Dirduess OGS Ol"` ALL KI$' DS ` i � � � Hi h School. Clinton, will be held (D. V,) in of Vision, Premature Old Age, viiia many other that ever motel has .it dru store, or C OCERf E CHEAPER THAN EVER y t Consistin m art of the followin 1 Y g the Cen rel School, Clinton, on g ` P g dilseases_that leads to Insanity or consumption11 tantit- o IlLX LOGS suitable for the "chemist's shop," neat the grand en• i m - , and a Premature Grave, al! of which as a xuleare s Lie f H° ` s• trance -and `'�in wise imitation of Na- . ` p a MADDER, . first caused by deviating from thePatk of nat ure } N° t� y TUESDAY,. the 19th, and EDNES- and over indulnenee Thi Speen c Aledicinct ti *wtv ai.�. , tiire?s rule of placing next to the poison Call ands See for Y O! rsebbes. 0) � DAA the 20th DECEMBER, MADDER COMPOUN D ,,, aft mded to ixromptly, ., 1$7G; the result of si life stns* and acnaneaxs of ea- �1, a' at any other mill. the aiiticlate ecttl ar rominence Is v- ' - i Iof ett� cit-scri,taon also , ' p p - COCHINEAL, ... perience n Treating these special sasses. Paan- i 1° ' Shinglest en f o whate ver pills are the $worn toes of 4 � At 9 o'clock A.M. I phlet free by mail. The Specific edicine is sold _ t Et4Iwrxx� ori }rand, anti at C11e very , „ Candidates should, it possible, notify James CREAM TARTAR, b all Dov sts at '1 per a acka e d3 spepsia and plethora. He remarks - ,. y )zgi S p package or 6p ge `et 'rices•' 1•IY Terwe for the Future r�i a Strict) f � Turnball, Esq., B. A.. Head Master, - Y I for bra, or will b e sent by mail o receipt of the also that the hoistin a aratus. which FUSTIC y g ;vILLIAM HR,�,y &:CO,, 'i b' pp Cash or Produce, 0) , mons , by addressin kf in England is calleel a `lift" is here term- . rn Not Later than the 13th of November, ��H PSTS I~HR SALE. - ed an "elevator for :the l easc�o, >�e 13re- Don't forget the Place -Three �aors North of ALUi�, ZVindsor, Ont. Sold in Seniortiab .E.;iiekson & q Of their intention to present themselves for ex- I'� DIGO I Co." J S. Roberts, R. Lumsllen a d all rdraggist A� NIA: & G0k- INL0GK, . . sumer, that "this Country is too big for the Post Office. • - O O amination, 1T , merchants. 461-52 - little words." But'he admits that the. 1! ,ARCHISALD DEWAR, INDIGO COMPOUN . THOMA9 LEE. 01 p DOMINION STEAMSH! O.MP'Y. Sete#oxE:h • American elevators are sumptuous enough I t3'' 465 ~? P. -s. Inspector. ALSO A LOT OF HANDY PACK• , to deserve their hi h-stiundin names. y ESSEL$'$aii Weekly from Qzf bac for Liver- - S: His account of his a silence with a head GOOD N EWSM . . 1777 r'A�e`TT:F,1D 777 AGE DYES, V` : � . �N O fj It €j R �I A N , waiter a:t' Saratoga who wanted to be HAVE come'to the conclusion that I will sell -- � I . pool, calling at 13e1[ast- .1 .ugh . Tioleet! f . , feed is. sufficiently amusili -. "I; H'ould I those Two Dozen Se ving�tFechaaieH at Factory MARRIAGE LICENCES ' SUCH AS YELLOW SLATE, SCARLET, Steers ee, issued from $eaf rth t LLiveeqt. 1, . , . 2 �, prices. Come now if yoa'ant to malls 2 Q00 -1-U TUBS' l g , Se I. DUNLOP,�a thorough and efficient as soon think of feeing him, lie says, . as Cabin, Seaforth to Lire_rpr3�>i .:,... , , : f $ r, will ree-:=. a a of fti A BIG - $'" 'G -A I' 1� t BLUE, GREEN -and ROSE, ppiug a railroad director. I made \ O R C E R T I F 11, A T$ S, .I( RE I>UPIL,S deheate eiigttiriee, and found, to my dis- And save your money. • cine Hoon, as they ire _ - - t; A 9F.2I A E, Agent., r ma , t t going out fast, and make 'Under the new Act,) issued at FINE DAI1l;eL BTTERd in fact nearly all colors, which are gnaran- =, F , f : y, that et en= this .prinbe of helps was , ' i ' 1 teed to produce beantiful and fast colors if d' A few thousand d.11arH to los can imprays*cxl Spee ail arse Steeet. 463 is of like passions witli his humbler myr- A .1.G DAYS wAGEs. ; • °t` farm property, principal payable at any time, and G mesio - EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAFQRTN ions are faixhfully followed. ns and as the Americans delicately I still-�gaaola °the Agepts for first=class; machin�s. EX i in any sums to suit the borrowers" conveniexiee- '� , For Inatt►er particnlerH;apply at T: Mad'H L�qn. r - , . _ HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH PAID. soma:'very nice Bulldin ;Lots for tale in Seaforth - - phrase it, expected to -lie seen. From a More: ' . = TSO dAS D. O'I NNo$, .11 , • J. S R O BLE RTS, r , a pex 11 a . and Egm9navilIe. Cali az d see p an and et Poor man he would consent.. o take two 'Under authority df the Lieutenant-tlovetnor a. , IN culars. ' t third door south of the post Office, lain Street, 6 Oaieiio. A . G. McDOUGALL $ Co. Opposite Powell'a Temperance Hoose Seaforth. Ad. AB�iITA(lE,dollars, but a rch'man. would do well to - Seafdr--th. . k L , . . � f . Q .- . - d - , . _ - t - - i , , , -. - • . - - ° - - .